New Pony in Town

by rainbowblitz246

First published

When a boy wakes up he realizes he is no longer a boy, but a pony

Don't be a dream

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Don't be a dream

by Rainbowblitz246

I woke up feeling very light headed. My vision was blurry and my head ached. I tryed my best to remember what had happened. The last thing I could remember was coming home from a hard swim practice and falling asleep to an episode of My Little Pony Friendship is Magic. I looked around to find out I was no longer in my room, or my house for that matter. I was in the middle of a dense forest.

What the hell, where am I? How did I get here? What's going on? My mind was raceing at a thousand miles an hour. I had so many questions that needed to be answered.I was about to raise my hands to my head when all of a sudden I fell over. I looked down to see why I fell over.

No way, it can't be! What I saw wasn't arms or hands but hooves, and the body of a pony. A pegasus pony to be exact. I seemed to be a turquoise color. My mane and tail were a dark blue with a single white stripe going down the middle. I slowly got back up admiring what I've become.

"I don't care how or why this happened but i'm glad it did" I said to myself. A small breez had rolled in causing mt to shiver. "Fuck it's cold, I should go try and find someone and a place to spend the night."

I slowly begain to walk threw the cold night air and find a way out the forest. It was still very dark outside so if I was right, witch is a rare thing, it was about 2:30 or 3:00 in the morning. I was walking for about a good half hour when I finally saw a clearing. I walked right out of the forest and into an open prairie. The sceniarey was just beautiful. The moon light shined down intensifying the beauty of it all. In the background I could see what looked like a shed a good few miles away. There was a dirt path that led right to it. I wounder if anypony is home? I thought to myself. I countinued to walk along the dirt path untill I collapsed from exhaustion.

"Ugh, why is it that I can't just fly over there. I would sure beat walking any day."

A little lightbulb went off in my head at that moment. I pushed myself up off the ground. I got into a firm position and spread my wings. It was amazing considering I didn't really now how to fly or what I was doing. I jumped up into the air and imagined myself flying and flapping my wings. I expected to fall back down but I didn't. I opened one of my eyes slowly, then they both shot open. I was flying, I was actually flying. Well more like hoovering. I was a good five feet off the ground.

"This is ridiculous" I said with an enormus grin on my face. "Now how exactly do I move?" but before I could think of anything my wings snapped shut and clung to my sides. I fell face first to the ground receiving a mouth full of dirt. I spat out the dirt and useing my hoov to wipe my tounge clean and wipe myself off. I didn't realize how much energy it took to stay in the air. Well now I was definitely to tired to go on at all. I slowly stumbled off the path and onto the soft, moist grass.

"Oh my gosh, this grass feels so good on my hooves."

I stumbled another ten feet or so before I fell down and rolled over onto my back. I looked up at the star felled sky and the full moon as its light radiated off onto me. I felt so calm and relaxed. The atmosphere of the place was heart aarming even if it was freezing at the moment. On the inside I was warm. As I layed there slowly drfiting off to sleep two thoughts crossed my mind. The first was I had a strong urge to swim. The second was that I really hoped this wasn't a dream because I really didn't want to leave this palce.

I slowly opened my eyes as I slowly sat up. I felt so refreshed from my long sleep as I let out a long yawn and brought my hoovs to my face trying to shake my self awake. I looked up at the sky to see it was morning. The sky was beautiful. It was a sunny day and the sky was the perfect shade of light blue. I let out another long yawn.

"I can't belive it but this really isn't a dream," I looked down to see that my turquoise body "I am a pegasus."

I stood up shaking my head to get rid of the last little feelings of tiredness out of my system. I turned around to see that the shed was still a ways to go. I could have tryed to fly there but with mr still not knowing exactly how to move during flight, it left me with walking being my one and only option. I groaned.

"Ugh I hate walking, it takes for ever to get any where." there was nothing I could do about it.

I begain my long walk to see if I could find somepony to help me.


I only walked for about five minutes when I begian to get mad. This is so stupid. Im a pegasus I shouldn't be walking I sould be flying I thought to myself. I was starting to hope this was a dream so I didn't have to walk any more or there for a lake to be near by so I could swim for a while. Why do I want to swim so badly? I pushed the thought out of my mind as I begian to start walking once more.

"If nobody is there I am going to be so freaking mad."