> A Mile in Her Hooves > by marley > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A Mile in Her Hooves Chapter 1 Twilight Sparkle was giving the old library a good cleaning. It needed it. Fortunately, she had Spike and her friends to help. Pinkie Pie, Rarity and Applejack had removed the books from a dusty alcove and Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash cleaned the upper shelves. At the back of the alcove was a bookcase and behind it was what looked like a century's worth of dust and debris. Twilight decided it would be best to pull the bookcase out in order to clean up the mess. “Come on Spike!” said Twilight. “Pull! Just a little further.” Spike grunted and pulled hard and the bookcase slid free. “There!” he said, “how's that?” “Good job Spike, now we can clean back there,” said Twilight. Spike walked behind the bookcase. “Hey Twilight, there's something back here. It looks like a door.” Applejack was standing nearby. “A secret door! Hey y'all! Spike found a secret door,” she called out. Pinky Pie rushed over bouncing excitedly. “Open it! Open it! Open it!” Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash landed atop the bookshelf and stared down. Twilight Sparkle was as intrigued as the others and approached the door. I was so covered in dust and cob webs that it could hardly be seen. She dusted off the handle and tried to open the door but it wouldn't budge. “That's funny,” said Twilight, “there's no lock but it won't open.” “Try your magic, Twilight,” suggested Spike, “maybe that will open it.” Twilight tried. The strain and concentration appeared shownin her face. There was a flash the door opened. “It had a spell on it,” she said. “Someone didn't want this door opened.” “I don't like this Twilight,” said Rarity, “I felt something when you did that.” Spike and Twilight looked in and saw an image of themselves. “It's a mirror,” said Spike. “Drag it out and lets have a look,” said Applejack. “Hey, that's a big mirror,” exclaimed Rainbow Dash from her perch. The mirror was equipped with wheels and Spike easily pushed it out into the center of the room. Quickly, the ponies cleaned it off. When they were done, Rarity, Rainbow Dash and Applejack were on one side and Twilight, Fluttershy and Pinky Pie were on the other. The mirror was mounted in a very ornate frame. There is an empty, oddly shaped bottle upside down in the top center of the mirror. A scroll in a pouch hung from one side of the frame. Spike removed the scroll and read it to himself. “What a beautiful mirror,” said Twilight, “It's so clear!” “It's a mirror on this side too. How peculiar,” said Rarity. “Really?” said Twilight. Rainbow Dash laughed. “Oh, yeah. I can see how awesome I am.” Pinky Pie was making faces at herself and giggling. Twilight noticed Spike reading the scroll. “What does it say, Spike?” Spike cleared his throat and read a short poem: 'Listen closely and heed what I say, See through other eyes for a night and a day. Let the water flow to start the magic, but refill the bottle or the end will be tragic. The water must come from the Silver River or else you'll stay this way forever.' As Spike was reading the scroll, Pinky Pie accidentally nudged a lever on the side of the mirror and a film of water spread over the mirror. As it covered the mirror it did not spill onto the floor but instead stuck to it like iron to a magnet. The ponies watched fascinated. The mirror glowed, flashed and the water shot out over the ponies in a glowing mist. This startled them and they complained loudly. Pinky Pie laughed. “It's a joke mirror!” She laughed but her voice was coming from Applejack. “Hey! I can see the wall behind you but I still see my reflection,” started Rainbow Dash, but she stopped confused. “Why..why isn't my mouth moving!” Rarity was blinking. “I feel ...different.” Twilight Sparkle stared at her forelegs, shocked to see they were white. “I'm ..I'm you Rarity!” she exclaimed. “Why in tarnashun am I pink?” said Applejack in a worried tone. “You're Pinky Pie!” shouted Pinky Pie, “But I'm Pinky Pie!” “No, you're Applejack!” said Fluttershy, “and ...and I'm Rainbow Dash?!” Rainbow Dash tossed her head around. “What is with my hair?” Then she saw her hair, coat color and Fluttershy's cutie mark on her flank. “I'm Fluttershy?! Nooo!” She raced to the other side of the mirror and grabbed her body. “Gimme back my body Fluttershy!” Rainbow Dash tried to stick her head into Fluttershy's mouth in order to re-enter her own body. Rarity saw herself in what had been a mirror but was now clear glass. Twilight Sparkle was staring back but it was Rarity's own face, stunned and worried. “I'm Twilight Sparkle?! I'm not beautiful anymore! Bawwwww!” “Thanks a lot!” said Twilight. “I'm sorry,” said Rarity, “but what are we going to do about this?” “I..I don't know,” replied Twilight. “Let me see that scroll Spike.” Twilight read the scroll to herself. “We have to fill that bottle from the Silver River but it looks like we're stuck this way for a day. Anypony known where this Silver River is?” “I do!” said Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash together. “It's not far from Cloudsdale,” said Rainbow Dash. “It's easy to find.” “What do we do until then?” asked Rarity. “I have a customer coming over this afternoon.” “And I have chores to do at the farm,” said Applejack. “Granny Smith and Big Macintosh ain't gonna understand this at all.” Pinky Pie thought about it. “What if I take your place, Applejack? And you can fill in for me at my job.” “I don't know Pinky Pie. I don't like it but I don't want to upset Granny Smith either,” said Applejack. “This is embarrassing. I'm supposed to know all about magic and I let this happen. I'd just as soon not have this spread all over town,” said Twilight Sparkle. “I have the animals to care for but I guess I can still do that as Rainbow Dash,” said Fluttershy. “Fluttershy doesn't have to fill in for me. The sky is clear, thankfully. I can go refill the bottle and be back by tonight,” said Rainbow Dash, as she looked at her new body, “at least I think I can.” “Wouldn't Fluttershy be faster in your body, Rainbow Dash?” asked Rarity. “It depends on if she flies like me or like she usually does,” replied Rainbow Dash as she looked at the blue body now inhabited by her friend. Fluttershy was unsure if she could fly like Rainbow Dash and even less sure if she really wanted to. It showed in her face and voice. “I don't know if I could or not.” “Rainbow Dash is the more experienced flier,” stated Twilight Sparkle bluntly. “I think she should go. Fluttershy's house is out of the way so maybe no pony will see her as Rainbow Dash.” “Well pack up this bottle and I'll get going,” said Rainbow Dash. “I don't know how fast I can fly as Fluttershy.” “I can fly perfectly well,” said Fluttershy. She sounded a little hurt. “I just don't like going very fast or very high.” “And I'm going to switch with you, Twilight?” asked Rarity. “I can tell you how to handle my customer but I don't know all the magic you do. What if some pony comes asking for help?” Twilight thought for a moment. “Spike can help you find the right book if anypony comes in with a problem but that seldom happens. If it's anything too tough just tell them you'll investigate and to come back tomorrow.” “Alright,” said Rarity, trying to maintain her dignity, “it sounds like we have a plan. With a little luck tomorrow we'll be back to normal.” “I hope so,” said Twilight, “and Rarity; no makeovers.” “I'll do my best Pinky Pie impersonation.” said Applejack, grinning and bouncing around. Pinky Pie tried to keep their spirits up. “Come on! This might not be so bad. We'll get to see how one of our best friends lives for a day. How often does that happen?” “You're right Pinky Pie,” said Applejack, “it might not be so bad. I sure got a lot of pep in my step anyway. Woo hoo!” She bounced around like Pinky Pie. “I wish I could say that,” muttered Rainbow Dash. Twilight Sparkle got her saddle bags and, with Spikes help, equipped Rainbow Dash for her journey. Applejack and Pinky Pie left and headed to their jobs after wishing Rainbow Dash good luck. “Hardly anypony around, time to go Flutter...I mean Rainbow Dash,” said Twilight. “I'll be back as soon as I can,” said Rainbow Dash. “Be careful with me Rainbow Dash,” said Fluttershy. “No crazy flying and no sonic rainbooms! I want me back the same way.. I.. left.. me.” She seemed confused. Rainbow Dash laughed, “Don't worry, I'll be careful. Sonic rainbooms are hard enough in my body.” Rainbow Dash left town flying like Fluttershy but as soon as she felt safe from the eyes of the town she flew higher and faster. 'I'd better see what Fluttershy can do. Don't want to crash or anything.' she thought. She tried a few simple maneuvers and then a loop. 'Not bad, Fluttershy could fly better if she wanted to,' thought Dash. She dropped her head and put on speed. Chapter 2 Twilight Sparkle, Rarity and Fluttershy watched as Rainbow Dash flew away. All of them wished that her trip was shorter. To Fluttershy it seemed very strange watching herself fly away and she worried about never seeing herself again. “I'll fly out to my place and stay there until tonight,” said Fluttershy. “Good luck Fluttershy,” said Twilight, “try to fly a little fast so you look like Rainbow Dash.” “And higher!” added Rarity as Fluttershy took off. “I'll try,” she said. She flew higher and beat her wings faster. She was surprised and pleased with how easily she gained speed and altitude. “Wow!,” she thought, “I wish I could fly around as Rainbow Dash more but I'd better not let anyone see me. I can't imitate her.” She sped home as fast as she dared. * * * Fluttershy went inside but soon returned to feed the chickens who were startled to see Rainbow Dash feeding them. She tried to reassure them but they were confused and nervous. As she tried to re-enter her home, Angel bunny appeared and tried to keep 'Rainbow Dash' out. As she is arguing with the guard bunny, Scootaloo showed up. “Hi Rainbow Dash!” said the little filly, “I didn't expect to see you here.” Fluttershy tried to imitate Rainbow Dash's brash manner but couldn't really pull it off. “Oh hi, Scootaloo, I'm looking after Fluttershy's animals while she's helping Twilight Sparkle. She should be back tomorrow.” “That's okay,” said Scootaloo, “I'd rather hang out with you anyway.” “Oh, um, what's wrong with Fluttershy?” asked Fluttershy. “Nothing, I like her too but you could give me a flying lesson!” Scootaloo was thrilled at the thought of learning under her heroine's wing. “Fluttershy is a pegasus too, she could help you,” replied Fluttershy half teasing. Scootaloo laughs, “You're joking right? She can't fly like you can.” “Well who can?” said Fluttershy in her best Rainbow Dash manner, “I'll tell you what, you help me get these animals their food and I'll give you a lesson.” “Really? Alright!” Scootaloo ran off to feed the critters. “I might not be the greatest flier,” said Fluttershy to herself, “but I know more than you little one and I've got Rainbow Dash's body. heh heh” * * * After leaving Twilight's house, Applejack and Pinky Pie talked to each other about how to do their jobs and imitate each other. Pinky Pie thought it would be easy but Applejack was less sure. “Can you remember all I told you Pinky Pie?” asked Applejack. “Sure! Take the empty wagons out to Big Macintosh and then pull the full wagon in the barn to the bakery,” said Pinkie Pie. “And.. ,” prompted Applejack. “Oh! Ask Granny Smith if she knows anything about Twilight’s house,” said Pinky Pie. “That's right,” said Applejack, “she's the oldest pony in these parts. If anypony knows anything about that old library she will.” “Okey dokie..” began Pinky. “And don't say things like that,” said Applejack, “Try to talk like me.” “Alright,” said Pinky Pie, “but you should try to be happier like me. Smile more!” Applejack smiled. “That's better,” said Pinky Pie. “See me later. hee hee” Pinky Pie trotted off. “Well, y'all better git ta Sugar Cube Corner.” She put on a grin and headed to the shop. Mr. and Mrs. Cake were getting ready to leave. They gathered up parcels and put them in a basket. Mr. Cake saw Applejack enter. “Pinky Pie, good, you're here. We're going out for the day. Just lock up when you leave.” “O..okey dokie lokie, you can count on me,” said Applejack as she tried her best to emulate Pinky Pie. She is relieved that Mr. and Mrs Cake had decided to leave for the day but realized that she was now on her own and responsible for the shop. “Phew! I sure hope it's a slow day.” she thought. She looked out the window and saw several customers approaching. Soon Applejack was serving customers and taking orders. * * * After receiving some last minutes instructions from Rarity, Twilight arrived at Rarity's shop and entered. “Oh I hope this customer isn't too much trouble,” she thought. “Maybe she'll just pay for the dress and go.” It wasn't long before the customer arrived. “Good afternoon Rarity, is my dress ready?” she asked. “All ready, Mrs. Calumet and I'm sure you're going to love it,” said Twilight. “I'm sure I will,” said Mrs. Calumet. “You do such lovely work.” “You're too kind,” replied Twilight. “Would you like to try it on?” “Of course!” said Mrs. Calumet, “I can hardly wait to see how it looks.” Twilight got the dress and waited for her to try it on. As Mrs. Calumet was trying on the dress she heard her say something that she had been dreading. “Rarity dear, do you have a hat to go with this?” * * * At Twilight's library, Rarity and Spike threw a sheet over the mirror. “That's better,” said Rarity. “Horrid thing!” “Can I get you anything Rarity?” asked Spike. “No, thank you, Spike,” she replied as she looked around. “So what does Twilight do here all day?” “She reads a lot. Practices her magic. Not much else except the occasional letter from the Princess. Kinda boring if you ask me,” said Spike. “I should say so,” said Rarity. “Still, it must be working. I feel much more powerful. Well we can at least finish some of the cleaning and get things put away. You know Spike, this old place really does have potential. Maybe I can do a little redecorating while we're at it.” Spike was alarmed by this. “Are you sure Rarity? I don't know if Twilight would like that.” “Don't be silly! She loves my work,” replied Rarity. “Now if I moved this over here and this over there we could put in a bigger rug and...” Spike groaned and thought for a second. “Rarity, there's a way you can see what it would look like without having to move everything. Let me get the book.” * * * At Sweet Apple Acres, Pinky Pie pulled a wagon out to Big Macintosh. There is a small basket of apples but nothing else in the wagon. “Howdy brother! Here's your wagon.” She was grinning and bouncing around as she usually did. “You feeling okay sis?” he asked. Pinky Pie realized what she was doing and stopped. “Never felt better. Just doin' mah chores.” “You sound ...different,” replied Big Macintosh in a puzzled voice. “Why ahm right as rain,” said Pinky Pie nervously, “ain't it a great day to be working on the farm?” “Eeyup I guess so,” said Big Macintosh as he eyed his 'sister' curiously. Pinky Pie realized that she wasn't fooling Applejack's brother and laughed. “Yep, ah.. want an apple?” They are surrounded by apple trees and there are several baskets of apples sitting next to them. Big Macintosh just looked at her. “Oookaay,” stammered Pinky Pie, “I see you have some so I'll just go haul that wagon load of apples down to the bakery. See ya!” She bolted off before the conversation became even more awkward. Big Macintosh sniffed the apples that she brought. He almost bit one but thought better of it and backed away. Pinky Pie slowed down as she neared the barn. “I'd better just see Granny Smith,” she thought, “and get back to town. I can't fool her relatives.” * * * As Rainbow Dash neared the Silver River, she passed by Cloudsdale. By chance, some of the Wonderbolts were out practicing. A younger team member, by the name of Ace, spotted her as he was taking a break with Soarin and Spitfire. “Who's that?” asked Ace. “Looks like that friend of Rainbow Dash's,” said Soarin, “you know, the quiet one.” “I think you're right,” said Spitfire, “come on, I'd like her to take a message to Rainbow Dash.” The three took off and headed for the pony that they thought was Fluttershy. Rainbow Dash spiraled down to the bank of the river. From above it did look silver as it wound it's way down from the rolling hills north of Cloudsdale. 'Guess it doesn't matter where I get the water as long as it's from the river,' she thought. She landed on the bank and was filling the bottle from the river when the Wonderbolts landed behind her. “Hi!” said Spitfire. Rainbow Dash was startled and dropped the bottle in the river. “Ah! The bottle!” she exclaimed as it started to float away. Ace retrieved it and gave it to Rainbow Dash. “Here you go.” “Thank you, um?” she said. She almost sounded like Fluttershy because she really was nervous for a change. “You can call me Ace,” he said, “My parents named me Alto Cumulus but that's too much of a mouthful so most ponies call me A.C. or Ace.” “Sorry to scare you but aren't you a friend of Rainbow Dash?” asked Spitfire. “Um yes, I'm Fluttershy,” said Rainbow Dash, “she's a good friend of mine.” “Pleased to meet you,” said Spitfire, “I'm Spitfire and this is Soarin. You've met Ace.” “You're part of the Wonderbolts,” said Rainbow Dash, “I remember you from the Young Fliers Competition.” “Not one of our better moments,” said Soarin. “I was wondering, could you take a message to Rainbow Dash for us,” said Spitfire. “Sure!” said Rainbow Dash excitedly. “Here's my card,” said Spitfire. “It has our private address on it. I want her to stay in touch in case there's a tryout for the team. I know she wants to join us and this way her letter won't get lost in the fan mail. Please don't let any pony else see it. And here are a pair of tickets to our next show, if you and she would like to attend.” “Really?” exclaimed Rainbow Dash. “Oh she'll be thrilled! Thank you so much! She really practices hard and this will mean a lot to her.” “What brings you all the way out here from Ponyville?” asked Ace. “I'm on an errand for another friend,” answered Rainbow Dash. “Twilight Sparkle needs water from this river for a spell she's working on. Rainbow Dash isn't feeling quite herself today or I'm sure Twilight would have asked her instead. She's a much better flier than I am.” “You looked pretty good to me,” said Ace. “Oh! um Thank you,” stammered Rainbow Dash. She was not used to a handsome flier flirting with her. “Well, we should get back to practice,” said Spitfire. “It was good meeting you Fluttershy.” “Nice meeting you too,” replied Rainbow Dash, “and thanks for your card Spitfire..for Rainbow Dash I mean. I'd better get this bottle filled and get back to Ponyville.” “I'll lend a hoof,” said Ace. Spitfire rolled her eyes and walked off with Soarin. Ace picked the bottle from the ground and filled it. He was making eye contact with Rainbow Dash who noticed. She smiled nervously as he put the bottle in her pack. “There you go, all set. Ah, Fluttershy? Here's my card too,” he said as he pulled a card from his suit and put it in her pack. “Thanks! I'm sure Rainbow Dash will appreciate it,” said Rainbow Dash. “Um, It's not for her, it's for you,” said Ace. “I like getting letters too.” He gave a slight laugh. “I was thinking that, after the show, maybe we can get a bite to eat?” “Sure! That would be so cool!” replied Rainbow Dash, forgetting for the moment she was Fluttershy. “That's great! I'll look forward to it,” said Ace. “It was really nice meeting you. Be sure to write!” “Oh, I will,” replied Rainbow Dash. “Ace! Let's go!” called Soarin. “Well, gotta go,” said Ace, “see you then!” As Ace turned away, Spitfire and Soarin took off. Spitfire gave Ace a look as they gained altitude. “What?” said Ace, somewhat annoyed, “she's cute!” “This is so cool!” said Rainbow Dash to herself. “I've got Spitfire's card, and tickets to their next show...Hey! did I just get Fluttershy a date with a Wonderbolt?” She started to laugh as it sank in. “I did! Oh! I've done it now. Ha ha ha She is gonna kill me. He he he Fluttershy and a Wonderbolt.” She took off still giggling and headed back to Ponyville. She did a couple of rolls and loops just for fun. The three Wonderbolts watched her fly away. “Do all the ponies from Ponyville fly that well?” said Spitfire. “Yeah, what's up with that? Think Rainbow's been teaching them?” said Soarin. “Maybe it's something in the water. Who cares? She's cute and likes to fly,” said Ace. “Come on Casahoova,” said Soarin, “we have to practice.” Chapter 3 That evening Pinky Pie, Fluttershy, Twilight and Applejack converged on Twilight's house. Spike and Rarity were inside. “Gee Applejack, you sure have to work hard out on the farm,” said Pinky Pie. “Well, Sugar Cube Corner was pretty busy today too. My head is so full of numbers and orders I can't think straight,” said Applejack. “I never realized how hard Rarity works at what she does,” said Twilight. “I hope I didn't mess up too bad today and cost her any business. I only had three customers but they took forever.” “I ended up giving Scootaloo flying lessons all afternoon. I don't know what she'll think of Rainbow Dash now,” said Fluttershy. “You were giving flyin' lessons?” said Applejack in surprise. She laughed. “Well at least Scootaloo might give Rainbow Dash a break for a while.” “I can fly and I had Rainbow Dash's body,” said Fluttershy. “Anyway, Scootaloo is just learning. I kept her busy with the basics and gave her some exercises to do.” “Speaking of Rainbow Dash, is she back yet?” asked Pinky Pie. “Maybe she's inside. Come on!” said Twilight Sparkle. * * * They entered the library. Their jaws dropped as they stared around at the newly redecorated interior. Rarity had been busy. Rather than the rich and rustic wood of the old library, Rarity's new version was a complete art deco make-over. Chiseled angles mixed with swooping curves. Floors were patterns of marble and inlays of exotic wood. The shelves were trimmed in chrome. The furniture and lamps were simple geometric shapes and a mix of subtle pastels and bold colors. “How do you like it? Isn't it just lovely?” said Rarity with glee. “Twilight, wait until you see your room! I completely redid it in baroque.” “She broke it alright,” said Spike. “Oh Rarity! You really shouldn't have,” said Twilight honestly. While Rarity had done her usual lovely work, it was terribly out of place for a library. “Oh, no trouble at all,” said Rarity, “with your powers and my sense of style it was a snap.” “You used my magic?” said Twilight. She was a little stunned by this revelation. “Of course!” replied Rarity, “I couldn't do this all in a day for real. It's just an illusion.” Her horn glowed. Rarity sighed as the room faded back to normal. “You should have seen it when I did it in neo classic. It was stunning!” Twilight breathed a sigh of relief. “I'll bet! Is Rainbow Dash here yet?” “No, and it's getting dark,” said Spike. “Maybe she wore me out and crashed,” said Fluttershy with alarm. “I'm not used to flying that far in a day! She might be laying hurt or exhausted somewhere! We should go look for her!” “Now don't panic sugar cube, she knows flying better than any pony,” said Applejack. “Let's give her some time.” Applejack has hardly finished speaking when there was a noise upstairs and Rainbow Dash entered via the balcony. “Sorry I'm late but those last few miles were tough,” said Dash. “We have got to get you in shape Fluttershy.” “Did you get the water?” asked Twilight, voicing the main concern of all the ponies. “Sure did,” answered Rainbow Dash. “You can always count on me...and Fluttershy.” “Then let's get changed back,” said Rarity. The others were all in agreement but when they pulled the sheet off of the mirror, it was still nearly clear. “I don't think it works that way,” said Twilight. “The rhyme said 'For a night and a day' I think we have to wait until tomorrow. Look, the mirror isn't back to being a mirror yet but it's not clear glass like it was after it switched us either.” “Do you think it matters?” asked Rainbow Dash. “I don't know,” said Twilight, “but we only have one shot at this and I want to get it right.” “That's for sure!” said Spike. “It's hard to remember who I'm talking to.” “You're the magic expert,” said Applejack. “What say we stay here tonight and check the mirror in the morning.” “Hurray!” cried Pinky Pie, “sleepover at Twilight Sparkles!” Applejack and Rarity looked at each other and started to laugh. “What?” said Pinky Pie, “it'll be fun.” “It sure will Pinky Pie,” said Applejack, “it sure will.” “Will some pony help me get this pack off?” asked Rainbow Dash. “I'm tired.” “Sorry Rainbow Dash,” said Twilight, “Fluttershy, lend a hoof.” Together Twilight and Fluttershy help Rainbow Dash take off the pack. Twilight removed the bottle and carefully set it on the floor. Rainbow Dash went to the pack and pulled out the cards and tickets and laid them on a table. “What are those?” asked Fluttershy. “A few of the Wonderbolts saw me getting the water and recognized you,” said Rainbow Dash. “Spitfire gave me her card to give to me and two tickets for their next show and said you should bring me. She also told you to tell me to stay in touch in case there's a tryout for a spot on the team.” “That's great,” said Twilight, “I'm sure you'll make it.” “And tickets for the show too,” said Pinky Pie. “I wish I could go. That was so much fun the last time!” “Yeah fun,” said Rainbow Dash and Rarity together. “What's that other card?” asked Applejack. “Ace? Who's he?” “Oh yeah,” said Rainbow Dash, “he's a Wonderbolt too and ah, he gave that card to Fluttershy.” “You mean you,” said Fluttershy. “No, I mean you!” replied Rainbow Dash. “He wants you to write to him. I told him you would.” Fluttershy is shocked. “Rainbow Dash! I can't do that! I don't even know him!” “Well, you'd better write and get to know him because you're having dinner with him after the show,” said Rainbow Dash with a grin. “WHAT!? How could you! Getting me a date with a..a.. a Wonderbolt?” said Fluttershy. She was not sure if this was good or bad. “No need to thank me,” said Rainbow Dash. “I don't know if I can do this,” said Fluttershy, “I mean; he thinks you're me.” “Depends on how you look at it,” replied Rainbow Dash, “I was trying to act like you and I looked like you so it's you he liked, even if you weren't there.” “Oh you have to Fluttershy,” said Rarity, “how often do you get a chance to date a celebrity?” “I still don't know..” said Fluttershy. “He thinks you're cute,” said Rainbow Dash. “He does?” said Fluttershy, blushing. “Mmm hmmm, I overheard him say so to Spitfire,” said Rainbow Dash. She was enjoying this now. “Really?” said Fluttershy, blushing even more. “And he's handsome,” added Rainbow Dash. “Handsome?” asked Fluttershy. She was becoming more intrigued despite herself. “I can show you,” said Rainbow Dash. “His picture is on a poster I have at home.” “Fluttershy has a coltfriend!” laughed Pinky Pie, “I can't wait to meet him. I'll bet you can't either huh Fluttershy?” Fluttershy was very embarrassed and remained silent. “Rainbow Dash, you shouldn't just go setting your friends up with strange stallions without their permission,” said Applejack. “Hey! I didn't plan this,” protested Rainbow Dash. “It just sort of ...happened. I didn't know they were out there practicing, then he helped me with the water and one thing lead to another. Anyway, Fluttershy isn't going to find a guy like that around here.” Fluttershy looked dazed. Rainbow Dash took pity and relented. “Hey Fluttershy? You don't have to do this if you don't want to. We'll think up some excuse.” All the ponies looked at Fluttershy. “No...I ..I think I will write him,” she said. “I mean it can't hurt to just write to him, could it?” “That's right!” said Rarity, “you can get to know him a bit before you meet him. Maybe you'll like him.” “What's he like anyway?” asked Applejack, still concerned with her friend getting mixed up with a celebrity. “He seemed nice enough,” said Rainbow Dash. “I don't really know him but if this stupid mirror doesn't change us back, I'll keep Fluttershy's date.” “Well, I guess that is an endorsement,” said Twilight Sparkle. “Good, now let's get some snacks and tell each other about our day as another pony,” said Pinky Pie. “I'm on it!” said Spike and he ran off to get some food. “I think I'll pass on the snacks,” said Applejack. “I had a might too many sweets at the bakery.” “You eat pretty good out at your farm, Applejack,” said Pinky Pie, “but not as much sweet stuff as I usually eat. Granny Smith did make a pie for lunch that was scrumptious and oh! Oh! Granny Smith! That reminds me, I talked to her about this place to see if she knew anything about this mirror!” “What did she say?” asked Applejack. “She didn't know anything about the mirror,” said Pinky Pie, “but she said that when she was just a little filly her grandmother told her a story about a unicorn that used to live here when SHE was little.” “So that would be when my great, great grandmother was a little filly? That's sure a long time ago,” said Applejack. “Tell us the whole story Pinky Pie and don't leave anything out,” said Rarity. Spike brought in some food and the ponies sat down to hear Pinky Pie's story. Rainbow Dash dug into the food with gusto. Fluttershy was shocked to see herself eating that way. “Okay, it started when a powerful unicorn moved to Ponyville,” said Pinky Pie. “He wasn't bad or anything, at least not at first. He was willing to help the other ponies if they needed him but he kept to himself a lot. He made the tree we're in grow this way and lived here. He used any money he made to get books and magical things. He took on four ponies to work for him in exchange for teaching them what he could. They thought it was a good deal because he was so wise. There were two earth ponies, one pegasus and one unicorn.” Pinky Pie paused to take a drink and eat a cake. “I understand why he'd have a unicorn apprentice,” said Twilight in a puzzled voice, “but why earth ponies and a pegasus?” “I said he was a wise guy,” said Pinky Pie. “He knew all kinds of stuff, not just magic. Anyway, everything was going along fine and until the pegasus disappeared.” Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash looked at each other. “And then one of the earth ponies disappeared,” continued Pinky Pie. “They found tracks going into the Everfree Forest but that's all. They never found him. Neeeverrr.” “I don't think I like this story,” said Rarity. “Me neither,” agreed Fluttershy. “But I'm getting to the good part,” said Pinky Pie. “The other earth pony quit working for the unicorn and moved all the way to Canterlot.” “Smart pony,” commented Rainbow Dash. “Stop interrupting,” said Pinky Pie. “So, that left just the older unicorn and his apprentice. The other ponies in Ponyville had become suspicious and stayed away from them. Then other things started to happen. Ponies started missing things and suspected the two unicorns of stealing. Then another pony went missing. When the apprentice disappeared too, Ponyville folk got together and marched on the evil unicorn's house but the unicorn saw them coming and vanished in a flash of light.” “If he was so all fired powerful, why did he run?” asked Applejack. “Because the ponies had about twenty unicorns of their own marching in front,” said Pinky Pie. “Anyway they went into the unicorns house and searched it. They found a lot of the things that had been stolen and they found the missing pony. He'd been knocked out and when he woke up everypony thought he was crazy. He desperately wanted to get back into this house but wouldn't say why so the ponies wouldn't let him. That night he escaped and never came back.” “Wow,” said Twilight, “that is some story. I'll bet the unicorn was using this mirror to switch bodies with other ponies. But why? What would he have to gain?” “I think I know,” said Rarity quietly. “I feel so much more powerful in your body Twilight. I could see why somepony would not want to switch back.” “And I could fly so much better as Rainbow Dash,” said Fluttershy. “I..I guess I liked being really beautiful too,” said Twilight. “I'm happy with the way I look but ponies look at Rarity differently than they do me and I can't say I didn't like it.” “Well I'll be glad to change back,” said Applejack. “No offense Pinky Pie, but I like it better out on the farm than doing your job.” “Me too Applejack,” agreed Pinky Pie, “I mean, I'm ready to change back. I'd rather be around ponies all day and make them happy. Farm work is too hard and boring for me. Nothing but trees! Trees here and trees there, trees, trees everywhere!” “So what do you think happened, Twilight?” asked Fluttershy. Twilight thought a moment. “Well it's hard to say exactly, but here's what I think happened. The powerful unicorn was experimenting with this mirror and switching bodies with the ponies he had working for him. Something went wrong. Maybe one of them betrayed him or maybe one of the ponies died in the wrong body so they had to keep switching to keep the change from becoming permanent. One or more of them was committing crimes and making the ponies suspicious. When the ponies came to stop him, he had to flee. He couldn't take the mirror with him, so he sealed it in that closet and put shelves in front to hide it.” “But what about the ponies that disappeared?” asked Pinky Pie. “I'd rather not think about that,” said Twilight. “Yeah, I see what you mean,” said Applejack. “Whoever it was couldn't have ponies running around in the wrong bodies, unless they were in cahoots with him.” “That's true,” said Rarity. “They might have been in it together, except for that poor last pony, but something went wrong.” “Yeah! The first missing pony was a pegasus,” said Rainbow Dash. “If one of you, except for Fluttershy, had switched with me there's no way you could just start flying. Maybe one of them tried and crashed somewhere.” “I flew when Twilight made me wings,” said Rarity. “That's because those were magic wings, Rarity,” said Twilight, “a pegasus would be different.” “Good thing we were lined up across from the same kind of pony when we got switched,” said Applejack. “And we'd better make sure we line up right when we switch back too,” said Twilight Sparkle, “I don't want to go through this again.” “What about afterward?” asked Spike. “What do we do with the mirror?” “Seal it back up again!” said Rarity “Double hoof kick it to pieces!” said Applejack. “Burn it!” said Spike. “I don't think just sealing it up again is enough,” said Twilight. “If we found it, so could somepony else. We could probably break it but unleashing all that magic at once could be dangerous. I hate to say it, but I think we need to send a message to the Princess.” “Wait, wait, wait,” put in Rainbow Dash, “all we have to do is not refill the bottle after we use it. It won't work without Silver River water, right?” “Hey yeah! Good thinking Flutter... I mean Rainbow Dash,” said Applejack. “It's still a dangerous device,” said Twilight. “I think we can count on the Princess to be discreet if we ask her.” “You're right, Twilight,” said Rarity, “this is too big for us. I'd still like to keep this quiet.” “Me too, but we need help to make sure this doesn't happen again,” said Twilight. “Take a letter?” asked Spike. “In the morning Spike,” replied Twilight. “We'll have a few hours before we try the mirror again.” “Pinky Pie!” exclaimed Applejack. “Stop eating so much sweet stuff! I don't want a stomach ache when we change back.” “Hey, I'm hungry too!” said Pinky Pie with her mouth full. “You were all eating while I was telling the story.” “Well take it a might slower,” said Applejack. “I don't want to weigh as much as Big Macintosh.” “So what do we do for the rest of the evening?” asked Rainbow Dash. “It's too early for bed.” “Party!?” suggested Pinky Pie. “I don't know about y'all but I'm a might tuckered out for that,” said Applejack. “Me too,” said Rainbow Dash. “That was a long flight and Fluttershy isn't in the best shape.” “I'm sorry,” said Fluttershy, “maybe I should exercise more.” “What about makeovers?” suggested Rarity, “we could each make ourselves over!” “What a great idea!” said Pinky Pie. “I been made over over enough for one day,” said Applejack. “Me too!” said Twilight. “Why don't we take turns telling what we learned about being someone else? Since we've decided to tell the Princess, I may as well use this in my report. At least something good may come out of this mess.” “I reckon that makes sense,' said Applejack. “I'll go first. Pinky Pie, I underestimated you. There ain't no way I could do your job day after day. I always thought your job was easy but I was wrong. It's hard waiting on all those customers asking for different things, and addin' up all the prices and takin' orders to be picked up later and all. I don't know how you do it. I always thought you just liked to have fun and throw parties but your job is serious work.” “Oh it's not all that hard,” said Pinky Pie. “I like helping ponies and making them happy. Getting them what they want and making their special orders does that and helps out Mr. and Mrs. Cake so they can do other things. I do the adding all the time so I got pretty good at it.” “Well, I can do it but I'd rather be out on the farm,” replied Applejack. “Not me! You're the one that works hard Applejack,” said Pinky Pie. “Hauling stuff around, harvesting, tending the trees, now that's work. And you're outside in all kinds of weather to do it too. There's hardly any ponies around. I didn't see anypony all day except Big Macintosh and Granny Smith. They're nice, but I'm used seeing lots of ponies everyday. It was kind of lonely.” “I never thought about it before,” said Applejack. “I guess it is little lonely but I come into town almost everyday and we have visitors now and then. Anyway, I'm too busy most times to notice.” She laughed. “It's sure a lot quieter I'll give ya that. I think what I like best about the farm is the feeling I get after a long days work and what all I've done that day. Sure is satisfying.” “I get that feeling at my job too,” said Pinky Pie. “I guess it's the same feeling even though it's different work.” “How about you Fluttershy?” asked Twilight. “How did you like being Equestria's fastest pegasus?” “Well..um.. I liked being able to fly better even though I didn't do anything fancy,” started Fluttershy. “It was so effortless. One thing did happen though, that was when Scootaloo came by. She really looks up to you, Rainbow Dash. That's something special. No one looks up to me. I mean I know you're all my friends but it's not the same as somepony just idolizing you. You should be nicer to her and take her flying more often.” “Yeah Rainbow, she's probably the only pony in town that thinks more of you than you do,” said Applejack with a laugh. Rainbow Dash was not amused. “Oh ha ha. I'll teach her some flying okay? The trouble with someone idolizing you is that then you have to live up to what they expect. It makes me kinda nervous and I don't like it” “Hadn't thought about it like that Rainbow Dash,” said Applejack, “I thought you liked the spotlight.” “Of course I do!” said Rainbow Dash, “but I like being cheered for what I'm doing, not what ponies expect of me. What if I can't live up to it? How are they gonna feel then? I know I won't feel too good about it.” “Every pony has limits Rainbow Dash,” said Rarity gently. “All you can do is give your best effort. If you reach your limit just be honest about it. No pony is going to think less of you.” “That's right!” said Twilight Sparkle, “We're your friends and will always support you, but maybe you could think of her as your first real fan.” “Yeah, a fan! Ya know, I guess I've always wanted that,” said Rainbow Dash. “How about you Rarity,” said Twilight, “did you like being me?” “Well,I wouldn't want to just sit around here all day studying,” said Rarity. “I do have a new respect for your power though and maybe if I tried I could develop my talents. What if I could use the illusion spell I used on my dresses? It could be really helpful. I'll bet there are other spells that could help too.” “Sure Rarity, there are a few I can think of,” said Twilight. “but it will take a while for you to learn to use them. I'm sure you can do it but you'll have to be patient. It won't happen overnight.” Rarity sighed. “I suppose not but it would be worth it in the end.” Twilight Sparkle took her turn next. “I have some new respect for your talents too, Rarity. You might take your eye for fashion for granted but I really had a tough time answering questions for your customers.” “They asked you your opinion on fashion?” asked Rarity with a quiver in her voice. “I tried to remember what you told me,” said Twilight, “and I think I did pretty well. Two of your customers were just browsing so I just suggested some things that matched their coloring. One bought a scarf. The other one didn't buy anything but said she'd think about a dress I showed her. She'll be back tomorrow. Mrs. Calumet was very pleased with her dress and even bought a hat to go with it.” “Which one?” asked Rarity. “That small yellow one with the feather and white band,” said Twilight. “Very good choice,” said Rarity, “she's not the easiest customer to please. You'll learn fashion yet.” “Maybe,” replied Twilight, “but you are the real artist. So, Rainbow Dash is last for a change. What did you learn about being Fluttershy?” “Well, Fluttershy was right about one thing,” said Rainbow Dash, “she can fly perfectly well. Not as fast as me, or as maneuverable but not bad at all. Not being able to fly very well is all in your head Fluttershy. You could be really good if you'd practice a little bit. Maybe you could come along when I'm teaching Scootaloo.” “You really think so?” said Fluttershy with a smile, “I thought I fly the way I fly and that was all I'd ever be able to do.” “Nah,” said Rainbow Dash, “I couldn't fly the way I do without practice. That's all you need. Well, maybe a little more confidence. And lose some of this hair, it creates a lot of drag.” “Oh! not my hair!” said Fluttershy, “I couldn't do that. Maybe I could tie it back or something?” “That would help.” said Rainbow Dash. “ah...There's something else. I don't know if .. I mean.. I.. aw.” “Tell us! tell us! tell us!” said Pinky Pie. Rainbow Dash looked at her. It was very strange to see Applejack acting like Pinky Pie. “Alright,” said Rainbow Dash slowly. “I told you how Ace liked Fluttershy, and I know it was mostly because he thinks she's pretty, but on the way back here I had time to think and everypony likes Fluttershy, more than any pony I've ever met! I think it's because she's just so …” “Nice?” suggested Pinky Pie. “Right, nice,” said Rainbow Dash. “The only ponies that ever give her any trouble are real jerks. But she's kind and has patience and never bothers anypony. I.. I'm just not like that. I guess most ponies think I'm kind of a jerk.” The other ponies laughed and, to Rainbow Dash's chagrin, agreed completely. “Of course we do!” said Pinky Pie. “I'm afraid so, dear,” said Rarity. “Yep, that's you alright,” said Applejack. “I'm sorry but... hee hee hee,” said Fluttershy. Her laughter started the others laughing again. Pinky Pie and Applejack hug Rainbow Dash who was looking sad. “That's our Dashie,” said Pinky Pie. “I think what they're saying is that they like you the way you are Rainbow Dash,” said Twilight. “Well, when you are Rainbow Dash anyway.” “Yeah,” said Pinky Pie, “you put up with my perkiness and Fluttershy's shyness.” “And me bein' stubborn,” added Applejack. “And Twilight having to look everything up in a book,” said Rarity, looking at Twilight. “And Rarity trying to make everything perfect,” returned Twilight Sparkle. “Anyway, you're not a jerk Rainbow Dash, you just deal with things differently.” “Thanks everypony,” said Rainbow Dash. “but I think I'll try to be a little more like Fluttershy...just not too much.” She giggled at the thought. “Well, this letter is going to take a while to write,” said Twilight. “I'll do it tonight and Spike can send it tomorrow. We're going to have to make some sleeping arrangements. They aren't enough beds for all of us.” “There are some extra pillows upstairs, and there are plenty of blankets,” said Spike. “One pony could take the couch. I guess we could lay some pillows on the floor for another and if two ponies each share the two beds that will make six.” “Dibs on a bed!” cried Rainbow Dash. “I thought you were going to try to be more like Fluttershy,” said Applejack. “I am,” she replied. “I'm being kind. Fluttershy is going to be sore in the morning from all the flying she did today.” “Well, I don't mind a makeshift bed,” said Applejack. “I can take the floor. Twilight and Rarity can take her bed and Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash can take the other. Pinky Pie, you okay with the couch?” “Sure, okey dokey with me,” said Pinky Pie. “Alright then,” said Twilight, “let's turn in soon. It's been a long strange day.” Tired out from the days activities and with full stomachs, the ponies all felt sleepy. They spoke a bit more about their adventures as they prepared the makeshift beds. Soon they were under their blankets fast asleep. Chapter 4 Rarity awoke the next morning and looked at Twilight lying next to her in bed. “Ugh, I look awful in the morning. My head hurts.” “How would you know if your head hurts? I've still got it,” replied Twilight groggily. “You know what I mean,” said Rarity sitting up. Fluttershy got up but Rainbow Dash merely opened one eye and commented on how awesome she looked. “Good morning ladies,” said Fluttershy. “Good morning sleepyheads!” said Pinky Pie, “Applejack and I have been up for a while.” “Where is she?” asked Twilight. “She went over to Sugar Cube Corner for some donuts, she should be back soon,” said Pinky Pie “Sounds yummy,” said Fluttershy. Rarity and Twilight tried to comb out their manes at the mirror. They first tried to comb themselves they way they normally did but their hair didn't cooperate. They looked at each other. Silently they turned away from the mirror, faced each other and began to comb the hair on their own bodies. “Come on Fluttershy!” said Pinky Pie in Rainbow Dash's ear, “Get up!” “I am up,” said Fluttershy from across the room. “Oh right, hee hee,” said Pinky Pie, “this is so confusing. I saw my leg when I woke up and was like 'who's that?' and then I moved and realized it was me and I wondered why I was orange and then I saw myself, I mean Applejack, and remembered what happened.” Rainbow Dash groaned. “What is all this noise? I should have gone home and slept on my cloud.” She tried to get up but sank back down. “Can we change back yet?” “Let's check the mirror,” said Twilight. All the ponies went to the magic mirror, except for Rainbow Dash. “It's almost ready,” said Twilight. “I can still see through it a little bit. A few hours yet and we can change. I hope. Where's Spike?” “Still in bed,” said Rarity. Rainbow Dash walked stiffly up to the others. “He has some sense,” she said. “Ouch!” “Am I... er... I mean you, sore?” asked Fluttershy. “Really stiff,” replied Rainbow Dash as she tried to stretch. She extended her wings. “Ouch! You may want to walk home.” “Come on Spike!” said Twilight as she tried to rouse the dragon. “Up and at 'em! You have a letter to send.” “Alright, alright I'm coming,” replied Spike grumpily. “I can't sleep with all this racket anyway.” “Tell me about it,” agreed Rainbow Dash. “Hi, looks like y'all are up,” said Applejack as she came in the front door. “Here's the donuts! There's carrot and apple and peach filled and there's some with oat sprinkles too. Dig in everypony!” The ponies and Spike gathered around the table and started to eat. “I wrote the letter to the Princess last night Spike,” said Twilight. “All you have to do is send it.” “May as well do it now,” said Spike as he took the message and sent it to the princess. “Do you have your report too?” “No,” said Twilight, “I thought I'd wait until after we change back. I think it will be better after we finish this.” “When will that be exactly?” asked Applejack. “I reckon we all want to be ourselves agin.” “Well, it was before lunch when we changed and we don't want to wait too long or we'll be stuck this way,” said Twilight. “There must be a time when the mirror is ready but it's not too late. A perfect moment.” “Oh my! We must be ready,” said Rarity. “We should go stand in our places and wait.” “How long you reckon this 'perfect moment' lasts Twilight?” asked Applejack. “I have no idea,” said Twilight. “Then maybe Rarity is right,” said Rainbow Dash. “We should at least get the mirror ready. The bottle still has to be put in place.” “We should have a little time to operate,” said Twilight. “Whoever made this thing wouldn't have made it too difficult to use. You're right about getting ready though, lets do that anyway.” They went over to the mirror. Spike brought the water. Twilight Sparkle's horn glowed as she lifted the bottle into place. “Wait! Not yet!” cried Pinky Pie. Twilight was startled and nearly let the bottle fall. They all gasped. Rainbow Dash was the first to recover, “Pinky Pie, what is it? She almost dropped the water!” “Sorry,” said Pinky Pie, “buuut.” She reset the lever that caused the water to run. “Whew! Nice catch Pinky Pie. Plum forgot about that,” said Applejack. Twilight set the water bottle in it's place. “Good,” said Rarity, “now let's get in our places. I was here and Twilight was across from me.” “And Rainbow Dash was next to you and I was next to her,” said Pinky Pie. “Right,” said Twilight Sparkle, “and Fluttershy was next to me and Applejack was next to her.” “Do you think I should read the rhyme like I did yesterday?” asked Spike. “Let's not take any chances,” said Twilight, “read the rhyme.” As the ponies stood waiting for the mirror to be the way it was when they found it, the sun climbed up and shone in the window. It touched the mirror. The mirror glowed briefly and changed instantly to the perfect mirror it was when they found it. “It was the sun!” exclaimed Twilight. “The sun activated it. Go ahead and read Spike.” At that moment Spike coughed up Celestia's reply. “It's from the Princess,” said Spike, “What should I do?” Twilight hesitated. “Read Celestia's reply,” said Twilight. “She might have something more to tell us.” “Okay,” said Spike. 'My Dear Twilight Sparkle, the mirror you found has been lost for a long time. It disappeared in the ruin of our first home. How that unicorn found it I don't know. I am on my way to retrieve it. Let the sun shine on it and it will be ready. To use it, line up as you were the first time and pull the lever to let the water flow. That's all you need to do. You have a hour after the sun hits the mirror before your change is permanent, or so I've heard. I'll be there as soon as I can. Princess Celestia.' “So she's heard?” said Rarity in a worried voice, “I don't like the sound of that!” “If everypony is in place,” said Applejack, “lets do it now!” “Ready everypony?” asked Twilight. “Pull the lever Pinky Pie!” As before the water flowed over the surface of mirror as the ponies stood staring at the images of their friends in the mirror. It flashed and sprayed them with water. The mirror was clear again. They immediately looked at themselves and saw their familiar coats, tails and cutie marks. They were back in their proper bodies again. “Ow!” said Twilight, “my head does hurt!” Pinky Pie was jumping around and Rarity is hugging her tail. “Yes!” cried Rainbow Dash, “I'm me again!” She leaped into the air with wings spread. Fluttershy tried to emulate Rainbow Dash but froze when she extended her wings. “Ow” she squeaked before falling over rigidly. “You alright there Fluttershy?” asked Applejack. “What...did...you...do...to...me? What were you doing Rainbow Dash?” Fluttershy's wings were frozen in place and she was scared to move because of the pain. “Nothing!” protested Rainbow Dash. “Honest! I just flew to the river and back.” “And you didn't do any fancy flyin?” asked Applejack who was obviously skeptical. “Nope,” said Rainbow Dash, “welll maybe a little when I was warming up after I first took off. But it was just a couple of barrel rolls... and a couple snap rolls... and a shallow dive into a loop... and I tried a stall...oh, and then I did a loop when I left to come back. Nothing real hard.” “It doesn't feel like nothing,” whimpered Fluttershy. “I'm sorry Fluttershy,” said Rainbow Dash, “I really didn't do anything I thought would stress you. I think it was just the distance and the speed.” “Oh, it feels so good to be me again,” said Rarity. “Is there anything we can do for you Fluttershy?” “Rarity, grab her wing and I'll take this one,” said Rainbow Dash. “Now Fluttershy, try to relax and let us do the work. Now move her wings slowly back and forth slowly.” Rarity and Rainbow Dash moved Fluttershy's wings while she twitched and squeaked in pain. “I don't think you're helping,” said Applejack. “It used to help me whenever I overdid it,” said Rainbow Dash. “Just try to let your wings go limp Fluttershy.” “Um mm,” sighed Fluttershy, “yes, that is better.” There was a knock at the door and Twilight answered. It was Princess Celestia accompanied by her guards. The ponies automatically bowed. Rarity and Rainbow dropped Fluttershy's wings. Fluttershy didn't so much bow as collapse. “Are you back in your own bodies now?” asked Princess Celestia. “Yes Princess,” answered Twilight, “the mirror worked.” “Good,” said the Princess, “we'll be taking it back to Canterlot where it will be carefully dismantled. It is just too dangerous in the wrong hooves. I thought it was destroyed when our old home fell. I see now that Darkstar, which was the unicorn's name, came here so that he could search for the mirror and other things from the old days. He ah … you can get up dear.” “I don't know if I can,” replied Fluttershy. “I was in her body when I flew to the Silver River to get the water for the mirror yesterday. She's a little sore today,” explained Rainbow Dash. “Oh, I see,” said Celestia with a smile. Spike and Twilight wheeled the mirror over to the Princess. Her guards took it and moved it outside. “Princess Celestia?” asked Twilight, “could you tell us who made this mirror and why?” “I wish I knew,” said the princess. “Ponies didn't make the mirror, it was found. We locked it up after we figured out how it worked. It might even be one of Discord's little tricks. There are things in this world that even I don't know everything about. But this particular item will never be used again.” “Good, I wouldn't want to go through that again,” said Twilight. “Did any of you learn anything while you were one of your friends?” asked Princess Celestia. “I think we all did,” replied Twilight. “I wrote most of it down last night but I'm sure we all have something to add.” “I do,” said Rarity. “I found out about how studying can help me do better work. I've always depended on just using my talent, but I could do better.” “I found out that other ponies work just as hard as I do, even if it's a different kind of work,” said Applejack. “And I found out how much I miss being around lots of ponies,” said Pinky Pie. “Fluttershy can't do some things that I can but she could do better with some help,” said Rainbow Dash. “I want to help her if she'll let me. And I think maybe I should be a little more like her too, maybe not lose my temper so much.” She sounded almost contrite. “I'd like you to help me learn to fly better...when I can fly at all,” said Fluttershy. “I learned what it's like to have some pony look up to you and the responsibility you have to live up to their expectations.” “Rarity makes such beautiful things but matching the right dress or hat to the right pony takes real skill. She really is an artist,” said Twilight. “Well I think I can speak for all of us when I say we're all glad to be back to who we really are,” said Applejack. “I don't think we'll ever look at ourselves or each other the same way again. In a good way,” said Pinky Pie. “I'm sorry you all had to go through what you did but I'm glad it was you ponies and not some that would misuse the mirror,” said Princess Celestia. “In the wrong hooves it could have done great harm.” “Like Darkstar?” asked Twilight. “Yes, I remember when that happened,” replied Celestia. “It was and still is a mystery what exactly happened but lives were ruined. You handled the mirror better than many older and wiser ponies would have. I'm very proud of you. Farewell for now!” The ponies bowed again as the Princess left the library for her waiting carriage. Fin * Notes: Calumet is a famous horse farm in Kentucky and Alto Cumulus is a type of cloud. .