> When you wish upon a Arrowhead > by EuphorianPony3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 Life’s a Reality > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- You would think our life is a dream right? Well you thought wrong; to think a simple wish was not enough it was granted This Morning I woke up with my head suffering from emotional trauma, To think if I had suffered enough of problems with my family… Let’s be honest we’re all trying to get through in the world. My Father is a DJ but he’s suffering from many problems ever since he broke up with my mum… The only escape when I need it is a cartoon show called My Little Pony… I've always favored the character Rarity, but there was something that made me woozy whenever I saw a episode which included Roseluck. Do I have a crush on her? It would seem like it I suppose but I’m human, she’s a mare. Thing is though when I finished from watching a episode I went to my bedroom, gazed upon the moonlight sky and the stars… which reminded me of Luna, as like she was always protecting me from harm, I took a deep breath I positioned myself among the bench and placed my hands in a prayer stance “I wish… I could be a pony, to escape from this world…” I then looked up back at the stars after closing my eyes then jumped into my bed after several blinks I fell into a deep sleep. Roseluck POV I only have a couple of friends at the moment the only thing close to me at the moment are flowers… I have no pony else to love. But I feel like everywhere I look in Ponyville. They’re not my type… I need some pony who is actually not as weird as the other stallions around here. I took a deep breath at night time, Looking at the night with a conclusion and a dream, “I wish there was any pony out there, which him and I could be happy together” I then looked at the bedroom, stared at my picture of a magical place which had two ponies living happily together (Sigh) I wish that could be me… Jay POV Next Morning I took a look outside as they were doing air soft training, I was a army enthusiast I loved the drama and action involved. Gets my blood pumping and pulls my head out of the mud if you want to put it that way, I grabbed my gear and my M1 Garand I loved to be somewhat of a sharpshooter, a Sniper fighting in the trenches 100 meters away from the fight picking the targets off. As I ran outside along a courtyard I felt a heavy, brutal force pulling me down, I fell to the ground on my knees. I tried to get up but the resistance was too powerful for me to even attempt to reach for anything. I then noticed a hollow dark portal pulling me into it’s vortex, I attempted to reach for the grass trying to crawl out but my arms gave in as I was sucked inside the vortex screaming for help as I fell into the tornado. The portal transported me to a bright, sunny area as the portal came through the clouds throwing me plummeting into the grass. I woke up after being unconscious from the fall I took a look at myself, I had hooves, Blue and black hooves! Incredible! I then tried to get up, which failed due to the fact I’m not used to hooves so I walked with my forelegs to a nearby pond… My face was a dark and bright bluish face and black coming down it, also my mane was somewhat familiar to Big Macintosh’s. As I stared at the pond in amazement to myself a pony was walking along. She had a red mane style color and tail and had a cutie mark resembling a rose, As much as I wanted to say “Hello Roseluck!” it would scare her since she has no knowledge of me. She started to come up close “Are you ok Alicorn?” I then questioned myself “Alicorn? What do you mean?” Roseluck then pointed at the pond at my reflection “Look” I took a look at my reflection now noticing I had a horn and wings… the problem is I had to get used to them, Roseluck then took a closer look at me “Did you just wake up from a deep sleep or something?” I then nodded trying to hide the truth “Yes” Roseluck then took a closer look at me “You haven’t been an Alicorn for long have you?” by the way my name’s Roseluck what’s yours?” I then attempted to think of a name but I was clueless I then replied “My Name? Err my name is… Jay” Roseluck giggled a little “Jay, that’s a nice name.” I then spoke again to continue the conversation “No I have not been an Alicorn, in fact I don’t remember anything” Roseluck then put her hoof on her chin “Hmm, Tell you what I could show you around Ponyville if you like,” I then accepted her offer “That would be nice, Thanks Roseluck” Roseluck replied “Anytime Jay” I then attempted to get on four hooves again I took it simple one step after another, slowly I got used to it. I then started to follow Roseluck. > Chapter 2 Ponyville > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As I trotted along with Roseluck, I felt as my lifelong dream when I was a human, now real! But I never pictured myself as a Alicorn though… Every pony there started to stare at me and Roseluck in amazement as if we were on a date, Roseluck took me to several landmarks around Ponyville such as Twilight’s Library, Rarity’s Boutique and the statue which had a pony and a bouquet of flowers Roseluck started to look at the statue with a dreamily look on her face “The perfect place to take some pony on a first date…” I then looked at Roseluck “Are you okay Roseluck?” Roseluck then shook her head snapping out of her trance “Oh no, just thinking of something that’s all” Roseluck then took me to Sweet Apple Acres, Roseluck then started to talk to me when we were a couple of miles away “Jay, I’m just wondering… if um…” I looked at her “Yes?” After her stuttering she continued “Um if you had anywhere to stay that’s all” I then looked at her with a sweet smile on my face “I have nowhere else to go… if you’re considering what I’m thinking I don’t mind” Roseluck then smiled at me “Thank you Jay, I’m enjoying this time with you” I replied to her “Yeah, so am I” We was about to move into a nuzzle but a herd of rampaging cows started to move in our direction, Roseluck just stood there and the only thing I could do Is push her out of the way I quickly jumped out of the way. After the cows passed Roseluck got up and thanked me “Thanks Jay, you saved me” I then nodded to her “Don’t worry about it” We then heard the cows come to a stop; we took a glance at the herd to notice Applejack and her pet dog. Applejack then came to look at us after she herded the cows in the pen “Well look at that, not something you see every day, Howdy Roseluck!” Roseluck replied “Hello Applejack, and this is Jay, I've just met him” Applejack then looked at me “Shouldn't you be in Canterlot if you are an Alicorn?” I then looked at her in a confused tone “I only found myself like this a couple of hours ago” Applejack then looked at me reassuring “Well sugar cube, after the date with Roseluck you should go to Canterlot to see the Princess” Roseluck and me blushed “Err yeah sure I’ll do that, Thanks Applejack” Applejack then started to dash towards the barn “Anytime sugar cube” Roseluck then looked at me “Jay, do you take this as a date?” I looked at her looking around for a distraction “Err well. Um” Roseluck then placed her hoof on me “What’s the matter? I take this as a date” I then smiled at her and thought in my head Oh my gosh I’m on a date with Roseluck! I can’t believe it! On a date with my favorite background character! I’m so happy I could cry. Roseluck and me smiled at each other “Well, Jay you should go to Canterlot and see who you really are I’ll see you soon” we then started to put our hooves around each other “I’ll be back, I promise” Roseluck then whispered “Don’t make promises you cannot keep” I then looked at her starting to giggle “Does it look like I’m going to break that promise? You are a really beautiful mare” Roseluck then smiled at me “Aw thanks Jay, I really like you as well” we then gave each other a nuzzle. I decided to walk to Canterlot so I could get used to walking and flying, I started to attempt to fly by flapping my wings but it was useless every try was a fail, I then decided to give up and walk to Canterlot. After staggering all the way to Canterlot I could notice all the rich ponies, as they looked at me in somewhat of a blunt expression, the mares started to talk to me as if they wanted me for my title “Well, look at you” another one started to talk “I say, where did you come from?” I then began to put my head down as I walked silently to the Palace, as I approached the palace two Royal Guards was restricting me from going any further, one started to talk to me “Hey aren't you Luna’s son?” I then looked at him confused as I then looked at my flank, it had the cutie mark of a moon “Erm what?” The Royal Guard looked at me suspicious “Well we better let you in to talk to the Princess” One of the Royal Guards then opened the doors and started to escort me, up the wayward stairs, and finally at the humongous doors the Royal Guard then opened the door as he started to kneel I then walked through the doors as I saw Princess Celestia. Princess Celestia then started to look at me in wonder, she then started to activate her horn, several moments later she started to talk at me “You’re not a pony are you?” since this was the Princess I had to explain myself “No, I’m not a portal sucked me up and transported me here” Celestia had a non entertained look on her face “Well looks like wishes can come true,” I then looked at her “What?” Celestia started to explain herself “A human and a pony made a wish, and it came true” I still looked at her in confusion “What?” Celestia then done a short giggle “It’s nothing, however I don’t allow humans in this world, so do you miss anyone in your world?” I then looked at her “Back there I wasn't loved, only had my father, no one else cared about me” Celestia then looked at me “Here’s the thing. Tell Roseluck you’re originally a human, and then I’ll make you a permanent pony” I then looked at her with a worried look on my face “But what if she doesn't like me anymore” Celestia then looked at me with a determined expression “She will, also you have one day” I then looked at her again “But it nearly took me a day to get here!” Celestia smirked “How about this?” Celestia then activated her horn again and in a blink of a second I was in Ponyville. I then sighed to myself “Well, better tell the truth” I then decided to go find Roseluck. I looked around town and I saw her trotting along, I then started to run up to her “Roseluck! There’s something I have to tell you!” Roseluck then looked at me with a smile visible on her face “Jay! You’re back! What is it?” I then came up close to me “I’m not originally a pony… I’m a, a…” Roseluck looked at me “What are you trying to say?” I then lowered my ears “I’m not a pony… I’m a human” Roseluck then began to stare at me in understanding expression “That’s okay, I still like you” After those words were spoken Celestia came in a blink of an eye “Well done” Celestia then began to lower her head so her horn could touch me after the horn stopped flashing, as my body was no longer of a Alicorn`s but a earth pony… I was stripped of my title “You've proven yourself. I've turned you into a earth pony because that’s what you always pictured yourself as” I then bent down “Thank you Princess” Princess Celestia then took a few steps back so I could see Roseluck as she began to run up to me forcing me into a hug “Jay! You don’t have to go anymore!” I then smiled warmly at her and hugged her as well “I know” Princess Celestia then began to speak “Jay, I`ve also took off your Cutie Mark as it belonged to some pony else…” I then began to look at her confused “Who?” Celestia explained herself “An Alicorn known as Full Moon” I then looked surprised “What! Full Moon… Exists?” I couldn't believe it! My own character took a mind of it`s own! I couldn't`t believe it “Princess Celestia, if you don`t mind me asking “Where is Full Moon?” Princess Celestia then looked at me with lowered ears “I`m afraid that`s classified” i then lowered my ears "Classified? How?" Celestia then dissipated in a portal of light as i was left there with Roseluck. "Jay, are you okay?" Roseluck's comforting face warmed me out of my depression "Yeah i'm fine... Are we still... on that date?" Roseluck then giggled "Of course silly! Why else would we not be? i then blushed "I don't honestly know where i even got that from..."