Luna in school

by Moniker

First published

The teenage Luna goes to school with her older sister.

Luna finally was allowed to go to school as well as her older sister what kind of troubles will they have to overcome maybe even some romance.

The new foal

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Luna in school
By Dancing With Discord

The new foal

"Tia come on we're going to be late!" yelled the teenage dark blue Alicorn.

"I'm drying my mane!" Celestia yelled back in the bathroom.

"But, I don't want to be late on my first day of school!" Luna groaned.

The door opened to see a pink manned teenage mare. "You ready?" asked Celestia grabbing her saddle bag.

"Huh, yeah I am," Luna grabbed her saddle bag and walked with Celestia.

Celestia gazed into Luna's nervous eyes. "Oh, you'll do fine," Celestia told her high school student sister. "Look Lulu, I might be older and the heir of Equestria, but I was new once sister," Celestia comforted.

"Yeah, but I am the odd child, the child that just now graduated middle school," moaned Luna.

"Now, Lulu you aced math, science but you only had trouble with writing," Celestia told Luna.

Luna looked at her hooves "I know Tia, but I am coming into school in the middle of the school year," Luna frowned.

"Now mother wanted to get you into school as soon as possible," Celestia sighed as they walked to school.

"Yes I know Tia, but if mother wanted me to be in school why now?" wondered Luna.

"I don't know Lulu," Celestia admitted.

Luna looked at her hooves "Oh," Luna sighed.

"Hey, Lulu look there is the school," Celestia pointed at the school.

"Luna kept walking when suddenly there was a gap on the sidewalk; she tumbled down the hill Celestia rushed to Luna's side. Luna looked up to see a dark blue stallion. "Huh, oh, um sorry,"

The stallion smiled "It's alright," the stallion let out a sigh

Silence filled the air until the stallion spoke. "I'm Star Light, but you can call me Star," the dark blue stallion smiled.

"O...Okay, I'm Luna," Luna blushed.

"So, you going to school too?" asked Star Light.

Luna nodded "It's my first day," Luna weakly said.

"Yeah, me too my favorite subjects are magic and science," the stallion had three stars as a cutie mark. "Well, I'm going to class, care to join me?" asked the stallion Luna blushed before taking the stallion's hoof to lift her up. "Th...Th...Thanks," Luna's blush got redder and redder until her blue face turned into a bright shade of red. "You alright?" asked the stallion.

"Huh, yeah I'm fine can I have a minute?" asked Luna touching her face.

The stallion nodded "sure," the stallion stood by the door.

"What is wrong with me Tia?" Luna asked.

Celestia chuckled looking at her sister's pure red face. "Looks like you have a crush," Celestia chuckled.

"What, I...I...I don't like him that way," Luna's blush began to grow even redder, (If that was possible)
"Now Lulu there is no shame in having a crush, I've had plenty," Celestia said.

"You have?" Luna thought back remembering all the stallions that she brought back from school.

"Yes," Celestia smiled.

Luna looked at her hooves. "But I don't like him that way," Luna covered her cheeks with her hooves.

Celestia rolled her eyes. "If you say so now you might not want to keep your coltfriend waiting," Celestia chuckled.

"He's not my coltfriend," Luna said.

Luna walked to the door Star used his white magic to keep the door open. "Thanks Star," Luna smiled.

Star Light smiled "No prob," Star used his magic to lift his headphones off and put them in his saddle bag.

"What kind of music do you like?" asked Luna.

"Depends on my mood, right now classic rock that's why my iPod has The bugs," Star said pulling his iPod out "See," the iPod was full of different music, Hooftallica , Black saddlebith, Avenged Stablefold, and other bands. "Wow, you do like different music genres," Luna's blush started to die down as they walked. Star stopped Luna at the door; he opened the door with his white magic. "We'll talk later," Star Light smiled.

The teacher walked in. "Hello every-pony, I'm Mister Neon, I'll be your teacher for this class I know most of you already know, but I happen to know we have a new student, please give a warm welcome to Princess Luna," the teacher said.

Luna watched intently as she observed a math problem and saw a flaw. Luna raised her hoof. "Yes Princess Luna?" asked Mister Neon.
"Um," Luna never felt right in crowds. Luna let out a whine, Star pat Luna on the back that made Luna more comfortable "Um...I think that problems wrong," Luna said with a bit of scare in her voice.

"Hmm," the teacher looked at the problem "You right Princess Luna," the stallion rubbed his eyes in frustration.

The stallion cleared his throat. "Anyway can any-pony tell me what this is called?" asked the teacher.

Luna raised her hoof. "I believe it's called a Scalene," Luna said.

Mister Neon nodded "Exactly, Princess it's a scalene triangle," the teacher smiled faintly.

The bell rang as every-pony got up the teacher stopped them. "Now hold on every-pony, don't forget to study for the math test tomorrow," the teacher said as he lowered his hoof. "You may go now," the teacher nodded.

Luna grabbed her saddle bag and looked around the class until she saw Star Light. "Hey Star," Luna grinned.

"Hey, Princess Luna," Star Light pat Luna on her back.

"So what, do you want to have lunch together?" asked Luna unsure what to say.

"Yeah let's have lunch together," Star nodded levitating his saddle bag onto his back.

Luna smiled as they walked into the lunchroom. Luna got her lunch when she was walking to the table Star as waiting at. She fell to the ground. She heard ponies laughing at her. She looked at her hooves she saw she was tripped by a mare "Um who are you?" asked Luna.

"I am Freaking Rich and that is Silver Ingot, what it is to you?" the mare asked.

Luna wanted to punch the two teens but she knew she would get in trouble if she did so. Luna sighed and spoke "Just wondering," Luna sighed

Luna sighed and sat down in front of Star. Star smiled and split the dandelion sandwich in half. "Here you go, I can't let you go hungry eat up," Star nodded.

"Th...Thanks," Luna struggled to say. Luna blushed a little.

Star nodded "No prob," Star said.

"Oh, over here Tia," yelled Luna pointing at the table.

Celestia smiled as she walked over to the table. "Hi Lulu," Celestia chuckled.

Luna blushed "Tia can you not use my nickname please, you’re embarrassing me," Luna said.

"You never got embarrassed before," Celestia smiled as she turned to the stallion. "Oh," Celestia chuckled.

"Tia," Luna whined.

"Now Lulu, there is nothing to be embarrassed about," Celestia smiled.

Star looked at Luna. "She's right Luna, my brother made a nickname for me, he called my Lighty I might like it but when he says it in front of my friends I hate it.

The bell rang again as Luna got up she remembered that gym class is next she wondered what sport will it be today. Luna walked with Star to gym class as he looked around gym class he immediately knew what sport it was. "Great my first day in High School and we have to play dodge ball," Star groaned.

"Alright listen up; do you think that I'm going to go easy on you? Well I'm not my name is Mister fit, my idea is to destroy the weak," the big stallion said looking down at Luna.

"So what are we doing?" asked Luna.

"Your team throws these dodge balls at the opposite team and if you or another pony catches one he or she can bring back one teammate," the teacher explained.

After the usual face crushing game of dodge ball, Luna heard the last bell ring she put her hoof on her front tooth, there was a chip. "OW!" she screamed in pain.

"Is everything alright Luna?" asked Celestia.

Luna put her hooves down and showed her chipped tooth.

"Oh, dear, that isn't good," Celestia said.

"Oh, well you know it isn't that bad, besides my father is a dentist anyway so I can make an appointment next week," Star said.

"Really that would be great," Celestia said.

Second day

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Luna jumped out of bed, when she looked at the clock it was almost time for school to start; she didn't want to be late for the second day. Luna rushed out into the kitchen. "There you are honey here's breakfast," the white female Alicorn pointing at the table. "Sorry mom, there is no time," Luna ran out the double door. She then saw her older sister at the front porch. "There you are sister, I was waiting for you," Celestia laughed. Luna blushed slightly because of her sister waiting for her.

"Thanks," Luna sighed as she walked to her sister's side.

Celestia smiled. "It's no problem," Celestia admitted patting her sister on her head.

"When do you think I can get my tooth fixed?" Luna scowled.

"Well we shall see your coltfriend-" Luna rudely interrupted.

"H...He is not my coltfriend Tia he’s just a friend," Luna blurted out.

Celestia snickered as she noticed her sister's blush. "Whatever you say Lulu," Celestia chuckled.

Luna sighed as she walked to the last hill leading to the school. Luna checked her pocket watch seeing only five minutes until class starts. Luna squeaked as she carefully ran down the hill.

"Lulu quit being so hasty," Celestia advised grabbing her speedy sister's shoulder.

"But Tia we are going to be late," Luna scowled.

Celestia smiled keeping a hold of Luna's shoulder. "Liston Lulu being late is better than getting hurt," Celestia smiled slyly.

"I guess you are right," Luna sighed.

She walked to the school door. She saw Star Light sitting under a tree. His magic aura surrounded his headphones. The headphones came to his side. Luna heard the muted sound of Hoofallica. "Hi Luna, how was your sleep?" asked Star.

"Great," Luna admitted using her magic to open the school door.

"Oh and Luna, your appointment is tomorrow morning at ten," Star smiled giving Luna his father's card.

"I'd like to thank you again Star," Celestia told him.

"No problem," Star said.

Star opened the door to Mister Neon's class. "Hello every-pony, please answer these questions," Neon handed out tests. The time went by quickly as she breezed through the pop quiz. Luna cleared her throat as she finished her test a few minutes before all the other students. "Done," Luna called raising her hoof.

"Alright, just sit quietly until every-pony finishes their test," Neon told her.

Luna nodded and awaited all her classmates finish their tests.

After class ended Luna got up from her seat and stretched her hooves. "So, how do you think you did?" asked Star walking up to Luna.

"I hope I did well," Luna smiled.

"Yeah me two," Star nodded.

As the two walked out Luna was stopped by the teacher. "Hold on Princess Luna,” demanded Neon.

Luna stopped in her tracks as she stopped where her desk was. "Yes?" Luna asked worried.

"Well, you see, I am quite worried you finished in a small period of time," Neon admitted to Luna.

Luna smiled nervously. "Well I hope I got this right," Luna said worried.

"Me too Princess, I don't want to fail a princess," Neon frowned.

Luna walked out Neon's class door. "So, what did Mister Neon want?" asked Star.

"Oh, you know he was just worried about how quick I finished my test," Luna felt embarrassed. Luna and Star want to the cafeteria. "So how was your night?" asked Luna.

"Oh, it was just a normal day, I helped my mother with dinner, I went to bed, then I got up, and finally I got to school," Star explained.

"Yeah, just a normal day as well," Luna chuckled.

Luna looked at Freaking Rich and Silver. She this time caught herself and got to the table without becoming embarrassed.

Celestia walked to the table and took a seat next to Luna. "So, Luna how was math class?" asked Celestia.

"You know it was normal," Luna smiled.

Star rolled his eyes. "You know I love math class," Star admitted. His white magic levitated his sandwich to his mouth.

Star let a sigh slip though his lips "Is something wrong Star?" asked Luna.

"No, just what happened yesterday, you see Luna we looked at Freaking Rich she needed a root canal and well we dropped a dental tool in her mouth and scratched her mouth," Star rolled his eyes when he saw Luna's reaction.

"But, don't worry I will make sure that you don't get hurt," Star comforted Luna making sure she would feel more comfortable in his father's dental office. Lunch was quiet there was no talking.

Luna finished her final class and rushed home to get ready for the next day. She was stopped by Star. "Hey Luna, would you like to see a movie with me?" asked the unicorn who was slightly blushing.

Luna blushed "S...S...Sure," Luna responded.

"Great, so Wednesday?" asked Star.

"Sure sounds great," Luna smiled.

Luna then rushed home thinking about Star


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Luna crawled out of bed she had no school for that day. Luna walked down the castle halls; she touched her chipped tooth happy to know it will be gone soon. Luna saw Celestia smile taking a sip of tea. "So you ready to get that tooth fixed?" asked Celestia smiling.

"Yes I am," Luna sighed in relief.

Celestia nodded as she took the last sip of her tea. "Well why don't you get ready," Celestia told her.

"I will," Luna nodded taking a moment to get a cup of tea.

Luna sipped her tea. "How is it dear?" asked Celestia giggling.

Luna swallowed some tea and responded "Water!" Luna yelled jumping out of her seat to get a glass of water.

Celestia chuckled taking another sip of her tea. "Wh...What was in that tea?" Luna asked using her hoof to cool her mouth.

Celestia chuckled and tapped a bottle of hot sauce. "That was what was in it," Celestia grinned.

Luna finally got her mouth to a cooler state. "That wasn't very nice Tia," Luna blurted out.

Celestia rolled her eyes as she smiled. "It was only a prank Lulu," Celestia explained.

Luna squinted her watery eyes. "It still wasn't nice Tia," Luna added.

Celestia cleared her throat as she got to her feet. "Well it's almost time to go, you might want to get ready," Celestia said.

Luna nodded and walked into the bathroom. Celestia yawned and heard her personal royal guard walk up to her "Yes Clash is something wrong?" asked Celestia.

"Well kind of you see your mother needs you, she didn't tell me anything else," Sentry informed.

"When?" asked Celestia.

"Well right now," Sentry told her.

Celestia looked at the hallway and walked to a piece of paper and wrote a letter. "Let's go," Celestia sighed hoping Luna would find the letter.

Luna soon walked out as the door closed. "Huh what's this?" Luna picked up the paper boldly on the fridge. "Let's see, Dear Lulu our mother needs me in Fillydelphia, I hope you can find the dentist without me," Luna put the note down.

Luna walked out into the city seeing Star waiting "Oh, hey star," Luna greeted.

"Hi Luna, how's it going?" asked Star lifting his head phones off his head.

"It's going quite well; Tia couldn't come with us to your father's dentist building.

Star nodded. "Oh, I understand," Star smiled understanding of who Celestia is.

"Well should we be going?" asked Luna.

Star nodded. "Yeah, let's get to my dad's dentist building," Star walked along side Princess Luna.

Star opened his father's dentistry's door with his magic. "Dad I have Luna here!" Star yelled.

"Great bring her in here," Star's father told him.

He brought Luna to the back room Luna gulped. "What's Wrong Luna haven't you ever been in a dentist's office before?" Star asked.

Luna shook her head. "To be honest no," Luna sighed.

Star Light brought her head to meet his head. "Don't worry my dad is great at this," Star comforted.

"Alright just tilt your head back Princess," the stallion said as she took a seat.

"You’re a professional right?" Luna asked.

The stallion joyfully nodded. "Well of course princess, I wouldn't be doing this if I wasn't a professional," Star's father said using his magic to levitate a dental tool to his side. "Alright, so this won't hurt a bit," Star's father smiled.

Luna gulped; she's heard that before millions of times. Star giggled. "He's being honest it'll not hurt," he said grabbing Luna's hoof "I promise," he patted her shoulder slightly.

"Alright," he started to do his job and put a crown on her tooth. After an excruciatingly long time the stallion lowered the tool. "Alright, we're done here," he said with a smile.

Star held Luna's hoof until she got up. "That wasn't so bad was it?" Star asked.

Luna sighed and loosely spoke. "Yeah it wasn't so bad," though with the crown it sounded strange. Though Star knew what she was saying.

"Look, Luna, I was thinking maybe tomorrow since we don't have school seeing as it's a weekend maybe you could come to dinner so what do you say?" Star asked scratching the back of his forehead.

Luna blushed slightly. "Sure, I'll be up for dinner at your house?" she asked.

Star nodded. "Yes, at my house," Star smiled.

They walked their own way home. As the door opened Luna's mother walked up. "How was your first trip to the dentist?" Luna's mother asked.

Luna rolled her eyes. "It was good,"

"Well, what did your coltfriend do today?" Celestia asked walking up the stairs meeting her half way.

Luna blushed again still not wanting to admit she loves Star Light. "I...I told you he's not my coltfriend!" Luna yelled.

She rushed to her bedroom and locked her door. After a while she heard a knock on her door. "Who is it!?" Luna asked through the closed door.

"It's me Lulu it's your mother," the mother said in a calm and kind voice.

Luna unlocked her door and opened it to her mother. "What is it?" she asked.

"I thought you might want to know dinner is ready," the white Alicorn said.

Luna nodded and followed the mother out. She ate dinner and went to bed.

Dinner at Star Light's house

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Luna brushed her mane down a bit. Luna felt a bit nervous, questions like what if his parents don't like me, what if I mess this up somehow, always seeped its way into Luna's mind. She disliked her mother hiring a professional manedresser but what's done is done. She sighed as she sat still waiting for the mare to finish. "Alright, how's this?" the mare asked.

"Perfect," she smiled.

The mare smiled. "Y...You really think so?" she asked.

Luna nodded. "Yes."

"Oh, thank you for choosing me," she thanked.

Luna lifted her saddlebag. She smiled as she looked at her mother who was smiling widely. "Is something wrong?" Luna asked.

"No," the mother smiled.

She shrugged and started to walk off. She noticed Star Light standing by the door blocked by two guards. She waited a moment. "I'm telling you I am here to take Princess Luna to dinner at my house," he groaned.

"I'm sorry, but we got no word of that," one guard said.

Luna finally walked up to Star Light. "Hi Star," she grinned going under the guards wings.

"Hey Luna, ready for dinner," he smiled. "I told you," he added.

Luna followed him to DarkWood Street. "Is this your house's street?" Luna asked.

"I admit, it's not that fancy, but over at the end of this street," he sighed.

"Wait that?" she pointed at a mansion; the grass as green as changeling magic, the entire house surrounded by a big brick wall. "Are you kidding me, you live in that mansion?" she asked.

He chuckled. "Yeah, you'd be surprised how many ponies need a dentist visit," he laughed.

"So I look forward to meet your mother," Luna smiled.

He looked at his hooves. "Sh...She died when I was not even a full year old," he said sadly. Luna saw a tear drop from his eye. "I'm sorry, sorry for bringing it up, so I'm just having dinner with your father?" she asked.

He shook his head. "No, my dad remarried to a mare named Candy Heart, she isn't as sweet as her name makes her sound," he groaned.

Luna shrugged. "I'm sure she's just fine," Luna told him.

"She isn't trust me," he sighed.

He walked up to the doorway and pulled out a pair of keys. He smiled as he opened the door. "After you," he levitated his keys into his jacket pocket.

As he walked in the sound of creaking floorboards was heard. A scary voice called him soon after the door shut. "Star, get in here!!" the voice called from the kitchen.

"Coming Candy Heart!" he yelled back. When he got to the kitchen, he and Luna saw a tall, dark pink mare, with a cutie mark of a duster. "Yes Candy Heart?" he asked.

"You forgot to sweep your room," she said sternly.

"Sorry," he admitted.

"Just do it now," she told him.

He pointed Candy Heart in the direction of Luna. "Hello child," she said in a Germane accent.

"Candy Heart that's the princess," Star told her.

She nodded. "Okay, now go sweep your room, now"

He rolled his eyes and went upstairs to his room with Luna. "See what I mean?" he asked.

"Yeah," the bedroom door soon opened.

"Star your back!" a little unicorn filly jumped on Star.

"Hey, Bright, Luna this is Bright my little sister," he explained.

"Did you show her your guitar?" Bright asked.

"Oh, right my guitar," he levitated his black acoustic guitar

"My brothers quite good, what's that song you learned?" his sister asked.

He nodded and plucked his guitar. "This one?" he asked playing.

She nodded.

"Who am I," he grinned.

He heard a yelling coming from downstairs. "Star Light, Bright, Princess Luna, dinner is ready!" called out his father.

Luna smiled as they were at the table. It was quiet not much noise. "Star what have I told you about headphones on at the table?" he asked.

"Not when guests are here," he sighed and took them off. "So, Mister Light, this house was paid for by being a dentist?" Luna asked.

"Yes and my name is Shining Smile," he told them.

"Okay," she nodded.

"Yeah, ponies really need to take care of their teeth, did you know that-" he was cut off by Star tapping his shoulder.

"Dad not at the table, please," he pleaded.

It was a quick dinner. He sighed as he was washing the dishes by himself. Until his name was called. "Star Light, say good bye to Princess Luna!" he told him.

He ran to Luna. "Bye, I'll see you tomorrow in school," he smiled.

"Alright bye," Luna closed the door quietly. She was there longer then she thought the lights were out except the street lights. She was pulled off the street by one mugger. This mugger demeaned her bits. Luckily a night guard was patrolling the streets and noticed her. She was then escorted safely to her bedroom where she collapsed onto her bed. Soon after fell asleep.

School assailment

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Celestia smiled at her sister already ready to go to school. "Oh my Lulu, you're ready aren't you?" Celestia smirked.

Luna nodded sheepishly. "Yes, are you ready?" she asked.

Celestia rolled her eyes. "Not quite," she admitted.

"Why not?" she asked letting out a sigh.

Celestia chuckled. "I'm just kidding Lulu."

Luna frowned at her lying sister. "Let's go Tia."

Celestia nodded. "Okay," Celestia smirked at her sister. "Thinking about last night are we? You know it's natural to say some-pony's not your coltfriend."

"I told you he's not my coltfriend!" she yelled blushing quite visibly.

Celestia smirked again. "Fine," she rolled her eyes.

She walked out the castle grounds. To her surprise Star Light wasn't at the door. "Worried Lulu?" she asked at her sister.

She huffed. "No, I am not," she responded calmly as she was calm.

Celestia and Luna walked to the school. She immediately saw Freaking Rich and Silver Ingot talking amongst each other as normal. That was until the teen mares spotted Luna. "Hello, princess," Silver Ingot bowed. She was immediately bumped by Freaking Rich. She got up straight away. "C'mon Silver, don't bow to her," she hissed.

Silver Ingot pushed her glasses closer to her face. "Yeah won't happen again," she shrugged.

"So, have you heard in three more days it'll be Homecoming?" she asked. "Oh, but like you can actually get a date," Freaking Rich mocked.

Luna rolled her eyes. "I can so get a date," Luna scoffed.

"Well, good, I'll see you at homecoming then," she waved her hoof goodbye.

Luna chocked on her words. What just happened? she thought. "Tia what just happened?" she asked.

"I think you need to find a date," Celestia laughed hard afterwards.

"C'mon Tia this is serous!" Luna hissed loudly.

Celestia pulled down Luna's hoof which was covering her mouth. "Now, you can always ask Star Light, he's already more or less your coltfriend," Celestia ignored Luna's rant of how Star isn't her coltfriend.

After some convincing she sighed. "Well, I guess this is my only choice," she sighed.

She quickly noticed Star's dark blue body. He levitated his headphones off his head and opened the door. Luna slowly walked up to the dark blue stallion. "Hey Star," Luna grinned slightly.

He returned Luna's smile. "Hey, Luna, you ready for your classes?" he asked.

She nodded. "Yeah, I got all my books in my bag," she lifted her bag with her magic.

He smiled warmly. "Good, well, I better get to class," he turned and started walking.

"Look out!" Luna warned a bit too late Star ran into the door.

"OW," he groaned touching his muzzle. He only had one tooth chipped. "Whatever, I'll swing by my dad's place later," he shrugged.

"Well, see you later," Luna waved as she walked through the door.

She sighed as she walked into a classroom a new looking teacher walked in. "Hello I'm Mister Shiver," he walked in the classroom. “Good morning class, today, is a great day for me, it's an assailment. I picked your partners for you, Princess Celestia is partnering with...Prince Emerald, Silver Ingot is partnering with Freaking Rich of course, Neon Blue, is partnering with Gray Skies, enjoy the partnership," he announced. "Alright, you are to choose an event in history, with this event you perform a play, on stage," he added.

Luna raised her hoof. "Excuse me, but will others see?" Luna asked.

He nodded. "Yes, in fact, the entire school and staff, isn't it exciting?" he smiled happily.

Luna stared at her hooves. "Yeah...exciting," she sighed silently. She has some stage frights, she never feels comfortable around crowds. "Alright, class you are to take the rest of class to research for the assignment with your partner," he reminded.

The class nodded. "Yes Mister Shiver," the said in unison.

The bell rang loudly symbolizing recess. Luna picked up her saddle bag and met Star Light. "Hey Star," she smiled.

The blue body turned to her. "Hey Luna, so what do you think we should do for class?" he asked.

She tapped her chin. "How about how the peace and harmony was created," she brought up.

He shrugged. "Better than what I was thinking, so let's do that," he said floating a scroll. He sighed. "Alright, hopefully my stage fright won't act up," he admitted.

Luna gazed at him. "Really, you have stage fright?" she asked.

He nodded. "Yeah, I know it's silly," he sighed.

Luna shook her head. "No it's not," she put her hoof on his back. "I have stage fright too."

"You do?" he asked.

A strange voice laughed at both of them. "Great, you two have even more in common than before," it called out.

Luna sighed. "Be quiet Prince Emerald!" she demanded.

He rolled his eyes. "Fine, but it's true," he mocked.

She sighed. "Hey, Star, I was wondering, would...would you like to go to Homecoming together?" she asked. "Only as friends," she added.

He tapped his muzzle. "Yeah, I agree," he answered.

"That's great!" Luna admitted.

He smiled at her. "Let's get to work," he said.

Luna nodded in agreement. "Yeah, let’s get to work.”


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Luna smiled at herself in the mirror. "Alright, alright you can do this," she encouraged herself. She saw her sister smirking at the door. "H-How long have you been there?"

Celestia shrugged. "Since the first alright," she responded.

Luna blushed. "W-W-W-Well, I-I-I was just-" she was stopped by Celestia.

"No need," she smiled.

Luna blushed. It's time for her to be honest with herself. "You were right," she whispered.

Celestia looked back at her. "I'm sorry?" Celestia chuckled.

"I was right?" she playfully asked, she smirked at her sister's dark blue dress, encrusted with fragments of blue sapphires.

Luna sighed. "You were right, I do have a crush on Star Light," she admitted.

Celestia grinned. She put her hoof around her sister. "Now, you might want to keep getting ready, and just so you know I think he likes you too" she smiled slightly.

Luna's eyes lit up a bit. "Do you really think so?!" she jumped to her sister.

"Y...You know I haven't had a crush since you know who," she gave no name.

Celestia nodded. "Yes, I know, you haven't had a coltfriend since King Sombra, it's you do though have to admit, it was creepy, you were only fifteen, he was over thirty, I don't even think that was legal," Celestia chuckled.

"It's always that excuse, before him well, Discord was a crush," Luna let her head sag to the ground.

Celestia smiled. "I realize that you also might be stressed with the fact we will have to do the play the next day, but I'm sure you'll do fine," Celestia wrapped her in one of her wings.

"Y-You think so?" she asked.

Celestia nodded. "Of course," Celestia said.

"Thanks sister," she smiled back.

"Now finish getting ready," Celestia told her.

Sadly, for some reason we are control the elements of harmony, and only us, our mom has passed that down to us. She never understood why her birth mother left them in the care of another friend instead of her own, she didn't care though. Celestia shook her head.

She heard hoofsteps. "Presenting the new Princess Luna," a stallion moved to the side; her blue mane was even more even than before, her blue sapphire dress complemented her also blue band on her front hoof.

"S-So what do you think?" he asked.

Luna looked at herself in a mirror. "I love it!" Luna said slightly over her normal voice.

"I love it too Lulu," Celestia smiled warmly.

Luna nodded. "I just hope that Star likes it."

"What's there not to like Lulu?" Celestia joked around.

Luna rolled her eyes. "Yeah, yeah," she kept her eyes rolling. "I'll see you later Tia," she waved.

"Bye Lulu," she waved back.

Luna walked to her front door. She saw as usual Star standing near the gateway. Luna smiled. "Hey Star!" she called out coming closer to him.

"Hi Luna, you ready?" he asked.

Luna nodded happily. "Yes."

"Let's get going then," he smiled.

Luna looked at Star. "Nice suit," Luna complemented.

Star looked at his suit. "Thanks, it's something I got in Manehatten," he said. The suit was a black tuxedo the bowtie was a dark blue shade that matched Luna's dress.

"Shall we?" he smiled.

"Let's go," she walked alongside him.

They stopped at the school and looked at each other. "You ready?" he asked.

Luna sighed. "Yes, let's do this," she responded. A faint white aura started to glow on the double doors. Star opened it. There was no-pony there. "Huh?" Star tilted his head slightly. "Where is every-pony?"

Luna saw a janitor. "Excuse me, sir, where is every-pony?" Luna asked.

The janitor looked up. "Didn't you get the message? The prom was postponed until farther notice," the janitor explained.

Star looked lost. "Why?" Star asked letting out a light disappointed sigh.

"Well, some-pony broke the decorations," he farther explained.

"Oh, too bad," he tilted his head down.

"Well, wait who says this night has to end? What do you say; would you like to watch me raise the moon?" Luna offered.

Star nodded quickly. "Sure it definitely beats going back to my house," he admitted.

"Alright," Luna wrote a letter to Celestia explaining what's now going to happen tonight. Luna waited for a response. She soon got an approval as the response. Luna's horn started to glow blue; the slightly white moon rose to its appropriated alignment. Star's eyes lit up. He had always wanted to see the night sky up close. Luna looked at the mesmerized Star Light. Luna tapped his shoulder. "Are you alright?" she asked.

Star immediately snapped out of it. "Huh? Oh, yeah I'm fine, I always wanted to see the night sky up close, as close to it as possible," he explained.

Luna smiled lightly. Luna opened up her wings. She grabbed Star from the ground, she held onto him tight. He smiled amazed. Luna put him next to her. "This is an odd question but, have you ever felt sad that no-pony seems to like your nights?" he asked.

Luna didn't respond for a moment. "Not really, but now that you mention it..." she sighed "You’re right," she finished.

Star looked at her intently. Sh...Should I? he thought.

Sh...Should I go for it? Luna wondered at the same time.

Star blinked slowly. He took a deep breath and slowly brought his lips closer to Luna's lips. They finally started kissing.

Luna soon dropped Star off at his house. "I'll see you tomorrow," she smiled.

"You too," he said.

Luna walked through the front door. "Hey Lulu, how'd it go?" Celestia asked.

Luna grinned happily. "It went quite well," she said gleefully.

Celestia smiled for her sister. "Good, now why don't you go to bed," Celestia advised.

Luna nodded. "Yeah, I will," she responded.

Luna sighed as she closed her door. Am I useless? Am I truly some-pony that serves a purpose? Should I keep this up? those questions boggled her mind.

The next night.

"Luna you have to lower the moon?" Celestia asked.

Luna looked at her sister. "No, I will not," she turned away.

Celestia's jaw fell. "What was that?" she kept her calm voice.

Luna looked back. "I will not, I will never lower the moon, what's the point?" she said.

Celestia clenched her teeth. "Luna! You listen to me!" she said slightly out of tone.

"Listen Tia, I have no purpose, I raise the moon, then I lower it, that's just so ponies sleep through my beautiful nights, I will not lower the moon," Luna resentfully said.

"Fine, I'll lower it myself," Celestia said.

"No you won’t!" Luna changed at Celestia colliding into one another.

"What are you doing?" she asked.

Luna's eyes changed. "I'm taking what's mine!" she yelled.

Celestia shook her head. "No you are not, I am sorry," her horn started to glow yellow. A beam of yellow light burst at Luna. Luna disappeared and was brought to the moon for the next thousand years.