Enough is Enough

by xd77

First published

Applebloom finally has enough and beats up Diamond Tiara!

After months and months throughout the school year with bullying and being teased by the most hated filly in the show, Applebloom finally has enough and faces up to her.

(This is a spoof of A Christmas Story, where Ralphie beats the snot outta Scut Farkus. Rated Teen for language and blood. Photo credit goes to Thekaijunerd deviantart.)

Part 1

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Ms. Cheerilee had just graded my test on what ah' wanted for Hearth's Warming Day, which was a pair of 12 inch titan daggers, she gave me a C plus and wrote at the bottom "You'll slice your hooves off." She must've been in touch with mah' big sister, Applejack. Once after, the afternoon bell rang, which meant school was over for the next two weeks for Hearth's Warming break. Me and mah' friends Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle walked out of the schoolhouse along with the other fillies in our class, outside the trees and grass were covered in snow and the dirt road that lead into Ponyville was covered in ice, which meant that ah' had to be careful walking back to mah' home, because Sweet Apple Acres was all they way on the outskirts of Ponyville, and Ponyville was near the schoolhouse, it was easy for the other fillies, including mah' friends to make it back home, but ah' knew it was going to be hard for me.

Anyway, ah' was trotting down the ice covered road, saddened and depressed, and, bah' feeling, humiliated. Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle had left me to go back to their homes, leaving me to fend for mahself, we had made a plan to meet in the clubhouse for our next crusadin' plan, but we had to eat dinner first, ah' changed mah' mind, and decided to stroll Ponyville for a while, because ah' knew that dinner wasn't gonna be fer' another couple a hours. Ah' finally found mahself, in the middle of a snow covered Ponyville, fillies were having fun in the snow, the Cakes were making hot chocolate, and our newest Princess, Twilight, was entering her library with a new set of books. Ah' decided to go and talk to her about everything. As ah' neared the library entrance, a snowball hit mah' face, when ah' turned to see where that snowball came from, ah' heard laughing and teasing coming from the right side of me.

Ah' turned over and saw that it was none other than Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon, laughing at the fact at how depressed ah' was, and obviously the fact that ah' still didn't have mah' cutie mark. "Surprise blank flank!" they said, still laughing at me, Diamond Tiara jumped off the barrel they had been sitting on, and spat on me, "What's the matter blank flank, to wubby and cute to fight?!" she asked mocking me, Instead ah' started shedding tears in front of her. "What, are you gonna cry now, waaaahhhh!" She said mockingly crying, then she went back to laughing at me because ah' was shedding tears. Suddenly anger started building up in me, mah' heart felt like a volcano about to erupt, mah' head starting feeling like a boiler, and ah' felt mahself grindin' mah' teeth.

Diamond Tiara was still laughing at me, unaware that ah' was starting to lose mah' temper, mah' teeth felt like a timberwolves. Diamond Tiara let out one last evil laugh and finally, ah' snapped and started to charge at her, screaming like a football player, and ah' managed to tackle her to the ground. "Hey!" Silver Spoon said to me as ah' was beating the apples outta Diamond Tiara, she jumped off the barrel and ran up to me, "Hey!, Hey!, hey Applebloom!" She said, tappin' me trying to get mah' attention, instead, ah' shoved her aside and she fell to the ground, "I'm telling my dad!" She said as she ran off. Meanwhile ah' was continuing beating up Diamond Tiara, ah' was so focused on beating her to death, ah' didn't seem to notice that there was a massive crowd watchin' me, even Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, Mah' sister's friends, and Twilight were there watchin' me.

Diamond Tiara was now cryin' and whinin' as ah' was whippin' her head, suddenly ah' started sayin' words that ah' should never say. When ah' wasn't looking, Rarity and Twilight ran off to get help.

"You F***** PIECE UH' D*** P*** B**** A** C*********** A******!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Ah' was sayin' still beatin' up her face, the crowd was so stunned by what ah' was doing. The crowd was now murmuring, whispering, and scolding about mah' potty mouth. "Did you hear what she said?" One pony said, even Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle were now stunned by what ah' was doing, "Holy Smokes!" Scootaloo said in shock, With me and mah' potty mouth and still beatin' up Diamond Tiara, blood was now oozing down from her nose, ah' didn't seem to notice what was about to happen next. Again when ah' wasn't looking, from a fence, about a few feet behind me, Rarity and Twilight had managed to run to Sweet Apple Acres, because they now had Applejack with them. Applejack peered in a good look from the fence and saw me beating Diamond Tiara, she had her mouth agape and her eyes were wide open at what ah' was doing, and she started galloping towards me along with Rarity and Twilight. Meanwhile ah' was still potty mouthing, and beating Diamond Tiara.

Rainbow Dash, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle saw them headed towards where we were, and thus started to try and get mah' attention, "Applebloom, shhh!, shhh!, your sister, your sister!" Scootaloo whispered, trying to get mah' attention, but ah' wasn't paying attention, by this time, ah' was now shaking her to death, luckily before ah' go any further mah' big sister grabbed me, and started yelling mah' name while she tried separating me from Diamond Tiara.

She now saw what mah' face was starting to do.

"Applebloom?" she said calmly, ah' finally started crying ah' couldn't fight anymore. "All right, come on, we're goin' home!" She said picking me up and putting her on her back. We had finally left, ah' was now on mah' sister's back, Meanwhile, Diamond Tiara got up and saw me on mah' sister's back, her whole face was covered in blood, yet she managed to sniff some up her nose.

"Uh-Oh!" Sweetie Belle said, watching Diamond Tiara wipe blood off her face, "Come on let's go." She told Scootaloo, before too long, the crowd had vanished.


Part 2

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Ah' had finally found mahself back at Sweet Apple Acres, ah' was still cryin' 'cause ah' was upset but ah' had jus' done out there in Ponyville not even an hour ago. Once we reached the entrance to our house, Applejack took me upstairs into the bathroom, and turned on the faucet in the sink, where ah managed to wash off mah' tears that were streaming down mah' face.

"Shhhhh, Applebloom, settle down." Applejack told me, ah' always knew she was mah' big sister, but she always had managed to act maternal towards me, anyway, after ah' rinsed mah' face off, Applejack tapped me and told me, "Now go to your room, and calm down!", Ah' did what she told me to do, and went straight to mah' room. Once ah' made it inside, ah' plopped mahself on mah' bed and started shivering, not because ah' was cold, but because of what consequences might've awaited me.

The sky outside was now growing a purplish-dark color, that's when it hit me, it was almost time for mah' brother to come back from Appleloosa!, me beating Diamond Tiara, all the things ah' said to her, if he found out about it all he was gonna smash me like a bug!

Later that night at dinner me, Applejack, and Big Macintosh were sitting at the dinner table eating. "So what happened today?" Mah' brother asked, Applejack took care of the talkin' for me. "Well, Applebloom got into a fight.", That's when ah' started quivering again, "A fight, for what?" Big Mac asked.

"Well, ya'll know how little fillies are." AJ said, rubbing mah' back gently. I suddenly took terms to realize that ah' was not about to be completely destroyed, ah' turn and looked at her and she smiled at me, covering me from being spanked. Although ah' didn't get punished for facing up to Diamond Tiara, ah' did have to do extra apple bucking as punishment for mah' potty mouth. But ah' didn't care ah' showed Diamond Tiara who was boss and as far as ah' know she has never bothered me since.

The End