Repairing rifts

by cealdra

First published

Fluttershy and Twilight visit shy's mother

A day in Cloudsdale, just a routine day for many. But for two mares and a small filly it had been far from it ever since they received a simple letter three days ago.

This is a one-shot for darqfox's Twishygroup chalange.
No romance, but still a TwiShy fic.

Chapter 1

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Dearest Fluttershy,

If I may even call you this after all these years. I will make this short knowning you might verywell trow this letter away when you read it.
I miss you, ever since that faithfull day not a single day has passed without a thinking about what happened. If you could find it in your heart, if even a glimmer of forgiveness exisist within you then please let me know. I wish I could make up for all those lost years, but I fear I would never be able to.

Waiting with hope in heart,


Those few words had caused a masive upheavel in the quiet library, upsetting one of its residents quite well. But that could have been expected when receiving a message from a pony she had not seen for years.
It took Twilight`s complete emergency supply of quatro-double chocochip cookies and a kettle of Zecora's finest tea to even get Fluttershy to calm down a bit. Well atleast calm enough for her to open up a little. Even after they had gotten together more then ten years ago the Unicorn knew there were certain secrets behind the mare who she loved that should never see the light of day.

Years ago, just after Fluttershy had received her cutiemark she had a masive falling out with her parents. Her father had practicly trown her out becouse of her weak flying ability and meek nature.
Words like 'Useless, wannabe groundpounder and no blood of mine would be this week' had fallen a lot during those brief moments.

That had been the last time she had ever seen her parents, and that had been over 22 years ago.
And now she was walking down her old childhood neighbourhood once again.
A pathway she had never thought about taking again.

It had sure brought back memories, but the state it had been had only gotten worse. A simple look at the other two had said enough. Sure she had made no secret of her past, atleast not that there never was many bits. But to see the pure shock on their faces at the rundown neighbourhood clearly had a effect.
It even had a effect on her, the greyish bits of degrading cloud had not seen replacement in many years. Even the small playpark she had often visited as a foal was nothing more then a pile of rubble . A tear fell, a single tear for all the ancient memories this rundown place.

The walk continued in silence, something quite out of place for the three until they reached their destination. A small single roomed appartment if one could call a door and window in a what seemed to be slap of cloudcrete a house.

A gently nudge and a innocent yet comforting kiss from the mare of her dreams had been enough for Fluttershy to knock.
With a creacking noise the door opened a little and a weary blue eye looked out. A soft yet firm gasp was heard before the door had been slammed shut. Noise of several locks being attempted to open in extreme haste and failing rather misserabely with it.
What seemed to be ages later the door opened, revealing a older version of Fluttershy with her colors swapped and a dragonfly as a cutiemark stoot within its croocked frame pawing a bit at the ground.

Akwards silence reinged supreme until Fluttershy finnaly spoke. “Well euhm, I have got your message.”
Those simple words gave the elder mare a excuse to burst in tears and pounce on the delicate mare in a backbreaking hug. When she was finally released the shocked mare she looked a bit relieved, and certainly more alive then she had when the door was opened. And without words the trio had been ushered in.

The inside had been rather empty, a small kitchenblok, a bed, a few chairs arround a table and a well used readingpillow. It raised a question for Fluttershy, where had been the bottles? And were was the stallion who so often had emptied them? It was a glance noticed by the elder mare.
“He's gone shy, he's really gone now. That is why I finally gotten the nerve to write.”

Floodgates opened that moment and decades of repressed sorrow had been cried over, shouted at and in the end merely talked about. Untill finaly the mare Twilight had gotten to know as being Fluttershy's mother Wisperwing stated a question to Fluttershy herself.
“I know I lost all rights to call you a daughter, but as a mother I have to ask you. Who are these two lovely mares you brought with you.”

A small blush appeared on the faces Fluttershy and Twilight. Using a touch of magic Twilight drew back some of her mane arround her horn as Fluttershy showed the joint of her right wing. Both revealing a identical golden ring encrusted in ancient runes.
“These are my wife Twilight Sparkle, and the little one hiding behind Twilight's legs is our daughter Misty fields, or simply Mist as we call her.”

Hearing her name the small lime-green pegasus filly peeked out from her hiding place and looked up. She softly smiled before shyly retreating to the safety of Twilights legs. A action which created a puzzled expression on Wisperwing´s face. Closing her eyes briefly Twilight spoke for the first time.
“Shy and me adopted her a few years after we had wed. She had been put as a foundling on our doorsteps one night. Of course we debated bringing her to the orphanage but we both knew how it would end. Not pleasantly for a malnourished foal who already was small and underdevelloped for her age. And besides” Twilight took the time to reach over and nuzzle her wife a bit “We both had been discussing adopting a foal of our own for a while now.”

A mischievious smile came to the elderly mares muzzle as she asked. “So, how did you two meet?Fluttershy and Twilight looked at eachother and sighed in happy memories. Wanting to chance the admosphere a bit they elicted the tale of how they met on that faithfull day. But they had spoken dreamingly about the day they both had finaly thoguht they had enough of suffering their emotions on their own and confess to the other. A cool spring night with a full moon, just the two of them that night. A bottle of acre's finest cider later for some dutch courage caused them to confess exactly at the same time.
The night of passion under the stars which had followed had been omitted from the story they told and they concluded with the cheesy line of “And the rest is history.”

Hours had passed when Wisperwing closed the door again after waving the three visitors out. Having given a promise to visit them in Ponyville next week caused her heart to jump in joy, it was all very fragile and she knew it. But the beginning of repairing the strained relation had been made. And now all she could do was wait and see if she could still have a semi-happy ending. A few stray words came from her as she turned to her bed. “My first real mothersday in years, and I hope it will be many more to come “