The Little Things Give You Away

by TLC

First published

Rarity has trouble finding her special somepony...

Rarity's been awfully lonely lately and doesn't want to be alone on Hearts and Hooves day. So she and Fluttershy make a trip to the spa...
Inspired by Linkin Park's 'The Little Things Give You Away'
Originally part of Minutes To Millennium

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The Little Things You Give Away

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'The Little Things Give You Away'

It was a cloudy day in Ponyville, yet happiness and love filled the air. Red and pink hearts hovered the small town as small balloons, ponies carried small boxes on their backs and flowers in their muzzles. All for their special somepony. For today was not any other day in Equestria, no. For today, was Hearts and Hooves day. The day of romance and love, flowers and hearts, ponies coming together as couples and expressing how they truly feel to that one pony who leaves their hearts in flutter. This was a perfect day for anypony to tell their love how much they matter, how much they brighten their day, how much they wanted to kiss them and hold them in a tight embrace and never let go. To say those three magical words, words that Rarity has yet to hear.

Rarity laid on her bed staring out the fogged window in her bedroom, her eyes slanted, her hooves hung over the side of the bed, and her hair a mess. This day was an important factor to her. Love was a subject that she always was the first pony to ask about. She's read numerous romance novels, she's made dresses for weddings, and of course, she's dated. But one thing seemed to escape her grasp, love would evade her vision and scamper just out of reach. For with every stallion she's gone out with, with every hug or kiss, something was lacking. It certainly wasn't looks, it certainly wasn't speech. They all were wealthy and had given her everything she wanted, but clearly it all meant nothing to the young unicorn. Love just never showed.

"Oh!" She groaned, rolling over on her back laying a hoof on her for head. "This day seems to haunt me, as it were. Why can't I have my special somepony? Where's my prince charming?"

Suddenly, there was a knock at the door, and she sprung up from her prone position. Rarity got off the bed and hurried down stairs to the front door of the boutique. When she opened the door, a small purple dragon held flowers and wore a bow tie and top hat.

"Hey, Rarity!" He said. "I, uh, got you these." He held the bouquet out to her and she took them in her hooves. Rarity gave him a weak smile.

"Yes. Good morning, Spike." She said with little emotion. "Was there something you wanted or needed?"

The young dragon blushed and hid his face under the hat. "Well, there was something I wanted to ask you..." He started to fumble his claws to together in nervousness. "I was wondering if, um, you wanted to do something...later."

Rarity furrowed her brow. "Spike, are you asking me on a date?"

Spike shivered and peeked from under the hat. "Uh...yeah."

Rarity giggled and gave the little dragon a warm smile. "Of course, Spikey. I'll meet you here at six. Is that okay?"

He smiled and nodded. With that, he scurried around the corner. As Rarity turned to the inside of the boutique, she heard a loud 'YES!' from where Spike disappeared. She laughed and went back inside. The door closed and she began her trip back up stairs when something on the wall stood out. Rarity walked to it and saw the date. The calender read in big read letters drawn on in red marker and circled three times. 'Spa Date With Fluttershy'.

"Oh dear!" She exclaimed. "I almost forgot!" Rarity ran to the bathroom for a shower. After a few minutes, she came out and dried off. Rarity then ran to her room to fetch a coat to keep her warm from the cold weather. As she approached the door, Rarity notice the small bouquet, given to her by Spike. With the use of her magic, she placed them in a small vase and watered them. Giving the beautiful display a few thoughts, she exited the boutique and headed for Fluttershy's cottage.


Angel, Fluttershy's rabbit, laid on the bed next to the sleeping pegasus. He stared at his owner for a few moments and gazed over at the clock. He knew she had to be at the spa today and that it was Hearts and Hooves day, and he didn't care. Angel hopped off the bed and opened the bed room door. This caused a sleepy moan to escape Fluttershy as she stirred and slowly awoke. Her eyelids fluttered and opened slightly, revealing her the room around her. She yawned very quietly and sat up, fluttering her wings slightly.

"A-Angel? Where are you going?" Fluttershy asked, still waking up. The small rabbit arched an eyebrow and pointed towards the bathroom. Angel then pointed to the small calender on the nightstand. Fluttershy looked over to the calender and noted the pink writing on today's date. 'Spa Date With Rarity...'

"O-Oh my!" She hovered over to the night stand. "Today's spa day." Fluttershy stared at the name written next to spa date. "Rarity..." Suddenly, a small piece of carrot hit the back of her head. Shy turned to see the rabbit, now with a whole carrot, holding a paper heart. It had three diamonds hovering in the center, with five pink butterflies flying around them. Fluttershy blushed and walked over to Angle.

"Yes, yes. I know, Angel...But I don't think I can." She hung her head in shame. "I do care about Rarity, but...what if she doesn't feel the same way?" Fluttershy turned over to the bedroom window. "What if I just ruin our friendship, or make a fool out of my self?" She turned back to Angel. "I'm sure she already has a date today, anyway. Every Hearts and Hooves day she does..." Angel face pawed and threw the carrot down. He grabbed Fluttershy's muzzle and stuck the paper heart to it. After letting go of her muzzle, he picked up his carrot and exited the room.

Fluttershy removed the paper from her face and read the writing that laid below the diamonds and butterflies:

...All you've ever wanted, was somepony to truly look after you,

When secretly, under your muzzle, I really do,

I wish to take your hoof, and give you my heart,

Hoping that when we're together we will never part,

Always here for you, wanting your embrace,

Because what you want, this whole entire time,

Has been right in front of your face...

She let a warm smile sneak it's way onto her face as the words she wrote filled her mind. Fluttershy felt a wave of confidence spread through her, from her heart. This Hearts and Hooves day is the day. She'll give her this as a way to branch a way to her heart and into her embrace...she hopes.

Fluttershy combed her mane for a few minutes till it was perfect. She blew the wave of hair that covered her left eye, but it fell back in its' original spot. After sighing about the disobeying strand, Shy headed to the front door to the cottage, she decided not to eat and assumed Rarity and her would eat after the spa. Her wings flapped a few times and she was in the air, hovering. Fluttershy saw a carrot fly passed her and turned. Angel stood in the door way and held a slight smile on his face. He also held the paper heart.

"Oh!" She gasped and flew back down to retrieve it. "Thank you, Angel. I-I'll be back later, okay?"

He nodded and patted her on the muzzle when she took the heart with her teeth. Angle turned back into the cottage and shut the door. Fluttershy placed the letter into her saddle bag.

'Okay,' She thought. 'You can do this...I think.'


Rarity waited inside the spa, reading one of the magazines off the rack. She looked around a couple of times, and then let out a sigh. Fluttershy was usually the first one of them there, and never was upset when Rarity was late. Though today felt different to the white unicorn. Her friends absence saddened her and gave her more of a feeling of loneliness. Rarity had nopony at this moment in time. Her friend had probably found her special somepony and forgot about their little get-together, leaving Rarity alone. She wasn't truly alone, there was Spike of course. Spike. He was a dragon, a baby dragon at that. It could never be more than a strong friendship between him and her, but she felt that he really did deserve a chance. After what they've both been through, they grew closer over time. He's matured, more or less, and has shown to Rarity on more than one occasion that he really cares for her.

'He is really sweet, and a real gentlecolt...' She thought, skimming the pages of the magazine in her hooves. 'It is a shame to have to tell him it just wouldn't work out. But I need somepony who's my age, my type, my...species.' Her mind traveled for a while.

Suddenly, there was the sound of wings flapping outside the spa doors. They opened and in came the pegasus Rarity was waiting for. A smile grew as she saw the blue eyes of her friend fall on her.

"Fluttershy, darling!" Rarity set down the magazine and trotted over to her friend. She extended her hooves for a hug.

"Um, hi, Rarity." Fluttershy said softly, walking into the hug. "Sorry I was late."

Rarity pulled away and waved a hoof in the air. "Oh think nothing of it! Shall we go ahead with our appointment?"

Fluttershy smiled and nodded. Her friend walked over to the counter and rang the small bell. Shy watched her friend closely, shifting her eyes from her lush regal mane, to her cutie mark. Her white coat shined under the florescent lighting of the waiting of the spa. Much to her surprise, Fluttershy soon found her eyes locked on to Rarity's flanks. She went wide eyed and squeaked, turning to face the wall behind her. Her wings fluttered and she felt the blood go straight to her face 'I-I-I can't believe'

"Fluttershy, are you alright?" Rarity asked now behind her friend. Shy jumped at the sound of that voice.

"Oh! Um, I'm fine. Flanks-I mean 'thanks'!" She quickly added, looking down in embarrassment. Rarity moved closer and lifted Shy's head with her hoof.

"Are you sure? You're looking quite flushed."

Shy squeaked. "No,no, no. I'm okay." She gave Rarity a weak smile, to which she smiled back. The door by the counter opened and revealed a pony with bright blue coat and pink mane. "We're ready for you and Miss Shy, Miss Rarity."

"Splendid!" Rarity squealed. She turned to Fluttershy and titled her head to the door. Shy nodded and followed Rarity into the the massage room.

....Moments Later....

Both of them sighed as they eased into the warm waters of the bath. Fluttershy let her body drop into the bath to where only her head surfaced. Across from her, Rarity did the same. Her eyelids were closed slightly and stared around the room. Shy stole a few glances from Rarity's glistening hair, it floated at the top of the bath and around her neck as it lead below surface.

"Isn't this relaxing, Rarity?" Shy asked. "I always enjoy spending time with you like this."

Rarity moved her stare to the pegasus. "Yes, this is just what I needed. I must say, Fluttershy, I have to thank you."

Fluttershy gave her a puzzled look. "T-thank me? Why?"

Rarity moved over to the same side of the tub as her friend. "For this. I have to tell you, this day started off a little...cold for me."

"Why is that?" Shy asked, a little worried.

"Well..." She began. "As you may know, Twilight and the Doctor had gotten together recently. I'm very happy for her, and the doctor, but I will have to admit, I'm envious."


Rarity nodded. "This past year has been one of a lot of couples." She turned her attention to the center of the bath. "After Twilight and the doctor, Big Mac and Cherilee, Caramel and Carrot Top, Soarin' and Pinkie Pie, and a big shock to me when Applejack and Rainbow got together. Then Lyra and Bon-Bon, the list pretty much goes on..." She turned back to Shy, who listened intently. "...and I'm happy for them all. I just wished...I just wished I had somepony." She looked down, but Shy saw it. She saw the sadness in her friend's eyes. "I...I guess I can't really blame anypony. I'll admit I'm picky when it comes to dating, But I've been through stallion after stallion. All wealthy and gentle colts, but all of them never seemed to fill the hole..." Her voice cracked near the end. Tears dripped off her cheeks and fell into the bath, mixing with the surrounding water.

Fluttershy's heart ached. "Rarity..."

Rarity continued. "Maybe...Maybe I don't deserve it. Sure, Spike seems to care, but he's a baby dragon, Fluttershy. I love him dearly, but only to a family extent. I don't know what it is!" She waved her hooves in the air and dropped them into the bath below, making a splash.

"Rarity, don't say that..."

"Is it me? Am I too needy?"

"No..." Shy shook her head and tried to comfort the unicorn.

"Is it my personality?" Rarity lifted a hoof and brought a strand of hair to her view. "I know I can be dramatic at times!"

"No, Rarity!"

Rarity had tears pouring from the rims of her eyes like little waterfalls as she continued to insult herself. " I ugly?"

Fluttershy's eyes went wide. Never before had she even thought Rarity was even able to see herself in such a way. She stood up in the bath and stared down at the weeping unicorn.

"Rarity!" She slightly raised her voice. "How could even say that? You are beautiful! Those stallions weren't right for you, that's all!" Rarity sat wide eyed at the pegasus, but showed that she was listening. "You couldn't be anymore perfect, this spa hasn't had anything to do with your beauty, because you already had it." She sat back down and held a hoof to Rarity's cheek. "Sure, our friends found their special somepony, and sure Spike is too young, but don't you ever say that you don't deserve to be loved! You still..." She paused to collect her thoughts, still holding Rarity's cheek. "You still have me."

"F-Fluttershy..." Rarity managed to speak. "I...I never meant to-" She looked into the yellow pegasus's eyes and saw the seriousness, she heard it in her voice. Suddenly, Fluttershy began to cry.

"I'm sorry!" Shy squeaked, putting her her hoof down. She stood back up and left the bath. Fluttershy ran to the spot of the room were she left her saddle bags and sat on her haunches, sobbing silently.

Rarity still sat in the tub, not knowing what to do. Her friend just gave her a lecture and then ran from her. She got out of the bath and walked slowly over to her disheveled friend.


"I-I-I'm sorry!" She cried. "I just *sniff* I just didn't want to her you say such terrible things about your self!" She looked back at the unicorn, her expression read utter confusion. "Oh...I give up..."

Rarity cocked her head to the side. "Give up? What?"

Fluttershy shook her head and brought her saddle bags over, she opened the slot where her paper heart was and took it with her teeth. She dropped it in front of Rarity and turned to face the wall, prepared for the worst. Rarity took the heart with her magic, she saw the pic on the first side. The cutie marks that were combined were her's, and Shy's. She looked over to the pegasus, she was still facing the wall. When Rarity flipped the heart over, she read the poem out loud.

"...All you've ever wanted, was somepony to truly look after you, when secretly, under your muzzle, I really do, I wish to take your hoof, and give you my heart, hoping that when we're together we will never part, Always here for you, wanting your embrace, Because what you want, this whole entire time..." Before she could finish the line, tears formed in her eyes, her voice cracked, and she smiled. "..has been right in front of your face..."

Fluttershy let out a sad sigh and spoke. "I've always been here, watching you go through stallion after stallion, and being your best friend..." Fluttershy turned to face Rarity. "...and I'm tired of it." Shy stood up and turned all the way around so she was completely facing her. "I care so much about you, Rarity. A-and I..." She looked down for a few moments. "...want to be your special somepony."

Rarity wasted no time. She leaned into her friend and held her to the wall. " you really mean that?"

Fluttershy pressed her muzzle to Rarity's. "Of course I do...I you, Rarity."

Rarity's eyes twinkled and she pressed her lips to Fluttershy's. They leaned up against the wall behind them for support, wrapping their hooves around each other, their wet fur clinging them together. Rarity broke the kiss and gazed into Shy's pretty blue eyes.

"I wish I knew sooner." She nuzzled her friend. "I love you, too."

Fluttershy smiled greatly and nuzzled back. She couldn't contain her excitement and let out a loud cheer, in her own way.



"Wow!" Twilight said, holding onto Doctor hooves as a gust of wind blew past her. "Can you believe this weather?"

The doctor slightly nodded. "I know! It's crazy!" He held on to Twilight and smiled. "Good thing I'm here or you'd blow away!"

Twilight smiled. They were walking from the library and were headed to the park, but Twi soon noticed a familiar baby dragon, walking at a fast pace back towards the library with wide eyes and small pupils.

"Spike?" She called. He looked over and gave a slight wave, not stopping.

"Where are you going?"

"I don't know."

She gave him a weird look. "Are you okay? You look like you've seen a ghost!"

Spike stared at her for a moment and shook his head violently. "You...J-just don't ask." He walked off into the direction of the library. Twilight and Doctor Hooves watched as he got to the door, opened it, entered, and slammed the door shut.

"That was weird." She said to the doctor. He nodded.

"Yeah, and looked like he was coming from the spa!"

~<3Happy Hearts and Hooves Day!~<3

-TotalLostCause and Co.