Luna's Exile.

by Discordisbestnonpony

First published

Everyone knows that Luna was sent to the moon for 1000 years, but, we dont really know why, learn in this story the WHOLE true story of what happened to Luna, why she was sent, and what she did for 1000 years...

Discord and Celestia are newly wed, and Luna doesn't like it, she has never liked Discord, and Discord has never liked her, she knows that he is up to no good, she is now forced to watch from her Moon-lit prison as Discord reigns chouas over Equestria....
Thanks to Bronyontheway for the cover picture! Look him/her up on Deviantart! You wont be dissipointed!


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"You look beautiful sister..." The moon Princess sighed, looking up at her beaming sister in her perfect white lace dress, her flowing rainbow mane, she looked stunning.
"Thank you, sister." The sun Princess smiled down at her younger sister, wrapping a wing around her
"And as do you, in your dress, my young sister." Celestia smiled down at her young sister, in her perfect blue and black dress, the moon princess weakly smiles up at her sister, she didn't want to ruin her sister's big day.
"Princess! It is time, your groom is awaiting!" called a guard from outside the door
"Good luck young sister." Celestia smiled as her sister went ahead of her down the aisle. Luna sighed to herself, she knew that some thing wasn't right about this, but, she must do it. For her sister, no matter how much she dis-liked her sister's soon-to-be husband, the thought of them being married sickened her, but, it was for her sister, and she loved her sister, and she will do it for her... She walked down the aisle, and blushed slightly as everypony looked at her as she walked down the aisle, she held her head high, and went and stood, beside where her sister should soon stand. She glanced over at her sister's fidgeting groom, who was fighting the tux he oh-so reluctantly had to wear. She looked up when she heard everypony stand to welcome the bride as she walked down the aisle. Celestia looked through her veil at her groom, his yellow eyes, brighter than normal, and for once, he wasn't trying to cause chaos, although, everypony could tell he hated the tux he was forced to wear. His eyes shone when they made eye-contact with his perfect beaming bride... He reached down and held her hooves, as she held his paw and his other chicken-like foot. The reverent smiled at the couple, he began.
"Today, we shall bound a princess, and a soon to be prince. Our princess of the sun, Celestia, and Discord, the god-of-chaos, of whom, he has decided for his bride, he shall lay off the chaos, for his wonderful bride. But, we shall get started..." The reverent put on his glasses as he lifted a piece of paper with his magic, he cleared his throat. "Today, under the sun and moon, and the approval of the moon princess of whom, is standing next to her sister.
"Do you princess Luna, agree to this marriage, and to support this marriage?" Luna look at all the ponies staring at her. She had to say yes, even though she didn't want to.
"I.. Yes. I do, an I will." She said lifting her head high, the reverent smiled once again
"Very well.. Will the ringpony please bring forth the rings?" The ringpony trotted forward nervously with the rings, the reverent took them and kindly dipped his head to the young stallion, the reverent once again cleared his throat and started the ceremony...


"You may now kiss the bride!" the reverent said smiling brightly, after what seemed like forever of him talking about the bondage of marriage and how wonderful it was to have a new prince. Celestia by now had been crying from joy for about an hour, and Discord had been holding back his tears which started flowing as he kissed his bride, the couple went down the aisle at a quick pace to get to the reception, with Luna close behind along with the bride's maids, they walked into the Ball Room of the castle, it was decorated perfectly, light blues, little suns hanging down from the ceiling, along with different shades of browns, a long buffet table sat, along with a long table for the bride and groom, Celestia leaned in and whispered to her new husband "Now, remember Discord. No chaos, you can cause it later, but not here please..." She said as she notices him itching to do so.
"Oh but dear...! You know how much I long too!" He says scratching her under the chin. "But for you my dear, I wont... I will later though... And if I do, it will be a few harmless pranks...!" He says snapping his talons causing somepony to float magically "See?" He smirks snapping them again making the pony fall to the ground suddenly "Harmless!" He chuckles. Celestia chuckles a little
"Don't do it many times dear." Discord face falls a little
"Fine, fine." He sighs and walks to his seat at the table, along with Celestia to sit, Luna sits beside them as they are served their dinner of roasted carrots and a small baked hay garnish, and cloud cake for desert. Luna eats silently while Discord and Celestia do small talk, flirting once and while, everpony looks up as the DJ, Record-Scratch puts on music for the newly weds to dance to, Celestia smiles up at Discord as he takes her hoof gently into his paw, they begin to Waltz and Luna smiles at the two
"Maybe its just me... Maybe he really does love her...." She thinks to herself as the two dance happily, the song quickly ends and Discord quickly sweeps his bride into a kiss making every pony clap and cheer for the two. Record-Scratch stands and smiles
"Lets get this party started everypony!" He says putting a faster pace music for everypony to dance to, Celestia walks over to her younger sister, of whom is still sitting at the table being the only pony who isn't dancing.
"Why aren't you enjoying the party sister?" Celestia looks at her sister with concern, Luna snaps out of her train of thought
"I am sister. I was just thinking. And besides sister. I have nopony to dance with." Luna weakly smiles up at her sister. Celestia sighs
"Very well sister..." She says going back to her new husband with a slight frown, he curls around her
"Is your sister being a bore again my dear? I could fix that with just a snap of my talons...." He says with a sly smile as he scratches under her chin again. "One tiny snap of my talons my dear I could make her the life of the party! It would be simply marvelous!" Celestia sighs
"But.... We shouldn't, it wouldn't be right thing Discord. She would be upset, and this wedding has already been hard on her.."
"But my dear!" Discord protests "It would be a simple prank! No harm would be done to her! Or anypony else! Just maybe pains in their sides from laughter my dear Celestia!" Discord pets his wife's mane
"Promise it wont hurt her at all Discord?" Discord's smile grows as she says this
"Oh my dear.. I promise!" He says snapping his talons making Luna magically come to the dance floor making her dance magically and clearly against her will
"Discord!!" The moon princess yells as she starts kicking her legs out and folding her front hooves to her chest by force. "PUT ME DOWN!!!!!! " The moon princess yells furious as she falls to the ground starting to do a version of the worm.
"Discord!" Celestia says firmly trying not to giggle. "Put her down now..." Celestia says trying to keep a strait face.
"Fine.... Fine.." Discord says snapping his talons making her fall to the ground, causing everypony to laugh to laugh at poor Luna. She backs away from everypony laughing and taking pictures for the Newspapers, she quickly turns around and runs out the door tears starting to fall down her face as she runs to the castle
"Discord...." Celestia sighs
"Oh she just takes every thing to seriously!" Discord smirks as she runs away.


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Luna ran up to her room in the castle, tears running down her face as she collapsed on her large full-moon shaped bed, hiding under her blue and black blanket decorated with the moon, and twinkling stars.
"Its going to be all in the papers! I... Ill be a laughing stock! I'm already like a shadow to my sister! Now no-pony will think I'm great like my sister!" She cries, a soft knock is heard on the door.
"Sister?" Her sister's soothing voice is heard "Sister... May I come in...?" Celestia says concern thick in her soothing voice. Luna un-locks her door with her magic and opens it.
"What...?" Luna says trying to stop crying.
"Luna...." Celestia says using her magic to gently pull the blanket down from over her sister. "Luna.... He didn't mean to make you upset... It was just meant as I simple joke..."
"I'm going to be a laughing stock for everypony! They were taking pictures! It will be in the papers about how the younger sister of our great-and-powerful sun princess made a fool of herself! I had just started to be a little respected! And then this..." Luna says starting to cry a little more.
"Shhh.... Shhh...." Celestia uses her magic to lift a tissue from Luna's bed-side table and give it to her. "You will not be a laughing stock my young sister. Not if I can help it. I will find a way.." She says trying to soothe her crying sister.
"Pr-promise...?" Luna says sniffing as she blows her nose and wipes tears away.
"I promise my sister... Now.. Come.. Its time for me to lower the sun, and for you to raise the moon.." Celestia says becoming her sister with a wing, Luna slowly stands as Celestia wraps a wing around her lovingly, the walk out on the balcony together, Celestia gently lowers the sun as Luna begins to fly up to raise the moon, she stops and looks down at her sister.
"Sister?" Luna asks.
"Yes? Is something wrong? Do I need to move the sun faster?" Celestia says flaring her magic to start to make it go a little faster
"No sister.. Would you help me with the stars tonight? Like we used to when I was young?" Luna softly smile as Celestia smiles back up at her.
"I would love to my dear young sister." Celestia says happily as she watches her sister almost effortlessly raise the moon. Celestia flies up along beside her to begin to help arrange the stars, something they haven't gotten to do in a long time. Discord steps out on the balcony as they land.
"What? You're so upset you can't arrange the stars by yourself?" He snorts "I guess everypony was right that you are like a little filly.." He smirks and Celestia glares at him harshly
"Discord! She invited me to help her like I used to before she could do it by herself!
"Oh Celestia! My dear! You take every thing much to seriously! Its called a friendly joke!" He says curling around her and looking at her from under her chin.
"I still want you to say you're sorry for what you did to her at the reception." Celestia says firmly, Luna just watching silently.
"But dear..." Discord begins to protest.
"No buts Discord." Celestia says, her eyes harder than rocks.
"Fine... Fine..." He mumbles. "I am sorry Luna for making you do that amazingly funny dance at our wedding reception..." He says it with a hint of sarcasm in his voice, Luna sighs and looks down.
"All is forgiven Discord..." She says going back into her room, leaving Celestia and Discord alone on the balcony.
"See! All is well!" He says with a smirk.
"I suppose.... I still don't think you should of done it though... Come on... We'd better get some rest.." Celestia says flying over to their room.


Luna sighs softly picking up a quill with her magic as she begins to write in her journal like she always does at night.
"They are really married now..." She says to herself sighing, as she walks outside on her balcony setting the quill down to look at the moon shining above, the few ponies who are still up at this hour enjoying the full moon. She gently spreads her wings and flies down to the castle gardens, walking watching the animals of the night scurry about, the birds flying gently above, or sleeping in the trees softly, she sighs to herself not looking where she is going, she hears a small squawk of pain, she looks down to see she stepped on a small Barn Owl's wing.
"What are you doing out of your nest?" She asks gently looking at the small owl.
"And you're hurt... Come. I will fix you up in my room." She says gently picking the small owl up and carrying it gently to her room, she carefully grabs bandages and wraps it around the small owl's wing.
"There little owl.. All fixed up.. It will be a while before you can fly.. You can stay with me. I'm a night pony.. Much like the owls.." She says smiling at the small owl and scratching under its beak gently, making it relax slightly.
"You seem to like that don't you?" She smiles as she picks up the quill from her desk and begins to write again, still scratching under the young owl's beak. She writes thinking to herself, she finishes and looks at the young owl resting on her desk still.
"Hmm...." She ponders looking at it.
"I bet you're hungry... Stay here.." She says flying outside.
"Hoo?" The owl says softly as Luna flies out the window, she returns later with a small rodent.
"You like mice... Right?" She says as she sets it in front of the owl.
"Hoo?" It simply responds looking at the small mouse, it slowly begins to eat it and Luna smiles.
"That's a good... Boy? Girl?" She says looking at the owl trying to figure it out, she casts a spell to tell.
"That's a good boy.." She smiles petting him softly.
"I should name you..." She says looking at him pondering for a few moments as he watches her his head cocked to one side.
"Night Song..? No...." She shakes her head.
"Hmmm.... Night Watcher...? No.. That's even worse...." She sighs thinking...
"Moon Beam? Hmm... Maybe... Moon Light?" She smiles to herself.
"I think Moon Light fits you." She pets him.
"What do you think?" She asks him smiling.
"Hoo!" He responds.
"Ill take that as a yes that you like it." She chuckles and gently closes the balcony doors.
"Moon Light it is..."

Moon Light

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Celestia awoke early as always to raise the sun and watch Luna lower the moon, she gently knocked on her sister's door.
"Sister? It is time to lower the moon.." She sighs knowing her sister may of fallen asleep.
"Hoo?" a muffled hoot could be heard.
"Sister?" Celestia says opening the door carefully to see Moon Light resting on Luna's desk looking at her.
"L-Luna....?" Celestia says her eyes wide.
"Luna! Somepony has turned you into an owl haven't they!?" Celestia says in pure panic "Oh sister! I will do my best to find a way to fix this! Worry not dear Luna.... I will find a way I promise!" Celestia says walking over to the small owl and stroking it gently "When I find the pony who did this to you they will be in the dungeon for a thousand years!"
"Who is right my sister... Who did this to you? What a foalish thing.... And the also broke your wing while they turned you into an owl! At least they bandaged it. Not properly... But.. I guess they tried."
"Sister...?" Luna says standing in her door way with a large bird cage with a perch inside, looking at her older sister.
"Luna?!?!" Celestia says turning around "Oh Luna! I thought somepony had turned you into an owl!" She says running over to her sister hugging her.
"N-no... I found him last night.. I stepped on his wing..." She says trying to free herself from Celestia's crushing grip. "Ca-can you let me go now...? You-you're crushing me..!"
"Sorry sister..." Celestia says letting her go. "After you lower the moon and I raise the sun, why don't you tell me more about your little owl friend." Celestia says with a smile scratching the owl gently as the walks out to the balcony. Luna, as always effortlessly lowers the moon as Celestia effortlessly raises the sun.


"So that's how I found him." Luna says smiling scratching under the young owl's chin.
"Does he have a name?" Celestia asks smiling at her younger sister.
"Yes indeed he does sister.. His name is Moon Light. Im hopping his wing will heal soon so he can maybe be free." Celestia slightly frowns at this.
"Luna.. He's young. I don't think after his wing heals he will be able to fend for himself. If he will ever fly again... Do you think you're up for taking care of an owl?" She smiles softly.
"Tia... Do you really mean it? I can keep him?" Luna says her eyes shining brightly.
"Only if you want dear sister." Celestia says with a grin.
"Oh thank you Tia!" Luna says hugging her sister tightly. Celestia chuckles slightly.
"You're welcome sister." She smiles largely as she watches Moon Light hop up on her younger sister's shoulder.
"I promise Tia. Ill take good care of him..!"

Left Alone

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A month has now passed since the marriage of Discord and Celestia, and Luna has tried her best to get through it, but she knows deep inside that some thing just isn't right about this.
"Discord?" The moon princess calls.
"Why hello, dear.." He says as he curls around her small body kissing her on the lips.
"Discord!!" She yells puling away from him "You're married! To my sister!"
"Oh but dear Luna.... She'll never have to know... I've always loved you, I never did love your sister..." He says as the room goes dim, the suddenly appear in a dark bedroom and he smirks.
"Discord... Let me go.. I know my sister loves you, and I'm almost positive you love her!"
"Oh Luna, you shine brighter than your moon... So beautiful... So, perfect..." He runs his talons through her mane, smiling as he does.
"Discord! Stop at once!" She commands.
"So... Amazing...." He says pushing her into the bed.
"DISCORD!" She screams as he does, kicking her legs. "STOP!!!!! NO! STOP PLEASE!" She screams.
"Shhh... Shhh..." He soothes her, laying on top of her.
"STOP!!! PLEASE STOP!!" She screams.


"Luna! Luna! Sister wake up!" Celestia calls shaking her screaming sister.
"STOP NO STOP!" She yells in her sleep.
"LUNA!" Celestia yells snapping Luna awake, tears pouring down the poor moon princess' face.
"It was awful sister!" She cries into her older sister's chest.
"Shhh... Shhh..." She strokes her mane "Just a dream dear sister, just a dream... I'm here now, its all over..." She soothes
"I-I was so scared.... It was horrible.." Luna says looking up, her body shaking in fear.
"Shh... I know, I know..." Celestia sits down on the bed with her sister. "I can postpone my trip to Manehatten if you need me here."
"Sister.. I can't make you do that..." Luna sighs. "Will I need to raise the sun for you?"
Celestia shakes her head "No. I got a balcony in the hotel. I shouldn't have trouble, if I do, I will send you a scroll and you can help me."
Luna nods her head "Yes sister. How long will you be gone? And is Discord coming with you?"
"A week, and no, he's not... I thought it would be good for you two to spend time together."
Luna gulps and sighs "O-okay..."
"Is something the matter, sister?" She asks worried.
"Hmm? Oh uhm.. Nothing..." Luna says putting on a fake smile.
"Okay sister.." Celestia smiles "Now... How about you raise the moon and I lower the sun, and we get some tea to talk for a while? I know that always relaxes you, dear sister." Celestia smiles soothingly, wrapping a wing around her sister, guiding her out into the balcony with her sister. Celestia easily lowers the sun and watches her sister raise the stars and the moon above.
"Its beautiful tonight sister." Celestia smiles at her young sister.
"I thought I would give you a treat before you went away." She smiles and nuzzles her older sister as the walk back inside for some tea.
"Hoo!" Moon Light calls out to Luna.
"Hello Moon Light, its good to see you awake." Luna smiles at her pet owl.
"Hoo?" Replies Moon Light. Luna smiles and sits down in the table with her sister, using her magic to brew some nice Lavender tea for the both of them. Celestia smiles as she smells the soothing scent.
"Lavender, correct sister?" Celestia smiles.
"Yes." Luna smiles as she levitates the tea pot and two tea cups to the table and pours them both a cup of the tea.
"So it must of been a pretty bad nightmare?" Celestia asks as she sips her tea.
"Y-yes sister..." She says looking at the floor avoiding eye contact "Can we please not talk about it sister?" Luna says looking up at her sister with pleading eyes.
"Of course." She smiles finishing her cup of tea. "I better retire sister. I have to get up earlier than normal to leave for Manehatten." Celestia says standing smiling at her sister.
"Goodnight sister." Luna says standing and nuzzling her sister.
"Goodnight Luna." She says returning the nuzzle and wrapping a wing around her in a hug as she walks out of the room.
"A week alone with Discord Moon Light...." Luna sighs "I hope that dream isn't true..."

Morning Alone

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Luna went out on the balcony to lower the moon, Celestia walks out beside her. "Good morning my sister." Celestia said in her calming voice.
"Good morning." Luna sighed lowering the moon and the stars. "Are you looking forward to your trip, sister? You're going to the new town of Manehatten, correct?"
"Yes, Discord suggested it actually, he thought it would be nice for me to come so maybe it would attract new ponies."
" D-d-d-discord suggested it?!?!" Luna screamed to herself in her head.
"Sister, are you alright?" Celestia says cocking her head slightly worried about her sister who had suddenly turned pale "Sister do I need to get you to a doctor?" Celestia says even more worried as she places a hoof on her sister's forehead not feeling a temperature.
"I-Im fine sister.." Luna says a little anxious. Celestia sighs as the brings the sun up.
"Princess Celestia, your husband said I could find you in here. You chariot is awaiting with your bags to take you to the new town of Manehatten! We must get there soon, Princess." The gruff voice of a guard calls out to her. Celestia wraps a wing around here sister.
"I must go. I have planned a lunch for you and Discord this afternoon. Tomato soup and sandwiches." Celestia says looking down at her young sister.
"I will be looking forward to it." Luna says looking up back at her sister, Celestia smirks a little.
"Keep him in line Luna." Celestia whispers before she walks out of the room, leaving her sister alone for the week with Discord, Luna sighs and sits on her bed burying her head in her hooves.
"I hope this isn't a trick...." She sighs levitating her journal and quill over to her as she begins to write.

"Left alone for the week with my sister's husband, Discord he suggested she visit the new town of Manehatten for a week that maybe it will make more ponies become interested in the town...
I had a horrible dream, so this week alone scares me even more..
What happened was I was alone with him, and it was night, we appeared in a room and he told me he loved me, not my sister, he then forced me onto the bed... And starting raping me...
I hope this doesn't happen. I pray that it doesn't, for the sake of myself and my sister...
I know she loves him, oh so very much... She said she would never love anypony after her old husband of whom was a mortal earth pony passed away about a hundred years ago, before I started writing in this journal.
I just pray that Discord doesn't mess up the lunch I'm having with him because my sister set it up..
Maybe it will be nice, one can only pray..
Maybe ill have some hard cider tonight considering my sister wont be worrying about me drinking.
Maybe this will indeed be fun. But I cant ignore that ever nagging worry in the back of my mind telling me some thing isn't quite right.
Lets just pray its me being a worry pony...
I mean... I can have the guards be around me all times... But if I'm wrong, it will be like I'm acting like a complete bag of dirt...
Maybe it will work out, ill see after lunch this afternoon.
~ Signed the Lunar Princess, Luna.."

Luna sighs as she signs off in her journal and writes the date like she has been doing at least once a day every day for the past fifty years, she picks up her colored ink and a blank sheet of paper with her magic and walks out on the balcony, looking up at the beautiful sun that her sister has made today, she sits down her paper and ink and pulls up a chair to sit in, she begins to draw the beautiful sun as a present for when her sister returns from her trip she smiles as she does.
"Haha! It looks real! I hope she enjoys it." She says to herself as she finishes the drawing and signs it, she trots back into her room with the drawing and lets Moon Light out who was awake for some reason.
"Afternoon Moon Light." She says with a smile as she closes the balcony door and the small owl hops on her shoulder and hops over to the balcony to look out, the moon princess smiles and relaxes on her bed pouring herself a cup of tea as she gets a book and begins to read until she has to go to lunch with Discord.

Lunch With Discord

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"Princess Luna?" A guard called worried that the moon princess wasn't at the lunch.
"Hmmm...? Wha..?" Asks the sleepy princess as she opened her eyes.
"Princess, you are late for the Lunch that Princess Celestia had set up for you and her husband Discord. Is every thing alright?"
"Oh! I'm sorry Sir Spark Armor, I had dozed while reading a book, inform him that I will be there soon as I brush my mane."
"Yes ma'am." The guard says trotting away with a sigh of relief.

"Sorry I'm late Discord, I dozed while reading a book." Luna says sitting down in a chair across from Discord.
"Hmmm... I was starting to think you didn't want to spend time with me." Discord said, in his normal teasing, and very annoying tone. Luna shifted her weight, that wasn't a lie, she didn't want to spend time with him, especially after that dream.
"N-no Discord, just dozed is all."
"Very well.." He sighed as the soup is served. "So boring!" He thought to himself annoyed "If only I could spice things up a bit..." He thought as he smirked to himself, looking at the moon Princess enjoying her lunch "She wont be here much longer... I might as well have a little fun." He thought to himself with an evil grin as he hides his taloned hand under the table, quietly snapping turning the Princess' soup into hot sauce, coughs erupted from the Princess as the spicy sauce hit her tongue.
"W-water....! Water..!" She coughed looking franticly for some water to make the taste go away. "Somepony...! Water...! Now...!" She coughs, hanging out her tongue wiping it franticly with her hooves. "Wwwaaattttteeeeerrrrr!" She begs running into the kitchen franticly. "Somepony! Water..!" She says running franticly knocking plates and pots over looking for water while Discord sat back in the dining room chuckling quietly, she finds a pot with boiling water. "Water!" She says pouring it down her mouth instantly spitting it out "Hot! Hot...! Cold...! Ice!" She says running into the ice cellar and licking an ice block trying to get that dreaded taste out along with the new burns on her tongue, she presses her tongue to the block, relaxing. "Thafts beffter.." She says with her tongue still pressed on the block of ice, she tries to pull it back, only finding it to be frozen to the block "Greft!" She says trying to pull it out "Helf..! Shomeponeh! I'm stufct!" She says pulling harder to get it off, she sighs and shakes her head "Im sof stuphed.." She sighs remembering a spell to melt ice, she closes her eyes to focus on the spell "Chome ohn.." She says as the spell starts working melting the block "Yes!" She smiles as her tongue gets free. She trots back inside to the dining room, looking at Discord and sighs, he smirks.
"How was your soup, princess?" He looks at her with his smirk still on his face.
"Ohh, a little spicy is all, I had a talk with the cook about that." She says not letting him get the reaction he wanted.
"Oh? Is that so... That's not what I heard when you were running towards the kitchen.."
"Hmm, well, maybe something is wrong with your hearing then Discord."
"Hmmm, well, I must retire Discord, good evening, I will see you at dinner I suppose...."
"I suppose so..." He replies puzzled as she walks away seemingly unfazed.


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Discord sighs. "Oh why does Luna have to be such a bore?!" He asks himself as he walks to his room and lays down on the bed. "But alas, she shall be gone soon." He chuckles to himself, his plan going through his mind. "Celestia would be nothing with out her sister, without Luna... I can take over Equestria... Chaos! Oh wonderful chaos..!" He smiles to himself evilly. "What will I do first? Make it rain upside down? No... That's boring... Hmm, I have always loved chocolate milk... And cotton candy... That's it!" He laughs "I will make cotton candy clouds and make them rain chocolate milk!" He sighs "Tonight... Tonight is the night that my reign will begin!" He laughs. "Luna will never know what happens when I use that mind control spell on her to refuse to lower the moon!" He smiles readying the scroll to send to his followers, telling him the plan will unravel tonight.

"My dearest followers, the time hath come! Tonight, the princess of the moon shall fall! My followers, we are the outcasts that the princesses have cast aside! We are guards who have 'failed' the tests, the blank-flanks, the ponies who hide in the dark, the Griffons whom nopony trusts, the ponies who hate the sun and the moon! With I as our king, I will be fair! And nopony will be cast aside with me as your king! Prepare yourselves my followers! Meet me in the statue garden, and we will go into our lair, ready for our take over. I expect to see you in an half an hour, prepare yourselves. Tonight we fight! Tonight we win Equestria!
Signed, your soon to be king and ruler.

He laughs as he sends the letter to each of his followers across Equestria, he walks out to the garden, pushing down on both of the middle heads of a statue of a Hydra, the ground opens in front of him allowing him to enter the underground lair, he closes it back using the crank handle from the inside and uses a spell with the snap of his talons to light all of the torches, his throne in the back of the room along with two chairs on each side where his most trusted members sat, two griffons, and two ponies. He opens the metal door in the corner where his dungeon lies, a special cell for princess Celestia sat in the back, cuffs for her hooves, waist, and neck that doubles as an anti-magic color, boxes of them sat in the room for the unicorn guards, and boxes of braces to keep pegasi wings close to their bodies. He chuckles and smiles "Months and months of putting up with her, is going to pay off when I see her in-prisoned here! She will obey me! And only me! I will make it night when I want! Day when I want! Maybe no sun or moon at all!" He laughs to himself and goes back to his throne as his right-tallioned griffon arrives. "Glaze. Its good you got here early, watch the door my feathered friend." The silver griffon nods and puts on his helmet that has the same type horns on top crafted out of enchanted wood to turn his eyes the yellow and red of Discord's and make one of his teeth jut out like his soon to be ruler's. The sign of him being directly under the soon-to-be king, while the other members of the console had horns that were not enchanted on their helmets, and then the normal followers had one horn upon their helmets.
"Yes Discord." The griffon simply replies waiting for the oddly-rhythmed knock that the other members prepared to let them know they are followers of Discord, ponies soon came in placing their helmets on and sitting down in their seats, cheers erupt as Discord casts a noise-blocking sound so the sound of them will not be heard on the outside, he bows as they praise him greatly.
"Welcome! Welcome!" He embraces the praise from the ponies and griffons "Please, sit! We have a lot to discuss my dear followers." The followers quiet down and take their seats as he does.
"Tonight is the night we take over!" He says with a smile on his face as the ponies and griffons cheer. "Glaze, have you been practicing fight training with the fellow griffons like I have ordered?" He turns to the griffon on his right.
"Yes my king, we are ready to fight and restrain ponies as needed."
"Good.. Silver Strike?" He turns to a silver Pegasus pony to his left. "You have trained the ponies to fight using the help of Magic Spark and Path Blaze?"
"Yes sir my king." The silver Pegasus with a black mane replies.
"Good, good! Now, the plan is that Celestia will teleport home after I cast the spell on Luna making her refuse to lower the moon, meanwhile I want all my warriors to be taking out guards while I lead Celestia here, where we will put her along will all the other guards we have captured in their cells, and then, I take over, I seize Equestria in my paw and start a new, and better Equestria for all!" He smiles as the followers cheer loudly for their king.
"Go my followers! Train for the upcoming battle tonight! We will need it!" The trainers stand leading their warriors to the training rooms to train for the battle tonight, Discord sits on his throne with a smile on his face as everything goes as planned.