> A Corrupted and Sad Human in Equestria > by TrueKillerHun > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1: Life ends as I know it,,, or is it? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A corrupted and sad human in Equestria (a first-person narrative fanfic) By TrueKillerHun Chapter 1: Life ends as I know it...or is it? "Ha, ha, ha! How embarrassing to get your pants dropped on graduation, huh, Draco." "I'm sorry to say that your mother died of cancer yesterday. I'm sorry." "That was your final strike, Geoff! You're fired!" ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Those voices continued to ring in my mind as I sat in the middle of my empty apartment living room. A few months ago, I finally graduated from high school(thank goodness), only to start my school free life in a terrible way. At my graduation ceremony, a bully that he think its funny to pull off a prank before graduated, so he decides to pull my pants down(including my boxers) and show everyone my private area with a scar over it. They all laughed and pointed at it, which hurt my life only by a little bit. Few weeks after that, I returned from my job as a clerk for Harkins when I saw a police officer standing outside of my new apartment. He, then, told me about my mother, informing me that she is died of cancer. This hurt my heart because I now know that I'm the only member of the Dowling family that is still standing. Then, a month past after that sad event. My boss, Rick Standford, wish to see me in his office in Harkins. I arrived in his office and he started to bombard me with the past mistakes I made in my six months that I worked here. I ask if I can have an another chance to make it up, but he said that twenty-five mistakes is way too much. He gave me my last check, a pink slip and said you're fired at the top of his lungs. I ran out with tears in my eyes as I returned to my apartment. Which leads to the present. I was sitting on the floor in my living room with a notice in my right hand. The apartment owners informed me that tomorrow they need my bill paid or I will get kicked out of the place. I had a suitcase next to me, since I was leaving the apartments anyway. All of my possessions in my home was pawned and paid all my bills last month except my home fee. The only items in the room except the suitcase was my iPhone in my pocket with the ear buds in my ears. I listened to Disturbed, All-American Rejects and the other bands I had on my phone. Oh, forgive if I didn't introduce myself. My name is Geoff Dowling, but you may call me Draco if you want. Why is my nickname Draco, you may ask? Well, my favorite animal, or mythical being, was dragons. Everything I used to have was all dragon-related: clothes, pants, shoes, socks, wallets, etc. I had pictures and statues of dragons in my home before I sold most of them to a pawn shop. I still don't understand why they call me Draco, but it fits. Returning to the current situation, I checked the contents in my suitcase, which have a picture of a red and black dragon on it. I double checked if I have everything I need. "Let's see," I said to myself. "Shirts, pants, boxers, spare shoes and boots, body spray, makeup, colored contacts, socks, protein bars. Yep, I have all I need to survive in the streets." By now, you are possibly wondering why the makeup and eye contacts. Well, I dislike my current appearance on my face with its large scar over my right eye that I had since I was six and the odd mixed eye combo of blue and red. So, I apply the peach-colored makeup over my scar and insert the blue eye contacts over my red eye everyday since my mother's death. Continuing from where I left off, I closed the suitcase and set it behind my head as I shut off my phone for the night and lay on my back on the floor. I sighed, "Well, Draco. Starting tomorrow, it will be the beginning of the end of your life, you idiot." Tears ran down my face as I continued talking to myself, "No one will ever love you and your wish for death may come true tonight." I looked outside through the window above my head and saw a shooting star, as well as a start of a meteor shower. I crossed my fingers, hoping for one of those meteors to land over my home and kill me. I begin to shut my eyes, still dropping tears from my eyes. My head rested on my suitcase as I begin to enter my slumber. My life may change for the better, but it won't, I thought. ______________________________________________________________________________________________ I awoke with the morning sun beating down on my face. I stood up and stretched my body as I open my eyes. I stopped midway up as my eyes made contact with the surroundings around me. I suddenly found myself outside in a grassy field with a lake on my right side, and trees in the distance on my left. I hear no sounds of any vehicles, as well as no signs of any tall buildings of any kind. All there was is clouds in the sky and mountains in the distance. Where the hell am I? I thought to myself. > Chapter 2: Equestria? Talking Ponies? WTF? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 2: Equestria? Talking ponies? WTF? "OK, Draco, where are you exactly?" I walked around the lake that I found when I woke up in a unknown land. I was thinking to myself, trying to figure out where the hell I was. "Let see," I said. "I went to sleep on the floor of my apartment, then I found myself out in an open field with no noise of anything, as well as any buildings of any kind." I continue to exam the area more carefully. "Grassy fields, clear lake, white clouds, and mountains in the distance," I whisper as I exam the area. "Either I'm in Europe, Asia, or Canada?" Double take on the area. Definitely in Europe, I thought. "But, just in case." I took out my phone and turned it on. Wait for it to finish loading up all the apps, then I pressed the GPS app. I pressed the "Find Me" button and waited for a while, then the GPS replied with "Cannot find satellite, please try again" beamed on the screen. I try again and it still can't find the satellite. This is freakin' bull, I thought as I put the phone away in my pocket. Why can't I find myself in this stupid phone. I returned to where I woke up when I realized something was missing. "Where is my suit...," I said as I looked around when I saw who took my suitcase, a little, white bunny rabbit. It was carrying my suitcase on its back when its eyes made contact with mine. "Give that to me," I said to the bunny,with my right hand sticking out. "Now." The bunny took a step back as I took a step closer to it. As soon I took another step, the bunny started to sprint the direction behind it, with my suitcase still on its back. "HEY, STOP!" I shouted as I started my chase after the white rabbit. I honestly don't know where this bunny was going, but all can focus on was getting my suitcase back because I had something in there that I don't want anyone to get their hands onto. The bunny ran over a bridge and heading into a nearby town. I didn't stop to observe the area since I was already in the town, following the bunny up the road. I did manage to get close enough to dive at the bunny and grab the case it was holding on its back. I rolled and stood back up, saying, "Yes! Got it back. Now," I kneed down to the bunny, who was sitting in front of me. "Don't you ever steal this from... me... ever..." My sentence soon cut short when my head moved up and saw the residents of the town looking at me, but the residents weren't humans. They were freakin' ponies, so many colorful ponies. There was regular ponies, unicorns, and pegasi (seriously, unicorns and pegasi?) And it didn't stop there. It seems they were TALKING to each other, and I can understand them. "What is that thing?" one of the ponies said. "That can't be a pony, can it?" said another. I started to slowly stepping backwards away from the bunny, with my suitcase between my arms when I bump into someone. "Hey, watch where you going." said a voice behind me. The voice belong to a woman that was standing behind me. I slowly turned my head and body to the direction of the owner of the voice. My eyes widen when I saw who I bump into, a unicorn. Her coat was a light purple color and her eyes is purple like her body. Her hair style is what you see on a human woman's head, purple hair with streaks of a lighter purple and pink (still fresh from out of school, so expect not many descriptions on all beings and I'm not great at describing, so shut up.) Her eyes meet with mine. "Are you a human, the creatures of myth?" she said to me. My eyes didn't break any contact with her eyes since I was shocked of what I saw. "Um, hello? Can you speak?" said the purple unicorn as she took a step closer. I step back away from the unicorn. "Don't be afraid, I don't bite," she said. "You are probably wondering where you are, don't you?" I shock my head, still not breaking any contact from her. "Well, you're in Equestria and this town we are in is Ponyville." Equestria? Ponyville? OK, now I know I'm not in Europe, or Earth if that's possible. I manage to open my mouth, try to speak to the lady, when suddenly a voice rang in my ears that made me and the unicorn jump. "LOOK OUT BELOW!" it said. The voice sounded like a woman, but with a little boyish tone in it. I look up and saw a rainbow, moving towards me. "HOLY MOTHER OF..." is all I manage to say before the rainbow hit me, thus knocking me out cold. (2 hours later, I believe) "What is this thing, Twilight?" "I don't know, Rainbow Dash, but I believe this thing is a human." "A human? The creatures of myth? 'all must be joking." "It's true, Applejack." "I hope this human likes to party." "Darling, a party probably the last thing this human needs." My mind finally returned from being knocked out when I heard voices near me. I keep my eyes shut, so they can't know I woke up. One of the voices that I heard I already know. The one they call Twilight had the same voice as the unicorn that I meet earlier. I was almost startled with a hand, or hoof, was placed on my head. Later, a voice spoke near my left ear, but the voice sounded more like a whisper than a shout. "..um," it said. "is this human still, um, alive?" The next voice that spoke was the unicorn's. "He's still alive, Fluttershy. I'm pretty sure Dash didn't hit him that hard." The boyish tone voice came up next. "That's great that he is still alive, Twilight, but I'm more concern about what's on his face and his right arm." I know what she meant, she is wondering about the scar over my right eye and the blue dragon tattoo that is wrapped around my right arm with its head on the back of my hand and its tail on my neck. I felt something poking at my arm, a nail I believe since the poking was starting to hurt. A young boy's voice spoke up, saying, "Is this what dragons look like from where he came from?" The unicorn's voice came up again. "I don't know if dragons exist from where he come from, Spike, but maybe we can find more information about him when we look in his suitcase." My eyes opened and stood up, saying, "DON'T TOUCH THAT!" All the voices became startled and looked at me. My eyes widen when I saw the owners of the voices, more ponies, including the purple unicorn, and a small, purple creature. Oh crap, I thought. > Chapter 3: Friendly Faces, Sad Memory > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 3: Friendly Faces, Sad Memory I found myself in a library when I open my eyes, thus making contact to the ponies and the creature. I honestly don't know how long I looked at the ponies or the small creature. As the time past, I took a further scan on all the ponies and the creature to get more detail. The pony on my left is a white unicorn. Her mane and tail are purple and curled. Her eyes are a azure color, as well as a light blue eyeshadow. The pony to her left is an orange, normal pony. Her mane and tail is blonde and each ends with a red ponytail. I notice besides her emerald eyes is her freckles under each eye. To her left is another normal pony, but her body, poofy mane and tail is pink. Her eyes is blue, the only thing that's not pink. Besides her is a blue pegasus with reddish-pink eyes. Her hair is what seems to be like a rainbow and her hair style is shorter than the others, leading me to guess that she might be a tomboy. The next pony is a yellow pegasus, but I didn't get much detail on her since she keeps hiding behind the tomboy. Her mane and tail is a light pink and her eyes is cyan. To my right is the unicorn from earlier, already describe her. Next to her is the small, purple creature. His body is purple, of course, with green spikes on his back, starting at his head and ends on his tail. His eyes is a green color. He seems to be a large reptile, but what do I know? I also notice the ponies had tattoos on their flanks. The white unicorn had three blue diamonds on her, the orange pony had three apples, the pink pony had three balloons (two blue, one yellow), the blue pegasus had a cloud with a rainbow lighting bolt coming out of it, the yellow pegasus had three pink butterflies, and the purple unicorn had a six-pointed pink star. After examining each of these beings, their eyes staring at me was becoming a bit creepy so I spoke up. "Um," I said. "It's rude to stare at people for a large amount of time without introducing yourself , you know." The first to speak was the purple unicorn. "Of course," she said. "My name is Twilight Sparkle and these ponies..." She pointed her hoof at the others. "... are my friends." Each came closer to me and each introduce themselves to me. The white unicorn is Rarity, the orange pony is Applejack, the pink pony is Pinkie Pie, the blue pegasus is Rainbow Dash, and the shy, yellow pegasus is Fluttershy. They, including Twilight, is very polite, which I didn't expect since when I meet people on Earth, they always called me a weirdo. "Nice to meet you all," I said. "My name is..." "Geoff Dowling," a voice said. My head move towards the owner of the voice, which was the purple reptile, holding my wallet. "Yeah, Geoff," I said as I took my wallet back from him. "But you may call me Draco if you want." "The name's Spike," he said. "And why should we call you Draco?" "I don't know, Spike," I muttered. "Probably something to do with my love to dragons." He smile when I said that. After that, he spoke yet again. "Well, you like me since I am a dragon." I raised an eyebrow and moved my head closer to Spike, saying, "Really? I didn't expect a dragon to look like you" Twilight, soon, spoke next. "What did you expect a dragon to look like?" "Well," I said as I try to figure out what to use as an example. Then, I noticed my tattoo on my right arm and my suitcase. "Something like this." Holding out my arm. "And that." I pointed at my suitcase. "Seems spooky," Dash said as she move towards at my case. "Yet, look awesome." "DON'T GO NEAR THAT!" I shouted, which made everyone jump when my voice rang in the library. I ran towards my case, grabbed it and sat on the ground with it in my arms. "What is your deal with this suitcase?" Rarity said. "Is there something in there that 'all not letting anypony know?" Applejack said next. "Yes," I whispered. The next voice was Fluttershy, the owner of the quiet voice from earlier. "Can we see it," she said. "I mean if you want?" My eyes look at Fluttershy. Her cyan eyes were so beautiful and it felt like her stare are stabbing on my soul. Damn it, I thought when I look into her eyes. "OK," I manage to say. "But you must never tell anyone about this." Each of their heads shook in agreement, but Spike's. I open the locks on the suitcase, when Spike's voice came up. "You probably shouldn't open that." "And why's that?" I said as I start to open the suitcase, when suddenly black smoke exploded out of it. "(cough) HOLY MOTHER OF (cough)," I said when I was inhaling the smoke. The smoke filled the room, which made everyone, except Spike, cough. Windows suddenly open in the library, causing the smoke to escape to the outside. My vision return when I saw black ash in the case. "Who the hell did this," I said when I turn my head at the ponies and Spike. Spike spoke up. " I, sorta, looking in your suitcase and, then, suddenly I sneeze. When I sneeze, flames came out and burn all of your things you had in there. Sorry." I looked back at the black ash, saying, "nonononononoNONONONONONO!" I start to dig through the ashes, throwing it everywhere, looking for "it". Then, I felt a flat and smooth surface in the ashes. Could it be? I thought. I shove both of my hands into the ashes and pulled out a black, metal box. "Oh, thank goodness!" I said in relief. I threw my suitcase to my right and set the box on my lap. I wipe off the ashes on the top and it revealed a gold plate with an inscription bolted on the box. It reads: "To my son, who I love very much" I unlock the lock that is on the box and opened it. Inside was things that once belong to my father. On the top, his combat knife, blade as long as twenty centimeters. It have a dragon and a tiger engraved on the blade. Next to it was its housing, you know, where to put the knife in when I want to carry it around with me. On the bottom was his gun. A custom-made gold Desert Eagle with a lazer sights attached on the bottom of the barrel. Engraved on the handle, a blue tiger on the left and a red dragon on the right. Spare magazines rested below the gun. I noticed a picture sticking out below the butt of the gun. I grab the picture and looked at the image. It was me, age six, with a patch over my right eye. And the person's shoulders that I was on was my father. "Father..." I whisper as I closed my eyes and a tear drop down on my face. (Flashback, thirteen years ago) "Come on, daddy. I want to play horsy again." "Son, your old man is tired. Why don't you go play with your toys?" "OK." Ah, young Geoff. So young and filled with so much energy. His mother was in Florida and his father in the living room in a two-story home in Maine. His parents' divorced about three years ago. His father had rights to have his son during the summer and school breaks. Geoff love his father more than his mother. His father was a military man, a Sargent. When he is off in the battlefield, Geoff always wished his father luck and come back with stories. This was a happy time for Geoff, until... One day, during a school day in Florida, Geoff jumped off the bus when he saw his mother and a military officer. He noticed his mother was crying and the officer had a white note with a red spot on it and a large, black box. "Why is mommy crying, officer?" Geoff asked the officer. "Son, I have some bad news for you," the officer said. "Two days ago, your father was in a scouting mission with his team. The mission was a success, but with casualties." "Who?" the little boy said. "Well, your father wrote you a letter before he continued with his mission, before he..." He gives Geoff the note. "Read this." It reads: "Dear Geoff, I might be on this mission a bit longer than I expected. I wonder how you are doing in school. I hope your grades are improving. When I come home, I want to take you out to a..." The rest was unreadable due to the red spot. "Why is this spot covering the letter, mister?" Geoff asked the officer. The officer sighed, "That is your father's blood. He got shot directly to the head with a sniper bullet." The boy stepped back from the officer. "What are you trying to say?" "He's dead," the officer said. "I'm sorry." Geoff was completely shocked of what he just heard. All the happiness in him vanished into thin air. He cried to his father's death, knees on the ground. The officer gave the black box to Geoff's mother, telling her to give the box to him when he is at least sixteen. Since that day, Geoff never acted the same way ever again. (Present Day) I don't know how long I was out, but when I open my eyes the ponies was gone, as well as Spike. I put the picture back in the box and locked it up. I placed the box on top of a nearby table when I noticed a note on the table. I pick up the note and read it myself. The note only had three words: "Follow the arrows" "Follow the arrows?" I questioned the note. "What did it mean by..." My sentence was cut short when I see arrows on the door in the library. I open the door and find more arrows, floating in the air. I followed the arrows when I noticed the sky was dark and the bright moon beaming down on my face. How long was I out? The arrows soon lead me to a building. It look like a gingerbread house from that one fairy tale I heard when I was little. The arrows was pointed at the door of the building. I walked towards the door and pushed it open since the door here lack a doorknob. In the building, a note was placed on the counter across the room. I picked up the note and it reads: "Upstairs" I looked around for the stairs. I found them on my left, so I started my assent up the stairs. The room on the top was completely dark. Windows must of been covered up with curtains, I thought. I felt around the wall near me for a light switch. I found the switch and flick on, then all of the sudden... "SURPRISE!" "OH CRAP," I shouted as I jump backwards towards the stairs. I fell down the stairs, hitting some steps along the painful way down. My fall stopped at the bottom, hitting the floor with such force, it cause one of the painting on the wall to fall and hit me on the head. I was knocked out before I could manage to escape from the object. > Chapter 4: The last thing I need: Parties > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 4: The last thing I need: Parties "Look. He's waking up." I shook my head when I awoke from a painful fall on the stairs. I run my right hand over my head when I felt a bump on my head. The bump felt more like a hat of some sort. I grabbed the hat and put it in front of my face. I cocked an eyebrow when I saw what kind of hat it was. "A party hat?" I said in confusion. Looking up from the hat, I meet eye to eye to a pair of blue eyes, which startled me. "Holy!" I shouted. Backing away, I saw who the owner of the blue eyes. "Pinkie Pie?" She shook her head. "Yeah, it's me. Pinkie Pie. And I threw this party just for you." A party? I looked around the pink pony and saw balloons, streamers, snakes, and a punch bowl. I also realized the other ponies from earlier were there as well, except Spike. "Why throw a party to an outsider?" I said to Pinkie. Twilight spoke up, answering my question. "She always throw parties to any new pony coming to Ponyville. Or in your case, a human." I looked around the room once more before I speak. "After the hell I been through?" "What do you mean?" Applejack said. "Ever since I graduated from high school," I said in anger. "My life have been a complete mess. My pants got pulled down in front of everyone in my graduation ceremony, including my underpants." I heard a giggle from Rainbow Dash. "You think that's funny? It's not for me. Few weeks after that, my mother died from cancer." Dash's giggling stopped after I finished my sentence. "Not so funny now, huh? About a month after that, my boss from the job that I had for a few years fired me, thus losing all of my money." Fluttershy walked up to me after I told my experience after graduation. "I'm sorry for your loss," she said. "WHY ARE YOU SAYING YOU'RE SORRY? YOU'RE NOT THE ONE WHO CAUSE THIS TO HAPPEN!" I shouted in anger. Fluttershy backed away from me after I shouted at her. The others backed away as well. "AND YOU THINK THROWING A PARTY FOR ME WILL CHEER ME UP AFTER ALL THAT?" I said as I pointed my finger at Pinkie Pie. "But I thought.." she said before I interrupted her. "YOU THOUGHT NOTHING. THE LAST THING I FUCKING NEED IS A STUPID PARTY." Pinkie's mane and tail suddenly went from puffy to flat. I started to move towards the stairs before I was stopped by Applejack. "And where are you going?" she said. "Out of this fucking town," I said as I picked her up from my path and threw her to my left, landing near Rarity. "And don't try to stop me," I said as I ripped the hat from my hand and threw it up in the air as I walked down the stairs and out the gingerbread building. I walked back to the library, which is a large, oak tree. I shoved the door open and walked up to my suitcase. I picked it up and moved it next the black box that I placed on a table. I dumped out the black ash from the inside of the case and put the black box back in it. I locked up the case, picked it up and started my leave before my path was blocked by Twilight, standing in the doorway. "Leaving already?" she said. "I told you before," I said. "Don't try to stop me. Now, move." Twilight refused to moved away. "Not until you tell me the sudden anger back at Sugar Cube Corner." "I said move," I shouted at her, but she still doesn't move away. "Until you tell me, I won't move from this spot," Twilight said. I put the suitcase on the ground and walked to the wall next to the table where my box was resting at. I dropped to the ground with my back against the wall. I shed a tear before I start my confession. "Look, I'm sorry for my sudden attitude back at there," I said as more tears bloom from my eyes. "But I lost someone that is very important to me way before I can came here." Twilight walked away from the door, which mysteriously closed on its own, and sat in front of me before she speaks. "Who? Your mother?" "No," I said before I cover my eyes with my hands. "My father." "Your father?" she said. "How did he died?" More tears fell from my face. "Don't want to talk about it." Twilight moved next to my left before speaking. "Please tell me. Talking about it will make you fell better." I sigh before I talked. "When I was six, he was a military man before he died. The cause of his death was... was..." Tears started to move down my arms when I shed more. "... a direct bullet shot to the head, thus killing him." Twilight gasped when I finshed my sentence. "Oh my," she said in shock. She moved her head away from me, thinking before she moved back. "Do you have a picture of him?" I shook my head. "In my suitcase." I suddenly felt something bumping my head after a second past. I moved my head away from my hands when I saw my suitcase floating in the air in front of me. I looked at Twilight when I saw a strange aura forming from her head. "Don't be startled," she said. "We unicorns have the ability to use magic to do numerous things like levitation." Magic? Damn. Looking away, I grabbed the floating case and open it up and pulled out the black box. I opened the box and pulled the picture of me and my father and showed it to Twilight. "The large one," I said. "is my father and the little guy with the patch is me." "Wow," she said. She looked away from the picture and stared at the contents in the box. "What are those?" I put the picture back in the box, closed it, and put it back in the suitcase. "They belong to my father," I said as I put the case next to me. "He gave them to me before he died." I stood up and looked down at Twilight. "Come on, I have to apologized to a few ponies for my attitude earlier." She stood up as well and walked next to me. "Of course," she said when the aura on her horn formed up again. "I can get us there fast, so stay near me." "How are we get back at Pinkie's..." is all I manage to said before I realized I was back in the room where Pinkie and the others were at. "Um, never mind." "Look. The jerk is back," Rainbow Dash said when she sees me. "Listen to me before you bombard me with names," I said. "I'm here to say I'm sorry for earlier." I looked at Applejack. "I'm sorry, AJ, for throwing you across the room." "Apology accepted," she said. I, then, looked at Fluttershy. "I'm sorry for yelling at you, Fluttershy." "That's OK," she said in a quiet voice. "Now," I walked and kneed down in front of Pinkie Pie, mane and tail still flat. "I'm sorry for running out on your, I mean, my party. I should give your party a chance before I stormed out." Pinkie's mane and tail sudden went puffy again. "So you're here to party?" she said. "Um, yeah?" I said before she put a party hat on my head. "Well," she said. "then let's party." > Chapter 5: Pinkie's (or my) Party > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 5: Pinkie's (or my) Party The party started out with Pinkie jumping towards what it seems to be a old record player. How far back is this place, I thought. Earth is way ahead with fancy technology such as mp3 players and Eco-friendly vehicles. She cranked the lever that was attached to the player and music started to play. I dislike the music that was playing, but I don't want be rude. So, I ignore Pinkie's music choice. I walked up to the punch bowl, which was located next to my right, and poured some of its contents in a small glass cup. I hold the glass by its bottom while I walked up to Rainbow and Applejack, who were standing near a large, wooden tub that was filled with water and... apples? "Bobbing for apples?" I said as I reached to the tube. "I never see this game since my fifth birthday." "Wanna join?" Dash said. I finished the punch from my glass before I gave an answer to her. "Sure, why not?" I placed my cup next to the tub and put my hands on the tub. I inhaled deep, hold my breath and shoved my head into the water. Feeling around in the water for an apple, I manage to get not just one, but two apples on my mouth. I pulled up from the water with the apples in my mouth. "Wow," Applejack said in amazement. " I never seen anypony, or anyone, pulled up with two apples." I spit out the apples, which landed on my hands. "I always get two apples," I said. "never on purpose, though. Want the other one?" "Sure," she said. She grabbed the apple from my right hand with her mouth and started to eat it as I ate mine. I stopped when I was near the core of the apple while Applejack completely finishing hers. I looked around for a trash can. I found it across the room, but just walking up to the trash wouldn't be much fun since this is a party, so I started to make a bet in my mind when I realized that I didn't know what the ponies here used for money. I turned my head back to Dash and Applejack and ask them, "What is the currency that is used here?" "What do you mean?" Dash questioned. "I mean," I answered. "What do you ponies used for money?" "Oh," Applejack said. "We used bits." She and Dash pulled out gold coins and showed them to me. "These are bits," Dash said. Applejack spoke next. "Why you asked a random question?" "Well," I said as I looked at the apple core in my hand. "I want to throw away this core to the trash that is located on the other side of this room, but just walking up to it won't be much fun. So, I figure if I could make a bet with you both." "A bet?" they both said. They looked at each other before turning back. "How much?" Dash said. "Two, if I can throw this core to the trash can from here." "Deal," they said. I looked at the trash can and started to aim for the can. Holding the core in my hand, I tossed it up in the air and landed into the can. "Nailed it," I said as I turned back at Rainbow and AJ. They gave me two of their bits and I put it into my front left pocket. Easy money, I thought. "I wonder if there is anything special in the water?" I thought aloud before Pinkie, out of nowhere, spoke up. "Oh, there is." "What?" I said to her. "It's a secret," Pinkie said. "You have to figure it out yourself." I turned away from her as she hopped away to dance with Twilight. "Now I'm curious what those 'secrets' are." I said. I inhaled once more and dove my head into the water. Seconds past when I can't find anything in the water before I felt my head being grappled by something. I pulled my head out of the water immediately, hoping whatever hooked onto my head released itself, but it was still attached to my head. My vision was black, making me believe that this 'thing' is still attached to me. I felt around my head with my hands, thus making contact with a scaly surface. "I do believe that there is something eating my head," I said after I felt around once more to realize that my mouth was free. I heard Pinkie's voice near my right ear. "Gummy! Stop biting poor Draco's head." So, she is using my nickname; I thought as this 'Gummy' character released its grip from my head. I was surprise of what Gummy looked like. "An baby alligator?" I said in confusion. "Yeah," Pinkie said. "He's my pet. And don't worry about any bite marks on your head, Gummy doesn't have any teeth." And, as usual for her, she bounced away. "That would explain why don't feel any pain when that gator was biting on my head," I said to myself. "Well, I'm out." "Out?" Dash said. "Yeah, I'm finished with this game. Nice to have some fun in this party, don't you agree?" She and AJ shook their heads, agree with my excuse. I walked to a nearby wall in the room and sat down on the ground with my back on the wall. I stretched my arms in the air and dropped back down when I realized my right arm was around something as it descent from the air. I looked to my right and saw... "Fluttershy!" I said as I jumped from the ground into the air, shocked of who I put my arm around. I noticed she was blushing from my honest mistake. "Many apologies, Fluttershy, many apologies. I didn't know you were there." "No, no," she manage to say. "It.. it was my fault to b.. be there." "No," I protest from her apology. " It was my fault. Now, I will be.. um..." I looked around and pointed at a random wall away from Fluttershy. "... over there. Sorry." I walked away from her to a new wall, looking around near the wall, making sure no other being was near my arm length. I sat down to the ground with my back on the wall. That was way too close, I thought. Don't want to be in that situation again. I pulled out my ear buds that was attached to my iPhone from my right pocket, since the music was getting a bit boring. I pressed on the phone and 'The Offspring' started to play. "Ah," I quietly said in relief. "Much better." I closed my eyes before Pinkie started to shake my body, think that I might fall asleep during her party. I stopped the music as I press the phone once more to stop the music and put the ear buds back in my pocket. "Wake up," Pinkie said. "Don't fall asleep when we start to have cake." She shoved a piece of what it seems to be chocolate cake into my mouth. I swallowed the cake and stood up from where I sat, looking at the pink pony. "Don't ram food down people's throat when they.." I said before the flavor from the cake started to kick in. That cake was delicious as it travel down my throat and into my stomach. "Wow, this is good. Did you make this?" Pinkie started to speak yet again, but at rapid-fire speed. "Yeah, I did. I made that cake here at Sugercube Corner for your party. I figure I make a cake that would be super good for a human like you and my friends, or should I say our friends. It took me two hours to make this cake and.. say, where did you get that scar over your right eye and that weird mark over your arm? Is that suppose to be your cutie mark? That's a weird place to have it. Wait, do humans have cutie marks? It must be pretty funny to have that for a cutie mark, don't you agree? Wait, what we're talking about?" I have a confused look on my face, having no idea what the hell this crazy pony trying to say. "I have no idea," I manage to say in confusion. "You lost me at 'Yeah'." Pinkie smiled and started to hug me. "Whaa..." I muttered before I realized the others, including Fluttershy, who was hiding in the corner on the other side of the room, hug me as well. I spaced out while they were hugging me, confused of what just happen. Are they... hugging me, I thought. They can't have that kind of feeling for an outsider like me, can they? Wait. Can't have that kind of feeling to these ponies, you idiot. Being just friends is the way to go. "Hey," I heard a voice from my ears, echoing like I was in a large empty room. I shook my head to return to reality. I looked around and realized that the party decor and the wooden tub was gone. I looked down and saw Pinkie, looking up at me. "You're staying with me, Draco," she said with a smile on her face. I gave a confused look again, piecing together of what I just hear. "Really?" I said. "Well, that awfully nice of you" Pinkie smiled once more before she pointed at a bed on the other side of the room. "You can sleep on my bed," she said. "I'll sleep on the ground here." "Oh, no," I said, protesting her offer. "I'll sleep on the ground, you sleep on your own bed. I will be OK sleeping on the ground, Pinkie. I don't want to sleep on a... OH SHIT!" I totally realized about my suitcase being left at the library. "My suitcase. I left it at the library." "Don't worry," Pinkie said as she pulled up my suitcase with her teeth. "How the..." I said before Pinkie interrupt me. "Twilight dropped it off here about an hour ago while you were looking at the ceiling." My eyes widen of how long I spaced out for. An hour, I thought. Damn. "Well," I said as I took my suitcase from the pink mare's mouth. "I should thank her when I see her tomorrow." I dropped the case to the ground and rested my head on it. "Do you need any blankets?" Pinkie said. "Nah," I said, denying her offer. "I'm good. You should get some sleep." She shook her head in agreement and jumped up to her bed. Not for long, Pinkie was fast asleep before I started to sleep. Well, I hope my experience here goes a lot smoother tomorrow that today, I thought before I fall into my slumber. (several hours ago, back at Earth) "WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU CAN'T FIND HIM?" "He's not here, sir. I saw him walking in his home yesterday and now I can't find him." "THEN, LOOK AGAIN! THAT BASTARD CAN'T GO FAR IN THAT TOWN!" "Of course, general. Lieutenant, out." The general slammed his fist onto the arm of the chair he was sitting at as the call cut from contact. His name tag reads "General Tornheart". "Everyone," the general said as he stood from his chair. "look for our target as I check the test subject." "Yes, sir!" many voices rang out the room as the general stated to walked out the main computer room. He walked down a large, dark hallway that ends with a large, steel door that have a inscription on it. It reads: "Phazon test subject. Warning: Wear Protected Gear as you enter this room. Authorized Personnel Only." The steel doors opens and a large room with a tall storage tube stands in the center, as well as a few computers and monitors around the tube. A few engineers were sitting at the computers. "Hey," the general shouted at them, getting their attention. "How the test subject?" "Still manage to survive with how much we inject into his system," one of the engineers said, not breaking any contact from the computer. "Sir, if I may ask?" another of the engineers asked. "Why do we call this substance 'Phazon'? Do you want to get sued?" The general sighed before he begins. "In the late 60's, a meteor landed near this base, carrying a unknown blue substance. The scientist from that era researched this blue liquid. After many tests with this substance, they called it 'Blue Death' since it was killing plants and animals. In 2002, a video game called 'Metroid Prime' was released and it spoke about the same blue substance that shared the same properties as 'Blue Death' except the mutations it caused. It got the government attention, so they decide to change the name of the blue substance 'Blue Death' to 'Phazon'. After that game released, it got us to try to combine creatures and plants with Phazon, but failed. Then, a fellow Sargent stepped up and offer to be a test subject for our research on Phazon. Since then, he still that subject in that tube." The general walked up to the large tube. On the bottom of the tube, there was a name plate attached to it. It reads: "Sargent J. Dowling, Russel." "But recently," the general said as he continued. "his life signs are starting to weaken. This worried us before we realized he had a son. So, a few years ago, we injected a small portion of the Phazon into his bloodstream as a flu shot. Now, we are looking for his son since he, somehow, disappear from his home yesterday." "But, why the son?" the first engineer said. "Both the Sargent and his son shared the same DNA, so this way we can't start a new research," the general said. He looked up at the being in the tube, saying, "You hear that, Sargent. As soon as we find your son, you can finally die in peace as we use him as the new test subject." And just like that, the general turned around with his back facing the tube and exit the room, laughing. The Sargent looked up as the general left the room. He, then, lowered his head and whisper something. "Geoff, where ever you are, keeping hiding. As long you hide, you can't share the same pain I've been through. And I'm sorry." > Chapter 6: New Day in the New World > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 6: New Day in the New World I awoke with pain on my neck as I stood from the ground of Pinkie's room. I got to stop sleeping on that suitcase, I thought. I looked at the bed that was in front of me and saw Pinkie, still sleeping while hugging her pet alligator. I dropped back to the ground and started to do some push-ups. "To 100," I said to myself. 1...2...3...4 What do I need to do today? I thought. One, thank Twilight for dropping of my suitcase. Two, look for a job since I might be here for a while. Three (important), thank Pinkie for giving me a party, letting me sleep in her home and apologize for the behavior I had. 51...52.......53.........54...........55 Weird, I never slow down around the 50's. And I never remember to put bricks on my back. Wait, what? I turned my head to look behind me and saw Pinkie Pie, standing on my back. "Good morning, Draco," she said in a cheerful voice. I shook my head and continued my push-ups. 56...57...58...59...60 "Hey," Pinkie said. "Why are you doing that?" "Well," I said as I continue. "I need to keep my body in shape." I stood back up, stretched my body and looked down on the pink pony, saying, "Do you know where the bathroom is? I need to use the john, as well as a nice shower." Pinkie smile and started to bounce towards the stairs. "Follow me," she said. I grabbed my suitcase, which was sitting next to me, and followed her. As I followed the joyful creature down the stairs, my stomach started to hurt. Probably hungry, I thought before Pinkie stopped at a random door. "Bathroom is in here," she said before walking away. "Hey, Pinkie," I said to her, which made her stop and turned her head around to look at me. "Thanks for the party and allowing me to spend the night here. And, sorry for shouting at you." Pinkie suddenly hugged me like she did last night, saying, "That's OK." She, then, bounced away to the lower level of her home. "Task three," I whispered. "Check." (back at Earth) "Any luck?" "No." "Well, keep looking. The general won't be very happy if he figures out that the target isn't in the town." The personnel at the computers were chatting to each other about not finding their target, Geoff. They knew if they can't find him, the general will give his usual "motivation" threat. None of them want a magnum pointed at their heads. "Say," one of the personnel said. "What if we use the global scan? It could make the search a lot easier." "Not a bad idea," said the general, who suddenly appeared out of nowhere. Everyone jumped as they saw him. "Don't stand around like a bunch of dumb monkeys, continue the search." "YES, SIR!" the personnel shouted and went back to their job. The general sat on his chair, which is located behind them, and looked at the monitors that was in the room. "Where are you, you fucker?" the general whisper. (in Ponyville, Equestria) "Ah, much better," I whisper as I felt the warm water hitting my body and face. I was standing in the tub, that was standing in the middle of the bathroom in Pinkie's home. The tub was small, but I was able to fit my body into the tub. I looked at down onto my body and mange to see a few scars on my chest, as well as the scar on my groin. How I got the scar there was from a rookie doctor's mistake as it was his first time to deliver a new baby to the world, which happens to be me. He mistakenly almost cut my manhood before my father, who was there, stopped him. They stitched up the gap and cut the cord, which was still attached to my mother. How I received the scars on my chest is another story, which I will tell you later. I grabbed the bottle of shampoo that was in the tub and pop the lid open, inhaling the smell. Bubblegum? I thought. No, cotton candy? Maybe cotton candy bubblegum? I squeezed the contents out to my hand and rubbed it onto my head. Putting the bottle back where I found it, I rub the substance onto my dirty blond hair before I felt something poking my area. I looked down and saw... "Pinkie!" I shouted as I jumped out the tub and grabbed a towel that was near me and wrapped it around the waist area of my body, covering my behind and manhood. "What the fuck are you doing in here? Ever heard of privicy?" Pinkie jumped out the tub and asked, "Where did you get those scars?" I didn't answer because I pushed her out the bathroom and shut the door. After closing the door, I answered her question, "I will tell you when I get changed, but never come in here when someone is washing up. Serious." "Okie-Dokie," she said. I sighed and started to put on the clothes I wore last night until I realized a white note sticking out of my suitcase. I pulled the note out and read it. It says: "Dear Geoff, I noticed the ashes from your suitcase was still scattered around the main room of my home, so I swiped up the ashes before I hit me. You only have one pair of clothes. So using my magic, I manage to repair a set of clothes out of the ashes, as well a pair of shoes. And I got to say, you sure do like dragons. Thank me tomorrow, OK? Sincerely, Twilight Sparkle" I open the case and found a set of clothes, as well as shoes. Damn, I thought. After removing the old clothes, I started to put on the new clothes. I pulled up my camo boxers; black pants with dragons stretched out with the tails near the end of the legs and heads on my front pockets; socks and the shoes with, of course, dragons; a dark red belt with a black dragon on it; a dark red shirt that had a red dragon and a blue tiger, a black trench coat, and dark blue shades over my eyes. I put the bits I earned from last night into my front left pocket, as well as my phone into my front right. After I put the old clothes in my suitcase, I looked at the black box that was resting next to them. "Should I?" I whispered to myself. I open the black box and both my father's knife and Desert Eagle was still inside. I grabbed the gear that hold the knife and put it on, then took the knife and insert it to the housing that was on my left side of my chest. I strapped the knife in so it won't fall out while I was out and about. I grabbed the magnum and looked at it for a moment before storing it inside one of my inside trench coat pockets. I buttoned up the buttons that was on the coat so no one will see the knife. Now I ready, I thought. I grabbed my case and exit the bathroom. I walked back to Pinkie's room and place the case near her bed. I can trust her since she was so generous to let me spend the night here. I walked down the stairs and looked around to find Pinkie on the ground floor of the home. I got a better look of the main room of her home. Sweets such as cakes, brownies and other such treats all around me. "This is a bakery?" I said aloud. "Yes," said a voice near me. " And you must be the human that everypony is talking about." I turned around and saw a blue pony with a pink mane and tail. I noticed the group of cupcakes that she had for a tattoo, or what I believe the cutie mark that Pinkie said last night while she talked at an insane speed. "My name is Mrs. Cake, by the why," she said. I shook my head, saying, "Nice to meet you, Mrs. Cake. My name is Geoff." She raised an eye brow. "Really? I thought your name was Draco since Pinkie Pie can't stop talking about you." "Well, you can call me Geoff or Draco, I don't really care. Listen, if you see Pinkie, can you tell her I went out for a few things?" Mrs. Cake shook her head, agreeing to my request. "Thanks," I said as I walked out the bakery and out of the streets of Ponyville. As I walked on the streets, I noticed some ponies were looking at me, as well as talking about me. "Who's that?" one of the ponies said. "It's the human that appeared yesterday," said another. "Can't be the same human that is mentioned in the morning paper" the first pony told him. I stopped walking and turned my head at the ponies. Their eyes widen as they made contact with my face. I walked towards them, saying, "What do you mean 'mentioned?' " They were started when I talked to them. "Y-you talking t-to us, human?" the first pony said. His coat was all brown, as well as his mane and tail, and his cutie mark is an hourglass. "Yeah," I said to the brown colt. "Now, what about me in the paper?" He pulled out a newspaper with his mouth from his saddlebags. He was shaking as I took the paper from his mouth. I hold the paper in front of me and started to read. It reads: "HUMAN, A CREATURE OF MYTHS, SPOTTED IN PONYVILLE Yesterday, a mythical being was spotted in a small pony town called Ponyville. Residents were startled as they saw this human. Yes, you heard me right. A human. This being was chasing a poor white rabbit that was holding a black case on its back. The human manage to get the case from the rabbit and the residents was surprised that the human spoke in our language. 'I was scared when I saw the human,' said one of the residents. I went to each resident who saw the..." Before I could read any more, my vision got very bright. "SON OF A BITCH!" I shouted as I covered my eyes, dropping the paper. As my hands covered my eyes, I noticed my shades was missing. I removed my hands from my face and looked around to find them before I saw the same white bunny rabbit that took my case yesterday, now holding my shades. "You again?" I spoke in shocked before the rabbit took off running, wearing my shades on its face. Not again, I thought as I chased the rabbit once more. I chased the rabbit out of town and it stopped at the lake that I found when I awoke in this world. It stopped near a yellow Pegasus with a pink mane and tail. Wait a minute, I thought, Is that... "Yo, Fluttershy," I yelled out at her. She squeaked as she jumped into the air and landed near a bush. The rabbit slapped its face after seeing Fluttershy hiding in the bush. "Oh, sorry," I apologize to her. "Didn't mean to scared you." She popped her head out, saying, "Th-that's OK, Geoff. Wh-why are y-you here, anyway?" I pointed at the bunny, who was standing near Fluttershy. "This little rodent took my shades from my face." "Oh, Angel," she said as she turned her head at the rabbit. "Give that back to Geoff." The rabbit sighed and tossed the shades to me. I caught them in the air and put them back on over my eyes. "Thanks," I told the bunny. Fluttershy jumped out of the bush, saying in a quiet voice, "What are doing today, anyway? I mean, it's none of my business." I noticed a blush forming on her muzzle before she turned away her head, hiding behind her pink mane. "I trying to look for a job," I told her. "Figure I might be here for awhile, so why not?" "I, uh," Fluttershy said, still hiding behind her mane. "heard that Applejack l-looking for a pony wh-who wants to help out at her f-farm." I walked up to her, then kneeing down on one knee, saying, "You felling alright? Your face is bit red." As I looked at her face, it started to cover her whole face in red. "Y-yes," she whisper. I place my right hand over her forehead, which made her head redder. "You sure? You're a bit warm." Before I began to speak again, Fluttershy started to run away from me and the rabbit. The rabbit sighed once more before he walked by me. He jumped into the air and slapped me on the face. "Hey," I said to him. "What was that for?" The rabbit shook his head before he sprinted after Fluttershy. What was that all about, I thought. Anyway, AJ hiring huh? Wait, Fluttershy never told me where she lived. FUCK! Wait a minute, I thought. Aj was wearing a cowboy hair, have a southern ascent, and she smelt like she was working at a farm. "Farm?" I said to myself. "Probably. Maybe at the farm I noticed while I was chasing that rabbit." The pain in my chest started to hurt a little more. "I will get some food," I said to my stomach, thinking I was hungry. "After getting that job." Task Two: Semi-Check > Chapter 7: Getting the Job, Visiting a Boutique, and...BOOM! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 7: Getting the Job, Visiting a Boutique, and...BOOM! Walking down the dirt road back into town, I looked for the farm I've passed moments ago. It took about five minutes until I saw a red barn in the distance to my right. Maybe that's it, I thought to myself. I took the road that leads to the barn. As I walked up the road, I noticed apple trees to both of my directions. "Apple farm?" I said, speaking my thoughts. I arrive at the farm and started to look around for Applejack. While I looked around, I saw crops, pigs, and a small shack. After spending a few minutes looking for AJ, I gave up. Maybe she's not here, I thought. Then, before I started to leave, I saw her, hitting one of the apple trees with her rear legs. I walked towards her, shouting out, "What's up, AJ?" She moved her head from the tree to me. "Oh. Howdy, Geoff," she smiled. "What do ya need?" "I heard that you are looking for extra help on your farm, if I'm correct?" I said to her. She walked away from the tree and stood in front of me. She looked up to me and said, "Yeah, but I never expect you will be interested." "Well, I do need a job," I told Applejack. "since I might be here for a while." I clapped my hands together. "So, what do you what to know about me? Previous job? Level of education? Criminal records?" Her eyes widen as she took a few steps back away from me. "No, no, no," I said. "I'm no criminal, AJ. Honest." "Oh, good," she said in relief. "For a moment, I thought ya were gonna to rob me." I folded my arms together over my chest, shaking my head."I don't blame you. I do look like a criminal in this get-up." After a breif moment of silence, I spoke up. "So, like I said before, what do you want to know?" Applejack exam my body for a moment, then speaks after looking at my head, or to be more exact, my scar. "How did you get that scar over you eye?" I sighed before I replied. "To make a long story short: mother, alcohol, drunk, broken bottle, contacted on my right eye." "So," Applejack said. "Your mother was drunk from drinking alcohol?" "Yes," I reply. "Broke one of the bottles," AJ continue my story. "And hit yer head?" "More like a swing to the right eye. Manage to make contact. After about thirty minutes, I was in the hospital after my mother reliazed her mistake. Doctor said I was lucky that she didn't stab my eye or I will be dead." Applejack cocked her head to the left, saying, "Why did yer mother hurt ya?" "If I remember correctly," I answered to her. "she thought I was my father, blaming him for divorcing her or something. I don't know." "Divorce?" AJ said in shock. "Why did they break up?" I shuttered after she said that. "Oh," she said. "I understand, sugarcube." Sugarcube? I thought. What the hell did she called me that? Eh, it's better than what the bullies at my junior high before they started to call me Draco. Geoffie, ugh. "Anything else you want to know?" I said to AJ. "No," she said. "I think I got enough info from ya." Confused, I said in question, "But I only told you my..." "I say," she said. "I have enough. You got the job." "But, AJ," I told her. "I barely told you anything about..." I stopped myself when Applejack looked at me with an angry expression on her face. "Never mind. I got the job and that what matters." "So," I said,rubbing my hands together. "where do you want me at?" AJ walked over to a tree with apples still hanging from the branches, saying, "I want you to wait for the apples in the trees to drop in these buckets here while I buck them down." She pointed at the buckets at the base of the tree. "Pick up any apples that doesn't land in any of the buckets and put them into the buckets. Then," she pointed at a wagon that was located a few meters from my right. "Dump the buckets into that wagon and place the empty buckets to the next tree that is near by. Got it?" I shake my head. "Good. Then let get started." For a few hours, AJ kicked near of the base of each tree, causing the apples on the branches to fall into the buckets below, and I grabbed the apple-filled buckets , dumped them into the wagon and placed them at a nearby tree or wherever Applejack was standing at. As I continued the same routine, I went through the events that happen to me in the past few months before I arrive here. After remembering each event in detail, questions started to pop into my mind. Why would the bully pulled that stupid prank on me at graduation? Maybe a dare from his friends? And I don't remember my mother having cancer. Why would an officer told me about my mother's death? Her friends or a nearby hospital will call me on my phone and tell me this kind of news. Lastly, twenty-five mistakes? I been working at Harkins for several months and never made any mistakes while I was working there. Maybe some underage kids sneaked past me to see a R-rated movie while I wasn't looking or I forgot to do inventory? Any of these events make no sense to me. "Hey, Geoff," AJ called out to me while I was thinking to myself. "You OK?" I looked at her. "Yeah, I'm alright. Just thinking to myself." "What were you thinking about?" "Things that are not important to you." "Well," she said, started to walk towards at the now apple-filled wagon. "We're done fer today. Thank you fer helping me." "No prob," I nod my head to her. AJ straped herself to the wagon and started to walk back to the red barn while I follow behind. The pain in my stomach returned and I grunted under my breath. "Ya OK back there?" Applejack said. "Yeah," I answered. "Just hungry. Haven't ate anything since I woke up this morning." "Take a few apples," she reply. "Wow. Thanks, AJ." I took some apples from the wagon and began to eat. This is getting weird, I thought as I finish the last apple. My stomach starting to ache this morning and it can't stop. What the hell is going on? As we arrive at the barn, AJ told me to wait outside while she put the cart inside. I nod my head and she walked into the barn. While she was gone, I took out my phone, insert the ear buds into my ears, and played the first song that was marked under "VG (Video Game) Soundtracks". Made sure no one was around, I sang quietly to myself: "Move! We bounce, roll, rock, groove. Do what the fuck we want to! Ain't no rules, we acting a fool! Now grind to the beat. Muthafucka, let's move! We bounce, roll, rock, groove. Do what the fuck we want to! Ain't no rules, we acting a fool! Now grind to the beat. Muthafucka, let's move! Yo, listen this a bang, bang. I ain't playing main, main. Still, still kill it, kill it with the with the flame, flame. Got it pass locked, locked people on the block, block. Bang when they rolling cause they know that shit'll rock, rock. See them bodies drop, drop. Yeah, that shit is so official. We get it hot, hot. Killing it is not an issue. I got a problem with you... Yeah, I hear that shit a lot. Till I start to breathe, breathe on 'em, then they screaming stop! They try to ride with me, but they all falling off. Nobody can can stop me, I hit em like a Molotov. I pull back and explode on a beat. Then watch them hit the ground and explode on the street. We bounce, roll, rock, groove. Do what the fuck we want to! Ain't no rules, we acting a fool! Now grind to the beat. Muthafucka, let's move! We bounce, roll, rock, groove. Do what the fuck we want to! Ain't no rules, we acting a fool! Now grind to the beat. Muthafucka, let's move! See I'mma a monster, I unleash the iron horse. I need beef when I eat boy I'mma carnivore. I need that feed-back... That you only get from chopping a man at the kneecaps. I relapse, ease back. I got tendencies of making you bleed with a mean ax. He's that demented, seriously twisted dude turning your face to a speed bag. A heavyweight henchman rocking a ski mask, With enough guns to make the army mad. But they ain't trying to fight that dude. So when he comes into there sight they just... MOVE! We bounce, roll, rock, groove. Do what the fuck we want to! Ain't no rules, we acting a fool! Now grind to the beat. Muthafucka, let's move! We bounce, roll, rock, groove. Do what the fuck we want to! Ain't no rules, we acting a fool! Now grind to the beat. Muthafucka, let's move! Yo, listen this a bang, bang. I ain't playing main, main. Still, still kill it, kill it with the with the flame, flame. Got it pass locked, locked people on the block, block. Bang when they rolling cause they know that shit'll rock, rock. See them bodies drop, drop. Yeah, that shit is so official. We get it hot, hot. Killing it is not an issue. I got a problem with you... Yeah, I hear that shit a lot. Till I start to breathe, breathe on 'em, then they screaming stop! They try to ride with me, but they all falling off. Nobody can can stop me, I hit em like a Molotov. I pull back and explode on a beat. Then watch them hit the ground and explode on the street. Move!" As the song finished, the barn door open and Applejack walked out with two wooden stands that are filled with apples. Putting the phone and ear buds back into my pocket, I asked AJ, "What are we off to?" "We're gonna sell these apples in Ponyville," she replied. "Usually, Macintosh would help me with..." I interrupted her, "Wait, who?" "Big Macintosh, he's my brother." "And, what does he look like?" "A large red colt with an orange mane. His cutie mark is a green apple, showing its core." "Where is this 'Macintosh' now?" "I don't know. Can't find him." Before I could reply, I was knocked down to the ground. "What in the name of...?" I muttered as I taste dirt and turned around to find a colt standing in the place that I was at. The colt matched the characteristics of the Macintosh character that Applejack describe. "Sorry, sis," he said to AJ. "I was in the bathroom." "Macintosh!" AJ shouted at him. "It's rude to shoved my new friend." I stood up and dusted off the dirt on my pants and coat. I looked at AJ, then Macintosh, who is staring at me. "Yeah, I'm a human," I said, knowing what he is thinking. "Deal with it." I noticed while I was still dusting off that there are several rips on my coat and pants. "Damn it." "What?" Applejack asked. She noticed the rips on my get-up, then said, "Oh. Maybe Rarity can get those fixed up." "That's great and all," I replied. "But I don't know where she lived." "Don't worry, Geoff," she said. "I'll get a map for you." AJ ran back inside the barn, leaving me with Macintosh. "What's up? You Macintosh?" "Yeup." "Applejack's brother?" "Yeup." "That's cool." "You like my sister?" "She's alright." "I mean, like-like?" "What do you... Oh. OH! Oh, no. Oh, hell no. She's a pony, I'm a human. It's just...weird if that happened." After my little talk with the red colt, AJ return with a piece of paper in her mouth. "This the map?" I asked her as I took the paper from her mouth. "Yeup," she said. "You'll find the Carousal Boutique, where Rarity work and lives, on there, as well as some useful buildings." "Again, great, but this alone won't be enough," I said to AJ before I opened the map and found several buildings marked, as well as a legend that helps understand what each mark goes to what name. "Never mind." "Here," Applejack hold up a small brown bag with her front right hoof and dropped it on my left hand that was free from the map. "What's this?" I asked. "Your pay for the day," she said. "What? It's only been a day." "Trust me," she said as she walked off with Macintosh, who walked with the carts attached to him. "You gonna need it." I opened the bag by loosing the string that was wrapped around the top and found about twenty bits in the bag. Thanks, Applejack, I thought as I put the four bits in my pocket in the bag. I tighten the string on the bag and tied it on my belt. "Now," I said to myself as I looked at the map. "To find that Boutique." (Ten minutes later, at the Boutique) Very fancy, I thought as I looked at the building in front of me. It's a colorful (not surprise) two-story building with large windows on the ground level. At what I believe is the front door is a picture of a horse above it. I walked to the door and knocked a few times. After a moment, the door opened and Twilight walked out, bumping into me. "Hey, how rude," she said as she backed away with her eyes shut. "Can you watch where you were..." Her sentence is cut short when she opened her eyes and saw me in front of her. "Oh. Hi, Geoff." She exam my body. "I see you found my note." "No duh," I replied. "Thank you, though." "You're welcome," Twilight said. I noticed she was wearing bags over her back. "Got a few things?" I questioned. "Oh, yeah," she replied. "Just some things I need." Twilight started to walk past me, saying, "Well, see you around, Geoff." "Same to you," I shouted out to her as she disappeared from my vision. "Now that's done," I turned back to the building behind me. "Time to ask a white unicorn for a favor." I pushed the door open and a bell rang in the room. "Just a moment," a voice spoke from the upper level. Later, Rarity appeared and she take notice of my presence. "Oh," she said. "Hello, Geoff." "Same to you, Rarity," I said. "Hey, can you do me a favor?" Rarity nod her head, then take notice of the rips on my coat and pants. "I'm guessing the favor is to ask me to sew those rips on your outfit, if I'm not correct?" "Pretty much," I reply. "So, can you?" "Of course, Geoff," she said, then turned around and started to walk behind a curtain. "I'll give you some privacy so you can remove the coat and pants. Let me know when they're off." I removed my shades and began to remove my coat and pants. Before I yelled out for Rarity, I took my father's Eagle from my coat and hid it behind a nearby couch, removed the brown bag from my belt, with it included, and my phone and ear buds from my pants. "Done," I said. A purple aura formed around my coat and pants. They floated to behind the curtain and Rarity said, "Give me several minutes and they will be good as new." "OK," I replied before I walked to the couch and sat down, putting the ear buds that are connected to my phone. I pressed the note symbol on the phone and then pressed the Heavy Metal collection. Disturbed started to play before I closed my eyes to rest from working with Applejack. Seconds later, I began to dream. The dream was a memory. It showed a 15 year old boy, who was me before the dragon tattoo on my right arm, reading Night by Elie Wiesel (Good book). Then, three larger males walked into the picture, taking the book from my hands. I saw myself trying to get the book back from them before I punched the larger male of the group, who was holding my book over his head, in the guts, grabbed my book from the ground and began to run. They pulled out small handguns from their pockets and started to chase after me (not joking). A white flash blinded my vision, then a new scene takes place. I was running down an alley, bullets flying near my head, before I see a dark blue figure in a window. There's that figure again, I thought. I've been seeing this figure since my flu shot a month ago before the events that are happening in my dream. I heard the males chasing me talking aloud. "Come back, Draco," the largest one yelled. "We just want to kill you." "Why do we call him 'Draco' again?" one of the other males said. "It's short for 'Dragon Collector,' " the shortest male replied. "Dra...Co" "Oh," the second male said. "I thought you idiots ran out of names to call this douche and started to use names from that stupid J. K. Rowling book series." "I guess you guys are idiots, are you not?" I laughed before a bullet flew past my head. "OH, SHIT!" Another bright flash, then a new scene takes place. I was hiding behind a police vehicle while bullets from the three males fly by the car, some manage to hit the car. The officer who owns the vehicle was in the ground with bullet holes on his chest. He manage to call for back up before a bullet made impact to his head. I need to take them out, I thought. But how? I noticed a Glock in the dead officer's holster. Risking my life, I rushed out to the body. Some bullets flew past my head. They sure do like my head, I thought. Reached the body, I grabbed the gun out its housing and pointed at the males. I pulled the trigger on the gun and shot the male on my left's gun out of his hands, as well as the male on the right. I pointed the gun at the male in the middle and pulled the trigger. Unfortunately, the bullet didn't hit the male's gun, but it made impact to his chest. At that moment, his buddies looked at him and asked if he's OK. "I... feel... cold," he muttered before he dropped to the ground. A pool of blood started to form around his body. I was stocked of what I did. I dropped to my knees and released the gun from my hand. The dead officer's back up finally arrived and started to order the remaining two males to drop to the ground. "I... I... j-just...," I whispered, still stunned of what just happen. "k-k-killed... a... a..." One of the officers, female, from the back up walked up to me and spoke to me, but her voice sounded familiar. She keep saying my name, as well as calling me Darling. My body was shaking. No, wait. I awoke from my dream and I saw Rarity with her hooves on my chest. "Uh, wha?" I muttered. "Your clothes are done from repair, Geoff," Rarity said as she removed her hooves from my chest. "Are you OK? You been screaming while you were napping." "I was?" I questioned. "Anyway, thanks, Rarity." She moved the folded clothes that was floating behind her and dropped them on my lap. Like earlier, Rarity moved behind the curtain. I put on the pants first. Feels like they were new, I thought. I tighten the pants with my belt and tied the brown bag on it. I, then, dropped my phone and ear buds, which was placed on the couch, into my front right pants pocket. Lastly, I put on the coat and grabbed my father's Eagle from behind the couch, putting it into the same pocket I had it in before. "OK, Rarity," I said before she walked out. "Now, how much do I need to pay?" Rarity smiled, "It's free, Geoff. You don't need to pay me." Surprised, I said, "Really? Wow, thanks again." I put on my shades and made my exit out the door. "See ya around, Rare." "Same to you," she said as she used her magic to shut the door behind me. Damn it, I thought. Had that dream again. I continued to say "I just kill a man" repeatedly. Saying this, I put on my buds and played How I Could Just Kill A Man by Rage Against the Machine. I was lost into the song when something knocked me down to the ground. The buds flew out of my ears. "Son of a...," I said as I turned my head and found Rainbow Dash on my back. "Dash, what the hell, girl?" "Sorry, Geoff," she apologized as she stepped off my back. "Just trying out some new moves." I stood up and looked at Dash. "For a pony named 'Rainbow Dash', you crashed into me twice." "I'm the fastest Pegasus in Equestria," she said, looking up to me. "I know what I'm doing." "You sure?" I said in disbelief. "I'm starting to think you are not that fast as you say you are." Rainbow jumped and floated in front of me, her reddish-pink eyes staring at my eyes. "Is that a challenge?" I grinned, "If I am, yeah. Prove me wrong." She dashed into the air and started to do some fancy moves. Moving left and right, spinning around, I was not pleased. She, then, darted up to the sky, disappearing into the clouds high above. "Where is she?" I said to myself as I scanned the sky. Dash suddenly appeared from the clouds, but her wings were folded on her side. Her eyes were closed. Dash wasn't flying, she was falling. Oh shit, I thought as I ran towards where she might land. Timing it right, I jumped off a large bolder and attempted to catch Dash. I noticed when I was close enough that she was smiling. Why is she... BOOM! "HOLY SHIT !" I shouted as I flew high into the sky from a sudden boom. Was that a sonic boom? My shades flew out from my head as I continued to fly in the sky. My rise into the sky soon became my drop to the ground. SHIT, SHIT, SHIT, I thought before I landed into a lake. Dived about twenty feet into the water. I started to swim to the surface before something slammed into my right leg. I shouted in the water and started to prey whatever on my leg off. I felt sudden pain and my nerves went nuts. I slammed my fist on the thing and it released its grip. I manage to surface the lake. I looked around my surroundings. Nothing but trees and vines is all I found. I swim to land and dragged my body to a nearby tree. I rested my back on it and looked at my right leg. I saw blood and few rocks sticking out of my leg. "Oh...shit," I muttered. "That's...that's...blood." I passed out from the blood loss. (Back at Earth) Russel Dowling. That was the name of Geoff's father, as well as the test subject in the large tube. For thirteen years, he been in this mess. Had to ignore his life and his son's to live like this. He remembered how the Phazon felt when he first used it. The crystal spikes sticking out of his back, the large blade extended out of his right arm, his body, all glowing light and dark blue. His appearance completely changed. Never want my son to go through this, he thought. I'm sorry, Geoff, for not being there for you for all these years. "I'm sorry." > Update: Explain why no Chapter 8 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sorry for not updating, but the reason why I haven't posted Chapter 8 of this fic is because every time I have the chapter completed, but the dang .doc file always get corrupted for some reason. I'll try to get the next chapter up as soon as I can or hope the .doc doesn't get corrupted again. Again, sorry.