> How My Best Friend Forever's Parents Became My Parents Too! > by trahzo > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prologue: The 1st Time He Met Twi's Family. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight Sparkle & her family returned home after she received her Cutiemark & was accepted into Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns. "YEEEEEEEESSSS!!!" A very happy filly shouted! "Okay Twilight, simmer down, we're home, you can tell your BBBFF about what happened!" Said Nacht Licht, The father of Twilight Sparkle. As soon as the door opened, Shining Armor in his teenage years was surprised upon the return of his family! "Woah, Twily, mom, dad, your home early!" Shining Armor said, while trying to sneak what he had behind his back. "What's that?" Asked Twilight Velvet the mother of Twilight Sparkle. "N-nothing, yeah nothing, see?" He removed both of his front hooves from his back to show he wasn't holding anything. "Yeah huh? Then why is your horn glowing?" Nacht Licht asked. "Oh, uh, uh, hey, what's that on your back mom?" He asked out of curiosity. "This is a dragon I just hatched with my magic today!" Twilight said while still smiling. "Did you give it a name yet?" Shining Armor asked. "1st, no & 2nd, don't change the subject, show us what exactly is behind your back or your grounded young man!" Twilight Velvet commanded. The infant dragon looked at the pair, as they continued to get mad at Shining Armor. He wondered in that little infant brain of his if these were his parents. He stared blankly, and even more blankly. "Okay, here!" Shining Armor showed them exactly what he had behind his back! Pictures of his high school's girls swim team's flanks & admitted he was clopping to them. "Grounded 10 months & were taking your pontendo playcube, playstallion 2, and crossbox." They both said. "Aw man!" Shining said. "Too your room!" Said Nacht Licht. "So, what should we name my little dragon?" Twilight Asked. "Hmm...his spines feel soft." Twilight Velvet pointed out "How about Spines?" Twilight Asked "Nah, sounds like a girl's name" said Nacht Licht "He looks very happy to see us." Twilight pointed "Happy then?" Asked Velvet "Hmm..." Nacht & Velvet put their faces to the infant's face, trying to think of a name. The infant dragon smiled & giggled a bit. They both Aww'd from what he did. They looked at the tail & noticed that there were many tiny spikes on it! "Honey, look at the tail." Nacht said "Yes, maybe that could be his name." Velvet replied "What? What are you 2 suggesting?" Twilight asked. "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Velvet asked her husband. "Yes!" "Twilight, We've thought of a great name for the new addition to the family." Velvet & Nacht lifted the little one into the air. "From this day forth, you shall forever be known as Spike the Dragon." They both proclaimed! The 3 marveled at Spike, knowing that he'll be part of their family, he'll be the most unique dragon out there, a dragon who'll live among the ponies. Cadence walked in a while after & saw the very strange scene. Nacht holding up the infant with Twilight Sparkle on the left & Velvet on the right & the both of them holding their front hooves together all in a paused state that they wanted to hold just a little longer, just until the heavenly music in their heads & the imaginary spot light dies down. Cadence walked back out after watching the weird scene. "Your gonna be our little dragon forever!" the 3 of them stated!. END OF PROLOUGE! > Ch.1: The Family Arrives! Except Twilight Sparkle. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was boring in the home of Twilight's Parent's home, since both of their children mod out of Canterlot. Twilight Sparkle being the Princess of friendship's magical bond & Shining Armor being the Crystal Prince of the Crystal Empire, yeah, these 2 were bored, but the boredom left them after they remembered that their birthdays were coming soon! Nacht Licht's on Friday & Twilight Velvet's on Saturday! Yep, the 2 best days of the week to throw a party! Then a knocking came to the front door! Twilight Velvet opened the door revealing a Pegasus mare with a gray coat & blonde mane, no wait, did I mention she had wall eyes? I didn't? Oh, well she had wall eyes as well & she had a letter for the both of them. After Velvet took the letter then the Pegasus flew off but then crashed onto their next door neighbor's window! So Nacht & Velvet read the letter & it read: Dear Mom & Dad: Sorry, but I can't make it to either of your birthdays this week. Princess Celestia requests that me & my friends go to Japony & talk about a truce between our lands. We also have to fight the evil demon lord that's terrorizing them. That ought to make those Japonese ponies know we like them, so they should like us! Don't worry, I arranged to let Spike stay with you two until I get back. he did say he wanted to visit you guys more often & the both of you have been sending many letters about having another kid, so I decided to solve both your problems & Spike's. Hope Spike's presence at your home will be an excellent present from me to you two. I really miss you guys. XOXO Your loving daughter: Princess Twilight Sparkle P.S. Love you! Then they heard a knock at the door. "I'll get it honey!" Said Nacht They thought it was Spike, but instead... "Mom, dad! happy birthdays!" Said Shining Armor excitedly! "Happy Birthdays Mother & Father-in-laws!" Said Princess Cadence "Oh, hello you two." Nacht replied So the 4 of them talked for a few hours until another knocking came to the door. "I'll get it, must be Spike." Said Velvet. "Spike's coming to visit? Such a sweet boy." Cadence said with a smile, remembering how much of a sweetheart Spike was when she was babysitting him. "AW yeah Spike's a true bro! Actually, he's the only closest thing I had to a brother." Shining Armor remembered the things his teenage self told Spike about girls & all the things he taught on how to be a bro! Yeah, Spike was more social than Twilight Sparkle, so Spike knew about half the celebrities who lived in Canterlot! Meanwhile on the other side of the door Spike was nervously looking at the front door, he's never spent any time with Twilight Sparkle's family since him & Twilight moved to Ponyville which was 2 years ago. The boy never even hanged out with Shining Armor during the episode: "A Canterlot Wedding Part 1". He was breathing heavily, scared of what to do, his head was sweating, wondering if there was time to catch the next train, but his plans failed as the door opened. "Hello Spike." said Velvet lovingly. Spike stared at her, he couldn't say anything, there was an awkward silence, but was broken when Velvet said... "Welcome Home!" Spike nearly squeaked like SpongeBob, he was happy to actually hear somepony say "welcome home!" No matter how much love Twilight had for Spike she always forgets to say that simple 2 word sentence whenever Spike returns from assisting others in Ponyville. Spike entered the house carrying 2 suitcases packed with party supplies from Pinkie Pie. *Flashback* "Remember Spike, the blue suitcase with black zigzags is for Velvet & the yellow suitcase with gray polka-dots is for Nacht! Don't open them till it's party time or I'll rip your eyes out when your sleeping!" Pinkie Pie threatened, then hopped away laughing! Spike stood there for 5 minutes, he would've stayed longer but the clock indicated that if he didn't leave now, then he'd miss his train. *Flash Gordon, whoops I mean flashback end* "I'm...home!" Spike felt a tear roll down his cheek! He threw his arms open, not knowing who to hug 1st! Nacht? Cadence? Velvet? Shining? Oh, he didn't know, he just couldn't choose, so he just hugged the nearest pony, which was none other than Shining Armor. "I missed all of you!' Spike said. "Aww, us too little one!" Cadence said. All of them then hugged Spike. Luna's moon was very peaceful outside, shining down on the big happy family's home! End of Ch.1 > Ch.2: A Nacht Time Party! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Today was now Friday, and Nacht wanted his party to be during the night. It would only make sense since Nacht Licht's name is after all Germane for Night Light. "Alright everypony, stand back!" Spike commanded after. They knew to beware if it was something Pinkie related through Twilight Sparkle's messages. So Spike opened the suitcase for Nacht's birthday while the other 4 hid ducked behind the couch! As soon as he opened the suitcase, there was a big explosion as everything was in place at lightning fast speed! The party was all set up. Spike lied on the floor, with his eyes closed, after a second, he opened them and saw the impressive décor! Velvet walked up to Spike to see if he was fine. "Spike, are you hurt anywhere!?" She asked, "Oh, yeah, I'm fine mom." Spike replied. "Did you just call me Mom?" "I didn't say mom I meant Velvet!" "You called her mom." Nacht jumped in to the conversation. "What? No I didn't dad! I-I mean Nacht Licht!" Spike replied. "Aww, don't worry Spike we always thought of you as a part of our family!" Shining Armor said. "N-no! Your all mistaken, I never said any of that!" Spike yelled as he ran up the stairs to Twilight's old bedroom, since that's where he'll be sleeping till Twilight returns to pick him up. Later that night, Nacht Licht's Birthday Party started! Nacht & Velvet hanged out with some old friends, he never saw since high school, maybe even since junior high! The ponies & other creatures brought their kids along with them to the party. Shining Armor hanged out with his friends from military school & Cadence with the friends she has not seen since she became the Crystal Princess of the Crystal Empire! Spike played with the younger ones in the backyard! "Woah, who's kid is that?" Asked a unicorn. "I don't remember you ever having a dragon for a friend!" "That's because he's ours!" Nacht replied. "You adopted a dragon? Kinda strange if you ask me!" "He's not our child yet, but he'll soon be, our daughter gave us this kid so we & when I say we, I mean I don't have to go through the painful labor of childbirth for dang 3rd time!" Velvet said, glaring at Nacht! "Hey everypony, I just remembered something, don't you have to hit the birthday pony as many times as their current age! Let's get him!" "Shiznet!" was what Nacht said in fear as every last party goer was now targeting him, one of the pegasi was holding a long stick, since it was for the piñata. Don't worry, Oh the dang toast, today was not Nacht's day even though it was his birthday. "Is dad going to be okay mom?" Asked Spike "Yes, & also, you just called us mom & dad again." Answered Velvet as she used he magic to carry Spike.to his room! "Wha? NO you got it all..." he was cut off when a hoof gently stroked his spines. "Shh don't worry little one, just get some rest, and tomorrow, get ready for my birthday tomorrow son!" Velvet rocked Spike like you would to a baby since he is a baby dragon after all! Spike never felt so loved, he never felt this much since Twilight became a princess! Twilight stopped showing him such love & compassion since then because of her royal & political duties as a princess! Spike was fast asleep and Velvet tucked him in with lots of love & care for the little guy. Then she kissed his forehead! "Goodnight my little one." said Velvet as she closed the door. "He really loves this place & us!" Nacht said, after he fully recovered from the brutality he received earlier. "Should we adopt him?" Asked Velvet "I don't know, what would his reaction be?" Nacht answered "Let's just wait till then to see if clue to adopt him will come!" The 2 kissed & went to their room to sleep on the idea for the night. End of Ch.2 > Ch.3: A Parent's Love is Soft Like Velvet. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Okay, now we make it to Velvet's birthday. It was a bright & sunny morning and Twilight Velvet awoke to the smell of food! "Morning sleepy head." said Nacht "Huh? hey, who made this spread?" asked Velvet. "Spike did, since you remind him the most of our daughter, he went and did this!" "A big smile appeared on her face, she enjoyed Spike's time with them & so did her husband, son, & Daughter-in-law. "Cadence was right, he's such a sweet boy! Let's discuss about adopting him!" "Sure thing." Later, after Velvet finished the rest of her breakfast, a boom was heard from their room. "Probably the other suitcase." Nacht said, while still reading his book. 'Huh, Dragons are still considered young at 2000 years old! Who knew. I'd like to meet this Kembroath Gilspotten Heathspike, he must have been a very kind dragon to author a book on dragon biology, but sadly he disappeared after the death of Princess Wysteria. Which was thousands of years ago before the birth of Celestia & Luna!" Later, the party came & went, since I got nothing to write about for this one! But yeah, Nacht managed to revenge on Velvet for what she did to him in Chapter 2. Later that night after all the party guests left. Velvet was standing on the balcony. "Honey, would you please come here so can we talk." Velvet said while motioning him over. "What is it my love?" Asked Nacht. "I love him, & I know you do too! I know that he's captured both of our hearts!" "Well, he does make me wanna grab and hug him, I really wish he didn't have to go!" "I'm just not sure if we should go through with it, maybe adopting a child of the different species would be wrong!" "Maybe your right, how would other kids treat Spike if they knew his parents were ponies?" " *Sigh* Yeah...hey, wanna know what'll make us feel better?" "Sex right here?" "Yes!" They were a bout to kiss until... "Nacht? Velvet?" They turned their heads to see Spike, crying. "Spike, what's wrong?" They both asked "I-I had a bad dream that everyone would leave me, and I'd be alone forever!" Spike said, while trying to keep his tears in, before Nacht & Velvet's room was flooded by a centimeter of sadness. Nacht & Velvet realized that Spike needed someone to be there for him & knew they were the ones worthy of this! Velvet comforted Spike & Nacht went to get Spike a cup of water & a sapphire for him. After that, they woke Shining Armor & Cadence so they would all give him a group hug. Nacht & Velvet read Spike a bed time story while Cadence & Shining acted out some of the parts, making Spike laugh a bit! After the story ended, Spike fell asleep. Then Velvet gave him a goodnight kiss & the 4 happily exited the room. "Let's do it hun!" Said Nacht "Yes, he needs us!" Agreed Velvet. The Next day was the day Princess Twilight Sparkle returned from Japony to Pick up Spike. *Knock* *knock* *knock* "No wait a minute, I still have my keys to this place, I don't need to knock!" Twilight said, while pressing a hoof to her face for her forgetfulness! "Spiiiiike. I'm here to get you!' "BIG SISTER!!!" Spike shouted while pouncing at Twilight for a big hug, followed by a big surprise by her parents. "Big sister? Spike, what happened?" She asked. "Ah, there you are Twilight Sparkle, we were wondering where you've been!" Said Nacht. "Can someone tell me what the Tartarus is going on? "I'll be glad to! In the next chapter!" End of Ch.3 > Ch.4: 2 More Surprises. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Princess Twilight Sparkle, say hello to your new brother Spike, as you can see from the forms, we just adopted him!" Nacht & Velvet said with Smiles. "Isn't that great Twily? Now Spike can look up to you, like how you looked up to me!" Shining said "This is great, I now have a brother to do guy stuff with!" "Wow, I didn't think you'd love Spike enough to adopt him, but here's the papers proving it actually happened! I love you baby brother!" Said Twilight "I love you to Big Sister!" replied Spike "Well, now that all of that is taken care of, I got a surprise of my own!" Cadence said, directing all the attention to her. "Shining Armor, I got a bun in the oven." "Well take it out then" "No, I'm expecting." "Expecting? Well if your expecting a package, then we should head back to the Crystal Empire right now." "No you idiot! We're going to have a baby! I'm pregnant!" A big shock came to everypony's faces! Shining Armor hugged his wife. "We're going to be parents I'm so happy!" "Cool I'm going to become an aunt!' "Yay! I'm gonna be uncle." Everypony D'awwwed at Spike's happy face. So the camera zooms out of the house, out of Canterlot, then out of Equestria, then out of Earth. Well that's the end of this story, except one thing...Pinkamena is standing right behind you & she's gonna make you choose between the Shank or Cleaver. End of Story.