> Making a new life in Equestria > by Some story writer > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Oh boy... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- You are just waking up to go to school, clothes, shoes... all dat. You finish dressing up and head to the bathroom so you can go brush your teeth and take a piss (You were always the one to hold in your pee until you woke up the next morning). Arriving in the bathroom you look in the mirror, there looking at you is an 18 year old boy that stands 6'1 and is not fat nor ripped but in the middle with brown but what looks like black hair and green eyes. You have no EYEdea (eh? eh? no... ok...) how you got them but you're kinda happy you've got em'. You grab your tooth brush and put some tooth paste on it, then wet it a little before putting the tooth brush in your mouth, unzupping your pants and heading to the front of the toilet to go drain your best friend. When you are done, You head outside, get in your Pontiac Firebird, (your dad gave it to you when he died of cancer a year ago) start it up and head for school. *------------------------* As you are driving you hear something thundering, but it is not your Firebird's engine. You pass it off as nothing. You arrive at school, and you can't help but hear that sound again while you're walking in the halls. There was no rain scedualed for today, was it? No... that would mean it's wednesday... it's not wednesday, "hm... weird." You whisper to yourself. "Hey dude, whats up? You look puzzled?" Your best friend Ronny asks you. Ronnie has been your best friend scince 1st grade and always had all your classes with him. "Yea, I am... a little bit, hey dude? Have you been hearing any thunder latley?" You ask him. "Huh... actually yeah, I have. But it's not supposed to rain until wednesday. That's freaky." He says chuckling at that last sentence, you chuckle with him for a bit and then stop. "Hey dude?" He asks you "yeah?" You reply "lets check it out after class." He says pointing a thumb at the exit. "Yeah, ok dude. After class..." *------------------------* Your class ends and you meet up at your locker. "You ready?" He asks "yeah, Im ready." You reply. Ronnie turns to the exit and starts walking towards it, you follow behind. You and Ronnie approach the door and he opens it and holds it open for you. "Thanks." You say slowly as you exit the school and Ronnie follows behind. You both look up in awe at what you are seeing there, sitting above you in the clouds is a giant... rip... in the sky. You both then hear a rumble from the rip and then see the rip then shoot down a rainbow coloured lightning bolt down to earth. "So thats what it was..." Ronnie says shakily. The rainbow bolt that shot from the rip accually changed the colour of the rip from black to rainbow as it shot out. "Dude, we gotta go! Im not dieing today!" You scream at him as you get in your car and start up your engine and Ronnie gets in with you. "Punch it!" He screams to you as you put your car in reverse and make some tracks leading to somewhere, anywhere but here! As you're driving you notice that the rip is now following you two, that only makes you push on the pedal harder and shift to gear six as you feel your car then give in and sputter before everything goes silent... "I don't want to die!" You both say in unision. You then notice the wall of a building up ahead, apparently Ronnie saw it first because he pushed you out seconds before you both died "you... saved me. Ronnie! Noooo!" You say knowing that your friend just saved your life and... died. You turn around and look up at the now rainbow coloured rip in the sky, and scream: "You cursed rip in the sky! What do yo want from me!?". Then you feel a force on your body, it's pulling you up towards it. You do not struggle knowing that if you got out you would fall to your death. So you sit there until you went out cold. You then wake up, but alas are to tired to open up. You can hear voices, female, female voices, but you keep your eyes closed. You can hear them talking about you: "What is it?" you hear one brash but still female voice say. "Is it a colt or a mare?" you hear a deeply sothern accented female say "I think it's a colt, just look at how... masculine he is.". You try and hold back a smile as you hear her finish that sentence. After a while of listening you then start to get a little energy back and then notice you havent taken a single breath yet... You gasp loudly and force your upper body up before opening your eyes... wat... There standing before you are six ponies: one light blue, orange, lavender, pink, white and yellow. The blue and yellow ones have wings, the pink and orange one have none (you could tell the orange one had none because her stetson flew off when you what sounded like you or-gasped) and the lavender and white one had a horn. You stare at them... waiting for a response... "none? ok I guess I'll do it..." you mutter to yourself, but before you can say hi the light blue one says: "Moooonster!" and charges you. You and your reflexes get up and quickly jump off the bed and run into the corner of the room your in. you see the blue one stop before she hits the wall inches away as you hear the lavender one say: "He is not a monster, Rainbow Dash!" hold on... (Mental note: Blue one is Rainbow dash. got it.) O.k. got it. You then turn your attention to the lavender one as she says: "Are you?" "N-n-no..." You are so shaken up by Rainbow almost tackling you though a wall, you can barley say a word. "See Rainbow? He's no monster, he's even studdering." you hear the yellow one say. "Hmph, fine... I'm keeping an eye on you... alien..." she put extra emphasis on that word making you now sit on your bum holding your legs to your chest. That made her soften her look on you a little bit, You look at the other five of them to see they are approching you now. That makes you tighten your grip on your legs "don't worry: were not going to hurt you." you see the white one say. They are now in front of you... and you haven't shat your pants this hard before. You see the lavender one walk a little closer to you as you then hear her say: "Hi, I am Twilight, Twilight Sparkle." *----------------------------* "They've all introduced themselfs, hold on lemmie get out my note pad" your brain says as it then memorizes all those somewhat weird names (Mental note: lavender=Twilight Sparkle (Book worm), Pink=Pinkie Pie (careful around her), Yellow=Fluttershy (her name fits her well...),orange=Apple Jack (looks like she could beat my ass), white=Rarity (like her butt mark) and blue: Rainbow Dash (I have nothing to say about you... meanie). "O.k. got it" your brain conforms to you, after they've introduced themselfs the pink one asks what your names is so fast you could barley understand but answer anyways "My name is-" is all you can get out before the pink one then says "OHMYGOSHIHAVETOTHROWYOUAWELCOMETOPONYVILLEPARTY!" then runs out of the room *brain twitch! two more!* You then get up slowly and all the ponies back up in awe, you think you heard: "oh my gosh he's so tall." but you dismiss it. You then look down at Twilight (you think) as she says we'll show you around town, follow us!" she said exitedly. You couldn't help but look at their tails: they were swaying a bit more than you would expect them to (exept for Dash), but you pushed that asside as nothing, they must've been exited to see a creature from another world pop up on theirs, you know you would, definetly. You and the girls head out of what you have just found out was a gigantic tree and make your way around Ponyville. "Why is every one staring at me?" you say trying to refrain from running behind a building. "Because your new here, darling thats why... acctually, darling could you tell us what you are, please?" Da hell is she using "darling" like dat? you gulp before you say: "I am a human.". They all gasp which makes you jump a little, "A human!?" they all say in one. "Aaaagh! yes, whats the big deal!?" you say shakily "I thought humans were just a myth! Thats so amazing" you hear Twilight say "Thats so cool! Can I see your teeth?!" you can't even give a response before your mouth is pried open by Rainbow'shooves "Oh my gosh! Canines! That's so frikkin awesome!" Oh yeaaaa... because canines mean you eat meat... heh... I forgot. "Really!" you hear the rest of them say as you are then pulled down and they all look into your mouth. "Oh mah gawsh yer right!" you hear Apple Jack say.You then pull back and scream out: "Yea I got canines, I eat meat, is that a problem!?" You scream at them as you then see everyone in town look at you... scared. "Oh don't worry! I don't eat ponies!" you say reasuringly as you then see everyp0ny calm down but still look at you. You then look down at the five and then you hear and see Rainbow say: "Hold on! I'm gonna go get some meat! Keep him there, I wanna see you eat it to see if you're lying!" she says before flaping her wings and leaving you dumb founded and creeped out. You then feel your body get enveloped in warmth and see that you're floating in a purple aura, You struggle to move but... to no avail. You give in and just sit there for a bit before asking: "Don't know why you guys think me eating meat is so intere-" is all you say before you hear dash say: "Im here! I brought the meat!" eh you were kinda hungry anyways. You then feel the warmth of the aura fade as you are then dropped onto the ground, you land on your feet but are then knocked down by Dash "Here, eat this!" she says slamming a piece of supprizingly well done medium-rare onto your chest "ummm... ok." Dash then gets off of you and backs up beside her friends and they all watch you contently. You then get in a criss-cross position and grab the steak of of your folded legs with both hands and slowly bring it to your mouth, they only watch you more contently the more closer you bring the steak to your mouth. You then take a bite out of the steak "Damn this is good!" you say with a full mouth. They all gasped at what they saw then they all said in unision: "You weren't lying! You do eat meat!" then they all turn to themselfs and start talking about how awesome it was. You shrug and continue eating your steak. *------------------------------* By the time you were done everyone was staring at you intently, but you hadn't noticed until you finished the steak, and heard cheering... you then stood up as every one backed up in awe at how tall you were like the six did. You then hear what sounds like a child say: "can you sign this autograph Mr.Human?" you look around but don't see the kid, or filly that said it, until you hear: "down here!" you then look down at your feet, there you see a little filly with a Hersheys cookies and cream coat and little brown spots on him (pipsqueak, but you don't know that), you not wanting to be mean to a filly say "Yeah, ok." and grab the pen and paper from his cute little baby mouth and sign it and give it back and then say "there you go little d00d, your welcome" and then scratch his head with your right hand before he runs off saying: "Oh wow I got got an autograph by a Human and got my head scratched by him! Best day ever!" you let out a little chuckle as you hear him finish that sentence. "cute" you say as you then feel a nudge on your left shoulder you look said way and see Rainbow nudging you with her elbow. "what?" you say confusedly (Don't know if thats right) "nuthin'" she says as she stops nuding you. You look at her confused before you see everyp0ny is gone even the rest of the six only you and Rainbow are there now. "follow me" Rainbow says before landing on her hooves. "Mkay" You then arrive at what looks like a gingerbread house with dash all of its lights are off. You can tell because the windows show nothing but darkness "wait here." she says before walking into the house. A few seconds go by as you wait. more more "Ok, I'm gonna go in now..." you say as you put your hand on the door knob and rotate counter-clockwise. You open the door only to almost get a hear attack "SUPRIZE" you hear everyp0ny say loudly "Agh!" you scream out Everyp0ny starts laughing histericly as you just sit there... confused as hell... you then start to chuckle a little, which then turns into a laugh matching the others. You then stop laughing as you hear Pinkie say "LETS PARTAAAAAY!!!" and everyp0ny starts dancing eating cupcakes, doing party related stuff. You then let out a little chuckle as you see a colt get dragged upstairs by a mare who has a maniac-like smile plastered across her face. "Oh boy..." you say happily as you then walk into the crowd start partying. > Starting up > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The party was great, you didn't get drunk, killed, high or any of that! You walk out of what you now know is sugar cube corner with the six and then realize something... "Crap!" You say loudly enough for the six to notice "What?" Dash says confusedly "I ain't got no place to stay!" You say "Aaaaw, I can't sleep in an alleyway! Do you guys even have an alleyway?!" Everyone gasped at that you could tell that Fluttershy was about to say something but was cut of by Dash "You can stay with me!" She said quickly "uh... ok?" Is all you could mutter out before Twilight said: "but Humans can't walk on clouds. Can they?" You slowly nod and then look at dash who now has a sad look on her face. You then hear twilight say: "but I can put a spell on you so you can!" That made dash a lot happier so happy that... she... hugged you? Meh you guys were like family so it's all good if she does that... right? Yea... yea it does...ANYWAYS you walk over to twilight's house with the other five so twilight can slap that spell on ya' and you can go to dash's place without falling through it and get some sleep. I never told you right? No I didn't, your a little drunk from those two bloody mare shots but you can still walk steady. Twilight then tells you to enter her room so she can perform the spell. You follow twilight into her room and she tells you to sit down, so you do so in a wooden chair and then turn it around to face her. What you see was a mixture of weird and kinda sexy. There sitting before you is twilight with her legs prominently open with her tail covering what you can tell is her... mare hood? "Now twili-" is all you can say before she cuts you off: "if you want to go to rainbow's house then you need to do something for me first..." you being the gentleman, always wanting to walk on clouds and all sadly... comply "*sigh* ok, twilight what is it you want me to do..." you say sadly knowing you're about to probably finger a pony now "don't you think this is a little rushed, eh twilight?" You ask approaching her slowly to get as much time as you can. When you're in front of her she removes her tail from the "spot" and reveals to you her... freaking pony va-j-j it looks like it's drowning because of how wet it is. Twilight giggles at how you're staring at it. Your fingers are then grabbed by twilight's aura and pulled slowly down to her wetness as you th- "Wake up! Hey dude, wake up!" You hear rainbow say as you then feel water dumped onto your face "HUH! Wha- what happened?" You say confused as hell. One second you were about to finger a pony and THEN you wake up. I swear drinks will fuck up your brain cells... sheeesh... uh oh... *brain twitch! One more!* CRAP! Rainbow speaks up after that question: you got knocked out cold when twilight finished her spell on you." Hmmm makes sense... you look at twilight who has a guilty look on her face. "It's alright twilight, I'm sure it was an accident." You say reassuringly. Twilight's mood lightens up after that. You turn your attention to rainbow and ask: "so... how are we gonna get up there?" You ask with a raised brow. "Hmmm... get on my back?" She says with a 'could work?' Face on "are you sure? Isn't that weird for you guys?" You ask "kinda, but it the only way we can get up there." She was right, it is the only way up "true... true... ok then. Let's go" you say before you get on her back and trot out of the door. "You're... heavy..." you hear her say "heh... sorry bout' that I used to eat a lot of meat back on my planet." You and rainbow head back to her house in silence. You were looking at the beautiful sky as rainbow focused on what was ahead. As you arrived and got off her back you asked: "did you make this cloud mansion yourself?" You inwardly face palm at that question, of course she did ya moron... "no, my Pegasus friends helped me." Oh... good it wasn't a stupid question. Rainbow leads you inside of her mansion and she then tells you something that made your heart take a pin out of a grenade and toss it into your gut... she had no extra bed so that meant... you had to sleep with her till' you could get a house, which was gonna be a while. She saw the expression on your face and told you she didn't mind, which made you feel a little better. You then took a shower and made another mental checklist to visit rarity for some clothes the next morning. After you're done with your shower you put on your underwear and head for rainbow's bed, pull the covers over your body and fall asleep. You could've sworn you felt a warmth envelope your side. You knew who it was but didn't care. *--------------------------* You woke up the next morning feeling surprisingly good and ready to take on the day. "Hey rainbow you up?" You say looking to the side to see her still sound asleep. You decided to keep her there and get down the fun way. There was a lake right under her home so you could just cannon ball off and land in it you put on your clothes and head out the door. You move to the edge of her cloud house and look down. There sitting maybe a kilometer away is the lake, you then close your eyes and dive off of her cloud house. You can feel your adrenaline build up the farther you go until you hit the lake. You then swim up to the edge of the lake and get on your feet. Your clothes are... dry? "Hm... cool..." you say to yourself as you then walk down towards ponyville. You then reach rarity's boutique and head inside there you see a Philly that you've never seen before. She has a white coat like rarity and a bright purple Maine and a purple stripe going through it. "Uuh... hi, is rarity here?" You ask the little philly. "Oh my gosh! Are you the human everyp0ny is talking about!?" She asks you giddily "yeah?" You answer slowly. "OHWOWINEEDTOTELLSCOOTALOOANDAPPLEBLOOMABOUTTHIS!" She says before she runs past you and into the direction of the apples' residence. You then hear the fimiliar sound of clip-clop of hooves on the tile floor as you then see rarity come out of the corner. She has these red glasses that rest on her muzzle that you personally have to say: they look pretty good on her. You don't even get a chance to say hi before she says: " Oh I knew you would take my advice!" She says as giddily as that other philly did. A few minutes pass before rarity gets down your measurements and shows you what she has thought up. You like it... the pants are white with a black decal on the left leg and the shirt is a Halloween orange with a black eagle on the front. This would go good with the high tops you are wearing they are also white with orange with them. She then tells you that it will all be done by tomorrow morning. You then give her a big hug which made her blush heavily then thanked her, her expression: dumbfounded. You walk out with a chuckle an then say to yourself: "good, already gettin' started" before heading down to the park to go chillax. > What's wrong with all the mares? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A few weeks have passed scince you've been in equestria and a few things, you've now got more than just two sets of clothes now, a few mares have been acting strange, you've got a teleportation chip in your brain and there are less colts around on the streets. Those last three still have been keeping you feeling a bit weird for a while. You teleport up to Soarin's house, your best friend scince a week ago, and knock on the cloud door (how does that work?) you wanted to ask him something. After a few seconds of waiting Soarin' opens the door... slowly "Oh good, it's just you..." soarin' says like he just took a load of bricks off his back. You are about to say something before Soarin' cuts you off "Quick, get in!" he says quickly getting behind you and pushing you inside and locks the door. "Jeez man, what's your prob' bro!" you say angrily "Sorry, but all the mares..." he says before shuddering. "Hm. Well thats what I wanted to ask you about." you say to him getting up and walking over to sit on his couch. "Yea d00d, what's the 411?" he says looking at you with a raised brow "I wanted to ask you if you know what's going on with all the mares.". His eyes open as wide as dinner plates as you finish that sentence. "Well... every year all the mares go through a cycle called..." he sighs and continues "Heat...". You stare at him, dumbfounded. That word sounds fimiliar, but you can't put your tounge on it. Hmmm... that kinda helped, but you still couldn't figure it out. You didn't feel like asking him what it ment so you continued on "Sooo... what?" you ask him to get rid of the akward silence "DOYOUWANNAGETBUCKEDBYABUNCHOFPONYSSOMUCHTHATYOURDICKHURTS!?" He asks scaredly. "Agh! No!" You reply quickly. "good, you should be careful around mares, especially Rainbow, seeing how you sleep in her bed and all. But I know you can escape them, you got that chip in your head!" He says punching you lightly on your noggin and chuckling. You then start to chuckle with him for a bit until it stops, "Alright d00d, I'll see you later" you say getting up from the couch and giving him a bro hoof. Feelsgood.jpg You then exit his house and think of a place to go, you had a few bits from getting hired by Mr and Mrs.Cake to help pinkie with the baking. You decided you would go to the market and get some food. You then set the destination in your head and you dissapear in a flash of light. *-----------------------------* You appear in front of the market with a flash of light. You walk towards the door and hunker down a bit so you can go through it. "Wow... alot a' mares..." you mutter to yourself seeing all the p0nies walking around, that are... all... mares... you head down to the wheat section and grab two loafs of bread and hold them in your left hand. You then take your focus off of the loafs of bread and see that... Lyra and Bon Bon... are right next to you. You jump in fright... two feet away from them. They stare at you akwardly, before they chuckle a little. "How come you guys aren't chasing me like sex crazed beasts?" you ask them, very confused. Lyra is the first to respond, but won't spit it out "Umm... because were... were-" is all she gets out before Bon Bon cuts her off, "Lesbians..." Bon Bon says rolling her eyes, Lyra blushing furiosly. "Oh... good for you Lyra and Bon Bon. When did this happen?" you ask them, relived. "two days ago..." Lyra says blushing even more than she was before. "Oh cool, well I'll see you guys later, good luck guys." you say happilly before walking of to the counter so you can pay for your bread. The clerk is suprisingly a unicorn colt, but he's shaking... badly. "Hey bro, you all right?" you ask him he looks at you and stops shaking and looking relived as he sees that the p0ny isnt a mare, or a p0ny, or a mare, but a male human. "oh... heh... yea sorry, im kinda freaked out that some of the mares here will try and rape me dry, you know?" he says to you cheking out your loafs of bread and putting them in bags with magic. "yea, I know the feeling d00d." you reply chuckling. you give him a bro hoof and head out the door. *-------------------------------* You appear in another flash of light at rainbow's house, she's probably here, but you teleport in anyways. She's upstairs, you find out. You could tell because you could hear racket upstairs. You bring your loafs of bread to the kitchen counter and walk over to rainbow's fridge and open it up, You grab some steak, (rainbow kept some in there for you to eat becuse she still thought it was interesting to watch you eat steak and such that invovled your canines) get a knife, a plate and put it down then your steak and a fork and began cutting. After you were done with cutting your steak, you grabbed two slices of bread and put them in the toaster. Then get out a frying pan and scramble some eggs then add that to your plate. You hear the toaster ring and hear the toast pop out. you then grab the slices of bread from the toaster and also add that to your plate. "yummm..." you hadn't even noticed how much your mouth was watering until you almost slipped in it. You grab your plate and head for the couch, where you then start to nom nom nom. After you finish your tottaly super awesome tasticular azy o' lishious meal and put it in the sink, you hear more racket. You decide to go and see what the 411 is. You walk up the stairs and the closer you get to Rainbow's door the louder the... moaning gets? "Giggity" you mutter to yourself before you slowly open the door and ask "hey Rainbow, everything alri-" is all you get out, you already knew what was happening but you just wanted to see it... WHAT!? PROBLEM!? ANYWAYS, what you see is probably the most sexy/craziest thing you've ever seen. Rainbow is masturbating... you try and hold back a laugh as you then close the door in front of you as you then walk out of the room and what you just saw. As you approach the couch you let out all the laugh that you've been holding up. Rainbow saw your deadpan expression like you knew what was happening and just wanted to play it off, it was written all over your face... Rainbow then gets off her bed and walks down stairs to see you laughing your ass off... You then notice rainbow is looking at you and wipe off your tears and let out a few more chuckles before saying: "So... you do it like dat~?" you say in a rappers kind of voice with a smug grin. "shut up, you didn't see anything" she says blandly. "See what?" you ask her, "Good boy" she replies before walking into the kitchen before rubbing her tail on you. You shiver at the thought you just got... *------------------------------* After rainbow finishes whatever she was doing in the kitchen she then asks you if you wanna go to the stadium to watch the wonderbolts with her, of course you complied, because your best brotato was in there and you could get in a V.I.P. spot because you knew him, and rainbow could tag along. *-------------------------------* You both reach the stadium, well rainbow met you there because you teleported, and went to the V.I.P. area. The guards knew you well so they both gave you a bro hoof and let you inside. You kinda had a reputation for yourself seeing how you had canines, ate meat and proved to this "Starswirled the beirded" guy that humans were real. You walk over to the seat closest to the window so you could get the best veiw of the wonderbolts and rainbow sat on your lap. The reason because she said you took the best seat and you said "We can share it if you want." and scooted over but she just jumped onto your lap. You didn't mind... not that much, you two watch the wonderbolts in awe, you letting out "HOLY CRAP!"s and "YO' BE CAREFUL!"s and rainbow just laughing at how scared you were. The rest of the show was great, and scary. When the show ended it had started raining. Rainbow said that she forgot about the rainstorm and was gonna tell you about it. You didn't mind, you could just tele to Rainbow's house. But you didn't want to leave her flying in the rain so you told her to hug you tightly, she blushed furiosly but did so and before you know it, you were at Rainbow's house. You did all the stuff you needed to do to go to bed and then jumped in and went to sleep. "I think im gonna like this..." you say to yourself as you then fall asleep > Ronnie... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Red is your brain (I cant remember how to spell consience, im pretty sure thats wrong, but you get it) orange is your consience. It has been about a month now since Ronnie died, and you were tugged into this world of technicolor ponies. One day, you let your emotions get the best of you, and you went crazy. You woke up, tired and for some reason sad. You didn't know why you were feeling sad for no reason, but put that asside, you wanted to go check on your best pal and hang out for a while. You get out of bed and head to the bathroom so you can go brush your teeth. You got the toothbrush a few weeks ago because you noticed that you hadn't brushed it scince you got here. You brush your teeth and throw your clothes on. It was the orange shirt with the black eagle on it and the white pants with a black decal on the left leg and your same shoes you wore with it the same day you got them. You take one last look at the mirror before heading out. You walk downstairs, go through the front door and walk out to the edge of rainbow's house. You select your destination in your head and in a flash, your at soarin's house. You ring the doorbell and after a few seconds, he opens the door and sees your expression. "hey dude, you alright? You look puzzled." Soarin' says looking at you like he wants to help. Your expression changes after that. "W-what did you just say?" "You look puzzled?" ... "R-ron..." "Huh?" "R-ronnie..." What? who's ronnie?" Soarin' then sees a tear run down your cheek, "Woah dude! ok ok ok come on now dude, no cryin' man." he says flying up and putting a hoof around your neck and walking you inside. "Who's this Ronnie guy? You wanna talk about it dude?" Yeah... I think i should let this out." You both walk over to the couch and sit down. Soarin' takes a deep breath and then stares at you contently "O.k., go." You then sigh and start "You remember when I arrived right?" *-----------------------------* "Then, I was dragged in and brought here." You say, finishing up your story. Soarin' is now looking down at the cloud floor of his house and crying. "Hey, it's alright bro. I know he would of wanted me to move on, instead of just sitting there crying the whole time." you say trying to cheer him up, it works, Soarin' then looks at you and sees you're serious. He then stops crying, "Dude, thats messed up, happy and sad..." You then chuckle a little as it then turns into a full blown laugh, Soarin' then starts laughing with you and you both do so for a few minutes. After you were both done laughing, you then told him you were going to head out for a bit. You both say your goodbyes and You walk out of his front door. You y from Soarin's house and appear in ponyville. Although you let out that you had a best friend who died to Soarin', you still were feeling a bit down, everywhere you looked you saw somepony hanging out with their best friends, everyone but you. why did Ronnie have to die... I wish he came with us... do somethin' bout it bro. but what? Cutting off your mental talk with your brain, you're suddenly filled with rage. "Why couldn't Ronnie come with meee!" You scream into ponyville randomly before you run off into the forests. You hadn't noticed but twilight and fluttershy saw you and was going to say hi, before you raged and randomly ran off into the Everfree forest. "Oh. Is he ok?" Fluttershy asked turning to twilight who had a confused look on her face. "I don't know, Fluttershy, but we've got to find out." Twilight said running off into the forest. "Wait for me!" Fluttershy screamed quietly, (How do you do that too?) *----------------------------* You've been running through the forest for a few minutes, you could've swore you heard other hoof steps but your rage side punched that out your ears. Your rage eventually goes down and you then grow a bit tired from running and rest on a tree. Since your rage was gone, you had no one else to talk to and you could focus, you went to brain. Hey dude? Yeah? Did you remember those other hoofsteps we heard before rage punched it out? Eeyup. Do you think we were hallucinating? Probably... Your mental conversation was interrupted, again, by the hoofsteps you thought you were hallucinating about. You looked in the direction you heard them and saw Twilight, Fluttershy and some... Zebra? Hold up, I thought there were only ponies here? Ssshhh! You looked at them, suprised, the reason? You guessed part of it... the zebra, the rest was how they found you. "Who is that and why did you follow me." You said quickly and blandly "We were going to say hi to you but before we could reach you, you raged for some reason and ran into the forest." Twilight said looking at you worried. "Oh yea..." AWWW! Do we have to tell them the story too! *sigh* I guess so man... "Why did you scream?..... If you're alright with telling us..." Fluttershy said hiding behind her hair. Daaaaawww... ok lets tell em', for Fluttershy Yeah, for Fluttershy. You sigh before starting your story... again. *----------------------------------* "Then I was dragged in and brought here." You said, you told them the story (for Fluttershy) exactly the same as the one you told Soarin'. They acted exactly the same as Soarin' did, only they gasped when you told them the part when Ronnie pushed you out before you both hit a wall and only he did. They were all crying exept for the Zebra Hmmm... the zebra is strong to hold back tears, I like her. Yea I bet you do like her! N-no no no! I didn't mean it like that! Sure man... sure... When Twilight and Fluttershy stopped crying they got up and trotted over to you and gave you a hug on each side. "Im sorry that you lost your best friend." It's O.k. Twilight" "You've still got me." Fluttershy said nuzzling your cheek. "And me" Twilight said doing the same Their actions just now made you blush heavilly. Oh my gosh dude... They're tryna' get onto us bro! Come on! After they're done nuzzling, you then get up and look at the zebra just sitting on her bum and facing away from the three of you."Excuse me?" You say to the zebra she jumps a little and turns around to see you holding out your right hand. Her normal expression is then turned into a smile as she reaches out her hoof to your hand but stays quiet. You hand/hoof shake and when thats done you turn to Twilight and Fluttershy who are whispering in eachothers ear. "Ehem." "Huh? Oh yes, Zecora this is... wait, what is your name?" Hey dude this is the best time to make a name up! I know! I know! Ooooh what should it be!? Ummm... Electric? naaa... Blitz Strike? Omg! Yes! Blitz Strike! Nice one! "Umm... Blitz, Blitz Strike." You say puffing out your chest in a manly way. "Wow, really, cool name, Blitz" "Heh... thanks" you say scratching the back of your neck Suddenly Twilight's expression changes from a smile to one of shock, "Oh, Blitz we need to get you to the princesess!" The fuck! Princesess!? When the hell did they get princesess?! "Princesess? What next! One of the princesess were evil but were then turned back to the good side by the other one!?" "Yes..." Twilight said deadpan-like. *FAINT* *--------------------------------* You wake up with a little headache and notice you're not in the forest anymore but on a pink leather seat. Fluttershy notices your awake and trots over to your seat, "morning sleepy head." Fluttershy says shaking you lightly. You groan before getting up and rubbing your head a little bit and notice you've got a type of cloth on rapping around the top of your forehead. "What's this? And where are we?" you say pointing to the cloth on your head with your left hand and pointing to the roof of your passenger car, referring to the whole train. "Were on a train, duh Fluttershy." You hear a boyish voice from the door of the passenger car and see it open to see a... giant green and purple lizard. "Holy guacamoli! Are you Blitz the human Twilight was talking about!?" He says getting in your face. "Ye-esss?" you say slowly and cautiosly while raising your fists a little bit. "Oh wow! Wait here!" Ehem... well... Giant green and purple lizard that can talk? Yep... l: l: "O.k.! Im back, here sign this!" "Umm... O.k.? You take the pen and paper from his claws and sign the paper and hand it back. "Oooh, thank you so much!" He says before running back to what you can only guess is his passenger car with Twilight, but before he opens the door, he turns around and introduces himself. "By the way, I'm spike, the dragon" he says puffing out his chest just like you did. He then opens the door and runs through it and closes it behind him. You then notice that Fluttershy has been silent the whole time. You turn your head to the left and see that Fluttershy was staring at you, once she sees you turn your head to her she turns hers away from yours blushing, "Hey, Fluttershy?" you say putting your hand on her shoulder, she jumps a little, but you continue. "You ok?" you ask with a raised brow. "Umm... yes im ok.." She says hiding her head behind her hair. "Well... O.k. if you say so. Im gonna go use the bathroom O.k.?" "ok" she says still hiding behind her hair. You then get up and guess which way to go. Left. Left. You then head to the left as you open the door to the bathroom. "Huh... how convenient." You mutter to yourself as you walk into the bathroom. Before draning it you look at yourself in the mirror. You still have your Halloween orange shirt with the black eagle on it with your white pants with the black decal on it and your orange and white hightops. You then look up in the mirror to look at your forehead. It has a big red spot on the front, it looks like you're wearing a Japanese headband on. A red circle at the front center and the rest is white. That makes you chuckle a little bit before you then head to the John and Drain your best friend. when you're done you head out and see Fluttershy sleeping. You chuckle at the position she's in. She's on her back in a position a dog would get in if it were getting its belly rubbed and her tail is inbetween her legs to cover... "that" up. You then walk over next to Fluttershy, lean against the pink leather seat and put your hand in her hair and stroke it as you fall asleep. You should totally get in that. What do you mea... no you're gross. Come on dude don't hide it... Shut up. > Princesess and Heat (CLOP WARNING) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- You woke up to slamming your head onto the train floor. clumsy bastard. Shut up you 18 year old irresponsible drunk piece of sh-oh look were here. You lift your head up to see the most awesomest thing in your life besides that diamond you found in your basement. A marble white castle with gold roofs stand before you. You feel a tap on your leg and look down to see spike, "Hey spike, what's up?" You. Ssshhh! "Nothin'... say, you don't think I can get on your back do ya?" "Sure." "Really! Aww this is gonna be awesome!" You crouch down so spike can climb on your back and sit on your shoulders. You then rise to your feet and the higher you go the more force you can feel spike putting on your neck with his arms. "Ack! Spike- *wheeze* -not so... hard!" "Oh sorry, got kinda scared. heh heh..." You then shrug which makes spike bounce a little to wich he then laughs. You then look back and see Twilight, Fluttershy and... Applejack, Rainbow, Rarity and Pinkie pie... Oh cool, haven't seen them in a while. Yea, lets say hi. "Ohai guys!" you say waving at them and turning your whole body around to face them. Pinkie is the first to say something... well... not say something but do something. Pinkie jumps onto your chest and hugs you. "OHMYGOSHIHAVEN'TSEENYOUINAWHILE!" Pinkie says hugging you tightly. "What's spike doing on your back? Oh! is he hugging you too!?" Pinkie says still holding onto you. O.k. dude, lets get serious. Pinkie wants the "D"... Im not gonna argue with that because you're probably right... You chuckle a bit and answer "No, Pinkie he's not hugging me, he just wanted to get on my back" chuckling again. "Oh! can I get on your back!?" she asks, right in your face. "Ummm..." you look back and see spike is not there anymore. I woulda' said yes if he was on my back or not, giggity giggity goo. Nice one dude. "Yeah, ok go ahe-" "WOOOO!" Pinkie exclaims shooting up into the sky like a rocket and landing on you back. She wraps her hindlegs around your neck firmly and crossing her forehooves on the top of your head. "Wow. I wish I was this tall..." She says still giggling a little bit. You then look back at the other five and spike and see they all have smug grins on. "Don't start... lets just go." You say, annoyed. Turing towards the castle you grab hold of Pinkie's hindleg hooves and make a move on towards it. Everypony follows. *-----------------------------------* All of you arrive at the palace of where the princesses live and open the doors. Pinkie is still on your back but you haven't even noticed she still was because she was so light and quiet, probably enjoying the scenery. You all aproach the doors and Twilight opens them up with magic. In the room is two ponies, one mabye a foot smaller than you and one mabye 1 and a half feet taller than normal ponies. As you walk in and the white princess sees you she screams in a strong and scary voice: "DO NOT HARM MY SUBJECTS" magicing Pinkie off your shoulders and shooting a magical ball at your chest. When it makes contact, it blows you through the doors and into the wall behind it... which was mabye 25 feet away... "BLITZ" Everyone screams as they start running towards you. You cough up a little blood before sliding down the wall you flew into and landing on the floor on your bum. You hold your chest tightly with both hands to try and get rid of the pain. which only makes you cough up more blood. Gah! What the fuck lady! OMG OMG OMG BLOOD! EEEYAAAGH! All six and spike arrive at your battered up body. They try and pick you up but you're too heavy. You then get a little sense back and scream: "Gah! What the hell man! I wasn't trying to kill her! She just wanted to *cough* get on my back! AAAAGH, SHIT!". The princesses notice that you are telling the truth and quickly run over to your body. "Hold on, I shall fix you, hold still!" The dark one says. You missed the whole procedure... because you fainted... again... when you heard the word "fix". *-----------------------------------* You wake up with no pains whatsoever and a nice soft bed under you. "What happened?" you ask yourself... well thats what you thought. "When we healed thou, you fainted." You hear a voice that kinda rings a bell you look to the right and see that it's the dark princess. She was sitting on her bum We should give her a name till' she tells us. like what? Lunar princess? Naaa, lets just ask her. "Oh... am I going to be ok?" "Yes, magic can heal anything." "Cool... Hey? What does your... umm... mark mean?" "Oh this?" she says pointing to her bum "This is my cutie mark, I am the lunar princess, but you can call me Luna , it shows up when somepony finds their special talent. Mine is making the moon rise and fall. The white one, my sister who shot you, Is the princess of the sun, she makes the sun rise and fall Oh man that's so cool, I wish I could make the moon rise and fall. Yeah, me too. "Really? That's awesome, I always liked the sun and moon. But I like the moon better because you can see more of it and when the moon is up, there is always a party somewhere. With the sun, you can't look at it much, you know?" "Wow, thanks no one has ever said that about my moon before. Everyone always talks about the sun, never the moon like that." Luna says scootching closer to you as you sit criss-cross apple-sauce "Well, I for one, think the moon is way better than the sun..." You say moving your head towards hers while facing her. "I never thought I would meet someone like you, especially when he's a human." She says moving closer to you aswell YAAAAAAAAAH! Oh Le' dou' it!!! since im gonna be here the rest of my life I might aswell get started, right! WOOT! Both of your lips only touch as the door swings open and everyone walks in. You and Luna both quickly move away from eachother, but you notice as you both do so, she winks at you. Your eyes go as wide as dinner plates as you see that. AMOST TIME FOR SOME PONY PUSSEH! YEAH! WOOOT! IM GONNA FU** HER BRAINS OUT ********* TOOTHPASTE ON MY ************* SUCKING ************* EATING *********** PISCAPALIAN **************** AIRHORN AT THE END TO SIGNAL THAT WERE DONE!! WOOOOT!! HELL YEA!! You turn away from Luna and notice everyone has worried faces on. "it's ok guys, im all healed up." When you finish that sentence all the main six jump onto you with a big ol' hug. It takes alot to stand up but you can, but the biggest problem is: Pinkie is in the center of the hug and she is giving a hug harder than your grandpa did whenever he saw you. You all laugh for a while and eventually everypony lets go once they noticed you were wheezing. You grab your chest lightly with your left hand, and look at the princess of the sun. "*pant* *pant* I'm sorry princess, I didn't properly get to introduce myself. I am Blitz Strike, from the planet Earth, Male, 18 years old and it is an hounor to meet you, kinda..." You say bowing lightly with your left hand in front of your chest and your right on your lower back. "No need to bow, Mr.Strike, I must appologize for my unexpected behavior, I am not very used to otherworldly things in my realm." she says with a small smile. "Apology exepted, thank you pri-" "Sister, may I have a little talk with Blitz for a few minutes?" "Oh... umm of course Luna, But pray tell why you are not using your normal voice?" "I have grown tired of it sister." You look back at Luna who now is giving you the bedroom eyes. Just because of that, im gonna paralize her... My dick is the Terminator and she is the T1000. Say hello to my big ass friend. "Well ok, now sister I shall leave you two alone to talk." After the sun princess finished her scentence she turned away and walked ou the door, all the others following but you and Luna. Oh shit... now im scared! I never thought I would get this far! So all that talk for nothin... I thought you would actually do it too... shame... Im still goin'. You feel a warm body envelope yours and see that you're floating over to the bed with Luna who is still looking a you with those eyes. O-o-oh damn... All that trash talk but no garbage disposal to throw it in, come on brain... Luna lets go of you with her magic and you land in the center of the bed. Luna moves over onto your chest, her face a few inches from yours. THIS IS IT! Luna moves her head forwad and meets her lips to yours, you can taste blackberries. You always liked those so you didn't hesitate to move a little bit farther. You wrap your hands around her and squeese lightly. You were getting more than just the taste of blackberries now, you could now taste cake. You liked that even better. You move your tounge forward and press it against her teeth before she then opens her mouth and meets your tounge to hers. Oh now I can taste blackberry cake! Mmmph.. oh... oh my god, SO GOOD! You two wrestle your tounges for a bet before Luna seperates that tottaly super awesome tastic o' licious kiss. "Take your clothes off. Now..." she says getting off of you Holy crap... yes ma'am! You take your clothes off and leave your boxers on only now. Once your done with that you look back at Luna, she is leaning back with her legs open presenting... one of the beutiful things about her "Now show me what those fingers can do." "Ok, lets do this." you say turing around and walking towards you she then scoots to the back of the bed and leans on it with her legs still open you get onto the bed and crawl towards her. You then sit down in front of her, still looking at it, While in the corner of your eye you can see the tent you piched in your boxers. Luna giggles at how you're staring at it and shakes her hips a little while biting her lip. You then feel your fingers get pulled closer by her magic. Weird... this is just like that dream/nightmare that we had when we went out in Twilight's room... Only with luna... eh whatever. We got some sex to do. Your fingers make contact with her soaking dark, pony pusseh. Luna gasps and lets go of your fingers. You then notice how rude it would be if you let her do all the work, so you made a fist and pulled out your middle finger and ring finger and pushed in a little bit. The walls of her womb clutching on to your fingers so you can't get out, litteraly, you can't pull them out. Luna wraps her hindlegs around your lower back and pulls you in closer. You then think it's time for a little action. You pull your fingers out a little and then force them back in quickly. Luna gasps out of suprise and then moans out in peasure. You repeat the process over... and over... and over until you're going tottaly rotary cannon on her. Luna then gasps and moves her forehooves up and wraps them around your neck. "Oh my... Im-... Im going to... nnnngaah!" she screams out soaking your fingers in even more Luna Liquid. "I didn't give you permission to do that yet." Luna says pushing you onto your back and grabbing the elastic part of your boxers. You don't even get a chance to respond before she climbs up over your boss and gently presses her opening against it. This makes you yelp in suprise as Luna moans in preasure. You can't handle what you're feeling right now, damn it's good. "I bet you want me to go all they way down don't you?" You can't say a word right now, to much pleasure. You respond with a groan Luna giggles and puts one hoof on your chest and another up in front of her as she then lowers her self, moaning all the way down taking in all of your boss, You then feel your boss' head press up on something, you already know what it is. You've still got mabye 3 centemeters left but if thats all she can take, then thats all she can take, it still feels damn good. She then moves back up to the top before slamming all the way down, taking the 3 centemeters there with it. Ooh didn't that hurt!? she then repeats the action again and again, until you feel something in your loins which makes you groan loudly. Luna sees your expression. "Oh you're going to do it aren't you?" *Groan* That's a good enough response for Luna continues her actions but going faster. That's it... you're down, you grab Luna's hips and move yours up hard, making you shoot your vannila cream all over her inner walls. From the windows to the wallz! Till' the sweat drips from my bawlz! The feeling of release gets you to and you groan out in pleasure. The feeling of your spurts inside of her gets her to go too, but only in suprise as she wraps her forehooves around your neck and moves her hips up and then down one more time before releasing all over your boss. Luna gets off and slumps to your side and holds you close. "That was great." Luna says with a loving smile. "*pant* *pant* yeah, *pant* was great..." "The others are probably waiting ouside..." "We should head out there before anything gets suspicioso..." "Indeed." You both get up and put your clothes on and walk to the door, but before you can open it. "Oh. hold on." Luna says running into her bathroom. She walks out with a bottle that reads: Le poni. she then walks up to you and magics you the bottle. "spray it." You comply, spraying the space above you and Luna and letting the perfume fall over you both. "Ok, were good" "Ok, here, lemmie take that" She says walking back into the bathroom to put the perfume away. As she is walking into the bathroom you turn to brain. That was fun... Yeah, no shit ok lets get serious... lets... anytime you think that a pony is tryin' to get with us we comply and let it go from there. yep... "Definetly..." you whisper to yourself "Did I just talk to myself?" you say to yourself again "Stupid, you still are..." again "Ugh... stop..." again again. Sshh! "Right... right..." you whisper, before chuckling and opening the door and walking out. "Hey guys!" > Foget' abaut' it! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I can't believe we did that shit man! Oh my god that was jerkin! Shut up! I don't wanna talk about it ok!? We fucked... a horse! EEEEEWW! it's twilight shut up shut up shut up! You quickly get over your little freaky mind talk as you're interrupted by spike, "What were you and luna doing back there?" He speaks walking over to your seat with a confused expression. "JEEZ MAN LEAVE ME ALONE WOULD YOU LIKE IT IF I ASKED WHAT YOU DO WHEN YOU AND TWILIGHT ARE DOING IN THE LIBRARY STACKING BOOKS ALL DAY, HUH!?" You blurt out to him shaken up and angry. You quickly regain your composure and sigh slowly."Sorry spike, I'm just a little shaken up right now." shaken up... hmph, my imaginary ass. "Bout' what?" "N-nothing." Spike looks at you concerned for a bit but drops it. After an awkward silence, you decide to speak again. "Hey spike?" "Yeap?" "I need you to be totally honest about this, ok? Because if you don't be honest, I'll use my otherworldly strength on you, kaey?" You ask with a serious tone. Spike flinches slightly but nods. "Good, is it ok if I have sex with a pony here? Because, you know I'm gonna' live here for the rest of my life so... I mean." "Ummm... yea, yea it probably is ok. You're right about the 'living here for the rest of your life' thing, so I, personally think it is ok. Why the query?" He says raising his head to look at you. "Hm. I'm pretty sure you'll find out in a few seconds..." You both sit there for a bit before spike speaks up again. "Hey dude gimmie a fist claw bump." He says in a serious tone raising his fist. You fist claw bump and he continues. "Who ya gonna do first?" "Aaagh you got it!" You say bursting out laughing, spike joins you, and before the both of you know it, you're both in tears, still laughing. After a while you both finally stop laughing and spike goes on, "But no, seriously bro, who's it gonna' be cuz I don't know! "I don't know yet, I'll have to think about it." You say still with a smile on your face as you both giggle at what your both dirty minds are thinking of. *-----------------------* You awake to the sound of screeching and slowly open your eyes but close them back to their positions as the sunlight hits your eyes. "Holy crap! It took us that long to get from canterlot to ponyville?" You ask sheilding your eyes from that God forsaken sun. "Were not in ponyville, apparently." You hear spike mumble to you. You turn your head to him. Moving your hand to the side a little so that your fingers cover your eyes instead of you palm, you slowly move your index and middle finger upwards while simultaneously moving your ring and pinkie finger downwards. You gawk at what you see, you slowly remove your hand from your face and stare. "Great, another weird ass looking castle." You say with no expression on your face or your words. Spike giggles before you hear the sound of a door open and close behind you and look back, it's Twilight,"It's not a castle, dummy its the crystal kingdom." She says with a smile. "A castle is a kingdom..." you say with no expression in your words or your face again. "Oh yeah..." She says lightly blushing at her embarrassment."Heh it's alright twilight, I'm just messing with ya. Foget' abaut' it!" You say with a new Jersey accent. Twilight's blush fades and she giggles lightly. She trots over to you both and speaks,"I wanted to introduce you to my old foal sitter, "Princess Miamore Cadenza." She says smiling. "Can I just call her cadence or something? Cuz I'm not gonna remember that BS..." You say, once again, no expression at all. Twilight and spike stare at you with dropped jaws and big eyes. "What?" You say with the hardest confused face you can put on. "How did you know her name!" Spike says after picking his jaw off the seat he was still standing on. "I didn't, cadenza means cadence in Italy or Spain... I can't remember." "What's Italy?" Twilight. "What's Spain?" Spike. Never mind..." whoever the hell you are. Spike and Twilight shrug it off and both walk towards the door of the the train car. Spike walks through the door but twilight stops and looks back at you. "You comin'?" "Yeah, hold up." *------------------------* You get off the train and look to the left to see your other friends have gotten off as well, you tap spike on the shoulder and point towards them, signaling that's where you both should go. You and spike walk over to twilight and see she's in deep conversation with her other friends, you decide to leave them be as spike climbs up onto her back, she still didn't notice. You didn't want to be rude so you just walked over to a light pole and leaned against it. After a few minutes they all stop talking and rainbow speaks up,"...Yeah, I know, Blitz you coming, were waiting on you." She says getting out of the conversation. "Ha, waiting on me? I was tryin' not to be rude so I was waiting on Y'ALL." "Yeah, whatever, c'mon dude let's go." She says flying behind you and pushing you off the station... but you didn't line up on the stairs so you fell off... where the stairs weren't. You landed on your back and the impact hurt so much that it knocked the air out of you making you gasp loudly. Rainbow falls on her back and busts out laughing. "Oh ha ha Rainbow, real fu-*gasp*-funny." You say slowly rising to your feet to see all of them looking at you now. You dont respond, only turn around and walk. "Let's just find this princess and go, my back hurts." You speak out still walking in what you hope is the right direction to where she's at. Everypony gets up and quickly makes their way over to your side. After a while of walking, stumbling over you pain and a few glares you finally reached the... diamond... crystal castle thing. And walked over to the set of stairs that lead to the room of this pony. Right when you all reached the arch that lead into a throne room,"Cadence!" Twilight yells, galloping over to her. "Twilight!" Cadence yells back to her, and doing possibly THE most cutest greeting you have ever seen. "Twilight, what are you doing here? It's so nice to see you again?" Cadence says hugging twilight with a smile. "I wanted to introduce you to my new friend, Blitz. He's a human." Twilight says proudly. Cadence puts on a confused face and then laughs,"Twilight, did you hit your head on the way here? Humans aren't re-" Cadence cuts herself off at seeing you. Cadence slowly lowers herself down sitting on her haunches, staring at you wide eyed. You stay still letting her scan you up and down. After a bit of scanning you see Cadence move her head over to Twilight, looking at her like she's crazy. "Is it real?" She asks slowly. "Yep, as real as you and me." She says pointing to her and then herself. "Can I touch it?" "Ummm... I don't know." Twilight says looking back at you. You don't say a thing as Twilight speaks up again,"I guess you can." She says still looking at you. Cadence quickly gets up and trots over to you and slowly raises her hoof to touch your arm. As her hoof grazes your bicep she quickly recoils back,"Where'd you get it?!" "I'm not an it..." you butt in. "It can talk!?" "HE!" You reply annoyed "He can talk!?" "Yes I can talk, I'm not an animal." You reply, this is starting to piss you off. "Well, you kinda look like one..." She said under her breath, hoping you didn't hear, but you did. You didn't say a word as you turned around and walked out, you just honestly didn't give a shit about her anymore. *----------------------------------* Returning back to the train turned out to be a long walk, last time it felt like you just floated over there. Still walking to the train, you can see everypony looking at you with confused, scared or both, but you just kept walking until you reached the train. *----------------------------------------* You had reached the train mabye fifteen minutes ago and they're still not back, which, fortunately and unfortunately gives you some time to yourself. What's up jackass! What? Chicken buttz! That's not funny. Well that's too ba- Shut up. ... ... Sor- Before your brain can apologize for its UNAPROPRIATE behavior, Twilight walks in with the rest of the crew behind her. Since you had to go through the touture of being bored and waiting for thier slow asses, you decided to get some payback. You were already laying back so all you had to do was close your eyes and snore. "Look at him! He's sleeping!" You could recognize the voice... cadence! You tried your best not to jump out the window, but then you thought... WE CAN SCARE HER TOO! After a few seconds of staring, Twilight speaks up; "I should wake him up, hold on." She says trotting over to you, right when her hoof touches your arm, you jump up. "ROAAAAAAAAAGH!" ... ... ... ... Twilight is frozen like a goat when it gets scared, just sitting there, before falling over, stiff as a board... and you just crack up. "Man I'm gonna love the shit outa this! HA HA!" You say before sitting down. You really are. > Stop! Hamma time! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After Twilight got up from her little goat freak out and cadence calmed down... and Twilight stopped screaming at you, you had acually fell asleep and woke up feeling terrible... Not the best way to sleep but... well... it's not the best... Dat shit was uncomfortable... waking up with a yawn you looked around and saw nopony. Mabye they're in the other car. The car to your left was a bathroom, sooo... right. heading over to the car to your right you saw that just Twilight and Cadence was there. "Hey girly goos. sorry bout' that scare a few hours ago. I just really needed to get it out of my system." You said closing the door behind you. "Oh hey, and that's alright, I probably should have expected that from you." Twilight said smiling lightly as you sat next to her. "Sup Trident." You said to Cadence, "What?" Twilight and Cadence said at the same time. "........ Oh! I mean Cadence... I have no idea where I got Trident from..." You said staring off into space through the window. You just noticed it's night time. Dafuq? "Hey, um... how long was I asleep for?" You asked. "Um, mabye about 5 hours. Why?" Twilight responded. "Oh nothing, just asking. Hey Ima' go see what the others are doing, aight?" "Ok, see ya." Walking over to the next car and closing the door, you saw Spike, chatting it up with Rarity, although Rarity wasn't talking and just Spike was, you could tell Rarity was listening, even if she was looking out the window... atleast untill the holy grail of sexyness walked in. HA HA HAAAAAAAAAAAAA- "Oh hello Blitz, I thought you were still asleep." Rarity said looking at you. "Hey Blitz, what's going on?" Spike asked. "Nuttin', just checking on everypony, just woke up too. Watchu' guys doing?" You said with a yawn. "I was just telling Rarity about that one time when I was with Sweetie Belle, and we were walking and she tripped over a mud puddle then I tripped over her and fell on a pile of hay." Spike said with a smile. "Oh aight, well ima' go back to bed now, peace out." You said chuckling a little at the inconvenience. "Ok see you later." Spike said. "Good night Blitz, darling." "Night." you said. Walking back to the car you woke up in, passing through Twilight and Cadence's car you saw they were both asleep. Twilight's head resting on Cadence's own. Cute... you could totally scare them right now... nah you can't you've already done enough. Continuing your way back to your car, you layed on the spot you woke up in, only laying down on the seat this time and saw that the spot was still warm... good. Now nighty night time. *------------------------------------* ...WAKE YO ASS UP! EEREAAAAAAAAAAH! Ha! that's what you get! What did I do to you?! You bein' a BI- Shooting up with a loud snort and looking at your surroundings you saw that you were still in the car.