> The Run > by thesilentpony > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Monster > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Run my little pony.” A voice wisped in my ear as my hooves beat against the stone padded path surrounded by frozen dark winter trees. Sweat soaked my crystal golden mane and crystal silver coat, even as the frozen frigid, midnight black night air whipped me lashings at my body trying its best to cool me, I was burning out like a dying star. Even as my lungs ran on molten lava, or as my skin stung with ice spikes, I kept running, pushing my body. As my body begged and whined, aching with each movement and every hit of my hoof to the lifeless stone street. I knew if I stopped for a moment I was gone, dead and meat for him to feast on. A whimper escaped my throat somehow, I was breathing in something, but it wasn’t air, that was for sure. I still had no idea how my body was able to move, when I clearly was suffocating on my choking begging gasps for air. The greatest thing in my life that I had ever seen started coming into view, even with my foggy puffy dry eyes, I could see it, like it was a beacon inside this nightmare, the thing I needed more than anything was light. The single magic street light, shining so beautiful, yet so alone, and the only street light to exist in my little corner of this place I call life. I hoped dearly that light meant life, not this empty forest stone path. The light blinded me from the darkness and horror that followed me. I hoped dearly, for what little life that I could call life, to stay with me, just long enough to get home, to get out of the darkness and into a warm loving place. Not this nightmare that I was living, not this place I was running from. If I had tears to spare they had already stained my face forever, no not stained, craved into my face like liquid acid blades engraving into my very skin cell forcing me cry frozen blood having run out of water to use. As the light burned across my body bit by bit going under it, I begged it for release, but all it did was cloud my sight and burn me more. It laughed with silent madness and enjoyment at my pain, at my suffering and dying task of escape. I had no more a pray to live, than a pray to die and end my torment, but I wouldn’t be so lucky. With each pounding thud of my hooves, vibrations and ripping agony tore through my body, I wished I was dead as the dear god of light called a street light faded behind me. I wished I could simply disappear, so I didn’t have to care about this body, so I wouldn’t have to be scared anymore. My body begged, and my gasping echoed the empty frosted trees around me, I couldn’t answer my body’s pleas with rest, no matter how much I wished it. I had no choice and it didn’t care, it shocked me, burned and tortured me telling me to stop, to catch my breath and lay down someplace cold, with warm dry air. Heavy pounding of claws soon filled the air behind me, echoing off the trees and interlocking with my hoof pounding. I kept my eyes straight on the path in front of me, I had read enough horror to know that when the victim looks over their shoulder, they always get caught, and I knew I was the victim, who else would end up in this situation with a monster coming after them? Name them, please I beg you. My eyes locked on to the path, searching each and every stone I passed, making sure not a single one got too high to trip me, one trip and it was over. If I slowed or stopped for even a second, it was over. There was not enough water in my body to burn, or energy to spend to get up or speed up if I stopped. I could hear his mouth salivating, dripping with hungry desire. Wanting to taste me, slice me open, sink his teeth into my flesh, just to feel the feeling of ripping me apart, bit by tiny bit. A slight squeak escaped my lips. I could feel the burning of light before I could see it, the lights of Ponyville. The beautiful lights which offered shelter, hope, love, warmth and rest. The place I grew to love above all else, the place I wished I had magic which I could use to teleport to, but an earth pony like me has no horn to cast magic, and I have no wings to fly with. An earth pony like me has no hope of surviving this nightmare, for I possess nothing but hopes and dreams of safety. Then again, does the fool I am even deserve such a dream of striving to see the next rising sun? To marry, have foals and live in blissful peace, that every pony should hope for? To strive for? Or has all hope for that dream faded away without the slightest chance to return? Too many questions to ask and never receive the answer to, too many hopes and dreams to lose in a single night. With only the thought to push though with my life intact, I ran, I strained, and I sliced through the air like a blade. A growling encroached on me making my heart rip through my chest, feeling as through with each beat, my ribs and sternum were compounded and turned into dust, but only to reform to repeat it with the next beat of my heart. The lights of Ponyville’s street lamps filled their streets, warming them in safety of the nightmare following me, chasing me and narrowing down onto me. It’s speed of the a hurricane wind, even without the use of its wings. My thoughts went wild seeing a yellow pegasus with a pink mane walking down the street, I tried swallowing, but my mouth cracked and bled lightly at my frozen dry mouth, rifting open my lips like a canyon. A feeling of pain and ice cracked at my side sending me flying and letting a single scream of pain and terror escape my lips. The yellow pegasus turned only a moment too late, as I was thrown back into the frozen dark winter forest. Only my echo still existing to the living as I rolled down a hill, side bleeding from a light gash on my right side, twigs, rocks, and gravel sandpapered my side like razors. The tiny bits of ice stuck to my fur coat like a warm wet tongue to a frozen pole, ripping out strains with each bounce and roll. Trees swooshed and burred past me as I slowed rolling off a hill and hitting Ponyville reservoir, which had a thick layer of ice allowing me to roll and slid to a near painless stop as my body recoiled from the massive pain of the downhill roll. I cried dry whimpering, fearing for my life and my very soul. My body was done, I was over, I couldn’t move, I could barely breathe now, but now that I had stopped my lungs cooled so slowly as the massive ice pack I laid on cooled my body to a near snow temperature, threatening to make me shake to a lifeless corpse. “Ah my pray.” His voice said as he slurped his spit whipping it from his shark like mouth in an effort to dry it. My eyes shifted to his shape and color. I was no longer able to see details, I was no longer allowed that pleasure, or was that a blessing? Was it a way to spare me from the horror that would be enacted on my body? He walked over to me picking me up with his claws, then setting me onto his burning hot scaled back. His golden scales slid against my crystal golden mane, and mixed with my blood and frozen skin. If I could see myself, I questioned rather even wild animals would eat me upon seeing me. I coughed finally catching my acid breath, as the stinging and pain ripped the insides of my throat. He carried me, he walked like a ghost, the ride was without a vibration or even the slightest twitch. The way to his lair seemed like days, but was only minutes, each second I counted went by as if a hundred in the same place. We reached the cave entrance, it was hidden nicely by large frost covered bushes, hiding the entrance from wondering creatures and pony alike. The horrors of the lair were unknown to me, I had only stumbled onto him, and I was going to pay for my ignorance. He would offer me no mercy. Passing through the bushes they scraped and racked my body punishing me even more for being alive, for being the food this monster would enjoy. I of course knew he would be anything but kind, he would play with me and enjoy me before he finished the deed. What was a monster without his toys? We passed through the entrance to a more civil appearance, the cave was a square hallway, not round like a natural cave would be formed, with beautiful marble pillars holding up the ceiling. The floor and walls shined a lovely black hills gold without a trace of flaw or dirt. Golden colored leaves were molded into the floor with green and pink added giving it a nice mix, but were still breath taking. As he passed through the hallway we reached his main chamber, he quickly went over to the wall pressing a button and making a blackened metal wall fall from the ceiling with a soft thud echoing throughout the entire chamber, closing the exit. He turned allowing me a sight of the room, this was much more lair worthy, but the purity of it made me whimper, my insides tearing themselves apart, knowing I was going to be die in such a wondrous place. I had never imagined to see such a place in my life, never even dreamed of it existing. Murals of breath taking scenes painted and danced along the walls in gold, silver, and many other vibrant colors. A single one of Ponyville covered the whole south wall, made it seem like with each turn the town moved alive, changing ever so slightly, trapped forever in an endless bright beauty. One of a flower field covered the east, and another of the Ever-free forest covered the west looking so beautifully creepy. As nightmarish as it seemed, it looked like a place a pony could go to rest, play and have fun. It made the reality of what it was seem so distant of a thought, that it seem like a lie. Polished black marble pillars and flooring were covered in golden vines, as if they had grown inside the marble to only be trapped under a layer of thick polish to keep its beauty forever. As for the contents of the room, it might as well have been a royal bedchambers. Fine silk sheets covered the bed against the west wall, with two nightstands on either side with lamps, which lit up the bed, but a chandelier hung proudly in the center of the room lighting everything just perfectly. A large square marble bathtub sat near the south wall with steps going up to the bath to allow pony to get inside. A chest sat at the foot of the bed, and one single thing stood out, a silver pole in the center of the room, which a golden chain was attached, but I doubted it would be used for me. He went over to the bath which already had water ready. He lifted me setting me to the side and got inside cleaning his coat of my blood and dirt before getting out and drying off. He then slowly set me into the room warm water, but it might as well have been lava to me. I screamed as pain surged through my body like jackhammers. I was slowly forced into the water and his grin spread across his face seeing me suffer in pain. Once I was completely in he dunked my head forcing water into my mouth and then pulling me up causing me to cough out blacken red, rusty dirt flavored water. The bath started emptying and he sprayed me with a hose, by then my body stopped fighting it, and the warm water started to work, warming and cleaning me up. He pulled out brushes from the large green metal chest and came over to me, then started to brush my coat and mane. Once he was satisfied with me being clean, he dried me off. He picked me up and set me onto the bed softly. By now my vision had clear up and he could see him in detail. He looked breath taking, handsome, deadly and cruel with his smile wrapping around his face. That of a teenage golden dragon stared at me with a cruel beauty that I hated that I loved. His scales shined bright gold as his red eyes glowed showing the magic power he had hidden behind them, his sliver spikes that ran along his spine to the tip of his tail gave a crystal light affect, displaying rainbow across everything near him. His claws appeared to be made of ruby daggers. I stared at him as he climbed onto the silk red sheets coming toward me. I turned over on my back and moved my tail making him pause as I spread my legs. It was a last ditch effort, if I was going to die, I at least hoped I wasn’t going to die with feeling something, even though he was a monster and dragon, he still had the tools none the less. He moved close to my face and I closed my eyes. Wet, hot, firm and snake like, was how I could describe his tongue when he licked my chest making me open my eyes to look at him. His tongue burned my still near ice cold skin and he smiled at my quivering. “Giving yourself to me?” He asked as he kissed my belly and tingling mixed throughout my body making my back warm and feel as if it should be popped, but just stopping on that edge of feeling good. I nodded and he kept kissing my belly going lower with each one, a lips length, but he did it slow, and gently. It felt oddly great. “I want to hear it.” I stared at him for a moment, he wanted me to play, and if it kept me alive for a few seconds more, so be it. “Yes.” “Yes what?” I paused for a moment, I had never been in this situation or read anything about this, but in several horror novels, one thing was constant. “Yes master?” I asked not sure and his grin fell to a small smile. He laid his head onto my belly thinking. “I-I don’t know what I should say.” I squeaked scared. He moved his claws to my sides and scratched me lightly. He started licking my belly again in the same spot he left off. My heart raced feeling him oddly enjoy licking my belly. He stopped for a moment and looked at me. I was moist, rather it was in defense or simply because I wanted it, but it was most likely because his touch was electrifying. I had more than a simple scratch, but I needed something and badly. He breathed on my slit making my cringe, my face contorted a little at the warm breath, then bit my lip. I didn’t expect him to enjoy teasing me, in fact I hadn’t thought he would clean me up and put me onto his bed. I had never met a dragon before, but I assumed they ate their food whole. He looked at me biting my bottom cracked lip. He thought for only a moment before going close and sniffing me, taking in my scent heavily, the impulse to close my legs hit me, but I forced my legs open. I wasn’t in heat, that was weeks away, but that didn’t mean I couldn’t, just meant I wouldn’t enjoy it as much as if I were in heat. He tongue went inside me and I cringe locking my body, but I relaxed quickly before he would take it as defiance. He seemed to enjoy that I was doing my best not to fight him, not only that but invite him. Oh how I loved his tongue as it swished inside me shocking my insides to spasm around it, forcing me to resist the urge to force his mussel down deeper for more pleasure. The feeling of iron brushed my insides, but the smell of something sweet filled the air. He had no need to tease me, he knew, rather by smell, taste or appearance, I wanted him to own me, enjoy everything I was, everything I could offer. The slide his tongue out made me moaned lightly, I cover my mouth quickly and he stared at me delightfully shocked. He moved up and I tensed a little seeing him in all his glory, it in appearance looked nothing like a stallion, but was just as big. He moved up to my face and kissed me. I opened my mouth and our tongues met with a spark of lightning making our tongues shrink back lightly, but then mess in bliss and solitude, matching each other’s stroke with a firm wiggle. We stopped kissing and I stared into his ruby pupils, he was such a wonderful creature, I had no idea how such a thing of greedy beauty could be so monstrous, how it could eat ponies like candy, yet, still be so darn wonderful. The feeling granted an immediate reaction from me as his member slid along my mare-hood’s folds, I became wetter than I had in my whole life making me instinctively moan at the pleasure. His eyes shifted, I was a bit louder than before. A smile spread across his lips as his tip slid against me making me fight the urge to force him inside. He rubbed a little grinning seeing me fight my own body, if I gave in even for a moment, I had no idea what he might do, or take offence to. His member slid in with a light thrust, but it had more than enough power to break something inside me, making shock go across his face. He looked down seeing a bit of blood roll from me. “You.” I kissed him stopping him, mixed with the rest of the pain, that was nothing, mixed with the fear I didn’t even notice. He smiled a little kissing me heavily waiting for the pain to die, as if knowing somehow. He slowly pulled out and everything was pulled with him in delightful tightness, he was more than large enough for me, and he loved that fact. Things slid back in reaching the point of only his tip left inside me. Another thrust made my entire body shutter with pleasure as the bed shook slightly from the force. I let out a moan and he pulled out sliding with the feel of silver silk and making everything feel good instantly as I was used for his pleasure. It was wonderful knowing such pleasure, even in my wildest dreams I had never imagined that it would feel like this. He stopped kissing me and I laid back my head gripping the bed sheets with my hooves. He started slowly and my heart sped up faster as he went faster clearly enjoying me a lot more than I thought he would. Of course I heard tight mares felt great, and to a dragon like him, I was probably going to be tight for my whole life, that was if he decided to keep me as a sex slave, but that was hoping for a lot. I moaned rather loudly not caring anymore, if I was going to die after this I was going to die happy and full of his warm seed, maybe that would help me in the cold abyss if I was sent there, all I could do was hope heaven existed. A sudden rush over me caused my insides to explode providing plenty of lubricant for him to enjoy. He started going faster and harder forcing me to moan. I gripped the bed harder so I didn’t slide. As I stopped sliding away from him and I could see the reaction in his face, he loved this. He slowed a bit and I felt something change slightly inside me, he was going to explode, and I wanted it to last longer, but my body couldn’t stand much more. Mixed with the running and everything that had happen tonight, I was about to kill over rather he killed me, or not, at least at this rate. “Yes master!” I moaned knowing he wanted release and the words twisted his insides forcing him to finish, sending near boiling seed deep inside me and I luckily finished moments later, thankfully cooling my insides enough. He looked at me with cooling eyes as he stopped, I smiled slightly having enjoyed it almost too much. He rubbed my face a little and smiled. I lifted my head displaying my neck as much as possible. “Please do it quickly.” I begged. He licked my neck sending painful shivers down my body as if my skin was flipping over like a tile. He chuckled lightly seeing my clear reaction to his tongue. “I always do.” He opened his mouth displaying his teeth, then moved to my throat cutting just barely, sending small streams of blood onto the bed. He went in a little slicing both sides of my throat cutting my jugulars easily. My blood poured out and I smiled, it felt draining and tying, but not painful. As my life slipped away and my mind shifted, I moved to the light at the end of the tunnel finally able to rest after a horrifying night. > Alternate Ending > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Run my little pony.” A voice wisped in my ear as my hooves beat against the stone padded path surrounded by frozen dark winter trees. Sweat soaked my crystal golden mane and crystal silver coat, even as the frozen frigid, midnight black night air whipped me lashings at my body trying its best to cool me, I was burning out like a dying star. Even as my lungs ran on molten lava, or as my skin stung with ice spikes, I kept running, pushing my body. As my body begged and whined, aching with each movement and every hit of my hoof to the lifeless stone street. I knew if I stopped for a moment I was gone, dead and meat for him to feast on. A whimper escaped my throat somehow, I was breathing in something, but it wasn’t air, that was for sure. I still had no idea how my body was able to move, when I clearly was suffocating on my choking begging gasps for air. The greatest thing in my life that I had ever seen started coming into view, even with my foggy puffy dry eyes, I could see it, like it was a beacon inside this nightmare, the thing I needed more than anything was light. The single magic street light, shining so beautiful, yet so alone, and the only street light to exist in my little corner of this place I call life. I hoped dearly that light meant life, not this empty forest stone path. The light blinded me from the darkness and horror that followed me. I hoped dearly, for what little life that I could call life, to stay with me, just long enough to get home, to get out of the darkness and into a warm loving place. Not this nightmare that I was living, not this place I was running from. If I had tears to spare they had already stained my face forever, no not stained, craved into my face like liquid acid blades engraving into my very skin cell forcing me cry frozen blood having run out of water to use. As the light burned across my body bit by bit going under it, I begged it for release, but all it did was cloud my sight and burn me more. It laughed with silent madness and enjoyment at my pain, at my suffering and dying task of escape. I had no more a pray to live, than a pray to die and end my torment, but I wouldn’t be so lucky. With each pounding thud of my hooves, vibrations and ripping agony tore through my body, I wished I was dead as the dear god of light called a street light faded behind me. I wished I could simply disappear, so I didn’t have to care about this body, so I wouldn’t have to be scared anymore. My body begged, and my gasping echoed the empty frosted trees around me, I couldn’t answer my body’s pleas with rest, no matter how much I wished it. I had no choice and it didn’t care, it shocked me, burned and tortured me telling me to stop, to catch my breath and lay down someplace cold, with warm dry air. Heavy pounding of claws soon filled the air behind me, echoing off the trees and interlocking with my hoof pounding. I kept my eyes straight on the path in front of me, I had read enough horror to know that when the victim looks over their shoulder, they always get caught, and I knew I was the victim, who else would end up in this situation with a monster coming after them? Name them, please I beg you. My eyes locked on to the path, searching each and every stone I passed, making sure not a single one got too high to trip me, one trip and it was over. If I slowed or stopped for even a second, it was over. There was not enough water in my body to burn, or energy to spend to get up or speed up if I stopped. I could hear his mouth salivating, dripping with hungry desire. Wanting to taste me, slice me open, sink his teeth into my flesh, just to feel the feeling of ripping me apart, bit by tiny bit. A slight squeak escaped my lips. I could feel the burning of light before I could see it, the lights of Ponyville. The beautiful lights which offered shelter, hope, love, warmth and rest. The place I grew to love above all else, the place I wished I had magic which I could use to teleport to, but an earth pony like me has no horn to cast magic, and I have no wings to fly with. An earth pony like me has no hope of surviving this nightmare, for I possess nothing but hopes and dreams of safety. Then again, does the fool I am even deserve such a dream of striving to see the next rising sun? To marry, have foals and live in blissful peace, that every pony should hope for? To strive for? Or has all hope for that dream faded away without the slightest chance to return? Too many questions to ask and never receive the answer to, too many hopes and dreams to lose in a single night. With only the thought to push though with my life intact, I ran, I strained, and I sliced through the air like a blade. A growling encroached on me making my heart rip through my chest, feeling as through with each beat, my ribs and sternum were compounded and turned into dust, but only to reform to repeat it with the next beat of my heart. The lights of Ponyville’s street lamps filled their streets, warming them in safety of the nightmare following me, chasing me and narrowing down onto me. It’s speed of the a hurricane wind, even without the use of its wings. My thoughts went wild seeing a yellow pegasus with a pink mane walking down the street, I tried swallowing, but my mouth cracked and bled lightly at my frozen dry mouth, rifting open my lips like a canyon. A feeling of pain and ice cracked at my side sending me flying and letting a single scream of pain and terror escape my lips. The yellow pegasus turned only a moment too late, as I was thrown back into the frozen dark winter forest. Only my echo still existing to the living as I rolled down a hill, side bleeding from a light gash on my right side, twigs, rocks, and gravel sandpapered my side like razors. The tiny bits of ice stuck to my fur coat like a warm wet tongue to a frozen pole, ripping out strains with each bounce and roll. Trees swooshed and burred past me as I slowed rolling off a hill and hitting Ponyville reservoir, which had a thick layer of ice allowing me to roll and slid to a near painless stop as my body recoiled from the massive pain of the downhill roll. I cried dry whimpering, fearing for my life and my very soul. My body was done, I was over, I couldn’t move, I could barely breathe now, but now that I had stopped my lungs cooled so slowly as the massive ice pack I laid on cooled my body to a near snow temperature, threatening to make me shake to a lifeless corpse. “Ah my pray.” His voice said as he slurped his spit whipping it from his shark like mouth in an effort to dry it. My eyes shifted to his shape and color. I was no longer able to see details, I was no longer allowed that pleasure, or was that a blessing? Was it a way to spare me from the horror that would be enacted on my body? He walked over to me picking me up with his claws, then setting me onto his burning hot scaled back. His golden scales slid against my crystal golden mane, and mixed with my blood and frozen skin. If I could see myself, I questioned rather even wild animals would eat me upon seeing me. I coughed finally catching my acid breath, as the stinging and pain ripped the insides of my throat. He carried me, he walked like a ghost, the ride was without a vibration or even the slightest twitch. The way to his lair seemed like days, but was only minutes, each second I counted went by as if a hundred in the same place. We reached the cave entrance, it was hidden nicely by large frost covered bushes, hiding the entrance from wondering creatures and pony alike. The horrors of the lair were unknown to me, I had only stumbled onto him, and I was going to pay for my ignorance. He would offer me no mercy. Passing through the bushes they scraped and racked my body punishing me even more for being alive, for being the food this monster would enjoy. I of course knew he would be anything but kind, he would play with me and enjoy me before he finished the deed. What was a monster without his toys? We passed through the entrance to a more civil appearance, the cave was a square hallway, not round like a natural cave would be formed, with beautiful marble pillars holding up the ceiling. The floor and walls shined a lovely black hills gold without a trace of flaw or dirt. Golden colored leaves were molded into the floor with green and pink added giving it a nice mix, but were still breath taking. As he passed through the hallway we reached his main chamber, he quickly went over to the wall pressing a button and making a blackened metal wall fall from the ceiling with a soft thud echoing throughout the entire chamber, closing the exit. He turned allowing me a sight of the room, this was much more lair worthy, but the purity of it made me whimper, my insides tearing themselves apart, knowing I was going to be die in such a wondrous place. I had never imagined to see such a place in my life, never even dreamed of it existing. Murals of breath taking scenes painted and danced along the walls in gold, silver, and many other vibrant colors. A single one of Ponyville covered the whole south wall, made it seem like with each turn the town moved alive, changing ever so slightly, trapped forever in an endless bright beauty. One of a flower field covered the east, and another of the Ever-free forest covered the west looking so beautifully creepy. As nightmarish as it seemed, it looked like a place a pony could go to rest, play and have fun. It made the reality of what it was seem so distant of a thought, that it seem like a lie. Polished black marble pillars and flooring were covered in golden vines, as if they had grown inside the marble to only be trapped under a layer of thick polish to keep its beauty forever. As for the contents of the room, it might as well have been a royal bedchambers. Fine silk sheets covered the bed against the west wall, with two nightstands on either side with lamps, which lit up the bed, but a chandelier hung proudly in the center of the room lighting everything just perfectly. A large square marble bathtub sat near the south wall with steps going up to the bath to allow pony to get inside. A chest sat at the foot of the bed, and one single thing stood out, a silver pole in the center of the room, which a golden chain was attached, but I doubted it would be used for me. He went over to the bath which already had water ready. He lifted me setting me to the side and got inside cleaning his coat of my blood and dirt before getting out and drying off. He then slowly set me into the room warm water, but it might as well have been lava to me. I screamed as pain surged through my body like jackhammers. I was slowly forced into the water and his grin spread across his face seeing me suffer in pain. Once I was completely in he dunked my head forcing water into my mouth and then pulling me up causing me to cough out blacken red, rusty dirt flavored water. The bath started emptying and he sprayed me with a hose, by then my body stopped fighting it, and the warm water started to work, warming and cleaning me up. He pulled out brushes from the large green metal chest and came over to me, then started to brush my coat and mane. Once he was satisfied with me being clean, he dried me off. He picked me up and set me onto the bed softly. By now my vision had clear up and he could see him in detail. He looked breath taking, handsome, deadly and cruel with his smile wrapping around his face. That of a teenage golden dragon stared at me with a cruel beauty that I hated that I loved. His scales shined bright gold as his red eyes glowed showing the magic power he had hidden behind them, his sliver spikes that ran along his spine to the tip of his tail gave a crystal light affect, displaying rainbow across everything near him. His claws appeared to be made of ruby daggers. I stared at him as he climbed onto the silk red sheets coming toward me. I turned over on my back and moved my tail making him pause as I spread my legs. It was a last ditch effort, if I was going to die, I at least hoped I wasn’t going to die with feeling something, even though he was a monster and dragon, he still had the tools none the less. He moved close to my face and I closed my eyes. Wet, hot, firm and snake like, was how I could describe his tongue when he licked my chest making me open my eyes to look at him. His tongue burned my still near ice cold skin and he smiled at my quivering. “Giving yourself to me?” He asked as he kissed my belly and tingling mixed throughout my body making my back warm and feel as if it should be popped, but just stopping on that edge of feeling good. I nodded and he kept kissing my belly going lower with each one, a lips length, but he did it slow, and gently. It felt oddly great. “I want to hear it.” I stared at him for a moment, he wanted me to play, and if it kept me alive for a few seconds more, so be it. “Yes.” “Yes what?” I paused for a moment, I had never been in this situation or read anything about this, but in several horror novels, one thing was constant. “Yes master?” I asked not sure and his grin fell to a small smile. He laid his head onto my belly thinking. “I-I don’t know what I should say.” I squeaked scared. He moved his claws to my sides and scratched me lightly. He started licking my belly again in the same spot he left off. My heart raced feeling him oddly enjoy licking my belly. He stopped for a moment and looked at me. I was moist, rather it was in defense or simply because I wanted it, but it was most likely because his touch was electrifying. I had more than a simple scratch, but I needed something and badly. He breathed on my slit making my cringe, my face contorted a little at the warm breath, then bit my lip. I didn’t expect him to enjoy teasing me, in fact I hadn’t thought he would clean me up and put me onto his bed. I had never met a dragon before, but I assumed they ate their food whole. He looked at me biting my bottom cracked lip. He thought for only a moment before going close and sniffing me, taking in my scent heavily, the impulse to close my legs hit me, but I forced my legs open. I wasn’t in heat, that was weeks away, but that didn’t mean I couldn’t, just meant I wouldn’t enjoy it as much as if I were in heat. He tongue went inside me and I cringe locking my body, but I relaxed quickly before he would take it as defiance. He seemed to enjoy that I was doing my best not to fight him, not only that but invite him. Oh how I loved his tongue as it swished inside me shocking my insides to spasm around it, forcing me to resist the urge to force his mussel down deeper for more pleasure. The feeling of iron brushed my insides, but the smell of something sweet filled the air. He had no need to tease me, he knew, rather by smell, taste or appearance, I wanted him to own me, enjoy everything I was, everything I could offer. The slide his tongue out made me moaned lightly, I cover my mouth quickly and he stared at me delightfully shocked. He moved up and I tensed a little seeing him in all his glory, it in appearance looked nothing like a stallion, but was just as big. He moved up to my face and kissed me. I opened my mouth and our tongues met with a spark of lightning making our tongues shrink back lightly, but then mess in bliss and solitude, matching each other’s stroke with a firm wiggle. We stopped kissing and I stared into his ruby pupils, he was such a wonderful creature, I had no idea how such a thing of greedy beauty could be so monstrous, how it could eat ponies like candy, yet, still be so darn wonderful. The feeling granted an immediate reaction from me as his member slid along my mare-hood’s folds, I became wetter than I had in my whole life making me instinctively moan at the pleasure. His eyes shifted, I was a bit louder than before. A smile spread across his lips as his tip slid against me making me fight the urge to force him inside. He rubbed a little grinning seeing me fight my own body, if I gave in even for a moment, I had no idea what he might do, or take offence to. His member slid in with a light thrust, but it had more than enough power to break something inside me, making shock go across his face. He looked down seeing a bit of blood roll from me. “You.” I kissed him stopping him, mixed with the rest of the pain, that was nothing, mixed with the fear I didn’t even notice. He smiled a little kissing me heavily waiting for the pain to die, as if knowing somehow. He slowly pulled out and everything was pulled with him in delightful tightness, he was more than large enough for me, and he loved that fact. Things slid back in reaching the point of only his tip left inside me. Another thrust made my entire body shutter with pleasure as the bed shook slightly from the force. I let out a moan and he pulled out sliding with the feel of silver silk and making everything feel good instantly as I was used for his pleasure. It was wonderful knowing such pleasure, even in my wildest dreams I had never imagined that it would feel like this. He stopped kissing me and I laid back my head gripping the bed sheets with my hooves. He started slowly and my heart sped up faster as he went faster clearly enjoying me a lot more than I thought he would. Of course I heard tight mares felt great, and to a dragon like him, I was probably going to be tight for my whole life, that was if he decided to keep me as a sex slave, but that was hoping for a lot. I moaned rather loudly not caring anymore, if I was going to die after this I was going to die happy and full of his warm seed, maybe that would help me in the cold abyss if I was sent there, all I could do was hope heaven existed. A sudden rush over me caused my insides to explode providing plenty of lubricant for him to enjoy. He started going faster and harder forcing me to moan. I gripped the bed harder so I didn’t slide. As I stopped sliding away from him and I could see the reaction in his face, he loved this. He slowed a bit and I felt something change slightly inside me, he was going to explode, and I wanted it to last longer, but my body couldn't stand much more. Mixed with the running and everything that had happen tonight, I was about to kill over rather he killed me, or not, at least at this rate. “Yes master!” I moaned knowing he wanted release and the words twisted his insides forcing him to finish, sending near boiling seed deep inside me and I luckily finished moments later, thankfully cooling my insides enough. He looked at me with cooling eyes as he stopped, I smiled slightly having enjoyed it almost too much. He rubbed my face a little and smiled. I lifted my head displaying my neck as much as possible. “Please do it quickly.” I begged. He licked my neck sending painful shivers down my body as if my skin was flipping over like a tile. He chuckled lightly seeing my clear reaction to his tongue. Alt ending “I always do.” He opened his mouth displaying his teeth, then moved to my throat cutting just barely, sending small streams of blood onto the bed. He paused sending a small shock through my neck, then pulled off licking his teeth. “Then again.” I looked at him, he had a smirk across his face He rubbed his claw along my belly shocking me and making me shiver. He moved over me hovering just barely over me. He started licking my neck slightly searing my skin with his scolding hot tongue, closing each small cut, my skin screamed at me as my body sent me mixed confusing messages. “I-I don’t.” I whimpered as he closed a rather big cut. “Understand.” I grunted lightly shifting my hind legs. I was very confused, I didn't understand, he had no reason to do this, I didn't want to be tortured, but my body was dead, I couldn't even run to the wall at this point, I didn't have the energy or strength. Upon closing my last toothy cut, he started licking me neck with a much softer and cooler tongue forcing my body to relax, as if he was injecting me with painkillers. It was numbing and stopped my skin from screaming like ripping metal. “I think I'll keep you as a slave.” A parade of emotions hit me at once, every terrible thing I could imagine sprayed my body soaking to my core. As confusion, relief and exhaustion stabbed my every being making me look at him with a mixed expression. “W-what?” I asked lightly, voice shaky and confused in essence. In truth I understood it, but I didn’t want to, or was it that I didn't want the hope it offered. Tears flowed down my face and he licked them, moving my face slightly so I was staring into his eyes. “I said, I'll keep you as my slave, you’ll do everything I ask no matter the task, and you’ll say you enjoy it with a smile, fake or otherwise.” “But.” He kissed me and I closed my eyes tasting my salty tears. The taste of my tears and his tongue was odd to say the least. His claw lightly scratched my left side making me gasp a little, but only to invite his tongue deeper into my mouth. In all honestly I enjoyed the kiss to no end, just the feeling and the way my body moved up pressing his my chest to his, wanting him to be happy, to enjoy me as much as physically possible, to love me. Hope, what a nasty feeling, it can be just as beautiful as it can be cruel. I hoped dearly that he wasn’t lying, I dearly that this was truth and that I wouldn't just be a late night snack later on, and finally I hoped dearly that I would be his. His tongue left my mouth with a single silver still connected, it broke as he closed his mouth, I blushed breathing a little hard. I probably looked like a dog panting, my tongue hung slightly out of my mouth and he smiled a little. I was no longer crying, but that didn't stop my nervousness, he was still my predator, and I was still his pray none the less. So many questions ran through my mind seeing him hover over me just barely. I lifted my hoof slightly and his eyes locked onto it, as I lightly brushed his chest, using what little energy I had to rub it gently. His eyes moved to my eyes and my heart fluttered seeing those lovely ruby eyes once again. It was as if I was being bathed in liquid ruby, warm, but somehow lemon in flavor. Just the feeling washed over me, making every bit of my body shift in enjoyment. Finally I caught my breath after a minute and closed my mouth, I no longer looked like a fool in front of him, but he frowned and then put a claw on my bottom lip making me open my mouth. I stuck out my tongue and breathed lightly this time, and he smiled. He enjoyed me looking like a dog, breathing as if I was hot, enjoying me looking like a pet. I let my hoof fall having become too heavy to lift anymore. A claw slid under my back making me gasp a little as he picked me up removing the top sheet of the bed throwing it to the side, then moving the second red sheet, it was a real blanket unlike the other one. He set me back down softly before laying down next to me and pulling up the bed sheet. I turned onto my side toward him, he pulled me close making me fold up my front legs to make sure he came in as close as physically possible. His warm body was only the start of what I felt, he was dense yet his body gave space and felt like a pillow, though his large muscles were defined and enjoyable. I doubted very much that any simple stallion would be like this, or really could be like this. “Go to sleep.” He kissed my head and I nodded closing me eyes. He pulled me close making me smile, and I finally fell to sleep.