> Broadway Romances > by Bareback Writer > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Sombra Todd (Part 1: Meeting of Rivals) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was a rare opportunity for princesses, especially ones as busy as Luna and Celestia, to attend a small play, even a play that was being showcased in none other than the small town of Ponyville. However, even princesses need some down time. So disguised as two normal earth ponies, the co-rulers headed down to the Ponyville Outdoor Theatre to watch the production. Celestia went as an orange coated pony with a yellow mane, properly named Starbright. Her cutie mark was a white star with a tail that swirled clockwise. Luna went as a navy blue coated pony with a white mane, properly named Starlight. Her cutie mark was the same but with the tail going counter-clockwise. "Oh this is so exciting dear sister, long has it been since we have been entertained," said Luna, who was absolutely lively with excitement.' "Indeed Luna," Celestia replied, "But remember, we must not let anyone know who we really are. After all, I'm sure Pip will be nervous as is." "Dear Pip is in this play, is he not a bit young to do so?" Celestia gave a small giggle, "Luna, he's older then you give him credit for. Believe it or not he's old enough to even be married." Luna eyes widened, in both surprise and shock, "HE'S MARRIED?!" "No no Luna," Celesta assured her, allowing Luna a sigh of relief. "At least I hope not," She continued perking Luna's interest, "It would surely be foolish of me to chase a married colt." Luna simply gawked at her sister, "Y-You mean…" "Oops, did I say that out load?" Celestia smirked. "Since when!?" "Oh…for a while now." She replied. It was the truth. After Luna's first Nightmare Night, Celestia became interested in her sister's first friend Pipsqueak. She would watch from her tower at him, wondering who he was and what his life was like, making sure that he was a pony who would do no harm to her sister. Every so often, Luna would visit the young colt at his residence and have some friendly fun with him. She would even invite him up to see the castle and Canterlot. On many of these visits, Celestia would meet Pip in pony and keep him company when Luna had to go run an errand or two, striking up a conversation or two with him. She couldn't understand how, but as time when on, these conversations grew more and more casual, even a little personal. It wasn't till a few months ago that she had realized that Pip had worked his way into her heart. She didn't want to admit it, seeing as he seemed more interested in Luna then her anyway, but she couldn't help it. Something in her simply screamed for her to go after him, just to at least see if he liked her back if nothing else. But even the idea of asking him out scared the sun princess out of her mind. Thoughts of him saying no and hating her prowled Celestia's nightmares. But the thought of him returning her feelings scared her more. True she was loaded and could provide the best of date nights. However the truth of the matter was that she had never, in her entire life span thus far, been on a date. It wasn't her fault the matters of the country she ruled came before the matters of her heart. It was hard enough running the country, but being of royalty, she was always under constant watch. Hence, the bodyguards that protected her often scared off any possible suitors. Now that she was older and wiser, she knew several ways to sneak past her guards. Suddenly, Celestia found herself shaken from her thoughts by Luna. "Sister…SISTER!" "Uh…huh?" "Please tell us why you are after Pipsqueak." "I have my reasons. He's a nice colt, very handsome and kind. Funny with his charm. I don't see why I shouldn't go after him," Celestia replied as her cheeks began to redden. A fact she couldn't quite hide from her sister. "But why should you mind? You've obviously show no interest in him. Or am I mistaken? Luna suddenly grew defensive. "W-W-Whatever do you mean?" she asked, turning towards Celestia. "We've only been biding our time. Waiting for him to mature." "And exactly how long were you planning to wait? Need I remind you that we both are well over a thousand years old?" Luna looked down. "Well we didn't expect him to have grown up so fast." She then suddenly gave a stern look towards her sister. "However do not think we will let him go without a fight." Celestia gave a small grin, "I would expect nothing less". Both sisters stared at each other, wholly accepting the other as a rival for a common love. Their staring contest was interrupted by a voice. A voice they both had grown accustomed to. "What's this? The two great rulers of Equestria squabbling over a mere boy? My how unexpected." Turning to the voice, both Luna and Celestia saw none other than the changeling queen Chrysalis. It was true that a treaty was forged between the ponies and changelings, all thanks to Twilight Sparkle's discovery of an alternative food source for the changelings that didn't require any soul-sucking. However, there were still places that were dangerous for either species to reside. Luckily Ponyville wasn't such a place. In fact it was home to the changeling foreign embassy. Still though, to see the leader was none the less surprising. What was more surprising was that she was dressed rather strangely, wearing a black dress that many would recognize as something once worn by several 'ladies of the evening' years ago. Both Princesses stood silently, both in shock of Chrysalis' dress and her instant discovery of them. Celestia was the first to react. "What are you talking about, we're not the princesses. We're sisters yes, but were not royalty." Luna, snapping out of her shock, continued. "Yes, though I'm sure that being a princess would be of the greatest things to happen to us." Luna smiled at her acting. She only hoped that Chrysalis had bought it. "Oh really?" Chrysalis questioned, "So then I better get going then, the two princesses are expecting me to work out the treaty. You know, all the food rations and stuff. But what do you know? Neither of you are royalty." Smiling at the trap she had just made. "But surly the princesses are sleeping," Luna smirked. "Well I hope not. The Princess of the Night shouldn't be sleeping on the job." Luna stiffened, having forgotten her role. "W-W-Well…I mean…that is to say…" The changeling queen laughed, "You two can deny it all you want but I'll still know you two are the princesses." "And what proof do you have?" Celestia asked. "Really? You think you can fool a changeling, a creature who will literally change into anything to suit its needs for survival? Seriously?" Luna and Celestia looked at each other. She had a point, no creature could disguise themselves better then a changeling. "Very well we submit," Celesta admitted, "However, we do ask that you keep this secret. My sister and I are not keen to having the tabloids all over us." "Oh don't worry, as much as I would love to use my rivals' secrets against them, I don't see the need for it." Chrysalis remarked confidently. Celestia gave a small smile. Then Chrysalis' words dawned on her. "What do you mean 'rivals'?" Chrysalis couldn't help but give a giggle. "Rivals in love of course." Celestia and Luna simply gawked at her. "What? You didn't expect little Pippy to have someone like me desiring him?" Luna was the first to answer. "We assuredly thought not! For what diabolical purpose does a creature such as you have for our beloved?" "Oh, testy aren't we?" Chrysalis sneered. "Your one to judge, Little Miss Nightmare." Luna protested, "How DARE you call us that wretched name? We shall make you pay for such-" "STARLIGHT!" Celestia bellowed at her sister, both cutting her short and protecting her cover. "I apologize for my sister's outburst." Chrysalis, who also calmed down, gave a sigh. "I should apologize as well. I suppose her…'outburst' wasn't completely uncalled for…considering the past." "None the less," Celestia whispered, "I still wish to know how young Pip enticed you." Chrysalis gave a smirk, "The same way he makes so many friends, by being kind to those many others are would rather avoid. If I'm not mistaken, it's the same way he became your friend, right Miss Starlight?" Luna recalled that fateful Nightmare Night. Almost all of Ponyville's citizens were terrified of her. They grew so hysteric that Luna had thought they hated her. But at her lowest point, after another one of Twilight's plans seemed to have failed, a young colt pulled on her mane and changed her life. "We suppose he has always had a knack for that. We apologize for our assumptions of you." "Consider it in the past." "Thank you," Luna said. She once again looked at Chrysalis' attire. "By the way, why are you dressed as such? Surly you have more formal clothing." Looking at herself, Chrysalis chuckled, "It's actually my costume for the play. That mare Rarity made it, in a very appropriate way I might add." "Costume?" Celestia asked, perplexed at the statement. "Are you also in the play?" "Why yes. Speaking of which, I'm due on the set right now for make-up. Have to look my best if I want to catch Pip's eye. Who knows we may start dating after this." Chrysalis laughed. "Do not count on it, my sister and I are not going to halt our chase so easily." Luna remarked. "Oh we'll see. Bye for now." Chrysalis trotted toward the theatre. Celestia looked after the queen. "Lulu?" "Yes Tia?" "It seems that we will have to step up our game if we wish to claim our prize, wouldn't you agree?" She said, dispersing her disguise. "Indeed." Luna smiled, dispersing her own disguise as well. > Sombra Todd (Part deux: Sombra and Pip) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- When the name 'Sombra' came up in a conversation, the average pony would cower in fear and hope that the evil king wasn't around. His tyrannical rule over the crystal empire had earned him that response. However, after the conversion of the spirit of chaos Discord and the signing of the Changeling Treaty, it was only a matter of time before the name 'Sombra' would be no more than the name of the pony. Thanks to the elements of harmony, the darkness that had both given power to and empowered Sombra was weakened. Now all that remained was a unicorn with high-level powers over the darker spells. Like Discord, the princesses were willing to give him a chance, with an insurance plan in place. Unfortunately, unlike Discord, no pony had wanted to do the same. Often he would help in any way he could, but it was futile. Everypony who had seen him ran from him scared. When he walked through Canterlot, even though they said nothing, Sombra could feel the glares of the ponies around him. He was hated, and there was no way to change that. Or so he thought. Many months ago… Pipsqueak trotted through the castle's royal garden lost in thought. Recently he had become a famous actor, an occupation only proven by his 'twin drama masks' cutie mark. Along with winning awards and getting the chance to entertain several crowds of ponies in day, he had become the target for many fan mares. At first it was flattering, getting roses and signing autographs. But slowly it was getting worse. Mares would show up in troves at his home in hopes of getting his attention. One unicorn even showed up in a bridal gown levitating a sign that read 'Marry Me?'. It was too much. Luckily his friendship with the princess of the night made it easier get a respite from it all. As he wandered through the flora museum, taking time to look at each display of artistic floral arrangement, his eyes fell upon a dark coated pony lying on a nearby bench. He looked glum and gave a heavy sigh. Pipsqueak, believing in the "Pinkie way of life", trotted over to him. "Excuse me sir, are you alright?”. The pony turned toward him, reveling himself as the infamous 'Dark King' himself, frowning as usual. To any other pony, this was a sight of terror and danger which they would run away from in sheer fear. But to Pip, this was just a chance meeting with another pony. Sombra looked down at the young stallion in front of him with disinterest. “What would it be to you child?” Pip stared at him in slight annoyance, but let the comment slide. “Well I’m just trying to be friendly. If you don’t like it, I apologize.” Sombra cocked an eyebrow. “Do you?” “Do I what?” “Do you actually apologize? Do you actually mean those words? Or are you only saying that so that I won’t get angry and attack you?” Pip thought for a moment. “One, yes I apologize. Two, I do mean it. And three, why would you attack me?” The dark pony chuckled. “Child, do you know who I am?” “Of course I do,” Pip laughed, “You’re King Sombra. The shadow pony that ruled the Crystal Empire with an iron hoof. That is until you were imprisoned again then turned into a normal unicorn.” Sombra stared at him in surprise. “What? I read up on you when I heard the news.” “You know of me, yet you do not cower?” Sombra gawked. “Why should I cower you? You’re already under enough scrutiny, why should I add any more discomfort?” Pip said sincerely. Sombra couldn’t comprehend what was happening. This colt was treating him like he was another citizen. Surly it was a trick, but he seemed so sincere. “Why are you treating me as such, am I not the evil king everypony once feared?” “It’s not that I don’t fear you, but you’re not the first pony I’ve meet who was once evil then given another chance. Luna was the same.” “You know Luna the princess of the night? Luna the princess who was once the great and powerful Nightmare Moon?” “Yeah," Pip scratched his head, "I was one of the first friends she made when she visited Ponyville on Nightmare Night. She was having trouble connecting with her subjects then. In fact, she was a lot like you back then too.” Sombra was skeptical. "Hump. How so?" "Well for one thing, she brooded a lot." Pip pointed out. "I do not brood child, I am merely tired of being avoided. These ponies lack the understanding of power. If they were in my position they-" "They would probably do the same thing right?" Pip interrupted. Sombra look down at him with a scowl. "Come on, that reason is too cliché to miss." "You act as if you understand me, when-" "When I clearly don't?" Sombra paused. "You're-" "Starting to grate Your nerves?" "How?" "Pinkie pie." "Oh," Sombra said, "She's the pink one right?" "Could that name belong to any other?" A long pause seized the air. For what seemed like minutes, neither stallion moved from their spot, staring intently at the other. Sombra was determined not to lose in this staring contest, but something caught his eye. As he studied Pips face, he noticed that nothing moved but his nostrils. They seemed to flare every moment or two. A simple thing, but it through him off. No matter how hard he tried to avert his gaze from it, the flaring nasal passages always caught his eye again. Suddenly, he felt a warmth from within him, slowly creeping up his throat. He tried hard to suppress it, but it began to effect his mouth, slowly tickling him. Pipsqueak felt a similar feeling, slowly cracking a smile. They each began to chuckle, nearly silently at first. But within seconds their chuckles became loader and louder, till they both were laughing heartily at the other's face, forcing them both to submit. "Y-You are one strange pony," Sombra said, slowly calming his laughter. "Sorry…I got that from watching Pinkie," Pip replied. "I'm surprised. I didn't think you could laugh like that." "Well I've never had anything to laugh at besides that. I can see why Princess Luna became your friend." He sighed. "Must be nice." Pip gave a smile, "Not exactly." "What do you mean? Is she not your friend?" "No, she is. But…um…did you ever see something that could be a problem down the road?" "Of course. I assumed that one day my former subjects would rebel against me. Why?" "Well," Pip began, "Picture a large crowd of mares, fighting for the affection of one pony actor." "Well I can see that would be a problem clearly." "Now picture two alicorn princess and a changling queen are part of that crowd." Sombra froze. "Yeah…" "How? Just How?" "I have no idea. All I know is that if I don't find a way to settle it, we could have a very messy future." Sombra put a hoof to his chin. "Hmmm. Well it's a good thing you have me then." Pipsqueak looked at Sombra with confusion. "Why?" "Child, I've been relationships before, even before I came to rule. With a friend like me, something like this should be easy." Pip smiled. He was a 'friend' to him. He chuckled,."But you never had a queen…" "Don't remind me." Pip had a tense fear inside him. But it was expected. "Fine, if your going to help me, I should help you in return." "And how pray tell are you going to accomplish that?" "I'm in a play, how would you like to be an actor?" Sombra looked at him in awe. "Me? An actor? That is beneath me." "What if I told you that you would play a tragic hero that kills the bad guy brutally, burns his admiring partner, loses his wife and child, and is still seen as the tragidy character?" "That's…That's a bit morbid." "True, but you've got the hair." Sombra stared at the boy and pondered. "What is your name child?" "Pipsqueak, most call me Pip. Also, I'm not a child."