
by The Watcher 509

First published

I am a normal girl, at least that's what I really think I am. This is one particular moment of my life. A day that I will forever be grateful for.

People say the being normal is easy, that normality is an achievement not worth celebrating. What if all your life you thought it was normal for everybody to always stay in their room and that you can never come out of your room (unless instructed to)? What if you thought having dreams about your foggy past was the most routine thing you have ever done? This is the day before my end, and you will never see me in this world anymore.

(1st Person Fic)

One-shot fic.

Normal Day

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I'm just a normal 17 year-old girl, lonely, but still normal. People keep saying that I should be locked in my home, I still don't see their point. Isn't everything normal? Interspecies intercourse, murder of own family, extinction of race, isn't that normal? Normality is such a beautiful word, yet not that many people use it.

Such a shame that is.

I was walking to school, seeing the familiar surroundings made me feel nostalgic; the feeling of the wind blowing through my face, the sounds of boys shouting in agony.

Wait what?

I looked over to my right to see two bullies hitting a boy from my school, I ran to them and shouted, "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING TO THAT KID?!"

One of the bullies looked familiar, he was tan, yet he had this strong vibe about him, he had a small cut on his left cheek. Then I remembered his name was Gabriel Jerome, or "Gab" for short. Gab looked at me and harrumphed.

"None of your business, little girl." he said, then the other one, which I don't recognize, looked at me and suddenly went wide-eyed and he then whispered something to him, they had a small whispered conversation and after that it was Gab's turn to get wide-eyed. Gab then quiveringly asked, "D-Don't tell me you're-" he was quickly interrupted by a slap on the back of his head from the other bully, the other bully then mouthed, 'Just run you idiot' then they took off.

I questioningly gazed at the duo, then looked at the boy who was still shaking like a leaf on the ground, I reached out my hand to help him up, though his reaction was surprising, he began crawling away from my hand.

"D-Don't touch me!" he shouted, his face had a mix of disgust and fear.

I was about to ask him why he was acting like this, but before I knew it he was gone, then I continued on my way to school.

I arrived at my chair and checked some of my things, just to make sure that I didn't leave any thing behind at home. I started enumerating my school supplies. "Pencils... check. Pens... check. Homework... check. Textbooks in my locker..." - I walked to my locker and checked the content's - "check." I walked back to my chair. All set for the day.

Nothing that extravagant happened today, just like the norm. The bell rang on time, we started homeroom, Gym, Art class, English, Math, Science, and finally, the bell rang.

We all went outside but something didn't feel right, but I just dismissed it as a side-effect of drinking 3 and a half cups of coffee for breakfast. I was about to go out the gates when I saw the boy that was trying to get away from me when I rescued him from those hooligans standing in the middle of the road, staring at me.

The moment I blinked, the skies were black, the clouds were red, the very ground I stood upon didn't look as familiar, but I could still see the boy, now without eyeballs and blood dripping down from his eye sockets and mouth, he then points a judging finger at me, then I heard voices from all directions.



I felt a migraine starting, the pain accelerating by the second, I painfully gazed at my surrounding for some help but to my surprise, I only saw scattered organs and body parts.

I tried to walk towards the boy, but it seems that every step I take closer, the more farther he gets. I slowly walked past a severed head of Gab impaled by a pen, a bush covered in livers, a still-moving leg of a female, and a body with out any limbs or a head nailed on the wall.

I looked at my feet, only to see my entire lower body made up of beating hearts. I looked at my hands which were now composed of silk, I screamed as loud as I could, and felt something sticky encompassing my lips, the next thing I knew, everything went dark.

I woke up.

I woke up from my disturbed slumber , 'What a nice dream' I thought and then noticed I was on the floor again, which I slept on last night, and looked around. I slowly realized that I was in my room, I hugged my pillow as tightly as I could, which isn't very much since my fingers were stuck in my special shirt my fathers and mothers gave me. I looked at the entrance door of my room to see two of my fathers outside, holding the key that unlocks my special shirt. They walk towards me slowly and when they reached within arms length, they held me down on my belly, and I could feel my arms free again.

They stopped holding me down, and proceeded to walk outside my room. Oh, I haven't mentioned what my room looks like, it has; fluffy walls, ceilings, and floors, A computer (which my fathers monitor every day), a desk where my computer stands, a closet where I put my clothes, a large mirror next to my drawer, some drawer's full of stuff my parents collected outside my room, a laundry shoot, a door which leads to the bathroom, and three bookshelves, that's about it.

I went to my drawers and pulled out an... What was it called again? MP3 player, yeah sounds about right. I turned on the CPU and connected my MP3 to the CPU, I powered up the monitor and saw my favorite wallpaper since childhood, an image depicting a car in the form of a catterpillar on some leaves. I opened Google Chrome and I went to Youtube, I watched some 'Portal' vids, but I never really played the game, I went to my MP3 file and copied 'Want You Gone' to my MP3, I always did wanted to download that song.

I went to the mirror to check my body, I had on me my special shirt, it's sleeves a little too long but still comfortable and my soft pajamas inside it. I smelled my pajamas and scrunched up my nose, I went to my closet and opened the doors to my organized clothes. "Looks like it's time for a bath.", I said while skimming through my clothes, 'Where did I put that black striped turtle-neck?' I thought as I was scanning through my clothes faster, I really liked that shirt, it had the comfort of my special shirt with the style of a modern shirt, until I finally found it, after that little 'treasure hunt' I got some jeans, a towel, and underwear, and proceeded to the bathroom

I turned on the shower and shivered when I felt the cold water drip down my body, and never bothered with changing it since I always liked the cold, it feels right. I turned off the shower. I proceeded with scrubbing some soap on my body, making sure that I scrub my 'private areas', I then applied shampoo onto my hair and scrubbed slowly but surely on the scalp. I turned on the shower and felt the soap and shampoo flow down my body. After I felt that all the shampoo and soap have gone down the drain, I picked up my towel and thoroughly wiped my body. I dressed my-self up with my underwear, jeans, and Black striped turtle neck, and proceeded with brushing my teeth. 'Up and down, up and down, brush my teeth and not make a frown' I repeated in my head while brushing my teeth.

I walked out the bathroom, my used clothes on my left hand and dropped them down the laundry shoot. The buzzer placed on the upper-left of my room went off, signaling my appointment with Mr. Garbie Jeremiah, how I hate that man, he keeps on pushing memories that I can't remember anymore, though I keep my hostility towards him unnoticable on the outside, since I heard my fathers talking about a boy that became so hostile towards them, they had to 'take care of him'.

I opened the door to see Mr. Garb, still sporting that gash on his right cheek.

"Come in", he said in a deep monotonous voice while showing that familiar smile he always gives me each time I talk to him, I entered the room and sat on the chair that I have sat on for the past 11 years, with his smile still on his features, "Why don't you relax, we've been with this routine too many times." He heartily laughed, I relaxed a bit, but still keeping my hatred intact.

"So, what are we going to discuss today?", I asked.

"We are going to talk your most recent memory of the outside world.", he said nonchalantly. I became wide-eyed from this revelation.

'My past? My most recent memory? Didn't I already tell him I can't remember that much before I lived here?', these thoughts plauged my mind after hearing that.

"Don't worry about the remembering part, I got that covered," he said and pulled out a pocket-watch that was familiarly terrifying. I tensed up when I saw this. "Though we must use measures that go beyond you prescripted therapy techniques.", he cheerily said as he started swinging the pocket-watch left and right. Left and right. Left and right. Left... Right...

I felt my body relaxed, as if it was made of gelatin.

"Now, how about you try to remember your past, that day before you got sent in here?", he said as I struggled with the memories of my past.

"I was 6 years old... I was at home... No, another home, with a knife in my hands, I was looking over a a boy older than me lying on the floor, dead.", I said as images of me handling the knife went through my head.

"Good, now try to remember what happened before that.", he said as I saw the boy that I met in my dream saying something to me.

"He... He was telling me that I would never amount to anything, I-I was so furious at his internally painful comments, I grabbed the kitchen knife and stabbed him repeatedly. H-He was my brother... My 17 year old brother..." I tried to hold back tears, I couldn't believe that I killed my own brother.

"Now, let go of that memory, when I snap my fingers I want you to snap out of this trance, and let go of that memory.", he said in serious tone that was unbecoming of him. I heard him snap his fingers and my body felt unrelaxed and tense.

I stopped crying and looked at him, he smiled triumphantly but quickly turning into a frown as he saw a single tear fall from my left eye.

"Wh-Why did you have to make me re-live that memory?", I sobbed as his features took on a look of fear.

"Y-You were supposed to let go of that memory when I snap my fingers!", he frantically said. He started snapping his fingers repeatedly in front of me, but it had not effect on me now, "Y-You're impossible to reform!", he shouted as he was frantically writing something on his form, I saw him frantically write "NON-REFORMABLE, TERMINATE WITHIN 24 HOURS!" On his form, he then bee-lined to the door and went out.

I saw two guards enter the room, "You are to go back to your cell and stay there until further notice.", one of the guards said, his voice a bit scratchy. I slowly walked back to my room and sat on the floor, dismissing it's softness.

'I... killed my own flesh and blood', I repeatedly thought over-and-over again. I stood up and started pacing around my room, while denying the inconvenient truth, "I didn't kill nobody. It was a false memory, a bad dream, something that never happened!" I said.

Suddenly, the floor started to turn black, and the walls and the ceiling were now as black as carbon.

The black wall was starting to vacuum me up but I held onto my desk that was bolted down by one of my fathers. I was holding on for dear life, but as I looked upon my fingers, I saw that I was slipping. I tried as hard as I could to get a good grip on the desk, but to no avail, I slipped. I was sucked in the wall, stretching out my hand, hoping that someone would help me.

It was dark, I felt like I was dead. My body was the only thing noticeable in the dark space I was in. "Well, I guess this my payment for my crimes.", I thought out loud. I felt like I needed to rest, since I am already dead. I closed my eyes.

I opened my eyes and they were met by the sight of trees around me. I looked around and saw buildings nearby. I started walking towards them.

"So, how's your day been?" Asked a cheery voice behind me, I turned around and saw a smiling boy, about my age, but I was still new to the concept of 'meeting' people, so I hesitated to answer, "I know you can talk," he said matter-of-factly, "I won't bite." He cheerily stated. "

W-Who are you?" I asked.

"Just someone that wants you to actually enjoy life, though only just for a day." He answered.

I wasn't that trusting of him, his happy demeanor was a bit... Suspicious. I'll just keep a close eye on him.

"You are in a land called Equestria, it's a pretty peaceful place. Friendship and harmony are treated highly in this realm, so try not to pick a fight with other ponies-"

"Wait, there are ponies here?" I asked surprisedly. "

Yes, and there are four types of them in this world; the unicorns, which can control certain types of magic using their horns, and before you ask. Yes, there is magic in this place. Pegasi, which are the ones with wings, and can interact with clouds. Earth ponies, the ones that have no physical defining features, but pretty hard-working and accustomed to the earth and soil around them, and finally. Alicorns, which are basically a mix of the three pony types I mentioned earlier, they are one of the most powerful being on this land, and pretty kind I might add.", he answered.

I stood there mouth agape at the information being fed to my brain, I regained my composure when I heard finger snaps in front of me. I saw him trying to snap me out of my stupor, which he succeeded.

"Hey, don't worry, you're gonna do just fine." He said reassuringly.

"O-Okay...", I said softly.

"If you need any help, just visit this spot, I'll be waiting. Now go on, scoot. You're burning daylight", he happily added. I started walking towards the town I saw. I was starting to get closer to one of the buildings, suddenly my whole vision went pink and I felt warm on my body, as if someone was hugging me. I could also smell a sweet I looked who or what what was hugging me and a pink pony, but the surprising thing is it's anatomy is close to that of a human's.

A piece of paper fell from the sky and landed on my nose, I got the piece of paper and read it:

Forgot to tell you, the ponies here are anthropomorphic :3
Good-luck and have fun.
-That guy you met earlier

I deadpanned as I finished reading the paper and focused my attention to the pink pony hugging. I was surprised at the fur's softness. I hugged it back and it giggled like a school girl. It let go of me and I got to see it more clearly; it had a blue shirt with jeans and a very cute hair-style... I guess you could call it a mane-style. It's fur was a light shade of pink while it's mane and tail had a darker shade, which blends together quite well.

"Hello there,", she said(the tone of it's voice was high, so I figured it was female). The cheeriness of her voice almost similar to the guy I met earlier, "I'm Pinkie Pie and welcome to Ponyville, weird ape thingy!", she grinned while warmly cuddling me again.

"Umm, hello there Pinkie... Why are you cuddling me?", I asked.

"Because cuddles are awesome!", she replied back. She was right though, the softness of her fur and the warmth of her hug was quite relaxing.

I asked her why she was so open to me first-hand, she replied with, "Everypony needs their first friend in a new place, and I'm the right mare to meet since I know all the good spots in Ponyville.". She then pulled my hand and dragged around Ponyville and showed me her favorite spots and also the good spots for everypony. The wind blowing through my indigo locks.

She let go of me(yet again) and asked, "What are you called anyways?".

I answered, " Well, my species is called Human, but if you want to get all scientific, we're called Homo Sapiens."

"Well that's interesting to know, I have a friend that likes these sciencey stuff, I think she would really like to meet you, maybe when we get to her library, which is part of the tour!" then we continued on our merry way.

Our first stop was quite a sight, it was like a house made of pastry, even the smell coming off of the building was intoxicating, Pinkie told me that this was her most favorite place in the whole town. We entered the building and the smell of sweet pastries immediately filled up the air. I saw a mare with blue fur and a pink mane at the counter.

"Hi Mrs. Cake, I brought a new friend.", Pinkie happily greeted. The blue mare, who I'm guessing is Mrs. Cake, looked at me and smiled.

"Wow Pinkie, a new friend? Never knew you could even befriend minotaurs so quickly.", she stated.

"Oh Mrs. Cake, she's not a minotaur, she's a human," corrected Pinkie "and thanks for the compliment."

Mrs. Cake walked up to me and shook my hand, "I'm sorry about that, it's because you look very reminiscent to them. I'm Cup Cake, and over there's my husband.", she said and pointed to a skinny yellow stallion standing beside an oven. "Dear, before you finish that Angel Cake, would you be so kind to introduce yourself?", she asked.

"Sure, wait a moment.", he said as he walked towards me and happily shook my hand, "Hello there, welcome to Sugarcube Corner. I'm Carrot Cake. I see you've met my wife.", he stated as he towered before me.

"So, would you like to taste some cupcakes I made?", asked Pinkie.

"Umm, sure.", I answered. Pinkie happily bounced to the kitchen to get her cupcakes.

"You know you can get two of anything you like on the menu, since you're a new in town.", stated Mrs. Cake. She pulled out a menu from the counter and gave it to me.

I looked at the choices they had and was astonished at the selections they had. "Can I get some Chocolate Chip cookies and a milkshake please?" I asked and out of nowhere my order was on the counter in front of me, as well as Pinkie holding a tray of cupcakes with an alluring smell.

"Here's your order," she said as she laid the tray of cupcakes on the counter "and also the cupcakes I made.".

I ate the Chocolate-Chip cookies and I was delighted by it's amazing taste. Next, I looked the cupcakes Pinkie made. "What cupcakes are these?", I asked as I eyed the tray.

"These are-", Mr. Cake began, but he quickly dashed towards the over as we heard a 'ding' sound in the kitchen. We heard him saying, "My Angel cake!".

Mrs. Cake cleared her throat and answered my question, "These are Vanilla-Cream Caramel Toffee cupcakes, one of Pinkie's favorites, though I must warn you it is extremely sweet.". I took a bite on one of the cupcakes and she was right. It was noticeably very sweet and it tasted just like a Toffee would(with vanilla and caramel).

"I'm guessing you like sweet things Pinkie.", I stated as I looked at her giggling form. "Of course! Sweet things make you feel so happy and excited.", she stated and started bouncing around me. I can't help but agree with her, sweet things always did make me happy, but I only get the chance when my mothers and fathers give them to me.

At the moment I remembered what was happening a while ago, back at my world.

"Y-You're impossible to reform!"


"You are to go back to your cell and stay there until further notice"

"Hello? Hello? Are you all right? Hello?", was all I heard as my thought were interrupted by Pinkie's voice. "You had me worried there for a second, you just suddenly fazed out and it kind of looked like you were day-dreaming.", she worriedly stated.

"Don't worry, I was just reminiscing the sweet stuff I ate when I was a child", I lied. I wouldn't want my very first friend to know about my past.

After finishing my milkshake, Pinkie told me we should go meet one of her best friends, she pulled my arm and dragged me out of the building. We stopped at a building that had a carousel at the top. I read the sign that said, "Carousel Boutique". Pinkie told me that her one of her best friends lived here. I was astonished by the design of the outside. We went inside and I heard a bell ring as we entered.

"Coming!", said a very posh voice upstairs. I heard hoofsteps coming from the stairs and as they got closer I saw a white mare in a very beautiful white dress and a purple mane and... A horn?

'She must be one of the unicorn he was talking about', I thought. She was coming down the stairs. As she saw me, she stopped walking and gazed at my form. She ran towards me and she suddenly had a measuring tape and meausured me faster than anything I've ever seen.

"Umm, Rarity. You haven't introduced yourself.", inquired Pinkie.

"Oh, how rude of me. Hello there, I am Rarity and welcome to Carousel Boutique, where everything is chique, unique, and magnifique.", she greeted as she finished measuring me. "Sorry about what happened earlier. It's that I haven't met anypony like you before.", she said.

"Well to be clear, I am a human. I just got here.", I said, as she started eyeing my turtleneck.

"Not that many ponies look good in a turtleneck, but you pull it off quite well. Are all humans good in turtlenecks?", she asked.

"Umm, I don't really know... And umm thanks?", I nervously said, since I never had an eye for fashion.

"So what brings you here to my Boutique?", asked Rarity.

"Well, I giving her a tour of Ponyville, since she's new here.", said Pinkie.

I temporarily left their conversation to look at the room we were in, it was quite spacious. I saw a marshmallow-ish mane peeking out of a box. I walked towards it and saw it quickly hide inside the box. I got closer to the box and opened it to see a filly with white fur and a mane consisting of light purple with pink highlights, she was also a unicorn. She looked at me with fear in her features, but I dismissed that and petted her. What I got was satisfying to see, she relaxed and looked at me with a smile.

"Sweetie Belle? What are you doing inside that box?", asked Rarity as she raised her voice so that the two of us can hear her.

"Yeah, what are you doing silly filly?", happily asked Pinkie.

"Umm, n-nothing Rarity.", she answered. I figured she was Sweetie Belle, since she was the one that answered Rarity's call. I held out my hand to help her get up, which she graciously accepeted. "T-Thanks miss", she nervously said. I smiled at her cute reaction on the events that occured. She had a cute fuchsia dress on and normal school shoes, which looked good on her. I looked at Rarity and asked, "Are you two sisters?", since they both had white quite a familiar coat of white fur and their voice had a smidge of similarity.

"Why yes, yes we are.", answered Rarity, who was looking at some dresses for some reason. "How about this? No, too frilly.", she said as she pulled out a very, very formal dress out of one of the clothes hangers and plopped it down on one of the tables on the room. "How about- No, too simple.", she said as she pulled out a white t-shirt with small rubies ebbed onto the right-chest part that depicted a flower petal and plopped it on the formal dress. "I know that I have just the thi- EUREKA~!", she sang as she pulled out a black jacket that had black stripes, just like my turtleneck. "I think this jacket will suit you very well.", she said as she handed me the jacket. I tried to ask her how much do I need to pay, but she declined my offer and said that it was a welcoming gift(there was also the obvious fact that I had no currency). "It also brings out your C-cups.", she said but she quickly covers her mouth. "I'm terribly sorry about that. I should have asked your permission.", she sorrily said.

"Hey, don't take it out on yourself. I don't even know that I had C-cups, so thanks for telling me.", I said sheepishly as I felt a slight blush on my cheeks.

"Well, your welcome.", she said with a sad smile.

Pinkie told me that our next stop was a place called, "Sweet Apple Acres", and that one of her best friends lived there too. We bid farewell to the two siblings, but were stopped as Sweetie Belle asked us if she could come, since her friends were there. We walked along a dirt path and we found ourselves surrounded by thousands upon thousands or apple trees, well maybe not that much but you get the point. We passed through a wooden arch that says, "Sweet Apple Acres". We walked to a barn that had this homely feel to it, Pinkie knocked on the door three times, which the door opened to reveal small cream-furred filly with a red mane and a big red bow tied on it. She happily looked at Sweetie Belle as the two fillies hugged each other, the cuteness of the scene making my heart ache.

"Sweetie Belle, ya came!", I the red-bowed filly greeted in an southern accent, "Of course Applebloom, I wouldn't miss you two for the world.", said Sweetie. They broke the hug and Applebloom's eyes drifted towards me, her face taking on a look of fear and curiosity. I bent down to greet the filly, as I extended my hand for a handshake. She accepted it and smiled as all the fear on her face vanished. "I'm Applebloom!", she introduced as she looked at me while circling my body. She saw Pinkie and went inside shouting, "Applejack, Pinkie's 'ere!" she then look at me and added, "She also has a friend!".

"Hold yer horseshoes, I'm comin", answered a feminine voice from upstairs, her accent just like Applebloom's. I saw an orange mare with a blonde mane come down the stairs wearing a Stetson hat, and cowgirl(mare?) overalls.

"Well howdy there Pinkie, whatcha got he-", she stopped as her eyes fell on me. I waved my hand and said an awkward, "Hi" as she looked at me, her face turning to terror. "M-Monster!", she shouted as grabbed Applebloom and Sweetie Belle and ran towards what I think was the living room, she hid behind the couch. "Pinkie! Can't ya see that there's a monster beside you?!", she asked as she held the two fillies under the couch.

"What? Applejack she's not a monster? She's my new friend.", Pinkie happily corrected. I felt sad, since I remembered what I did to my brother. "Now look at what you did. You made her sad.", stated Pinkie as she pointed at me.

Applejack slowly rising from the couch, "It ain't a monster?", nervously asked Applejack.

"No she ain't.", answered Applebloom.

Applejack stood up and had a deep red blush on her cheeks, "I'm sorry about that...", she said her face hung low. I held out my hand to give a handshake, which she happily accepted. "Let's start over again. I'm Applejack, you've met my little sister, Applebloom.", she introduced as we heard hoofsteps coming from the kitchen. A purple-maned filly, with a darker coat of orange(or loght brilliant Gamboge, whatever floats your boat) and a plain purple t-short and jeans.

"What's going on here?", asked the filly as she saw me. She ran towards me and eyed my body, she turned her back to me and I saw her wings.

'Pegasi, check.', I thought.

She continued eyeing me and finally after like 2 minutes of observing me, she said, "Awesome". After a bit of talking(and questioning), I learned that the filly's name was Scootaloo, which was a pretty cool name to say the least.

"So, let me get this straight. You don't have a cutie mark? You didn't mention anything about a cutie mark when you answered our questions.", stated Applebloom. I nodded and the filly's look at each other and shouted, "A New Member!". I looked at the quizzically as Scootaloo brought out a box labeled, "Cutie Mark Crusader Badges" and pulled out a badge that said, "Official CMC Member". The three asked me if I would like to join their group.

"I don't even know what a cutie mark is.", I stated, unfamiliar with the word.

"Oh, Oh. Me, pick me. I wrote a poem about cutie marks!", said Sweetie Belle. I obviously chose her. She cleared her throat,

"Cutie marks are marks,
You earn by your new-found talent.
Sometimes the meanings confusing,
Your expectation bent.

You discover the true meaning,
Your future now bright.
The mark is important,
It brings such delight.

These marks on our flanks,
Are rarely seen.
Since it's covered by our pants,
Shorts, and jeans."

Rhymed Sweetie, we clapped at her poem.

"Wow Sweetie Belle, I never knew you could write poetry like that.", commended Pinkie.

"Zecora taught me how to. It was quite difficult.", stated Sweetie. "So... Cutie marks are earned by talents?", I asked as they all nodded at my question.

"Okay, maybe I'll join.", I said which earned a cheer from the girls.

"Well, been nice but we have other places to go!", said Pinkie as we bid farewell and walked out the door, me admiring my new badge on my turtle-neck.

Pinkie then told me that our next stop would be a cottage on the outskirts of Ponyville. As I expected, one of her best friends also live there, I'm sensing a pattern here, not a bad one though. As we walked to the cottage I immediately saw a turtle(tortoise?) with a propeller strapped on its back flying in the direction we went. I looked at Pinkie to see her unfazed by the unusual sight.

"Have you ever killed somepony before?", she asked, her tongue lolling out of her mouth.

"What?", I asked as everything around me changed color; the trees now white as marble, the ground overflowing with blood, the clouds turning into a 'face' that seemed a bit familiar, and Pinkie's whole face gone, and a knife in her hand. She proceeded to cut her pink mane and slitting her neck. After she decapitated herself, her body distorted into a tiny compressed ball that exploded with blood and body parts, her mane flying by me as I saw her hand crawling its way towards me. My left shoulder felt like it was being cut off, as I looked at it, I saw black goo starting to form on my left hand, I felt the goo invade my blood vessels as I lost control of my whole body. I started picking up Pinkie's body parts, one by one I heard screams of agony with Pinkie's voice laughing.

"Wake up!", I heard Pinkie's voice shout as I found myself outside a very quaint cottage, "What happened? I just asked if you ever played Maneopoly and then you fazed out while still walking towards the cottage. I tried snapping my fingers in front of your face, so I just followed you. I then tried to snap you out if it again and saw that you woke up from your doozy so I told you about me asking-", she was cut off as we heard a tomboyish voice shouted out her name. We looked where the direction of the voice came from and we saw a blue mare with a mane and tail that had the colors of the rainbow, and she also had wings.

'Wow, those are some cool wings', I thought as I stared at those blue fluffywings...

"Hey Dashie!", greeted Pinkie as she leapt at the blue mare and hugged (more like squeezed) her.

"Y-Yeah, hi there P-Pinkie", she said, out of breath because of the hug. She looked at me and her face turned into a one of curiosity.

"What are you?", she asked as she eyed me from every direction while still flying.

"I'm a human.", I said blankly as she kept on circling me.

She finally stopped and asked me a question, "Do you believe that I can clear the clouds in the sky in ten seconds flat?, she asked as she eyed me curiously.

"From what I've seen today, I'll believe almost anything.", I said as she gave a toothy grin.

"I like your style.", she said.

I just remembered, what are you doing in Fluttershy's house?", Pinkie asked.

"I'm just taking Tank out of the house and visiting his friends. You?", she said.

"I'm giving her a tour of my favorite spots in Ponyville.", happily answered Pinkie as we walked towards the front door.

She knocked on the door and it slightly opened to reveal an eye, "W-Who's there?", asked a timid voice inside the cottage.

"Me, Dashie, and a new friend!", answered Pinkie, completely oblivious to the timidness of the being inside the cottage. The door opened to reveal a butter-colored mare with a long pink mane that covered her right eye. She had a white skirt with pink laces. She looked timid and she had a very calming vibe about her. Her timid demeanor changed into a very excited one as her eyes fell upon me. She 'flew' towards me so I figured she was a pegasus. She started barraging me with questions about what I am and what I eat.

"Oh dear, I haven't introduced my self, I'm Fluttershy. Please, come in", she said happily and as she smiled I heard a 'squee' sound out of nowhere.

We entered her cottage and I was greeted with dozens tiny birdhouses and mouse holes in the room, she told us that she'll make some tea. I suddenly felt the urge to take a 'wee' and asked Fluttershy where the bathroom was. She told me that it was on the second floor, second door to the left. I walked towards the stairs as I heard a slight thumping noise. It became louder each thump it makes and as it sounded louder, it also sounded closer each time. I saw a white bunny hopping down the stairs. It looked displeased at me when it hopped past me. I shrugged at the unexpected action of the bunny and continued upstairs.

After taking care of my business, I walked back down to see that Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy were the only ones in the cottage.

"Where's Pinkie?", I asked as I looked around for the sign of the plushy pink pony.

"Oh, she said that she had to take care of some business back at Ponyville. She'll be back after a few minutes.", answered Rainbow Dash as she sat on the couch.

"Why don't we have a chat while we wait for her.", silently inquired Fluttershy as she pulled out three tea cups and a tea pot. "I made tea, if you would like some that is."

"Sure, though this is my first time drinking tea.", I stated as I felt a small blush made its way to my cheeks.

"Oh, that's fine. It's the first times that really get you.", says Rainbow Dash as she puts a 'little' too much sugarcubes onto her tea-filled cup.

"Oh yes, tea always calms the mind and helps you relax.", agreed Fluttershy as she sat down on the couch, mindful of her gestures.

"Except if you sugarize them like this!", said Rainbow Dash as she held up her teacup half-full of sugarcubes, then proceeded to gulp it down.

"Umm, Rainbow Dash... I think 'sugarize' isn't a real word... If you don't mind me correcting you that is.",

I sat down beside Fluttershy and poured myself a cup. I added two sugarcubesI held the cup towards my mouth and sipped its contents. I felt the hot yet relaxing taste of the tea tickle my tastebuds and flow down my throat.

It was truly an amazing experience, tasting tea for the first time.

As we continued drinking, I felt my nerves relax and my mind drifting off, before I knew it, I took an unexpected nap.

"Hello...? Hello?~", a familiar voice called out as I felt my consciousness returning. "Umm, P-Pinkie Pie's here... She would like you two to continue with the tour... If you won't mind that is.", that familiar voice said again.

A hovering Rainbow Dash, a worried Fluttershy, and a Smiling Pinkie Pie greeted me as I opened my eyes.

"Hey, what's up?", asked Rainbow Dash as she flew closer to me inspecting my face.

"Apparently, you are Dashie!", happily inquired Pinkie.

Rainbow Dash just had a deadpan look on her face as she flew down and landed on the floor. Apparently, Pinkie and I were going to the last part of the tour... And it's also 4 PM. For some reason, instead of staying in the cottage, the two pegasi walked with us towards the quaint little town.

As we went on our merry way towards the last part of the tour, I went a little sightseeing as we were walking. Through a window, I saw a room full of giant jars of... Jelly? This trip was getting weirder by the moment... 'Weird, heh if someone applied that to me, it would be an understatement', I thought, my guilt rising again... It's really bumming me out. We walked towards a very big tree with windows and doors.

"Why haven't I noticed this when we were here?", I rhetorically asked as we saw the door open to reveal a purple mare with a sapphire blue mane with purple and pink highlights.

"Come in", she said as we entered the tree to find it very dark, I tensed up as we filed into the dark room.

"So, what are we going to do here?", I asked to Pinkie as I turned around to see that the group was gone.

I was about to go out the door as it shut by itself, I tried opening it but it failed. I started hyper-ventilating as I was back in the darkness. The loneliness that was once my only companion through my years in the... Asylum, and as I was about to let my feelings of regret consume me. I heard a sudden shouting and the bright light being turned on.

"SURPRISE!", I heard through-out the room and saw the most colorful and happy sight I have seen in my entire life.

Banners were placed through-out the room greeting, "Welcome to Ponyville" and one still being put on by a gray pegasus mare with a blue mailman outfit.

"Welcome to Ponyville!", shouted all of them in unison. I saw the six ponies that greeted me and Pinkie, who I suspect is the one that planned all this.

"Hi, I'm Twilight Sparkle. I'm really sorry about scaring you earlie-", she said as Pinkie interrupted us with streamers and vuvuzelas.

"Come on girls, LET'S PARTY!", said Pinkie as she pointed at a white unicorn mare with a neon blue mane and a black top.

"Let's spin this!", she said as she turned on the machine in front of her and musicfilled the room.

The party was so welcoming, I never met such an open crowd since my... 6th birthday. The seven of us walked towards the food table... Thingie, and we talked about things.

"A-Are you really a human?", excitedly asked one of the party goers, a mint colored mare with a lighter mint mane, she had a plain white dress.

"Yes", I answered as she jumped up and down repeatedly shouting "Yes". With the time I have been here, it seems as if one would easily get used to this type of reactions. As she stopped jumping, she immediately hugged me. (The number of hugs have been increasingly higher than usual)

"I'm Lyra, Lyra Heartstring," she said as we shook our hands "I have studied humans, for you proved to be very interesting creatures, though could I ask one thing?"

"What?", I questioningly gazed at her now dead serious face.

"What kind of houses do you live in?", she asked as her serious face quickly turned into a cheery one.

"Well, we live in houses pretty much like yours...", I half-lied, to tell you the truth it was a bit identical to the ones I remember... But I'm not sure that the present day earth had more advanced house designs.

"Can we talk tomorrow? Like an interview?", she asked as she poured herself a cup of punch, at another punch bowl I saw a violet mare standing beside the punch bowl labeling their flavor.

"Yeah, sure.", I answered as Lyra went back to the crowd.

"So, enjoying your time dear?", asked Rarity as the rest of the group appeared behind her.

"Yes!", I answered enthusiastically as they held out presents except Rarity.

"Welcome to Ponyville, friend...", Pinkie warmly said as they left their presents at the table and pulled me into a group hug.

As we stopped hugging, I asked if all these presents were for me, they nodded. As I reached out for the first box, it was a light blue box with clouds designed onto it. A letter attached to it said, "From Equestria's fastest pegasus, stay awesome. -RD". I opened the present and I saw a blue watch with white stripes, there was a small picture of a tan mare and the words "Daring the Explorer" on the lower side.

"It's a limited edition! I have tons of those back at my house... Hehehe, sorry if it's not all that much.", Rainbow Dash said, slightly flushed on her cheeks.

"Are you kidding? It's a limited edition, that's an awesome gift on itself!", I said as I immediately wore the watch.

The next present was a bit heavy, it was a orange box with yellow stripes. "I reckon that you'll be a fine addition to Ponyville, hope to get along more soon. -AJ", said the note attached to the box.

I opened it an it had 4 jars with a rainbow fluid... Or liquid inside it.

"It's Zap apple jam, since it's the season for it. I thought, "Why not?", Applejack said as I opened one jar and tasted the syrup.

It was the best jam I've ever tasted...

"T-Thank you, Applejack...", I said as I hugged her tightly.

I moved onto the next present, which was a pink box with blue laces wrapped into a pretty bow, "I welcome you, my new friend, TO PONYVILLE. Hope to see you more often. -Pinkie Pie", said the matching pink note.

I look ed at Pinkie and she looked at me, then she proceeded to do a handshake that I hope I could keep up with.

We stopped our handshaking and I moved towards the next present that was a simple green box with animal designs, "I-I hope you like your stay here in Ponyville, I hope we can talk more in the future. -Fluttershy"

"Awww, thank you Fluttershy, I hope that we can talk more too.", I said as she looked at me with a warm smile.

The last present was a lavender box with white sparkles. "Hello, I hope we get along well. We may have not met yet have met earlier, but I wish that you have a good time in your stay in Ponyville. -Twilight Sparkle."

I looked at her and she had a small blush on her face, I disregarded that and told her that we would get very acquainted with each other.

The party went on for a few hours, and everpony went back to their homes. Rarity, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, and Rainbow Dash went off to their homes, all of them waving good-bye as they left the tree house (that is also a library).

"So, I'll just clean some of the left-overs.", said Twilight as she waved a hand towards the kitchen, a small boy walked out of the kitchen and as he walked closer I saw that he had scales instead of fur. I looked at him awe-struck and as he saw me, he did the same thing.

"H-Hi," he said as he waved at me "I'm Spike, the dragon."

"Hi, I'm-"

"She's a human", Twilight said as she looked at me and a sudden revelation hit her. "Oh! I'm sorry, I shouldn't have cut you off.", she apoligized.

"Hey, it's okay. Everybod- pony, makes mistakes.", I said as the two of them smiled and proceeded with cleaning the party.

Realizing that the guy that brought me here said that he's still be there where we first met, I carefully exited the library to 'the guy that brought me here' and to find the answers to WHY he is doing this. I passed through Sugarcube Corner and beelined to the place where I was when I got transported to Equestria. I saw the familiar surroundings, but no trace of 'that guy'. I searched farther into the forest, careful of my surroundings, since I might get lost on the way to find Him. I heard a piano playing a solemn tune and I followed the sound to find a small clearing, under the moons light.

I saw him playing the piano and slowly walked towards him. "Don't you ever wonder why life is cruel... Yet so beautiful.", he solemnly yet asked (which was a first since he was so cheery at our first meeting). "I mean no offense but... Look at your life.; 6 years of being an innocent child... And suddenly you kill your brother, 11 years of confinement and therapy... Yet you still held on to some of your sanity. Your life is really interesting, yet so sad...", he solemnly stated.

I walked closer to him as he stopped playing the piano and turned to me, "I'm guessing you're here to get some answers huh?", he laughed, yet he still had that sad tone to his voice.

"Yes," I answered.

"My first question is... What is your real name?", I asked as I looked at him expectantly, but his features said otherwise. He had this empty, almost dead look to him as he heard that question.

"Can I answer that question after your last question?", he asked.

"S-Sure...", I hesitantly answered. "Moving on, Why did you bring 'me' to Equestria? Why not some other person that isn't a killer? ", I aggressively asked, surprising him due to my change of tone.

"The reason is that you were so sad... You never lived a single day in your life, and when I say that, I mean by after you got transferred into the asylum. I wanted you to experience life as you, not your younger self. I picked Equestria", he stated.

"Oh... Umm, thanks for caring for me...", I said, a bit surprised by how he cared for me."Next question, Why Equestria? Why not back at my own world where I can talk to my own kind?", I asked matter-of-factly.

"Because, if I did send you there, it would have to be at another point in time of that place, since I can't teleport other beings without causing a time rift of some sort. Right now, time is paused on your world, and when you arrive. Time will continue.", he said, the last phrase pronounced slower. "T-Third to last question. When 'will' I go back to my world?", I asked nervously.

I heard him gulp nervously, "W-Well.. T-Tomorrow... When you wake up, you'll find yourself back at your room... On your world...", he hesitantly said. I was shocked at this revelation, utterly shocked by the time I have left.

"W-What will happen to Pinkie Pie? Twilight? Applejack? Twilight? The CMC? Rarity? Or even Fluttershy? What will happen to them? Aren't they going to remember me still?", I asked, on the verge of tears.

"They'll forget about you... I-I'm sorry that it had to happen, but I still haven't learned about advanced magic. I... Shouldn't have done what I did... I saw what you might need, but I didn't pay heed to your current problem...", he answered, tears flowing down on his face.

"No, you don't need to say sorry, rather, I should be thanking you for this day. This 'wonderful' day... I'm going to miss you all.", I said as I comforted him.

"I'm gonna miss you too.", he said.

"L-Last question, how did you transport me here?", I asked "I know I should have asked this earlier, but I just needed to know why you did all this first.", I stated.

"You see, I'm part of this this whole shabang that surveys and observes people, we all have powers, some have their own mediums of how to use them, like using music as their foundation for attacking or creating.", he answered as he touched the piano and it liquified as it went inside his shirt. "some also have two mediums, while others have yet to discover their power or powers. I have the power of Imagination, which is a very basic. Though different users have different limitations, and I haven't found mine yet.", he sadly laughed. I completely forgot about asking his name as I bid farewell.

"Hey!", he called. I looked at him and saw that he had a sad smile plastered on his face, "Call me The Watcher.", he stated as he waved goodbye.

I entered the library to see Twilight looking like she saw a ghost, she looked at me and all of a sudden she hugged me tightly.

"Where were you?", she worriedly asked. "I thought you ran away because of scaring you before the welcome party, I'm really sorry.", she said, on the verge of crying.

"No I didn't run away from you, I just took a nightly walk, that's all.", I warmly stated. She looked at me with a sad smile and told me that she readied my bed. I went to the room and saw a mirror next to it. I ignored it for a moment as I was left to my thoughts. I remembered the events of the day, meeting Pinkie, Rarity, Applejack, the Cutie-Mark Crusaders, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, and Twilight.

My thoughts went deeper and I remembered my crime when I was 6, my mothers and fathers now seem so imposing, so evil. I then started blaming my mothers and fathers, accusing them of giving me that false memory on purpose. I became aware that they couldn't have done that, even if they never cared about me.

I started shouting in my mind as I clutched my eyes shut, "GOD PLEASE LET HIM BE ALIVE! He was the only family I knew... I will never do anything horrible to him again, just please let him be alive!" At the top of my lungs. I looked at the mirror and didn't see myself, but 6 year old 'me' grinning while holding the knife. She reached out her hand and went through the mirror, my mind failing to comprehend the grinning girl's existence in the room. She was walking towards me her knife ready to cut me to pieces, I accepted my fate. I was meant to die, even by my own hands.

She raised the knife, and when she was about to stab me... She just vanished. I looked at the place where she stood before, but I saw nary a trace of my younger-self's existence in the room. I looked at the shining moon with a pony's shadow imbedded on it, I felt like I was basking in such care... And such love all around me, even in this silent night. My mind now accepting my past... And my future. My eyes now heavy from all the events that happened today, I was lulled into sleep by the ambience of this peaceful Equestrian night. I tightly held the kind gifts everypony gave to me; Rarity's jacket, Applejack's Zap apple jam, Fluttershy's trinket, Rainbow Dash's watch, Twilight's Book about the history of Equestria, the CMC badge, and Pinkie's hat. I felt a single tear flow through my eye as I felt loved... Truly loved...

"Hey, you were never really alone... I was always there, watching your progression..", I heard The Watcher say as sleep slithered it's way to my mind.

I woke up.