Her Body Was Cold

by NeverClever

First published

[Clopfic] [Necrophilia/Necromancy] [Mind Control] [Cum Inflation] There's many reasons the crystal ponies feared King Sombra. His journals detail just a few of them.

[Clopfic] [Necrophilia/Necromancy] [Mind Control] [Cum Inflation]

Why were the crystal ponies so afraid of King Sombra? There were many reasons, but most of them have been lost to time.

Perhaps it's a good thing the journals and papers detailing some of his most unsavory habits remain in an unnamed room, locked in a nondescript crate, deep inside Canterlot Castle.

The amazing cover art is by Cornie; be sure to check out their page!

This is canon with Wish Fulfillment.

Today was very productive…

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Entry #101—July 14th

Today was very productive. I woke up expecting the delegation from Arcadia, and possibly some other small problems, but my secretary was noticeably more nervous than usual as I left my room. I took this as a good sign. Glimmering Rose always got nervous over the most wonderful things.

“What is my schedule for today?” I asked her.

She leafed through a few pieces of parchment. Her hooves were shaking slightly. They always did. “The delegation from Arcadia has been delayed by weather. We have not heard from the delegation from Taurus yet.” She never made eye contact, if she could avoid it. I had chosen her on purpose, of course; a secretary who isn’t afraid of you can be a very dangerous thing.

“And what else?”

“The, uhm…”


She looked at the ground. “The…corpses have arrived.”

I smiled. I made sure to smile directly at her, and to show as many teeth as possible. “Have they now?”

“Yes, my lord.”

“Wonderful.” I leaned towards her, and she flinched visibly. “And have they been sorted?”

“Y-yes, m-my lord. I saw to it…p-personally.”

My smile widened. “Then why haven’t you brought up the first one yet?”

“She… It’s… The first one is waiting outside.”

I leaned in further. Glimmer flung her head to the side, still dedicated to avoiding eye contact. She had styled her mane so that a lock of blue hair impeded my view of her face. I allowed a wisp of shadow magic to seep out of my mouth and brush against her cheek. I could feel her shudder.

“That’s why I like you, Rose. Always thinking of your King. Always so efficient.”

She tried to say something, but all that came out was a quiet, pained whimper. I always loved tormenting her, but I couldn’t keep my guests waiting. I stood up and turned around. “Bring her in. And make sure the next one is ready for when I’m done.”

She took a deep breath, nodded, and scurried off.

I returned to my room and summoned a few books. Just refreshers, I had done this before, after all. I gathered magic into my horn and felt the spell spill out of it, running down my body and settling into my balls. I repeated the process, and again, and I could feel my testicles swell slightly each time.

The body arrived shortly. I directed the ponies to put her on the bed, then dismissed them with a wave of my hoof.

She was pristine. That was the only word for it. Her pink coat hadn’t even lost its magical luster yet. Her mane was still glittering slightly, tossing little pinpoints of green light everywhere. It still held its shape surprisingly well.

Her eyes were closed, but I didn’t detect a heartbeat. I opened one of her eyes telekinetically, and a dull pupil greeted me. I closed it again, satisfied that she was actually dead and not simply drugged.

I leaned down and took a deep breath along her neck. I didn’t smell any dirt, but there was an imperceptible hint of perfume. There weren’t any visible bruises or lacerations on her; natural causes, and my subjects had been very careful moving her. She must have been taken from some home or other right after she died. No doubt a “donation” from a “generous,” grieving family.

I smiled to myself. My subjects were so loyal. I really should find some way to reward them in the near-future.

During my musings, my cock had begun to poke out of its sheath. I leaned down and took another deep breath of her scent. Intoxicating.

I climbed onto my bed, using magic to shift her body slightly so that it was directly under me. I spread her legs open with my magic. Once they were positioned well enough I let go, and watched them settle limply onto the bed. I did the same with her forelegs, spreading them out so they were pointing outwards, hanging limply by her sides.

Her head was resting to the side. I opened her mouth and her tongue promptly fell out. Her breath confirmed the smallest hint of decay. I moved her tongue back and closed her mouth. I pushed her head into the mattress slightly, and turned it so that it was pointing straight up. It rolled back onto its side. I scrunched up the blankets a little around her head and tried again. Her head stayed pointing upward this time, although it still sagged to the left slightly. It was close enough. I liked to be the first thing they see when wake up. The look on their face was always priceless.

I took another slow look at her body. Her eyes were still closed, but her face was pointed in the correct general direction. Her neck was stretched out. I nuzzled it a little, and when I took my head away her coat was mussed up and frizzy. Her crystal sheen caused a few glints of light to come off the uneven hair.

Her legs were still splayed out, though every time I touched her they jostled slightly.

I wanted to drink in the rest of her appearance slowly, but I knew I would just be teasing myself. I could feel my erection brushing against my stomach as I moved. I looked down and, sure enough, it was full and ready.

I crouched slightly and guided myself into her. Her vagina was incredibly tight. Too early for rigor mortis, so perhaps she had been a virgin before she died. The thought made me smile as I slid deeper into her body.

Her body was cold. Not ice-cold, but still cold. I liked it that way. I could feel the heat from my penis seeping into her body ever-so-slightly as I slowly pushed into her. It reminded me of hunger; her cold, lifeless body begging for the warmth of life, prying it away from me as I pushed deeper into her.

Finally I bottomed out, the base of my cock pushing against her groin. Her position hadn’t changed. I began to slide out slowly, and I could see her legs and head jiggle slightly as I pulled backward.

I was a little faster as I pushed back in, now that I was sure I would fit and she wouldn’t break. Her pussy was still gripping me tightly. I could feel her walls being forcefully spread each time I pushed forward. The resistance and pressure felt amazing.

I started to pick up the pace, and I could feel the friction creating more and more heat as I pistoned in and out of her. She remained immobile, but I could feel her body warming up slightly.

I continued ramming into her, and it was certainly frantic then. I could feel pressure building in my body, aching to release into her.

I pressed forward a final time and grunted as I came. I could feel my seed spilling into her. Gushing into her body and settling into it. There was a lot, I had made sure of that.

Her eyes snapped open. She gasped loudly as she drew in a dozen lungfuls of air. Her chest rose visibly with each breath. She coughed, and her eyes darted around the room, finally resting upon my regal visage.

“W-what…what happened?” She stammered. Her voice was quiet. I was a little surprised she had control of her voice at all; most don’t.

I smiled and leaned closer to her face, my cock still buried in her body. “You died, and your gracious king brought you back to life.”

Her limbs twitched, but did not move. “But…I don’t…I don’t understand…”

I slid out of her slowly, and there was a faint, wet pop as my dick left her body. She gasped as I slid out. None of my semen spilled out, but I could hear it sloshing around inside her.

“Well, I was not there for the circumstances of your death, but I had my servants bring you here. I raped your body, and now a large amount of my magically-imbued semen is sitting in you.

“I…I feel cold. And I can’t move.”

I stood up and walked around her. I took a wide berth so she would get a little confused. My bed is so large that I could stay completely out of her sight the entire walk. “Well, that’s because we’re not done yet,” I explained. “There’s enough of my magic inside you to keep you alive, but not to give you autonomy. I certainly could move you myself with telekinesis, but that’s so boring.”

I was standing by her head. “Open your mouth.”

“My…my head feels fuzzy. I don’t…” She blinked slowly as her sentence trailed off.

I smiled. “Don’t you trust me?”

She blinked slowly again. “I…I don’t remember you.”

“Why, I am King Sombra. Your wise, powerful leader. And since I just brought you back from death, I must be trustworthy, yes?”

“I-I guess that makes sense…”

“Good. Open your mouth.”

She obeyed, and the moment it was open I slid my dick in to her mouth. She gagged slightly.

“Breath through your nose,” I ordered.

A few muffled words came out of her mouth, and I smiled. “And I can’t understand you if you try to talk. Do something useful and move your tongue around.”

I could see her throat bulging slightly as my dick pushed further into her. She clumsily moved her tongue.

I started thrusting in and out of her mouth, and I could see her body shake with each one. The way her limbs would jiggle then settle back into place meant most of her body was still dead. Her mouth and throat were still cold, but the friction changed that quickly. Her tongue ground against my shaft with each motion, and I could feel her awkwardly trying to obey my orders to move her tongue.

The pressure built faster this time. Perhaps it’s because I always found this part more fun. Fucking corpses is so uneventful. I suppose that is why some ponies enjoy it so much. No, for me the part right after was so much better. Alive but not yet in control of their body, their mind not quite clouded with magic but still not working fully.

I licked my lips. I could see her eyes darting around as she continued her attempts to make sense of the situation and failed.

“Don’t forget to swallow,” I muttered. My breathing was a little heavy, and a few grunts punctuated my sentence, but I knew she had understood me.

I came. It was just as spectacular as the first time. I grunted loudly as I pushed my cock deep into her mouth. Her eyes rolled backward a little as my cum shot into her. Her throat swelled visibly as she struggled to drink everything. The stream of cum went on for minutes. Her belly swelled slightly. She began to cough quietly, her throat struggling to swallow it all. Finally, I pulled out.

I could hear her breathing heavily. I sat down on the bed, waiting for my own breaths to even out.

“What is your name?” I asked.

“Vibrant… Vibrant… Vibrant something. I don’t remember the whole thing.”

“Get up, Vibrant.”

She rolled over, her movements groggy and uncoordinated. Standing up on the plush mattress was a visible effort for her, but she eventually rose to her hooves. She was unsteady, and I could still hear my semen sloshing around in her.

“How do you feel?” I asked.

She blinked slowly. “My…my body feels numb. It’s hard to move, and it’s hard to think.”

“That’s normal,” I replied. “Dying takes a lot out of a pony.”


“But I’m here for you now. I always take care of my subjects.”

She glanced around the room. Her eyes were dull and unfocused. “Where am I?”

“In the Castle of the Crystal Empire, of course.”

Her legs were shaking slightly. “I…I feel really tired. And cold. And my head…it’s like, I can’t think fast.” She stared at the bed, scrunched her eyes shut.

I walked over to her. “That’s normal. The spell isn’t quite done yet. I still have one more part to do.” I was close enough to her to run my hoof along her body. She didn’t react. “Now turn around.”

“I…I don’t think I should.”

“And why not? Don’t you trust me?”

“I…” She blinked slowly again. “You said you raped me.”

“Well, of course I did. All my subjects allow me to use their bodies.”

She looked up at me. “They do?”

“Of course. They enjoy serving their king.”

“Oh.” She was silent for a moment. She began to turn in a circle, her movements still unsteady. “I-if you’re sure.”

“Of course. I would never lie to my subjects.” I placed a hoof on her left cutie mark. Crossed silver quills. Quaint, I thought to myself.

“Now lower your head, and keep your rump in the air,” I commanded.

It took a visible moment for her to process my commands. Adorable. Finally she bent her hooves down, her rump pointing upwards and her tail instinctively moving to the side. I heard my semen splashing around in her body again. I never tired of that sound.

She coughed quietly, and I saw a small splatter of semen spill out of her mouth.

I was already hard again. The magic and her magically forced naiveté were an incredible aphrodisiac.

I positioned my hoofs above her cutie marks and rubbed my dick along her ass and pussy. Her back was still cold.

I pushed into her without ceremony. She gasped loudly. I began pistoning in and out of her. Her moans echoed across my chamber with each thrust. Each one only made me that much harder.

I pulled in and out of her over and over again. I never liked the ass as much as the others, but had to be thorough.

Her butt was incredibly tight. I could feel her stretching to accommodate me. It felt good. I could feel all her muscles clench as I continued. Subconscious resistance, but it only made it that much better as I continued pumping in and out of her faster and faster.

My cock felt incredibly warm. Perhaps her body had finally started to make its own heat, perhaps there was just so much friction, but it was too much; I came into her, and for the third time I could feel my cum saturate her insides. I pulled out, and I could see a few wisps of purple and black magic leaking out of her asshole.

She promptly collapsed, breathing heavily and coughing periodically.

“You know, it will not do for one of my subjects to only have half a name.” I paused for a moment to pretend to consider. “How about ‘Vibrant Pet?’”


I raised an eyebrow. “What was that?”

She was still breathing heavily. “My…my name is Vibrant Writer…”

“Is it now? I am fairly certain it is not.” I leaned down and put a hoof under her chin. “And wouldn’t I know?”

“I…I don’t know.”

I kissed her, forcefully. I tasted some of my own cum on her lips. Her eyes widened, and they flashed green for a moment as my magic started to take proper hold of her body and mind.

I broke the kiss, and a few more wisps of black and purple magic retreated into her mouth as I did. I licked my lips.

“What were you saying, Vibrant Pet?”

“Nothing, my lord.”

I smiled. “Good.” I stood up and beckoned her with a hoof.

I opened the door to my room. Glimmering Rose was waiting dutifully outside. Her eyes were closed and she was whispering something to herself.

“Rose, there you are. I’m ready for the next one. Oh, and meet your new assistant until I figure out what else to do with her. Vibrant Pet, meet Glimmering Rose. Don’t get too attached to each other, I’m sure I’ll think of some way to use Vibrant.”

Vibrant smiled absently. Rose didn’t react. She simply stood up and started walking, beckoning Vibrant with a hoof.

As the two of them trotted off, I turned back to my room.

“Our king is so amazing,” I heard Vibrant say absently. “I’m so glad he is so kind to his subjects.” I could just imagine the dopey smile on her face.

I heard Rose stifle a sob with a sharp intake of breath. I could also imagine Vibrant staring quizzically at her new partner, unable to understand why she was so upset.

I smiled to myself and went into my room to wait for my next subject to arrive.

King Sombra
Dictated but not read.

The hallway was quiet…

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The hallway was quiet as the two mares lurched towards the amphitheater. The shackles around their legs clanked as they walked, but it was oddly quiet regardless. Four guards kept pace with them. The hallway was large enough to accommodate them all, though it was narrow enough that they had to walk in two lines.

“I don’t think I’m ready for this,” the purple one whispered.

“It’s this or the dungeons. At least if one of us escapes we can form a resistance,” the white one replied.

“I know, but…”

“Don’t hold back. The better fighter needs to win and leave.”

“But, Rae…”

“Bright…do you remember the motto of the Crystal Guard?”

“All ponies die,” Bright recited immediately.

“Peace takes sacrifice,” Rae finished. “I’m happy to spend my life stopping a tyrant, if that’s what it takes. I know you are too.” She glanced down at her coat, the white fur coated in countless layers of brown dust and dirt. Her mane no doubt looked worse. “Anything has to be better than sitting in a cell, doing nothing day after day while that bastard collects more power.”

Bright took a deep breath. “Spending your own life is one thing. Spending a friend’s is another.”


The ponies emerged from the tunnel. The light was blinding. Rae and Bright instinctively tried to shield their eyes, but both were stopped by their manacles.

A guard pushed Rae forward. “Introducing Dame Radiant Shield,” he said dryly.

Another guard shoved Bright forward. “And Dame Bright Blade,” she added in the same bored tone.

Radiant forced her eyes open. The sky above the amphitheater was overcast, and the resulting glare was not helping her eyes adjust.

She glanced around. She remembered watching plays here on her days off. The stage had been removed and the lower area was just a dusty pit. There were thousands of seats above her. All of them were empty, save one.

Sombra slouched on the stone throne, two mares standing on either side of him. One was fidgeting nervously, the other was writing something.

He smiled. “Ladies, how nice of you to come,” he called down to them. “Not many of the crystal guard were keen on my generous offer!”

“I can’t imagine why,” Bright muttered under her breath.

“I trust the guards explained everything to you?” Sombra shouted.

“I was expecting a bigger audience,” Bright said sarcastically.

Sombra chuckled. “Oh come now, I afford my prisoners some dignity.”

Bright opened her mouth to say something, but was stopped by a look from Shield.

Radiant turned back to Sombra. “And we have your word that the winner will be set free?”

Sombra stood up. “On my honor as a King, the winner of the physical challenge I have set forth will be given their freedom.”

The guards bent down and undid the shackles. One took them away, and another threw a sword and spear in front of the two ponies.

Blade frowned. “No armor?”

The guards snickered.

“That would defeat the purpose, wouldn’t it?” One of them said.

His companion laughed. “Oh, you know these crystal guards. Painfully optimistic,” she said.

“You were Crystal Guards once, from the looks of it,” Radiant said quietly.

“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” She poked a hoof at the weapons. “Don’t try anything heroic with those. They’re made of much cheaper materials than our equipment.” She beckoned the other guards with a hoof, and all of them retreated into the hallway. A thick metal gate fell heavily across the entrance once they had left.

“Of course,” Bright muttered.

Radiant grabbed the spear with her mouth. Bright grabbed the sword and clamped it onto her foreleg.

Shield brought the spear up. “All ponies die,” she recited.

Bright readied her sword. “Peace takes sacrifice,” she replied.

Sombra pretended to yawn. “Yes, yes. Very cute, ladies,” he called down. “Now stop stalling.”

They both nodded.

Sombra stomped his hoof, and the sound echoed throughout the empty arena.

Both mares rushed forward at the same time, loud clangs rippling through the air as their weapons met over and over.

Sombra smiled. “A beautiful display indeed.” He turned his head slightly. “Tell me, Rose, how many of the guard will this be?”

“A-assuming they don’t tie, they are the last two Crystal Guards to accept your…offer. The Crystal Guard had two-thousand-eight-hundred-and-forty-four members before…before you took control of the capital.”

Sombra smiled. “I love mathematics.” His eyes never left the arena. “Oh my, they’re slowing down already. I suppose all that time in the dungeons really damaged their stamina!”

Bright Blade was breathing heavily. The two mares circled each other for a moment, both clearly attempting to catch their breath.

Bright leapt forward. Radiant hopped to the side and swung wide. The spear glanced off Bright’s sword. Shield shifted her balance and stabbed again.

Blade’s parry fell short. The spear sunk into her heart. Radiant Shield pulled it free, and there was a distinct glint of red on her weapon.

Bright Blade stared down at the wound. Her crystal coat had sealed it, but there was a still an obvious red line across her chest. No blood leaked out, but the damage had been done. Her eyes widened and her mouth hung open. She lifted a hoof to take a step and promptly fell over. Her breathing was labored, and after a few heavy breaths she coughed up some blood, leaving a large red stain on the dirt floor.

Sombra smiled. He leapt into the arena, his cape fluttering as he slowed his descent with magic. A trail of black, translucent cubes formed in his wake, and Vibrant scurried along them after him. Rose stood by the throne, her eyes scrunched shut.

He slowly advanced on the two mares, chuckling softly to himself.

“A wonderful show, ladies.”

Radiant was still staring at her friend. Her mouth trembled and she dropped her spear. She brought a hoof up to her mouth. Bright Blade’s breathing had stopped.

“Shocked?” Sombra asked mockingly. “Didn’t think you were capable of killing your friend?”

He leaned down and nuzzled the dead mare’s neck. “Mmm, still warm,” he muttered to himself.

“Leave her alone!” Radiant moved forward, but in moments there were guards on either side of her.

“Tell me, Dame Radiant, have you ever heard of necromancy? It’s a very unique type of magic, exclusively for dead bodies.”

“I said leave her alone!” The guards held her in place.

“It was a natural thing for me to study. There is just so much beauty in the equine form. And all those little details are so much more stark and noticeable on a dead pony.”

His cock had started to poke out of its sheath.

Radiant recoiled in horror. “Y-you wouldn’t…”

“You have to be very familiar with the body to use necromancy. It’s all about using the right amount of magic, and placing it into the body in just the right way.” Sombra rolled Bright’s corpse over and unclipped the weapon from her foreleg.

“Now, some magicians simply shoot the magic at their target. It’s so brutish, really. It’s like watering a lawn with a thunderstorm. Inaccurate and wasteful.” He dragged his eyes along Bright’s body. He licked his lips a little. “You need to use finesse with something as divine as a pony, dead or not.”

His cock was almost fully erect now. He leaned down and took a long, slow breath along Bright’s neck. Her head jostled slightly, but otherwise her body remained perfectly still.

“They really do deserve better.” He smiled. “So, I had an idea. Why not inject the magic into them a different way? It’s really quite trivial to lace fluids with magic, and certain fluids come quickly to mind.” He leaned down and pressed his cock against the dead mare’s pussy. He grunted slightly, her pussy clamping onto his cock, squeezing it as he pushed it open to make room for more and more of his flesh.

Radiant looked away. She turned her head as far as it would possibly go. The sound didn’t stop. She searched for anything else to look at, any other sound to focus on. All she found were the guards holding her in place. Both of them were breathing heavily. One kept rubbing her back legs together.

Shield closed her eyes. She was suddenly thankful their armor blocked most of their bodies from view. “Alright, you had your sick joke, now let me go,” she whispered.

“I said there would be a physical contest. The winner is the one who can make cum.” Sombra smiled as he pushed further into Bright. “I assumed that it would be easier if one of you was dead first.”

Shield snorted. “You sadistic—” She turned just as Sombra began to thrust. Pistoning in and out of Bright’s body.

Radiant tried to vomit, but she hadn’t eaten in days. She tried to back away, but the guards held her in place. She tried to look away, but she couldn’t.

Blade was completely still and silent as Sombra pushed in and out of her. Sombra was breathing a little heavier.

“Mmm, not only is she still warm, she’s nice and wet. Maybe it was all that exercise?”

Radiant couldn’t look away. It was too horrible to ignore. She couldn’t even muster an insult. The wet noises echoed through the entire amphitheater, and she could see Bright’s pussy being forced open by Sombra’s dick, could see his balls slapping against Bright's body with each thrust.

Sombra’s breaths seemed to coat the entire arena. A few wisps of black smoke leaked out of his mouth as he continued thrusting.

He leaned down and kissed Bright Blade. Her body didn’t react. Her lips didn’t move. Her mouth slowly opened as Sombra pushed it open himself. He was still pumping in and out of her, his pace frantic.

He pushed forward and grunted again. Radiant could almost hear his seed settling into her friend’s stomach. She tried to vomit again, but was still lamentably empty.

Sombra broke the kiss. Bright Blade’s eyes snapped open, her mouth opened wide as she took a loud, deep breath.

Sombra smiled. “Welcome back, Dame Bright Blade.”

He slid out of her, and she moaned as his dick popped out of her body.

Radiant’s eye’s widened. “That’s impossible…”

Sombra stood up. He waved a hoof at Bright Blade. “And we have a winner.”

“You’re sick!” Shield spat.

“I am a King of my word of course.” He turned to Bright. “You are free to leave, Bright Blade.”

Blade blinked slowly. “I…”


“I don’t want to leave…”

He smirked. “Oh really?”

Radiant tried to move forward, but the guards kept their grip on her. “What did you do to her!?” she shouted.

“I…” Bright Blade blinked slowly again. “I want to stay here, and serve you…my lord.”

“Bright! Snap out of it!”

Bright turned to look at Radiant Shield. Her gaze was vacant. “S-snap out of what?”

“He’s controlling you somehow! You have to fight it!”

Bright smiled, though it did not extend to her eyes. “What are you talking about, Rae? King Sombra saved me from death. He is such a…such a kind, g-generous ruler. I must… I must…” Her sentence trailed off. Her mouth opened and closed but no words came out.

King Sombra leaned down and whispered in her ear. “You must give yourself to me.”

“I must give myself to him,” she repeated.

Sombra leaned closer, his breath caused her ear to flick. “Mind, body, and soul.”

“Mind, body, and soul,” Blade said flatly.

Radiant kicked one of her guards in the knee.

The guard collapsed and her companion rushed to her at once.

Shield leapt forward and grabbed the spear. She flung it awkwardly at Sombra with as much force as she could muster.

The spear bounced harmlessly off of the magic barrier. As the wall of magic faded, Radiant saw Bright standing in front of Sombra.

“Bright Blade, what…what are you doing?”

“I would never let you hurt my king.”

Shield felt herself starting to cry. “Bright, please… Listen to me, to yourself…”

Bright smiled that same vacant smile. “Don’t worry, Rae. I forgive you. For killing me, and for attacking my king.”

The guards tackled Radiant Shield. She didn’t resist as they clamped her shackles back on.

“Such a loyal guard,” Sombra said softly. “I think you deserve a reward, Bright Blade.”

“Oh, thank you, my lord!”

King Sombra tapped his hoof on the ground, and Blade obediently sat down. Sombra put a hoof on her head, and slowly guided her face towards his still-erect penis.

He plunged into her mouth, and a loud moan immediately spilled out of her lips. It was muffled by his penis, but it was easy to hear in the quiet arena.

Radiant didn’t resist as they dragged her back to the cell. All she could do was watch Bright sucking Sombra off. The arrow-straight hallway gave her a perfect view until they faded into the distance.

i put my quill down. i gathered up the papers and placed them into a neat pile. i picked them up as delicately as possible and trotted off to His chambers.

It was a short walk. He had graciously given me quarters very close to His own, so i could always be close to Him. He was so thoughtful in so many little ways. i walked into the room and He looked up from His books.

“Ah, Vibrant. I was wondering when you would finish.” He smiled, and my heart fluttered slightly.

i bowed as low as i possibly could. He didn’t deserve anything less than the utmost respect, after all. If i could express even a small amount of it with my greeting, it was worth the momentary discomfort.

He pulled the papers out of my grasp with His magic, and i waited anxiously as He started to read what i had written.

His eyes moved across the page slowly, methodically. Even when reading He was so regal and powerful. He chuckled, and my heart swelled with pride. i had made Him happy, even though it was only because of a poor reflection of His glorious activities.

i saw His penis starting to poke out of His sheath, and the pride returned. My inept writings had brought Him pleasure. i could see Him slowly stroking His body as He continued to read it.

“Does it please you, my lord?” i asked sheepishly.

“Well enough. But I fear writing will never be as satisfying as the real thing.” He put the papers down and walked over to His bed, beckoning me over with a hoof.

i hesitated briefly. i wasn’t sure why. Perhaps it was because i was not worthy to be with Him. That was the only possible explanation. Sometimes other questions would flitter about my head, but they simply didn’t make any sense. i felt a tug on the back of my skull. The questions vanished. i may not be worthy, but i would still do my best to serve Him.

i climbed awkwardly onto His bed after Him. It was so big. Only appropriate for a king, i suppose.

He leaned against the headboard.

i approached Him sheepishly. i had never had sex with any pony besides Him. Perhaps i was still nervous that i might disappoint Him. That was the only possible explanation; this was where i belonged, there was no other reason for me to be nervous. None that i could think of.

i bent down, kissing His groin softly. i dragged my tongue along the length of His shaft, slowly working my way up to the tip. It was so big, it took a few minutes. When i finally reached the top, He was fully erect. i could see and smell some of His pre oozing out. i moved my tongue across it. It tasted amazing. i looked up at Him, and i couldn’t tell if He was amused or bored. Perhaps both. i didn’t want to disappoint Him, so i drew myself up and crawled upward. i could feel His cock sliding along my chest. i could feel my body tensing with anticipation. It was so big, getting myself above it was a little awkward. Finally, i felt it brush against my pussy. i glanced down to make sure it was positioned correctly, and then began to lower myself onto it.

It felt incredible as it slid into me. King Sombra just sat there, that same bemused expression on His face. He never commented on all the mistakes I was making, or on all the things I was doing wrong. He was so kind.

His dick kept sliding into me. I could feel every inch as it pushed deeper into my body. It felt amazing. I almost didn’t want it to stop. I took my time, even though my legs were getting a little sore holding up my weight. I could feel my pussy being pushed open with each motion, making room for more and more of His flesh to enter me.

Finally, I felt my crotch hit the end, His balls brushing against my butt.

I felt so full. Every time He or I moved even a little, I could feel His penis rubbing against me. I could imagine His heartbeat pushing on me each time I sat still. I felt complete. Like the organ buried inside me had always been a part of me. Like it belonged there. Like I was nothing without it.

I don’t know how long I sat there, just letting the feeling of being one with my king wash over me. It might have been minutes or hours or days. I can only hope it was the latter.

My eyes snapped open. Something told me He was bored. I could feel it. I started to panic. I couldn’t disappoint Him.

I started moving my hips up and down. The feeling started to fade. Yes. This is what He wanted. I was making Him happy.

It felt incredible. I could feel His dick grinding against my pussy with each motion. It was so big, but it still felt like it fit perfectly inside me. I could feel every inch as I bounced up and down. Rubbing against me, pressing against me. It was so warm.

I started to pant. I could feel the pressure in Him. I don’t know how but I could feel it. It was working, I was doing a good job, I was making Him happy.

I kept moving up and down, over and over, up and down. Each motion sent shivers up my spine. My tongue fell out of my mouth I was breathing so hard. I was breathing so fast, I was shaking my hips and pussy so fast. It was a blur. Each little spark of pleasure fused into one big wave of ecstasy and I just kept going faster and faster, hoping it would get bigger and bigger and not wanting it to end but wanting it to end and hoping I was doing it right so I could make my King happy.

He came. It was so warm. I could feel the warmth spreading across my body. I could feel His semen coat every part of me. Splattering against my insides, sticking to everything. That seemed anatomically impossible, but that’s how it felt. The sensation was too much, and I could feel my own orgasm wrack my body. I might have moaned or screamed or gasped or even shouted his name, but I couldn’t tell through the haze of pleasure.

I collapsed against His chest. My legs were sore, my breathing was heavy. I couldn’t move, I was so exhausted.

I craned my neck so I was looking at Him. He was smiling. I must have done something right.

“Did…did I do a good job, my lord?” My sentence was punctuated with many heavy breaths, but He didn’t seem to mind.

“You did well enough, Pet.”

“Thank you, my lord.” I lowered my head, nuzzling His chest. It took energy I didn’t have, but it was worth it to feel His coat rubbing against my face, to feel His body against mine.

He rolled me over onto my back. I was surprised. Not simply from the physical shift or the sudden sensation of the mattress against my back; why would He be wasting more of His time with a nopony like me?

It dawned on me. Of course. He was so generous. He would never give me only one orgasm. My King always put his subjects before Himself.

He started thrusting in and out of me. Each time I could feel His semen sloshing around inside me. Back and forth. My stomach kept jostling each time He pushed in and pulled out, the weight of all the cum in it pressing against me every time it did.

He came again. It was indescribable. It was like my body had been hollowed out and He was filling every empty space with Himself. I could feel it spreading to the tips of my hooves and in my lungs and throat and head. I know that makes no sense, but King Sombra is so amazing; perhaps He was using magic.

My body tensed and I could feel another orgasm blurring into all my other sensations.

He pulled out of me. i felt empty again. It was like there was no point to living, like a piece of my body and soul had been ripped out.

i looked down. My stomach had a distinct bulge in it. i smiled. All His fluids were still inside me. It was a small consolation. i still felt incomplete, but i didn’t feel as empty and meaningless and worthless knowing that i had served Him.

He got up, His cape swirling about Him as He turned back to His desk. Of course, i was only a minor distraction from His kingly duties. He was right not to dwell on me. i was not, am not as important as Him.

All my muscles ached. My pussy felt like it had been set on fire. i was still breathing heavily. i shakily got to my hooves, my body screaming at me not to move. His smile made it all worth it.

“Thank you, my lord. I hope I was not too severe a disappointment.”

“You were quite adequate, Pet.”

i bowed, and i could feel my muscles strain. i winced, but i had to show Him how grateful i was. “Thank you, my lord. You are far too generous and forgiving.”

He turned to the table. “To thank me for my generosity, you may make a copy of your record, then bring it to Glimmering Rose.” He grinned. “And make sure she proofreads it as thoroughly as possible.”

“Yes, of course, my lord. Anything you wish.” i grabbed the papers and turned to leave. i took a step, and i could feel my legs strain. i limped noticeably as I walked to the door. i reached out to turn the handle and my legs buckled. i turned to King Sombra, and He was smiling at me. Why? i couldn’t even pleasure Him without injuring myself. i was so useless.

i realized he wasn’t smiling at me. i turned to look at the floor, and i saw a trail of semen along it. i looked down, and there was a noticeable amount of it dripping out of me.

i gasped. “I-I’m so sorry, my lord! I didn’t mean to waste your generous gift. Please forgive me. Or punish me, that would be better. It’s all I deserve.”

He walked over to me.

“Turn around and open your mouth,” He ordered.

i was only too happy to obey.

The shout echoed off the walls…

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The shout echoed off the walls as the spear struck the stallion’s jaw. There was a loud, wet crack and for a moment it looked like his jaw had broken. Radiant Shield smiled. One guard down, only twenty-eight more between me and the exit.

She brought the spear up to strike the next one, but the weight felt wrong. She glanced at the top and realized that it was not a jaw that had broken.


The blade had snapped off.

Two more guards dove at her. She shifted her weight, driving the butt of the spear straight at the rear guard’s ribcage. It glanced harmlessly off his armor and she fell sideways. She rolled over and kicked straight upward, just in time to hit the other guard in the stomach. She winced. Her hoof had chipped breaking out of her cell, and it was much more painful than she had realized.

No time to cry about it. She rolled onto her stomach, prepared to sprint towards the weapon rack, but her back leg buckled as she put weight on it. Another guard was rushing her. She planted her front hoof. Moments before they tackled her she lowered her head, moved one leg forward, and pushed. The guard flipped right over Radiant, and landed heavily on one of her companions.

Radiant Shield glanced around, trying to find the exits or a weapon. The arena was empty, save the guards she had just defeated.

Her ear flicked. Something was crackling, like electricity.

Her eyes widened. Before she could turn her head, the spell hit her. Her entire body felt like it was on fire. Every nerve and muscle screamed at her. Her mouth opened and followed suit. She couldn’t even hear her own shouts over the pain. It was agonizing. It went on for eternity. She wanted to die.

Then it stopped. She slumped over, her body completely fine and yet still reeling from the intense, throbbing sting. She tried to breathe, but she couldn’t take more than a few small breaths at a time. Her lungs hurt.

Somepony laughed behind her. Her brain hurt too much to guess, but she didn’t need to. A distinct chill settled over the area as he approached.

“Well, well. For such a short escape attempt, that was quite impressive, Radiant Shield.”

She tried to say something. Something insulting. No words came out. Her throat hurt.

“Bright Blade, pick her up. And Vibrant, take good notes. I have a feeling this will get interesting very soon.”

Radiant felt a flare of anger. Just enough to overcome the pain. “Stop…stop calling it Bright Blade,” she whispered.

Sombra let out a low guffaw. “Oh my, you crystal knights certainly love your clichés, don’t you? Is the Bright Blade you knew dead or some drivel like that?” Sombra walked around the fallen pony, chuckling softly. Finally he stood in front of her. “Ask her anything you like. She is the same exact pony she always was.” He smiled. “I just made her a little better.”

“Fuck you.”

Sombra beckoned Bright over with a hoof. “Tell me, Bright, when was the first time you met Radiant here?”

“We were assigned to the same platoon when I graduated from the Academy.”

“And how did you feel about her?” Sombra continued.

“I trusted her immediately,” Bright Blade said. Her voice was devoid of emotion. “We spent our first patrol together, talking about whatever came to mind. I knew that she would become my best friend. That I would do anything for her. That…that I would die for her.”

“That’s not Bright Blade,” Shield whispered.

Sombra grinned. “Good. Now Bright, why don’t you come over here and suck me off?”

Bright Blade smiled. “Yes, my lord.”

“Stop it.” Shield could feel herself starting to cry. She tried to hold it in. “That’s…it can’t be Bright Blade. It just can’t…”

“Oh, but you know it is.” Sombra leaned down and put a hoof under Radiant’s chin. He pulled her head up so that she was looking directly at him. “Your denial will only make it that much more obvious.”

Radiant closed her eyes. “Just kill me and get it over with,” she whispered.

Sombra let go of her head and it flopped onto the ground. “Now, where would be the fun in that? Simply killing you would be so boring.”

“You did it to every other member of the Crystal Guard. Including Bright…”

Sombra chuckled. “Oh, not all of them. There were so many members, I had to get a little creative after a while.” Sombra walked over to the guard that Shield had kicked in the stomach. She promptly stood at attention, her breathing somewhat labored. A teal mare with a dark black mane. Her crystal coat was incredibly dull underneath her armor. “Like Shadow Song here. Tell me, Shadow, how did I change your mind about my glorious rule?”

“You said that if I could hold my breath in a vat of water for an entire hour you would set me free, my lord,” Shadow Song replied.

Sombra smiled. “And?”

“The water was laced with magic. It was very…thick. It…” Shadow Song blinked slowly. “It violated me the entire time I was in it. It would push in and out of every part of my body. Over and over again. I tried to ignore it, or resist, but there was nothing I could do. Every time it made me orgasm I had to keep my mouth shut or lose the challenge.”

“And what finally happened?”

“I lost count of how many orgasms I had. I shouted after one of them and swallowed a bunch of the water. It tasted amazing.” Shadow Song licked her lips. “I drank more of it, and for some reason I didn’t drown. So I just kept drinking it and drinking it. It tasted incredible, I can’t even describe it.” She looked up at Sombra. “And then you pulled me out, and I didn’t feel angry or scared like I had when you put me in. And I knew that must have been your plan.”

“Indeed it was.” Sombra knelt down slightly and kissed the guard. Her eyes closed and her body quivered slightly. When Sombra broke the kiss a little wisp of shadow retreated into her mouth.

Sombra turned to the next guard, a blue stallion with a dull purple mane. His coat had the same dull sheen as Shadow Song’s. “And what about you, Blackguard?”

“The same test, my lord.”

“Oh, really? Well, I suppose there are bound to be some repeats.” He knelt down. “And how did it feel?”

“Incredible, my lord.”

Sombra kissed the guard, and the stallion made the same motions that the mare had; his eyes closed, his body quivered slightly, and when the kiss ended a small dribble of dark magic slipped into his mouth.

“You’re disgusting,” Radiant muttered.

“I’m practical,” Sombra countered. “One doesn’t simply take over the Crystal Empire, not without some tricks up their sleeve.” He smiled. “Besides, your former colleagues do not seem to mind.”

He stepped over to Shield’s limp body. “I am also fair, so I’m going to give you a chance to save your precious friend. A simple challenge, for an accomplished knight like yourself. Make her cum, and I’ll remove all the magic from her body.”

“You mean you’ll remove all of your magic from her body.”

Sombra smirked. “Clever girl. Very well, I will only remove my magic from her, provided of course, that you succeed.”

“Fine, heal me.”

The smirk grew a little wider. “And why would I do that?”

“Because it wouldn’t be as much fun if you didn’t,” Radiant said simply.

Sombra laughed. “Ever clever, aren’t you?” His horn lit up, and a thin cloud of magic seeped out of it. It wrapped around Radiant Shield, and she felt the tingling in her skin and lungs and hooves fade away.

She stood up and stumbled over to her friend.

Radiant knelt down. Bright’s legs were spread open in front of Radiant, and the rest of her body was propped up on her forehooves. Her friend’s coat sparkled softly in the low light. Shield leaned down. Her mouth was inches away from Bright’s groin.

She stopped. “You smell off,” she muttered.

Sombra chuckled. “I may have forgotten to order her cleaned. And sitting in the dungeons and then being killed doesn’t do wonders for one’s hygiene.”

“It’s not that,” Radiant said. “I’m used to that. She just smells…off.”

“Not stalling are you, Dame Radiant?”

Shield shook her head. She placed her hooves on Bright’s thighs. Bright bit her lower lip.

Radiant took a deep breath and pushed her mouth forward. Her nose bumped into Bright’s stomach, and Radiant stuck her tongue forward. It tasted salty. She pushed into Blade’s folds, her tongue squirming around her friend’s pussy clumsily and haphazardly.

Bright blade was breathing heavily. Her body was shaking.

Radiant drew her tongue up, and as she pulled it out she could feel it brush against Bright’s clitoris. Bright shuddered, and Radiant knelt down, repeating the same motion, but much more slowly, carefully.

The third time she paused at the top, letting her tongue rest on Bright’s clit for a moment. She rolled her tongue around on it, awkwardly pushing on it as many times as she could bring herself to.

Bright Blade shivered with each lick. Her breathing became faster. She closed her eyes and her head fell backward. Her chest began to visibly swell and deflate with each breath. Radiant’s tongue pressed into her again, and she let out a soft moan.

Radiant jerked her head back, her breathing louder than it had been before. “I…I can’t do this.”

“Please, don’t stop,” Bright purred. Her head was still lolling back, her eyes still closed. “I always hoped you would do this to me.”

Radiant scrunched her eyes shut. She turned back to her friend, and forced her head back down. She shoved her tongue back in, and it squirmed around for a moment before she worked her way upward. She paused at the top again, and then wrapped her lips around Bright’s clit. She wasn’t sure whether to kiss or suck or just breathe on it, and settled for a strange combination of all three.

Sombra smiled. It’s always so much fun watching virgins, he thought to himself. He pushed his dick farther into Blackguard, and the stallion moaned loudly as his king bottomed out. Sombra pulled out and then shoved himself roughly back in. A small dribble of precum leaked out of the guard’s cock, though it still wasn’t entirely free of its sheath.

Sombra started thrusting faster, and each one elicited a louder and louder moan from the stallion he was buried in. His gaze stayed on the two mares, and he could feel Blackguard tense and his anus clench right as Bright Blade let out her loudest moan yet.

He felt Blackguard shudder underneath him, and he heard a small, wet noise. The stallion slumped even further down as his front legs gave way. His mouth hung open and his face pressed into the dirt floor. His ass was still poked into the air; Sombra’s cock kept it in place as he continued to thrust in and out.

Bright Blade began breathing faster. One of her forehooves whipped around and pushed on Radiant’s head. Her tongue flopped out of her mouth. Her eyes snapped open and immediately rolled backward. She shuddered and fell over, her breathing softening as her body went limp.

Radiant jerked her head back and gasped loudly. Her face was soaked. She scrunched her eyes shut and continued sucking in lungfuls of air. She coughed loudly and stumbled groggily to her feet.

“There, happy?” She coughed again. “I finished your perverted challenge. Now let B.B. go like you said you would.”

Sombra pulled out of Blackguard, and there was a wet squelch as the he did. The stallion slumped over, small trails of cum dribbling out of his ass and penis.

“I promised I would remove my magic from her body.” He waved a hoof at Bright’s prone form. “And I already did.”

Shield spun around and knelt down. “Bright, are you okay? Say something, please!” She nudged her friend with a hoof, but aside from a small jostle Bright didn’t move.

Shield coughed loudly and turned back to Sombra. “What did you do to her?” she spat.

“Only what I promised to. I removed all my magic from her body.” Sombra smiled. “Oh, did you think she could stay alive without it? You killed her, remember?”

Radiant’s eyes went wide. She doubled over and coughed again. The loud hacking echoed through the arena. She couldn’t stop. Her knees buckled and she felt every heave wrack her entire body.

Finally there was a pause, and she opened her eyes. There was a small puddle of black goop on the ground in front of her. It was reminiscent of tar, but it roiled and shifted of its own accord.

Shield coughed again and her hoof shot up to her mouth. Her throat settled and she brought her hoof up. The same black substance was smeared across her hoof.


Sombra laughed. It was like crunching gravel. “All that magic had to go somewhere, you know.”

“You…” Shield swooned. Her head felt heavy.

“Plus there’s all that magic I used to heal you.”

Radiant put a hoof to her head. “What…what’s happening to me?”

“Nothing really. Not yet. The magic isn’t quite done yet.” He walked over to her, his shaft still incredibly erect. “But I can fix that.”

“No, stay…” Radiant fell over. Her head felt so heavy and foggy. Her body felt warm. Uncomfortably warm. And the harder she tried to figure out why, the thicker the fog became. She shook her head violently, but it did not help.

Sombra’s horn glowed softly. “Is something wrong?”

“Stay…” She couldn’t remember what she was going to say.

“I always stay close to my subjects. I would never abandon them.”

“That’s not…” What was I going to say?

“Tarnished Shield, what's the matter?”

“That’s not my name.”

“Isn’t it?”

Shield shook her head. “No… It…it can’t be?”

Sombra smiled. “Why not?”

Shield blinked slowly, and her breathing slowed down. “I…I don’t know.”

Sombra leaned down, his mouth inches from her ear. “You want to help your friend, don’t you?”

Shield blinked slowly again. “Yes, of course I do.”

“I can help you bring her back. You can put all my magic back in her and fix everything.”

“I can?”

“Of course. I just need to put some more in you, and you can give it to her.”

“You…you would do that for me?”

Sombra smiled, and placed a hoof on Shield’s shoulder. “Of course I would. I always give my subjects everything they need.”

Sombra stood up and beckoned Shield to do the same. He made a little circle with his hoof, and Shield slowly turned around. Sombra placed a hoof on each of her cutie marks and thrust into her unceremoniously.

Shield gasped. It felt off. Every time he pressed into her, she felt a sudden flare of panic, and every time he pulled out she felt a distinct feeling of relief. Wasn’t it supposed to be the other way around? Wasn’t it?

The fog flared up and the answer slipped away. Everything was so slow and foggy and complicated. The fog dulled the panic too. Without it to distract her, she realized it felt kind of nice. She had never had sex before, so she hadn’t been sure what to expect, but it felt nice. Sombra being inside made her feel full and complete. Every one of his thrusts sent a little jolt of pleasure through her body, and the dull feeling of panic had been reduced to a whine in the back of her mind. She could just sit and focus on the pleasure coursing through her as King Sombra pushed in and out of her body.

The panic became louder, poking through the fog. She still couldn’t understand why she was panicking. Something felt wrong, something about Sombra. I mean, King Sombra. It felt strange, panicking but not knowing why. The dread mingling with the pleasure.

She felt close to an answer. For a moment the panic seemed to break up the haze and she almost had an answer. Then King Sombra came inside her. The mental mist thickened. The panic faded. Sombra pulled out of her and she collapsed onto the floor. A gasp or a moan or a shout might have slipped out of her mouth. It was hard to tell.

Sombra leaned down. “You know what to do, don’t you?”

Tarnished Shield got groggily to her feet and walked over to Bright Blade’s body. She flopped onto her friend’s barrel. Their chests pressed together, and Shield could feel her pussy rubbing against Bright’s leg. Bright’s coat was damp already as Shield slid across her, her sweat pressing into Blade’s coat and mane. Shield dragged herself up a little, pulling herself into position. She grabbed Blade’s head with her hooves and propped it up.

“Together forever,” she whispered. She kissed Bright, and she could feel her stomach deflate as her King’s magic poured out of her and into her friend. She could feel it slithering out of her throat and past her lips, leaking and flowing and pushing into Bright.

Bright’s eyes snapped open, and her throat flexed visibly as more of the magic poured into her. She brought her forelegs up and wrapped them around Shield, pulling her closer as they continued to kiss each other.

It felt like hours passed as they just lay there embracing each other. Finally, they broke the kiss at the same moment, and a few drips of the inky black substance dribbled out of the corners of their mouths.

“I’m…I’m sorry B.B.”

Blade smiled. “Don’t worry, I forgive you.”

I can't take it anymore…

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I can’t take it anymore. I know he’s tormenting me on purpose. I’m a weak pony. I know that. He knows that. That’s why he singled me out. I know that this is what he wants. He’s probably been waiting for it, like it’s some kind of game to him. I don’t have the strength to handle this anymore. I just don’t.

Part of me wants to think those journals were all lies. The same part is probably afraid to admit that they aren’t. It’s hard to deny after all the things I’ve seen him do, but anything has got to be better than this. Who knows, if he does bring me back, maybe being his mindless slave will still be easier than being his secretary.

I couldn’t get access to a guillotine. Apparently they were all dismantled because he never used them anymore. “Too much damage to the bodies,” they told me.

I did manage to smuggle some plants and things from the kitchens. I’m not an expert on it, but I’ve followed enough of his orders to know what some of them do. I already ate them; I’m just waiting for them to take effect, just waiting for something to happen.

I’m not sure why I’m writing this down. Nopony will ever see it. I suppose I didn’t want to just wait around, without doing anything. Perhaps I hope that someday, when he is overthrown, they’ll find this and it’ll be one of the pieces of evidence they use to convict him or something. I don’t know.

I feel tired. I don’t know if that’s the things I took, or just the knowledge that it will all be over soon. Perhaps it is a little of both.

If anypony besides him finds this, I want you to know I’m sorry I couldn’t do more to stop him. I’m a weak pony.

I feel dirty. Every second I spend near him, every breath I take inside the castle, it makes me feel tainted. I see his shadow magic crawling around the edges of my dreams, and I don’t know if he put them there or if it’s magic or if I’m just insane.

Every morning I look in the mirror, and I think my coat is a little duller. The light doesn’t hit it correctly anymore. It’s not just in the castle, either; when I’m outside it’s the same way. All the light inside my body is just leaking away, being replaced by those slimy shadows. I can feel it. I’m tainted. I feel tainted and dirty and all the light has left my body and it’s all his fault

My lungs hurt as I breathe in. It feels like the air is made of dirt. Every movement is so slow and difficult. I take another, and it feels the same way. My chest aches, and it doesn’t move as I breathe.

Something’s not right.

I take another breath, and it doesn’t even make it into my body. I can feel panic and fear at the back of my mind, and my eyes snap open.

“Welcome back.” The words are quiet, but it feels like someone is screaming at me.

I try to speak, but my mouth barely opens. A small squeak is all that comes out.

King Sombra smiles. His teeth are so shiny, and I can see every single one. “You really shouldn’t try to talk,” he whispers. “You did just die, after all.”

“No…” The word spills out of my mouth. It’s barely a whisper, but my throat is as hoarse as if I had been screaming for hours.

He leans down, and I can still see every single tooth in his mouth. They’re almost painfully bright. “Like I was going to let my best secretary leave that easily.”

This can’t be right. I’m supposed to be dead. I’m supposed to be dead I know I am.

His breath hits my face. My nose crinkles as the smell hits me. It smells the same as always: bad. I take a deep breath, trying to get the smell away from my mouth, but I just suck in air he breathed on. The smell sticks in my nostrils. I take another breath, and my body barely moves as I start to panic.

“What’s the matter, Rose?” His voice hurts my ears. “Are you shocked?”

My mouth doesn’t work; all that comes out is another tiny squeak.

“Well of course it was all true!” He laughs. It’s like nails on a chalkboard. “That is what you were going to ask, wasn’t it? I know it is.” I see a sliver of shadow magic poke of his mouth. It leaks through the gaps in his teeth, like a piece of rotten food. “This is why I like you, Rose. Even after everything you been through, everything you’ve seen, you’re still enough of a naïve optimist to believe it could be fake.”

He leans down and kisses me. I jerk my head to the side, but my body doesn’t respond, my neck doesn’t move. His lips feel disgusting: slimy and greasy and dirty. His tongue pokes into my mouth and it feels even worse, like insects writhing across my teeth.

He breaks away and I gasp for air. My throat feels soiled, like I’ve drunk sewage and washed it down with dishwater. I take another deep breath, but it doesn’t help.

“Feel better?”

“No, I don’t!” My voice works fine, and the words are loud enough to echo slightly. “I’m…I’m supposed to be dead! This isn’t right! You’re not supposed to be here!”

“Oh? Where else would I be?” He waves a hoof in no particular direction, but my eyes still latch onto it. It looks like his bedroom.

“Like I said, that naiveté is really quite charming. It’s one of the reasons I decided to make you my personal secretary.” He leans down, and I can feel his breath on my ear. “The realization is always such a turn on.”

He pushes his hips forward and I gasp. My eyes dart downward, but I already know what I’m going to see. I didn’t feel it before, but I feel it now. It’s buried so deep inside of me; I can’t even see any of it. It feels so warm. My body feels so cold and it feels so warm.

He moves back and thrusts in again. I try to move, but the only parts of my body that respond are my neck and face. Everything else feels so numb and lifeless, like it fell asleep without me.

I can’t actually feel any of his movements. Every time his body slams into mine, I can see my body jiggle and shift, but I can’t respond to it. I want to look away, but there’s a pillow propping up my head, pointing it right at my own groin.

I can’t feel his hips slapping against me, but I do feel something. The warmth from before is still there. It feels like I’m sitting outside, and only part of me is covered with a blanket. It feels so nice. By Tartarus, I don’t want it to feel nice. The warmth is spreading across me and I can’t help it. My body is so cold. If it weren’t so numb it would be worse, but I know it’s cold.

My stomach is wrapped in the heat now. It feels like a blanket or a warm shower or laying in the sun. I can still feel it crawling up my body, and I suddenly don’t want him to stop. He’s breathing heavily now, grunting with each press of his cock into my body. Every sound reminds me why I should hate this, but they’re so easy to ignore in favor of that amazing, comfortable temperature crawling across my skin.

As my body warms up, my limbs start to relax, sinking slowly into the bed as they are wrapped in his energy. They were splayed out, poking in random directions, but now they’re so flat and relaxed.

He gasps loudly and I can feel something bloom inside my body. It feels incredible, like the warmth from before but a thousand times stronger and better.

And then he does it all over again. And again. And again. When he finally finishes, my body feels like it’s been laying in the sunlight for hours, but I’m not even sweaty or tired, just relaxed.

He tries to pull out, but my legs clamp onto his body. I don’t want him to stop, I don’t want this to end.

Oh no.

My eyes snap open. What have I been doing? What’s wrong with me? I scurry backward, and all my limbs work perfectly. His penis slides out of me, and I can feel it dragging out of my body, I can feel myself clamping onto it, trying to keep it in place.

It pops out and I gasp, loudly and pitifully. Moments later, my hoof gets caught in my pillow and I fall sideways.

Why, what’s the matter, Rose?

“I can’t enjoy this! I don’t want to! I hate you!”

Why Rose! That’s not very nice. I am a part of you, after all.

I turn to King Sombra. His voice sounds off, but I can’t place why.

“What do you mean?”

I mean exactly what I said. His mouth doesn’t move.

“No.” The word is barely a whisper.

King Sombra laughs. “Oh yes.” His actual voice echoes slightly. “Isn’t it wonderful? Every breath you take. Every move you make. Every smile you fake. I’ll be there, watching them all.”

“No! No no no no…” I try to stand, and I can feel my legs strain to hold my weight. My stomach feels so heavy, and my tail twitches haphazardly instead of helping my balance.

Why, Rose? Is something the matter?

“This can’t be right. I hate you. This can’t be right.” I’m tripping over my words. I’m in such a rush to say them that they don’t sound right.

But Rose, can't you see? You belong to me. You’re my property. You live to feel the warmth of my body inside of yours. It’s even in your name: Wilted Rose.

“No! You can’t have my name, that’s all I have left in this dark, horrible…” I put a hoof to my head. My skull aches, and my body suddenly feels so cold.

I cough loudly, and my legs finally buckle under my weight. My stomach presses into the bed, and it feels so much bigger than it should.

Oh, don’t worry. You’ll learn to like it. After a while, I bet it will even feel as natural as your old name.

My eyes close slowly. Something says he’s right, that I should just listen to him. I know it’s wrong, but it’s so hard to ignore. I force my eyes open, but they move so painfully slow.

My eyes finally focus, and he’s standing near my head. “Open your mouth,” he orders.

I open my mouth to say “no”, but the word never comes out. My mouth just hangs open.

He takes his time walking towards me. My body doesn’t move, my mouth doesn’t close, and I can’t take my eyes off his erection. It smells incredible. Why would I think that? I hate him, even if I am really cold.

His dick feels so warm. I can feel every inch slide down my throat, and I can track its position perfectly by the heat sliding into me. I didn’t notice it until now, but my mouth felt so dry and empty and frozen before.

I can feel his hoof pressing into my mane, but it doesn’t matter. The only thing that matters is how nice my throat feels. It’s just like the rest of my body; the subtle, relaxing heat crawling off his cock and into my throat. It reminds me of warm soup. It feels so nice.

He pulls out, then pushes back in. For a moment his hoof digs into the back of my head, but I barely notice. For a moment my nose brushes against his stomach and his disgusting, greasy sweat clings to my nostrils. Before I can react the warmth starts to wrap around my head and I just stop caring. It feels so nice. Something tells me to relax, and I can’t find any reason to ignore it. I feel so calm and warm and content. I could stay like this forever.

Another thrust. My nose scrapes against his coat, but I can’t remember why it bothered me the first time. He smells so powerful and regal and important. I take a deep breath and the smell is wonderful.

He keeps pushing his cock in and out of my mouth. Every time my body gets a little warmer and a little softer and calmer and quieter. The heat sitting in my stomach and legs meets the heat oozing into my head and neck and forelegs and it feels incredible. Just when I think it can’t get any better, I hear King Sombra grunt loudly. His cock twitches and I feel something hot and salty gush into my throat. It tastes amazing. It feels amazing.

Then it stops. My eyes snap open, and King Sombra is staring at me from the other end of the bed.

“Feel better?” he asks.

“About what?” I mutter.

“Why, you were worried about your place in the castle, remember? Luckily I was here to help.”

That does sound like me. I do worry a lot.

“Now, why don’t you get back to work. I don’t keep you around just to look pretty.”

“Right…I’m…I’m sorry, my lord.” I stumble to my feet. My legs threaten to collapse again. I’m not sure why—I feel wonderful.

I cough loudly, and I can feel something spill out of my mouth. I can hear it splatter messily on the bedsheets. “I’ll send someone to clean that up,” I whisper. Why am I whispering? My throat feels so sore for some reason.

I walk slowly off the bed. Getting off of it is a bit difficult. My legs are moving so sloppily that I have to slide off backwards. My groin slides along the sheets, and I can feel a sticky trail press onto my stomach afterwards. I should send someone up to clean that too. A good secretary takes care of things like that.

I plant my rear hooves on the floor and they buckle immediately. I’m normally not this uncoordinated, am I? Maybe it was something I ate. I drag myself up and head to the door. My limbs are so stiff, but I can’t for the life of me think of anything that could be wrong. I feel so relaxed.

My hoof touches the door and I pause.

What was I going to do again?

You were going to give your report to Vibrant Pet, remember?

Right, of course. Sometimes I’m so forgetful.

Vibrant signed the paper with a flourish. “All done! Some of the descriptions were kind of vague, and it seems a little short, but I’m sure King Sombra will love it regardless of its many flaws.” She turned to Rose. “Anything else you want to add?”

Rose hadn’t moved in some time. For countless minutes she had just been idly stroking her leg. “Is it cold in here? Or is it just me?”

“No, I don’t think so.” Vibrant rolled up the parchment and opened a drawer. She fished out an appropriately colored ribbon and tied the scroll shut. The off-white of the fabric complimented the creamy color of the vellum very nicely.

She turned in her chair and held out the scroll. “Why don’t you drop this off, and you can ask King Sombra about it? I’m sure he’ll be very happy to help you. He always makes time for me when I ask him for help.”

Rose ran a hoof through her mane. “Right, ask King Sombra…” She grabbed the scroll in her mouth and walked out the door.


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“Tell me, Rose. How is the schedule for today?” King Sombra asked.

“You have a tour of the farms this afternoon,” I answer. “Their production is down from last month.”

“By how much?”

“At least ten percent. The royal accountants told me they may have been lying on their reports. There were some discrepancies they couldn’t verify.”

“I see.” King Sombra grabbed his cloak, checking the clasp. He draped it over his body, the material fluttering slightly as he flung it over his back.

My neck felt so sore. A sudden, painful kink, like I had slept incorrectly. I twisted my neck, rolled my shoulder, but it didn’t go away. I twisted my head again, the motions becoming more elaborate and exaggerated.

The pain stopped. I relaxed, and as my body settled I looked back at King Sombra. The turns of my neck had shifted my view, and I got a long look at King Sombra’s dick before his cape settled into place. It looked so…enticing.

“Anything else?” He had been waiting for me.

“Yes. There’s also a pegasus waiting in the dungeons. She appears to have been scouting out the kingdom. She was quiet about who sent her, but her bag is made of Everfree hemp.”

“Is it, now?” King Sombra smiled. “I was wondering when those two would take notice of my activities. For Princesses, they can be quite unaware.”

I opened my mouth to reply, but no sound came. I could feel something pressing on my throat, choking me, coaxing the air out of it. I looked down, but there was nothing there, just my dirty coat.

“What was that, Rose?”

He stared at me, waited for a reply. I coughed, the pressure on my throat becoming more and more pronounced. “N-nothing.”

“But you seem so eager to say something.” He leaned in. “It must be important.”

“I…” I could barely breathe.

“Say it, Rose. Speak your mind.” He was still smiling. I could hear the amusement in his voice.

“I… Those Princesses…”


“They aren’t as good at ruling as you are.” The pain shifted. I felt my throat flex. “You deserve to rule all those ponies instead of them.” As soon as the last word was out, the pain vanished. I took a deep, unrestricted breath, and it felt wonderful.

“Why Rose, you flatter me.” His teeth were showing. “I appreciate your honesty.”

“Of course, my lord.”

He turned back to the bed. “Is that all there is today?”

“Yes, unless something comes up. The tour of the quarry has been delayed due to weather. We have so few pegasi available, there were complications.”

“Oh dear. That means my morning is suddenly vacant. I really should let that prisoner stew for a bit, after all.” He turned back to me. “Tell me, Rose, just how am I going to fill my schedule now?”

“I don’t know, my lord.”

“Oh, I’m sure you have some suggestions.” He took a few steps toward me. “Go on, I insist. You have my permission, it’s not like you could offend me. Please, speak your mind.”

“I—” Headache. It hit me like loose stone from a tall building. I wanted to tell him something, to say something that I had been wanting to say for a long time.


“I—” My throat hurts again. “Fuck me, please.” It’s like the words have been dragged out of me. Like something reached into my throat and tore them out. Something slimy and cruel. “Please, I want you to fuck me.”

He actually did laugh that time. I couldn’t speculate as to why. Maybe…maybe it’s because I wasn’t good enough for him.

He waved a hoof at his bed. “Well, since you asked so nicely.”

I trotted over to bed. My legs felt so sore. I hadn’t been standing in his room that long, but I suddenly felt so tired. Once I was off my feet, the feeling faded in an instant.

I gasped. His dick was already sliding into me. No pretense or games. Perhaps he had gotten bored of them. Perhaps I was too easy a target.

“How does that feel, Rose?” He didn’t even wait for me to answer before pulling back and thrusting in again. “You know how much I love honesty.”

“It…it feels amazing.” The words spilt out without any input from me.

“Does it?” Another thrust.

“Yes. Please…please do it harder. Break me in half.” I didn’t even feel my throat anymore, didn’t feel my mouth moving. My voice felt like it was being used by somepony else, like a hoof was pushing my jaw and throat, coaxing noise out of them.

His bod—his pen—his dick feels the same, yet different. It feels like someone else is moving my body, but I can feel every inch of him in my body. It feels so warm, so filling, so smooth.

He wrapped a hoof around my shoulder, pressing me, forcing me down and pushing himself deeper into me. It felt…

“Go on, say it,” he muttered.


“Vibrant, are you okay?”

Vibrant started, violent and fast. The book she had been holding fell backward, and her chair scraped and tilted and fell.

She jerked her head to the side. “What?”

Rose smiled. “Sorry, did I startle you? You’ve been in here a really long time.”

Vibrant glanced up. There were stacks of book piled around her. Most were dusty and teetering, spilling over their shelves and onto the floor. A few neater piles were stacked on the desk in front her and behind her seat, though her chair had toppled a few.

“Sorry, I…” Vibrant put a hoof to her head. “I must have lost track of what I was doing. I…” Her eyes darted to the book she had been reading. A handbound journal, identical to the dozens in a crate a few feet away. “I saw something in my hoofwriting, and I got…distracted…”

“Oh, you did?” Rose tilted her head to look at the desk. “What was it? Can I see?”

“No!” The snap of her hoof echoed in the cavernous storage room. “I…I mean…sorry.”

“It’s fine.” Rose dusted off her coat. “I guess anything from back then would be a little uncomfortable to look at.”

“Right…back then.”

“Anyway,” Rose turned back to the door, “I just wanted to check on you. I’m nearly done with the first room, so let me know if you need any help.”



“Why did we volunteer to sort the archives, again?”

“Well, I volunteered because it felt familiar.” Rose put a hoof to her chin. “I guess I used to do something in a library or the like before…you know, before he showed up. And I wanted to make sure that Princess Cadance got all the help she needed.”

“Yea, it’s…it’s nothing.”

“Okay…” Rose turned back to the door. Her steps echoed slightly as she trotted out.

Vibrant shut the book she had been looking through. There were dozens of them just like it. Her hoofwriting was unmistakable. She flipped open the front cover. “Transcribed by Vibrant Pet, under order of His Grace King Sombra” was printed so neatly on the first page.

She glanced back at the crate that held the rest of them. They had been ordered by the Princess to be careful, to avoid damaging anything. “History should be preserved, even the unsavory parts,” she had said.

Vibrant pushed the book forward, and it slid off the desk and onto the rest of them.

Perhaps I can find some way to nail it shut…