Mecha pony

by vanillacake11

First published

After the war with Chrysalis a new ruler was needed that ruler is Twilight. The war with the changelings grows on ever more and with the threat of Chrysalis coming back the mecha ponies were created.

After the war with Chrysalis a new ruler was needed that ruler is Twilight. The war with the changelings grows on ever more and with the threat of Chrysalis coming back the mecha ponies were created. But one mecha pony is different, she is the one who questions her kind, are they fake or are they something more and what is love and who is that voice... But what can Reina do isn't she just fake or is she something special.

'the beauty fake the danger real'

Escape from the command center

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‘Am I something more, or am I just fake?’

The world was in a state of dismay when the war with Chrysalis had finished, even though the queen was dead, her minions still came and destroyed anything in their path. They have but one goal to destroy the princess Twilight Sparkle.

Twilight Sparkle was the one who destroyed their queen the first time and the second. She is the saviour of all ponies, despite her friendship troubles. Even as the war ended a funeral was to be held and a coronation. The sun and the moon finally defeated.

They were destroyed by the fury of Chrysalis, leaving Twilight all on her own. She now rules Equestria and now holds the key to its success. She rues the sun and the moon having absorbed Luna and Celestia’s powers when they died in the bloody battle for Equestria.

3 years later, after the war, the mecha ponies were created. Mecha being short for mechanical, the ponies being only a tiny bit of original ponies then all mechanical. They were created by the princess to destroy all of the changelings, and created from metal not magic.

There are only 3 types of mechanical ponies the guardians, earth ponies, the punishers, air ponies and the shadow killers, alicorns. Each with their own skills and powers. Only 3 were selected for each town, village and castle. All being mares with strong hearts and Beauty.

The beauty fake the danger real…

But one mare stood out from the rest a simple guardian who questioned her kind and themselves the question always being ‘Am I something more, or am I just fake?’

I wiped the blood of my face and looked around at the five changelings limp bodies. I had slaughtered them all.

“Good job, I think that’s enough practice for one day.” Says my instructor.
I breathe in the smell of death and decay and turn around to say “I am ready to serve.”

“Well, I guess you are Reina, there is only one issue you have not been programmed yet for the outside world, are you sure you want to take this risk?” He says.

I examine his face his light blue skin and green eyes, he was old but still looked young, his cutie mark being a flask. I would miss him; he had trained me since I was created a year ago. I knew that the program would take a few hours, but I was ready for the outside world.

“Reina? Are you ok?” he says with concern.

Without a single thought I hug him as I wrap my arms around him I sigh “I am fine I am just going to miss you.” He smells faintly off coffee and acid.
As I unwrap my arms from him I see a tear at the corner of his right eye. “Don’t worry about me I will be fine, it’s you I am worried about.”

Before I can reply the door at the end of the training room opens. A young stallion enters, “sir we have an emergency the whole place is being overunned by changelings, and we need your help, arghhh”

I watch as his body is dragged away into the corridor, the screaming dies down and I yell “RUN”

I watch as my instructor escapes through the other door at the opposite end, I slowly take my sword out and approach the door he went through. I hear the sirens alarming everywhere, I look around and duck as a changeling swipes at me, and I grab it by the neck and strangle it putting its life to an end.

I run out of the training room and into the corridor my instructor went as I run I hear the sounds of the training room exploding, I turn around to see the door I came for being opened. I run with all my might to the exit door at the end of the corridor.

I reach the door and enter the command room, I see the leader ushering people out and other mecha ponies exiting as well. I run to the commander to tell him “They are coming, we must escape”
He stares at me with his old brown eyes and sighs “escape with all the others, my time is up but not yours make sure that all of you escape.” He pushes me into the safe room were the other 50 or so ponies are entering the escape pods.

“Wait, commander don’t do this” I say as he smiles at me and shuts the door. I bang on the door yelling for him to come back, but I was too late I hear him enter the code to activate the locks. I hear on the other side the doors exploding and I hear the commander yell a cry of pain.

I slide down the door and sit with dismay, anger and sadness. “Come on we have to go, that door won’t hold them for long” My instructor says.

I stare at him and slowly stand up. “I let him die, it’s my entire fault”

“Listen here, Reina he said that he wants you to live and that it is his time we have to let go” , BOOM…“Ok let’s go“ He says as he grabs my hand and the door behind us starts to be destroyed.

As we enter the last escape pod the door opens, I see the changeling gathering and a snaky voice says “You will be destroyed”

The escape pod lifts off we exit through the tunnels that were created for the pods. As we gather height and begin to get closer to the surface the same voice plays through my head ‘you will be destroyed’. Who would say that? It can’t be Chrysalis she is dead, but then who would it be? Was it my imagination?

The pod begins to start cooling as we grow closer to the surface, my thoughts calm with the growing feeling off excitement, I look towards my Instructor and see him with a wound in his neck.

"What is on your neck?" I ask as he covers it up.

"Nothing but a wound we don't need to worry about it." He says calmly.

But I had gotten a clear look he was bitten, I had heard stories that when a pony is bitten they can change into a changeling, I reject the thought though my instructor would never turn or so I hope.