The Birth of Death

by Vinyl Elusive

First published

All has been happy in Equestria for thousands of years with nothing to be sad about at all. But it all ended on that fateful night...

Normally in Equestria has a way of getting around the sadness known as Death. But when Death strikes in a way that is unfamiliar to all of Equestria, the town of Ponyville is taking it quite hard.

The Magical Essence of Death

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For thousands of years Equestria has been happy and away from any type of harm or unhappiness. The only type of unhappiness came naturally such as fires, earthquakes, floods, etc.. But all of the events had one thing in common, they weren't permanent. But their was one word that got the best of everypony, Death...

No pony ever wanted to hear or face Death after seeing Death take their loved ones. But of course, the two alicorn princesses were the only ones who would never face death, but they would have to deal with the fact that others would... Death was the one thing both princesses feared most and they wanted to deal with it as least as possible. So they tried to make Equestria as safe from any type of harm, and they succeeded. But the one thing they could not get rid of, the Everfree Forest... It was covered in a magical essence from all the animals that lived in it that not even the princesses could relieve, so they just quarantined it off from Equestria. But either way they were safe from harm.

Although, everypony came to that stage in their life where they would have to die naturally. It was a peaceful way to die, but it still caused pain to the ponies that they loved. But one day the two princesses realized that when any type of pony dies, it releases a unused magical essence that comes straight from the dead soul and disappears into nothing. The essence ran on pure happiness and joy. But the essence was also strong and almost, alive...

Then one day, the princesses devised a plan. They conjured up all their energy and cast a spell upon all of Equestria. Now whenever somepony dies, it's magical essence goes into the mind of all the ponies who knew it and blocked off the memory of that ponies death. But there was a catch. You generate the energy every second of your life but only had enough when you were an old age. But it was no problem since everypony lived to that age. So in a way Death no longer existed.

As it does now, Equestria lives in harmony and nopony has any worries or problems at all. Years passed and everypony stayed happy and never encountered sadness at all (Other than the ponies that lived to during the reign of Nightmare Moon). Equestria was truly experiencing harmony. Little did anypony know that would all change one fateful night...

Last Reunion

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It had been an average day in Ponyville with all the mares and colts all doing their daily duties. All the fillies had gone to school to "learn" but as always cheered happily and fooled around until the day was over. Meanwhile the Cutie Mark Crusaders had been thinking up new ways on how to be getting their cutie marks as always.

"How 'bout we try swimmin'?" asked Apple Bloom.

"We can't!" exclaimed Sweety Belle, "Scootaloo doesn't know how to swim, remember?".

"Shut up!" yelled Scootaloo, "Neither do you!".

"Girls both of you shut up!" yelled Apple Bloom, "We're never gonna get our cutie marks if we just keep arguing like this!".

"What if we got our cutie marks in arguing?" asked Sweety Belle.

"What would that even look like" asked Scootaloo. They both went on and on about the subject but Apple Bloom was to deep in thought to care.

She was thinking about her poor sister AppleJack. The previous night AppleJack had heard about some mystical apple trees in the Everfree. She was told not go but the curiosity got the best of her. We don't have much detail about what happened after that except that some hunters found her in really bad shape and not ever hearing about "mystical" apple trees or apple trees in general in the Everfree. But they were lucky enough to get her to the hospital at the right time. She had lost a great amount of blood and was currently in a coma, but luckily, still alive.

But what she didn't understand was where she had heard about the mystical trees. It sounded like a prank but the more she thought about it, the more it sounded real. she had remembered the day she had gone to Zecora's and took the cutie mark potion. She had remembered Zecora bringing up not to touch her minerals especially a shiny looking apple thing. She also remembered seeing a tree with glowing looking leaves on the way to show her friends her cutie mark. But she had forgotten all about it and might have remembered where it was.

"Maybe it could help me get ma cutie mark mark." whispered Apple Bloom softly.

"What was that?" asked Scootaloo.

"Oh it was nothin'." said Apple Bloom still embarrassed about speaking without knowing. It made her wonder how much more she had said.

"Alrighty then, whatever you say." said Scootaloo, "Anyyyyway, me and Sweety are gonna go to the clubhouse to brainstorm on more ways to get our cutie marks, you in?".

"Nah you guys go on, I need to some umm chores for Granny Smith!" said Apple Bloom.

"Really Apple Bloom? Chores?" asked Scootaloo, "You're gonna miss out on you cutie mark for chores!". This statement worried Scootaloo, but then she remembered.

"But there's no guarantee that we'll get them!" exclaimed Apple Bloom.

"But there's a chance." said Scootaloo.

"I'll take ma chances" said Apple Bloom.

"Whatever, see ya later!" yelled Scootaloo as she ran off away from school towards their clubhouse.

"Seeee ya!" yelled Apple Boom.

"Bye!" yelled Sweety Belle as she ran after Scootaloo.

"Bye!" Apple Bloom yelled back. She had always hated having to say goodbye to her friends after a day of fun. Luckily it would be the last time she would have to...

Leaving It At That

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Apple Bloom had just arrived to Sweet Apple Acres and greeted by a surprised Granny Smith.

"Gee willy Apple Bloom!" yelled Granny Smith, "I thought yer were at yer club do hickey."

"Nah I decided to come straight home today." answered Apple Bloom, "Where's Big Mac?"

"He's out on the field workin'." answered Granny Smith

"Stillll!" exclaimed Apple Bloom, "He's usually done far by now."

"Yep but ya got ta remember he's gotta finish up AppleJack's work too" said Granny Smith, "It also helps him get his mind off it." Apple Bloom had just realized how'd selfish she had been! She hadn't even considered how Granny Smith or Big Mac was taking the fact that one of their very own was in a hospital with a chance of not making it. Granny Smith seemed to be acting normal as if it had never happened, but she couldn't bring herself to think of how Big Mac was taking it. He never seemed to talk much, but he was a protective brother and he would never let anything happen to the family, especially to his sisters. It was just then that she had realized that Granny Smith was going over a list of chores for her to do and she hadn't heard half of 'em.

"Got it?" asked Granny Smith

"Uuuuh sorry Granny I wasn't listenen." said Apple Bloom feeling ashamed. Granny let out a long sigh.

"We lose one worker and everything falls apart!" yelled Granny Smith

"IS THAT HOW YOU SEE HER!" yelled Apple Bloom, "A WORKER". It took a moment to realize what she had just done. She would get mad at Granny Smith but never yell. "I'm sorry Granny I jus-"

"No no." said Granny Smith, "I'm the one who should be sorry." Apple Bloom had took a moment to realize what had just happened. Granny Smith had been a hard apple all her life. She was known for being the family member that never admitted they were wrong. But what surprised her most was that she wasn't even told to admit. "I'm just in a bad mood jus give me sometime to rest. It's been a long day" Without waiting for a response, Granny Smith walked off to her room as if nothin' had happened. Apple Bloom had felt terrible about it, but she knew Granny best be left alone.

She thought for a little bit and wished there was a way to redeem her self to Granny Smith for what she had just done. Then she remembered her plans, she was gonna try to find the mystical apple trees. She thought maybe if she brought one to Granny Smith maybe she wouldn't be so mad. She thought about getting her friends for the journey but the sun was setting and she was running out of time. She quickly packed some essentials and went off to the Everfree.

Before she made it out of Sweet Apple Acres, she caught a glimpse of Big Mac into the sky not moving as if he were stone. The image broke her heart, but she quickly looked away before it caught all of her attention. She hated the fact that she had left with apologizing or any warning of her leaving but she knew his would redeem her. But she would have to deal with it forever...

Regrets for Eternity

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Before she had even gotten to the border of the Everfree, the sun was already behind the horizon and the moon in the sky as beautiful as ever. She started to think that it might be a good idea to turn back and forget about it. Just go home, apologize, and resume her life. But she had remembered her cause! It wasn't about her cutie mark or Granny Smith anymore! She had remembered the hunters that rescued AppleJack calling her an idiot and stupid for even thinking their were apple trees in the Everfree. This made Apple Bloom's heart blaze with anger. She wanted to stand up to the hunters but they'd probably laugh at her and shoot her with a dart gun or something. She ignored all possible dangers and ran in with no worry in the world.

The Everfree was as dark and scary as she remembered. Every step she took she swore she thought she heard bugs scurry away from her incoming hooves. But that wasn't the only thing that scared her. their were bats, crows, and maybe some undiscovered birds flying around. She also had the feeling that behind the bushes and in the trees there were eyes following her every move. Her pace gained the further she went thinking that the path was getting narrower and the path was disappearing. She tried to calm down and remember where she was going. Then she heard something faint. She couldn't make out what it was. She stopped and listened a little closer. It was a mixture of a growl and howl in one. This was enough to scare her and make her run in a random direction, the biggest mistake she ever made.

She ran and ran without any consideration of where she was going. She was so scared she started to run blindly, literally... She ran in a random direction with her eyes completely shut. She was breathing heavily and scared mare than she had ever been scared before. The only thing that could stop her now was a... *CRASH*! Apple Bloom blacked out.

When she awoke everything was hazy and... bright. She imagined she was in a hospital after everything had happened. Three dark figures surrounded her. She imagined it was Granny Smith, Big Mac, and possibly AppleJack?.

"Oh Granny Smith I'm so sorry I didn't mean it!" said Apple Bloom sobbing lightly. No response. She expected to be yelled at or possibly slapped. She was confused. No pony was talking, not even muttering... Could she be dead? Her vision finally cleared and the sky was as dark Luna's mane. Then she realized the light source wasn't a lamp, it was a tree! A glowing tree! She found it! But that wasn't the only thing she found. Her family members were...timberwolves.

She nearly jumped out of her skin at the sight, but thanks to some practice from Scootaloo, she managed to bolt out her pandemic at speeds that would've impressed Rainbow Dash. She was far gone from the tree, but not the timberwolves. She started to get tired and dizzy from running so fast in a short amount of time. That's when the timberwolves saw there chance. The timberwolf leaped at Apple Bloom without and without a second to spare. Apple Bloom yelped when the timberwolf made contact. She couldn't handle the agonizing pain and toppled over. She was once again surrounded, she was already bleeding out and losing consciousness. She remembered all the good times she had with her friends and family. It took her a moment to realize what was happening, but didn't care anymore. She remembered her fight with Granny Smith, let out a sob and passed away... Death had risen once again...