A Pirates Life For Me!

by Aqua Shimmer

First published

Rainbow Dash is a pirate. She has to go on a special mission to save her ponynapped friends.

Yo, ho. Yo, ho. A pirates life for me! Rainbow Dash is a pirate and a mighty fine one, much to Shining Armour's displeasure. She and her crew are on a mission to go save her friends, which had been ponynapped. Will this colorful pirate save her friends in time or will she go down with her ship.

Chapter 1

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They were going to have their annual sleepover at Twilight's. Though Rainbow was looking forward to it, there were some concerning thoughts on her mind. She shook her head and took one last swig of her drink before getting her things for the long night ahead of her, and mentally preparing herself for the news she was going to share with her five best friends. before she left she put Tank's magic propeller on him.

"You know where to go." Tank slowly saluted and flew through the window. She then remembered what exactly she was drinking earlier and ran to the bathroom to brush her teeth. Soon she got the smell out of her mouth and double checked her bag to make sure she had the things that would have ruined her night without. The other stuff was in her secret stash in the library. Rainbow put on her saddle bag and painfully glided down from her cloud house. Soon she saw the library and landed.

"Howdy sugarcube. You weren't lying when you said you were planning on staying the night this time." Applejack said from behind her.

"Yep." She stopped walking so AJ could catch up. "I wouldn't miss this one for the world."

"Why this one? Why not the others?" The orange mare was now directly next to her.

"Just want to hang out with you and the other girls and I have to tell you guys something important later." The pair continued walking, now 50 feet from the library.

"Which is?"

"Nothing to be discussed at this moment. Hey Twi!" The lavender unicorn was waving at them from the now open doorway.

"Hello girls. Glad you could come." said Twilight.

"Glad to be here for once." She nodded to twilight walking through the door.

"She's actually here. I'm so excited." Rainbow heard Twilight whisper to Applejack.

"I was surprise too, but I think she's hiding something." Applejack whispered back.

"And what makes you think I'm hiding anything." Rainbow asked the mares. She set her bag on the ground gently, then turned around to face the two.

"Nothin. Just the way you've been acting lately."

"And how have I been acting?"

"You've been acting lik-" Twilight kicked Applejack. AJ tried to complain but one look from Twilight quickly silenced her. Twilight walked in and Applejack followed, never taking her eyes off Rainbow.

I'm screwing this night up already. Distrust is supposed to come after the announcement. Rainbow mentally facehoofed and scolded herself silently. She didn't have long to do that though because she was soon struggling to breathe.

"Pinkie." she managed to get out.

"Yes Dashie?" the pink mare asked, still having her grip of steel around her.

"Release." Rainbow was surprised that actually worked. Pinkie let go.

"Sorry. I'm just so happy you came. This is going to be so much fun. We're going to play games and stay up late and tell secrets and the first one to fall asleep gets a prank played on them, Pinkie Pie style, and-"

"Pinkie pie. I think she gets the point." interupted Rarity, who was walking into the room with Fluttershy right next to her.

"Good evening girls." Fluttershy said in her usual quiet way.

"Evening." Rainbow said, doing a small wave to the pair.

"You did make it to this one, Rainbow. That's so nice to see. How was your week away?" asked Rarity.

"It's been fine."

"What did you do?" Rainbow felt an urge to spill the beans, but she resisted. It wasn't time yet.

"I'll tell you guys later." She looked at each of their faces and memorized every feature. They all looked confused, save for Applejack, who just looked agitated.

"What do ya mean by that?'

"It means I'll tell you later. Nothing more, nothing less." It was obvious that AJ was not happy with the answer she had been given. "So what exactly do we do first at one of these sleepovers?"

"That's easy Dashie. We catch up on news and things like that. Do you want to go first?" Pinkie asked her.

" No thanks. I don't have anything to share."

"That's okay Rainbow. May I go first Pinkie?"

"Sure Twilight. Go ahead."

"I got a letter from Canterlot that had a story about pirate raids on equestrian ships. the princess sent out a battleship to stop them. Shining Armour was sent out with them. There's been no news about them coming back yet. I'm worried about him." Rainbow walked over to Twilight and hugged her.

"He'll be fine. You just have to believe in him." Twilight looked up at her and smiled.

"You really think so?"

"I know so. We all know it. Don't we?" All the others said yes and walked over to comfort her. Twilight's going to kill me when she finds out. Rainbow kept on a brave face so she wouldn't break down and start telling them to early.

"This is simply terrible darling. But like rainbow said, he'll be fine. Don't worry." She didn't hear what else her friends said. She was focusing on Twilight's face, which was brightening with each word they said. The rest of the night passed in a blur that she would remember for the rest of her life. It started slowing down around the time. She was both mentally and physically prepared for any outcome.

"And that's when I said, 'Honey, we don't have time for that!'" Everypony else laughed. Rainbow just smiled but even that quickly faded. "Is something wrong with Dashie?"

"I think its time I told you girls something." The room grew silent. "I'm a-" She was cut off by a knocking on the door.

"Hold that thought Rainbow. I'll go see who it is." Twilight got up and walked to the door. She opened it up and Shining Armour stood on the doorstep.


Chapter 2

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"BBBFF! You're alive!" Twilight hugged him and Rainbow quickly started to get rid of the tension from Shining Armour showing up.

"It's good to see to Twilight but I'm afraid visiting you is not why I'm here." Twilight moved out of the doorway and Shining walked in.

"Why are you here then?" Shining Armour didn't answer, but instead looked at all the others. When he looked at Rainbow, his eyes narrowed.

"You!" he said fiercely.

"Sup." Rainbow answered calmly, even though she was ready to pick up her bag and bolt up the stairs.

"Put your hooves behind your back! You 're under arrest for piracy!" Rainbow ignored what he had said.

"So I'm guessing you didn't enjoy your swim to shore. That's to bad."

"What do ya mean by piracy? RD ain't no pirate." Applejack stood up and faced him.

"That's what you think." Shining Armour took out his sword and threw it at her. Rainbow heard several screams but she focused on the blade that was coming towards her. Suddenly she threw her hoof out and caught the handle of the sword. Her friends gasped and Rainbow inspected the weapon she was holding.

"And I thought I took bad care of my sword. When was the last time you cleaned this thing?" She swung it around a few times. The weapon was heavy and did a poor job at going through the air smoothly.

"Did she just say 'her sword'?" asked Rarity.

"Yep. One sec." Rainbow dropped Shining Armour's sword. She walked over to the fireplace, reached it into it, and pulled out her sword. She turned around and all her friend's eyes widened at the sight. "See. My sword."

"Enough of this! Quit stalling and put your hooves behind your back!"

"Hmm... Let me think about it... No."

"Is Dashie really a pirate?"

"Yes, yes I am. That's what I was going to tell you guys before he knocked." Rainbow bowed to Shining Armour. "It's been fun but its time to leave." She darted to her bag, quickly grabbed it and ran up the stairs.

"You're not getting away this time!" She could hear him heading up the stairs. Rainbow ran into the bathroom and locked the door behind her. Her other things were in here. She quickly put on her coat and tricone, as well as pull on her boots. both her pistols were in her coat and sheathed her sword. "Get out of there!" The door was obviously not an option so that left the tiny window. Instantly she smashed it as well as some of the wood around it. Not wasting any time she grabbed her bag, jumped through, and grabbed a nearby branch. She jumped branch to branch, than lept out out of the tree and landed on the ground rolling a few feet. She picked herself off of the ground. Rainbow looked back at the library and saw her friends staring at her through the window.

"Bye." she whispered than ran off, heading for the docks. She heard a door slamming open.

"Get back here!" yelled Shining. The chase was on and Rainbow was just thankful she still had her saddlebags. If Shining Armour hadn't cut her wing last time they had fought, she would be at the docks already. Sometimes it felt like life hated her. She didn't blame it. Several guards jumped out of nowhere and blocked her path. She skidded to a halt and pulled out one of her pistols. She pointed it at them.

"I suggest you move before I make your brains explode." The guards looked worried but they stayed still. "You asked for it." She pulled the trigger as she used two bullets to shoot their legs so they fell over. "See ya." Rainbow began running again. The commotion she was causing grew attention from ponies all over town. She was lucky there was nopony in the street so far but she had to go through the marketplace before reaching the docks. Soon she reached the market. It was like a game of dodgeball, except with ponies. Rainbow ran around them and jumped over them. She was quickly through and turned to see Shining Armour and other guards struggling to get through.


"Was that Rainbow Dash?"


"Was she wearing a pirate costume?"


"Do you have any idea what she's doing."



Rainbow was nearing the docks. She could see the Pearl off in the distance and it was getting closer with every step. She was getting tired but she could barely notice over all the adrenaline pumping through her blood.

"It's about time you showed up! Come on!" Rainbow tossed up her bag and grabbed the rope that had been tossed down. She looked towards the deck and saw the bag get covered in a red aurora. "Are you really climbing up that slow?!" A minty green head poked over the side and looked down angrily at her. "Hurry up!"

"Halt! Stay where you are so you can be arrested!" yelled a guard, who was standing next to Shining Armour.

"Is it just me or do you guys get dumber everyday?" There was several clicks and she saw most of her crew pointing guns at the guards. Rainbow continued climbing up the rope. She was soon on deck. "Welcome back captain. Great to have your stupid plot back on board."

"Glad to be back, Aqua." Her second in command rolled her golden, her gold and yellow falling into her face.

"You're an idiot sometimes."

"As are you. Must run in the family, cuz."

"Sure it does. Don't you have some soldiers to yell at?"

"Yep." Rainbow walked over to the edge. "You suck at your jobs!" She turned to face her crew. "Let's blow this pop stand!" They all cheered and prepared to set sail.

"Rainbow Dash! I will catch you and you will get what you deserve!"

"Sure you will Armour! See ya later!" With that said, the Black Pearl set sail for whatever would happen next.


"Dashie's a... pirate?" asked Pinkie.

"It would explain the long trips. But why didn't she tell us? Doesn't she trust us?" asked Rarity.

"I don't know." said Twilight. They were still staring where she had disappeared on the horizon, closely followed by Shining Armour.

"Do ya think she'll be okay? Ah may be mad at her for not tellin us but Ah don't want her to get hurt"

"I hope she'll be okay."

"Is this a bad time?" Twilight turned and saw Sweetie Belle and Applebloom in the doorway.

"No, come in. What do you girls need?"

"We stopped by to return this book we borrowed last week. Also we have a question. Why was Rainbow Dash running through town in a pirate costume?"

"Pinkie Pie dared her to. Didn't you Pinkie?"


"May I see the book?" The two fillies gave the book to her. Suddenly smoke filled the room. Everypony started coughing. One by one they all fell to the floor and passed out. Twilight was the last one to drift into the gas induced sleep. A pair of black hooves stood in front to her face.

"Take them all. Yes! All of them. We will use them to catch her. Rainbow Dash, you better watch your back, Black Dust is going to get you this time.