> The Equestrian Hero's Call > by Genis94 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Full Story > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Equestrian Hero’s Call By Robert Shearer Every day of my life I have daydreamed. I can never get the thought of other worlds and adventures out of my head. I’ve dreamt of battling for justice in worlds found in videogames and anime. I have also had thoughts of living in Equestria. Heh, imagine that; a 17 year old boy living amongst the Equestrian ponies. Without knowing about the show, it sounds silly or outright insane, but I honestly think that I might have more fun living there than in my dull world. I go to high school and try to keep my composure around my so called “peers”. Every once in a while I get the adrenaline rush of a fun game or an awesome video, but other than that my life is that of an average teenager. My first year of work was a fairly fun one. After the initial anxiety I had a fun time. But since it’s seasonal I’m left to laze around during the winter. Tonight was no exception as I got into my pajamas and listened to music until I decided to go to sleep. As I drifted off I hoped that maybe I would have one of my rare dreams of adventure. The last one I had pitted me as a Digimon tamer for Renamon. I never thought I would be in for more than I bargained for. -------- I suddenly found myself viewing a dark night sky... but something was off. I could see the moon larger than usual... and it was getting farther away at a rapid pace. Curiosity got the better of me and I turned to look in the other direction. My vision was turned to clouds approaching towards me. I thought at first that this was fairly vivid for one of my dreams. I never had anything look or feel so real. Wait a minute... feel? I had finally noticed the winds whipping at my face and clothes. I was actually falling! My mind started asking a million questions. Where am I? Why am I falling? Unfortunately My questions were put on hold as I noticed the ground below. I went into a panic. I screamed out of of pure fear, my mind still holding on to the hope that by some miracle I would survive. As the ground was about to collide all of my senses faded and everything went dark. -------- To my surprise I awoke. My vision was blurred and my brain felt like it was about to burst. I lay on warm sheets in what looked like a hospital room. I came to the conclusion that I must have had some form of illness in my sleep and the falling was a dream brought on by the drugs administered to me. I heard the usual hospital chatter: nurses being called, patients being wheeled about. But something still felt odd. I heard a nearby voice that said “He’s in here. Be careful he may be violent.” This caused me to raise a brow. Me? Violent? Sure I play some shooters and other violent games, but I swore I would only use my knowledge of martial arts when in my own defense, or the defense of another. My vision finally started to clear and I started to raise myself up to sit, only to be met with a blinding pain in my abdomen. I looked down and noticed several bandages. I began to ponder what surgery would require such a wound. My thoughts were interrupted by the door opening. I looked at it as best I could from my laying position, expecting my parents to enter with an explanation. What entered the room shocked me to the core. I was filled with feelings of excitement and confusion that continually conflicted with one another. What entered the room... was Princess Celestia! -------- She began walking towards me. My mind began filling with more questions than ever. Am I hallucinating? Why is she here? She stopped in front of my bed and I was too nervous to ask the questions eating away at me. “I see you’re already awake. I suppose you are quite strong to have recovered so quickly.” Strong? I’m totally scrawny! Still I took the compliment. “Uh... thanks.” “No need to be nervous. You must have a lot you wish to know.” She was right on that one. I started with the one that seemed the most obvious. “How am I in Equestria? I’m not about to say it’s fictional but still...” “Perfectly reasonable. You see, when I used to dream as a young filly, my alicorn magic would occasionally manifest itself through my dreams. Over the years I have gained control over this. But about a week ago I dreamt of another world... your world to be exact. I suppose my magic opened a portal to your world and you wound up here.” A week!? I’ve been unconscious for a week!? She must have read the shock on my face. I suppose living for over a thousand years gives you time to learn that sort of thing. “You were brought here broken and near death. All things considered I’d say a week is quite short.” She was right. I just survived falling from thousands of feet above the ground. I shouldn’t be complaining about being out for a week. “So how did I get here? Or survive that fall?” “That’s the other reason I’m here. To visit the one who saved you.” She then drew the curtain to my left. Sitting there wide eyed and eager to see her, was Princess Luna. “Sister! I’m so glad to see you!” “Luna I was here yesterday.” “Well yes... but still!” I was beginning to piece it together. “I heard you’re screams while I was out during one of my flights. I got to you just before you hit the ground. But as you can see the landing was not so smooth...” “I could care less about that. I owe you my life Luna.” She blushed in response. I guess it’s not everyday you get thanked for saving someone’s life. “Well now that you are accommodated I suppose I can let the others in.” Others? She must mean... “Oh! I want to see the alien! I want to see the alien!” “Pinkie! He’s really hurt! And I’m not sure how much he would appreciate being called an alien.” I recognized their voices. Pinkie Pie and Twilight Sparkle! So the other four must be with them! Sure enough once the door opened for them, all six ponies entered. Twilight and Pinkie followed by Rarity, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, and Applejack. “Oh my goodness! Darling you look horrid!” “Well, no duh Rarity. That’s why he’s in the hospital.” Rainbow Dash retorted. “Well yes but just look at him! They’ve barely tried to fix his hair or give him a manicure.” “Well sugarcube, Ah reckon you’ve never stayed at a hospital before?” Applejack commented. “Um... the doctor was just kidding when he said he might be scary right? ” Fluttershy was as demure as ever. Kind of cute though. “You seem rather calm being around creatures so different from yourself.” Celestia chimed in. “Well I guess daydreaming all my life kind of helped. You know I could kind of say the same to you.” “Well all that matters to me is that you are a friend in need.” I suppose I should have expected an answer like that. “Hey are you going to eat you’re lunch? Because I could really go for some. Like hay fries or maybe some carrot cake or- OH! A Chimicherrychanga! Have you heard of it? Huh have you?” “Actually I have heard of it.” “Of course you haven’t because I- wait wha?” I just got myself into an awkward situation. I wasn’t sure how they would react to being called characters in a TV show. “Well... I...” I glanced to Celestia. I was unsure of what to say or do. Then I noticed she simply nodded at me. I took a deep breath and told them everything. About the show and the fandom. I even told them how big a fan I was myself. “But I don’t exactly think you are fictional. If anything I think you are just from another world.” “So what you’re saying is...” Rarity began. I prepared for the worst. “I really am a star?!” My jaw dropped. I knew she was all about improving her image and the images of those around her, but... really?! “AHHHH!!! I’m a star! I need to do a movie shoot, or a commercial. I need a star in the Trot of Fame!” Twilight rolled her eyes, “So you know all of that about us?” “Yes actually. I even bought the first season of the show.” In all the excitement I forgot about my wound. I grabbed at it as a sharp pain jolted through it. “Oh no! Are you alright?” Fluttershy exclaimed. “Yeah just a little pain.” I was still showing a pained expression on my face. “Oh! This is the perfect time to test that spell I’ve been working on.” Twilight said excitedly. Her horn began to glow and I felt a pulsating energy running through my body. In an instant it was over. I then felt at my abdomen and... the pain was gone! I could even feel the wound was gone beneath my bandages. “That’s incredible!” I blurted. “Oh it’s nothing...” Twilight replied. Celestia interrupted,“Well now that we are all acquainted and feeling well, why don’t we give our guest here the tour?” “What about Luna?” I asked. “Oh she’s actually scheduled to leave today.” Celestia said. “Oh, I forgot to even mention my name! It’s Robert.” “Well it’s quite the nice name.” The Princess responded. -------- I was given the tour of Ponyville. I knew many of the locations from the show but was still just as excited to see them. At the end I asked where I might be able to stay. “Well how would you like to stay in the Library? I believe Twilight has a spare bed there.” Celestia answered. “That would be great! If it’s alright with Twilight of course. I wouldn’t want to intrude or-” “Oh it’s fine. Oh and maybe you can tell me more about your world?” I was glad to have been welcomed so warmly in such a foreign environment. At the Library I got to meet Spike and he was filled in on the details. “That’s awesome! You’ve only been here a week and you already got to meet both of the princesses!” “Yeah I guess that was pretty cool...” I replied. After awhile we got to talking about my world. I told them about our different cities and cultures. They were surprised that much of our culture was similar to theirs. I explained what I could about how we used technology rather than a moderation of both magic and technology. I then told her that we don’t have magic in our world. This got her a little disappointed. Apparently she also wanted to learn about magic that came from our world. After we talked I decided to head to bed. It was quite the eventful day. While I felt too excited to sleep, my body had other plans and I finally drifted off. I began to stir in the middle of the night. I was awoken by a terrifying nightmare about a being of pure shadow that brought destruction wherever it went. The next morning I was greeted to breakfast. I was worried the food would be fairly inedible for humans. I was shocked when I saw a plate of scrambled eggs and some toast. “Isn’t everypony in Ponyville a vegetarian?” I asked. “Well, while you were in the hospital the doctors were able to see from your physiology that you were an omnivore. So we tried our hand at making some dishes that might be more suitable for you.” I was nervous that even though it was just scrambled eggs they might not be the best to eat. I took a small bite and was completely shocked. “This is delicious!” “Why thank you!” Twilight replied. “But you should also thank Pinkie. She taught me all about cooking.” I was digging in uncontrollably while she was talking. I finally took notice when she cleared her throat to get my attention. I was highly embarrassed. “Uh sorry about that. I guess not being able to eat for a week does that to you.” “It’s okay. Say, once we’re done here what do you say we meet up with the others?” “Sure. I’d love to get to know them better.” We left about half an hour later and met the rest of the gang at Sugarcube Corner. “So Mr. Alien, how are you today?” Pinkie asked. “Uh, good. But my name is Robert.” “So Twilight, has he told you about his world yet?” Rainbow Dash inquired. “Oh he’s told me a lot. It sounds like a pretty nice place.” she replied. “Do they have cute little animals there?” Fluttershy asked me. “Oh plenty. In fact I actually had two dogs myself.” “Oh that sounds wonderful!” “So what are we all going to do today?” I asked. “Well actually sugarcube, we’ve been getting a bit behind schedule at Sweet Apple Acres. The girls said they’d be able to help out like they did during Applebuck season.” Applejack answered. “Well I suppose I could help out.” I replied. “Well I reckon that’d be mighty kind of y'all." So then we began heading to Sweet Apple Acres. I was excited to do my part and help out. -------- Remember how I was excited to help out? I was beginning to regret it. They made carrying wooden tubs full of apples look easy. I could barely lift one at a time. By the end I was exhausted and trying to catch my breath. “Wow you sure are out of shape.” Rainbow Dash commented. “Well... I never... worked at... an orchard... before. And I’m not as... strong as... you ponies.” I replied between breaths. “Rainbow don’t be so hard on the poor feller. You know I had a tough time when I first worked the orchard.” Applejack said. “Really?” I asked. “Well... not really. But you did help out, and that’s all that matters.” I guess in the end that was really all that mattered. I picked myself up and dusted myself off. “So what’s next?” I asked. “I guess the Princess was right. You really can pick yourself up after a rough one.” Applejack complemented. I suppose she was right. I did do pretty good for fresh out of the hospital. I also noticed that I did recover from the work fairly quick. “Oh! We can pick up snacks at Sugarcube Corner. I heard Mr. and Mrs. Cake were making a fresh batch of Cupcakes.” Pinkie chimed in. That perked me up right away. I have a huge sweet-tooth. “The cupcakes! Take me to them!” I blurted. “Tee-hee! You’re a riot Mr. Alien.” “My name is Robert.” “Aww yeah! Mr. and Mrs. Cake make the best sweets in town!” Rainbow Dash remarked. “Well then what are we waiting for? Follow me Mr. Alien.” “My name is Robert, Pinkie Pie.” I guess I should have just expected that from her. After all it’s Pinkie Pie we’re talking about. I had a feeling she would get it at some point. This is probably just one of her random running gags. Apparently I wasn’t the only one who wanted to try the cupcakes at Sugarcube Corner. There was a huge line of ponies waiting to get in. When we began approaching the line some of the ponies took notice to me and began whispering to one another. I felt a little out of place at the moment. “Maybe we should wait till later.” I said, worried about what those ponies were saying. “But weren’t you excited to try the cupcakes a minute ago?” Twilight asked. “Well it’s just that... the line is long and we should probably wait for it to die down.” I lied. “Oh lighten up Robert. If anypony tries to say anything about you, I’ve got your back.” Rainbow Dash reassured. It felt good to know that I could count on them. I decided we should get in line after all. We heard a few murmurs from the crowd, but we stayed right in line. “Oh just a second. I’ve got the next batch ready for you and your friends Pinkie.” I recognized it as Mrs. Cake’s voice. “Here you go! We tried out some of those extra chocolate ideas you had and... who’s this?” “Oh that’s Robert. He’s an alien!” Pinkie said. Well at least she got my name right. “An... alien?” she asked. “Oh Pinkie is just being herself. He’s actually a human.” Twilight answered. “A human?” Mrs. Cake was still confused. “Well, I’m from another world. It’s actually quite the story how I got here.” “Well um... would you like to try some of our cupcakes?” “Oh yes please!” These cupcakes were beyond delicious. They tasted like they were cooked by a five star baker. “These are... soooo good!” I finally said. “Well... thank you! It’s not every day we have a person from another world eat our baked goods.” “And it’s not every day I get to eat pastries this good!” “So does this mean that he’s okay to be around?” somepony questioned. “Well... he’s really nice. And he likes animals too.” Fluttershy answered. I then noticed the ponies standing in the doorway. It seems they were unsure of my intentions and thought it best to keep their distance. “Yeah, like Fluttershy said. I’ve actually wanted to visit other worlds before, and now that I have, it feels really great!” The ponies began to cheer with joy at the new addition to their community. I was a bit overwhelmed. It was one thing to be accepted quickly by Twilight and her friends, but by all of the ponies in Ponyville? It felt so amazing! Apparently word got to Mayor Mare, because I was informed she wanted to have me speak in front of Ponyville. She wanted me to tell them more about myself and where I come from. I was nervous. I tend to feel that way before a presentation in school, but this was legitimate public speaking. I went back to the library to think of what to say, and to get some rest for what tomorrow had in store. -------- That same nightmare plagued my mind a second night, this time I heard that... thing speak. I couldn’t hear it clearly enough to make out it’s words, but it’s voice was like a thousand tortured souls speaking as one. My dreams were often strange but never so frightening... or repeating. I wasn’t sure what to make of it. I thought maybe I should talk to Twilight. Considering the resources she has she might be able to figure out what it may mean. I decided to tell her after the meeting at town hall, and I theorized it may just be the magic energies effects on my human mind. I got nervous again once I saw the crowd. It looked like just about everypony in Ponyville was waiting for the speech. The next thing I knew I was being called up to the stage. I really wanted to just stay standing there, but then Rainbow Dash began pushing me to the stage. “C’mon Robert. All of this was set up for you. You can’t chicken out now.” “I guess you’re right.” “Of course I am! Now get out there and give them a show!” I walked out on to the stage. The Mayor had just finished giving her introduction. I walked up to the podium. There was no microphone on it so that meant I had to talk louder than normal. “Uh... Hello everypony. My name is Robert and I’m an alie- er a human.” Great. I almost called myself an alien in front of everypony in Ponyville. I looked in the crowd and spotted Twilight and the others. Their smiling faces gave me the reassurance I needed. “Though I’ve been here for just over a week, and I’ve spent most of that time unconcious, I hope that I can become a friendly addition to the community. I came from a world called Earth. On there we have no magic, and instead, rely on technology to advance as a society.” The part about no magic got some confusion from the crowd. “How do wrap up winter then? Or raise the sun and moon?” Somepony called out. “Our world is governed by different rules. The seasons change on their own, just like the sun and moon rise themselves in the day and night.” This was received with even more confusion from the ponies. They were dumbfounded. I guess when you live with certain laws governing your world you find it hard to understand the laws of other worlds. “I know this is all very strange to you, but I hope that given time, we can become friends. I would also be willing to submit any information I can provide to anypony that would wish to learn more about my world.” I began getting a few cheers from the crowd. I suppose they liked the idea of friendship with someone from another world. I began walking to Twilight, wanting to tell her about my nightmares. “Hey Twilight I...” I began. “That was a great speech Robert. I can’t wait to see how you present yourself at the Grand Galloping Gala.” Twilight interrupted. “The Gala? When is it?” I asked. Curiosity distracted me from my original intentions. “Why it’s tomorrow. Princess Celestia invited us all as guests of honor.” I was shocked. Me? A guest of honor at the Grand Galloping Gala? “This is just.. Wow! But what will I wear?” “Rarity has been working on a tuxedo for you since yesterday. She says it should be done in time for the Gala.” “Yeah hopefully this time the Wonderbolts will pay attention to me.” Rainbow added. “We’ll I reckon they’ll be servin’ they’re fancy shmancy dishes at the Gala again, so this time I’m leaving the apple cart at home.” Applejack said. “I’m still going to get my groove on! Those ponies won’t know a good party until they try one of mine!” Pinkie exclaimed. “Oh, and those animals warmed up to me during your birthday Twilight. Hopefully they may remember me.” Fluttershy commented. “Oh hello Robert! Just the person I wanted to see. Well I suppose the only 'person' but that’s not the point. I just finished your wardrobe for the Gala and I need you to try it on.” Rarity said. So we went to Carousel Boutique to see my tuxedo. It looked fantastic! And the fabric was so soft and comfortable, yet still durable. I tried it on, and to my surprise it fit like a glove. “Ha! Another fantastic piece of art by yours truly.” Rarity remarked. After that I went back to the Library, as it was getting late. With all the excitement of thinking about the gala I completely forgot to tell Twilight about my nightmares. “Hey Twilight I forgo-” I noticed she was asleep. I decided it was best not to disturb her, after all it was just a nightmare. I then laid my head down and tried to get some sleep. Somehow though I knew it wouldn’t be an easy night. -------- It happened again. I had the nightmare about that horrible beast. It’s shrieking voice still rings in the back of my mind. It’s words began to become clear. “Foolish mortal. You look upon the face of your demise. But before that, I will ensure that you feel everlasting despair. You will feel the pain of losing everything you hold dear. And when nothing remains, I will snuff out the flame of your existence.” I woke up in a sweat, panting from the shock and fear. This had to mean something. Was it a vision? A warning? The only thing I knew for certain, is that this thing wanted me dead. I looked out the window. The sun was rising, but I was too lost in thought to be worrying about what today was. While the Gala was just 12 hours away, I was sluggish and unenthusiastic. “What’s wrong Robert? You’ve barely touched breakfast.” Twilight noticed. “Well Twilight... I’ve been having a dream. No, a vision. It’s about a being of pure shadow and hate saying that he wants to destroy everything I hold dear, then kill me.” “Oh my! This is troubling. We should tell the princess once we get to the Gala.” This reassured me a little. Surely Princess Celestia would know what to make of it. After breakfast we met with the others and boarded a carriage to Canterlot. The ride gave us time to talk. I told Twilight earlier that I didn’t want to worry the others, so we never mentioned my vision. When we arrived there was quite the precession. The Wonderbolts were performing an air show as part of the opening ceremony. There were many well dressed mares and colts. We finally made our way into the castle and spotted this year Princess Luna was welcoming the guests. “Hello Robert. How hast thou- I mean, how have you been since you left the hospital?” Luna inquired. “I’ve been great. Do you know where your sister is? We needed to speak with her.” “Oh she is in the grand hall. I hope we can speak more once you are finished.” “I’d like that.” We made our way toward the grand hall. Everything was great. The music was beautiful, and the food was delicious. Everything was perfect. But just as my worries were about to disappear, it happened. *KRABOOM!!!* We heard a massive explosion come from the direction of the grand hall. I began sprinting towards the stairs that lead there. All of the guests were in a panic, running for the nearest exit. Finally I made it to the top. I had to stop a moment to catch my breath. The scene around me was horrid. The guards lay moaning in pain, along with some high society ponies who came to visit Celestia. Then I noticed him. A dark shadowy figure in the center of the hall, speaking to the princess. He wore a black cape and black baggy pants that both looked ancient. He stood on two legs and looked almost human, aside from his dark black skin, red glowing eyes, and pointed ears. His hair was white and done up in a ponytail. “Come now, surely you haven’t forgotten me. Because I could never forget you. How have you been the past fifteen-hundred years?” Fifteen-hundred?! He’s older than the legend of Luna’s banishment! “Why are you here? Why now?” Celestia asked. “Oh don’t play dumb with me. You know full well why I am here. Fifteen-hundred years ago you took what was rightfully mine! Now I’m here to claim it back. But not before I make your subjects watch their beautiful princess, wither into nothing but a husk of her former glory.” I knew instantly that he was going to try and kill her. I had to do something! I looked around and spotted a breastplate from the royal guard, and an iron cane from one of the nobles. I used the breastplate as a shield and the cane as a weapon. I removed my jacket so I could move freely. I then charged towards the shadowy being and jumped into the air for a leaping strike. I aimed for his shoulder, knowing I probably couldn’t kill him, but hoping I could render an arm useless. *Krack!* Time slowed down. My eyes widened as I saw the crack wasn’t from his bones shattering, It was from the iron cane breaking at the point of impact. It slowly veered off embedding into a wall. “Well well! Why if it isn’t the mortal who’s dreams I was feeding from. Tsk tsk, you got careless Celestia. You should know that protection spell doesn’t work on those from another world.” I couldn’t understand. Feeding off my dreams? Then it hit me. The nightmares! He was using them to feed off of my fear! But the glory of my revelation was short lived. I felt his hand clasp around my throat. I clawed to try and pry his hand loose, but it was pointless. Tears welled up in my eyes as I realized I was about to die. I had so many regrets. Not being able to protect the princess, bringing this monster back from whatever seal kept him imprisoned for 1,500 years, and not being able to see any of my new friends again. “I would enjoy ending you now, but I promised you suffering and despair. And so far, I don’t think you’ve had enough. Besides, the seal will bring me back soon, and I only came to bring a message. Beware Celestia! For soon the Sun and Moon will hold no meaning. All the ponies of the land will know, is despair!” He then threw me into the nearest wall. I gasped to recover my breath, but my strength was waning. I fell into unconsciousness again. -------- I woke back in the hospital again. I was ashamed. I couldn’t stop that monster. Soon I heard somepony walking towards my room. To my immense surprise it was Celestia. “Princess! You’re alright!” *Smack!* She slapped my face. I was reeling, and filled with confusion as to why she would hit me. “Why...” I began. “What you did was reckless. You were about to sacrifice your own life even though you knew you had no chance of winning.” My head lowered, tears began to well up in my eyes. She was right. I was about to use myself as a martyr. “But you showed true courage. You faced him even though you were afraid, because you wanted to protect me.” I rose up. I regained my composure and focused on what was important: Preventing this from happening again. “So who was that guy?” “His name is Despair. Long ago he ruled over Equestria, forcing the ponies into a life of servitude. When Luna and I arrived, we saw the evils he committed and sealed him into the ancient ruins located in the Everfree forest.” “How can he be stopped?" “It won’t be easy. Twilight and the others must travel there. Only the Elements of Harmony can defeat him once he breaks the seal. But they must not use the elements before then. He may summon beasts and horrors the likes of which none of them have faced. They will need a protector.” “Me? But I couldn’t stop him then!” “You underestimate yourself. Did you notice how the cane broke? It was because of the sheer force of which you hit him.” She was right! Sure it was also because of how durable he was, but without my force behind it, the cane would never have broke. “So how will I be able to fight? I don’t have any weapons.” “That is why you shall receive the blessing of the alicorns. My sister and I can give you weapons that can only be made by the magic of alicorns. Imbued with the strength of the sun and moon.” Now we were talking! I could have a chance to defeat him! “So what are these weapons? When will I get them?” “Well let’s head back to the castle first. I must inform Luna that we need to create these weapons.” We went back to the castle. Rubble was still being cleared out from the attack. We found Luna pacing around, most likely worried for her sister. “Sister! Thank goodness you’re alright.” She exclaimed. “I’m fine Luna, but right now we have to focus on something else. Despair has returned.” “Oh no! This is horrible! Has he broken the seal yet?” “Not yet, but he may within a week.” “We only have a week?!” I inquired. “Yes. Once he breaks the seal he will aim to take revenge upon me.” “Well then we need to get these weapons and head for the Everfree forest ASAP.” “Weapons? Sister do you mean?” “Yes Luna. The time has come for us to use our powers to assist in vanquishing Despair once and for all.” “I understand. Come Robert, we must begin immediately.” We went back to the grand hall. I wasn’t particularly fond of being back here, especially after my defeat. We stopped. Celestia and Luna turned to one another and their horns began to glow. Suddenly, two large spheres, one gold and the other a navy blue, appeared. They glowed with a radiant light as they began descending to the floor. Suddenly the burst forth with light of both colors. I shielded my eyes until it subsided. When I looked, floating there in the air, was a sword and shield. The sword’s hilt was the purest gold adorned with Celestia’s cutie mark on the lower guard. The blade was a pure white metal that looked sharp enough to slice through stone. The shield was a heater shield that was black at the frame and navy blue at the base. At the center Princess Luna’s cutie mark was emblazoned. “Amazing!” I exclaimed. “Robert, I give you the Solar Sword.” Celestia announced. “And I give you the Lunar Shield.” Princess Luna added. “The Solar Sword can use light energy to strengthen it’s strikes or be used as a ranged attack.” Celestia explained. “And the Lunar Shield can use the force of shadow to further brace itself or to create spheres of protection.” Luna said. “Rarity should be able to make you something worthy of a hero to wear. You’ll need to train before you set out.” “Alright. I won’t let you down again.” I said as I began heading towards the exit. “One last thing. When all hope seems lost, look to the skies. Then the answer will become clear.” I wasn’t sure at the time what that meant, but I had to get going to find Twilight and the others. Once preparations were done, there would be no turning back. -------- I walked out to the courtyard, where I found Twilight and the others waiting. “Robert! I heard what happened. Are you alright?” Twilight asked. “I’m fine. The most that’s hurt is my pride. I felt helpless back there.” “Well you’re safe, that’s all that matters to me.” Twilight replied. “Are you kidding Twilight?! He totally failed! He couldn’t even stop this chump while he still had his power sealed!” Rainbow Dash butted in. I knew it was just Rainbow’s bullheadedness, so I thought nothing of it. “But Rainbow... don’t you think..” Fluttershy began. “I don’t care! There’s no way I’m trusting my safety with him. I’ll take down Despair by myself if I have to!” “Don’t mind her sugarcube. She’s just being...” “I know. But she is right about me not being able to stop him. But this time I have these.” I showed the sword and shield to them. They began admiring them immediately. I even caught a surprised face from Rainbow Dash. “Twilight, can you conjure some practice dummies for me?” “I should be able to with the tables left out for the Gala.” Her horn glowed brightly and soon the tables became dummies for me to practice on. “Perfect!” I exclaimed. I ran to the nearest one and got to work. The sword had perfect balance and cut clean through in the first strike. “Wowie! Mr. Alien sure is strong to be able to cut through one of your targets Twilight.” Pinkie remarked. I decided to correct her the next time she called me that. I remembered that the sword could use light energy, so I raised it skyward and collected light from the shafts of the sun. Soon the white blade glowed a gold to match the hilt. I then cleaved straight down, sending out a wave of light energy at a far off target. Once the two collided, the target was sliced in half, with both halves blasting far off from the point of impact. “Such a beautiful display!” Rarity admired. “Whatever.” Rainbow Dash said stubbornly. I then thought to test the shield. “Twilight! Can you have one of them strike at me?” “One come to life spell coming up!” Twilight replied. A nearby target then picked up a wooden sword and began swinging violently at me. I blocked his attacks effortlessly. The shield was actually so light I barley had to put effort into it. Then the target readied an overhead strike. I absorbed the shadows nearby and braced the shield. The shield was so strong by then, the wooden sword splintered on impact. The target then looked at the hand where his sword was. Realising he was defenseless he cowered in fear. I finished him and got a crazy idea for the final part of the weapons training. “Twilight! I know this sounds crazy but hit me with a blast of magic energy!” “What?! Are you crazy?!” “Trust me I know what I’m doing!” “Alright...” She began charging up magic as I absorbed more shadow. Then she let out the magic in one focused sphere of energy. I saw shock in her face. Uh oh. She must have used too much! I quickly focused the energy to create a sphere of shadow around me. *BLAM!* “Oh no! Robert!” They called out. “Oh man. That crazy idiot.” Rainbow Dash muttered. Then the smoke cleared. The shield held! I then saw the ponies cheer in amazement at how strong the gifts from the Princesses were. I then remembered what Celestia said about Rarity. “Hey Rarity, I need a favor.” “Oh sure darling. What is it?” “Well I don’t exactly feel heroic wearing these clothes. Think you can make something for me?” “Of course! I’ve never made armor before! I need to get planning on the designs right away!” “Actually I had an idea already.” I know it’s not original, but I thought it was fitting. I stood there wearing my completed hero’s garb. I wore the green hat and tunic of Link, complete with chainmail, undershirt, gloves, boots, and pants. I guess it also helped that I had blond hair and a silver loop earring in my left ear. I slung the sword and shield on my back and began practicing how to sheath and un-sheath the two. It took some getting used to but soon I could remove my sword and have the shield ready in just one second. “Well I think we should gather supplies for the trip now. We’ll need food, water, bandages, tents, and a map.” I announced. “I should be able to find a detailed map of the forest in my archives.” Twilight answered. “I might have bandages that I use to help out the animals.” Fluttershy said modestly. “If y’all need food, then I’ll get to packing some.” Applejack said. “Oh! I have tons of tents! I use them for when I want to have a camping party!” Pinkie exclaimed. “I guess I can get some water from the rainclouds.” Rainbow Dash replied resentfully. I could tell it would take a lot to get her to stop talking down to me. “Alright, we’ll meet at the forest entrance in an hour. Be sure to bring each of your elements. This won’t be an easy trip, but it’s one we have to make for all of Equestria. Everyone is counting on us, so let’s not let them down!” I proclaimed. “Right!” They said in unison. While my speech was reassuring, I was still filled with doubt at what would happen once we began the journey. -------- We met at the outskirts of Ponyville, just outside of the forest. Everyone had their supplies. Rarity even brought extra fabric and chainmail in case my outfit was damaged. “Well we’d better get started.” I finally said. *Squeek* I turned at the familiar sound. It was Fluttershy huddled on the ground. “I don’t want to go. The forest is scary enough. I don’t want to see Despair. He’s probably really scary!” Fluttershy cried. “Oh c’mon Fluttershy! We’ve done this twice! We just have to use the elements on him. So quit being a baby!” Rainbow Dash retorted. “No! I’m too scared!” I felt bad for poor Fluttershy. She’s been through scary situations, but I’ve never seen her like this. I knelt down beside her. “Hey, it’s alright. I’ll keep you safe from him. I promise.” I reassured her. “*Sniff* Really?” “Of course. I won’t let anything happen to any of you.” “Yeah, right.” Rainbow muttered. Fluttershy now stood up, ready to enter the forest. I turned and began leading the group. The forest was much creepier than the show portrayed. Even during the day it felt dark and mysterious. “So how far does it say we have to go on the map Twilight?” I asked. “Well it says it’s 20 miles northwest of the castle ruins. However, the path is winding and may take the rest of the week to travel.” “We’d better not waste time. He’s supposed to break the seal in about a week.” “Muwahahahaha! If you think reaching the ruins will be that easy, you are sorely mistaken! I may be sealed, but I have enough power to deal with the likes of you!” “Despair!” I called out.“Show yourself you coward!” “Coward? Me? How amusing that you think I am low enough to be given criticism from you. I said I would deal with you, but I never said directly. I can summon all manner of monstrosities to serve me. How about I introduce you to Y’ghtag the Bone Grinder?!” Suddenly a dark portal appeared in the air a few yards in front of us. What emerged was horrifying. A large red ogre like creature clothed in a loincloth and wearing several bones and skulls as shoulderplates, and kneeguards. He wielded a hammer with a shaft made from dozens of bones and a head made of dozens of pony skulls. I readied my weapons for what was going to be a fight for my life. “Have fun Y’ghtag. Be sure to bring me some of their meat. I could go for some fried pony!” Y’ghtag let out a bellowing roar, and began charging straight for me. I gathered the shadows and braced my shield for his strikes. He tried to hit me from overhead as expected. I blocked the hit, but the force caused me to bend my knees into a crouch. He pulled back and prepared to strike again. I knew blocking would be pointless if he was that strong. I waited for him to begin swinging, then I rolled to the right and slashed at his left leg. He let out a cry of pain and backhanded me in retaliation. The hit sent me into a nearby tree and the wind was knocked out of me. I looked up and saw him charging in an attempt to bodyslam me. I rolled out of the way just as he hit the tree. He roared in anger as the tree splintered, then grabbed at his arm when the tree gouged him. I saw my chance to get a good strike in. I slashed him in the back of the left leg, making him collapse in it’s already weakened state. I then climbed on top of his back. I ran to the top and jumped off, turning to face his neck and cleaving my sword down from overhead. The light I absorbed during the jump gave me just the strength to cut through his neck completely. I landed just after his head hit the ground. I then swung my sword out to my right to send some of the blood off. But to my surprise it wasn't there. His corpse disappeared in a plume of black smoke. So they were created by magic. Good! That meant I could keep my promise of never killing to myself. “Sorry you had to see that...” I apologized. “Well shucks, I’d be sorry if I hadn’t! That was one heap of a fight!” Applejack exclaimed. “You really did keep your promise! I was really worried for a moment.” Fluttershy rejoiced. “Oh c’mon! He just got lucky. If it wasn’t for that thing being so clumsy, he never would have won!” Rainbow jeered. I then heard footsteps behind me. I quickly turned, pointing my sword in the direction of the sound. It was Zecora! “What strange creature I’ve found here in the woods, Hopefully one looking to buy some of my goods.” She rhymed. “Hello Zecora. We we’re traveling to the ancient ruins.” Twilight called out. “Hello my friends! It is good to see you, But who is this? He appears to be new.” “His name is Robert. He’s escorting us to the ruins.” “I see. You may need some of my potions. Perhaps I should also give Rarity some lotions?” “Would you? Because I simply can’t stand how filthy this place is.” She caught a glare from Zecora. “Not that it’s a problem. I-in fact I may be able to find some mineral rich mud.” We went to Zecora’s to get some potions to help. “The journey you are on will be filled with plight, so take this one to see in the night. You may also need to deal with burns, so take this salve so you don’t wind up in urns. ” I took the potion and salve and was ready to say goodbye, when she reached for one last vial. “Use this when life is cut short, so you will not fail as their escort.” “Thank you Zecora. I’m glad to have met you during our journey.” We left Zecora’s and set out back on the path. I just hope we won’t have to use that life phial anytime soon. -------- We continued on our trek. My first encounter with one of Despair’s minions went better than expected, but I had a feeling my luck wouldn’t keep me safe forever. I began seeing some landmarks from the very first episode of Friendship is Magic. I saw the partially collapsed cliff from when Nightmare Moon attempted to kill the Mane 6. At least this meant we were on the right path. “ Hey Robert. I’ve been meanin’ to ask y’all, where did you learn to tangle with monsters like that?” Applejack asked. “To tell the truth the most training I had was some martial arts classes. And even then I never got into a real fight before.” I answered. “Beg pardon?” “Well yeah. That was my first real fight. Second if you count the beating I got from Despair.” “You mean to tell me you just cut up that big ol’ ogre like it was nothing, and that was your first fight?” “Yeah, I guess Rainbow Dash was right about me being lucky back there.” “No duh! I’ve seen my share of scrapes in Cloudsdale, and you wouldn’t have lasted up there.” Rainbow Dash retorted. I was starting to get tired of Dash’s bullheadedness. I could understand why she would be uneasy about me being their escort at first, but I haven’t failed them yet. “So Robert, it’s starting to get late. Do you think we should setup camp for the night?” Twilight asked. “Yeah, it’s best we move during the day when we can see the path. Pinkie, how many tents did you bring?” I replied. “Well I had plenty, but they were heavy. I could lift only three of them.” Pinkie said. “That’s alright the six of you can split them two per tent. I’ll stay out and keep watch.” “Now just hold on one second! I don’t trust you to keep us safe in the night, so I’ll keep watch too.” Rainbow interjected. “Jeez Rainbow! I had no idea you could be such a grumpy pants.” Pinkie admired. “Oh c’mon Pinkie! You can’t possibly trust this dork to stay awake nine hours and keep us from being butchered in our sleep, can you?” “Rainbow Dash! You’re attitude has been way out of line since Robert came back from the attack at the Gala. I don’t know what’s wrong with you but you need to put your feelings aside so we can focus on stopping Despair.” Twilight defended. “Oh fine! I’ll play nice... for now.” We finally got to setting up camp. Twilight and Pinkie setup the tents, while Applejack and I went to gather firewood. When we got back the tents were setup just like you would see them on their boxes. I guess it had to do with Twilight’s OCD. I used what little knowledge I had of survival situations to start the fire with a stick, some tinder, and a single log for a base. It took about twenty minutes but I got the fire going, and my hands were tired out from the process. Rarity, Pinkie, and Applejack began cooking the provisions we brought. As I expected much of it was apples, but there were also some nuts, vegetables, and for the girls... hay. Fluttershy was nearby talking to the animals. She said she never got a chance to talk to any of them during their past adventures, so she wanted to do that while we were settling in. After dinner the girls went to their tents. Twilight and Applejack shared one, while another was occupied by Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie, the last was in use by Fluttershy and Rarity. I sat outside and kept the fire alive. It was fairly warm for nighttime. I kept sitting on a log near the fire, dropping an occasional drop of water in my eyes to help keep them from feeling tired. I looked up at the stars, passing the time by trying to find the constellations, an activity I rarely could partake in due to the lights of civilization. I heard the unzipping of one of the tents behind me. I turned and saw Rainbow Dash sneaking out as quietly as she could muster. “What’s wrong?” I asked. “One: I only came to make sure you weren’t sleeping during your watch. And two: I don’t need any sympathy from you.” “I don’t want us to be at each others throats Rainbow. I want to be friends with you.” “Well maybe I don’t want that. You may have the others fooled but I don’t trust you. After all, Despair did show up after you came here.” “True he did use the fear from the nightmares he gave me to escape, but I want him gone as much as you. Why else would I have risked my life to stop him at the Gala?” “Well... I... maybe you were just trying to create an alibi?” “He nearly suffocated me. I don’t think that was an act.” “Alright so you aren’t working for Despair. I still don’t think your up to snuff when it comes to protecting us.” “You may be right on that one. I got lucky today, but who knows what he’ll send next time. You can head back to sleep you know?” “I still don’t trust you enough to leave the watch up to you. I’m staying.” “Fine.” So we both sat there fighting boredom and watching for threats we both had a feeling wouldn’t show up. It may not have been what I wanted, but I was making progress with Rainbow. -------- The next morning we got up and made breakfast as soon as we could. We got finished and packed up the tents. I was exhausted from the watch but I wasn’t about to let that stop me from doing my job. As soon as we were all ready we looked at the map to see how far we were. We were only a mile and a half from the ruins of the home of the alicorns. Once we got there we could take one of the paths in the back garden to continue towards the ancient ruins. We got back on the path and crossed the river and bridge from the first episode. There it stood, the ruins of the ancient home of the alicorns. The show couldn’t have prepared me for the eerie atmosphere of the place. “So how do we get to the gardens Twilight?” I asked. “We should be able to make it there through the foyer. There’s a door on the right that leads to the gardens.” Twilight replied. “Alright we better get-” “Such a shame. Y’ghtag was good at his work. I always enjoyed watching him grind the bones of the executed.” Despair’s voice echoed. “I had no idea you could care for something, let alone a creature you made with magic.” “Be that as it may, his death only leaves me a man short. You will still die before you make it anywhere near the ruins. My little pet, Dark Flame, should be more than a match for you. I always was sure to discipline him strictly. Farewell. HA HA HA HA HA!!” Immediately after his voice ceased an earsplitting cry filled the air. I looked up at the collapsed roof where it came from. A large drake with pure black scales, scars, and blazing red eyes bellowed and dropped down to the floor below. It roared as it prepared to undoubtedly spit fire at me. I raised my shield and used the shadows to create a sphere to protect myself. The flames clashed against the barrier, and I felt the heat from it, but I was unharmed. As soon as the barrier dropped I charged at the dragon and struck him in the side of the mouth. This was a bad idea as he simply began snapping at me. I managed to dodge most except a gash in my right arm, the wound wasn’t deep enough to affect my sword skills too much though. He prepared for a second volley of flame, which gave me an idea. I created another barrier but rolled away as his flames impacted the wall of shadow. While he was focused on the sphere, I moved into his blind spot and jumped on his back. I then began stabbing his back and hitting his head with my hilt. Eventually this won over and he collapsed on the ground. I raised my sword to end him like Y’ghtag, but... something caught my eye. I saw tears on the floor. This drake was terrified for it’s life. “What are you waiting for?! Finish that overgrown newt!” Rainbow Dash called. *Clang!* I threw my sword to the ground. “What are you doing?! He’ll just kill you!” Twilight called. “No. Don’t you see? It’s just like the Mantacor. He was tortured into obedience by Despair. Now he’s scared for his life. Besides I promised myself I would never kill.” The drake looked up surprised. This was possibly the first time he had been shown compassion. He then nodded his head and flew off. My guess was he was headed to the mountains to begin living a free life. “I’m so proud of you Robert.” Fluttershy said. “I only did what I thought was right.” I replied. “What you thought was right could have killed us all!” Rainbow commented. “I could see his fear Rainbow. The last thing he was going to do was kill me.” We continued to the garden entrance. The place was overgrown from hundreds of years of abandonment. After a bit of searching we found the path that led to the ruins where Despair was sealed. “So how long do you estimate it will take to get there now?” I asked Twilight. “Well we made good time getting here, but like I said, the path is winding. It’ll take us about five days to get there.” Twilight replied. “Alright, we’ll walk until about lunch. After that we continue until about five o’ clock, at which point we’ll setup camp and cook dinner.” I said. We stood with the schedule and made good progress. The path had us climbing and occasionally wading. Despair made no further attempts at stopping us. I assume his power could only summon one monster per day. We setup camp a little faster than before. After dinner I gathered some more wood to keep the fire going during my watch. Even for the Everfree forest it felt eerie. I felt like... I was being watched. I dismissed the thought, thinking it was Despair keeping tabs on me. I turned to head back and was startled as a certain cyan pony was hovering right in front of me. “Jeez, what’s with you? You look like you just saw a ghost.” Rainbow commented. “Sorry. I just felt like... something was watching me.” “That was probably me genius. Let’s get back to camp already. It’s bad enough I have to play nice with you, but now your getting scared at your own shadow.” We got back to camp and sat around the fire. I picked off some bark and collected it in a bag for later use as tinder. I thought I should try to get on better terms with Rainbow. “You know I don’t think I got to tell you much about my world Rainbow.” I said. “Don’t bother. It’s probably not nearly as cool as Equestria.” “True, but I never told you how big a fanbase you have.” “Wait, how many?” “Plenty of them. I probably couldn’t count an exact amount.” “Finally, something about your world that interests me.” “Yeah, people have written all sorts of stories about you. You’re practically a poster character.” “Well, naturally! Who else could show how awesome we are?” “I even had two shirts with you on them.” “Huh, I think I’m actually starting to like you. Tell me more.” “Well there’s a fanfic someone wrote that’s all about you, called My Little Dashie. It was really sad.” “Sad?” “Yeah, it was about you winding up in my world as a fillie. One guy found you and raised you like his child. It was happy for fifteen years, aside from a fight the two of you had.” “I’m not seeing the sad part yet.” “Well, after fifteen years, Celestia and the others came to my world and found you. They came to take you back, but the problem was after fifteen years you had come to recognize that guy as your father. It was emotional for all of you. I mean, living with someone you had come to call ‘daddy’ for fifteen years, only to have to say goodbye forever? I’d say that’s as sad as it gets” “W-well... I wouldn’t have c-cried at that.” I guess Dash was really imagining it well to have been close to tears. “It’s alright Dashie. I cried at the story too. I felt really bad for you and the writer.” “What are you saying? I don’t need pity from you, especially from something that never happened.” I guess she was trying to avoid getting “sappy”. “Well, I just wanted you to know how much I respect and admire you. I thought that would be a good example.” The rest of the night was fairly quiet. Rainbow wasn’t in the mood for talking after almost loosing her composure. At least I was starting to make progress. -------- Morning came without attack for the second time, but still the lack of sleep was eating away at my strength. I decided it would be best if Rainbow and I worked in shifts. She agreed saying she would prefer not having to talk to me. I ignored the insult, as I was just glad that I could get some sleep again. We continued along the path. About midday we stopped to rest and eat. I finished my meal quick and took a nap. About an hour later we made it to a small clearing in the trees. “According to the map, there should be another path starting at the northeast.” Twilight said. “Alright, we just have to figure out which direction is northeast from here.” “Well if I’m reading the map correctly, it should be that way.” Twilight pointed over to the right. We could see the start of a beaten path. “You really are beginning to become a nuisance. You defeated Dark Flame, yet you didn’t have the decency to kill him afterwards?” Despair’s voice called out. “Unlike you I actually have a heart.” “Oh, I believe you. That will make it sweeter when I have it delivered to me with a side of pony chops! You know what to do Marrow Drinker.” I looked around for the portal, but none appeared. Suddenly skeletal arms burst forth from the ground. It had four arms, each with a withered old blade. He wore only gloves, boots, and a helmet. He charged straight at me preparing each blade for separate strikes. I had to block with my shield and parry with my sword to keep from being cut up. I missed one and it cut into my right side. The blade felt dull, as it only cut into flesh. I charged my sword and sent a beam of energy at his legs. He then tossed the weapons from his lower arms, and crawled towards me. I jumped above him and cleaved the rest of his body in half. I then began spurting blood from my wound. I collapsed and tried to control the bleeding. Fluttershy and Twilight arrived with the bandages. Fluttershy removed my chainmail, shirt, and tunic to begin applying the bandages to the wound. Soon the wound was properly covered and I tried to stand up. “Just sit down for now Robert.” Twilight instructed. “Oh please be okay.” Fluttershy begged. “I’ll be fine. Do you think you can heal me again Twilight?” I asked. “Yes, but we need to wait for the bleeding to stop. The spell can only speed up the healing process. If I were to try now, I may just end up speeding up the bleeding.” “It’s alright, I trust your judgment.” I replied. “These varments just get meaner looking as we travel.” Applejack commented. “Something about this last one felt odd. Sure he got a shot at me, but he still felt... weak.” “Maybe it was just because the fight was short?” Twilight asked. “Maybe, but wouldn’t he send stronger monsters if he’s regaining more of his power?” I asked. “Your right, something doesn’t add up. We’ll deal with it later though. Right now we need to get to a better spot to camp up. That gaping hole from where he crawled up could be a problem.” Twilight added. “Alright, we’d better get moving then.” “Hold it there partner. You’re in no shape to walk without help just yet. Rainbow, can you give me a hoof?” “Ugh! I’m beginning to ask who’s escorting who.” Rainbow said. “Quit yer whining and just help me.” The two ponies helped carry me until we got to another clearing in the thicket. I unloaded the tinder from my bag, and began setting the fire pit for when Applejack arrived with firewood. Rarity was busy mending the tear in my tunic, and repairing the chainmail. “Oh that ruffian! He could have ruined the seam work!” Rarity muttered. “Sorry about that, it’s my fault you have to mend it.” “Oh it’s fine darling. After all, I can fix this in a flash with my skills and magic.” “Thanks Rarity. I’m living one of my childhood dreams thanks to you.” “What might that be?” “Being a warrior like Link. He was a character in one of the videogames I played: The Legend of Zelda.” “You have videogames in your world too?” “Yeah, it’s a huge industry. The Legend of Zelda is where I got the idea for this outfit. It’s the one that Link wears.” “So that’s where you got this marvelous design from.” “Yeah, there are plenty of other ones from games as well.” “You may have to tell me more about some of the designs once we get rid of that horrid Despair. He’ll pay for trying to ruin one of my works!” I couldn’t help but laugh. Rarity finished her repairs just as Applejack returned with the wood. After dinner Twilight examined my wound. She said it would be ready for the healing spell in the morning. That was a relief, I didn’t want to hold up the mission because of my lack of skill. I still sat at watch tonight. The sleep deprivation was getting to me. “If you’re going to keep dropping your head like that, just let me handle it tonight.” Rainbow said. “Alright, be sure to wake me if you see or hear anything.” I set down and almost immediately went to sleep. Judging from the position of the moon I woke up two hours later. My wound wasn’t making this easy for me. Then I noticed it. The fire had gone out. Why would Rainbow let that happen? “Hey Rainbow, what happened to the fire?” No response. I looked around and in the dark I couldn’t see her sitting anywhere near the camp. She was gone. -------- I panicked. Rainbow Dash was gone! If so much as one of the ponies was gone, the Elements of Harmony wouldn’t work. I grabbed the chainmail and tunic, and drank Zecora’s night vision potion. I began seeing the environment as clear as day. I surveyed the area and noticed some hoof prints leading away from the camp. I followed and saw them stop a few feet away. She must have been chasing someone, or something. I ran until I found myself in another clearing in the woods. “Rainbow Dash!” I called out. I then noticed her laying on the ground... in a pool of her own blood. My heart stopped as I began absorbing the scene. “Robert... run...” She muttered as I knelt beside her. “There’s no way I’m leaving you to die!” “Good! That will make this much more interesting.” I turned to face this low menacing voice. There stood a creature with a large whip , goat legs, and demonic gray skin. His horns were uneven as the one on the left was broken off around the middle. “Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Ankro the Tormentor. As you can see from your friend, I’m quite thorough with my work.” I glanced at Rainbow’s wounds. There were searing lines where the bleeding was most present. “As you can guess, my whip sears through the flesh of it’s victim, but I don’t necessarily need it to fight. My claws can rend through flesh, as well as armor.” “Damn you! I’ll make you pay for what you’ve done!” “Good! Show me that anger!” “Just... run...” Rainbow warned again. “Forget it Rainbow! I’d sooner die, than just abandon you.” “Well then, I’d be more than happy to oblige!” He unraveled his whip and swung it back over his shoulder. I raised my shield for what looked like an overhead strike. He swung, but changed the angle of the whip in midair. The whip struck my left abdomen and it heated the chainmail to the point of burning me. “Grahhh!!!” I cried out in pain. I swung my sword and cut the length off. He then prepared to strike with his shortened whip. As it came swinging down I caught it with a small shadow sphere. I then cut the whip to a useless length. Ankro tossed the remains of his weapon to the side and charged straight at me, his claws poised for attack. I jumped back to dodge, but the claws cut through my tunic and chainmail, sending blood from the three new claw marks through the air. I collapsed on to my left knee from the pain. “How pathetic. I follow you for almost two days, and that’s all you have to show me?” Two days? But Despair only summoned one monster per day. Wait! Dark Flame was an enslaved dragon, not a monster made with magic. Either way things were looking grim. “I will admit though, you put up more of a fight than that weakling friend of yours. She did make a satisfying scream though.” “Shut up...” I muttered. “What was that? Are you still strong enough to talk back?” “SHUT YOUR DAMN MOUTH!!” “Excellent! Show me more of that rage! Show me how much you want to destroy me!” I thought about what to do. My sword and shield may not be up to the task. “When all hope seems lost, look to the skies. Then the answer will become clear.” Celestia’s words echoed. I looked up at the night sky. I saw nothing of significance, but then I thought of something. I was thinking of something that would probably get me killed, but I didn’t have the luxury of options. I took my sword and shield, and threw them as high as I could into the air. “So your giving up? Fine, I’ll end you right now!” “Robert!” Rainbow Dash screamed. *Shablam!* Ankro stopped blinded by the sudden burst of navy blue and white light. I looked up to see an object racing down towards me. I reached out my hands and caught it by the hilt. The object was a two handed sword with a hilt of navy blue, and a blade of radiant white. I felt the strangest feeling run through me. I could feel the very aura of the sword, it was a feeling of both light and shadow. “A new sword won’t change anything for you! Now die!” *Splutch!* I cut through his forearm at about three inches from the elbow. He jumped back gripping the remaining portion of his arm in pain. “You bastard! How dare you wound me!” He prepared for another attack, charging his left arm with the flames that remained of his whip. I used the sword to create four shadow spheres, one encasing each limb, to hold him in place. “You shall face the judgement of light and shadow!” I called out as I charged my blade with light energy. I charged straight at my trapped foe, his struggles to break the bonds futile. I slashed through him in a single motion, releasing a blast of light and shadow behind me. “ECLIPSE STRIKE!” I cried out. “You will never defeat my master!!” Ankro cried as the force of the attack consumed him. I turned and ran to Rainbow Dash, the other ponies trying to treat her wounds as they arrived on the scene. “Twilight! Can you save her?” “Her wounds are too severe! I won’t be able to stop the bleeding to heal her fast enough!” I ran back to camp and fished the life phial from my bag. I returned to Rainbow, her breathing stopped. I poured the contents of the phial down her throat, begging for her to come back. A minute passed, another minute, no response. I collapsed to my knees in tears. I had failed her, her friends, and all of Equestria. “It’s all my fault...” I whispered. “Robert...” Twilight began. “If I had gotten here faster... I could have saved her!!” “It’s not your fault. There was nothing you could do.” Twilight tried to comfort, tears flowing down her cheeks. All of the ponies were crying, especially Pinkie Pie, who had been close friends with Rainbow. I dropped my head on to Rainbow’s shoulder, crying harder than I ever have before. “I’m sorry... I’m so sorry Rainbow.” “Why’s everypony getting so sappy?” I looked up. Rainbow was alive! “Rainbow!” I exclaimed as I began hugging her tightly. “Ouch! Watch it!” She said, her burns still present. “Sorry, I’m just so glad you’re alright.” “Dashie!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed as she tackled her friend in joy. “Ah! Pinkie! What did I just get through telling him?!” “Oopsie!” We returned to camp, all seven of us still alive. I promised I would never let this happen again. -------- I sat near the fire, more bandages present on my body. The salve took care of mine and Rainbow’s burns. I sat reflecting what had happened earlier. I got lucky that Hallowed Light saved me, as I was now calling the sword that appeared. Since we returned to camp it had turned back to the Solar Sword and Lunar Shield. I estimated that it could only stay in that form for about ten minutes. Rarity was fine with repairing the tunic and chainmail, she was just happy Rainbow was alright. I heard some steps behind me and turned to face the source. “Rainbow Dash! You should be resting!” I said. “So should you. You got some bad wounds from that guy, and well...” she trailed off. “And?” I asked, curious as for what she had to say. “And I wanted to thank you for saving me... I’m not good at apologies, but I hope you’ll forgive me for how I treated you the past few days.” “It’s alright, you weren’t ready to trust someone who had only been here a few days, with your life.” “I was an idiot to think I could beat that guy by myself. And even after how I acted... you risked your life to save mine.” “Of course. I could never abandon you.” “Thanks, it means a lot to hear you say that.” “So how are you feeling?” “That potion you gave me healed most of it, but I’m still in a bit of pain.” “Hopefully Twilight can heal you soon.” “Yeah, that egghead sure has a talent for having the right spells at the right time.” “Do you think we can do this? I barley had the strength to stop Ankro, and he almost killed you to boot.” “We’ve made it this far. Besides, I believe in you.” “Thanks Rainbow. That means a lot right now.” “Let’s try and get off the sappy topics for now. I’ve had enough of that for one day.” “Sure thing. So how did it go with the Wonderbolts at the Gala?” “Well the funny thing is, I was about to start talking to them when we heard the explosion. You should have seen them panic! They’ve been jumpy ever since Spike went giant.” “I thought you would have been more angry that you missed your chance again.” “Yeah well, I probably would have been interrupted by all the snooty ponies trying to sign them for events and stuff.” “True enough.” “Well what about you? You already know a lot about me from watching the show, but I barley know a thing about you. Then again I never gave you the chance.” “It’s alright. I’m just a stereotype nerd. I watch anime, play videogames, get picked on by the kids that are probably going to wind up being total deadbeats.” “Maybe, but you’ve been kicking some serious butt! Why didn’t you just do that to shut those kids up?” “Well because of the consequences, and I only wanted to fight to protect people. I saw any other reason of fighting, outside of friendly competition or self defence, as pointless.” “I guess your right on that one. I’ve let my temper get the better of me a few times.” “What else do you want to know?” “Well, where did you learn those moves? I was conscious enough to see that awesome attack you pulled off.” “To be honest I made it up on the spot.” “Awesome! If you’re good at making up moves, maybe you could help me develop a new routine to impress the Wonderbolts?” “Maybe. Would you let me see you do a Sonic Rainboom in person?” “Sure! I’ve really gotten the hang of doing that.” We continued talking and getting to know one another the rest of the night. I was glad we were finally on speaking terms. It even looked like we were already close friends. I looked up at the stars that night with a heart full of hope. -------- That morning I felt happier than ever to begin the day. I was finally friends with Rainbow Dash, my wounds were ready to be healed, and my outfit was already repaired. During breakfast Pinkie walked over to me. “What’s up Pinkie Pie?” “Well, I wanted to say thanks again for saving Dashie. That fight was really cool! You were all like ‘ECLIPSE STRIKE’ and he was all like ‘Ahh! You beat me!’. So anyway, thanks again Robert."” “Pinkie my name is- wait did you just call me Robert?” “Yeah, it is your name after all.” She finally called me by my real name! It may not seem like much but this is Pinkie we’re talking about. After breakfast we continued along the path. We had to take frequent breaks due to Rainbow’s injuries, but none of us complained. Oddly enough there wasn’t another monster today. “Twilight you think he’s going to ambush us like last night?” “No, I got a good read on the magic energies from all of the monsters you defeated. He hasn’t summoned one today. I think he’s all out.” “That would be fantastic. But won’t he be able to break the seal faster?” “Maybe, but we’ll just have to see.” “Yeah I- *yawn* Sorry about that.” “Pardner, you’ve been going without sleep for a couple of nights right? Me and the girls can switch watches and let you and Rainbow sleep tonight.” Applejack suggested. “You sure?” “Darn tootin’!” “I could probably scan for monsters to help.” Twilight added. “It’ll be like a party game!” Pinkie exclaimed. “I just want to say that I don’t really mind.” Fluttershy said. “Well, I need my beauty sleep.” Rarity complained. The other girls all turned and glared at her. “But I might be able to go an hour or two short.” She recovered. “I really appreciate this girls.” I said. “Same here. Although I was hoping to chat with you again tonight.” Rainbow Dash commented. “We can always do that another time.”I said. “I guess.” “I’m glad to see the two of you are friends now Rainbow” Twilight said. “So am I. I was totally unfair to him before, and I didn’t realize it until I almost died.” “Well all that matters is that your friends now.” We continued along and eventually made camp along the path. I suppose the theory about Despair being out of monsters was right. Seeing as we were both injured Rainbow and I shared a tent. We skipped our usual chat and enjoyed the freedom of finally being able to sleep. I drifted off to sleep quickly due to my wounds and my sleep deprivation. That night I had a dream, no a vision. In it I was kneeling on one knee, supporting my weight with Hallowed Light. On the top of what looked like an ancient altar, a withering Celestia lay with a blood red crystal floating above her. Luna was in a nearby cage with runic symbols glowing on it, tears running down her cheeks. I looked up and Despair was towering over me. “How does it feel? Does it burn your soul until all you feel is emptiness? That is what I promised you would feel. Don’t worry, you won’t have to live with this feeling for long. I’ll give you a few more seconds to suffer, then I will end you.” Despair mocked. The last thing I saw before I woke was his sword being raised above me. It was large black zweihander with a skull on the hilt, and a hellish red glow around the blade. I had no idea what to make of this. Were we really going to fail? I pondered this for the entirety of breakfast that morning. I remembered that all of them had faith in me, so I had to have faith in myself as well. -------- The rest of the day was spent traveling closer to the ruins. By Twilight’s estimate, we were just another days trek from the sealed ruins. I was both glad and fearful about the end of our journey. I couldn’t help but think about my vision and the battle to come. I decided to share my thoughts with the others at dinner. “Hey girls? I had a vision last night.” “Was it anything like the one you had before the Gala?” Twilight asked. “Kind of. We were at the sealed grounds. I was gravely injured, Celestia was withering, and Luna was in a cage. Despair was mocking me, saying that he was going to give me a second to absorb my sadness, then he raised his sword to kill me.” “Oh dear...” Twilight said. “That sounds so... scary.” Fluttershy commented. “You sure this bozo isn’t just trying to mess with your head?” Rainbow asked. “Maybe, but I’m still worried. I tried to reassure myself, but now that we’re almost there... I can’t push it out of my mind.” “Well just remember that we’re always here for you sugarcube.” Applejack reassured. “Applejack is right. All of us will help you beat that fiendish brute.” Rarity added. “Thank you. I could use all the help in Equestria for this.” “Well we can’t do that silly. We would have to walk all the way back to Ponyville, then we would have to ride the trains to all the towns! I’m not sure everypony would be able to fit on the train ride back anyway.” Pinkie said. I couldn’t help but laugh then. It felt good having their support. I turned in for the night afterwards. The next day was going to be a test for us all. We trekked through the rest of the forest, finding the ruins around mid afternoon. The ruins were set atop a large hill. The main structure was shaped like a coliseum with dark red clouds looming overhead. I slowly worked up the courage to climb the stairs leading to the coliseum. At the top we left our bags and prepared for the battle. I readied my weapons, while the girls wore their respective elements. “This is it. This is where it all comes to an end. Today we fight for all of Equestria! We will face Despair in his own domain, and drive him into the void! So fight for all you hold dear!” I shouted. “For Equestria!” They cried out in unison. I turned and began walking into the center of the ruins, my heart racing as I began to walk towards the fight of my life. Once inside I took in the surroundings. The inside was a circular arena with a large altar at the northernmost point. Above the altar there floated a large blood red crystal. “You really are a meddlesome pest. You defeated all four of my minions and now you want to banish me? You really are a fool.” Despair said as he appeared from the top of the altar. “I fight not out of foolishness, but to protect this world and all who live in it!” I retorted. “Those who live in it? Bah! Those who live in a world serve only one purpose: to eternally serve their ruler. If they can’t even accomplish that, then they are worth less than the dirt beneath your boots.” “That’s the concept of a heartless murderer!” “Won’t listen to me? Well maybe you’ll listen to your beloved Celestia.” *Snap!* Despair snapped his fingers, causing the altar to lower towards the ground. When it was low enough I could see her. Celestia lay on the altar, her body and main being drained of life. “Oh that’s right! She’s not in a very talkative mood right now. I suppose having your immortal energy sucked from you can do that.” “What have you done to her?!” “Princess!” Twilight called out, the other ponies gasping in shock “Weren’t you listening? I sucked out her immortal energy and placed it in that crystal. She’s experiencing the pain of rapidly aging to death. But I wouldn’t hog this spectacle to myself! Her sister was quite the addition to the crowd. Her begging and crying was so sweet, I think I’ll bring her out again to see you all die.” Suddenly a large cage appeared to the right of the altar, runic symbols glowed around the edge. Inside Luna was crying mournfully for her sister. “*Sniff* Why have you brought me here again? Haven’t I suffered enough?” Luna asked. “Oh my dear, you can never have enough suffering! But it’s never any fun when you’re suffering alone, so I brought you some friends.” “Robert! You have to run! He’s broken the seal!” Luna cried out. “I won’t abandon you! And I won’t let anyone die on my watch.” “How disgusting! You remind me of the day Celestia sealed me here. It was supposed to be the best day of my life! There was a young fillie who was sick and couldn’t work the fields to grow my daily feast. I was appalled that she would deny me my rightful dinner just because she could barely stand. Naturally I ordered her to be executed. But the funny thing was, her father was the executor! It was priceless! He had to look into her pleading eyes and cut her head off. And the best part was, the poor bastard took his sword and killed himself right after he killed her! I laughed until it actually hurt! But then she showed up. Celestia, in all her infinite wisdom, deemed me to be an unjust ruler, and sealed me here. Then she took my land and worked to help the people. What irony! But now with my seal broken, I’ve taken her here to die as her precious followers watch helplessly. And her sister can’t even help while trapped in that enchanted cage.” “You...” “What was that?” “How could you?...” “Are you really asking this?” “HOW COULD YOU BE SO HEARTLESS!?!” “Ughh. How predictable.” “I will make you pay for all you have done! I will serve justice unto you!” “Justice? Such a foolish concept. Justice is nothing more than fools deciding what is right and wrong. Yet, those same fools claim the innocent man should die for a crime he never committed. The only truth... is DESPAIR!!!” I had had enough of him. I charged straight towards him poised for a strike to the head. I swung but he simply caught the blade in his hand. “If you are so eager to die, then allow me to help you.” I quickly pulled my sword away and dodged back before he could strike. He charged straight at me with lightning speed. I blocked his punch with my shield. but the force sent me flying into the colesium wall. “Unh!” I fell to the ground gasping for air. Despair then grabbed me by my tunic and lifted me up. “You come all this way and you’re already so broken up? Pathetic!” He said as he tossed me back to the center of the arena. I stumbled back on to my feet. Despair charged at me again. I dodged his punch and scored a hit on his chest. He was knocked back but unharmed. “Fool! Those pathetic weapons may have cut through my minions, but I’m far stronger than them!” *Shing!* A small rainbow beam passed my right shoulder and hit Despair in the chest. “What?!” He said in astonishment. “We’ll weaken him with bursts of the Elements power! Strike him when he’s weak!” Twilight called out. I charged straight in and slashed him where the beam made contact. The wound was small but it was a start. “I won’t give you the chance to do that again!” He charged straight at the girls. I intercepted him with a shadow wall just before he could make contact. Another beam passed through my shadow wall and sent Despair straight towards me. I charged my sword and slashed his chest again. This time a large stream of blood burst forth. “I will not be defeated so easily!” Despair jumped back towards the altar. He raised his right hand and a red aura from the crystal flowed straight to it. The aura converged and formed a large zweihander, just like in my vision! “Now you face my blade, Malice!” Another beam went straight for Despair, but he simply parried it with his new blade. “The Elements of Harmony pale in comparison to me now!” I knew my sword and shield wouldn’t stand a chance against him now. I threw both into the air and caught Hallowed Light. “I won’t let you use Celestia’s power for your own desires! Today you face your judgment!” I shouted. “Bold words, but you will only prolong your suffering.” I charged straight for him readying my strike. Sparks flew as he parried my attack effortlessly. I dodged as he attempted to stab me, his blade just inches from making contact. I used my momentum from the sidestep dodge to perform a spin attack. I managed to land a hit as Despair’s weapon was just a second short of blocking me. “These wounds are nothing to me! For each you inflict I will deliver a thousand more!” I wasn’t sure how much longer I could keep this up. Despair charged in close, and I readied for what I thought would be another sword strike. I was caught off guard when he roundhouse kicked me in the ribs. I was sent skidding towards the wall and I stopped inches short. I began to pick myself up, but Despair was too fast. He picked me up and punched me back to the arena center. I tried to counter with muay thai and karate, but I was too sluggish from my injuries. He effortlessly dodged me and punched me in the stomach. “Glugh!” While I was trying to recover from the blow he took his sword and thrust it through where the punch landed. “GRAAAHH!!!” “Robert!” The ponies cried out. I collapsed to my knee, using my sword to try and support my weight. The pain I was feeling was unbearable. It was a miracle I was still alive at that point, even if that wouldn’t be for much longer. -------- I finally looked up from the ground to face my enemy in the eye. “Still alive eh? I have to commend you for lasting this long, human. If anything you will be remembered as the fool who gave me entertainment before I reclaimed my throne.” Despair laughed. “Damn... you... Blugh!” I said, vomiting blood before I could continue. “How does it feel? Does it burn your soul until all you feel is emptiness? That is what I promised you would feel. Don’t worry, you won’t have to live with this feeling for long. I’ll give you a few more seconds to suffer, then I will end you.” He mocked just like my vision. I looked up to see his sword looming over me. I closed my eyes as I knew I had failed. “I’m sorry... everypony.” I whispered as I awaited my death. *Krashing!* “What!?” Despair yelled in surprise. I looked up to see what had happened. There was a swirling rainbow energy protecting me. I turned to see the girls floating in midair as they harnessed the energy of the Elements of Harmony. “You can’t give up now pardner!” Applejack said. “Beat that big dumb meanie!” Fluttershy called out. “Show that ruffian what for!” Rarity exclaimed. “Give him his farewell party!” Pinkie yelled. “You can’t die now! Especial not because of this loser!” Rainbow shouted. “We all believe in you! Now believe in yourself, and finish this!” Twilight spoke. “No! You’ll never defeat me! I will bring eternal suffering to this world!!” I began standing up as the elements energy flowed through me. “You’re a fool Despair. Power isn’t meant to bring pain to others. It’s meant to protect and care for them. That is why I will defeat you! Here and now!” I charged forward and slashed at him with all my might, his sword cracking from the blow. I continued my assault until his blade finally shattered. “This can’t be! How could the power I stole fail?! Malice was supposed to be the perfect weapon!” “It never matters what weapon you wield. So long as your soul is corrupt, I will always prevail!” I began barraging him with strikes, each one sending him backward and adding a new wound. After eight precise strikes, I leaped into the air and charged Hallowed Light with power, binding him with shadows in the process. It glowed with the radiance of a rainbow rather than a pure golden light. I finally cleaved downward, splitting him in two. “HARMONIOUS BARRAGE!!” I shouted. “RRRAAAAAHHHHHH!!!” Despair exclaimed as he faded into the void between worlds. The crystal above the altar shattered to pieces as the last of Despair’s essence faded away. “Finally... it’s over.” I said. I began walking towards the altar suddenly remembering Celestia needed aid. After three steps I succumbed to my wounds and collapsed to the ground. Everything began fading as my strength wained. I reached for the altar hoping I would find the strength to pull myself there, but my arm fell limply to the ground. “Robert... just hold on...” I heard their voices say as though in whispers. Finally everything faded to darkness, and I felt no pain or touch. I could only feel the darkness around me. -------- I was dead. It didn’t matter how you spun it. I was glad that I managed to defeat Despair but... I felt saddened that I wouldn’t be able to see the ponies again. I especially regretted never knowing if I had saved Celestia. I guess in a way Despair won. I was going to spend an eternity in sorrow. I felt like I could cry but the tears never came. I finally just lay there, floating in this eternal blackness, drifting until my senses faded once again. -------- When I opened my eyes again I felt something. I felt a great sense of pain wash over me. I could feel something inside my right arm, pumping a warm liquid inside of it. In a moment the pain lessened and my mind grew drowsy. I finally regained my vision and saw a familiar sight. I was in the hospital once again, uncertain of how long I was asleep. I could hear a faint breathing to my left. I used what little strength I had to turn and face the source of the noise. I saw a cyan figure with a rainbow running down it’s back. “Rainbow Dash?” I muttered. “Huh?” She looked up shocked that someone said her name. “Robert! You’re alright!” “I find it hard to believe myself.” Then the door opened and I heard somepony walking in. “Rainbow we came to keep you company again today and- Robert!” Twilight exclaimed in astonishment. “Hey Twilight. Am I really alive or is this my version of heaven?” “You’re alive, trust me. Girls come in! Robert’s alright!” “Well shucks! I never thought we’d talk to you again pardner!” Applejack said, surprised. “You’re okay! I was so sad you were gone... Angel was having a hard time cheering me up.” Fluttershy said in her quite voice. “I was so saddened I could only design clothes in black!” Rarity said, wearing a dark cloak from mourning. “Yay, Robert’s okay! Now I can bake him a thanks for not dying cake!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed as she bounded in the room. “Thanks everypony. But how am I alive? That wound should have killed me.” “Rainbow picked you up and flew you all the way to the hospital. She’s been staying by your bed ever since you were moved to this room, and that was a week ago.” Twilight explained. Rainbow Blushed as I looked at her. “Well... you saved my life during our journey. I couldn’t live with myself if I couldn’t return the favor after all you’ve done.” “Thanks Rainbow Dash. You believed I would live even when I had given up hope. I owe you my life.” “Nah, just call it even.” I smiled at the comment, but then I realised the question I should be asking. “So what happened after I died there. Is Celestia alright?” “Why don’t you just ask me that yourself?” She said as she walked into the room. “Celestia!” I blurted in amazement. “After Rainbow carried you off from the arena, the power Despair stole was returned to my body. I came here to find you dead, but I used my power to bring you back to your friends.” “Thank you so much, to all of you.” “We should all be thanking you Robert. You saved all of Equestria that day.” Twilight said. “I’ve had a new window placed in the grand hall. I’m sure you will want to see this yourself Robert.” Twilight healed my wounds and we were off to Canterlot Castle. Once we reached the grand hall, I stared at a magnificent stained glass window of me facing Despair. Behind me the girls were shown filling me with the power of the Elements of Harmony. “I... I...” I began, trying to find the words. “It’s alright. I know you’re still taking in your hero status. Just relax and you’ll feel much better.” Celestia advised. “This is all so... incredible! I’m really a hero!” “Darn tootin! It was a mighty close one, but you came through.” Applejack complemented. “So what will you do now Robert? Will you return back to your home?” Twilight inquired. “Actually... I don’t think I will. It’s been one of my greatest dreams to live in another world. I got that chance, and even fought to save it. What I’m saying is, I want to become a resident of Ponyville.” “Robert, you were never meant to come to this world. You belong back home with your friends and family.” Celestia explained. I was saddened. My heart sank down into my stomach as I realised I was going to leave my new friends behind. “But, you showed tremendous courage. You fought for ponies you only knew for about a week, and put your life on the line for all of them. I think you’ve earned the right to stay where you desire.” “Really?” I asked, shocked at her change in decision. “I am certain. If you would like, I can send you to your world to gather anything you want or need to move in.” “Alright, thank you Celestia.” “Not a problem. I’ll tell Luna you’re feeling better. I’ll be back down and escort you back to your world to gather your things.” “Thanks again Celestia.” I donned my tunic and weapons for the return trip. I was worried that by passing through the void, Despair would be able to follow us in his weakened state. Celestia assured me he was trapped forever, but I was still cautious. Luna came to thank me for saving her and Celestia before we made the trip. I was glad all of us made it out alright. Celestia opened a large portal that led to my room. As we went through I felt a small sadness. I knew that this would be the last time I set foot in this house again. I looked around to see my room was untouched since I fell asleep that fateful night. I began grabbing my books, games, systems, iPhone, laptop, DVD’s, and clothes. I asked Celestia if she could wait downstairs while I gathered my things. I had to make several trips carrying things downstairs. Finally bringing my TV as the last item I turned to Celestia and told her I had everything. “This is quite a lot, but understandable since you are moving in.” “Who’s down there?” A familiar voice called. I turned to the steps to see my father looking down to me. “Robert? Is it really?...” I nodded. “Yeah dad, it’s me. Sorry I was away. It’s... complicated.” “Why are you dressed like that? You look like that Zelda guy.” “Link, and it’s a long story.” “I think we have time to tell him Robert.” Celestia insisted. “Did that horse just talk?” “I can understand your surprise sir. I wish to apologize for any grief you may have been going through due to your missing son. I accidentally brought him to Equestria.” “Equestria? Isn’t that the place from that My Little Pony show you watch?” “Yeah dad. I guess I should tell you what happened.” So sitting down there in the living room, I told my father about everything that happened. I tried to pretty up the parts about me almost dying, but he could see through my attempts. “So you did all that while you were gone?” “Yeah. I was actually coming here to gather my things to move to Ponyville.” “Well I’m glad I caught you before you left. I know I want you to stay here with your family, but you’ve shown me that you have people, or ponies, you care about. And what’s more, you’ve shown me you can protect them. I’ve said this before, but I’ve never meant it more than now, I’m proud of you son.” “Dad... thank you.” “Thanks for taking care of my son Ms...” “Princess Celestia.” She finished. “I’ll be sure to write home if I get the chance. Tell mom I love her okay?” “Sure thing son.” With that we gathered all the things I brought down, and headed back to Equestria. On the way back I felt a tear run down my cheek. I was going to miss my family, but I was glad they would understand. -------- “You sure about this Robert?” Rainbow Dash inquired. “Absolutely. Twilight enchanted the cloth so what’s there to worry about? Besides you’re here. You can get to me if something goes wrong.” “I guess.” I was standing at the top of the cliff of Canterlot. I figured that skydiving would be a faster way to the train stop below, so Rainbow and I were going to race the other girls there while they took the train. Pinkie said she was going to show me the welcome wagon once we got back to Ponyville. I couldn’t help gut worry about having to clean cake out of my hair. I was still wearing my Hero’s garb, which I had grown quite used to, and was holding a white cloth. I had Twilight enchant the cloth to expand to a perfect size to act as a parachute for when I took this jump. “You ready?” I asked Rainbow. “Do you even need to ask?” “Alright then, let’s go!” I ran to the edge of the cliff and leaped off, not only towards the train stop below, but towards whatever tomorrow held in store. So for me, this was the beginning of my new life in Equestria. The End.