> My Little Sharknado > by Greenback > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Beginning > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “I don't know about you, Twilight, but something about this storm ain't right.” Twilight joined Applejack in peering out the library window. The sky was slowly but steadily being covered over by a massive wall of roiling black clouds, constantly lit from within by unseen lighting flashes. “I wouldn't worry too much,” Twilight said. “It's just a storm. We've had them before.” “Yeah, but not ones like this.” Turning from the window, Twilight walked to her desk. “It's probably just a stray storm that slipped out from Cloudsdale. I'm sure Rainbow Dash and the other Pegasus ponies are on it.” Applejack fidgeted. “They'd better. Last time Ponyville got a storm this big, all our apple trees were scattered across the countryside!” Twilight picked up one of the apple fritters Applejack had brought over, only to be cut off as Spike bounded down the stairs, a pair of binoculars clutched between his fingers. "Twilight!” “Spike? What is it?” “You'd better come see this, and fast!” Dropping the fritter, Twilight ran up the stairs after Spike, with Applejack close behind her. They emerged onto the library's highest balcony, and were nearly blown off by a strong wind. Taking Spike's binnoculars, Twilight peered through and gasped. “Twilight?” Applejack asked. “What's wrong?!” “Oh no! We've got another storm coming in!” “What?!” Pushing Twilight aside, Applejack looked through the binoculars. Creeping over distant mountain ranges was another storm, this one twice as large as the one already en-route to Ponyville. “Spike, we need to get a letter to Celestia right away!” Twilight said. “She has to be warned about these two storms!” “Uhhh... Twilight?” Spike said. “Don't you mean three storms?” “Three?!” Spike pointed west. Turning the binoculars in that direction, Applejack caught sight of another mammoth storm heading towards Ponyville. “Sweet mother of Celestia...” Applejack whispered. Three storms?!" Twilight shook her head. "How could three storms get past the Pegasus ponies? It's not possible!” “Then write your dang letter to Celestia and have her send out the cavalry!” Applejack said. Twilight shook her head. “Not even all of Cloudsdale could handle a storm this big. One yes, two possibly, but not three of them, not all at once. They're to hit, combine, and create a... a... a perfect storm.” Spike backed away from the railing. “Then what do we do?!” Twilight didn't answer. Weather patterns weren't her specialty, but she knew this was bad: never before in all of Equestria's history had Ponyville and the surrounding areas been hit by three storms at once. The resulting deluge, thunder, and winds could cause catastrophic damage, especially to the more fragile stores and dwellings in the area. Sugarcube corner, in particular, would practically melt into tasty goo. “Twilight?” Spike shook Twilight's leg. “Twilight! What do we do?!” Twilight shook her head. “We've got to prepare! We've got to get everyone ready before it's too late!” “Open your eyes, Twilight!” Applejack said. “There ain't no gettin' ready for storms like these! You've got to get everyone out of town, and pronto!” “But that's well over a thousand ponies! And at the rate the storm is coming on, we'll never get everyone out!” Applejack tossed the binoculars aside. “Well, that's your problem!” She ran back inside. “Applejack?! Wait!” Twilight chased Applejack down into the library, caught her as she was running out the front door. “Applejack, where are you going?!” “To the farm! I gotta save my trees!” “But I need you here! We'll need all the hooves we can get to—” “Twilight, I wanna help you, I really do, but if all my trees go, then there goes the Apple family's livelihood! When we get everything tied down, I'll come back and help as best I can. Besides, I know you can handle this.” She put a hoof on Twilight's shoulder. “I believe in you.” Then she ran out the door and into the first drops of rain that fell from above. Spike clutched Twilight's leg. “Twilight...I'm scared.” Twilight put a hoof around him. “So am I, Spike. But there's a lot of ponies out there who need our help. Take a message to Princess Celestia: Tell her we're bracing for a big storm, and could use any help she can provide.” Eager to help, Spike ran to the desk, scribbled down the note, and sent it. “Done!” “Good. Now grab your coat; we need to head out there and coordinate rescue efforts with the mayor.” *** Five minutes later, and Twilight was flying towards the mayor's office, Spike riding on her back. Already the rain was coming down harder as the storm fronts sped up. It wouldn't be long before they hit. Hopefully, Ponyville would be ready in time. But Twilight couldn't shake the deep, nagging feeling that something was terribly wrong, like this storm wasn't going to be her only problem for the day. But what could be worse than one of the strongest storms ever seen? Shaking her head, Twilight turned her focus back to the matter at hand. If there was going to be another problem besides the storm, it would probably involve animals, perhaps a stampede of panicked beasts from the Everfree forest. But that was easily amended by having Fluttershy work with the animals to avoid a destructive stampede. Besides, compared to the storm, how bad could some panicked animals be? > Discord's Greatest Creation > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- There comes a moment when every being feels like they've reached the apex of their personal and professional lives, where they cannot go any higher, or do anything better, no matter how hard they try. Most individuals accept this stage and continue doing what they love out of joy, and not for fame or money. Others refuse to believe it's true, and spend the rest of their lives trying to relieve past glories. Then there are those who are the embodiments of chaos and insanity, and when they reach that point, everyone is screwed. For Discord, that moment arrived at exactly two-fifteen in the afternoon as he enjoyed a session of afternoon tea with Fluttershy on the beach. It was also the moment that Equestria was officially doomed (but nobody knew it yet), for Discord was sipping from his cup when he was hit with an awful epiphany. Fluttershy was sharing her tea with nearby crabs and lobsters, but noticed the blank stare on Discord's face. “Discord? Are you feeling okay?” Discord didn't answer; his teacup was halfway to his mouth, and he had the million-mile stare of someone unaware of their surroundings. “Discord?” Blinking, Discord rubbed his eyes. “I'm sorry Fluttershy, what?” Putting her teacup down, Fluttershy got close to the Draconequus. “Are you feeling alright? Is something wrong?” “I...yes, Fluttershy. I'm afraid something is terribly wrong.” “What is it? Can I help?” “I don't know if you can.” Sipping the last of the tea, Discord turned his cup into a towel and wiped the sweat from his forehead. “I can try. And if I can't, maybe some of my little friends can!” “Well...Fluttershy, do you ever have the feeling that you can't get any better then you are now?” “Uhhh...no.” A sigh. “I should have known. I'm sorry Fluttershy, but I'm afraid you can't help me. This is something I have to mourn in private. Goodbye.” Discord got up, started to fly away. But Fluttershy wasn't going to let the matter go so easily. “Wait!” She flew after him. “Discord, you should know you don't have to solve your problems alone. That's what friends are for; I'm your friend, and I can't help you if you don't tell me what's wrong.” Discord wasn't sure he wanted to. But looking into Fluttershy's deep, soul-crushingly beautiful eyes, he couldn't resist. “Well, okay. I'll try. You see Fluttershy...I just feel like I've reached an impasse. A block that's stymied my creativity.” “Stymied?” “Yes, it's a big word. You should look it up sometime. Basically, I think I've used up everything I've got. All my ideas have gone dry. I can't think of anything new to cause good-natured fun and chaos!” Fluttershy flew in close, patted Discord's long mouth. “There there, it's all right. You've been really busy creating all sorts of things these past few weeks. Maybe you just need to rest and get some new ideas. There's no harm in trying, is there?” “Well, maybe...but—” Fluttershy clapped her hooves together. “I know! I'll get some of my shark friends to help! Maybe they have an idea!” Flying low to the waters below, she began to sing a lovely tune. “Wait, she has shark friends?” Discord said to himself. “Since when did that happen?” Fins jutted from the water and headed towards Fluttershy. Then dozens more appeared, until Fluttershy was surrounded by a slow-moving circle of black fins, many of which were bigger then she was. But none of them came close to her, and though an occasional snout popped out of the water, the jaws of the fearsome sharks remained closed as Fluttershy continued to sing. With Discord watching, Fluttershy hovered beside one of the biggest sharks, talked with it for a few minutes. When she was done, she flew back to Discord with an enormous smile. “Oh Discord, it's so wonderful! My shark friends want to make you feel all better, so they're going to sing a concert for you!” Thunder rumbled overhead. “Well, that is, if this storm doesn't get any worse.” Discord didn't seem to hear her. He had the million-mile stare once more, but this time there was something else to go with it. A smile. “Discord?” “Yes, I heard you my dear. Go ahead and tell your little shark friends that I await their concert with great anticipation!” Fluttershy flew back down to the sharks to deliver the message, overjoyed that her plan was going so smoothly. She didn't notice that Discord's grin had grown ever bigger...and that there was now a sinister quality to it. *** Within ten minutes, the number of sharks below had swarmed to over a hundred, containing representatives from every shark in the animal kingdom: the awe-inspiring Great White, the gentle Whale shark, the fearsome Tiger shark, and the hideous Goblin shark, among many others. They moved in organized and disciplined ranks, having performed concerts since time immemorial. And from then, to the present day, they were always pleased to perform, especially if it would cheer someone up. Discord, having conjured up a lavish sofa of the finest silks, sat above the water as the concert began. He watched as the sharks leapt about in crude imitations of dolphins, their most hated enemy since Equestria had been formed from the volcanic earth. The two species had battled to the death to the present day, but it was not the time for battle. It was time for singing, and the sharks did so. Unfortunately for non-aquatic animals, it sounded like incomprehensible roars with absolutely no musical tone, save for the one shark in the back with a musical triangle. Fluttershy hovered beside Discord, trying to keep her smile up as the roars assailed her ears. Every now and then she would glance to Discord, hoping he was having a good time. He appeared to be; he was still smiling, and unlike her, was unaffected by the roars. “Oh, they're so lovely!” Fluttershy said, grimacing as the roars grew louder. “Don't you think?” “Oh, of course Fluttershy! They're oh-so delightful!” He grinned. “But it's such a shame they can only perform out in the open. Don't you think they need a bigger audience?” “Oh yes! But it's so troublesome organizing a concert on the ocean. It's too bad really. They have such a...uh...lovely voice!” Discord laughed. But it wasn't like his normal laugh; it more resembled the time he had laughed at Fluttershy and her friends after first escaping his stone imprisonment. “Indeed, my dear little Fluttershy. It is a voice that should not go unheard! They need an audience, one they can't find here. And what better place to find one then on the mainland?” “But Discord, sharks can't leave the water.” “Oh yes, very true. But why not have the water come with them?!” The sofa vanished, replaced with the chair of a movie director. Discord materialized matching clothing, and a megaphone. “Sharks, positions!” he shouted. “Discord, what are you doing?” “Deadly storm, I need you to flow down and take our friends in your watery embrace! Ready? And...action!” From deep within the storm above, the clouds rumbled like an out-of-control freight train. A giant hole appeared, and a funnel plunged down into the water. It was a tornado, and a big one. Fluttershy had seen aquatic tornadoes before, but they were rare, and when they appeared, all the friendly ocean critters would quickly get out of its way. Her shark friends were doing the same thing below, panicked at seeing it so close. But the tornado wasn't on a random course, for it was being guided. It was heading straight for the sharks. “Discord, stop!” Fluttershy cried. Discord grinned. “Tornado!” he shouted through the megaphone. “Faster!” The tornado did exactly that, speeding up until it caught the sharks. And once that happened, there was only one possible outcome. Fluttershy screamed as her beloved shark friends were sucked up into the tornado. Hundreds of them flew up, roaring all the while (save for the musical triangle shark, who, defiant to the bitter end, continued to play his tune). In a matter of moments, the tornado had sucked up all the sharks, who spun around and around within its watery walls. “No!” Fluttershy shouted. “Discord, what have you done?!” “Done? Oh Fluttershy, don't you see?! You gave me my greatest idea ever! And now I've done it!” Discord laughed, a chilling sound that shook Fluttershy to her bones. “This is the moment that defines me forever! I've created my masterpiece, my pièce de résistance!” He leapt from his chair, spread his arms wide. “I have created the greatest thing ever to be seen within all of Equestria! I have created...A SHARKNADO!” Discord's laugh echoed through the storm, eclipsing even the furious roars of the sharks. Lighting crashed around him, his laughter growing every louder until there was nothing but the maniacal laughter of a genius driven mad by his own creation. “A what?” The laughter stopped. “Sorry?” “You've created a what?” “A sharknado, Fluttershy.” “Huh?” “It's...well, you know. A tornado, plus sharks. A sharknado. It's only the most dangerous thing ever created.” “Well Discord, my shark friends don't like being a...sharknado...so could you please stop it? We'd all be grateful if you returned them all to the sea.” Discord's maniacal laughter started up again, and more lightning crashed down around him. “Oh, I'm sorry Fluttershy my dear, but your precious little shark friends have a date with destiny!” He raised his hands, sent a magical glow around the tornado. “No they're going to go on a tour around Equestria, and let all ponies hear their magical song...of destruction and chaos!” Another laugh, and Discord took off. “Thank you for your help, Fluttershy! I haven't felt so alive in years! Centuries even! Now if you'll excuse me, I feel like sharing my little victory with an old friend of mine. I daresay he'll be hopping around somewhere in the Sol system! Until later my dear friend...tootaloo!” A flash of light, and Discord vanished, blinking out of existence as he left one dimension for another, leaving Fluttershy to deal with the rampaging sharknado. There was no time to go after Discord, or to even comprehend the horror that he had unleashed. All Fluttershy could do was try to stop the horror of the sharknado before it got out of hand. Flying in close, she called out, “Listen everyone, I know you're scared, but I can help! If you just stay here, I can go get my friends, and we—” But the sharks weren't listening to Fluttershy. Their roars, which had previously sung of love and peace, rainbows and sunshine, now sung of anger and hatred, demanding justice and revenge for their torment. Helpless to stop it, Fluttershy was forced to dart out of the way as the sharknado took off, smashing onto the shore and heading inland, as if it had a mind of its own. And even as she called after it, Fluttershy realized that nothing she could say or do would stop her beloved shark friends. Once peaceful and innocent, they were now the harbingers of horror to a world unprepared for their terrible menace. As the sharknado disappeared into the distance, Fluttershy hovered where she was, too horrified to follow, only dimly aware of the horrible chaos a tornado made of sharks could cause. “Oh my...” she whimpered. > Attack On Ponyville > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Uhhh... Twilight?” “Not now, Spike,” Twilight said, focusing her attention on more pressing issues. With the help of Mayor Mare, she had been able to distribute runners to all the ponies in Ponyville, warning them that, due to the incoming storm, an evacuation was in process. They were to take only their most essential belongings and evacuate the town via the train station. From her position on the top of city hall, Twilight watched the crowds below, making sure they were orderly and organized. So far, thank goodness, everyone was remaining civil, and there were no signs of panic...that is, except from Spike. “Twilight?!” “I'm sorry Spike, but whatever it is, it'll have to wait.” “It can't!” Groaning, Twilight turned away from her viewpoint on top of city hall. “What is it?” Grabbing Twilight's head, Spike turned it so that she was looking to the southwest of Ponyville. And in an instant, all thoughts about an orderly evacuation were banished from Twilight's mind. A tornado was raging towards Ponyville, and it was a big one too, powerful enough to cause major structural damage, along with substantial loss of life if it wasn't diverted immediately. Thankfully, it was going slowly enough that a fast pack of Pegasus ponies would be able to turn it back. “Rainbow Dash!” The Pegasus pony swooped from the sky, having caught sight of the tornado. “I see it, Twilight!” “You have to turn that tornado away, no matter the cost!” “On it!” Swooping around Ponyville, Rainbow Dash gathered up the Pegasus ponies she could find, and formed an impromptu squadron, which then flew towards the tornado, their tiny forms soon lost among the swirling winds. Spike watched them go. “Twilight, what do we do if they can't turn it back?!” Twilight didn't like to think of that possibility; if any pony could turn back a rampaging tornado, it was Rainbow Dash. But, if for some reason they failed, and the tornado continued on its present course, then things could turn catastrophic very quickly. “Spike, go get the mayor. Tell her we have to speed up the evacuation, because we've got a tornado coming our way!” There were panicked shouts and yells below city hall. “Uhhh...I think they saw it.” Twilight's orders were unnecessary, for the crowds were now running towards the train station. Mayor Mare was trying to keep things calm, but wasn't having much luck. Leaving Mayor Mare to deal with the crowds, Twilight looked back towards the tornado, anxiously counting down the seconds since Rainbow Dash's attack had begun. Pegasus ponies usually were able to turn rampaging tornadoes around in less then a minute. Trouble was, it had been longer then a minute since Rainbow Dash's group had entered, and yet the tornado was still coming. If anything, it now seemed bigger. Grabbing her binoculars, Twilight looked through, hoping to spot Rainbow Dash and the others. Her heart sank, for there was no sign of them...but strangely, there seemed to be other forms inside the tornado. Unable to get a good look, she turned the focus knob, peered through again. What she saw next would remain etched in her brain until her dying day, something out of a nightmare from the deepest, darkest depths of tartarus. There were hundreds of snapping, roaring sharks in the tornado. “What in the name of Celestia is that?!” Wanting to see for himself, Spike grabbed the binoculars, looked through, and instantly wished he hadn't. “Are those...sharks?!” As if responding to having its secrets revealed, the sharknado sped up, continuing on its unstoppable journey towards Ponyville. There was no more time to wait. “Spike, hop on!” As Spike grabbed hold, Twilight took off, her wings beating as she headed towards the train station. As a princess, it was her duty to do everything she could to protect her subjects, and with Rainbow Dash's group having failed, it was up to her to protect Ponyville. She would do her best, but could have greatly used Applejack, as her herding skills would have come in handy to control the panicked citizens. As it was, Twilight would have to do things herself...and hope that Applejack and her family could ride out the storm. *** “Big Mac!” Applejack yelled over the roaring wind. “Ya still with me!?” “Yyyyup!” Frantically tying down another net, Applejack looked to the massive numbers of other trees scattered across the family's many acres. They had managed to secure and tie down a few dozen trees, but had hundreds more to go. “Ya think we can save the trees?!” “Nnnnnope!” Big Mac yelled back. The wind howled even harder then before, and the apple trees bent. As if mocking Applejack's efforts, the nets were ripped from their respective trees like tissue paper, leaves being torn from the branches. The apples held on a little longer, before they snapped off and flew off into the sky. “No!” Applejack ran towards the nearest tree in a desperate attempt to save it, to hold it back, anything. But Big Mac, realizing that it was already too late, grabbed her by the mane and held her back as their beloved trees were ripped from the ground and yanked away, one after another. Applejack's screams of despair were lost among the howling maelstrom as Big Mac dragged her towards the house, from which ceiling tiles were flying off. But while Big Mac had expected a strong wind, he was not prepared to see the giant tornado that was now bearing down on their farm with great and terrible fury. But what he saw inside the tornado surprised him even more. Even Applejack, overcome with grief at the loss of her beloved apple trees, was shocked at the sight before her. “What in tarnation?!” Sharks lunged forth from the tornado, snapping at the trees, chewing them into sawdust and pulp as the tornado reached the barn. Once raised to the tune of merry singing and family fun, it was now demolished by the terrible fury of the ocean's alpha predator. Running for the house, Big Mac kicked the door open and dashed inside. Granny Smith was waiting for them in the basement, lantern held high. Glass shattered as Big Mac and Applejack fled inside, slamming the doors shut behind them. “What in blue blazes are sharks doin' out here?!” Applejack said. “Sharks?” Granny Smith said. “Don't be silly Applejack! There ain't no sharks in these parts! Never have been, never will! And speaking of apples...” she peered around the basement. “Where's Apple Bloom?” Applejack's heart nearly stopped as she looked around, realized that her little sister was nowhere to be see. “Big Mac, have you seen her?!” “Nnnnnope!” The ceiling was torn away as the shark's serrated teeth made quick work of the wood. The wind sucked in, threatening to yank all three into the storm. Applejack grabbed onto a pillar, with Big Mac grabbing her flank, and Granny Smith his. And as the sharks swirled about them, Granny Smith lost her grip and was sucked in. “Granny!” Applejack shouted. Big Mac struggled to hold on. “Big Mac, hold on!” Applejack shouted. “Don't let go!” But the force of the winds was too much, and Big Mac lost his grip, falling away into the tornado with a panicked, “Nnnnnnnnooooo!” Then Applejack, unable to hold on any longer, lost her grip and was sucked into the sharknado, the roars of sharks drowning out her panicked screams. *** “This special meeting of the Cutie Mark Crusaders is called to order!” Apple Bloom said, banging her gavel on the podium. “Thanks for coming on such short notice!” “Sure!” Scootaloo said. “Not a problem!” Sweetie Belle said. “Now girls, as we all know, a tornado filled with sharks is coming down on Ponyville, and I think it's our destiny to stop it!” Windows shattered as the Cutie Mark Crusader clubhouse was assaulted by the sharknado's terrible winds. “Therefore, I propose that we temporarily call ourselves the Cutie Mark Shark Slayer Crusaders! All in favor?” “Aye!” Sweetie Belle said. “Aye!” Scootaloo said. Panels of wood were ripped from the clubhouse, allowing the wind to scream inside. “Okay everyone, get yer official Cutie Mark Crusader battle gear on!” The three little fillies dressed themselves in burnt armor leftover from the time they had discovered that their talent was definitely not defeating demons from the underworld. Once they were ready, they gathered near the clubhouse door as the roof was ripped away. “Okay everypony!” Apple Bloom said, hoping up and down in excitement. “Here's the plan: Scootaloo, you get onto your scooter. Sweetie Belle an me will ride on, and we'll all fly into the tornado and beat them sharks until they beg for mercy!” “Are you sure this is a good idea, Apple Bloom?” Sweetie Belle asked. “I mean, I've never tried to beat up a shark before.” “Don't worry, Sweetie Belle! And besides, this just might be the only way to get our cutie marks! As mah big sis says, we'll never know until we try!” A wall was ripped to shreds as sharks tore into it. Scootaloo jumped onto her scooter, and the other two took their places behind her. “All right girls, here we go!” Apple Bloom yelled. “One, two, three!” With a happy shout, the three little fillies jumped out into the sharknado, and were promptly sucked up, learning life's greatest and most joyous lesson: It's a really stupid idea to jump into a tornado filled with rampaging sharks. *** With nary a hiccup, the sharknado demolished Sweet Apple Acres and continued on, briefly changing course towards the Everfree Forest. And as Twilight had predicted, the fuzzy wuzzy widdle creatures of the forest panicked. Unlike ponies, they had a sixth sense that alerted them to the presence of incoming sharks, and responded accordingly. Deep within the forest, Zecora mediated within her hut, contemplating her place in the universe. Having just gotten back from a party in which she had engaged in a drinking contest with Berry Punch, it was harder then she expected, the potent apple beer making her thoughts fuzzy and unfocused. She also failed to notice when the floor began to shake, sending potions, brews, herbs, and liquids tumbling from her shelves, containers shattering on impact. Loosing her balance upon her meditation pole, Zecora fell to the floor. Woozy, she stumbled to her hooves, barely able to keep her balance. A loud roaring sound came in through the window. “What is this, that I hear?” she hiccuped. “Perhaps I should investigate, or maybe drink another beer!” Staggering to the window, she peered outside. The thick groves of trees blocked her vision, but from the way they shook and swayed in the wind, it was obvious something was close by. And in Zecora's alcohol-riddled brain, there was only one possible creature who could create such a storm. “This wind is from a giant bee! 'Tis safe, I think, to pack up and flee!” Grabbing her suitcase, Zecora tossed in a few random items, unable to differentiate between priceless heirlooms of her family, and junk from yesterday's mail. Throwing on her thickest, most durable cloak, she grabbed the suitcase and ran outside into the forest, tripping after going five feet. She had only just gotten back up before hearing the shriek of forest animals behind her, along with the chomping of many teeth. Then the trees began to get sucked into the air, and she saw a massive tornado above her. Zecora had heard of tornadoes, but never seen one before, much less this close. And to her astonishment, an animal appeared in the tornado, one she had never, ever expected to see in all her life. “Alas, alas, what a lark! For if my eyes do not deceive me, that was a shark!” Then more sharks appeared, and descended upon Zecora's house, tearing it to shreds with their sharp teeth, until the house was reduced to splinters. Normally Zecora would have wept, but for reasons she couldn't understand, she found the sight to be hilarious. “Oh, my misfortune is as great as a sloth!” Zecora laughed, “for I just finished paying that house off!” But there was no time to laugh or mourn lost investments, for the sharknado was now coming after her. Zecora tried to flee into the Everfree Forest, but her intoxication made finding her way all but impossible. And as the sharknado closed in on her, Zecora finally realized the folly of consuming too many alcoholic beverages at social gatherings. For when any Pony, Zebra, Griffon, Minotaur, or other sentient being consumes too much alcohol, their judgement becomes impaired, and they are unable to flee when sharks are on the hunt. *** “Attention everypony!” Twilight boomed, using magic to amplify her voice. “As insane as it sounds...and I know it sounds crazy...there is a tornado coming towards us that is filled with sharks! All ponies should head to the train station immediately! I repeat, drop whatever you're doing and run!” Ponyville was all too happy to comply, and ponies stampeded towards the train station by the hundreds. While one train had already departed (stuffed beyond capacity), another was en-route, forcing the terrified ponies to wait. But not all heeded Twilight's warning, at least not immediately. Inside Ponyville's boutique, Rarity was still packing her fifteen suitcases, not wanting to leave behind so many of her fabulous dresses. “Oh, do come on!” she grunted, jumping up and down on the fattest suitcase, trying to make it close, not an easy feat when it was stuffed with thirty five dresses, hats, glasses, shoes, and fabulous fashion accessories. “Do cooperate!” The sound of screams outside interrupted her. Temporarily giving up on the suitcase, she peered outside, saw the crowds stampeding towards the station. But among them were a few ponies who were exhausted, worn out, and clearly couldn't go a step further. Running to the door, Rarity threw it open. “In here, my dears!” she called out. “Come and take shelter from this dreadful weather!” All-too happy to take up her generous offer, the ponies ran inside. Closing the door, Rarity latched it shut, took a look at her sudden guests to make sure they weren't hurt. Lyra, Bon Bon, Octavia, Vinyl Scratch, and Berry Punch leaned against the walls, trying to catch their breath, Berry Punch chugging down on a bottle of the hardest berry cider Ponyville had to offer. “Goodness gracious me,” Rarity said, going into the kitchen to get some hot chocolate. “Whatever in heaven's name is going on out there?” "You wouldn't believe...*hic*...it if we told you!" Berry Punch said, finishing one bottle and starting another. “There's...a tornado...coming!” Lyra wheezed. Quickly returning from the kitchen with the mugs, Rarity passed them out. “A tornado? Here in Ponyville? Don't be absurd. We don't get tornadoes!” “That's not all!” Octavia said. “I admit it sounds like the ravings of a drunken commoner—” Berry Punch burped, glared at her. “Hey!” “—no offense intended,” Octavia continued. “But it appears that this tornado is...how do I say it...filled with sharks!” Rarity bust out laughing. “Don't be silly! That sounds like some terrible movie out of Applewood!” “I assure you, it's true!” Octavia said. “Hate to break it to ya,” Vinyl Scratch said, gulping down the hot chocolate. “But she's telling the truth!” “Goodness gracious, is Discord poisoning the rain or something?” Rarity said. “I can see you've been through a lot, but listen to me very carefully. There's no such thing as a tornado filled with—” A window exploded as something huge and grey slammed through, smashing into the ground, chomping its teeth wildly. “Sharks!” Rarity screeched. The shark thrashed about, whacking over racks of dresses, mannequins, and sewing equipment, as well as knocking Rarity's suitcases over, snapping each open, and sending the dresses, shoes, and fun fashion accessories across the floor. “NOT MY DRESSES, YOU UNCULTURED SWINE!” Rarity screamed. With the fury of tartarus itself, Rarity leapt to attack, but the shark was faster. Perhaps sensing food, it lunged, forcing Rarity to twist out of the way, inadvertently exposing Lyra and Bon Bon to the full fury of the shark's hunger, and in seconds they were gobbled up whole. Berry Punch gave a loud hiccup. “Run!” While horrified at the sudden loss of Lyra and Bon Bon, Rarity knew that there was nothing to be done for them, or her beloved dresses, and ran to the stairs. “Follow me!” she shouted. Octavia and Vinyl were right behind her, but Berry Punch wobbled all the way up, barely able to keep her balance, the bottle of cider falling from her hoof. "Oh boy...that was my last bottle! Hey Rarity! You...*hic*...got any more? I could really use—" They were halfway up when another shark hurled through another window and tackled Berry Punch, who vanished into the dark void of its mouth, only able to let out a single, surprised shout before the jaws clamped shut. Reaching the upper floor of the boutique, Rarity waited until Octavia and Vinyl Scratch were in before slamming the door shut. All three could only listen in horror as both sharks worked their way up the stairs, their hunger still unsatisfied. And though no more windows were smashed, the three soon heard more sharks coming up as well. “We're trapped!” Octavia said, shoving a desk in front of the door. Vinyl pitched in, using her horn to move Rarity's bed into place. Rarity ran to the nearest window and kicked it open. “Help!” she yelled. “Oh please, won't someone help?!” The door cracked and splintered as several hundred pounds of hungry sharks smashed against it, knocking the barricade aside. “Help!” Rarity yelled, and this time she was heard, for Twilight shot over. She hovered over the balcony, Spike riding upon her back. “Rarity!” Spike shouted. “Are you all right?!” “Get us out of here!” Rarity shouted. “There are sharks coming in!” Twilight floated back a few feet. “Everyone, hold on!” Using her magic, she grabbed the three and levitated them off the floor, carrying them away from the boutique. But it was slow work, and the door was smashed to pieces as sharks leapt inside. One shark spotted the ponies and leapt from the balcony, its cavernous mouth stretched to the breaking point. Twilight saw it coming and just barely managed to get clear, the shark's teeth missing Vinyl's tail by inches. "Whoa!" Vinyl shouted. The shark fell to the ground below, and was soon joined by more sharks, for the sharknado had reached Ponyville and was smashing its way through the countless houses and buildings before it. Those that weren't destroyed outright by the winds were chomped to pieces by the hundreds of sharks acting like living buzzsaws, reducing everything in their path to rubble. The last stragglers, who had failed to heed Twilight's warning, tried to run towards the train station, but were too late. Either they were gobbled up by the sharks, or sucked into the sharknado by the merciless wind, which acted like a giant vacuum cleaner. Even with her wings, Twilight struggled to reach the train station, where the last train had pulled in, and was now being stampeded as Ponyville's residents crammed themselves in like sardines in a can. Seeing the sharknado closing in, the train's conductor realized that it was simply too close, and made the most agonizing decision of his life. Either he would be able to save most of Ponyville, or none at all. The engines were started, and the train began to pull away from the station. Those who weren't onboard screamed, leapt on, scrambling to the roof, or hanging on for dear life. But not everyone made it on, and the smarter ones fled, running for their lives. Swooping in low, Twilight reached the engine, dropped Rarity, Octavia, and Vinyl Scratch off. Spike leapt from her back, clutched Rarity tightly, overjoyed to see her still alive, and not inside the belly of a shark. The train reached full speed, and shot off down the tracks, just narrowly managing to avoid the sharknado as it hit the train station, destroying it, and sucking up hundreds of poor, innocent ponies who hadn't gotten away in time, their screams lost among the roars, and the ding of a single triangle. All the ponies onboard turned away, unable to watch the destruction. Twilight watched, her heart breaking as the train rode on. She, and hundreds more, had managed to get to safety. But hundreds hadn't, and now Ponyville was reduced to rubble, leveled by the sharknado, which now moved off in another direction, seeking to consume more towns, more cities, and more ponies. Watching it go, Twilight had the horrible feeling that, even with all the efforts of Pegasus ponies, and perhaps magic itself, the sharknado was unstoppable. She had no idea how right she was. > Chaos in Canterlot > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- When a disaster occurs, everyone reacts in different ways. Some become brave and rise to overcome evil, save lives, and rescue kittens trapped in trees. Others panic and dive under blankets in hope that they'll be safe from an erupting volcano. Most individuals are a mix of the two, and the situation onboard the train was no different as it fled from what remained of Ponyville. Some wanted to leap out and fight the abomination of nature. Others wanted to hide under the seats and never come out. But others, like Twilight, wanted to survive to fight another day. And so she watched and prayed that the sharknado wouldn't come after them. And to her relief, the Universe answered her prayer; the sharknado shrank as the train drove further away, until the abomination was finally out of sight. Only then did Twilight collapse against the wall, adrenaline pouring from her system. Spike ran up. “Twilight! You okay?!” Twilight gave him a quick hug. “I'm fine, Spike. You?” “Well, I'm okay, I guess. But Rarity's really worried about her sister! And the other ponies aren't doing too hot either.” Twilight glanced around. Rarity and the other ponies stuffed into the car were dazed, as if awakening from a particularly unpleasant dream. Physically, they were unharmed, but their mental state was far more precarious, for their little pony minds were unable to fathom that a tornado filled with sharks had just destroyed their beautiful homes. “Spike, we need to make sure nobody goes into shock. Listen, I need you to find some blankets.” She looked to Octavia and Vinyl Scratch, who, while shaken, seemed to be in pretty good shape. “Octavia, I want you to go to the dining car and have the staff give out everything to all the ponies on board. If they have any money questions, tell them Canterlot will cover the expenses. Vinyl Scratch?” “Yeah?” “See if we can find some doctors on board. Tell them to go through and treat everyone for shock, even if they look okay.” Vinyl nodded. “Will do!” Relieved, Twilight left the car. Ponies given a job to do were less likely to break down if they had a task to complete. Her task was to now take stock of how many had escaped Ponyville's destruction. To that end, Twilight shot through the train, squeezing her way past hundreds of wet, miserable ponies, counting them as she went. Twilight had just entered a car halfway through the train when a pink pony leapt forward and nearly crushed her in a giant bear hug. “Twilight!” Pinkie Pie said. “Oh Twilight, it's really you! I'm so glad to see you! Did you see everything that happened in Ponyville?! There was a massive tornado and a bunch of sharks and it would have been really awesome if those sharks hadn't started swallowing everyone up like a bunch of doughnuts! We should totally throw a party to celebrate that those sharks aren't here anymore and that we escaped!” While grateful that Pinkie Pie had escaped the sharks, Twilight knew that having her throw a party would only enrage ponies who had lost loved ones. Not wanting to see Pinkie Pie being lynched, she said, “Pinkie Pie, I need your help.” “You do!?” “I need you to get on the roof and and keep an eye out behind the train. If you see that tornado coming towards us, let me know as soon as possible, okay?” Pinkie leapt through the ceiling. “Okie dokie!” Grateful that Pinkie Pie wouldn't be lynched, Twilight hurried through the remaining cars, struggling to keep track of how many ponies were crammed into each one. As she reached the caboose, she tallied her numbers. There were roughly two hundred ponies onboard; coupled with the three hundred or so who had evacuated before the sharknado hit, that meant that roughly half of Ponyville's residents had escaped. That was good news by any standard...but it meant that the other half were either missing, or had been turned into shark chow. And there were many among the missing: the Cutie Mark Crusaders, Mayor Mare, Zecora, the Cakes and their fillies, Cheerilee, Doctor Hooves, Lotus Blossom, Aloe, and so many others. Even Rainbow Dash and Derpy Hooves were gone. Choking, Twilight squeezed her eyes shut. She wanted nothing more than to try and rage against the uncaring heavens for those the sharknado had taken from her. But she held back the tears; Twilight was a princess, and the surviving ponies would look to her for guidance and leadership. She couldn't afford to be weak. Wiping the moisture from her eyes, Twilight stood tall. What had happened, had happened, and nothing she could do would change that. It was time to move onward, and she was ready to lead the survivors of Ponyville to safety. That, she could handle. The bigger problem was what to do if the sharknado returned, which was clearly something beyond the work of mere mortals, and even nature itself. It was an abomination, something vile and cruel that could not be stopped even by the most powerful of magic. There had to be a way to stop it...and Twilight knew there was only one pony who knew how to do it...Snails. No, wait, that wasn't right. Twilight shook her head. The stress of the past hour was coming down hard, and affecting her thinking. Princess Celestia...yes, that's who she was thinking of. She'd know what to do! Racing back through the train, Twilight headed towards the engine car. She was almost there when Rarity saw her coming, and threw herself into Twilight's path. “Twilight!” Rarity's eyes were pouring waterfalls of tears. “Did you find Sweetie Belle?!” How to answer her? Twilight needed to keep everyone focused on survival, and having even a single pony break down could cause a chain reaction that would have the train carrying hundreds of sobbing ponies, who would only sob even more if the sharknado came to eat them all. “No Rarity, I didn't,” Twilight said. “But she could have gotten on the train before us. And if she didn't, she probably managed to flee Ponyville before the sharknado came.” She put a hoof beneath Rarity's chin. “I don't know where she is, but I'm sure she's fine.” Rarity took the news as well as Twilight could have hoped. She sniffed, wiped away some tears, but nodded in gratitude for Twilight's honesty. As long as she had hope, then the unthinkable couldn't touch her. Running into the engine car, Twilight told the conductor to head for Canterlot with all the speed he could muster. He was quick to comply, and Twilight held on as the train changed tracks and shot into the mountains. *** The storm was coming down harder as the train pulled into Canterlot's station. No sooner had it stopped than Twilight flew out, leading Spike, Rarity, and Pinkie Pie towards the Royal Palace. They reached it a few minutes later, running through the main gates as the guards saluted them. Compared to the wet streets outside, the warm, dry halls of the palace were a haven that no storm could touch. But the flash of lightning beyond the windows reminded Twilight that the danger of airborne sharks had not lessened, and that no building, no matter how strong, could hold out against such a storm forever. Entering the throne room, Twilight found Princess Celesta sitting upon her golden throne. But unlike other rulers who would spend a rainy day eating, drinking, and playing video games, Celestia was hard at work dispatching numerous orders to coordinate rescue efforts for areas affected by the storm. It was a difficult task, for reports of devastation kept coming in, and the sheer number would have overwhelmed a lesser pony. But Celestia, with her thousands of years of experience, had overcome similar challenges before. She would overcome this one as well. “Princess Celestia!” Celestia looked up, surprised at seeing Twilight. She hadn't expected to see her star pupil paying a visit, especially not when she was so frantic. “Twilight? What's wrong? I received your letter about the storm, and a team is heading to-” “Princess, Ponyville is gone!” “What?!” “Oh Princess, it was awful! There was a storm, and everypony panicked, and then a tornado filled with sharks come down and destroyed everything!” All color drained from Celestia's face. Her scrolls fell to the floor. “What...what did you say?” “A tornado filled with sharks! I know it sounds crazy, but I'm not making this up!” The princess said nothing. And for the first time since Twilight could ever recall, Celestia was...frightened. It seemed like she was on the verge of panicking, considering how she was frantically chewing her hooves. “Princess?” Regaining her posture, Celestia took a deep breath. “Twilight, have Spike send letters to all your friends. The Elements of Harmony must be gathered immediately!” By some stroke of fortunate timing, Spike, Rarity, and Pinkie Pie reached the throne room and ran inside. “Thank goodness!” Celestia said. “Now, where are the others?” Twilight grimaced. “I'm sorry Princess, but this is everyone we have. I lost touch with Rainbow Dash after she led a squad to try and stop the tornado, and the last I saw Applejack, she was heading to her farm, which was probably destroyed with the rest of Ponyville. I don't have any idea where Fluttershy is. But that doesn't mean we can't stop it, right?” Celestia didn't answer, for she was breathing rapidly into a paper bag. “Princess?” Gulping, Celestia composed herself. “Twilight, I won't lie to you, or your friends. Without all the Elements of Harmony, our chances of stopping the sharknado are very low.” “Sharknado?” “That is what we now face. And I fear we won't be able to withstand its wrath.” “What?! But that can't be! You're the most powerful pony in all of Equestria! You can stop it, can't you?” Celestia shook her head. “Luna and I have faced a sharknado long ago, when the land itself was young, and Alicorns ruled this world. But even with the Elements at our side, the sharknado practically wiped out the Alicorn race, and Equestria itself was almost destroyed.” She wiped a tear from her eyes. “Without the Elements, I don't know what our chances are.” A deathly chill overtook Twilight. Celestia and Luna were goddesses, physical embodiments of the divine; if they couldn't stop a sharknado, than what chance did they all have? The awful image of a ruined Equestria forced itself into her mind, showing her a squalid and ruined wasteland where the sharks devoured everyone and everything in their path, laughing shark-laughs as they achieved ultimate victory over the pony race itself. “But there has to be a way to stop them!” Twilight said, shoving the fear aside. “There has to be!” The doors to the chamber were shoved aside as a guard rushed inside. “Excuse the interruption, your Highness, but there's someone here to see you.” Standing aside, the guard cleared the way as a Pegasus pony entered the throne room. She panted, for she was carrying a heavy burden, both physically, and symbolically, for her unconscious passenger was one of those who could potentially save Equestria. “Rainbow Dash!” Twilight cried. Derpy Hooves, exhausted and covered in scratches, flew to a table and dropped Rainbow Dash onto it before collapsing to the floor. While both were covered in bruises, cuts, and boo-boos, Rainbow Dash had taken the worst of it. Twilight and the others ran over. “Derpy, what happened?!” “I just don't know what went wrong!” Derpy said as she struggled to stand. “We went to stop the tornado, but there were sharks inside! Dash tried to get us all out, but the sharks swallowed everyone! They almost got me too, but Dash pulled me away just in time!” Rainbow Dash groaned. Twilight ran to the table, immediately casting spells to try and heal some of Rainbow Dash's wounds. “Rainbow Dash, can you hear me?!” Rainbow Dash's eyes cracked open. “Ugh...Twilight?” “I'm here.” “What happened?” “The tornado...it-” Dash's eyes went wide. “Ponyville! Is it okay?!” Twilight sighed. “No Dash. The tornado destroyed it.” Rainbow Dash looked at Twilight, a tear falling from her eye. “W...what? You mean we...failed?” Princess Celestia put a hoof on Dash's shoulder. “There was nothing you could have done, Rainbow Dash. Do not blame yourself for what happened. What you faced cannot be defeated by any living pony.” “Defeated? What can't be defeated?” Rainbow Dash asked, confused as to what was going on. Though she remembered flying towards the tornado with the other Pegasus ponies, the memory of what happened next was fuzzy. “A sharknado,” Celestia said. “A what?!” “An ancient force of terrible power,” Celestia said. She closed her eyes, and her horn lit up. Princess Luna came into the hall moments later, panting. She had been in the middle of organizing relief groups, and had come to the hall on short notice. “Why do you call me, Sister?” Luna asked. “I was in the middle of dispatching relief groups.” Princess Celestia sighed, giving the order she had never hoped to give. “Luna, spread word to the armed forces: We're going to Defcon One.” Luna froze. “Defcon One? But that's reserved for when-” “All of Equestria is in danger. And it is, for the sharknado has returned again.” Princess Luna had to grab hold of the door to keep from fainting. “Surely you jest, dear sister! Spring Fool's day is still several months away!” “I wish I was, Luna.” Celestia went to her. “Dear Sister, listen to me. You must sound the alarm and begin the evacuation process. Do you understand?” Shaken, Luna nevertheless shook her head and took off. Within a few moments, a low, steady warning klaxon echoed throughout the palace. “Oh boy, what's going on?!” Pinkie Pie asked. “Are we having a party to celebrate the fact that we're all united against the sharknado, celebrating how even the worst of disasters can bring out the best in us?!” “We're leaving,” Princess Celestia said. “All of us.” “But we only just got here!” Twilight said. “And Canterlot is the most heavily defended city in all of Equestria!” Celestia shook her head. “When it comes to sharknados, no place is safe, only safer. Now, Twilight, take your friends and get everypony to the airport. You'll find several planes and balloons waiting there. Load them up as fast as you can, and send them to every floating city in Equestria.” Twilight didn't understand. She had thought that the princesses would make Canterlot their base of operations, and that they would take down the Sharknado together. But if the two had defeated a sharknado in the past, then they had to know what they were doing, and she had to trust in that. She nodded, and turned to Rarity and Pinkie Pie. “All right girls, let's go!” “Hey wait, what about me?!” Rainbow Dash said. “And me?” Derpy asked. “Come on! We'll need all the help we can get!” As the group headed off, Spike followed, only to be stopped by Celestia. “Spike, I need your help.” Surprised, Spike glanced around, wondering if there was someone nearby who shared his name. “Me, your highness?” Celestia nodded, cracking her hooves. “We have letters to write.” *** For the next two hours, Canterlot was a frantic rush of activity as the city's evacuation procedures were put into place. Working with Princess Luna, Twilight directed every pony and animal in the city to the airport, with Pinkie Pie going to every building and house to make sure there were no stragglers left behind. Rainbow Dash tried to help, but her injuries from attacking the Sharknado left her unable to do so. As she was treated in the palace's medical center, Rarity kept herself busy by working with the staff and guards to gather the palace's treasures and works of art, which were then moved to the Royal Vault. Once the vault was filled, it would be sealed by an enormous gate of magic-enhanced steel over two feet thick. If anything could withstand the fury of sharks, that was it. But even then, nobody knew if it would hold up under such a relentless assault. Within the throne room, Princess Celestia worked with Spike to write out hundreds of letters. There were two types: the first was addressed to Equestria's cities and towns, warning them that a sharknado was on the loose, and that everyone needed to evacuate to the closest floating cities, such as Cloudsdale. Being up so high, they would be above the reach of the sharknado, ensuring that they would be safe until the crisis had passed. The second letters were addressed to the rulers of surrounding kingdoms, warning them that a sharknado was on the loose, and to join Celestia and Luna in an emergency session in the Crystal Empire as soon as possible. And once each letter was composed, Spike bathed it in his green fire and sent it to all corners of the continent. But despite Celestia's speed, the warnings came too late for much of Equestria. While Canterlot had scrambled to deal with the crisis, the sharknado continued its rampage, striking one community after another. In all of them, the story played out the same: the populace, preparing to weather a terrible storm, was caught off guard by the sharknado. Panic and fear spread as buildings and ponies alike were consumed. The communities that received Celestia's warnings in time were able to defend themselves, throwing magic, arrows, rocks, and anything they had into the sharknado. But each community, no matter how well-defended, were inevitably consumed. Applewood fell. Then Baltimare, Hoofington, and Saddle Arabia. In the remote deserts to the South, Appaloosa held out the longest, partially due to the dry climate, but mostly due to the spirit of sharing, and caring that resided within the hearts of ponies, buffalo, and deer alike. All three defended their lands by throwing pie after pie into the sharknado, with Braeburn and Chief Thunderhooves leading the defenses. But while the sharks were momentarily distracted by the pies, they eventually moved on to devouring tepees, saloons, and everything else in its path, and in the end, no amount of sharing and caring could save the town. Within an hour, Appleloosa fell. And within a few more hours, a dozen communities no longer existed, all consumed by the sharknado's unending hunger. And still it went, seeking to devour even more ponies. *** When all of Celestia's letters had been mailed, she went to the palace's highest balcony to overlook the evacuation below. It was proceeding better than she had ever hoped, for half of the city appeared to be empty. With any luck, the rest of Canterlot would follow within the hour. With the safety of her ponies under control, Celestia's mind turned to other, more pressing matters. With the Bearers scattered, and some possibly consumed, the most powerful way of stopping the sharknado was beyond their reach. Equestria's doom seemed inevitable...but that didn't mean there weren't other ways to fight back. And with any luck- “Your Highness!” Alarmed at Spike's fearful outburst, Celestia spun, fearing that the sharknado was heading towards the city. It wasn't, but the situation was no less dire: a massive surge of water was flooding across the valley below, pouring around the mountains as it headed towards the remains of Ponyville and the rest of Equestria. No...oh please, not this! “What's going on?!” Spike asked. “It's a tidal surge,” Celestia said, her heart sinking. The last time she had seen one was when she and Luna battled a sharknado in ages past. Back then, one of the only warnings they had gotten was a massive surge of water from the ocean that washed over Equestria, flooding the entire continent, and allowing the sharknado to grow in power and size. If the surge was washing over Equestria once again, that meant only one thing: property values were going to plummet due to water damage. But it also meant they were running out of time. Twilight flew to the balcony. “Princess! What is that!? What's going on?!“ “Twilight, I need you to head to the library immediately, and search for a book in the high-security wing.” Celestia removed a key from around her neck, and gave it to Twilight. “Once you're inside, look for a thin, blue book that has a black gem on the cover.” “But why would we need a book to-” Princess Celestia tossed Spike onto Twilight's back. “There's no time to explain! Go! I will join you shortly!” Wings spreading, she took off down towards the streets below. Realizing that time was of the essence, Twilight swung the key around her neck and flew into the palace, Spike hanging on as she ran through the silent and empty halls. Rooms had been abandoned, as if their owners never meant to return. The only exception was the Royal Library, which had been magically sealed off. There were too many priceless scrolls and fragile books within to transport, so the wing had been designed with the ability to seal it off and protect it from anything that could damage it. That is, everything except a sharknado. Unlocking the door, Twilight dashed inside “Okay Spike, you know what to look for!” “Right!” For ten minutes, the two combed through every part of the library, going through the history section, the magical artifacts and creatures wings, but found nothing. “I don't understand it!” Twilight said as she tossed two books aside. “The princess said the book was here!” “Maybe we're not looking in the right spot?” Spike suggested. Going to the very top of a ladder, Twilight went through the oldest, dustiest corner of the shelves, blowing away cobwebs, dust, and the skeletons of janitors who had died attempting to clean the shelves, until she gave a shriek of delight. “I found it!” She yanked out the book Celestia had instructed her to find. Though caked with dust, it was intact, and now in their possession. “Spike, let Celestia know we found it!” Such actions were unnecessary, for Celestia ran into the room moments later. “Twilight?!” Flying down, Twilight gave the book to Celestia. “Princess! We found it!” Celestia sank to her knees in relief. “Thank goodness!” Despite her relief, Twilight found herself curious as to the book itself. What was it? What did it contain? Was there a spell inside that could defeat the sharks? “Princess, what's in the book? Why is it so important?” “Well Twilight, this book has-” The doors to the library were thrown open as Prince Blueblood ran inside. “Auntie Celestia! Auntie Celestia!” Celestia spun. “Blueblood? What is it?!” Thunder shook the windows as Prince Blueblood wiped the tears from his face. “Oh it's awful, just awful!” he wailed. “Somepony used up all my shampoo! How am I going to keep my fabulous hair clean now?!” Celestia had to restrain herself from smacking her nephew.. “Blueblood, now is not the time to worry about your hair. Now is the time to worry about sharks.” No sooner had she finished speaking than a new alarm came to life, one much different from the klaxon that had been steadily droning on. “Oh no...” Celestia whispered. “Quickly, all of you follow me!” As Spike leapt onto Twilight's back, Celestia ran up several flights of stairs to her private residence, where she peered through a telescope, and to the lands surrounding Canterlot. What she saw froze her to her core. “Sweet mother of me...” Twilight ran off the stairs. “Celestia?!” Sweat dripped down Celestia's forehead. “It's here.” Even without a telescope, Twilight saw the sharknado on the horizon, closing in on Canterlot with frightening speed. And even from miles away, the sharks' roars could be heard, filled with a ravenous desire to devour Equestria's capital, and with it, Canterlot's government, which would effectively end any organized resistance that could stop them. But not if Celestia could help it. “Get to the airport!” Celestia yelled. “Go, now!” “But my shampoo!” Blueblood wailed. Celestia took the sky. “Twilight, get him out of here!” Groaning, Twilight grabbed Blueblood, threw him over her shoulder, and took off towards the airport. Flying high above Canterlot, Celestia's horn glowed. And much as she had done before the Changeling attack on the city, she sent forth a great and mighty dome that encircled Canterlot. And for once, Celestia was grateful that the Changelings had invaded at all. The experience had taught her to further enhance her shield powers, so as to make it twice as powerful. Granted, it wouldn't do squat against the assault of sharks, but it would buy her enough time to ensure that the rest of Canterlot was evacuated. When the barrier slammed down and sealed off Canterlot, the winds outside increased in strength, slamming trees and rocks against the shield as the sharknado surged up the mountainside, launching its attack. Having already sucked up water from the tidal surge, it was even larger than when it had attacked Ponyville. Within Canterlot, ponies ran for their lives, screaming in terror as sharks tore into the barrier with relentless hunger. Even those who had bravely fought during the Changeling invasion were reduced to quivering blobs of terrified jelly. They had seen the terror of Changelings impersonating their loved ones, but that was nothing compared to the horror of airborne sharks. But amongst the terror and fear that gripped Canterlot, Celestia was a beacon of hope. She swooped down, her mere presence encouraging everyone on, lifting the spirits of those around her, allowing them to calm down long enough to dash for the airport. As long as Celestia was flying, the ponies of Canterlot had hope. But as the sharks attacked the barrier, that hope remained frail. *** At the Canterlot airport, the situation was no less dire. Luna was guiding ponies towards the nearest balloons, blimps, and zeppelins, doing her utmost to keep them calm while the craft took off and fled as fast as could be managed, only to smash into the magical barrier, forcing their embarrassed pilots to wait while Luna opened a small gap, at which point they fled once again. But among all the craft taking off like terrified rabbits, one remained stationary: Canterlot Force One. As the only jet aircraft in all of Equestria, it was being saved for the princesses, acting as their airborne palace. It was to that massive, three-story plane that Twilight flew, landing inside the doorway. Her frantic flight was stopped as she was momentarily overtaken by the beauty and opulence of the plane's interior. The walls were white marble, with deep purple carpeting and chandeliers, along with a sauna, hot tub, and what appeared to be cabinets stocked with enough cake, bananas, and food to feed an army. Truly, it was a floating palace worthy of the princesses. “Twilight!” Spike hung on as Twilight dumped Blueblood off her back and ran upstairs, where Pinkie was in a passenger compartment, along with Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Derpy, Octavia, and Vinyl Scratch. “Hey Twilight, great to see you! Isn't this place awesome?! It's totally awesome and cool and the perfect place to throw a party! In fact, we should throw a party now to celebrate you getting here and everyone else evacuating! Here, let me set up my-” “Pinkie?” “Yes?!” “Why don't you...uhhh...go stand on top of the plane and keep an eye out for incoming sharks?!” Pinkie leapt through the ceiling. “Okie-dokie!” “Thank you,” Octavia said, breathing a sigh of relief. “Really, I can't see how you all can manage her endless attempts to stage parties for the flimsiest of reasons.” “You get used to it,” Twilight said. “Where's the princess?” “She hasn't arrived yet?” Running to the window, Twilight looked outside. The last of the airships were leaving, with Canterlot Force One being the only aircraft yet to take off. “But she has to be here! There's nopony left to evacuate!” Looking down, she saw the rest of the Royal Guards boarding the craft, and then Princess Luna, who was the last one onboard. Leaping from the window, Twilight ran downstairs. “Princess Luna! Where's Celestia?!” Luna looked out the window. “She must be searching for any ponies still within the city.” “Then we have to go help her!” As Twilight made for the stairs, Luna held out a leg and stopped her. “Nay, Twilight. My sister can handle herself. We must prepare the plane to take off as soon as possible! I daresay we shall need to depart with great speed when the moment arrives.” *** Thanks to Celestia's presence, the streets of Canterlot had been evacuated, leaving them barren and empty. Only Celestia remained, dashing from house to house to ensure that nopony had been left behind, even as the barrier began to crack and fracture under the sharknado's relentless assault. Making a final stop at Canterlot's orphanage, Celestia found that all the adorable little orphan ponies had been safely evacuated; she gave a sigh of relief. Most ponies would think that a sharknado wanted nothing more than to consume mountains of meat to sate their hunger, but she knew from experience that what sharknados desired more than anything in Equestria were the tears of orphans. At least this time, it would be denied such pleasures. Celestia had run out the door of the orphanage as the magical barrier finally shattered. The sharknado surged through, immediately tearing into the streets, walls, and the palace itself. With her wings beating, Celestia took off. The sharknado immediately gave chase, forcing Celestia to dart between the towers of the palace to escape. The Royal Palace, the proud and beautiful structure that was the pinnacle of Equestrian craftsmanship, was demolished by the sharks, who effortlessly tore through the outer walls and proceeded to consume everything inside. Had they been capable of laughing, they would have done so as they shredded the steel door to the Royal Vault, mocking the attempt to keep them out as they ate priceless treasures and manuscripts. But even as the remains of the palace imploded upon itself before being sucked into the sharknado, Celestia didn't look back, and she didn't mourn the loss of her home. Her subjects were safe, and that was what mattered. If they all survived this catastrophe, a better palace would be built, one that no shark could ever tear down, and that would be lined with all manner of defenses, including barbed wire, cannons, and diamond-tipped chainsaws. Reaching the airport, Celestia found that it was empty, save for Canterlot Force One, which was moving onto the runway, the engines powering up for an emergency takeoff. She swooped in low and dove inside the entrance, slamming the door shut after her. “Pilot!” Celestia called to the upper deck. “Take off!” No sooner had Celestia given the order then the engines roared, and the plane took off at full speed, tearing down the runway before finally launching into the air, leaving Canterlot behind as the sharknado destroyed Equestria's capital in a savage display of primal fury and aquatic terror. “Princess!” Twilight said, rushing to Celestia and grabbing her leg. “Thank heavens you're okay!” Panting, Celestia wrapped a leg around Twilight and held her close. “Luna?” Luna ran over. “Yes sister?” Celestia looked out the window, watching the rapidly-receding wreckage of Canterlot. First Ponyville, and now the capital. A disaster, to be sure, but with the citizens evacuated, and the book from the library now safely in her possession, she had reason to be hopeful. But if the rest of Equestria was to avoid being destroyed, they'd have to move fast. “Have the pilot set course for the Crystal Empire.” > Crisis in the Crystal Empire > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Within the steel confines of Canterlot Force One,‭ ‬all was silent.‭ ‬No one spoke as the craft headed north,‭ ‬for all eyes gazed out the windows to the flooded continent below.‭ ‬While the mountains remained dry,‭ ‬only the occasional tree or half-fallen skyscraper showed that there was still land beneath the water.‭ ‬But as Canterlot Force One began to cross the Crystal Mountains and head north,‭ ‬the flooded terrain was replaced by the snowy peaks,‭ ‬and then those were lost as one of the storm fronts swallowed the plane,‭ ‬leaving only gray beyond the windows. Twilight Sparkle walked through the plane,‭ ‬trying to give hope and cheer where it was needed.‭ ‬But she had nothing happy or cheerful within her heart,‭ ‬and eventually she gave up,‭ ‬tormented by the same fears that plagued everyone else:‭ ‬was the Crystal Empire still intact‭? ‬They had received no word from it since the storms began,‭ ‬and for all they knew,‭ ‬the sharknado had launched a ninja-style sneak attack and taken it out before going to the rest of Equestria. Eventually,‭ ‬the gray clouds began to dissipate as Canterlot Force One finally cleared the storm,‭ ‬and passed over the last peaks of the Crystal Mountains.‭ ‬Before it lay the bright and colorful fields of the Crystal Empire,‭ ‬pristine and untouched by sharks. A few rays of sunshine peeked through the clouds, causing the crystal buildings to sparkle, and causing everyone on the plane to go ‭“‬Awww‭!” Cruising down into the Crystal Airport,‭ ‬Canterlot Force One landed besides blimps and other aircraft bearing the various symbols of kingdoms throughout Equestria,‭ ‬something that gave Twilight hope:‭ ‬if the Crystal Empire was intact and untouched,‭ ‬then that mean that it had received Celestia's warning. With the craft parked,‭ ‬Celestia told everyone to stay onboard in case they had to make a quick takeoff,‭ ‬with the only exceptions being Twilight,‭ ‬Rarity,‭ ‬and Pinkie Pie‭ (‬who had to be coaxed off the roof‭)‬,‭ ‬benefiting their status as the Bearers of the Elements of Harmony.‭ ‬It didn't take long for Rainbow Dash to realize that she hadn't been called. ‏“Hey, Princess?” she asked as Celestia passed her seat. “What about me?” “You must remain here,‏ ‎Rainbow Dash,‭” ‬Celestia said.‭ “‬Your wounds need to heal.‭” “But I can't just sit here and do nothing‏!” “You don't have to.‏” ‎Celestia indicated for Rainbow Dash to follow her,‭ ‬and the two entered the craft's command and control room.‭ ‬Filled with maps,‭ ‬radar,‭ ‬the most advanced communications equipment available,‭ ‬and automatic coffee and banana dispensers,‭ ‬it could allow Celestia to command and keep watch over all of Equestria,‭ ‬if needed. ‏“We need someone to watch the radar,” Celestia said, indicating a large readout. “Will you do it?” Rainbow Dash immediately went to the console,‭ ‬eager to be useful,‭ ‬rather than just sit around and do nothing. Taking a walkie-talkie,‭ ‬Celestia gave one to Rainbow Dash.‭ “‬If you see the sharknado coming,‭ ‬let us know right away.‭” Rainbow Dash saluted the princess,‏ ‎then took a seat and turned her eyes to the readout. With everything settled,‭ ‬Celestia and her entourage disembarked Canterlot Force One,‭ ‬swarmed by the Royal Guards who were ready to leap into action at the first sign of sharks.‭ ‬As Celestia led the group towards the palace,‭ ‬the local residents were shocked to see Equestria’s rulers walking their streets.‭ ‬Seeing the princesses in such a hurry worried them.‭ ‬But they had seen the other monarchs and rulers heading towards the Palace,‭ ‬and the appearance of the Royal Sisters was an assurance that everything possible was being done to save Equestria.‭ ‬And there was another reason to be confident:‭ ‬who would dare attack the Empire if the world's most powerful beings were guarding it‭? When Celestia's group arrived at the crystal gates of the Crystal Palace,‭ ‬they found Princess Cadence and Shining Armor waiting for them.‭ ‬They were relieved to see that Celestia and the others had arrived safely,‭ ‬but Shining Armor gave the biggest grin upon seeing Twilight.‭ “Twiley‏!” ‎Running down the steps,‭ ‬Shining Armor embraced his sister as hard as he could.‭ “‬Thank Celestia you’re safe‭!” Twilight returned the gesture,‭ ‬equally relieved.‭ ‬Knowing that her brother was safe and sound took a tremendous weight off her shoulders.‭ ‬But while Shining Armor was safe,‭ ‬Twilight was still worried about her parents. ‏“Shining Armor, where’s Mom and Dad? Are they safe?” Shining Armor nodded.‭ “‬After we got Celestia's warning,‭ ‬Cadence and I sent them to Cloudsdale.‭” Twilight sighed,‭ ‬feeling another weight coming off her shoulders.‭ ‬No matter what was to happen,‭ ‬at least the sharks wouldn't get her parents. As brother and sister exchanged another relieved hug,‭ ‬Princess Cadence went to Celestia and Luna.‭ ‬Unlike Shining Armor,‭ ‬she was anything but relieved‭; ‬after receiving Celestia's warning,‭ ‬she had been working around the clock to put up every protective spell she knew,‭ ‬keeping the guards alert,‭ ‬and working to take care of refugees who had fled the sharknado's wrath.‭ ‬Such work had left her exhausted.‭ ‬But worse still was hearing the stories from the refugees:‭ ‬tales of horror and despair,‭ ‬of seeing entire towns and cities be sucked into the sharknado like ants into a vacuum cleaner.‭ ‬If the sharknado unleashed its wrath upon the Empire,‭ ‬there would be little she could do to defend it. ‏“Princess Celestia, Princess Luna,” Cadence said. “An emergency meeting of the Crystal Council has been convened. Representatives from the various kingdoms are waiting upstairs for you.” Celestia nodded,‭ ‬and headed into the palace.‭ ‬But halfway up the steps,‭ ‬she stopped.‭ “‬Cadence,‭ ‬a moment‭?” Cadence nodded,‭ ‬indicating for the others to go on ahead.‭ ‬Shining Armor led them inside.‭ Once the two were alone,‭ ‬Celestia moved in close.‭ “‬Cadence,‭ ‬the sharknado is more dangerous than I feared,‭ ‬and moving faster than I expected.‭ ‬The Empire may be remote,‭ ‬but I fear it's only a matter of time before the sharknado arrives.‭ ‬I want you to begin evacuating the Empire.‭” Celestia had worried that Cadence would protest such a drastic move,‭ ‬but was surprised to see her nodding in agreement.‭ “‬I had thought of that.‭ ‬Even with all the protective spells we have,‭ ‬I fear it won't be enough.‭ ‬But where would they go‭?” “Send them to Cloudsdale.‏ ‎It's high enough that the sharknado can't reach it.‭” Relieved that she now had a plan of action,‭ ‬Cadence nodded.‭ “‬I'll get on it once the meeting begins.‭” With events now set in motion,‭ ‬the two headed into the palace. ‏ *** Inside the Royal Palace,‭ ‬Shining Armor led Celestia's group through the glittering halls.‭ ‬Celestia and Cadence quickly caught up,‭ ‬and they took a crystal elevator to the upper halls.‭ ‬Once they reached the council chamber,‭ ‬the massive doors were swung open,‭ ‬revealing an opulent,‭ ‬sparkling room filled with towering windows,‭ ‬each giving a breathtaking view of the grassy fields surrounding the Empire.‭ As Cadence had said,‭ ‬the room was filled with delegates from all across the land,‭ ‬each sitting in crystal chairs around a crystal meeting table.‭ ‬Such a sight almost made Twilight squee in delight:‭ ‬she had read about how,‭ ‬in times of danger,‭ ‬every kingdom would unite to face the threat,‭ ‬and now here she was,‭ ‬present for one such meeting.‭ ‬She eagerly looked the delegates over.‭ ‬Some she was familiar with,‭ ‬like the Minotaurs and Griffons,‭ ‬while others were more obscure,‭ ‬like the Nagas and Dire-wolves.‭ ‬Some were merely ambassadors,‭ ‬while others were kings,‭ ‬presidents,‭ ‬and queens.‭ ‬Twilight didn't know them personally...save for one,‭ ‬whom she knew all too well. ‏“Queen Chrysalis?!” The leader of the Changelings sat near the front of the table.‭ ‬She was equally surprised to see Twilight,‭ ‬but the shock gave way to a smirk.‭ “‬Well,‭ ‬if it isn't Celestia's star pupil,‭” ‬she said.‭ “‬My,‭ ‬my,‭ ‬Celestia,‭ ‬things must be truly desperate if your precious student and her little friends can't solve this crisis on their own.‭ ‬They must be losing their touch‭!” A deep and terrible rage shot through Twilight,‭ ‬Rarity,‭ ‬and Pinkie Pie,‭ ‬and they almost leapt at the Queen,‭ ‬memories of the assault on Canterlot still fresh in her mind.‭ ‬But Princess Celestia saw what Twilight was about to do,‭ ‬and held out a hoof to stop her. ‏“I understand your anger, Twilight, but for the moment, circumstances dictate that Queen Chrysalis is our ally.” Twilight would have been happy to piledrive Chrysalis‭' ‬head through the table and turn her into a pile of Changeling mush,‭ ‬but she wasn't the type to disobey a command from Celestia herself.‭ ‬She took a deep breath and felt the rage seep away.‭ ‬So too,‭ ‬did her friends. Taking her seat at the end of the table,‭ ‬Celestia indicated for Twilight and the others to take their own places.‭ ‬They did so,‭ ‬but each of them kept a close eye on Chrysalis,‭ ‬ready to attack if she so much as breathed the wrong way. As Cadence left to begin the Empire's evacuation,‭ ‬Shining Armor closed the doors.‭ ‬From her seat,‭ ‬Celestia eyed the delegates before her.‭ ‬While present to address a common threat,‭ ‬no one seemed particularly comfortable.‭ ‬For outside the land of the ponies,‭ ‬friendship was not as strong and prevalent among the neighboring kingdoms.‭ ‬Alliances were sometimes thin,‭ ‬and old hates and grudges were not so easily forgotten.‭ ‬Many eyes were glancing at each other with suspicion and distrust.‭ ‬Celestia took a deep breath.‭ ‬If she was going to pull them all together,‭ ‬she'd have to proceed carefully. ‏“Thank you all for coming on such short notice,” she said. “Perhaps more than any other day in our history, Equestria faces the very real threat of destruction and ruin. If we are to survive and defeat the sharknado that now destroys our homes, we must put aside our differences and unite as one.” The delegates nodded,‭ ‬none of them finding fault with her words...save one. ‏“Why did you not tell us of this sharknado sooner?” Queen Chrysalis asked. “Surely with the storms we have been experiencing, you knew it was coming! Or perhaps you wanted to keep it quiet and let it wipe out your enemies while you stayed at home in your comfy palace!” Twilight braced herself for an attack,‭ ‬but Celestia indicated for her to hold her tongue.‭ “‬A sharknado is not formed by nature,‭” ‬she said.‭ “‬It is formed only by the most powerful magic.‭” “Then you were the ones who formed it‏! ‎Who else could‭?!” Celestia glared at the Queen.‭ “‬I would gain nothing by having my allies and my own subjects be eaten by sharks.‭” “I agree‏!” ‎the Griffon king said.‭ “‬Princess Celestia is not the type to unleash a horde of killer sharks upon us,‭ ‬or any other species‭!” “Hear, hear‭!” ‬the Minotaur Queen said. But not all of the delegates agreed.‭ ‬Some remained silent,‭ ‬while a select few cast approving glances at Queen Chrysalis. ‏“Discovering how the sharknado came into existence is not the purpose of our meeting,” Celestia said. “What matters is how we are going to stop it.” “And how do we do that‏?” ‎the Zebra monarch asked. Celestia was silent for a moment.‭ “‬It will not be easy.‭ ‬Such powerful magic would ordinarily be defeated by the Elements of Harmony.‭ ‬But the sharknado...‭” ‬Celestia gulped,‭ “‬...the sharknado has devoured some of the Bearers.‭” “Fear not‏!” ‎The Minotaur Queen shouted.‭ “‬We do not need the Elements of Harmony to defeat the sharknado‭! ‬We,‭ ‬the Minotaurs will defeat it with our great and righteous strength‭! ‬We will-‭” The doors flew open as a guard ran in.‭ “‬Message for the Minotaur Queen,‭” ‬he said,‭ ‬dropping it before her.‭ ‬The Queen took the note,‭ ‬read it,‭ ‬and her face dropped,‭ ‬for it informed her that the Minotaur Empire had just been devoured by sharks. ‏“Uhhh...let me get back to you on that,” she said. ‏“This is all folly!” Queen Chrysalis said, slamming her hooves on the table. “Even if we were to ally ourselves with you, Celestia, how we will know that this is not some fool's errand?” “While my sister and I were able to defeat sharknadoes in the ancient past,‏” ‎Celestia said,‭ “‬we...we...‭” ‬she drifted off,‭ ‬seemingly forgetting where she was. ‏“Your Highness?” Rarity asked. “Are you alright?” Celestia didn't answer,‭ ‬seemingly lost in a nightmare from the past. ‏“Princess?” Blinking,‭ ‬Celestia shook her head.‭ “‬I apologize.‭ ‬As I was saying,‭ ‬Luna and I realized that,‭ ‬if we lost the Elements,‭ ‬we would be defenseless against the sharknado.‭ ‬Thus,‭ ‬we created a weapon to fight it.‭” “Then where is this weapon‏?” ‎the Zebra monarch asked.‭ “‬Why have you not used it already‭?” “Because we-‏” “Because she desires for all of us to be eliminated‏!” ‎Chrysalis shouted.‭ “‬Do you not see‭? ‬She desires to eliminate all contenders to the throne by having them eaten by sharks‭!” “That's a lie‏!” ‎The Naga ambassador shouted. ‏“It is not!!” “Is too‏!” “Is not‏!” “Is too‏!” “Is not‏!” “Is too times infinity‏!” Chrysalis roared and threw herself on the Ambassador,‭ ‬hooves flying.‭ ‬And in moments the council chamber was filled with chaos as the rulers of all the kingdoms got into the fray,‭ ‬smashing and punching each other as they came to the aid of their allies,‭ ‬and letting old grudges and hatreds take over. Celestia sighed.‭ “‬Twilight‭?” Twilight came over.‭ “‬Yes,‭ ‬Princess‭?” “It's going to take some time for them to calm down-‏” The Zebra monarch smashed a chair over Chrysalis‭' ‬back. ‏“-so I need you and your friends to head to the Crystal Library. You need to find a book; it's identical to the on you got in Canterlot, but with a red gem in the cover.” Twilight blinked,‭ ‬wondering if she wasn't hearing Celestia correctly.‭ “‬Pardon me,‭ ‬your Highness,‭ ‬but what's the point of getting all these books‭?” Celestia leaned to the side as the Boss of the Diamond Dogs shot past her and out the window.‭ “‬I'll tell you later,‭ ‬but it's vital that you find it.‭ ‬Don't let anyone stop you,‭ ‬and don't let anyone take it,‭ ‬understood‭?” Celestia's tone was stronger than Twilight could ever recall,‭ ‬but there was a hint of fear in it as well.‭ ‬She nodded. ‏“I'll follow if I can, but Luna and I need to keep everyone from killing themselves. Despite our differences, we still need them to defeat the sharknado.” She gave Twilight her walkie-talkie. “Take this, in case Rainbow Dash spots something.” Realizing that it was probably best to let Celestia and Luna focus on restoring order,‭ ‬Twilight took the walkie-talkie and left the chamber. ‭ ‬Rarity,‭ ‬Pinkie Pie,‭ ‬and Spike following after her,‭ ‬leaving Celestia,‭ ‬Luna,‭ ‬and Shining Armor to try and stop the monarchs from beating each other senseless. ‏ *** Twilight's mind swirled with questions as she headed towards the upper levels of the palace.‭ ‬Just what were these books Celestia kept sending her to get‭? ‬No doubt they were essential to defeating the Sharknado,‭ ‬but she didn't like being kept in the dark.‭ ‬They probably contained some powerful spells,‭ ‬or perhaps some other secret that could give them the advantage over their aquatic enemies,‭ ‬but it would be nice to know for sure. The walkie talkie squawked as Rainbow Dash's voice came through.‭ “‬Princess Celestia‭?” Twilight took the walkie-talkie.‭ “‬She's not here Dash.‭ ‬What is it‭?” “That storm is moving over the Crystal Mountains.‭” Twilight's heart skipped a beat.‭ “‬Is the sharknado in it‭?” “No,‭ ‬but there's...something in it.‭ ‬I can't tell what.‭ ‬It isn't going very fast,‭ ‬though.‭ ‬And it's smaller than the sharknado.‭” What was this‭? ‬Some new threat that no one had known about‭? ‬If so,‭ ‬Twilight needed to look into that.‭ ‬But just as the thought entered her mind,‭ ‬she shook her head.‭ ‬The book they were after was what mattered.‭ ‬Find that,‭ ‬and they could defeat the sharknado.‭ ‬Fail,‭ ‬and everyone might as well gulp down cyanide pills. ‏“Keep an eye on it, Dash. Let me know the moment something seems wrong.” “Will do.‭” Heading down a flight of stairs,‭ ‬Twilight led Rarity,‭ ‬Pinkie Pie,‭ ‬and Spike to a pair of ornate crystal gates:‭ ‬the doorway to the palace library,‭ ‬a magical place known for containing countless priceless manuscripts regarding gems,‭ ‬crystals,‭ ‬and all manner of precious metals contained within the earth.‭ ‬Opening the doors,‭ ‬the four entered and found themselves surrounded by stacks crammed with hundreds of books each.‭ ‬The place wasn't as large as Canterlot's library,‭ ‬but there was still so many books that going through them all one-by-one would keep a pony busy for weeks. ‏“Everyone, look for that book!” Twilight said. “The sooner we find it, the better!” She didn't say it, but everyone realized she was referring to that new signal Rainbow Dash had discovered. Whatever it was, it couldn't be good, and they didn't want to wait around to see what it was. Rarity,‭ ‬Spike,‭ ‬and Pinkie were quick to obey Twilight's command.‭ ‬The fate of Equestria lay somewhere in this room,‭ ‬and it was up to them to find it.‭ ‬For ten minutes they searched the library like a panther hunting a cute little bunny for dinner.‭ ‬The tension in the air was so thick,‭ ‬it felt as if it could be cut with a knife.‭ ‬If they couldn't find the book,‭ ‬all hope would be lost.. ‏“I found it!” Pinkie shouted at last. Twilight galloped over.‭ “‬You did‭?!” “I did‏!” ‎Pinkie held up a thin book.‭ “‬I found the Crystal Empire Guide to Throwing Parties‭! ‬This'll come in really handy when I-‭” “Pinkie‏!” ‎Twilight shouted.‭ “‬We don't have time for parties‭!” “But we're alive,‏ ‎right‭? ‬I mean,‭ ‬that's reason enough to celebrate,‭ ‬and if we're going to keep everyone's spirits up we have to hold a party because parties are the best way to-‭” Twilight was seconds from strangling Pinkie Pie,‭ ‬only to be interrupted as Spike ran out from behind a shelf.‭ “‬I found it‭!” ‬The book he held was just as Celestia had described it:‭ ‬identical to the one from Canterlot,‭ ‬but with a red,‭ ‬oval-shaped jewel in the cover. Forgetting about Pinkie Pie,‭ ‬Twilight grabbed the book,‭ ‬stuffing it into her saddlebags.‭ “‬Great work,‭ ‬Spike‭! ‬Now let's get out of here and meet up with the others‭!” Leaving the library behind,‭ ‬Twilight and the others headed back down to the council chamber,‭ ‬their jubilation tempered by fear,‭ ‬for they expected to hear the sounds of combat,‭ ‬insults,‭ ‬and delegates performing wrestling moves on one another.‭ ‬But to their surprise,‭ ‬they heard only silence.‭ ‬Entering the chamber,‭ ‬they found it to be empty.‭ ‬Only Celestia,‭ ‬Luna,‭ ‬and Shining Armor were there,‭ ‬assisting janitors in cleaning up the broken table and chairs with their crystal brooms,‭ ‬crystal mops,‭ ‬and crystal soap. ‏“Twilight!” Celestia ran over. “Did you find the book?” Twilight nodded,‭ ‬pulling it from her saddlebags.‭ Almost jumping for joy, Celestia grabbed Twilight in a giant embrace.‭ “‬Oh,‭ ‬thank goodness‭! ‬I'm so proud of you‭!” Twilight blushed.‭ “‬Actually,‭ ‬Princess,‭ ‬it was Spike who found it.‭” “Oh.‏” ‎Celestia put Twilight down,‭ ‬then grabbed Spike in‭ a ‬giant embrace.‭ “‬Oh Spike,‭ ‬I'm so proud of you‭!” Like Twilight,‭ ‬Spike blushed,‭ ‬unaccustomed to such displays of affection,‭ ‬especially from the princess. While proud at the affection Spike was receiving,‭ ‬Twilight was still surprised at the lack of dignitaries in the room.‭ ‬She turned to Luna.‭ “‬Princess,‭ ‬what happened‭? ‬Where is everyone‭?” “They have gone,‏” ‎Luna said.‭ “‬While we were able to stop the fight,‭ ‬we were not able to get everyone to sit together and discuss a plan of action.‭ ‬Chrysalis-‭” ‬she spat at the name,‭ “‬refused to be even anywhere near Celestia.‭ ‬She accused her of organizing the fight,‭ ‬and I regret to say that many of the representatives agreed with her.‭” “What‏? ‎You can't be serious‭!” “Twilight,‏ ‎minds are easily swayed when they are angry,‭ ‬and are quick to cast aside logic and reason.‭ ‬The representatives here let their hate overcome the logic of uniting to defeat the sharknado,‭ ‬and have left.‭” “To go where‏?!” “Back to their own kingdoms to fight the sharknado,‏ ‎no doubt.‭ ‬But I fear that they will only encounter disaster.‭” “But what about the Minotaurs‏? ‎The Zebras‭? ‬The Griffons‭?” “They want to help us, but said that their own kingdoms need to be looked after, first." “Then...they-" “Cannot help us. At least, not yet." The radio squawked.‭ “Twilight‭? ‬That storm just got a little closer,‭ ‬along with whatever's in it.‭” “What does she mean‏?” ‎Celestia asked,‭ ‬her body stiffening. ‏“There's something inside the storm,” Twilight said. “it's not the sharknado, but we don't know what it is.” “If it's a new threat,‏ ‎we must speed up the evacuation‭!” ‬Celestia headed for the door. ‏“Uhhh, Princess?” Spike said. “You can put me down.” “Oh.‏ ‎My apologies,‭ ‬Spike.‭” ‬Celestia put him down,‭ ‬and the group headed out. ‏ *** Ever since they had all arrived in the Crystal Empire,‭ ‬Twilight had feared that panic would eventually grip the hearts of its citizens and drive them into a terrified frenzy,‭ ‬much like what had happened when King Sombra had returned.‭ ‬But as she and the others exited the Crystal Palace,‭ ‬she was surprised to see that things were under control.‭ ‬There were no riots,‭ ‬panicking,‭ ‬or religious ponies holding up signs declaring that the end was neigh.‭ ‬A surprise,‭ ‬considering the size of the storm coming over the mountains.‭ ‬But there was no panic in the calm,‭ ‬orderly groups heading towards the airport. ‏“It appears that Cadence has the evacuation under control,” Luna remarked. No sooner had she spoken than Cadence herself came over. “We’ve evacuated about half the citizens.‏ ‎Another hour,‭ ‬and we should have the city completely evacuated.‭” “Excellent work,‏ ‎Cadence,‭” ‬Celestia said.‭ “‬You’ve done better than I ever dreamed.‭” Cadence beamed.‭ “‬And how did the meeting go‭?” “It...did not go as well as I’d hoped.‏” Sighing,‭ ‬Cadence rubbed her face.‭ “‬Then it was all for naught.‭” Putting a hoof on Cadence’s shoulder,‭ ‬Celestia shook her head.‭ “‬No,‭ ‬Cadence.‭ ‬There is always hope.‭ ‬But for now,‭ ‬we need to focus on the evacuation.‭ ‬Is there anything we can do to help‭?” “Actually,‏ ‎there is.‭ ‬These ponies need to see that things are going well.‭ ‬If you show them that you’re not worried,‭ ‬they won’t be worried.‭ ‬And if they’re not worried-‭" “-then the evacuation goes off without a hitch‏!” ‎Shining Armor said. ‏“Exactly.” “I believe we can do that,‏” ‎Celestia said.‭ “‬Twilight,‭ ‬Rarity,‭ ‬Pinkie Pie,‭ ‬Luna...let’s go reassure the public.‭” Thus,‭ ‬Celestia,‭ ‬Twilight,‭ ‬Spike,‭ ‬Rarity,‭ ‬Pinkie Pie,‭ ‬Shining Armor,‭ ‬Cadence,‭ ‬and their Royal Guards began their show of confidence.‭ ‬In full view of the public,‭ ‬they went to the local shops and enjoyed a sampling of crystal berries,‭ ‬crystal vegetables,‭ ‬and massive scoops of banana and strawberry flavored crystal ice cream with crystal soda.‭ ‬They also visited the local hat store to pick up some crystal hats as souvenirs,‭ ‬along with some crystal T-shirts‭ (‬embroidered them with the words,‭ “‬I survived a sharknado,‭ ‬and all I got was this disappointing T-shirt‭”)‬.‭ ‬Then they went to one of the crystal parks and fed crystal seeds to the crystal birds while eating some crystal hot dogs on crystal buns with crystal ketchup and crystal mustard. When half an hour had passed,‭ ‬and the group had gone through the city,‭ ‬Twilight looked towards the airport.‭ “‬Well,‭ ‬I think things are going well.‭ ‬Maybe a little...too well.‭" Spike gulped.‭ “‬What do you mean‭?” “I mean...I thought the sharknado would have been here by now.‏ ‎It seems to show up whenever we least except it,‭ ‬or want it.‭ ‬Like...‭” ‬Twilight trembled,‭ ‬a bead of sweat coming down her cheek.‭ “‬Like it’s...waiting for the right moment to emerge.‭” The group went tense,‭ ‬all eyes looking to the Crystal Mountains. Nothing happened.‭ ‬Then,‭ ‬a moment later...nothing else happened. ‏“Eh, it’s probably just my mind playing tricks on me,” Twilight said. At that moment,‭ ‬an enormous black cloud burst over the mountains and headed towards the border of the Empire.‭ ‬A terrible laugh of pure evil drifted through the air,‭ ‬and within the black mass,‭ ‬two eyes glowed the color of radioactive waste. ‏“My Crystal slaves...” “No,‏” ‎Twilight gasped.‭ “‬No,‭ ‬it can't be‭!” But it was.‭ ‬Around her,‭ ‬the remaining ponies of the Crystal Empire froze,‭ ‬many breaking into terrified screams.‭ ‬They knew that voice all too well,‭ ‬for it belonged to their former master. ‏“Twilight!” Rainbow Dash shouted through the walkie. “That new signal! It just jumped out of the storm!” Nobody bothered to answer.‭ ‬They were too busy watching as King Sombra emerged from the smoke,‭ ‬his terrible visage eying the kingdom,‭ ‬and the numerous crystal gardens that jutted up throughout the countryside. ‏“Yes...crystals!” “But how‏?!” ‎Spike yelled.‭ “‬We defeated him‭! ‬He exploded,‭ ‬for crying out loud‭!” Sombra shot towards the Empire,‭ ‬laughing all the while...only to come to a stop.‭ ‬From within the storm,‭ ‬a new shape emerged and shot towards the tyrant faster than he could follow.‭ “What‏?!” The sharknado roared as it swept into Sombra's black cloud,‭ ‬the sharks chomping away.‭ ‬Sombra,‭ ‬not one to take killer sharks lightly,‭ ‬roared as he tried to summon his most deadly magic,‭ ‬hoping to force the sharks into facing their worst fears.‭ ‬But the act of taking physical form once again had cost him all of his strength‭; ‬he had nothing to bring against the sharknado.‭ ‬Terror gripped his black heart‭; ‬where he had once forced his slaves to constantly face their own worst fears,‭ ‬now he was facing his own...killer sharks. ‏“No....no!” he screamed. “Stop!” The sharknado ignored him,‭ ‬and King Sombra,‭ ‬who had been terrified of sharks since childhood,‭ ‬couldn't stop screaming as the sharknado ate him.‭ ‬Thus,‭ ‬King Sombra,‭ ‬the most terrible tyrant Equestria had ever known,‭ ‬was defeated for all time not by ponies and the power of love,‭ ‬but by sharks. Twilight couldn't believe it.‭ ‬In less than a few minutes,‭ ‬Sombra had returned,‭ ‬only to be defeated equally as quickly.‭ ‬And not only that,‭ ‬but the sharknado...it had saved them.‭ ‬But it had not been out of the usual generosity and selflessness that characterized Equestria's sharks.‭ ‬The sharknado had only eaten Sombra because it was hungry.‭ ‬That hunger,‭ ‬unsatisfied,‭ ‬caused the sharknado to shoot towards the Crystal Palace. ‏“Everyone, run!” Celestia shouted. But her warning was unnecessary, for the crystal ponies, being the biggest wimps in all of Equestria, were already fleeing in all directions, panic gripping their hearts. But not everyone fled.‭ ‬At the base of the palace,‭ ‬Princess Cadence ran to the Crystal Heart and spread her wings wide,‭ ‬projecting her voice to all corners of the Empire.‭ “‬The sharknado is here to destroy us all‭!” ‬she shouted.‭ “‬Use the light and love within you to ensure that it doesn't‭!” The fleeing ponies realized that,‭ ‬with their love and light combined,‭ ‬they could defeat the sharknado once and for all.‭ ‬With hope rising through them,‭ ‬they knelt,‭ ‬offering that hope to the Crystal Heart.‭ ‬The streets beneath their hooves glowed,‭ ‬and a magical energy shot into the Heart,‭ ‬causing it to spin like a jet engine about to explode.‭ ‬It lit up like a thousand suns,‭ ‬and shot a wave of magical energy that radiated through the air,‭ ‬turning everyone and everything it touched into crystal ponies,‭ ‬before reaching the border and hitting the sharknado. For a moment,‭ ‬the resulting light made it impossible to see.‭ ‬But eventually it faded,‭ ‬and revealed that instead of destroying the sharknado,‭ ‬as everyone had hoped,‭ ‬the magical wave had instead turned it into a crystal sharknado,‭ ‬the sharks glistening and sparkling like flawless diamonds as they swept into the Empire to eat everyone. ‏“Well, buck.” Cadence said. ‏“Cadence!” Princess Celestia ran past. “The Heart! Take the Heart!” Knowing that her empire was lost,‭ ‬Cadence magically grabbed the Crystal Heart and ran after Celestia as the group ran for the airport.‭ ‬Behind them,‭ ‬the crystal sharknado continued towards the Empire.‭ ‬But,‭ ‬to everyone's surprise...it stopped.‭ ‬And not only that,‭ ‬but after a moment,‭ ‬it retreated back towards the Crystal Mountains. ‏“What's it doing?!” Spike cried out. Nobody had an answer for him as the crystal sharknado reached the mountains,‭ ‬then disappeared into the swirling storm that was ever-so slowly creeping its way over the peaks. Everyone within the Empire stopped,‭ ‬watching,‭ ‬wondering,‭ ‬hoping that they had somehow escaped certain death.‭ ‬Inside Canterlot Force One,‭ ‬Rainbow Dash had been wondering the same thing.‭ ‬The signature of the sharknado had vanished,‭ ‬as if it had simply dissipated.‭ ‬But she feared that their problems weren't going to be solved that easily. She was right. A new beep appeared on the radar,‭ ‬but far different than what she had seen before.‭ ‬Rainbow Dash tapped the screen,‭ ‬trying to clear it,‭ ‬but the image remained steady,‭ ‬and growing by the second. The upper half of the screen showed a massive wall advancing towards them. ‏“What the hay?” *** From within the storm,‭ ‬a new sound emerged,‭ ‬unlike anything that had come before it.‭ ‬It was louder and more terrible than King Sombra,‭ ‬and sounded nothing like the sharknado,‭ ‬giving the impression of a volcano,‭ ‬if a volcano had mated with a hurricane and had babies that were volcanoes as loud as hurricanes. At the edge of the airport,‭ ‬the thousands of crystal ponies who had stopped to watch the retreating sharknado fidgeted,‭ ‬unsure of what to do. ‏“Princess,” Shining Armor asked Celestia. “What is that?” Princess Celestia didn't answer.‭ ‬She had faced many threats during her tenure as princess,‭ ‬and heard many awful things,‭ ‬ranging from undead monsters to Blueblood's singing,‭ ‬but this was entirely new to her. ‏“Look!” Rarity cried, pointing towards the storm. All eyes peered into the clouds.‭ ‬Lighting was flashing,‭ ‬briefly illuminating sharks inside the chaos.‭ ‬But unlike the sharknado,‭ ‬these beasts were spread throughout the storm,‭ ‬which was now growing as it advanced over the mountains,‭ ‬seemingly swallowing them as it went,‭ ‬growing larger by the second. It was at that moment that Princess Celestia realized what was happening.‭ ‬And as she did,‭ ‬all color left her face.‭ ‬She took a step backwards,‭ ‬and then another.‭ “Princess‏?” ‎Twilight asked. ‏ Princess Celestia was unaware of anyone or anything around her, for her world was now focused completely on the storm. Desperate,‭ ‬Twilight grabbed Celestia's collar and shook her.‭ “‬Princess‭! ‬What's wrong‭?!” Celestia shook.‭ “‬That is no sharknado.‭” “What‏?!” Sweat poured down Celestia's face.‭ “‬Its grown‭! ‬It's...it's...‭” “What‏?!” ‎Twilight screamed.‭ “‬What is it‭?!” The wind howled,‭ ‬picking up speed,‭ ‬almost drowning out Celestia's terrified scream. ‏“A sharkicane!” The sharknado was no more.‭ ‬Fueled by the storm surge that had submerged most of Equestria,‭ ‬and fueled by all the ponies it had inhaled,‭ ‬the sharknado had,‭ ‬by complete chance,‭ ‬hit the perfect conditions for it to grow and expand,‭ ‬absorbing itself into the largest of the three storm-fronts battering Equestria,‭ ‬combining to create the single most destructive force the land had ever seen. Pinkie Pie looked up from her party book.‭ “‬Sorry,‭ ‬what'd I miss‭?” With a tremendous burst of speed,‭ ‬the sharkicane shot into the Crystal Empire.‭ ‬Nothing could stand before it,‭ ‬and countless buildings were shredded into vapor by the uncountable thousands of shark teeth that performed their deadly work.‭ ‬What few ponies were left promptly vanished as they were sucked in,‭ ‬gone as if they had simply ceased to be.‭ ‬The Royal Palace,‭ ‬which had stood for thousands of years,‭ ‬was destroyed in mere seconds,‭ ‬collapsing as its base was annihilated,‭ ‬the tower and upper spires chewed into dust before it could even hit the ground. The Empire's airport was instantly full of panicking ponies who struggled to flee from the storm now shooting towards them.‭ ‬Pilots took one look at the sharkicane and took off,‭ ‬not bothering to wait for survivors.‭ ‬Only one craft,‭ ‬Canterlot Force One,‭ ‬remained.‭ ‬Despite their fear,‭ ‬everyone on the plane,‭ ‬from the pilot and co-pilot,‭ ‬to the stewardess,‭ ‬and the pony who had to unclog the toilets and polish doorknobs,‭ ‬knew that they couldn't leave without the princesses. Celestia,‭ ‬Luna,‭ ‬Twilight,‭ ‬Cadence,‭ ‬and everyone in their group were already running towards the jet as fast as they could go,‭ ‬magically grabbing ever pony in range and hurling them into the jet.‭ ‬They couldn't get everyone,‭ ‬but they saved as many as they could.‭ ‬And when they reached the jet and ran inside,‭ ‬Celestia was the final one to get onboard. ‏“Pilot!” she yelled as the door was slammed shut behind her. “Take off! NOW!” With the engines roaring,‭ ‬Canterlot Force One shot onto the runway,‭ ‬gaining speed as the sharkicane gave chase.‭ ‬The pilots grabbed the accelerator handles and threw them as far forward as possible,‭ ‬trying to build up enough speed to take off as they reached a hundred miles an hour,‭ ‬then a hundred fifty.‭ ‬And still the sharkicane closed in,‭ ‬shredding the runway to pieces. ‏“NOW!” Celestia screamed. “TAKE OFF!” Eager to comply,‭ ‬the pilots yanked back on the control sticks,‭ sending ‬Canterlot Force One into the sky,‭ ‬the engines howling as they were pushed to the breaking point and beyond.‭ ‬The interior was chaotic as every pony not strapped in was thrown towards the back of the plane.‭ ‬In the communications room,‭ ‬Rainbow Dash slammed into several display consoles,‭ ‬causing them to explode in a shower of sparks.‭ ‬In the upper passenger compartment,‭ ‬Vinyl Scratch,‭ ‬Octavia,‭ ‬and Derpy Hooves had to grab onto seats to keep from being hurled down the stairs to the lower levels.‭ ‬And in the salon,‭ ‬Prince Blueblood was thrown from the makeup chair as he tried to apply conditioner to his hair. The sharkicane bore down on the jet,‭ ‬now pitifully tiny before the enormous wall of sharks behind it,‭ ‬the engines struggling to gain height and speed,‭ ‬even as the sharks got so close that the tail's paint was scraped off. Celestia's screams,‭ ‬Luna's screams,‭ ‬and everyone else's screams of fear and terror matched the engines and the roar of the sharks... ...and with a final burst of emergency power,‏ ‎Canterlot Force One shot forward and pulled away from the sharkicane,‭ ‬rapidly shooting into the sky.‭ ‬It didn't stop until it finally cleared the clouds above,‭ ‬and the remains of the Crystal Empire vanished below.‭ ‬Only then did the plane finally slow down,‭ ‬black smoke belching from the overworked engines. Inside,‭ ‬ponies collapsed to the floor,‭ ‬too exhausted to move,‭ ‬too worn out to talk,‭ ‬and too shocked to realize how close to they had come to being shark chow. > Mission to Manehattan > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- For almost ten minutes it was dead quiet onboard Canterlot Force One, everypony unable to process what had just happened. Even the normally bubbly Pinkie Pie was somber and worn out. Only the pilots, operating on thousands of hours of training and instinct, were able to function, forced to work overtime to stabilize the engines and keep the craft from crashing and killing them all. Among the passengers, Princess Luna was the first to stir. Having fought evil, and been evil, she could recover faster than the others from the assault of something so far beyond evil it was uber-evil. But no one else had that advantage...especially the one Luna needed now, more than ever. Princess Celestia remained near the door where she had landed after the emergency take off, her face blank and impossible to read. “Sister,” Luna said, “I know you are in shock, but time is short, and I need your help.” Celestia didn't answer. “Sister, I need you.” Celestia began to shake. “Not again...it's happening all over again...” The tears soon turned into frantic sobs as Celestia's mind was pushed to the breaking point. In less than a day, she had gone from a steady, comfortable life of protecting her subjects, promoting friendship, and plotting how best to destroy the Grand Galloping Gala (flamethrowers seemed like a good idea for this year), to seeing her land fall apart, her subjects being gobbled up like candy, and seeing everything she knew and love be destroyed. Granted, that meant she didn't have to endure another stupid gala, but her brain was in danger of self-destructing after seeing the horror of a sharkicane. Realizing the danger, Luna quickly went to the nearest first aid kit and yanked out a banana. “Eat this, dear Sister. It will help you relax.” Celestia reflexively ate the banana. Her sobs continued for several seconds, only to stop as she wobbled and collapsed to the floor. Twilight, having been in her own shocked stupor, was snapped out of it by seeing her beloved princess be fatally poisoned by a rotten banana. “Fear not Twilight,” Luna said. “She just ate a tranquilized banana. The duties of being a princess can drive anyone to having a mental breakdown, so these bananas are kept close at hand.” Celestia snored as two guards came and magically carried her away to her royal bedroom, where she could rest and regain some of her sanity. But without Celestia to lead, the remaining government of Equestria was now under the rule of Princess Luna, and she immediately rose to the occasion by rising dramatically in a dramatic way. “Twilight, gather your friends. If we are to save Equestria from the sharkicane, we must move quickly.” Twilight shook her head. “Princess, we only just escaped with our lives. Can't we take an hour to recuperate?” Luna shook her head. “I wish we could, Twilight. But if we are to survive, we cannot delay.” *** Much like Twilight had guessed, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, and Spike were emotionally worn out, and in no shape to go on yet another excursion. And as they met Luna in one of Canterlot Force One's conference rooms, they found Princess Cadence and Shining Armor waiting there. And like them, they were also worn out. “Good, everyone's here,” Luna said. Her horn glowed, and duct tape shot out to cover the doorframe, air ducts, and windows. And over that she applied supergule, hardened earwax, quick-drying concrete, dried out oatmeal, and three week old peanut butter. “I apologize for the drastic measures, but we must have absolute privacy for what is about to transpire here, for this is our secret conference room for when we need to have secret conferences.” As everyone took their seats, Luna went to the head of the table. “The loss of the Crystal Empire is a terrible blow, but the damage will get worse unless we act quickly.” “Our most powerful artifact did nothing against the sharknado,” Cadence said. She glanced at the Crystal Heart held tightly in her hooves. “How are we supposed to confront something even more powerful than that?” Luna focused on Twilight's saddlebags. “Twilight, the book.” Intrigued, Twilight took the book and slid it to Luna, who contemplated the worn leather and and the crystal embedded in the cover. “This book, along with the one retrieved from Canterlot, is the key to stopping the sharkicane.” “But how?” Twilight asked. “How are these books going to stop a hurricane made of sharks?” Luna was silent as she contemplated the book, as if looking into the distant past, and to memories long gone. Or she could have been contemplating the silent release of potent flatulence. “Princess?” Luna eyed Twilight, and then the others. “What I am about to say must not leave this room. Is that understood?” Twilight and the others nodded. “When my sister and I first fought a sharknado, we realized that we might not have access to the Elements if another ever arose. Therefore, we created the most powerful weapon our world has ever seen... a friendship nuke.” If Luna had hoped for startled gasps and eager requests for clarification, she was left disappointed, for the others just stared at her. “A... what?” Rainbow Dash asked. “A tactical friendship nuke,” Luna explained. “Located inside an asteroid circling the moon, only to be used in the most dire of emergencies. Although it's power is not as great as the Elements, if detonated, it would trigger a massive friendship wave that would destroy everything aligned with chaos.” “Including a sharknado!” Rarity said. “Nay, Rarity. The sharknado, or sharkicane, or whatever form it takes, is above such puny things as good and evil.” She lifted the book. “They contain the spells needed to activate the nuke. By themselves, they only contain fragments, but when brought together, they reveal the complete spell.” In a flash, everything came together for Twilight. “So that's why Celestia was so desperate to get the books!” “Indeed. But even then, the friendship nuke will not be enough to defeat the sharkicane.” Luna pointed to the Crystal Heart. “The Crystal Heart is our ace-in-the-hole, for if it is combined with the Friendship Nuke, it should provide enough power to overcome whatever the sharkicane may evolve into.” Rainbow Dash leapt to her hooves. “Then what are we waiting for?! Let's just head up there and get it!” “We cannot. Not yet. We need three books, and only have two in our possession.” “Then where's the third one?” Twilight asked. Luna sighed. “The Manehattan library.” “That doesn't sound so bad.” “Manehattan is underwater.” Silence fell across the room. “Well, that sucks,” Spike said. “Yes, it does indeed, 'suck.' But there is still hope. The book is located in the Library's Forbidden Section, which is reinforced to protect its treasures from damage. Should the Library still be intact, so will the Forbidden Section.” “So we just have to dive down there and get it,” Twilight said. Luna nodded. “And then we can throw a party!” Pinkie Pie yanked out her party cannon. Luna stuffed a hoof into the barrel as Pinkie Pie hit a button, causing the cannon to implode with a thick burst of smoke and ash. “Nay, save the festivities for when the sharkicane is destroyed, dear Pinkie Pie.” Putting the book down, Luna unsealed the door, which allowed air to flow inside and prevent everyone from suffocating. “Now, all of you get some rest. And remember, do not tell anyone of what we have spoken of. The sharkicane has many spies, and if it were to learn of our plan, all could be lost.” The others nodded and left as soon as the door was open. “Twilight, a moment.” Indicating for Spike to go on with the others, Twilight held back. “Yes, Luna?” “Twilight, while your group rests, I will organize a task force to infiltrate the library and retrieve the book. Of everyone onboard this plane, you have visited the library the most. If you were to go along with the team, their odds of success would be greatly improved.” “Wait, me? Princess, I’ve never been on a military mission before." “You will not have to fight. You only need to reach the Forbidden Section and retrieve the book. Others will go along to ensure your safety.” The thought of going on a military mission didn't do much for Twilight; more than anything, she wanted to rest and gain relief, however fleeting, from the acquatic horror devouring her homeland. But if she could help save Equestria, then she really had no choice... not when she could make a difference. "Then I'm in.” Luna smiled. “Very good, Twilight. Now go and rest. I shall wake you when the time comes for your mission.” Nodding, Twilight left the room, glad that things were turning out all right. Hope was with her once again. *** The next several hours were a whirl of activity as Luna brought the crew out of their shocked stupor by giving them tasks to do. Machines needed to be operated, weapons needed to be readied, and space capsules needed to be readied for their trip into space. There was plenty of work to go around, and everyone was kept busy as Canterlot Force One made its way towards Manehattan, and to the final piece of the puzzle that would save the world. Twilight and her friends spent those hours getting some desperately needed rest within the plane's upper cabins. But they found no peace in sleep, for their dreams were filled with bloodthirsty sharks, razor-sharp teeth, and sea slugs. The nightmares eventually became too much for Twilight, and she awoke under a blanket of sweat. Disoriented, she tried to figure out where she was, for the lights had been dimmed throughout Canterlot Force One as night passed. Only the occasional lightning flash illuminated the dark clouds beyond the rain-streaked windows. Wiping the grime from her eyes, Twilight thought of returning to sleep, but decided against it, not wanting to revisit the horrors of her nightmares. She instead made her way down to the main deck. The plane was eerily quiet, for everyone was in deep slumber once again, leaving the hallways and corridors empty. If Twilight didn't know any better, she would have feared that the plane had been abandoned. “Twilight.” Twilight spun, her heat pounding. “Princess, I was looking for you.” "As was I, Twilight," Luna said. "We are nearing Manehattan. The time has come for 'Operation Save The Book From Killer Sharks Who Want To Eat Us All So We Can Dance With Bunnies In The Sunshine All Day Long' to commence. Or, "Operation STBFKSWWTEUASWCDWBITSADL' for short." Twilight nodded. “I'm ready.” “Are you sure? This will be a dangerous mission. If you wish, you can give instructions and guidance over the radio.” Twilight considered the idea, but decided against it. She was a princess, and as a princess she had a duty to help protect all the ponies of the land. She couldn't just sit around all day in pink castles having her hair done and talk about stallions over tea parties while others screamed and were eaten. Besides, if her going along would help protect her parents, Shining Armor, Cadence, and all her friends, then that alone would be worth it. “I'm sure, Luna.” Pleased, Luna turned. "Come. Time is short, and we must move quickly if we are to succeed.“ Luna guided Twilight to the stairs leading down into the plane's belly. They emerged into a cargo bay that had been converted into a locker room for tactical operatives; shelves held armor, weapons, and equipment suited for any type of military operation. Well over a dozen ponies were already pulling on wetsuits, their hooves moving with quick, well-practiced moves. “Princess, who are these ponies?” “The finest commandos Equestria has to offer,” Luna said, beaming with pride. “All of them have been trained in the arts of subterfuge, combat, and stealth, skills honed over years of practice. Furthermore, they have taken a fifteen minute online course in how to combat sharks, making them the best of the best.” Twilight looked the operatives over. She was surprised to see Bulk Biceps among their number. While he was still as strong as ever, she never would have thought him to be a military operative. But the biggest surprise was in who would be leading the mission. “Iron Will?” Iron Will was equally as surprised to see Twilight. “Twilight Sparkle! Iron Will is glad to see that you have survived! And Iron Will is even more surprised that you’re joining us!” “But you're a motivational speaker! I didn't know you had military training.” Iron Will chuckled. “Minotaurs need no training. We are born ready for battle!” "I see." Figuring that she had best prepare for battle as well, Twilight went to a shelf and pulled out a thick wetsuit. Putting it on, she attached a combat vest filled with all the gear one would need to survive while on a mission: tactical field knives, tactical flashlights, tactical first-aid kits, tactical chapstick, tactical laser pointers, and tactical band-aids for boo-boos acquired in the field. Once her gear was zipped up and attached, Twilight joined the others as they stood in formation before Luna, who beamed at seeing so many well-armed commandos before her. “Members of Special Task Force One, your country calls upon you this day for perhaps the most important mission of your lives: Operation STBFKSWWTEUASWCDWBITSADL. We are currently en-route to Manehattan, where you must retrieve a very important book from the city's library.” While the commandos would never back down from any challenge, one of them was puzzled. “A book?” “Yes. For security reasons, I cannot tell you exactly what it does, but rest assured that it will save us all.” A picture of the book was projected onto the wall behind Luna. It was identical to the others Twilight had retrieved, but it had a green gem in the cover. “You will perform a HALO jump to enter the city. Once there, you will have to swim into the Manehattan Library." Luna indicated Twilight. “Princess Twilight Sparkle will guide you to the library’s Forbidden Section, where she will retrieve the book. The rest of you are to protect her while she does so. After the book is retrieved, you will all proceed to the extraction zone for pickup. Do you have any questions?” Iron Will raised his hand. “Yes?” “Iron Will is ready for any challenge... but if Manehattan is submerged, we’ll be going up against hundreds of sharks. Not even Iron Will can take on that many.” Luna nodded. “There is a chance that you will encounter sharks. But our intelligence tells us that the vast majority are within the sharkicane, which is currently three hundred miles southwest of our current position. We’ll be monitoring it, and will come in for emergency retrieval should it head towards Manehattan." Eying every pony in the room, Luna softened her tone. “Operation STBFKSWWTEUASWCDWBITSADL will be dangerous. There is a chance that none of you will come back. But if you succeed, all of Equestria will be saved from certain destruction. Are you ready?” Bulk Biceps thrust his hoof into the air. “Yeah!” The other commandos did the same, their stoic faces momentarily flush with excitement and anticipation of an easy victory. “Very good then. Gather your weapons and report to the cargo bay.” *** The commandos were good, Twilight had to admit. They gathered their individual weapons in record time, and were sprinting down into the cargo hold. It took Twilight everything she had just to keep up. “Never been on a military mission before?” Iron Will asked. “Can't say that I have.” “Don't worry! Iron Will will protect you! Iron Will looks out for the weak and the helpless!” Twilight thought of pointing out that Alicorn princesses were more then capable of defending themselves, but decided against it. No need to dampen Iron Will's spirits. Emerging into the plane's cargo hold, the commandos headed to the loading hatch in the back. Iron Will went to a handle on the wall. “All right, are we ready to go?!" “Yeah!” Bulk Biceps yelled. “That’s what Iron Will likes to hear!” Pulling her facemask and goggles on, Twilight breathed deeply as Iron Will yanked the handle down. The lights snapped out; red ones took their place. Twilight's headpiece came to life. “As soon as you jump, we'll be heading off to begin our diversionary mission," Luna said. "Good luck.” “Princess?” “Yes, Twilight?” “Does Shining Armor and Spike know I'm going on this mission?” “No.” Twilight sighed. They wouldn't be happy upon learning that she was going on a dangerous mission that might end in lots of boo-boos or death. “Tell them I'm coming back.” “Alive?” “Yes.” “I will.” Gears whirred as the hatch opened wide, allowing rain and wind to shoot into the cargo hold. “Let’s go!” Iron Will shouted. “Move it, move it, move it!” The commandos did so, hurling themselves into the abyss. Twilight leapt out after Bulk Biceps, who was followed by Iron Will himself. Taking a deep breath from her mask, Twilight tucked her limbs close to her body, gaining speed as she followed the others into the storm. *** “Commandos are away.” From inside the plane’s command center, Luna nodded. From here on out, Twilight and the commandos' fate was out of her hooves. Just as she had her part to play in this war, now they had their part to play in the great circle of life. All Luna could do now was make sure that they wouldn't be eaten by the sharkicane, and she was in the perfect place to do so: the plane’s command center had all the technology, consoles, and equipment needed to coordinate Equestria’s armed forces and any branch of the government. Already those consoles were manned with her remaining generals, lieutenants, and janitors. “What’s the status on the sharkicane?” “The sharkicane is growing larger by the hour,” the janitor said. “If we keep our distance, we should be safe.” Luna nodded, pleased. The doors hissed open as Rarity and the other Bearers came inside, still groggy from sleep. “Your highness...” Rarity yawned. “What’s going on? Where’s Twilight?” Luna could have lied, but decided that honesty was the best policy. “Twilight has gone on a secret mission. I wish I could tell you more, but for security reasons I cannot.” “A secret mission?!” Rainbow Dash said. “Without us?!” “She... she left without me?” Spike asked, his little heart pounding. “But she... she needs me! She can’t go on a mission alone!” Luna put a hoof beneath Spike’s chin and spoke in her most calming, soothing voice. “Fear not, little Spike. You will see her again, whether she be alive, or a skeleton from which all the flesh has been removed and devoured for substance by evil, nasty creatures who delight in tormenting their prey as much as possible before they’re taken by death’s sweet embrace.” A nearby console beeped. “The space capsule is almost ready, your highness,” a lieutenant said. “Excellent! How much longer until it can be launched?” The lieutenant studied his console. “About two hours.” “Very good. Keep me informed.” “But why'd Twilight leave without us?” Pinkie Pie asked. “I don't understand.” “Because this is a mission that only she can complete,” Luna said. “And we cannot risk losing any more of you.” A beep came from one of the terminals. The general inspected it. “Your Highness, you have a coded message on the priority channel. It appears to be a conference call.” Luna frowned. The only conference calls she would get would come from Equestria's other dignitaries, but they hadn't been on speaking terms with each other after storming out of the Crystal Empire. Having them reconcile so quickly seemed unfathomable. Perhaps they had come to their senses and realized that the only way they'd survive was to work together. “Transfer it to the conference room.” The general nodded and pressing the corresponding buttons to fulfill Luna’s request. The princess left, motioning for Rarity, Spike, and Pinkie Pie to follow her. They went to one of the plane’s conference rooms, and once the door was closed and locked, a screen descended from the ceiling. “We’re ready, your Highness.” “Patch it through, General.” The screen came to life, revealing darkness because the projector cap hadn’t been removed. Luna slipped it off, and was rewarded with a collage of faces. Biggest of them all was Queen Chrysalis. She looked pleased with herself. “Queen Chrysalis,” Luna said, remembering that the only way to make friends with the queen wasn’t by insulting or blasting her for what she had done in the past. “I’m pleased to see that you’re safe, and not devoured by some horrible monster who eats his victims slowly while laughing at their screams and pleas for mercy while it-” “Save it, Princess of the Night.” Chrysalis chuckled. “I am not here to speak with you. I demand to speak with Princess Celestia!” Luna contemplated her delima: Should she reveal that Celestia was temporarily incapacitated? To disclose such a fact would give the impression that the pony race was falling apart, a fact Chrysalis would no doubt twist to her advantage. “My sister is taking a brief rest,” Luna said. “You will speak with me.” Chrysalis eyed her. “Really? Tell me, is that rest due to exhaustion, or the crushing guilt that worms its way through her mind?” “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” “Oh, yes you do, Princess of the Night! For I have proof that Princess Celestia isn’t as forthcoming and honest as she appears to be!” “What? What is this proof? I demand that you reveal it at once!” Chryaslis chuckled once again. “Patience, Princess Luna. I will first reveal it to my fellow monarchs, and then to you and Celestia in one hour!” She laughed, the sound echoing out of the speakers. “Proof?” Rarity said. “What in heaven’s name is she talking about?” Queen Chrysalis kept laughing. “It has to be a trick!” Spike said. “Perhaps,” Luna said. “But we can’t focus on it now. We have to focus on the sharkicane.” She started out of the room, leaving the queen to continue laughing. “Oh come on!” Rainbow Dash said. “Your Highness, we can’t just ignore this! I mean, we all know Princess Celestia isn’t the type to keep secrets. This could seriously damage her reputation!” “I am aware of that, Rainbow Dash. But we must stay focused on our priorities. Now, come, we must continue to prepare for our mission to space.” But even as she started back towards the command room, Luna 's calm, collected face betrayed none of her doubt and fear. Just what was this so-called “evidence”? And more importantly, would the other monarchs believe it? Back inside the conference room, Queen Chrysalis kept laughing before launching into a coughing fit. *** A hundred miles away, Twilight and the other commandos continued their plunge, which had lasted almost half an hour. “How big is this storm?!" one of the commandos asked. His question was answered as they finally emerged high above the flooded remains of Manehattan. Only a few towers emerged from the turbulent seas, giving no hint of the massive metropolis hidden beneath the waves. “All right, everyone!” Iron Will said. “Prepare for landing! Goggles on!” Twilight pressed a button, and her high-tech goggles snapped into place. Electronic displays popped up, giving her information on where they were, the location of fellow soldiers, the time and date, rapidly scrolling zeroes and ones that served no purpose at all, the weather forecast, her daily astrological profile, the latest reports on the stock markets, Facescroll and Bitter, her daily amusing cat picture, and the daily recipe from Equestrian Cooking magazine. “I can’t see a thing!” “Press the button on the side of your headset!” Iron Will said. Doing so, Twilight was relieved to see most of the information vanishing, leaving only the electronic outlines of her teammates as they fell around her. Already they were getting into formation, so that it would be easy to find one another when they splashed down. “Release parachutes!” Everyone yanked on their harnesses, and the parachutes shot off their backs, vanishing into the storm, never to be seen again. “No! Iron Will meant to open them! Not get rid of them!” With a thunderous splash, the commandos plunged into the ocean, surfacing moments later to yell at how freakin' cold the water was. If it could talk, the ocean would laugh at their puny efforts to stay warm, hoping that their tactical wetsuits would provide sufficient insulation, which they did not. “All r...r...right, helmet seals on!” Iron Will stammered into his microphone. “T...T...Twilight, you know where the library is. You t...t...take it from here!” Taking a deep breath, Twilight kicked her suit’s tactical flippers into place and dove under the surface. “Everypony follow me, and stay close!” “You heard the l...l...lady!” Iron Will said. “Move it, move it, move it, move it, move it!” With the others following her, Twilight swam downwards into a world of wet darkness, for almost no light made it further then a few feet, making it impossible to see anything. “Switching to night vision.” With a flick of a switch, Twilight’s vision went bright green, illuminating the submerged towers of Manehattan. She looked them over, trying to recognize even a single one, which would orient her...there! The theater where Rarity had shown off her dresses during Fashion Week, and been betrayed by her old friend, Suri Polomare. But the Universe had not forgotten the most unforgivable of crimes, and Suri had been punished by being gobbled up whole by a Goblin shark when Manehattan had been hit by a tidal wave. All while being eaten, she had shrieked at how she had been so foolish as to take advantage of another pony’s generosity, and promising to be better. But the Universe had laughed at her foolishness, and was delighted to see her vanish into the shark's gullet. Thus, justice had been done, and the Universe was satisfied. Unaware of Suri’s fate, Twilight and the commandos swam deeper into the darkened depths of the sunken city, eyes constantly going over the towers around them. Only a few days ago, they had been filled with ponies conducting business, attending luncheons, and inflating balloon animals for children's birthday parties. But now those buildings were filled only with water, floating stacks of paper, and sad looking balloon animals who had drowned. “Bulk Biceps,” Twilight said into her microphone, “check the sonar. Are we clear?” Bulk Biceps checked his handheld sonar. “Yeah!” “Good.” Swimming above a massive field of destroyed carriages, Twilight finally saw it: Emerging from the darkness was a squat, yet massive building. Being the oldest in the city, the Manehattan library had been built when Manehattan first rose. It had endured the passage of time, remaining the same while the city around it changed, and would likely be there until the bitter end, when all of Manehattan was destroyed by sea slugs. “Stay close everyone,” Twilight said. “It's going to be cramped inside.” The commandos fell into formation behind her, weapons at the ready. Heading to the massive oak doors, Twilight shoved them open, and was momentarily taken back by how dark it was inside. Even with her night vision goggles, she could barely make out anything around her. Such darkness gave her pause, and awakened the ancient instinct present within all ponies: the fear of the dark, which more often than not contained malevolent sea slugs. Moving through her fear, Twilight turned on her tactical flashlight, and breathed a sigh of relief at seeing that everything seemed to be intact. At least they wouldn’t risk being crushed by falling beams. “Iron Will will drop flares to mark our way!" Iron Will said. And as Twilight swam inside the building, he did exactly that, tossing red flares down to mark the path back to the entrance. Having been in the building so many times, Twilight could have found the way back with her eyes closed, but the others would need direction to avoid becoming lost within the building’s many halls. Heading deeper inside, Twilight soon reached the main lobby, which was filled with hundreds of books and scrolls floating about, ink hanging motionless within the water, thus depriving countless future generations of the timeless and magical words to be found in tabloid magazines talking about celebrities who were dying, engaged, losing weight, gaining weight, or getting involved in expensive divorces. Pushing on, Twilight soon came to a door behind the lobby. Though still sealed shut, a few taps revealed that it was flooded on the other side. With a burst of Alicorn magic, Twilight opened it, revealing a long hallway descending into the building’s basement. She swam into it, heading past torch-holders before coming to a stop before a thick set of wooden doors engraved with gargoyles and magical symbols. “Iron Will," Twilight said, “I need you all to cover the entrance to the forbidden section." “Iron Will will make it happen!" As commandos swarmed around the entrance, Twilight tapped the wooden doors, and was relieved to hear a hollow echo. She sent out one of her most powerful spells and created a force-field around the doors. Dropping to the now-dry floor, she went to the door and spoke the sacred Alicorn password that would allow her access to the scrolls and books within. “Ecky bazoogo pepperoni.” The doors swung open, the smell of must and dried pages assailing Twilight's nose. Lighting her horn, Twilight entered the chamber, looking over shelves packed with ancient scrolls and books, searching for the one book they needed more than anything else. “Anything happening out there?” she asked over the microphone. “Everything's quiet,” Iron Will said. “Bulk Biceps, is the sonar clear?" “Yeah!" Twilight continued her search. “I just need a few more minutes.” At least, Twilight hoped that was the case. Despite being such a small room, there were hundreds of items packed inside. Searching through all of them could take longer than she had- Wait. There it was! Unlike the other two books, the third friendship nuke spell book was sitting in the middle of a shelf. It was as if fate, taking pity on Twilight, had allowed her to get this final book without difficulty. “I got it!” Taking the book, Twilight quickly encased it within a magic bubble, which would prevent water damage. “Now let's get out of here!” “Iron Will agrees!” Leaving the room, Twilight closed the doors and spoke the magical Alicorn words to seal it up, reciting them as they had been recited from generation to generation. “Phooey Kablooy Gakagooey.” With an audible click, the doors locked shut. Twilight stepped through the forcefield and back into the freezing water. “All right, let’s get out of here!” “You heard the lady!” Iron Will said. “Let’s go! Move it, move it, move it, move it, move it, move it, move it, move it, move it!” With Twilight leading the way, the commandos swam away from the forbidden section and into the lobby, where they followed the flares back towards the entrance. “Princess Luna, come in!” “Yes, Twilight?” “We’ve got the book! We’re on our way to the extraction point!” “Excellent, Twilight! Our chances of success in the space mission have been doubled! We’re on our way to meet you.” Twilight grinned as she clutched the book to her chest. They were going to make it! And no sea slugs could stop them! A ping went through the water. Twilight‘s grin vanished. “What was that?” Bulk Biceps looked to his sonar, and his face dropped. “Is that what Iron Will thinks it is?” Iron Will asked, grabbing his weapons. “Yeah!” Bulk Biceps yelled, terrified as the pings got louder and louder. Iron Will grabbed the sonar and gasped at seeing the readout. “We've got sharks incoming! They've surrounded the building!” The horrifying truth struck Twilight like a sledgehammer crushing an ice cream cone. This had been far too easy. Sharks were among nature's most sensitive predators, able to detect prey from far away. A group of ponies swimming through a flooded city would have been easy to detect, and to assault...unless they wanted them to come this far. “It's a trap!” Twilight yelled. “Everyone, protect that book at all costs!” Iron Will yelled. It was too late, for Twilight, Iron Will, Bulk Biceps, and the commandos had made a tactical error of the highest degree: having gone without seeing sharks for several minutes, they had relaxed their guard, confident that they were safe. It was a fatal mistake. In seconds, sharks burst into the lobby, smashing through the windows and dashing towards the commandos like a kamikaze attack group. Such a move would have caused normal ponies to panic and flee, but the commandos were not ordinary ponies. They were highly-trained military ponies who had gone to boot camp for years, and survived tests to prove that they were the best of the best: ponies who could stare death in the face and laugh. Thus, they lasted five seconds before panicking and trying to flee. And in doing so, their retreat turned into a chaotic mess. The sharks closed in. Through their fear and panic, the commandos realized that if they were going to go down, they would at least go down fighting, and turned to attack the sharks. And so it began...the epic battle of commando ponies vs killer sharks, a battle that would be told and retold throughout the centuries in both book and song as a grand battle in which the ponies had their asses kicked. In hoof-to-fin combat, the sharks triumphed every time, easily clobbering the commandos and gulping them down whole until few remained. Iron Will grabbed Twilight. “Let’s go! Move it, move it, move it, move it, move it, move it, move it, move it, move it, move it, move it, move it!” “Yeah!” Bulk Biceps yelled, joining the two in swimming for their lives. The sharks gave chase after gobbling up the last of the commandos, but were slowed by Twilight's magic blasts, giving the three enough time to shoot out of the library and back onto the streets. From there, their escape plan was easy: all they had to do was swim upwards, and they did. “Canterlot Force One!” Twilight yelled into her microphone. “Come in! We need pickup now! We're under attack!” Luna's voice answered her. “We're on our way. ETA ten minutes!” A shark shot towards Twilight, only to be knocked aside as Iron Will punched it. “We don't have ten minutes!” “Well, how long do you have?” “What?!” “How long do you have?” “I...I don't know! Uhhh...a minute!?” “Twilight, there's no way a multi-ton jet can possibly cross hundreds of miles to reach Manehattan in less than a minute! We need to calculate our exact speed to determine the maximum fuel efficiency in order to both reach your location and have enough fuel left to keep us in the air-” “JUST GET HERE!” Twilight screamed. Three more sharks shot towards Twilight. Bulk Biceps took care of one, while Iron Will wrestled with the other two. Another shark darted past Twilight's protectors and headed for her. Catching sight of it at the last second, Twilight was forced to hurl herself aside to avoid being turned into shark chow, but in the process the book slipped from her hooves and drifted down towards the streets. “The book!” Twilight shouted, firing a spell at the shark. “Get the book!” Having knocked his shark senseless, Bulk Biceps swam after it, grabbing hold before it got lost between the wrecked carriages. “Yeah!” Turning back towards Twilight, he swam towards her as fast as he could. Millions of hours at the gym finally paid off, allowing him to effortlessly kick away every shark that swarmed down on him. “Oh yeah!” Then, as suddenly as they had appeared, the sharks broke off the attack, swimming back into the darkness, apparently demoralized by Bulk Biceps' and Iron Will's relentless assaults. Now free to swim without coming under attack, Bulk Biceps headed towards Twilight, holding the book before him. Twilight, baffled at the shark's sudden retreat, didn't waste time wondering about this latest turn of events, instead swimming towards Bulk Biceps as fast as she could. That book was all that mattered. The mission had gone disastrously wrong, and had already cost the lives of the commandos, but if they got that book and escaped, they could still salvage the mission. All she had to do was grab that book. And as she and Bulk Biceps closed the distance between them, it looked like she would get it. She never got the chance. Bulk Biceps, so gleeful at defeating all his attackers, never saw the form coming up behind him. Even if he had, there was nothing he could have done; the shark that emerged from the darkness of the ocean looked like a Great White, but was something out of a nightmare. Whereas a normal shark was only six feet in length, this one was easily a hundred feet long, making it the largest shark any pony had ever seen. The largest set of jaws in all of Equestria slammed shut around Bulk Biceps, swallowing both him, and the book, whole. “NO!” Twilight screamed. The mammoth shark turned to Twilight, opening its mouth to devour her as well. Twilight would have summoned a spell to try and stop it, but the sight of such a monster shark was too much for her to handle, and she was frozen in place, immobile before the wet maw before her. Then Iron Will was tackling Twilight, knocking her away as he grabbed onto the shark's massive snout as the jaws slammed shut. “Go Twilight!” Iron Will slammed his fists into the shark's snout. “Iron Will will distract it!” He hammered the snout again and again, trying to stun the beast. And while the trick would have worked wonders on a normal creature of the sea, the monster snapped its head back and forth, the strength of the assault nearly knocking Iron Will off. He had to struggle to hold on, shocked at a strength that was far greater than his own. But even against such a superior foe, he refused to back down, hitting the shark again and again. “Iron Will!” “Go!” “You can't stop that thing!” “But Iron Will can buy you time to escape!” Twilight almost swam in to help Iron Will, but cold logic dictated that it was a futile endeavor. This was a new foe she knew nothing about, including whether her magic spells would be effective against it. And in trying to attack it, other sharks would be arriving; already she could hear them on the sonar. There was nothing she could do. “Go!” Iron Will shouted. How she found the strength to swim away, Twilight didn’t know. She focused on each stroke, trying to get as far away as she could, fighting the urge to turn back, or even to look. Iron Will was beyond her help, still punching the shark as it slammed into Manehattan’s sunken towers in an effort to knock him off. By some miracle, Twilight reached the surface. She broke free of the ocean’s cold embrace and took to the skies with a fast beat of her wings, trying to gain as much height as possible, lest the monster shark somehow leap after her or - heaven help her - reveal that it could fly. “Iron Will, come in!” And as she hoped, he answered. But even though the microphone, his voice was weak and ragged. “Twilight...Iron Will can’t escape...too many sharks! You must live! Never give up! Never surrender! Where there’s a will, there’s...a way!” “Iron Will!” Twilight sobbed. “A powerful will can overcome any obstacle! That which does not kill you makes you...stronger! The greatest pearls are those battered by the ocean! The wet bird does not fly south during the winter! To infinity and beyond! Be sure to drink your Ovalt-” The thunderous clash of teeth slamming shut ended Iron Will’s speeches, thus ending any chance of any pony ever obtaining any of his motivational speeches ever again (though his pre-recorded programs were still readily available for the low, low price of $19.95 plus postage and handling, with check or money orders to be sent to Iron Will Motivational Speeches, P.O. Box 1356, Manehattan, Equestria). Sobbing, Twilight flew away, knowing that there was nothing she could do for Iron Will now...or for Bulk Biceps, or any of the commandos who had fallen fighting for her, and their cause. And now she was the only survivor, and with nothing to show for their efforts. *** As Twilight flew into the storm, she almost missed hearing the roar of Canterlot Force One approaching. It wasn’t until she heard Luna’s voice in her headset that she realized that help had finally arrived. With a burst of speed she exited the storm and found the plane circling overhead. Approaching it, she headed for the cargo hatch, and then flew inside once it opened to greet her. Luna, Spike, Rarity, and all the others were waiting for her, shocked at seeing only her. “Twilight, where are the others?” Luna asked. Twilight shook her head. The others grimaced. And yet there was still hope within them. Their faces were bright and full of eager anticipation. For while the loss of the strike team was a terrible blow, their sacrifice would not be in vain if they had the third book. “The book, Twilight,” Luna said, eager to proceed on the next phase of their mission to save the planet. “Where is it?” Twilight looked at everyone’s joyous faces, which were expecting hope and salvation. She tried to find the words that would crush hope without crushing their spirits, but found none. It took everything she had to simply avoid bursting into tears. Gradually, the others realized that there was only one reason why Twilight wouldn’t answer them...and why there were no book-sized bulges within the pockets of her vest. And in that moment, a great and terrible despair fell over them all, one so deep and aching that they would all have preferred to be eaten by sea slugs than to feel it, and the realization that it bought. The last book, and the only way to activate the friendship nuke, was lost. Operation STBFKSWWTEUASWCDWBITSADL had failed. > Canterlot Force One > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Tell us again what you saw.” Safe within Canterlot Force One's infirmary, Twilight sipped from her mug of hot chocolate. “I've already told you, Princess, it was a shark, the biggest one I've ever seen.” The memory was almost enough to make Twilight ask for a tranquilized banana, but the thing would only find her in her dreams, from which there was no escape. “It doesn't even seem possible that a shark that big could exist.” “Then what the heck is it?” Shining Armor asked. “A monster?” “No.” All eyes turned to the door of the passenger compartment, where Princess Celestia now stood, awakened from her banana-induced slumber. “What you encountered was a Megaladon, the largest shark ever to exist. They were supposed to have gone extinct millions of years ago, but one survived. Luna and I encountered it when the first sharknado appeared.” “What?” Shining Armor asked. Celestia's weariness hung heavy on her face. “It was the commander of the sharknado, and the one Luna and I were forced to defeat. I thought it had been destroyed forever...but I was wrong.” “But how did it survive this long?” Rarity asked. “I mean, surely sharks don't live forever.” “Indeed, they do not,” Luna said. “But the Megaladon is a long-lived creature of the ancient world. And like dragons, they only grow stronger with age.” “Uhhh...maybe someone could use an aging spell on me,” Spike said. “Then I could fight it!” Celestia went to her side, placing a hoof on Spike's shoulder. “Fear not Spike, for there is a way to defeat both the Megaladon and the sharkicane at once. It's the-” “I told them of the nuke, dear sister,” Luna said. “Oh...well, in that case all we require are the three books with the spells needed to activate it.” “The last book was eaten by the Megaladon.” Celestia breathed into a paper bag until it burst. “Sister, pull yourself together!” Celestia grabbed Luna. “Don't you get it, Luna?! It's over! We don't have a chance! Without that nuke, we're finished!” Luna slapped Celestia. “Nay, sister. There is always hope!” Celestia threw a pie in Luna's face. “There is no hope! We only just barely defeated the Megaladon last time, and that was with the Elements!” Luna dumped a container of sports drink over Celestia's head. “Then we will find another way to stop it!” Celestia smashed a chair across Luna's head. “Like what?!” “Hippies!” Pinkie Pie said. The Princesses stared at her. “Well, if the power of love can conquer anything, why not use hippies? I mean, they're full of love and tolerance and peace and only want to be friends with everyone? So why not let hippies try the power of love?” Celestia and Luna pondered the idea. *** “Attention Hippies, this is Princess Luna. Can you hear me?” “Loud and clear, your Highness! Are we, like, cleared to make sweet, sweet love to the sharkicane? And totally not in a creepy, unnatural way?” “Affirmative. Proceed when ready.” “Righteous!” The speaker went dead, and the plane shook slightly. The tactical room's radar screen lit up as several blips flew away from Canterlot Force One. “Hippies deployed,” a general said, keeping a close eye on the screen. Nobody spoke as the long-range radar showed the hippies flying towards the sharkicane's outer edges. Nerves were tense, and pulses raced. Luna and Celestia, in particular, had their eyes glued to the screens. They had never thought of utilizing hippies during the first sharknado war, and hoped against hope that the hippies could triumph where they had failed. If by some miracle the hippies succeeded, then the war between sharks and life itself could end in peace. “Hippies have reached the sharkicane's outer edge,” the general said. Then, after a moment, “We're receiving radio communications.” He flicked a switch, and the roar of the storm came through. The voice of the lead hippy emerged from the speakers, but static made his words difficult to make out. “Attention Sharkicane! We come bearing the olive branch of peace for all ponykind!” “Heaven help us,” Luna whispered. “Let us put away the hatred and desire to eat everything,” the lead hippy yelled, “and let us come together in brotherhood and-” A loud roar, and the hippies vanished from the radar. Celestia grabbed another paper bag, breathing in and out as fast as she could. The general buried his face in his hooves. “Operation Hippie Love is a failure.” The tactical room became as quiet as a graveyard. Even the generals, lieutenants, and janitors were struggling not to give in to the panic that hung heavy in the air. The console beeped again. Through his tears, the general could barely see the incoming message. “It's a conference call from...Queen Chrysalis?” Celestia pulled the bag from her mouth. “What?” With a quiet curse, Luna cursed the cosmos for not giving her more time to prepare for what was to come. “Sister, she contacted us when you were resting. She said she had obtained evidence that you have been...how do I say it...working against all of us.” Shining Armor's face turned a bright shade of red. “What?! How dare she! I'll-” The console beeped again. “She says she wants to speak with you now, your Highness,” the janitor told Luna. Luna nodded and immediately left. “I will handle this, sister.” Celestia tossed the bag away. “No. If the Queen wishes to lie about me, she will have to do so to my face.” She left the room, the others falling in behind her as Celestia reached the main conference room. Once inside, the generals and lieutenants set up the equipment while Pinkie Pie handed out popcorn and slushies. And when all was ready, the remote control was handed to Celestia. “Let us see exactly what this 'evidence' is that Chrysalis speaks of.” With a press of a button, the screen came to life, revealing a familiar collage of leaders and monarchs. All were grim and stone-faced, with the sole exception of the Queen herself. “Greetings to you, Princess Luna!” Chrysalis said. Then she noticed Celestia. “Well well, the Princess herself dares to show her cowardly face!” “You do not frighten me, Chrysalis,” Celestia said. “I should, your Highness.” Chrysalis held up a CD. “After all, your crimes are here for everyone to see.” She plopped the CD into a drive. “Behold now, your nefarious crimes against all of Equestria!” The screen came to life with a barrage of photographs portraying adorable kittens playing with balloons, flowers, and cheeseburgers. “Oh. Whoops. Wrong CD.” Blushing, Chrysalis yanked out the CD and put a new one in. A new barrage of pictures appeared, showing Celestia in dark underground lairs, planning rooms, and dungeons. “My spies obtained these photographs from Canterlot's computer servers before the capital was destroyed. If you examine them closely, you'll see that your beloved Princess was planning a coup against her enemies!” The Celestia in the pictures was a pony that no one recognized. She wore a nefarious-looking military uniform, evil-looking sunglasses, and had a bushy mustache. And in each, she pondered over maps and charts showing the other kingdoms in Equestria, with big arrows and the words, 'conquer these suckas' scribbled beside them. “While the Princess has given the appearance of benevolence and tolerance, in secret she is nothing but another tyrant attempting to overthrow her rivals and secure power for herself!” More photos appeared, each one showing the same thing: documents about how best to conquer and enslave other kingdoms, acquire the biggest harems possible, and to create healthcare systems that charges incredible fees so as to drive everyone who isn't a multi-billionaire into bankruptcy. “No...” Twilight said. “No, it's not possible!” “Oh, but it is!” Chrysalis said. “And look what she did to those who discovered her plans!” A video popped up of Celestia tying a damsel to railroad tracks, laughing all the while. “It can't be true!” Twilight wailed. “It is not!” Celestia said, leaping to her hooves. “These videos and photos are fakes!” “Prove it, then!” Chrysalis said. “Prove to everyone that it wasn't you who conspired to take over the planet and make us your slaves! Prove that it wasn't you who conjured the sharknado to wipe out your opposition and leave everything for the taking!” “I would never seek to do such a thing, nor would I endanger my own subjects!” “Pah! What is the lives of several thousands when you have an entire planet to rule over? And besides, that's exactly what you would say to cover your trail!” Unable to restrain herself, Twilight leapt up. “This is all a lie!” She looked at the other dignitaries. “You've all been friends with us for years! You all know Celestia! You know she isn't the kind to do this!” But to Twilight's surprise, most of the monarchs kept their scowling faces. It was clear that the vast majority had sided with Queen Chrysalis. Only a few, such as the Minotaur Queen, the Griffon King, and the Naga ambassador, seemed unconvinced. “You can't lie with videos and photos!” the Diamond Dog King said. “It's obvious to anyone with half a brain! Princess Celestia is a fraud!” The other monarchs nodded in approval, and a few broke into applause. “This...this can't be happening...” Twilight sobbed. “Say, isn't there a sharkicane we need to be worried about?” Pinkie Pie asked. “Indeed there is,” Queen Chrysalis said. “But we will not ally ourselves with the likes of you, Princess Celestia! We will now form our own alliance and devise our own plan to defeat the sharkicane! And we'll build a glorious castle to create such a plan, complete with all-you-can-eat buffets, go-fish tournaments, and spa ponies!” An idea struck her. “In fact, forget the tournaments! Come my fellow monarchs! Let us retreat now to my castle!” The other monarchs cheered, and in the blink of an eye their screens went dark, leaving only the Minotaur Queen, Griffon King, and the Naga ambassador. “Please tell me you don't believe all this,” Twilight begged. The three rulers looked at each other, trying to avoid Twilight's desperate gaze. “We do not know what to think, Twilight Sparkle,” the Minotaur Queen said. Then they vanished, and the screen went dark. Cadence quivered with absolute rage. “I refuse to believe Chrysalis' lies!” Shining Armor joined in with her. “So do I!” Prince Blueblood stuck his head in. “Help! I ran out of shampoo!” Touched at the show of support, Celestia wiped a tear from her eyes. “Thank you all for your support. But without the nuke, or the help of the others, I fear that there is nothing else we can do now. Without the support of the other kingdoms, we have little chance against the sharkicane.” All was quiet for a moment, a silence interrupted as one of the lieutenants came over the intercom. “Your Highnesses? We're tracking something on radar.” “What is it?” Luna asked. “It's a pony, your highness. Looks like someone who survived the storms.” “Let them in.” A few moments later, and the voice came through again. “Your Highness? The pony is onboard, but wants to speak with you immediately. She says it's urgent.” Nobody could imagine things getting more urgent, or more worse than they already were. But at that point, nobody really cared all that much anymore. “Show her in,” Luna said. The doors swung open a few moments later, revealing a pony who was exhausted and soaking wet. But instead of being some random pony nobody knew about, it was one everyone recognized, especially Twilight, who thought she'd never see her again. “Fluttershy?!” *** Taking Fluttershy to the infirmary, Twilight and the others quickly got her dried off and gave her plenty of hot fluids to warm her up. Even then, it took a good half hour before Fluttershy had recovered enough to speak. “I'm so sorry I didn't find you all earlier! I wanted to, but I was trying to convince my shark friends to stop eating everyone. But they wouldn't listen! And then they...they...” she sniffled, wiping away a tear. “They tried to eat me!” Grabbing a tissue, Fluttershy blew her nose. “Wait, you know the sharks inside the sharkicane?” Rainbow Dash asked. Fluttershy nodded. “They're my very best shark friends. We were holding a concert when they were sucked up into a tornado. Oh, it was awful!” Celestia pushed her way to Fluttershy's cot. “Fluttershy, you said they were sucked up into a tornado...did you see what caused it?” “Yes, your Highness. That's why I was trying to find you. You see, the sharknado wasn't caused by nature. Discord made it.” The color drained from Celestia's face. “Discord told me he had been feeling bored, so I asked my shark friends to cheer him up. But then he created a tornado to suck them all up. When I couldn't stop it, I tried to find Discord, but when that didn't work, I tried to find you. I figured you might know what to do.” Celestia didn't answer her. “Uhm...Princess?” A dark and terrible fury had overtaken Celestia, her skin now a bright red, and her kind eyes were now the color of blood. Steam blew from her ears as she spun and cast a spell, the brilliant light filling the room. When it faded, those in the infirmary found that someone else had joined them. Momentarily oblivious to his surroundings, Discord hovered above the ground, his snout buried in an engrossing book. But it took a moment for him to realize that he had been transported away from his usual hangout. “Well, well, well! What a surprise! All my pony friends have brought me here for a surprise party! And Princess Celestia! How good to-” Celestia rammed Discord against the wall, almost breaking through it. “Hey! Is that how you treat an old fri-” “Did you create that sharknado!?” Celestia's voice was so thunderous that even Discord was caught off guard. “Did you?!” “Well, of course! Who else would have the genius to create such a flawless work of fine art?” The steam spewing from Celestia's ears began to melt nearby cabinets. “Your work of art has destroyed most of Equestria and ended countless lives! Do you have any idea what you've done!?” “Temper, temper,” Discord chuckled. “It's really not good for your heart, Princess. Too much anger will lead you to an early grave.” At the rate she was going, Celestia's heart would explode in less than a minute, but she didn't care. She had found the source behind so much pain and suffering, and wanted nothing more than to see it reduced to a pile of smoking ash. “Discord!” Discord turned, surprised at hearing Fluttershy's sharp tone. “Your sharknado has killed so many of my friends, destroyed our homes, and nearly ruined our planet.” “What do you mean?” Fluttershy pulled a curtain away from the window, giving Discord a perfect view of the flooded countryside below. There were no fields full of crops, no ponies happily going about their lives, and no bunnies dancing in the sunshine. In their place was water, misery, and the floating debris of demolished lives. Shocked, Discord walked to the window, pressing his eyes against the glass, and then through it. “Sweet heavens...it wasn't supposed to be like this.” He turned to the others, his joy and merriment now but a memory, replaced by a harsh and cold reality. “I only expected it to run wild for a few hours and then dissipate. Please believe me, I never wanted it to destroy all of Equestria. I may be Chaos embodied, but there's a difference between chaos in the name of fun, and chaos in the name of destruction.” “Then end it.” Celestia growled. “Stop the sharkicane and return everything to normal.” “Yes...yes, I will.” And with that, Discord snapped his fingers. Nothing happened. Puzzled, Discord tried again. But nothing happened. “Discord...” Discord snapped his fingers again and again. “I don't understand; that should have turned everything back to normal!” Celestia's horn glowed. A lightbulb went off over Discord's head. “Wait! Wait, I understand now!” He reached up and clicked the bulb off. “In creating the sharknado, I used up the majority of my power, and now I don't have enough left to stop the sharkicane.” In a heartbeat the infirmary was filled with panicked shouts, questions and demands for answers. “Enough!” Celestia shouted. That calmed everyone down. “Discord, will your powers return?” Discord nodded. “Oh yes. The problem is, I don't know when. Could be a day, could be a week, could be a year. I can still teleport, change my skins and do minor things, but stopping a sharkicane is going to take time.” Celestia shook her head. “We can't wait. We have to find a way to stop it, now.” Stroking his chin, Discord paced the room, walking up the walls and onto the roof where he sat down and meditated. Then another lightbulb appeared. “I've got it! I may not be able to stop this by myself, but I know someone who can!” “Who?” “Ah ah, ah! That would spoil the surprise. I'd better go get him!” He started to teleport away, but was stopped as a white orb encircled him. Turning, Discord wasn't surprised to see that it was Celestia who was holding him in place. “Princess, I promise that I am not running away, nor am I abandoning you all. I am trying to help you, but I must ask you to be patient, and to trust me.” Celestia didn't move. Sighing, Discord rubbed his face. “Fine...what must I do to convince you that I'm sincere?” Celestia pondered the thought for a moment. “Return within one day. If not, you will be returned to your stone prison on sight.” Discord pondered the offer. “Hmm....well, fair enough. Very well, I accept your terms.” Celestia still didn't quite trust Discord; normally she would have turned him to stone right there for unleashing the horror of sharks, but there was something different about him this time. There was no joking, no mocking tone in his voice. His sincerity seemed entirely genuine, and Celestia had seen for herself when Discord was sincere. Her horn dimmed, and the barrier vanished. “Thank you. Now, before I go, I'll give you all a little something to work on while I'm gone. It may seem rather vicious, but I assure you that it's for your own good.” Twilight's gut tightened. “What do you mean?” “You've spent so much time running from your enemy that you haven't taken the time to try and understand him. Tootoloo!” With a snap of his fingers, Discord blinked out of existence and was gone. Those left in the infirmary looked around, trying to figure out what had just happened. There was no immediate change in their surroundings, and they didn't hear anything out of the ordinary. “Anyone have any idea what happened?” Rarity asked. “Ohhh! Maybe he sent us some happy balloons!” Pinkie Pie said, jumping gleefully at the thought. “And some cool inflatable sharks so we can have a big party when the sharkicane is defeated and we can all celebrate and have lots of fun, fun, fun!” Pinkie was answered by a panicked yell that drifted through the door. “What was that?” Spike asked. Shining Armor's training kicked in; he ran to the door and peered outside, scanning the hallway for threats. “Do you see anything?” “No, but I don't like this. Stay here, your Highnesses. I'll gather-” A flying door slammed Shining Armor away from the infirmary. “Shining Armor!” Twilight yelled. She leapt forward to help him, but Luna was faster. She ran into the hallway, and was confronted by a massive shark hopping towards the infirmary, hungry for ponies. But while it was formidable when backed up by a crew of shark homies, it was no match for an Alicorn on its own, and learned that the hard way as Luna blasted it into the wall, knocking it out cold. “A shark?!” Rarity said. “Discord teleported a shark onboard?!” There were more screams from downstairs, and a horde of ponies ran up the steps, nearly trampling each other in their frantic efforts to escape. “Calm yourselves!” Luna shouted. “What is wrong?!” “Sharks!” Octavia shouted. She was scuffed and dirty, with her bow tie lying in tatters around her neck. “There are sharks on the plane!” The screams from down below were stopping with frightening speed. Those on the upper floors could hear furniture being ripped apart as sharks made their way through the plane, compartment by compartment, clearing it out as they went. The ponies who had managed to escape ran up the stairs, trying to outrun the terror behind them. “Help!” Derpy screamed. “We're doomed!” another yelled. “My hair!” Prince Blueblood wailed. “They've ruined my hair!” Luna ran to a speaker. “Pilots! Seal the cockpit! You are not to open it under any circumstances! Do you understand!?” “What if you're about to be eaten?” “In that case, you will open the doors!” “In case you're about to be eaten...okay, got it. Any other reasons?” “No!” “What about if Princess Celestia is about to be eaten?” “Then you will open the door for her. But nothing else!” More ponies thundered upstairs, many now cut and injured. “Okay...but what if we have to go to the bathroom? I mean, there's no toilets in here.” “Then you shall improvise!” “Well, okay...so we're not to open the door except if you and Princess Celestia are about to die. Is that all?” “Yes!” “Okay, but Stan here has a list of things he's not sure about, and we'd like to run them past you-” Grunting, Shining Armor rose from the floor. It was a struggle, for not only did he have to contend with the bruises he incurred from being bashed with a door, but he had to avoid getting run over by the hordes of fleeing ponies. Thankfully, Twilight was there to help, and soon he was back on his hooves. “Princess Celestia!” He stumbled to his ruler. “Come with me! We have to get you to safety!” Celestia didn't move. Shining Armor grunted. The pain from his wounds was getting stronger, and it was difficult to remain standing. “Your Highness...we must leave!” But Celestia remained still, her eyes taking in the chaos before her. Deep within her heart, a terrible rage had begun to build. So many ponies eaten...so many lives destroyed. It was just like it had been over a thousand years ago, and nothing had changed in all that time. Ponies were still being eaten, and no matter what she did, or where she went, the sharks just kept eating her little ponies. Celestia shook. No more being eaten. No more running away. No more trying to escape. The stairs shuddered as sharks hopped up, roaring at seeing more ponies for them to devour. And those ponies screamed, for there was nowhere else to go, and nowhere for them to run. The sharks roared, delighting in the sight of so many delicious ponies all grouped together like lambs before a wolf. Expecting an easy meal, the sharks charged...only to be blasted into the walls by a blast of pure energy. Celestia's horn smoked as she shook with rage. “Enough is enough! I have had it with these mother-bucking sharks on my mother-bucking plane!” A shotgun shell flew aside as she cocked her horn. “Everyone, with me!” Like a bull, Celestia charged the stairwell with the force of a one-pony wrecking crew, blasting the sharks aside with each shot. The ponies who had fled the chaos felt their hearts swell with joy, and followed their princess into battle. They attacked the sharks with hooves and magic; Pinkie threw confetti to confuse the beasts, while Derpy heroically pelted them with her arsenal of muffins laced with rat poison. With Celestia leading the way, they swept down the stairs, knocking every shark into submission before heading through the rest of the plane. Every room, compartment, and hatch was searched, leaving the sharks no place to hide. It wasn't long before the main deck was cleared. Then the ponies headed into the plane's guts, making their way through the cargo bays until they reached the loading hatch. And it was there that they found the last shark, which was promptly blasted into unconsciousness. “Are we clear?” Celestia asked Shining Armor, who ran out to check with his fellow guards. He returned a moment later and nodded. Slumping against the wall, Celestia felt the adrenaline flowing from her. While they had no doubt lost many ponies to Discord's sharks, they had managed to take the plane back. For now, at least, they were safe. All that was left was to dispose of the intruders. “Shining Armor, have these sharks rounded up and dumped back into the ocean.” “Princess, no!” Twilight ran into the room. “We can't!” “Twilight-” “I'm sorry, Princess, but do you remember what Discord said? We need to study the sharks, and...I can't believe I'm saying this...he's right. We haven't gotten the chance to do so, and it could help us learn more about them.” Celestia eyed the shark, her fury demanding that the creature pay for what it had no doubt done to the innocent ponies it had swallowed up during its rampage. And yet...she couldn't deny Twilight's logic. She and Luna hadn't gotten the chance to study the sharknado when it had first appeared so many thousands of years ago. Had they done so, they might have uncovered some secret that would have tipped the tide of battle in their favor, and prevented so much damage and destruction. She couldn't pass up that opportunity again. “Very well, Twilight. We will shove the rest overboard, but you may study this one.” *** It took several ponies ten minutes to telekinetically hover the unconscious shark through the plane and into the science lab, where it was strapped to a gurney and sealed inside a sterile area, where the ponies could safely watch it from behind an inch of shatterproof glass. “Is it alive?” Celestia asked Twilight, who had donned a lab coat and was now checking her readouts and instruments. “Yes. And in good health.” “What I'm curious about is how there were so many sharks onboard in the first place,” Shining Armor said. “That's easy,” Spike said. “Discord teleported them here.” Shining Armor shook his head. “That's just the thing. Most of the ponies I talked with said there was only one shark at first, but the guards have counted thirty, including this one.” “The spell must have allowed them to keep coming through,” Cadence said. “And then it shut off after a short time.” A printer whirred to life and spat out a paper full of facts and displays. Twilight read it, intrigued at the insights they revealed. “What is it?” Cadence asked. “A notice that the printer is running out of ink.” Another piece of paper rolled out. Twilight studied it. “Ah, here we go. From the initial scans, it appears that this shark is biologically identical to normal sharks. A bit large, but nothing out of the ordinary. But what is unique is that the shark appears to have an incredible amount of magical energy.” “Duh!” Spike said. “It's from the sharkicane! Of course it has magic! And probably evil magic as well!” “No, Spike. Sharks don't have magic. They're not biologically capable of using it.” She looked at the shark, as if trying to learn its secrets by looking into those deep, emotionless eyes. The others observed the shark at well, and despite their natural fear at seeing such a fearsome creature, there was a question everyone shared: just what would a shark need with magic? Yet, among all those present, there was someone who's hate overcame the desire to learn and understand more about sharks, life, and the universe. A hatred that burned as hot as magma, and would never rest until justice had been done. “I don't care whether it has magic or not!” Prince Blueblood said. “This ruffian ruined my hair, and for that he must pay!” Running into the airlock, the prince sealed it behind him, preventing anyone from following him on his quest for vengeance. “Blueblood, no!” Celestia yelled. “Come back!” She ran to the airlock, but it was already sealed. Inside, Blueblood ignored the frantic poundings of his aunt. Nothing would stop him from getting revenge for his fabulous hair, which now had a few sweat streaks on it and was ruined forever. The airlock slid open, and Blueblood ran into the sterile room, his horn ready to unleash a killing blow. “This is for my hair, you-” With the speed of a roadrunner on steroids, the shark lurched forward, tearing through the straps as if they were tissue paper. Before Prince Blueblood could so much as scream, the monstrous thing knocked him to the ground and effortlessly gulped him down whole, the prince only just managing to yell a whiny protest. “No!” Celestia slammed her hooves against the glass. “No! Blueblood!” But the glass held, defying Celestia's best efforts. She fired off magic bursts, trying to force her way through. Having known how Blueblood treated those around him, Twilight felt no real regret at seeing him be eaten by a shark. Oh yes, it was sad that he'd never get the chance to reform and mend his ways, but had rushed in an idiot, after all, and- Wait, what was that? “Princess!” Twilight said. “Look!” It was difficult to make out through the splintered glass, but the shark was bouncing about, the skin around its stomach area bulging as something thrashed about inside. Twilight couldn't believe it: Prince Blueblood, a pony who would shriek and protest if he got so much as a smear of dirt on his hooves, was actually putting up a pretty good fight. In fact, from the way the bulges were making their way towards the shark's mouth, it looked like they might not have to rescue him at all. With a great groan, the shark opened its mouth as something fell out onto the shiny floor. It was wet and drenched in shark saliva, but to the shock of everyone in the lab, the plane, and the shrieking Galreiaons on the nearby planet of Garfalax 5, it wasn’t Blueblood. It was another shark. *** Ten minutes later (and after both sharks had been fed tranquilized bananas to sedate them), the plane's main conference room was packed with dozens of ponies eager to learn what Twilight's tests had revealed about the shark that the original shark had regurgitated. All eyes were glued to Twilight, who gulped at feeling their expectant gazes. “I've finished my tests, and have finally learned the secret of the sharks.” “What is it?” Cadence asked. “It's a secret.” The crowd murmured amongst themselves, shocked at the revelation. “But thanks to...Prince Blueblood's unexpected help...the secret has been revealed. It turns out that every shark within the sharknado carried a special kind of magic, one we've never seen before in animals. Whenever it swallows a living thing, the magic within the shark causes its prey to be turned into sharks themselves, who then joined the sharknado.” The crowd gasped. “It's rather clever, actually, and it explains why the sharknado grew so quickly. All the ponies it swallowed were turned into sharks, and that's why it eventually grew large enough to become a sharkicane.” “But what about that storm it encountered?” Pinkie asked. “That was a fluke accident. If the sharknado hadn't encountered that storm, it still would have eventually grown into a sharkicane. But as it was, the two forces allowed it to expand and grow faster than normal.” There were murmurs and whispers among those in the room. “Those who have been changed,” Luna asked. “Can they be turned back?” Twilight shook her head. “I don't know. The magic these sharks have isn't natural. I tried my own magic on the shark that used to be Blueblood.” “And what happened?” “It wanted to get some hair conditioner, but that was all. Not even Alicorn magic can reverse the effects. The only thing that can is the friendship nuke. If it's as powerful as you believe it is, then it'll turn every animal and pony back into their original state.” Rarity nearly squeed in relief. She had feared that she would never see her little sister again, but Twilight's words gave her renewed hope. Still, some of the fear remained. “But Twilight, what happens if it doesn't work?” Twilight had contemplated the thought, but hadn't paid too much attention to it, wanting instead to focus on the positive. “I'm sure it will. Now, we'll need to act soon, before the sharkicane gets any bigger.” “Then we cannot wait for Discord to return,” Shining Armor said. “We have to move now!” “Nay,” Luna said. “We promised Discord one day to complete his tasks. He may be the only one who can help us.” “With all due respect, your Highness, Discord can't be trusted. He teleported a shark onboard, for heaven's sake! I say we head to the satellite and activate it.” “We cannot; not without the three books.” “Then we improvise.” Luna turned to Celestia. “What do you say, dear Sister? Should we wait for Discord and his help, or head to the nuke?” “Tsk, tsk, Princess. Have you so little faith in my abilities?” Everyone shot their eyes to the back of the room, where Discord now sat, looking very pleased with himself. Shining Armor instantly lit up his horn, but Celestia indicated for him to hold his ground. “I can't believe this,” Discord said. “Here I am seeking out the best help I can find, and you're already giving up? I thought you were all more patient than that!” “Your sharks ate our nephew!” Celestia said. “But you learned how they operate, didn't you? You now know the stakes, and what will happen should you fail.” Celestia glared at Discord. “If we cannot save Blueblood and all the others who have been turned, Discord, I'll have your head.” If the threat was meant to intimidate Discord, it failed, for he kept on smiling. “Well in that case, my head is very much protected, because I found who I was looking for.” Eyes glanced about the room, but revealed no one else who had been teleported in with Discord. Celestia did a quick magical scan, and sensed that there was no one new onboard the plane. “I see no one, Discord. Now where is he?” Discord grinned. “I'll go get him ready. But be warned: he has some very strict rules to follow when it comes to these sort of things. You have to contact him first.” “Rules? What are you talking about?” A piece of paper appeared. Discord scribbled a note, then folded it into a paper plane and flew to it to Celestia's spot at the table. “You might want to have your radio operator punch those in.” And with a snap of his fingers, Discord vanished once again. “Does he ever give a straightforward answer?” Shining Armor asked. “No.” Celestia took the paper airplane and unfolded it, and found that Discord had written a radio frequency on the paper. She pushed the table's speaker. “General?” “Yes, your Highnesses?” “I want you to turn the plane's radio to the following frequency.” She spelled out the long and complex series of numbers. “Done.” With the radio ready, Celestia moved towards the transmit button. “Are you sure this is a good idea, your Highness?” Shining Armor asked. “It could be a trap.” Celestia looked to Luna. Shining Armor had a point...but Celestia hadn't detected any feelings of manipulation or deceit by Discord. And by the looks of things, neither had Luna. She pressed the button. “This is Princess Celestia of Equestria, requesting immediate aid for a crisis that threatens our world. To whom am I speaking?” The light turned red. Celestia expected to hear one of Discord's buddies come through, perhaps a foe she and her sister had once fought. But the voice that came through was new to her, and to everyone in the room. “This is Captain Jean-Luc Picard of the USS Enterprise. How may we be of assistance?” > Ponies in Space > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Captain's Log, Stardate 56722.8. The Enterprise is currently en-route to the Ketaran system to investigate a recent burst of unexplained gamma waves, which suggests some unknown cosmic properties in this region. With the recent events in the Briar Patch system, and the end of the Dominion War, I'm looking forward to a calm, relaxing assignment. Captain Jean-Luc Picard grinned as he adjusted his chair on the bridge of the USS Enterprise. Only a short time remained until the ship dropped straight into an entirely new system never before seen by the eyes of humanity. While there would probably be nothing out of the ordinary, the honor of investigating these new worlds, and possibly discovering new life, fell upon him and all those onboard the Enterprise. He couldn't wait to get started. “Data, report.” Data studied readouts at his console. “We will be dropping out of warp in approximately thirty seconds, sir.” “Excellent. Mr. Worf, have we received any new reports from Starfleet?” Worf checked his console. “No, sir.” “Good.” “A nice, quiet day among the stars,” Riker said. Picard chuckled. “With no interruptions, crises, or anything else that could possibly go wrong.” Data tapped several buttons. “We are coming out of warp.” Before him, the streaks of stars upon the viewscreen came to a stop and were replaced by the image of a new galaxy. Unlike so many other galaxies the Enterprise had seen, however, the planets here were floating unusually close together, silhouetted among an enormous green cloud of interstellar dust. Picard studied the image. “Fascinating...all these planets so close together, and yet the gravitational fields are weak enough that they haven't collided.” He grinned. “Mr. Worf, prepare several class two probes, one for each planet. Let's see if we can discover-” The image of the planets vanished as streaks of light shot past the Enterprise once again. “Data?” As surprised as everyone else on the bridge, Data furiously tapped buttons on his console. “We have gone to warp speed, sir, but...wait...sir, we are going past warp speed ten.” “What?” The room vibrated. Consoles sparked and sputtered. “We are traveling faster than sensors can-” Then, as suddenly as it had begun, the shaking stopped. The streaks of passing stars faded, and the viewscreen once again showed the void of space, along with a system that Picard didn't recognize; the closest planet was completely covered in a violent storm, and there were no planets he knew of that had such weather. “Data, report.” “We appear to have been transported to an unknown destination, sir.” “Find out where we are.” Picard tapped his combadge. “Geordi, what just happened?” “I don't know, Captain. Our engines suddenly went to maximum speed. We tried disabling them, but they shut off on their own.” “Very well. Keep me informed.” Picard looked to Worf, who was studying his console. “Worf?” “No structural damage to the ship, sir. All systems are intact.” Data's console beeped. “Sir, I have completed a scan of the area.” “And?” Data hesitated. “None of the surrounding planets, systems, or stars match anything in our databases.” Where a lesser captain would have gone bonkers at being lost in space, decades of training and experience allowed Picard to stay calm and focused. “Are you saying that we've traveled to a new system?” “To be more precise, we've traveled to a new galaxy, Captain.” Riker sighed. “So much for an uneventful day.” Picard turned to Worf. “Mr. Worf, did anyone appear on the ship before the engines started?” Worf checked. “Negative, Captain.” “That rules out the Traveler,” Riker said. Picard nodded. “Which leaves two possibilities: we were sucked into a subspace anomaly, or were transported here by something with intellect and power beyond what we can imagine, and for a purpose possibly beyond our comprehension.” The bridge was filled with a flash of light, revealing an all-too familiar face at the turbolift door. “Exactly, Mon Capitaine!” “Oh God-” Q bounded onto the bridge. “Yes, it is I! Your most dear and trusted companion for your trips throughout the stars! Your guide to the galaxies! Your-” Picard wasn't in the mood for jokes and riddles. “What is the meaning of this, Q?” “Oh, you mean you don't like it when I send you to an unexplored part of the Universe?” “I appreciate the opportunity to explore new systems, but I prefer to be notified in advance. Now, where are we?” “Several hundred galaxies away from your own. But I'm afraid you won't be doing any exploring in these parts. You don't have the time. In fact, all of reality is running out of time.” “What do you mean?” Q strolled to the viewscreen, then walked through it so that he was on the Enterprise's hull. “I'm asking you to do a favor for me. Or, if you prefer, the chance to make good on an old debt.” “I wasn't aware that we were in your debt.” “You don't think I saved you from your first encounter with the Borg out of the goodness of my heart, did you?” Q pointed towards the storm-ravaged planet below them. “A couple of my friends down there are in trouble, and only your intellect and superior knowledge can save them.” Picard eyed Q. “Surely it is not beyond the powers of someone like you to solve your own problems.” Q strolled back through the viewscreen. “Perhaps...but what fun would there be in solving problems as soon as they pop up? Besides, you now have the opportunity to meet exciting new species!” He giggled. “And don't worry, there aren't any Borg here...just something far worse!” He glanced at Worf. “You might want to have your hailing frequencies open, Worf. Tootoloo!” And with another flash, Q was gone. “As cryptic as ever,” Riker moaned. Knowing that the first course of business was to collect as much information about their situation as possible, Picard went to work. “Data, launch a class three probe to the planet.” He then turned to Counselor Troi. “What did you sense? Is this another one of Q's games?” “He was telling the truth, Captain.” “About something more dangerous than the Borg?” Riker asked. “Yes, but...there's something very wrong about this place.” “Is it related to what he said about time running out for reality?” Troi nodded, and her voice was very quiet. “Yes Captain. He was very serious.” Worf's console beeped. “Captain, we are being hailed. It is an audio-only message. Very limited range.” “Very well then, open a channel.” Worf did so, and an elegant, regal voice came from the speakers. “This is Princess Celestia of Equestria, requesting immediate aid for a crisis that threatens our world. To whom am I speaking?” Impressed at Q's timing, Picard said, “This is Captain Jean-Luc Picard of the USS Enterprise. How may we be of assistance?” “Captain Picard, we have never met, but an acquaintance of mine has told me that you can help save us from disaster. If you can help us in any way, we would be very grateful.” “My ship has a conference room where we may discuss this matter further. Please send us your coordinates so we may beam you onboard.” “I'm sorry, beam?” Picard's heart sank. “One moment, please.” He motioned for Worf to mute the channel, which he did. “Data, the probe?” Information scrolled across Data's console. “Early analysis suggests a class M planet with a pre-warp civilization. More specifically, it is pre-industrial. They likely have no comprehension of starships or technology on our level.” Anger rose within Picard's heart. Q knew Federation protocols for first contact, and this violated several of them...but it was too late to back out now. All he could do now was try and minimize the shock of a new civilization learning that they were not the center of the universe. “Your Highness, our vessel has...abilities that may seem strange or frightening to you. You might call them magical, but I assure you, they aren't.” “Magical? Captain, where is your ship?” Picard hesitated. How to explain a starship to a species that hadn't even entered their industrial era? “Your Highness, I am from a civilization that has very advanced technology. Because of that, we've been able to fly ships into space. We...are currently flying above your planet.” Picard had expected a barrage of questions, or even stunned silence. The last thing he expected was for Princess Celestia to sound...intrigued. “Fascinating. How are we to get to your ship, Captain?” Wiping some sweat from his forehead, Picard gave a silent thanks to the universe. A least this species seemed open to new ideas and technologies. “We will be able to transport you here in an instant via one of our devices. If you are communicating by radio, please have your operator flash a signal on this channel. We will be able to lock onto your positions and bring you onboard.” “That won't be necessary, Captain. We shall transmit three signals. I trust your equipment will be able to distinguish them. Princess Celestia out.” The line went dead. Picard thought for a moment. “Number One, Worf, Counselor, Data, you're with me. Let's go meet our guests.” Worf tapped his badge. “Security teams to transporter room three. Low level security only.” Picard made his way to the turbolift, holding back as the others entered, then going in after Troi. “Counselor,” Picard asked as the lift started down, “What can you tell me about this princess?” Troi focused, trying to gather her thoughts. “She's not dangerous, if that's what you're wondering. But there's something about her I can't quite explain. She has a power almost as great as Q, but...” “But what?” Riker asked. “But there's something almost...magical about it.” “Magical?” Picard said. The lift came to a stop, and the group headed towards the transporter room. “Yes, Captain. Magical. I know it's vague, but it's the best way I can describe it.” Unsure what to make of that, Picard pushed the thought aside. He had to focus on the coming meeting with the Princess. If she was as powerful as Diana implied, then he had to tread cautiously; his dealings with powerful entities had taught Picard that it was always better to play it safe. Reaching the transporter room, the group entered and found it manned with two technicians, both hard at work calibrating sensors and readouts. Four security officers lined the walls; Picard was glad to see that their phasers were holstered. “I've got three signals, Captain,” the head technician said. Straightening his uniform, Picard waited as the others had done the same. First contact with a new species was always a tense moment. First impressions could go terribly wrong just as easily as they could go right. But if he kept his calm and used the lessons learned from first contact with twenty six other species, he'd be fine. “Very well. Energize.” The consoles were activated, and the transporters hummed to life. The shimmering matter stream appeared, along with vague outlines of three lifeforms. Within seconds, the streams faded out, and the Princess and her entourage finally appeared. Picard had seen all kinds of alien beings during his travels, but had learned that he could never give an accurate guess as to what they would look like. But none of the species he had ever encountered prepared him for the shock of seeing brightly colored ponies standing on the transporter bay. There were three of them, and while one was smaller, the other two were quite large and had shimmering manes that seemed almost ethereal. For a moment, everyone inside transporter room one was silent, awestruck at seeing each other. Then at last, the white pony stepped off the pad. She looked at the humans before her, then headed to Picard and extended a hoof. “I am Princess Celestia of Equestria.” Picard took the hoof. “And I am Jean-Luc Picard of the United Federation of Planets. It is a pleasure to meet you, your Highness.” Celestia smiled. “And it is a pleasure to meet you, Captain.” *** Word spread fast throughout the Enterprise about the colored, talking ponies that had come aboard, and it wasn't long before the officers and crewmembers of the Enterprise were crowding the halls to catch a glimpse of their unexpected visitors. Picard led the group towards the observation lounge, and was much relieved to know that his guests were far more open-minded and excited than other royalty he had met before. “What a fascinating vessel,” Celestia said, glancing at every panel and sneaking a glimpse at all the side passageways they passed. “Captain, when this crisis is over, would it be possible for us to tour your ship?” “Oh yes, we'd be delighted,” Picard said. The group passed a panel where several technicians were supposed to be repairing circuitry. Celestia watched as they glanced at her, then quickly went back to their duties in an attempt to appear busy. Having seen guests in her palace do the same as she passed, Celestia smiled. “Captain, with your permission, I would also like to meet your crew...they seem very interested in us.” She was perceptive, Picard realized. “Yes, they are. We've met many beings from many worlds, but none quite like you.” “If we may ask,” Luna said. “Why are they so fascinated by our presence?” “Because they find you irresistible,” Data explained. “Or rather, adorable.” Twilight stopped. “Adorable?” “Yes. Your physical dimensions, large eyes, and other features fits the human classification of what they deem cute, and-” “Data.” “Sorry sir. If you wish, your Highness-” “Twilight. You can call me Twilight.” “Very well, Twilight. If you wish, I can explain this to you later.” Data looked to Celestia and Luna. “I can also explain it to both of you, if you wish.” The thought of being seen as adorable by the humanoids around them struck Celestia and Luna as most peculiar. Then again, these beings were an interesting species. If they all survived the sharkicane, perhaps both their kinds could learn much from each other about the magic of friendship. Picard reached the Enterprise's observation lounge a few minutes later. It had been prepared for their arrival, and everyone quickly took their seats. “Now, your Highness,” Picard said, “can you tell us exactly what is going on?” Despite having only just met humanity, Celestia's gut told her that they'd find the idea of a sharknado to be preposterous. But with time running out, she couldn't beat about the bush. “A few days ago, a magical being named Discord created what we call a sharknado...a magical tornado filled with sharks. It rampaged across our lands until it turned into a sharkicane, and now threatens to destroy our planet.” The room was silent for a long moment. “I'm sorry, but did I hear that right?” Riker asked. “A tornado filled with sharks?” “Yes.” “Puzzling,” Data said. “Such a phenomenon does not exist in our databases.” “Forgive me your Highness,” Picard said, “but we've never heard of such a thing happening before, and it's...” He struggled to keep a straight face. “I mean no disrespect, but by our standards such a thing is...quite amusing, almost like something out of one of our bad movies.” There was a bright flash of light, momentarily blinding everyone in the lounge as Discord popped in. “Jean-Luc, are you implying that my artistic talent is equal to that of a grade-z filmmaker?” He sniffed. “Oh, you're breaking my heart!” Picard knew the voice all-too well, but the figure at the end of the table wasn't Q...it was some sort of dragon, with disjointed horns, differently shaped limbs, and a sneer that was every bit as awful as Q's. Instantly the room was filled with panic as the humans leapt back. Worf was fastest, grabbing his phaser while simultaneously hitting his combadge. “Security to the observation lounge!” Discord sighed. “Oh Worf, you never fail to amuse me, pointing a gun at anything new. Tell me, how did you ever get through kindergarten? Or did you fire your little toy phaser every time a new mathematical concept was brought up?” Picard stared at Discord. That voice... it couldn't be. “Q?” A flash of light, and Discord vanished, with Q taking his place. “Well, I'm glad to see at least one of you thinks before you shoot.” Now it was Celestia's turn to be shocked. “Discord?!” “Oh, I'm sorry your Highness. You see, you know me as Discord, but my best friend here-” He teleported behind Picard, rubbing his shiny noggin, “-knows me as Q!” Luna shook her head. “But...how is that possible?!” “You really don't think I spend all my time in Equestria, do you? Immortality is great and all, but you'll be driven mad if you don't keep yourself occupied. So I spend my time hopping around the universe, taking many forms and many names, but always in the name of fun and mischief!” “Why am I not surprised?” Picard muttered. Q shifted back into his Discord form. “You shouldn't be, Jean-Luc. Now, I've grown quite fond of Equestria, and I'm not eager to see it destroyed, which, by my calculations...” He looked at a dinner plate-sized watch. “...will happen in less than five hours.” “What?!” Twilight shouted. “Which is all the more reason for all of you to team up, join forces, and save the known universe!” “Don't be absurd,” Picard said. “How could a hurricane filled with sharks destroy all of reality itself?” The wall display beeped. Data went over and opened it, reading the contents. “Sir, the probe has completed its scan of the planet below.” He rapidly scrolled through the data, performing complex equations. “Intriguing...as illogical as it sounds, it appears Q is correct.” Data tapped several buttons, and an image of Equestria appeared on the screen. “The Sharkicane is filled with a strange energy that our scanners cannot identify, but it appears to be expanding at an exponential rate. If the computer's calculations are correct, this energy will eventually explode in a violent fashion, propelling the storm into space.” The image showed the storm lifting off the planet and spreading outwards, with millions of tiny sharks chomping away. “Well, that makes things easy,” Riker said. “We evacuate the remaining citizens and wait for the storm to disperse.” “I'm afraid it's not that simple, Commander. The storm's energy will continue outwards, spreading the storm to any planet it touches.” Another tap, and the screen showed a planet. A small portion of the storm hit it, and began to grow. “It is not unlike a virus: it will consume everything it touches, growing until it eventually consumes all organic matter. With no resources left, it will explode, beginning the process all over again.” The screen showed the galaxy, and the storm spreading from one planet to another, until all were consumed. And then the sharkicane spread to another galaxy, and then another, and another. “It may take several million years, or possibly even billions, but this sharkicane will inevitably consume all life in the universe.” The room was silent for several moments. “This has to be a joke,” Picard said. “I assure you, Captain, this is very real,” Discord said. “And if the universe is destroyed, no one will be there to laugh at the punchline. Good luck!” He vanished, but no one was bothered by his sudden departure. They had more important things to deal with. “Captain, we must act!” Worf said. “I recommend launching all our photon torpedoes into the storm to destroy it!” “Nay!” Luna said, slamming a hoof onto the table. “You cannot!” “But the storm will-” “We cannot destroy it,” Celestia said. “Doing so would kill all the ponies and other species who have been consumed by it.” “I'm afraid I don't understand,” Picard said. “The ponies and lifeforms who are eaten by the sharks are magically turned into sharks themselves. If you were to kill them all, you'd be killing our families and friends.” “They turn into...sharks?” Worf asked. Discord quickly reappeared. “It could be worse! They could have turned into salamanders!” Then he was gone once more. Celestia looked at a portable pad on the table, trying to understand how it worked. Sensing her confusion, Troi leaned over. “What are you looking for, your Highness?” “Can you show the moon?” Troi tapped the buttons and an image of Equestria's moon appeared on the viewscreen. “Thank you. Now, my sister and I battled a sharknado long ago, and created a weapon that can undo the effects. It's located on an asteroid orbiting our moon, but the spells we need to use it are incomplete.” She looked at Picard. “We need your help to activate it.” “We can certainly try, but this...'magic' you talk about...my kind have no experience with it.” “We will help you; together, we should hopefully be able to substitute enough magic and energy to complete the spells. Once the Friendship Nuke is activated, we must shoot it into the center of the storm, where it will detonate and turn everyone back to normal.” “Friendship Nuke?” Worf said. “What manner of weapon is that?” “I will explain it later. Mr. Data, can you locate the storm's center?” “Of course, your Highness.” Operating the console at breakneck speed, Data brought up an image of the storm, with a certain area highlighted in red. “Good...wait. Zoom in, please.” Data did so, and a new feature popped up on the screen. It was a small, black blip a good distance away from the red circle, but was closing the gap with rapid speed. Celestia watched the dot for a long moment, then studied her readout again. “Captain, I need to communicate with those on my plane.” Picard nodded, and Worf quickly entered a series of instructions into the console. A beep signaled that a channel was open. A voice came through. “Princess Celestia? Is that you?!” “Shining Armor, listen carefully. I need you and Cadence to direct the plane to Cloudsdale. Gather any remaining ponies and survivors, and have them all prepare for a final assault on the sharkicane. When I have concluded my business with Captain Picard, I will join you. Is that understood?” “Yes, your Highness.” “Excellent.” Celestia moved to terminate the call, but had second thoughts. “Captain Picard, I have seen how advanced your vessel is. I assume your medical facilities are equally as advanced?” “Yes.” “With your permission, I would like to bring some of our wounded onboard for treatment.” “Can't you treat them with your magic?” Troi asked. “We can, but the art of magical healing is a very exact process, with disastrous results if it is not performed correctly. Your technology may be of more help.” “Very well,” Picard said. “I'll tell Doctor Crusher to expect their arrival.” “Excellent.” Standing, Celestia went to the windows and gazed out to the planet below. Once green and blue, a jewel nestled amongst the cold void of space, it was now gray and ashen. It reminded her of a graveyard...and that her planet - and the universe itself - would soon become one if their plan didn't work. “Captain, I understand that Discord...or Q, as you know him...has essentially forced you into this. Our fight is not your own. If you do not wish to participate, I understand completely.” Picard stood and joined her at the windows. “One of Starfleet's most time honored traditions is that when any sentient being calls for help, they will be answered. We will not abandon you, or your little ponies, in your hour of need.” While the stress of stopping the sharkicane had only grown during the meeting, knowing that she wouldn't have to stop it by herself let Celestia relax ever so slightly. No matter what happened, she, and all other Equestrians, would no longer be alone in this fight. *** Captain's log, supplemental. Due to Q's interference, the Enterprise has become involved in a rescue operation for the world of Equestria, located in a distant galaxy far from our own. We are currently en-route to acquire a device that could be the key to saving the planet, and possibly the universe as well. Beverly Crusher had treated many beings during her time in Starfleet, but she had never been in a medical bay filled with adorable little ponies, nor had she ever healed a blue Pegasus with rainbow-colored hair...especially one who wasn't cooperating. “Hold still, Rainbow Dash. This won't take a moment.” Still unnerved by the unfamiliar sights and sounds of a modern starship, Rainbow Dash was equally freaked out by all the unfamiliar devices the human was preparing next to her bed, especially the one she held now. “What is that?!” “This is an osteogenic stimulator.” “A what?!” “It'll help heal your bones. Now hold still.” “Is it going to hurt?” “Only if you keep moving.” Rainbow Dash instantly went still, and remained so as Beverly moved the device over bandaged wings and limbs. Beside her, Twilight watched the procedure, having been unable to resist the idea of watching the medical procedures of a species completely different from her own. “Amazing!” Twilight said. “I can't even imagine the type of technology needed to do this.” “Well, it didn't come easy,” Beverly said. “It took hundreds of years to evolve past needles and scalpels.” She passed it over Dash's leg. “There. All done.” Hesitant, Dash cautiously stretched her limbs. Her fears faded away as she discovered that not only was the pain gone, but everything felt back to normal, as if her run-in with the sharks had never happened. She was cured! “Wow! It actually worked! Thanks, Doc!” “You're welcome, but we're not done yet.” Beverly picked up another handheld device. “What's that do?” “It's a dermal regenerator. It will remove scars and bruising from your skin.” Twilight's temporary combadge beeped, and Picard's voice came through. “Princess Twilight Sparkle, please report to the bridge.” Giddy at working with such advanced technology, Twilight tapped the badge. “On my way, Captain. And please, call me Twilight.” “Very well. I've sent Mr. Worf to guide you. He should be there momentarily. Picard out.” The doors slid open as Worf walked inside. “Your Highness, I've been asked to-” “Guide us. Thank you, Mr. Worf. Please, lead the way.” Leaving the other injured ponies in the care of Crusher and her staff, Twilight and Spike (who had beamed up with the wounded) followed Worf out of sickbay and down the ship's corridors, eventually taking a turbolift to the upper levels. The ride was quiet; Spike spent most of it glancing at Worf, only to quickly look away when Worf matched his gaze. “Is something wrong?” Worf asked at last. “No, no,” Spike said. “It's just that...well, you're not like the others.” “I am a Klingon, a warrior-race who serve with honor throughout our galaxy.” Spike whistled. “Wow. Are there any other Klingons on board?” “No.” “How about other species?” “There are a few.” An idea came to Spike, one that made him giddy. “Are there any dragons?” “Dragons? Dragons are mythological creatures from Human and Klingon mythology.” Spike chuckled. “Well, I'm walking proof that we aren't.” “You are a... dragon?” “Yep,” Twilight said. “Well... a baby dragon, but a dragon nonetheless.” Worf studied Spike for a moment, impressed. “Fascinating... never did I dream that I would ever encounter a creature such as yourself.” Spike was still beaming when the turbolift came to a stop. The doors slid open and Worf guided them onto the Enterprise's bridge, which was now bustling with activity as crewmembers manned various consoles and terminals. Twilight made the face of a delighted duck, almost squeeing with delight. Had she the time, she would have loved to study them all to see how they worked, or with Picard's permission, begin to tap into the knowledge and libraries the Enterprise had onboard; who knew what vast arrays of knowledge and information they had stored within? But that would have to wait for another time, as Princess Celestia and Princess Luna stood near the captain's chair, keeping their gaze focused on the rapidly-approaching moon. “The asteroid we seek is of medium size and looks like a crescent moon,” Luna told Picard. “Data, scan the asteroids. Find one that matches that description.” Data went to work on his console. “Scanning... I believe I've found it, sir.” The viewscreen lit up with the outlines of several asteroids circling the moon. One in particular matched Luna's description. Getting close to the viewscreen, Luna studied the asteroid. “Is that what we're looking for?” Riker asked. Luna nodded. Picard turned to Geordi. “Geordi, ready a tractor beam-” “That won't be necessary, Captain.” Luna vanished in a flash of light only to reappear outside the Enterprise, where she flew towards the asteroid. “What the devil-” “It's a magic spell,” Twilight explained. “A powerful one that lets Luna ravel in space without a suit.” Picard leaned forward, intrigued at the thought. “Fascinating...” Reaching the asteroid, Luna ducked inside the smallest cave. For several moments she remained hidden from view; all eyes were drawn to the screen, waiting for her to reappear. Time was ticking down before the universe itself would be in mortal peril, and every moment counted. Luna finally emerged from the cave and flew back towards the Enterprise with a large object trailing her. It was a rectangular, about the size of a closet, and constructed from pure silver with words of an unknown language inscribed in the surface. “Is that-” Celestia nodded. “The Friendship Nuke.” Luna and the Nuke vanished in a flash of light and appeared on the bridge moments later. Picard eyed the Nuke; he relished the thought of examining such a strange object, but this wasn't the time nor the place. “Your Highnesses, there's a laboratory on deck twelve were it can be examined.” “Very well. Please lead the way.” “Data, go with them. Worf? Assign a security detail to guard the Nuke, priority one.” Worf nodded and left the bridge; Celestia and Luna followed him with the Nuke in tow, and Twilight, Spike, and Data bringing up the rear. It was difficult squeezing the weapon into the turbolift, but they managed to bring it to the deck twelve laboratory and strap it to a table as numerous security officers stationed themselves inside. “Twilight,” Celestia said. “The Heart.” Reaching into her saddlebags, Twilight removed the Crystal Heart out, which simmered and shone beneath the light panels in the ceiling. “It is very beautiful,” Data observed as the Heart was lowered into the Nuke, which rippled like water and then went solid as the Heart vanished. “Excellent," Celestia said. "Now, the books.” Twilight took out the two books recovered from the Crystal Empire and Canterlot. Celestia took the latter and opened it to a page covered with intricate, flowing words. “From the depths of time, praise the sun and the moon, come now to life now and avert our doom. Bring the light to shine upon the land, and to rock out like an awesome band.” The letters upon the nuke glowed. Luna took the second book. "As night falls and our doom appears, spread some love and bring us good cheer. For as the sun rises and night descends, come to our aid and help save our friends!” The letters grew even brighter; Data held out his tricorder and studied the readouts. “Interesting... I am detecting an energy output that is substantially different from ones we have previous encountered.” He tapped his badge. “Geordi, this is Data.” “Go ahead, Data.” “I need your assistance in science lab twelve, priority one.” “On my way.” He walked inside a few minutes later. “What is it, Data?” “The Friendship Nuke is giving off energy I am not familiar with. While I cannot recognize it, I suspect your implants may be able to detect it.” “Good thinking. Let me see...” Focusing on the nuke, Geordi watched it for several seconds. “You're right, Data. This is giving off a lot of energy. I'm not sure what type, though... I'll have to run some analysis to see if we can figure something out.” “Please do so, and with great haste,” Luna said. “We cannot wait any longer than absolutely necessary.” “Don't worry, your Highness. We'll get it done.” As Geordi and Data brought several instruments towards the Nuke, Celestia tapped her badge. “Princess Celestia to Captain Picard.” “This is Picard.” “Captain, Luna and Twilight's magic will be able to aid your crew in activating the Nuke. I wish to return to Equestria to coordinate our defenses on the surface.” “Very well. I'll have Mr. Worf guide you to transporter room three.” “Princess, must you go?” Twilight asked. “Yes, Twilight. You and Luna are needed here. I must help rally those in Cloudsdale; all the survivors must unite and prepare for the battle to come.” Twilight still didn't want Celestia to go, but knew that it was the logical thing to do. “Well... okay. But please, be careful.” Celestia put a hoof underneath Twilight's chin. “I will be. For you.” She gave Twilight a brief nuzzle, then turned to Worf. “Mr. Worf, I'm ready” “This way, your Highness.” Light filled the room as Q leaned against the door. “Oh Celestia, leaving so soon?” Celestia eyed Q. “Yes. To fix the mess you've created.” If Q was offended, he didn't show it. “Actually, I came to give you a few weapons that might tip the battle in your favor.” He pulled out four tiny orbs and twirled them between his fingers. “I've used the last of my power to create four presents that might give you an edge when you need it.” He dropped them onto Celestia's hoof. “But be careful: Each orb can only be used once.” “What are these presents?” “It's a surprise! I wouldn't want to spoil things this early for you. You'll just have to guess. But don't worry, each of them is potent in their own way." Stepping back, he sighed. “Well, I need to go rest and recharge. Draining all my near-infinite power takes a lot out of me, you know. Good luck!” Another flash, and he was gone, allowing an intrigued Celestia (and a very annoyed Worf) to depart, leaving Twilight and Luna behind to work on the Nuke... and to save life, the universe, and existance itself from the threat of cosmic sharks. The clock was ticking. > Inspirational Speeches Solve Everything! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The sun rose on Equestria, heralding the dawn of a new day. In the glorious, picturesque city of Cloudsdale, the local animals, birds, and plants sang a joyous song to greet the fiery ball of hydrogen and fire that gave them life, singing at the top of their itty-bitty widdle lungs with their big googly-woogily eyes. But their merry song was interrupted by the faint roars of sharks. The adorable animals stopped singing, the birds fled in terror, and the plants wilted. Throughout Cloudsdale, the remaining survivors of Equestria were no happier than their animal and plant brethren. A fog of despair hung upon the city; every survivor had seen the devastation airborne sharks had caused. Even high up as they were, nobody felt safe. It was only a matter of time before the Sharkicane below rose up to engulf them all. And when it did, there would be no more songs, except the songs sharks would sing to celebrate their victory over the ponies. It was in this environment of terror and dread that Celestia re-materialized inside Canterlot Force One, and found it empty. Exiting it, she found the Cloudsdale airport equally as empty, save for a few survivors taking off in blimps, none of them wanting to just sit around and wait for sharks to claim them. “No, wait!” Celestia cried out. “Come back!” It was too late. Several sharks leapt from the clouds below and attacked the blimps, stripping them to scrap in seconds. “Buck!” It was too late to save those who had fled like weenies, but Celestia still had time to help the others. She flew towards City Hall, figuring that it would be an excellent place to set up a command center. After all, it was the tallest building, was built of neigh-unbreakable marble, and most importantly, had an awesome ball pit for the children of government officials, and every military outpost needed a ball pit for off-duty soldiers. Reaching city hall, Celestia landed to find it bustling with ponies coming and going with great speed. Those that saw her coming quickly stepped aside, and gave her room to pass. The halls inside was just as chaotic, with numerous barricades of chairs, filing cabinets, scotch-tape, and school-glue erected to keep sharks out for as long as possible. Making her way into the innermost rooms, Celestia finally reached the council chamber, now packed with crates, charts, maps, and lists of equipment. Shining Armor, Princess Cadence, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie were in the center of it all, all dressed in armor, and speaking with a never-ending stream of advisers, military captains, police officers, clowns, and anyone else who could fight. Looking up from scribbling a note, Shining Armor spotted Celestia. “Princess!” He ran up to her. “Thank heavens you're okay!” “I appreciate your concern, Shining Armor, but time is short. Please tell me everything that's happened.” Tempering his fanboy joy at seeing his princess, Shining Armor nodded. “We've tried to organize the city for battle, but we don't have much to work with. Most of the weapons here are in museums.” “How many ponies are in the city?” “About five thousand,” Rarity said. “Offensive capabilities?” Shining Armor bit his lip, unsure how to answer her. “We have the Wonderbolts,” Cadence said. “And a few hundred soldiers, along with any Unicorns who can fire spells. But beyond that, we have spears, swords, and arrows.” Was that truly all they had to defend themselves with? Against the overwhelming power of the Sharkicane, Celestia knew they wouldn't last more than a few minutes, and even that was doubtful. “If we had backup, we might stand a chance,” Cadence said. “But there is none. No one else made it.” “That's where you're wrong, Princess Cadence.” Several forms emerged from the shadowy entrance hall. Unlike the ponies scurrying about them, these figures wore exotic, foreign armor, and carried the highest quality weapons one could hope to wield against the predators of the deep. Pinkie Pie gasped. “Oh boy, it's you!” “We reconsidered our alliance with Queen Chrysalis,” the Minotaur Queen said, “and decided that she was a big, fat poopyhead.” “In other words,” the Zebra Monarch said, “she was full of bulls-” “What ssshe meansss to sssay, your Highnessss,” the Naga ambassador said, “isss that we realized that the Queen wasss lying. You could not have done thossse thingsss ssshe sssaid you did.” Celestia nodded her head in gratitude. “Thank you. I'm honored that you place your trust in me. But where is the Queen? Is she still at her castle?” “The Sharkicane came down and destroyed it when we left,” the Griffon King said. “It was so fast; all everyone had to fight with were go-fish playing cards. No one else made it out.” Celestia closed her eyes. Though Chrysalis had been an enemy, she had hoped the Queen would see reason and join with all of Equestria to save it. But now she was no doubt a shark herself, along with all those she had persuaded to join her. The Minotaur Queen twirled her massive war-hammer. “We must forget them! A great battle is coming, and we must prepare! And to that end, Princess Celestia, we have brought our armies to stand by your side!” She looked back into the hallway. “Come forth, armies of the light!” Shapes marched forth from the shadows. Shining Armor squinted, trying to see how many hundreds he could count on fighting with. And then they finally appeared: Three Griffons, two Minotaurs, an old Naga, the Zebra Monarch's butler, a Gila monster, two Turtle Doves, and a Breezie. “They are all that have survived the destruction of our homelands,” the Minotaur Queen boasted, her voice full of pride, “but they are strong and will fight with honor! Together, they will help us defeat the Sharkicane!” Shining Armor breathed into a paper bag while Cadence tried to keep up a forced smile. But Celestia didn't need to fake her enthusiasm. Anyone who could help Cloudsdale last just a little longer was more than welcomed. “Your help is most welcome,” she said, bowing. And in return, the rulers bowed, as did the reinforcements. “But even with reinforcements, we have a bigger problem,” Rarity said. “It's the ponies themselves. They don't see the point in trying to fight. And most of them...well, most of them aren't even sure if they can trust you, your Highness.” Celestia could guess why. “Chrysalis' videos.” Cadence nodded. “The Queen sent them here for all to see. Some refuse to believe they're real, but everyone else isn't sure what to think.” Putting down the bag, Shining Armor said, “Your Highness, if we can't rally Cloudsdale, there won't be a battle...there'll be a massacre.” “We still have a chance,” Celestia said. “Our allies onboard the USS Enterprise are working on activating the Friendship Nuke.” She grabbed a map and laid it across the table. “Cloudsdale is heading towards an anomaly in the storm. Judging from what we saw onboard the ship, it leads to the center of the Sharkicane, where we'll detonate the nuke for massive damage.” “There's only one problem,” Cadence said. “Without any ponies to defend the nuke, it'll be torn apart before it can reach the storm's center. We have to rally the ponies and fill their hearts with hope, joy, and love once again.” Celestia knew there was only one way to remedy that. She started towards the door. “Then call them all to the colosseum.” “Your Highness...” Shining Armor said, “the ponies here aren't going to listen to you. They wonder if you're even the Princess they once knew and believed in.” Celestia stopped. Shining Armor was right, but she couldn't just stand around and wait for the sharks to come. Time was running out, and Cloudsdale needed every fighter it could get. And the only way to do that was to set the hearts of the ponies on fire. No, wait...she needed to inspire them. Setting their hearts on fire would only kill them all, and she didn't want to fight with only a Breezie to back her up. “Yes, they'll have their doubts. But I have to try.” *** From all across Cloudsdale, ponies and refugees from other kingdoms gathered in the giant colosseum that had once held contests of strength, agility, and aerobatic powers. Now it was packed with a far more somber audience, one who didn't cheer or wave banners as they waited for Celestia to make her appearance. In a small waiting room behind the royal box, Celestia looked at herself in the mirror. The wear and tear of the past two days hung heavy on her face, stress already carving lines and wrinkles into her cheeks. In a way, she envied Luna and Twilight and all the others high above: they only had to worry about activating the nuke. She not only had to rally what remained of the pony race, but give them hope and courage when there was little to go around. Celestia tapped her combadge. “Princess Celestia to the Enterprise; please come in.” “This is Picard. Go ahead.” “Is the Nuke ready yet?” “We're still working on it, your Highness. I'm afraid we don't have any more news than that.” Sighing, Celestia nodded. “Very well. Princess Celestia out.” There was a knock at the door. One of Celestia's remaining guards poked his head inside. “Your Highness? They're ready.” Celestia nodded, and the guard disappeared. Taking a deep breath, she combed her mane to make it presentable. One of the most important moments of her life was finally here, and there was no turning back. That is, unless she leapt out the window, ran screaming to the airport, and took off in Canterlot Force One as fast as she could. Taking one last breath, Celestia stepped through the curtains and into the royal box. Before her lay thousands of ponies and refugees fidgeting in their seats. Some were happy to see her. Some weren't, and most were unsure what to make of her presence. All were silent, waiting to hear her speak. But what to say? Celestia had given many speeches in her lifetime for countless different occasions, ranging from negotiating peace treaties to opening children's birthday parties. But never had she had to rally a populace that doubted her, and were in danger of being eaten by sharks. “Good morning,” she said. “And thank you all for coming. I know that all of you have seen the videos and photos that Queen Chrysalis claims are of me. As your Princess, I can say that it was not me in the video. It was no doubt Chrysalis pretending to be me so she could demoralize you all.” “Prove it!” someone shouted. Celestia had feared that question, because there was only one answer she could give. “I can't.” Thousands of paper bags were yanked out. Celestia knew that if she was going to rally her little ponies, this was her last chance. But how to convince them to go on? But maybe...maybe she wasn't supposed to convince them. That wasn't the point. Maybe they didn't need encouragement, but a reminder of what they stood to lose. “Yes, I have no way of proving my innocence,” she said. “I can't prove that I'm not a genocidal tyrant god-queen who wants to take over and rule everything and laugh as I burn down the rainforest and bulldoze orphanages for fun. That's what others may say about me. Or at least...that's what they want you to believe. Because that's what sharknadoes do: They make us lose faith in ourselves....in our families, and our friends. And there are those who want to become god-kings and queens, and they do want to burn down the rainforest and bulldoze orphanages, and they will use a sharknado to make their enemies destroy themselves.” The crowd lowered their bags. “You're scared. You're afraid...and that's all right. I'm scared too. There's no shame in being afraid of sharks who want to eat your face. But if we give in to that fear, then the sharks have truly won. We can't let fear tear us apart and destroy everything we've worked so hard to achieve. Equestria is a place where anyone can be friends because deep down, we're all the same. We want to be loved. We want to have families. We want to live free of prejudice, racism, hate, and sea slugs.” The crowd was silent. “Right now, that dream is threatened. Unless we put aside our differences and come together, everything we have worked so hard for will be gone forever. If we run now, all of it will have been in vain. I...” Celestia gulped. “I let that fear get to me. I was so afraid of the sharks that I wanted nothing more than to run away and hide like a weenie. But I'm not going to do that.” She stood tall, rearing back to her full height. “I will not be a weenie! I'm not going to run anymore, because I know what will happen if I do! And now I'm asking all of you to stand with me. Even if you do not believe me, help me defend our world. Stand with your friends, your family, and even those who are a different species than your own.” Celestia shook, a tear running down her cheek. “Let us face our fears together, and show these sharks that even if they want to eat our faces, we will not back down, because this is Equestria, and we will stand together to defend it! We will not run away! We will unite, we will fight, and together, we will show these sharks that friendship is magic!” A great and thunderous cheer erupted from the crowds. Ponies, dragons, donkeys, and sea serpents alike jumped up and down, their hearts overflowing with hope and good cheer. Smiling, Celestia turned to Shining Armor, Princess Cadence, and the remaining Bearers of the Elements, who too, had the power of hope surging through their hearts. “Get everyone together,” Celestia said. “We have a battle to plan.” *** The next hour was a mad rush of activity as the inhabitants of Cloudsdale rushed to and fro, throwing on armor and gathering every last weapon they could find. Police armories were raided, then everything inside Cloudsdale's museums were taken, and then swords, spears, and battle axes from the basement of every nerd who could be found. Within half an hour, every single pony and refugee was armed and ready to fight. Barricades were erected, lines of attack were drawn up, and soldiers who had nothing to do played in the ball pit. Within City Hall, Celestia worked with the Bearers and the other high-ranking members under her command to form a battle plan. It was pretty straightforward: they would use Cloudsdale as a floating fortress to buffet and absorb most of the Sharkicane's attack while heading to the storm's anomaly, where every magic wielder would help blast a tunnel leading to the center of the storm. When the nuke was hurled inside, they would then fly with it to ensure that it wouldn't be eaten en-route. “Very good, your Highnesss,” The Naga Ambassador said. “It ssseemsss foolproof.” “Yes. Now we have to hope that the Enterprise can play her part.” She tapped her combadge. “Celestia to Enterprise. We're ready down here.” “LaForge here. Princess, I think we're in luck. We've managed to remodulate our particle emitters to create a subinterspace force field relay to simulate the isolinear pulse tachyon waves generated by the nuke.” “Huh?” “Basically, I think we can tune in to the frequencies that would be activated by that third spell of yours, and imitate its specific pattern. Once we set the emitters, we can trigger the nuke.” “Excellent, Mr. LaForge,” Celestia said. “How long until you can do so?” “Tough to say, but I figure about...an hour or so.” “Good. We'll be ready.” Walking to the nearest window, Celestia peered out. Far on the horizon, the top of the Sharkicane was steadily rising. With her excellent eyesight, Celestia could just make out the anomaly, which gave the appearance of jagged cliffs where the rest of the Sharkicane was smooth and churning from the chaos within. The only problem was getting there in one piece. At the rate the Sharkicane was rising, it wouldn't be long before Cloudsdale came under attack. Shining Armor trotted up. “All volunteers are armed and ready.” Celestia nodded. Her troops would fight bravely, but there was no need to expose them to the sharks sooner than necessary. Using a spell to magically magnify her voice, Celestia sent an announcement throughout all of Cloudsdale. “Attention all Unicorns: The Sharkicane is approaching, and we must protect Cloudsdale as long as possible. I will cast a shield to protect the city, and I need your help to reinforce it.” Flying out to the roof of City Hall, Celestia rose her head to the heavens and focused all her magic. A bright beam of light shot out from her horn and blossomed out into a sphere that spread around Cloudsdale, almost identical to the one that had encircled Canterlot. In the streets, buildings, and parks throughout Cloudsdale, other Unicorns joined Celestia and shot their own magic into the shield, reinforcing it as it fully enclosed the city in bright, shimmering energy. With the spell complete, Celestia turned to her next task. “Fluttershy, send word to the city's engineers: have them plot a course towards the anomaly in the Sharkicane as fast as we can go.” Fluttershy nodded and took off. A few minutes after she left, Cloudsdale lurched, and began a slow, but steady journey towards the anomaly. The other leaders joined Celestia on the roof, watching as they all began their final journey. “So it begins,” the Zebra Monarch whispered. “Hmmm?” Shining Armor asked. “I said, 'So it begins.' ” “Oh.” Beneath Cloudsdale, the Sharkicane continued to rise. *** Within the science lab, Spike tried to keep from falling asleep as Twilight worked with Luna, Data, and Geordi on the nuke. While there had been a momentary burst of excitement when Geordi managed to get one step closer to activating the Nuke, everyone was now back to work adjusting hundreds of dials, monitors, displays, and readouts. Having no technical know-how at all, Spike sensed that he would only get in the way, and now stood off to the side. Lights within the walls suddenly flashed yellow. “What is this?” Luna asked. “The Enterprise has gone to yellow alert, your Highness,” Data said. “It is a heightened state of alertness in case we are to engage in combat.” “Are we?” “Unsure. The Captain has probably activated it as a precautionary measure.” Realizing what that meant, Luna turned to Spike. “Spike, I have a task for you.” “Me, your Highness?” “Twilight and I must remain with the Nuke, but I want you to gather the other ponies and lead them to a safe place.” Spike nearly fainted. The Princess had a task for him! He snapped to attention and gave a salute. “Yes, your Highness!” “Worf, can you help him?” Geordi said. “We've got things under control here.” “If a yellow-alert has been issued, I must return to the bridge.” “I will go in your stead,” Data said. “You may follow after showing Spike where to go.” Worf considered, then nodded. “Very well. Come, Spike. We can gather the other ponies in the holodeck.” “The holo-what?” Exiting the science lab, Worf said, “It is a room where we can create simulations of realty. Imagine a dream, but being able to make it real.” “Oh wow! Geez, is there anything you guys can't do?” Worf chuckled. “We have our limits. Technology, while powerful, cannot do everything.” Reaching a set of double doors, Worf tapped the buttons. “Here is the holodeck. Medical is several doors down. Call me when you are done.” Beaming with pride, Spike nodded. “I will!” He bounded off down the hall, leaving Worf free to head to the nearest turbolift. When it opened, he found the bridge bustling with activity. He went to his station and relieved the officer manning the post. “We heard from Princess Celestia a few minutes ago,” Data said. “The Sharkicane is almost at the city of Cloudsdale. At the rate it is accelerating, we estimate that the Sharkicane will erupt into space within the next half hour.” Worf immediately realized what this meant. If the Sharkicane erupted into space, the Enterprise would be in its path. And regardless of the fact that the sharks were actually transformed ponies, they would still try to destroy the Enterprise. It was his duty to ensure that they didn't. Tapping away at the console, Worf brought up the phaser banks and photon torpedoes. “Weapons systems online...shields at maximum.” Picard tapped his badge. “Your Highness, what's the situation down there?” “The Sharkicane will hit us at any moment, Captain.” “Acknowledged.” Switching frequencies, Picard said, “Geordi?” “We're working on it, Captain! There have been some fluctuations in the dampener coil; the fluctuating plasma vorticity capacitors are affecting the isolinear posimotronic relay matrix!” “We're running out of time. Do whatever is needed to get that Nuke online!” In their state of heightened anxiety, no one paid any attention to the asteroids that surrounded the moon. Had they done so, they might have noticed the eerie glows that appeared within several crevices and craters. > The Battle for the Universe: Part 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- All was quiet above the Sharkicane. Within the confines of Cloudsdale, Ponies, Zebras, Minotaurs, Donkeys, Nagas, and Griffons waited. The Sharkicane had gone silent, but the silence was more frightening than any roar. Though Celestia's speech had given them hope, the ponies and refugees were not immune to fear. Most silently clutched their weapons. Others stayed as close to their families as they could. A few went to the bathroom. One read through the latest issue of Rocks Monthly. But no matter what they did to distract themselves, all they could do was wait. So they waited. Then they waited some more. And then they waited even more. Nothing happened. They kept waiting. Waiting waiting waiting waiting waiting. When nothing happened after half an hour, various sections of the city took turns going to play in the ball pit. Standing atop City Hall, Celestia gazed out to the horizon. Now dressed in her fabulous golden battle armor, she was a beacon that everyone could look to for hope and inspiration. “How long until we reach the anomaly?” Celestia asked. Shining Armor peered through a telescope. “Ten minutes.” Ten minutes...they were so close, and yet the Sharkicane hadn't attacked yet. Why? “I'm bored,” the Naga Ambassador said. “May I go play in the ball pit?” Celestia nodded, and the Ambassador leapt off the roof with a joyous whoop. “Something about this doesn't feel right,” Cadence said. “Why haven't they attacked us?” “They're probably waiting until we get close,” Celestia said. “Then they'll launch an overwhelming assault.” Below them, the Sharkicane shuddered. “Uh oh.” Even from so high up, Celestia could see millions of individual sharks slicing through the clouds, as if circling prey. Other ponies saw them too, and quailed. “Steady,” Celestia called out. The sharks leapt higher and higher. “Steady!” Then the moment Celestia had feared finally came. From far in the distance, a small wave of clouds appeared near the anomaly, rising as it headed towards Cloudsdale. It quickly grew, growing in mass and strength until it towered above the city like a tidal wave about to crush a child's sandcastle. The wave drew closer and closer. Thousands of sharks swirled within, roaring their fearsome roars. Beside Celestia, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, and the monarchs readied themselves for battle. Rarity was fueled with rage at what the sharks had done to her sister. Fluttershy thought of Angel Bunny and her other animal friends being turned into sharks, using the rage to give her strength. Pinkie thought about cupcakes. “Shining Armor,” Celestia said. “It's time. Sound the call.” Shining Armor blew into Cloudsdale's fabled war kazoo, letting all of Cloudsdale know that it was time for battle. And throughout all of Cloudsdale, the city's defenders raised their weapons, trembling as the wave shot towards them. “We will not run,” Celestia said, magically amplifying her voice so as to address everyone within the city. “We will not flee!” The wave rose even higher. “This is where we draw the line in the sand. This is where we say, 'no more!' This is where we say, 'Go away!' This is where we yell, 'Leave us alone!' And this is where we scream, 'Ahhh, please don't eat me!' This is where they will fall!” The city's defenders roared a battle cry. And beyond the shield, the wave of sharks roared in return, the Sharkicane's opening salvo finally reaching it's target. The final battle for the universe had begun. With a thunderous smash, the wave rammed the shield, the sheer number of sharks within blocking out the sun, shrouding all of Cloudsdale in darkness. But the shield held. Celestia fired her magic into the shield to reinforce it, an act that was soon joined by the other Unicorns in the city. “Time to the anomaly!” “Eight minutes!” Shining Armor called out. The wave of clouds and sharks finally passed the shield and fell back into the Sharkicane, vanishing from sight. But no sooner had it vanished than another appeared and hammered on the shield as well. And then another emerged, and then another, until seemingly endless waves of sharks bit, nibbled and wore away at the shield. “Do not give into fear!” Celestia shouted. “Stand your ground!” The shield cracked. Beams of magic were directed towards it, and the crack vanished. But another soon took its place. It too, was mended, but then two more cracks appeared. And then two more as thousands of bloodthirsty sharks attacked again and again. With so many appearing, it was inevitable that one would slip through. And after a few minutes, one of the cracks fractured, then burst, and a horde of sharks poured into a park at the city's edge. Shining Armor blew into the kazoo. “Attack!” The Wonderbolts shot down from City Hall, the city's most powerful Unicorns riding upon their backs, all of them reinforced by the Griffon King and his reinforcements. They fired at the sharks again and again while foot-troops ran towards the pile, attacking while the beasts were stunned from their fall. And for the moment, courage, hope, and love overcame numbers, and the sharks were defeated. But for every shark that was defeated, two more fell to take its place. Princess Cadence joined Celestia in firing her magic at the hole. But the sharks were coming in too quickly, making it impossible to close. “There!” Rarity shouted, pointing towards another crack that was seconds away from breaking. “Minotaurs!” the Minotaur Queen yelled. “Charge!” She ran down the slopes towards the new crack, her soldiers right behind her. The Zebra Monarch followed, along with his butler, the turtle doves, the gila monster, and the Breezie. They were all still en-route when the crack shattered, sending another waterfall of sharks into the city. Giving up on the first hole, Cadence realized that their best bet now was to attack the sharks while they were still bottle-necked. But she was too far away to hit them effectively. There was only one way to get close enough in time. “Shining Armor! Throw me!” Shining Armor obliged by grabbing Cadence and hurling her like a javelin. “Go, waifu!” Sailing above the city, Cadence fired her horn again and again, catching sharks in mid-air as a crack above her gave way, and another waterfall of hungry sharks poured into Cloudsdale. Shining Armor watched, helpless to assist his wife. “Waifu!” But Cadence saw the sharks coming and spun past them. Aiming upwards, she fired her strongest magical blast yet and managed to seal off the crack. But another opened not far away. And below, the sharks that had already fallen inside had now recovered from their plunge, and were flopping into the city in search of ponies to eat. But the barricades and their defenders were ready, and managed to hold them at bay. Celestia kept firing her magic into the shield, trying to reinforce and repair it. Rarity joined in, as did Shining Armor. Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy headed down into the streets: Pinkie to lift everyone's spirits, and Fluttershy rallying the remaining wildlife to turn feral and fight against the sharks. But Celestia couldn't join them. She had to focus all her magic and energy on the shield; the longer it stayed up, the more time it bought them...but how long would it stay up under such a relentless assault? Discord's magical orbs...should she use them now? The situation was manageable, but not dire. Still, it couldn't hurt to use one. With no markings to indicate what was inside, Celestia took a random orb and threw it, praying that it could the battle in an instant. The orb broke open, and a flash of light shone over the battlefield, momentarily blinding everyone in sight. When it vanished, a giant crab stood upon the roof; spotting the sharks, it leapt off the roof and landed in the park. The nearby ponies hesitated, momentarily unsure if the newcomer was friend or foe. But when it's massive pincers snapped away in mighty crustacean fury, the ponies were glad to welcome their new ally, keeping close so as to protect it's weak spot. Though surprised that a giant crab was actually doing pretty well against the sharks, Celestia didn't let her guard down. One crab wasn't enough to defeat millions of sharks...only one thing could do that. “Enterprise! Come in!” *** Picard tapped his combadge. “This is the Enterprise.” “Captain, Cloudsdale is under attack! We're keeping the sharks at bay, but we need that nuke!” “We'll get it to you. Standby!” He hit his badge. “Geordi! We need that nuke, now!” “Almost done, Captain! We're interlocking the reduced-plasma conduit feedback loop coil! Give me ten minutes!” “You've got five!” Realizing that the Enterprise needed to be ready for combat at a moment's notice, Picard turned to Worf. “Worf, go to red alert!” In seconds, klaxons sounded, putting the entire ship on red alert. “Decks twenty nine through twenty report ready,” Worf said. “Decks nineteen through...wait. Sir, deck eighteen is not responding.” A quick check revealed that it wasn't a communications error, nor was it the fault of the ship's systems. “I do not understand...they are not responding.” His console lit up. “Sir, deck seventeen just went dark!” “Get a security team down there. Find out-” A new alarm flashed through the bridge. Worf recognized it immediately. “Intruder alert!” The console beeped, and a panicked voice came through. “This is deck sixteen! We're under attack! There are sharks on the-” A scream, and the channel went silent. Then the console exploded. “All security teams to deck sixteen!” Worf shouted, running into the turbolift. “Data, go with him!” Picard said. “Number One, lock down science lab twelve. We cannot let anything get to that nuke!” Riker's hands flashed over the console controls. “Done.” The moment he was finished, his console exploded. *** Deep within the belly of the ship, Twilight and Luna continued their desperate work with Geordi. Not even the flashing lights and sirens distracted them as they focused all their efforts on the silver case before them. “All right, plasma matrix interlace relay ready to go.” Geordi said. “Now all we have to do is reverse the interlocking isolinear interconduit phaser display and amplify the energy signature while boosting the magnetic interlays.” Luna stared at him. “What?” “Basically, you and Twilight send magic energy into the Nuke, and we amplify it.” “Ah.” A nearby console exploded. Sparks flew from the ceiling as lights flashed red, and a bright blue energy field fell down across the walls and headed into the floor. “What's going on?” Twilight asked. “The bridge has activated a forcefield! Something really bad must be happening if they did that.” “What does it do?!” “It seals the room off completely. Nobody can go in or out. We only send it up when an enemy boards the ship, so they can't get anywhere they're not supposed to.” Twilight immediately realized what that meant. If sharks were on the ship, and Spike was outside the lab... Luna realized what Twilight was going to do. “Twilight, no! We need you here.” “But Princess-” “Spike will have to wait. All other things must wait! Even our bathroom breaks must wait! The sharks have somehow learned of what we are planning to do, and are trying to stop the Nuke. We must activate it, no matter the cost!” Twilight wanted to argue, yell, and heroically rush out the door to save Spike. But deep down in her heart, she knew Luna was right. If they didn't get the Nuke going, there'd be no hope for anyone...but that didn't mean she was just going to sit around and do nothing. Twilight hit her combadge. “Mr. Worf!” “This is not a good time, Princess. We-” “Spike is somewhere on deck...” “Sixteen,” Geordi said. “Sixteen! Please, send some of your soldiers to find him!” “We're heading to that deck. If he's alive, we will find him.” Twilight sighed, almost sunk to the floor in relief. “Thank you.” Another console exploded. “If we're going to do this, your Highnesses,” Geordi said. “It has to be now!” There was no more time for doubts or hesitation. Standing side by side with Luna, Twilight fired her magic into the Nuke. Luna did the same, and together, the two shot all the energy they had into their only hope for survival. “I'm beginning the amplification!” Geordi yelled. “Scanning for harmonic frequencies!” Then, to himself, he whispered, “Please, let this work.” He was answered by an exploding console. *** Worf's security team hurried down the halls of deck sixteen, their phaser rifles at the ready, trying their best to ignore the sprinklers that sprayed water through the hallways. At the head of the group, Worf adjusted his rifle. “Set phasers to stun. If these sharks are transformed ponies, we cannot kill them.” Data and the other officers nodded, adjusting their weapons accordingly. Reaching an intersection, Worf held up a hand, stopping the others. The corridors before them were wrecked, with panels ripped away and cables strewn across the floor. Cracked light panels flickered, casting deep shadows, and giving any nearby sharks countless places to hide. “It appears that someone, or something, attacked the environmental control panel,” Data said. “That would explain the malfunctioning sprinklers.” Worf tapped his badge. “Doctor Crusher, what is your status?” “We're okay, Worf. What's happening out there?” “I'll explain later. Gather all the ponies you can in sickbay. We're coming to evacuate you.” “I will lead a group in search of other personnel,” Data said, and motioned for several officers to follow him. He had only taken a few steps when a shark hurled itself through a nearby wall. But this was no ordinary shark: it was enormous, easily thirty feet long, but lacked solid teeth, eyes, or even skin, for it was pale blue and transparent, surrounded by a glowing aura. “What is that?” one of Worf's officers said. “It looks like a...” The shark turned towards Worf's squad and roared. “A ghost!” The ghost shark charged down the hall with frightening speed, it's mouth wide open. Worf and the others opened fire, but their phaser beams passed through the creature. “Recalibrate phasers!” Worf shouted. If one frequency of the phaser blasts couldn't hurt a ghost shark, perhaps another could. But before any of his officers could move to do so, the beast hit the group. Only by diving to the side at the last second did Worf and Data avoid being ripped in half, which was what happened to the others. Leaping up, Data jumped onto the shark, hoping to use a Vulcan nerve-pinch to incapacitate it. But he fell right through the beast's spectral body and landed hard. That gave the shark time to swerve and attack. A fast roll saved Data's upper half, but his lower half was severed clean from his body. “Data!” The ghost shark turned to Worf. And from behind him, another shot out of another wall, eager to join the hunt. “Go, Commander!” Data shouted, his momentary shock at being ripped in half by spectral teeth now replaced by calm logic on what had to be done. “I will distract them!” Worf had no intention of complying. One ghost shark had wiped out his entire group in less than a second; against two, Data wouldn't stand a chance. He would have gladly fought both ghost sharks in an honorable battle to the death, but the ponies still needed his help. The nuke, too, needed to be protected. “Come, foul things!” he growled. “You may be fast, but you will never catch a Klingon!” The ghost sharks charged, and Worf took off, his powerful legs propelling him through the drenched corridors of deck sixteen. “Commander!” Data called out. But the three were already gone. Trying to go after them was pointless. Realizing that it was pointless to try and go after them, he dragged himself to the closest control panel and yanked the cover off. Further down the corridors, the sharks were gaining speed as they chased after Worf, who leapt into a side corridor. Data's voice came through the combadge. “Commander Worf, are you all right?” “Now is not a good time, sir!” The ghost sharks quickly changed course and charged after Worf once again. “Commander, I must seal this deck. We cannot allow these ghost sharks to reach other levels of the ship.” Worf fired off a wild rifle blast. “I doubt a bulkhead will stop a ghost shark, sir!” “Hmmm...a valid observation. We must find another way to-” Worf blasted a portion of the ceiling into rubble, creating a temporary barricade between him and his pursuers. Sprinting down another hall, Worf ducked into the nearest room. Guided seemingly by fate itself, he had happened to run into the holodeck, where ponies were prancing and playing under the warm glow of the sun, and the singing of happy flowers filled the air. “Worf!” Spike said. “Hey, I managed to get everyone here, and-” “Everyone, out!” Worf shouted. “What?” “Now! We must flee!” He ducked back into the corridor. There were no ghost sharks in sight. “But you can't leave!” a smiling flower said in a sweet, sing-song voice. “Stay and play with us! We have gumdrops and rainbows to-” Worf blasted the flower into dust. “Uhhh...all right everypony!" Spike said. "You heard him! Let's go!” Worf heard ghost shark growls nearby. “Get to the medical bay!” Behind him, the ponies ran for their lives. Spike directed them until all had gone, and he was the only one left. “Okay, we're good!” The ghost sharks charged down the corridor. “No,” Worf said, “we're not.” Grabbing Spike, Worf shot at the control panel. He missed, but it still exploded, stopping the sharks ever-so briefly, giving the Klingon time to run after the other ponies. It was a short run to the med lab; Crusher and the other medical staff had opened an emergency hatch in the hallway ceiling and were helping the ponies through. “Get inside!” Worf yelled. Crusher shook her head as she shoved one pony above her head. “We haven't gotten all of them-” The ghost sharks turned the corridor. Instantly realizing that glowing sharks were very bad news, Beverly slammed the hatch shut while the others got the few remaining ponies back into the medical lab. She was the last one in, and the doors slid shut as soon as she got in. Worf slammed down on the door controls, sealing the room. “Worf to Captain Picard! Deck sixteen has been overrun with ghost sharks!” “Come again?” The doors bulged inwards. “Spirits of dead sharks, sir!” Beverly ran into the intensive care unit, and yanked open an access hatch leading to the Jeffries tubes. “Worf, I appreciate the attempt at humor during a trying situation, but now is not a good time for-” The Captain's voice was cut off by the sound of alarms blaring. Worf paid it no heed as he herded the rest of the ponies into intensive care, and slammed the doors shut behind him. “Doctor, work fast.” None of the ponies needed any encouragement as they ran into the Jeffries tubes. In fact, their size was an advantage, as they were able to run where their human counterparts had to crawl. In seconds all of them were inside, and the human staff followed, until only Beverly, Worf, and Spike remained. “Well, this seems oddly familiar,” Beverly groaned as the doors bulged. “Computer, activate the EMH program.” The air shimmered, and a man appeared. “Please state the nature of the medical emergency.” “We've got ghost sharks trying to break inside. Distract them while we get out of here!” The man frowned. “Are we really going to do this again? As I stated during the Borg crisis-” “I know, I know, it's not part of your programming. Just do what you did then!” As Spike, Worf, and Beverly climbed into the vent and slammed the hatch shut, the doors finally broke down. The two ghost sharks rushed inside, eager to find their prey. The holographic doctor looked them over with interest. “Starfleet has no files on the continued existence of deceased sharks, but your very existence seems to prove that there is indeed an afterlife. Are you sentient? Can you communicate?” The ghost sharks responded by charging him, and learning that they couldn't eat a hologram. “Apparently not.” *** Onboard the bridge, every console flashed red. Tactical readouts went berserk, and Picard was in the center of it all, trying to figure out what was going on. “Captain, the sprinkler systems have malfunctioned all over the ship,” Troi said. “And we're getting reports of sharks on every deck! They appear to be...ghosts?” So Worf had been telling the truth after all...Picard couldn't waste time ruminating on such things though. Hitting his badge, he sent a message to everyone on the ship. “All hands, this is Captain Picard! We are being attacked by ghost sharks! Protect science lab twelve at all costs!” Throughout the Enterprise, most of the crew heard Picard's voice, but couldn't follow his commands, as they were too busy fleeing for their lives. Every deck was a madhouse of screaming crewmembers firing their phasers and phaser rifles at roaring ghost sharks, only to discover that Starfleet's most advanced weaponry was all but useless against malevolent shark spirits. Picard hit his combadge. “Princess Celestia, come in!” There was no reply. “Princess Luna, do you hear me?!” “Yes, Captain!” “Your Highness, we're under attack by ghost sharks! Where the hell did these things come from?!” “The sharks must have sent several of their own into the asteroids thousands of years ago when the nuke was hidden. Their ghosts must be trying to stop it from activating!” “How do we stop them?!” “I do not know; my sister and I have never faced ghost sharks before!” The turbolift doors buckled as something fought to get in. Leaping from his chair, Picard grabbed a phaser rifle, turning it to kill. “Activate emergency bulkheads and seal the ship!” Blast doors slammed down across the elevators, buying Picard and everyone on the Enterprise a few minutes. But inevitably, the ghost sharks would tear their way inside...and they had no way to stop them. “Data to Captain Picard.” “Data, where are you?” “Returning to the bridge, sir. I believe I've discovered how the ghost sharks are getting around. They first appeared when one of our sprinkler systems malfunctioned. I believe they require a source of water to get around. If we eliminate all the water on the ship-” “Number One, do it!” Riker ran to the environmental control panel, but the console exploded as his fingers ran over the buttons. “Environmental systems are down! The only way to turn them off is from the environmental control room on deck eighteen.” “Do we have anyone still down there?” *** Within the Jefferies tubes, Worf's group had reached an elevator shaft, allowing them complete access to the ship's infrastructure. It was dark and silent, and momentarily free of ghost sharks. “We must reach the bridge!” Worf said. “It is the most heavily defended room on the ship. We will be safe there!” The ponies wasted no time in trying to make their way up the ladders embedded in the shaft. But without fingers, it was slow going. Worf's combadge beeped as Picard's voice came through. “Worf, come in! We've found a way to stop the sharks! You need to head to deck eighteen and disable the ship's sprinkler system.” “Acknowledged! On my way!” Turning to Beverly, he said, “Doctor, I need you to-” Beverly pulled out her phaser and made sure it was tuned to the highest setting. “Stay here and make sure they get to safety. Got it.” Satisfied that one part of his mission was complete, Worf went to a ladder and started down the shaft. Spike bounded after him. “No, Spike. You must stay with Doctor Crusher.” “But I want to help!” “You can assist the doctor in evacuating the others. A child such as yourself is not qualified to fight ghost sharks; I must do it alone.” “No way, dude!” Vinyl Scratch jogged over, with Octavia following close behind. “No one goes it alone! That's not our way! If you're going to save the ship, you need some backup!” “I appreciate the offer, colored pony, but-” “Can you perform magic?” Scratch's horn gave a quick burst of color. “I know a few spells that might come in handy.” Worf grumbled. “Very well. But you will do exactly what I say, when I say, understood?” “Totally!” Worf started down the ladder. Spike followed, but Octavia hesitated. “Vinyl, you've never fought sharks before!” “Yeah, but I don't wanna just stand around and wait to be eaten! Besides, there's a first time for everything, huh?” She started down the ladder. Octavia groaned as she followed the others. “Oh, I am going to regret this.” It only took a few moments for Worf to descend to deck eighteen. Grabbing hold of the turbolift doors, he yanked them open and poked his rifle through. The light revealed another ruined hallway littered with broken lights and instruments, but there was no sign of any ghost sharks. Signaling that it was clear, he scrambled out. Spike, Vinyl Scratch, and Octavia followed him. “This way.” Running through the falling water, the group made their way down the twisting corridors, trying to ignore the sounds of combat and screams that were dangerously close by. It wasn't long before they finally reached the doors leading to environmental control. Going inside, they were confronted with several massive control consoles. “Now what?” Octavia asked. “I must deactivate the system. It will take a few minutes.” Worf looked to Spike and tossed him the phaser rifle. “You must stand guard.” Catching the weapon, Spike grinned. “Yes, sir!” Then he ran outside, Vinyl and Octavia following, leaving Worf to tap buttons and commands. Outside, Spike, Octavia and Vinyl stood their ground, glancing down the halls, on alert for the slightest movement or shadow dancing across the walls. “Anything?” Spike whispered. “No,” Octavia said. “I see nothing.” Vinyl looked to the left. Her eyes went wide. “There!” The others turned and caught a glimpse of a spectral shark tail. Spike gulped, his finger tight on the trigger. A roar caught all three by surprise. They spun to see two ghost sharks shooting right towards them. Spike yelled out and yanked the trigger; his rifle fired a laser at the sharks, but it went right through them. “Again!” Octavia yelled. Spike fired again and again, but the lasers kept going right through his targets. Beside him, Vinyl tried firing a few magic blasts. To her surprise, they hit the sharks, but only stunned them briefly. It wasn't going to stop them for long. Hammering on the control panel for a nearby door, Octavia managed to get it open. “Everyone in here!” “No!” Spike said. “We have to protect Worf!” The sharks charged. “Can't do that if we're dead, little dude!” Magically tossing Spike into the room, Vinyl followed, and the doors slammed shut behind them. In the environmental control room, Worf kept pressing buttons and activating subroutines. The damage to the ship's circuitry was making his task more difficult then he had first imagined. He had heard the sounds of combat outside, but couldn't spare the time to see what was going on. The combadge beeped. “Worf, hurry!” Riker said. “We've got five ghost sharks about to break into the bridge!” “I'm going as fast as I can, sir!” “Then go faster!” Sweating like a Grabtherian boar-pig, Worf hit buttons again and again as the console exploded. Trapped within a small break room, Spike, Octavia, and Vinyl tried to figure out what to do. The doors wouldn't last much longer against the shark's assault, and there weren't any vents they could escape into. The only thing in the storage room was a good-sized machine in the back. “Does anyone have any idea what to do?” Octavia asked nervously, backing away from the door with each subsequent hit. Running to the machine, Vinyl Scratch looked it over. “Computer, what is this?” she asked, remembering how Doctor Crusher instructed her to ask the computer (whatever that was) a question when she was lost or wasn't sure what something was. “This is a replicator.” A replicator?! Wait, Crusher had told her about one of these...they could create almost any inorganic object...and she had an idea that was so crazy, it might work. “Computer! Create a gun that has a high-powered sonic generator in it, like what you'd find in speakers! Crank up the power as much as possible, and make it so that it fires music blasts!” The replicator swirled, beams formed, and what looked like a large, portable cannon popped into existence. Vinyl grabbed it; the weapon felt solid enough, and she could feel it vibrating from the subwoofers within. The doors buckled, bent, and started to give way. “All right everyone, chill out! I got this!” Spike and Octavia leapt back as Octavia raised the cannon. The doors were torn apart, and as the ghost sharks rushed inside. “Hey ghosts! Taste my wubs!” Vinyl pulled the trigger, and the air was filled with the deafening roar of dance music. Everything made of glass or plastic shattered as the wubs hit the ghost sharks in mid-leap, blasting them out the room and into the hall. Vinyl leapt after them, and fired once more. At point-blank range, the shots blasted the sharks into scattered ethereal energy which quickly dissipated into nothingness, returning the beasts to the afterlife. “That...that actually worked?!” Octavia gasped. Vinyl pumped the air with her hoof. “Radical!” The sprinklers finally went dry, and Worf emerged from the control room. “What happened?” “Oh, the sharks got a taste of my bass cannon, that's all!” Worf's combadge beeped once more. “Good job Mr. Worf. The sprinklers have been shut down.” “Are the sharks gone, Captain?” The answer came a moment later. “I'm afraid not; they appear to no longer be as fast as they were, but they're still present.” Worf, Spike, and the others found that out themselves, as three more ghost sharks charged down the hall towards them in a final, desperate attempt to obtain ghost shark food. Vinyl tossed Worf the cannon. “Here!” Grabbing hold, Worf had no time to hesitate. He immediately took aim and fired, and once more the power of wubs blasted the sharks down the hallway and returned their energy to the grave once again. For a moment, Worf said nothing. Then he tapped his badge. “Captain, one of the ponies has created a...” “A bass cannon.” “A...bass cannon. I can confirm that it can defeat the ghost sharks.” There was a moment of silence on Picard's end. “Well, if it works, it works.” Picard's voice then echoed throughout the hall. “This is the Captain speaking. All personnel, go to any replicator and immediately arm yourselves with bass cannons as soon as possible. We have received confirmation that this weapon can harm ghost sharks.” Throughout the Enterprise, the crew was quick to obey, materializing hundreds of bass cannons from the ship's replicators. And in a few short minutes, the tide of battle turned in the Enterprise’s favor, for everyone onboard through the halls and rooms, blasting the ghost sharks into oblivion with the power of wubs. Finally, after almost twenty minutes of the most chaotic fighting in the ship's history, the last ghost shark was wubbed to undeath, and the Enterprise was safe once more. On the bridge, Picard and the other senior officers breathed a sigh of relief. While the battle to save the universe was still raging, they had managed to survive the deadliest engagement yet. “LaForge here. Captain, we've got great news! We've managed to activate the Nuke!” “Excellent! And Geordi?” “Yes, Captain?” “Get down to Engineering and dump every last molecule of water from the Enterprise. I don't want any more ghost sharks on my ship.” “Will do.” The turbolift opened, and Worf, Spike, Octavia, and Vinyl Scratch entered. “Excellent job, Mr. Worf.” Picard said. “I daresay you just saved the Enterprise." “Thank you sir. But it was Vinyl Scratch who created the bass cannons.” Picard went to Vinyl Scratch. “Well now, Ms. Scratch, it appears the crew of the Enterprise is in your debt.” Vinyl Scratch blushed. “Aw shucks, Captain. It's nothing, really.” “But it is. You just saved over seven hundred lives. Such an act is to be commended, and if we pull through, I look forward to reporting this to Starfeet. It's not often that a new lifeform helps to save the ship.” Scratch blushed even harder. Around the bridge, energy panels lit up, and in seconds all the water in the carpets, upholstery, and panels was gone, leaving the bridge bone-dry. And throughout the ship, all the water similarly vanished, leaving behind just the thin amount of water in the atmosphere, and that was nowhere near enough for the ghost sharks to swim through. Picard's badge beeped. “Laforge here. I just dumped the water into space, Captain. Not a drop left on the ship.” “Good work, Geordi. Now get that nuke to the torpedo bay and launch it.” He tapped his badge. “Princess Celestia, if you can hear me, we're about to launch the nuke. Stand by.” The bridge shook. “Oh for heaven's sake, now what?!” The shaking came again, much stronger this time. Consoles exploded, throwing several crewmembers across the room. “Captain, the ship is under attack!” Troi said. “What?! On screen!” The viewscreen came on, revealing Equestria's moon, the asteroid belt...and hundreds of ghost sharks attacking the Enterprise's hull, all adrift in the water that had been teleported outside. “Oh no...” The bridge jerked violently, throwing everyone to the floor. “Shields at eighty percent!” Troi called out as she clawed her way back into her chair. “Sixty...fifty! Captain, we're going to lose them!” “Divert emergency power to the shields! Reconfigure phasers to fire bass cannon energy!” Troi did so. “It's not working! Shields at thirty percent! Twenty...ten!” An explosion. Consoles burst into flames, then exploded. “Captain, we've lost our shields!” The sound of tearing metal echoed through the air. “They're attacking the hull! Structural integrity at eighty percent! Seventy!” Outside the ship, the hordes of ghost sharks tore into the Enterprise's hull, their teeth making short work of the thick plating protecting the living from the cold void of space. “Fifty...forty...twenty percent! Captain, we're going to-” Another explosion cut Troi's words short, and blinded everyone in a bright shower of exploding consoles. *** “Enterprise, come in!” Celestia said. “Enterprise, do you read me?!” She had heard Picard telling her something about the nuke, but his message had been lost due to a garbled communication. “Captain, please come in! We-” With a shattering boom, the shield surrounding Cloudsdale finally reached its breaking point. No amount of magic pumped into it could keep it intact, and it finally shattered under the shark's unstoppable assault. Celestia's heart almost stopped. “No...” Now free to gorge themselves on the ponies below, thousands of sharks poured into Cloudsdale, joining their allies below. And together, they swarmed over the barricades and buildings like living waves of flesh and teeth. The city's defenders fought back with everything they had, but they were quickly lost beneath the hordes. Even the giant crab was forced to retreat against such overwhelming numbers, It was at that moment that Celestia realized that Cloudsdale, the survivors within it, and the city's awesome ball pit, were doomed. > The Battle for the Universe: Part 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Once upon a time, there was a magical land named Equestria. It was a wonderful place of peace, harmony, and friendship, friendships shared by all manner of ponies and magical animals who loved and cared for each other. Then, one day, sharks came and ate everyone before destroying the universe. The End. Or at least, that's how Equestria's story would conclude if Celestia didn't act fast. Thousands of sharks poured into Cloudsdale, swarming through buildings, streets, and barricades with frightening speed. No one would have blamed the city's defenders for running. But not a single pony deserted their post. Nor did the Minotaurs, the Nagas, the Griffons, Zebras, Turtle Doves, the Gila Monster, and the Breezie. Cloudsdale was the end of the line. There was nowhere else to go. They fought. They kicked, swung their spears, hurled their hammers, and threw muffins laced with rat-poison, and managed to hold their positions for a few seconds longer... but the sharks were just too great in number. Countless ponies were consumed and turned into sharks, turning their dreams of love and peace into dreams of hunger and rage. In only a few minutes everything was ruined and fell into despair... except for one pony who, in the midst of bucking sharks in the face, suddenly had a flash of inspiration on how to throw the most elegant Grand Galloping Gala ever. No mind before him had ever come even close to the magnificent idea that was born in the midst of war. Then the pony was gobbled up, and Celestia was saved from having to endure another gala ever again. Upon the top of City Hall, Celestia had a front-row seat to watch her little ponies be turned into sharks, and to see the last stands of her fellow rulers. The Zebra Monarch and her butler fell first, and then the turtle doves and Gila monster. The Breezie held on for a few moments longer, but her breezie bazooka held only so much ammunition, and she was finally swallowed whole. The Griffon King dove headfirst into the waves of sharks and vanished from sight. The Minotaur Queen and her warriors lasted the longest, swinging their hammers with all their might until they were overwhelmed by sheer numbers. And unseen by all, the Naga Ambassador was still bouncing around in the ball pit, only to be unceremoniously gobbled up with a multitude of colored plastic balls. Celestia hit her combadge. “Enterprise, come in!” But as before, there was only silence. And in the depths of her heart, Celestia feared that her new friends had been turned into sharks and now flew their ship to spread the shark message of death and destruction. Sweet mother of me. Fluttershy flew to the roof and collapsed, her skin and armor raked with scratches. “Your Highness! What do we do?!” Below, the last of Cloudsdale's defenses were overrun. Celestia's speech, while having rekindled hopes in the hearts of the ponies, had ultimately done nothing to stop a numerically superior enemy. She considered giving another inspirational speech, but since there were only five ponies left in the entire city, it wouldn't do much good anyway. “Shining Armor!” Celestia yelled, fighting to make herself heard over the shark's roars. “How long to the anomaly?!” Having watched as his parents had been gobbled up, Shining Armor was fighting to not give in to despair. “Shining Armor!” Trying to hold back the tears, Shining Armor looked through his binoculars. “Three minutes!” In an instant, options were weighed. Celestia realized that if there was to be any hope at all to saving Equestria, they had to get to the center of the storm, no matter the cost. Even if the Enterprise was destroyed and the nuke was gone, they had to try. The roof shook beneath Celestia's hooves. The sharks, having eliminated all resistance, now attacked the city itself, munching on the marshmellow-flavored clouds that held the place together. The giant colosseum fell to pieces. The rainbow factory collapsed through the clouds after spewing out one final rainbow. Streets were ripped asunder, and houses tumbled into the Sharkicane below. Celestia magically yanked everyone nearby to her. “Everyone, hold on!” Cadence and the giant crab leapt to the roof as Celestia summoned one last shield to surround herself and Cloudsdale's last survivors. With a great leap, she took to the skies as Cloudsdale gave a final, ear-splitting explosion and fell apart, its remains plunging into the Sharkicane. Inside the floating shield, Celestia tried to see how many she had saved: Princess Cadence flew beside her, as did Derpy Hooves and Fluttershy. Shining Armor stood on the shield's bottom, still trying not to cry. Besides him were Pinkie Pie, Rarity, and the giant crab. They were all that was left of Equestria's inhabitants. Having destroyed Cloudsdale, the sharks now shot towards the shield. “Stay close!” Celestia yelled as she shot forward. The sharks, determined to stop their prey from escaping, focused themselves into a massive pillar and rammed the shield, forcing Celestia to rely on blunt force to get through the mass of black and grey bodies slamming into the shield and each other. “Princess!” Rarity shouted. “The shield's breaking!” Cracks appeared in the shield and spread outwards like tree roots. Even with Derpy slapping band-aids on them, the shield wouldn't hold up for much longer. “Cadence, the orbs! Use one!” Cadence grabbed one of Discord's golden orbs and threw it down. It burst open, and with a bright flash of light three figures appeared. But they weren't all-powerful warriors with magical weapons and the power of super-novas at their command: they were three humans wearing wide-brimmed straw hats and colorful blankets while playing Mariachi music. “¡Hola!” One of them said. “¡Feliz Navidad y próspero año nuevo! ¿Dónde está el baño? ” “Yay!” Pinkie Pie said. “New friends!” “¡España es un país maravelloso!” With a heavy bash, the sharks sent the shield into a freefall, throwing all those inside off balance. “¡Llame a la peluqueria!” With a supreme effort of will, Celestia managed to regain control and shot upwards towards the anomaly. But the sharks were close behind. “Another orb!” she yelled. “Use another orb!” Pushing her way past the Mariachi singers, Cadence grabbed an orb and threw it down. Another bright flash of light, and a tornado appeared, but one holding something just as sinister as sharks. “Chainsaws!” Fluttershy yelled. The Chainsawnado roared as hundreds of chainsaws revved to life, tearing out the back of the shield before falling into the sky. The sharks behind the group only just managed to break apart and avoid being ripped into bloody goo. “What freakish mind could devise such a horrible thing?!” Rarity shrieked. “¡Buenas noches y dulces sueños!” While the Chainsawnado had momentarily taken care of the sharks pursing Celestia's group from behind, the sharks instantly regrouped and shot towards the back of the now-broken shield. The crab leapt to the hole and swung its claws while Discord's Mariachi singers swinging their guitars like giant clubs. “We're almost there!” Celestia shouted, now shooting upwards to try and get over the edge of the anomaly. But they were now flying straight up into another waterfall of sharks, and it wouldn't be long before the shield shattered completely. Bracing themselves against the shield walls, Rarity, Shining Armor, and Princess Cadence fired their magic into the shield. But it just wasn't enough. They had, perhaps thirty seconds at most before it imploded, and took them all with it. Everyone realized it...but only Princess Cadence knew what had to be done. “Celestia,” she called out. “Don't give up. Never, ever give up.” “What?” Cadence looked to Shining Armor and tenderly took placed her hoof beneath his chin. She smiled, sending all the love she had into him. “Cadence?” Closing her eyes, Cadence thrust her wings open, and fell out of the shield. “Cadence!” Shining Armor screamed. “Nooooo!” The crab thrust its pinchers out in a futile attempt to grab the Princess, but she was already beyond its grasp. Hundreds of sharks swarmed towards Cadence, who summoned the most powerful spell she had ever learned. Waiting only a single heartbeat, she unleashed it; a massive shockwave blew away from her, hurling thousands of sharks so far away that they vanished into the horizon, leaving the skies sparkling clean and shark-free. But the spell had cost Cadence dearly. Exhausted, and with no strength left in her body, her eyes rolled back as she fell into the Sharkicane and vanished from sight. Shining Armor screamed the scream of someone who was screaming. The crab pulled out a tissue and dabbed it's tear-filled eye stalks. The shield finally reached the lip of the anomaly and shot over the edge, revealing their destination at last. Below them all lay a massive, roiling mass of black clouds. But there was no celebration, no cheers or surge of hope. Celestia had seen Cadence's sacrifice, but couldn't take the time to grieve or even show tears. It wouldn't be long before the sharks came again, and she needed to get them all into the heart of the storm so that Cadence's sacrifice wouldn't have been in vain. She was going to make the most of the time they had been given...which was exactly five seconds, as hundreds of thousands of sharks shot up towards them. “Oh buck.” “¡Mi aerodeslizador está lleno de anguilas!” “Princess!” Rarity called out. “What do we do?!” Celestia didn't answer. “Princess?” How had it come to this? What could love and friendship do against such raw hate and hunger? “PRINCESS!” Celestia shook her head. If this was to be their end, then so be it. If her fate was to be turned into an Alicorn shark, then so be it...but she wasn't going to go down without a fight. Celestia focused all her remaining magic, intending to send out one final blast, one the likes the world had only seen once before, all those years ago during the great Alicorn-shark war. It was a blast her mother and father had given to save the lives of their daughters. “All of you, go,” she said. “I will buy you time to reach the storm's center.” “Princess, no!” Derpy shouted. “You must make it. My shields cannot survive another assault like that. But I can get you inside the anomaly.” Derpy grabbed Celestia. “Please your Majesty, don't!” Her tears flowed like rain, and the anguished sobs rose above even the roars of the sharks. Celestia nuzzled her. “Go, Derpy. Be good.” Derpy refused to let go, even when Rarity and Fluttershy grabbed hold and slowly, but firmly pulled her away. Even Pinkie was crying, unable to stop Celestia as her body now glowing with energy beyond what any living pony had ever seen. The sharks closed in. “Take me if you will,” Celestia whispered, “but I will never let you take my friends!” Her body glowed with unstoppable power, and as hundreds of thousands of sharks closed in, Celestia yelled, her power and her voice overwhelming the sharks as she stared fate right in its cold, emotionless eyes... ...and then a blast hit the sharks, scattering them to the winds. What?! Laser blast after laser blast tore into the sharks, blasting them away. And from high above the USS Enterprise screamed down like an avenging angel, wrecked and smoking from countless holes and shreds in her hull, but still flying. Celestia's combadge beeped. “Sorry to keep you waiting, your Highness.” “Picard?!” Twilight's voice came through. “Princess, we've armed the nuke, and we're ready to go!” “But...how? I feared you all had been eaten!” “Turns out ghost sharks are vulnerable to an exploding warp core,” Geordi said. “And the power of wubs!” Vinyl Scratch said. “Wait, ghost sharks?” “It's a long story,” Twilight said. “We'll tell you later.” A tiny form emerged from Enterprise and shot down to Celestia. It was Luna, now carrying two phaser rifles and ready for battle. “Come, Sister. Let us end this war!” That was all Celestia needed to hear. Spinning, she targeted the anomaly’s surface and unleashed the most powerful magic blast she had ever fired. It tore straight through the surface, revealing an infinitely deep hole that lead into the Sharkicane's dark depths. “Everyone, with me!” she shouted. “Let us end this once and for all!” She raised her hoof. “CHARGE!” With the fury of an exploding sun, Celestia shot into the abyss, Luna flying beside her. Breaking free of the shield, Rarity and the others plunged after the Princesses. Behind, the Enterprise's engines roared as it shot into the tunnel, and the defenders of freedom headed into the lair of evil itself. As sunlight faded, sharks hurled themselves from the walls of the tunnel to attack the ponies and the Enterprise. But Celestia and the others weren't going to be stopped now; Celestia fired her magic again and again while Luna dual-wielded her phaser rifles, spinning and rolling as she fired off a barrage of stunning blasts. On the bridge of the Enterprise, Picard fought to remain in his chair as gales shook the Enterprise about. Having managed to crawl back to the bridge, Data manned the helm and fought to keep the ship from tearing itself apart while Riker and Troi fired laser blast after laser blast at the attacking sharks. “Distance to the core!” Picard shouted. “Fifty miles, sir!” Grabbing hold of Shining Armor and Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy swooped down as fast as she could go, Shining Armor stunning shark after shark until his horn smoked. Behind them, Derpy and the Mariachi singers threw muffins at their attackers as Rarity leapt onto the back of the giant crab, firing her own blasts while the crustacian swiped at the surrounding beasts. Great Whites and Tiger sharks leapt from the abyss' turbulent walls. The Sharkicane, sensing that it could actually be destroyed, was deploying its heaviest forces to try and stop Celestia's group. But the two Royal Sisters shot ahead and blasted the sharks together, then spun and did awesome kicks, knocking sharks out of commission without breaking a sweat. But the sharks kept coming, now accompanied by lightning bolts. Onboard the Enterprise's primary photon torpedo bay, Twilight, Worf, and Spike were finalizing their preparations, slipping the Nuke into a heavily modified photon torpedo. “Captain, this is Twilight! The Nuke is armed and ready, but we can't launch it until we see the storm's heart!” “Acknowledged!” Several great whites attacked the Enterprise just as it was struck by massive bolts of lightning. Explosions rocked the ship, causing more holes to appear in the already-damaged hull. “Structural integrity at twenty percent!” Data called out. “Can she take it, Geordi?!” Picard yelled. “She'll take it, Captain, as long as I can compress the solid state driver so we can bypass the SQL panel and get to the PNG driver through the open-source SMS application to balance the tripolymer tablet with the sonic communicator!” “Make it so! Data, how long to the core?!” “Twenty miles, sir!” “Captain!” Riker pointed ahead; hundreds of bloodthirsty whale sharks had slipped past the ponies ahead and were lunging in for the kill. Leaping from Fluttershy's grasp, Pinkie Pie whipped out her party cannon and rode it like a surfboard, firing at the whale sharks again and again, knocking them senseless with confetti, party hats, twirlers, twizzlers, and noise makers. “Pinkie to Enterprise! You're all clear!” Atop the crab, Rarity peered ahead. “Your Highnesses! Look!” Celestia and Luna peered ahead. At the end of the tunnel was a massive wall far larger and more turbulent than the one they had gone through, and guarded by several hundred thousand Great White sharks. “Fall back to the Enterprise!” Celestia shouted. “No!” Rarity yelled. “Everyone behind me!” Grabbing hold of the crab's shell, Rarity held on as the crustacean shot forward and straight into the wall of serrated teeth. Pincers swung and stabbed as the giant crab fought the greatest battle of its life, forcing the sharks to focus on it instead of the Enterprise and the others. And in that it was successful, managing to defeat all the sharks and tossing their stunned bodies aside. “Come, everyone!” Rarity shouted. “Let us-” A lone shark shot forward and tackled the crab's belly; it was the crustacean's weak spot, and as teeth sank into flesh it suffered massive damage. “No!” Rarity shouted, blasting the shark away. “Nooo!” “¡Las águilas pueden volar, pero comadrejas no sumergirse en los motores a reacción!” a mariachi singer wailed. The crab spasmed and rolled over, almost bouncing off the edge of the Enterprise. Luna managed to magically stop the crab as she took hold of the saucer, along with Celestia, the other ponies, and the Mariachi singers. Together they held on as the ship shot into the storm clouds, and they were all engulfed in darkness. “Hold on!” Celestia yelled, her voice almost lost among the storm. For a long moment it seemed as if nobody would be able to do so; the wind was blisteringly cold, and pouring rain almost knocked everyone off. And then they were through. On the bridge, Picard stared out the viewscreen in shock. “Is that...” “Yes, Captain,” Celestia said. “The heart of the storm.” The Enterprise had emerged into the center of the Sharkicane, a surprisingly calm and quiet void, similar to the center of a hurricane. But floating in the center of the void was an all-too familiar sight to Celestia and the others...the Sharknado. Tethered to the storm with magical energy, it was the Sharkicane's heart, the force that was keeping everything together. If it was taken out, the universe would be saved. “Mr. Worf, Twilight, ready to launch the nuke on my mark!” Picard said. “Fi-” He never finished the command; the bridge shook violently, throwing everyone from their seats as the ship spun out of control. “Data, report!” The android yanked himself back into his console, eyes scanning the readouts. “Sir, we are under attack! It appears to be a gigantic shark!” Outside the ship, the Megaladon smashed its enormous teeth into the Enterprise's hull, biting down with impossibly strong jaws. Steel and titanium crumpled beneath its might, and a huge chunk of the ship was ripped away and cast into the storm. “Captain, hull integrity has been compromised!” Data shouted. “Hang on Captain!” Geordi yelled. “I'm transducing the gluon gamma particle control center by re-overriding the neutrino axial intermediate tap to compensate the kemocite warp fusion with verterium cortenide photon capacitors!” Every console on the bridge exploded. “¡La mariposa no necesita alas para volar!” a mariachi singer called out. Within the photon torpedo bay, Worf yanked himself to his feet. The Megaladon's attack had thrown the bay into chaos, and dozens of torpedoes were scattered about. Beside him, Twilight struggled to her hooves, helping Spike as she went. “Captain, the photon torpedo bay has been damaged,” Twilight said into her combadge. “We can't launch the nuke!” “Follow me!” Worf said. “We can use the Captain's yacht to launch the nuke manually!” Grabbing the nuke with her magic, Twilight followed Worf out of the hallway, with Spike right behind her. But their run was interrupted as the Megaladon attacked again, ripping out another chunk of the Enterprise's hull. The three were thrown into the walls as the hallway before them was torn away, exposing them all to the abyss beyond. Celestia saw it all happen. But it wasn't the first time she had seen the Megaladon destroying everything before it. The last time she had seen the beast, it had been devouring her parents, and now it would destroy the Enterprise, the nuke, and ensure that the Sharkicane would expand into space and destroy the universe. Like hell it would. Hurling herself from the Enterprise's hull, Celestia rammed the Megaladon so hard that both went flying. Like an ant attacking an elephant, Celestia blasted the creature again and again with her magic, shouting in wordless fury, sending it spinning heads over heels. Within the damaged hallway, Twilight struggled to hold onto the nuke. Her wings had been fractured from smashing into the wall, and the pain made it difficult to focus. “Twilight!” Rainbow Dash ran from a side hallway. She was scruffy and beat-up from a few encounters with the ghost sharks, but was otherwise raring for a fight. “Twilight, you okay?!” An idea came to Twilight as she peered out of the gaping hole ahead of them. “Rainbow Dash, I need your help! We need to get the Friendship Nuke to the center of the storm, and I can't fly and hold it at the same time.” Dash grinned. “Climb on!” Worf tapped his combadge. “Enterprise, we're launching the nuke! Ready phasers for covering fire!” “No good, Worf!” Geordi said. “That thing damaged the phaser array. All our defenses are offline!” The hallway shook as enormous teeth ripped through the ceiling and floor. The Megaladon, having broken away from Celestia, was now once again going after the Nuke. It bit down hard, trying to tear the hall away and swallow the nuke whole. Rainbow Dash spread her wings as Twilight leapt onto her back. “Hold on!” Realizing that the nuke was defenseless without the Enterprise providing cover fire, Worf knew there was only one way to protect it on the way down. Reaching into his shirt, he yanked out his bat'leth. “Today,” he shouted, “Is a good day to die!” With a furious roar, Worf leapt from the Enterprise and plunged towards the Sharknado, which shot sharks towards him like bullets from a machine gun. Spinning, he kicked and bashed the things away, howling Klingon curses with each swing of the bat'leth. “pa' might, sharks jImoDchu'mo' pum!” Twilight magically grabbed hold of the Nuke as Rainbow Dash leapt towards the hole. Spike barely had time to grab onto Twilight's tail as the three shot into the storm, just managing to get out as another chunk of the Enterprise was ripped away. Howling in fury, the Megaladon shot down after them, snapping and biting all the way. Behind it, Celestia hammered away with her hooves; Luna and the others joined in the fight, struggling to hold the beast at bay as it closed the distance between it and the nuke. “Princess!” Spike screamed. “The rifle!” Luna tossed one of her phaser rifles to Spike. Acting like the gunner on a bomber of days long-past, he fired at the Megaladon with desperate speed, each blow hitting flesh. By pure luck he managed to fire a stray shot into the Megaladon's eye, making it thrash in pain. But despite slowing the beast, Celestia realized that they couldn't stop it. No living creature could...not even herself. All they could do was hold it back, and it would fall to her to give Twilight the final few seconds she needed. Grabbing Discord's final orb, Celestia threw it at the Megaladon, praying that it was something – or someone- they could actually use. The orb burst, and when the light cleared, yet another tornado roared to life. But instead of sharks or chainsaws, it was filled with flowers, fluffy bunny rabbits, rainbows and sunshine, for it was a Peacenado, the magical weapon of love. As if guided on its own, it swooped down and enveloped the Megaladon, love and joy sweeping over it. “Twilight, go!” Celestia yelled. Rainbow Dash shot ahead of the others, quickly catching up to Worf, who was still clearing the path into the Sharknado. They caught up just as they reached the edge, and once Dash karate-kicked several sharks away, the way was finally clear for them to dash through. She did, and emerged into the heart of the Sharknado: a chaotic vortex of swirling sharks surrounding a giant orb of magical energy that held everything together. “Steady, Dash!” Twilight yelled, magically rearing the nuke back. One hit to the orb, and the nightmare would finally be over. Beneath her, Dash did her best to stay still, even as she karate-chopped even more sharks out of their way. “Steady-” The bottom of the Sharknado burst as the Megaladon shot through, tearing its way free of the Peacenado. Even a weapon of ultimate peace couldn't stop the single-minded hunger of nature's most terrifying predator, and it's monstrous ways of monstrosity. Opening its jaws wide, it shot towards Twilight's tiny group. Dash screamed in terror, wings spread wide as she tried to stop. But Twilight couldn't stop, not even if she had to sacrifice her own life. Keeping a tight hold on the Nuke, Twilight hurled herself off Rainbow Dash's back and plunged towards the orb, and the Megaladon, which roared and shot forward, ready to swallow her in one gulp. The others burst through the Sharknado and screamed at seeing Twilight plunging towards certain doom. But even as terror gripped their hearts, Twilight streamlined herself and shot down even faster, glaring at the face of evil itself. “Hey, big guy! You want to eat something?! THEN EAT THIS!” Twilight hurled the nuke. It shot ahead of her, and into the Megaladon's gullet as it swallowed the orb. And then it hit. For a split second, time stopped. Good and evil were poised on the brink of destruction. Life itself held its breath. And for a single, heart-stopping moment, Twilight feared that the nuke was defective, worn out from ages of hiding. Then it beeped. And then there was light. An incredible explosion of light erupted from the nuke as the Crystal Heart activated. And then an second, even bigger explosion burst forth, sending rays of happy colors into the Sharknado, the Enterprise, and the Sharkicane itself. “Captain!” Data called. “Energy sensors have-” He was cut off as the light shot through the bridge and through the turbolifts, halls, and rooms of the Enterprise and enveloped everyone within the storm, overwhelming the humans, the ponies, the mariachi singers, and the sharks as a wall of rainbow-colors shot forth. “¡Sabía que debería haberme quedado en la cama esta mañana!” a mariachi singer yelled. From the cold void of space, the storm enveloping Equestria was suddenly pierced by a missile of colors that quickly spread out into a wall. Grey gave way to every color of the rainbow as the wave shot across the planet, obliterating everything evil with the unstoppable power of love. Throughout the storm, millions of sharks roared in fury as the rainbow hit them, instantly wiping away the effects of Discord's magic, and restoring millions of Ponies, Zebras, Griffons, Minotaurs, and countless other species. But the wave didn't stop there. Even as it transformed angry sharks into friendly talking animals once again, it healed Equestria itself, the magic restoring ruined cities and landscapes to their original glory. Manehattan was instantly dried out and rebuilt, as were Canterlot, Cloudsdale, Ponyville, the Crystal Empire, and countless other settlements. The ugly water of tidal surges were sucked away, and the land burst into life once more: flowers opened up and sparkled as birds chirped and sang with all the power their little hearts could muster. And above them all, the last fragments of the storm were blown away by a strong wind, leaving nothing behind but blue skies and a warm sun. The Sharknado and Sharkicane, the greatest threats to life since time had began...were no more. > The Rainbow of Love > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- All across Equestria, millions of ponies, animals, and magical creatures lay unconscious in forests, grasslands, swamps, deserts, volcanoes, and garbage dumps filled with broken glass. And like precious little flowers opening in the warmth of the first spring sun, they began to awaken. At the magically rebuilt farm of Sweet Apple Acres, Applejack was the first of her clan to awaken. Confused and disoriented, she got to her hooves. “Big Mac? Big Mac, you here?” Big Mac pulled himself out from under a bush. “Eeeeeup...” Applejack shook her head. “What in tarnation just happened?” The last thing she remembered was something involving sharks and everything being demolished. But that couldn't be... everything around her was intact and pristine. Wobbling, Applejack made her way to the top of the closest hill; there she gasped at the vista before her, for the Apple family homestead and fields of apple trees were now sparkling in the sunshine. “Big Mac, look! The apples! I ain't ever seen 'em so bright and sparkly! Have you?!” “Nnnnoope!” “Why, they must be delicious! I reckon they'll be the best apples we've ever grown! We'll be rich! Rich I tell ya!” Granny Smith wobbled up the hill. “Applejack, did I bump my head? I could have sworn there were sharks around here.” “No, Granny,” Applejack said with a laugh. “There ain't no such thing as sharks in these parts!” All three shared a great and hearty laugh, not noticing as smiling fruit bats came down and devoured all the apples. *** Throughout all of Equestria, everyone awoke from their shark-induced nightmares. Within the Everfree Forest, Zecora found herself lying at the foot of her now-restored cabin. “Oh my, what a dream! But I am glad to see that the grass here is still green! And now that my house is once again as strong as a tank, it will not be repossessed by the bank!” In Ponyville, all the families that had been sucked up or eaten found themselves back to normal once again. Lyra and Bonbon awoke inside Rarity's boutique, along with Berry Punch; after looking around in confusion and spotting her now-empty liquor bottle, she made a solemn vow right then and there never to touch another drop of the stuff as long as she lived. On the coast, Manehattan glowed once again, with Iron Will and his commandos waking in the middle of a crowded street. Within the Crystal Empire, the crystal ponies were overjoyed to find that their crystal homes were restored, along with the Crystal Palace, the crystal libraries, crystal shops, crystal bakeries and crystal gardens with their crystal flowers and crystal birds who sang crystal songs. But it was not only the settlements on the ground that had been given a new lease on life. Cloudsdale was restored as well, with not a single piece of cloud out of place, and the beloved ball pit intact once again. And not far away, the Enterprise hovered in the beautiful sky, the hull now sparkling clean and intact, as if it had only just gotten off the assembly line. Inside the bridge, Picard and the other bridge staff awoke from their rainbow-inflicted daze, surprised to see a clear sky with nary a shark in sight. “Report,” Picard said. Data (his legs now restored and intact) checked his readouts. “All systems functional,” he said. “Shields are at one hundred percent; hull integrity is the same. All damage has been repaired.” He looked to Picard, surprised. “It is as if we were never attacked.” “Counselor?” Troi took a moment to mentally scan the ship. “Everyone's fine, Captain. In fact, they're better than fine. They feel rejuvenated.” She grinned. “In fact, so do I.” “Same here,” Riker said. Glances about the bridge revealed grins on everyone's faces. Their bodies had been rejuvenated by the rainbow waves, and no matter their age, everyone felt at the peak of health. Checking to see if he had any hair on his head, Picard tapped his combadge. “Mr. Worf, where are you?” “Returning to the Enterprise, sir.” The viewscreen revealed a small convoy of ponies flying towards the Enterprise, with Worf riding upon Princess Celestia's back. “Ah, very good. The landing bay will be ready for you.” “Thank you, Captain.” Another tap of the badge. “Princess Celestia?” “Captain Picard...it's good to hear your voice.” “And the same for you, your Highness. But I suppose the big question is if this nightmare is over.” Outside the Enterprise, Celestia looked down on the land below, now restored to its prior glory, as if the Sharknado and Sharkicane had never existed at all. “Yes, Captain. It's over.” Upon the backs of Luna, Fluttershy, Cadence, and the giant crab, the mariachi singers cheered and played a happy song. *** It didn't take long for Celestia to fly back to the now-restored Canterlot with her entourage. Delighted at seeing the Royal Palace intact once more, she wasted no time in sending out a work order to install numerous anti-shark defenses before sending out a proclamation to all corners of the continent to explain exactly what had happened, and, more importantly, to summon everyone to Canterlot so loved ones and family could be reunited. And it didn't take long for that to happen, and from the moment ponies poured into the city, the air was filled with happy cries as countless reunions took place. One such reunion was at the entrance to the city, where Rarity waited for a train arriving from Ponyville, barely able to contain her anxiety. And as the doors swung open, she scanned everyone storming out onto the platforms, until she spotted the one face that was more precious to her than all the diamonds and gems within the earth. “SWEETIE BELLE!” “Rarity!” Charging across the station, the two sisters embraced each other, the tears flowing. “Oh Sweetie Belle, never leave me again!” Rarity sobbed. “I won't, Rarity! I promise! And look! I finally got my cutie mark!” She showed her flank, revealing the little insignia of a pony being swallowed by a shark, a mark that she now shared with the other crusaders, signaling that their talent was being consumed by aquatic predators. “Oh Sweetie Belle, it's beautiful!” But in truth, Rarity didn't care. All she wanted was to have her sister with her once again, and that wish had finally been fulfilled, the sight making the giant crab tear up once again. Elsewhere in the city, Twilight was reunited with her parents, while Shining Armor and Cadence were returned to each other, and Celestia and Luna embraced Prince Blueblood once more (after returning their embraces, he ran off in search of shampoo). The Minotaur Queen, Griffon King, and all the other rulers who had stood with Celestia found their subjects alive and well. All of Equestria was, at last, reunited. *** As the sun began its descent towards the horizon, work began on the biggest party in Equestria's history. Celestia and Luna directed the the construction of a massive, outdoor stage at the base of the Canterlot mountains. Perhaps more than any other pony and creature present, the princesses could rest easy knowing that the sharks were no longer a threat. By all reports, the rainbows had covered every corner of Equestria, and the sharks had been completely neutralized. The Megaladon, a being of almost pure evil, had been so annihilated by the blast so that not even a skeleton remained. There was still the question of the other remaining sharks, of which there were thousands, scattered throughout the world in both the sea and on land. But without the corrupting influence of Discord's magic, they were back to their friendly shark selves, and horrified at what they had done. Now eager to help make up for the destruction that had been wrought, they were working with Fluttershy to arrange a special musical performance later in the evening. More pressing was the question of what to do with Queen Chrysalis and her cohorts who had tried to use the Sharknado and Sharkicane to their advantage in taking over the planet for their own nefarious ends. But being temporarily turned into sharks had given them all a new outlook on life, and made them realize just how foolish the plan had been. They were at Canterlot as well, and trying to avoid everyone's gaze, especially the Queen. “So, dear Sister,” Luna asked. “What shall we do with them?” Celestia eyed Chrysalis. “I don't know. Hopefully she has learned her lesson, along with the others.” “That Sharknadoes are useless tools for enacting political change because they are as much a threat to the ones who use them as the ones they seek to overthrow?” “Precisely.” The Queen could only bear to look at Celestia for a few moments longer before turning away. Celestia figured that it would be best to wait a day or two before deciding what to do about Chrysalis. But she had the feeling that in light of all that had happened, she just might see the error of her ways and learn the true magic of friendship. The Enterprise flew high overhead. Leaving Luna to oversee construction work, Celestia headed into the palace. Swirls of light appeared as she entered the the throne room, fading out to reveal Captain Picard, Riker, Worf, Data, and the other senior officers of the Enterprise. Celestia nodded. “Thank you all for coming.” Picard returned the nod. “The pleasure is ours, your Highness.” “I wanted to thank you all for everything you've done. Without your assistance, we would not be standing here, and the sharks would be devouring the universe.” Picard and the others gave humble smiles. “It was the least we can do, your Highness.” “Indeed it was!” With a flash of light, Discord appeared above them all. “You all performed so much better than I hoped you ever would!” He clapped. “Bravo, bravo!” The others glared at him. “What? Are you not happy? Equestria and the Universe are saved! The Federation got to meet a society even more tolerant and loving than themselves, and all of Equestria got to make a bunch of new friends! What's not to love?!” “The fact that you almost destroyed our planet,” Celestia said. “Well, yes, there is that... but that was an accident. Honest, it was.” “I wouldn't be so sure of that,” Picard said. “Oh Jean-Luc, will you never learn to trust me?” he sighed. “Oh well. I suppose it's time for me to be off to plan my next masterpiece... and I promise, on my honor, that it won't involve all manner of destruction and chaos. Tootoloo!” With a flash of light, he was gone. “My apologies that you have to live with him,” Picard said. “We only have to put up with him whenever he chooses to show up.” “He will learn to control himself, in time,” Celestia said. “And unless he wants to risk the wrath of all Equestria, he'll lay low for a few decades. Now,” she turned to the wall, and a large curtain, “I called you all here because I want to present to you all all a token of our gratitude.” She signaled to two guards, who yanked the curtain away. “Behold, the window that will immortalize your heroic deeds for the rest of time!” Behind the curtain was a stained-glass window depicting the Enterprise shooting lasers into the Sharknado, with Worf flying through the air and knocking sharks away with his bat'leth. “Only the bravest, most courageous, and noble deeds are immortalized in the Royal Hall. You have all earned this highest of honors.” The ranking staff of the Enterprise looked upon the portrait in awe, overwhelmed at such an honor... though Riker couldn't help but nudge Worf and giggle at the portrait of him attacking sharks in mid-flight. “Have Klingons ever battled sharks in mid-air?” Worf stood tall and proud. “No sir, Commander. They have not.” “In addition, you also get these commemorative t-shirts,” Celestia said, handing them out. Each read: “I survived the Sharkicane, and all I got was this commemorative t-shirt!” “You will also receive a commemorative snowglobe, towel, a permanent fifty percent discount at the palace's gift shop, and a commemorative action figure set.” She handed one to Worf, which showed a plastic miniature version of himself battling the sharks, complete with a sound chip that said, “Rah! Die sharks, die!” Riker giggled. Worf blushed. Luna and Twilight trotted into the hall, both looking very pleased with themselves. Upon Twilight's back, Spike was even more pleased as he proudly carried out his phaser rifle, a token he got to keep in memory of helping Twilight to deliver the Friendship Nuke. “Your Highness,” Twilight said. “The preparations are complete. We're ready to begin!” “Excellent.” Then, to Picard, “We would be honored if you could all join us for the celebration, Captain.” Picard bit his lip. “I would be honored to, your Highness, but I'm afraid the Enterprise has to return to Federation territory. Command will be rather anxious about having their flagship vanish on a routine mission.” “Are you sure you cannot stay, if only for a little while longer?” “It would be my pleasure, but my crew and I cannot delay. Perhaps, sometime, we can come back out so that our cultures may further learn more about each other, but-” “Captain, if I may?” Riker said. “We've only been here a day. We're in a new world in a galaxy across the universe from ours. I'm sure we can spare a few days to learn more about Equestria's culture.” “Indeed, sir,” Data said. “There is much I find fascinating about these ponies. With your permission, I would like to study their language and customs, and perhaps browse their libraries. Princess Twilight Sparkle has said I may explore her personal library if I wish.” Picard considered the requests. “And I do recall you promising to give us a tour of the Enterprise once this was all over,” Celestia said. “I would still like to meet your crewmembers and learn about your culture as well.” Picard gave a sheepish smile. “Indeed, I did promise that. Well... I suppose it wouldn't hurt to stay a few more days. Besides, we'll need Q's help to get back to our own galaxy.” “My sister and I should be able to handle that,” Luna said. “Well, in that case... I believe we can stay for the party.” Pinkie Pie squealed as she leapt into the throne room and yanked out her party cannon. “Does that mean I can-” Luna smiled. “Yes, Pinkie Pie. You may start the party.” Squeeing, Pinkie fired her cannon, filling the hall with confetti and all manner of party twirlers. *** Minutes later, and the celebration of life was in full swing. Pinkie Pie fired her party cannon again and again as the musicians began to play, with Octavia, the Mariachi singers, and the sharks playing the lead, and Riker providing backup with his trombone. The air was filled with the happiest music ever heard in Equestria, along with the roars of singing sharks. After using the Enterprise's replicator to create the biggest, most elaborate electronic music equipment ever made, Vinyl Scratch joined in on the fun, going into an epic musical duel with the triangle shark (a duel that would eventually lead to romance, courtship, marriage, the birth of shark-pony babies, and the beginnings of the Seapony race). As the music played, every inhabitant of Equestria joined in, dancing and spinning away on the dance floor. The Princesses joined in on the fun, as did Picard and his officers, as well as the crewmembers of the Enterprise, who beamed not only themselves down, but also several replicators to create all manner of intergalactic cuisine for Equestrians to sample. They also got to try the delicacies of Equestrian food as well; Worf, in particular, found Derpy's muffins to be most delightful, quickly munching his way through several in a row before requesting the recipe (which would quickly become the new food of choice on Qo'noS). Above them all, Rainbow Dash rocketed through the evening sky, spreading a rainbow of love against the stars that shone down on everyone present, while the Enterprise fired off firework after firework. And thus, with their hearts united by the magic of friendship, all of Equestria, and the crew of the USS Enterprise, were never again threatened by sharks, and they all lived happily ever after. That is, until several years later, when a volcano began to erupt homicidal lava-beavers. THE END