> Mystery of the Forest: Daughter of Gaia > by Vinetion > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prologue: Creation of Equestria > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~10,000 B.D. (before discordian reign)~ "Every time, every bucking time." says the wood coloured pegasus to herself as she directs the forest to make homes for the ensuing migration. "I've been doing this for what? five? ten-thousand years now? and these trees still persist on being the lazy bastards they've always been." Down below hundreds of tree saplings emerge from the ground as oaks, pines, and firs all start to merge together into a massive forest. "I mean i understand this is my "eternal duty" and all but seriously, I would have thought this would get easy over time. *sigh* oh well, time to go and call in the migration". And with that she flew over to the nearby mountain and waited for the clouds to part. As the first rays of morning began to show the mare lets out a high piercing whistle that echoed miles around and even to the valleys below to which she was answered with the roar of thousand beating wings. Across the sky came a techni-colored swarm as birds of every type appeared. "Looks like this migration is even bigger." with that she took off towards the flock and started directing them towards their nests in various order. "You pigeons go to south end, while all of the ravens head off to the western cave section." "No! you stupid bluebirds i said west lake not east lake! ARGH! why is this never simple?!" And so continued the migratory mayhem that happened last year, the year before and all of the years before. For the last ten-thousand years since the beginning of this wild world. This beautiful world teeming with creatures and vast nature as far as the eye could see. Was only a ball of dirt in a void of space until one entity came along. A single caring soul who felt sadness looking down on the desolate rock. This beings name was Gaia, the goddess of nature and bringer of life. Upon the planet she planted a single seed which grew into a mighty oak tree spanning miles high with branches mighty and strong that stretched far and wide as though to embrace the planet itself. From this tree bloomed golden blossoms that shined down light that brought life to the world below it. It's great roots bore through the earth upturning and fertilizing the ground from which plants emerged. From the base a hole opened and the first creature of Gaia's creation appeared ranging from the smallest of mice to grand dragons that headed towards the mountains. Throughout all of this there was one problem Gaia had forgotten. Who would take control of this world once she had moved onto another world? And with that she created a creature of both land and sky, a child of her own you could say. She called upon the spirit of an elder yew tree to form the body of this creature. From the powerful eagle she borrowed the wings to allow flight. Vines twisted and wrap around the wooden base to coat the creature in a thick yet soft skin to which leaves and moss grew to make the coat. A white mane of the clouds and tail thus sprouted from head and tail. With a drop of morning dew and nature essence to grant control over the life of the planet. The mane changed to that of green and cyan striped. Before her was creature so beautiful, a daughter to call her own but this creature was missing a vital component. From deep within herself Gaia drew a shard of her own soul to give life and immortality to her daughter. So that she may take upon her duties for time eternal. With the final piece in place the creature glowed a soft green the wooden base softening turning into muscle and sinew. Once the process was complete it fell to the ground with a *thump* and looked up with a confused look. "Good morning daughter, can you speak?" asked Gaia to the small thing in front of her. It simply shakes her head and continues to look at the glowing being oddly. "That is unfortunate but we can fix that later okay?" she asked with a smile on her face. "Would you like a name young one?" The young creature nods furiously. With a coy smile Gaia says "You are my daughter so i shall name you rosily?" the creature looks away in disgust. "Oh? with an attitude like that how about thorn tail?" the creature is horrified at the thought. "How about Vinetion than? it means nature caller" the small creature nods at the idea. Gaia than pets vinetion on the head with a motherly look about her. "From now on you are Daughter of Gaia, Vinetion nature caller, and upon my departure of this place you shall take over my duties as the god of nature" the thought of being a god pleased vinetion at the time but was immediately saddened at the thought of losing her mother. Gaia had picked up on this and said "Do not worry my young-ling I shall remember you always and you, I. I will make sure you will be ready to take on all that will stand before you. Tomorrow however we should work on your speech" she ended with a wink. And with that Gaia and Vinetion headed off to a hovel to sleep the night away. A/N With this being my first fanfic i will take all the criticism you ca throw at me and will greatly appreciate it. while there may be spelling errors here and there i will take care of those when i can. If you can while the story goes on point out what my high points are and what my low points are so that i may improve upon them later for certain parts of the story. for anyone who may or may not enjoy this story, i can tell you now this will not update quickly or often. do not be surprised if a week goes bye without updates. ~Vinetion~ > CH.1: Darkened earth and sunny rays > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~5,000 B.D~ (First-person Vinetion) I woke up this morning feeling refreshed as always, ready to get my daily chores done, ‘Hmmm... Today I have a rainstorm scheduled to cover the northern continent of Griffin tribal lands. After that, I need to raze the southern Equ forests to make room for the volcano of the blaze dragons. Ughh! So much work today!' I thought as I made my way out of the grand tree home in which I had lived in since birth. I made myself a quick breakfast of berries and morning dew which I then, gave the leftovers to my familiars always ready to serve me. I grabbed my charts and launched to the skies, "Okay according to my time table, the rainstorm isn’t due till tonight so I should make my way to the forest. Says here I'm going to pass by a village called ‘Trotters’? I may be thousands of years old but, even I know that sounds stupid! Oh well let’s just get this over with," I said as I flew towards the forest. I started to wonder how far along the Equs have become since last I had met them one hundred years ago. My thoughts were interrupted as I heard the scream of a young foal. As I looked down I saw two foals, one alicorn filly and another, a pegasus colt. The alicorn was a vibrant green with a red mane, while the pegasus was dull yellow with a brown mane. I landed down in front of them but I noticed that the alicorn's leg was twisted in an unnatural direction, "Excuse me young ones, I noticed that you had hurt yourself. What has happened to cause you in such pain?" The pegasus answered for his friend, "Our parents sent us out here to gather some supplies for the coming winters when this big dog thing came out of nowhere and attacked us! We tried to defend ourselves and managed to scare him off, but he hit Rays here hard enough that it broke her leg," the young colt was crying at this point. With a smile I ask them "What are your names, my little ponies?" "I'm Darkened Earth and this is Sunny Rays," the pegasus said pointing at himself and then his friend respectively. "Good, now if you would kindly move back I may be able to help your friend okay?" He looked at me scared thinking that I would hurt Sunny but moved back allowing me to do what was necessary. I moved towards Sunny as vines slowly wrapped around her twisted limb. I grabbed a red flower and approached Sunny’s face, "Breathe this in and the pain shall go away." She then took a breath which knocked her out instantly unconscious. ‘Now this is the hard part,' I thought to myself. Once the vines had fully wrapped around the broken limb, it turned into plant material itself. Darkened was horrified when he saw this and tried to move me away, to which thus I held him in place. 'I must slowly turn the leg back to place and then turn it back to normal,' I thought to myself in deep concentration. A green aura transmitted from my hooves and onto Sunny's leg. Once the limb was back in place, I slowly reformed the muscles, sinew and finally the skin. As Darkened saw the vines drop away, he saw that Sunny's leg had been healed thus rushing over for a deep embrace ecstatic that his friend was okay. "Ho-how did you heal her if you aren't a unicorn?"Asked Darkened. "That is my secret young one, now tell me where do the two of you live?" At this point, Sunny spoke up, "We live in a village not too far from here called Trotters. "Excellent, I was just on my way there for business. Would you two care for a ride?" I offered with a smile. "You don't mind?!" they said over each other. "Come let’s take you to your parents." Once the two were safely settled, I took to the skies and made my way to Trotters, "Excuse me but what is your name miss?" This had come from Darkened beaming to be in the air like all pegasi. "Oh? I'm surprised you haven't recognized me from the stories I hear from all the villages." "Stories?" asked Sunny. “She who brings the harvest, she who hatched the first dragon and gave it flight. The one who controls the skies, the earth and even the celestial bodies for her own uses," I said mysteriously. Sunny's and Darkened's eye widened as they had found out who it was they were being carried by. "But that's not possible! Father always said that was just some story to give people hope. That such a being was too powerful to exist!" Darkened protested. I looked sadly at him "Is that what people think of me nowadays? I put all this hard work into making a world for all beings to live in peace and I just end up becoming a fictional being? Surely the way I healed your friend proves who I am no?" Darkened and Sunny slowly nodded, "That's true, I'm sorry for making you feel sad Goddess," murmurs Sunny. "Thank you young one but, do not feel sorry for my predicament as it was not your fault as it was mine, I have kept my self away from the populous far too long and as such have fallen into the myths. Once I drop you off maybe we should remedy this yes?" This brightened everyone's mood as we neared the northern fields of Trotters. As I came in for a landing, two guard looking earth stallions headed towards my direction, "Excuse me miss I'm sorry to trouble you but due to the coming winter we cannot grant outsiders shelter in our village," said the first stallion with a black coat and emerald mane. The second Stallion had a blue coat, accompanied and donned with an emerald mane. I addressed the second stallion, "I am not here for shelter good citizens, I am only here to drop off two foals. I found them in a clearing not too far from here, their names are Sunny Rays and Darkened Earth. Where may I find their parents?" The first stallion responded "Sunny and Darkened?! The entire village was worried when they hadn't returned! Thank you so much for bringing them back, you can find their parents near the southern fields, they live right next to each other," I smiled to them both and made my way down to the fields. I noticed that Trotters was somewhat of a friendly town, everyone waved at the newcomer and continued on with their business smiles abound. You could feel the happiness radiating from everyone you simply couldn't smile walking through this town. I arrived at the southern end as I noticed an alicorn stallion and a unicorn stallion talking to one another frantically until they looked my way and rushed me, "MISS!" The unicorn yelled from afar. I stopped and looked his way, I could tell from their looks that these were Sunny’s and Darkened’s fathers so I allowed them to hop down and head towards them. Once I made my way there, the unicorn addressed me, "Miss thank ya’ ever so much for bringing back my son, and his friend. We were worrying heads over haunches for their safety. Please, you should have dinner and stay the night with us. It's the least we can do to make up for it." I looked at him and agreed, 'My work can wait a day, and nothing too bad can happen now can it?' I thought to myself as I headed inside their household. A/N again criticism is always wanted, I especially want to know what you all think on how I did the first person view. ~Vinetion > CH.2: Miracles and Disasters > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~5,000 B.D. Rays' family household~ "I hope ya' don't mind the small space miss, we do get visitors often in a small town such as ours." Said Blade rays sunny's father as we entered their simple abode. "Do not concern yourself with such frivolties. Let us just enjoy the night together" I respond with a warm smile. "That's mighty kind of ya' to say miss" said Earthen clay Darkened's father who was already seated at the table. "Always first to chow down aren't we Clay? Even when we have pretty lass accompanying us?" Blade chuckles. "You know the work I put in those fields requires the amount of food i eat! So instead of standing around lets dig in." And with that we took our seats and started eating. It was magnificently prepared much better than all of those berries and wildflowers i get every morning. 'Just because its easier to get doesn't mean its tasty' I think to myself between bites. We continued eating in silence like this until we had our fill. When we finished Sunny took Darkened up to one of the guest bedrooms for the night. "So tell me miss why might ya' be travelling to these parts with the winter storms coming in soon?" Clay asked with an odd tone. "I have business to be done in a forest past this town, i was on my way there to get it done tonight when i found your foals." I respond flatly. "You wouldn't happen to be talking about the Iron-Oak forest to the south of here would ya'?" Clay responded accusingly. "Yes I am. Why? Is there something wrong with that?" I ask confused. "Well for starters-" clay began before blade interrupted. I was at a lost at what was going on. Clay looked like he was ready to kill. Blade whispered something in his ear and he went for a walk. "Please excuse him, he's a little sensitive to the subject of that forest. As ya' can probally tell by the size of our farms you saw on you way in we can produce more than our fair share of food to sustain our families. However, in recent days we've been having a unusually large amount of timberwolf raids making amount stocks dwindle by the day. We've sent hunting parties out to try and reduce their numbers but so far every one attempt we've made has failed. Clay lost a dear friend of his in one of the attempts. Those woods are bad news to anypony who goes near them and whatever business you have can't be important enough to risk your life for." he ended with a few tears in his eyes for those the town had lost. While i was listening i was trying to figure out why the timberwolves would attack. 'Timberwolves are supposed to be neutral creatures. They wouldn't go out of their way to disturb another creature unless they were desperate. Which would mean something is messing with the timberwolves food for them to come steal the towns folks. I'll need to deal with this when I head over there or else I'll be neglecting my duty of "caring for all iving creatures" ' "I can assure you that my business will not harm the citizens of your fine town. In fact I may just end up fixing your problem along with mine. Now if you don't mind i believe we should get our sleep while we can. Again i thank you for allowing me to stay with you." I responded sincerely "And we don't mind having you miss, and if you can take care of the timberwolf problem the entire town will be indebted to you. By the way, i never caught your name?" he responded "I'll tell you tomorrow" I said as I enter my room for the night. ~The next day~ As I made my way downstairs i was greeted with the site Sunny and Darkened playing in the corner while Clay and Blade were discussing problems over breakfast. When the noticed i had entered the room grew silent. "I hope you explained my situation to clay here." I asked blade "With reluctance yes, he's agreed to trust you for the time being but he's asked me and 4 guandsponies to watch over your actions until your "business is over." he responds "That's perfectly understandable and i'll gladly allow it. In fact I was about to ask if the two of you would accompany on the trip." At this the two of them looked at me confusedly but just shrugged and went with it. "Now if you don't mind I would like to leave as soon as you are able so that i may get on my way to my other bit of business elsewhere." "If you'll allow me to gather the rest of the squad we can leave immediately." responds Clay who I noticed was wearing metal armor. He quickly got up and sped out the door heading for the town barracks. 'squad? Huh, he must be the guard captain' I think absentmindedly. Blade and I met back up with clay and his squad near the south end of town. Clay's squad was made up the 4 burliest looking pegasi ever. Each of them stood a good 5 feet off the ground with wings rivaling that of the royal alicornian family's wings. Each one was suited in thick leather padding around the shoulder blades and most of the neck. These stallions were built to go in and finish things fast. While each seemed to be in a relaxed state of mind you could tell they would be ready for battle at the snap of a twig. "These raids must have been terrible to have need of such warriors as these. I am sorry for your loss." I said mournfully. Clay looked depressed at the mention of the raids. "It was not your fault they happened and i am sorry for snapping at you last night but, if you wouldn't mind may we stay off that topic until if you fix the problem?" "Of course i apologize for bringing it up." And with that we took to the skies. The Iron-Oak forest was a few good miles from the town and the flight there was spent in silence. As we aproached the forest I immediately sense something was wrong. It was as though dark creeping force had descended on the area stealing away at the life energies of the plants. The trees themselves were showing signs of the decay nearly all of the forest was turning a sickly brown and their dead leaves had been blown miles away from the forest itself. Amongst all of this that wasn't what had given me the dark and evil feeling, what had was the one tree in all of the forest that wasn't dying. What looked like one massive oak tree rivaling that of the original gaian tree stood giving off a dark aura that, only to the trained eye, was siphoning of the life of everything around it slowly killing the forest off. I looked over at Blade and asked "Tell me, do you know how long that massive oak has been standing there?" "For nearly 100 years now if i remember correctly why? Do you think it might have something to do with the timberwolf raids?" Blade responds. "I don't know, but what i am sure of is there is something very sinister and very powerful in those woods." I say with a hint of fear in my voice as we touch down about a quarter of a mile from the forest. "I've been going over how I'm going to take care of this problem of yours and the only way i can think of is going in and taking care of the direct source. That means however that you'll have to come along to keep an eye on me." "I will follow." responds Blade surprising the rest of the guards. "The rest of you set up camp to await our return." he orders. Clay and the rest of the guards begin to make a make-shift fort as we head for the forest. "So tell me miss, what is this plan of yours for dealing with the timberwolves?" "Quite simple really, I hope to go in and find the timberwolves Canus tree and uproot it killing off all of the timberwolves at once. While it sounds simple they will try and defend the tree with their lives. The tree itself, going off of the number of timberwolves you say come in these raids will be pretty big to have created that many of them." I explained. "That sounds rather suicidal, but than again we've playing cautious and look where it got us." he reponded. And with that we started to make our way into the dying forest. A/N I would like to say that the idea that timberwolves actually coming from a certain tree came from the author "blackwing" Also thanks to "killjoy" for editing and and story tips. ~Vinetion > CH.3: Lupus Major > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~5,000 B.D. Iron-Oak forest~ Gray. That was all that could be seen. Gray leaves, gray trees, and gray ground. Not only had the life been taken from the forest but even the color itself, as though to turn this into a twilit wasteland, dark and dead where no soul could reside. "This place seems to have a might more decayed than before." blade thinks out loud. "Now you said that your were gonna stop the wolves by uprooting tree? how if i may ask will that work?" "Timber-wolves as you know differ from common wolves as they are made, body, mind and soul, from wood. Most ponies know this, however most don't know their origins. Timber-wolves are born from the fallen buds of a special tree. The tree from which the timber-wolves originated, the Canus-lupus tree, was most notably known for its bleached bark yet bright almost blood red flowers from which the souls of the timber-wolves are born. These very flowers are also what makes timber-wolves hostile by infusing them with high amounts of adrenaline and rage." I answered "Didn't you say timber-wolves were passive creatures that only react when threatened though?" Blade asked. "That is true. Timber-wolves are like any dog you find in that they can be trained. Pack leaders train the pups when they are young to control their barbaric emotions. If they didn't the pups would run off and get themselves killed on a moments notice. And if the young die who will carry on the species?" I reply. "Ok but that still doesn't answer my original question." Blade said rather tiredly. "Think of it like this Blade, When you have a lake that gets its water from a single river what happens when you cut off the river? The lake dries up. The Canus-lupus is the lifeline of all timberwolves that have come from it. Chop down, burn, blow up, or some other means of getting rid of it will cut off the timber-wolves life line and they will all slowly die off." I said with a hint of sadness. Blade didn't notice and continued with "Huh that makes sense. Mind telling me where you came along knowledge such as this?" "It comes with the job" i reply simply and we continued in silence. We had managed to make fair distance into the forest but still hadn't found twig nor bark of the tree. Unsettling though is we haven't seen any timber-wolves either. As we made our way deeper in the feeling of dread i had earlier grew. 'What is this evil i am sensing? I've seen creatures of destruction and failed creations mother destroyed before me and while they felt evil, they were never this alien and...chaotic. Get it together you'll deal with it after you take care of the timber-wolves. Once you're done with that all you have left is a simple rain-' my thoughts were interrupted as we heard the sound of howls off in the distance. Blade and I looked at each other and nodded as we quickly but silently ran towards the howls. What we found was the biggest gathering of timber-wolves I've ever seen. There was hundreds upon thousands of them circling around the Canus-lupus tree. The pack leaders were closest to the tree as if they knew it needed to be guarded. The rest of the wolves just kept circling it with a bloodlust look about them. "This just got a whole lot more difficult than was needed." I said as I slumped against the tree. "I take it you didn't plan on this many?" Blade was starting to look worried. "No I did plan on at the most this many, the problem is there's something more than just the tree they're guarding. If it was just the tree I could have done this myself but now? I'm going to ask for your assistance unfortunately." I said sadly having to put Blade in danger. "If it'll get rid of these pests once and for all I would give my life for my children to live without fear." Blade said nobly accepting that he might die. "Let's hope it doesn't come to that Blade. As for what you'll do, I'm going to need you to distract them. And i mean ALL of them. And only long enough for me to get to the base of the tree.Once you see me get there, fly and don't stop flying until you've lost them. When I've destroyed the tree I'll meet you back at Clay's camp." He gave me a nod and goes off to the other side of the clearing to start his distraction. While I waited for Blade to get into position I started to gather energy into my hooves. As I saw Blade in position i had gather all the energy I needed and gave Blade the signal to start. He nodded and launched over them yelling the most vulgar thing ever. "Hey toothpick dicks! What would you say to me turning your tree mother here into my cat's scratching post?!" *facehoof* Well that was effective. The entire colony of them charged after him as he ran into the forest. Once the majority of them we clear i made a break for the tree base. A good chunk of them caught on and immediately chased after me. once I was in range I turned and controlling the earth to give me an extra push I bucked the tree with so much force the entire tree lifted out of the roots snapping all at once and flew 20 feet away crushing the main force of the timber-wolves. I looked to the skies to see Blade flying back to the encampment. With the Canus-lupus tree felled the timber-wolves slowly turned into normal logs and twigs. With the timber-wolves taken care of I laid down to take a small rest. This was short lived when i noticed the dead timber-wolf bodies rolling past behind me. I got up and turned around to face a thing of nightmares. A Celestial beast and a Lupus major at that. How fitting. 'This was where that feeling of dread was coming from! But, something off? Why does it feel so chaotic? Wait a Lupus major isn't supposed to be made from timber-wolves. It's supposed to be made from star energies just like all celestial beasts.' During my mental tirade I was slowly making my way away from the beast hoping not to give away my presence. That was until I stepped on my of the leftover timber-wolf bodies and snapped a twig. The beast immediately looked at me and began to growl. "Oh shi-" before i could even finish my curse the Lupus hit me with its paw into the fallen Canus tree and let out a mighty howl. ~Back at Clay's camp~ As Blade touched down Clay and the guards came up to greet him. "Blade I'm glad your safe but where is the miss?" Clay asks a little worried "Back in the forest making sure that all of the timber-wolves are dead." Blade says proudly. "Are you telling me she actually did it?! She managed to finish off the pack?!" Clay asked dumbfounded "You should have seen it Clay! She asked me to distract them long enough for her to get to the tree so i flew over and got them to follow. When she got to the tree I took flight. That was when she did something unbelievable. She bucked the entire tree out of the ground! The whole thing. And not only that, there was so much force in it that it flew into the pack and crushed them!" Blade recounted as though it was an epic tale of lore. "You must be pulling my chain here Blade. How could such a small lass do such a thing?" "I'm telling you she's got more power than she shows. It's almost as tho the gods are loo-" right as he was about to finish a piercing howl was heard as it echoed all the way from the forest. The howl traveled so far that even Sunny and Darkened heard it back at the house. They both looked at each other with worried looks knowing exactly what that howl came from. "I hope she knows what she in for." Clay concluded. ~Back in the forest~ I was in a daze. It felt like I had a boulder smash into me. As I got up I saw the Lupus looking at me as wanting his meal to play for a little longer. "You want to play huh?" The lupus just grinned his sinister grin. "Fine but I'm not going down with out a fight." i yell at him as my hooves grow a bright emerald. The lupus began to charge when i had challenged him. As he began slashing at me i swiftly jumped and ducked slowly luring him into the forest. Once we were at the forest's edge I disappeared into the ground only to pop out behind him. "Hey Flea-Brain over here!" I yell at him as I dig my hooves into the ground. The lupus turned around hoping to bite my head off but was met with fist made out of stone and bark. In front of him stood a stone golem standing at an equal height as himself. He was wielding the old Canus tree with me riding on it's shoulder. He knew that in front of him stood a powerful foe and went on the defensive. As my golem swung towards him he leaped out the way began to swipe at the it's arm uselessly. As I made another swing at him he yet again leaped out of the way but this time I grabbed him with the golem's free arm and held him place. He began to scratch at the arm leaving gouges slowly destroying the arm. As I lifted him up to throw him back the arm broke off and he fell to the ground. He than sprang up and with a twist wrapped his tail around one of the golem's legs and toppled it. As we landed on the ground i was tossed off it's shoulder and with my contact gone the golem shattered into pieces. I laid on the ground with blood welling up from my head and dripping down past my eyes. The lupus approached me to make it's final move. ~Back at Clay's camp~ A while after Blade and Clay heard the howl a messenger from the Equ capitol Solluna touched down and gave them a message signed by the Kings Solaris and Lunaris themselves. Dear command of troops for the town of Trotters, Recently it has some to my attention that the howl of a Lupus Major was heard in a nearby forest of your peaceful town Lunaris and myself, along with my 10 best guards are currently travelling to your position to help correct this situation. By the time the messenger gives you this letter Me and my comrade should be at your position in no more than 5 minutes tops. Signed, The kings of the Royal alicornian family "Well if all things go to hell at least we'll have back-up." clay responds cheerfully "I hope so partner, I hope so." Blade says knowing something is about to go wrong. ~Back in the forest~ The lupus was right on top of me with it's paw poised to kill. I looked at him readying myself hoping this will work. As a goddess i cannot die but i can feel extreme amounts of pain, and that will knock me out which will allow the Lupus access to attack the town. As the Lupus' claws came down I rolled away and it's paw was now stuck in the ground. Before the Lupus could pull his paw out immidiately began strapping it down with vines. Eventually I had brought down the beast keeping it secured to the ground. 'there no way I will be able to destroy this physically. I'm going to have to disintegrate it with energy to get rid of it. Fight fire with fire. Destroy a beast of pure energy with energy.' with that thought I took to the skies. Once I was above the treeline I flared my wings and began to absorb the sunlight into my being giving me a yellow glow. I began to summon up my powers in nature and earth as well making my hooves shine bright emerald and brown. I brought my hooves together and began to chant. "By the powers of the land, sea, and sky I call upon the swiftness of the winds to deliver a quick blow. I call upon the Strength of the earth to deliver a single blow. And I call upon nature to return the mortal shell of the being I am about to destroy. All came from the earth and all shall return there upon their ends." By this point I held in my hands a ball of pure green energy. Down below the Lupus was beginning break free from his vine chains. Once i had gathered as much energy as i could dive-bombed towards him. Upon impact I saw the Lupus' entire being disintegrate from existence and than everything went white. ~back at Clay's camp 5 minutes ago~ As the royal carriage touched ground two alicorns, one with a black coat with an equally dark mane and one with a sparkling white coat with a mane of fire stepped towards Blade and Clay who bowed upon their entry. "Rise fair ponies, tell me which one of you is in charge?" The black one Lunaris asked. "That would be me your highness." answered Blade. "Could you please inform us of the situation?" Solaris asked quickly. "Of course your majesty. We've recently been having major timber-wolf raids upon our town. The other day a green pegasus mare came into town saying she had business to be done in the iron-oak forest the source of the timber-wolf raids. She informed us that her business would take care of the timber-wolves as well so we kept watch over her. I followed her into the forest and found the timber-wolves canus tree to which she destroyed it killing off the timber-wolves. She told me to retreat so that she could clean up the stragglers and that was what i had done. Once I had gotten back here we heard the howl and knew something had gone wrong." Blade recounted. "So that would mean that mare is still in there?" Lunaris asked. "She has not yet returned as far as we know your majesty" Clay answered. While the two royals contemplated the news they were given they notice the ground began to rumble. When the building itself began to shake they looked out towards the forest to see what could only be described as a wall of green rushing to wards them. "EVERYONE DOWN NOW!" lunaris screamed. Everyone took cover as Lunaris and Solaris put up a magical barrier covering everyone. When the wall hit the building everything was blown away. Lunaris and Solaris were having trouble holding up the barrier against the powerful storm of energies. The storm outside of the barrier sounded like the mix of an angry god and cries of a thousand tortured souls. Once magical storm had passed everyone looked around to find the once dead plains the base was built on lush and green with renewed life. The grayed forest once again had its green hue and the forboding black tree was nowhere to be seen. As they looked out towards the forest edge they saw a green pegasus mare passed out on the ground. They flew over and immidiately took her back to the town's clinic to get her looked at and hopefully get some answers at what the buck just happened. A/N once you get an idea going you simply cant stop until you finished. hope you all enjoyed the longer chapter ~Vinetion > CH.4: Of gods and kings > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~5,000 B.D. Trotters clinic~ When I came to I realized I was inside a stark white room with the smell of alcohols and blood wafting by. While I still couldn't move from the exhaustion my final move put me into I could still hear. I could tell from the amount of voices that there was at least five others in the room. Two of the voices I identified to be Clay and Blade while the other three sounded foreign but from the amount of medical terms one of them was using i could tell at least one of the three was the doctor. Not being able to touch the ground I couldn't heal myself leaving me to lie there and wait for my body to regain some energy. Throughout out all of this I kept trying to open my eyes. After what I could guess was ten minutes i finally managed to flutter open my eyelids to which the five voices took notice and came to my side. The other three ponies in the room aside from Blade and Clay were one unicorn who was wearing a white medical coat. This one was obviously the doctor. The other two were a black and white alicorn pair and from a word of one of them the doctor left the room locking the door behind him. With that the white one approached holding a bottle filled with a red liquid. "Miss if you would, drink this so that we may start our conversation." He held it to my mouth as i slowly gulped it down. I could feel the hot drink slowly wake all of my nerves and filled me with renewed vigor. Now having the energy to move I let out a loud yawn. The white one looked confused, "Odd this is supposed to give ponies energy not make them sleepy." "Oh trust me i feel completely renewed but energy tonics can't replace sleep." I respond. "Now if i may ask what are the name of my gracious hosts?" The black and white ones are taken back by the question for a second but, quickly regained there composures. "I'm surprised you do not know who we are but introductions are always needed even amongst family. I am King Solaris and Co-ruler over the land of Equ alongside my twin brother King Lunaris. We are the current heads of the Royal alicornian family the most powerful force of ponykind since the dawn of existance." He said regally. Unfortunately while holding it back I snorted at the last line catching their unwanted attention. "How dare you disrespect the his highness my brother by laughing at him as such. The punishment of such could have you spend the rest of your life in the dungeons" Lunaris' tirade was cut short by the raised hoof of Solaris. "If I may ask what part of my introduction did you find so amusing miss?" Solaris asked calmly but with a secret fire. "It was that last line you said, 'The most powerful force of ponykind since the dawn of existance' I find it hilarious how mortals can ever compare themselves to the gods in such a way." I Respond without thinking. Both Solaris and Lunaris raised an eyebrow at this. "You say that as though you yourself are a goddess. Which in your current state i would still find hard to believe." Lunaris answered. Realizing that my cover was blown I saw no other reasons to continue hiding my identity. "When the gods are in a mortal realm even they are bound by the restrictions of the universe. Once a god makes the laws for a universe nopony not even the god himself is allowed to disobey them. And yes I talk about it as though I am a goddess because that is what I am. What you all saw in the forest earlier was an example of my powers and as you can see this is what their toll does to me. I'll be glad to answer the rest of your questions later but for now I must rest." I ended before falling asleep to escape the torrent of questions. ~The next morning~ I awoke early the next morning to find that i was no longer in the clinic but in what looked to be an inn room. I quickly got up and headed off the to washroom to clean up than headed out to meet with the Kings to continue our conversation from last night. I find the pair sitting together in the corner of the eating area with their personal guards relaxing around the room. One not to waste time I quickly made my way over to the kings and they simply nodded as i sat down. "As I said, I would answer any and all questions you would have of me this morning but, i would like to remind you that i am currently behind schedule by at least two days so lets not waste time." I begin kindly. It was Solaris who began, "If you truly are a goddess, which goddess are you? We have records of many gods and goddesses of myth and legends over time's past you do not fit any of them." "That would be because I fell out of knowledge before record keeping was out and about. And as such i feel i should properly introduce myself to you. My name is Vinetion Nature-caller, Daughter of Gaia and carrier of her legacy. I am the goddess of nature, earth and sky. I have control over the shifting lands, the roaring oceans, and even the vast wide open skies themselves. I have been alive since the dawn of this world's existance and shall be alive until it's own destruction. It is both my blessing and eternal curse of immortality in that I shall protect those who cannot protect themselves and I shall feed those who cannot feed themselves. It is with my blessing mares become fertile and my duty to guide those who must cross over to the afterlife. By my hoof mountains may crumble and oceans dry up and even the sun itself will go out. It was in my figure Gaia created the ponykind. I was the original design all unicorns, pegasi, earth ponies and even alicorns were based off of. I was Gaia's daughter and all creatures, plant or animal, in this world are my children." I finished sounding old and sagely contrasting my young features. Solaris and Lunaris had realized that the mare in front of them truly was a goddess but could tell she lives a difficult existance in eternity's grip. Lunaris slowly began again. "I realize now you must have had tough experiences in the past but may I ask why did you drop out of knowledge? You obviously seem fine with interacting with the common populous. What happened that made them forget you?" The answer lunaris got was not what either him or solaris were expecting. "I gave up hope on them." A/N ooh late night update but i couldn't sleep and felt like continuing this and leave a nice cliffhanger to boot. ~Vinetion > CH.5: A god's lament > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~20,000 B.D The great plains~ Fire and smoke dotted the landscape and blocked the skies, all around laid the bodies of those slain in the battle. Dragon heads rolling around far from their bodies while charred remains of griffins and diamond dogs burned spreading the smell of death and decay miles beyond. The world was at war with itself. The races out to kill and destroy all those they believe to be less than them. While thousands upon thousands of casualties could be seen from both sides, this was but one of the smaller skirmishes of late. What was more sickening than that is that even in death the spirits of the soldiers continued to fight each other as though some force drove them to erase the others existance. It all started when the dragons started attacking the dogs in Gem fido. Records say that the dogs simply did their best to do defend from the attacks until one day for some reason they all became aggressive and went out of their way to attack. But, it wasn't the dragons they retaliated on. No, even though they were being bombarded everyday they set off for the Hyponia mountains and began to seige the griffon defense towers. Again records will show the griffons did exactly as the diamond dogs where they defended at first than suffered a severe change in strategy and charged full force into battle. The difference here is that while a smaller country than the rest the griffins were smarter than most gave them credit for. They split the army in two where one half attacked the dogs while the other half made their way to the Magna Leo forests and attack the cat civilization. With news of race wars starting, the royal alicornian began making preparations for the inevitable battles which started as an attack on their southern settler towns. Everyone eventually became part of the world war even if they didn't directly fight, even the peace loving simians of the shadow-leaf forests found so far north creatures hardly ever hear of them except when they go on their life pilgrimage to the Gaian tree, were pulled in if only to defend their homelands. The first major fight to define the war was the three-way struggle between cats, dogs, and griffins at base of the Draconian badlands mountain-range. The battle went on for seven straight days and all three armies decimated each other. Nothing made it out of the battle alive. The death total came to 10,000 each on all sides which meant at least 10% of the griffin species died in that fight. As the war dragged on it ended up being more skirmishes than actual battles but when the races did wage war they only ended in tragedy. At night the moon shined red as the blood that poisoned the rivers while in the morning the sun revealed death and destruction unknown to even the gods themselves. And that is how those times were in the "Thousand years of Blood". I knew of the wars going on. I tried my hardest to save them, to save my children from they're blood-lust and demonic rage. But even I have limits and nothing I tried would work. Back than I kept regular contact with the priests of each civilizations so I tried to get them to change their views but than just ignored as though I was an apparition, That was when i decided to take the direct role of intervention which to a point before "it" happened. The battle was on the plains of the Equ capitol as the dragon armies were making their way to take control. It was a standstill as unicorns began to explode the insides of the dragon infantry killing them on the spot. I came in and thought if I intervened i could get them to see reason. When I saw a break in the fight I separated the two armies by raising a huge wall of earth between the two. While it kept them from attacking each other they still felt the need to kill something and so needed a new target, that's when 'it' happened. They turned on themselves. Simply at the loss of an enemy both races turned on each other to fulfill their need for bloodlust. I was at a loss at what i was seeing, dragon were ripping wings and tail from their brothers and mother while the unicorns were blowing up various equs. Pegasi flew around driving the ponies into the ground snapping necks and smashing skulls. At this I did what was possibly my worse mistake ever. I fled. The all powerful goddess fled from the scene because she couldn't handle the sight of her children killing each other in such destruction. I kept flying to i was back home inside the Gaian tree and simply began to cry. I cried the tears of a thousand souls dying in hopeless battle. I mourned the lives of those who have passed in hopeless battles. But what I did that doomed thousand more to end up the same, was that I gave up on them. I simply lost hope in saving them all from their self-destruction. With that I left and went back to the now ended battle began to guide the souls to rest. This was 500 years into the war. Battle after battle for the next 500 years slowly dwindled each races populous until by the end of the war each race had killed off nearly 80% of each of the nations. And after each battle I would simply do my job and guided each of the souls on their way to the other side. Each battle field I went to took was taking an odd toll on me. I became depressed and cold to emotions. My coat turned ragged and black as the night sky. My red pupils overtook my eyes leaving red orbs instead of sockets. My wings took on a ghastly smoke look that resembled torn dragon wings. I began to call this form the Reaper and started the myth that death was a reaper. With my transformation into this being of death's guidance I lost my touch with life and the world began to suffer from it. While slow the world began to destroy it self, once dormant volcanoes began erupting non-stop, the ocean slowly dried up, weather went haywire, and plants simply wilted from having their life source cut off. I was oblivious to all of this stuck in my depression of the war. This continued 'till I found something that made overjoyed at the prospect of what it meant but was immediately put into a rage at who did it. It was on the final year of warring in a fight between the bogs and cats and a lone cat survived. I arrived on the scene to find him clutching his side. He looked upon me with dread thinking that even though he won the battle death would still claim him. As I looked upon his injuries something caught my interest. He was bleeding but not blood. From his side oozed a black tar-like substance that I sensed a chaotic feeling from. I immediately figured out that this was what was making everyone fight each other. I healed the wounded soldier and cleansed him of the black liquid that I decided to call "smooze". when the cleansing was done I asked if he knew what the black ooze was. He said that the stuff began oozing up into the grounds and eventually poisoned the waters at first they didn't think it was in fact they thought it was good making them stronger faster and smarter but, than everyone became angry and after that it was all a red angry blur. I let him go to whatever home was left for him and began a plan. If I destroyed the source it should cleanse all those infected but, where is the source? I kept repeating. The cat said it oozed from the ground so the source had to be underground. With renewed hope shook off the reaper form and ground my hooves into the earth began searching for the smooze core. It was than what my negligence had done to the world. If the war had continued any longer the world would have given up like me and have destroyed itself somewhere along the line of implosion. The smooze core was way too deep for me to dig to so I had to use m last resort. I flew up to the sky and dispersed the smoke and clouds so that the sun could shine down. As I hovered there soaking in the power of the sun my physical form slowly burned away leaving a green aura form twice my original size four wings layered on top of each other sprouted forth and golden armor finished the picture. As I began collecting power by being shined so bright it as though you were staring at the sun. I eventually collected so much energy into my being the sun itself dimmed. I flew high into the sky until I could touch the stars themselves. I called upon the spirits of the fallen to give me their strength as I dive bombed the planet. I broke the sound barrier before even entering re-entry and had gone to over mach 10 speeds before the ground was even visible. When I hit the ground I bore straight to the planet. When I came upon the smooze core I shoved all of the energy I had collected into it as I bore past it. I manged to fly out the other side of the planet before the energy went off, but when it did it had mixed results. The smooze core was completely destroyed cleansing everyone still alive of its taint and cleaned the world of the destruction of my negligence. but it also changed the landscape of a massive scale. The planet itself doubled in size. The Draconian badlands became part desert, while the Magna Leo forests had random volcanoes popping up. Giant crystal shards shot out of the ground in Gem fido turning nearly all of the rocks under their landscape into crystals and gems. The Hyponia mountains were oddest of all when the mountain range began to be entwined with root bridges. Something that could not be helped is that the shadow-leaf forests and the lands surrounding it began to drift away. With a new world and an evil destroyed peace had reigned ever since even through mourning. I learned something i shall never take for granted. "Never give up hope" A/N not much dialouge here so beware text walls. It's hard to describe things and avoid them at the same time. Hopefully next chapter i can do something less tragic. ~Vinetion > CH.6: The festival part 1: Might and Magic > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~5,000 B.D. Trotters' inn~ As I recounted my tale I failed to notice the guards began listening in. When I looked up I noticed everyone was looking at me with sympathy realizing how truly troubled my life was. Solaris and Lunaris looked to be lost in thought. "I cannot understand how somepony can handle such sights and still be as happy as you act." Lunaris said. I look at him with a small smile, "The past may be filled with sorrow but it is what drives us onward to make the world a better place. I take this to heart now and take in what small pleasures i can. "Then you wouldn't mind joining us at the celebration tonight?" Solaris offered. "Celebration? Why is a celebration being held?" I asked confused. "Well for the clearing out of the Iron-Oak forest of course. But now, I believe we should add the welcoming of a goddess to the celebration." said Solaris now much happier. "Oh please there's no need for that. I don't want everyone to start bowing down to me and such." I ask him kindly. "Oh don't worry Miss Vinetion, we'll introduce you to them as a commoner first and than tell them who you are. That way you can enjoy the festival and have them come to know you not for simply your title. I understand that in the next thousand years you probally won't remember this but live for the now and enjoy it." And with that Lunaris and Solaris left to help prepare for the festival. As I watched them leave I got up and headed for the balcony. I looked over the edge to find the town bustling with activity, getting ready for a night a joy and merriment. From the looks on everyponies faces you could tell such a thing hasn't been known for quite some time. From the amount of ponies out and about work and school must have been let out. I smiled seeing the harmony of all fours Equ races living together. Earth ponies carrying supplies around while pegasi and unicorns decorated the town. Young fillies and colts playing games like jump-rope and hopscotch. I recognized Sunny and Darkened playing with a green unicorn colt sporting an overly pink poofy mane and a beige looking earth pony filly with a short snow white mane. The little filly even had her cutiemark already, it looked to be one of those fancy sand-dials the time keepers in Solluna owned. I eventually decided to go help the town with preparations. As i was exiting the inn Sunny and her friends came up to me. "Hey Miss Vine! I wanted you to meet my friends Daze Cake," she pointed at the colt, "and Winter Tick but we just call her Doctor Tick since she wants to be one of those dockaterate timekeeper in Solluna when she grows. OH! Tick do that little entrance thing you've been working on." Tick nodded and went around the corner. She ran back around and slid with her back towards us and quickly twisted her body so she stood on her back legs and raised her front hooves to the sky and yelled. "i am......THE DOCTOR!" As sunny and her friends fell over laughing I couldn't help but smile at the sight of the young ones antics. "That's very clever of you Tick, I bet you would make a long line of doctors with that attitude, but now I feel I should go help the rest of the town prepare for the festival." I made my way off as sunny and the rest went back to the hill they were playing on. The rest of the day up until the festival was simply nice and relaxing after all my years of death and destruction. Such simple lives these ponies live, not a care in the world but to live long and care for their families. No need to fly around the world twice in a single day, no need to guide the mourning souls of the dead to the abyss. How I had wished I could live like they do. But that would be lying to myself as I know I have a job to do. A job no other pony can do, and even though it can be hard I still take pride in doing it. Once the preparations were done we had about an hour before the festival started so i went for a look around town. There were various stalls set up here and there. Some were selling trinkets from faraway lands, some of the owners themselves were from faraway lands. There was a griffon setting up shop for special phoenix feather quills, a Diamond dog selling 'Jewelry for that special somepony', there was even a dwarf dragon selling liquid magyks. In the center of town there was a performing stage where several court performers called in by Solaris were practicing alongside various townsfolk. I noticed a lone grape colored pegasus with a flaming note-sheet for a cutiemark sitting off to the side tuning a Sitar. "That's odd I thought only the Simians used sitars. Where did you manage to get one?" I asked casually sitting down in front of him. "That they do ma'am. Not many ponies know what this is on sight. Mine is an antique from my father. He said it was gift from the simians when an ancestor saved their chief from a dragon attack. If I may ask what's your name miss?" the musician asked. "You may call me Vine," I answered. "And I am Flame Burst." Flame answered. "So tell me, are you one of the town's musician's or one of the king's?" I began. "I am the kings' personal bard and have been since he saw me play on the side of a road 25 years ago. They offered me the job and personal quarters at the castle. I have grown very close to the king brothers in my time working for them and do my job proudly." He finishes. "Sounds like an exciting job to have. It certainly beats mine." I smiled at the prospect. "Oh what exactly do you do?" Flame asks. "I....repair stuff" I answer stupidly. "I get it, it's not something you can talk about, don't worry. Whatever it may be take pride in it. Now if you don't mind I'm going to practice my song for tonight." With that he trotted off. During my conversation with Flame the festival had started and was in full swing. I went and got a flyer for the what performances we would be having tonight and one stood out. A magic show by the 'Great Isis Sparks', a ghastly white mare with a flaming red mane, and the 'Powerful Hades Whetstone', a contrastingly black stallion with a deep blue mane. I continued to look through the flyer and noticed the music was at the end of the performance list. The magic show was first so i made my way over to the stage. "Welcome mares and stallions alike to the magical oddities and fantasies of the The Great and Powerful Deity Twins. I am the Great Isis Sparks and this is my husband the Powerful Hades Whetstone. We are here to show you a world of magic never before seen by mortal eyes." Isis starts off. Hades came forward with his horn glowing an ominous swirl of black and red as everything around us disappeared into a black void. After a minute of darkness various shapes began to appear and dance before us. A fight between two smoky dragons started above our heads while a the ground beneath us flowed like lava. The scene shifted to that of the seaside beach with a calm wind blowing over the sand. The sounds of relaxed sighs could be heard throughout the scene. Various scenes played throughout for the next ten minutes. At the end and the darkness was lifted and Isis approached the audience. "So tell me have you all enjoyed our performance so far?" a loud applause was given. "Well for those of you who may have scene our shows before know that as a finisher we allow one pony, magical or not, to face off against us as a to have fun. And if the audience member wins they get this, a prized topaz necklace, handed down from century to century said to possess untold magical powers." The necklace she held aloft i could tell was brimming with an unknown magic that felt attracted to. "Now who dares challenge the Great and Powerful Deity Twins?" Hades asks the audience Nopony dared raise the hooves so I simply walked onto the stage. "I dare take up your challenge, show-ponies!" I announce. "Oh? Than tell miss what is your name what shall you use challenge us with?" said Hades "You may call me Miss Vine and I shall be using magic. I challenge you to a fight." I said to them both. "Very well, we will take you up on that offer. You shall see it here The Great and Powerful Deity Twins v.s. The Challenger Miss Vine! We will need to move out to the clearing so if everyone will follow us." With that we all moved to the nearby clearing with me and the 'Twins' in the center. "To make it fair, we shall allow the challenger to take the first hit. This is a no holds bar match. First side to be knocked out completely loses. Does this seem fair to you Miss Vine?" Hades asked. "That seems completely fair. May we start?" I taunted. "Ladies first" He retorted. I started off by launching myself into the air and dropping energy orbs on top of them. Hades countered by deflecting them back at me while Isis began launching bolts of lightning. I pulled my wings in and landed beside Hades causing a small quake that knocked him and Isis over. As I went over to go for a quick blast to the back of the head to knock out Isis I get blasted off into a tree breaking it in half. I got up to see a black ethereal ram's head made of smoke connected to Hades horn. He had a look of satisfaction at catching me off guard. I got up and ground my hooves into the ground and spikes began shooting out of the ground towards Hades. He began dodging them back and forth but was losing ground. By now Isis had gotten up and was charging up for a big spell. She launched it at the ground and frosted over everything leaving a slippery path. As I slipped on the ice Hades jumped over and smashed me with the smoke ram again. I was getting tired of this and came up with something else. I summoned up a thundercloud and flew over the ice on top of it. Splitting my cloud in two I rushed Hades and slammed both halves together with his head in the middle shocking his lights out. Isis began levitating my rock spires and throwing them at me. I grabbed one and threw it back which she blocked with a shield but the force was so strong she slipped back and knocked herself out on the ice. The crowd went wild at the challengers win as we carried Isis and Hades over to a pair of benches to lay on. When they came to the three of headed back to the stage. "You all have seen it here ponies. We the Great and Powerful Deity Twins have been defeated by the challenger Miss Vine and thus give unto her the prized necklace." With that I was given a long applause as Hades placed the necklace around my neck. I could feel the power flowing from the gem and knew that it would play a bigger role sometime later, for now however I shall enjoy my night and my new prize. A/N Internet muffins for anyone who can point out the references. Also if we're in the past that would mean that these ponies i'm meeting could be some ponies ancestors. If you can connect who goes to who (because they all go to someone specific) a truckload of muffins for ya. > CH.7: The festival part 2: Drunk adventures > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- (I'll apologize now, Stuff stops making any sense in the second half of this chapter. I've been feeling really down lately and needed to do something random and somewhat idiotic. At least i'm not alone in this endeavor, I do not own any copyrights being referenced here whatsoever. All content goes to there original owners, not me) ~5,000 B.D. Trotters' festival 6 pm~ After my competition with The deity twins we struck up a conversation as the next couple of performances commenced. There were alchemists using various powders and explosives to show off new creations from things like fireworks and something called a 'cannon'. I found the cannon to be most useful as they launched baked goods at the crowd. As an intermission was called I made my way to the various stalls to see what some of the foreigners were selling. I was especially interested in that 'Liquid Magyks' the draco-dwarf was selling so I made my way there first. "Hello fair maiden, how may Slyfeir (sly-fair) please you today? Slyfeir has various powders and tonics to suit any creatures need." Slyfeir offered. "I am just taking a look at what you may be selling as I have not heard of what these 'liquid magyks' are before." I said. "Ah yes, that has been one of Slyfeir's best items of interest lately. The liquid magyks are special tonics made from ingredients far and wide and some even rarely ever come upon in this day and age. Slyfeir has gone to extreme ends to acquire them for his customers." Slyfeir said proudly. "To go to such lengths these potions must be very useful." I said amazed "Oh yes. That they are. Each and everyone of Slyfeir's potions has unique effects. Ranging from creating a fire that shall never go out even in windiest tunnel or the heaviest downpour to creating a ball in your hand that absorbs the light around you. Slyfeir has tonics that can heal even the fatalist of wounds or a tonic that when shattered burn brighter than the sun and destroy anything in mere seconds." Slyfeir said. "I'm interested in those healing tonics. But more than that how much might it cost to learn the secrets of your tonics?" I ask sweetly. "These are Slyfeir's personal trade secrets. Unless you are willing to pay a steep price not a sound passes the teeth." he snarls showing some very dangerous looking fangs. "How about this, you give me a price and I'll try and match it? Does that sound fair?" I said to him sincerely. Slyfeir looked at me with a glint in his eyes. "Well do you want all of my secrets? Or just the heeling tonics?" I look him down with the same look of greed. "Give me the price of all your secrets." "All of them? Fine for all of my secrets that will cost you a total of 1.9 mil. bits, or 2 tonnes of gold." Slyfeir said challenging me. "That all? I thought you were going give me a high price. Here you go." I said to him as i place a bag filled with 20 diamond bits on his counter as his eye grow wide. "Now may we get down to those recipes of yours?" Slyfeir's right eye begins twitching "I...I...Where....how....uhhhh....."he quickly shakes himself out of his confused stupor. "Ummm yes yes, come back here and Slyfeir shall transfer the recipes to you." We walk into the back as he writes down the recipes on fresh scrolls. Once my business was down I left Slyfeir as began rubbing the sack of cash over himself as though the god's gave him a blessing. I chuckled at the thought as i went to a close restaurant to get some food before going against the rest of the night. As I entered I was hit with an unfamiliar scent of what I could only describe as old soggy grains. I went up to the counter to ask for some food the smell got stronger. When the waiter came around I asked him "Excuse me sir, but can you tell me what this odd smell is I'm encountering?" "That would be alcohol miss." The waiter answered confused. "Alcohol? I'm sorry but I don't believe I have heard of this substance." I say somewhat quietly. "Really?" The waiter responds curiously. "Well alcohol in of itself is just an ingredient. Various drinks contain alcohol however." "Hmmm... tell me do you know a good drink that I may try so I can try this 'alcohol'?" I ask kindly. "Sure." The waiter responds. He heads behind the counter and pulls out a bottle filled with a clear liquid. "This here is our lightest stuff when it comes to alcohol content. Now before you ask, alcohol is okay in small amounts but drinking more than your body can handle miss may have some very unhealthy consequences. So we'll start with this and move on down the line." "okay..." I responded wondering what meant by 'unhealthy consequences'. He gave me the drink in these small 'shot glasses' as he called them no more than a quick sip could be put in them. The clear liquid he gave me certainly tasted odd but I couldn't detect any foreign substances in it so I asked for something stronger. He pulled out a darker looking drink a light brown. This one he called a regular beer. When I tasted it I thought i could taste the alcohol but if it was there it was still a very little amount. I told him I couldn't taste or find anything that would be the alcohol and he looked at me curiously and somewhat like he had a challenge in front of him. He went into the back and pulled out another bottle this one was pitch black and three x's on the tag. When I tasted this a strong flavor of barley and mint I think flooded my taste buds. The taste of alcohol was much more apparent but still not that strong. I wasn't sure what made me say it but I asked him for his strongest drink next. I felt a little funny as thought my head was filled with bubbles. As the waiter went into the back a strange looking pony sat next to me. He wore what looked to be a jester's cape only it was purple, instead of the normal red and green, and a pair of seeing lenses. To add on to the already silly attire he had a small goat's beard on his chin. I couldn't help but chuckle at the sight as he turned my way. "Yea I know, my attire really is something to laugh about where ever I go is isn't it." The mysterious pony stated. "I'm just wondering why you have a little goat's diddy on your chinny there." I say to him bubbly. "Is that all? And it's called a goatee ma'm. Now what is a fine lass such as you doing here in a bar?" "Is that what this place is called? huh. Well I came in here for a bit of food and drink before my celebration." I continue. "Your celebration? I thought this was for the cleansing of the forest?" "Woops! I shouldn't have said that. You didn't hear anything." I wave my hooves in front of him. The waiter came back from the cellar carrying a bottle that had swirling rainbows flowing inside of it. On the tag showed five pony skulls and crossbones. "Here is our strongest brew ma'am it is also our most expensive it'll be 100 bits per shot." He offers me. "You know what! Since you've been such a good talk to me goat-pony a round of shot for both of us." I hand him a titanium bit. "Here you go. Ten rounds, five for each of us." He looks at me like I'm insane but takes the money with a smile and pours all ten shots. The smell that came off the drinks could only be describe as burning magic energy. Sorta like the smell of ozone before lightning strikes. "You must be pretty rich to be carrying around that kind of money miss." Goat-pony said "You could say that. Why looking for some easy cash." I said knowing where he was going. "Maybe, maybe not, how much you got?" goat-pony's eyes were glinting for money "I'd be willing to bet one diamond bit." I offered. "And i'll be willing to match you on that. First one to down all five shots wins the others diamond bit. Deal?" goat-pony says putting his bit on the counter. "Deal!" I said putting a bit on the counter also. We stared at each other hard we tapped our hooves three times in unison before starting. The first drink hit me as hard as the Lupus did in the forest, but the taste! My mother the taste. The term liquid gold comes nowhere near this. The goat-pony looked to have taken an even harder hit than me. I continued on but it was at the third shot the alcohol effects started to hit me. I felt odd to say the least everything became somewhat lucid and blurry unless I concentrated. The goat-pony looked to be swaying in his seat but was on his fourth shot. I felt the need to beat him so I rushed both of my last shots at the same time. Everything became a blur afterwards and I passed out. Before everything went black I remembered hearing something about a drill arm, a perseus, and a knifewrench? ~Trotters' festival 9 pm~ Explosions were heard all around the festival as a screaming pony ran through carrying a metal object in her mouth. Behind her ran a furious looking goat-pony screaming various obscenities that made mothers cover their foals ears. If that wasn't bad enough it was if the universe decided to simply stop making sense as the two screaming drunk ponies began to do impossible things. The green mare while holding the object was throwing various objects at the brown one. Things from banana peels to barrels. She threw these blue turtle shell things that where ever they hit caused a blue explosions. At one point she pulled out this massive black tube on a stand that resembles the cannon from the earlier display. she grabbed a pineapple and threw it in where a split second it shot out with extreme force. The goat-pony saw this and constructed a huge tower looking castle in the middle of town in the matter of a few seconds, When the pineapple smashed uselessly the green mare began kicking and throwing everything she had into the cannon trying to blow up the tower. Things that could be seen flying past: Turtle shells, bombs, bricks, bananas, golden rings (a blue hedgehog ran up and took them back), a box that had P.O.W. written on it that made everyone jump when it hit, a bowl of oatmeal, various explosives, and everything else she could find. Eventually a giant metal pony came out and revealed an entire armada of weapon and began blasting at the castle. When all of the weapons ran out it self destructed leaving a huge scorch mark on it be still didn't destroy it. In her anger the mare ran up and hit it with the object in her mouth to have the castle explode into dust and revealed an angry goat-pony. The mare ran off again with the goat-pony yelling "FOR THE WRENCH!" like some battle cry. He pulled out this odd looking board and jumped on it to which he rocketed forward faster than the mare could run. When she saw this she jumped up and started to fly away. She flipped over and pointed her hooves at the goat-pony and yelled "RUINGA" as hundreds of white orbs flew at the target making concussive blasts nearly knocking him off the board. The goat-pony retaliated by having a dark aura surrounding him and shouting "MEGAFLARE" as a laze shot out and exploded in dark light and smoke. As the green mare hit the ground she rolled onto her feet and pulled out a crystal that she smashed into the ground. The goat-pony landed on the ground to face a giant blob with a huge gaping hole for a mouth. "EAT HIM! EAT HIM NOW ATOMOS!" The giant blob began to lean down to suck in the goat-pony. When 'atomos' had fully leaned down the goat-pony pulled out what looked to be a golden embossed chicken egg "O Gods and goddesses of goodness, bless this thy Hand Grenade that with it thou mayest blow thine enemies to tiny bits, in thy mercy." The goat-pony said before throwing it into the monsters mouth where it disintegrated it leaving a dumb-founded looking mare. The two ponies stared at each other knowing this would be the final stand. The goat-pony pulled out six red and white spheres and threw them to the ground where six odd creatures appeared. There was two snake like creature, one was green with leaf-like patterns, while the other one was black with a red blade tail. Behind him stood an an orange dragon with a flaming tail while to his left and right stood a pair of blobs, one pink the other blue. The mare looked on as a golden glow enveloped her and turned into a shining silver armor. Her wings had turned into metal and there were even an extra pair of them. As she took to the skies thousands of upon thousands of weapons began appearing. The moon was blotted out from the mass amount of weapons. From swords to spears to maces and axes. Every weapon you could think of was pointing down on the goat-pony who began backing up a little in fear. With a simple command the goat-pony's creature began attacking. The dragon flew up spewing flames at each weapon it could melting them down to slag. The mare launched her weapon armada down at the creatures slashing, smacking, and smashing them into the ground. The two blob creatures transformed into copies of the dragon and went on the assault and the two snakes defended the goat-pony from harm. With each weapon that went down the mare summoned another one but was on a losing battle. At one point in the battle the three dragons launched out a powerful laser attack that destroyed nearly all of her weapons. As a last resort she flew down and began attack with a circle of blades. She knocked out the two snakes but was pushed back by the dragons. As a last ditch the mare's armor turned black and she became wingless. She pulled out a massive mace and began swinging trying to knock the dragons out. They put up a good fight but with one final swing the mare knocked out all three. She walked up to the goat-pony her armor now shattered and gone. She said one thing before the two of them passed out. "I won so I get your knife-wrench." A/N the bit system im going off of is this (bronze=1, silver=10, gold=100, titanium=1,000. platinum=10,000, diamond=100,000) Now aside from the obvious pokemon reference point out all of the references again. Also to answer your questions from last time here are the current ancestors. 'The deity twins' are trixie's. Tick is the doctor's, Daze Cake is BOTH pinkie pie's and greg (check ka2um's story) Blade rays' is vl4d4r's. one last thing internet muffin to the first person to tell me goat-pony's name. > CH.8: The festival part 3: Revelations > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Trotters' festival midnight.~ I awoke to the most unimaginable pain ever. It felt like somepony left a bottle of dragon acid in my skull. Everything was blurry and too bright and extremely noisy. I was wondering why my chest felt like it was being crushed when I noticed that odd pony from earlier passed out on top of me. I rolled him off and got up. When I noticed he still wasn't moving I picked him up and carried him on my back as I looked for somewhere to rest. As I slowly walked my way around I noticed the town seemed to be gathering at the center stage. Blade and clay were up on stage with Solaris and Lunaris. When they saw me coming Blade rushed over to get me. "Miss where have you been? We've been looking for you for the past hour for your part of the ceremony." Blade asks concerned. "Please not so loud. For the last hour I've been passed out. I don't know what demon creature created it but, if I had any power to I would destroy all remnants of alcohol. God this headache hurts." I said irratibly. Blade chuckles. "I'm guessing you've never had it before huh? Here let me clear that up for you." He placed his horn on my head as the headache and fuzziness cleared up. "Thank you so very much for that. By the way do you think you could do that for my passenger here and maybe put him somewhere to rest?" "Of course hurry up to the stage and tell them I'm taking your friend to the inn." Blade says as we part ways. I quickly made my way on to stage and sat next to clay. "So tell me miss where have you been that has made me sit my haunches for the past hour?" Clay asked as Solaris and Lunaris nodded at my presence. "Feeling the effects of the devil's brew." Clay chuckled at this when Solaris began his speech. "Dear citizens of Trotters. I am your co-ruler of this land Solaris. And accompanying me tonight is my twin brother Lunaris who rules alongside me just as the sun and moon rules together over the world. We are here tonight to celebrate the cleansing of an evil residing in the forest none too far from here. This evil has caused trouble over many years for the residents of this village and many have been lost. But now is not a time for mourning but instead rejoicing over the fact that you all may now rest peacefully at night." A loud cheer was heard after this. "But there is one question that may have passed your minds at one point or another. Have any of you asked yourself WHAT cleansed the forest?" Many ponies began talking among themselves about this wondering now. "Please settle down. Well we are here to answer that question of yours. It was in fact not a WHAT that cleansed the forest but a WHO. A pony came here the other day and got rid of this evil for this fair town. In fact i'm sure most of you already no of this pony and her antics. She has helped you all with preparations of the festival, played with your foals, and if the rumors are true got into a fight with a goat earlier." Most didn't know where this was going but a few who put the dots together had faces of surprise. "Will you come to the stage now miss?" Solaris asked me loud enough for the crowd to here. As I walked on stage the audience gasped at the green mare they've been seeing all around town helping out and than later blowing it up in a drunken stupor. I took a stand next to Solaris as he continued his speech. "Like all of the ponies here this miss is kind-hearted even in her mistakes. Can you all agree on this?" He asked the audience where everyone gave a very audible yes. "Again like most of the ponies here she has had a troubled past, one however that most ponies could never compare to. The troubles of seeing her creations destroyed before her. The grief of having her own children kill each other in rage," most of the mothers gasped at this, " and even the grief of losing oneself to the abyss." "While it may be hard for you all you believe this but the mare in front of you has been alive since the beginning of life. She has powers that even the most powerful alicorn cannot compete with. She has been shadowed in the land of mythos as a simple hope figure. Before you stands a goddess of old who has come to rejoin the populous." As the ponies began connecting the dots they all realized who the mare in front of them was and began the common response of bowing down and looking away. The ones who still didn't believe and thought a trick was being pulled yelled various obscenities. "Please everyone calm down and rise from your positions. To those of you who wish not believe was might we do to disprove your doubts? To those of you who bow down in fear does not the fact that she acted as a regular citizen prove there is nothing to fear? Come now if you must ask her a question to soothe your fears." Lunaris said coming up from behind. A timid mare raised a hoof, "Why would a goddess waste time coming to such a place as this?" "A goddess is not only what her subjects make her out to be. I came her on my own business but notice that the town was in trouble by something of sinister origins. I could not let my children be subject to such torment under my watch. Not again." A stallion asked this time. "I've heard you say that a couple of time tonight. "My children" what do you mean by it?" "That is a question with a long history. My mother, the original goddess, Gaia created every species on the planet. But she took extra care when making the Equ species because I was one of them. All equs are based of my design and as I have taken care of all creatures since the beginning I consider all creatures my children." I said sincerely. "I would like to know what solaris meant when your "children killed each other in rage"?" an old stallion asked cautiosly. My mood saddened on the spot and so did the audience when they saw the sad expression on my face. "That is a sad long tale that I knew would have to be revealed at some point. Now eveypony you must remember this was a time of war and evil unknown in present times. Much was lost and little was gained. It all started back...." I began to recount the story I told Solaris and Lunaris earlier that day. I found it somewhat easier to recount the tale this time after telling it to Solaris and Lunaris first. The audience could tell of my words were truthful and sincere even the old drunks who called me out the first time. By the end of the tale mothers were sobbing and even the hardiest of stallions had shed tears. What they found saddest about the tale was that even an all-powerful goddess could not save her own children from themselves. The old stallion looked at me and said "I'm sorry for having recount such a hard part of your life. That was certainly something only a strong pony could handle." "There is no need to be sorry elder one. The past no matter how hard and full of turmoil is still our past and our foundation. It is what makes us what we are and stronger for it. Now that my sad tale is out of the way I feel I should remind you that this is a festival." I smiled at them as they start brightening back up. "Now that we've gotten that done I have one more announcement for Miss Vinetion here. I would like to formally invite you to live in the capitol of Soluna. We understand that your duties require you to attend to all of the planet so we hope you can consider the castle a home whenever you need to rest." Solaris offered. "I will have to take up you up on that offer. I've been feeling the need for a change of scenery after so long. I've heard the castle gardens were something of a marvel." I accepted. With the my ceremony over everypony went back to celebrating the festival for as long as they could stay awake. Blade came up to me several times offering me more alcohol to which I ended up hitting on more than one occasion. The goat-pony from earlier had woken up and introduced himself as one Omnius Traveler. When I told him I won our bet he grudgingly handed over his precious metal object he called a "Knife-Wrench". All in all it was a nice night that came along with a new housing. I couldn't believe it could get better after this. A/N yep goat-pony was the one and only Omnius and not only that but i won his knife wrench XD. As for last chapter here are the references i made. 1) The first scene with the cannon and castle, 2)final fantasies 9 & 13, 3) pokemon, 4) an anime called fairy tail. > CH.9: Living with royalty > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~4,500 B.D. Soluna castle~ journal #34 entry #87 It has been five hundred years since I moved to the capitol's castle. Solaris and Lunaris are dead now and they're two sons Comet and Star have taken the thrones. Lunaris outlived his brother who died at the age of 950 years but died shortly after at 960. Everyone knows who I am at the castle, not only as the living goddess but also as the kind pony that I am. While my schedule has kept to the relatively same pace of get up in the morning, check my schedule, head out, and than come home at the end of the day. I now have an actual bed instead of a pile of leaves. And on days that I had nothing on schedule I would spend it with the citizens from helping with gardening and advice to simply spending time with the elderly as we enjoy life. For a long time there was peace among the creatures. The dragons arrived at one point and asked to make an embassy in the nearby mountains. This shocked everypony as we thought the dragons hadn't advanced that far. We were equally surprised when all of the races began asking for peace. this was 200 years ago and peace has reigned throughout ever since. Because of this all nations have benefited. The diamond dogs were able to get better mining tools while the cats were learned how to build houses in trees. Dragons were given more land to live in while ponies and griffons were able to protect everyone else. While crime and trouble did pop up every now and then it was quickly settled. ~3,500 B.D. Soluna castle~ journal #202 entry #59 Our current rulers Queen Novus and King Singulari, son and daughter of comet and star, have had another argument today. This one wasn't as bad as some they've had in the past. At least this time they didn't destroy anything. Today's argument was over the wants of the Equ nation to move somewhere else do to a massive blizzard currently sweeping through the nations. Singulari thought to allow them. Novus thought that if they allowed them to leave it would leave the alicornian race undefended in case of attacks. I did what I always did and tried to give an answer to soothe both sides but it just seemed to make things worse. After the meeting I left to go gem searching. A couple years back I had found an emerald deep in the ground that had the same energy as the topaz necklace I won so long ago. I began to think that if i could find more than one i should find them all. This task has kept my mind busy for most of my time. Today I had found a third gem to join my collection. This one was glowing pink garnet. As I held the odd gem in my hooves I couldn't help but start giggling. It was as if the stone in my hooves emanated laughter. As I think back on it when I held the emerald I felt a kind feeling from it. I have this gut feeling these stones will someday be very important. ~2,000 B.D. Soluna castle~ journal #568 entry #98 It seems that no matter how hard we as ponies try history is always doomed to repeat itself. It has been 500 years since the equ "sub" races, as the royalty call them now, left and founded the new land of Equestria. The Alicornian royal family is currently divided into two factions The Solar empire, those who wish to go out and conquer the rest of the neighboring nations to be come the sole rulers, and the Lunar republic, who only wished to stay in the land the have but get rid of the co-ruling system and have a sole ruler instead. I was finally put into a situation I simply could not take a side in. Seeing the situation as it was I have begun preparing for the worse. The only good news is I found two new gems for my collection. These two were a Sapphire who's feeling I couldn't put down but I had to guess it was giving as when I took it out a squirrel gave its lunch which I kindly refused. The other one I found was a blood ruby that I could tell from the intense emotion coming off of it that it was a loyalty gem. From the energy coming off of the gems when they were together I knew I had collected them all but something was still missing but what, I do not know. This is my last journal before I leave the castle. War is upon us and I can only hope it does not turn out like before. A/N I'm sorry for the short chapter but I needed some kind of transition. Also to answer the question before its asked. Alicorns live for at the most a thousand year life span where as normal ponies live a 100 to 150 at the most. Next chapter starts the war arc. I'm going to need a break before continuing that so don't expect another chapter for a day or two. aside from this one I'm aiming to keep each chapter between 1,000 to 2,500 words. > CH.10: Movement of the northern fronts > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~1,000 B.D. Equ flat-lands~ The Royal alicornian family is now officially split. The alicorn race and country divided down the middle. Those who favors The solar empire now live in the northern flat-lands while those who support the lunar republic live in the southern forests. For the most part after the split the two sides stayed to themselves and went about they're business. When the split happened I moved back to the Gaian tree and began to put a plan into action to lessen the damages of the coming war. First thing I had done was cut off all connections between the alicorns and the outside nations. I made sure every creature knew of the coming war and to stay away. Aside from a few griffons wanting to show their worth I ensured this would be a one race war. The next step could only be taken once fights began starting and that would be to stop as many as possible in any way possible. Even if it meant separating the two sides for the tides of eternity forever. Thing are quiet in these times unrest is apparent and utter destruction of each side is the goal of both sides. ~500 B.D. Equ battlefields~ The first battle had been initiated and stopped. I came upon the scene of an ambush as the Lunars were doing a scouting mission on the borders. By the time I had gotten there both sides had called in reinforcements. The Solars being true to tradition went in swords swinging. Seeing as how the Lunars were only defending themselves I took to defending their side on this time. Not trying to kill them I managed to knock out most of them with magical blasts. I could not however defend everpony and their were casualties of beheaded-ment. Noticing it was the Solars who initiated the war I began tracking their armies and intercept their battles. This worked up to a point. When they began to notice that whenever they tried to attack the Lunars' armies that a giant wall of rock and stone they improvised. Splitting their armies so that I wouldn't be able to stop both. I was forced to make the choice of who to stop so I followed the bigger half and blocked them off in the hopes of lessening casualties. On times I was lucky the armies would meet up again and I could stop the battles completely but on others they would end up decimating each other before I arrived. I was sure that if I wasn't there this time the casualty rate would would be much worse. The fighting wasn't non-stop at least. There was always a reprieve during the winter months. During the point in the war there was one very devastating battle where the main forces of both sides clashed. The fight raged for hours on end no side giving an inch. When I arrived both armies had dwindled to half numbers. I flew down and tried my best to keep them from killing each other from locking soldiers in stone cages and knocking them out, but they began to use this to their advantage. Flyers coming in and stabbing a knocked out unit or ground units using rock spikes as lances. It got to the point where my own actions were causing harm so I had to use a last resort. Setting off a concussive blast that separated both side away from each other I willed the earth to rise creating a mile wide and high wall of earth in hopes to keep them separated before the armies were decimated. These hopes were shattered just like the wall itself when they brought down the wall. But when they brought it down it wasn't each other they went after. No their target was me. I faced down the forces of over 1,000 alicornian trained war soldiers. I knew I could not die, and yet I still felt fear from this. Volley after volley of arrows fell down upon me. I tried to fly away but was knocked out of the sky as flyers slashed at my wings. Grounded now I made a run away from the battlefields. I never made it there unfortunately. As I neared the forest's edge I was taken down by having four arrows penetrate my legs through the back of my knees. I couldn't fly and I couldn't run and I certainly didn't want to fight them off. When the leaders came up to me I looked at them with sorrowful look of grief and sadness. All I got from them was a look of agreement as they said, "Kill her" I could only look on as they nodded to each other and the solars leader raised his hammer. Immortals cannot experience true death. We can witness a thousand deaths but never truly experience. Even when our mortal shells die we don't experience. As the hammer came down on my head I felt an excrutiating pain for a split second as I saw my head and its contents spill out onto the ground around us. Apparently this was not good enough for them. For good measure they felt it was needed to slice off both of my wings and all of my legs as a way to show off "We killed a goddess nothing can stand in our way!" As my torn body laid there in the forest's shadow bleeding for all its worth I felt my spirit let go. I stood there above my broken shell as it slowly turned to grass and flowers being absorbed into the earth to be renewed and reformed. I looked back the two leaders as they walked back to their sides readying to drop the temporary truce with a hatred accompanied by and all too familiar chaotic feeling in the pits of my stomach. I felt myself shift into that of the reaper and made my way back to the battlefield. While still with the intent of not killing any of the warriors and soldiers I had an incessant feeling to repay them for killing me. The goddess' wrath one would say. As I made my way back the soldiers all stopped in their tracks in fear at the site of the reaper coming down on them. None ran away from me they all just gave me passage as I made my way to the center of the battle field. I stood in the center glowing with an ominous black and brown aura. As some of those who got away in time will tell you the entire time 'The Reaper' moved it's eyes were held down. In A split second I looked up at those around me with a evil in my eyes. Instead of pupils I had the mark of the chaos in each eye. As ponies gazed into my eyes the began to turn to stone petrified in both fear and form. Soldiers on both sides began to make a hasty retreat but, even those who got away were inflicted with the Stone grip curse. Some got away with stoned hooves while some of the unlucky ones had stoned horns and wings. I would have left it at just that if it was not for a simple action I witnessed as I left for the day with the battle over. I was making my way back home as I noticed a scout coming back into the field. I had thought he was there to simply count the casualties but I was sorely mistaken. He was a Lunar scout and he began to make his way to the enemy side and dropped off a glowing orb. In what I had thought to be but a pretty orb became a weapon of unknown properties. It had exploded in a loud concussive blast and when the smoke cleared all of the petrified solar ponies were naught but dust. Thus ended the battle of the everfree plains. A/N the everfree plains?! what could this possibly mean?! also the equestrian universe i am currently in for anyone who wants to know is either the school's or god's. you guess which one. blargh! > CH.11: Rise of the reaper > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~300 - 100 B.D~ The alicornian race despite my efforts has nearly killed itself off leaving only about a hundred per each side. When they weren't killing each other off I was turning them into stone statues. Throughout these two-hundred years I have kept up a pace of defending them from each other to the best of my abilities succeeding in some areas better than others and if it came down to it which often it often did I would end up turning them into stone. They say seeing the death of your fallen comrades numbs you of the pain but that's not true. Experiencing death yourself numbs you to the pain. I had died more times than I could count in this time. I began to go months even years without a mortal shell simply giving into the flow of being a spirit of death's guidance. Unlike before however I kept up hope for a better future even if it came down the worse of results. I made graves for all who had fallen at the battle fields. At least these fallen forgave each other in the afterlife. By the end of the fourth century of fighting I finally understood something very important. While gods are all-powerful there is but one power greater than us and that is called willpower. A mortal's wish filled with all the will from the deepest part of his heart is a force no god or goddess can control only guide. These ponies were not influenced by an evil force but instead driven by their own evil motivation to kill each other. For as long as I have been in the form of the reaper I have had the feeling of chaos inside me. As though It was an old friend now long since known I have come to find that this chaotic feeling is not what would be commonly thought to be evil. Chaos, I have come to know, is more so a being of change, of evolution, of advancement. For while no one wants their nice lives to change, without change life is stagnant. However this feeling that seems to be following me still feels off, as though it is trying to play me for a fool. Whatever it is, It does not seem to appear within the presence of my gems. I have had these for a long time now and still do not seem to understand what is missing from them. For now I keep them with me to ensure my own inner harmony. Coming onto the fifth century of fighting each side has taken major casualties and have called stalemate for the time being. For me I felt this was a relief and decided to take on a mortal shell again. With my body back I made my way off to the out countries to see what has happened in my absence. Something of a surprise happened. I was greeted by dignitaries from each races as I entered their countries. Apparently news of the war has been circulating around for the past five hundred years and everyone was especially interested in the news of the earth shaker causing trouble for both sides. I had a time of relief where ever I went but even when everything was going well I had this feeling in the back of my mind that some THING was watching me. As though it knew an event of bad happening was about to occur. While the Equ nations warred the world around it advanced quite a bit. The griffon nations developed democracy and currently ruled by equal vote councils. The dragon nations or at least the civilized dragon nations have begun doing air trading, transporting goods between countries. The Diamond dogs even though still brutish have managed to construct tools farther along than any creature so far even using precious diamonds to mine through for other gems. The Jungle cats while most still illiterate I saw a few scholars here and there. I found the scene rather adorable having random knee high cats walking around with books on their backs. On my time out here I felt like it was time to do some research into what the gems I have collected over the millenium could be used for. I searched volume after volume of lore, cross-referenced each manual I could find. There was no known knowledge on what these gems were and seeing as how I did not know of them originally they had to have been made by some other being of intense power, maybe even Gaia herself as a parting gift. I was in need of a new search when a thought crossed my mind. Maybe the magic of the gems are tied to the feelings they give off? I began my search again looking for whatever ties magic and emotions. I found many a tome on the subject. Most saying that the emotional state of the magical creature can intensify and even magnify it's magical output by ten-fold. Some say that their is an ultimate magic out their tied to the heart that requires certain emotions, where as others say its complete rubbish. In all of the tome that said emotion affected magic said that their was five emotions that were strongest of all, "Giving, Kindness, Humility, Loyalty, and Honesty" as these would give perfect harmony in one's body and allow for the highest of magical ascensions. I began thinking to myself that this was very similar to the stones I had in my possession when I came upon another tome this one much darker. At first it did not seem to be a bad tome to read but, it began to take an interesting turn for the odd. This tome spoke of the effects of magyks great and powerful and what their side effects may lead to. Two specific articles gave me some worry as I read them. The first was that of the effects of overly powerful magyks [maw-zheek] and the planet itself. "According to research done by various 'wizards' (magical creatures), it has been proven that by using overly powerful magyks or just high-tiered magical spells effect the natural flow of the planet in some way. These effect normally are insignificant and go unnoticed by common-folk but there has been a few notable exceptions. If one spent enough time into studying they would know that there are bit of land with common ancestry areas half way across the planet. Not only that but when digging down deep enough to where you hit the original parent material of the land you will find that there are spots where there is completely new parent material with more than ten-thousand year difference than the rest." "For such a thing to occur could only happen spontaneously and as such magically. While there is still currently no known reason behind this sudden land expansion one thing we know for sure it was caused by an extreme amount of magyk that managed to spread to all corners of the globe. This very same magyk would explain the reasoning behind various odd land formations such as the diamond pillars of gem fido or the great bark bridges of the Hyponia mountains." After reading this I felt a horrible chill go down my spine in fear at what else I may have caused, whether for better or worse I do not know. The second article just made it worse because it seemed all too real. "Mirror's effect: Magyk and life" "All creatures know that with life comes death, with the sun comes the moon, with light the shadows. Everything in the universe has a mirrored twin. Every action taken has a result and all effects have a cause. For the greatest priest their is the greatest sinner. For the greatest cook the greatest glutton. For the purest magic of good there is the purest magic of evil. While this is truly something to be feared in its own right, this is still a fact of life and magic and should never be taken out of word and feared. But instead used to ones advantage. If one keeps to a middle line life one can enjoy it without too much backlash of either side. There are those who say that anything evil should be abolished and gotten rid of, but again with the light comes the shadows and when the shadows disappears so does the light." "Mirror's effect: Magyk. All magics and magyks have a good side and a bad side to them. These are easily put into two groups of harmful and helpful Magiers. [maw-zhee-airs] (magical types) For every healing spell cast a harmful attack spell is cast or will be cast. The reasoning behind this is on a cosmic scale all Magier energy is balanced unto itself and will, if tipped far enough, force a balancing shift to occur stopping certain Magier types to work. For instance, if enough harmful spells were cast in a short enough amount of time the Magier shift will occur and disable all harmful spells and only allow helpful. Now while there is a fine line between what is harmful and what is helpful but to the gods the Magier energy is simply a black and white flow." "Mirror's effect: Life. Everyone has a mirrored persona. Whether they be real or not their is one for every creature. For every persona of good their is a persona of evil waiting to stab you in the back. While this may seem to be something to fear what should truly be feared are those without. Those who walk through life in the middle ground, and even more so the gods who do so. These are a persona who think naught on emotion but on action and situation. The phrase "Fear the man who has rationalized his feelings. For when one reasons anger and hate has no reason not to kill." is a perfect example." This final passage set my nerves into a hyper drive. If what it said was true there would be a persona of equal evil to me somewhere out there causing havoc or if anything will someday appear. I thought for a second that maybe the reaper is what my opposite persona was and that settles me down. I was still shaken up at these articles as they seemed to be true on all aspects. I got up from my seat and asked if I could keep the books which I could. I made my farewell to all those I had met on trip and made my way back to Equ hoping things didn't go to hell while I was away. A/N blargh blargh honk! honk honk blarghy honk! (i don't have anything to say here) > CH.12: Daughters of the sun and moon > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~50 B.D. Everfree Forest~ (ex-everfree plains) The final battle was soon amongst us. I myself knew that the inevitable could not be deterred for long. After nearly five hundred years of fighting and pillaging all but two females were left of the species and they were mere foals that by the time they grew up no male alicorn would be left alive. I felt a sadness in my heart for the two and went out of my way to the fathers as the mothers were now dead to ask if I may take care of them as their new mothers. By now these soldiers were not ruthless killers but warriors of past sins fighting a war given to them by their own fathers and their own fathers. They knew that soon their species would die out and felt it was only right to have their last two daughters live in peace. The two foals I had taken with me were two complete opposites yet birthed on the same day, one from either side. One of the fillies was black coated with a blue night mane named Luna while the other was white coated and pink maned named Celestia. Not having grown up to hate each other the two of them got along as though they were sisters. It reminded me of my foal years son long ago when I would play with whatever creature came along. No fighting was done for fifty years after I had taken the two fillies and in that time they grew up to be fine mares that I gladly call my own daughters. As I taught them in those fifty years a thought crossed my mind if it was I was this hard to teach for my mother. Luna was the scholar of the two. Whenever I brought them a new tome to read she would hop right to it and most of the time hug it like a teddy bear. While she was the most enthusiastic of the two she was the slower one to growing maturity. She would run around trying to prank me and celestia as we worked and often succeeding. An odd hobby of hers that I was never able to figure out was that when she rode on my back she would begin to nibble on my mane always saying "but it tastes so good" when i asked her to stop. Celestia took up the role of older sister as soon as possible always being the more responsible of the two. Whenever shores needed to be done she'd be done on time while Luna was still slacking off. Even though she acted like a born leader she was lacking in the studies department. Whenever lessons came up and luna rushed up to get started she'd have some reason to slink off and hide somewhere so she wouldn't have to learn. After learning where her hiding spots were I began to puts lessons tomes in the cubby holes so that when she went hide off she couldn't escape the books. She quickly matured into a young mare as time went on but even though she acted like an adult she could be seen every now and than holding a stuffed toy in her arms. after the first 20 years of teaching, getting their speech and movements out of the way came flight and magic training. This is where the two of them excelled in. As if the alicornian race gave one final shove and pushed all of the greatest genes into these final two foals. These two managed both managed to fly upon their first attempts. Luna was enjoying the flight experience much more than celestia who, as we found out that day, had a slight fear of heights. Luna however had no such thing and felt it was necessary to fly as high as possible without looking down. When she had flown as high as her wings would take her she finally took a look down and and screamed. In that moment her wings retracted and stuck to here sides as she fell horn-first towards the ground. As me and celestia looked on in horror luna accomplished something only I had done before. She broke the sound barrier. the only problem to this was this was 100 feet above us and the sound wave activated celestia's horn. As she was startled her magic began to grab unto luna and slowed her decent. Celestia had stopped a full grown mare falling faster than terminal velocity on her first try. I knew these two had great powers in them but not to this extremity. I was proud to call them my daughters but knew that if they swayed the wrong way they would be a force to reckon with. As a precaution I decorated the room they shared cleverly hiding each of my gems, which at this point I now called the gems of harmony, around their room so that at least here the would stay within harmony and no evil spirit would harm them in their dreams. At long last after fifty years since I had taken charge upon celestia and luna the two armies began the final fight. The two of them asked where I was going and I simply told them " I'm off to end bring about the end of something." They kept quiet at that and resigned to stay home and not follow. Once I had flown a good distance away from the Gaian tree i took upon the form of reaper once more and hopefully for the last time. Again that feeling of hatred and chaos appeared but this time it felt distant, drawn back, as though it knew its time had come. I began to feel as though a dark omen is rising and that the end of this war will not be the end of our troubles. When I arrived on the scene there was but two soldiers left. These were no ordinary soldiers however, these were the last two princes of the royal family. They were stuck in a magical dual their horns connected my magical energy stuck in the middle neither giving ground. This was not what made my fears grow. Beneath the line of magical of magical plasma a grayish black ooze was flowing forth from the earth. I knew of this ooze all to well and the fact that it was re-appearing now made me begin to panic. I charged in thinking that it must be attracted to the magic being given off so I should disconnect them. I flew in between the two magical beams and felt my self being pulled apart. The smooze below me write at its prize being destroyed and lashed out at me but instead grabbed something else. The magical beams as I flew in between them began to rip me into two beings. I fell to the ground in a heap and looked up to see a black aura with a million tiny dot like stars patterning it. The smooze did not like its prize and decided to get rid of it by attacking it. This did not work as it simply passed through the aura. The aura just looked at me with a sense of fore-longing almost as though it missed being apart of me. That was until it spoke. somehow managing to manifest teeth and even a tongue the aura said but four words that will forever be known. "I am the nightmare" In that instant the aura shifted its gaze back to its failed assailant. If possible I think the smooze felt some kind of fear as the nightmare approached it. The nightmare slowly overtook the smooze and began morphing it into a being of chaos and disarray. It started with simply making a mouth so that i may hear the screams of pain coming off of it. The creature it created was a mix match of parts from all creatures. When it was done the creature looked one with a grin of glee and flew off to begin it fun. I looked at the aura and asked. "W-What was that?!" One word. It spoke but one word before it disappeared from view. "Discord" A/N /)^3^(\ oooohhh tia and lulu fillies are sooo cute! More revelations have appeared Discord was created by the nightmare who was in fact my own creation. What else could go wrong? not much This is the peak of the evil history of equestria. I want all of you to turn to page 274 of the mare in the moon fable and study pre-royal sisters rulings! > CH.13: Orchestrated chaos > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~unrecorded time lapse~ (musical recommendation) I'm not going to sugar coat it, when the nightmare released Discord everything went to shit. As if planning this for years Discord made his way to the Equ fallen capital. As he touched down at the base of the old castle he began wrapping it with a purple magic. As the magic fully wrapped around the base of the castle it lifted it into the air turning it into a floating castle. With his new place power in hand he began his conquest of chaos over the world. He began with his closest targets of the new land of Equestria taking over with little resistance. The rest of the world however put up a better fight but was useless against the spirit of chaos and dis-harmony. Me for the time being knew I couldn't face him now in my weakened state so I made my way back to the Gaian tree. When I touched back down Celestia and Luna confronted me over what the evil magic they felt was. Seeing how I was cornered I confessed to them what had happened on the battlefield. They were saddened but knew that a great evil was ahoof. I Had the two of them help me make preparation for what I knew was surely going to be one hell of a time. ~5 D.R.~ (Discord's Reign) Discord has taken full control over every known civilization on the planet now. There are only a few places left untouched by his taint the Gaian tree being one of them. Creatures have been turned insane from the amount of chaos the land itself is a warped figure of what is was before. There are ocean's floating miles up in the sky, mountains have been overturned, the ground itself has begun to swallow itself. He regularly's torments his subjects playing various tricks or more severely warps them into some hideous creature. I have come up with a plan on how to stop discord once and for all but it will require both a great sacrifice on my part and on celestia and Luna's. In my studies I have figured out that the gems of harmony I collected so long ago must be the key to defeating Discord. The tome that told me of 'the state of magical ascension' was correct. The gems of harmony being pure manifestations of these emotions just need to be harnessed to defeat him but need to be under certain requirements. I myself am not strong enough to harness all of the magic at once and so will need another's help. From what I could tell only an immortal can harness the power which means I'll need another immortal...or two. But that will have to wait. With Discord in power the only job I have is to either tick him off or cleanse area of chaos. Even if he just re-chaotifies it I still feel the need to help in some way. When dealing with a spirit of chaos and disharmony you need to be crafty as the being you are dealing with is crafty and sly to the core. I began to purify areas such as a lagoon far away so that when he left I would than purify the area behind him. When he tried to prank some creature I would appear out of nowhere and pull a prank of my own. While even though we both hated each other we had begun to take a pleasure in our antics against us. If anything it made the years of his coming defeat fly by faster. It was unsaid that the Gaian tree and his castle were safe zones. Don't bother me and i won't bother you. At one point in one of our little shenanigans where I took his pie and smashed mine and his into his face he said I was a some kind of "Master Troll". As odd as it sounds if Discord wasn't so cruel to the creatures under him he would have made an excellent leader to follow under. In fact at one point for about two hundred years he did rule in peace. During Discord's reign I traveled around collecting as many magical tomes as I could so that I could train Luna and Celestia to be ready for when we take on discord. At some point Luna managed to create her own spell. She said that by concentrating her magic onto a point far away from here and than having herself appear where her magic was she ended up disappearing in a puff of black smoke and actually teleported away from us. The thought of being able to teleport was amazing and we both copied Luna's example with Celestia learning it faster than me being part unicorn. ~200 D.R.~ Discord has reigned over the land for two hundred years now and is in a peace period. Discord for the most part seems content to simply watch over the creatures as they go about their daily lives. While under discord's reign you would think creatures would go about trying to kill each other. But he wouldn't allow that, for where would the chaotic fun be if his toys broke themselves. There has however been a rise in crime and change in common norm. There is something about Discord that never seemed right. He himself never seemed evil like how the Nightmare that created him was evil. He seemed to be more of a lost child in a foreign land. I began to feel bad about what I would have to end up doing to him but knew it would be for the better of the world. Now that I think about it Discord was created from smooze. From what I know the smooze has been here as long as I have. Given manifestation Discord would be my persona opposition on the cosmic balance. Training with Celestia and Luna has been going well as ever except that they chaotic energies of the world have been making them feel depressed. To make them feel better I had us celebrate there 210st birthdays early. This was normally the age of adulthood for the average alicorn, but going through the lives the have they became adult long before now. These are dark times we live in, but it can only get better from here on out. The three of us head to bed to begin the next chaotic day. As I drift off to sleep I remember the passage that gave me both fear and hope. "...with the light comes the shadows, with evil comes good, fear only those who tread in between in entropy and chaos..." A/N YES! I DID IT! 4 chapters one day. I feel good about myself now. Also we're nearing the end now unfortunately, but oh well I may or may not try writing again afterwards who knows. > CH.14: Banishment of a great evil > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~700 D.R.~ I felt it's presence again. The nightmare has shown itself again somewhere. Knowing this to be my only chance I got up and told the girls to stay home and continue their training on their own until I got back. The nightmare was close and I knew that if I let it get away from me now it would surely spell doom for some innocent creature. I grabbed a cloak before heading out and made sure to pick up extra food supplies as I knew the nightmare will run as I chase it down. I launched into the bright sky and began to fly south in the direction of the now overgrown everfree forest where the feeling was strongest. I could tell it was moving and it was moving fast. It had a target and it would not let anything stop it now. I landed in the plains in front of the forest to see the nightmare rush out of it. What didn't expect was for it to have taken the mortal shell of a faceless alicorn. For some reason it was wearing a suit and tie as though it was going to a formal party. It looked upon me with an empty face and I saw it face begin to rip open to reveal an evil grin spread across its face. It began to sway back as an odd music played out of nowhere and mist began to collect around us. Stretching it grin wide and open it began to...sing. (music) Slender Man, Slender Man, All the children try to run. Slender Man, Slender Man, To him it's part of the fun. Slender Man, Slender Man, Dressed in darkest suit and tie. Slender Man, Slender Man, You most certainly will die. Black ethereal arms formed from the black gaseous material around it. Without pause they came out and tried to grab at me while I ran trying to keep an eye on it and stay out of its grip. Slender Man, Slender Man, His branching arms are for collecting. Slender Man, Slender Man, His face is empty of expressing. Slender Man, Slender Man, He won't let you say goodbye. Slender Man, Slender Man, You most certainly will die. Each time I looked to where the Nightmare was at it just kept backing up into the dense fog. Every now and than a hand would come out and hit me to the ground. Even if the dense fog stopped me from seeing it clearly I could tell from our past link I was definitely getting closer to it. Slender Man, Slender Man, Sometimes hums a lowly drone. Slender Man, Slender Man, He will wander 'round your home. Slender Man, Slender Man, Blends in well within the trees. Slender Man, Slender Man, In the fog he's hard to see. I was surely getting closer to it. What I didn't know was that it was leading me into the forest. I found this out when I slammed into a tree running at full force. I looked around to find myself in the dark depths of the everfree forest with the mist dissipated. The Nightmare kept singing its song disappearing and reappearing everywhere I looked as though he was everywhere at once. Having dealt with it enough I had vines grab at whatever was around me and surely enough one took hold of the nightmare. With it held to the ground I charged towards it and sent it flying into the sky with an uppercut. The nightmare did not take kindly to this and began launching darkness orbs in my direction I flew up to get out of its range and when I looked down to where the orbs did explode I saw that the ground was warped into liquified structures. We charged at each other hooves flying trying to knock the other out. The nightmare made a low blow and hit me 'below the belt' made a quick chop to the back of the neck and sent me to the ground with a blast of darkness energy. I hit the ground but quickly shot back up to the sky leaving a crater in my landing spot. As a green aura began to surround me I charged head first into the nightmare stomach taking it breath away. before it could fly away I grabbed one of its hind legs and pulled it in allowing me to slam both hooves into its chest launching it into the plains and making a crater. I flew down on top of it smashing all four hooves causing an even bigger crater but the nightmare would not give. With a roll it smacked me off with its wing jumped back lifting its head to the sky. When I got up it looked back down and yelled "DIE!" as beam of dark energy shot out towards me. I jumped out of the way with the beam grazing my side sending a pain akin to having lava poured over you travel through me. Where the beam did hit however did not get away as easily, the trees began to warp and twist and eventually disintegrated under the stress leaving a mile wide clearing of gray ash. "WHY. WILL. YOU. NOT. DIE!?." Each word was punctuated with a blast of his beam leaving destruction in its wake. After the first shot I began having trouble dodging his attacks. I went in for a quick take down but as my hoof came towards the nightmare it blocked and moved my hoof out of the way and jabbed me in the stomach and backhands my head. as I fell head first for the ground I feel it grab my back leg as it swing me over head and and dive to the ground. In a earth shaking slam it threw me over head into the ground cracking it. "TAKE THIS!!!" it screamed before engulfing me in an extra strong beam blast. It wasn't anything I could have imagined. Not only was I under the most amount of physical pain ever but I was also being spiritually tormented. The entirety of my past was played before me in the most twisted way possible. Creatures I've met throughout the years now warped machinations. My children Celestia and Luna beasts of hell out to kill me. I could feel my spirit itself begin to cry out in torment. I felt something inside me shatter and just as that thing went away so did the pain. As the pain stopped I stopped screaming which made the darkness go away. The nightmare was not going to let the creator it hated so much get away after it tried to deter it for so long. It releshed it its pain, its scream of agony, its tears of sorrow. But when it stopped doing as such The nightmare became confused. The nightmare stopped attacking and looked at it's victim just lying there still and unmoving. 'Is it dead?' It thought to itself but dismissed the thought as it's victim slowly opened its eyes. The nightmare looked down at it's victim now with fear knowing it's own doom was upon him, for it's victim no longer had eyes but instead glowing orbs of white. I looked up to the nightmare seeing it for what it truly was. In my vision was no longer the form of a black stallion. In front of me was a dark soul of pure evil intent. As I looked upon it I felt an anger welling up inside me that I felt only once before, but this time I knew what to use it for. I got back onto my hooves all of my wounds healing as a green aura took form around me. Quick as a flash I jabbed my hoof into the nightmare's chest sending him high into the sky. I flew up to meet it and began to send it flying back and forth with various punches and kicks. As I began my counter assault on the nightmare a storm began to rage above. The nightmare thinking it might still have a chance started using all of it tricks. He managed to knock me back with a barrage of shadow balls and even constricted my wings for a second with ethereal chains. But nothing it did would slow me down. I would come in for a punch and disappear only to show back up behind it with a kick to the forehead. Once the nightmare's shell was thoroughly beaten I used my powers of wind to call down a final attack upon it. As though a mighty dragon descended down it it a thousand talon-like bolts of lightning struck the nightmare disintegrating the stallion shell it took hold of. The spirit of the nightmare fell to the ground in a heap. As I landed I gave it no time to escape and imprisoned the nightmare in a cage of diamond and roots. I came upon the scene of the helpless nightmare trying to escape I could only give it a disgusted look. "You are a being that has done naught but cause death and misery for those who have encountered you." "You were the one who hath created me. So all of the fault falls onto you mother." the nightmare said in a raspy snake-like voice. I could only look at it with hatred. "You are a foul demon spawn and shall never be allowed to call me mother." I began upon creating a runed circle in the ground with the nightmare in the middle. The nightmare to all of it fruitless efforts tried to escape its prison leaving only small scratches and cracks on the surface. With the circle done I walked in front of the nightmare to begin. What I was about to do would leave me incredibly weak for years to come but would be the only way to make sure the nightmare never returned to being. I summoned up all of my power and the circle began to glow. In a voice befitting only a god I recited "NIGHTMARE. FOUL BEING BEFITTING A PLACE ONLY SUCH OF THAT AS THE UNDERWORLD. YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO EXIST INSIDE THIS PLANE OF EXISTENCE FROM THIS HERE FORTH. A GOD CREATED YOU AND BY THE GODS I SHALL BANISH YOU. SHOULD YOU EVER RETURN TO HERE IT SHALL BE BY THE GODS THEMSELVES AND KNOW YOUR PRESENCE SHALL BE NONE TOO LONG! with that said I tore off a part of my own soul and used it to banish the nightmare. When the spell activated the air over top the nightmare began to warp. The cracks began to appear in the space as a tear in space-time was being created. Once the tear stretched over twice the size as the banishment circle it opened to reveal a flaming vortex with screaming souls inside. An old voice was heard inside laughing a demonic laugh as a giant eye filled the tear to look down upon its victim. A bony white arm covered in gray withered scraps of cloth reached through the tear to break the prison and snatch up the nightmare. Now able to talk, before it was taken into hell the nightmare used its final trick and yelled "I WILL NOT BE DETERRED!" and it shot a lance of dark energy high into the sky as he was pulled in having the tear seal behind it. With the nightmare sealed away in the pits of hell the skies began to clear allowing the sun to shine through. I looked to see where that lance was heading and looked with fear to see it travelling towards discord's castle. To weak to fight anymore I could only helplessly watch as it struck down and have mighty beam of darkness shoot through the roof as a demonic version of discord's laugh echo throughout. To weak to do anything I slowly made my way home with a dark cloud over head knowing that the nightmare had done something truly destructive. A/N oh shit son! what could the nightmare have possibly done? btw we're not done with it just yet, i mean how else will it have infected luna later in history? Also feedback on how i did the fight scene again is welcome. me? i felt the banishment was the best part mostly because i felt a little creaped writing it. > CH.15: Clash of the gods > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~900 D.R. (200 C.R.)~ It has been 200 years since I banished the nightmare and I am now at full strength. In truth it only took me 20 years to regain my strength but it has taken me 200 to store enough energy to create two new souls. For my plan of destruction of the being Discord it would require three different immortals at least. It was in my vision to do as my mother did with me to my own daughters. To live on as the only Alicorns left in existence they too will become immortal. It will be a great sacrifice for them as they will have to go through the pains of immortality same as I. In the 200 years since the nightmare's banishment and in that time I have come to know what evil is truly like. The lance of darkness the nightmare shot at discord sent him into a psychotic rampage terrorizing all those he believed to be beneath him. His chaotic energies flowed out warping the world into a twisted machination of its once pristine vision. The new nightmare discord took upon the name Chaos and went about disrupting the balance of the planet and all of its inhabitants. His first act came upon the third day after his transformation. On this day the moon never feel even though it was supposed to be daytime. for five straight days the moon stood high in the night sky never coming down for a second. As soon as all thought it would become night eternal the moon disappeared in a flash to be replaced by the sun. This came as a relief to some but others thinking if what happened to the moon happens to the sun what consequences shall become of such? It was soon found out that Chaos had stopped the movement of the planet around the sun and the moon around the planet and that the only way for it to move again was if Chaos himself willed it to do so. He made it go months without moving the sun nearly sending half the planet into an ice age while the other nearly burned to a desolate crisp. About fifty years into Chaos' reign, he was seen flying through the sky leaving a purple haze in his wake. Soon the entire sky had turned a mix of purple and pink. Weather went haywire and out of control as his chaotic energies settled in. It began to snow in the Magna leo forests, a powerful drought spread through gem fido, and great rainstorm rolled through the draconian badlands. The natural forces of the planet were being put out of balance and I was having none of it. I could feel screams of pain coming from my once beautiful land as it writhed in pain. What finally tried my last bit of patience was when he went and began warping my children. He began to take groups from different species and fusing them together to create 'new toys' as he called them. He created six new species for him to play with. Of the two fiercest he made chimaeras, a mix of griffons and dragons. This created a beast of instinct, knowing only the ways to kill and survive. With the strength and torso of the griffon and the wings of a dragon, this is a beast to be reckoned with. He made it a sport to see how long creatures could last fighting it. In need of workers his next creation was a fusion of Diamond dogs and Jungle cats to create, simply dubbed, Diamond cats. These were strongly built yet nimble creatures that could carry many times more than their separate parts even though they had a slim build. He put these to work in various mines to dig up powerful gems to enhance his magic to become even stronger. Knowing that he would someday be attacked by rebellions he created two guards monsters. The first of the two was the massive scaled cat creature dubbed Sphinxes. These were made by the fusion of griffons and dragons. Standing at a height taller than four alicorns, he posted these at every entrance. The second of his guard pets was a fusion of Diamond dogs and dragons. This created a powerful snake creature with the power of a dragon and the tenacity of a diamond dog. These creatures took in the most of discord's taint and as such were black creature that gained a poison the once injected would make the victim run on nightmare fuel. Feeling as though he had taken care of everything Chaos took it upon himself to indulge a little and created two succubi creatures for his own lustful purposes. What he made were Harpies, a mix of diamond dogs and griffons, and Nekos, a mix of Griffons and cats. These two creature were bi-pedal similar to that of the lost simian species except with a lot less fur and bigger *ahem* 'accessories'. He worked all creatures under him even his own children of chaos were tormented. First he takes my children and mutates them and than he doesn't even have the decency to be kind of enough to his own creations. This crossed the line and I knew that I could wait no longer in destroying him. It has been 900 years since discord's creation and and the birth of Celestia and Luna. My two daughters have nearly lived the entirety of their lifespan. I called them into the antechamber asked them to sit down as I begin the ceremony. When I told them of my plan a few days ago, while hesitant they both agreed it was the right thing to do. They had both agreed to take upon the curse of immortality to ensure the safety and harmony of the planet. I stood in front of them and shed my mortal shell took out the two immortality shard souls I had been creating from stored energy for the past 200 years. The room around faded away from view and was replaced by an empty white space. In front of the two alicorns stood a figure both unknown and familiar at the same time. They realized it was their own mother as they sensed the old humming magic resonating from her, but were astounded at her changed appearance. I was in my true form, a form fully grown and resembling what my own mother looked like when I first met her. I stood a good six feet up and resembled a hairless simian. To my right was feathered sword and to my left was a shield of flames. I stood there and basked in the power feeling my self connect to the spirit worlds. Two familiar figures walked next to me as they heard my call for the start of the ceremony. To my right stood a hooded figure standing a foot taller than me. It was carrying a scythe on it's back with a blade that curved sharper than the moon. It moved a single hand to wards me single his formalities. The hand was a bleached white bone with scraps of old withered cloth hanging from the crevasses of the arm. It was brimming with a powerful black energy that gave off an evil vibe. To my left stood another hooded figure this one standing close to my own height. It was wearing a dress made out of a green silk material that seemed to flow like water. It had on it's sides a pair of curved swords in the shape of the sun and moon. From this figure came an energy of pure white that gave off a healing, almost holy feeling. The two figures gestured for me to start and so in my otherworldly voice I began the ritual. "Here we stand in the space between universes, time, even life and death itself to carry out a ritual known only by the gods themselves. I by the right of the goddess Gaia herself," I gesture to the woman to left. " shall sever all ties that these two mortals here have to the being of death and his realm of the afterlife." I finished gesturing to the man to my right. In an old raspy voice sound like that of rocks grinding next to each other 'Death' spoke next. "You will be put under the curse of immortality until the end of times when reality as we know it disappears. You will outlive any and all creatures you shall ever meet. The only beings in existence who shall be able to last as long as you will only ever be other immortals. Even under these pretenses do you still accept this burden? Celestia and Luna nodded "And so may it be said that death has taken his claim off of these souls! With death claim of soul lifted from he disappeared back to his own realm leaving the two of them glowing white with a feeling of rejuvenation as though the past 500 years of aging was washed away. I began to speak again now. "And so begins the ritual of the gods! As mother of these creatures so shall they be of the generations after them. May they live prosperous and and happily until such a time a release from the curse it granted upon them. Now for the fusion of soul and shard you must be expelled from your mortal shells. Celestia and Luna looked at each other with fear at that last line. When they notice their bodies beginning to fade away the looked to me with fear and tried to move to find they no longer had control over them. I felt sadness looking upon their silent screams of fear thinking this is what death was like. Once their bodies had disappeared completely what floated before me were things of beauty. Celestia's soul burned a bright orange and red of action and leadership. I could see upon all of her doubts and fears looking into her soul. Her biggest fears and worst nightmares over the years all surrounded losing her sister. Something of interest I found was that she had a natural connection to fire. Her soul swallowed up the immortality shard hungrily as though waiting for this oppurtunity. Luna's soul burned a deep black-blue color of patience and learning. Confusingly her soul seemed empty of emotion. I began to think the ordeal of the ritual was too much for her when I saw a nagging doubt float by. It was simply a 'what if?' asking about the universe showing her eternal struggle to learn even when she believes herself to be dead. My suspicions were correct when I looked deeper and found that she too had an elemental connection, this being water, the opposite of Celestia. Her soul was more hesitant in taking in the shard but seemed to come to odds with its decision once it was done. With both souls now fused to their shards they shone with an intense light. I waved my hand in front of the two of them and their bodies slowly reappeared the two souls. These shell however were different from before. Their manes now flowed with power unique to them. Celestia's mane flowed with the colors of the rainbow and moved through the air with an invisible breeze. Luna's mane was a black ethereal shadow dotted with tiny white dots akin to that of the nighttime stars. With the two alicorns before us now formed and calmed at the fact of having their bodies back Gaia began to speak in a soft motherly voice. "You two take upon this curse of immortality for a mission for both those beneath you and the planet itself. And for that I shall give upon two gifts to help you on your way. For Celestia you shall become the goddess of the sun allowing you to have sole jurisdiction of keeping it moving through the sky and Luna you get the moon and shall follow the same rules. You shall both be given enhanced control over your elements water and fire. The two of you are one in the same, without the other you shall be unbalanced and be thrown into chaos." A bright light filled the room and Celestia and Luna's cutie marks a sun and a moon appeared. "Before I take my leave I shall give you one more gift. A prophecy if you will. "In the land where two mighty figures rule an ancient evil gone but not forgotten shall rise by the hand of one of two seeking power." And with that Gaia disappeared back into the spirit realms. With the ritual done the world around us faded back into view. The ritual took more energy out of all of us than expected and so we called it a day. Soon we shall defeat discord but only once we have been fully trained. ~999 D.R.~ Today is the day we march on Chaos' castle. Ever since the ritual nearly a hundred years ago was spent training for this day. We left the Gaian tree knowing we might not make it out of this alive. But with hope in our hearts we would not go down without fighting until our last drop of energy. We touched down 10 miles from Chaos' castle to find a thing of nightmares. The land was a mixture of black and red as blood and discordic energies flowed through it. In front of us stood an army of serpents and sphinxes and behind that floated Chaos' castle high in the purple storm clouds. As the three of us looked to each other we charged forwards splitting into three with Celestia and Luna taking the sides while I charged straight through. All hell broke loose. With fresh meat running up easy for the picking the black serpents launched themselves into the sky hoping to come down and scoop up the morsels. What they weren't expecting was for the prey to fight back. Without mercy We began our assault slaughtering all those trying to stop us. Serpents began to explode into flames and writhe on the ground in the flames. Not letting up I grabbed a dead serpent and and taking a high leap slammed the corpse into 5 others killing them under the force. I was knocked to the ground by Luna who was smacked aside by the tail of a huge serpent resembling a king cobra flaps and all. Knowing this one to be tough for only one Luna and I went to take it down. As we ran to it the serpent jumped high into the sky and tried to come down on top of us to find we had jumped out of the way. This did not stop it however, it just dug into the ground leaving a hole in its wake. The ground beneath us rumbled and rolled as its movement. Suddenly the ground exploded beneath Luna and the serpent shot upwards swallowing Luna whole. It's victory was short lived as it slowly began to expand to eventually have it explode from the inside out from Luna's magic. We caught up to Celestia who was clearing up any stragglers so we wouldn't have to worry about any attacks from behind. As we continued our charge we were stopped by the ground beneath us shaking. In front of us stood creatures with a lion's body but a dragon's head and tail standing four times our size. With a swipe of its tail all three of us were pushed back. While we were down the sphinx tried to crush us where it was met with a hand made of wood. Out of the ground came a multi-armed creature made of wood and stone. It came upon the sphinx and grabbed its paw before it could crush us and flipped it onto its back. With a punch to the gut the sphinx spat up blood but bit down on one of the creatures arms and bit it off. The sphinx rolled onto its back and took a mighty breath. Knowing what was to come the creature bent into a dome around us as the sphinx breathed out a roar of mighty flames. By now the three of us were back on our hooves and watched as the stone guardian protect us with its strength. With the sphinx distracted I took this time to charge up energy. When the flames died down I sent Luna out to the left to attract the sphinx where I than ran left. When the sphinx came down to bite at Luna I ran underneath and shoved the energy into the ground causing a pillar of earth to jut out and skewer the sphinx killing it instantly. With one of the door guardians down we took our chance to storm the castle before having to fight another one of those monstrosities. With a twin blast Luna and Celestia blew down the doors of the castle as we were met with more creatures of Chaos' energy. Most servants and workers who saw the three of us ran screaming into the night. Seeing as they would not stop us we let them leave peacefully. Before us stood hundreds of walking sets of armors. Either Chaos' was getting desperate or was planning a trap but Luna managed to destroy all of the constructs with a single blast. We made out way to the antechamber where Chaos would be waiting and bust through. We came upon him with his harem which promptly ran away screaming for their lives. Chaos just sat in his throne looking upon us with a smirk and said in a malevolent voice. "So you have finally come for me child of the earth. And I see you brought your own daughters into the mix. What may I ask do you think you could have brought that could do anymore than tickle my fancy let alone destroy me? He began to laugh maniacally. "Chaos your reign of terror shall be brought to a halt here and now! We shall not allow a being such as yourself exist in this land anymore!" I retort. " Well let us just see you back up those claims of your hmm?! In a flash Chaos disappeared from his throne only to appear and punch me in the face sending me into the wall behind us. Continuing in his stride and spun around using his tail to trip over Luna and Celestia. He promptly grabbed the two of them by the horns and slammed their heads together throwing them into the same wall I was thrown into. Just as Chaos came in to gouge out our faces with his claws he burst into a bright white flame, the hottest of flames. Celestia and Luna fell to the ground and began to glow their respective spirit colors. Celestia a bright red-orange and Luna a dark black-blue. As the three of us looked upon Chaos we knew this would be the final battle, The battle of the gods, and that the losers will not be leaving here alive. Chaos came in for an attack and was met withe the hooves of luna as she bucked him in the face knocking him back where Celestia seeing an opening charged forward and stabbed him in the stomach with her horn. Now wounded Chaos began to go into a power rage. Summoning the nightmare's taint into orbs of darkness he threw the energy blasts our direction and missed where the promptly blew up end sucked all material in the blast radius into the void. We had to defeat Chaos soon or else his taint could destroy the world. Celestia and Luna charged forward while I shot into the sky. Jumping to the sides the two of them avoided the blunt of Chaos' attacks taking slashes to their sides and getting under his defenses. With a quick turn they slid their wings beneath Chaos and flipped him high into the sky breaking through the roof of the castle where he was met with a hoof to the head by me sending him even higher into the sky. Doing a flourished flip in the air Chaos countered by shooting blast of darkness that he seemed to keep missing until we found out the homed unto us. Flying became a problem with random orbs of darkness smashing into us from randoms directions so we began to drop to the ground. As we neared the ground we u-turned back up with the orbs trying to keep up as we neared Chaos. He figured out what we were trying to do and took in a deep breath about to use the attack The nightmare delivered against me. Before Chaos could launch his attack we flipped backwards behind the homing darkness orbs and launched our own beam attack using our combined energies to thrust Chaos' attack back at him. As the attack hit Chaos a massive black explosion appeared and Chaos fell to the ground his wings torn off to bloody stumps from the blast. As he hit the floor of the antechamber leaving a huge crater I fell down on top of him with all of my power breaking his spine leaving him a broken wreck unable to move. "Your time in this existence is up Chaos. From here on you shall be but a shell of your former self." With that said Celestia levitated the Gems of harmony and we began to focus our spirits into them. As we stood their the Gems glowed a bright white as a sixth rainbow colored gem appeared completing the set. With the collected energies of the three gods and the powerful gems before them they began to float to the skies. Chaos having none of it began to launch his final attack. We shot a powerful rainbow beam down to wards Chaos who blasted his own powerful nightmare beam towards us. As the two attack met the screams of the nightmare beam screamed out as our made a screeching howl. The two attack stood there fighting for ground and ours was slowly winning. The energies being given off from the mixing of harmony and chaos began to warp the world around us. Shadows began taking physical form, random objects duplicating themselves, areas sped up through time while others came to a standstill. With one final effort we put all our will and spirit into our attack and repulsed Chaos' into himself. When the blast hit the world turned white and everything disappeared. The three of us stood in a world of empty whiteness with a statue of a petrified Discord in front of us. It was smaller and less burly than before almost childish. Out from behind the statue came Gaia And with her the world we were in changed to that of a dark abyss with bright dots around us. It took us a moment to realize it was the night sky or more specifically space itself. Gaia looked to us with relief and spoke "It is good to see you again my daughters. As you can see by the statue in front of you Chaos or rather Discord has been defeated and his taint has been cleansed from the planet but has come with a consequence however. The chaotic energies that Discord than later Chaos spread had become ingrained into the world's foundation and so cleansing the taint warp the world and several leagues of space around it. If you look down you shall see what has been wrought." When we looked down we saw something that truly confused us. Below us was our planet in all of its glory now pristine and beautiful cleansed of Discord's taint, but what confused us was to its left was an exact copy of it with its own sun and moon to boot. I could feel down on this copy planet there was even exact copies of all the creatures too. "As you can see the distorting energies of Discord warp the plane of existence of your planet copying it. While if up to only the three of you this would surely be an impossible obstacle to overcome this was the reason I came to you. I shall take it under my jurisdiction to take this new planet and its inhabitants to a new plane of existence. But before we go do any of you have any question?" She finished sweetly. The only one to ask was Luna as she said what was on all of our minds. "When you said it copied the planet did it copy everything?" Luna asked tentatively. "I know what you're asking about Luna and yes the forces copied everything. The planet itself, every creature on it even you and Celestia. Vinetion here however it did not copy as she is the chaos energy's exact opposite. A version of her shall be reborn on the new planet in years to come but that will not be for a long time. Now when I aid everything this also included Discord himself. While not being as powerful as before there will be a petrified version of him down there also. There is one other thing that needs to be said. When the energy inside Discord was destroyed an ethereal wave spread across the world. This ethereal wave carried with it the four elements fire, wind, earth, and air. While I do not know what this wave has done it shall be up to you to find out the effects of this strange phenomenon." With that said the white world around us began to shatter and revealed that we were standing in a healed plains where the ruined castle gone from existence. When the last of the white world shattered from existence so did Gaia leaving us alone in the plains with a mix of confused now cleansed mixed blood creatures. We took care of what was left and directed Discord's creation to places where they may live and prosper. As for us we had had a long tiring day and so went home to the Gaian tree for a good night's rest. A/N Over 4,000 words?! Mind! why can you not let me rest?! Anyways hope you liked the extra long chapter I was not meaning to make it this long, I just went on somewhat of a tirade and couldn't stop til i felt i covered everything. Next couple of chapters will be smaller and mostly about clean-up and continuation until we hit the next big event of history (those of you who studied page 274 will know what I'm talking about). Also two worlds? two dimensions? which one are we in? And who's ancestor will I introduce next? Ill give you a hint. He sometimes goes by the name of Snake eyes. > CH.16: Clean-up and Control > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~200 years of unrecorded history~ After the battle against Discord we had become very exhausted from using so much energy so I'm sure no one would have blamed us for sleeping a good 3 days straight. We had woken up to a solar eclipse in the sky when it should have been daytime. Remembering their new duties Luna and Celestia restarted the cosmic orbit for the day. We quickly found out if they put just the right amount of magic into it the two celestial bodies will retain the momentum to keep moving on course for a few weeks. While most of Discord's taint was cleansed from the planet there were still very visible results from its presence. The most important one to be taken care of at this time was the weather issues. While in the past I myself could direct weather patterns when certain areas were in trouble and at those for the most part in worked on its own but now the skies had become stagnant and unmoving not being used to not having constantly moved from the force of magic. What was also unnerving was that clouds could be touched. This broke a few too many physical laws for my liking but its seemed to only work for those with an affinity for the element of air. That was the second issue on our minds at the time. What this "Wave of elements" that Gaia had mentioned had done to affect the world. I found out that "wave" had infused the three of us with the various elements it had. For me I had gained control over fire and water seeing as I had control over earth and air already. Celestia and Luna too were affected in the same way only with the others elements. After this little discovery we came to find out this happened to all of the other creatures with varying levels of good and bad. About a month after the battle I went out to the other nations to see how they had fared and found, all for the better, they had warded off the chaotic energies better than the Equestrian races. They were however affected by the "Infusion wave" as we have come to calling it. The various elements went to the various races as followed. The griffons of the Hyponnia mountains gained the element of air. The Diamond dogs of Gem fido gained the element of earth. The dragons of the Draconian badlands gained the element of fire. The jungle cats of the Magna Leo forests gained the element of water. While difficult each race began to understand their new abilities with the jungle cats drawing the short stick with gaining the ability to control the weakness where as all of the rest gained the ability to control elements they were used to. This allowed for the races to adapt to certain situations better. The Griffon with their affinity for air we able to control and make certain weather where as the Diamond dogs with their affinity for earth could dig through stone as tough as diamond as though it were sand. The Dragons and Jungle cats having elements not as useful just neglected the use of such things and went on about their business. With all of this element fusion going on for the original races this created an odd effect for Discord's mixed bloods. The six new creatures now freed were actually humbled to simply be allowed to go and live as they were and since than have prospered in small tribes. When the Infusion wave Affected these tribes they were affected by two elements, like them, fusing together and made a new element. The mixed bloods were as follows. Diamond cats with a mix of earth and water gained varying control over the workings of time. They were able to show their control over by making objects or areas of space slow down or fast forward in time. No showing of travelling THROUGH time or reversing time were ever shown but one of them acidently killed themselves from speeding up time around themself but instead became aged beyond their lifespan dying on the spot. Chimaeras with a mix of fire and air control over the invisible energies of physics known as aether. This was first shown when at a meeting two tribe leaders accidently electrocuted each other to death when trying to shake paws. Upon further study It was shown that they can remove add and manipulate these energies to their will. At one point they took a fire in front of them and turned it cold by removing all heat. Sphinxes, Discord's guard creatures, with the opposing elements of water and fire gained direct control over the forces of entropy or the chaos energies. However unlike discord the Sphinxes used their power for the better good somehow managing to both build and work around the warping and destructive forces. Serpents, Discord's attack creatures, with a mix of fire and earth became creatures of the shadows and darkness. Already used to living in caves and underground where naught but darkness could be seen the serpents were now able to physical forms from their shadows. While not as useful in actual social situations, if you didn't think the serpents were a force to be reckoned with you would now. They were more powerful when the moon was out. Nekos with the elements of water and air gained control of light the opposing force of the serpents. Their control over light was similar to that of the serpents and instead of darkness they could use the light instead to blind creatures. Theywere at their strongest when the sun was out. And finally the harpies with the second of the two opposing elements air and earth were given control over gravitational forces. They are able to make an object weighing a thousand tons light as a feather and even make that very same feather heavier than a mountain. Some of the stronger controllers could even redirect gravity sideways allowing an increase of speeds higher than normal. With all of this going on the Equestrian race who were closest to the blast were affected much differently. Being so close to the blast they were all blessed with control over all main elements however this was very very small control. So small it was almost non-existent. The only showing of this control was in the select few who would on occasion be found bursting into manifestations of their elements like say a pony bursting into flames. Because of this being a random event showing up in only few ponies the rest became jealous of their lack of power and separated the ponies that showed signs of these manifestations into banished tribes to roam the wilderness. The banished ponies came to be known as the Elemental tribes. These tribes in their own right survived in their own right helping each tribe out like brothers and sisters. But even though they themselves felt the pain of be banished out they too did it themselves when signs of mixed blood powers began to show themselves. This separated the Elemental tribes into two tribes sectors, The main tribes and the mixed tribes. Two elemental tribes that were created in all of this racial separation chaos were by far the two most powerful tribes. These were the Vine tribes and the Grave tribes. The vine tribes were ponies who were effected by my spiritual energies as the Infusion wave passed through me. While nowhere near as strong they two were able to commune with nature to have it do their bidding. Unlike me however was that they had a stronger connection to living creatures. So much so that they ended up having the ability to change into one specific creature aside from their pony form. This creature varied among the various Vine ponies. The counter weight to the vine ponies would be the Grave ponies. This tribe were the ones who were affected by the spiritual energies of discord as the Infusion wave passed through him. They had control over the afterlife and could summon the undead. Where as the Vine tribe controlled and manipulated life energies the Grave tribe could only take away and animate that which did not have any. The Grave tribe themselves were in fact half-dead being part skeletal somehow surviving with organs missing and only bones for legs. During these two months of turmoil was the only bad part of the clean-up and as such none too stressful. One question that bothered us was if this was happening on the copy planet but we left it up to Gaia who said that planet would work its own timeline now with events in ours only being similar to its. A/N Elementals controllers?! interesting no? Also congrats to inoeitall for figuring out that the copy planet is "Killjoy's" universe. Next chapter we tackle the the alicorn twin rulership over the equestrain nation. > CH.17: Royal take-over > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~1 - 500 C.S.R. (Celestial Sister Reign)~ With all of the outer nations fairing well enough to survive independently the Equestrian nation wasn't doing as well. While acting as an independent state since it's creation depending only on state made products and importing only during crisis without support from outer nations for the past 300 years has done a number on their supplies and governmental systems. To rectify this situation the three of us decided that Celestia and Luna should take their rightful spots in royalty as the princess' of Equestria. For this to work however it would need to be timed correctly. Two creatures long since thought to be of a dead species coming out of who knows where claiming leadership would not go over well with the common populous. The current capitol of the Equestrian nation is a city by the name of Canterlot which stood proudly east of the Everfree forest on a cliff side connected to the edge of the Draconian mountain range. The two closest areas of trade to the capitol was the city of manehatten to the west and a small settler village called ponyville. As a place to start the three of us built a small castle in the middle of the Everfree forest in a direct line between Canterlot and Ponyville. By following the news for the first couple of years we found out that in the capitol the current leader was a pony by the name 'Gold hooves' or something along those lines. For the time that he's been in charge he had always treated his citizens kindly but with high taxes and tariffs. He raised taxes on a daily basis eventually falling for his own greed turning him into a greed tyrant. The best way we supposed was in hopes of a revolution so that the ponies beneath him would be more easily acceptable of foreign take-over. With our plan formulated we set out to sow the seeds of rebellion and revolution. I took to the capitol while Celestia and Luna went out, disguising themselves obviously, to the smaller towns spreading rumours of "The ancient twin Alicorns of myth" that might still be alive. From rumours spreading through taverns to bards word got out that two being of ancient power might be abound began to interest those in power whether to have them join the rulers or to stop such being from coming usurping them. The latter was Gold hooves situation and when ever talk of these mythos beings came up he swiftly brought down any and all who brought them up. This to our advantage caused more disdain among the civilians. With Gold hooves busy keeping down the mythos rumours that left me an opening to spread ideas of revolution under his snout. By the time Gold hooves took notice nearly all of the capitol and outer towns were wanting of revolution. Gold by this time was mad with power and greed and would have none of it and made a declaration of war on any and all who would try t dethrone him. This was the chance we've been working for. With the country ready for war they leaders of the each sector came for ward to proclaim their side of the war and where they stood. Before any could sign the declaration of war the three of us burst into the room Celestia and Luna leading with me following behind in a cloak acting as a simple advisor. Faced with two beings of myth Gold hooves sent his guards after us to which they were dispatched without harm. Gold hooves saw defeat and surrendered on the spot. As punishment he was banished to the outer nations and not to return unless with news of dire importance. The rest of the leaders seeing the tyrant taken down and punished in the most sympathetic way possible allowed the two alicorns to take the place of royal hierarchy and lead the nation from there on out. The first order of business was to bring about peace among the lives of the citizens by way of returning money stolen through unwarranted taxes, work reliefs, and reorganization of businesses. The second order of business was to increase army and guard strength. This was to ensure attacks between towns and wild monsters would be brought down to a minimum. Due to request by the general populous a personal guard was made for the princess' themselves to which I, their personal advisor and the princess' chose specifically who would be joining. The personal guard was made of best of the best and this came with some odd ponies. First of the five guard ponies was an ice pegasi who was born of dragon blood and thus had dragon wings. Three of the five were unicorns from the mixed tribes all controllers of gravity and were extremely fast on their feet. The final of the five was a pony that to any other would look to be a normal pegasi but to the three of us who have been in their presence before could feel alicornian blood flow through him and even see the smallest of a stump where his horn must have broken off. This interested us with the most curious feeling as we had thought the two princess' were the only two living alicorns left. When we asked him for a name he simply said "Dark". Due to our curious nature we appointed Dark with the position of guard captain and kept him at our sides at all times. Dark himself seemed to be very interested in the princess' as though he himself thought to be the only alicorn left. While he and I never truly met I could tell he was truly a very old being, immortal even, with a small amount of Gaian energy in his soul. Peace reigned over the land for the coming centuries with Celestia and Luna in charge and it became very obvious that our guard captain himself was no normal pony. It was known for a fact that alicorns could live for about 1,000 years and with the first century gone with the guard captain still alive and kicking our suspicions were proven true. As years went on and Celestia and Luna became adjusted to rule as princesses I told them it was time they stopped relying on me and lived on as adults. Celestia took it openly where as Luna acted rather childish begging me to stay and live with them. I made them a pendant from which the stone was a crystallized piece of my soul so that they would have a piece of me always and took my leave. I took up residents back at the old castle we had built when we planned the revolution. While Celestia and Luna took care of the Equestrian nation for the next 400 years I began to make my rounds around the world cleaning-up any chaotic energies or destruction that I may have missed over time. I still wonder to this day why the everfree forest was never affected by either Discord or Chaos. Over the next 400 years I made rounds around picking up new knowledge learning about the world and each nation. While we wouldn't meet face to face I saw my daughter every now and than when they would go out on international business. I regularly kept in touch with the guard captain "dark" about how they were doing and he report back that they were doing fine yet missed me terribly. The land had found a peace unknown to it for thousands of years and to me it seemed as though fate would not allow it to last. "With the light comes the shadows, With those who do good comes those with evil intentions, With dreams comes nightmares" A/N woops author was a dumbass. Forgot to save last 300 words! > CH.18: The dream destroyer > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~501 C.S.R.~ "When darkness falls it takes but one light to bring hope...." As we headed into the fifth century of Equestrian rule Celestia and Luna have gained such a favor among the ponies that most consider the two goddesses themselves. I laughed at the irony when Dark told me of this and he gave me a look of understanding. For the most part while I still haven't seen them in 400 years I have still kept helping them even though they don't see it. From taking care of various bandit uprisings or nests of monsters popping up near villages I've been keeping busy. My recent job however has been keeping me on edge ever since reports began drifting in through taverns. A recent cult gathering had begun collecting members saying "That by joining us shall grant you the powers sealed by the gods". This worried me as they wouldn't be drawing from a god but trying to unseal something even the gods themselves thought should stay locked up. The went by the name of the "Phoenixes" and the leader was named Kyrie Rebirth. He was a unicorn that was sure but he held inside him a hate and anger that fueled a power inside him unknown even to me. As though he were being not from this existence. I could tell that if such a creature was offering a premise such as this he either can provide it or it will go awry and release a hell spawn, both it would be better if I tried to prevent it before hoof. And so that is how I got here, running though the middle of the woods tracking the cult's travel patterns to see where they end up next and if I'm lucky learn what their true plans are. From what I could tell they were heading far east towards old Equ lands. Most of this land had been left alone as a remembrance to the dead and fallen so I could think of any reason for them heading this way. That was what I thought before the pain hit me. From deep inside of my chest I felt something connected to me in pain and that was when I heard the screams through the earth of the Gaian tree being attacked. I put this down to the cult as the Gaian tree was the only thing on the planet with a direct tie to the gods and if you were to harness its power you would turn into a god as strong as Gaia herself. I took flight towards the tree to find a terrifying sight. I came upon the sight of a gaping maw torn into the side of the tree near the base. When I touched down and touched my hooves to the base of the tree I could feel that the tree while wounded was still very much alive but its power was gone. As far as any cosmic figure would care this was but an overly large tree now. Not only was I angered at the idea of somepony doing an act of such evil to this holy site, I was also saddened at seeing my childhood home desecrated like this. Burning now with a godly anger I took to the sky to see if I could track the spirit of the tree and found while faint the trail was there. I flew off where the faint signal came from and began to head into the Everfree forest. By the time I had caught up with the cult they were in the middle of a ceremony for I could only guess would be unsealing this "great power" as I could see the spirit of the tree they managed to seal in an hourglass. One of the lackees brought the spirit into the center of the circle while their leader Kyrie began to chant in a foreign language. "Spiritus lignum domum deorum in in prsence eius magnitudine stetit per omnes dissident" The circle began to glow a ghastly red light and power seeped out of the lines around each of the members. Kyrie's eyes had a look a accomplishment in them. "Spiritus mentis Dominus tenebris Praestrigiator monstra rex tantibus" The circle, now bright as the shining moon, gave off red lightning striking anything outside of the cult circle. A smell of burning corpses and sulfur was collecting in the center and a cracking noise could be heard. "Oculum pro oculo Vita vitae Per deos sunt exsules et per deos te revixit!" The sky had turned blood red as the moon itself turned black in the red background. Trees began to die around the circle as the life energy began to be sucked into the center of the circle. The cracking noise from earlier became a loud ripping noise I heard only once before. "Ad mortem sacrificium anima Rex nostras retribuit nobis Ad te dare anima olim In reditum in tantibus iterum errant!" High in the sky the black moon open to reveal a flaming eye of a devil. The ripping noise stopped as a loud crack was heard and as all looked up a black crack had appeared in the sky. As more cracks appeared the spacial fault stretched so far it touched the horizons. With its final stretch the sound of dimensional ripping occurred as the fissure opened to reveal the firey hells of the underworld. That very same eye from so long ago looked down upon us searching for it's offering. Down came the very same skeletal arm as it snatched up the soul of the Gaian tree and took it away into the underworld. However unlike last time the arm returned once more through the rift. And with it came and old friend. In the center of the circle where the Gaian soul once was the skeletal arm dropped off its part of the exchange. With it's trade complete the arm pulled back into the underworld and the rift sealed shut behind sky and moon returning back to it's original colors. In the circle stood a black stallion figure. In the circle stood the Nightmare. A/N I'm sorry for putting in another short chapter but this was the best spot for me to cut off without making another 3,000+ chapter. Last chapter I made an oopsie daisy and forgot to save the last 300 words so i published in unfinieshed so if you haven't read go do so. Congrats to Deli for figuring out what "Swedish hip bouncing" was. I'm still sore but i can get up and dance if i put my mind to it so yay fun times for me!. > CH.19: Rise of the Dark Lord > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~continuation~ As though time itself had stopped all noise disappeared. All light turned gray. Everypony was frozen to the spot as the Nightmare just stood there with his eyes closed. Kyrie stood there with a look of satisfaction that his plan worked. Slowly, oh so agonizingly slow, the Nightmare opened his bright yellow eyes. As though this broke the ice that froze everything in place one of the cult members couldn't handle it anymore and made a break for it. He didn't make it to the treeline. The second the stallion turned his back on the Nightmare two black ethereal arms shot out of his tail and grabbed the stallion snapping his neck, killing him instantly. Seeing this the rest of the cult members aside from Kyrie tried to run for their lives where they were impaled by black spikes shooting out of the ground. Unlike the first stallion the rest of them slowly bled to death while the Nightmare began to smile at their scream of pain. Just like the Nightmare Kyrie also began to smile seeing as each of his members slowly died before him, marveling at the strength and swiftness of the Nightmare he summoned. Once the last member bled out staining the clearing a dark red the Nightmare and Kyrie simply stared at each other challenging the other to look away. It would have continued like this for hours if the Nightmare did not speak out. "I can sense your spirit nearby creator, come out of hiding as you and I both know it shall not solve anything for either of us." The Nightmare said in an old wise voice. As I stepped out from behind the trees I asked him. "You do realize that I can't let you leave here and do whatever it is you plan on doing?" "While I have been stuck in that hell world you banished me to I have been gathering my strength and now, now I may say I don't believe you can stop me." The Nightmare retorted while Kyrie looked confusedly at the intruder. "Who are you and why do you disturb this place of summoning?!" Kyrie shouted at me. I slammed my hooves into the ground as stone hands come up and pull kyrie into the ground and closing his mouth. "Shut your mouth you insolent foal. You do not have any idea what you have done here and for that shall be punished at a later date." I looked back at the Nightmare who was smirking at my outburst. "And as for you. You were not the only one to grow stronger in the years since our last meeting. What was the saying? oh yes. "What god giveth god can taketh away. What god creates god to can destroy." If banishment was not enough than destruction shall have to be. I gave you form and so I can take it away. With a look of overconfidence the Nightmare simply flared his wings and said "First you'll have to catch me." With that he launched to the sky moving so fast he looked like a flying black lance. Summoning my power and gaining my green glow I launched into the sky after him loosing my cloak. While catching up to the Nightmare was easy enough stopping him was another issue altogether. Everytime I would come close to him we would end up smacking into each other, our speed and aura's forcing us to bounce in to different directions. We flew in spirals, helixes, and loops as though we were dancing with each other while trying to destroy the other. After a rather powerful collision we flew off and came in head-on and as our hooves collided the ground beneath us shook violently as a white light exploded and launched the two of us to the ground. As we got up we noticed the world around us had turned gray again and time had stopped. As I stood up I noticed I was no longer in my pony but my goddess form. Unfortunately so was the Nightmare. I was dressed in brown and green hide armor with a longbow and a quiver on my back. On my sides were two curved swords made of a glowing metal with diamond pommels. I had upon my head a silver headdress with a feather of an eagle and a phoenix on each side that held my silver hair back in a ponytail. The Nightmare stood in the form of a man standing near seven feet tall with long purple hair and pale complexion. He was armored from neck to toes in a heavy looking metal suit focusing on the chest the most. The armor by the hands sharpened to make improvised knives. On his back was a broadsword nearly as tall him. It looked like mangled demon with it's blades shaped like wings and claws. (for the lazy) "While this is certainly an odd situation to be found it shall not deter me from enacting my revenge on you and all creatures for my banishment." The Nightmare said flexing his new hands. Drawing my twin blades I say to the Nightmare "That right is saved for me and I shall make sure that you stay gone this time. Even if it means sacrificing myself I will not let you harm any creature." I charged forward in a flurry of slashes hoping to catch him off guard but he saw this coming and block each attack using his massive sword as a shield. Having enough of blocking me off he side-stepped behind me and slapped the flat of the blade across my back sending me skidding across the ground. I rolled to my feet in time to have the Nightmare's blade fall inches from my face. I jumped back in fright to be met with a punch to the stomach and having breath taken away from me. Before I could fall to the ground he kneed me in the chin launching me up where he grabbed my hair and slammed me head first into the ground. As he lifted his sword up to finish me off I took a cheap shot and hit him "below the belt" and slipped behind him where, with a quick spin, I knocked his legs out from beneath him. Knowing had at some point became stronger than me I had to take a non-direct approach so I took my swords and slashed at the back of his legs tearing muscle. Screaming in pain the Nightmare spun around and left a large gash across my chest. As I stumbled back in pain the Nightmare got up even though his legs were torn to shreds and jumped into the sky. His sword began to glow an ominous purple as his momentum took him higher into the sky. With a single look of annoyance the Nightmare said to me "I can not die. Not yet. Not when my goal is so close at hand." And with that he swung down his sword releasing a sharpened wave of purple energy towards me. I was able to get out of being killed by the wave but not before sustaining some damage. This damage me having my arm sliced off. As the disconnected appendage hit the ground it dispersed into green light and rejoined my soul. I knew he was too strong, much stronger than when I last saw him. I had to do something to destroy him even if it destroyed me for he was my creation and my responsibility. With a small prayer to Gaia I start to run towards the Nightmare. But before I could go ten feet forward he lands in front of me and slams the flat of the blade against my legs breaking them instantly. The Nightmare looked down at my broken figure with disdain and says "Before you go praying for a nice afterlife with that pathetic being you call a mother I am not going to kill you. In fact I'm going to leave you alive simply so you can wallow in the pain of me bringing your precious world to a desolate pile of ash." As he was talking the gray world around began to regain color and our forms shifted back to our mortal shells mine turning into a broken resemblance of before. Now back in his black stallion form he tied my legs and wings together so I couldn't move and lifted me onto his back. He took to the skies heading who knows where. Seeing as he didn't cover my mouth I thought I might as well figure out what his plan is. "You've defeated me and made me powerless before you so that's one part of your plan done. What might part two be?" "HA! Seeing as how you and my next victim will be helpless to stop me I see no reason not to reveal my plan. Part 2 is me going after your daughters and stealing their powers. Don't act so surprised I've known about your daughters ever since they were born. In fact I was meaning of stealing their powers way back when after I had corrupted Discord but you had to come in and stop me. Now you're probally thinking 'If he has enough power to take me down and even kill me why would he need more power?!' well lets do some math now shall we? You yourself have power equal to half of Gaia herself. Celestia and Luna have power each equal to half of yours. I already have more power than you so if I go and steal theirs I shall have enough power to take down Gaia herself and end all life in this and all other dimensions for eternity!" With the finish of his little speech the canterlot castle came into view and I was none the able to stop him from going about his plan. As we came upon the castle we could see Celestia and Luna going about their daily meeting with the citizens helping with their various troubles. At the site of this the Nightmare sneered and climbed above the castle. Once he was properly high enough his ethereal arm lifted me off his back and threw down straight towards the window smashing it open. ~quick scene shift~ Celestia sat at her throne win her twin sister Luna next to her as pony after pony came in to voice various complaints from monster sightings to lack a resources. All in all it was another peaceful day and no matter how tedious the two of them would not have it any other way. As they were talking to a pegasus reporting about a new construction needing permission to be built somehow making it easier to control the weather a dark feeling passes through the two and their attention shifts to the window only to find it empty. Leaving it to just the two of them having a long day they continue on with the report. The report was cut off suddenly by the entrance of a green pegasus smashing through the very same window the two sisters looked at not a minute earlier. As they looked down at the green pegasus it looked up at the sisters with crying red eyes and the two of them recognized her to be their mother. Through the window came another pony this one a black alicorn stallion. As he landed he stepped over to the fallen pegasus and kicked her with enough force to slam her into the opposite wall. Luna was the first to speak up. "You demon! Who are you to come into our place of royalty by using the body of our mother as battering ram and than harm her even more by slamming her into a wall?!" Luna screamed at the black stallion. "I am your mother's other half. You could call me her dark side or actually since I am her other half you can call me father. But for posterity sake You may call me the Nightmare." A/N aaaaannnd cliffhanger. None of you will believe me but this part with the nightmare i over thought to a degree of zero kelvin and have basically planned the entirety of the storyline for it since the beginning. Here's a question for you all to contemplate. What is someone supposed to do when the hero fails and the bad guys win? What are the consequences of such a situation? If you can't think of an answer that's why hero's do everything in their power to stop the bad guys. Also Ian by the fact that I just had an arm cut off (it can be healed anything can be healed) I am not invincible. > CH.20: Darkness Descension > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~continuation~ "The night"MARE"? Odd name for a stallion don't you think?" Luna said smirking. 'Luna why?! In front of you stands a being strong enough to beat me and your making fun of his name?! What is wrong with you?!' I thought when I heard that. "That may be true but it is a name you and all creatures shall come to fear from now until eternity!" the Nightmare said none the perturbed. "And what is there to fear from a being such as you aside from your dreadful appearance?" asked Celestia. "Many things really such as my past activities. For instance it was I who brought Discord into this realm. It was I who corrupted him into Chaos. It was I, even though I did not have my form at the time, who drove the alicorns to war with thoughts of destruction of hate through hate-filled dreams. What your thinking is correct, I am the one who killed off your race and your parents. It is by my power and taint your world was nearly destroyed. And it shall be by my power that such an end comes sooner than fate wishes." At the mention of the death of the alicornian race Luna stared at the Nightmare in pure rage and was advancing to attack where she was stopped by Celestia's wing. "Even if that may be what ends up happening, you act as though we'll simply move aside and allow you to do as you please." Celestia says calmly. "I do not in any fashion expect you to simply stand aside and do nothing. In fact I was hoping you would try to stop me. I have seen what your pathetic excuse for a goddess could do, maybe her daughters could do better?" The Nightmare sneered. "You say that in the tone of someone who cannot lose. For what reason would one act like that and still look for a challenge where he thinks there is none? You are obviously here for something you can only get through fighting us and thus are trying to hide it through challenging us with taunting maneurisms and past acts." Celestia said calmly as analytical as ever. "Well well, It would appear as though I have been found out. Yes there is something I need of you two but, you will never know what that is by the time i am done!" The Nightmare said as he charged forward but was stopped by Celestia sliding through his legs tripping him. As he got to his feet he was launched into the far wall by a blast from Luna. "I will have you know vermin. Attacking royalty is a offense punishable by death. However while their is no known punishment for attacking a goddess, attacking our mother is an offense worse than such." Celestia spat at the fallen Nightmare with a burning anger. "Heh, I have beaten this world's goddess, immortal or not, measly foals compared to me will be a cake walk." The nightmare said as he slowly got to his hooves. Before anypony could speak again, Luna charged at the Nightmare who jumped to the side. Not being deterred Luna just kicked off the wall chasing down the Nightmare as they began to fire energy blasts at each other seemingly always missing. As they closed in on the nearing wall the Nightmare quickly spun and ran the other way causing Luna to slip and slide into the wall with a slam. Turning back around and firing a blast at Luna the Nightmare stopped mid-fire as he was impaled on Celestia's horn. As the nightmare screamed from being stabbed Celestia sent energy coarsing through her horn electrocuting the Nightmare as he hung bleeding impaled on her horn. With a shake of her head Celestia threw the Nightmare onto the ground and bucked him away. The Nightmare slowly got to his hooves bleeding heavily and said "I will admit this, I certainly did underestimate the two of you. While the two of you are no where as strong in power as your mother together you are much more dangerous. I will not get the power I seek by fighting you both, so I'll just have to separate you huh?!" and with that the body of the Nightmare dissipated into black gas as his form expanded and flew towards Celestia. Celestia saw this coming and put up her wings to block but the attack never came. At the last second the Nightmare turned and flew towards Luna who didn't see him coming and took the full blunt of his attack. But from what we could see nothing happend aside from Luna slumping over with the Nightmare nowhere to be seen. As celestia began to approach Luna's body she was stopped by the piercing scream of her sister in pain. Luna's body begrudgingly rose to it's feet as a bright white shone from her eyes. "AAAARRRGGGHHHH!!!! GET OUT OF MY HEAD YOU FOUL DEMON SPAWN!!!!!" Luna screamed. Our eyes widened as we heard "HAHAHAHA! And why should I do that?! I have in my possession now a form mightier than mine! Do you really think i'll simply give that up?!" This otherworldly voice sounded like a mix of Luna's and the Nightmare's voices. Celestia looked on in rage as I figured out what his back-up plan was. If the Nightmare was powerless between the two of them to steal their power why not have the two of them fight against each other? Equal in strength they would destroy each other and he could steal their power on their death bed's. As to why the Nightmare went after Luna was proven earlier in the conversation with Celestia who already proved she was powerful in both body and mind where as Luna was not. And it was showing it's results now as the corrupted Luna stood up laughing. "I must hand it to that foal, she was certainly putting up a good fight but with her stuck in that corner of her now this body is mine now. From now one you shall call me Nightmare Moon, the demon of the night's sky, and as my first act hows about we stop the precious sun of yours from ever returning hmm?" Nightmare Moon said with a sneer as his/her new horn glowed a ghastly black. As we looked outside the sky began to darken as the moon slowly moved into the sky. It made it's way in front of the sun and slowed it's movement to match the sun putting us into state of eternal eclipse. Nightmare Moon looked on in triumph at Celestia's rage. As a parting gift he blew open a hole in the wall and tried to fly away allowing Celestia to follow where she was shot back into the castle by a wave of black energy knocking her out cold. This wave also hit me knocking me out but before everything went black I saw the stars began to turn red. A/N I began to write this since I published my last chapter. I could not get around to finishing it. Also previous plans on adding OC's and/or ancestors may or may not go through again as plot holes and plot designs might end up preventing anymore add-ins. I will still end up doing the drunk chapter from which I asked you all ideas for and i will try to get at least two very important OC ancestors in there. Also omnius will be back. also as to why I haven't been able to work Blame Iron Clad and his MC server. That and this. > CH.21: 7 7 7 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A/N no actual fight scenes. This is to test my dramatic skills when it comes to 'certain' choices. Be brutal in the comments. PS. secrecy be damned. I'm not going to outright tell you but im going to stop TRYING to hide certain details ~approximately 3 days later~ 'Oh god not this headache again! Please tell me I didn't go drinking again. Wait it smells like anti-septics. Oh right that's what happened. I got my flank handed to me by the Nightmare and he stole Luna's body. At least I can still feel all of my limbs are intact I just hope Celestia is fairing better.' I think to myself as I come to. I slowly turn my head to see the sleeping body of Celestia who was fairing immensely better than I. The clinic room we were in seemed strangely dark for what should have been daytime, but as I looked outside I saw the blood red circle of the cursed ecclipse the Nightmare left us as a farewell gift. It was just than that a the doctor and a robed unicorn stepped inside. "Ah well look who's awake? It is very nice to be in your presence my dear. I've heard so many tales of the "Benevolent Goddess, Mother to all" I found it hard to be called upon to treat your wounds. Anyways as you can see while she has woken up but once since the incident the princess is healing very quickly" the doctor explained. "And if I may ask how long has it been since the 'incident'?" I ask nicely. "Well with the sun and moon the way it is we can't use the regular system but from what we can tell it's been about 3 days give or take half a day." "Now seeing as we won't be able to address her highness until she wakes up how about we go over the damages you have suffered? As to why you can't move your legs is because the tendons holding the muscles together were snapped do to some kind of serrated slash. Those we were able to reconnect but will take you some time to regain feeling to till than you can either fly every where or take a wheelchair your choice. Other than that you broke 7 rib bones, your 2 fore hooves, a small fracture to the skull and managed to puncture your lungs slightly. All of this has been healed to an extent, where as the rest is up to your own body to heal." "However throughout all of this you kept moaning about something being cut off when all of your limbs were intact so we brought in our top unicorn Moon Whirl here to do a brain scan and he found out you had a "severed spirit fragment" I'm not sure what this means so I do not know how to treat it but figured to you would know." The doctor finished dejectedly at finding something he couldn't treat. "Do not worry yourself doctor. I know what it is you say is ailing me and there is no need to worry. It'll take but awhile to heal just like everything else. I only hope Celestia heals as well." I said solemnly. The doctor only nodded as he and his compatriot left he room. I just laid down staring at the blood circle in the sky as I drifted off to sleep. For the next couple of days, as far as we could tell, I would wake up, stretch, get a check up, and go back to sleep. At one point Tia woke up and she was given a once over before going back to sleep. Each time we woke up in the sky would be the same blood circle as before. Ever staying, ever watching. Time stopped being called 'days' but instead 'sessions' as lack of movement from the suns ruined any chance of telling hours from days from weeks. Ponies would go to sleep for how ever long, wake up and tell the next set of ponies their session was over and repeat. After the 25'th session we were fully healed and let out of the clinic. Tia went to collect everypony and try to organize whatever chaos was going on while I went to begin the search for Nightmare Moon. This wasn't all too hard as she wasn't trying to hide, in fact was actually trying to gather an army based at our old castle in the everfree forest. It appeared as though, while small, the army she was gathering was very unique made up mostly of mixed bloods and outlaws. I could see the Neko, Orin Kaen of the northern grave tribes more commonly known as the 'Neko Romancer' fighting alongside two flame salamanders as they shot volley after volley of arrows into targets. I couldn't get a good look at the whole thing before they began to fire upon me forcing me to leave, but before I left I noticed three very important figures, three pegasi in fact. On the left of the group stood a dark gray pegasus with odd red stripes adorned about his body and a black and red striped mane and tail. Most peculiar were his blood red serpent eyes.(lazy way) To his left was a deep purple pegasus adorned with a red and white mane/tail set with huge wings.(lazy way) In the center of the group stood a tall light gray pegasus with with ripped looking wings and dull red eyes.(lazy way) I could only catch a snippet of their conversation before escaping and could only hear their names. The gray and red striped pegasus was a Captain Giro Halberd, the purple pegasus was corporal Blade Herd and the light gray pegasus in the center was name Commander Darkest Bleak. The guard captain "dark" joined Nightmare Moon's side. I continued this process of spying for what was counted as 200 sessions. Gathering knowledge and bringing it back to Celestia as she raised an army to fend off Nightmare Moon's. This became increasingly difficult each time and soon I was no longer able to gain intelligence and was forced to research a way to save Luna from the taint. ~S. 400~ After so long I had come down to only two options. We could either use the elements of harmony and chance saving her from the taint or destroying her along with it or banishing her somewhere until we come up with a different solution. With a solemn look I headed towards the throne room to confront Celestia. As I pushed opened the door Celestia looks down at me with worry. "Mother what is with that look of worry? Could you not find a solution? Can we not save my sister?" Celestia asked quickly. "I have found a solution actually. Two in fact" Celestia brightens up at this but frowns as I continued "However, they are not easy solutions. We could either chance using the elements of harmony to rid her of the Nightmare but that would come along with the chance of destroying her as well." Celestia was horrified at the thought. "And pray tell what would option two be?" Celestia asked worridly. "We banish her until we come up with another solution. Preferably somewhere she can't escape." I looked down knowing the only such place that would work. Celestia was shaking as she too knew where I was talking about. "I can't banish my sister! But I dont want to risk destroying her either..... Is their any way else we can save her? Somepony we haven't asked?" Celestia had become frantic by this point. "Daughter I'm sorry I can't think of anywhere else that might have a solution! I've tried every tome and book of knowledge from here to the shadow-leaf forests! All across the planet I've looked and these were the only options!" My face was streaming with tears knowing we had come to the inevitable choice. "But...but...there has to to be something we haven't tried. Wait. What about Gaia?! Have you asked her at all what we could do?!" Celestia was looking at me with with hope. "I hadn't thought to ask because, gods can't intervene directly, but they can give wisdom. Don't get your hopes up." I said brightened knowing there might be a glint of hope out there. I walked to the center of the room as Celestia approached me. With the two of us in the center I connected myself and Celestia to the spirit realm and sent out an energy pulse calling for Gaia. As an energy wave returned the room around us shifted to that of an open field of flowers with a vast blue sky overhead. We ourselves had shifted into our goddess' form, me with my green hair in a brown dress and celestia with her white skin was in an equally white dress with, oddly, her childish pink hair tied at the end. In front of use were three logs and a roaring flame in the center. Sitting on one of the logs was a woman wearing a dress that shifted green, red, orange, yellow, and black at times. She simply waved her hands to the other two logs and so we sat down. "I have come as you requested my daughter. Please tell me what worries you so that you need my assistance?" Gaia asked "As I am sure you know the Nightmare has recently taken control over Luna and ever since I have been doing what I can to find a way to save her. I could only come down to two options. Chance using the elements but that would possibly destroy her as well OR banish her to the moon." I tell her. "This is a horrible predicament to be in I'm sure. Do not hate me for being the bearer of ill-news but there is only one solution to your problem and that is banishment." Gaia said as Celestia began to cry. "Is there no other option?!" Celestia said through tears. "Unfortunately my child there is not. Fate has willed it to be that the Nightmare shall not be yours to defeat but a generation farther along. To make matters worse however you Celestia must be the one to banish your sister else the banishment be too weak to keep her at bay." "How would mine be weaker than my mother's banishment is she not the TRUE goddess?" Celestia asked. "That she is and in truth she is stronger than you a millionth fold but you and Luna are two beings of fate. Born of the same day and minute yet on complete opposites of the scale. You banishing her would place a cosmic chain around her soul keeping her in place until fate itself wills her free." Gaia finishes sadly while Celestia looks heartbroken. "I am sorry I cannot be of anymore use to you my children. My only wish is that you hold no grudge to any creature following the Nightmare. As one last piece of knowledge. You never asked but it has been bothering you for years. The one by the name of Darkest Bleak is an alicorn yes. He was....in a way your brother Vinetion. Where as you were the model for all "mares" per se, he was the model for all "stallions". I wish that if you were ever to meet him never give way to this secret unless forced or he asks first." Gaia looked away ashamed at the secret. "Mother do not be ashamed. You know what is best and it is only right that I follow your judgement. Being the bearer of bad news is but an unforseeable coincidence that only fate could have known. You have done us a great favour that is true and we do not regret it. Come now Celestia we have preparations to be made." I say to Celestia stoicly losing all emotion. Celestia just sat their and cried. "I...I don't think I an do it. I...I..." Celestia just began to cry more. "Daughter you go on ahead, let me talk to Celestia for a awhile?" Gaia said acting motherly. I simply nodded and disappeared from the grove back into the castle as my pony form reformed. "Dear please dry your eyes. I know what you must do is incredibly hard but you must trust the fates. No matter how harsh they make life seem it always follow a certain plan that ends well for all beings. I'm going to tell you something but you must understand something very important. Gods and Goddesses follow certain cosmic rules that even we as all powerful beings cannot break." "Your mother Vinetion and the Nightmare are also bound by these rules to a certain extent such as they are not allowed to fight mortal in their immortal form. If we were not bound by these laws I could come down and destroy the very idea of the Nightmare from all existence without harming a hair on Luna's head but I am not allowed to directly intervene." "The main law, if you must know, that is causing all of this trouble is that "Immortals may not destroy other immortals". Immortals can only be killed by other immortals but the consequence for this is anything from instant destruction by the universal forces to loss of immortality. Vinetion knows about these laws and is why she has been having so much trouble finding a solution." Celestia looked towards Gaia with a mixture of sadness and understanding knowing the grief her mother must have felt at her inability to do anything. As she wiped her tears away she said "She certainly is the strongest pony out there to be able handle such a situation and not bat an eye." Gaia simply shook her head, "Do not misunderstand child. While she does not show it she is being torn up inside and soon it will come to a boil and I fear it may even kill her. The sadness of eternity weighs heavy on any beings soul and only those who know such grief could help them where as unfortunately there are few who could. You must go now as your mother has gathered your forces. I know it'll be hard but when you banish her tell her I'm sorry I couldn't help." Celestia simply got up and walked to the end of the grove and came back into the castle back in her pony for to come face to face with Vinetion and the royal guard. As she had been talking to Gaia longer than she thought the assault plan was already discussed and soon the forces flew their way to the castle of Nightmare Moon in the everfree forest. As we touched down we were assaulted immediately by various forces of nature. The Neko Orin Caen marched forward behind a battalion of skeletal Diamond dogs which were quickly demolished by our first wave of soldiers. As we neared the main entrance of the castle two pegasi stood in front of us. They were General Giro Halberd and Corporal Blade Herd. "We shall not allow you to advance any farther!" Giro shouted as he summoned a pair of floating shadow halberds. "May the reign of the night princess live long and strong!" Blade shouted as he burst into a black flame form of himself and ran forward. I decided to take on Giro as Celestia took Blade. While against normal ponies these two would be very formidable but against us two battle hardened ponies they were no match as the were knocked out by us smashing them together. As we smashed open the doors to the castle in the center stood Nightmare Moon with Commander Bleak off to the side. To prevent interuptions I wrapped Bleak in vines and and stabbed his wings with two large rose thorns. Nightmare Moon looked upon him in disgust, "tch, And here you were supposed to be the royal guard captain and can't even protect yourself. So tell me what do you plan to do now?" Nightmare Moon asked smugly. Never looking at her directly I pulled the elements out and used them to bind paralyze Nightmare Moon to the spot. Caught unawares at being immobolized instead of destroyed Nightmare Moon began to look afraid. Firing a ray upwards Celestia broke a hole in the roof to reveal the blood circle directly overhead. With but one look Celestia said "Gaia gives you her apologies for not helping more" and with that she fired a beam of white light at Nightmare Moon turning her into a white ball that shot towards the moon. As a bright flash could be seen the moon quickly made it ways back to the other side of the planet realigning its movements. As the bright rays of the sun shined down the forces Nightmare Moon had created laid down their arms and gave up. Following what Gaia had asked upon me all of the creatures were let go and give and medical help they needed. As we headed in to heal up Bleak he had disappeared to who knows where and we moved on. The two ponies Giro and Blade asked to join the Royal guard to which they were added as the forces could use such warriors. It was found out that Giron was banished from his tribe due to being not only a mixed blood but a multi-blood of serpent, neko, dragon, pony, and gryphon. With this came a multitude of different elements he could use but Shadows were the only ones he was proficient at. The other pony, Blade Herd, was of the flame tribes but was unique in that he was a tribal mix of Grave and flame which is why all of his flames were black and why his flame form is black as well. Weeks passed and the nations were brought back to peace. With time and research the time difference was soon found out between the Nightmare Moon reign. 7 months, 7 days, 7 hours. A/N ok so I lied. I wasn't out of ideas I've just needed some rest. 3 days with only 2 hours sleep total is not good > CH.22: Return of the Goat > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~200 C.R.~ (celestial reign) It has been 200 years since the Nightmare Moon incident. Most ponies who were there are long dead, and the new generation know the events differently than what truly happened to "reduce fear". I lost connection to Celestia soon after and had begun to go about my work as before the Nightmare was released. Every night I would look up to the sky and send a small prayer to Luna wishing for her well-being. I couldn't remember when, but I picked up drinking again and could actually hold my drinks now. It, like most other jobs apparently, helped with the stress greatly and I had found myself in one of my favorite bars, the "chapaillíní fual" when an odd looking pony sat next to me. He had a short goattee and a black suit on. I could see on his side a metal object resembling and old object I had in my pack and I recognized him instantly. I looked at him and said, "Its a nice night for drinking eh? Tell me, how is it that you are here "goat-pony"?" I chuckled a little feeling a slight buzz. Omnius looked at me with a smile and said, "How did I get here? Well I walked in using my hooves. How am I here even thought it's been what 10,000 years since we last talked? Like you I walk a path that makes living long useful." The two of us chuckled at this. "Now my turn. Why are you so down in the dumps? Last time we met you were the life of the party! Even when you shared your past you were still joyful. What happened to take that away?" Omnius asked me "Fate happened. I've been forced to go through grief that would make most creatures commit suicide. And it's not just me. Celestia has gone through the same grief and in some ways worse grief than me. I mean how would you feal when told to do the unthinkable to your sister?" I answered feeling sad. "Hmmmm.... Well from my own experience moping about alone does nothing to help anypony. Ol' Omnius here is going to help you out this funk. I mean it is my eternal duty to help any and all creatures who need it." Omnius said rather proudly. "Oh? And how do you plan on doing that?" I ask skeptically "Well I was thinking along the lines of reenactment of our previous adventures down the lines of alcohol only include celestia this time." Omnius was grinning like madman now. I had the same grin on my face as I said "Being in a funk isn't very fun and your offer is too tempting to pass up. But how may i ask are we going to get her drunk?" Omnius only smiled wider and led me outside as we talked over the plan. ~10 days later. Grand Galloping Gala~ plan layout: Punch bowls everywhere, celestia only drinks tea. While Omnius acts as a jester Vinetion spikes her tea with a bottle of "skittles". Side mission: Vinetion and Omnius use Knife-wrenches to open portals to add to chaos. "Okay the mission does seem overly simple. By the way you never explained with this small orange creature was?" I said looking at the orange thing. "Well like I explained I've been to every dimension known to fate. This thing is one of my many assistants. He is called a waddle dee, small and surprisingly durable. He was rather expensive however, I mean really?! 50 gold bars for a single servant?! King DeDeDe is greedy penguin!" Omnius said chuckling. "Right I'm just going to roll with whatever you say from now on. By the way what do you mean "open portals with knife-wrenches"? I ask him. "Normally I'm pulled into dimensions that need me but I can forcefully open one by ripping a hole open with the knife side of the knife wrench and close the hole with the wrench side." Omnius answered. "Seeing as how I have no way to visualize other dimensions how will I not open up anything dangerous?" I ask. "Don't worry anyplace dangerous can only be opened by me. You could rip open a mile wide dimension rift and only get rabbits." Omnius smiled. "Well lets get this started yes?!" We nodded to each other. ~POV switch to third person~ Vinetion quickly snuck over to the teapot wearing her favorite black cloak while Omnius pretended to be a jester basically acting like he normally does. With the the servers distracted she pulled out the small bottle of "skittles" and spiked the tea than ran to watch the effects. Omnius soon joined her as the hid behind a table. As celestia drank from her cup she dropped her cup as her eyes widened and changed colors to that of a rainbow. All of the patrons looked her way as she smashed her face into the table losing control over the muscles in her neck. As she slowly lifted her head she had a dazed look about her. She jumped up on top of the table and yelled "FOR THE FORK!" Omnius jumped out wielding a spoon and yelled "FOR THE SPOON!" before he could run in Vinetion held up a ladle and screamed "LEEEEEEEEEEEEEEROOOOOOOOOOOOYYYYYY POOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONNNNNNNNNNNNKKKKKKKKKIIIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNNNNNSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" All of the party goers ran out of the way as the three ponies charged into each other in a big pile. Celestia kicked the two of them away as she used her magic to pick up the entire pallete of deserts. All 345 cakes of it. The two ponies looked at each other dived for the nearest cover as the Pastry pounding began. Omnius pulled out his knife-wrench and nooded towards Vinetion as she pulled out hers. With a quick slash of his Omnius summoned up a round pink creature with stubby arms and red feet no larger than a foal. As he pointed towards the incoming pastries the small creature opened its mouth and began to inhale everything with a gale stronger than a tornado. If she wasn't holding on for dear life Vinetion would have been sucked in as well. Seeing all of her ammo being eaten by the small creature she sent a fireball towards it where it too was also eaten but stopped it from eating anything else. After a minute the pink creature had turned a bright red and was wearing a crown with flames coming out of it. With a quick jump the ball began to spew fire everywhere. Celestia quickly flew in and bucked it in the stomach somehow making it lose its fire as it fell to the ground with a random star bouncing around. Omnius quickly shoved the creature back where he found it and waved to Vinetion to use hers. This may not have been the wisest choice. With a quick X shaped slash out came a human bi-pedal wearing an odd red and blue trouser clothing set. Out also came a second bi-pedal looking similar to the first only taller and wearing green instead of red. When they looked at her they began to speak random Italonin to which Vinetion just pointed at Celestia the two of them getting the point and headed towards them. Out of nowhere the two of them pulled out a pair of hammers and threw them at Celestia. Shooting fireballs at the incoming hammers Celestia looked triumphant, that was until she saw more and more hammers throw at her. Having too many come at her she was eventually comepletely covered int hammers, so much so, that you couldn't see her. with their business seemingly done the red and green paint went back into the rift. Omnius and Vinetion approached the pile of Hammers slowly. As they neared it shifted and out popped Celestia a little worse for wear. Before the two of them could react she hit their knife-wrenches away and forced two bottles of "skittles" into the mouths knocking them out. with one final drunken fourth wall shattering phrase Celestia slumped to the ground with a huge grin on her face. "Trollestia is born!" A/N Unfortunately either the next chapter or the chapter after the next will be the final chapter. If you want one more before the final give me and idea or an enemy to go against. On another note do you all want me to put up a chapter explaining the rules of the universe how each ancestor connect and other such stuff? > CH.X: Trivia > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Answer down in the comments, internet muffin for first pony to answer correctly, cookies for all else yo get it right 1) Which universe are we in? 2) Who's ancestor is General Giro Halberd? 3) Who's ancestor is Corporal Blade Herd? 4) Who was the little pink filly to witness my fourth wall breaking action? :D 5) Name all six Immortals. 6) What was the Nightmare's original form? (to whoever correctly gets first congrats to you for paying attention) 7) What was the Taboo Bleak performed? (the answer is in another story but the taboo is in my story. lets see you figure it out :D) 8) Whats pink, round, and eats more than all of america? 9) Who was the first Internet ruler? (this is in the story i promise) 10) Should I do a "Universal Explanation" chapter explaining how everything in the story connects? and how certain things in each universe affected the other? > CH.23: Fireflies > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~800 C.R.~ Peace has come at last. The Nations, no the world is now at peace with itself. The great evils of the past are now gone imprisoned in their ancient prisons known only through little fairy tales. True war hasn't been known for more than a millennium. Creatures have gotten over racial differences to the point that the Elemental tribes live together as one sole tribe. Once malicious dragons have become guardians for those smaller than them protecting the Gryphon and Diamond dogs from the beasts of the wild while they teach the great beasts about the outside world. The earth itself was at peace with itself. Once barren fields now flowed like the ocean as grassy plains. Farm crops produced more than they ever had, apple trees blooming twice as many apples. The creatures themselves became more friendly to other and themselves showing themselves by helping others with various tasks from carrying packages and being pets. In towns creatures would go about their business in peace. Criminal activity was near non-existent and anyone caught almost always turned themselves in because of guilt. You could walk into the nearest tavern and hear ponies and diamond dogs getting along joyously over a pint of beer while a drunk gryphon and neko danced together. Miced bloods and Main bloods considered each other kin despite their backgrounds. Races put aside past relations and came together to make each race better for themselves. Everything was in harmony and at peace as though the pastnever happened. It was as though everything had become the perfect dream. Just a dream. A dream two beings could not enjoy. No matter how hard they tried to fake it anyone who spent long enough around them would know something was keeping their spirits down. It was because they had gone through trials and tribulations that no creature should have gone through. They had knowledge of danger and destruction no creature could imagine. They knew the truth about myths and legends, fairy tales and bedtime stories. And they couldn't talk to any creature of this not even each other. Celestia, The sole ruler of Equestria the nation of the three remaining Equ races The Solar Princess. She who had lived through the birth of the Nightmare and and defeat his creation Discord. She who, along with her sister, overtook the tyranny of the greedy pony Gold-hoof and became the First and only Alicornian rulers of Equestria. She who with the return if the Nightmare had to banish her own sister to the moon when she became possessed by the very same Nightmare. Vinetion, The daughter of Gaia, this world's creator, and adoptive mother of Celestia and Luna. She who holds sway over the very Elements of creation and nature itself. She who save the world from killing itself off by the poison of the Smooze. She who took down a Lupus Major to save a poor helpless town simply out of care. She who banished the Nightmare to Tarturus. She who along with her daughters Celestia and Luna defeated Discord and turned him to stone. She who in a state of powerlessness failed to stop the Nightmare for the second time brought about the 7 months of darkness. In a world of peace and perfection these two beings live lives of sorrow and grief, painful memories of past mistakes resurfacing to torture them and neither can tell of these secrets or regret the panic that shall ensue. The only relief these two find are in their respective jobs, Celestia ruling Equestria and interacting with its citizens and Vinetion with the planet itself and whatever bar she found herself in at the end of the day. It was in one of these bars that she met an odd pink colored pegasus with black bat wings sitting off in a darkened corner. On impulse she got up and sat next to her. "Might I ask why you have disrubed my privacy?" The pink mare asked. "I was just wondering why someone would sit off in the dark when their is such raucous merrymaking being made out there." I say kindly. "I was never one for such frivolties and my life has been filled with sadness more often than happiness so such occasions are not my forte." She deadpanned. "Fate has an odd sense of humor for creatures. It works to make the world better as it is now, but always chooses those who take the consequences worse when it makes a choice." I say sincerely. "I know that all too well. Wars, bloodshed, and death is surely a way to make any creature look at life as though it were a joke." The mare said. I looked at her with a raised eyebrow. "Call me skeptical but the world hasn't known Warfare or confrontation for 800 years. Pray tell how would one such as you know of this or even experience it?" "You could say I'm much older than I look. There's the added fact that THIS world hasn't seen warfare for 800 years." She responded. "You wouldn't happen to know someone named Omnius would you?" She shook her head. "Well than I won't pry how you got here, but I will let you know this, I have shared your experience ten-fold and no matter how hard life gets I have learned one thing, never give up hope. Even if you live through a thousand lives and a million deaths, once you give up hope life gives up on you, and and not even the fates can save you." The two of us were looking down at our drinks solemnly. "I...believe we should go spend some time with the other patrons. I can only stay here before heading back to the mansion anyways so might as well live for the moent right?" The pink mare said with a smile. I returned the smile. "Yes let's. This darkness does nothing to help with our spirits" I began to head back to the bar counter as the pink mare pulled out a locket with a picture of a smaller pink mare with odd jewel looking wings on her back. The pink mare simply said "Flan" as she head over to the counter to join me. ~scene shift~ High in the Canterlot castle Celestia stood by one of the massive windows in the throne room staring at the night sky. She would go about this every night, every time wishing for her sister's well-being. She would continue this up to all hours of the night depriving herself of sleep as though to spend as much time with herself absent sister. This deteriated her health slowly over the years and every creature in the castle could see it. After enough generations passed and the story of Nightmare Moon became "just an old foal's tale" they all just put it up to her having a stressful life. It was on one of these night's one her many maid ponies walked by and saw the sad look on her highness' face and thought something should be done. If anything she should be given someone to confine in to relieve what ever is making her life a wreck. As she went back to work she began to plan on how to bring about her idea. The next afternoon was the citizen's day where any citizen wanting to could come in and express their problems in hopes that they would be fixed, which they more often than not do. Nearing the end of the pony line a pony wearing a black cloak with her hood down to reveal a green face with a short grey mane walked up and bowed before the princess. "Rise my child, Pray tell what is that ails you this fine day" Celestia said with the same faux smile as everyday. "I wish to inform upon you that, through my many travels, there are many ponies out there beginning to fear the thought of a sole ruler making all the choices. They fear that if you were to...go insane with power like their long gone ruler Gold-Hoof they would be put under worse torment." the Mare said. "I can assure you that I would do no such thing. But that's not all you have to say is it?" Celestia said intrigued now. "While I myself am in complete confidence in your ruling ability other are not as so. I have come with a proposition that will alleviate these fears that your citizens have developed." The mare said. "Go on this idea of my citizens fearing me does not bode well." Celestia said acting serious. "My suggestion is that you assign a Personal advisor, who you would bring with you to meeting and events to show the ponies that you are not alone in decision making. Now of course you would still be the sole decider of any action taken but this Advisor could be someone to give you an outside opinion on a situation, someone you could confide in about secrets, or simply someone to talk to." The mare said. "The prospect intrigues me. I thank you young one for your wise knowledge. Prey tell, would you wish to dine with me at a later time today?" Celestia offered. "I am sorry my highness but I have prior arrangements to take care of but I'm sure you'll do fine." The mare said as she left the throne room. Once the mare had made her way outside of the castle she changed back into her maid outfit and went back in through the workers entrance. The next day Celestia had called in for ponies willing to be her personal advisor and only one was willing. There in the middle of the throne room stood a dark grey earth pony with a black suit and monocle. He was sporting a striped white and black tail with a gray mane with black tips. (Lazy Way) "So tell me fair Stallion who and why have you decided to take upon the job as my personal advisor?" Celestia asked. "You may call me Seraph your highness. As to why I chose to be your advisor is that I have been far and wide in this world and have become widely knowledgeable about how things work. Even if my opinions are ignored I would be fine to at least my leader with her daily troubles." Seraph responded. "You seem to be very kind. I would gladly take you as my Advisor and consultant. You shall be given a room in the castle to live. By the way do you not have a last name?" Celestia asked. "I don't like to give it often but I come from the family Chaos. My full name is Chaos Seraph." Seraph answered as a guard took him to his room. And that was how the Royal advisory council first started. Celestia and her new advisor went about business like normal and the sight of somepony to confide in made the populous less frightened of her decisions. And Celestia did use her new advisor to her advantage. He gave very good ideas and decisions and even stopped a small rebellion that was beginning to form. While she still had trouble talking about it she soon began to confide in Seraph about her troubles over the millennium. Seraph took in the knowledge and knew that no other should know and found out what troubled her so. As time went on Seraph knew that he wouldn't be able to last forever so he made the Royal Advisory Council where any creature willing would be come the wise sages for the princess to call upon. They would all be sworn to discretion letting not a secret told to them by the princess to let slip. Seraph himself would always stay Celestia personal advisor as he had grown to be her friend. As Seraph grew on in age he eventually got married and had a son. At this Celestia was overjoyed for Seraph and offered him a leave that he declined. He said that "He was the first and his son shall continue his legacy". And so every Generation of Chaos sons would become the leader when the last died off. By the time Seraph died off and his son Chaos Cherub took over there was a total of 20 advisors each one a specialist. Celestia now has someone to confide in and Vinetion had made a new friend. Fate can be cruel but fate can also be generous. Fate works in strange ways as it always does and it never wishes evil upon anything. A/N Points to whoever guesses who i was talking to in the bar. I know iron and Killjoy might get it. Also we're coming close to the end. In fact there's one last chapter before the end after this. But dont worry i have a few epilouge chapters to write also so we aren't done yet. > CH.24: The end of the road > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~1,000 C.R.~ It has been a thousand years since the fated event that turned sister against sister. A thousand years since the eternal ruler of Equestria, Celestia sealed the foul being Nightmare Moon in the moon for attempting to make night eternal. Any act of evil in Equestria, no matter how small is frowned upon. The nation is in a dream state of happiness. This will soon be shattered as what they thought impossible comes to life. In the thousand years since Nightmare Moon's banishment creature's of the past are long forgotten. Mixed bloods and Main bloods are now simply called tribes although deminished greatly over time. Discord's children live in hidden away areas rarely being seen unless for democratic reasons. The outer nations have also been experiencing this peace while still having their share of criminals and outlaws. The Gryphon nations and Pegasi states have made co-communities to live together. The diamond dogs have become reclusive and stay to their mines. The dragons have stayed to their communities also but make regular migrations around the world for new homes. The Equestrian nation has prospered like never before. Prodigious young foals are born everyday. Most notably is that the pegasi these days have increased in flight speed like never before. And as such a league of expert fliers was made called the "Wonderbolts". Any pegasi willing to put there all into racing go here. For the various unicorns with an exceptional amount of magic Celestia herself opened up a special school to help these young foals gain control of their power before anything were to go wrong. Celestia herself has even taken on an apprentice by the name of Twilight Sparkle. A recent earth pony family by the name of Apple have made farms all over Equestria. This family has made a perfect connection to the earth over it's generation and it shows in their crops. The most delicious apples known to ponykind and might I add they make a heck of a hard cider. Celestia herself has been more joyful than ever now that she has an apprentice. She would use to confide everything in just her advisor Chaos Angel but now with more than just the one she had been able to actually relax and even act like her old joyful self so many years ago. Even throughout all of this she she still worries for her banished sister and her long last seen mother. That was until she got a mysterious letter in the mail. And on this one thousandth year the day before the longest day of the year Vinetion, Goddess of land, sea, and sky, was helping creature migrate to new homes just as her sense felt a strong pull. As she stopped what she was doing she flew off in the direction the pull came from. She kept flying until she landed in front of Nightmare Moon's old castle in the middle of the everfree forest. As she walked in she noticed a ball of white light floating in the center and as soon as she touched it she was the scene around her shifted. "It is good to see you once again my daughter" Gaia said "And I am glad to meet you once more too mother. Pray tell why have you called for my presence?" I ask "I have come bearing a message for you and Celestia. The fates have made their decision. This is what they for tell. "on the longest day of the thousandth year, a being of great evil shall be released from her night prison. Only by the power of the elements of harmony and six hearts entwined with unity shall they be able to save the moon from the darkness". Luna's release shall for the newer generation alone. The fates are cryptic but also generous. I do not know who but was told "The key is in the Sparkle". I shall leave it up to you to figure out what this means." Gaia said. With a knowing smile on my face I said "Great and wise as always mother. You have brought great news for both myself and Celestia. And yes I believe I have an idea as to what the hint means." I chuckle at the end. With our meeting adjourned the scene shifted back to the castle with Gaia and her light nowhere to be seen. I flew back to my small house on the edge of canterlot and began to write a letter. Once I was done I flew to the castle and left it in front of the throne rooms doorway. I made my exit quickly making sure no one saw me. As I flew away I went back to the everfree to leave a gift for the coming visitors. ~scene shift~ Chaos Angel walked into the throne room carrying an odd scroll. As celestia picked up the scroll with her magic Angel stepped out of the room to go about his daily business. Celestia looked at the green scroll with curiosity as a woody smell wafted by. We have not met in a long time you and I. I bring tidings and news that will soothe your sorrows. Sometimes the troubles of the old generation can only be solved by that of the new. By the aid of fate and the stars on the longest day of thousandth year, he who was banished such the time ago shall be released. Only by the unity of six hearts using each of the elements of harmony they embody shall the one tainted by darkness shall be released. The one named Sparkle shall be the one to lead. That is if she learns to get out of the library more often. Signed, The Oracle "Angel get in here I need you to write something for me." Angel came in and began to write down what Celestia restated once he was done he was told to take them and place them in Twilight Sparkle's library. The two books he had were called "Old pony tales, myths and prophecies" and The Mare in the Moon". Later that day Celestia received a scroll via green fire from her apprentice warning her of "Nightmare Moon's return" to which she responded in her being to much of a hermit and used that as an excuse to send her away to make friends and possibly come into being the answer to the prophecy. Even though Ms. Sparkle didn't know it Celestia kept a close eye on her all day. Throughout the day the young unicorn went about being all business trying not to even try to make friends when all the other ponies wanted to be. By the end of the day and the Summer sun celebration, celebrating the longest day of the year began Ms. Sparkle still didn't want friends even though all of the ponies she met thought of her as one. On the strike of midnight, sic stars aligned themselves in the night sky pointing at the moon and Celestia felt the ancient banishment spell shatter. This was where she had to restrain herself and let her apprentice take on her fated duty. Celestia watched Nightmare Moon's every action that night from her entrance to each and every trick she pulled to stop the six ponies from accomplishing their goal. When the six ponies with their hearts united in friendship used the Elements of harmony on Nightmare Moon instead of wizened destruction was renewed healing and stole away the taint of the Nightmare from Luna's soul and banished it yet again from the mortal plane. Seeing her sister once again freed Celestia raised the sun and joined the seven ponies gathered there to celebrate. Waiting in the darkness I looked upon this with happiness to see my daughter finally reunited after a millennium of sorrow and grief. I kept waiting until they had all left but the purple pony Twilight Sparkle stayed back from the others and kept looking around as though she sensed something. Finding nothing she ran to catch up with the others. These six ponies were definitely stronger physically and magically than any pony of their generation. Each one has properties that makes them unique from the unicorn that can locate gems to the pegasus that broke the sound barrier. This power they have was increased by their bond of friendship and was shown once again when another old friend appeared. One year after the release of Nightmare Moon due to the shifted connection of the elements of harmony from Celestia and Luna to the six ponies Discord's cage was weakened. After his last defeat and being in stone for so long it took him the entire year simply to crack the shell but by the arguing of three little fillies he was given the chaos needed to break free. However this time he wasn't evil just playful, but due to the regular norm of the past thousand years he was once again defeated for trying to spread chaos by the very same 6 ponies. They were once again celebrated as nationwide heroes and not only that but knighted as the official national protectors of Equestria. With the two only true threats to the world once again sealed away, Celestia and Luna once again reunited, and the world finally at peace with itself life has reached a prime state. But than that's the thing about fate, when it has a plan it needs to add and take away figures to make the plan work. Certain figures are temporary while other are permanent. With the world at peace a certain being was no longer needed. 5 years had passed since the Discord incident and I was going about my eternal duty like always but, something felt off. The entire day my body felt light and weightless as though I was free-floating. At one point I simply felt too tired to continue so I laid down under the shadow of an oak and stared at the clouds as the floated past. As my eyes slowly began to droop I heard the familiar voice of my mother calling out to me. The next thing I knew I was laying in a flowering field filled with a flowers in all shades of the rainbow. No longer was I in my pony form but in my goddess form. As I stood up I noticed Gaia was sitting in front the same fire I last saw her in front of when we last met. She waved me to sit down and so I did. "Hello my daughter. I hope life has been treating you well. I know this might upset you but your time has come." Gaia said to me. "Excuse me? What do you mean my time has come?" I asked curiously. "I mean it is time for you to move onto the after life and join me in the council of gods. Fate has deemed you worthy of fulfilling your duty these past one billion years and felt you finally deserve your reprieve. I understand this will be hard for you to accept seeing as it will have you be leaving Celestia and Luna in the mortal plane." Gaia said sadly. "I knew this day would come sometime. Even the spirits of immortals are subject to fate and that is something no being can defy. While I will miss my two daughters greatly I can still look over them for eternity. I only wish there was something I could give them to remember me." I responded. "Do not worry yourself my daughter. Your presence will never be forgotten, and neither will your actions. You have done many a great deeds during your time here and will always be considered a savior, but now you must step back and allow them to learn to live without a safety net." Gaia responded. With that Gaia stood up and motioned me forward to the edge of the field where the surrounding edge of whiteness had crept forward. As I moved forward I realized the field had lost it's coloring and was beginning to turn the same whiteness in front of me. "Are you ready?" Gaia asked quietly. With a tear in my eye I nodded and took her hand and walked forward. My last action on the planet was a single tear drop to hit the ground, than all trace of the turn goddesses disappeared.