> Assortment of Twidash Mini-Stories > by Prof Yana > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > A Failed Nap > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Birds chirped from their perches in the fog-covered trees. Moss covered the ground ahead, and a small creek flowed to the side. I walked close to my marefriend, hugging her close. “I’m happy you slowed down for once, Rainbow,” she told me, nuzzling me affectionately. I sniffed the fresh air and pine, smiling contently. “I’m happy, too.” We walked in silence for a short time, then Twilight gasped lightly and stopped. I looked at her curiously. “What’s wrong, Twi?” I asked, trying to follow her eyes, but seeing nothing. “That’s... That’s a quarin’ia dragonfly. I didn’t think they really existed!” I followed her eyes once more, this time actively searching for the dragonfly. I came upon it just as it started to fly away. “No,” Twilight whispered, walking away. Soon, she began running after it. I flew up to her. “Twilight, it’s all right. I’m sure you’ll see it again. Besides, now you know which forest it lives in.” I put a hoof on her shoulder and pulled her close. “But... But it’s so rare... If nopony has found it in the last thirty years, how am I supposed to find it before I’m old and disabled?” I wrapped my hooves around her and hugged her tightly. “Trust me, Twilight. You’ll never be old and disabled. You’re Twilight Sparkle, for Celestia’s sake! Magic extraordinaire! Hay, if you can win this pegasus over, you can find a measly dragonfly!” Twilight looked longingly in the direction the dragonfly flew, before sighing and turning back to me. “I suppose you’re right. Come on, let’s get to the shore!” So together we walked, until we reached the cliffside at the shore, overlooking the ocean. Twilight slept peacefully atop the cliff, while I shifted uncomfortably. I tried and tried, but sleep wouldn’t come over me. At least, not nearly as it usually did. Finally, I forced my eyes open to the blinding sun. I checked to make sure Twilight was sleeping, and then flew off to practice my flying. I looped and soared, making tight turns only a pegasus of my skill level could even hope to accomplish. Unfortunately, my flying took me over the forest again, and I didn’t notice how low I was flying. I found myself crashing through the pine branches helplessly. A branch snapped as I fell through it. Eventually, I reached the ground. Face to face with the... whatever its name was. That dragonfly Twilight was talking about. It flew forward and landed on my nose. My heart pounded as I slowly, carefully brought my hooves up to my nose. However, just before I was going to grab it, it flew off. I darted after it, chasing it threw the forest. I tried to fly, but my wing wouldn’t extend fully. I leapt over fallen trees and slid under low-hanging branches. It managed to keep its distance, however, so, so close ahead. I could touch it if I didn’t have to use all four of my legs. The trees started thinning and a bright light could be seen ahead. I ran even harder, inching my way closer and closer. Suddenly, we broke free of the forest, and right into mine and Twilight’s picnic blanket, on top of which was Twilight. Sandwiches flew and blankets sailed as I fought to capture the dragonfly. “Rainbow Dash?! What the hay?!” Twilight yelled as I scrambled around the top of the cliff. “No time to speak. Found dragonfly,” I said, chasing the dragonfly back through the picnic arrangements, only further messing them up. The dragonfly took a quick left and I followed. Until, that is, there was no ground under me. I fell helplessly, as my wing was still in too much pain to fly on. The ocean came ever closer, its waves crashing against the rocky shore. I closed my eyes and waited for an impact which never came. I opened my eyes and I was back on the top of the cliff. Twilight was glaring at me. The dragonfly was back on my nose. “Care to explain?” Twilight asked. “Umm... I found the dragonfly!” I exclaimed hopefully. Twilight sighed,  a smile breaking out. “Thank you, Rainbow Dash.” She carefully took the dragonfly from my nose in her magic. “You mean... you’re not mad?” “No.” “I mean, I totally ruined your picnic blanket, our lunch, and your nap. And I hurt my wing.” “But, Rainbow, don’t you see? You found the single rarest dragonfly in Equestria! By sheer dumb luck! I can’t be mad! I just need to bring you to all the endangered animal locations in Equestria, and you can find them. Just like that! It’s wonderful.” “Umm... Twilight...” Twilight wasn’t listening. She kept going on and on about the possibilities of my new found ‘power.’ I sighed and rolled over, my failed nap finally taking hold. > Roleplaying > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was not a dark and stormy night. Nor was it a quiet household. Spike was hiding in his bed, trying to drown out the noises of Dash and Twilight’s playtime. He didn’t care for what he heard. “Daring Do, get those ropes away from me!” Spike heard Twilight yell. “Not until I’ve had my fun with you!” came Rainbow Dash’s reply. Spike crawled deeper into his sheets. After that, lots of soft thumping and rolling around could be heard. Spike blocked his ears as best he could. “You’re gonna try to buck me?” asked Rainbow Dash. “Not before I buck you!” A loud thump sounded throughout the library that time. “I’ll buck you whenever I want, wherever I want, and however I want, Daring Do!” Twilight yelled. She laughed maniacally. “Now come here, I want to buck you some more.” Twilight and Rainbow Dash began giggling, and they could be heard rolling around on the floor. Moaning came from their direction as well. It soon reached a peak and then nothing. After a few minutes of silence, Spike decided to go see if they were finished. Twilight was standing by the counter in the kitchen, an orgasmic look on her face. Rainbow Dash was lying with her hooves behind her head on the couch. An open Daring Do book lay on the coffee table. “Umm... What was all that?” Spike asked, almost afraid. “Which part?” asked Twilight. “All of it,” Spike replied, shuffling his feet. “Rainbow Dash and I were acting out the latest Daring Do book. Then we freestyled a bit... Then I ate the best truffle you will ever eat... I think that about covers it. Hey, shouldn’t you be in bed?” Twilight looked disapprovingly down at Spike. “Well, you two kept me up! And what was all that thumping anyway? It sounded like a tornado was blowing through.” “Well, Rainbow and I took turns trying to buck each other, as per the story. We ended up knocking a few books over, however.” Twilight looked to the pile of books by the bookcase. “And the rolling around on the floor?” Twilight flushed lightly. “That was Rainbow Dash and I... Umm...” “Making out,” Rainbow Dash finished for her, stretching and yawning. “Now, let’s get upstairs and act out the bucking scene again, Twi’. I’ve rested enough, I think, and you ate food.”