The elements of warfare: War wolf


First published

book one of the elements of war--starts at the end of season 3. the seeds of salvation are within the seeds of your own destruction.

Some mysteries defy understanding, and sometimes even the things we think we know are untrue. Some secrets should remain untouched

2000 years ago there was a war, Wars have broken out here time and time again on this planet along with everything in it. Kingdoms came and went with time yet the value of peace and harmony is highly valued among the ponies who have been at the mercy of the god of chaos, discord the dragequis for a long time. But not only they but ,all the god of chaos makes treaties fragile and unpromising. Out years of meaningless bloodshed took it tole on everything, the land, the sky and the sea.

They where simply the the forms of war there use was to be used to change the world. It is unclear how they came to be, but what ever it was it did change the fate of the world for the best.

part 1

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The pounding of hooves echoes through out the forest of a white-tailed buck as it trys to run from the pursuer that has been chasing him for some time. He darts left and right to shake off his pursuer but to no avail. He knows for a fact if he can't shake the pursuer he is done, but something felt off to him thisone is alone. From the silent strike he knows this predator isn't a timber wolf, but something entirely different. His speed decline slowly as the predator continues to trail him. His age is playing against him and this animal contines to chase him.

He turns left and runs into a clearing suddenly the ground in front of him pops up to reveal four more predators. 'Ambush'he thought'clever'

The four latch onto him in the neck, flanks, and shoulder. The one who chased him rushes in and topples him over to which the predators on his left side let go. His main artery is cut and the feeling of the warm liquid flowing down his neck. 'Is it over.',thought the buck. For the first time he saw what it was that chased him. It appered to him that this was a timber wolf but in place of bark and sap it was made of fur and flesh.

However unlike the timber wolves that would of torn him apart at fist chance insted all of them get together in front of him to his vision and they all assume what he presumed postures of submission.

'What?',Thought the buck bewilldered

"Let it be known that your sacrifice is not in vain, you have lived your life and seen your fawns take your place in this game of life, for I must for fill my part in this game of life your meat will sustain us and your sacrifice to us will not go unknown to us. May your path to the stars be well.",said the silver wolf with green eyes in a calm voice.

The buck was surprised at how noble these wolves behaved he would of never expected it from the timber wolves. But his words made him rest at ease and he let himself slip away

'Yes I lived well in this life... I have seen all fought and seen my mate give birth to my offspring.... now... I will sustain you for this is my end and you will continue.'the buck thought as he slipped away into the welcoming darkness.

chapter one: the star wolf, the leader

The buck closes his eyes as he passed away. "Well my friends, our first hunt went well. Even though for rank amateurs we did well. Well dig in but use your canies to cut the coat first, no need to eat fur, hu?"said the silver wolf

"Our first kill and we did well was it beginners luck?",said the red wolf

"No,it wasn't entirely.",said the silver wolf

The red wolf, pale grey and the two rustle color wolves look at him cocking there head to one side as if confused. The silver wolf steps onto a stone and with a look to the moon he said,"That was anything but beginners luck. That was the experience of our wolf body's taking over. To confirm my theory I, unlike a scientist I looked for the answer in my fore paw in the moon light and night vision what do you see?"

The red wolf come foreword and looks there was a swirl in his paw it was swirl puts his paw down to con tine his explanation,"I on my free time read a collection of books called Wolves of the beyond I suspect that I am right now the main character Faolan McDuncan. As for whom you are you are Edme McHeeth, you are 'the Whistler' McDuncan, you two Mhairie and Dearlea Mc Duncan. The main of the wolves of the beyond. I think we should fully introduce our selves after we eat"

They nod and they begin to eat the carcass of the dead buck indeed what he said was true this is life the balance of life and death with out each other, otherwise worlds would fall apart if no one died. As they ate they notice that the silver wolf or 'faolan' as he said but she noted that he is bigger than the other male of the group also he seems to look be alert for something. After they have had there fill he eats everyone waits when he finishes he said,"let's head to where we began so I can explain our problem and make introductions."

The trot there way back to where they emerged from originally. It was medium in size in with and 6 feet high alone the walls of stone was cave drawing which in turn reminded him of the cave before time in the books there where pictures of wolves on the walls and of the prey they hunted many years ago. But he had bigger fish to fry " so who wants to tell there story?",said the silver wolf. The rest look at each other waiting for the first to talk. "Well... my name is Amy Holt, I was 17 years of age, I was about to graduate high school when I got in a car accident in which..."she stops as her ears go flat against her skull."…I died."

At this point she begins to whimper softly. The silver wolf feeling sorry for Amy he went to her side and nuzzled her to which she nuzzled him back "There, there, I'm sure that everyone went through the same thing you are not alone Amy. I was shot in the chest for doing the right thing.",he said

She looks at him with surprise along with everyone in the cave. The pause seemed long and consuming then the grey wolf said,"my name is Andrew Walker and I was 18 I believe I did die as well."

The silver wolf turns to the two that layer side by side. They look to one another and the left one said,"I'm Ursa she's Ursala."

"We where twins and I gueess we still are, are we?",said Ursala. She turns to the still unidentified silver wolf by the name of faolan. He looks to both Andrew and Amy with a short sigh with a kind tone he said,"not exactly but close you are twins still…but I am now your brother by blood."

The twins waged there tails as they looked at one another. "So what's your real name 'Faolan' and what happened to you."

"My name is-",he began but was cut off by another voice. A female voice that was half a mile away and closing. He looks and not too far away where multiple shadows cast by the light of the full moon. Faolan walks forward towards the opening of the cave calmly and confidently. If it where a pack of wolf or humans, his size would make him look like a living death threat. They come into range to his surprise the group wasn't human or wolves but horse like creatures slightly shorter. The biggest being 8 feet tall 'ok, horses with horns', he looks to one with a rainbow mane. 'wings, damn. The tall white one has a crown, now I have to check.'he thought. He walks back into the cave and quietly asked," am I losing my mind?"

All nod no he closes his eyes and quietly said," If they confront us do not show hostile intent there leader is here and I'm sure that whatever it is it has secret service or something. Also let's try not to look too scary I don't want this to be a bad first contact sinario."

All nod yes and they all walk to the mouth of the cave. All together they faced the horses. There was 4 in gold armor, six of different species, and two that stood out as the leadership. But who reacted first where the ones in gold armor. They stood in front of the group with spears aimed at them. 'Ok a form of secret service. Or military regulars?' he thought as he starred down the one with a spear at his neck.

"We mean no harm we just ate so worry not. I will not eat any of you so please, can you not aim those things in our direction and we will not aim ours at you.",said faolan. The horses looked shocked e.ven the ones holding a spear to him and the others neaks.

"My name is princess cestela and my sister princess Luna and we are the rulers of this land.",said the one named castela. With a soft kind voice like you would expect of a mother figure. Faolan stood there face to face with a leader of a nation while he is the leader of this pack. "I am faolan McDuncan and this is my pack.",he half lied

"Nice to meet you Faolan McDuncan. Guards stand down please.",she said

The guards hesitate for a moment and then they retract there spears. They stand attention looking professional like he would expect for a soldier or secret service to do. Then his attention goes to the clouds they where low and black. A storm was coming and it was large. "I think it's best that we go inside the cave because there's a storm on the harizion. And from what I know about clouds those bring lightning and hail. I am afraid that you are at risk along with all of the rest of your company getting zaped by lightnig I would sugest comming with us."

"Why should we?",asked a rainbow maned one. As soon as she said that the tree was struck by lightning. A branch falls off with a dull thud to the ground leaving the rainbow maned horse stunned.

Faolan points to the tree and said,"That's why. Let head inside."

Everyone heads inside the four gold armored horses continue to keep an eye on him.' Paranoid',he thought laying down next to Amy and whispered,"introduce your self when we are all sitting and i will say when."

The horses sit next to each other except a white one who was a unicorn by its horn in its forehead. All sit in a semi-circle. "Let's get to know each other since we will be here a while.",said Faolan as he looked to the group.

Who where sitting opposite from them and behind them the wall with drawings of the past. "My name is Edme, it's nice to meet you all.",said amy. Thunder booms in the distance and it begins to rain hard with hail. The horses look out side.

"I'm the whistler.",he said slight wagging his tail

"I am mhairie and she is Dearlea.",said Ursa, wagging her tail along with her sister.

"What strange names.",said the purple one. As she levitated a note pad with a quill.

'Ok she can use magic, I think',thougt Faolan

"Says the purple one who I know nothing about.",said Faolan

"Oh how rude of me I am princess twilight sparkle also I'm a lavender unicorn pony. But I'm curius what are you all? You don't look like the timber wolves we have seen around here in the everfree forest.",she said as she took notes.

'Pony?,unicorn? Ok I know what they are.', thought Faolan slightly surprised. But he regained his train of thought. He looks to his pack.

"As for us we are dire wolves",said Faolan calmly. A flash of thunder goes through the cave a second later the large boom fallowed. But suddenly the sky clears in an instant. "I think something is going on...",said faolan

part 2

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Chapter 2: Lupus
Though the rain stoped it didn't mean the ground wasn't mud. The clouds breck a little bit to form a single ray of lunar light. From the ray of lunar light a wolf materialized he was pale as purest milk and He was glowing very faintly but strong enogh to point where it could be seen buy everone/pony. As strange as it looked his paws didn't seem to touch the muddy ground. The wolves in the cave whent down in a position of submission, to which the ponies in the cave just stayed speech less. Twilight quietly begins to write down notes because she was seeing something never seen.

The pale wolf slowly walks with such grace it amased cestela and everypony presant. He stops and he sits infront of the wolves who where still in submission to his aura of power.

"Arise my wolves.",he said in a soft spoken voice.

All wolves arose to the sound of the cammand they sit very still and quiet the five wolves look forwards to lupus ready for anything he may comand. Lupus closes his eyes and said "My wolves, my pups I see that you have adapted well to this land and made good progress with the inhabitants of the land. But I must put a halt on this meeting and beginning of friendships to give you a warning of what is to come. But not here and now I must tell you in private because if I tell you here and now."

Everyone/pony began to tire even the princesses and there guards. The guards struggle to stay awake as they aim there spieres at lupus once they did so there spieres got heavy as they began to fail to the feeling of sleep. As the guards fell down one managed to cut lupus on the nose. He doesn't react to this and his nose heals as fast as the cut was made. Soon after everypony, minus luna and cestela where asleep, but they soon began to feel sleepy they both lean on one another, slump down on the floor of the cave, to finaly join the others in a deep slumber.

The wolves fell asleep as soon as the ponys in the cave. Lupus looks at the sleeping bodies and set up a link into the minds of the sleeping wolves.

Within the mind link it was white everywhere there was nothing just a blank void. Then sudenly the void was filled with the night time sky with fields of long grass and flowers. The amy, andrew, urasa, ursela and faolan sit up from the bottom of the tall grass and look at there suroundings. The area smelled like grassland and flowers but that wasn't all they smelled one scent that smelled out of place. It was mostly wolf but it didn't smell like any wolf. The turned to where the smell comes from and they come face to face with lupus. "I think here is a great place to start my explinations. But I guess you are wondering where we are. To answer that we are everywhere and nowhere we are in what you know as a heven since you are not dead... technicly you can not see what lays here. For the reason I took you out here is because I fear I might change the course of history of this land and distroy time in this dimention."

"So why do you tell us if it would distroy time ?" Asked faolan

"If I don't everything here will die and there will be no future cadet staff sgt. Wolfe." Said lupus in a sirius tone.

'Thats just great." thought wolfe as he nods his head.

"Now I will tell you what you must do. First I will put a location in your head and you will go there and awaken the Element of the Army. Then he will take care of everything from that point you must assist him. Also if you are to fail..."he said as he pops a image of what it might look like if they fail. They saw the deaths of thousands of inocent civilians, young poines, distruction, and brutal torchers happen. Amy begins to sob which left wolfe confused he knows for a fact that wolves don't cry to show sadness. It didn't matter to him for the moment and he nuzzles her which makes he stop just a bit. Also ursa and ursela where consoled by andrew who had an emotionless expression like wolfe.

"This will happen if you fail and there will hardly be a future to live in so don't fail my pups. I have given you abilitys that will be available for you to use along the journy. At dawn go and seek out the element of the Army and awaken the sleeping giants." Said lupus as there link was killed by him.

When the link was off the wolves in the cave sprang onto there four paws and bolted out. As they ran they ran they changed from almost exsact copys of the wolves of the beyond to diffrent color coats exsept wolfe who's coat stayed the same silver color. Amy turned from rust red to the other end of the cave. He reaches the other end where the pictures end. Lupus sighs in a soft glow he changes his form, he changed to a bipedal wolf with his newly acuired hand-paws he uses his index clawed finger and began to draw pictures to contine the recorded history of wolves. His paw hand dances from left to right as he drew.

Soon he has drawn a new chapter in wolf history, the awakening of the elements of war.

A sudden groan comes from behind him and his attention is taken to cestela who was wakeing up as well as luna. "Good morning princesses it is nice to see you up this morning. Oh, by the way I have taken the liberty to rise the sun myself, so worry not princess celestia." Said lupus as he took his seat on a rock.

The two princesses are surprised by the bipedal wolf infront of them they where amased by him evertime they saw him. "How? Did you rise the sun?"asked celestia

"Easy... I am a wolf god I can do just about anything.", he said. Lupus gets up and starts to walk to the opposet end of the cave as he does he changes form back to quadruple. He sits at the mouth of the cave looks to the sunrise that comes from the harison.

After a few minutes everypony began to awaken quitely. However as soon as the guards got up the pointed there spears at lupus to which he just chucles quietly. "Oh, please you think you can kill a god with just thouse spears ha, the day that happens is when the hevens fall."

The guards look to one another but stand down when celestia told them to. Soon everypony was alert and awake most of them where slightly scared by his presence. To lupus one stood out as the most scared to this point. He turns to look at fluttershy who was trembling like a leaf because of him. "Don't even think about it wolf."said rainbow dash to lupus.

"I am a wolf spirit Rainbow dash, I Don't need to eat, drink,sleep, or anything I just exist out." He scouled at rainbow dash like a ignorant pup.

"W-well you can't scare me..." she said

"Yes, because I can smell your fear. No point in hiding it now is there." He said as he brushed his tail against her nose. She sneases and gives lupus a menecing stair.

"Rainbow please there is no point in tring to out do this wolf he could kill you right where you stand." Said twilight

"Awww, she looks so cute when she is fustraited." Said lupus taunting rainbow dash. To which she frowns at him more fustraited than ever but her friends look a bit bewilderd on what to do. He gets up, walk up to celestia and luna, and said "I know what you lost 1111 years ago something which you have wondered for a long time. You knew something was missing and I will return what HE stole from you two."

A flood of memories come to them and there facial expressions turned from worryed but calm to sad. Both of the sisters hug eachother as they begin to cry softly. Everypony present are surprised that there leaders were crying something not seen before.With a blank expression lupus teleports everypony to ponyville, when they appered in the town square luna and celestia regained control of there emotions. Everypony in town bowed to the princesses present that appered out of nowhere.

He smiles as much as a wolf can while not looking menesing and begings to walk quietly twoards the sunrise. Moments later he howled long and hard, his howl was loud yet as the same time soft. In translation his howl ment

'Now we leave everything to a few brave souls, with such speed and grace that can be only discribed as beutiful in its wake. Never again in the history of wolf and pony will so much be done by so few a pack. We are at the event harison, in which it has become the point of no return. The furtue hangs in the balance I cry good luck my pups.'

At the end of the musical howl he faded away from exsisance to the hevens above, his home among the stars.

Everypony present was quiet and still the wind stoped for the briefest of moments. Lupu's howl was the most beautiful thing they have heared his howl echos thorough out the town. Rainbow dash let her breath go and said "that was beautiful like nothing I may hear again."

Twilight turns to her mentor and asked "what did he do cestela?"

"Reminded us of a time forgotten." She repied quitely. Twilight looks to her a little bewildered while wondering what the wolf god remined the two princesses about that made them cry.

'I think I will stick around ponyville for a while I think things will get intresting. He seemed polite but I wonder... where did the other wolves whent?' she thought as she, her friends, the two princesses, and the guards whent into the library. To discuss what has happened the past night and morning.

Chapter three: A Possible future

The moment they began running they didn't stop they ran for miles nonstop. They did so because he could there bodys where natural marithon runners. Along the way they ran into a few towns in which they caused a big panic from there presence. They keeped on running untill mid day to rest in a shady corn feild.

"Well this land is nice so far wolfe." Said amy

"I agree amy but the ponys a little scared when we are around." Said wolfe.

"He ha, a little?" Said amy playfully.

"Ok maybe a lot I swear they woulf riot if we stayed around too long." Said wolfe as he butst into laghter along with amy and the rest of the group. Soon the group regain there composure and there expressions go to a striat face. The pack rested under the shade of the corn staks they all think diffrent thoughts and then they run out again.

After a few miles they run into a river they all take a drink and contine. Miles of running whent on for the rest of the day untill they reach a feild of wheat where they whent to sleep at night.
"Hey wolfe wake up." Said amy as she awoke in the morning before dawn.

"Morning Amy.... how are you this morning?" Asked wolfe

"Good, but where exsacgtly are we going?" Said amy.

"I don't know but its close almost a mile or two." Repliled wolfe as he sat up.

"Good" said andrew "the sooner we find this *yawn* element of war the sooner I can rest at ease."

The stomaces of the three wolves growl in hunger. They look around and find a few rabbits around. They pick them off at a fast rate they took down ten large rabbits. When the twins wake up they got two rabbits each along with everyone else. They diside to walk to the city since its two miles away.

After a half hour of admireing they contry side they ran into a sighn that said in great big letter WELCOME TO STALLIONGRAD.

"Stalliongrad? Well I guess its Stalingrad, russia. That makes sence that the element of the army is here the battle of stalingrad WAS the Biggest battle in HUMAN history." Said wolfe as he looked at the sign.

"Sould we get going because if we don't this planet will bleed more that that. However I am surpised that this plase does share small similaritys to home." Said amy

"I am too I didn't expect that the history classes would help me latter in life. Let's get this over with where is the element by the way?"said andrew as he looks around at the city that reminded wolfe of a russian city of WW2.

They sprint into the city which had a large population of 30,000. All of whom paniced at the sight of them the stallions keeped there distance but try to look as intiminating as possible to the wolves. They contine to go forward and find red square which was a exact replica of the one on earth. They look around and see that they must go to the out scirts of the city to find the element of the army.

They exit the city to the out scirts of the city. They endup in a feild full of grass a little farther is the beginning of a mountan range. Wolfe looks around and by some intouistion he feels that he has to look in the mountans. It took time but soon they find a cave that had a dead end.

"This is it?"asked amy

Andrew looks around and sees a dust pile up in one spot he blows the dust. Also in doing so he blows it all over the place leaving everyone sneazing. They exit the dust filled cave still in a sneazing fit.

"Andrew..." growled wolfe "next time you *sneaze* warn us when you are going to pull a stunt like that."

Andrew sheepishly puts his tail between his legs and shruged. Wolfe roles his eyes and looks inside the dust settles and the air is clean of dust. He look where andrew blew and saw a plack of some kind of metal there with an incription

'The wall of lies lies here it may look real but not all is as what it seems. Look through to find the truth and to awaken the element that lays dormant here. The intentions of will be the key to open the wall of lies.'

Andrew looks at the insription and nodded. Everyone heled there breath as wolfe touched the wall with his right forepaw. His paw goes through the wall and he pulls it out of the wall. Everyone let's there breath go, slowly wolfe turns to them and nods.
"Here we go" said wolfe as he passed through the wall into the unknown. With hesitation the others fallow him into the unknown that my be behind that wall.