> The Alot Of Stories > by Gypsy > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Story 1 Part 1, Story 2 > --------------------------------------------------------------------------                White Gloves - Part 1    Hello there! We are the White Glove Society, or WGS for short. We are a group of ponies. A group of ponies with blue eyes, blond manes, and white coats.    What does the White Glove Society do exactly? Well if you ask any pony not in the WGS they would say that all we do is run around spewing racial slur and beating up any  pony with a black coat, but nay! We only speak the truth. We are the master colored ponies as it says in chapter twenty-two, verse eight in the book of White. 8"And so my brethren, I say this. We, who are coated in the essence of purity, our manes gilded in gold, and our eyes which seek out life. You all are held above all others.-"    Our core beliefs are that a white coat is a sign of purity. The white represents the body, strong, able, and willing.    Blond manes are a sign of true beauty.  Blond represents gracefulness, poise, and self-control.    Blue eyes are a sign of vigilance. Blue represents a sound mind, unfaltering, and ever-increasing.     (For a more indepth look into the master colors see chapters forty-two (white), twenty-three (blond), and thirty-four (blue))    The White Glove Society welcomes all ponies no matter their color- (EXEPT BLACK) and will treat them with respect, after all we have to be an example to those lesser & unlucky enough to be born with none of the three master colors.      "Twilight what are you reading?" Spike had said as he walked towards Twilight.    "Huh Spike? Oh uh...Just some pamphlet a couple new ponies gave to me." She turned over the paper only noticing more absurd ideals and looked back at Spike.    "The same new ponies that just arrived yesterday?"    "Yes." Those new ponies, though no one else had noticed but they're smiles we're a bit too crooked, their body a bit too anxious, and their eyes a bit too judging.    "What's it talk about?" Twilight froze for a moment before regaining her thoughts,    "...Nothing..." And that's all it will ever be.    "Ok then whatever, foods on the table, let's hurry up before it gets cold. Oh I almost forgot the soup!" Spike went back to the kitchen.    "Alright thanks Spike let me just close the door...And burn this garbage." She lit the offending paper into ashes which blew outside.    "There. Hopefully Spike doesn't ever read this, those new ponies are crazier than Pinkie Pie. Though I shouldn't really assume things, as the saying goes 'dont judge a book by its cover' or in this case a pamphlet."    "Bro she freakin' burned our pamphlet!" One male pony had said to the other as they hid in a nearby bush.    "Be quiet or she'll hear us spying! And yeah, damn I thought we had her." Though they had failed in their attempt that didn't mean they'd stop at just giving a pamphlet and leaving, no, they had bigger ideas and not just for the purple unicorn but for all of Ponyville.    "Next house?"    "Next house."                   ♠♥♣♦ Flying On The Wings Of Steam    I always wanted to fly! To feel the air rush past me, to feel speed in its natural form, to feel that excitement. Ever since I was but a foal I have dreamed of it.   I'm an adult now and I still haven't flown and for good reason, I'm an earth pony. They say each race has a special connection to the world.  Unicorns Can tap into that mystical place where magic comes from and use it for literally everything.  Pegasi can fly, control weather, and walk on clouds.  Earth ponies...What do they have? Nothing. Sure some say we have a deep connection to the dirt beneath my feet but honestly anything I have ever tried to grow had withered and died. They also say that we are built stronger than the other races. I can assure you I am as weak as they come.  THEY need to shut their mouths more often.  I am not ugly or anything, I'm not awkward, I don't have a speech impediment, I am as average as anypony comes other than the fact I have yet to earn my cutie mark but that doesn't bother me at all.   I'm a laid back type of pony. Somewhat. Have a problem? I casually deal with it without the slightest of anger. Nothing phases me, I've come to terms that everything happens for a reason, be it because of me or somepony else.   Though If you were to ask me what really gets me mad I'd say that it'd be me not having wings. Yes I know there are spells to give me wings but those are fragile and not to mention temporary.   Why wasn't I a Pegasus?! Why was I born an earth pony?! Why? Why?! WHY!?!?!  I had a talk with my father and my mother a few years ago. My father was also a normal pony. My mother the same. And they were both Pegasi.  At first I asked my father, he said it was only bad luck that I was born an earth pony. My mother said she didn't care what race I was but only that I was her son.  To think that I was born an earth pony because, Celestia knows, of bad luck. That one in a million chance. I know because I studied on the subject.   Through the years I had done more research and delved far more deeper. I've searched spells of different kinds to see if there was a permanent solution but to my dismay it I never found it. Until I realized I'm looking in general books and should of course look where nopony wants or should look.  Took me quite a while to find the book I was looking for, which I might add wasn't the most enjoyable experience for me by far. This book held many things I knew to be taboo. Raising of the dead, prolonged life through sacrificial means, something about the soul, you think it and it's probably in here. Though all of those spells seemed tempting all I wanted in my life were wings and all I ever need.  Here is where I found it, on page nine-hundred-seventy-one, it is a very large book. The page title was 'Flying On The Wings Of Steam By Vilifier' and it seemed pretty simple by the looks of it that is until I read it.   In short the spell required four unicorns, a Pegasus, and either an earth pony or a Unicorn. That was step one, step two described two of which ever unicorn willing, or not, to submit a relatively small shaving of their horn and this part which kinda made me nervous was that I had to jab those shavings into my back where the wings would be. Step three was a bit complicated for me as I had never studied magic at all though I could make out that the four unicorns were to draw blood from the Pegasus and coat their horns in it and begin to etch certain runes into the ground in front of them while they stood in a box shape while the pegasus and earth pony/Unicorn stood in the middle. Step four required that I cut off the Pegasus's wings and have the shavings in my be imbued with magic and then removed only to be attached to the wings then after waiting ten seconds or so to remove the shavings once again and placed back into my back. Step five had the two Unicorns with the shaved horns concentrate on teleporting the wings to my back and having the other two Unicorns pour magic into the runes.   The page oddly enough ended there with a side note saying that if a success it will get messy and if it a failure only more of a mess than if a success.   Maybe I should have listened to the book when it said, and i quote, "Be used when your life depleted. Everything defeated. Beauty lost and lusted. Friends lost that were trusted. Be wary but certain the path you lead is one of neutrality for the power and knowledge in this book knows not good nor evil. Fire and brimstone awaits those who practice."  Here I was, everything was going according to plan, I had my Unicorns and my very special Pegasus. I had to be clever with this, I had tricked the unicorns into being blindfolded and had the Pegasus knocked out and gaged. Everything was going great until the. Very. Last. Moment. Apparently the Pegasus had woken up and apparently the gag had fallen out and when that happened the Pegasus had started screaming in pain and when the Unicorns had heard they immediately took off there blindfolds and witnessed what was actually happening AND when that happened they lost control of the spell and APPARENTLY all their heads exploded other than mine.   Chunks of meat and brain were everywhere including the two gaping wounds in my back  where the now ashen shavings were.     I looked at my surroundings and cursed myself for not giving the Pegasus something to stay knocked out.   The bodies lay there on the floor smoldering, probably a side affect from the spell when it pretty much backfired. Smoke also came out of the bodies but for some odd reason it started to feel like a sauna, like there was heated moisture in the air and I was quickly sweating so I got the bodies and dug them somewhere nopony would ever find them.   And now here I am moving to a new town to hopefully start the spell all over again, maybe I can find what I need in this Ponyville I'm moving to. ________________________________________________ So yeah I decided to start another series for no absolute reason whatsoever! Just wanted to write quick small ideas I think about. By the way the tags on this whole story thing is going to be random only, because each chapter is either going to contain 1-3 different stories involving different things. Anyways Comment & Rate