> Vendetta > by suijin228 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "The famous Magician Hocus Pocus once said that 'the more you think you see, the less you actually notice'. He was famous for his illusions and his skill in entertainment magic, despite the fact he was an earth pony. He entertained for several decades before retiring to his summerhome in the south where he dies of old age. Now this isn't about Hocus Pocus, but rather his words and what they mean. I'll take you through everything you want to know, and all you have to do is just sit back and hear me out. Deal? Good. It all began on a Tuesday..." Vendetta Chapter 1 The night scene in Canterlot was strangely empty this evening, as the usually bustling streets of Equestria's capital were empty of almost all signs of life. Oh sure, there were one or two stragglers, but it would seem that most ponies were either asleep, or heading home to go to sleep at this hour. One such figure however was using this emptiness as a chance to move about; a freedom he so rarely had the chance to do. Anyone looking at him from at distance would think that he was dressing early for nightmare night. He wore a black cloak which covered the majority of his body, showing only what was in the front of his person, which judging from the remaining hos his ensemble was barely anything. The remainder of his outfit was as strange as the cloak, for under it was a long sleeved black tunic, black gauntlets over his hooves, and a black cloth covering almost everything else. As the figure moves, the faint gleam of steel was visible to the trained eye, revealing several knives hidden in the cloak of the costumed stallion. He was so covered that the only way you'd know that he was a stallion was because of his body, while not as large as a certain apple farmer, he certainly stood a bit taller than the average pony and had a bit of muscle to him as well. However all this could be disregarded to most, as the soul identifying feature was the white mask which sat upon the stallions face. It was white in color, yet had a black mustache and a thin beard sprouting from under the masks lower lip. With eye holes which looked empty, if you got close enough you'd be able to see that the eyeholes were black glass, giving away nothing about who lay underneath it. The mask was framed by long brown hair and a black conical hat sitting neatly on the figures head, unmoved despite the speed in which the figure was moving. The stallion moved through alleys with an unheard of grace, and a dexterity which would make even a gymnast raise an eyebrow at. Whenever a lone pony walked down the street, he'd quickly move for cover, his outfit helping him blend in with the shadows. The stallion continued to move along the streets of the capital, unheeded and unnoticed, moving through alleys when necessary and sticking close to shadows at all times, as he moved ever closer to his destination. He probably would have gone on unheeded had he not heard the cry originating from an ally up ahead. Moving close, he spied a situation he found to be most... unpleasant, and would have immediately interfered had one of the individuals not done something which caught his eye. -------------------------------------------------------------- A few minutes earlier... Evergreen happily trotted down the empty streets of canterlot with a small near skip in her step. Uh sure her body ached from 'The Bastard's' last training before graduation, but she had finally finished her training to become a royal guard. A few months ago, you'd have hardly recognized the mare as she was now. Her ivory coat, once neat and pristine, now was heavily stained in dirt and grime. Her aqua blue eyes, once wide and brimming with warmth, now were tired but filled with a fire that could not be put out. And lastly was her aqua blue mane; where it once was as soft as silk and had quite a bit of length to it, it now was cut short to the point where some would say it belonged on a stallion. She'd sometimes thought that if her sister fleur ever got a look at her, she was sure to have a heart attack over how much her little sister had changed. She'd entered the royal training program as a young beautiful mare, yet had come out of it as a soldier. Oh sure there had been times she'd cried; hell, there had even been times where she'd nearly thrown in the towel and left. But one look at 'The Bastard' and she'd instantly pick herself up and throw herself back into the thick of things. 'The Bastard' That name alone sent a bristle of anger coursing through her body as Evergreen thought of the stallion she'd had to train under. Captain Westborough, an old veteran of the royal guard they'd brought back in because of Shining Armor's marriage to Princess Cadence. Now the stallion himself wouldn't have been so bad, had he not seemed to be targeting her directly. From the moment he'd laid eyes on her, he'd deemed her weak and unfitting to join the royal guard. He was just so sexist about it and didn't even try to hide it! Hell, he told her right to her face that he thought mares didn't belong in the royal guard! But every time he tried to break her into quitting, she stuck it out just to see the look on her face when she received her armor tomorrow. Tomorrow Tomorrow would be the day of the summer solstice, and the day that all incoming guards received the armor of their chosen Guard. But as to what guard she should pick had troubled the mind of the young mare since she'd learned about them. First was the Solar Guard, the protectors of equestria during the day and the guards of Celestia. It was their duty to maintain order throughout canterlot and the castle. Their position, while a bit cushiony at times, was very important in the day to day basis of equestria... plus their pay was ridiculously good. However the downside to it was that Westborough happened to be the captain of this force, and would no doubt try to find some way to kick her out of the guard as soon as possible. Then there was the Dawn guard, or 'the scouts' as they were nicknamed by some of the guards. They were those who were placed into towns on the border or equestria or sent out to help explore the unknown. They were those who loved adventure and excitement, fighting bandits and saving peoples lives. But the downside there was that the job would take her away from her family, something she wanted to avoid. Then came the Night Guard; which, as the name implied, were those who guarded the castle during the night. They were suppose to guard all of canterlot, but due to their low numbers, they were unable to send out anyone to guard the city. Still though, at night not a lot of ponies were out so things usually took care of themselves. They were a big mystery to most civilians and even a bit frightening, since the magic embedded in their armor caused all who wore it to resemble bat ponies. Another downside was that their pay wasn't as good as the other two guard's; however, since it was lead by princess Luna herself, it was a welcomed choice as compared to 'The Bastard'. As Evergreen lost herself in the thoughts of what her position in either the Night Guard or the Dawn Guard might entail, she failed to hear the sound of hoofsteps approaching from behind until the bat had already collided with her head. Thrown forward from the force behind the strike, a cry of pain quickly escaped her mouth as she instinctively curled up into a ball to try to appease the horrible throbbing coming from the back of her head. Another cry would have ripped itself from her throat had her mouth been forcibly held shut via magic. As her instincts began to kick in, Evergreen turned her head slightly to try to get a look at who was attacking her, only to find that her vision was heavily blurred from the concussion she now was suffering. However she did notice three blurs who stuck out from the shadows and one of which did hold a long thin blur by the looks of things. Almost knocked out cleanly by the blow, Evergreen was lifted up by one of the blurs and pushed against the wall, the blur too strong for her to escape from in the confusion. Dizzy and still in pain, her brain couldn't decipher the words coming out of the three assailants mouths, only picking up a few words in each sentence. "Idiot... Job... first..." however short it was, her brain was able to understand just what the three wanted just by that last word alone. Especially when she could almost taste the lust rolling off of them. Rape She'd heard of the evil act but had never considered the idea that she'd be raped in Canterlot! Maybe Detrot, but not canterlot! Putting up a mild struggle, this only received her another strike from the one holding her against the wall. She'd have used her magic had the feeling of a thousand needles going into her horn not come along at the mear thought of doing such a thing. As the blur's began to come into focus, Evergreen began to feel a bit of her strength come back as the three blurs (stallions if their voices matched), argued at who would take the first go. Playing weak for a moment, she nearly fell over as the one restraining her moved to get a better hold; this was all the time Evergreen needed as she grabbed his forehooves and flipped him over her shoulder, slamming his face into the wall. Looking down at the now bloodied face of her attacker, she nearly felt her heart stop at the sight of who it was. On the ground by her hooves was the now prone form of Crispy Brown, a trainee like her! Taking a quick look behind her at the faces of the other attackers, she could immediately identify who the rapists were. 'Take Out? Prone Form?' All of them had been students along side her, the only difference between them and her was that they were among the more 'physical' ponies who didn't appreciate the fact that a mare was joining the guard. The Bastard had always looked the other way when they were giving her a hard time, and a few times had even encouraged their behavior! 'So now they want one more shot...' Too stunned by the revelation as to who her would be rapists were, she left herself open to a harsh strike from Take Out, the stallion wielding the baseball bat. With a harsh strike to the back, she fell to the ground, Prone Form using his magic to lift her into the air. "Well, looks like Crispy's out, which means It's me or you..." With not a care in the world, he looked like he was sizing up Evergreen like a predator before his first meal. "What say you and me take one hole appease! Hell, I'll even let you pick!" "As much as I love to see stallions digging their graves further, I must admit that I find this entire situation most distasteful..." Eyes widening at the new voice, Prone Form turned to make out the appearance of the new figure. He stood behind Take Out, one of his knives at the pony's throat with said stallion's eyes wide in fear. With the whole ally silent of noise, even Evergreen had stopped struggling. Seeing that all eyes were upon himself, the costumed stallion moved forward with his victim. His voice seemed to carry out from under the mask, carrying out to every corner of the ally in a jovial and gentle manner. "Thus I find myself questioning what to make of this situation. I'll admit, had I not seen this fellow," he paused momentarily to indicate to the fearful stallion held now at knifepoint; "under my knives edge attack Miss Evergreen here, I'd have probably believed that you kind gentlecolts were helping her home." At this, the stallions voice turned as cold as the frozen north, the power behind it shocking those present to their core. It was almost as if the princess was talking to them! "But I am no fool, and to see this trash polluting this city disgusts me... back away now and you may leave here with no harm, I only ask you release Miss Evergreen here. If you don't..." the costumed pony's speech cut off there, it's implications firm. Now in the face of adversity, a ponies instincts turn to Flight or Fight. Most ponies choose to run; it's in their instincts to do so when a predator is present. But with guards it's different; their instincts are beaten out of them, leaving only a soldier's mentality. Prone Form choose to follow his training, lunging at the masked man as he charged up a spell, letting Evergreen fall to the ground. Landing on her stomach, she lay facing the first of many asskickings to come from the masked stranger. Prone Form's lung wasn't unexpected for the stallion; it was understood that he wouldn't run from adversity, especially in the face of someone who had challenged him. Pushing Take Out into the path of the stallion, both soldiers fell into a heap, however they quickly got to their hooves, both now facing the stranger. Getting off the ground slightly with his wings, Prone form shot off at the stranger, his bat raised high to strike. But as he neared the black clad stallion, he flourished with his cloak, momentarily blinding Take Out long enough to make his move. Ducking under the attack, he punched upwards with one of his gauntlet clad hooves hitting the trainee hard enough in the stomach to cause Take Out to loose his breath. Swiping the bat from the weakened trainee's hooves, he spun around and made a hard swing for the stallion's face. With a sickening crunch, Take Out was sent back like a baseball, landing right beside Evergreen and atop Crispy Brown. Only the sight of Take Out breathing was enough to let them know he was still alive. However that now left Prone Form alone against this soldier; but he had magic, and he'd been one of the best in class in terms of magical strength. So, pumping the magic into his horn, he sent several shots towards the figure, each one he seemed to dance around with such ease, drawing ever close with each strike. Panic rising, Prone Form sent out a sharp blast of concentrated lightening, not caring how much attention he might draw. Ducking under the attack, the figure rushed forward, as if he was a shadow streaking across the land. Time seemed to freeze for a moment as the stallions mask was just inches before Prone Forms own; with a strong Haymaker, Prone Form was sent back, slamming into the wall and landing on top of his cohorts to make a small pile. Beginning to fade, Prone Form tried to use his magic to restrain the stallion like he'd done with Evergreen, but as the stallion's magic washed over the figure, the only sign of it being present was a slight faltering in his steps. Now in front of him, Prone Form could only look up into the face which seemed almost like a demonic figure to him. "Consider this a lesson; Spare the rod, spoil the child..." Not giving the stallion time to think, the figure spun around and bucked him right in the face, knocking him out instantly while leaving his face a bloody mess. Now the only ones left conscience were the figure and Evergreen, who now lay in shock at seeing her attackers taken out with such ease.A million questions raced through her mind for a moment before the winner rushed out her mouth and into the open. "Who are you?" Looking down at the prone figure of Evergreen, the figure seemed to contemplate his words before replying to te question. "Who? Who is but the form following the function of what and what I am is a man in a mask." The tone was lihtly jvial and carried a warmth she hadn't felt outside her family. Yet it didn't help that the stallion hadn't answered her question. "Well I can see that..." she mumble out with a bit of an obvious tone to it. Chuckling beneath his mask, the figure continued on to finish his reply, "Of course you can, I’m not questioning your powers of observation, I’m merely remarking upon the paradox of asking a masked man who he is." This excited a bashful look from the mare as if she'd just realized what kind of question she'd asked. "Oh, right..." Backing away from the prone mare, the stallion stood beneath a worn poster of the royal guard she hadn't noticed in lieu of the situation. On I was a picture of 'The bastard', his newly appointed position having made him the face of the royal guard, much to Evergreen's chagrin. Not even stopping his train of though, the stallion went into his introduction you could tell right off the bat was planned. "But on this most auspicious of nights, permit me then, in lieu of the more commonplace soubriquet, to suggest the character of this dramatis persona..." Nodding his head forward so that his hat shielded his masked face, the figure went right into it; casting a light on what was one of the strangest uses of a single letter she'd ever heard! "Voila! In view humble vaudevillian veteran, cast vicariously as both victim and villain by the vicissitudes of fate. This visage, no mere veneer of vanity, is a vestige of the “vox populi” now vacant, vanished. However, this valorous visitation of a bygone vexation stands vivified, and has vowed to vanquish these venal and virulent vermin, van guarding vice and vouchsafing the violently vicious and voracious violation of volition!" As he talked, the stallion grew louder and harsher, his speech rippling in anger barely restrained. Lashing out at the poster, he drew a knife, slashing his own mark into the poster and forever defacing it. All his hate lay in those words and acion, and with them spent, the figure's breath was the only sound of the ally. "The only verdict is vengeance; a vendetta, held as a votive not in vain, for the value and veracity of such shall one day vindicate the vigilant and the virtuous." With his heavy breath drawing her in more Evergreen was suddenly caught of guard as the figure bowing, his hat staying perfectly on his head as his brown mane hung loose. "Verily this vichyssoise of verbiage veers most verbose, so let me simply add that it’s my very good honor to meet you and you may call me V." Silence returned to the ally, with Evergreen in shock now at the flippant nature of the stallion before her. Thus lead to the second question escaping her lips. "Are you a crazy person?" Chuckling, the figure just shook his head negatively; "No, but I'm sure they will all say so." With those words the pair fell into an unusual silence, as if trying to find any words to say to one another. But as the time ticked onwards, they found nothing particularly interesting to report. "Tell me Miss Evergreen, will you be needing some help getting home?" Evergreen, realizing that in her excitement that she'd been attacked, shakily rose to her feet. While the bleeding to her skull had finished, she was still a bit weak from the blood loss. "N-eh- no, but thank you..." As she tried to make her way out of the ally, she noticed the now named V begin to walk along side her. He didn't reach out to help her, but she could tell that he was there for her if she needed him. As they exited the ally, Evergreen gave a quiet thank you to the mad stallion before her before making her way towards the Canterlot Hospital. As she made the turn to do so, she couldn't help but send a small glare at the three would be assailants, promising to have a few words with the captain tomorrow about what his students were doing. But as she did so, she never noticed V moving his right forehoof away from his daggers. Cocking his head to the side as she walked down the street, nobody would be able to see the smirk under his mark. "Perfect, she'll be the one..." ------------------------------------------------------------------------- As Evergreen began to make her way to the hospital, hoping to make a quick visit there before heading home, through the fog of her concussion, he had failed to ask just how the strange stallion knew her name! She'd later be hitting herself over the head for forgetting that one piece of critical information. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Meanwhile, walking back to the pile of unconscious bodies, V prodded them a few times to make sure they were unconscious. As he thought over what to do to them, he soon came to a conclusion which incited a small chuckle from the costumed stallion. "Rejoice dear rapists," he whispered down to the knocked out future guards. "Through my good will your lives will be spared... Be sure to tell your captain EVERYTHING that has transpired tonight." Knowing that they probably couldn't hear him, he still knew that the captain would be informed, and with it he could move on with his plans. Exiting the ally, deciding to return home rather than continue on with his own activity, V's mind raced with thought of what was sure to come. "Soon... soon I shall take away all that you have made, Captain Westborough..."