Eternal Harmony

by Morrin

First published

When a creature not a pony(Or human) pops into Equestia, things will be interesting.

When a creature not a pony(Or human) pops into Equestia, things will be interesting.

A creature of long life and eternal curiosity. Astral Dragons, go from one world to another randomly, taking forms to fit in. Living in one world, then the next. They live, explore, and sometimes find love in these worlds.
When a young one named Ailan Sempar, after visiting some harsh worlds, gets into the seemingly utopian world of Equestia, he hopes for a pleasant life here. That may or may not happen.

As you can tell, I'm not good at descriptions. Enjoy and constructive comments are welcomed on my very first fic.
Will add more tags as characters show up.

Picture done by the amazing cloudlinedasher.


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This is a story that has never been told. It happened before the well-told legend of Nightmare Moon. A story even older than the fables that tell of Discord’s rule. One that won't be found in any books, in any library; no ancient scrolls or cave markings hold knowledge of this tale. It does exist, but only in the memories if those who experienced it. Four total, but in the lands of Equestia, only two princesses, Celestia and Luna, remember. This is their memory, as faded as it is. It's their past... and their future.

It all began when an alicorn stallion appeared in the kingdom, just on the edge of Equestia. Nobody knew who he was or where he came from. His coat shone like burnished gold in the daylight, the feathers of his wings were of a slightly lighter shade, shining, almost like emitting their own light. His mane and tail were the opposite -- the purest of black, flowing down his neck, with bright blue lightning flickering through it, the blue lightning matching the bright blue of his eyes. He quickly drew attention to himself, ponies came out, staring at him in both awe and fear at the stranger.

As he made his way from the borders into the country, he made a point to spend time in each town, each village he crossed, helping little ponies, relieving them of their fears of the mysterious new alicorn. The stallion thus left behind a trail if goodwill, and the news of him were spreading.

He was met outside of the old capital by only a small contingent of guards, and both the rulers of the land: King Eternal and Queen Infinity, and their two young daughters: Princess Celestia the older, and the younger -- Princess Luna.

The stallion’s name was Morrin Asturias. He was very straightforward with the answers when the divine rulers began questioning him of his origins and reasons for being here. The answers they got surprised everyone, but most of all the royal daughters, who had never seen another alicorn stallion, besides their own father. They stood on the back, watching him mesmerized.

Morrin wasn't of the world of Equestia, neither he was from any specific world. His kind, astral creatures, were from the space in-between worlds, called by some the Astral Realm. He was an Astral Dragon, one of the oldest creatures of that plane of existence. Not all of creation, but very ancient nonetheless. His kind, immortal as they were, traveled the multiverse, spending a lifetime or less in one place, shifted in the world's prominent species, enjoying new experiences, then moving on when the time was right.

The king and the queen knew about worlds other than their own, they had a few, a very few other encounters with otherworldly beings. Even with that knowledge, they were suspicious of creatures of other worlds, but noting his kind acts, they gave the stallion their trust and offered him a place to stay at their palace -- a beautiful tall castle in the middle of peaceful woods, near the base of a massive mountain. He accepted their offer kindly, and set himself up a place to sleep.

Asturias spent most of his time outside the castle, as he was not the type to lay around and be a lazy noble. He was helping the little ponies and no job was too small for him, no job he wouldn't touch. He helped simple farmers to plow their fields, helped to move weather around, guiding rain clouds over the farms. He even assisted with construction of a wonderful city of Manehatten. He did it all with little magic, for despite being an alicorn, his strength laid with the physical and flight.

His actions brought the love of the ponies, and their respect. It also drew the attention of both the alicorn sisters. They spent much of their free time scrying on the stallion, being much better in magic than he was, they were able to watch him at work.

At first the reason for spying was a suspicion, as they didn't know as much about the other worlds as their parents, but in time it started to change. The suspicious grew into curiosity, then into awe, respect and, in time, into longing. Both sisters watched the alicorn stallion work hard in the land, hidden in clouds, eyes locked on the stallions flanks as he pulling plows, pushing stones up to be constructed into walls for buildings. The sisters watched together as they’ve always shared everything.

After a few months, they finally worked up the courage to approach Morrin, they walked up to him, flanking the stallion, and demanded a date. With both of them. Needless to say Morrin was a bit stunned, he watched them glaring at him like they were afraid he would refuse. He agreed, and enjoyed said date, and the many following ones.

Years went by, Equestria grew and prospered under the rule and guidance of the king and the queen, and their daughters and their daughters’ stallion. Manehattan grew into a prosperous town, and the construction of Phillydelphia had begun. All was good.

Then the Shadow appeared.

Nobody knew where it came from or what it wanted. One day it covered the Sun, not blocking it out completely, but placing the planet in eternal dusk. Neither the king nor the queen, with their combined might, were able to bring the light back to the world. Then a massive creature appeared a few miles from the capital, an intangible creature, wrapped in shadows, with blood-red eyes glowed from within.

It did not move from its location. When a pegasus approached, asking what it wanted, the only reply it gave was a deep resonating laugh. A shadowy tentacle bolted out from within the blob of darkness, trying to snap at the pegasus, who barely dodged it. Moments later, creatures made of solid shadow erupted from within its body, and began marching upon the capital.

Upon hearing about the attack, much to the displeasure of both Celestia and Luna, who were both heavy with foal at that point, Morrin took off, heading in the direction of the unmoving, but spawning monstrosity. When he reached it, he was immediately attacked by tentacles. He easily dodged it, swooping under and over the monstrous appendages, calling out, demanding what the creature wanted. More tentacles appeared, reaching out for Morrin. A dark, deep voice echoes from the creature, heard for miles around: “Fooood… Eternal Souls...” it responded.

The stallion frowned and headed back to the palace. Once there, he let the royalty know what the creature wanted and began mobilizing the army. The pony army and the shadowy army soon met in the field. The dark creatures were no match for the trained and dedicated soldiers of the Equestia, but they were uncountable. Hundreds, thousands of dark creatures slaughtered, but they were all replaced with ease, while the pony army was slowly whittled down. The situation hadn't changed even after the Alicorns joined the battle, Morrin, and the king and the queen, but not the princesses -- they weren't allowed to come in their condition. They fought against the beasts, and dealt strikes against the shadowy creature spawning the beasts, but with no effect.

Weeks went by with no headway; the battle between the two armies continued, but neither were able to gain ground on the other and moral was slowly getting low. Feeding the army had also started to become a problem, as every able pony was drifted into the army, so the farms were left untended.

King Eternal and Queen Infinity came up with an idea that they hoped would save them. They noticed the beast was after the alicorns, since each time they appeared, it went straight for them. The royal parents sadly decided to offer themselves as a bait, drawing the creature away into the astral realm, to chase them eternally.

After saying goodbyes, and gaining a promise from Morrin, that he'd protect their daughters, they dived towards the shadow creature, horns charged full of their magic. They let the monstrosity get a hold of them before they forced a rift into the realm between realms open, and with powerful wing-flaps, dragged the creature out of Equestia.

All the little ponies cheered, the beast was gone. Morrin, Celestia and Luna, even with a heavy hearts of losing the king and the queen, sighed in relief.

Horrifyingly, their relief was brief. A day later, the sky darkened again, a scar opened up in the sky, and the creature of shadows returned. The sisters wailed in anguish -- their parents sacrifice was for naught, for they did not return.

Morrin watched in anger as the beast began rampaging through his little ponies once again. He knew he had to stop it, to keep the promise he made to keep his mates, and their children, and the rest of Equestria safe. He only knew of one way. He would have to sacrifice his body to banish the being away from the world.

“What? This is foolish!” Luna exclaimed, while she laid in the bed with her recently foaled daughter, a pure white pegasus, nursing her and glaring at Morrin

“Yes, I agree with my sister. There has to be another way we can defeat, or banish this being without sacrifice,” the older sister, Celestria, murmured softly, tears forming in her eyes. She pressed her own foal, a pink unicorn colt, closer to herself, nursing him. “We need you here. You've explained if you die here, leave this realm, you may never return.”

“But I will be alive. Just not here,” the gold alicorn stallion looked at both his mates and his children, his eyelids closing as he shook his head. “Perhaps, perhaps we could find a way. Do we have the time? What price are we willing to pay, how many more ponies are we willing to sacrifice?” he opened his eyes, looking out over the devastated battlefield, the shadow beast easily seen even at this distance. “I'm not willing to pay the price.”

Both Luna and Celestia cried, which caused the foals to whimper as well. Celestia nodded, wrapping a wing around the little colt. “Y-You're right. It hurts me so much to see so many of the little ponies dying,” she heaved a sigh, while Luna just sobbed, unable to argue, cuddling the pegasus in her own wings. The white alicorn smiled to her stallion weakly. “You'll always be in our hearts. You won't be forgotten,” she said.

Morrin smiled, moving up to wing-hug both the mares and his foals. “And neither the both of you. I'll always remembers you. Watch over our children, and their children, and their descendants,” he said as he leaned down, nuzzling the unicorn. “You be good for your mother, Mico. You as well,” he nuzzled the pegasus filly, “Arcus.” Both the foals babbled, grabbing their father’s muzzle and giving it a hug. Morrin, after they dropped and went back to nursing, turned away, tears in his eyes. “If I run into your parents, I'll let them know you're safe.” With that, he flew away towards the shadow beast.

With mighty flaps of his wings, the alicorn stallion made his way fast to the beast that had caused so much pain, so much strife. The beast he planned on removing from Equestia, to protect the realm he loved. His eyes narrow, wings cutting through the air as he dodged tentacles, his horn glowing as he began the change to move through the astral, turning into his natural form. With a roar, the alicorn shifted, feathered wings turning into massive draconian wings, his fur coat shifted to golden scales, his body bulked up with muscle. His mane no longer flowed like it did, but a pure black mane hung down his long neck, blue stripes appeared down the length of his back and tapered tail.

With another roar, he charged down towards the creature. “You've caused enough pain in this world you cancerous being. My name is Morrin Asturias, the one who'll banish you from this peaceful realm to never cause harm ever again!”

Dodging left, tentacles reaching for him, dodging left, snapping at a tentacle that gripped him by his right claws paw, biting the shadowy appendage off. On and on he charged, until he plummeted right into the shadow’s center form. The shadow creature seemed to pause, as if it wondered what the dragon was trying to do.

”FOR EQUESTIA!” the dragon roared, as his body glowed in pure golden light, making the beast writhe in what seemed to be pain, light shooting out from its body, incinerating the shadows. Then, with a mighty roar, the dragon exploded in more light, drenching the beast in his astral glow, which dragged both beast and dragon out of Equestia.

The explosion was massive, motes of light and darkness filled the air. The majority of the black motes sunk into the area of a massive forest, causing the woods to become darker. The majority of the light motes landed outside of the forest, amongst a fertile plain.

The ponies didn't cheer right away, considering the last time they thought they won they were wrong. They waited, they waited a day, then another, then a week. Only after a month had passed since the shadow was destroyed, they knew it was over.

The ponies began rebuilding their country. The two Alicorn sisters spent time mourning the loss of not just their parents, but of their mate as well. They decided to remain Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, for they did not believe, did not want to believe, their parents were dead. Life continued as it was, but with two rulers: the Sun, and the Moon.

The foals of the otherworldly stallion and the sisters of the sun and moon grew, had families, children of their own, and their children had children, and so forth. The sisters let the families grow, watching over them, but slowly drifting apart. Letting the families hold themselves up, without the influence of being related to the Alicorns.

Centuries passed. Millenniums passed. History faded. History forgotten. The Shadow was forgotten. The King and Queen, forgotten. The brave stallion who sacrificed his happy home, his love, to protect the very same -- forgotten. Celestia and her younger sister, Luna, they remembered.


Exactly 9,492 years later…

The young dragon bounced in front of the cave where he and his mother lived. He was an energetic, gold-scaled dragon, black mane flowed down his neck, with greenish stripes flowing down his back. “Mooom, it's my 121st hatchday! It's time for me to go,” he said, seeming to be quite happy about it, but a tinge of sadness tainted his voice. It was the time for the astral dragon to leave his nest, and begin traveling the multiverse.

His mother, Leiko, sighed as she stepped out, nodding. “Yes, I know Ailan. Oh, I'm going to miss you,” she said, as she grabbed her child in her wings, hugging him tightly. “I knew this day would come, but I still dreaded it,” she sobbed.

Ailan hugged his mom back, nuzzling her neck. “Don't worry mom. We will meet up. Someday we will run into each other again, and I'll be grown even more, and you'll be proud of me and the things I hope to do!” the young dragon said.

Leiko nodded, letting her son go. “I know I know. I'll be proud of you no matter what you'll do,” she said with a growing smile. “Now, you be good, ok Ailan? Also, if you run into your Uncle Morrin, tell him I miss him and he’d better be behaving or his sister, despite being the youngest, will still shove his tail up his… Well, he'll know,” she chuckled, remembering the mischievous young dragonet her brother was over 15 millenniums ago.

“Of course mom, I'll let him know,” Ailan turned around, looking into the sky. “I wonder, what world I'll end up first. Hopefully it's a fun place to be.” With that comment, he opened his wings, and took off, making his way into the sky, eyes focused on a single point on the horizon. His magic, like magic of any other astral dragon, was weak, but it was enough for his goal. He ripped an opening into the astral plane. “Bye mom!” he hollered out one more time, before he popped through the rip, which closed behind him.

The elder dragoness nodded, wiping a tear away from her eye. “Bye Ailan Sempar, I hope the first world you end up in isn't harsh.”


Some months later…

On a planet covered in smog and rocky lands, two armies are charging each other. On one side is a wave of green, large brutish humanoids roaring in a battle fever.


The other side, a much smaller army -- another group of humanoids in massive battle armor, ultramarine in color.


They meet in the middle, both sides shouting their battle cries.

So much for a peaceful beginnings,” Ailan Sempar thinks, charging forward, weighted by the massive Space Marine armor.

Thus, the story of Ailan Sempar, begins.

Chapter 1(Pre-Edit)

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This chapter has not been looked at yet by my editor, my wife. Holidays and such has been too hectic for her to have time. She will begin editing it in a day or two, but I really wanted to get this out too you guys on new year. So, here it is! Please take it with a grain of salt and keep in mind it will be reposted once it's been edited and proofread.

Chapter 1

“WAAAAAHG!” The orcs charged, outnumbering the enemy, the formidable Space Marines, a chapter of the Ultramarines, untold numbers against one. Hundreds of them were slaughtered by heavy bolt fire as they charged the entrenched marines location, yet they kept going, uncaring about their losses, as many more were behind each fallen greenskin.
In their fortified position, the Space Marines laid down heavy fire upon the incoming wave of green. They numbered in mere hundreds, but they felt no fear, no lost of bravery against the unstoppable surge of orcs that heavily outnumbered them. “FOR THE EMPEROR!” they all roared out. Their faith in the Emperor in his Golden Throne will give them victory today, that many greenskins will fall under their fists.
The ground trembled under the feet of the incoming green swarm, the air rippled with the non-stop explosions of bolters firing death upon their targets. The high pitch squeals of goblins riding on their ugly squigs, darting ahead of the hulking orks, both rider and beast loaded down ‘big boom sticks.’ Galloping ahead, the living explosive packages, the little green goblins eyed the entrenched ‘hoomans’ pushing their mounts forward to cause a booming distraction. Luckily, so far none has reached the marines, being mowed down quickly before getting near enough to be effective in anything other than themselves and their surrounding orks.
Within the encampment of the Marines, every last one was focused the surge before them, hailing down bolts non-stop. Except for one. This marine, despite looking like the rest, his thoughts were much different. It was not of the Emperor, of no surrender, of battle. “Oh by the astral lights, this is not what I expected!” was his thoughts
Ailan Sempar, was not a Space Marine, a human, or even a humanoid. He just looked like one. Having just left his mother a few months ago, to travel the astral realms, to visit new realms, see new sights, meet new people, and enjoy discovery. The world he ended up on randomly, was a dark world, where there was only war. His form this world has given him was that of the elite of the human race, the Space Marines. He was then shipped off to this planet, where him and his ‘fellow brothers’ have been fighting these orks non-stop for the past month.
When he left, he knew it wouldn’t be all happy and utopian worlds, that some worlds were violent, dark, grim. He cursed his luck that the first world was this hellish place. He fought though. There wasn’t much else he could do, other than aim down the barrel of his bolter and fire. He also knew his time on this world was short. Ammo was short, their high concentration protein rations were low, and the orks were relentless. Ailan knows he has fired millions of bullets, and killed about the same, and knows the other marines have done the same, but the wave has not lessened. Hour by hour, the orks have gotten closer and closer to their positions. Surrounded and low on supplies, this was a lost battle for the marines. “If I see another ork after this in a thousand years, it’ll be too--”
The clip on his bolter was empty, Ailan reached for another clip, and found none. He looked down the row of marines, them all realizing the time for melee was upon them.
“Come on men! It’s time we took the fight to these greenskin spawn! FOR THE EMPEROR! CHARGE!” The Captain of this contingent of marines bellowed out, reaching out behind him to heft up a massive hammer, which crackled with energy. He didn’t wait for this men’s response, he charged out, rushing the oncoming swarm.
“Idiot.” Ailan thought as he tossed his bolter to the ground, watching as the rest of his men in arms charged out from the entrenchment, pulling out combat knifes and chainswords, following the captain into the fray. “Idiots. Idiots all of them.” Ailan sighed inwardly. “Well, I won’t miss this world.” the marine that was not charged in after the rest.
No one can say Ailan didn’t give the orks an easy time in killing him. He was technically a space marine, with the armor and strength to go with it. His innate regeneration of what he actually was kept him going longer too. Him and the marines fought hard against the orks, but they were slowly whittled down, till only him and the captain remained.
“Well, this is it marine. It’s time we die for the Emperor!” The hulking captain said to Ailan as they were back to back, surrounded by the throbbing mass of greenskins.
Ailan eyed the marine captain over his shoulder. “Oh fuck the Emperor.” Ailan said, as the orks charged in to finish the two.
The Captain had enough time to narrow his eyes at Ailan. “You Heret--” He never finished the sentence, distracted by the heretical curse of Ailan that he did not see an orks chopper coming down, cutting right through the thick marines neck.
Ailan chuckled, eyeing the surrounded orks. “I’ve had enough of this place. Come on you ugly sacs of fungus, kill me so I can be done and move on!”

3 years later

The crowd surrounding Cherry Creek in the state of Denver measured in near millions. Ranging from military, reporters, and normal ‘professional’ gawkers. All there to see the first dragon ever seen in person. Dunkelzahn was proof of things science couldn’t prove, a massive dragon that just randomly appeared next to the lake.
After a 12 hour interview, Dunkel surprised everyone when he suddenly shape shifted down into a tall caucasian man in a sharp business suit, and said he needed to rest. He booked a room at a nearby Hilton hotel, oddly having cash to pay for the top floor suite. The military of course was not going to just let him stay there, unguarded, to protect Dunkel, or protect others from this still strange creature.
Three guards stood outside the door, one of them being a young tall man, standing tall on the right side of the door. Ailan yawns, covering his mouth as he glances down the hallway. This world was way better then that horrendous non-stop violence fest before, but it was kinda dull
“Wonder if things will get interesting now that another dragon here is here. Odd though…” Ailan thinks back to when Dunkel walked past him as they were guarding the door. The dragon, who even in a humanoid form, was imposing, and very charismatic. Both dragons in disguise looked each other in the eyes and the very much elder dragon gave a warm smile as his booming mental voice echoed in the youngers mind.
“Well, looks like I’m not the first one to arrive. I warn though, and am sorry, you’re time here will be short, but you’re time will come as well.” The mental link was then cut short as Dunkel walked into his room, not giving Ailan time to reply. Said young astral just stood there in a bit shock, surprised his disguise was easily seen through. Not many creatures can do that.
Ailan has been pondering on his elders words though, trying to understand their meaning. His thoughts were distracted as the elevator to the floor opened, revealing a very odd group. Four stepped out, and 2 were definitely not entirely human, having pointed ears like an elf, and all of them had something he hasn’t seen in this world since Dunkel, magic. It was strong in 2 of them, the two females, the other two, males were weak in it.
Ailan and the other two guards stood at attention, readying their weapons. “Nobody is allowed in this hallway.” Ailan called out, not taking any risk at this sudden ‘unknown’ group.
The tall ‘elf’ tilted his head, raising an eyebrow high above his sunglasses. “Dunkel is expecting us.” He said, eying the guns pointed at him, a chuckle emitting from his throat. In fact, none of them even seemed to be nervous or scared at the fact Ailan and the other two guards had assault rifles aimed at them.
“Likely story. Why would the dragon invit--” The other guard said, before being interupted by the hotel room opening, Dunkel peaking his head out with a disarming smile. “Please, let my friends in. I need to speak with them.”
“Oh, yes sir.” All three of the soldiers blink, and nods, moving out of the way to let the group in. Dunkel eyes Ailan again, giving a slight frown, giving a mysterious nod before closing the door.
“That was interesting. Wonder who they were. They had magic as well, when this world has zero magic. Seems things are getting interesting.” Ailan thought to himself, going back to leaning against the wall, struggling against another yawn.
After about an hour, the group leaves again in silence, and they return about 3 hours later. Again in silence, but the look on their faces seem to be very downfallen, like a group who failed at something. They got back in, and silence in the hallway continues.
About an hour later, the tension in the air intensifies dramatically. Ailan looks around, the air around the hotel room is, even with his weak magic senses, is growing heavy with magic. “You guys feel anything?” He asks the other two.”
“No man, other then boredom. You’d think guarding a real life drag--” Ailen stops paying attention to the guard as the magic in the area grows even more, nearly blinding to his senses. He feels it coming from the hotel room.
“Such power! What’s going on in there?” Ailan clenches his eyes shut as he hears the other guards finally feel it as the magic reaches a crescendo, knocking them completely out and dropping Ailan to his knees. “Ahhh!!” He manages to hold on a bit longer, before succumbing to the intense wave of arcane energy washes over him.
An hour later, Ailan groans as he regains consciousness. “Uhhg..What was-What was that?” He mutters to himself as he gets to his paws. “Wait...Paws?” He opens his eyes, and he see’s that he’s in his full draconic form.
“AHHH!!!” One of the guards behind screams, and opens fires. Not on the dragon before him first, surprisingly, but the other guard, who looks like a troll, his soldier outfit ripped to shreds by the increased bulk, who drops under the assault fire.
The guard who fires, who has not notices he is looking a lot like the Elfish guy earlier, pointed ears and all, turns his attention to the dragon in the hallway, and points the assault rifle, and fires the grenade launcher. The shot couldn’t of been more perfect.
“Oh shit!” The young dragon was still just flabbergasted at the current events, the grenade lands right in his jaws, and explodes! Astral creatures like himself can usually regenerate from massive wounds, but not from a grenade in the mouth blowing his head off completely.
“Well, I guess Dunkel was right about my time was short. But what did he mean about my time is going to come?” Ailan ponders, as his headless body slumps, and his astral form leaves this plane, and onto the next.

75 years later

“Allons-y!” The strapping man in a suit and a tanned overcoat ran long the younger man, both panting heavily from the running.
“Everytime doctor, every single time Doctor, I end up getting a months worth of cardio whenever I’m with you in a single day!” The younger man, dressed in a simple blue t-shirt and blue jeans. Ailan laughs though as he complains. “Worth it though!” He chuckles, before ducking a blast of laser shotgun.
“Worth it? I’m the one who got who was forced into a shotgun married to Queen Bess!” The man named the Doctor hollered out. “I say she’s no longer Good Queen Bess.” He grins as him and Ailan jumped over another crack in the tunnel. “We just need to get to the Tardis and we’ll be fine.”
Ailan rolls his eyes. “Next time when the locals says anyone who looks at the queen will marry her, don’t look at her!” He dodges another blast, looking back at the mob of drunk humanoid aliens.
“Bring back my husband! New husband, come back! I’m all out of cousins to marry!” Cries out the heavily overweight female in the back, dressed in a white, heavily stained wedding dress.
Both the Doctor and Ailan shudders. “Please tell me why we even came to this backwater hick planet anyway?” Ailan asks.
The Docter grins. “Why not? I’ve never been here before. New place, I go!” He says, tripping over a rock, causing another blast from the aliens laster shotguns to miss him, if barely.”
“Sigh.” The younger ‘immortal’ creature shakes his head. “Been traveling with you for the past 72 years, since you picked me up on earth. I should know better by n--Agh!” Ailan falls down, crying in pain as his side is peppered with blasts. The Doctor immediately stops, hefting Ailans right arm over his shoulder, and carries him.
“Almost there buddy!” He says, finally turning the corner where the his wonderful blue police box stands. he kicks open the door, and drags himself and Ailan in, closing the door behind him, and dropping him to the ground careful. He runs over to the console, starting it up with a few twirls of a knob here and there, ending off with a kick to get her moving.
“Nnng…” Ailan holds his bleeding side, wincing. “Dammit. This is pretty bad, even for me Doctor.” He says, panting as he leans against the Tardis door, gritting his teeth.
“No no no...You’ll be find buddy.” The Doctor moves back over to Ailan, kneeling beside him, looking over the rather bloody wounds, wincing. “Oh...I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." He sighs. “Pretty bad, even for you and your ability.
Ailan coughs, small amount of blood comes up, dribbling down his chin. “Eh, at least it’s not my end. Who knows, we might end up running into each other again.” He says with a weak smile. “But. *Cough* what will you do till then?”
The man before Ailan sighs, the man who looks so young, so full of life, yet feels so old, closes his eyes, lowering his head. “I...I think it’s time I stop running actually.”
Ailan blinks, tilting his head a little. “What do you mean? Sure, we’ve ran. We ran a lot actually. But usually things with guns, or claws, or both, or other nasty things to dismember us with...Like Laser shotguns!” He says with a laugh, then hisses in pain as pain lances through his body. “But what could you be running from?”
The Time Lord looks at the Astral Dragon, and just smiles. “My song is about to end, it was foretold. The ones who foretold it are calling me back.” He sighs, looking up to the tardis roof, standing up, then looks down at Ailan. “I don’t want to go.”
Ailan gives a weak smile. “Neither do I, but our times come.” He coughs, his eyes slowly closing. “And besides. You’re a hero...You’ll never end.”
The last time lord kneels back down beside the young astral dragon in human form, taking his hand in his. “We all end Ailan. Otherwise, what we do in our time, is meaningless...Goodbye, my friend.”
Ailans body begins to fade, golden light sparkling as it drifts into the astral realm. “Not goodbye. I’m sure I’ll see you again. Time...For more wonderful adventures.” He murmurs, before fading off, disappearing, leaving a lonely time lord, to head off to meet his fate.
1 year later

“You’re joking, right?” Ailan says, in a young elven body, glares at the much older human before him. “Archbishop Reolahaii calls for help, who I might add, is one of the Chosen of Mystra, like yourself, Khelban, and you send a bunch of apprentices who’ve barely mastered the first sphere?” He frowns. “With me leading into battle against the entire nation of the Drow and whatever else is going on down there?”
“Now Ailan, mind I remind you, you’re also an apprentice, barely of the second sphere. I am Khelban Blackstaff, and you’ll do as you’re ordered!” The elderly, but in shape man says with a deadly cool. “Is that clear?”
Ailan continues glaring, gritting his teeth. “Fine.” He turns, walking off to the group of fellow apprentices, who all look nervous, heading that they’re being ordered to Menzoberranzan, The City of Spiders. Ailan knew what was going on, as he turned, facing the Blackstaff. “Send us there.” With a flash of light, the small army of a few hundred apprentices disappeared.
When their eyes cleared, they saw what could only hell could rival in chaos and illogical facts. Ailan quickly looked around, immediately noticing the one who requested help, Reolahaii Ashty, master and minor diety of combination magic, the False Heretic of Mystra, chosen by Mystra herself to wield the powerful Spellfire. He had himself surrounded in a orb of pure force, kneels down, concentrating on what, even with Ailans weak sense of magic, was a ritual so powerful he doubt it’s been seen before in this age.
A bit past the wizard, in a defensive line, stood something that did not make sense! A small army of devils, ranging from mere imps, to mighty Pit Fiends, even a few dreadlord spread about. All of them being lead by a--Ailan blinks, unable to be sure he’s seeing this correctly, by Andrew Ironfist, high cleric of Tymora, and also a minor deity of family. “Ookay...I’ve seen it---Nope, I haven’t!”
Past the defensive line, facing the army of Drow headon, was Arkis, grandson of Thor, who was currently wielding his grandfathers hammer as he lead an army of Valhalla warriors, and then an army of Shadows led by Shadowcat, chosen of Pharasma.
Battle was all around them, noise of slaughter, death, pain, surrounded them all. The army of various races, combined, fighting not against the army of drow, but the entire race. The Drow put everything they had into this battle. The reason towered over the armies, as in the distance, Lloth herself stood, in her pure form, true form. She was in the middle of fighting against a being only Reolahaii, Shadowcat, Arkis, Andrew, and himself knew of. The Archmage of Netherese, who’s goal was to kill all gods, and was using Deific souls to cast a spell to wipe out every single one. Lloth was his last needed soul.
Ailan shudders, watching the two beings, one a god, one powerful enough to be a god, fought, while mortals around them fought. He glances over at Reolahaii, whose ritual will give him a way to prevent the success of the Archmage.
“Alright fellow apprentices! Let’s do this!” And an army of mages casted spells, hundreds of magic missiles flew and hit. “That’s it! Again!” He cried out, as another volley went. This went on for a few more times, before he knew they all were running low on spells. “Stupid Khelben! What did he expect wou--”
“Be recharged, fellow Mystrans! I lend my strength to you all!” Reolahaii’s voice echoed through their minds, before a surge of arcane energy was pumped into the entire mage army, energy, providing enough energy, and knowledge how to use second and third sphere spells. “Holy mother of Mystra…” Ailan blinks, and grins. “Alright boys, let’s show what’s scary about an army of magi!” He called out, pointing to a large battalion of Drow who were charging, and the moment he pointed, it was engulfed by hundreds of fireballs.
“Heh, we might just win this.” Thought Ailan with a chuckle. A few more minutes passed, and many strange occurrences he could not explained happened. The battle though, having been a stalemate for most of the fight, was slowly being pushed back against the army of heroes. “Or maybe no--”
“It is done!” Reolahaii’s voice boomed over the entire cavern as he dropped the orb of force, and finished the spell he’s been casting for nearly 10 minutes. With arms spread, the arcane energies enveloped him, his allies, and rapidly filled the entire Drow homeland in what looked to be a wave of a rainbow, spreading out in all directions.
As the energies approached Ailan, he sighed, but smiles. “Well, this place was interesting. I wonder what this spell actually does.” He ponders, before everything goes rainbow in his vision.

“Uuhhg…” Groans Ailan as his vision returns to him. “Guess the spell kills…” He says light heartedly as he begins to stands. The moment he moves to stand, he notices. “Hmm...Quadruped. Haven’t been that...No, wait, six limbs, I have wings. Been so long since I’ve had wings.” Ailan glances around, noticing just how vibrant the this world seems to be, then smiles as he notices a small little pond nearby. “Perfect!”
Ailan shakily walks towards it, getting used to having four instead of two legs, feeling his ears perk up at hearing various wildlife around him. Once at the pond, he looks in, viewing his reflection of his new form. “Well, this is new. I look like a small horse, no pony.” His fur looks to be a gold tint, shining a little. His mane, long, hanging wildly down his neck, had teal highlights along through it. His body was sleek, yet muscular. “Still a male, err..Stallion I guess.” The newly made stallion says with relief heavy in his voice. He looks at his wings, spreading them out wide, noticing they seem to be slightly out of proportion for his body size, but look strong. “It’s been a few centuries since I’ve flown, hopefully won’t take me long to get back into--”
“AHHH!” Ailans ears perk as he hears the scream, which seems to be coming from three different throats. “What the…?” He looks in the direction it came from, into the dark woods. “Well...Someone’s in danger. Time to quote an old friend.” He rushes off into the woods towards the direction of the cry for help “ALLONS-Y!” here

Chapter 2(Pre-Edit)

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Chapter 2

The three little fillies scream again, all holding each other tightly in the crook of a tree, whimpering in fright as the beast stalked towards them, growling deep within it’s throat. The three fillies, having just been making their way out of a striped friends abode, had the unfortunate chance of running into a manticore.

Inside the crook of the tree, the spunky light orange pegasus filly, attempts to glare back at the manticore through the bangs of her magneta mane. “Go away! I-I’m not s-scare of you!” She stutters out.

The white unicorn with a light pink and dusty lavender mane whines out in response to the first one. “B-but I am Scoots!”

The manticore haunches down, preparing to pounce the fillies, licking it’s lips hungrily. “Ah guess this is, we’re gonna die blank flanks!” The yellow earth pony with a red mane and a bright pink bow, says sadly, trembling, hugging the other two tightly as the manticore, with roar, begins it’s leap towards the filly trio.

“Not today!” A voice shouts out moments before a gold coated pegasus leaps out from the forest, landing in between the beast and the young ponies, wings flared out. The manticore stops, looking a bit puzzled as this stallion gets in his way, before giving a bestial grin, a larger meal arriving, and flexes it’s claws, digging into the earth beneath them as it gets ready to charge.

But before it gets a chance to, the stallion makes the first move, leaping towards it, and slamming it’s front left hoof right onto it’s snout, surprising the manticore again, causing it to pause before it swung it’s claws at the pony. Said pause gave the pegasus time to beat it’s wings, dodging the claw swipe, darting a few feet into the, kicking the beast snout again, causing it to yelp. “Get! Make it easier on both of us!” The stallions yells out, landing back on the ground again, out of claw reach.

The three fillies blink at the sudden rescue from the unknown stallion, still huddling together, watching the fight between said stallion and the manticore. “W-who’s that?” asks the white one.

“Dunno who he is, but he’s cool taking on that beast!” The orange one said, eyes wide in awe.

The pegasus male watches the manticore, waiting for it’s next move. When it comes, it was expected, with a loud roar and a pounce towards him, and the stallion dives forward hard, twisting to end up on his back, dodging the leap, and giving him the perfect position to buck his hind legs up, hard, right in between the manticores hind legs. The roar the beast was giving suddenly turns into a loud yelp, crashing into the ground, twitching in pain.

The stallion, grunting as he lands on his back, wincing just a little before rolling to his feet, giving a grin. “See, I told you you should of--Ow!” With the twitching, the manticore’s tail spasms and lashes out uncontrollably, ending up slashing along the pegasus stallions right foreleg, drawing blood. “That’s smarts!” He winces, watching the beast whimper in pain, before it darts off into the woods, deciding on an easier meal.

With the beast gone, with a wince the stallion turns around, looking at the three fillies, who’re watching him now with wide eyes. “You three alright there?” He asks with a smile.

The three fillies trot towards him, looking up to him. “Gosh mister, thank you for saving us there! Here ah thought we were gonna get our cutie marks in Manticore vittle!” The yellow one says, a wide smile upon her muzzle.

“Yeah! That was awesome! Not as awesome as Rainbow Dash, but you gave that Manticore the ole one two!” the small orange pegasus filly said enthusiastically, rearing up on her hind legs, punching her forelegs out in mock boxing.

The little white unicorn looks up at him with a shy smile. “Thank you mister.” She says, then looking at the bleeding wound on his leg. “You’re hurt!” she says with a gasp.

The stallion smiles down at the trio with a smile. “I’ll be ok, it’s just a small cut. I’ve had wo--” He blinks, suddenly feeling woozy. “C-Come on, let’s get you s-somewhe..” With a quiet groan, and to the cries of the fillies, he passes out.

At the edge of the forest all this is happening, stands two more ponies, mares. “Gosh darn it Rainbow, where are they. It doesn’t take this long to get to Zecoras’ and back!” A light orange earth pony, with a beatup cowboy hat covering up her long blond mane, which is tied into a thick ponytail, gripes to her friend beside her.

“Oh I’m sure they’re fine Applejack, they’ve traveled the trail quite a few times, and Zecora has said she’s made sure the trail was safe for anyone who needs to get to her place.” The cyan coated pegasus, with a wild mane that’s got all the colors of the rainbow through it. “Watch, we’ll head in and probably soon meet them on their way out.” She says with a chuckle.

Applejack rolls her eyes. “Even so, Ah rather be safe then sorry, so let’s go Dash.” She says as she begins making her way into the forest, following the trail, with Dash following beside her, flapping her wings, hovering above the ground.

“Fine fine.” Dash says grumpily. “I could be napping on a nice soft cloud right abo--See! I told you!” the pegasus mare states as she points forward as two fillies approach.

“Applejack! Rainbow Dash!” The yellow filly hollers out, rushing up to the grown up ponies along with the orange pegasus filly.

“Applebloom! Scootaloo! What took you two so long...Wait, where’s Sweetie Belle? Rarity isn’t gonna be happy if ya'll left her behind.”

“Yeah, Scoots, what’s up?” Asks Dash, looking down at the two panting fillies.

“We were attacked by a manticore!” States Scootaloo, making the two mares gasp.

“Did it get Sweetie?” Applejack asks, worried.

“No it didn’t. A stallion we’ve never seen appeared and scared it off before it could eat us” Both mares give a sigh of relief hearing this. “But he got cut by it’s tail. He passed out and not waking up!” Applebloom says, tears in her eyes.

Both mares look aghast, looking at each other, knowing manticore’s tail is poisonous, and even for full grown stallions, can kill within minutes and need immediate medical attention.

“Come on Dash, we need to get to him and get him to the hospital quickly!” Applejack says as she begins galloping down the trail. “You two get back to the farm!” She calls back to the two fillies.

Dash nods. “I’ll meet you there Applejack, I can get there faster!” She states, before bolting through down the path in the air, her wings pumping. She threads through the tree’s, keeping an eye out for Sweetie and this stallion stranger.

A few minutes later she comes into a small clearing, and immediately see’s Sweetie Belle, watching over the unconscious form of a pegasus stallion, her eyes dripping tears in worry and fear for the stallion she’s watching over.

“Rainbow Dash! You’re here! He’s still breathing, but he won’t wake up.” Sweetie whimpers as Dash lands beside them. Dash looks over the stallion, frowning. “Don’t worry, we’ll get him back to the hospital, but we need to hurry.” She says, as she reaches with her hoofs, grunting when she hefts the heavier pony up and over her back. “Lets go Sweetie.” She blinks though when the stallion murmurs out a groan. “He seems to be in better condition one would think, for a manticore sting…” the mare thinks, before she begins galloping down the trail she came flying down, with the white filly not far behind.

It doesn’t take long for the two to meet back up with Applejack, who’s galloping towards them. “So ya found the fellow I see, how is he?” She asks, making a quick twist, moving beside Rainbow, running next to her as she glances at the stallion. “And do ya need some help with that?”

Dash snorts, still running full speed. “One, he’s still alive, and two, of course I don’t need any help. I can run like this all day with two stallions on my back!” She says, then blinks seeing the smirk forming on Applejacks muzzle. “What?”

“Noooothing Dash.” She snickers. “Let’s just get the poor guy to the Ponyville hospital.” They nods to each other as they keep running. They soon make it out of the forest, galloping down the road towards the village called Ponyville.

A slight itchiness on his foreleg, one that won’t go away, is what wakes Ailan up. The process is slow, his consciousness slowly poking his senses to alertness. Softness is the second thing that he feels other than the itchiness, the softness of a bed. Next sense is smell, the sterile scent he immediately associates with a hospital, or a laboratory. “Uhhg….Where am I?” Ailan asks himself as he groans out loud, finally opening his eyes and takes a look around. “Yup, a hospital.” He thinks as he takes in his surrounding. A sterile white room, in a white bed, crinkling underneath him from the stiff mattress and sheets.

His ears perk as he hears the beeping of the heart monitor next to the bed as well, but soon after he hears something outside the closed door on the other side of the room, voices.

“Now, I know you said he got cut by a manticore stinger, but he’s perfectly fine other then a cut on his foreleg, and not waking up, which looks to be him just recovering from whatever he actually went through. There’s no damage to the surrounding area of the cut that would indicate poisoning, no swelling either.” Said s deep male voice, Ailan assumed could be a doctor.

“But Dr. Heartmend, I swear I saw him get stung!” Followed a high pitch voice.

“Ah saw it too! It was the stinger, not the claw!” squeals a young female voice with a thick accent

“Now Sweetie, I don’t fault you or your friend for probably thinking he got stung, but most likely it’s just a cut from the vile beasts claws! Nothing more if he’s not even reacting to any type of poison.” An older female speaks out, with that tone of nobility it seems.

“Ah have to agree Applebloom, ah don’t think you’re lying, but it was most likely what Rarity said, it’s probably just the claw that hit him. You may have thought it was the stinger in the heat of the moment” A second older female says, with the same accent as the younger one.

So he got stung and probably poisoned, for he does remember it being the stinger hitting him. He’s sits there in the bed, glad of his high regeneration and resistance, but he felt bad for those girls being thought of liers. But not wanting to cause an issue with him being able to survive such a poisoning, he’ll take what the claw bit. He does make a note to make it up somehow to the little fillies. He decides it’s time to let them know he’s awake, so he coughs, stretching out in the bed, wincing a little at some stiffness.

“Ah, someone is awake.” The male, Dr. Heartmend speaks. “I’ll let you all go in, but please make it short.” With that, the door opens, allowing a small group of ponies walking in.

“It’s going to take me awhile to get use to this all. Ponies! Of all things” Ailan thinks as he glances over the group. The three fillies he rescued, and three adult ponies, all mares to be exact.

One was a pure white unicorn, with a magnificent purple mane and purple, styled in a way Ailen has no idea how it was done up. “Unicorn, magic, duh.” She walks in, head held slightly upturn. “This one must be nobility.”

The other, orange with a blonde mane and tail, both tied up in a ponytail. “Wonder if they call it that here.” This one had no horns or wings, and was very built, not weight lifter, but truly no stranger to working.

The last one was another pegasus like him, cyan blue and with an odd colored mane, all the colors of the rainbow, all wild and windblown. A very sleek toned form this mare has, not quite as much muscle as the orange mare, but built for flying, and like the white one, with some arrogance.

“Oh daaarling, you’re finally awake. Glad to see you’re all well.” The white one immediately begins before any of the other can speak. “I think the rest of my friends here can agree. I’m Rarity, and I want to thank you so much for saving my little sister Sweetie Belle, I don’t know what I’d do with myself if anything happened to her.”

The orange mare pipes in. “The same goes for saving mah sister here, Applebloom. I’m Applejack, proprietor of Sweet Apple Acres, home of the best Apples in Equestria!” She says with pride. “My family is in your debt for saving her.”

Ailan looks at the both of them, then shrugs. “I don’t think I need anything in repayment for rescuing the little ones. Not like I was just going to let them be eaten.”

“Still mister, me and mah friends thank you very much for saving us!” Said the little one as she hops her forelegs onto the bed, smiling, quickly being joined by the other two fillies.

“Yeah, you beating up that stupid manticore was awesome!” The small little pegasus said. “You sure showed it who’s boss! Right Rainbow Dash?” She says, looking back at the so far quiet Pegasus mare.

“Yeah yeah squirt, I agree.” She chuckles, looking at Ailan. “Good job saving them. I could of done it better if I was there though, without getting hit and knocked out.” She says with a cocky grin.

“Oh goody, a blowhard.” Ailan thinks, rolling his eyes.

“Now Rainbow Dash, that’s no way of treating the poor stallion who risked his life to say our little sisters, and your surrogate sister!” States Rarity. “Oh my, we don’t even have your name sir, could you provide it to us?”

Ailan chuckles, smiling at the mares in his hospital room, realizing that the very first day of his new life on this new world, he, unlike his previous lives, he was a hero. A small hero, but a hero nonetheless. “Ailan, Ailan Sempar.”