> Nightmare's Embrace > by Alphamon_Ouryuken > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Ch 01: Bittersweet Laughter > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Three Years. That's how long it had been since her rise to power. The memory of her takeover brought a rather… sadistic grin to the Nightmare Queen's face, the very day her Eternal Night had swept over the land of Equestria. And now with her reign absolute, there was nopony left to stand up to her. Celestia and Luna had long since been dethroned and sealed away within the celestial bodies they once controlled, and even the mighty Elements of Harmony were useless against her, as without all of their respective wielders united as one, they held no power to stand against her. It was a rather deliciously ironic predicament her friends found themselves in. She remembered how the Elements of Harmony had tried to "save" her, so to speak. Sadly for them, she wasn't as resistant as they had hoped she would be, having accepted the darkness and all the power that came with it. With her Shadow Army, she rather easily took over most of Equestria while crushing anything that got in her way, eventually forcing her former friends to split up and flee to separate parts of the land, unwilling to risk their Elements falling into the hooves of the newly crowned Queen; Nightmare Radiance. At first, she scoffed at this, thinking she could capture them easily. But to her surprise, most of the Elements had all remained fairly undetected. Still, with them hidden she was able to reign unopposed and shame the country as she saw fit.  In the three years that passed, the once great land had fallen into turmoil… a large chunk of the population had been enslaved, forced to work wherever she commanded them to. Many of the fearsome creatures that would normally keep their distance from the once dominant pony population now did as they pleased, knowing they would not be stopped by anyone. It was an absolute free-for-all. "Um… my Queen?" The Nightmare Queen was brought out of her thoughts as her Captain of the Royal Guard slowly trotted into the throne room; a Unicorn with a deep gray coat and long, dark blue mane. "My glorious Queen, I bring exciting news, we’ve located each of the Element wielders." He stated in a monotonous and obedient tone as he took a heavy bow. "Our stealth squadrons are on standby and have yet to be detected. All that's left are your orders, your Majesty." ‘At long last, these three years of patience have finally paid off.’ Nightmare Radiance thought as she made her way down the stairs of her throne, wearing her specialized silver armor, and adorned with only the finest, rarest gems. Upon approaching the Captain she placed a hoof on his shoulder. "You have done well Captain, but what would I expect from Twilight's B.B.B.F.F.?" She replied in a mocking tone as she smiled at her loyal minion. Not long after the Element wielders’ defeat, she was naturally met with heavy resistance from the Royal Guard's forces, and while they’d put up a decent fight, many of them fell to the same corrupted magic that gave birth to the new Nightmare Queen. Shining Armor had arguably been the hardest to turn, especially against his sister, but in the end, he became her most loyal and powerful soldier.  "Now then, tell me their locations..." She commanded. "Without Delay, my Queen." Shining Armor nodded with another lifeless bow before creating an illusion in the form of a wide map of Equestria on the floor. "Applejack… as well as her brother and younger sister seem to have taken refuge within Appleloosa, likely with assistance from the residents.” The unicorn explained as the symbol for the Element of Honesty appeared above the desert. He paused upon seeing his Queen scowing at this information. "I assure you, they will be punished severely, M'lady." He hastily reassured her before continuing. "However, due to the bareness of the desert, it's been difficult to get in close without being spotted, and they may be changing locations once more in the coming weeks..." "It matters not, we will capture them." Nightmare Radiance scoffed, eying the town with disdain. The Captain simply nodded before casting another spell, causing the symbol for the Element of Loyalty to appear right over a mountain range. "Rainbow Dash had proved… tricky to track down, as you may imagine. She seems to very rarely stay in one location for longer than a week. The most recent report we’d received pinpointed her around the Smoky Mountains but it's likely to have changed since then." The Queen arched a brow at this, mildly impressed that the pegasus had eluded them for so long, especially since her forces had rather easily hunted down the Wonderbolts. ‘No matter. She may be fast, but even she can't run forever.’ She thought to herself. "As for… Twilight Sparkle…" Shining continued, hesitating for a moment as he spoke his sister's name. "...she and Fluttershy are the only two who’ve remained together. Said relationship has become noticeably… intimate, my Queen." As he spoke, the symbols for both the Elements of Kindness and Magic appeared over the center of the Everfree Forest. "Apparently, they've recently relocated to the Everfree Forest, we suspect that Fluttershy was able to tame various creatures within the forest and utilize them to cover their tracks and stay hidden."  This got Nightmare Radiance’s attention, she honestly hadn't expected Fluttershy to be interested in Twilight of all ponies, never quite seemed like her type. Then again, stranger things had happened. “Hmmm, unexpected… but this could be beneficial in the long run.” She mused before turning her attention back to Shining Armor. “And the Element of Laughter?” "When the Cakes fled Ponyville, Pinkie Pie dropped off the face of Equestria… but after several extensive investigations, we discovered that she had returned to her old home; the Pie Family Rock Farm." Shining explained as the symbol of the Element of Laughter appeared over a quarry at the base of a mountain. “She's not in the highest of spirits and I doubt she’ll be going anywhere anytime soon, so we won't have to worry about losing her. Though her family may defend her if we take action." "Well done Shining Armor, your Queen is very pleased with this new information." She smiled, glancing at the window as a Shadowbolt with a blue mane soared in. "Nightshade… how good of you to join us." The pegasus gave her a respectful bow just as she landed. "My Queen, how may I serve you?" “It appears the Element wielders have finally been found.” Nightmare Radiance explained, gesturing to the illusion of the map. “I want you and the elites to go and secure each area, but do not engage, just keep tabs on them. I will handle them… personally." She finished with a dark, malicious smile. "You know where they are and you have your orders, now go!"  “By your command, it shall be done.” Nightshade nodded as she took off through the window once more. Satisfied, Nightmare Radiance walked out of the throne room with Shining Armor, making her way through the dark halls towards the balcony. Smiling, the Queen gazed up at the dark blue aura that enveloped Equestria, blocking out any shred of sunlight and cementing her eternal night across the land.  Soon after her takeover, she rebuilt her kingdom at the summit of the mountain that Canterlot had once proudly stood upon, with said city now nothing more than ruins at the bottom of the mountain. Taking a deep breath, she gazed up at her lovely Moon, taking in the beauty of all she had accomplished... and all she planned to accomplish... "Soon, we shall all stand united once more..." ‘So this is how you've lived for the past three years… how pathetic.’ Nightmare Radiance thought as she silently slithered through the caves, her entire body having shifted into a cloud of deep lavender smoke as it wafted through the mines of the Rock Farm below, stalking her prey; The Element of Laughter. Pinkie Pie was in an even more depressed state than she was prior to what was now known as “The Fall of the Elements”.  She had returned to her family farm a broken shell of a mare, no longer the bubbly and excitable Pinkie Ponyville had come to know and love, her once poofy and curly mane had long since deflated, pitifully dragging along the ground wherever she walked, and her once bright pink body had lost its luster. Similarly, it was clear  from her rather skinny body that she hadn't eaten much lately.  Despite all this, the Element of Laughter continued to work, solemnly pulling one of the mine carts full of various stones and a few gems, her movements held no enthusiasm whatsoever, almost as if she was a simple puppet being guided by unseen strings. Radiance almost felt her heart ache at such a pitiful sight, a sad state for one who’d been practically bursting with joy and life.  ‘Oh don't worry, my dear Pinkie Pie… I have big plans for you as well as the rest of our friends…’ She smirked as her horn began to glow with a dark aura, small wisps of smoke slowly erupting from the ground around the party pony as she trudged ahead, almost completely oblivious to her surroundings. However, just as the magic started enveloping her body, Pinkie's eyes went blank for a split second as the corruptive magic was repealed by a pink glow, much to her shock. ‘What in the name of Tartarus…?’ Radiance thought as the glow died down, all the while Pinkie simply continued on her way, not even registering the event that had just taken place. ‘So… even if they can't be used against me, the lingering power of the Elements still remains within her…?’ She mused to herself as she continued stalking her former friend. ‘Hmmm… an unforeseen obstacle… but if I can break the Element Bearers to my will… the Elements' protection should fade, and they will submit to me~’ Focusing her magic, Radiance quickly cast an illusionary spell upon the cave system, making sure Pinkie would be led right into her trap. Her magic swiftly took the form of four shadows, each one slithering across the walls and ceiling and into the nearby cave. Nightmare Radiance licked her lips, she was going to have fun with this one… ‘Wait… where’s the exit?’ Those were Pinkie Pie's first thoughts the moment she arrived in a rather massive cavern. She found herself staring at several crystal stalagmites, the beautiful colors almost making the room feel warm and inviting… despite this however, when she turned around she felt a sudden sense of uncertainty as she realized that not only was her mine cart gone, but also the very exit to the cave as well. Pinkie blinked in confusion as she looked around, had she been so out of it that she had gotten herself lost? ‘No, that can't be right, I know this place like the back of my hoof… so why-’ “Wow, you're really down in the dumps, huh?” A familiar voice called out, snapping her out of her thoughts. Startled and confused, Pinkie Pie turned around in confusion… and was greeted by the sight of her own reflection smiling back at her… only… the reflection itself was vastly different from how she was currently. Her mane was poofy and curly again, her expression was now one of pure joy, and her overall demeanor was one of boundless energy born from a desire to see everyone smile… the way she used to be before her friend’s fall to darkness. “Such a debbie-downer! You really need to turn that frown upside-down!” The reflection shouted as she happily bounced in place, the stalagmite that reflected her image glowing light pink. “W-Who… who are you??” Pinkie whispered, nervously backing away from the stalagmite. “I'm you, silly!” The reflection replied, tilting her head to the side. “Well, what you used to be, anyway… or rather… who we used to be!” “…and who you still could be!” Another familiar voice called out. Pinkie Pie turned to see another crystal stalagmite glowing light blue with the image of Rainbow Dash hovering in place, a coy smirk on her face as she gazed down at the party pony.  “D-Dashie?” she whispered hesitantly. “The one and only!” The image chuckled proudly, puffing her chest out. “But from the looks of things, you're the one who needs cheering up.” “Ah'll say!” Pinkie immediately turned her attention back to the entrance of the cave and saw an orange crystal in its place, with Applejack inside it. “Ya look sadder than a pig without a mud hole tag roll in!” She said, casually tipping her hat. Pinkie Pie shook her head in disbelief, despite the immense amount of joy she felt from seeing her friends again, she knew something was very wrong here. Her friends had long since gone their separate ways, having fled to parts unknown in a desperate attempt to avoid the Nightmare Queen’s wrath. Thus there was no way these figures were the real thing.  And yet… seeing their very images here, right now… it brought her a sense of comfort she hadn't felt in years… in fact, she actually felt a little… drowsy? "Poor, poor, Pinkie… we know it must have been sooo hard for you, being alone all these years…” Pinkie's ears perked up as she heard Fluttershy’s soothing voice, the mare quickly turned to see a yellow crystal with the Pegasus' image within it, her expression and demeanor was just as Pinkie Pie remembered, gentle, innocent, a rather alluring figure… wait, what? ‘Where the heck did that thought come from?’ The party pony thought as she tried to clear her mind… completely oblivious to the wisps of smoke slowly rising from underneath her, silently coiling around her body… “...it must have hurt soooo much..." Fluttershy said in a more nurturing tone, however as the image came closer, Pinkie couldn't help but notice that the normally shy Pegasus now had an oddly seductive sway to her step, which felt way out of place for the caretaker. But before she could reply, somepony else leaned in close and whispered into her ear. "Oh don’t run away my dear Pinkie… I-no, we can make the pain go away..." Turning to her left, Pinkie was greeted by the sight of Twilight Sparkle, gazing at her from within the light pink stalagmite her own reflection had previously occupied. “Twuh… Twilight…?” Pinkie whispered, backing away from the stalagmite in confusion. The Alicorn let out a playful laugh... before pulling herself out of the crystal, her expression growing more seductive as she hovered towards the confused earth pony. “Oh Pinkie, we know you've felt lost… so confused… but we can make things right.” “What... what do you mean by that?” Pinkie asked, trying to gather her thoughts, while still looking for some escape route. "We can give your life purpose again Pinkie." Rainbow Dash explained, her reflection also pulling itself out of the crystal. "No more pain, no more tears..." Fluttershy cooed in a tempting, seductive voice, taking her own physical form as she joined her friends. "And most importantly, we'll help yah smile again Pinkie." Applejack whispered into Pinkie's ear, prompting the earth pony to turn around and face the now physical farm pony. “And you'll be able to help everypony else smile again~” She cooed as she gently caressed Pinkie's cheek, drawing her closer to the point where their noses were touching. The feeling of Applejack's breath against her face sent shivers down Pinkie's spine, the entranced mare blushing as she thought to herself. 'I… I do love to see my friends smile… it used to be all I ever Iived for. I-I'd love to make ponies smile again…' The Earth Pony sighed blissfully as the brightness of the room slowly faded away, and the glow around her body began to die down. By this point Pinkie Pie was too blissed out  to even bother resisting, her mind having become clouded by the Nightmare Queen’s magic. Ever since the earth pony had stepped into her trap, all she could mentally register… were the illusion’s words. "Soon we'll all be together, and then yah can throw us the biggest party yah could ever think of.” Nightmare Radiance continued, speaking through the illusion of Applejack as she worked to play with Pinkie's emotions, the Earth Pony slowly moving her hoof toward Pinkie’s flank. “And all yah have tah do… is submit to us, and and Ah promise yah… we'll all become very close…” 'We'll...all be together again? I...can even throw them a party? That's...all I really wanted.' Pinkie thought as a small smile spread across her face, her half-lidded eyes slowly fluttering closed as she slowly leaned forward… …and yet… something didn't feel right. Suddenly, the faint glow around her body briefly intensified, as if trying to fight her influence… only for Nightmare Radiance's voice to echo throughout the cave. “Now then ladies… dig in~” Before she could even react, the phantom versions of her friends quickly swarmed her like a pack of hungry wolves, groping, fondling, and kissing various parts of her body. Applejack was the first to lock lips with the party Pony, quickly slipping her tongue into the helpless mare’s mouth as she wrapped her hooves around Pinkie’s back. "Mmmph… buh-but I-mmmmm… s-sto...mmm..." Pinkie tried to protest between kisses, but the more she tried to resist, the more she felt like there was no point in resisting. She tried to struggle out of her magic grip regardless, but she could tell there was no point… "Remember, we’re friends Pinkie..." Twilight cooed as she teased Pinkie’s pussy with a kiss, tracing the outer lip with her tongue. "....and you love to help your friends smile… don't you?" ‘Mmm… her saliva… tastes just like sweet apple cider…’ Pinkie Pie thought as she awkwardly but eagerly made out with her friend. But before she could really get into it she was pulled away from the farm Pony and into another kiss by Fluttershy, the Pegasus taking a slower approach, focusing on smoothness over passion. With her mind almost completely under the Queen's spell, Pinkie passionately made out with both phantoms, switching between them on occasion as one of them pulled her into another heated lip-lock, their kisses becoming more ravenous and aggressive with every passing moment, with the trio even engaging in a three-way kiss for a short time. "You're so pent up, Pinkie~" Fluttershy cooed as she pulled back, giggling as she watched Applejack forcefully push her tongue into the mare's mouth, the farm pony sighing as she pulled on Pinkie's lower lip with her teeth. "You must have been waiting a long time for this…"  ‘Have I…?’ Pinkie thought as the shy Pegasus leaned in, planting gentle smooches on her cheek and neck before dragging her tongue up her collarbone. ‘I… I’ve always loved my friends… b-but… but I-Ooohh?!’ The earth pony suddenly gasped into the kiss as she felt two soft, warm, long tongues plunge into her marehood, trailing up and down her vaginal wall in unison. Refusing to be left out, Twilight and Rainbow Dash had quickly claimed the party pony’s moist slit and started hungrily lapping at her folds. “Mmmph, sooo good~” Twilight moaned out between licks, eagerly suckling on Pinkie’s clit while Rainbow Dash thrusted her tongue into  mare's Pinkie’s depths. “Just as sweet as I thought you’d be~”   “Mmmmph, h-haaahh…” Pinkie moaned weakly into the kiss as both mare's tongues ran rampant all over her marehood, slathering it from top to bottom with their saliva. Her hips started quivering as her vaginal muscles clenched around Rainbow’s surprisingly long tongue. “D-D-Duh… deeeep… aaahh! Suh… s-soooo deep-mmmph~!” The mare’s moans were quickly cut off by Fluttershy as she playfully kissed her way back up Pinkie’s neck, reaching her cheek just as Applejack pulled away and dragging Pinkie into another ravenous kiss. Pinkie's eyes rolled back as her flat tail stiffened, a familiar warmth building up within her loins as the Rainbow Dash and Twilight started trading places throughout their oral assault on Pinkie's marehood. The cyan Pegasus took her clit into her mouth and suckled it while the lavender Alicorn plunged her tongue deep inside, eagerly swirling it around the inner walls. From within the shadows, the Nightmare Queen chuckled a little as she watched Pinkie slowly fall under her spell, entertained by the pony's willingness to submit.  With every jolt of pleasure, more of her corrupted magic slipped through the cracks within her mind, filling it with the wonderful sensations of pure bliss and relaxation. While from the mare's perspective nearly all of her friends had returned, but from an outsider's point of view the earth pony was being ravaged by various tentacles of smoke-like magic, all of them matching the colors of Radiance's mane. ‘Now then… let's give that extra push~’ Down below, the party pony continued moaning as she made out with the illusion of Applejack, her hips quaking as she heard her friends giggling around her. “Oh yeah...” She sighed as she humped back against both mare's faces, the sensation quickly overwhelming her as she felt their tongues massaging her vaginal walls, wave after wave of pleasure passing through her loins. “Apple-Mmmm-jack... ooohh yess... mmm-hmm! Oh-oohh-oooohhh! M-m-more! M-more!” Pinkie continued moaning in sweet ecstasy, trying to shove her entire tongue into her friend’s mouth at once as she felt another jolt of pleasure through her body. However at that moment, Applejack pulled away, causing Pinkie to whimper a cute “Awww.” in disappointment as she reluctantly watched the farm pony slip away… however her face lit up once more as she watched her friend slowly turn around, leaning down as she spread her hind legs, giving the party pony a good view of her moist marehood, pleasure fluids leaking out and dripping down her legs. “Oohh… oh wow~” Fluttershy then  giggled a little as she suckled on her neck for a few more seconds before moving upwards and whispering into her ear. “Start licking, Pinkie~ like it was a big scoop of caramel apple ice cream.” Not bothering with a response, the party pony simply followed Fluttershy's command and leaned in close, giving Applejack’s pussy a sniff before diving in and giving the mare's vulva a good lick, the farm pony moaning in ecstasy as Pinkie tasted the essence of her friend and began eagerly licking up and down her pussy lips, gliding it across her flesh before plunging her muzzle into the mare's depths.  “Uuuuuhhh~oohh, soooo good! Ohh~ so good!”Applejack let out another orgasmic moan as the party pony kept licking. “Fuuuck! Ohhh~fuuck!” Pinkie groaned between licks, enjoying every second of her experience, the unbridled bliss quickly growing more and more intense as the waves of pleasure shot through her loin, her entire body shaking as she frantically bucked her hips against Twilight and Rainbow's faces, her body tingling with sexual tension as the pressure within her loins quickly rose to a boiling point, forcing the pony into a frenzy. “Ohhhhhhhh, sooo good! Yess! Yess! Yess! Mmmm~! Yesssss! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yessss!!” Applejack seemed to be lost to the sensations as well as the party pony continued licking the mare's slit, all the while Applejack purred softly, biting her lower lip as her lower body jolted with each lick. "Mmmhmm, aahhh yeah! Mmm, uuuhhh… aahhhhh…” The mare let out a long orgasmic grunt as she began thrusting her rear against Pinkie's face as the party pony practically buried her muzzle into the mare’s damp pussy and simply kept licking, reveling in the glorious experience. Pinkie's entire body was tingling with pleasure as she eagerly lapped up her friend’s juices, her cheeks flushed from being exposed and eaten out by her friends. "Hey now, don't forget about me~" Fluttershy giggled as she turned around and gently bumping Applejack out of the way, eliciting a whimper of disapproval from the farm pony… who swiftly vanished into the shadows while Pinkie simply went on to pleasure the Pegasus instead, eagerly plunging her tongue into her cunt as deep as possible. “Hhaaahh, oohh yeah~” Fluttershy shuddered as she spread her hind legs a little, giving the earth pony better access to her marehood. “Mmmph, h-hmmm!” Pinkie moaned into Fluttershy’s pussy as she continued her oral assault, lapping up every drop of wetness she could with lust driven intensity, savoring the taste with each lick. After some time, the illusion of Twilight pulled away, licking Pinkie’s fluids off her lips as she spread her wings and took to the air, leaving Rainbow Dash to work the entirety of her surprisingly long tongue into Pinkie’s marehood. “Mmmm, you truly are a natural, aren't you Pinkie?” The Alicorn smiled as she hovered over the quivering pony before pressing her hooves down against Pinkie’s flank and spreading her cheeks, letting the rainbow-maned Pegasus press her muzzle right up against the entrance of her marehood and continue furiously lapping away, causing Pinkie’s tail to swish happily as she shook and squealed in delight. “Then keep going Pinkie, make Fluttershy see Elysium as you bring her true happiness!” With each lick the illusionary Pegasus plunged more of her tongue deeper and deeper as it could go, sending a rush of new sensations through Pinkie’s loins.  ‘I’m… making them… happy… for the first time in so long, I'm making a ponies smile again…’ Pinkie thought as she pressed her muzzle deeper into the mare's slit, the scent of Fluttershy’s arousal wafting into her nostrils as she licked and sucked, doing everything she could to make her friend feel good. From within the shadows, Nightmare Radiance decided it was time for her to take a more direct approach, with her corrupted magic having broken down the party pony’s mental barriers, she knew her old friend was already teetering on the edge of finally succumbing to the Nightmare Queen. In her smoke-like form, Radiance then floated down towards the illusionary Twilight Sparkle and quickly took its place, the illusion of Rainbow Dash then vanished leaving a single tentacle of magic plunging into her marehood. Smirking, Radiance turned around and casually used her magic to suddenly flip the party pony onto her back, her gaze now fixated on Pinkie's eyes as the rest of the illusions finally vanished. “Hello Pinkie~” The party pony’s eyes widened the moment she heard the voice of her fallen friend… and yet, she felt no fear. Instead, Pinkie's body felt… warm, and yet it felt different from any sort of happiness or joy that she had ever felt. This almost foreign feeling coursing through her body only served to rob her of any semblance of survival instinct or sense of self-preservation. “R-Rarity… is that you…?” She whispered as she stared up at the Nightmare Queen standing over her with a triumphant grin. “Yes sweetie, did you miss me? I know I missed you~” Radiance cooed as she lowered her body down on top of Pinkie's, the purple and white sections of her mane and tail slowly parting before gently sliding and gliding around her body. “And I must say, darling… your little display made me feel so… happy~” The Nightmare Queen added as she subtly applied a bit more pressure as the weight of her body came down on top of her, pinning her on her stomach, giggling at the feel of the party pony's soft body rubbing and wiggling up against her. ‘I… I did…? I made one of my best friends happy again…?’ Pinkie thought as more of the Nightmare Queen's corrupted magic wormed its way into her mind, this smooth hairs of her mane coaxing her body into a state of relaxation. ‘Maybe… maybe there is still hope-ooohh!?’ A sudden jolt of pleasure snapped her out of her thoughts and forced a gasp from the earth pony as Radiance's tail hairs slid down between her legs and joined the tentacle lodged within her marehood.  As more and more dark magic was pumped into her body, the overwhelming pulses grew stronger, her legs were shaking as she bucked her hips upward and her breaths became deep and ragged. “Ooohh! AAAhhhh… O-Ohhhh Rarity…” She moaned out, the stimulation becoming too much for her, to an almost maddening degree as the Nightmare Queen continued her sexual assault on her marehood, with a few of the hair tentacles tracing around the outer lips and giving her clitoris a little flick while the rest of it thrusted into her. “AAAHH! OH! Oooohhohoho~! Ruh…R-Rarity… s-sooo deeeep~!” Pinkie gasped as she squirmy beneath Radiance, her vaginal muscles clenching around the tentacles as they dug deeper into her. “Even after all this, you're still full of energy…” Nightmare Radiance giggled, gently stroking Pinkie’s mane as she continued pumping her tail in and out of her pussy, all the while pouring more of her dark magic into her body and relishing her squeals of pain and pleasure. “Now Pinkie, let yourself go… accept the darkness, let it flow through your body…” She whispered as she leaned in close, her lips tantalizingly brushing against Pinkie’s as she pumped her tail at a faster pace, some of the smaller tentacles spreading her pussy lips wide open while the now slick hair in her pussy pushed and writhed in further, adding more to the intenses sensation that rocked Pinkie down to her very core. “Yes… y-yes… YES!!” Pinkie screamed out in pleasure, feeling the Nightmare Queen ruthlessly push her tentacles as deep as possible, adding the final bit to the overwhelmingly pleasurable sensation that constantly reverberated through Pinkie's entire being while pouring in a stronger dose of dark magic into her. Soon enough, Pinkie felt something building up, her mind becoming even fuzzier as the pleasure increased, instinctively bucking her hips against Radiance’s body in a subconscious attempt to match the rhythms of her thrusts. “OOOOHHH YESSS!!” “…and now, you will know true happiness…” The Nightmare Queen whispered right before locking lips with the party pony, her horn glowing intensely as she gave her tail one final thrust, plunging right into Pinkie's cervix and forcefully entering her womb, all while pumping her largest amount of magic into her. ‘And now, your transformation begins…’ She thought as she put her true magic to work… Suddenly, the party pony felt an almost overwhelming torrent of unimaginable pleasure shoot through her body. “MMM!? MMMMPH!!!” Pinkie's eyes rolled back as she started thrashing beneath the Nightmare Queen’s body, her screams of orgasmic bliss muffled by Radiance's kiss as she finally came like she had never before, spraying her fluids all over the invasive tentacles of hair.  “HHHMMM!!! MMMPH!! MMPH! MMMM~” The party pony moaned through the kiss, completely lost within her own ecstasy. It felt as though her very soul was experiencing the best, biggest, most wonderful party in all of Equestria, and the beat of the party music matched the rhythm that Radiance was using to pump her tail into her. ‘Now it's time… for you to join me…’ In the midst of the most mind-wracking climax of her life, Pinkie heard the very voice of the Nightmare Queen whispering into her mind. ‘...time for you to fully open your mind to my influence…’ As the Queen's voice echoed throughout Pinkie's mind, the dark magic within her body reacted to the Queen's power, momentarily snapping her out of her pleasure-induced stupor and allowing her to get a grasp on what was happening… Radiance's magic was altering her… changing her… And as scary as it was, she wanted her to continue. ‘Yes darling… embrace the eternal darkness…’ The voice continued as Pinkie’s orgasmic moans ceased and her sweating body finally went to limp, basking in the throes of the afterglow as the Nightmare Queen ended the kiss, a single strand of saliva being the only thing that connected their lips. Nightmare Radiance smirked as her tentacle-like hair gradually slid out of the pink pony's dripping, sopping-wet marehood, playfully stroking the outer lips while the smoky tentacles finally vanished, coaxing a low, sensual moan from Pinkie as she panted in ecstasy. ‘Embrace your new life… and the dark powers you'll soon share with our friends…’ As the Nightmare Queen slowly rose up off the warm, sopping wet mess under her, Pinkie could only collapse onto the ground, gasping heavily with her mind scrambled with an uncountable number of mixed feelings, and her body twitching and spasming uncontrollably despite being worn out from such an intense climax. ‘Accept your future at my side… as one of the Dark Queens of Equestria~’ And with those final words, Pinkie Pie’s eyes shot wide open as a swirling vortex of magic exploded from within her, her limp body rising into the air as thick black clouds engulfed her entire body, forcefully transforming her into a being of darkness like the Queen herself. “And this… your old life as Pinkie Pie fades away…” The Nightmare Queen smiled, unfazed by the vortex of magic before her, even as her mane billowed in the wind. She watched intently as the silhouette of her friend within the vortex slowly began to grow in size, to the point where she was arguably just as tall as her, her mane going from limp and droopy to poofy and curly like it used to be. She could even hear the distinct sounds of her chuckling during her transformation… which evolved into an almost mad cackle. “Hehehe… eeehehehe… hahaha…. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!” The mad laughter continued as her newly transformed body eventually became visible to the Nightmare Queen, her coat becoming a much darker hue as the dark magic swiftly wrapped around her head, body, and hooves, taking the form of dark amber armor. Nightmare Radiance could only smile with pride as the vortex died down, revealing the fully transformed party pony in all her glory. "Welcome to your new life, Afterparty~". As the newly-named Afterparty floated down to the ground, her legs wiggling ever-so-slightly as she slowly got used to her new body, her eyes slowly opening and revealing her light blue eyes with catlike pupils as she took a deep breath, relaxing her body as she started stretching her her limbs. ‘My body… my shape… this… incredible surge of power… it feels so wrong… but so right at the same time…’ She thought, her body shivering in pleasure as her lips curled up into a sinister smile. Said smile became even wider as she gazed at herself in one of the reflective crystals, letting out a low chuckle… which quickly evolved into full-blow laughter. "Ahahahahaha… EEEHEHEHE!! Ooohhh this feels so amazing!” Afterparty cackled wildly, but before Radiance could speak she started bolting around the cave at a speed the Queen could've sworn only Rainbow Dash could pull off, bouncing off the walls and between the stalagmites while yammering non-stop. “This is so cool! Look at my mane! Look at my coat! I feel like I'm gonna burst from so much power!!” "Um, Afterparty..." "Oh! Maybe we can have an "Evil Overlord Party after we turn the rest of our friends!” "Afterparty-HRK!?" The moment Nightmare Radiance spoke up again, Afterparty rushed over to Radiance and quickly tightly hugged her with joy, unintentionally forcing the oxygen out of her lungs with her enhanced strength. "Oh thank you Radiance! Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!!" She squealed as she hugged her old friend… while said friend desperately tried to pull herself out of the mare's iron grip. "Afterparty! Can't… breathe!!” Nightmare Radiance managed to gasp out as she teleported herself out of Afterparty's grasp and caught her breath for a moment. “Oops! Sorry!” Afterparty giggled as she leaned in to kiss her on the cheek. “So, when do we ‘convince’ the rest of our friends to join us?" She asked in an almost sadistic tone, surprising the Nightmare Queen a bit. However, Radiance swiftly regained her composure and smirked at her new ally. “Oh trust me, they will all submit to us in the end… and I've already decided on which one I'll need you to seek out…” She smirked before her horn glowed, summoning an illusion of the same map Shining Armor had shown her earlier, with the symbol of the Element of Honesty appearing above the desert. “My sources have discovered that Applejack and her family have taken refuge in Appaloosa. I'm sure they'll be more than willing to take you in. One my Shadowbolts will contact you later, understand?” “Oki-doki-loki!” Afterparty smiled the map vanished, giving her friend a quick salute before bouncing out of the cave, her body shifting back to the her normal state as she trotted through the cave, mentally preparing a decent sob story to convince her family on why she had to leave. ‘Soon...soon all of our friends will experience this wonderful feeling… and we will all be together, ruling for the rest of eternity…’ Much later, the Queen had returned to her castle with Shining Armor and one of her Shadowbolts by her sides, the guards stationed outside her throne room bowing with respect as the doors were flung open.  “...as such, our newest ally will be headed for Appleloosa. Make sure to have a patrol unit watch her, but do not make contact with her until she's settled in with the Apple Family, understand?” “Understood, my Queen.” The Shadowbolts nodded obediently as the Queen approached her throne. However, the moment she sat down, Shining Armor's horn started to glow and a scroll immediately spawned before him. The Unicorn opened it up and started reading it intently. “Hmmm… my Queen, I'm afraid I have some… troubling news. While our troops following Twilight Sparkle and Fluttershy have been detected. Apparently the creatures of the forest and the local Zebra have been assisting them, making tracking them exceedingly difficult.”  He explained while rolling up the note. “Thankfully, one of our troops managed to cast a small tracing spell on the pegasus right before they managed to elude them yet again… what do you suppose we do, my Queen? Our Stealth Squadron could try and overwhelm the two of them…" “No, I know Twilight and she's always had her way of getting out of tight situations… however, if the homing spell is on Fluttershy…” Nightmare Radiance mused, her lips curling up into a sadistic smirk as a new idea spawned within her mind. "Have our Stealth Squadron follow and attack them, but make sure to separate the two. I will take care of Fluttershy myself..." “Right away, my Queen.” Shining replied, quickly jotted down a reply on his own stationary before leaving the throne room. Alone with nothing but her thoughts, the Nightmare Queen could only lick her lips in anticipation, already forming a rather naughty way to bring Fluttershy to her side. “One down, four to go…”