Ponyville Friendship Letters

by destinedjagold

First published

It seems that everypony in Ponyville are now given a chance to write a friendship report to either the Princess of the Sun or the Princess of Friendship. Hey, everypony learns something new, if not everyday, then every other day?

It seems that everypony in Ponyville are now given a chance to write a friendship report to either the Princess of the Sun or the Princess of Friendship. Hey, everypony learns something new, if not everyday, then every other day?

Author's Notes...
This story is written out of pure boredom, so don't expect this to be constantly updated, unless I'm constantly bored... o.0
Rated Teen just to be safe. :3

Friendship Report From Lyra

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Dear Princess Celestia,

...or Princess Twilight,

...or to whoever get's my friendship report,

I am still quite new to this whole friendship report thing, so I hope you can forgive me for not knowing who to address this to, but um...

Anyway! Today, I have learned the value of sharing...and how scary and rewarding it could be.

Well, earlier this morning, I was just sitting in one of the park's benches, playing my lyre and minding my own business when suddenly, Rarity's little sister showed up. I believe her name was Sweetie...something. Anyway, she asked me if she could borrow my lyre, and naturally, I asked her why.

She then started talking about how everypony in town always assumes that she's going to sing when she's involved in some musical plays or any other presentations at school or somewhere else. So she assumes that if she learns music, she might understand why everypony always assumed that she's going to sing, and she also assumed that she'll probably get her cutie mark if she studies my lyre's music.

Now, don't get me wrong. Sweetie's a very sweet filly, but she and her friends have a very scary reputation here in Ponyville. Naturally, I would decline. She was asking to borrow my lyre, of all things!

But, since she was just all on her lonesome, and just making sure, I looked around to check if there were any signs of her friends around, I let her borrow it if she promises not to snap the strings or burn it into dusts.

I still remember the confused look and the high-pitched ‘huh?’ as her response. But I floated my lyre to her, and she began plucking some of the strings, which, quite frankly, were too hurtful to hear, so I gave her some tips and some lessons on how to play the lyre.

Goodness, I didn't even realize how many minutes flew by, or many hours! It felt really nice to teach someone about something you really love. Of course, it was also kind of annoying, her weird questions of ‘why's’ and ‘how's’, but it really felt nice to teach somepony something you love.

...until her friends suddenly arrive.

It started out as a greeting, for them at least, but for me, and everypony else, it was a warning sign of a disaster. So many possible horror scenes flashed before my eyes that I didn't even realized that they were planning on yet another one of their infamous crusades. I was snapped back to reality after they shouted,

“Cutie Mark Crusaders: Lyre Musicians! Yay!”

Before I could make any reactions, objections, preventions and other -tions, Scootaloo suddenly grabbed my lyre from Sweetie, saying something about playing cool and rock music with my lyre, but Sweetie tried to pull it back, saying that they should be careful with my lyre.

They were pulling my lyre back and forth, and I was there, trying to reach out to them, telling them to stop. Just as I was about to use my magic to save my lyre from them, Apple Bloom stepped up to try and stop her friends. She grabbed the lyre and pulled it, but she probably pulled it too much, because she threw herself back, lost her balance, stumble to the ground, lost her grip on my lyre, the lyre rolled to the brown earthen path, stepped on by a bunch of bulls, and got rolled on by the wheels of the wagons the bulls were pulling.

And after that, I found myself waking up back in my bed. Bon Bon must have dragged me all the way back home. I turn to the window, and stared at the setting sun as I remember the events that happened today. Now, normally, I should have been crying my hearts out then and there. Who wouldn't?

But on the bedside table was a shining new lyre, complete with a ribbon, and a gift card.

I wasn't sure if I was dreaming or not, so I slapped myself in the face, and noted not to do that again. Ouch.

I levitated the lyre to me, and brought a hoof on it's shiny new golden hoof supports... It felt so magical to the touch, but a question kinda ruined the moment for me. Who bought it? Or maybe my lyre got fixed?

I then recalled the gift card. I levitated it to me and read the contents. It was from the Cutie Mark Crusaders, and they said they were really sorry for what happened, and that they bugged Spike in the library, asking for a book on how to make a lyre.

I...can't imagine how they managed to make one.

Really, I can't. I can't even imagine how many disastrous trials and errors they've went just to make this, perfect, golden, lyre.

Ahem, anyway...

Despite all that has happened, I feel as though I needed to thank them. But there was a note at the back of the gift card though, from Bon Bon, saying that I shouldn't let my lyre get close to the three evil fillies if I knew what's good for me, and someone I owe her a date for her dragging me back home.

Oh well.

Your faithful subject,

Lyra Heartstrings.

Dear Twilight,

Oh, so that's why those fillies asked for that book, and those seven fire alarms that happened earlier.

Your faithful assistant,


Friendship Report From Scootaloo

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Hey there Princesses!

Guess what happened today?

Something totally cool and awesome! (she wanted me to emphasize on that word)

So anyway, here's what happened. Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and I were at the clubhouse, planning on yet another one of our crusadings when Apple Bloom suddenly had an idea: making sky lanterns!

And to make things more interesting, we're going to have a race on whoever makes the first lantern fly! Of course, we needed to prepare the materials first. Sweetie got the candles, since she said that her big sister has too many of those from all of those countless dates she had. Apple Bloom got the glue and strings from their barn. And I was tasked to get some paper, but the whole town didn't have any spare paper. I did get some from Miss Cheerilee though. She gave me the old school test papers that were still not eaten by the termites. And oh, big thanks to Spike as well for giving me plenty of spare scrolls to use (that was the only thing I could do to make her go away at that time).

So, we gathered our supplies back at the clubhouse, and Apple Bloom explained how to make a paper sky lantern. She said she and Applejack and Big Mac are often making some every winter, just to kill their boredom.

After that, we went outside and started making our lanterns.

Oh yeah, I did saw one of Diamond Tiara's test papers there with an ‘F’. I think...yep, it's still in my saddlebag. Wait, Spike! Don't write that part, okay?

So anyway, we made a few lanterns, and some got burned even before it lifted up in the air, but in the end, a winner has been clearly declared. Who? Well, me of course!

It was a great and glorious victory, and it would have been even sweeter if we didn't accidentally burn a whole apple tree in the process, and of course, if we earned a sky lantern making cutie mark.

Sigh, but oh well. I don't really think I'd like to have a cutie mark for making sky lanterns. As fun as they are, they're not really as cool or as awesome as I thought they would be when Apple Bloom brought the idea up.

But still, even if we didn't earn our cutie marks, we still had great fun, and there's still tomorrow for crusading!

So uh yeah. How am I gonna end this, um...

Uh, bye, I guess?

From Scootaloo.

Phew, I'm glad that's over with.

Anyway, hey Twi, do you think you could send me a few more scrolls, or maybe some bits to buy some more for your friendship reports? I'm almost out because of, you know.

Anyway, thanks and take care!

Your faithful assistant,



Eh, I forgot the proper heading on my part of this letter. Eh, sorry about that.

Friendship Report From Bulk Biceps

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Dear Twilight...

...yeah, that's the only thing he wanted to report to you about...

Your faithful assistant,


Friendship Report From Thunderlane

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Dear Princess,

Today I learned to never ignore your hunger. And I learned that the hard way.

Earlier this morning, I was running late for work, so I just splashed some water from my thundercloud in the bathroom and comb my hair, and then I went straight to the weather office.

On the side note, I would say that Miss Dash would have been proud of me if she witnessed my speed by getting there.

But yeah, that took a lot of energy...flying form my home to work, I mean. But at first, it was nothing. The adrenaline from my little fly energized me to perform my work...for at least the first hour before I got a headache.

My headache got worse as I also notice how weak I was becoming, but it was still a few hours before lunch break, so I tried my best to perform my work, until I suddenly blacked out while I was moving some clouds around Sweet Apple Acres.

Next thing I knew, I was being woken up by Applejack, with a great look of worry on her face. I don't really know how she knew it, but after I saw her, she quickly bucked the closest tree around us and gave me an apple.

I wasn't hungry. Mind you, my thoughts didn't even tell me that I was, but somehow, my body wanted some more after I finished eating the apple in speed that even Pinkie Pie would be amazed.

Applejack whistled in awe, and chuckled at my poor self as she gave me some more. Soon, however, Rainbow Dash came and was about to throw a fit, but Applejack stepped in and protected my hide from my boss.

So now, I owe the farm mare for giving me some apples, and I feel ashamed that I hid behind a mare...against a mare. But hey! Stallions can never win an argument against mares, so I could safely say that I shouldn't feel ashamed! ...but I feel that I should be.

In any case, I'm going to make it up for Applejack once I get my pay next week. Even though she told me not to worry, although she made me promise—Pinkie Promise—to always remember to eat breakfast. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, she said, and I'll try to remember that.

So yeah, I learned that, no matter how late I am, I should never neglect breakfast, or any meals, just in case. But I still don't want to be late. Heck, Miss Dash hates ponies being late, and being late means deduction in our salaries! So I guess I could grab a loaf of bread or an apple while I'm on my way if I'll be late again.

Your faithful weather pony,


Dear Twilight,

You know, Thunderlane's friendship report reminded me that I'm running out of gems. Maybe I should go and pay Rarity a visit, and ask her if she could help me gather some, and probably ask her out on a date.

Your faithful assistant,



I know you're in Canterlot, but uh, can you maybe use that Trick Number 25 on me from there? Because, you know, you're an alicorn now, so maybe your magic got enhanced or something?

Friendship Report From Fluttershy

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To my best friend Twilight,

I hope you're doing well in Canterlot. I heard from Spike that Princesses Celestia and Luna are teaching you on how to be a proper princess. I hope they're not pushing you too hard, even if I know that they wouldn't, but maybe they are, and maybe they just didn't realize? Or maybe you don't realize that they're pushing you? Oh dear, what am I saying? Of course neither you nor they will do such a thing. But I can't help but think about it. Oh, I just hope things are okay there, Twilight.

It's been five days since your last letter, after all, and the girls and I can't help but worry about you. We're not sure if you're still eating well, or sleeping well, or taking yourself well. I mean, it must be tough being a princess. Such a lot of pressure and other important things that you needed to know. Oh, it's just too much work. I know that you can handle them, but, but, maybe you sometimes forget to take a break and rest? Oh, you should always remember to take a break every now and then, Twilight. I mean, it's not really good for anypony to be so stressed and worked up.

Oh, and what if the princesses will ask you to go with them during meetings? Real meetings, together with all those important ponies from every parts of Equestria? What if you can't handle the pressure? What if you start thinking of the bad things that might happen? What if the princesses will ask you a question? What if those important ponies will ask you a question? What if you couldn't answer? What if the princesses will be disappointed? What if they'll say that you're not a good enough princess?

...wait... If you're not going to be a good princess, then does that mean you'll be sent back here in Ponyville? Oh no! What am I even thinking? I'm so sorry, Twilight! Uh, I mean, Spike, uh, could you maybe erase those silly little itty bitty parts about Twilight might fail of being a princess? Oh, I don't want that to happen to her, even if it possibly get her back here in Ponyville. Oh, the girls and I miss her so very much.

Oh, but what if those important ponies will not find Twilight to be a good princess? What will happen to her? What would the princesses think? Maybe the girls and I should go there and pay her a visit, just in case...

Uh, that really sounds like a good idea. Okay Fluttershy, that's a good plan indeed! First, I must go and see the girls and ask them to go with you to Canterlot to check up on Twilight. Maybe Twilight misses us like how we miss her, as well. And oh, I'm sure she's going to be happy to see us all again!

B-but wait... What if she's attending a very important meeting, and then we arrive at that very hour, and it'll be ruined because the girls and I were there? What if the princesses will be disappointed by us? What if Twilight will be disappointed by us? What if she won't be our friend anymore? Oh no! And what if—

Dear Twilight,

I'm running out of space to continue writing Fluttershy's ‘friendship report’... Do us all a favor and write back, please?

Your faithful and currently suffering from a claw-cramp assistant,



Pinkie Pie and Rarity showed up and calmed Fluttershy down, so don't worry...

Friendship Report By Apple Bloom

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Howdy there princess,

This is Apple Bloom, and I came here to write to you about the lesson I learned about friendship.

Y'see, back at the barn, I'm helping with my big sister and big brother in doing some farm work. Anyway, I didn't realize the time we spent in the farm until Granny called us back for lunch. As the three of us trotted back to the barn, my two bestest friends came. After we greeted each other, Applejack invited them to join them for lunch, just as long as we don't break or burn anything.

Sheesh, it sounded like she didn't trust us. She's so insensitive sometimes, and even Big Mac, who agreed to her!

Anyway, lunch was spent with small talks and laughs, and a broken plate. After that, Applejack allowed me to go with my two friends so we could go crusading! We went to the clubhouse and did some planning, but after an hour, we came up with nothing.

Frustrated, I leaned by the window and tried to think of something we could do. Then, my big brother trotted by the trees near our clubhouse, and sat by the tree, his back rested on the grass. I didn't even realize that both Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo were already beside me, trying to see what I was looking at.

Curiosity got the better of us, so we decided to ask Big Mac what he was doing. We sat beside him and he greeted us. We asked him what's up and he said that he was just relaxing, and enjoying the cool breeze, the tickling grass on his back, and just enjoying life as it is.

The three of us looked at each other though. I guess at that time, none of us understood what he meant. I still don't know, even now as Spike writes this, but anyway...

Big Mac just chuckled and told us that we'll understand what he meant when we grow up. He sighed, and I suddenly felt lazy and just lie on the grass as well. And so I did. And then my two friends lied beside me.

We just stared at the slowly dancing leaves, sunlight poking through the many gaps on the sea of leaves. The cool air was really...cool...and refreshing. Next thing I knew, I felt so...relaxed...calm...and nothing was on my mind. And I think I even had a small smile on my face.

Sweetie Belle suddenly giggled, and she said that the grass on her back was tickling her. We gave her an amused roll of our eyes, and then Applejack came by, and joined us. She lied beside our brother, and then we started having some small talk.

It started with some little things about how was school going. My friends and I shared with them our little boring adventures at school, about Miss Cheerilee, about those two annoying bullies who kept on bullying us, and some of our other friends there.

Big Mac suddenly told us to go and talk to Diamond's and Silver's parents about being bullied. Applejack tried to reason with him, but in the end, she ended up agreeing that something must be done. The three of us didn't protest though. We thought that life would be so much easier without the two of them constantly bullying us.

...But after I looked at my friends eyes, I knew that they won't stop bullying us. Aw well. I grabbed their hooves and gave them a small smile. Whatever happens, as long as the three of us stick together, not even those bullies could stop us from anything!

Later, Miss Rainbow Dash arrived, and lied down beside Scootaloo. She just finished her work in the weather team, and was trying to find Scootaloo before she went napping. She then gave us a small little story of how her day went. She said something about that cranky old donkey complaining that he wanted some thin clouds above his house so his freshly planted flowers in his garden wont dry up. She wasn't in the mood for arguing, so she just thinned some clouds, left it there, and flew on her way.

I don't think the girls and I have met that donkey yet. It's probably good to pay him a visit though. Who knows? Maybe he could help us find our cutie marks. I looked at my two friends again, and from their eyes, and their smiles, I already saw that a plan is set, but we were so comfortable right now, so we'll probably go on crusading later or tomorrow.

We kept on sharing some stories that we didn't realize the time. The sun was about to set when Miss Rarity arrived and chuckled at our little resting place. Her friends teased her that a lady shouldn't be inside a dirty old farm, but she surprised us when she lied down on her back next to Sweetie Belle.

Then she shared with us a story of an annoying customer that she dealt with earlier today, saying that she wanted to have emeralds lined on edges of a green gown...and some stuff that none of us understood. We listened, and we chuckled at some choice of words that she said. I could say that she really complains a lot, and endured a lot. She ended the story of asking Spike to go with her to collect some gems, and she manages to finish the dress, and then went out to find Sweetie Belle.

After that, we talked some more until the sun was almost gone. We said our goodbyes and went to our homes. We ran out of cooking oil, so I volunteered to go to town and buy some in the market. And before I went back home, I came by in your library to write to you this friendship report.

I guess what I'm trying to report about is that it's really great to spend some time relaxing and enjoying the company of our friends and families. It may not have earned us our cutie marks, but it felt really nice to have some quality time with them.

I guess that's all I wanted to share. It's getting pretty late, and Applejack and Big Mac might wonder what's taking me so long. Anyway, have fun in Canterlot, Twilight! Hope to see you soon!

Your little friend,

Apple Bloom

Dear Twilight,

Before Apple Bloom left, she invited me to join them tomorrow on their cutie mark crusade with Cranky. Meh, I got nothing else to do anyway, and Owlowiscious can watch the library while I'm gone anyway.

Your faithful assistant,


Friendship Report From Jay [OC]

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Dear Princess Celestia,

Yesterday was the first time that I joined the annual outing of the company where I work. And boy, have I learned a thing or two from that experience.

First, I rediscovered that I was somewhat good in volleyball. It's been decades since I last tried playing that. I think the last one was during P.E. back in high school.

Second, always remember to stretch and do warm-ups before doing any heavy physical activities. Ow... My body's aching all over...

Third, there's a chance that a drunk coworker will bite your leg. The pain wasn't helping me in that weird situation, but I at least was able to stop myself from hitting him. But I think it's mostly because I have absolutely no idea how to handle that situation I was in. At least he apologized when he got somber enough. Eh, it was all in good fun anyway. I hope.

Fourth and the most important thing I learned was to have fun. And boy was it fun.

Well, maybe I should end my letter here. Thanks for reading this, princess.

Your little pony, Jay.