Day After War Nexus

by MLP Moth

First published

Reunited just to destroy each other. Shadow and his daughter will defend themselves from powerful adversaries they once called their family.

50 years after the siege a series of connected events happen to the few remaining survivors. Three of these survivors grew a cold heart, they want to share their sorrow and anger with the rest of Equestria. Three more found forgiveness. The cold-hearted survivors have a power unknown to the world but so do the warm-hearted. These powers have the strength to either destroy or harmonize the world, a power called Lumen Fulsi.

Prologue + ACT I: Chapter 1 - The Academy

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Prologue + ACT I: Chapter 1 - The Academy

He fought against his old friend and teacher; he needed to end his life. He didn't want to. The Pegasus he faces now wants to kill him. They shot toward each other and collided. Shadow was struck right under his wing. He crashed into the cold ocean below. While sinking down to the abyss his armor separated and gradually sank down. He heard a voice of one he thought had died many years ago, a familiar voice.

"You are not done finished yet. You still have a family to protect." It said.

He slowly opened his eyes and saw an illusion of his deceased wife. She was a beautiful and strong unicorn. Her long white mane had streaks of light pink, her coat was a normal-shaded pink. Her name, Starflare, granddaughter of Star Swirl.

"I can't.....I'm weak." he said in his head,"I will die here."

"No you won't. What will become of your daughter if you die here? She will be left in a world of nothing."

"I'm sorry, I-I just can't. I can't kill him."

"Then he wins the war, then he will continue to kill. No one will be able to stop him. Only you can."

"How can you still have faith in me after all this?"

She said tenderly,"You're my husband. You been through so much already. Why stop now? Get up."

Shadow's wound started to seal itself. He opened his eyes fully and spread his wings. He rocketed through the disturbed surface and shouted at his enemy,"I am not done with you yet!"

"Do you believe you can defeat me?" Garren replied.

"You will fall under my sword."

It seemed Shadow's confidence angered Garren,"Well then, show what you have learned over the years my former student!"

They both enabled their magic. Shadow's aura glowed white while, Garren's glowed black. Their auras were seen miles away to a cliff where Princess Celestia and the others waited. The next thing they saw were the two warriors charging with great speed toward each other.

4 years before, Shadow signed up for training in the Royal Guard. His daughter, Dawn, stayed at a frontier southwest of Canterlot and north of the Everfree forest. He was on his way to a city above in the clouds where he met another Pegasus named, Seng. His journey began that day.

Chapter 1- The Academy

Shadow was a blue Pegasus with a dark blue mane and tail, his eyes were light blue. His cutie mark, a pair of golden wings over a white diamond. He has yet to find out what it means. He went to the registration window to give his letter of acceptance to the clerk.

"It says here that you were suppose to be here tomorrow." the tired looking clerk said. It looked like he was up for months without any sleep.

"I am aware of that." Shadow replied.

"Oh are you because, from what I remember "tomorrow" was yesterday."

"Can you do anything about it?"

"I'll see if I can get your C.O.(commanding officer) to go easy on you and let you in."

"Thank you."

The clerk walked to a lazy mail carrier sleeping in the corner of his office and knocked down the pile of letters a mare was sleeping on.

"What you do that for?!" she asked with a raised voice.

"One, no sleeping on the job. Two, I need you to get this to Knight Black Soul."the clerk replied.

"No. I don't want to."

"Why not?"

"She scares me."

"Quit being such a filly and go.SHOO YOU LAZY BUM!!" he yelled while kicking her out.

Shadow waited for an hour or so before starting to think this Knight Black Soul rejected his acceptance letter. His mind was changed when a Pegasus introduced himself to Shadow.

"Hello there. Are you Shadow by any chance" he asked.

He nodded "Yes, and you are?"

"Seng, nice to meet you."


"Well, I'm not here just for you I need help getting some medical supplies to the track. You can just leave your luggage here."

"Alright. Let's go."

They started walking through hallways. Shadow thought their was something odd about Seng, he kept looking through every door they past by.

"Are you looking for a door that leads to the track?" Shadow asked

Seng answered,"Nope."

"Then what're you looking for the medical supply room."

"When did your C.O. tell you to look for these?"

"An hour ago."

"What?" Shadow replied

"Yeah, I only been here a day and a half so, I don't know where it is. She knows that and now when we get back we're going to get yelled."

It was early morning around 7:37 AM so they had loads of time left.

"Who is this 'she'?"

"Knight Black Soul, our C.O. and D.I.(drill instructor) Found it."

The door ahead had a red cross above it. Seng opened the polished wooden door.

"Well, what do we need?" asked Shadow.

"Uuhhhhhhhhh........I forgot."

"Oh my Celestia. I don't want to start off like this."

"Start off like what?"

"Late and forgetful."

"Oh. Let's just take those boxes over there with the words "first aid"."

"You are such a genius." said Shadow sarcastically

"Oh, ha ha ha." Seng replied

Shadow and Seng both went to the track where they saw 18 Pegasi doing laps and 3 others in the center. One unicorn, earth pony, and Pegasus. They walked closer to the three.

"Wow, I thought I was going to die of old age before you got." the female Pegasus said.

She was also a dark blue Pegasus, her mane and tail were the black but, one thing that contrasted her dark colored coat, mane, and tail was her lime green eyes.

"I know, I'm can wrinkles on my hooves." The unicorn chuckled.

Her coat pink. Her mane and tail were pale pink. The earth pony next to her was gray coated and had peach colored mane and tail..

"Now Seng, go give me 30 laps for making me wait." the Pegasus said.

Seng joined the others.

"And you are?" she added.


"I am your commanding officer,Knight Black Soul. You too give me 30 laps for not helping that slowpoke. "

Shadow caught up to Seng.

They both saw their C.O. fly to a microphone and she shouted,"WELCOME TO THE ACADEMY!"

Chapter 2 - The Student and the Teacher

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Chapter 2 - The Student and the Teacher

After the 30 laps, Shadow and the others met Knight Black Soul in the middle of the track where she properly introduced the unicorn and earth pony.

"Since, Seng took so long I had to bring some assistance, everyone meet the ponies who will aid you if you are injured. Leader of the medical team Fyn Cour(fine core) and her assistant Dust."

Fyn Cour was the unicorn, her cutie mark was a red heart under a pair of crossing swords. Dust, the earth pony, had a cutie mark of a medical cross formed by two swords. Every single pony except Shadow and Black Soul there on the track were about 18-21 years of age. Shadow and Black Soul were around the ages of 27-30.

Black Soul addressed her students,"You may return to your barracks for a few hours to get to know each other. Dismissed."

They arrived at the barracks. It was a steel rectangular prism but, that was the only one there. The other C.O.s had different barracks for their recruits elsewhere.

"You a little bit older than the rest of us, Shadow." Seng remarked.

Shadow replied,"I stalled and my a few mistakes, I'm correcting those mistakes right now."

"Any family?"

Shadow chuckled,"And I just made another, hehehe. I have one daughter.You?"

"Never knew my parents. I was raised in an orphanage until I was sixteen. I waited two years in the frontier by Canterlot before coming here."

The two kept asking each other questions you would if you just met someone. Meanwhile, at the frontier Shadow's daughter was on her way to school. Her coat was a light orange, mane and tail were yellow. She is 14. Her cutie mark was a white sun with an odd shape in the center. She arrived to class a few minutes late, the teacher was already giving a lecture about the rules. Though that Dawn has been alive, her and Shadow are both immortal, for so long she has gained the knowledge of many teachers from different parts of the world. She kept herself busy by attending school.

"Okay class this must be our first tardy student of the year on the very first day of school, Dawn. Go find a open seat." the teacher scolded.

Dawn kept quiet and felt the other kids staring at her since she was the only one standing besides the teacher. The teacher's name, according to the chalkboard, was Ms.Grazer. Her coat was a maroon, her mane was curved and had stripes of a light pink and pink. Her cutie mark was a ruler laying against an apple. Dawn chose a seat in the back of the room by a sky blue unicorn with a mane and tail the same color. She had no cutie mark yet even though she should.

"Now for a social activity. Look at the neighbor next to you and introduce yourself."

"Hey, my name is Flake, what's your name?" the sky blue unicorn asked. She sounded nice but, Dawn still didn't respond, she was already sleeping on her desk buried underneath her hooves.

Flake responded awkwardly,"Uuhhhh......okay."

Dawn didn't want her feel left out so she lifted her head and said,"Well, you should already know my name."

"I know I was just trying to start a conversation."

"Good job at that."

"Where did you come from?"

"Fall....I mean, I came from the Crystal Empire(this was just an excuse)."

"That's cool, how long have you lived here?"

"For two years now."

"I've been here for 3 years. Any family?" This one seemed to want to know everything about her new neighbor.

Dawn answered hesitantly,"Yes, my father and a dear friend."

"What are their names? If you don't mind me asking."

"It's fine. My father is Shadow and my friend is Excaelum(ex-say-lum)."

"The only family I have with me here is my mother." Flake said.

They too, engaged in a generic conversation.

Back at the Barracks. Knight Black Soul entered.

"Alright, tomorrow we will test your speed in a time trial. For the next two hours you are all going to be flying the track at a pace you find fitting. To the track, NOW!!"

Seng mumbled,"Unnecessary shouting."

"It's only unnecessary if we don't hear her." Shadow said.

"I guess that's true."

"Well, I'm guessing she's like that so we can see her as a leader and take her seriously."

"I think we should hurry before our serious teacher yells at us."

Back at school with Dawn.The class had a long social activity but, they were starting to get rowdy. Some of the students started to yell across the classroom, throw paper balls, and shout insults at each other.

"Class, please sit down."

Ms.Grazer was getting blocked out by the loud class,"SIT DOWN!!"

The class sat down as fast as lightning strikes.

"Good." She waited for the next minute until the early school day ended with the sound of a bell."Sit there quietly please, just until the bell rings."


Chapter 3 - Course on the mountain

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Chapter 3 - Course on the mountain

After their 2 hour workout, the 20 students were allowed to rest for a chance to re-cooperate for 15 minutes before their C.O. briefs them on their upcoming task. They were to meet at the briefing room located next by the clerks office.

It was late noon, around 12:58 PM.

"Find a spot to place yourselves. Okay, your next task will be a time trial to test your speed, agility, and acceleration. It will be here on training grounds. The task tomorrow will be much more difficult." Soul said.

Seng whispered to Shadow,"How hard can it be?"

It seemed Black Soul heard him because, she looked right at him and said,"You have to up half a mile up a mountain while dragging a 200 pound cart in under 10 hours. That's how hard it can be."

"Damn. That sucks." A Pegasus to the right said.

"You think that sucks wait until Dry Ocean and Ice Valley. Alright enough talk. Let's start the time trial." Knight Black Soul added.

The course had 10 rings with a diameter of 8 feet each, they were closely packed together. Shadow knew it was for agility. There was a flag at the starting, that was for acceleration. The faster you take off, the more violent the flag would wave. The finish line was about 7 meters away from the rings, that tested your speed.

"Alright, line up in an orderly fashion so we can begin. You will have one minute to complete this course." A Pegasus was by the starting line. He had a dark gray coat and his mane and tail were dark red. His cutie mark was covered by his armor. Like it mattered what it was.

"I would like for you to meet Knight Storm, he will be aiding me during your training. First up, Aero."

Seng and Shadow were too busy chatting so they didn't see how he looked like or how well he did in the course. It was over quick though, the next pony was up. And within no time it was Shadow's turn. Soul blew a whistle signaling to start. The whistle sounded off. Shadow felt like he was slacking off but when he came back Knight Storm said,

"Wow. New record, Knight Black Soul, Shadow here beat your record."

"What was his time?" Soul asked.

Storm answered,"23 seconds."

"You beat me by 4 seconds, Shadow. Congratulations. Seng you're up."

"What?! I can't beat that."


Seng went up to the line nervously because, Storm was there. The whistle sounded off again. He returned with a time of 37 seconds.

"Not bad. Next" said Storm.

3 more times the whistled rung the ears of those who finished. The trial was done. Black Soul gave the top 3 times.

"Shadow: 23 seconds. Aero: 31 seconds. Seng: 37 seconds. You may return to your barracks."

They relaxed for the rest of the day, preparing for the course on the mountain.

Knight Black Soul came in to wake up everypony. She was wearing a similar type of armor that Knight Storm was wearing but, Soul's was full gold. Storm's armor had a golden armor with a outlining of silver. The colors on their armor distinguished the ranks. The 9 types of armor were: solid bronze, bronze with silver outlining, and bronze with gold outlining. Silver with bronze outlining, solid silver, and silver with gold outlining. The top were gold with bronze outlining, Storm's, gold with silver outlining, and finally solid gold.

It was early morning, 4:00 AM.

"We are going to the base of a mountain east of Canterlot. We leave now to go there in an hour." Soul started,"and after this you'll be granted 2 days to spend with your families. After those 2 days are up, you report back here."

They flew to the mountain base and saw 20 loaded carts that belonged to the earth ponies so they did not hover as the ones designed for Pegasi did.

"You will drag these up the mountain using your wings. If I see any of you use your hooves, you will be kicked out. Understood?" Soul said in a firm voice.

"YES, KNIGHT BLACK SOUL!" the 20 nervous Pegasus said simultaneously.

"5 minutes to start. Get ready." Soul added as she flew up.

Starting time 6:00 AM

Goal, before 4:00 PM

Current time 5:59 AM

Goal distance 804 meters(half a mile)

Current distance 0 meters

Storm yelled,"Begin!" then he flew back to the city in the clouds.

"YEAH!! FEEL THE BURN!!" Seng said while struggling to make a pace.

"Yeah. Come on, we just started." Shadow replied.

After a few minutes, they both found a pace that was comfortable.

"I wonder how the others are doing." Send said as he looked back.

There was one Pegasus coming up behind them. It seemed he was rushing.

"Whoa, there. Slow down you're going to pass out before you finish this." Shadow said.

He replied,"I don't want to fail though."

"Yeah but, you don't want to die either. Just stick with me and Seng. You'll pass so, don't worry. What's your name?"

"Lancer, and you're Shadow from the looks of it. You beat Knight Black Soul's time trial record."

"Yes he is, and I got third place, thank you very much." Seng said trying to pitch his name in the conversation.

"Oh yeah, you're the one who got yelled at by Knight Storm."

"Great now everypony is going to remember me as 'the pony who got yelled' at." Seng said then added sarcastically,"Yay me."

"Haha." Shadow quietly laughed.

They kept a steady pace for a while and made good progress. They did not make a sound until they heard a thud behind them. Somepony passed out.

Current time 6:32 AM

Current distance 94 meters

Fyn Cour and her team were following them at the back of the line, waiting for either somepony to give up or pass out. Unfortunately, for one it was passing out.

Shadow heard Fyn Cour say a few words,".....worked........too hard. Take.........down......please."

"I feel bad for that one. He did all this just to have it end where he began." Lancer said.

"Yeah." added Seng."

Shadow stopped the conversation,"Back to us. Less talk more flying."

For about two hours they again didn't make a sound. The fair breeze cooled them down a few degrees.

Current time 8:41 AM

Current distance 254 meters of 804

Lancer broke the awkward silence,"What do you think Dry Ocean and Ice Valley will be?"

"Hot and cold." answered Seng.

"What he said." Shadow exclaimed.

"You two are blunt aren't you?"

Shadow and Seng looked at each other then looked at Lancer and they both said,"Yeah."

"This is going to be a long course." Lancer sighed.

A few hours passed.

Current time 2:17 PM

Current distance 697 meters of 804

"Okay.You guys are really boring." Lancer said.

Shadow replied,"That's because, we're concentrated right now."

"Yeah but, that doesn't mean you to have to be brick walls."

"Fine. I was getting bored anyways. Start a conversation."

"Where were you born?"

Seng answered first,"Far from here, I don't think I've been at the frontier very long. How about you Lancer?"

"I as well. Shadow?"

"Southern Equestria." This was a lie from Shadow, the others didn't know that though.

Seng responded,"Isn't that where dragons usually live?"

"I suppose you can say that. I never had a problem with them though."

Lancer sounded happy,"Bummer we can't continue this because, I can see the finish line."

The three used the rest of their energy they had to finish strong. They completed the course on the mountain. They were very tired and didn't feel how sore they were until a few moments after they were done.

"I feel a cramp in my wing." whined Seng.

"It's not so bad." Lancer tried to stretch his wings,"Never mind I feel it."

Chapter 4 - Family of Three

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Chapter 4 - Family of Three

After this painful training, Shadow was allowed to leave from there straight back to the frontier with others he did not know, he was eager to see his friend and daughter. The sun was beginning to set. Shadow lived in a cottage by the Everfree Forest, where it was quiet and relaxing. The breeze that came from the forest cooled down the warm air. He saw Dawn sitting on a hill, just basking in the evening sun, he joined her.

"Dawn, it's nice to see a familiar face again."

"Hello father. How was your day."

"I'm tired but, I won't have to go back for two more days."

"We get to spend some time with each other then."

"Of course."

"Hopefully, we can contact Luna and Celestia soon too."

"I'm sure they will contact us first."

"Speaking of contact, where's Excaelum(ex-say-lum)?"

"I don't know. Haven't seen him for a couple of weeks."

"He's probably busy."

They both saw something emerging from the thickness of the Everfree Forest. It was Excaelum. He was a dragon, fairly large about 18 feet tall, 35 feet in length, and with a wingspan of 60 feet. Even though he was too big for the cottage, he had a separate compartment connected to the cottage so, he was still able to chat with his 2 friends. His scales were gray outlined with black, his eyes were a light blue. He had 6 limbs: 2 legs, 2 arms, and wings. He blew flames of blue, the color of his father's flames, Dragaitas(dra-guy-tis). His skull shape and head crest also looked like his father's, triangular and sharp. He had a back and tail covered in spikes. It looked like he was exhausted.

Shadow asked Excaelum,"Where have you been?"

"Shadow. I've been searching for something. How have you two been?"

"Well, I've been lonely because of you and my dad is tired."

"I'm sorry Dawn. I will try to be here more often."

Shadow said to the both of them,"Don't worry to much about her, she can take care of herself." Shadow paused, then continued,"The sun feels nice, doesn't it?"

"Yes it does. It feels like we won't be able to do this for a long time though." replied Excaelum.

"Why do you say that?" asked Dawn.

"This is just something you can't do everyday." the dragon answered.

"It won't be special if we did." Shadow added.

The three sat on the hill, the sun was set, and the frontier's lanterns started to be lit. At night was cool by the cottage due to the neighboring trees absorbing the heat. Excaelum's compartment was by the fireplace so, he can light the firewood, his flames also gave off a blue light. When the dragon wasn't there Dawn or Shadow would light the chandelier and lamps that gave off a normal light. Tonight the lamps and chandelier were lit and Dawn went to her room upstairs.

"Shadow, how were you today?"

"Fine, Excaelum. Thanks for asking."

"I've been occupied lately."

"Doing what?"

"Looking for something very important to me."

"If it's important, I won't ask. Do you think the princesses know that we're here?"

"I can go pay them a visit."

Shadow chuckled,"Ha, the first time they saw you they almost jumped out of their skins."

"What I recall was Celestia pushing her sister to me as tribute not to eat her."

"And I'm guessing they were surprised when they saw me walking up to you and telling them that you're not going to eat them."

Dawn came down the stairs and continued the reminiscing,"And when they saw me behind you."

"That was a fun day." said Shadow.

"Yeah, except for that time Celestia kept on trying to use her stun spell on Excaelum." Dawn added.

Excaelum had a grin on his face,"I still hate her for that. All those spells gave me were headaches."

"I'm sure she's sorry for that and now I think she got over her fear of dragon." said Shadow.

"That was over 50 years ago." Dawn said trying to convince Excaelum that she didn't mean it.

Excaelum replied,"I don't care about that anymore, now that I think about."

"I remember the first time we met you, Excaelum." Dawn said as she walked over to the kitchen to find something to eat."You didn't like us at first, though because of your father you started to."

"I think your dad would've killed us if he didn't." added Shadow.

"Well, aren't you two immortal?"

"Yes. From aging, disease, and unnatural causes so, everything." It seemed Shadow was not saying something, something important.

"Then how do you explain Dawn."

Shadow hesitated for a moment then answered,"Oh her, her age accelerated to that age for some reason." It sounded like he was trying to hide something. Dawn heard their conversation but didn't care and continued her business in the kitchen.

It was getting late. They blew out the lights and turned in. In the morning, Shadow went downstairs to greet Excaelum. He was gone.

Shadow said to himself aloud,"I don't understand that dragon sometimes." He rummaged through the basket of fruit but, they were all rotten so he threw them out and went to the town market. There were a couple hundred others living but, the frontier hasn't been given a name yet due to no leaders to do so.

It was a normal day, ponies commuting, joking around, fillies heading to school. Parents buying the weeks dinner and deserts. The stands available sold fruits, grains, pastries, nuts, vegetables, home decors, flowers, and clothing. There were stores but, they were being fixed and designed so the store owners decided to continue selling things outside. Shadow stopped by the fruits, grains, and vegetables bought a bag from each stand and continued home. When he opened the door he saw that Dawn had just come downstairs. He went to the kitchen and placed the bags on the counter.

"I thought you were supposed to be at school."

"I don't need anymore knowledge than I already have."

"It wouldn't hurt to get a little more."

"Well, I learned from both the princesses and Dragaitas. And you have to admit they are the most smartest and wisest teachers out there."

"Garren was also a smart and wise teacher. I miss him. He was like a father to me."

"I hate that place." Dawn said as if she was angry.

"What place?"

"Fallen Star. I hope we never have to return to that damned island."

"I hate that place too. We lost many friends there."

"At least we have a chance to make new ones."

"Remember our promise at the cliff. How we promised that we were not going to get any friends or get ourselves attached to anyone else."

"Yeah, why?"

"I broke that promise."

"I did to. As long as they don't suffer the way our friends did at Fallen Star, I won't mind getting a few friends friends."

"I made 2 so far. You?

"Just one."

"Maybe we can meet your friend after school is out."

They waited until 3:00 PM when the schools were dismissed.

"Her name is Flake and she's very nice so don't scare her. I know you have the tendency to scare ponies with your serious tone and look."

"I'll try."

They waited for Flake at the front of the school.

"Hey Flake. How was school?" greeted Dawn.

"Good." Flake looked at Shadow,"Who's that?"

"My dad. I thought it'd be nice for you two to meet."

"Hello, my name is Flake."

"It's nice to meet you." Shadow said with a deep firm voice.


Shadow's voice went back to normal,"I'm sorry but, I couldn't resist."

"Okay. Ummmm.... well I have to go now. Bye."

"Bye Flake." Dawn looked at her dad with a stern face,"I told you not to do that."

"Sorry. Old habits die hard."

They went back home where Excaelum was in his compartment sleeping.

"Is that all he does when he's here?"

"I guess."

"I'm sorry daughter but, I have to leave now to the barracks. Please say 'bye' to him when he wakes."

"Okay. When will you be back?"

"Tomorrow after we go to Dry Ocean."

"Alright then bye." Dawn went up to her room.

Excaelum woke up as Shadow opened the door, "I'll be off to." He said.

"See you tomorrow then."

"Take care, my friend."

Excaelum didn't leave for a while though.

Dawn was in her room opening a few old books.

"What chapter was I on? Ah, Chapter 7 - Advanced Spells. To be read. DO NOT ATTEMPT." Dawn ignored the chapter's warning,"I'm still going to do these spells. Let's see, this spell is used to create a ring of objects orbit the caster fast enough to cut through the strongest rock and to use the winds of the objects to hover. Seems simple enough, don't know why it says 'DO NOT ATTEMPT' and they show you how to do it. It just makes you want to do it."

Dawn shut her eyes. She started to lift the nearby shelves and books. They dropped.

"Let's try again. This isn't that advanced, I could do this in my sleep. Well, here I go again." She said aloud to herself.

This time the objects came up more violently and and dropped with a loud thud. Dawn's eyes opened and they started to glow. The room was ever more violently as her mane, tail, and cutie mark started to glow. A beam of light shot out of her horn and it ripped of hole in the ceiling. The beam continued to for 3 more seconds. Something crashed down next to Dawn. The beam began to fade and Dawn fell and with her blurred vision she saw a figure of another pony.

It said,"Dawn, can you hear me? Dawn? DAWN?!!"

Dawn fell on the floor then blacked out. The one who entered the room was examining the destruction of the young fillies magic. Broken pieces of roof and shelves painted the ground.

Chapter 5 - Visit from Princess Luna

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Chapter 5 - Visit from Princess Luna

Dawn woke up on a bench outside of their home,the moon was starting to set, she wondered how she got their. Dawn got up slowly to avoid headaches that came with if you did. She yawned and trotted on to the front door, opened it, and saw debris up the stairs. She investigated and saw that her room and half of the hallway were completely destroyed. She was in shock. She heard voices coming from the backyard, one sounded like Excaelum, the other sounded familiar. Dawn went downstairs and opened the door to the back where she saw an alicorn that she loved with all her heart.

"Princess Luna!!" She shouted excitedly as she ran to her to give her a hug.

"Dawn!" Luna replied happily. She wrapped her wings around Dawn.

"Do you mind telling me what happened?"

Excaelum opened his mouth,"I saw a beam of light behind me as I was above the clouds then I noticed it came from our place"s direction, I came back but as I saw the cottage in sight, it stopped. Luna brought you outside to ensure the place doesn't come down on you. You were out for at least 12 hours."

"You know we are going to have to fix this place before Shadow gets back." Luna said.

"Oh he won't do anything. And Excaelum I still don't know how a dragon your size gets around without being noticed."

"Really? Out of all what happened that's what curious about. Okay well, I use the sun to hide myself."

"I still do not know what happened to you Dawn. I mean, that was a kind magic I have not seen before. Where did you learn that?" asked Luna.

"I have no idea what you're talking about. Were there any bystanders watching?"

"The whole frontier." said Luna.

"She yelled at them with what she calls her "Royal Canterlot Voice". Remember that ?"

"Oh come on, I didn't yell at them with that. At least not a lot."

Excaelum looked at her with a face that denied her statement.

"Okay, maybe I did, a lot. They left though so, it wasn't pointless."

Dawn asked,"What did you say?"


"I see." Dawn stood there next by Excaelum staring at Luna awkwardly."I still need to know what I did. Do you think Celestia will know?"

"I don't think so. Big sister and I were never taught anything like that from Star Swirl the Bearded."

"We need to find somepony who does. Excaelum, do you have any idea on someone that can help?"

"No. I don't mingle around ponies much remember." he answered bluntly.

"Big sister should be raising the sun in a couple of hours. Let's start fixing this place."

"We can improve it while we're at it." Dawn suggested.

Excaelum replied,"Why?"

"So you can fit through the doors and have enough room to sleep in the living room."

"Well, how are we going to do that?" asked the dragon.

Luna made a comment,"Maybe Dawn could blow it up with her magic."

"Oh ha. Ha. Ha. Very funny Luna."

"It kind of is. I can just bring it down my claws and you and the princess can levitate the pieces so, it won't make any noise."

"Alright, let-" Dawn was interupted.

"I don't think it'd be wise for you to use your magic now Dawn. I can handle it, for now just relax. Ready Excaelum?"

They brought down what remains of the cottage in under 40 minutes. They waited for the sun to rise so, the can start with lighting. The sun rose and 50 ponies from the frontier came to help, Excaelum went to the Everfree to avoid being seen. The townsfolk were really helpful and, since they thought Dawn was hurt they did all the work and Luna oversaw their progress. Late afternoon, the frame of the house was completed. It had a second floor with two rooms, a study room, and a balcony. The first floor was built large enough for Excaelum, of course the townsfolk didn't know why they were building it that large. Luna told them to also build a library next by the future kitchen. Luna left to Canterlot and came back with the nicest furniture: a couch, 2 beds, chairs, rugs, lamps, etc. Luna came over to check on Dawn.

"Where did you get all those stuff?"

"Your dad's bed and the other things I got from a furniture store.'

"Where did my bed come from?"

Luna had a evil looking smirk on her face,"From a special furniture store. Hehehe."

Meanwhile at the Canterlot Castle, Princess Celestia walked into her room, she saw something missing.

The evening was coming and surprisingly the new cottage was almost done. The townsfolk had nothing else planned so, they helped out the whole day. The only thing left to do was bringing in the furniture and they're done. Luna went inside to observe. Shadow came back with a friend.

"Hey, I'd like you to meet Ae-. What're they doing to the cottage?"

"Remodeling." Dawn answered.


"It kinda got destroyed."

Luna came back outside.

"Oh I see why." said Shadow.

"Shadow, didn't expect you to be here."

"Well, I live here so."

"Who's your friend?" Luna asked.

"Aero introduce yourself."

"Hello, Princess Luna." he bowed.

"Nice to meet you but, we'll continue this conversation later. I have to raise the moon."

"You didn't tell us you knew the princess." said Aero.

"Yeah, I kinda left that out didn't I?"

Dawn walked to the new house. Shadow and Aero followed.

"Wow. You two have a big place."

"It wasn't like this before Aero."

"Well, I didn't see the other look but I prefer this one. You have a library, a large living room, and nice kitchen. I wish I knew a princess."

"Let's check upstairs." Dawn said.

A few townsfolk were coming down the stairs. They just finished their job and now are returning home.

The first door Dawn opened lead to the study room, the 2nd her room.

"Why is that bed so big?" Aero exclaimed.

"And why does it have a sun at the top of the bed?" added Shadow.

"Luna said she got my bed from a 'special' furniture store."

"Let's check my room."

They went over the next room but, it lead to the balcony.

"Nice." Aero said.

They next door lead to Shadow's room.

"Why is my bed half the size as yours Dawn?"

"I don't know, ask the princess."

"I don't think I can handle another visit from her."

"I'm to rent a room at an INN. See you at Ice Valley Shadow. Bye Dawn it was nice meeting you."

They had a bit of trouble getting used to the new house, especially Shadow he was so used to the old version. The next day, Dawn and Shadow explored their new place. It was nicely polished. The rugs and carpets had a fresh fragrance. The kitchen was loaded with different utensils, pots, and had a basket of fresh fruit. The large front door was made so, that Excaelum was able to get in, it went well with the large living room. Luna was asleep on the couch that was comfortable as a bed. Shadow woke her up.

"Why did you come here princess?"

"Well, Dawn destroyed the house with a beam of light."

"That was her? I saw that beam from the clouds. How did you do it?"

"I don't know. How come you didn't come back father?" Dawn asked

"I saw a a shape in the sky and it looked like Luna; she went down there and it stopped so I thought she had it covered and stopped it."

"I didn't stop it. The magic faded away on it's own." Luna replied.

Shadow said,"Hopefully it doesn't happen the next time you come to visit."

"Hey, it's not like it happened because of me.

The three spent the rest of the day catching up on the years they had. Later that night Excaelum came inside.

"Well this is different." he said.

Chapter 6 - Ice Valley

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Chapter 6 - Ice Valley

"I can't believe I fit through that door." said Excaelum.

"Kind of a nice thing to make the door that big. What is it like 8 feet wide and 7 feet tall." Shadow added.

They continued exploring their new living space. Luna went back to Canterlot to stay with Celestia. The next came upon them, Shadow and Aero were to report back for their next course. They arrived to the briefing room and Knight Black Soul was starting her lecture.

"Ice Valley is not like Dry Ocean because, instead of blazing temperature over 143 degrees Fahrenheit you will have freezing temperatures below 20 degrees Fahrenheit maybe even lower. Now remember what happened at Dry Ocean, 7 of you friends were taken out because, they suffered from heat strokes. You have the decision to leave my regiment before we go to Ice Valley."

No one left. Yet.

"I have been informed there is an unusual amount of activity from Yeti but, we will still go because they usually don't bother us. If you don't want to take that risk, leave now."

2 Pegasus left the room.

"We still have to take precautions. We will give you a pair of these, what we call, hoof-blades. They do not go past the bottom of your hoof so you're able to walk with them on. This precaution shall be another flag saying to leave while you still have the chance also, Knight Storm and I will be over-watching you from the sky with our team, this should also be another flag."

Another 2 Pegasus left, one sitting next by Seng said something that stopped Black Soul from giving any further warning.

"The rest of us aren't going anywhere."

"Is that right, Cloudfire. Do the rest of you agree with him?"

They all answered,"YES SIR!"

"Alright." Soul continued,"Go get some rest we have a long day ahead of us."

There were only 8 Pegasi left: Shadow, Seng, Lancer, Aero, and Cloudfire. The others were known as Voyager, Echo, and Hail. The next early morning they had to leave early to Ice Valley, a blizzard was stirring. The valley will protect them form the harsh winds but, if they take too long they can be buried by the snow.

Arrival time 4:31 AM

Time starts at 5:00 AM

The weather was freezing and it didn't get any better as the sun rose. The blizzard will block most of the sunlight from reaching the valley. Knight Storm had a team of 3 Pegasus with him their names were Fencer, Razor, and Canon. Knight Black Soul also had a team of three: Tint, Bladedancer, and Flood. The storm was getting worse. The snow slipped in through some small cracks in the doors and hit them in the face. The howling of the winds was loud not because of the speed of the train going against it, it was the speed of the blowing winds.

"These winds are relentless." said Fencer.

Razor replied,"It's not so bad."

Tint added,"It can be worse."

"Don't jinx it or I'm going to have o stab you. You have negative energy Tint." exclaimed Fencer.

Canon chuckled,"Not if he gets you first."

They group laughed a bit.

"It is so cold right now. Brrrr! Damn it's really cold!" whined Aero.

"Once we move our body temperature will rise so don't whine so much." Lancer replied.

"Oh I wasn't whining if you want to hear whining I can do it right now."

"Okay just shut up." said Lancer.

Seng asked Shadow,"Do you think it's that dangerous in the valley?"

"Maybe, but I doubt it unless we run into a few yeti on the way. They're pretty much not a bother unless provoked."

"Let's not hope that happens, us provoking them." said Lancer,"I don't want to tango with them at all."

"None of us do." Seng said.

They were going to start in less than 10 minutes.

Storm came from the starting to the back where the carts were,"We modified the carts so, 2 of you can drag one together. We can't afford to lose anyone in the blizzard. We will travel in a small compact group so we can all see each other. My team and I will be in the front, Black Soul's team will be in the rear. Any questions?"

The 8 remaining Pegasus answered,"No, sir."

Shadow and Seng chose their cart. Lancer with Aero. Cloudfire with Voyager. Echo with Hail.



Fencer Canon


Shadow-Seng Lancer-Aero

Cloudfire- Voyager Echo-Hail


Tint Flood


They began, it was freezing so they had to keep moving to keep their body temperature up or else they catch hypothermia.

"The halfway point is a ways from here." sighed Aero.

"Let's just focus on something else other than that." Lancer tried to get his mind off of that idea.

"Did any of you see the beam of light a couple days ago?" Seng asked the group.

"I did, I thought the world was going to end." Aero exclaimed.

"Maybe it's a sign of the beginning of the end." said Lancer.

Shadow stayed quiet and listened to the three talk about what they thought the beam was. Shadow started having memories replay themselves. They were blurred, he saw the accident at Fallen Star. He shook his head, to stop that horrible memory. He wondered why he was seeing that. Again, he saw his old friend Dragaitas opening his great wings, he again shook his head.

"Why I'm I seeing this now?" he mumbled to himself.

He heard a scream of pain,"AAHHHHH!! LEAVE ME!!" Shadow looked up and saw everything besides the blizzard, was normal. They were still flying the carts with no problem.

The screams in Shadow's head continued, he wanted to cry because, those screams brought back terrible memories but that's all they were. Memories. The past.

Through all those painful memories, came a soothing and happy one he heard the voice of his deceased wife,"Dawn, don't run too fast. You're going to hurt yourself."

The memory was as clear as the sky after a storm.

"Starflare you can't baby her, for the rest of your life. Let her roam free."

"Yes I can, dear. And do you really want Dawn to hurt herself again?"

"No, honey. Last time she did Dawn kept on crying. My ears are still ringing."

"That was a week ago, Stop exaggerating you big baby."

Shadow saw his daughter turn around,"Who're you calling a "big baby" mom?"

"Your father. Even though he's strong you can still beat him in a race, can you hon?"

"Yeah dad, you're slower than a rock."


He chased his daughter and started to tickle his daughter with his wings. They both rolled down a hill and laughed. Starflare was standing on top of the hill, smiling.

The memory ended, and Shadow started to tear up.

"I'm so sorry Starflare. It was all my fault." Shadow began to cry under his breath so the others won't hear him.

He heard Seng, wiped the tears away then looked at him.

"Shadow we're stopping for some reason. Pay attention, Soul's going to tell us something"

Shadow looked ahead and saw the valley was littered with holes on the sides.

"There are a lot more. Now, leave the carts. We have to fly our way out."

"A lot more what?" asked Voyager.

"Yeti. They may try to attack us."

"Damn, we need to go now Soul, I can see them." Storm said.

They were poking their large white, fur-covered faces out from the holes. Yetis stood at least 9 feet tall and had arms that were 6 feet long each and weighed at least 750 lbs.

"Ready your blades. I will decided whether you die or not." Knight Black Soul exclaimed.

One yeti charged toward Shadow. Shadow left his cart and sliced it's thick throat. It landed next to Storm. It's body was heavy, they could tell because of the vibration it generated when it landed.

"Stay together." he said.

Soul replied," And who gave you command?"

"That body. Now are you going to criticize me or help me?"

"Hit their joints, head, and as Shadow displayed their throat or neck. Lead the way."

"Alright. On 3, fly as fast as you can. Ready?! THREE!!"

They flew straight in and the yetis started to pour out of the holes. The group was broken when one of them jumped straight in the middle of them.

"DAMN!! KILL IT!!" shouted Soul.

Storm and Razor pulled back and charged to him. Razor went for the joints on it's legs, when it was down Storm finished it off with a swift hit to it's throat.

They saw the end of the valley but, it was blockaded by yetis. They had to go straight through, if they fly up the blizzard would've forced them back down, leaving them stunned on the floor. Soul's team was attacked. A yeti grabbed hold of Tint and started to pull on his wings, within a few seconds he would be a Pegasus without wings. Bladedancer and Flood stopped him just in time. They both made crossed cuts to the back of the yetis neck. It went limp and fell.

"That was close." said Flood.

"It was." Tint replied.

"Can you two shut up and help me??!!!" screamed Bladedancer was facing a yeti that was over 10 feet. Soul got it's attention by cutting it's wrist. It got angry. Blinded by it's rage, Soul cut it's neck but, the cut wasn't deep enough. She cut it again, and again in the same spot. It finally fell.

The blockade was ahead. Soul and Storm's team teamed up against the wall of at least 8 yeti. There were 6 total from the two teams.

Cloudfire and Hail were also attacked but, were saved by Storm and Echo.

Echo being a recruit didn't have enough speed to make a clean cut. His cut was rough and slow. Storm finished was Echo started and killed his target.

"You need to be faster Echo!"

"Sorry sir!"

The blockade had a hole in it and they were able to go through. The yetis didn't follow for some reason.

Lancer, Seng, and Aero ganged up on one 7 foot yeti. They striked simultaneously, it had three gashes on different places.

"I killed it!!" Seng joyfully shouted.

"NO!! I did!" Lancer argued.

"Does it matter? We all know I killed It!!"

"SHUT UP AERO!!" Seng and Lancer screamed.

The three then screamed for a different reason. The alpha yeti was behind them. It was 14 feet tall. The power it possess was more than they can handle so they chickened out and flew to the end of the valley where the two teams, Cloudfire, and the others were. The only ones missing were Soul, Storm, and Shadow.

"The alpha is here." Storm said.

"Just like old times, huh?" Soul replied,"Eliminate it. COME ON!!"

The two old friends met the alpha, it swung at them. It was slow but, if it got hold of either one of them, it would've been over.

"Joints!! Hit them!!" yelled Soul.

They both attacked the same one on it's left leg and right leg. It was still standing. They did it again. It still was standing. Shadow came out of nowhere and joined.

"Need help?"

"SHUT UP AND HELP US!!" Storm screamed.

The three were able to bring it down to it's knees. Three deep simultaneous cuts to the throat killed it. Or so they thought. It began to rise even with blood running down it's body.

Soul shouted,"BRING IT DOWN!!"

Another three cuts to it's red throat finished it for good. 7 more alphas appeared. Shadow, Soul, and Storm retreated to the end. Shadow stood at the end waiting for them.

"What're you doing?!!! Get back here!!" Canon shouted.

Shadow landed. One of the alphas swung at him. It's hand was slashed off by something. And Shadow didn't even flinch. None saw it but, Shadow's wing was covered in blood.

"You will not harm anyone." Shadow said.

Shadow's eyes, mane, tail, cutie mark, and wings started to glow. He ascended, wrapped himself in his wings, and opened them. The glow from his wings blinded the alphas, the wind generated by his wings kept them from advancing. He used to glowing wings and flew past the beasts so fast no one could've seen it. The alphas fell to pieces, in halves, thirds. Shadow emerged from the snow their lifeless bodies kicked up, still his body was glowing. His head was jerked back and he shot a beam of light into the sky that dispersed the blizzard from his out of his mouth and eyes, it continued for 3 seconds. The beam faded away and he fell. He saw his friends fly to him.

He blacked out.

Chapter 7 - Forces of Nature

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Chapter 7 - Forces of Nature

Seng and Lancer carried Shadow to the train that was waiting a few minutes away, everyone else were watching their backs just in case anymore yeti came around. None did. They safely got back to the frontier where they put Shadow at the little medical clinic that was there. Soul and Bladedancer were talking.

"What happened to him? He killed all of the alphas with one move." said Bladedancer.

"I don't know and I think he did 3 passes."

"How? That's impossible. It happened so fast"

"I'll ask him when he wakes."

Shadow was having a dream, only it didn't feel like one. He was near the edge of a cliff, he saw someone looking out to the ocean. It was Starflare. He ran to her.

"Star, how are you here?"

"I should be asking you that, my love."

"What do you mean?"

"You're in the spirit world."

"I'm dead?!"

"No you big dolt. I brought you here."


"I have to tell you something. Something terrible is going to happen."

"What is it?"

"2 of 3 lights have been lit. After, they will be blown out by an opposite wind."

"I don't understand."

"You will soon enough Shadow."

The world Shadow was in began fade.

"Star, when can I see you again?"

"When the moon is brightest. Take care."

Shadow woke up and he saw his daughter.

"Hey dad. How are you?"

"I feel unwell, thank you for asking."

While Dawn and her dad chatted, Excaelum was south of Equestria. He met up with his brethren, the Forces of Nature. This organization was made up by 7 different elements of life, before there were 8 but the Star dragons went extinct. The remaining forces were:








1st, Chronin(crow-nin)- She was the lead dragon of time and a non-combatant that wishes only to have peace. She had the power to stop or slow time within a 20 meter range, teleport from her location up to 20 miles away or send an object away, and the rarest powers of all time dragons, to be able to see the past of a location she is currently in and to see the true memories of whomever she wished by putting the tip of her claw on their head. Her time control only worked on weaker being so, she isn't able to control any member of the Forces of Nature or any stronger being. Her subordinates addressed her as, Lord Chronin. Her scales and wings were golden, her eyes a darkened yellow. Her size in length 40 feet, wingspan of 60 feet, and a height of 22 feet. She was part of the first team of dragons before this, this was the second formed. She was at the bottom at their ranks but, after the top leaders died, she took their places. Any fight she fought, she comes out the victor but, she didn't like fighting. She is very intelligent and wise with most situations that came up.

2nd, Mesadraco- He was the leader of the Rock dragon and a combatant. He had the powers to control the earth below him. Even though he had no wings he was able to run on all fours as fast as 350 mph. His body was rough, covered in sediments from the ground below. He can also, create caves and tunnels underground to move unnoticed and if he wanted to, he can make earthquakes happen without warning. Dark brown scales went perfectly with the floor and his eyes were green. Height, 25 feet and length, 35 feet. Addressed as Lord Mesa. He only cared for his force only, the other forces could die out and he would do nothing about it.

3rd, Pyrodia(pie-row-dia)- Leader of fire and highly combative. His fires were able to get as hot as 450 degrees Celsius, he used his powerful wings to push the flames to his enemies. His scales were red scorched by fire, eyes orange. Height, 18 feet. Length, 30 feet. Wingspan, 40 feet. Addressed as Lord Pyrodia. He always searched for a fight whenever possible, others don't know why though. It could have something to do with the anger he held inside from the fact he wasn't on the top of the ranks.

4th, Aquabellina- Lead water dragon. Her ice is maybe the only thing that can fight off Pyrodia's fire, it got as low as negative 130 degrees Celsius though she didn't fight as much as he did. She can create hurricanes, typhoons, and maelstroms in her strongest state. Also able to dive down in the ocean to 5,000 feet. Her scales light blue, eyes yellow. Height, 15 feet . Length, 30 feet. Addressed as Lord Aquabellina. She sided with the ones she believed she could use to her advantage, a user of users.

5th, Olganna(ol-gan-a)- Air leader. The winds she conjured up could blow 200 mph, she used her wings to raise the speed of it. Her more evil power, her ability to drain the oxygen of a living being, she never used this unless she needed to. Scales cyan and eyes violet. Height, 20 feet. Length, 35 feet. Wingspan, 50 feet. She doesn't fight much, she's like Chronin, believing in a non-violent solution.

6th, Zartez- Thunder leader. The volts of his lightning reached to over 500,000. The Amps he generated went over 200, more than enough to stop the heart of whatever it touched. He's a non-patient type, he especially had none for those not in his force. Addressed as Lord Zar. He is also very stupid and arrogant that is what leaves him at one of the bottom ranks. Height, 17 feet. Length, 25 feet.

7th, Excaelum- Leader of an endangered race. He has the ability to make an area within 40 meters of him have no gravity or a extremely heavy one. He is able to generate flames, not as strong as Pyro's but still strong, over 150 degrees Celsius . He is the only known thing to be able to go to space and survive. Height, 18 feet. Length, 35 feet. Wingspan, 60 feet. Addressed as Lord Excaelum. His large wings and powers he possessed were passed down from his father. Dragaitas was one of the first to create this organization. He was in the 2nd rank, the top was taken by a Star dragon bu, he later took his place when he proved himself the wisest and strongest of all dragons. Dragaitas, even after his death forever withholds the title, The King of Dragons. Dragaitas' flames were much more powerful than Pyro's and his gravity powers were far more developed than Excaelum's. The stories of his powers shows the potential for Excaelum. Excaelum doesn't know how to excel his powers because, he has no one to teach him how. Excaelum may become even stronger than Chronin one day and take the title of king.

The star dragons went extinct, the reason is unknown. They had the power to harness power form the sun during the day and the stars in the night. They can learn all powers from all the forces. The top leader in the previous group is known as, Duesiden(dew-sid-en). She controlled a bit of all the forces but, she wasn't a master. Her race either died or disappeared. It still remained a mystery.

The ranking system also included dragons they were able to command.

Forces of Nature(Top)




Solitaries are dragons that follow whoever they want no matter what force they are, they of course can follow their own force. For example Chronin has a rock solitary, Jakal(ja-cal) and Olganna has an air solitary, Gulfstream. Their leader has to approve them before they become their solitary. Solitaries are usually strong dragons and the max number of solitaries allowed is 5. They can command the ambassadors and pawns only during a battle or war.

Ambassadors are higher ranking pawns they are brought up a rank by either solitaries or lords. They are only able to command pawns. They must be the same force type as their lords to be a ambassador. Tend to be stronger than pawns but, weaker than solitaries. They can only order pawns if given permission by either lords or solitaries. Max limit of ambassadors 8. Ambassadors can become solitaries only if approved by a lord.

Pawns have no order in the ranks but, can go to the level of ambassador. They are the common weak dragons and must follow the orders from higher levels of the same force. For example, a thunder pawn must follow the orders of a thunder ambassador, solitary, or lord. They follow the orders of the higher rank. There is no limit of how many pawns are allowed.

If a lord were to die the best solitary of the same force must take their place. For example, when Dragaitas died Excaelum took his place but, takes the bottom rank. You must earn your way to the top of the ladder. If no solitary is available the best ambassador will take the place as lord but, must be approved by the other lords by a voting session.

War laws. If another force wants to fight another first they have a trial battle of any of the choices to hopefully satisfy the leaders. 1 solitary v.s. another, 2 ambassadors v.s. another 2, or 5 pawns v.s. another 5. If the problem is not resolved, they must gather together with the other lords and state their reasons to fight one another with a full force. Wars don't start between dragons often because, the lords are smart enough not to start one because, if war were to begin both forces and innocent bystanders will be majorly devastated. Only for drastic measures will another lord fight another.

The lords are discussing the population of the dragons.

"We need more territory if our species prefers to lived civilized." said Mesa.

"Yes. I say we take over the frontier of mark bearers." Pyro agreed.

"No. We should just hold a tournament for pawns to kill each other and whoever is left promise them a spot as an ambassador." Olganna argued.

Chronin and Excaelum didn't say a word during this argument for they had no population to worry about because, they had no pawns or ambassadors. They would only get involved if a vote was called but, for now they just had to listen.

"I will rather kill others than my own kind, Olganna." Mesa replied.

"The others have nothing to do with our problems, you fool."

"Watch your tongue."Mesa said angrily.

"I just don't believe in punishing others for our mistakes Mesa."

"I understand where you're coming from but, we cannot live like those yeti."

The population is under control, the reasons of this conference were not found. Suddenly out of nowhere a vote was called in.

"I suggest we vote on whether or not to attack the mark bearers." Zartez said.

Excaelum broke his silence,"Objection. As I recall the population is at a perfect balance so, why are we having this conversation in the first place?"

Pyrodia seemed like he wanted to put a word in but, something caught his tongue and he answered in a shameful way,"I."

The voting began.







"Nay. Pyro, I thought you were different." Excaelum said.

"Silence. We have made our decision. We attack in 2 days." Mesa said.

Mesa, Pyro, Aqua, and Zartez went outside, it seemed they wanted to end the conversation early for some reason.

"I don't want to do this." Pyro sighed.

"We have to, to bring the Star dragons back." Aqua said.

"How do we know we can trust the mark bearer?" Zartez asked.

"He said he knows where they are. We just have to trust him. Now gather your army, we have to awaken Excaelum's power." Mesa said.

Back in the council room.

"I can't believe this is happening." Olganna whined.

"I'll give you and Excaelum temporary command over my solitaries. I will not be there to assist you. And Excaelum."

"Yes, Lord Chronin?"

"I understand you have mark bearing family, is that correct?"

"Yes it is."

"In that case protect them. Olganna don't bring any awns they will just be in the way. Just bring your solitaries that should be enough."

"They will bring an army of pawns. How will we fight all of them off?"

"When the light is lit, you will know."


Chronin disappeared.

"Damn. Excaelum will Harvest be able to fight?"

"She's outside."

"Her and Luster are probably talking right now then."

"They make a good team."

"Enough talk we have to get to the frontier while it's still dark."

They left the council room and saw 8 of the solitaries at their command.

"We'll brief you when we get there. Let's move." Excaelum ordered.

The 10 dragons used the night sky as cover. Excaelum's only solitary is Harvest, she is a water dragon, she flew alongside her lord. Two of Chronin's were Ula(oo-la), he is a wingless time dragon and Jakal the winged rock dragon. Olganna had 5 solitaries: Nelo(knee-low)- a wingless thunder dragon, she used her thunder cloud vessel as a vehicle. Shortsnout, he is a fire dragon, flew behind his lord. Karnage and Gulfstream are both air dragons, though Karnage had no wings and Gulfstream did. Karnage always tries to prove herself stronger than her older brother, Gulfstream. She used a similar technique to Nelo so she can move without using much energy. Luster and Harvest are best of friends, they both had wings and the force of water.

When they arrived to Canterlot, they set themselves in the courtyard. A maid was walking past a window when she saw them.

"AAHHHHHHH!!!!" she yelled.

A voice inside calmed her down,"What is it?"

"Look outside."

"It can't be that ba..........AAAHHHHHH!!!!"

"Princess Celestia, I thought you got over the fear of me." said Excaelum.

"I did. Your face scared me."

"Ooooohhhhhhh. She got you my lord." Harvest chuckled.

"Nice one princess. Haha." Nelo laughed.

"I'm just joking Excaelum. What business do you have here?"

"An assault on the frontier." Olganna said.

Chapter 8 - You are life

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Chapter 8 - You are life

"What do you mean?"

Excaelum answered,"An army of numerous dragons are going to attempt to takeover your fair land."

"Can you stop this?"

"Yes but, I may need Shadow's help. Where is he now?"

"I heard he's at the hospital."

"Can you tell someone to get him?"

"Yes. Iril, can you fetch the group that just came back from Ice Valley."

"Of course but, isn't Shadow injured?"

"What happened to him?" Excaelum asked.

"We don't know but, he's fine. He's resting."

"I get him your highness."

Iril is a maid at the castle, Celestia took her in after the frontier was created, she was just a filly back then. Now, she is a 20 year old earth pony proudly working for her princesses. Her coat is close to white it's yellow. Her mane and tail were purple and tied in a bun. Celestia didn't require her to wear a maid outfit because, she saw her more as a friends not a worker. She went to the hospital and went to Shadow's room.

"Who're you?" Dawn asked.

"My name is Iril. You must be Dawn."

"How did you know?"

"The princess told me about you. I must take your father to the castle."

"For what?"

"The princess didn't say. Can you fetch his friends as well?"


"Thank you."

Iril brought a couple of colts with her to get Shadow and his bed on the train. He was still in a deep sleep. Dawn looked for the group of Pegasus that brought her father to the hospital.

"Excuse me, are you Knight Black Soul?"

"Why yes my dear, what do you need?"

"The princesses request your assistance at the castle, my father is on his way there now."

"Alright. SENG WAKE UP!! I'm sorry I didn't catch your name?"

"My name is Dawn."

"That's a beautiful name."

"Thank you and you are beautiful yourself."

Black Soul smiled and led Shadow's daughter to the train along with the rest of the group.

Time till attack 48 hours

Current time 6:00 AM

They arrived at Canterlot and Iril led them to the dining hall where they discussed the situation. Shadow woke up in one of the castles suites, when he opened the door he saw Excaelum waiting for him. Excaelum explained the attack to him after, Shadow left Excaelum and joined the others in the dining hall.

"Celestia, your guests have arrived." Iril said.

"Thank you Iril. You may join us if you like."

"That's fine. Thank you for the offer."

Iril left the room.

"Princess you requested our presence. How may we serve you?" Echo asked.

"Not serve. Help. I need help defending our land from an attack."

"From who?" Soul asked.

"This can't be good." Aero exclaimed.

"Is it a gang of thugs?" Seng asked.

"If it was a gang of thugs, she wouldn't have asked us." Lancer replied.

"We're going to die, aren't we?" Aero asked.

"No we are not. Geez. What's with you ponies?" said Voyager across the table.

"Silence, please." Celestia silenced the ponies,"This attack is to happen in 2 days. This is an attack to takeover our frontier. There will be numerous counts of enemies and, we must evacuate the town before the attack begins."

"Why must this enemy need our land?" asked Soul.

"Their population is getting too large."

"Where is this information coming from?" Hail questioned.

"A reliable source."

"Who is it?" Canon continued the questioning.

"That's for me to know and for you to find out."

"What will we need in order to stop this?" Storm asked.

"Any weapon that's sharp."

"We can go to Wrench and Wither's foundry in the Everfree Forest." suggested Soul.

"That you can do after this."

Razor said,"You still haven't told us who we're fighting against."

"Can you tell us? We need to prepare for whoever it is?" Fencer added.


"WWHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAA?" exclaimed Cloudfire, Canon, Bladedancer, and Tint.

"I told we're going to die." Aero said.

"I take back what I said and agree with you." Voyager added.

"Alright, who wants to stab me? I will not haunt you if you do." Seng said.

Lancer replied,"I will if you stab me."


They both got up and used their wings to pick up the nearest object close to them.

"SIT DOWN!!" Soul yelled.

Seng and Lancer were about an inch away from stabbing each other with a spoon(Lancer) and fork(Seng) before Soul stopped them before they attempted to kill each other.

Seng whispered to Lancer,"Did you really have to pick up the spoon?"

"What?!! You were going to stab me with a fork so, why not."

"Quiet. How do they plan on executing their attack?" Fencer asked.

"A full assault. You need to prepare for this now, I have brought a few friends to help you. They are in the courtyard."

"Who're they?"

"You'll see but, you need to go to the foundry to pick up armor and weapons."

Black Soul obeyed her request,"As you wish. Seng, Lancer, Shadow, Aero, and Knight Storm accompany me."

They followed her to the forest and began to walk deep into the trees. They began to see a broken down building in a clearing ahead.

"Is this the right place?" Seng asked.

"Don't seem like it." said Aero.

"It's the right place." Storm answered.

Knight Black Soul opened the door, and inside were nice white walls, polished floors, furniture, a kitchens, and anything you would find in a nicely done house. There was a steel door in the back, it had a little window that looked into the mini foundry that was run there. They looked through the window and saw flames and molten.

Inside the foundry was completely different from the living quarters. The walls were hidden by finished and unfinished weapon and armor, they were unpolished and had oil spills all over them. There seemed to be a ventilation system, vents over the main fires lead smoke out to the atmosphere. There was a filter that somewhat purified the smog to at least take out some toxin from the smoke. In the back were 2 ponies, 1 earth and 1 Pegasus. They seemed to be finishing a piece. The colt was the Pegasus, he was wearing a mask that protected his face from the heat and sparks but, it had small cracks all around it. Part of his mane was and tail were burned but, they both seemed to be orange. His coat was scorched by burn marks, his coat was a light red. The earth pony, she seemed like a fragile one but, worked with deadly machines. Her mask was perfectly taken care of, no cracks or anything like that. Her man and tail weren't burned, she kept her yellow mane and tail short to avoid a fire that can bring her utter pain. Her coat was protected by a jacket that prevented any of the ambers from burning her. They poured the hot molten into the mold that created a future deadly weapon. After the molten had hardened the casting would be taken out and hammered down to a desired flatness.

Soul told them about the workers,"Wither, the earth pony, was taken in by Wrench when he found her wandering the Everfree by herself. She doesn't know what happened to her parents and, she came from no place of good."

"Where was that?" Shadow asked.

"She says if was full of torture and pain. It sounds a little like my old town, Green Fawn."

That town sounded familiar to Shadow.

"I wouldn't be here today if, the Pegasus that saved me hadn't come along."

It all came back to Shadow. He was the one that saved her. He saved her from a griffon raid and, never has Black Soul thanked her savior.

Wrench and Wither came inside their living quarters and saw an unexpected surprise. They saw the 6 Pegasus freeloading off of his fruit put their for Wither and himself.

"What a surprise, Black Soul. How are y-" Soul interrupted Wrench.

"I'm sorry but, we have no time to talk. Do you have anything that can do harm to a dragon?"

"What're you going to do kill one?"

Knight Black Soul and Storm looked at Wrench with a stern expression.

Wither said,"I think that means yes."

"Let's see, ah. We just made 20 pairs of fresh blades and a few sets of armor a couple days ago, they're in the storage cabinet in a crate. And if you are willing to wait we can finish our hoof-swords by tomorrow."

"Shadow, Lancer. Go get them. I'm we would but, we're short on time. Thank Wrench. We will tell you about this later."

They took the crate and head back to Canterlot. There seemed to be commotion coming from the courtyard. They saw Cloudfire, Razor, Bladedancer, and the others getting thrown to the ground by dragons. Storm saw the princesses just watching, he went over to them and asked what was going on, they said they were sparring with them to prepare for the attack. After the crate was placed down, Shadow and the others joined in on the sparring. Hours of pain went by, the pegasi were sore and tired. They had dinner and went to bed. Shadow however, was talking to Celestia at the tallest tower.

"How are you princess?"

"I'm worried. We never had a problem with the dragons before and now, they want to take our land."

"I'm sure there is something more to it than that but, we just don't know what yet."

"So, I heard about your incident at Ice Valley. What was the magic that you used?"

"I don't know. I never thought a pegasus could use magic."

"That's still a mystery then. Did you see the beam of light coming from the frontier a few days ago?"

"Yes, I did. I suppose you don't know what that is either."

She chuckled,"No, I don't."

"Aren't you sore from the sparring? You should get some rest." she added.

"I'm fine."

"What do you think Excaelum is going to do?"

"I don't know. I have not seen him fight any other dragons but, if he's like his father he will not go down easy."

"I pray he won't have to."

"Pray to whom?"

"Not whom. What. That "what" is destiny."

"We'll have to wait for destiny's decision then."

The next day came around.

24 hours left.

Current time 6:00 AM

The sun has been risen and the courtyard was lively in a couple of hours after, everypony has been awoken and fed. Shadow, Seng, Lancer, and Aero grouped up against Excaelum's solitary, Harvest.

"I will train you with the time given now and in addition, the time you missed yesterday to make up for your absence. The weak points on a dragons body are the stomach. The stomach is usually unprotected and it's the softest part of the body compared to the rest of the body. The next is the neck, it has vital blood vessels but, is protected and hard to reach without getting killed. NEVER fight a dragon in their own force. If you were to attack me and I was in water you will be killed. Take the target out of reach of their element or in an environment opposite to their force. The opposite of water is rock. Thunder to fire. Wind to rock. The forces without an opposite are gravity and time. Each of you will each have to land at least one hit on me to rest. Begin."

The 4 charged and were hit by the back of Harvest's claw, they were launched back, they hit a wall.

"OW!! DAMN THAT HURT!!" exclaimed Lancer.

"I don't feel a thing." Seng muffled with his face implanted in the wall.

"We're going to die before tomorrow comes." said Aero.

"Get up. We need to- ah. Right in the sore spot." Shadow said.

They kept this up and again and, again they were tossed back by Harvest's strength until Lancer hit her on her neck while she hit the other 3 against a wall.

"Good. Three more times." said Shadow.

A few dozen more time and another hit was landed by Aero on her again her neck.

"The more you do this the more frequently you will hit me." Harvest scolded.

She was right. Seng landed one on her stomach on the next round.

"Now let's see how you do against a dragon in their force. Since there is no water supply nearby you will spar with Gulfstream, he is a wind dragon. You will fight him in the air." Something blacked out the sunlight behind them, they looked and saw Gulstream. He is a dark green colored dragon with only legs and wings with yellow eyes. He was small 10 feet tall. 20 feet in length and had a 35 foot wingspan. He was bulky which made his enemies think he was slow, they were wrong.

"So, I'm going with them? This should be easy." he said.

"You guys will have fun with him." Echo said to Shadow and his group.

"Let's watch them since we're done with ours." suggested Voyager.

"Good luck." Hail said.

"This is going to be bad isn't it?" cried Aero.

"It can't be too bad." argued Lancer.

Gulfstream took off straight into the air so fast it pust the ones standing nearby back.

"You should take that back." Seng said.

"I think he already did." said Shadow.

Harvest said,"As a treat, any of you get to hit him to pass."

They chased after Gulfstream in the air, Gulfstream came down to them, opened his wings right before he made contact with them, and they were thrown down. Hard.

"Oooohhhhhhh." exclaimed the others watching.

"Wow, haha. That must have hurt. Are you okay Seng?"

"No, Cloudfire. We just hit the ground at over 1,000 mph and we're fine. Ahhhhh....thanks for your consideration."

"Stop exaggerating. come on we'll take you to Fyn Cour." Tint said.

Gulfstream landed and he felt a nudge at the bottom of his claw. It was Lancer.

He wheezed,"" and passed out.

"Did I go too hard on them?"

"Yes you did." answered Karnage.

"Well, let's leave be. They had enough."

They were taken to the infirmary where Dust and Fyn Cour were tending to their injuries. Fyn Cour's magic allowed her to see through coats to render care to the muscles, bones, and nerves. If bones were fractured she can easily fix it but, if it was broken it may take a few hours depending on the injury. If nerves were severed she too can render easy care to it. If a muscle to torn or pulled it can be easily fixed. If small outside scrapes or bruises can be done as well.

"This is going to hurt. Your wing seems to be dislocated. On 3......1....3." Fyn said.

"You forgot 2." Seng whined.

"I'll get him to rest." Dust said.

Lancer and Aero didn't have any major injuries. Only a few fractured bones. They were tended to and she moved to Shadow next. She examined his body.

"Amazing, there seems to be no fractures or anything on your body."

"I guess I'm just lucky." Shadow got up and walked normally.

Their training was over and the real fight will begin in 12 hours.

Current time 6:00 PM

Dawn and Luna were talking in Luna's room.

"Princess, do you have any thing we can talk about, I'm kind of bored."

"Well, we do have a problem with cargo going to Saddle Arabia and Los Pegasus."


"Somepony has been robbing the cars that contain metal that were going to be recycled into new metal and a few of unused metal cars as well."

"Do you know who is behind it?"

"No but, we may ask help from your father to help escort the cargo safely after this is all done with a month from. We stopped shipment until we can get escorts."

"Do you at least have an idea of who it is?"

"No but, there were sightings of a strange pegasus in a black cloak at the incidences according to most of the eyewitnesses."

"Is there a pattern?"

"No. They just happen randomly."

"Okay new subject."

The two talked about random things. Meanwhile, Shadow and Celestia again were talking at the tallest tower.

"How was your day Shadow?"

"Fine besides the sparring."

"We should just wait here and enjoy the full moon my sister is going to raise."

"A full moon?"

"The brightest."

Shadow mumbled to himself,"When the moon is brightest."

"Excuse me?"


"I don't want to see anyone hurt."

"That won't happen. At least I hope not."

"Shadow, how does it feel to live forever?"

"What do you mean?":

"Exactly what i just asked."

"Being alive to see loved go is painful."

"I know how you feel. I used to have many friends until we grew up and I saw their lives end."

"Hopefully I can die someday."

"That's quite a thing to say. And you can't die, right?"

"That's where you're wrong princess."


"Dawn and I have the choice to- Will you promise me not to tell anyone this?"

"Of course."

"Dawn and I can give up our immortality for only, a great purpose."

"You two aren't natural immortals, are you?"

"No. I had to do horrific things to gain this immortality for me and Dawn."


"I went to a witch that goes by the name, Great Tear. She had me sacrifice 20 lives each for our lives to be spared from fate."

"I can't believe you." Celestia sounded angry,"Why would you do that?!!"

"I don't want to kill another loved one. That's why." Shadow silenced Tia for a moment. She spoke again.

"What? What are you saying?"

"I KILLED STARFLARE!!" Shadow screamed.

"Star Swirl the Bearded's granddaughter?"

"Yes. And Dawn's mother. The love of my life." Shadow began to cry.

"Come here." Tia put her hooves and wings around him, trying to comfort him.

"I just want to be with her again but, I can't leave Dawn." Shadow cried even more.

"Please stop your tears. You are going to make me start to cry if you don't."

"I'm sorry but, it's just so hard to."

Tia looked at Shadow in his eyes and said,"We are here for you. Your daughter. Excaelum. Even your friends, are all here for you."

Shadow cried for a few more minutes during the cold night. The clear sky with the stars and the moon lit the night. In the distance were the lights of the frontier.

The same night Shadow journeyed into the spirit world where he saw Starflare.

"Star, I'm sorry I told Celestia about you."

"It's fine, don't beat yourself up. How's Dawn?"

"Can't she see you in this world?"

"No. I can only be seen by somebody with a strong memory of me. And you have a very strong memory of me."

"Who can she see? And is this for everybody?"

"Zaz maybe. This is only for the ones with the power of Lumen Fulsi."

"Lumen Fulsi?"

"Light beam."

"And Dawn has it to?"

"Yes. One more positive power. There are 3 negatives."

"Positives and negatives?"

"You have much more to learn about this. Hehehe." Star chuckled,"The positives are life, love, and mercy."

"And the negatives."

"Death, hate, and merciless."

"Which positive is Dawn and who are the others?"

"I can't reveal that. You on the other hand. You are life."

The world faded along with Starflare. Shadow woke up.

3 hours left until attack.

Chapter 9 - King of Dragons

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Chapter 9 - King of Dragons

Shadow went to the castle lobby where the others were equipping themselves with the hoof-blades. Luna and Celestia just came back from the frontier.

"The frontier is evacuated, Excaelum and the other dragons can station themselves there while, you will stay and defend Canterlot just in case he fails. We do NOT want them to fail." Celestia scolded.

"The wind dragon, Olganna, will be here for additional support if they get through. Any questions?"

Knight Black Soul explained the plan,"Good. The plan is, the dragons fend off the enemy and we all live our happy lives. If they fail and they come to Canterlot, protect the princesses, and most importantly don't die. Understood?"

The pegasus cried,"YES SIR!"

While Olganna stayed at the castle, Excaelum and solitaries waited in the center of the frontier. The outskirts were lined with pawns, ambassadors, and solitaries. When the time struck 6 the fight began.

8 dragon were sent, one for each solitary. 5 of them were winged, the rest were not. Karnage, Nelo, and Ula took the wingless ones because, they too were wingless.

Karnage made the first kill. She dodged a fireball the dragon shot at her, went behind it and clawed his head leaving it stunned. She then tackled the dragon, used her sharp teeth to rip flesh from it's throat, then she finished it off by jamming her claws in between it's scales to it's chest and pulled it's heart out. She knew it was a pawn by the way it fought, it didn't attack smart, it just charged without a brain. The dragon lied on the ground bloodied up with a hollow chest.

Nelo, didn't use much effort to make her kill. When her dragon charged head first, she grabbed it's head and started to shock it to death. The head was left burned and so much electricity was put into it, the body didn't know it died so, it kept moving, thrashing on the ground hitting rocks, trees, and whatever was nearby. It then, began to move slower and slower until it finally stopped. It's fried head was smoking and charred. Nelo pushed it's body to the side.

Ula's kill was just as brutal as the others. He didn't need to use his time ability to make his kill. His target was more smarter than the ones Karnage and Nelo killed but, it was still stupid. It was a rock force dragon, it threw a large stone at Ula, he caught it and threw it back harder, it killed his target by hitting his neck. Ula went over the body and saw bones from the neck sticking out. He moved the body over to the side because, the sight of it wasn't pleasing.

Gulfstream took a more gruesome path. The dragon was diving down at him was going to suffer. Gulfstream grabbed the dragon by it's neck and slammed it to the ground, it was dazed. Gulfstream then used his right claws and placed them on the upper jaw, left on the bottom jaw, he pulled them away from each other. The bottom jaws ripped off and upper was completely bent. The dragon was left to bleed to death if it even was still alive.

"4 more." Gulfstream said to himself aloud.

Shortsnout's target was too a fire dragon, that didn't matter, Shortsnout would kill anything with no remorse. He flew to his target and went for it's wings, Shortsnout burned off the joint connecting the wing to the rest of the body. The dragon was roaring in pain. Shortsnout silenced the noise from it's mouth by welding it shut with his flames. The dragon unsealed it's mouth by tearing it apart and blew flames at Shortsnout. Shortsnout being the higher level dragons, flames of lower levels had no effect on him. He flew straight to the dragon and tore his claws through it's stomach causing it to scream in pain.

"Just finish me!" it screamed.

"As you wish." Shortsnout grabbed the dragon by it's head and started turning until he completely snapped his neck. The limp body fell down.

Luster was nearby a small lake, she used as much water as she can to create sort of an icy armor for her wings. She encrusted her wings with ice that had sharp jagged edges, a dragon was going for her. Her kill was swift, she simply flew straight to the other dragon and left a long gash on the side of it's body. The body fell in the lake mixing the remaining blue water with it's red blood.

Harvest was getting attacked Luster assisted her by launching the water she had for her wings to her. Harvest deflected the water to the dragon attacking her, she froze it, flew into the air, and slammed it to the ground leaving pieces of the other dragon everywhere. She melted the water, it change color from blue to red violet. She seperated the blood from the water and placed the water back in the lake.

Jakal's target was not a pawn. It was one of Mesadraco's solitaries, Staok(stowww-k). He had a similar look to Jakal. He had a rough looking body but, his head was smooth. The scales on his body were tan, his eyes yellow. The difference between him and Jakal were the color of the scales and the eyes. The shape of both their bodies were similar, just not the color of them. Jakal had reddish colored eyes and brown scales.

"You must be Jakal. Do you consider yourself a worthy opponent?"

"Yes. Do you?"

"You should step aside my target is not you." Staok looked at Excaelum.

"You think you are worthy enough to fight him. You are a fool if you think that."

"So you think you can defeat me?"

Jakal nodded,"And if you want to get to Lord Excaelum you have to kill me."

"Very well."

Staok raised a spike right under Jakal fast enough to kill him. Jakal evaded his surprise attack and broke the spike, he then used the rock in the air. He made the sharper edges point to Staok and shot them at him. Staok slammed his claws on the ground creating a wall to protect him from the bullets. He put the wall down and charged to Jakal. He swung for his head but, was blocked by Jakal's left, Jakal countered using his right to get Staok off of him. Jakal used this tiny amount of time to try and land a hit on his enemy. Using his left, he tried to gash Staok's neck, it didn't work. Staok pushed him off and put some distance in between him and Jakal to have a little talk.

"What region are you from?" Staok asked.

"The south."

All the forces had regions they shared with each other. The rock force had a large region in the northern territory while the southern had a much smaller region. Jakal and Staok were from opposite regions.

"You fight well." said Jakal.

"As do you."

They both exposed their claws and charged. Jakal left three gashes along Staok's chest but, he too was struck. He had cuts running down his face. Neither died.

"Until we meet again." Staok flew back to the outskirts.

It seemed his lord wasn't pleased with him.

"Why did you return without attacking Excaelum?"

"Lord Chronin's solitary got in my way sire."

"I see he left you a souvenir. Leave before I finish what he started. Time to execute our little plan. Zartez, Pyrodia. Ready your strikers."

Excaelum and the solitaries regrouped.

"Why did they stop?" asked Harvest.

They didn't stop. The next thing that happened was of destructive beauty. Lightning and rock dust were launched at the castle. The fire Pyro's dragons provided gave the shots more speed and velocity. It moved fast towards the castle. They kept on shooting the compact rounds of 3 different forces to it. Olganna blocked the first few then one made contact. There was a huge explosion. The other shots were stopped by a shield that surrounded the castle. The shield protected it but, it might not hold on for long. That didn't matter to the opposing lords. They stopped firing.

The rock pawns all raised the land of the frontier destroying the houses and other buildings. Aquabellina's air solitaries kicked up the dust and rocks. The fire dragons created a smoke screen. Excaelum and the others could not see well. There was commotion coming from left of Excaelum, he was irritated so he used his powers to push the smoke down. The area was clear, the buildings were aflame and crumbled. He looked around and saw that Ula, Jakal, Nelo, and the other solitaries to be alright but, there was one missing. Harvest. He looked around shouting her name. He saw her head sticking out from rubble. He removed the rubble and pick her body up from it, only to see that a spike that punctured her scales and went through her heart. Excaelum took her far from the outskirts and gently placed her at the edge of the frontier. She spoke.

"I'm sorry I can no longer protect you." She coughed.

"Save your strength, I can get you well again. Just hang on."

"We both know I'm not going to make it." She coughed up blood.

"Save your words. No need to speak them."

"You can try and hide the truth but, it will find it's way to reveal itself." She tried to stand but, she could barely keep her balance.

"Stop talking." Excaelum began to soften up.

"I promise this is the first and last time I make you feel like this, my lord."

"No, you can continue to after this."

She laughed weakly,"You were always looking for a way to continue things. Sad it has to end here."

Her head looked down and never looked up again. Her body fell over.

The heart-torn solitaries were just as sad as Excaelum. They looked down with their eyes closed, gave her a moment of silence.

Rage was building up inside Excaelum. He opened his eyes.

"Stay here and do not let any of them get close.

The solitaries obeyed his command, they didn't want to anger him more by disobeying him. He slowly trudged his way to the border of the outskirts where he won't harm Harvest's body. Each step he made was brought down with great force. The enemy was about to regret their presence in the anger of Excaelum. He opened his wings and flew high into the air, a single tear on his head fell. The tear stopped falling, Excaelum was concentrating on his power. He again shut his eyes, they opened and changed color. They were white, they weren't glowing. His body also change. His scales darkened to black, his wings grew to about 100 feet in wingspan. His length grew to 65 feet and his height wasn't easily determined. The fire that flared from his nostrils were colored white. This appearance belonged to a dragon that died decades ago. The King of Dragons. Lord Dragaitas.

Excaelum's power grew immense, the dragon on the outskirts felt a power stronger than all the lords combined. The solitaries guarding the body of Harvest bowed. The enemy was frightened and nervous. They had the right to, they could feel the immense power. The spirit of Excaelum's father took over his body. He roared, white flames were blocking out the sun, it lit up the sky. Fueled by uncontrollable rage Excaelum charged to the ones responsible for the death of his dear friend. They tried to fight back. That was pointless. As they attacked, Excaelum forced them down without even touching them. His gravity powers was much more stronger than before. He brought down some dragons so hard their internal organs were crushed inside their bodies, leaving them to bleed internally. He walked over to the 4 lords. Each step sounded like thunder. Like the coward he is, Zartez tried to flee. Excaelum brought him down using his power. He slammed the coward on the ground, brought him up, and did it again and again. The body of Zartez was limp, dead. Excaelum chucked his body to a tree, the tree was taken down. Mesadraco is more of a fool, he spoke words that were his last to the lord.

"I killed Harvest. And I enjoyed watching you weep like the weakling you are."

The voice of Excaelum was not his. This voice was compelling and deep.

"You will regret those words."

Lord Dragaitas took the neck of her killer and crushed it. He threw his body in front of Staok.

"You always deserved a his spot."

Staok bowed,"I am not responsible for her death."

"She would have killed you before you got a chance to."

Dragaitas looked over to the other lords. He was talking to someone but, none of them.

"I feel your anger but, you must resist. Show mercy even to those that caused you great pain."

The white eyes shook the bodies of Pyrodia and Aquabellina.

Dragaitas flew back to the body of Harvest. The solitaries bowed to him.

"Lord Dragaitas, can you bring my sister back?" Luster asked crying.

"Elevate yourselves pupils." They all lifted their heads and the lord said,"No. I'm sorry but, this is her destiny. I must ask you all a favor, can you pass this message to your lords?"

"Anything." Shortsnout answered.

"Look after my son."

Lord Dragaitas' appearance faded. Excaelum had his own appearance and control over his body and his own size. The tear that was in the sky from Excaelum began to fall and when it hit the ground, another great power came from Excaelum. His eyes and wings were glowing bright. His head was jerked back and he shot a beam of light through his mouth. A whirlpool of wind formed from him, the solitaries stood in front of the body of Harvest, shielding her from the great winds. This continued for 3 seconds, the beam faded. His head slowly went down, his eyes closed, and slowly opened. They were not glowing anymore, so did the glow from his wings. The whirlpool of wind was still active, he dispersed it.

Excaelum spoke,"Thank you. Father."

He blacked out.

Chapter 10 - Aftermath

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Chapter 10 - Aftermath

Luster took command of the group due to the black out inflicted to Excaelum.

"Stay sharp, they may attack again."

"I'm sorry for bringing this up but, were you two actually sisters?" Shortsnout asked.

"No, I just felt like she was. We knew each other ever since we were hatchlings."

Gulfstream announced,"They're retreating." he seemed confused,"Why?"

"Doesn't matter. We need to get Lord Excaelum somewhere safe, some stragglers may be still around."

"I'll scout the area and see if there are any." said Jakal.

He flew into the air and started his search.

Back at Canterlot there was an eruption of shouting.

"HE'S LOSING TOO MUCH BLOOD!!!" shouted Dust.

"Hold him still, I need to clamp his artery!" yelled Fyn Cour.

The explosion shot by the dragons has critically injured Fencer, he had almost half of his front left hoof blown off and part of his wing center was cut deep but, luckily the others had scrapes. Fencer was at the center of the explosion along with Shadow, Razor, and Cloudfire(positioned left to right). When the shot was spotted Olganna came in from the right to left and used her body as a shield but, the shot was faster and affected Fencer the most.

"He fainted!"

"Not good, he may slip into a coma! Damn!! Who else had any medical experience?!!"

Dawn spoke up,"What do you need?" her voice was slightly deeper and her mane was also, kind of darker. No one noticed, they were to in shock to.

"I'm sorry but, this is much too important Dawn." said Dust.

"I can handle it."

"Like we have a choice. Get over here!" ordered Fyn."I need you to hold his hoof in place so it won't fall off while I go in to clamp his artery. Ready?"

Dawn nodded.

They were working on Fencer for a couple of hours and he was stabilized but, he was in a coma. They did not know how long it would be until he awoke. Dust and Iril moved him to a infirmary inside where he would not be disturbed.

Olganna was injured as well but, her tough scales kept her from being majorly damaged. The others just woke up, the explosion knocked them all out due to the force and loud sounds. They were all pushed against either a wall or pillar.

"Is everyone alright?!!" Soul yelled.

They all replied with yeses and yeahs.

"How about the princesses?" Flood said.

They turned around and saw that Celestia and Luna were talking to another unicorn. She was old and frail looking. Her coat was a mix with gray and white, her mane and tail were messy and white. She wore a hat that was pointy, like a wizard's hat.

"I'd like you all to meet the unicorn that conjured up that shield and saved our lives, Gandore." said Celestia.

"I must get back to my studies now." she said.

"Really? She just left." exclaimed Aero.

"She's stubborn and too much of a bookworm but, hopefully she can help us another time." Luna replied.

"Where's Shadow? I must talk to him." Celestia scolded.

They looked around and saw he wasn't anywhere near them.

On the top of the mountain where they did the course, Shadow woke up. He walked around wondering how he got there then he saw someone he thought died many years ago. This pegasus had a white coat and a mane and tail that were golden.

"Master Garren?"

"Ah, your awake. How have you been?"

"Fine but, how are you still alive? We thought you were dead."

"You're not the only one that has visited Great Tear."

"Where have you been all this time?"

"I would like you to join me."

"Join you? For what?"

"Yes. On my journey back to Fallen Star. I have a few friends dying to meet you."

"Why there?"

"We have plans for this fair land for deserting our cry for help during the siege."

Shadow's tone toward his old teacher changed,"What plans?"

"To destroy it."

"How are you going to go about it?"

"You? You're not joining then."

"Why would I destroy my home?"

"Fallen Star is your home."

"Never. It will never become my home again."

"Don't worry me and my associates cleared the island of those griffons."

"How many associates do you have?"

"Including me, 3."

"Three? Fallen Star is a big island. How did you do it?"

"I understand we have been connected ever since the days we were born."


"We both, Excaelum, and 3 others all have a gift. A rare type of magic."

"Lumen Fulsi."

"That is correct. Where have you gained your information?"

"None of your buisiness. Which one are you?"

"I am death. And you are?"

"Life. How do you expect us to fight together when we are opposites?"

"We control our destiny not these titles. We can rule the world together."

"I see. I don't want to rule the world. I don't want to go against my friends and family. I see how we can opposites."

"This is your last chance. Are you with me?"

Shadow hesitated to answer but, he did in a firm voice,"No."

"Wrong answer."

Garren had a hoof-sword equipped, he flung out the sword and stabbed Shadow in the right scapula(shoulder blade). He was too quick for Shadow to evade him.

"Ahh. You can't kill me." groaned Shadow.

"That doesn't mean you can't feel pain. Since you were my student I'll give you another chance. Will you join me?"

"Go to hell."

"I just got back."

He pulled the sword and stabbed Shadow in the neck. Garren pulled out his sword and secured it back into place.

"When we meet again I won't be so friendly."

Shadow passed out and didn't wake for a few hours. The sun was setting and mountain air was getting cold. He was to injured from Garren's attack to fly so, he walked down. Although his wound sealed itself he still left a small trail of blood. He continued to the frontier, the moon was already up. He saw Olganna and a golden dragon, Chronin. Excaelum was up and he was talking to them. Shadow saw the golden dragon nod and it moved to the center of the frontier. The buildings were going back to normal. Chronin was using her magic to turn the structures back to their original form before they were destroyed but, this power only worked for inanimate objects. The body of Harvest was brought to her feet. Excaelum levitated her body and took her over to the small lake. Luster cleared the water of the blood and she encased her body in ice, she then was placed gently by Chronin. Shadow walked closer and was noticed by Excaelum, he walked closer and spoke to him.

"Who is in the ice?" Shadow asked.

The gray dragon sighed,"My friend."

The ice and the body started to dissolve. Lord Chronin was speeding the process of the decomposing. The body was not falling apart, it simply turned to dust and drifted into the night sky joining the stars.

"I am sorry for your loss." Olganna said.

"Come here Excaelum I must know something."

Excaelum walked over to the great dragon, she placed the tip of her claw on his head. She saw what his father did when he took over his body.

"So, you wanted to kill the other lords but, your father told you to show mercy and he killed 2 of the lords and many others."

"I am sorry." Excaelum replied.

"No need to be. He made a wise choice giving Staok a lord's position but, we need to find out who Zartez's replacement is and I believe you have somewhere to be."

"Yes I do."

Excaelum flew and headed towards the moon. Excaelum forever changed after leaving.

Lord Chronin looked at Shadow.

"Who is this?"

"One of Excaelum's mark bearing friends. State your reason for being here." said Olganna.

"I mean you no harm, I just need to go back to the castle."

"We have to go back there anyway." Olganna said,"I'll take you."

She lowered her wing allowing Shadow to get on.

"Well, if you would rather walk be my guest."

"No it's just I haven't rode a dragon for awhile."

Shadow rode on her back and started seeing flashbacks.

He saw himself, Dawn, and Garren sobbing on the back of Dragaitas. They were crying because, Zaz had died.

"I'll make them pay for this. I will kill all of them." said Garren.

The memory ended and they arrived at Canterlot.

"Shadow, Celestia wants to talk to you." Iril said.

Olganna lowered her wing so he can get off.

"Where is she?"

"Inside I'll show you the way. My name is Iril by the way."

"Nice to meet you Iril."

They walked inside the castle and continued up the stairs and turned left into a hallway.

"The room she is in should be the last door straight ahead."

"Thank you."

Shadow opened the door and saw both the princesses with his daughter chatting.

"You made it we have something to talk about." said Tia.

"What is it?"

Dawn answered,"Lumen Fulsi. We have just discussed the basis for it."

Chapter 11 - Six Flowers

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Chapter 11 - 6 Six Flowers

"Do you need me to get Gandore sister?"

"Yes Luna. She can make more sense of it than I can. Shadow are you aware of the magic you posses.?"

"I am. What of it?"

"What of it? Father I had a dream of Zaz and he said to "Give love to those who lost it." Right before I woke up. What does that mean?"

"You must be the love positive."

"Love?" said Tia.

"I talk to someone in my dreams as well, she said there are three positives and an opposing three negative. The positives are life, love, and mercy. Negatives are death, hate, and merciless. They are all part of a power chain called as you said earlier, Lumen Fulsi which means light beam."

"Which are you dad?"

"I am life. I heard the dragons outside and Excaelum may be the mercy."

"Who're the others?" asked Tia.

"I know who one of them is, he is death."

"Who is he?" Dawn asked.

"You remember him Dawn. He was the father of Zaz, my old teacher."

"Master Garren, why him?"

Luna and Gandore came inside.

Garren said,"All who posses these powers are connected in some way."

"How do you know that?Dawn asked the old mare.

"According to legend the magic was forged by 6. The magic was meant to bring balance to the world but, was split in half when they grew a different point of view."

"When was this magic made?" Shadow asked.

"400 years ago. It also says that all 6 powers must be awoken before the conflict can begin."

"Where's the piece of literature where you got this from?" questioned Dawn.

She pulled out a dusty old book titled Six Flowers. The binding was coming loose so, no one could touch it only use magic to read it. It was very thick and yellowed. The cover was faded and curled.

Tia questioned Gandore,"This is it?"

"Yes, I was reading this because sadly, I ran out of material to read. It's written in code princess. At first I didn't get it either but, I've spent 2 years decoding it and I still don't fully understand. The first and last three words of each chapter are they only words that matter and I have looked through the chapters to make sure I didn't miss anything, the rest is just about fillies that spent time together. That is why the book is so thick, to contain it's secrets."

"What do they say?"

"I haven't fully read the words because, I spent some much time trying to understand what the first few sentences meant but, I can show you what I have so far. The field was. Covered in grass. The six lived. On a five. Pointed piece of. Land that has. Fell from the. Dark cold skies. The six flowers. Grew apart now. They shared a. Sun and moon. They grew different. From each other. Three of the. Flowers died under. The moon and. The rest thrived. In the field. Of green grass. Red mist showered. The remaining three. Flowers lived on. Two visited a. Memories that calmed. The mind of. One before it. Died and all. Eventually dead, passed. On and the. Remaining lived to. See the future. Six were reborn. I need to read it over because, it seems this dusty old book is more important than I thought."

"That's it?" said Shadow,"Some of it doesn't make any sense."

Dawn spoke out,"I know what it is saying. The six who posses the powers will fight and four will die there. The other two will eventually die, then the six will be reborn. The location of the fight will be Fallen Star."

"Fallen Star?" Tia was surprised."How can you know this if Gandore couldn't figure it out?"

"Well, we are the powers so I think we have a connection the story. Five pointed piece of land that fell from the dark cold skies. Most shapes of stars have five points and it fell from the skies. Fallen Star. I do not want to go back there."

"Looks like we'll have to go there again." said Luna.

"I can't let you go sister."

"I'm not going to let them go and have the legend become a reality."

"Father who was the one who spoke to you? In your dreams."

"Your mother. You, Tia, and Luna haven't met her because, she died before Fallen Star became an island of death. That island used to be filled with life but, now it's probably nothing but a wasteland."

"So I'm assuming three have already awoken. Dawn, you, and Excaelum. What about the other three?" said Luna.

"Let's not worry about that now. Let's just mind our own business until they do but, Shadow we must take extra precaution for now. Since we just got this done we will wait for a month before taking another action." Tia scolded.

"Thank you, we do need to re-cooperate and Fencer is in a coma right now. What do you need?"

"We need help transporting cargo to different locations: Saddle Arabia and Los Pegasus."

"I recall no train tracks going to Saddle Arabia."

"You'll have to go there by hoof. There will be two groups both of them will be headed towards Los Pegasus, one will stay there and wait for the delivery to Saddle Arabia to be done. I want one group to stay so the cargo that has already been delivered will be protected."

"What's the cargo?"

"Metal. Just plain metal."

Shadow thought in his head,"That explains the swords Garren stabbed me with but, how did he get them? Did he raid Wrench and Wither after we left? He couldn't have."

"Shadow, can you do this?"

"Of course, I'll notify the others when I can."

One month has passed and both the cargo was safely on board the train. Fencer had awoken from his coma a week before this mission was scheduled and he joined the mission. Seng, Shadow, Lancer, Aero, Tint, Bladedancer, Flood, and Knight Black Soul were to be stationed at Los Pegasus. The Saddle Arabia team was led by Knight Storm and he had the other recruits and his team from Ice Valley with him. Both teams were give armor and hoof-swords. The armor for pegasus was little. It only had the helmet and for the center of the body, they weren't given full sets of armor because, they had to more agile and quicker than their enemy. The pegasus were all standing on top of the train, Seng and Soul were talking.

"Perhaps after this you all can be knights." said Soul.

"After all we went through so far, I hope so." Seng replied.

"I have been planning on this for awhile and with all of you I may have enough pegasus to make my own group."

"Of what?"

"The Royal Airborne Knights(R.A.K.). I have just been approved by Princess Celestia to form it whenever I wish."

"That's cool maybe you can put me as one of the leaders. We should rest, it's going to be awhile before we get there."

"I'll consider it. Everypony inside! Get some shuteye." Soul ordered.

Shadow was speaking to himself,"Garren, you will not bring death to this land."

They were all tired from standing of the train that was forcing wind in their faces so, they happily obeyed her. The train was silent even in the day. In a day or two they would arrive in Los Pegasus.

Chapter 12 - Original

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Chapter 12 - Original

Excaelum hasn't been seen for a while since the attack on the frontier. He was sitting still on the moon, just sitting in one spot. He was meditating.

"Father, I've been doing this for awhile now. When are you going to teach me how to use my power?"

Since he was on the moon, Excaelum didn't need to wait for a full moon to see the one he had a strong memory of, Shadow and Dawn have to wait for a full moon to speak to theirs.

"In time. This power if used incorrectly, can end the lives of the ones you love."

"I'm I the only one with this power?"

"No. Shadow and Dawn have this power. And another three do also. Shadow and Dawn are allies, the others intend harm to you and them."

"Who are the others?"

"You know one very well, Garren. He and the others haven't awaken their powers."

"When will they wake?"

"Positives mostly activate when in a time of need but Dawn, her power activated without needing it. That remains a mystery of why it happened. Negatives activate when the user wants to do harm to another being. You are all connected."

Excaelum sat their awhile longer, quiet. He wanted to ask a few questions not about the power but, the first organization of dragons.

"You never told me about your generation. We have time we should talk."

"I was one of the original dragons so is Chronin. We excelled our power, size, wisdom, etc. Our members were far more powerful than yours."

"How so?"

"Pyrodia's flame, are you familiar with it?"


"His flame was cold compared to my own and Flamekken(fla-mech-kin). Flamekken was magnificent, her flames were burning of vivid red, yellow, and orange. Her scales too were also bright as her flames and the slight blue in her eyes were contradicting the rest of her body. She was about the same size as me, well we all were similar sizes except for Chronin, who we called the runt of our group. Flamekken was a happy one, usually she was the one who kept on making nicknames for us. Flamekken died a peaceful death, she passed in her sleep. We were all saddened but, an egg was by her corpse the one inside was as you know today, Pyrodia. The original rock dragon named him."

"Who was that?"

"Yaforn(ya-forn). She named him Pyrodia because, of his dark scales and his aggressiveness, I had to teach him the basics of fire none of the other originals could use fire. Yaforn was odd, she would disappear for the longest time coming back even more negative. Her scales were rough, they were brown and tan striped. Her eyes were a beautiful shade of yellow that looked like they were the sun. The stripes were distorted and uneven but, that made her significant from the rest of the rock dragons. Her death was wrong, she was killed in her sleep by her own offspring, Mesadraco. That's why I was not happy when he killed your solitary. It reminded me of his evil laugh when we found him standing over the body of Yaforn. We had to keep him alive before we found a replacement, Staok seemed to be more of an appropriate choice than his lord, that's why I gave him Mesa's place. Funny how Pyro, Aqua, Mesa, and Zartez all grew up together and they ended up in the same hole as each other."

"Why did you kill Zartez?"

"I didn't, you did. It seemed like you didn't like seeing a comrade leaving his allies."

"Did you hate that?"

"Of course I did, that's why I let you kill him. His father also hated that, Okin. He was strict when it came to Zartez but, when he was with us, the originals, he was optimistic and telling stories. He once told us a story of how he kept on electrocuting Zar in his sleep to teach him a lesson when he was behaving in a intolerable matter. His scales were dark violet and his eyes were blue. He was always blending in with the sky as we were cruising them during the night."

"Sounds like you had quite a time during your rule."

"Even as dragons we needed to have some form of entertainment because we didn't worry about other affairs, we just minded our own business. That has changed since your group came into power."

"We are no longer united now."

Pyrodia and Aquabellina were talking to another mysterious dragon.

"He killed two of your lords?"

"Yes, we did not intend for that to happen. At first we were working with you to bring the star dragons back but-" the mysterious dragon stopped Pyro.

The mysterious dragon was laughing maniacally,"HAHA!! You two are fools, the stars can never be brought back. HAHAHA!!"

"Why have you lied to us?" Aqua was angry.

"To get mercy awaken. What're you two going to do about it? It's not like you can defeat me."

"We'll see about that." Pyro shot a ball of flame at him, the fire did not effect his target. Pyro was scared.

"That was very foolish of you." the dragon had a evil look in his face.

The dragon charged towards Pyro, tackled him on the ground, and blew a dark blue flame in his face until the roar of the fire dragon stopped. Pyro's body was set on fire by the dragon, his body was burning fast and the heat from the flame made Aquabellina step back.

"What have you done?!" Aqua was shaking.

"I simply punished a traitor, will you be joining him?"

Aqua summoned the moisture from the air and went into a fighting stance.

"I take that as a yes."

The dragon charged towards Aqua, she avoided the enemy and landed a clean mark of her claws on his neck.

"That's all you got?" the dragon chuckled.

He forced Aquabellina on the ground without moving.

"Your family will not be pleased with your betrayal Orcusin(or-kiss-in)."

"I don't plan on pleasing."

Aqua wasn't able to move, she was overpowered. The dragon went over to her, used it's claws to grasp her head, it started turning her head. It kept turning Aqua's head until there was a sound that told the killer that the neck has broken.

"One member doesn't make a family." it said.

Dragaitas or rather his spirit has just finished reminiscing of his friends in the first group of forces. Excaelum continued to sit there. A day or two passed by.

"This meditation is to calm your mind, clear it of all disturbances, and to test your patience. You have proven yourself ready for the next phase of your training."

"Have you had this power before?"


"How do you know about the training then?"

"The original creators of this magic cast a spell having a close one to the users heart teach them. I was given the gift to watch you grow until it was time. The knowledge of each power is passed to only the one chosen to teach the current user."

"What happens after you're done with this task?"

"I will be able to rest."

Excaelum slowly raised himself and looked down at the planet below. It was covered in blue, the water, and white streaks, the clouds. Suddenly he saw a beam of black shoot into the atmosphere.

Chapter 13 - I Hate Your Sanity

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Chapter 13 - I Hate Your Sanity

"What's that?" Excaelum asked himself.

6 hours earlier, the train has just stopped at Los Pegasus and the first of the cargo has been delivered. Knight Storm and his team are on their way to Saddle Arabia. Since they had to watch for enemies, there were earth ponies pulling the cargo while Knight Storm watched the horizon.

"It's hot now. Whew, the sun just came up to." Hail whined.

"Dry Ocean was a lot than this." Echo replied.

"I can't believe how much I hated that place. Ugghhhhh. Just thinking about that place makes me sweat." Voyager added."What was it like 121 degrees Fahrenheit there."

"Add a couple more numbers and you might be closer. I just chugged those canteens that were given to us during the first few hours." said Echo.

Hail chuckled,"That backfired on you when you had no water left. I had to share some of my water with you."

"I was greedy with mine." laughed Cloudfire.

"I wasn't so generous either." Voyager said.

While Voyager, Hail, Echo, and Cloudfire were talking about their memories of Dry Ocean, Razor and Canon were going ahead of the convoy to see what's ahead. After a few minutes they came back.

Razor reported,"There is an abandoned warehouse up ahead Knight Storm, should we rest there for awhile before we continue?"

"It'll give some time for the earth ponies to rest from all that hauling they've been doing." added Canon.

Storm answered,"Why not. We can avoid that sandstorm coming."

Canon was shocked,"What sandstorm?"

"That one."

Storm directed his wings in the direction of the storm, it was behind them. It was moving slow but, soon enough it would impact them. When they reached the warehouse the sandstorm hit against the boarded windows, broken walls, and windows. The warehouse wasn't much, it was large and dusty. There were opened boxes that were filled by sand.

"It appears that nopony has been here in a long time." exclaimed Fencer.

"What do you think this place was used for?" asked Hail.

"Probably a post office or something like that." Voyager said.

"Not so much post office, I mean look at the size of this place. It's pretty big for a post office in the middle of this desert-like terrain." Echo argued.

After an hour the storm still hadn't died out so, Fencer and Storm went to look around just for the fun of it. They were searching the back to see if there anything of value. The warehouse was bigger than they thought, they went further in the mysterious warehouse. They walked between two tall polls and a smell overwhelmed their noses.

"What the heck is that stench?" said Fencer."Did something die in here."

They found something that startled them.

"GET OVER HERE!" shouted Fencer.

All the pegasi flew over to the calls.

"What is it?" Cloudfire asked.

"This is no post office, look." Storm turned his head down to what looked like a cargo bay.

They looked down and saw bodies, hundreds of them stacked upon each other. Most of them had what looked like stab wounds, some of the bodies had limbs missing. There was something that disgusted them all, not the stench but, the tools that were hanging on the walls. They were covered in blood, they were not cleaned. Hooks, chains, saws, nails, etc. That wasn't all.

"These kills were very recent, someone has been here within the past few days." Storm scolded.

"Is that what the residents at Los Pegasus were talking about? I remember they said that a whole town went missing about a month ago. Could these bodies be the citizens of that town?" Razor said while shaking.

"But the kills are still fresh and if it was a month ago then that means the......." Canon was speechless for a few seconds, his eyes widened,"....the killer tortured them before-"

Storm stopped him,"We need to get out of here."

Hail said,"The storm is still-"

"Would you rather stay here and meet whoever did this? That's what I thought, come on."

They went back to the main storage room only to see the earth ponies dead on the ground. One of the workers was still moving. Voyager flew over to the injured one.

"Who did this to you?" he asked worriedly.


"Tell me."

"" the worker stopped moving.

"Behind me?"

Voyager slowly turned around, the others looked towards the same direction.

Voyager looked at the others and said,"I don't see anything."

Suddenly there was loud pop from the direction he turned his back to, Voyager turned back to see what it was.

"GET AWAY FROM THERE!!" yelled Storm.

A spear was shot from a giant bow concealed in the boxes and cranes. The spear pierced Voyager's neck and stuck him to a wall. His head was hanging by only a thin piece of skin. The blood was pouring out from his head.


In all the panic something stopped them, a cry. It was coming from the entrance they came through. A pony wandered inside sobbing, it was wearing a black hooded coat.

"Grab the pony and let's go!" Storm ordered.

Fencer flew to grab the crying pony, it wouldn't move. The crying stopped and turned to a laugh. The doors were slammed shut, the walls and windows were being closed by magic. The pony looked up at Fencer and said,"Where are you going?"

Fencer fell over with a dagger jabbed in his side. The hooded pony looked up with a sinister looking smile. The hood was taken off and they all saw it was a unicorn, it performed a spell knocking out the ones closer to it first, Storm was near the back, he heard the voice of the murderer. And he had a glimpse of what it looked like as it walked closer.

"More things to play with." it laughed hysterically. Storm passed out.

Echo and Cloudfire woke up, they saw that they were still in the main storage area only chained up to the wall along with Storm, Razor, and Hail.

Echo was out of energy but managed to ask,"Where is Canon?"

"I don't know. Where did that bastard go? She's going to pay for what she did"

"We can't get him if we're chained up like this."

The looked down and saw their weapons were taken form, the chains that kept them from escaping were not rusted but, new and strong. Razor tried breaking it, he didn't leave a scratch.

"My, my. You aren't trying to leave are you? We just got started." the unicorn returned with blood on her face and carrying a bag. She threw the bag and a pair of wings fell out.

"What have you done?" asked Cloudfire.

"I killed one of your friends, isn't that obvious. I feel bad for the other two I killed," she looked up, she was looking at the bodies of Voyager and Fencer hanging above them."I never liked killing ponies instantly, it was never any fun so I thought if I was going to kill anyone instantly, I might as well be creative. That bow I used to kill the first one, I made that. First I ha-"

Cloudfire was angry,"Shut your mouth."

"That's not a way to treat the one who has your life in their hooves. I'm going to have to punish you."

The unicorn walked over, looked at Cloudfire, and levitated a brick and hit Razor in the head.

"This is what happens when you disrespect me."

She kept on hitting Razor in the head with the brick again, and again Cloudfire heard the impact it made on Razor's head. Razor didn't make a sound, he was dead. The unicorn dropped the brick and left snickering. Cloudfire was speechless.

After a few minutes, the rest woke up.

"What's going o-" Hail saw the body of Razor and started screaming.

"Canon, Razor." Storm was sad, the last of his personal team was killed. A tear fell from his eye.

Echo felt a drop on his head, he looked up and the saw the bodies. Voyager's head fell and landed right in front of him."AHHHHH!!"

Cloudfire was silent, he didn't know what to do.

"I see you are all awake. You know it's rude to fall asleep when you're visiting someone, it says that they're boring and nothing they do interest you." the unicorn returned and Echo's screaming stopped.

Her coat was clear of blood and the jacket she wore was hung by a hook. Her coat was a dark yellow, her mane and tail were dark violet. Her eyes were light green. Her eyes, her eyes were bloodshot and they looked menacing.

"Speaking of rude, I have not introduced myself yet. My name is Lacoden(la-co-den). And yours?"

She was looking at Echo. He answered,"You are going to die."

"You are ungrateful, I show you the finest hospitality and this is how you repay me. With words of hate. You must be insane if you have the guts to say that. That's good though because....."

She levitated a broken pipe from the ground, both sides were jagged. She took it and stabbed Echo in the stomach.


"I hate your sanity. Don't worry we're not done having fun. If I pull it out now you'll bleed to death, let's go to the back where we can have some privacy."

Storm was trying to stall Lacoden,"How did you kill the workers without us hearing their screams?"

Lacoden was surprised at what he asked, she figured it was odd for him to ask that in a situation like this, "Those two polls there, I put on spell on them so that when you pass in between them you can't hear what's happening from the side you entered, I cast another little spell that blocks the fragrance of the bodies also. I'll take the spell down so you can hear us have fun."

Lacoden dragged Echo to the back. Storm heard something coming from the entrance, it wasn't the sandstorm it stopped. He focused his teared up eyes and saw Knight Black Soul. She quietly came over, she walked to Cloudfire and wondered why he was silent, she walked to Storm.

"We're going to get you out of here."

"What about Echo?"

"I hate to say this but, we have to leave him. I'm going to use his screams as a cover to break these chains."

Soul had her sword ready.

"You can't just leave him." Hail whispered.

She heard a scream and hit Hail's chains to set him free.

"Shadow and the others are outside go."

"I'm sorry Echo." Hail said, he went outside.

Soul waited for another scream and broke Storm's chain. Lacoden heard a faint echo coming from the storage bay. She got suspicious, she looked over at Echo, she got closer to him, she stabbed him with the same dagger she used to kill Fencer, and right before he screamed she covered his mouth. Lacoden heard a clear sound of metal hitting each other.

"I told you, you are going to die."

"Still so rude." She jabbed the dagger into his skull."Have you learned your lesson?" she stared at the body,"Good, you have. Now I have to greet your friend." She walked to the front humming a cheery tune.

"Cloudfire we need to leave. Can you hear me?"

Cloudfire didn't respond.

"I'll have to drag you out then."

"I couldn't save him."

"Look at me it wasn't your fault. Now we have to leave before she comes back, are you with me?"

Cloudfire looked up at his commanding officer, he stuttered,"Y-yeah. We can kill her later."

Soul had a small grin,"That's the spirit. Get up."

"Well that's touching. I killed five of your friends and yet you still have the motivation to live. If I kill her," Lacoden looked at Soul from one of the polls,"maybe you will be more damaged." She launched a spear at her with her magic. It was too fast for Soul to react. There was a loud sound that stopped the heart of Cloudifre. Soul was still standing without a scratch on her. Soul looked back.

"Sorry I was late."

"Seng what're you doing here?"

Seng's sword broke and the sword fell on the ground with a clang. He stopped the spear but, he had no defense now. His hoof was shaking.

"That hurt more than I thought it would." Seng chuckled."Shadow is preoccupied outside, you should go check on him before he gets himself killed."

"Thank you." Cloudfire said.

"Don't thank me yet, we're not out of here yet."

Seng looked at the two,"What? I never said I was going to stay here, look at her she's crazy!"

They flew out, Lacoden didn't stop them.

Outside Shadow, Lancer, and Aero were outside. They were just finished killing a few Changelings.

"I'd never thought I would ever fight a Changeling before." Lancer panted.

The bodies of the Changelings were laying on the ground as there normal form.

"We need to get back to Canterlot." said Shadow.

"Not so fast." Lacoden was at the entrance."I have to say hello to my friend. Shadow I missed you"

"How are you alive?"

"Great Tear had my life spared and I became immortal."

"You are merciless I suppose."

"No I'm hate. Now it's time for me to awaken."

Her horn, eyes, mane, and tail were giving off a black light. A beam of black shot out of her horn, this continued for 3 seconds.

Excaelum was on the moon,"What's that?" he asked himself.

Back on the ground, Lacoden fainted.

"This is our chance to kill her." said Hail.

"She's immortal, you can't. And if we take her with us she'll only break out and kill more of us."

When they returned to Los Pegasus they saw that the cargo had been stolen.

"All this for nothing." Aero sighed.

Lacoden woke up, she was sunburned.

"I can't wait to kill her. The bitch that left me to die."

Lacoden was laughing her lungs out.

Chapter 14 - Two Sides of the Coin

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Chapter 14 - Two Sides of the Coin

A funeral was held a few weeks after Lacoden has awaken her hate, there were two seperate funerals. One for the workers and one for Knight Storm's team, Echo, and Voyager. Celestia and Luna attended the workers funeral to apologize for what had happened. Knight Soul and Storm and the others were silent during the ceremony. Five caskets were lowered 6 feet into the ground, all in a row. They were empty caskets, they didn't want to get the bodies back, they were too frightened by Lacoden's power to. Dirt covered the caskets as soon as they touched the ground, no tears were shed. They were all too sad and too angry to cry. They went to the frontier, to Shadow's place.

Soul told them all,"If you want to avenge our friends you cant stay, if not you have my permission to leave. Anyone leaving?"

Shadow replied,"I think we all have a score to settle with her."

Lancer added,"We are prepared for whatever happens next."

"Good, I will be making my own group of elite flyers, Royal Airborne Knights(R.A.K.). There will be four divisions: Scouting/intelligence, attack, defense, and support. You will be able to choose your division, you will be training for a long time, about three months at the most. Since this is the very first time this has been formed we do not know our full potential."

"When do we start?" Hail was eager.

Storm said,"After we go back to the clouds, we got a gift for you all."

They flew back to the clouds and were led to the barracks. They all saw solid bronze armor.

"I know it's kind of late but, you are now officially in our military. Do you accept our gifts to you?"

Aero walked over to the armor and placed his hoof on it,"I'm in."

None of the pegasi left, they were loyal to Equestria.

"A start for a new beginning." said Soul.

Garren and Lacoden were having a conversation at the warehouse that was used to torture innocent beings.

"When do I get to kill her?" Lacoden asked.

"In time. Merciless and death haven't been awoken yet. Our powers take more time to mature, not like the others."

"It was fascinating how you got the yeti to attack Shadow and to activate his power."

"Yetis aren't intelligent it wasn't that hard."

"And how Orcusin(or-kiss-in) convinced those reptiles to attack their own for no reason, genius."

"You are the only one of us that has their power activated but, like the positives it can't reach it's full strength without all three activated. The positives have already got their power activated, they know only need to learn their light command. Once we've all learned ours the war can begin."

"How should we awaken death and merciless?"

"A simultaneous attack on both the Crystal Empire and Canterlot. I will be visiting Shadow and Dawn while, Orcusin will be having a family reunion."

"What about the after effect?"

"Me, Shadow knows I can break out of their bars so, I won't have anything to worry about because, they would just leave me be. Orcusin, I don't know."

"I can work on my teleportation spells to get him out."

"You're thinking smart now, nice job."

"I learned a lot after the siege."

"I hope you liked killing those griffons as much as I did."

"Oh, I did."

They both walked to the back of the warehouse wear the bodies were kept. Lacoden moved the bodies to the side, there was a door under all the limbs and blood. She cast a spell that opened it, the door led to a underground foundry, they followed the great staircase going down. It was large, they didn't need a ventilation system for Lacoden used her magic to filter out the air. There were hoof- swords, blades, and armor in a distribution part of the foundry. This foundry was ran by Changelings, they were obedient to Garren. They obeyed his every word in return for food and Equestria as their new territory. There were hundreds of Changelings, they worked day and night. The only time they were allowed to rest was when they were fed.

"The metal we stole from them will come to be useful in the future." Lacoden said.

"The foundry in the Everfree Forest is nothing compared to this."

"I can't believe you gave them your blueprints for your weapons. Why did you do it?"

"I want to have some fun killing others with weapons than rather killing defenseless ponies. That would just be boring don't you agree."

She chuckled,"I hope they know how to use them. That way we can make a sport out of it. Hehehe."

"Once we activate the Magnas Lumen on Fallen Star the world will be pure."

"Too bad, we all have to be there for it to start."

"Our troubles will be paid off. We watched our friends and family die because, the princesses didn't even help us. They will regret the day they were born."

"We wouldn't have to do this if they only would've helped us!" Lacoden kicked a pipe down into the foundry out of anger.

"Calm down, once they have fallen we can lead a world for the greater good."

"How can we get the amount of ponies we need to get to Fallen Star?"

"They will come of their own free will. After the world has been purified they can bow to us. How does that sound?"

"If Dawn suffers, I'm all in. She deserves pain for abandoning me."

Garren was silent then said,"I will be attacking Canterlot alone, I feel the need to encourage the citizens of the frontier and Canterlot personally."

"Are you sure? I will be at your side if you wish."

"Yes, if we both went we would destroy everything."

"You're kind of old. Are you sure you can?"

"I'm not that old but, until our spy informs us that they are complete with their R.A.K. training we will wait to attack."

"How can you trust our spy? Maybe they will reveal them-self."

"Our spy won't, don't forget we have leverage. A single life in your control can give you command to another."

Chapter 15 - R.A.K. Briefing

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Chapter 15 - R.A.K. Briefing

"Which division will you be joining?" Seng asked Shadow, Lancer, and Aero.

Aero answered,"Defense but, I want to know more about the divisions before I decide though."

"Well, I think they will brief us on the division before. I'm thinking scouting." Lancer added.

"Hey, me too." Seng sounded happy,"Shadow, how about you?"

"Attack, simple as that."

Cloudfire and Hail were having the same conversation with Tint, Bladedancer, and Flood.

"Me and Hail are going to be in support. We can't go through what happened again. It just..." Cloudfire paused.

Hail said,"It's okay you don't have say anymore. They understand our situation, Cloudfire I know we went through a hard time but, I may join the scouting division. I want to help bring them down."

Tint added,"I will join the support, I'm more of a stay back and watch the fireworks pony, I'm not the one that sets them off."

"I will join the defense, it just seems like my area." Flood said,"How about you Bladedancer?"

"Maybe attack, maybe."

Knight Black Soul, Storm, Fyn Cour, and Dust walked in.

"Alright settle down, we have some explaining to do. Before you decide your division, we will explain the job of each also, Fyn Cour and Dust will be having their own little division in it also, this was a last minute change up. They will have the medical division which will be connected to all the other divisions." Soul scolded.

Storm took over,"I will introduce the leaders of each division. Mist, leader of the scouting/intelligence division. Barrier, leader of the defense division. Tal, leader of the support division."

They walked in as Knight Storm announced their names. Mist was an earth colt, she had a light brown coat with a black mane and tail, they were both long and well taken care of. She was small in size, that's probably why she was hard to spot during scouting missions. Randall is a female unicorn, her coat is orange and her mane and tail were green. The colors in general looked fine together but, on her it looked good. Her mane was tied in a bun while her tail was short. Tal is a male earth pony. He was gray coated and his mane/tail were red. although he was intimidating he seemed very nice, by the way he walked, he walked casually not like he was some serious pony but, like he was walking in a park.

Bladedancer asked,"Who is the leader of the attack division?"

Soul answered,"We haven't decided yet but, we do have someone in mind." She was looking at Shadow tentatively.

Mist started talking, her voice was sweet and soothing but not so much as her words,"Which one of you pansies will be coming with me?"

Seng, Lancer, and Hail hesitated to step forward but eventually did.

"Alright, you all look like a confident bunch. Your mission is to go behind enemy lines and to gather information that can help us in anyway. None of you will be flying for that will give away your position so, instead for now on you will be running and sprinting to get your legs in shape. Your flexibility will be tested as well, it will come to be useful. Your creativity will be what's tested the most, you will be tested on how creative you can make your movements seem normal in the natural environment to get in further in the enemy territory. I will get more into detail when we start, Any questions?'

Seng had a smile and asked,"How deep do we have to get in the enemy?"

Lancer and Hail snorted trying not to laugh.

Mist answered,"So deep that-" she realized that Seng didn't say territory."Oh, we have a funny one here." her tone changed,"GET OUTSIDE AND RUN 80 LAPS AROUND THE FRONTIER!!"

"Are you kiddi-"


Lancer and Hail laughed a little.

"You two can join him, GO!"

She chased them outside.

Randall was chuckling,"She hasn't changed a bit." Randall's voice was also sweet and soothing s were her words. "I apologize my sister can't take a few jokes. Who will be with me?"

Aero and Flood weren't scared to step up. Shadow knew she was too perfect, she had to have something wrong with her.

"Hey there, you guys are some good looking colts. Maybe we can all get together sometime and-"

"Randall. Are you serious? Haven't you...... nevermind."

"Storm don't say anything that's not nice. Speaking of which Flood you got some strong legs, maybe you can help me-"

"Randall. Can you not do this like you did when we became knights as a matter of fact before we became knights." Soul said.

"Calm down I was going to ask him to move some of my things." She looked at Flood with a smile, he was blushing.

"Let's go get started." Randall walked outside, Aero and Flood followed her like bees follow honey.

Tal was also laughing,"Brings back some memories don't it Storm?"

"Yeah. I almost fell for her one time too."

"We all did." Tal chuckled.

"You two are pigs." Soul said, she walked upstairs.

"Unlike our colleague, I will explain our task." As friendly as he looked, he was.

Cloudfire and Tint walked up.

"We will offer aid to any division that asks so, we will have to learn a bit about every division including medical well, all the divisions will be learning medical together. Isn't that right Fyn Cour?"

"Yes it is."

"Okay, follow me outside. I will give you more details."

Shadow and Bladedancer were the only ones left.

Fyn Cour said,"So I'm guessing you two want the attack division."

"Yes we do." replied Shadow.

Storm said,"Shadow we saw how you handled yourself at Ice Valley. You were impressive with your attacks and that thing that you did with the lights, that was quite a show."

"I'm not sure what to say."

"You will to this. How will you like to be the leader of the attack division?"

"Excuse me?"

"You are well trained, Soul and I don't know who or where you learned how to take down yetis by yourself but, we would also like to be your students."


Soul came back downstairs,"Come on, yes or no."

Shadow looked at Bladedancer and back at Soul

Soul added,"You will be also given the rank of solid gold, same as me."

Shadow could hear the shouts of Mist coming from outside, he was distracted. He wanted to say no but, that would be disrespectful and deep inside his heart he wanted to say yes. He heard Starflare.

She said,"Follow your heart, your heart is always in the right place."

Shadow was having a flashback. He was sitting at with Star under a tree and there were three cups, all upside down. Dawn was sleeping on Starflare's lap. The breeze was nice and the skies were clear.

"What is that supposed to mean Star?"

"It's obvious, come on you can solve it."

"'My heart is always in the right place'."

"It is, always in the right place. Now what do you choose?"

"Hmmmm....the second cup."

He saw the memory of her lifting the cup he chose, the rock he was trying to find was under it.

Star was smiling, Shadow missed her but, this time he didn't shed a tear for the past. The memory went away and he heard Soul asked,"Well?"

Shadow looked over to Bladedancer to see if he had anything to say.

Bladedancer said with a big smile,"On your go, Knight Shadow."

Chapter 16 - R.A.K. Training Days

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Chapter 16 - R.A.K. Training Days

Knight Mist has just finished working Seng, Lancer, and Hail to the bone but, they're not done yet. Mist will give them all she has to offer in training. The night after the 80 laps of running, the three were all sore, Mist didn't care.


The three got up, Seng was to tired to make anymore smart remarks.

"You're going to be standing here until the sun rises."

"Yes, sir!"

"I'm going to be a bit nice. Since you are all pegasi I'm going to make you with you didn't have wings. Each of you will be carrying one of these buckets using your wings until I say you are done."

There were 6 silver buckets in the corner, they were all already filled.

"Any questions? Good."

They hustled over to the buckets and held them up, they weren't sore. Yet. She worked mostly their legs but, their wings were about to go next. The same night Knight Randall was busy with Aero and Flood. She wasn't sure what to do with them since they were pegasi and not unicorns, she found something though. She, Aero, and Flood visited Wrench and Wither in the Everfree.

"Randall, good to see you."

"You too Wither. Say do you still have the shields?"

"Yeah, they're in the storage closet. Please try to not make a ruckus, Wrench is asleep right now."

"Okay. Go get them you two."

She watched them get the shields, she had drool coming from the side of her mouth.

"Randall." Wither saw what was going on in her mind and she wanted to distract her,"So what have you been doing lately?"

Randall was still distracted,"Uhh...ummmm...." she snapped out of it,"Oh nothing. You?"

Aero and Flood brought out the shields. They weren't plated or anything special. They were made out of metal. Their design was like a sock only made out of metal. They would use them as brass hooves as well as shields. They were very sturdy and well maintained. They each got a pair

"Let's go, bye Wither. See you later."

"Bye, Randall and don't be such a creep."

Randall and her students went to an open field. The moon was overhead and the breeze was cool. Crickets chirped and the owls who'd. There was a box where Randall went to.

"Put those shields on. I will strike you as hard as I can, your goal is to block my attacks and to withstand the force, not to be pushed back."

"What will you be using?" asked Aero.

"This." she hoisted a hoof-sword from the box and readied it."This may hurt a bit, Flood you're first."

He wasn't prepared for what was going to happen. Randall is fast, she disappeared without teleporting. It was just sheer speed. She was strong as well, she struck Flood but, he was lucky enough to get the shield up . His hoof was shaking and he was pushed back a few inches.

"I might have gone too easy on you, you're still standing. You know, I didn't become a knight just by luck, I earned it."

"You're up." Flood walked to Aero before sitting himself on the ground.

"You're not resting, come on get up. Just wait until it's you're turn again."

"I'm ready." said Aero.

Again she struck the shield, his hoof was shaking as much but it still was.

"We will continue this until the morning. Flood, your turn."

Tal took Cloudfire and Tint to the water reserves. The frontier wasn't active because, it was night. There were still a few residents just trotting around but, they didn't notice them.

"What're we doing here?" Cloudfire asked.

"I want to see how long you can hold your cool. We will stand in the cold water until the sun rises, if you get sick I won't care. Now let's get in."

Cloudfire went over t the water and touched it."Nope to cold." he backed away.

"Don't make me get you in here."

"It's way too cold so, I'm staying right here." he stayed about a foot from the water.

"No you're not." said Tal.

Tint pushed Cloudfire in and started laughing.

"HAHAHA!!" he laughed.

"Why'd you do that for?" Cloudfire replied angrily.

"Got bored."

Tint got in the water by will. They both were shivering.

"Only a few hours left boys, get comfortable."

"What is this suppose to do?" asked Tint.

"I want to see if you can get comfortable in the worst conditions."

Shadow took the offer, he only had one condition. That he started at the bottom, he wanted to earn his rank. Soul and Storm agreed and Bladedancer was happy that somepony other than Soul was giving him orders. They got hoof-swords and were getting ready. They were just outside Shadow's house.

"We will each spar each other, Soul who would you like to go against?" asked Shadow.


"Bladedancer that leaves you with Knight Storm."

"I never beat him in a sparring match." whined Blade.

Storm replied,"Keep at it and someday you might."

"Obviously no lethal hits, we only want to hit metal not flesh. Show your opponent where you got them. This is just a warm-up so, after I will show you how to properly use the weapons."

They split and Soul was eager to see how well Shadow fought. They were across from each other and Shadow charged towards Soul right as they were positioned.

"Don't give your enemy time to prepare themselves as soon as your ready, strike."

She evaded his attack and countered, she attacked back. Shadow blocked.

"Good hit, hit harder next time." He pushed her off, she was off balance and he tackled her, he landed on her with his sword at her neck."You're dead."

"So are you." Shadow looked down and saw her sword was at his stomach.

He let her up.

"Who taught you how to fight?" she asked.

"An old friend but, he is dead now."

"I'm sorry."

"It's okay, his lessons are still in my head. Again?"

"Of course, I want to get you without you getting me."

Bladedancer and Storm were having a fun time.

"I can never get you."

"Come on Bladedancer. You are one of Soul's squad members, you can get me."

"I'll try."

He flew towards Storm,he was sluggish.

"Faster, come on." Storm knocked him down.

The four divisions were busy training while Fyn Cour was inside with Dust and Dawn.

"What are they doing out there?" Dawn said.

"They're training maybe they could be a bit quieter." replied Dust.

All they heard were the clashes of steel outside and the sound of the crackling fireplace.

Fyn said,"So do you not go to school anymore?"

"Once in awhile I do but, I really don't have a need to. Usually I just stay home and read books, practice magic, that kind of stuff."

"Can you show us a spell?" asked Dust.

"Anything in particular?"

"No, just show us what you can do."

"Okay let's see....."

She went over to the kitchen and got a glass of water, she set it beside her. She made the glass disappear but, not the water. The water was still in a shape as if the cup was still there.

"Where did the cup go?" asked Fyn.

"Behind you."

"Wow. Impressive."

"That's nothing. I just noticed it's a full moon tonight."

She put the cup back in it's place, holding the water.

"It's getting late, I should head to bed. Goodnight."

Dawn went up to her room, she still had Celestia's bed. It was comfortable for her. She fell asleep rather quickly. She was in a dream, she was walking around and she saw her old friend, Zaz.

"Thank you for helping me save Fencer."

Zaz was about her age when he died. He was a white-coated unicorn. His mane/tail was black. He was Dawn's very first crush. He was joyful and optimistic.

"I am sad though, he was killed by Lacoden, she wasn't like that before."

"I know, she was nice and shy. I'd never expect her to be that way."

"When will your father be taken over?"

"Like when you took over my body to save Fencer?"

"Yes, it is necessary for the 6 powers to be taken over by their loved one in a time of need. From what I know, Excaelum's father took over when someone he cared for was killed."

"I haven't seen him ever since then. Do you know where he was?"

"No, I tried to contact Dragaitas but, he won't let me talk to him."

"You can talk to him?"

"We can communicate through telepathy. If he doesn't want to talk he can block me off."


He chuckled,"It's one of the perks of being connected by this power. I can only communicate with only the positive powers."

"Lacoden and Garren are negatives."

"Sadly yes."

"Who is the other negative?"

"I don't know for sure, I never met the merciless holder while I was alive. Merciless is a dragon though, from my knowledge."

"When will this so called "war" going to start?"

"Not anytime soon."

The spirit world started to fade.

"Dawn remember, give love to those who lost it."

Dawn woke, it was morning. She went downstairs and saw that the division leaders were in the large living room. She saw that they were all tired.

They relaxed for only a bit and then went back outside to talk.

Mist ordered,"Everypony give me 80 laps around the frontier. No flying."

Everyone but, Shadow, Soul, Storm, and the other division leaders went.

"How was your night?" asked Tal.

Randall answered,"Good. Seems like your pupils are sick though."

"Yeah, I kind of made them stay in the water for a long time."

"So Soul, how was your training?" asked Mist.

"I think it went well. You Shadow."

"We got a good start with our sparring session."

Randall asked,"Aren't you suppose to know how to use the swords before you spar?"

"I wasn't taught like that. I was taught by fighting."

"How will that work?"

"Lancer and Aero did a fine job taking out some of those Changelings without proper training at the warehouse."

"Now that I remember, Seng blocked one of Lacoden's spear and he isn't that trained either." said Soul.

"We have some natural fighters with us then." Storm exclaimed.

For the next few days they repeated this routine. The pupils were getting tired of it eve, the leaders did as well. The leaders wanted to step up the game. Hell week. In the Canterlot Castle one night Gandore was wandering around the castle. She entered her study room. The room was messy, it had books piled high and had many candlesgiving off light. There was only a small couch and a large desk. She was reading an old book.

She was reading aloud,"There is a temple in the center of the island, it contains a crystal that can have amazing power to cleanse the world. The last time it was activated something stopped it from purifying the world. Three residents of the island came from the temple after the activation of the crystal was stopped. One was a young dragon, another a filly, and the last one was a pegasus. That pegasus was called the "Six-winged Pegasus". The whereabouts of the three are unknown."

She was at the end of the book, there was a drawing of a group of ponies that were there. The description said,"Survivors of the last activation of the crystal." There was a date.

"That's odd, this was made around 50 years ago but,... he and she are.............must be a coincidence."

She shut the book and Iril came inside.

"Gandore aren't you tired?"

"Not really."

"I am, do you mind if I rest here for a bit?"

"Not at all."

Iril untied her bun and her long purple mane fell and she set herself on the couch and began to sleep. Gandore stayed up for a few hours reading books. She made a stack of books to sleep on. She had the book that she just finished reading on her desk, it was titled The Crystal of a Star.

Fyn Cour was snooping around late after midnight. She was following somepony. She was in the frontier, she turned a corner so did Fyn Cour.

"Where is she going?"

"What are you doing?"

Fyn was startled and turned around,"Storm, you almost gave me a heart attack." she looked back and saw that the pony she was following was gone.

"Nothing. Did Shadow end your training for the night?"

"Yeah, he went back to his place with Soul and Bladedancer. I saw you and wanted to ask what you were doing."

"I was just out for a stroll, let's go back."

They both went back to the house, everypony was just sitting down.

Tal spoke,"Hell week starts today, all of you will be experiencing it together."

"There will be endurance and stamina training." Mist added.

They slept for only a hour then there was shouting all over the place. They ran, ran, and ran everywhere. There was no need to work their wings as much because, Soul did most of that at Dry Ocean and Ice Valley, they flew everywhere before this. Shadow was doing the training, he wanted to be moral support. He knew he could do this but, this training was absolutely almost mental. They say it's physical but, actually it's to see if you have the will and determination to go on. Anyone can be physically fit, it takes even more to be mentally fit. They ran for 8 miles under 40 minutes, Seng and the others were all tired. Shadow pushed them to keep on going, the next part was a push-up session of 120 in sets, in between the sets they had to run to a post 10 yards away and come back to continue. And again it was routine, routine, routine for five days. They weren't allowed to sleep but, they were fed every 6 hours that didn't help for they threw most of it back up. They ran even more during the night when it was cooler. They were almost always moving, after 5 days they were done. They were outside of Shadow and Dawn's house. The sun had just risen.

"I.....don'" whined Seng.

He was laying on the ground.

"It's not that bad, at least none of us failed." said Lancer.

"No time to whine. Now we will still be training only this is not like hell week. We will finally teach you skills in your division." Storm announced.

"Seng, Lancer, and Hail. Come with me." ordered Mist.

Hail complained,"Damn we just finished too."

Mist replied,"Don't worry it's just talking."

"My division come with me, I'll be teaching you how to turn your defense into an offense."

"Tint and Cloudfire, follow me."

"My division stay here." said Shadow.

Mist was giving orders in the Everfree.

"Okay. I'll give you all 1 hour to make ghille suits out of whatever is in this area. You'll have to reach the center ahead and to set off one of the fireworks. That will signal that you have evaded us."

"Us?" asked Hail.

"I have help to get you. 15 of us will start from the center, and go in different directions, and when the horn has been blown that is the start of this training. If you are caught you'll have two more chances before you are failed." she whistled and a pegasus and dropped a kit. "This is a small thing of materials that can help you make your suits. There is clear glue, tape, and some other things. Three suits are also in there, they are adhesive on the outside so, you'll be able to cover it with what you wish, they also have hoods so you can cover your head. There are many ways to get to the center, you can choose which path you want. Any questions?"

"Time limit?" Seng asked.

"None, we will take our time with this. We will be inspecting every little crack in this forest for you three. Now begin working, I'll leave so I can't see your suits."

She and the pegasus flew back to the center. There was a slight commotion coming from there. It was very faint, the three thought it was just Mist yelling at them and went to talking to each other.

"What's going to be your approach?" Lancer asked.

"Probably a brush type. Yours?"

"Thinking about a-" he looked to the left and saw a creek going to the direction of Mist, the creek was very close by ."A mud type. Hail?"

"Probably a tree, something like that. Let's start fixing up these things."

An hour later a horn was blown. It started. Seng has made a suit that had pieces of twigs, grass, and lots of leaves, and it was covered in a thin layer of dirt. This was his choice he stayed near where they were left at. He moved slowly when the wind blew to minimize the noise he made while traveling. After a hour or so of doing this he heard sticks breaking ahead.

You may be a little impatient but, these next few scenarios contribute to progressing the story.

"One of the 15." he thought."Stay still and let him pass."

The earth pony was looking around, listening for the slightest noise. He was getting close to Seng. Seng thought that he had seen him. A spider was crawling of Seng's face, he stayed as still as he could. His heart was beating like crazy and he had a hard time controlling his breathing, he had to breathe as quietly as he could. There was a noise that caught the attention of the patrol, he moved on and Seng let off a big sigh of relief and knocked the spider off of his face.

Hail took a more active approach, he put bark all over his suit and lathered on some dirt on it and climbed the trees. The forest had thick leaves and large trees, Hail used this to his advantage. Going from branch to branch he also advanced fairly slow. He and Seng both went in the same general direction. In the trees he saw a slight movement in the bushes a few yards away.

Hail thought,"That's Seng."

There was a patrol coming. Hail quietly broke off a piece of bark. The earth pony was looking around, listening for the slightest noise. He was getting close to Seng. Seng thought that he had seen him. A spider was crawling of Seng's face, he stayed as still as he could. His heart was beating like crazy and he had a hard time controlling his breathing, he had to breathe as quietly as he could. There was a noise that caught the attention of the patrol, he moved on and Seng let off a big sigh of relief and knocked the spider off of his face.

"Your welcome. Hopefully that patrol doesn't notice me." Hail threw the bark that he broke off to get the patrol off of Seng, he of course threw it away from his own position to help him as well.

He walked right under Hail.

"The center must be far." thought Seng.

Lancer covered his suit by first dunking it in dirt and threw some water on it to make dirt, then he finished it by again throwing another layer of dirt on it. His suit was heavy. Half of his body was in the water and the other half was on the muddy ground. He had to use a lot of his energy to move against the water with his suit on. A piece of bark landed a foot away from him, he heard a patrol go there. Lancer flattened his body as much as he could. Two more patrol members were on the opposite side of the creek.

"Any luck?" one of them yelled.

The one in front of Lancer replied back,"Not yet, they are a tricky bunch."

The other two left, the one in front of Lancer walked a few inches from him, a loud sound was coming from the forest. He ran to the source. The two on the other side of the creek flew to the sound as well. Lancer knew this was his chance to get some distance. He wormed forward and saw another patrol coming down the creek, Lancer heard a sound behind, he stopped his movements. It walked right passed, a small filly in a hood.

"What're you doing here?" the patrol asked,"Who are you?"

The filly didn't answer and took off it's hood.

Lancer's heart was racing,"Lacoden!" he thought. He wanted to warn the patrol but, he was frightened of her. Lacoden took out a dagger and turned into a black pony with bug-like wings and with holes in their hooves. The patrol screamed, the Changeling stabbed the patrol and took his form and threw the corpse down the creek. The patrol from earlier returned with 2 more patrol members.

"Damn that hurt." Hail had fallen from a trees weak branch, it collapsed right as he stepped on it.

Hail heard a sound.

"Hail wh-. Be quiet." Seng and Hail hid in the largest bush they can find

Five patrol member came along. Two coming from direction of the center and three from the creek.

"What was that?"

"I don't know."

"Let's look around, it may be the ones we're looking for."

"How many again are we looking for?"


They rummaged around the area, a scream came from the creek. They left.

"Four? What were they talking about? Hail are you okay? You took quite a fall."

"I think my wing is dislocated."

Seng checked his right wing and saw that it was.

"I will put it back in place and we need to find Mist. Something doesn't feel right. Bite on this."

Seng placed a stick in his mouth and popped his wing back in place. Lancer's heart was racing,"Lacoden!" he thought. He wanted to warn the patrol but, he was frightened of her. Lacoden took out a dagger and turned into a black pony with bug-like wings and with holes in their hooves. The patrol screamed, the Changeling stabbed the patrol and took his form and threw the corpse down the creek. The patrol from earlier returned with 2 more patrol members.

"I just offed the last patrol member. Have you found their commanding officer and the three hiding."

They changed back to their original forms. They were all Changelings.

"I think Master Lacoden would be happy if she found out that you were using her look."

"She won't find out."

Lancer wanted to fight them but he wasn't properly equipped. The commanding officer they must be speaking of must be Knight Mist.

"It was satisfying seeing that she came back to start the training but, instead she saw us finishing off her friends. Her screams filled me with joy. It only took 5 five of us." they laughed.

Lancer realized something,"That must have been what we heard before we started."

"Seng. Hail."

The two thought it was Lancer but this voice sounded more feminine. Mist. She was wounded.

They slowly went to her.

"What happened?" Hail sounded frightened.

She fell down.

"She's bleeding. We need to get help." said Seng.

Hail was panicking but got himself together.

"Put pressure on the wound, we need to slow the bleeding."

Lancer was watching them laugh. Something whizzed past Lancer and one of them fell over. A sword pierced one in the neck and it died. It was Shadow. He killed four of them but, left one injured. He knocked it out.

"Lancer!" Shadow yelled."

Lancer stood up,"What is going on?!"

"I don't know. We were training a we saw a body coming down from the river. I'm going to ask this one what's going on." He kicked the Changeling on the ground."Fyn Cour and Dust are searching for Seng and Hail. Soul and the other leaders are going back to Canterlot to protect themselves and the princesses from whatever is coming."

Fyn and Dust located the three.

"Let's go we can't stay here!" exclaimed Fyn.

They arrived at Canterlot and put the Changeling in an interrogation room. The one-way windows allowed Luna and the others to view what was going on. The Changeling regained consciousness. Shadow was in the room with a sword.

"Who sent you?"

The Changeling smiled.

Chapter 17 - Interrogation

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Chapter 17 - Interrogation

"Your old friend, hehehe."

"Surely you idiotic Changelings didn't do this yourselves. Who helped you?"

"We aren't idiotic but, we did have some help from one of your own."


"You have to find out when she decides to reveal herself."

"When is that?"

The Changeling killed the subject,"Mist, how did it feel to watch your friends die? It would've been easier if you didn't send one of them to search the creek for any 'disturbances'. We wanted to see you see us kill them all in a breeze. The one you sent was a coward."

Mist had enough strength to be there, after she heard that she was angry. Only Dawn, Luna, Celestia, Gandore, and the division leaders were there.

"Calm down. Let Shadow deal with it." Randall said.

The Changeling ran up to the wall, he knew where the others were.

"You Dawn, you are next."

Shadow hit the Changeling with his hoof,"Threaten her again and that's the last thing you'll do in your pathetic life. Tie him. Randall and Soul came in and restrained it against the wall and left again.

"Why did you do this?" Shadow asked in a firm voice.

"To get you back home. Why else?"

"Garren did a poor job training you. You are giving me whatever I ask for."

"That's because, he was going to come here and tell you himself."

"If he does I will kill him."

"Stop lying. If you lie to me, you're lying to him. Remember what happened the last time you lied to him?"

"He told you?"

"He gave me everything to anger you, even her appearance."

The Changeling's hooves changed to pink.

Shadow readied the sword,"Finish your transformation and you die."

"I suppose I can have more fun." it went back to normal.

"Are you planning another attack?"

"Garren will be coming here after merciless has been awoken."

"Who possesses merciless?"

"You'll find out when Excaelum returns."

Tal was curious and asked Luna,"Who's that princess?"

"Our friend."

"And Garren?" Randall asked.

"Now, an enemy." Tia said.

"Remember the crystal Shadow?"

"What of it?"

"It is to be activated."


"The prophecy is to be fulfilled."

"I will change and destroy the prophecy."

"You can't change fate. The powers will never become whole again." it laughed.

"That does not matter."

"We'll see about that." it continued to laugh. Shadow left the room.

"What crystal does the Changeling speak of?" asked Gandore.

"You don't mean the.." something caught Dawn's tongue.

"Yes it is that one."

"Dra...... he died stopping it."

"No one will die. It won't happen again, I promise."

Shadow went back in the room.

"I would like to speak to Dawn."

"Why would I let you speak to her?"

"I would like to share my knowledge I have with her."

"What knowledge do you have that my daughter doesn't know?"

"Let me talk to her so you can find out."

Shadow was puzzled, he wanted to know what he was talking about. He didn't want Dawn to speak to him though. Shadow went back inside, Dawn went in.

"Come closer I want to ask you something."

She walked closer.

"Lock the doors." he whispered.

She wanted to play along so, she used her magic to lock it without anyone else knowing.

"Now what is it?"

"Excaelum, he has a friend, a golden dragon."

"No. Do I want to know know her?"

"Yes. If you want to learn the truth."

"What truth?"

"Do you remember your mother?"

"No. She died when I was born. Why is that relevant?"

"Are you sure that's what happened?" it grinned.

Dawn was irritated and changed the subject,"Why is Lacoden different?"

"She needed help, she went to Garren because, you abandoned her."

"..............taken over by their loved one in a time of need."

Dawn thought,"She knew why I had to leave her, I didn't abandon her."

"Have something stumped you?"

"Shut up."

"This may jog your memory."

Shadow saw what the Changeling was going to do, he tried to open the door. It was locked.


She couldn't hear her father's cries. She looked back at the Changeling. It was now a pink-coated unicorn with a white mane and tail that had streaks of light pink. Shadow stopped his struggle and saw what the Changelings turned into. He didn't know what to do.

"Who are you suppose to....." she stopped.

"Do you know who I am Dawn?" the Changelings voice changed. It was now sweet and soothing to the ears."I'm your mother."


"Dawn it's me your mother, Starflare."

The others inside were also shocked.

"Is that who I think it is?" exclaimed Storm.

"Shadow is Star Swirl's granddaughter her mother?"

He didn't answer.

Dawn was confused.

"I haven't met you but, somehow I remember your face."

"You have met me, many times."

Dawn realized what she was doing,"You're lying."

The Changeling changed back to normal.

"This look may suit you more."

His coat was whit, his mane and tail were black.

"Dawn, do you remember me?"

"I remember the appearance but," Dawn was no longer fooled by his mimicry,"He would never asked if I remembered him. Of course I did." She used her magic to snap the Changeling's neck.

She unlocked the door and left the room. Everyone one in the room was kind of frightened by Dawn, witnessing one such as her killing with no hesitation was different for them.

They were tired and wanted to get some sleep. They continued their training only that one team trains at a time to avoid more casualties. Two weeks later it was a week before the division leaders graduate their pupils. A pegasus came to the frontier to visit some old friends. A white-coated pegasus with a golden mane and tail.

"Looks like death will have to come first."

Chapter 18 - Maker of Orphans

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Chapter 18 - Maker of Orphans

Garren was trotting down the road, the stores and buildings were all done with their finishing touches so the store owners moved inside. Garren concealed his sword with a cloth but, that didn't last very long. Two ponies just exited a store with some items that they have purchased. Garren went into an alley next to him for they were going to his direction.

"Mom why did you have to buy these antiques?"

"It may have some value in the future."

"This old junk? Are you sure?"

"That's why the word 'may' is in the sentence. You just have to hope for the best Flake."

"I'll try, for you."

"That's my girl. Let's go to th-"

Garren stuck something in the mother's side. Flake's mom looked at her side. Flake saw what Garren had done.

"" her mom fell to the side, Garren had pulled out his sword.

"Listen to your mother." Garren looked into new orphan's eyes.

Flake ran away screaming and crying.

The division leaders, Celestia, Luna, Dawn, and Gandore went to the courtyard where the others were. Shadow went somewhere to try and clear his mind. Tia informed the others on the situation.

"I can't believe Shadow won't tell us anything, after all we been through together. Does he not trust us?" whined Aero.

"No it's not that. He just doesn't like to relive the memories of his homeland." replied Tia.

"Where is that?" Lancer asked.

"Dawn will it be okay if I told them?" asked Tia.

"They're going to find out sooner or later but, I want to tell them. Me and my father are from Fallen Star."

"That place was destroyed over 50 years ago. How are you still alive?" Soul questioned.

Dawn avoided the second sentence."Fallen Star is still there."

Iril came running outside,"Prin..princess" she was out of breath," is killing the residents of the frontier."

"Who?" asked Luna, her voice was raised.

"Eyewitness accounts say it's a white pegasus with a golden mane."

Dawn said under her breath,"Garren." Dawn ran to try and find her dad.

"Is it over?"


Garren was flying , he was laying waste to only the adults and leaving the juveniles to witness the deaths of their parents. He had a smirk on his face as he did it. The sword he had on was sharp on both sides allowing him to stab his victims with ease. He went to one to another swiftly, the screams of the children filled his dark heart with joy and delight. The adults were trying to protect their children, hiding them behind crates and behind doors. Garren wasn't targeting them anyways. The adults tried to fight him off but, failed. He continued his senseless massacre, he killed many parents, grandparents, uncles, and aunts. A father was protecting two of his children, he was shielding them from the horror that was happening before his eyes. Garren took his life, the sword went through the father's neck and nicked one of the child on the ear, they were both shaking and speechless. Something changed in Garren, he struck down at the foals. Another sword stopped his strike.

"Why don't you fight me?"

"Shadow, you're late as usual."

"You two, get away from here."

One of them said,"Thank you for saving us."

"If only you were on time you could have saved Starflare."

"Shut up!" He knocked Garren back and charged, Garren was overwhelmed by his former student. Shadow's strike were fast and strong.

"Where did you find your strength?"

Shadow threw Garren into a window, Shadow was out of breath. Garren came out,"My turn."

He charged at Shadow ruthlessly also delivering stronger and faster hits. Shadow kept on blocking his strikes until he had an opening. He found one, Shadow ducked under Garren's strike, stabbed him, and flew into the air with Garren at the end of his blade. He slammed Garren as hard as he could on the ground, Shadow backed away. The dust kicked up by the impact was beginning to clear, he saw Garren standing, laughing.

"Do I look like the griffon that killed her?" he was laughing some more,"Pathetic how you managed to kill him, HAHAHA!! I think I change my mind about her death not being your fault, you killed her! I agree with you!" he was laughing, and laughing.

Shadow's anger was building up inside, he didn't know how to show it. He loosened the tightness of the sword, winded his body back, and shot the sword at him. It hit Garren in the chest.

"Do you really think that can kill me?" Garren did the same thing, Shadow stayed where he was.

"You missed." Shadow said.

Garren smiled,"Turn around."

Shadow saw that Garren's sword had penetrated the skull of his daughter, Celestia, Luna, and Soul were there also. Dawn was on the ground. Shadow's anger grew even more great."Get Dawn out of here Soul!"

"What about you?"

"Don't worry about me! Just go!"

Black Soul and the princesses flew back to the castle.

"You wondered why I was laughing so much I suppose, I noticed Dawn there behind you right after I said that you killed her mother and now your secrets will be revealed to the ones you call friends."

Shadow forced himself to Garren, Garren shot a beam of black out of his mouth. His eyes, cutie mark, and wings were giving off a black light too. Shadow was pushed back, he charged again but, this time he was stopped.

"Lacoden, what're you doing?!"

"Oh Shadow you will never understand us." Her hood was partially on so Shadow could see the evil in her eyes, Lacoden turned around and saw that Garren's power was done. She said,"One more to go." She walked to Garren and teleported somewhere with Garren. The juveniles saw that their parents killer had gone and came outside to grieve over their bodies. Flake came over to Shadow.

"He killed my mother and your daughter." Flake had tears running down her face.

Shadow hugged Flake,"Dawn is not dead, she's far from it."


"We are cursed. I have to go help my daughter now, you are free to join me."

"My mother needs me right now."

Shadow nodded,"You will become a strong mare someday. Feel free to stay at our place near the Everfree Forest until I come back." Shadow flew to the castle.

The foals at the frontier are now scarred and without parents. Orphans. The blood of the dead painted the walls and the ground. The stench of the red water filled their sinuses, some threw up it was so disgusting. The older foals including Flake gathered the bodies of the parents,

Shadow arrived at the castle's front gate where the others were standing over Dawn.

Seng met up with Shadow,"I'm sorry your-"

"She's not dead."

Shadow walked to Dawn and pulled the sword out, blood flowed out for a few dozen seconds then ceased. The wound on her head closed up a minute after. The paleness on her face faded and her color returned.

"That's amazing." Storm exclaimed.

"Take her inside, let her rest. I'll take her home later. I have some other business to intend there. You all should go help those poor souls at the frontier, witnessing that much death, I don't think they can handle it."

The princesses, division leaders, and pupils all went to the frontier. Fyn Cour, Dust, and Iril joined. They saw that the foals had already placed the bodies in coffins. They were shocked by how grown up the foals have become in a very little amount of time. The princesses gave the best burial ceremony they can.

"Princesses my name is Flake and I have a question."

"What is it my dear?" Luna replied.

"How can we avenge them?"

A court of the Forces of Nature was called and Excaelum arrived there after training with his father. Chronin, Olganna, and Staok were the only ones there.

"Where are Pyrodia and Aquabellina?" he asked.

"They were murdered."Olganna answered.

"By whom?"

"After examining the bodies, I found that her organs were internally damaged, slammed to the ground. The only external wound was her neck snapped, that was the cause of her death. I only know of one dragon who can deliver internal damage without touching them." Chronin looked at Excaelum.

"Are you saying I committed this heinous crime?"

"Who else could use gravity Excaelum? You are the only one left of your kind. If you can find a explanation to prove yourself innocent I'll be glad to hear it. We don't want to pin this crime on you but, we have no other choice." Olganna said.

Garren woke up in the Everfree Forest.

"Garren I am sorry I interfered."

"I do not care, I revealed his secrets. And now it's time to reveal another. Where is Orcusin?"

"At the warehouse, or he should be anyways."

"Let's head there, in a week he can go to the Crystal Empire we can reward our spy there."

Dawn woke up in her house. Flake was beside her along with Shadow and Soul.

"What're you doing here?"

"I heard that you always wanted another sibling."

Chapter 19 - Flint. Spark. Fire.

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Chapter 19 - Flint. Spark. Fire.

Orcusin has just arrived at the warehouse, Garren and Lacoden met the dragon outside. It was midnight.

"When will you be in the Crystal Empire?" asked Garren.

"What business do I have there?"

"You wish to have Merciless awaken don't you?"

"I have no business with any other mark bearers. I will greet my own kind during the migration."

"How will we get the two nations to assault Fallen Star?"

"You and Lacoden can do that yourselves. I have to start a fire that will burn the dragons."

Orcusin went inside the warehouse.

Lacoden asked,"How can we take down the Crystal Empire?"

"We don't have to. I know of someone who can for us."


"His heart is as black as night but, if we were to convince him to do our dirty work it may take longer to get the war started. He's a loose cannon."

"Some risks are worth taking."

"Wait you're my sister now?"

"Yeah, your father, well now it's our father, adopted me after my mother was killed. Knight Black Soul is planning on adopting too."


Soul replied,"Yes, I believe am not ready to raise one of my very own yet." she left the house.

Shadow muttered,"That's not it." and followed her outside.

He saw her overlooking the Everfree, he saw a tear coming from her.

"I haven't known you for very long but, you aren't fairly good at lying. Why are you really adopting one?"

She sighed, wiped away her tears and answered,"I am sterile."

"Sorry I asked."

"It's fine. I found out years ago."

"Must have been tragic."

"It was for the both of us."

"Who was the father supposed to be?"

"He is one of my most trusted stallions, we worked with him for awhile now."


She nodded.

Shadow added,"I can't see you two together. He's really strict while you are strict as well but, you have a very kind side to you."

"He has a kind side as well but, it's hard for him to show it."

"That's hard to believe."

"He's more open once you get to know him."

"So what are you thinking about?"

"My adoption. I always wanted a colt maybe a Pegasus. How do you feel about adopting Flake?"

"I feel like she could be a good sister for Dawn."

"Graduation is in a few days."

"Hopefully with no disturbances."

Graduation came with no disturbances whatsoever. At the graduation they were give a coat with a logo on it, a wing. And an I, representing that this was the first installment of R.A.K. The coats were colored differently to show the different divisions. White for support, yellow for defense, brown for scouting/intelligence, and gray for attack. The medical division received a red coat, and since all the divisions got a bit of medical training they were all red on the inside. The hoods completed the look and were comfortable on the inside. The division leaders got coats with a blue stripe going from the front of the chest area to the back of the neck, it sort of resembled a necklace. There were holes on the side for the Pegasus coats for their wings, the ones for the unicorns and earth ponies were the same just without the holes. Sine the Pegasus coats had holes, then holes were stitched more securely to prevent rips.

They celebrated their accomplishment with a small party in the Canterlot ballroom. They filled their stomachs until it couldn't hold anymore. They relaxed for a bit and Knight Black, one of lead attack division leaders, spoke.

"We will have a few days off but, after that we will have to get to work. We will meet at the frontiers town square. How do you all like your outerwear?" they nodded and cheered to answer "yes".

Soul continued,"Good, take good care of those they represent our homes and our family. What is the name of our family?"

They all shouted,"R.A.K.!"

Soul let Randall take the spotlight, she was flirtatious,"Hey there you stallions , how do I look?" she was posing in a very intimate way. Her mane was up by it's own for a few seconds then it fell and covered her face. Randall blew her hair back up into position.

Shadow saw that his friends were all drooling over her and that they were all dumbstruck by her beauty. Mist pushed Randall over and took over,"Get down you perverts!" Shadow's friends arousal was wiped clean from their minds. They weren't standing though and Shadow wondered what Mist meant when she said,"Get down you perverts!". Mist asked Randall,"Don't you ever get tired of trying to seduce stallions?"

Then it popped in Shadow's mind, he said in his head,"Oooooohhhhh, I get it.'Get down.'" Shadow started laughing aloud, he stopped himself before he went nuts over such a immature reference.

Mist scolded,"Always remember your family." she left with a big smile on her face.

Tal took over,"We made it this far together. I want to see if R.A.K. will go even further than this. I hope it does, this is the first time I felt so welcome around strangers,no offense. We can never reach a limit, we can grow as a family and spread our love for peace. Well I kind of find that hypocritical, an army of peacekeepers? Does that sound like it makes much sense?" They all chuckled at Tal's mild joke,"I didn't think so. Well, whatever good influence we can share, share it with the world." He stepped down.

After those speeches, the princesses and pupils applauded their leaders. They were glad that they had such an amazing group of knight leading them. The division leaders, not including Shadow or Fyn Cour, went to the courtyard to talk among themselves, under the clear night sky and under the bright lights of the infinite darkness.

"Sister, I've never seen you so happy before."

"And I never seen you so stimulated before." Mist chuckled,"It just feels good to be back together in a family Randall."

"I just have special needs sis. Aren't we family?"

"Of course we are but, family is more than siblings. We have a whole family tree now. "

"I see what you mean."

"I remember when we were in training our C.O.'s would be hard on us." Storm said.

"I wondered if they were as close as we are." Tal added.

"They were, I spoke to Knight Athen before she passed away."

"Soul, why do you still refer to your mother by that name?" asked Mist.

"She was my best friend first, and my mother second."

"Back at Green Fawn we had our fun times, didn't we Soul?"

"Oh Storm, I can't believe how much trouble we got into."

The next day the dragon migration passed over the frontier but, earlier there was a dark gray dragon that flew over. Later Shadow noticed Excaelum following behind the huge pack. Excaelum and the other dragons arrived at the migrating area there was one problem, a dragon not allowing any to pass. The pawns,ambassadors, and solitaries were all forced to the ground. Excaelum was at the very back of the pack therefore he did not know what was going on, he saw the dragons on the ground and wondered why they were doing that then he saw the only standing dragon. Excaelum confronted the dragon, it said,"What are you doing here?"

Excaelum answered,"I'm here for my trial."

"Why don't you just leave?"

"I am honest and loyal."

"He said he was going to teach you to be that way." The dragon's eyes were dark blue but, the color wasn't what Excaelum noticed it was the shape of his pupil."

"Who are you talking about?"

"Pity, he still doesn't trust you." the dragon quickly went over to the nearest dragon and snapped it's neck. Excaelum had just noticed what has happened and retaliated. He tried to force the dragon down with gravity, it wasn't working. The dragon felt Excaelum's weak power trying to force him down.

"You are weak." it said.

The dragon used it's power on Excaelum, he tried to fight it but, it was too strong for him.

"Gravity?! You are one?"

"Is it not obvious. I won't be able to control you with time for you are stronger than that and the Star dragons are extinct."


"For years I hid my presence until it was time to unravel myself."

"Who are you?"



Orcusin walked over to the nearest dragon and again murdered it. He continued his killing spree. Chronin and Olganna arrived and saw Orcusin killing. Chronin flew down in front of Orcusin.

"Stop." she commanded.

"The golden time dragon what a pleasant surprise." there was an evil pitch to his voice, Orcusin grabbed Chronin on the neck. He flew into the air and used his powers to bring her down, he left a crater where Chronin landed. She was still alive, weak but alive. Olganna was furious,"How dare you treat her like that?"

"Olganna, the offspring of Witasen(wit-toss-in)."

"How do you know her name?"

"I killed her."

Olganna went into a state of anger and started towards Orcusin, she was no match for him.

"I am here thinking you'll be more of a challenge." he knocked her on the ground and grasped her head. Excaelum broke out of Orcusin's gravity hold and stopped him before he killed her. Excaelum threw Orcusin on the ground and tried to burn him. Orcusin was impervious to his flames.

"I would think you'll be stronger, then again I took down Chronin without a problem." Orcusin countered with a darker-blue flame and it scorched Excaelum.

Excaelum roared in pain. Orcusin set some of the other dragons on fire, they died, turned to ash. Orcusin went up to Excaelum and said,"Don't you remember me? Brother." He pushed down Excaelum leaving him to struggle on the ground. Orcusin was laughing, he stopped all of the sudden. His head jerked back and a beam of black shot of his mouth, this continued for three seconds then he went limp on the ground. He disappeared. Chronin was standing and she said,"He doesn't belong here." She had teleported Orcusin far from the migrating area. A few water dragons put Excaelum out before he burned to death.

Olganna exclaimed,"I think I know who the real perpetrator is."

"He can control gravity." Chronin sighed,"The only other gravity dragon wishes death upon his own brother. Darkness in his heart." Chronin seemed sad as if she realized something.

"Merciless." Excaelumm said weakly.

Shadow was asleep in one of the castle suites. A voice woke him up, he was in the spirit world.

Starflare was on the cliff,"The six lights have been lit."

"It's to be true then." Shadow said.

"The prophecy can't be changed. A few words before you awake."

"What is it?"

"A shroud of darkness will consume the empire of light and love."

The spirit world faded away and Shadow jolted himself up from his sleep and panted,"The.......Crystal Empire." Shadow calmed down his breathing and jumped out of his bed,"Our break has been cut short."

Chapter 20 - Rise of a Tyrant

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Chapter 20 - Rise of a Tyrant

Excaelum has just recovered from the fire Orcusin put on him but, his scales were charred and lathered with soot. With time his scales would go back to a normal light gray color. Excaelum was still having trouble absorbing the fact that he had a brother and that he just tried to burn him to death. Olganna went to calm the lower-class dragons while Chronin was speaking to Excaelum.

"He said he was my brother."

"He is dangerous. What do you plan on doing?"

"My father said I can't do anything until we return to Fallen Star."

"Why did he attack you then?"

"He thinks he can change the prophecy. That's impossible."

"Nothing is impossible. The prophecy is what the ones who created it foretold, not saw."

"I think it's impossible that he is stronger than you."

"He is the direct descendant of Dragaitas, so are you."

"He seemed to be older than me by a few centuries. His voice was striking and his eyes weren't complete, they were disrupted."

"You and your father's eyes are complete meaning your souls have good intentions. My eyes are complete also."

"Mesadraco's eyes were complete, explain that."

"He wasn't always like, one day he was calm and collective, he went missing for a few days and he kills Yaforn."

"Lord Yaforn was the first one to have an offspring wasn't she?"

"No, Dragaitas was the first. He was born many years before Measdraco. You were the last and the only second offspring of an original."

"What happened to the rest of the gravity dragons."

Chronin avoided to answer that question,"Gravity is the rarest and strongest force in nature, yet we go on our lives not knowing it's there. Star dragons harvested their power from the sun during the day and the stars during the night to master all the other forces except for gravity and time. Time is the weakest of the forces and uncommon. Yes we can control time but, it has it's limits. Against an opponent with the same or greater amount of strength our powers will have no effect on them. Gravity however, can overpower all the forces for the other forces depend on gravity to work, except for time. That doesn't matter though, Orcusin and you are well past the point of time control."

Up north of Canterlot near the Crystal Empire Garren and Lacoden were going to meet up with somepony. This pony lived on the outskirts of the Crystal Empire in a house. Garren approached the door and walked inside, Lacoden followed in.

"What do you want?" This pony was a unicorn. He had a dark gray coat,mane and tail. His eyes were red. His horn was also dark gray at the base and, faded into red toward the point.

"What a lovely home you have here."

"Who are you? How do you know my location?"

"I'm not important, what's important is the grand city you envy."

"I don't envy it, I just rob from it's shops and live my life."

"Don't lie to yourself, I've seen you scrutinizing every detail of the Crystal Empire. You want it's beauty to yourself with all who live there to be at your command."

"You make it sound as if I was obsessed with the city."

"I'm sorry did I say the Crystal Empire, I meant to say the Crystal Heart."

"I have no desire for that. I must ask you to leave or I'll have to force you out."

"One you are lying to me, the last time someone lied to me he lost his wife. Two, you threatened me and her."

This colt was smart and decided Garren was right. The unicorn's tone changed.

"Why do you want me to conquer it?"

"Me and my friend have a score to settle with the princesses. They left our nation to perish, we wish to see one of her nations fall."

"Why don't we just take Canterlot then?"

"Would you rather die or watch something you love be torn to pieces?"

"I would die."

"If we had the choice we would die as well but, we suffered through the second option."

"Do you mind if I ask where you come from?"

"Fallen Star. Are you with us? If not you will die watching the city that exiled you to the cold thrive and prosper."

"How do we begin?"

"Wise choice. Myself and my friend,Lacoden, will grant you enough power to do what you wish with that city for as long as you want. You do have to endure some amount of pain and I will have to teach you how to control your powers before you are able to use it properly."

"What's your name?"

"Garren. And yours?"

"I don't have one."

"You can make yourself a name once you succeeded in your path. Lacoden, time to empower him."

Garren took him outside, made the unicorn stand outside while he and Lacoden got into position. Lacoden was to the left of the unicorn and Garren on the right.They both took a deep breath and blasted the unicorn with black beams. The unicorn within the epicenter was yelling, the whites of his eyes turned green during the process. It ended and the unicorn was panting on the ground he got up slowly, he maintained his balance.

"How does it feel to have this much power?"

The voice of the unicorn deepened,"I need more."

"You can have more once you have the Crystal Heart to yourself."

"When do we start?" the unicorn asked, looking at Garren.

The sun was still out at the highest point in the sky this gave them enough to start their first session.

"Guard up!" Garren yelled.

The newly born unicorn wasn't prepared and was knocked to the ground by Lacoden. The unicorn got up and tried to attack her but, Garren attacked as well.

"Learn to fight by fighting." Lacoden said.

"Guard up!"

Garren gave him enough time to get his stance and charged with great force. The unicorn was pushed back a few feet but he was still standing.

"Now you can either attack me or her."

The unicorn charged toward Lacoden, he was aggressive, striking with his bare hooves didn't give him any sort of pain. Lacoden had difficulty keeping up with him, she was knocked down by him. He stopped and looked up to Garren.

"Don't give you enemy time to recover." said Garren.

He looked back down to strike Lacoden, she was gone. Lacoden tackled him on the ground and relentlessly pummeled him into the cold ground.

"Lacoden that's enough. Lesson 1: Never give your enemy time to recover." Garren walked over to the unicorn and pulled him up,"Lesson 2: Suspect an attack from your enemy if they do recover." Garren hit the unicorn in the face stunning him and he flew as hard as he could running the unicorn over and colliding with a side of a mountain. The unicorn's body took all of the force. The unicorn was laying on the ground and Garren scolded,"Lesson 3: Stun your enemy to deliver an effective blow."

Garren and Lacoden tortured the unicorn preparing him to gain control over the Crystal Empire for days until Garren had an interest in what his current disciple's talent was.

"I can conjure illusions real to the eyes and mind." he said.

"How do you plan on using that against your enemy?"

"Like this." the unicorn melted in front of Garren and the real one was behind him.

"Amusing. You need more than that to defend your prize."

"How so?"

"You can make a portal of some sort to create a nightmare most fearful to your enemies heart."

"Tell me."

"Concentrate, shut your eyes and listen to only my voice. Focus on your greatest fear."

The unicorn took a deep breath and did as he was told.

"Good. Make your fear become as real as I am."

The unicorn cringed a little.

"Use your fears, force it onto an inanimate object, your vessel."

The door started slamming violently on the house.

"Eliminate your fears. Put yourself in the skin of others, find their fear and embed it into the door. "

This step took a few weeks. The unicorn signaled he was done with a deep and long breath.

"Etch those fears you have discovered onto your vessel."

The invention was done. Garren ordered Lacoden to open the door, she did and something startling happened. She was still for a moment, then she went over to the nearest wall and started to bask her own head against the wall yelling,"GET OUT OF MY HEAD!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!" Garren saw that her head was starting to bleed and stopped her before she did any permanent damage to herself. He laid her down on the unicorn's bed.

"It works." the unicorn said.

"Perfectly. I think that process would've been a lot longer. How did you complete your vessel so quickly?"

"I went into Celestia's mind once I found her fear it was easier for me to find the fears of the ones weaker than her therefore making it faster. I didn't find your fear though along with a few others."

"That's because we're stronger than her. What did you do for the future fears of the ones that haven't even existed yet?"

"My vessel will evolve to find their fear on it's own."

"You are indeed talented."

"Thank you."

"Do you feel you are ready?"

The unicorn looked up with an evil smirk.

Garren said,"At midnight we attack."

It was only a few more hours until it was midnight. The night went from calm to flames and destroyed buildings everywhere. Within minutes the Crystal Heart was already in possession of the unicorn. He threatened that if the heart were to remain unharmed the residents had to do his every bidding . He broke their spirits so they could not give power to the heart.

"Slavery. That is your way of destroying a nation?" Garren asked.

"Yes it is. Is that wrong?"

"No, in fact I love it."

"I thank you for granting me your knowledge and your power, Master Garren. Now with the Crystal Heart in my control I can harness it's power."

"Have you come up with your own name yet?"

"No but, I gave myself the title of 'king'."

This king wore silver armor and a crown that was pointed, they resembled horns.

"I like it." exclaimed Garren.

Word got out to the frontier and Canterlot a month after the king took the Crystal Empire and the R.A.K. was to take action. The R.A.K. met up in the castles council room to discuss their priorities.

"We have to recon the surrounding area to-"

"Mist that won't be necessary."

"Princess Celestia with all do respect you can't just go in there blind, you might die out there."

"I have done nothing long enough, this time I will be the one to save them."

"Sister I will join you."

"Luna you can't."

"I have the guilt as you do for letting Fallen Star fall. We must do this together."

"We depart tomorrow. Any objections speak out now."

Shadow said,"This may not be a normal takeover princess."

"I'm aware of that. You and your friends need to stay here and look after our kingdom while we take care of the Crystal Empire."

They were dismissed and the princesses prepared to take the Crystal Empire out from the enemies grasp.

Chapter 21 - Other Side of the Coin

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Chapter 21 - Other Side of the Coin

As soon as the next day came around Celestia and Luna left quickly. They took a train half way then flew the rest. First they scouted the Crystal Empire and saw what the King has done with only a month. They were hovering around the city, scoping out the dangers of it.

"What happened here?" Luna was shocked at the appearance of the empire.

The empire has dark colored crystals everywhere, the once clear blue arctic sky was now dark and cloudy.

"Look down there Luna."

They saw that the Crystal ponies coats were not shining anymore. The ponies were chained to each other forced to do the King's every order. The Crystal Heart no longer had any use since they couldn't power it with broken spirits.

"Who do you think is responsible for this Tia?"

"Let's check the tower, maybe the one responsible may be there."

They casted a spell making them invisible for only a limited amount of time. They flew to the tower. The King walked out to the balcony with two other ponies behind him. They were a few yards away from them, to the right and a few feet above them. Tia and Luna whispered to each other.

"I knew it. Lacoden and Garren are responsible."

"Luna we don't know that for sure."

"It's the most logical reason why they're here."

Lacoden heard a few faint words and thought it was nothing, she kept on hearing it she suspected something she stood silent listening.

"Tia why can't we just stop them now?"

"We don't know what they've done with the heart. We just have to wait."

"We can't do anything? Again?!"

"Lower your voice they might hear us."

Lacoden smirked."Found you." Lacoden launched a petrifying spell toward the general direction of the sounds and hit Luna. Luna started to fall and the invisibility spell broke and Garren and the King saw them. Celestia saved Luna from her fall and started flying away from them, Garren followed behind. Tia took Luna the the highest roof she could find. She looked into her sister's eyes and saw that they were open and she was still.

"Luna I'll help you, just hold on." Tia was scared for her.

Garren reassured her,"She's just petrified, in an hour she'll be fine."

"Why are you doing this?"

"Why? Don't you remember neglecting our home in a time of need?"

Tia said under her breath,"We didn't care for anyone else that time." She raised her voice,"Things are different now, we can reunite our nations."

"That is not going to happen. Everyone that lived there.......ARE DEAD!! You can't have a nation with no one in it! You know what we did when myself and Lacoden regained our strength and we discovered our power? We slaughtered the griffons living there. The children, moms, dads, entire families wiped out by us, like they did to our families and friends."

"There must be a reason for their killings though. Right?"

"We were just minding our own business then suddenly a whole flock of those beasts attacking us, unprovoked. You wouldn't know, you came after the damage has been done. Lacoden came to me after she saw her family get torn to shreds. Shadow and Dawn were lucky, they still have each other. I lost my son. Everytime when we took our revenge I made all the sons watch their fathers fall under my blade, then I killed them. Shadow now helps a nation that didn't help ours, because of what? His morals? He ruthlessly mashed the griffon that killed Starflare until there was nothing left, but red pulp and feathers. I don't know why he helps you. Sure you helped his daughter, what else does he owe you? I don't think I would ever find out. "

"He forgets the past, you can hold all the grudges you want. It won't solve anything. You will not succeed in taking our kingdom."

"I never said anything about taking it." He was circling Tia and Luna,"Do you know something really amusing? Lacoden could have easily killed Luna, she spared her life so that she can see her beloved home destroyed."

"You can't destroy our nation."

"Really? You don't remember those Changelings, I have a whole army of them. I also have a spy on the inside. I gave my weapon specifications to a small foal I saw wandering around the Everfree Forest. I have planned our attack for years."

"Why are you telling me this? You planned this for so long, why do you want me to know this?"

"Death is more frightening when you see it coming. I will not kill you, it's not in my taste to kill a princess. Instead I will bring you inside to meet the King who created this, paradise."

Garren flew to the castle leaving Celestia to carry her sister. The King and Lacoden were no longer on the balcony, they moved into the King's chambers. The chamber was plastered with dark crystals, even the throne was made from dark crystals. There was a staircase in front of the King. Celestia didn't want to find out where it led to. She set her still sister gently on the floor.

"So you are the one responsible?"

"Princess it's a honor having you in my presence."

Tia thought,"Please Luna I need you to wake up."

"Princess, I believe we haven't been properly introduced. My name is Lacoden."

"I heard of you. You are the one who killed my stallions."

"Not all of them." Lacoden created a smoke-screen and when it was clear she saw a wing-less Pegasus.

It was wheezing,"Prin...princess. I'm sorry."

Tia ran over to the tired Pegasus and leaned over,"You have nothing to be sorry for."

"Are you sure? He is the reason why our spy has been so cooperative. I kept him alive to be used as leverage."

"How do I know this isn't just one of your Changelings?"

"We wouldn't stoop down that low. If you want to make sure, Changelings have a serious allergic reaction against sulfur. I'm sure you know that."

"That is true. How will I know if you didn't cast a spell to make the Changeling not be harmed."

"I will dispel the magic around him, why don't you do it to make sure."

Celestia casted her spell, then Lacoden threw sulfur dust on him. Nothing happened.

"There you have it. You have found out that one of your stallions is still alive. Canon do you care to tell the princess who our spy is?"

"You can tell me."

"Her name is-"

Lacoden finished for him,"Dust."

"Garren I have a question for you. Who did you give your weapon designs to and why?"

"I want to have fun killing. You can't have fun killing someone who can't defend themselves. She works with Wrench in the foundry."

"Wither. How?"

"When I found her she said her village has just been attacked by a gang of thugs then I gave her a scroll before I told her the way for shelter. Those scrolls contained my designs."

Luna was beginning to move, she opened her eyes and saw Lacoden. She tried to get up to get her back but the spell was still wearing off. She tripped. Celestia whispered something to her, Lacoden only heard part of it,".................down..........the....King.....arctic...north........over one thousand years." She could have warned the King of their plot but, she found it more amusing to see him fall.

The King spoke,"I shall take your land next princess."

Garren and Lacoden didn't like that idea. Celestia and Luna jumped up. Celestia shouted,"Now Luna!"

They used their magic on the King, the King tried to counter but, Garren and Lacoden took back their gift and let the King be defeated, he shouted,"Why?!"

Garren replied,"Their land is ours to destroy." Lacoden teleported herself and Garren to an unknown location.

Celestia and Luna continued to shower the King with their spell, after a few minutes the King was defeated and banished him to the arctic north.

"Are you sure that can keep him contained for a thousand years big sister?"

"Maybe even longer. We took all his power so he won't have a way to break out, we have sent him deep to the north where there a no resources or animals to break him out, plus I added a spell that will keep him in a very deep hibernation for 200 years by then he will have no power whatsoever. The area where we sent him, it contains crystals that drain the energy from anyone within a few yards."

The castle started to shake.

"What's going on?" Luna asked frantically.

"I don't know. Let's get out of here!"

"What about the Crystal Ponies?"

"We can't do anything for them right now."

They left the Crystal Empire and looked back at it. It was starting to become transparent. They watched in awe, wondering what was to be of the the proud empire. A few moments later the empire disappeared into thin air.

"NO!" Luna screamed, she flew with Celestia by her side to the place where the Crystal Empire used to be. Not even the enslaved ponies were able to escape.

Garren was behind them,"He casted a spell during the first week of his reign to ensure the Crystal Empire was to be his just in case he was defeated. He designed the spell to last as long as he needed to regain his power. I let you two defeat him for I did not want him to take our revenge." Garren flew away. Celestia and Luna were too sad to chase him down and by the time they could move he was long gone.

Celestia said,"This action is unforgivable. We shall retaliate with as much power as we can have. This may take a long time but, we have to train troops anyway."

"When do we begin?"

"When we return we will rally up the frontier and any other allies willing to risk their lives to assault them."

"Their location is unknown and we don't know how much forces they have with them."

"We will find out."

They both moved sluggishly to the train station, where they got on a train to try and rest before they got back. This train ride was the longest one they have ever had. They sat up at night because they could not sleep at night. They had a large amount of guilt hanging over their heads. When they arrived back to the frontier they saw that their kingdom was safe and sound. They gathered the R.A.K. only to tell of of what horrid things that had happened.

Chapter 22 - Truths

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Chapter 22 - Truths

This chapter contains mild language. Profanity will be used in the future chapters.

It's been around three months since Garren massacred most of the adults in the frontier. The orphans were left to live in an orphanage ran by the few adults left. Celestia has just finished explaining what happened to the Crystal Empire and she needs willing lives to avenge the empire. Only one problem, there is not enough adults to do that.

Celestia was allowing anyone with solutions to speak.

Shadow said,"I have an idea but, it is going to take time. A lot of it."

"What is it?" asked Randall.

"The orphans."

Tal replied,"Are you crazy? They are too young."

"That is why I said it will take time. We can raise the orphans and when they are of proper age we can train them to fight. Most of them are only 14 to 15 years of age, well those are the oldest ones. The adults left will have to stay for they will have to look over the young ones."

Seng said,"With all do respect, you are saying that we should train child soldiers and I think that is the most stupidest option. What about the other countries like Los Pegasus and Saddle Arabia? Can't they help us?"

"I sent the messenger pegasus to give them the info already in the meanwhile, we must speak to Dust. Iril can you fetch for us?"

"Yes princess."

Iril went to perform her task.

"Why must we need to talk to her?" asked Aero.

"She can tell you once she arrives."

Dust entered the room with Iril and Fyn Cour.

"You requested my presence princess."

"Good now everypony is here, now you get to tell us all what you have done."

"What have I done?"

Luna scolded with a loud voice,"Don't play stupid we know what you have been doing. Admit to your treason."

"Luna let her explain. Go on Dust." said Celestia.

Dust was hesitant, she was sweating and nervous and again she answered in a way that angered Luna even more,"I still don't know what you are talking about."

"Tell all your friends how you betrayed all of them! Do you like what you are doing is that why you won't tell them?!"

"Luna calm down." Celestia said in a firm voice.

A tear was running down Dust's face. She ran out the room.

"I'll get her." said Lancer.

He followed her outside.

"Luna I can't believe you. Admitting treason is hard for someone to do."

Mist was curious,"How did she betray our country?"

Tia replied,"I will let her tell you that for it may anger a few more even greater if she didn't say it herself."

Bladedancer announced,"They're back."

Dust was sniffling a little and Lancer went back to his place.

"What did you say to her?"

"Aero I just calmed her down. she said she was going to admit to this "treason" when she comes back inside."

"Must be serious since Luna was so angry." Cloudfire added.

"Are you ready?" Luna asked nicely.

Dust nodded. She looked to all those in front of her and said,"I have been spying for Garren. I told him when, where, and how the R.A.K. training was going to happen. He used the information provided to his advantage."

Mist said in a low but angry,"Like sending those Changelings during my training." She walked out the room and slammed the door as hard as she could.

There was a silence and then Tal, Randall, and Soul left. When they exited the room they walked down the hall, coming toward them was Dawn.

"If my father in that room?"

Yeah, along with that traitor." scolded Mist.

"Mist come on relax. He is there dear just don't interrupt them, they're busy right now." said Soul.

Dawn walked to the door and saw that it wasn't closed all the way so she decided to eavesdrop.

Dust is still continuing telling what she has done.

"I told him about the cargo transport to Saddle Arabia. He made the sandstorm that caused you to go inside the warehouse where Lacoden killed our friends."

"Friends do not betray each other." Cloudfire said before also exiting the room. Hail left shortly after without saying a word.

"Why have you done this?" asked Tint.

"He has someone that we thought died."

"Who is it?" said Storm.


He was in shock,"He's still......alive. The last of my squad is still alive." He spoke clearly now,"Where is he held?"

"Probably the warehouse but, if he finds out I told you he will kill him."

Tia argued,"He told us, why can't you?"

"He lied. Damn him."

Shadow said,"You can't trust him."

"Why should we trust you? You didn't tell us you knew him or that you knew Lacoden. Or that your daughter is immortal. You even know a few dragons. Your dead wife is the granddaughter of Star Swirl even Garren told me that. How can we trust someone who doesn't feel the pain of losing anyone or tell his friends his secrets?"

"Do you want the truth? I to am immortal and I have killed innocent civilians when I joined a gang to get Dawn a better life, I know dragons because, one time i was almost killed by one. I became immortal due to the fear of losing another loved one. And I killed my wife. I killed her during the siege, I couldn't protect so a griffon took her life. She wasn't strong enough to fight back for she gave her powers to Dawn. Her death is my fault and I take full responsibility for it. I used to live at Fallen Star where Dawn, her mother, and I lived our happy lives. I was a student of Garren's and when the griffons attacked our home, our lives changed. I lost many loved ones; friends, family. I have experienced that pain many times. Don't tell me that I don't feel anything! Is there more that you want me to say?!" Shadow was panting.

Storm said,"You didn't kill her, that griffon did."

"You know I told myself that it but, I sent her home with Dawn when the attack happened. I went to get Garren for help and when he denied assistance so he can protect his own family I returned to see a griffon tossing her body around like it was a doll. I took a large stone and broke it's legs. Then it's wings, torso, and it's head. I enjoyed watching that beast die. When I looked up to Dawn she was looking at me as if I killed her mother. I tried to convince her that I wasn't bad and that I wanted to protect her. Dawn was right I am her mother's killer. To make her listen to me I had to drag her to a witch, Great Tear, to have any memory of her mother wiped out, she doesn't even remember her first birthdays because her mother was there. Do you know how she would react if she found out?"

There was a small opening at the door behind it was a unicorn, it was Dawn. She said,"I don't how the hell I would react." She left the door. And from the sounds she was crying.

Shadow stopped speaking.

Seng said,"Oh shit, I'll go talk to her."

"No just let the truths be absorbed by her. Hearing all that at one time can probably scar her."

"You can't let her suffer through that alone, I will go." Aero said.

"Please just-"

"Shadow he's right. Dawn needs a little guidance on why you didn't tell her." added Flood.

Shadow heard a voice in his head,"Listen to them. They're trying to help. You can let them, that's the least you can do for her. I will talk to Dawn. Tonight is a full-moon."

Shadow made a gesture signaling Aero allowing him to talk to her.

Chapter 23 - Starflare

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Chapter 23 - Starflare

Aero went after Dawn, Shadow didn't want to see her face again until he was ready to speak to his daughter again. Seng went as well shortly after without anyone else knowing, he believed that Aero's negative attitude may worsen the situation but, Aero was trying to be as positive as he can to help cheer her up. Dawn went to Canterlot Garden to get her mind off of things. The sun was starting to set. Aero found Dawn on a small bridge looking down into the pond below. He saw ripples in the water coming from the center.

"This place is peaceful isn't it?" asked Aero.

Dawn was weeping, probably not hearing him.

Aero continued,"It's supposed to be a full moon tonight."

Dawn looked up at him.

"So, you're immortal? Well, I think you already know that."

Dawn finally replied,"I have never known what it's like to be sick."

"Why is that?"

"I can't get sick, die from old age, disease, and unnatural causes. Maybe from natural causes as well but, I haven't come close to death yet. What is it like?"

"To be sick?"

"Yeah. I would like to know."

"Trust me you don't."


"Fine. Well, it doesn't feel good I can tell you that. Especially when you have a cold that does not like to go away. You sometimes can't breathe easily because of all the snot blocking your nostrils and when you blow your nose it's just really nasty."

"That sounds interesting."

"No, that sounds like it sucks. I hate being sick, it makes me feel like I don't want to move and it can difficulty when you're trying to sleep."

Dawn chuckled a little,"When was the last time you got sick?"

"Not for a long time. I am very cautious about what I do to avoid getting a cold."

"I don't think I've ever been sick."

"You're lucky."

"Not really, it makes me feel not alive. I don't know how to explain it."

"I can understand what you mean. It makes you feel like you're not normal and that you want to fit in but, you can't."

"Exactly my point."

"It's special that you are not normal, you're significant. I mean you are the only filly that's immortal and has powerful magic."

"I didn't ask for it though. Why do I have these gifts?"

"Maybe you're supposed to have it. So you can change the future."

"Like a destiny?"

"Exactly like one."

"What do you think I should do?"

"You need to figure that out, I can't control what you do."

The moon was partially raised now, the warm night was starting to blanket the land. The plants in the garden were absorbing the heat from the air so it got cooler. The crickets were beginning to chirp and the fireflies began to light up the dark areas of the garden. The wind blew softly.

"I'm so confused right now. I don't know who to trust anymore. My dad hid so many truths from me and who knows what else he is hiding."

"He could have his own reasons to keep them hidden."

"Like what?"

"I'm going to be a bit blunt here but, would you have been happy if you found out he killed your mother and that he cleaned any memory of her from your mind?"

"Not really." Dawn's voice changed to a little angry tone.

"Everyone has their reasons, don't be so hard on him. I bet it killed him when you found out."

Her voice got more serious,"I will talk to him but, not now it is taking me some time to get this in my brain."

"I'll leave you by yourself, you can be more at peace alone in crap like this."

Aero left her on the bridge, he didn't leave the garden though. Seng was waiting at the doors back inside to the castle.

"How did it go?"

"I think it went well."

The moon was about to reach it's highest point in the sky. The light from the moon was shining solely on the bridge, the rest of the area was dark. It was like Dawn was in a spotlight and she was in the center of a stage. As it did a loud sound from the tallest tower in Canterlot sounded off. There was a slight commotion in the town but, it died down as nothing happened after. Seng and Aero heard sounds behind them, they turned and saw a pink-coated unicorn with a mane and tail that was long, white, and had pink highlights. Her eyes were pink and Seng and Aero stepped in front of this unicorn before she got any closer.

Seng asked in a serious tone,"State your name."

She said,"You wouldn't believe me if I told you." Her voice was pleasant to hear.

"Try us." said Aero.

"I am Star Swirl the Bearded's granddaughter, Starflare."

"You're right I don't believe you. According to Shadow she died."

"Okay then well I have to get aggressive then if you don't let me see my daughter."

"You won't get through anyway." Aero scolded.

"I may be the granddaughter of Star Swirl one of the most powerful unicorns that has ever lived, are you still willing to risk it?"



She walked up to them, they both stood there ground. She knocked them right off their hooves, they were both seeing stars circling around their heads. She went off with a laugh and walked to the bridge. Dawn was looking up at the sky. She heard noises coming closer she assumed it was her dad.

"I don't want to talk to you."

Starflare chuckled,"You have grown so much mentally."

Dawn looked down and saw her. It was dark so she couldn't define who it was.

"Who're you?"

The unknown unicorn stepped into the moonlight.

"You look like the Changeling."

"I am real, sort of."

"Sort of?"

"That sound from earlier, it was my soul taking over your father's body. Zaz did the same thing with you when Canterlot was attacked."


"Yes my daughter. I am your birth-mother."

"I don't want to talk to my own father. What makes you think I will talk to someone that I don't remember and is probably my imagination?"

"You do know me and I am real as the pain you feel." Starflare turned Dawn around,"Just try to listen, will you do that?"

"I'll give you a chance."

"You, Excaelum, and your father are all unique. You can do what even the princesses can't."

"I know that."

"Your father kept my death from you. He remembered all the times we had together the good, bad, and so forth. He did not want you to remember me, when he saw you crying over my body it tore him up. He wanted to take his own life but, he thought of you. He did whatever was the best solution was, that was to go to Great Tear and have your memory of me erased. If you were in his position you would understand."

"I don't though, why couldn't he just let me remember?"

"After you were done crying, you ran to the nearest cliff from our house and you jumped. You didn't know what you were doing."

Dawn choked up a little,"What happened?"

"Shadow saved you before the waves below even touched you."

"Was I that dead?"

"I dug into your father's memory and saw that you tried to get out of his grip so you can try again. He was telling you not to, that you still have something to live for."

"For what?"

"You. To live for yourself."

"Why did dad try to kill himself then?"

"He was close to but, when he saw you running for that cliff he realized he still had someone to take care of."

"He did that for me?"

"Everything he has done in his life has been for you."

Dawn started to sniffle,"Why couldn't you live? Why were you the one to die? Why couldn't I be the one to talk to you instead of you talking to me?"

"I decided to give you my power the day before, I did not want to be pressured to live up to my families standards. I gave my life for you, that was my decision. My destiny."

Dawn stopped sniffling,"So you to leave your burdens with me?"

They both laughed.

Starflare had a smile on her face,"I miss you." She placed her hoof on her cheek and slowly felt Dawn's soft coat. Starflare missed the feel of her daughter.

"I miss you too mom."

Starflare's smile shined, she looked up to the moon.

"Luna knows how to make the moon shine."

"She's good at her job mom. That is why she's tasked with that."

"You may have a throne of your own someday." Starflare said trying not to be heard.

"What was that?"

"Oh nothing. I must leave now."

"Why? We have only just met."

"You can go to our first greeting by going to Chronin. She can show you your forgotten memories."


"I love you, Dawn."

"I love you too."

Starflare's appearance was beginning to fade, her pink coat turned to dust and went with the wind under was her dad. Her father fell to the ground. Dawn's eyes were covered in tears. She went to her father and hugged him as hard as she could, he teared up as well and hugged back.

"Don't cry Dawn."

"I'm sorry I doubted you."

"I'm the one who is sorry. I'm sorry for not telling you the truth. From now on, no more secrets."

"It's okay, I now understand. Dad?"


"I love you."

"Right back at you." They laughed.

They both separated, but stayed close to each other. They spent the night just watching the sky.They lied down under a tree that was near by. Shadow had his wings around her the entire time. She fell asleep but, Shadow stayed up. When the sun began to rise from the horizon he woke her so they can watch the sunrise together. It was beautiful.

They lied down under the tree until the next night, everyone wondered where they were, Shadow's friends started to look around the castle for them. Seng and Aero didn't remember what happened that night. Knight Black Soul saw them just enjoying each others company when she went on the small bridge in the garden. She called off the search for them so they can actually be a family, once again.

"......leave this place..................FLARE!

Chapter 24 - Reliving the Past

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Chapter 24 - Reliving the Past

This chapter contains profanity. Some future chapters will also contain profanity.

It was just right after noon that Soul appeared on the bridge again, Shadow put Dawn on the grass to let her rest. Shadow approached Soul on the bridge.

"You two looked peaceful I didn't want anypony bothering you."

"Thank you, for letting us be."

"You're welcome."

"I said that I have no more secrets hidden away to my daughter."

"That's good."

"Not all my secrets are about Dawn some involve Green Fawn, your hometown."

"Wha-what? Are they good secrets?"

"No. It's about the day when a gang occupied the town."

"Were you there when it happened?"

"I was part of the gang that occupied the port."


"I'll tell you, let's go around the garden."

They went very slowly around the garden Shadow started telling the story of Green Fawn.

"Do you remember that day?" asked Shadow.

"I can remember the screams."

"I'll start from the very beginning. This was after Starflare passed and we left Fallen Star. I had to find work to get our life back on track. There was no available job at the time, this was before I ever seen Green Fawn by the way. We were at another port nearby called-"

"Green Doe."

"Yes, I went to a marketplace to steal some food for me and Dawn. Dawn was staying on a boat with a friend we made. Someone stopped me before I got a chance to steal something, he said he was offering a job of security for the mayor of the port. He was very odd, he was wearing a raggedy cloth over his body. It was ripped pretty much about every inch of the cloth, I was uneasy about my choice but, I had no other option. I took the job, I didn't meet whoever I was supposed to protect until later on. My first job was to protect a carriage going to like a mansion or something, I was one of the pawns at the back. The pay was decent enough to get through a month or so. Anyways, the carriage contained the mayor inside, we transported him safely to his mansion, that same night we were ambushed by a couple a fools that called themselves peacekeepers. I was told to kill them, I didn't believe they were peacekeepers then because they wore no insignia and they had weapons."

"Did you kill them?"

"Of course I did, I was desperate at the time. On the way back to Green Doe we were again attacked by a rival gang from Green Fawn."

"We did have a gang occupying our town but, they weren't violent."

"Our mayor took this as a threat and planned an attack against Green Fawn. It was then I found out that our so called mayor was actually a gang leader. I still haven't seen him but, I'll get to that later. I told Dawn to stay with our friend at the port, in a week we went to Green Fawn. I didn't participate in any action other than pretending to be pumped for the kill or breaking domestic objects like stands, poles, etc. I saw two foals run inside a house in the center of the town, what appeared to be a mother followed them in. No one other than me saw those three go inside the house, I went in and the mother was very protective of these two foals, she was trying to knock me out with some kitchen tools. She was dark-colored, like you Soul. Does that sound familiar to you?"

"That sounds like my mother, Storm and I were the two foals. Were you the one she was attacking?"

"At first she thought I was going to do harm to you three but, I was telling her to hide and to let me ransack the house to make it look like someone has already been there."

"She hid me and Storm in the fireplace, she then threw a table in front of it. That table had a tiny hole in it, I used it to see what was going on."

Around 20 years ago. Location, Green Fawn.

The door opened as soon as it was closed, a pegasus was at the doorway. The mother levitated the nearest object to her and launched it at the intruder.

"Leave us!" she screamed.

"Stop! I'm hear to help!"

The mom shouted,"Get out!"

The pegasus threw the unicorn against a wall and held her down,"I'm here to help. Believe me."

"If you are here to help, get off me."

The pegasus did as he was requested.

"You need to hide the foals, they will be the first ones to go."

"To go?"

"They will be killed as the colts were. The mares will be raped."

The mom looked to the foals,"The fireplace go."

"But mom-"

"Get in!"

The two foals followed their order. The fireplace was recently used so it was filled with ash and coal.

"Block the fireplace."

"The table knock it over."

The two pushed the table over and blocked off the fireplace. The unicorn went to a cabinet that was nearby and opened it. Inside was a set of armor, it was black and outlined with a very dark-violet. She put the armor on.

"You're Knight Athen."

"I am." The knight walked to the table and said,"Look after each other, stay close as I was with my comrades."

Another gang member entered the house,"Shadow what are you doing get her!"

The knight shot a knife from the floor to hit between the intruders eyes. The knight exited the house.

The pegasus walked over to the table and said,"I'll come back for you, stay here."

The pegasus walked out the house and saw Knight Athen crushing those who got close to her with a spear-like weapon in her possession, it was barbed at the blade so every time the knight would pull out the spear it would tear flesh. She stabbed one and slid the spear forward and violently ripped it out. The gangster almost instantly died. The gang leader, sitting in his carriage, sent one of his strongest pawns down to defeat this major threat. This pawn was Shadow's friends, he was one of the best friends he had made. He too was a unicorn. He was a former knight. An orange coat and had a mane and tail that were yellow.


The knight turned around,"Oless, what are you doing?"

"Something I should have done a fucking long time ago." Oless' horn started to glow, he quickly pivoted back to the direction on the carriage and shot a beam at it. The explosion was large. The still loyal gang members horded Oless, Athen tried to fight them off but, there were still too many. They both were beaten up so bad they lost the strength to fight back. The gang leader survived the blast and didn't take Oless' attempt to kill him lightly. This gang leader was fat, he indulged himself in foods he had stolen prior to this event. That's what Oless had said about him anyway.

"BREAK THEIR HORNS!!" the leader said.

One of the members took a large stone mallet and smashed their horns to pieces. They both screamed in agony. Shadow shut the door leading to the two foals unnoticed, he did not want them to even the screams.

"Hahaha! Now for our public execution." the leader rejoiced.

They had brought with them a machine designed to only cut off heads, a guillotine. It was stood up.

"This will be used later on. First the children we have captured." the leader annouced, his followers were not pleased,"Don't worry my friends this will be much more entertaining. WE SHALL DROWN THEM!" his followers cheered. Shadow was sickened by the leaders words. They marched over to the port, the adults captured were brought to the port as well, they were forced to watch as their children's lungs were filled up with water. All the foals cried for help, Shadow's heart was broken he felt like he couldn't do anything. He was worried about his friends taking care of Dawn and what they would do if they found out Shadow has a daughter. They were tied up to a crane-like contraption and dipped into the water, one by one. The dead foals were cut off and their bodies splashed into the water they started to create a barrier, blocking any more bodies to enter the wet abyss. So many bodies, so much dead young. The last foal to go was shouting for help.

"Please I don't want to die! I will be good! I promise!"

Shadow tried not to hear the cries, the adults were shouting curses at the gang.

"Go to hell!"

"Damn you bastards!"

"I'm going to kill you all!"

The leader of the gang punished them,"Drown the last foal!"

The young foal yelled,"No! Please!"

The bodies of the already dead foals floating in the water blocked the current foal from fully reaching in the water. The foal was crying.

They brought her back on the dock and cut her from the crane."Does this mean I can live?"

"No." the leader pushed over the foal and stomped on her."Who else wants a turn?" again his followers cheered.

One by one the dozens of gangsters stomped on the young filly, stopping her every time she started to yell for help.

"Help me!"*BAM*. Shadow wasn't looking but, every time Shadow heard that sound he knew that poor fillies body was smashed against the wooden dock. Soon enough the crying from the filly fell silent.

"Now to reward the brave colts for trying to defend their home." They marched to the guillotine.The leader added,"First the colt who tried to kill me."

Oless was pulled from the crowd of colts and set in position for the blade. The executioner asked,"Any last words traitor?"

Oless answered,"You are not one of them!"

He wasn't looking at anyone, just the basket his head was going to be in. The blade fell. Cries from the adults rang the air.

All the colts were executed. The mares, including Athen, were all tied up to boards and gagged, they were put into houses. When night fell Shadow knew what sickening things were happening to the mares. Shadow stood in front of the door leading to the foals. A board was being lifted, headed to Shadow's direction. Shadow looked to see who was on the board, Athen. She was beat up, tears running down her face. Her eyes were swollen. She was still gagged with a dirty cloth.

"What is to be of her?" Shadow asked.

"Our leader wishes to punish her himself for killing our comrades."

"Open the door!" one of them shouted.

Shadow opened the door and quickly went in front of the table blocking the fireplace and he whispered to the foals behind it,"Stay quiet, everything's going to be fine. Shut your eyes and ears."

Athen was placed on the floor, there was no light inside the house. The moon wasn't shining, it was blocked by the clouds.

"Light the fireplace." a gangster ordered.

Shadow did not let them pass him.

"Do you want me to kill you?"

Shadow replied,"We have lanterns use them you fucking imbecile."

"Say that again and I'll beat you like that bitch on the board."

"Touch me, see what happens."

The gang leader walked in with two members following behind, both carrying lanterns.

"Place the lanterns on the ground and leave me alone with her." the leaders said."Have any of you touched her yet?"

The pony who Shadow threatened answered,"Besides the beatings no sir."

"Beatings?" the leader looked at Athen and scrutinized her body,"You were told not to touch her! She was to be fresh! Get him out of my sight! Kill him!"

Shadow said,"Gladly." The other two ponies went outside as well.

Shadow dragged him outside and choked him to death. Shadow remembered what Oless had said, "You are not one of them." Shadow went back to the door and heard,"What do you think will happen if I put this in here." he heard muffled cries. And thumping against the ground. Shadow looked around, he saw Athen's spear lying on the ground, he looked around to see if someone was watching. Shadow went to get the spear and he killed the other ponies by him silently. The other members were all inside doing vile things but, Shadow's first priority was to kill the leader. He barged inside and saw the fat leader defiling Athen.

"Wait your turn or I will have you killed."

Shadow was not affected by his threats and he went closer to him, the leader got up and looked behind him and took a spear to the crotch, Shadow rapidly stabbed him the face. Again and again Shadow did not stop until he was dead. He pulled out the spear, dropped it on the ground and ran over to Athen. He untied her.

"Here cover yourself with this and let's get you untainted." Shadow threw her a torn blanket and led her outside, she later returned.

The two foals came out from the hiding place to hug her.

"Thank you. What is your name?"

"Athen my name is Shadow."

"Thank you Shadow. I must ask you a favor Shadow but, we have to go outside."


"Storm. Soul. I'm going to be gone for awhile. Storm take care of my daughter."

"Yes ma'am." Storm's voice was high-pitched back then."I will guard her."

"Good. And Soul I need you to be strong."

"Mom where are you going?"

"In time you'll see. Shadow let us go outside. Bring my spear. Kids stay inside. Bring the body outside." Those were the last words Soul had heard from her mother.

They walked outside.

"The other gang members are still raping the others, stop them Shadow."

Shadow left and came back in about half an hour.

"Those animals. They were having intercourse with dead mare bodies. They killed them before..."

"Don't I know what you are going to say. My favor."

"What is it?"

"That fucks child is inside me. I must ask you to stop it."


"Kill me."

"I can't do that."

"Would you rather have my child grow up and remember out her mom committed suicide after being saved or her being killed betrayed by the one who just saved her? To me the second option sounds better."

"I can't."

"Please. There is another thing I ask of you. Watch after those two for me."

"I can't kill you."

"Yes you can."

"I just-"

"You can, don't think about me."

"I don't have a choice do I?"

Athen chuckled,"No you don't."

"You are the greatest knight to have ever lived, Knight Athen."

"As a gift for my gratitude, I grant you my armor and my spear. My armor is on the scaffold to the guillotine. Use these gifts however you see fit."

"Thank you." Shadow slowly hoisted the spear from the ground and jabbed Athen.

She had a smile on her face,"" She fell on the ground, Shadow pulled the spear out. He put Athen's body on a patch of grass and covered it with a blanket. He went to the scaffold and picked up her armor.He entered the house and he started to cry when Soul asked,"Where's my mom?"

"She left to find help. Stay here until the morning and help will arrive."

Shadow took his gifts and left. In three days a large group of peacekeepers came to Green Fawn.

"So my mother told you to kill her so an abomination wouldn't grow inside her womb?" asked Soul.

"Yes she did I am sorry for that." replied Shadow.

"It''s fine. She trusted you and she depended on you to do something she couldn't."

"I still have her armor and spear."

"I would like to see it."

They left but, had the princesses to watch his daughter. They went back to the frontier and to Shadow's house. Shadow opened an old chest inside was the black armor and barbed spear. They both were clean, just not polished.

"They belong to you."

"No, my mother gave them to you."

"And she said to use it however I see fit. I think giving it back to her grown daughter is fit enough."

"I'm going to have to modify it to my use then."

"Whatever seems fit. Your mother will be proud of you."

"I'm sure she already is."

Shadow went outside a few minutes after Knight Black Soul came out wearing the armor.

"You look like your mother."

"Thank you, this armor is a little tight though. It doesn't have any places for wings."

"It was made for a unicorn after all. You can get it fixed I'm sure."

Chapter 25 - Infiltration

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Chapter 25 - Infiltration

The messenger pony has just gotten back from her errands, she is to report to Celestia about Los Pegasus' and Saddle Arabia's responses to assisting them in retaliating for the Crystal Empire. Luna and Celestia were still at the garden watching Dawn.

"What did they say Dali(da-lee)?"

"They fear for their own safety, they will not help."


"Maybe we can reach out to the Fort Reiner where we evacuated the frontier before the dragons attacked." suggested Luna.

Celestia replied,"I don't know, a few of our own stayed their instead of coming back, for a change of scenery. Maybe they will be willing to do something since Garren killed off most of our adults and those adults can be their friends or relatives."

"We should go there ourselves sister."

"Thank you Dali. You can leave. Luna that fort doesn't have much people we have to widen our options."

"Shadow. Doesn't he know someponies at Green Doe?"

"I don't trust pirates."

"All of them aren't bad, we just have to be careful on who we choose."

"I bring it up the next time I speak to him then."

"We may have our number of soldiers figured out but, how about the weapons?"

"We can build a foundry for Wrench and Wither, then we can hire a few dozen workers. That may take a few months though."

"True and to have a war we need money."

"Wars not cheap. Okay, let's see our options. I think selling to Saddle Arabia and Los Pegasus is out of the question. Manehattan?"

"We don't really have a connection with them, we can try though."

"Fundraisers, large land sales, taxes, tariffs. I don't know what else to think of."

"The first two I'm fine with. Setting up taxes, I don't know."

"It doesn't have to be a whole lot, if we start taxes now, fund-raise, and sell land we can have enough money to pay the troops."

"Or we can have volunteers. They can sign a contract saying they will serve until the war ends."

"How about a draft?"

"We will be looked at differently if we do that."

"Tia the entire world will look at us even more differently if we don't do anything."

"Quite a dilemma we have."

They both looked to the tree where Dawn was, she was gone. The two princesses walked around to find her. Celestia was walking by a hedge and heard Dawn talking. There was another voice, it sounded distorted. Celestia quietly sneaked around to hear the conversation better.

"What are you doing here?" scolded Dawn.

The voice replied,"Oh is it a crime to visit an old friend?"

"Lacoden answer me or I will make you."

"Now, now, I will tell you."

"Take that hood off. I want to see your face."

"My good friend haven't you seen it enough."

"You are no longer my friend. Take it off!"

Lacoden complied but, she only parted her hood to the side. Her eyes and grim smile told everything Dawn needed to know about her mental state."Pity, you still haven't realized what has happened to us."

"What happened to you?"

"We were reborn into a world of shit. We should have died on that island. You left us to rot!"

Dawn looked at the ground,"We thought you were dead. You were bleeding out and your pupils.....the look in your eyes still haunts me."

"It still does. Doesn't it?"

Dawn didn't respond."

"Look at me!" Lacoden shouted.

Dawn looked up, looked straight into her eye. It was dead. Bloodshot and haunting. Dawn looked away, she couldn't bear to see the look in her friends eyes.

"Don't look away! Look what you did! I would not be doing this if you had stayed just awhile longer."

Dawn started to cry, she was feeling guilty. Lacoden wanted her to see the damage. She used her magic to choke and lift Dawn. Lacoden forced Dawn's eyes down into her own. Dawn didn't fight back. Lacoden was beginning to grow a hostile look, she started to tighten her grip on Dawn's throat. She pushed Dawn against the hedge Celestia was hiding behind. Celestia was scared to confront Lacoden. Lacoden could easily kill her. It was getting tighter and tighter, Dawn didn't want to attack. Suddenly Lacoden's grip stopped. Dawn dropped to the ground gasping for air.


Dawn looked up and saw Lacoden holding her head.

"You don't need her! I stayed when she left! I am the one you need!"

"What's wrong with her?" Tia thought."

Lacoden ran to a tree and started bashing her head against it. Leaves from the tree were falling, Dawn tackled Lacoden, she didn't want to see her lose any more of what sanity she has left.

"Snap out of it!" Dawn yelled.

"I already have." Lacoden laughed and pushed Dawn off of her. She got up and said,"How selfless you are. You stopped me even though we are enemies.

"You are still my friend. We can end this nonsense right now. We wouldn't have to go back to-"

"Do you know what it feels like to kill?" Lacoden broke off a branch from the tree and started to sharpen it with a stone. The loud grating sound it made irritated the ears of Dawn and Celestia. Celestia was trying to decide what to do then she looked in front of her and saw that Soul was coming to her.

"Princess are you alright?"

"Where's Luna?"

"Back inside the castle. What in the world is that?"

"Lacoden she's here."

"I need to get Shadow to fight her off. Where's Dawn?"

"With her."

"I can't leave then, you have to find him. He's inside the castle."

"No! I will not leave her alone."

The grating sound ceased and the two silenced their voices.

"Killing brings my cold heart warmth." said Lacoden.

"How?" Dawn replied.

"I especially like it when I can see the death of my target but, I can't see this one which saddens me. Not as much though this kill with bring down another with it."

"You and me are the only ones here. I won't let you leave. You can't kill me."

"Ah, I can't. I can see you though, I was not talking about you." Lacoden chuckled,"Hahaha, I'm not talking you. I'm talking about the ones hiding!" Lacoden quickly shot the wooden spear to the side of the hedge. Shnk!

A high-pitched cry rang through the air,"NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!"

Dawn ran to the other side of the hedge. Celestia was hit. The wooden javelin went through her side and exited out the other side. The javelin left splinters around both exit and entry wound. Soul was crying for help.

"PRINCESS!" Soul screamed.

Lacoden walked around also and said,"I killed the princess! HAHAHA!"

Dawn was determined not to let her die in vain,"You will pay for this!"


"HEARTBEAT!" Dawn shouted. A ominous wind was starting to circle around her. The winds got stronger and faster.

"That's your activation word? SLAY!" another ominous wind was circling around Lacoden.

Soul's first thought was,"I have to get the princess out of here!" She started to hoist the princess. The princess' blood was getting all over Soul. The princess is much larger than most mares, Soul had a hard time getting her up. Dead bodies weigh more than living ones. Shadow arrived.

"I'll help you! We have to across the bridge!"

They got Celestia out of the danger. Shadow went to go back to Dawn.

The winds from the two were loud Soul had to raise her frightened voice,"WHAT ABOUT THE PRINCESS?!"


Soul did just that. Shadow stayed to observe the awesome power of his daughter and Lacoden.

"They're going to blow this castle off the face of the world."

The winds stopped and their bodies were glowing. They both had an aura around them. Dawn had a purple glow while Lacoden had a yellow one. They rushed to each other causing an explosion. In the smoke Shadow could only see the two glows, they were clashing with each other. Everytime they did an explosion would go off from them.


Shadow turned and saw Fyn Cour running out the door to him.



They went inside, Shadow couldn't do anything about Dawn. They ran inside to the main hall of the castle. Garren had a hoof-sword. Shadow's friends were barricading Luna with their bodies, Soul was protecting Celestia.

"Garren leave them alone."

"A little late for that."

The bodies of Tint, Lancer, and Storm lay in Garren's wake.

"Here show me what you can do." Garren slid a bag over to Shadow, it's contents: a hoof-sword. Shadow equipped his weapon and got into a fighting stance. He opened his preparing to attack. They both started to circle each other, Garren flew into the air and dived down. Shadow simply stuck his blade out and stabbed Garren in the mouth, he then slammed him to the ground. Shadow backed away. Garren got up slowly."How many times have I told you Shadow, don't let your enemy recover."

"I'm not a coward like you. I will never become like you."

"That is how you lose my pupil."

Garren's wound was starting to regenerate. He retaliated with full-force. Garren is agressive, he will not give Shadow an opening. Shadow's skills got better while Garren's stayed the same. Shadow tackled Garren and stabbed him in the throat. The sounds from the explosions outside stopped. Garren shoved Shadow and got up.

"Until next we meet." He flew away.

Luna ran down to her sister,"Tia! Tia! Don't Die!" Don't leave me!"

Celestia looked up to her sister,"I'm ....not....going....anywhere." she said.

"You're going to stay right sister?"

"Always." her head fell to the side, her eyes stayed open. Celestia's mane and tail stopped waving in the air.

"Wahhhh!" Luna was crying. Her sister passed away, murdered by Lacoden.

The others there were too crying for the princess. Aero broke a window out of anger. Iril fell to the ground crying. Seng was distraught, he was acting different from his usual optimistic attitude. Fyn Cour was weeping.

Fyn thought she could save her,"I-I will close up the wound. That should work! Just some rest and she'll be fine!"

Dust saw that her friend was losing her mind and hugged her, comforting her. "It's no use. I'm sorry but, she's gone." They all cried. No one was left with a dry eye.

"No. She is not. Not now." Shadow scolded.

"I waited until you opened your eyes again............."

Chapter 26 - Immortal Choice

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Chapter 26 - Immortal Choice

"I thought you can save her Shadow." cried Soul.

"I can Storm, Lancer, and Tint as well."

Dawn returned back inside the castle only to see the body of the princess lay still on the floor. She started to tremble.

"Dawn, there is one more thing I need to tell you. We can die, only if we sacrifice our immortality. We can do this for a reason or for none at all. I will give my immortality to bring back those four. After you can decide whether or not to do the same. Put them together, in a row."

Seng, Aero, Bladedancer, and Flood gathered the bodies of Lancer, Tint, and Storm by Celestia. Shadow stood over their bodies and shut his eyes. He took a deep breath. His friends gathered by each other, they didn't know what was going to happen. The light and color in the room started to fade. Everything was now black and white. The winds died down. Glowing beams of light started to come from Shadow's chest.One ray went into Lancer another to Tint and another to Storm. All their wounds healed by themselves. One ray went to Celestia's wound, it healed. It was not enough. More rays started to emerge from Shadow's chest they all entered Celestia. The rays stopped emerging. Shadow was uneasy, he was wobbly and almost fell. The color, light, and wind came back.

"That should work." said Shadow, he coughed up a bit of blood and his nose started to bleed.

Fyn Cour ran to him,"Let me take care of that."

"I'm fine just move them to the infirmary." Shadow coughed a bit more. Some of the others helped carry them.

"Are you sure it worked dad?" asked Dawn.

"I'm sure. I had to use a little amount of my own life and a large amount of my power to bring Celestia back. I split my immortal life into fourths, they each got a piece of it. Tint, Lancer, and Storm were all able to come back with only one-fourth. Celestia being a natural alicorn, it took more out of me. Me being the positive of life I was able to use my power to surely bring them back. The reason why the world went uncolored is that the rays emerging from chest find it easier to find their target. They are living. It'll take a few weeks for them to wake up. Their soul is still being brought back from limbo."

"Who told you this?"

"The witch that granted us immortality, Great Tear. She told me this after I became immortal."

"Where is she now?"

"I don't know and I don't care."

Dawn chuckled,"So I can give up my immortality?"

"If you wish to."

"You're able to die now. Aren't you?"

"Yes. That's sort of a downside to it." Shadow laughed."Okay everypony we've had ourselves an eventful day. You should get some rest."

Soul, Fyn Cour, Seng, and the division leaders stayed.

"What shall we do?" Randall asked.

"Build an army. This was an act of war." Mist scolded.

Tal replied,"I agree. Where should we go to recruit?"

"We tell the frontier that the princess was almost killed. That can rally them up quickly." Soul said.

Fyn Cour blurted out,"What about the sun? Who will raise it?"

"Luna. I'm not sure if she can do it though." Seng said.

"I can assist her. My magic is as strong as hers." Dawn suggested.

"Don't get too confident." Mist replied.

"I think my daughter can. Her mother is the granddaughter of Star Swirl making her the great-granddaughter of Star Swirl. "

"Yeah and I think her mother knocked me out." Seng exclaimed.

"She doesn't like it when she gets the answer "no"." laughed Shadow.

"Did she really?" asked Soul.

"Yeah. My wife kind of always wanted things her way. Well, let's clean this place up. It's a total mess in here."

Dawn repaired any broken windows and other inanimate objects. Fyn Cour and Mist mopped up the blood from the floor. Tal and Randall picked up any debris they can find. Shadow and Black Soul went outside to the garden. IT was completely demolished, not a green plant in sight except for the great survivor, grass. Grass can be found in some of the most harsh conditions in the world.

Soul asked,"Does it feel weird to be mortal again?"

"It's the same as it was before. You have to be careful with what you do."

"I'm going to get my mothers armor reformed to fit me because I'm a Pegasus. It's going to keep it's color and it's to be polished. The spear will be the same only sharper and clean."

"Wrench and Wither going to be doing that?"


They continued to where used to be the bridge, no water was in the pond anymore. Just dirt and part of a gray object.

"What is that?" Soul asked.

"Not stone. Let's dig it up."

They used their hooves to pave away the dirt. The gray object was an egg. A very large one, it had no patterns just gray coloring.

"Dragon egg."

"Shadow are you kidding me?"

"It most likely is. I can have my friend see what kind it is when he returns."

"You mean Excaelum?"

"Yeah. I wonder who buried it here."

"It couldn't have been recent. This garden was built many years ago."

"It must have been dormant this whole time." Shadow gave the egg a little nudge to see if it was hollow."There's something inside."

The egg started to rumble and it cracked a little. The egg was starting to hatch. The egg heated up, the shell was turning red hot.

"I need a dragon here right now." said Shadow.

Shadow looked toward the frontier and didn't see a dragon in sight. Like he expected to.

Soul shouted,"I have no idea how to raise a dragon!"

"I don't either!"

The shell was becoming to fall apart more and more. The dragon inside was gray. It wasn't much. About 6 to 8 inches in length. It was crying it's high-pitched cry. The wings it had were bigger than the body. 10 to 12 inches in wingspan. It opened it's eyes, light-gray. The head was quite large for it's size, but it looked natural. A few pebbles around it started to lift, barely a couple centimeters off the ground. The pebbles dropped.

"No way. A gravity dragon?" said Shadow.

"Gravity dragon?"

"7 races of dragons. Fire. rock, water, air, thunder, time, and gravity. Time and gravity dragons have the highest rarity. I thought Excaelum was the last one, looks like I'm wrong. We need to take care of this dragon until he returns, he will know what to do." Shadow approached the hatchling and it blew a blue flame at him,"It doesn't like me. You try Soul."

It growled a bit as she inched closer to it but, didn't blow any flames at her."Seems like it likes me more than you." she chuckled. That changed,"I guess it doesn't like to be called "it". Let's see, are you are girl?" It growled,"Nope a boy. I'm going to call you angry." It growled."I'm kidding."

"Only if you could talk it would be a lot easier."

Dawn walked up behind them,"It takes time for a dragon to mature you know."

"Since when did you become such a dragon expert?" asked Shadow.

"I talked to Dragaitas while you and Excaelum were out that one night. He said that Excaelum took longer than he expected to until he learned how to speak."

"Oh. Well, where the heck is Excaelum? Damn we can't do anything with him."

A burst of knowledge ached Shadow's head and he began to hear what sounded like Excaelum talking to himself,"Where is Orcusin? I need to find out what happened to the rest of us."

Shadow felt like he was there with him and said,"What the? How is this possible?"

"Shadow. How are you in my head? I'm nowhere near the frontier."

"Yeah it's kind of awkward me being in this to I guess."

Shadow added,"Okay now that Dawn is here, even though she's right next to me, we can figure this thing out."

"You don't need to my friend, my father told me that we can communicate through our minds."

"Well now that we kind of got this sorted Excaelum we need you back at the frontier immediately."

"What's wrong?"

"I think we may have discovered another gravity dragon."

"I'm on my way." A few minutes passed,"That's where he's been. I need to lose him."

Dawn asked,"Who're you talking about?"

"My brother he's been tailing me. Keep the dragon warm until I get there. He still doesn't know of the dragon, let's keep it that way. He may want to take the dragon if he finds out. He is much stronger than me so if he does find out I won't be able to stop him. Sit tight."

Excaelum didn't come that night. They moved the dragon inside and gave it a name, Kishi. This name belonged to a friend Soul had awhile back, she had the privilege in naming him because the dragon didn't try to burn her.
That night, that calm, faithful night. The Six-winged Pegasus was speaking to his daughter in the garden.

"Have you decided?"

"I......I don't know."

"This kind of decision takes time. What has gotten you stumped Dawn?"

"I'm afraid......afraid of death."

"Death must come to everything one day. Death itself is not frightening, it's facing death on your own. As long as you have the love of your family and friends, death will not scare you."


"If you die then that means you have lived. We are living, we must go someday. That's the truth."

Dawn started to sniffle,"I don't know where I'm going to go after."

"None of us do. Besides you want to grow and have a family of your own one day right? Grow old with your love. Have fun with Flake, your future friends."

"Does death hurt?"

"Only if you let it."

"Why can't we just all live?"

"I ask myself that everyday."

They both stood where the tree used to be. The same tree that brought them ever closer.

Dawn looked up to the moon and shut her eyes taking a couple deep breaths. The world wasn't going dull as it did for Shadow, it went more vivid instead. The rays left her body and joined the stars. The process completed and Dawn opened her eyes followed by a gasp for air.

Chapter 27 - Origins of Kishi

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Chapter 27 - Origins of Kishi

The moon was up in the sky longer than usual. Luna has yet to gain enough energy to raise the sun. She needed to raise it. Dawn is now again mortal. Many years of being immortal did a number on her. Her body was feeling weaker and more heavy. She was tired.

"Go to bed. Hopefully I can help Luna raise the sun."

"I'm going to see what's up with the dragon instead."

"I don't like that dragon."

"Dad, all because he blew fire at you doesn't mean you should hate him."

"First impressions stick."

Dawn went down to the lounging quarters of the castle and joined the others. Soul was looking over the newly born dragon. The room was very warm but comfortable. The fireplace cracked while the bright chandeliers lit the room up.

Randall asked Black Soul,"KIshi? That sounds familiar."

"That's the name of one of our friends remember."

Mist exclaimed,"Ah, Kishi. I remember him. He passed a few years ago."

"He did." Tal added,"He was a good friend."

Fyn Cour asked cautiously,"How did he die?"

"He fell ill. At least he didn't die alone. I was there when he died." answered Soul.

Aero said,"That's a touching story but, we need to get back on track. How will we raise an army?"

"Like what was suggested by Shadow. We can raise them as child soldiers but, they will barely have any education." Seng replied."Personally I think we should let them grow and when they are 18 we get them to choose if they want to fight."

Dawn said,"The cycle hasn't been completed yet. I agree with you. We won't have to fight until the powers have been properly activated and until we return to Fallen Star."

"How about we don't go there at all." said Bladedancer,"We won't have a need for an army if we don't go there right? That's what you just said."

"I did, we have to go there eventually or else Garren and Lacoden will keep picking us apart."

Something came up to Tint's mind and he jumped up,"Why are we in this in the first place? This is your fight not ours. Why should we risk our lives for your skin. Tell us why."

"I don't know how you all got dragged into this, maybe it's destiny."

"No, a prophecy." Gandore joined as well, she was carrying an old book,"This prophecy must be fulfilled if our world were to be left in peace."

Dust asked,"Is that the book that has this "prophecy"?"

"No, this is a book on our little friend here. Gravity dragons are rare and to have one buried in the garden is much more rare. How deep was it when you dug it up Soul?"

"Not deep at all around 3 - 4 feet in the ground, Give or take a few since Dawn kind of blew the garden up."

"3 - 4 feet deep. Somepony or rather somedragon buried it far more recently than I thought." Gandore opened the book it was titled Dragons of Equestria. She flipped through the pages fast and she stopped on a section titled Dragon of Gravity.

"Now for a little story time, be quiet as I read aloud. This is the only copy of a very valuable journal. Please hold any questions until the end."

Day 97 - Journal entry, 472

The gravity dragons were said to be the first race of dragon to be created. There is only one recorded gravity dragon, well to me. This gravity dragon was very large and it's scales were very dark. The basic powers of gravity dragons are: levitation, gravity-drop, and gravity-rise. These are the only ones observed by ones brave enough to even sneak up on a dragon. I have been watching to for weeks now and he still hasn't changed his-

Seng asked,"Who is the one who wrote this?"

"Star Swirl the Bearded and didn't you listen hold your questions."

"When did he write it?" asked Randall.

"120 years ago. He wrote this as he started his career to be one of the best unicorns to have ever lived. Can I continue?"

It still hasn't changed his lifestyle. It's been doing the same things for months, I wonder if it knows I've been watching it. I will approach the dragon in a week. I hope it doesn't eat me.

Day 104 - Journal entry, 490

Today at Fallen Star is the same as always. Green grass and waves pounding the beaches. The scenery is not what I'm after. I will approach this dragon with much kindness as I can make. If I am not heard from again that means I've been eaten.

Day 104 - Journal entry, 491

Apparently dragons don't like the taste of ponies, I will recite our conversation. I remember it word for word, nopony forgets the first time they speak to a dragon.

Note: I was ready to sprint the whole time during this talk.

I came up slowly to the dragons cave. It was sleeping. I approached the sleeping dragon trying to get a closer look of detail on it's scales.I tripped over a rock, land on it's snout, and he wakes. I try to bring myself up but, trip even more. It pinned my tail to the ground with it's claw. Damn my straggly and tangled tail. It prevented me from moving. I wanted to cut it off before it ate me, instead it spoke.

"You have been observing me for weeks now. What have you learned?" it said.

I responded,"Not.....not much." I was beginning to stutter. I haven't stuttered ever since I was a little.

The dragon lifted it's claw and replied,"What would you like to know?"

Puzzled, very puzzled I was. Would you agree if somepony found out you were spying on them they would get angry? I sure did, I answered,"Where the loo is."

The dragon quickly stabbed it's claw down into my tail again and said,"Well it's not here. Were you going to relieve yourself in my cave?"

"No no no! Of course not." I was shaking, it felt it.

"I think you already did." it chuckled."What is your name?" it asked as it released my tail.

"St-Star Swirl."

"Are you a native of this island?"

"I come from a land far away."

"When do you plan on returning there?"

"I don't know."

"Would you like to do me a favor?"

"We just met though."

"And you seem responsible and honest. Will you do this?"

"It depends. What do I have to do?"

"I need you to hide something."

"For what?"

"My eldest son has gone mad."

"So you want me to hide something from a dragon. Yeah well, I'm going to go now." As I turned around to leave the cave, he said something that I won't ever forget.

"You can save your homeland, Equestria."

"I never said.....How did you know where I come from."

"I have lived for many centuries and you think I don't explore the world I am in."

"Okay. You still haven't answered my question."

"This is my island. I know what comes in and goes out. Now answer mine. Will you do me a favor."

"What do I have to hide?"

"My unborn offspring." The dragon lifted an egg from behind his great body.

"When will it hatch?"

"It is growing as we speak but, will not reveal itself until the time comes."

"When is that?"

"That's for it to decide." The dragon grew alert and he was looking around. He looked back at me,"You need to leave. Take it."

I got the egg and used my magic to hold it up."What is it?"

"My son. Orcusin. Leave. Go to the village north of the island."

"What is your name?"


Day 104 - Journal entry, 492

I hope I can speak to Dragaitas again someday. I did as he instructed me to because, I did not want to get in the middle of a dragon fight. I went to the village to the north and found a boat headed toward Equestria. The egg given to me was safely hiding among my research papers and my luggage. I hope the princesses don't mind me bringing a dragon egg to the castle.

Day 111 - Journal entry, 503

Halfway to Equestria we have stopped at a small island to resupply and rest our sea-legs. I want to leave. Everything here is just the same as before: drunks fighting each other and pirates getting all the loot they can get. I will stay on the Dutchhorse until she leaves this island.

Day 118 - Journal entry, 510

I just got off the Dutchhorse, we made port with Green Fawn. I will find a way to get back to the castle and show the young princesses my souvenir.

Day 119 - Journal entry, 511

I showed the princesses the egg , I remembered Dragaitas telling me to hide it so I did. I buried it in the Canterlot Garden. I hope this Orcusin didn't follow me back.

Day 120 - Journal, 512

I am still young, kind of. I like to think myself as young to keep me going. My birthday marking my 28th year of life is happening soon. Funny I started this 4 months ago and nopony has asked me what I write in here. I would like to keep it that way. I think I shall stop this journal and pay attention more to my studies. The princesses need somepony to teach them how to rule a kingdom. I will make my decision on my birthday.

Day 124 - Journal, 513. My last entry

I have met somepony today at my celebration. She is very smart and humorous. I will pursue her. As this name for my entry is this my last entry. I have decided to focus more on my life outside of these pages. I hope when this is again read I will have left an Equestria in the hooves of two strong sisters. I am Star Swirl leaving this journal of my adventures studying dragons. I hope the information provided here in ink will help in some way.

Flood spoke,"We know one thing for sure. Star Swirl buried the dragon in the garden."

Hail contributed to the conversation,"What "time" did Dragaitas speak of? When the time comes. That egg has been buried for 120 years and it just hatched now. My head hurts."

"Tell me about it." added Aero,"Why has the egg hatched now? I sure it's no for anything good either."

Cloudfire said,"It also said that the egg was still growing. Does that mean Kishi is 120 years old? He's small though."

"I think his growth will catch up with him." said Dawn,"Wait......When my father and I met Excaelum he was only I think 30 years or so old. That was 50 years ago. This dragon is older than Excaelum that means he can be stronger than him too."

"Orcusin is the oldest, Kishi, then Excaelum." Randall concluded.

"We still have to worry about Orcusin though." said Seng,"He is still stronger than Excaelum and Kishi. He is mad to according to Dragaitas."

Soul looked at Kishi,he was laying by the fireplace,"I hope he doesn't become like him." she mumbled to herself.

Luna and Shadow were in the infirmary staring at their wounded friends.

"Princess the sun needs to be risen in a couple of hours."

"I know. I am too weak to though."

"You know me being life I can use some of my power to assist you everyday until Celestia wakes up again."

"That would be appreciated."

"When will you tell the frontier and the rest of the residents here that Celestia is injured?"

"I don't plan on it."

"You can't hide it for long. They will wonder why the sun has been risen late."

"I hate my responsibilities sometimes."

"Don't we all. I will take care of our army and Garren, you just worry about the sun."

"You got the easier deal."

Shadow chuckled,"Not really. I have to worry about a killer while you have a giant ball of flame miles away to raise every morning."

"Haha. I can't believe we still have room for humor."

"I try to keep my morale up."

Lacoden was talking to herself at the warehouse. Garren was elsewhere, she was left in keeping the Changelings in check. She had trouble keeping herself in check.

"You are getting more active everyday aren't you?"

Her tone changed to a lighter one,"To get you out of my life."

"Now that's rude. I kept you alive this long and you want out."

"I need to get my life back."

"I am your life."

"No you are not real."

"I am as real as you make me."

"Give me my body back."

Lacoden smashed her head against a bloodstained wall and she looked at the puddle of dark cold blood drained from the bodies of ponies she has killed. She saw her reflection, a dead hollow shell covered by a hood.

Lacoden was not speaking in her high-toned voice anymore. Her disturbed, deep, and hostile voice remained. She said to her reflection

"You can't have it back yet, Lacoden."

Chapter 28 - Mysteries

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Chapter 28 - Mysteries

"Luna are you ready?"

"Yes Shadow."

It was time for Luna to raise the sun. Shadow boosted Luna's ability to raise the moon with his power so she can be able to bring the sun. It took long, but it worked. The sun was up in the sky.

"That took more out of me than I thought it would."

"The sun is larger than the moon after all. Go get some rest Princess."

"I will."

Luna went to her room. And Shadow went to check on the others. The were all passed out on the floor and couches of the room. One thing was missing. The dragon. Shadow didn't wake anypony, he walked to the garden expcting to see the dragon trying to kill something. Kishi was in the garden, not killing anything though. He was simply levitating a few large stones and opening his wings. Shadow went back inside and lied down by his daughter.

A loud roar woke them all up.

"What the heck was that?" said Tal.

"Let's check it out." Seng added.

They went to the walls overlooking the frontier and saw in the distance two dragons.

"Brother I'm not here to fight. I need to know something."

"Oh young brother, you have yet to know your place in this world."

The juveniles in the frontier were scrambling.

"These mark bearers are quite annoying. I don't know how you or your father put up with them."

"Don't speak of him that way. He's your father too Orcusin."

"I can turn them all into ash right now and you won't be able to stop me."

"Leave them out of this. This conflict between you and me."

"As you wish. You want to talk then."

"What happened to the rest of us?"

"Us gravity dragons? We slowly died out."

"There has to be more than that."

"No there isn't." Orcusin slowly approached Excaelum,"We all died very gradually."

"You are saying our race just died for no reason brother."

"I am."

"The star dragons, why are they extinct?"

"I don't care for others affairs."

"Time dragons. They are on the brink of extinction like us."

"I don't know everything even if I did I wouldn't tell you. I am no devil, I want all our races to survive but, I can't do anything about it so why should I care. Back to our problem."


"Why? Do you not want me to scorch this place?"

"Yes. Now leave."

The juveniles panic calmed down, they saw that nothing wasn't going to happen.

"Do you remember the crystal at Fallen Star Excaelum?"

"What about it?"

"Garren wishes to activate it."

"To do what?"

"He wants to cleanse this world of all the injustice."

"He wants to kill every living thing."

"Precisely. I don't care as long as all of our different races are there with us. Fallen Star is the safe haven after all."

"You want to be the King of Dragons."

"You or Chronin can never compete with me. I don't need Chronin there, just Ula."

"I suppose you don't need me there either."

"No there is another gravity dragon I am searching for." Orcusin felt Excaelum tremble just a little,"You aren't telling me something. What is it?"

"I do not know what you are talking about."

"LIAR!" Orcusin forced Excaelum down using his powers,"Tell me."

"You can't make me talk."

"Then I'll kill you."

"Smart. Who will tell you what you wish then?"

"I'll destroy this place."

"I'll fight back."

"I want to know what father taught you." Orcusin released his hold on Excaelum,"You throw the first volley."

Excaelum blew a ball of his light-blue flame, it was small but concentrated. It hit Orcusin and again it had no effect on him. Orcusin returned fire with his dark-blue fire. It was massive. Excaelum forced the flames down before it touched him.

"Sad I can't kill you just yet. Oh how I long for when that day comes." Orcusin directed his fire onto the houses and structures of the town. He blew flames to a house that he saw fillies retreat to, it did not hit it's target. Excaelum didn't move and Orcusin wondered what happened. The flames thinned out and he saw a small dragon. Orcusin grew an evil grin,"Centerra. What a lovely place to see you." Excaelum looked to the direction his brother was looking at and saw a light-gray dragon.

"Is that the gravity hatchling?" Excaelum thought,"It withstood his fire. How is that possible?"

"I see you still haven't developed your ability to speak. You're wondering why I called you Centerra. That was the name our father gave you."

"That must be the gravity dragon." Excaelum thought again.

"You are much smaller than I'd expect yet, you are stronger than he is." Orcusin was speaking of Excaelum,"Brother I would like you to meet our last family member. Father sent his egg elsewhere when I came to capture it. It appears that he sent him here. He is your older brother but, my younger."

Excaelum approached Centerra and bowed,"Welcome brother."

"So you save your formalities for him."

Excaelum raised his head and looked at Orcusin,"He didn't try to kill me the first time we met. You still wish to capture him?"

"Not anymore. My goal now is to kill him." Orcusin jolted to them, Centerra being smaller he was more agile. He quickly dodged his attack. Excaelum absorbed Orcusin's impact with both of his clawed hands. Orcusin's eyes became dark red and his scales lightened to blue then darkened,"This is what father wasn't able to become."

Excaelum backed away,"His body is being taken over. By whom?"

"This power was lost in the weakness of our father's eyes."

Wind started to circle Orcusin, dirt and dust was lifted up. The transformation was complete. Behind the clouds of dust stood a tall dragon. Wings opened and the dragon flew to Excaelum. He tried to block the dragon the same way as he did for Orcusin but, this dragon was not him. Excaelum was thrown back. A trail a fire left a distinct straightaway to the downed dragon. The great dragon marched with loud booms every step. Luckily no foals were hurt in this explosion of power. The dragon stopped and looked up.

"Chronin." it said. It's voice deep and lifeless.

Chronin landed between the dragon and Excaelum,"You are Orcusin's body taker, Mastron."

"I taught him how to exceed the power of Dragaitas."

"You can never exceed him. He defeated you."

"Alone I was very powerful and combined with the power of his sun and the power of merciless. He can easily exceed him."

"You forget fool. Excaelum has the soul of his father, his own strength, and the power of mercy. You can't have Orcusin be stronger."

"Not now but soon." Mastron's appearance faded and Orcusin jerked his head back. His eyes started to glow and a dark beam shot out of his mouth. This continued for three seconds. Orcusin fainted to the ground. Chronin teleported him somewhere far. Chronin went to Excaelum and saw that he was out cold. His chest was wide open but he was still breathing. It closed up on it's own but instead of light-gray scales they were blue with thin streaks of black.

"Impossible. I thought they were extinct. How is he one of them? Dragaitas forget to tell me something before he died. I'll get him to his friends." Chronin teleported Excaelum to the courtyard at the castle. Centerra flew to Chronin,"You are the only one that can bring those two back together. Do you understand?" Centerra nodded. Chronin used her power to return the frontiers buildings and structures back to normal and left. Flake and the other fillies came out.

"We have a lot of training to do." exclaimed Flake.

"You think, we're going to be fighting dragons too." another pony said.

Centerra flew over them and headed back to the castle. Shadow and the others saw the wounded dragon and went over to him.

"He can't be dead." whined Dawn.

Shadow said,"He's not. Why is his chest different from the rest of his body?"

"Kishi is back." cheered Soul.

Seng asked Black Soul,"You really like that dragon don't you?"

"As if he was my own." she answered.

Garren was at an island far from land.

"Halfway to Fallen Star. Let me see how much mercenaries and pirates would like to be paid to do my dirty work." Garren trotted to a bar and marched right to the center of it and shouted,"Who is looking for easy money?!" The loud ones inside silenced and looked over to him,"I can find malleable material in here." Garren thought,"Work for me and you can have all the money in this world!" He continued,"You are living like pests but, if you work for me you can live like kings!"

"Prove yourself!" One of them shouted.

"Very well!" Garren whistled and four Changelings came in dragging a large chest. They opened it and it contained jewels and gold as bright as the sun."If that proof enough? There is more where that came from!" A few dozen Changelings followed in and they were all carrying large chests. They were all opened and contained as much valuables as the first one did, filled to the rim."You can have all this for a simple task I would want to be done in three years. As a matter of fact I will give this all to you now. You can enjoy all this and not have to work for three years. Do you comply?"

"How about we just kill you and take it?"

"Changelings are always prepared for battle and so am I. Do you think I will be stupid enough to do this and not be ready for the outcomes? This is your last chance take it or leave it."

They cheered in agreement and the Changelings threw the chests to the greedy pirates and mercenaries.

"Enjoy your gift! I will return with more!"

Chapter 29 - Ascension of the Armies

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Chapter 29 - Ascension of the Armies

One week after the infiltration of Garren and Lacoden there was still so response from the four who were slain and brought back from limbo. A week of the late sun rises and a week a planning the military creation. It was decided that the group will train volunteer child soldiers. This may bring few volunteers but, it's a start. Knight Black Soul and Knight Tal went to the frontiers orphanage currently run by a former teacher, Ms. Grazer. Her pink mane and tail was now messed up and dirty. Her maroon coat was covered in dust. Flake visited there whenever she was home alone at Shadow's home, which was most of the time. Flake didn't want to interfere with the important tasks of her guardian. Dawn usually stayed with Shadow. Flake gained her cutie mark when she started caring for fillies younger than herself and older. It appeared as she was comforting fillies after Garren had slaughtered their parents. Flake was determined to see the day he would fall.

Tal and Soul went to the frontier and saw that most of the structures were now either abandoned or destroyed. They entered the filled orphanage and saw Ms. Grazer still trying to teach the kids from her memories. They watched her teach, the fillies were obedient and let her lecture them. Soul went over to Grazer and whispered in her ear.

"Come out when you're done with this. We need to discuss something." Soul wasn't wearing Knight Athen's armor, it wasn't done being modified. She sent it over to Wrench and Wither.

After her lecture, Grazer went outside to see why she was summoned.


"We need to talk to your students." Tal answered.


"We can't fight a war without soldiers." Soul added.

"Are you saying you want to use these poor children for something they don't have involvement in?"

Soul said, "Their parents were murdered by a pegasus we wish to be defeated. They have all the involvement."

"Can't you just fight him now?"

"Not alone. He has an army of Changelings. We should all know they grow large in numbers. Our job is to keep them of off our primary leaders back." Tal replied.

"Who are your primary leaders?"

"Shadow, Dawn, and Excaelum."

"Dawn? She was one of my students. How is she in this?"

"Her father , Shadow, and herself got into some deep crap. Excaelum was a friend of theirs that got dragged into it."

"What crap?"

"Fallen Star. I'm sure you heard of that place. There is a powerful crystal there that can obliterate he entire world. Garren, our enemy, wishes to activate it and use it's power to destroy everything except Fallen Star." Soul exclaimed.

"A crystal?"

"This crystal can be used for evil or good, in this case it's evil. Garren wants revenge for the neglect Fallen Star suffered during a siege of griffons."

"Siege of griffons?"

Tal said, "Even Shadow doesn't know why they attacked. He thinks they can find out why if they went to the griffon region of Equestria."

"Why that's to the southeast."

"He knows but, he worries that he won't be tolerant with them for his past experiences with griffons. Griffons can be very aggressive and can hold pointless grudges for generations. Shadow is going to be departing with Dawn to Green Doe to visit a friend that knows griffons more than he does. I myself will be going with them." Soul said with a steady tone.

"What do the orphans have to do with that?"

Tal replied,"Nothing. We need them for fending off Changelings. They will be asked if they want to, volunteers."

Grazer was uneasy with the situation. She eventually let them inside. Grazer announced to the kids,"PLease give your attention to Knight Black Soul and...."

"Knight Tal." he answered.

"And Knight Tal. They have come to speak to you about your futures."

Sou's voice sweetened,"Hello children I see you all behave well and help each other in times of need. Equestria need your help in it's time of need." A little commotion sprang up among the kids. Soul continued,"The Pegasus that came a few weeks earlier, the one who killed you parents."

Grazer got angry,"You can't say that!"

"I have to be upfront with these kids, I'm sorry. I wouldn't have said it if I didn't need to."Grazer agreed and let her continue."His name is Garren. Much more, much more horrible things will happen without your help. We are here today to ask if you will fight to avenge your parents. You may be too young to understand this but, you may think of it as revenge. It is not. You are helping bring the one down that killed your parents down. Revenge is not part of this battle at all. When he falls it will be for the survival of our lives and well-being. Please if you all will, form a line." They lined up side by side."If you wish to undergo training under skilled knights to avenge your parents step forward if you want no part of this stay where you are." Flake and few dozen stepped forward."I must warn you this training will be harder than normal training. You," a couple more moved up as she spoke," will be against Changelings and probably more dangerous foes. We will go to Fallen Star to end this where it started. Are you certain you want to train?" By the time she was done talking nopony was in the back, they were all up for the challenge. "Some of you may not come back on your own legs when it is over. Instead you will be in a coffin." None moved.

One shouted,"Are you done trying to scare us?"

Tal shouted a reply,"Not Yet! Did we mention there will be dragons?"

Flake answered,"Oooooh scary! We were almost killed by one!"

Knight Black Soul announced,"Alright! Left to right starting with you. Shout out 1 the one to the right shout the next number after that!"

"One!" "Two!" "Three!" Four!"........."57!" "58!" "59!" "60!"........."*80!"

"Is that it?!" yelled Tal.

"81!" Ms. Grazer joined,"They are not going without me!"

Knight Black Soul's training attitude came back only more mean,"81 of you shit bags to destroy!" She figured if they went through so much they can handle the language of her and her comrades."Tomorrow at 8 o'clock AM meet in front of this place! Dismissed!"

Knight Black Soul and Tal left the orphanage,"Don't you think you were a little harsh on them?" Tal asked.

"Not really."

They went back to the castle and gave Shadow a report.

"Did you get them to join?" he asked.

Tal answered,"All 81 of them."

"Decent amount. Train them as hard as you can. Soul are you ready to depart?"


"We leave at noon."

"Shadow your adopted daughter decided to join to, Flake."

"Really? The trainers need to be harder on them then."

"Kind of evil don't you think?"

"I've known worse. We will have four hours until we depart, we can use those hours to instruct the leaders on how to break them."

"I'm not sure about that." Soul chuckled,"Mist can be pretty harsh herself."

"I really hope Randall doesn't flirt with any of the colts."

"Come on, don't think of her like that. She can restrain herself..........I hope."

"Maybe she can. Most likely she will."

"They're way too young for her anyways."

"Are you ready to go to Green Doe?"

"Not really."

"Don't worry the peacekeepers took over and arrested the remaining gangsters. I think the port is now called I think Shining Water."

"Funny. That's not near to what it actually is. What about my town?"

"It's abandoned nopony lives there. Trees, weeds, plants, flowers, and some animals live there now."

"The bodies of the fillies that were drowned, were they removed?"

It was getting late and Luna was going to raise the moon soon. Shadow was going to be by her side for moral support."Of course. Well, I have go find Luna. See you tomorrow."


At the warehouse Lacoden was working the Changelings to the bone for hours.They were building their armor and weapons. Lacoden didn't request any armor for herself, she figured if she was going to fight against Dawn or Shadow armor wouldn't matter. She let the Changelings rest then she left the underground factory. She went to the back of the surface of the warehouse and went to the back of the warehouse. There was a tall covered object in the back. Lacoden took down the covers the object under the coverings was a mirror, a normal mirror. She stared at herself for what seemed like hours to her. She didn't see herself . She removed her hood A face covered in dried blood was revealed.

"I can't believe you let yourself turn into this." she said to herself in a sweet voice.

She replied to her reflection in her hostile voice,"I like this look for you, it's fits you very well."

"Wash your face."

"Your friends will never recognize you if I did. To them you are a killer."

"No, to them you are the killer. I am nothing like you."

"You lie to yourself every time. You are me."

"You don't exist."

"I don't exist? I DON'T EXIST?!" she was now shouting at reflection,"You created me, you created yourself a monster. I am your creation, your monster. Your evil built up inside."

"Go to hell!"

"I am your hell!" She smashed the mirror with her right hoof.

Garren was at a long lost island along with some Changelings. He trotted slowly observing this familiar place. He went to a mountain's base at entered in through a wide opening inside a grand crystal. It's vivid blue shine blinded him a little.

"Soon this crystal shall be activated and be used for my own gain. As soon as Lacoden is done with her passageway she can arrive here in seconds. I brought mine and when she comes we can give our immortality to use this crystal at our will. Not even Shadow will be able to stop us. We need more than Changelings to kill them all maybe some dark born creatures can do well. Chimeras will be useful. A three-headed guard, yes he will be a vital part in my success. His displacement may cause a chain reaction of different monsters to be born. I don't care though, they won't be a problem once I've taken control of the crystal." Garren walked closer to the giant crystal and admired it's beauty."Funny how something so beautiful can cause so much death."

Chronin, Olganna, and Staok were discussing the rebuilding of the leadership. Chronin hasn't told them about Kishi(Centerra) yet. She knows that he is still new to this world and that he wasn't accustomed to the way dragons lived. They were discussing their problem in the council room of the Forces of Nature.

"Lord Chronin who will we appoint leader of the thunder force? None of Zartez's solitaries wish to be lords, they fear they will be killed as he was." said Staok.

Olganna added,"Same thing for the water and fire. They do not want to be killed by Orcusin."

Chronin addressed their statements,"Are any of your solitaries up for the task?"

"I am not sure." replied Olganna.

"Summon them." ordered Chronin.

Olganna used her claws to slam the ground. The sound it made was loud enough to hear it from outside. Ula, Jakal, Nelo, Shoprtsnout, Karnage, Luster, and Gulfstream entered.

"Ula, Jakal, Karnage, and Gulfstream you may leave." Chronin said,"Nelo, are you willing to take the place of Zartez? " she wanted to get straight to the point.

"Why are entrusting this to me?" she asked.

"Who else can we trust?" replied Staok.

"I will then." She took her place where Zartez used to be; across from Chronin.

"Fire. Shortsnout, what say you?" asked Chronin.

"I will." he took his place between Staok and Nelo.


"I will." she went and took her position between Olganna and Nelo.


Olganna Excaelum

Luster Staok

Nelo Shortsnout

Chronin went back to business,"As lords you will have to control the different regions of your forces. State that you were made a lord by us due to the cowardly attitude of the rightful solitaries. This may start some trouble but, you can take care of it. Is that understood?" They agreed with silence,"Go to your regions." ordered Chronin. The newly volunteered lords followed their command from their eldest lord and the only original left.

Orcusin was elsewhere gathering his allies. They were in a mountainous region with foggy weather in the air. The moon shined on them besides that, it was pitch black. There was no snow falling nor blizzards blowing. Just dead silence broken by voices.

"Orcusin when can we destroy their pathetic excuses for leadership?"

"Patience Glesda." Orcusin replied."Gothen, how are you planning on killing your old friend?"

He answered,"Nelo will not be so challenging."

"Don't underestimate her power."

"Moya you've underestimated Luster. You should take your own advice."

"Shut up both of you. Orcusin what are you planning to do with your brother?''

"To kill him Basden. When the time comes I shall crush his heart with my claws and my father's legacy will end."

"Staok will fall under mine."

"Retu you wish to kill your own blood as well?" asked Orcusin.

"I am stronger than him. I deserve more."

Glesda asked with fury in her voice,"Where is the time dragon you promised Orcusin?"

"Has she left you?" said Gothen.

"She wouldn't dare to."

Retu exclaimed,"Forget about her for now, let us discuss our engagement."

Orcusin said,"Wait until we travel to Fallen Star. We can start an uproar here by slaughtering their pawns. They will know it is not me. Chronin knows there are more of us out there. She wouldn't know what to make of it when dragons start falling left and right. My associates are completing a pathway to Fallen Star so, wingless dragons like Gothen and Moya can be there. The only thing is it only works as a one way passage so, if you wish to return to the mainland you have to find your own way to."

"Will you crown yourself as King?" Basden questioned.

"Of course I will. I will become even greater than my father."

Elsewhere Lord Chronin was speaking to a dragon far from any other dragons so they won't be exposed. The environment they were speaking in was tropical. Hot and wet air with giant dragonflies and other insects and bugs scurrying along the ground.

"He won't be fooled so easily my lord."

"He is blinded by arrogance, if you see something will go unplanned by us abort your mission. Come back to me."

"Ula doesn't know of this?"

"No he does not. Keep it that way."

"I don't understand. You can beat Orcusin if you wanted to. What is the reason why you have not?"

"Excaelum's destiny is to defeat him not mine. It is impossible for me to kill or at least not again."

"That was an accident."

"Not in my eyes. Leave continue your assigned task."

The dragon she was speaking to bowed and flew away.

Excaelum was having a dream, he was in the spirit world. He saw the different colored scales on his chest. He saw his father and asked him why it was different.

"This is the color of the star dragons. Why do I have this?"

"You are a pure gravity dragon but, the star dragons gave their powers to you. Mastron was one that didn't give it up."

"Mastron was the one taking over Orcusin."

"I defeated him in battle, he went rogue and started to kill his own kind."

"Why do I have these colors father?"

"When they gave their powers to you it was before Mastron took it from them. You see Mastron had a very dark and unique ability. He was able to absorb power from his own force only, if he had taken all the star dragons powers I wouldn't have been able to stop him. The star dragons needed someone outside of their force to carry the power so Mastron wouldn't be able to take it. Their choice was you. You were very young and they needed a newborn to easily transfer the powers. Orcusin was too old and clouded for the task. Your scales changed to that color but, should turn back to normal. The discoloration is caused by the star dragons powers sealing your wounds. Only few dragons can have unique abilities like Mastron. I didn't have one, I was often jealous of Mastron. Not enough to make me kill."

"How do you find out if you have an unique ability?"

"You don't it reveals itself."

"How can Centerra be stronger than me?"

"As you may have heard, he is my second son. He has been dormant for decades. His strength only excelled so much in that shell. Technically you are stronger than he is, you haven't found the will to become though."

"How can I defeat Orcusin if I can't even withstand his flames?"

"Push yourself to your limit and you will. He has that is why he is dangerous.

"Has Chronin reached her full potential?"

"No. She still has undiscovered powers. Why did you ask me that?"

"It seems odd for a dragon of her caliber to have such limited powers."

"If I were you I wouldn't wish to see it."

The moon was at it's peak, it was shining down on all below. Luna was beginning to feel dizzy after a bit. She went to rest to regain her energy, then wake up only to raise the sun. She repeated this process ever since Celestia was attacked, Luna didn't know how long she could continue this.

Shadow was getting some shuteye so he can stay awake until they reached Shining Water. He fell into the spirit world, he saw Starflare.

"What did Lacoden and Dawn do at the garden?" he asked right away.

"Not even a 'hello'?" she replied.

"Oh I'm sorry, I was just so anxious to find out. Hello."

She chuckled,"Hello to you to. They figured their command words. This word is founded by the users mindset, this word can unleash the true power behind the positives and negatives. You all have hidden powers but only life and death have any other usage."

"So you are saying Dawn and Excaelum are useless?"

"What?! No of course not. Let me explain this. You used a large amount of life to bring back the four and a smaller amount to assist Luna in the sun and moon risings. Life is special it can bring back the dead but only if they were killed within a limited amount of time. If the power is used then the technique cannot be used for at least three years. Death is much more complex. You see taking a life is more easier than giving life and it can be lost even faster. Death has to be balanced with life, so do mercy and merciless. For every life you saved Garren can take." Shadow was stunned,"You brought back four. That means four lives can be taken away with very little effort by Garren."

"How come you didn't tell me this before?"

"Would it matter if I did? You wouldn't have let them died."

"Yes I would."

"I have known you for years and I know you wouldn't have let them die."

"I can't lie to you can I ?"

"Yup. Never lie to me Shadow."

"I remember the first time I did." he laughed,"Our first date."

"And I got a little irritated then threatened to knock you out if you did again. I'm surprised you didn't just leave after that."

"I like you because you stand up for yourself."

"So you don't have to protect me all the time?"

"Yeah so I can leave you alone and not worry................." silence fell over as Shadow realized what he remembered when he said that,"I will be back for you I promise. Stay here! They won't find you!" Shadow started to sniffle.

"Oh. Please....please don't cry. You're going to make me cry if you continue." she went over to hug her Shadow,"Stop...stop." everytime she told him to stop he cried even more. As he continued to create a waterfall of tears Starflare continued to tighten her grip on him to show that she was there for him.

"I was thinking about the both of you the whole." he cried,"He saw where I came from and went to you."

"That has passed."

"Not for me. I can't go one hour without thinking about that hellish nightmare. Only if I had stayed you could have lived."

Starflare started to cry as well but lightly, she parted herself from Shadow and said,"Please worry about the future, don't dwell on the past. Until the day you die and after, I will be with you."

"I-I will try. Wait for me."

A few seconds passed but it felt like hours. They drained their tear-ducts dry.

"I thought I ran out of tears." said Shadow.

"I thought I ran out." Star chuckled,"Have you made your command word yet?"

"Yes I have dear."

"Well then let's hear it."


Chapter 30 - One for power. One for control.

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Chapter 30 - One for power. One for control.

Luna raised the sun, it was early morning and Knight Mist, Tal, And Randall were already getting to yell their lungs out at the very young volunteer soldiers. They will try and attempt to hold back due to the age of the trainees but Mist didn't see the point in training future soldiers if you can't go hard on them. Dawn was still asleep, Shadow was already up getting ready to Shining Water then to head to the griffon territory in the southeast to get some answers about the siege. If all goes well Canterlot will have an army large enough to combat the Changeling army under Garren's command.

The others like Seng, Aero, Bladedancer, Cloudfire, Flood, Hail, and Fyn Cour will be aiding in the training of the juveniles. Prior to this day, the RAK division saw growth among those seven and awarded them a rank one level higher. Seng, Hail, Cloudfire, and Aero were promoted to bronze-silver. Bladedancer and Flood were promoted to bronze-gold. Shadow already had a large amount of command over them due to his relationship with the princesses and his superb combat skills as well as the control of life.

Knight Athen's armor was now finished with it's remake. It now had a open area on the sides for the wings of Knight Black Soul. It was cleaned and polished with so much effort that it looked like as if it were new. It was fitted with a holster for the spear on the right side below the wing opening. It covered the cutie mark and a small portion of the lower neck. The spear was also remade. The point was smooth and sharp on one side, a single barb on the other. Wrench reinforced the bottom part of the spearhead to prevent it from falling off of the staff. Shadow is going to teach Soul how to use the spear as he did many years ago.

Luna was resting in the infirmary and she hoisted the sun. She slept by her sister's side. Celestia had her own room while Lancer, Storm, and Tint shared one. Iril and Gandore stopped by frequently to see if the four had any signs of movement. So far their visits were futile, none of them made a move. They knew they were still alive because they would put on stethoscope to their chest and hear a very faint beat. They all wondered when they will wake.

Shadow knew 81 would not be enough, he knew his former teacher well. He knew that Garren with have many forces behind him. Shadow needed to find out what Garren had with him but he didn't know how to. If the scouting division went and they got captured Shadow wouldn't know what to do if they were killed. He needed to find out himself.

Garren was at a beach at Fallen Star with a mirror. The beach was calm waves and the air was moist, the cool air seemed to relax Garren. He stood on the beach silent. He whistled and two Changelings came over dragging a covered rectangular object, on a gesture from Garren they unveiled a door. It was stood up against a nearby boulder, then a few minutes later it opened on it's own. Lacoden walked through the door and joined Garren on the beach.

"It's done." she said. She still had her black hood on.

"How is the other end holding up?" Garren asked.

Lacoden answered,"I had the rest of the Changelings there at the warehouse guard it until it was time. Too bad it's only a one way."

"We will head back to the mainland in a few weeks. We still have to get our three-headed slave."

"He won't be easy to control."

"I am aware of that. We can lure that dog out of it's hole."

"He is not dumb. He will not leave his post for any reason."

"We can get some of the demons within the underworld to use our passage to get out."

"Those demons and monsters within are there for a reason. They shall not be allowed to see daylight. They are far too dangerous."

"We will send those fiends back in once he is out."

"Okay. After that, how long will you plan on having him out?"

"Until we have Equestria in our control."

"How long will that take? Shadow will not be going down easily. By the time we take Equestria it can be overrun with powerful fiends."

"You forget. If they get out before we defeat Shadow and do overrun it, we will be activate the crystal eliminating all of them. He can go back to his place in the underworld once we have done that. Plus, we will have the powers of mercy, love, and life in our possession."

"With all 6 we can rule all we want."

"Yes but there are a few more steps to take before. Are you ready?"

Garren and Lacoden went to the base of the center mountain. They entered and stared into the crystal's shine. The area around them lost color and light.

It was 8 AM and the 81 who volunteered met where scheduled. Knight Mist, Randall, and Tal were in each in charge of 20 leaving 21 left. The other 21 left were left under the command of Bladedancer and Flood. Since they both are still unfamiliar with the training Knight Black Soul will brief them on what to do with the few hours she has until departing with Dawn and Shadow. Shadow will oversee the progress of the training when he returns.

In front of the orphanage, where the first meeting was to be met, all 81 were already there wide awake just chattering among each other.

"Alright everypony line up side by side." ordered Randall. She was wearing her gold-silver armor."I will be in charge of twenty of you so will Knight Tal and Knight Mist. The rest of you will be under the command of Bladedancer and Flood. Any questions?" none made a sound."Good. Knight Mist the floor is yours."

She too was wearing gold-silver armor,"I have been ordered to train you as hard as you can. Most of you may be too young to endure this kind of training. I will be generous and offer a very last chance to get out." none stepped out of place,"None of you have any parents so that means you can't go home and cry. We will be your parents from now on. You all will be treated as adults. Can I get a "Sir yes sir!"?"

"Sir yes sir!" they shouted. Something caught Mist's attention.

"One of you said "ma'am"." she walked to the left of the line."It was you wasn't it?" she asked the shaking mare.

"No ma'...I mean.., sir!" she replied.

"You did it again! Until you earn my rank or my respect you will not address me as "sir"! Is that clear?!" she shouted.

"Sir yes sir!"

"Give me 50 laps around the frontier!" The frontier was roughly the size of a medium-sized town adding a few yards on the perimeter. The mare obeyed her orders an started. Mist heard somepony laugh, she walked to the laughing colt. The colt stopped and stood still like a mountain,"What the heck is so damn funny?"

"Sir nothing sir."

"No tell me. I would like a good laugh."

"Sir it's nothing sir!"

"Join her!" she ordered.

The colt started up and said under his breath trying to be unheard,"Damn it."

"What was that?"

"Sir nothing sir."

"Get out of my face! Knight Tal your turn."

"Thank you Knight Mist. Alright the rest of you join them, no flying. If you are caught you will be doing double. Finish before Knight Black Soul arrives!" the rest followed. Knight Tal, Randall, and Mist discussed their brief judgement on them.

"Mist you were very harsh on the first two." said Randall.

Mist replied,"This is easy, once we're at Fallen Star fighting Changelings they will thank me."

"Damn Changelings." said Tal,"They are weak but grow large in numbers. We will have to make sure each one can fight 15."

"Not 15. 25. Aim high, you go high." Randall said cheerfully.

Shadow woke up Dawn, she was in her suite, so they can oversee the beginning of the 81 recruits before they depart. Shadow packed a hoof-sword and hoof-blade for protection. He spoke to Dawn.

"Dawn are you ready?"

"Yes dad."

"Are you certain?"

Dawn groaned,"Yes I'm not a filly anymore."

"If you say so, I'll check on Soul."

As his muzzle went halfway through the door Dawn asked,"How come I didn't get sick?"

"Excuse me?" Shadow turned around.

"You know, sick? When we were immortal we couldn't get sick. I don't remember getting sick at all. Why is that?"

Shadow took a deep breath,"Come sit." He patted the bed."Every time you were sick your mother was there. You don't remember this be-"

"Because you had every memory of mother erased. Is there anyway I can remember her?"

"Possibly. Excaelum may be able to help."

Excaelum was held in the biggest hall the castle had, in the center of the castle. Shadow and Dawn went to him with their stuff. He was asleep.

"Excaelum are you awake?" asked Shadow.

"I've been for awhile."

"Why haven't you- you haven't moved one bit."

"I am afraid." Excaelum didn't seem to realize what he said.


Excaelum caught his tongue,"Nothing. What is it?"

"The golden dragon, she saw your memories after the assault."

"Her name is Chronin." He still had his head down and his eyes closed.

"Is it possible for her to make Dawn remember her lost memories?"

"I know not enough of her power to tell you. I can ask her when she is near."

"Thank you. So, what are you going to do while we are gone?"

"Strengthen my mind, my power."

"We have to leave soon."

Excaelum lifted his sharp head, opened his light-blue eyes, and looked to Shadow,"Take care my friend."

"Thank you." Shadow smiled,"Ready Dawn?"

"Yes. Bye Excaelum."

"Take care of your father." Excaelum replied as they walked away. He put his head back down and closed his eyes.

Shadow and Dawn then went to the infirmary. Luna was beside Celestia.

"Luna are you alright?" Dawn asked, she dropped her things and went to her."You look beat."

"I am." Luna could barely hold her eyelids up.

"Oh Luna." said Shadow,"Go eat something, wash up. We will be here until you are done. Iril!" he called.

Iril was always near the princesses,"Yes Shadow?"

"Can you help Luna? I believe she can use some much needed rest and eat much hungered fruit."

"Of course." Iril walked to Luna,"Come on. They can watch her." Luna had a difficult time moving and she almost fell but Iril caught her,"Easy now."

"Wait I'll go to." said Dawn," Wait here dad."

"Take your time."

Shadow was left alone in the room; Celestia was breathing lightly. He stood by her side for a long time. He stayed alert, aware of his surroundings. He feared Garren may show up and finish her off. Of course that didn't happen. Gandore entered the room.

"How is she doing?" she asked.

"Well. How are the others?"

"Fyn Cour is in there right now checking on them. How are your preparations for your journey?"

"It'll take a few days to get to Shining Water and even more to get to griffon country."

"You have to cross back to here to get there. It is in the southeast is it not."

"Yes it is but I am planning detours to different parts of Equestria so I don't think we will be back anytime soon. Maybe two months, give or take a few weeks."

"Three months?? Are you planning on bringing an army with you on your way back?"

Shadow gave her an odd look,"Would that be a problem Gandore?"

"We need all we can to get that bastard back."

"Speaking of which. Would you like to make your own military division of unicorns?"


"Obviously we're not all pegasi. We need teachers for unicorns and earth ponies as well. I figured you can teach unicorns."

"Do the others know about this?"

"Nope. Just came to me right now. I can ask the others if they want another group for the ground."

"I'll do it."

In the other infirmary room Fyn Cour was checking on the three."Come on boys we can't have you like this forever." she said to the sleeping audience.

"How are they?"

"Soul you scared me. They are doing fine."

Soul walked further into the room by Storm's side,"I trust you will take care of them in my absence."

"Yes. Why wouldn't I?"

One day a little filly was flying through a market to get back home, she made a small turn and hit a sign hanging down and fell. A group of children approached her. One of them approached her, he had a cyan coat and a mane and tail that were a dark teal. He said, "You can't even fly straight you're pathetic." Some bully taunted, the little filly started to cry,"Oh I'm sorry let me help you up." he reached for the crying pegasus and as she reached to help herself up the bully pushed her down,"Hey boys she actually thinks I care about her." Their ugly faces laughed.

"Leave her alone Tornado."

"Storm my little brother. How about you come and make me?"

This Storm was tiny compared to his bulky brother. He was gray-coated. His mane and tail were dark-red. He said to his brother,"Father isn't going to be happy with you bullying other kids around."

"Father? He doesn't care about you. He hits you like he used to hit mother."

Storm flew to his brother and tried to fight him. His brother's friends jumped Storm and left him bruised on the muddy ground. The little girl that Tornado was shoving around went to Storm and asked,"Are you okay? Let me help yo-"

"I don't need your help! Mother said that I am big enough to care of myself and that I didn't need her anymore." Storm flew off, low to the ground. The small filly followed flying weakly but she got closer.

"Wait! Let me....thank you. We can be friends"

Storm pushed the filly down to the ground in front of everypony and said,"No! I don't want a stupid girl like you to be my friend."

"Just asking. It's just me and Storm took care of each other for so long, ever since the day we met."

"Don't worry I won't let anypony hurt him."

"Well I have to leave now. I need to check on our 1st regiment."

"Have a safe journey Soul."

"Thank you, Fyn."

Soul was walking through the hallway where she bumped into Cloudfire, he seemed to be in a rush because he didn't even feel Soul.

"Cloudfire what's wrong?"

"Soul! Ummm.... I am just looking for Shadow. Do you know where he is by any chance?"

"No. What is it?"

"Oh it's just that she asked me to relay a message over to him. Shadow!"

A couple doors down they heard,"In here!"

They both went to the reply.

"Ah Cloudfire." Shadow said. Gandore wasn't there anymore.

"Shadow you may not be happy with this but Dawn said she wants to stay." he replied.

"Why wouldn't I be happ-What? Why?"

"She said Luna needs her here."

"Oh I see. Soul are you still tagging along? I can't stand it if I was the only one going."

"So your daughter calls the shots now?" Soul chuckled,"Of course I'll go, it might be fun."

"Oh haha. Ready to be off then?"


"Cloudfire stay here."

"But I'm supposed to help Mist."

"Well doesn't that suck." Shadow laughed and left the room and entered the hallway, Soul followed with a smile.

Cloudfire shouted,"That's not funny! She'll kill me!"

He heard a reply,"Say your prayers then!"

Cloudfire turned to Celestia and said in a lower volume,"It's not funny."

Shadow said his goodbyes to Fyn Cour, Dawn, Iril, and Luna. They went to the main entrance to the castle where Dali was waiting. Soul had her things waiting there as well.

"Mailmare what are you doing?" Soul asked.

"Oh. I got confirmation that a group of ponies from Fort Reiner are going to be arriving in a day or two to join."

"That's good, you can be off now."

Shadow and Soul went to the frontier and met up with Mist, Randall, and Tal.

Shadow asked,"How is it going?"

"You are early. Where's your daughter?" Randall answered.

"She's staying."

Mist said,"We are doing fine. I hope you two have a fine journey." Mist turned her attention elsewhere,"These idiots are so slow." Mist caught up with some of the recruits and started yelling at them,"HURRY UP! I'LL BE ON A WALKER BY THE TIME YOU'RE DONE!"

Tal chuckled,"Some farewell."

"I know. You three have some more volunteers coming here." said Soul.

Randall exclaimed,"We got lots of help here anyway."

"We should be off now. The faster we leave the faster we can return." Shadow said.

"Right, bye you two and make sure Mist doesn't kill any of them." Soul said.

Shadow and Black Soul set off for their long journey to Shining Water hoping to return with an army able to take on Garren's.

Chapter 31 - Betrayal

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Chapter 31 - Betrayal

"Let's fly for a few." Shadow said as they began.

"What about our things?"

"Oh I forgot. We're going to have to walk this whole thing. Hold on a minute let me put on my blade."

"For what? Nevermind I don't want to know. We can just ditch our satchels and just put on our armor."

"I didn't bring any armor. I don't need it, the place where we're going violence hides itself. Don't put yours on, you can move more faster without it."

"I brought these for nothing then."

"When we get to the griffon territory it may be used, that's why I brought weapons. I think my friend is still docked at Shining Water. I can force him to house us."

"Who is it?"

"Just the son of a pirate."

"Woah! Pirates?"

"Oh I forgot to mention, Dawn and I spent a lot of time living with pirates."

"How much time?" asked Soul.

Shadow answered quickly,"25 years."


"Yeah but Dawn knows how to raid a boat."

"She doesn't need to learn that!"

"Well I didn't teach her."

"You should have watched her."

"I was doing..........things."

"Like? I'm sure it's nothing that can piss me of."

"It's not....I was being a honest worker."

"As what?"

"I helped manage......"


"and create......."


"A brothel."

"Oh my Celestia! Are you serious? I hope Dawn didn't know about it."

"No she knew about it alright."

"Did she work there?"

"No you're disgusting! Although somepony did and I knocked his face in."

"At least you did one thing right." Soul scoffed.

"After those profitable years-"


"Those pirates seem to miss mares a mighty lot at sea. Anyways, after those profitable years I decided to go to Green Doe."

"Wait answer me this. Who did you get to work at the brothel?"

"Some desperate mares. Years went by and they multiplied like crazy."

"I heard enough. Green Doe, what happened there?"

"4 years and six months of stealing and six months of working for the pile of crap I called "savior"."

"Hard wasn't it?"

"Yeah but your mom's friend guided me through some rough times."


"He was a great friend. When the blade dropped on his neck it felt like my heart stopped beating. After that day and night I took Dawn and we went far from the coast. 18 years of nonstop traveling. I finally heard of a kingdom ran by two princesses. Two princesses I met at Fallen Star. Lived at the frontier and decided to train for the knights. Where I met you."

Soul was touched by his words,"How did you meet the princesses at Fallen Star?"

"Before the siege, a day or two perhaps maybe more. Let's start from the beginning. I was walking from the north village back south to get to my home. In the center I saw an injured white pegasus, well alicorn if I had seen her horn."

"I had a fight with Starflare. As you may know no marriage is perfect, it was something that should've ended our marriage but luckily Dawn was the glue that kept us together. I guess she was saving her anger for that moment. Dawn was hurt because of me. I brought her back home, then Star healed her. When Dawn was sound asleep Star pulled me out the house and asked me what happened."

"How did she get stabbed?"

"I answered her, was I terrified of her. I knew she could have killed me in a second even after the day she just gave her power Dawn,"I got her in a training session with Garren." She looked cute when she was angry I have to admit."

"What in the world was wrong with your brain? Were you thinking? What happened to going to the north village? I told you that you both were reckless. I wouldn't have cared if Garren or yourself gotten hurt but, our daughter. She almost died!"

"It was an accident. I'm sorry!"

"You were sorry? How 'sorry' would you have been if you didn't get her back to me in time?"


"You never know."

"Without those three words 'I don't know' we would have never even met. Now that I look back I regret saying those three words. You are always controlling me. I'm glad you saved her. I truly am but I didn't have to bring Dawn back. I could have just I don't know just left her to die. I made the choice of bringing her back, to save her. You know without you my life could go so much easier, you're always so clingy. Always sending Zaz to check on us. Zaz is Garren's child and he let you take care of him while we were training. You chose to use Zaz as your messenger. You forced your responsibility onto Dawn, giving her you powers."

"You know why I gave it to her. We wanted a normal life and we were selfish and didn't think of her future."

"I didn't like arguing at all." "I'm leaving you."

"No you're not, come back you're coming right back."

"Dawn needs you. Not me. I'm not coming back.

"I stormed off and disappeared for about a week. Now that I think about it, it wasn't the griffons fault that she died...... it was-"

Soul knew exactly whose name he was going to say,"No it wasn't her fault."

"YES IT WAS! If she didn't exist Star wouldn't have to sacrifice her power. She could have fought off the griffons."

They stopped moving, Soul turned to look at Shadow,"It wasn't her fault. You did-" Soul felt pain brewing up at her chest."Why?"

"To find out what's in store for us." Shadow sliced her chest with the blade he had equipped. The wound was deep enough to prevent her from following."Stay here and eventually somepony will find you. Dying." Soul fell then Shadow walked over her. He dropped everything except for his blade with the blood of Soul running down it and then he flew not to Shining Water, in the west, but to the southwest.

The moon was risen and the warehouse was patrolled by Changelings. They made a perimeter as wide as 800 meters on each side. Shadow had his eyes fixed on the warehouse. He took out Changelings one by one without the use of his blade. He sneaked his way inside avoiding all the guards. He went to the back where he thought Lacoden would be but she wasn't there. Instead Canon was chained up against a wall. Shadow flew to him,"Canon wake up!"

Shadow was smacking his face around,"Wha....Shadow what are you doing here? How are Soul and the others?"

"Soul's fine. Listen I can't help you right now but I must ask you, where is Lacoden?"

"The last time I saw her she went through that mirror. I heard her talking about it. It-"

"Shh." Guards hold on." Shadow went into the cover of darkness in a corner. A Changelings came to Canon.

"Who're talking to? No answer. Lacoden did a number on you!" the Changeling laughed and spit in Canon's face and left.

Shadow returned,"Want me to kill him? I can right now."

"No I'll do it myself. That mirror is a passageway, a means of quick transportation. One way."

"To where?"

"I don't know."

"Alright. Hold on a bit longer. Once I return here with Lacoden and Garren I'll get you out."

Shadow ran through the mirror and appeared at a beach. A beach that had it's own significant aroma, Fallen Star's."Where are you two?" he said aloud.

He needed to find out himself.

Chapter 32 - The Hooded One

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Chapter 32 - The Hooded One

"What are you doing here?"

"Damn Changelings." Shadow thought, he said to them," I am here looking for your leaders direct me to them."

They were speaking to one another, surrounding Shadow, "Isn't he the one of the positive factors of the powers?" "He is." Why should we take you to them?"

"If you value your lives you will."

"We can just strike you down where you stand."

Shadow was observing his area. One Changelings turned to one hundred. Completely surrounded.

"ENOUGH!" somepony shouted,"Let him through."

Shadow walked through an aisle the Changelings made for him, at the other end Lacoden was waiting; still wearing the tattered hood.

"Shadow what a surprise."

Shadow threw the blade in front of her, she flinched a little and that surprised him,"This is the blood of one I have betrayed to get here."

Lacoden lifted the blade with her magic,"Who's blood does this belong to?"

"The main commander, Knight Black Soul."

Lacoden put the blade up to her mouth and licked it."It tastes of confusion and sorrow. How exactly did you kill the guards at the warehouse? Certainly you couldn't have gotten past without killing some of them."

"I snapped their frail necks to avoid blood spilling onto the blade. I wanted to tell you I see who really is responsible for my wife's death."

"Who is it you blame?"

"My own daughter."

Lacoden rejoiced,"Fantastic! You finally see the world the way I do! Did you realize she was responsible for Zaz's death as well?"

"It was hard for me to not go back and kill her myself."

"Because you left her for me?"

"Of course Lacoden." Shadow walked closer to her,"You were, at heart, my true daughter. I want to watch you tear my blood daughter apart." there was no hesitation in those words.

"Surely you want to spill blood also. Who will fall under your power?"

"The fools I called friends and the fools I called princess."

"Garren may want to spill his own."

"I'm sure Garren wouldn't mind watching his two students destroy his enemies for him."

Lacoden turned to Shadow, dropped he blade, and hugged him,"Welcome back."

"Good to be back. Now, where is Garren?"

"We can catch up a bit. Garren can wait."

Shadow and Lacoden walked into the thick forest.

"Do you wish to see what we did to those griffons?"

"Show me."

"It's going to be a sight you never want to forget." They walked straight for about two hours, a horrid smell went into Shadow's nostrils. They walked into a clearing and a large pit in the middle; one with no trees or grass. "Beautiful isn't it." Lacoden said,"Bodies everywhere!"

The pit was deep and littered with the bodies of griffons. Some of the heads were stuck up on pikes and the bodies were decaying. Maggots poured out of there exposed necks, crows and vultures pecking at the bodies, feasting. Flies their young in their bodies so when they are born they will have a meal ready. Some of the bodies were charred so none of the scavengers didn't touch them.

"We just killed some more yesterday. They just don't fight anymore it's no more fun." Lacoden saw movement coming from the pit and stopped talking. A small griffon was trying to get itself out from under the body of a headless griffon. It got out and tried to climb up the pit, it had broken wings. Lacoden jumped down the pit laughing and grab the griffon. She teleported back to the top by Shadow. The griffon was crying and it smelled of corpses. It's wounds were deeply infected. It's right claw was rotting, it swelled up. The other had a hole with a small amount of pus seeping out. The face of it was blood spattered. Lacoden let it go but it didn't bother to move. "You're dying my dear."

It spoke,"You're lying." it was a girl.

"Oh no. Why would I lie after all the promises I kept to you and your family? Remember I said that your father will be above you, watching you." Lacoden used her magic to turn the griffon's head to one of the pikes."See your father is watching you."

Shadow spoke,"She is not lying. You have a flesh-decaying disease. Probably from all the bodies you were around. Even if you escape us, which you won't, you will die not too long after."

"So how do you want it dear? Do you want a fast death or slow one?"

It started crying some more.

"A slow one then." Lacoden lifted her.

"Wait." Shadow scolded,"Let us see what she can tell us about the other griffons and where they came from."

"You're right. When she tells us we can head there and eliminate there whole existence. Now tell us where you come from."

Shadow knew where they already were he was just trying to find a way to get this griffon out alive,"She can tell us after she has recovered. She can't tell us if she's dead."

"You're lucky my friend is here. You would be back in that pit if he wasn't here. Changelings!"

"Yes Lacoden."

"Take her to the ship and give her medical attention. Make sure she lives. After leave her in the brig for interrogation."The Changelings obeyed."Now back down memory lane shall we."

Lacoden started walking and Shadow followed by her side. She cleared her throat,"50 years after the siege and these griffons made a mess of everything. Garren took the northern part of the island, it was heavily populated. I ook the southern part. Orcusin took the west and east. I had my joy killing them slow and painful."

"Please no more." the griffon cried.

"Oh we just started. When your kind invaded you had joy killing our parents in front of us. I will return the favor and slowly sever your head in front of your child."

"Please our attack was-"

Lacoden walked up behind the griffon and grabbed a firm hold of head and used her magic. Lacoden started sawing the neck of a father. Slowly with a serrated blade. He gurgled, tried to yell but, Lacoden prevented his cries from being heard. She enjoyed the sound of flesh tearing slowly and the rush it gave her to kill. The sound the blood made gushing out was like a perfect symphony to her ears."Well isn't this boring." Lacoden finished the griffon off and rolled his head to his family. "Who's next?" she laughed.


"Oh child, I'm not a monster. I'm something worse. I am myself."

"Get behind me."

"A mother trying to protect her child. You know my parents tried to save me before they were torn to pieces. I'm going to be generous and not separate you limbs."

"I will die before you touch them."

"That's the plan." Lacoden grew a evil smile and stabbed the mother in the throat. She then took the blade and shattered the upper part of the mother's beak."Now child how should I kill you?"

"Shadow do you remember me before this shit? Before the griffons came and fucked everything up?!" she was raising her voice.

"Yes. You wouldn't even hurt a fly."

"Do you remember my parents?"

"Your father was head of security of this island and your mother stayed home to watch you. You all resided together on the west side of the island."

"What was it you said about my father? Head of security? He didn't do a good job at that did he?"

"Honey hide her, hide Lacoden!"

"What's happening?"

"Griffons are invading! They're coming from the north, south, everywhere! They are killing us!"

"How many?"

"A lot! Come on hide her!"

"Okay. Lacoden, sweetheart hide in the cupboards! Quickly!"

"Mom come with me!"

"I can't! You need to stay here until dad makes the bad guys go away!"

"Shhh......they're here." the dad whispered and marched over to the cupboards to shut it. He said to Lacoden,"I love you. It's just a game, if they find you you lose. You don't want to lose don't you?"

Lacoden was frightened and confused,"Y...yeah."

"Okay. Shit, they're outside. Dew get away from the cupboards. They will check there if you stay in front of it." the father ordered.

The mom turned to the cupboards and said her last words to her daughter,"Wait here. Shadow and Dawn will come for you. Goodbye." the mom was sobbing."Barrier how many are outside?"

"Two I think. These griffons are not easy to take down. Hide!"

Barrier and Dew went behind some furniture and used them to conceal their vibrant colored coats and hairs. A griffons crashed through the door shouting,"We know you are here! Come out and we will spare your lives. If you resist we will have no choice but to kill you." there was no answer,"Come in!" those words were a signal for the second griffon to come in and rummage through everything to find them. He went by the cupboards knocking all the utensils and pans down, slamming plates on the ground. He went to the cupboards and yelled,"Show yourself!" he heard a whimper coming from the cupboards. He turned and saw a cupboards was slightly open, he saw a glare possibly from dark-green eyes. He went to it.

"Stay away from her!" Dew shouted.

"Ah so there is something in here. You fool you revealed her yourself. You aren't even gifted with a horn or wings."

"No she isn't but I am. Fight me you swine."

"I will." the griffon shot himself at Dew and tore through her chest."Your turn."

Barrier levitated a piece of a porcelain plate, it was jagged, and struck it down the griffons head."If you are wise you will leave."

"You killed my son." The older griffons anger shot sky high."

"He killed my wife."

They rushed to each other. Barrier's attempt to kill the threat failed. The griffons were stronger in melee combat. The griffon grabbed Barrier's head and smashed it on the ground, repeatedly. He turned his eyes to the cries coming from the cupboard. Lacoden fell out crying,"Dad! Mom!"

The griffon threw Lacoden to the walls laughing while doing it. Lacoden was in critical condition. She was bleeding internally and externally. The griffon stopped all of the sudden, Barrier had jabbed the piece of plate into it's heart before he died. The griffon descended to the floor pulling the plate out, when he did blood came out pouring. The griffon died. Lacoden crawled to the bodies of her parents.

"Dad, dad don't go to sleep. I'm wide awake! Play with me some." Lacoden shook his body relentlessly with no result. She saw her efforts for her dad were futile so she crawled to her mother,"Mom!" Lacoden turned her mother's head to see her face. Dew's eyes were rolled back only the whites of her eyes showed. Lacoden cried over her. She heard movement outside and weakly looked to the door.

"Oh my gosh! Lacoden!"

"D...Dawn."Lacoden was out of breath.

"I'm here. DAD! In here!" no response, Dawn shouted again,"DAD!"

Shadow came inside to the house and saw the two bodies. He started to whimper a little,"Dawn we need to leave."

"Lacoden is-"

Shadow walked to Lacoden and knelt down, he said in the most comforting way he could,"There's nothing I can do for you. You are losing too much blood. I'm...." Shadow choked up,"I'm sorry. Dawn the griffons are swarming here! We need to leave."

"but dad-"


"You left me to die Shadow."

Shadow was shaking a bit,"I had no choice. I used my strength to save my pathetic daughter."

"We're here." Lacoden and Shadow arrived at

"Garren's house. What are we doing here?"

Garren's house was at the east side of Fallen Star. Lacoden's was in the west. Shadow's and Dawn's was south. Shadow came in from the mirror. The mirror was in the south beach and they went up north to the pit. Garren's dwelling was well maintained surprisingly. They entered the house. Garren was waiting at the center of the room as if he knew Shadow was coming. The house was well lit and clean, Garren always liked his living quarters presentable.

"Make yourself at home." he said with a smirk.

Shadow was devising a plan for the next phase in his infiltration. He can not execute his finale it until they got back to Equestria. He needed to hold this act up. For how long? He did not know.

"Garren Shadow here claims to have betrayed his friends and even his daughter to get here. He wishes to destroy Equestria as well."

"Really? How would Dawn react Shadow? When she finds out?"

"Weak like she always is."

"Hm. Tell me, who is the one hat discovered your betrayal? And how did you react when they did?"

Shadow knew he had to pass this test,"I was speaking to Knight Black Soul, alone, I said too much. She found out and I struck her down with a blade."

"No hesitation, no hard breathing, no sweating, and you made eye contact. Lacoden did you see this blade he claims to have used against her?"

"Yes I did. The blood had been about 14 hours old. Still moist against the cold metal surface."

"Impressive Shadow. You are telling the truth. How do you feel about hunting down some more griffons tonight?"

"I thought you eliminated them all."

"No. There are still a few more left, how about it?"

Shadow thought,"Is this an initiation? It may be." Shadow said aloud,"Give me a sword."

"Changelings, give our new friend, Lacoden, and myself hoof-swords."

"Garren you offend me. I do not need anything to kill them, my magic is enough."

"Oh that's right Lacoden. Nevermind on her request. Shadow do you know how to track those vile beasts?"

"Not much no."

"Tonight is the night you learn. Griffons are comfortable on either the ground or on a elevated surface. Not many mesas or mountains near here except for the crystal's mountain but we control that. Griffons on our island have adapted to living on he ground, they are smart they know we hunt them. They will hide in the homes of our kind and expect not to be searched but we order routine checks on the villages all over the island. Each family left take shifts, switching between two or three members keeping their eyes peeled for us. We spot them one night and kill them the next. Luckily for you tonight is the night we kill. As for any winged prey, the predator must disable the main way for that prey can evade, fly. Take the wings out and it's done. Being half-lion griffons are also great on the floor but if they can't see you they can't kill you. That is why we hunt at night."

"What about their sense of smell?"'

"Ah good question Shadow. We camouflage our scent with the scent of grass and any vegetation. I will stand outside for a few minutes and then find the dirtiest place to throw myself in. The smell can fool them. Once your close enough go for the wings. Good our tools are here. Lacoden are you coming?"

"Not this time. I have personal affairs to tend to."

"Have it your way then. Come Shadow, let's kill us some griffons." Garren was joyful.

"Yes my old teacher."

Shadow and Garren exited the house, Lacoden stayed behind. Lacoden went upstairs and found her a room with a mirror. This room was the guest room, it had everything somepony needed for a night or two over. Sheets folded and windows shut. Lacoden didn't like it being quiet, she liked the howl of the wind. She opened a window."A storm is coming." She blew out the candles and made sure the room was dark and the only source of light was the moon. She removed her hood and stared blindly into a cracked mirror. Lighting, then a thunderclap. The thunder triggered her voice, the lighting triggered her sight. The rain that followed woke a monster. This monster was Lacoden, she dubbed her monster "The Hooded One". She spoke to herself.

"You haven't spoke in awhile. Did you give up? Did you finally realize you can't win against me? I don't know why you want out, You're doing just fine with me in control."

"I'm sorry. Dawn the griffons are swarming here! We need to leave."

"but dad-"


Her two friends left her to suffer a slow death."Dawn........*cough*.....come back." Lacoden crawled to the doorway. By the time she reached i, they were long gone."Come back.....please....I'm scared." Lacoden was crying as hard as she could. Her faint cries attracted unwanted attention, griffons. Around six went to her cries and saw her dying.

"Shall we finish her?" one asked.

"She's dying already. Her nation wishes death upon all others. She deserves this."

Another said, "Commander she's just a child. Show mercy."

"Showing mercy is showing weakness."

"I won't let her die." that same griffon went to Lacoden and started to examine her body,"Oh sweetheart. I'm sorry I wasn't here. I could have saved you from my kind." the griffon was petting her head giving her something to feel before feeling nothing. The griffon looked up and down her bloodstained bright yellow coat and her bright violet mane. "You very pretty." Lacoden's heavy breathing calmed down and her sweet voice found it's way out.


"That griffon was weak. Showing affection to her enemy. Why do I remember the feel of her touch? Why? Why?!"

"Stop treating her kindly daughter!" the commander's daughter muted him,"Talon!"

"She was not responsible for this!"

"You are only 10 years of age, you know nothing of responsibility!"

"If I didn't why did you bring me?!"

"I wanted to show you how power hungry these mark bearers are! They activated the crystal threatening the whole world!"

"How do you know if it was them that activated it?! You just built up a stupid assumption that-"

The commander smacked his daughter down,"I am tired of your back-talking." he kicked Lacoden back in the house. Lacoden stopped moving and ceased to make anymore noise.

"Commander this may not be the best way to teach her lessons."

"She is my daughter. I can teach her anyway I see fit. We must catch up with the rest of the-"

"My mom and dad always taught me manners." Lacoden rose up with her head hanging low and looking down,"I never thought I'd have to teach an elder manners." she laughed softly.

"Kill her!" the commander ordered.

Talon yelled,"No! Stop! Father!"

"Ignore her! Go!"

Two of the other griffons went inside the house not expecting a fight. As one of them walked closer to her Lacoden's agility sprang up and she moved away."You can do better." her head was still hanging down. Her laughs was growing more dynamic. The griffon was agitated and sped to her. Lacoden lifted a plate and smashed it against th griffons head sending him across the room. When the griffon hit the wall his neck broke. "Come on now. I can teach you how to play."

"I will kill you."

"Do it." said Lacoden,"Come on. You don't want to be slain by a kid do you?"

He charge, Lacoden charged back. She killed him in the most strange and brutal way. She stabbed the griffon with her horn. Lacoden pulled herself out and slowly crept outside. Her horn was bloody. She looked up, the corners of her eyes were bleeding and the corners of her mouth also bled."Three more." she laughed.

"Get her!"

Two more charged and she lifted two wooden stakes just as they were about to make contact with her. They ran straight into them.She stepped out into the light. Talon noticed something different about the filly she had thought just died. Her coat and mane darkened. Lacoden jumped onto the two bodies, laughing and smiling.

"Don't treat them like your playthings."

"But these toys give me so much happiness." she said.

"It is your own fault. You sent them after me."

"The crystal. Why did your nation activate it?"

"What damn crystal are you blabbering about?"

"You don't know? A crystal in the center of the island?"

"No. Is this why you attacked our land?"'

"Commander it seems none of them know about it."

"So it seems. Are you certain you no one you know knows about it?"

Lacoden's volume rose,"As certain as I know your kind killed my parents!!"

"It is located in the center of the island. You are saying you haven't been there?"

"There was a strong gravitational force present there, it prevented anyone from entering."

"Can you show us?"

"I can show you your insides. Leave before I change my mind about sparing you two." Talon got up and went to her father,"Wait there is something I want to give you." Lacoden reentered her house.

"Get behind me Talon."

Lacoden came back out,"Here." She threw a doll to their feet. The doll was made of yarn and filled with soft beads. It was Lacoden's childhood. She named the doll, Rex. It had spots of blood on it, her parents blood. It had buttons for eyes, a smile stitched on it, and the mane was made out of silk. "Something to remember me by. Remember my mercy today for in the future I will have none."

Talon grabbed it and went off.

"You remember her because she showed compassion to me. Her enemy."

"Shut up!"

"So did you. You showed mercy to the commander that ordered the holocaust upon our friends. To my parents."

"They were my parents as much as yours!"

"They are not. They wouldn't raise a serial killer like you Rex!"

Chapter 33 - Reunion

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Chapter 33 - Reunion

The simple storm was becoming more violent. Thunder and lighting revealed themselves every few seconds. The rain hit hard against everything, it was also dark. The only light source around Shadow and Garren was the moon, that didn't glow very bright tonight, and flashes from the lightning.

"Should we call off the hunt?" Shadow was trying to make himself heard because the winds picked up and got louder.

"No. This is perfect. Our scent will not be picked up. We have to do this on the ground. If we fly the wind can take us off course. Follow me."

They headed north. Garren scanned the trees just in case they were still hiding in them. Shadow searched the floor.

"Don't you think they can just fly from the island, you know leave?"

"They won't. We have a blockade set up around the island. Get down. Look over there. Behind those rocks."

They crouched behind a bush,"I don't see anything."

"Look carefully Shadow. You can see a tail."

"So what?"

"That's a griffon's tail."

"It could be the tail of anything."

"Look at the bush nearby. It has feathers, brown ones, being blown against the tree there."


"Wait for the wind to blow toward us, then you'll be able to smell them."

Shadow was sparring at a beach with his teacher Garren. They were both using wooden batons. The weather was nice and the skies were clear. Garren's son , Zaz, was resting nearby just reading one of his novels. The waves were calm as they moved up and down the sand. A boat anchored a few hundred yards off the coast.

"Shadow come on you can be faster can't you."

"Garren I'm just so distracted right now."

"Put down the equipment. Why son?"

"You know this whole thing with Dawn's accident. I went back and apologized but I'm giving us a little distance."

"Sounds like you have it all figured out."

"I don't like the distance. I mean it might be good because, Starflare might kill me in my sleep."

"I'm pretty sure you would want to kill her in her sleep if she injured your kids."

"You have a point there."

"Give Starflare some time, especially Dawn. I'm sure if Dawn forgives you Star will also. So how is everything with you three so far?"

"Really awkward." Shadow chuckled,"We barely even speak now. Star has been forgiving but by very little."

"That's good I hope."

"Yeah. I want things to go back to the ways it was. You know, me, her, and Dawn just walking and playing all over the beaches, forests, and whatever was around."

"The hill?"

"Why wouldn't we? That's our favorite place. Green grass, good shade, and peaceful."

"Good shade? There's only like one tree there?"

"Now when you say it like that it sounds negative. Since there is only one tree we get to be close together."

"That's nice. We would have a lot of trees if somepony didn't have the tendency to cut down stuff."

"What?" shouted Zaz,"I get that from you. Plus Dawn and Lacoden help me so you can't pin all of the blame on me."

"He's right, he does get that from me. As a kid I loved cutting stuff."

"Geez kind of dark don't you think?" said Shadow."

Garren replied,"Not really."

"I beg to differ." Shadow laughed.

"Enough chitchat. Put the baton back on."

In the crazy weather it didn't take long for the wind to change."That's a griffon's scent."

"Right. Strong scent. Wait for it to make a move. You want to know the condition of your prey before you kill it. If the storm dies down and it comes out examine every little aspect of it. Is it strong, weak, fast, slow? Don't forget that these griffons are aware of our presence on the island. They will be looking for us as well."

Shadow felt like he was slacking off,"I just want to get in there and kill it."

"Wait for an opening Shadow. You are rushing in too quickly, you're not thinking of the pros and cons of your strike."

"I'm just thinking about hitting it."

"What happens to you if you don't? That's how you lose."

They sparred for a few more minutes when Zaz jumped up,"Dad! Look over there."

"What is it?" Garren turned to the open ocean and saw what looked like a black cloud."Are those griffons?"

Shadow was looking also,"What would they be doing here?"

Zaz shouted,"They're attacking that boat!"

"They're hostile. Shadow go back to your family immediately after you have gathered them look for Barrier. After go to my place. Zaz grab your things we're going."

Shadow headed south. Garren and Zaz went to the house and started gathering what can be used as weapons."Dad what's going on?" They ran into the living room.

"I don't know. They just assaulted that boat like nothing. I'm going to get my blueprints. You stay here and wait for the others." Garren ran to his studies and grabbed just about everything from the shelves. He came back to the living room."Zaz come over here and- What are you doing?"

"Finishing this book, gimme a sec." He read aloud,"....those flowers regrew into the field. Giving nothing but happiness. The previous flowers found a way to work there problems but it came with a great cost. The present flowers will have to unite against the upcoming storm. This storm will bring the demise of many blades of grass. Can this storm wipe out the six flowers?" Zaz shut the book,"That's a weird ending."

"What was that rubbish titled anyway?"

"The Six Flowers and the Storm"

"Who wrote it?"

"No author is credited. I read the other version of this but I like this one more. It has more truth to it."


"Like it seems more likely to happen to the flowers. You see the six flowers represents six fillies that played in a field."

"That's odd but-"

There was a loud boom outside.

"They're back."


"Okay." Zaz ran to hide behind some drapes.

Griffons entered through the front door, around 4 of them.

"What are you doing here?" Garren asked forcefully.

One of the griffons came up to him and yelled,"Why did your land activate the crystal?"

"What are you talking about?"

"You're like the rest of your island."

Zaz thought,"The crystal? It can't be,"Zaz came put from hiding and said,"Magnas Lumen. Is that it?"

The griffon pushed Garren to the floor to get to Zaz,"You know of it?"

"It's the heart of the world. Myths and legends tell of its location being brought down to the ground. Leaving a five-pointed crater."

"I'm sure you know the name of your island." the griffon scolded.

"Fallen St- Fallen Star."

"You know far too much."

Garren shouted,"Run!"

It was too late. The griffon had already placed his claws on Zaz's neck and broke it. He turned to Garren,"Knowledge can be used to bring peace and prosperity or death and destruction. Move out, rendezvous with the commander in the center. I'm sorry."

They left as fast as they entered.

The storm died down enough for Shadow and Garren to speak normally. Garren saw movement coming from the rocks and whispered,"They're coming out. Remember go for the wings."

A griffon came out slowly, beak first, then the head next. It didn't notice them, it was a female."Come on out." she said. Two baby griffons followed.

Shadow did not want to kill them. Did he have a choice?"We shouldn't do this."

"Getting cold hooves?"

"It might be more fun to hunt those two when they're are grown up. That's all."

"Get the mother then." Garren sneaked around too fast for Shadow to reply.

"Damn." he said.

The griffon said to the two children,"Only if we could find out of a way to leave this place."Come on we need to-"

"There is no getting off of his island."

The griffon looked around and saw Garren between two trees."Kids fly off."


"NOW!" As soon as the two got air and flew off the mom tried to do the same.

Garren shouted,"Shadow get her!"

Shadow was hesitant. He looked to his left hoof, which had the hoof-sword, and looked to her. Shadow got frustrated. He flew high into the air and used the clouds as cover. He came down like lighting on top if the griffon striking it on it's spine. They made contact with the ground where Garren waited.

"Goodness. I never thought of that, hitting the spine leaving the target paralyzed. Ingenious!" He laughed,"Now finish it."


"You heard me, finish what you started. She's still alive."

Shadow got it done quickly. The clouds moved allowing the moon to shine. In front of the moon Shadow saw two griffons. They got a good look at him and flew off.

Garren lied on he ground for about three hours, fin ally he got the strength to say,"Zaz........" Garren was left speechless. He heard friendly voices enter.

"Garren!" one shouted, it sounded in distress.

"......In here."

Dawn came to the room crying,"They killed my mo- Oh no.......Zaz!"

Shadow was right behind her, following in sluggishly. He saw Zaz's body. watching his daughter cry over the body of another one of her best friends. He was tired of it all, he shouted,"Get over here! He's gone, we can't do anything. Dawn, please don't cry. Not again."

"Garren. Dragaitas is waiting outside. They don't seem to be going to the center so we're headed there." Dawn got up and wiped the tears from her face.

Garren felt nothing,"Let's leave then."He hoisted the body of Zaz to his back.

Dragaitas was outside, he was collected,"I don't think this attack was on purpose. Maybe caused by.......never mind. Get on" They loaded on the large dragon and lifted off."They will not attack me so don't worry you three."

"I'll make them pay for this. I will kill all of them." said Garren.

Shadow and Garren went back to the house,"Where's Lacoden?" Shadow asked.

A Changeling answered,"Upstairs. She has been there since you two left."

The RAK were in the council room of Canterlot. It was late night and dawn was helping Iril take care of Luna in Luna's chambers. Mist was furious,"First Dust is revealed to be a spy and now Shadow betrayed us almost killing Soul in the process!"

Soul was wrapped in bandages and she argued,"Calm down."

Randall said,"How can we be calm?"

"He didn't seem to want to kill me."

"I'm sure. Soul I think your denying the truth." replied Tal.

"He's right. It was clear Shadow wanted you dead." Seng added.

Aero asked,"Who will run things from now on?"

Cloudfire said,"Soul. She is the highest ranking one here."

"Not now. Give her time to heal." said Fyn Cour,"Let's continue with training our present recruits. Soul I'll take you to your bed." Fyn Cour led Soul out of the room.

"He was showing me his true colors then,,,,then he turned his back to us." Soul whined.

"That's why your denying it. He was telling you his past and you felt for him. Dawn needs to know about this."

"I will do it. Take me to her."

Fyn Cour got Soul to Luna's chambers. Iril, Dawn, and the princess were chatting.

"Oh my gosh. Soul what happened?" cried Iril.

Iril ran to her,"I'm fine."

"I thought you were with my father."

"That's what I came here to talk about. On our way to Shining Water he cut my chest and flew off."

Dawn had a dull facial expression. Her face grew angry. Her brows slanted,"I'll take over. I'm heading to the griffons tomorrow."

"You can't go by yourself." said Luna.

"I'll go." Iril said.

"It's settled. We leave tomorrow."

"Soul cried,"Unsettled! We need to know what we need to do if your father attacks us."

"I don't have to worry about that. He made his choice it is my choice to fight him if I have to. I can't worry about the future, I worry about the present. The present is the future."

"Dawn you can't just leave this unattended." replied Soul.

"Watch me. Iril are you sure you want to come?"

"Yes I am Miss Dawn."

Dawn chuckled,"You don't have to call me that."

"I want to though."

Fyn added,"I'll go as well. Could be fun."

"No weapons. I want our visit to the griffons to go without bloodshed. We leave as the sun rises."

"I give up." whined Soul.

"Soul when the time comes I'll deal with my father. You just heal for now."

Dust came running inside,"They're awake!"

"Who?" asked Luna.

"Phew.....hold on......let me breath. Okay, Storm and the others." she was panting hard. Fyn, Dawn, Iril, Luna, and even Soul made their way fast to the infirmary."I just came back from there. UGGGHHHHH!" she followed them.

In the infirmary Storm, Lancer, and Tint were sitting up.

"I'm tired." said Lancer.

"Really?" asked Seng.

"Kinda weird how we woke up at the same exact time." Tint exclaimed.

"Well I'm done laying down." Storm got out of bed and fell right on his face."Nevermind, my body thinks otherwise."

Aero helped him back into bed."You're still going to need to time to rehabilitate."

Cloudfire added,"And to strengthen your muscles, joints, and all the other stuff but most importantly your stomach." Cloudfire paused,"Now that I think about it I think about food when I'm sad."

Storm chuckled,"So if I died would you be hungry?"

Tint said,"Well this is fun. How the heck are we alive anyway?"

Flood answered,"Shadow sacrificed his immortality to save you three and the princess."

Storm added another question,"Which one and what happened?"

"Celestia. She was critically injured as well. She died but Shadow brought her back. She was in a coma just like you three." Bladedancer replied.

"Well go check on her, she may be awake as well." Lancer scolded.

Seng and Cloudfire left to go down the hall. When they entered they saw Dawn, Luna, Iril, Fyn, and Dust huddled around Celestia, she was still in a deep sleep.

"Maybe because she's an alicorn it takes longer." Luna suggested.

Fyn Cour replied,"That could be, remember how much power Shadow had to use to bring her back?"

Seng interrupted,"Still asleep isn't she?" Dawn nodded,"Well those three are up so you can come by when you're ready." Seng left and so did Cloudfire.

"Let's go in and show ourselves." said Dust.

"You can go, I'll be staying here." Luna answered.

"I'll stay with her," said Dawn,"You all can go."

Soul, Fyn, and Iril came inside. Seeing the division leaders that have just arrived. When Dust came to the door and saw Mist she ran off. Mist followed her after saying her "hellos". Dust went to what used to be the garden.

"What's wrong?" Dust heard a voice and saw that it was Mist.

"Nothing." she frightfully answered.

"I forgive you." Mist said.

"No you don't. How can you?"

"Yes I do. Look at me." Dust did and Mist gave her a light kiss on her cheek,"They had leverage and used it against you. You had no choice."

"What about all your friends and and and-" she was stuttering.

Mist put her hoof over her mouth and said,"It's alright, no need to worry."

Dust removed her hoof and spoke,"No it's not. They still have Canon and my sister. They can be dead for all I know!"

"Shadow won't let that happen."

"He betrayed us. How can you say that?"

"He did but I have the feeling he won't be on their side for very long."

"Oh yeah?"

"He has the capability to kill Soul and he even had the perfect chance to do it. Why didn't he? He's smart. I'm sure he would've gone a long time ago if he wanted to. Hopefully Garren doesn't realize that. Shadow can provide intel on their military."

"Okay. I'm a pretty formal pony so let me get this off of my chest. I am sorry for betraying you and our friends. I am sorry for the wrongs I have done. I am-"

Mist again put her hoof over her mouth, she chuckled,"It's alright. I know how sorry you are. It's getting chilly out here. Let's get back inside."

"No let's stay here. Let's get to know each other." Dust lied on the ground. Mist went next by her, huddling for warmth.

At the door Tal and Randall were talking.

"What the? Is she bonding with her?" Tal cried.

"Geez what's the big Idea? You got on crush on Dust or..........Mist?"

"We have to stop her Randall! Dust can't have her!"

"Pfft!Yeah, like you were good enough for Mist anyways." Randall trotted away.

"I am just wait and see." I'll show her, you, Storm, and Soul!"

"Sure lovercolt." Randall was getting further and further away. Tal ran after her.

Chapter 34 - Underground Beauty

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Chapter 34 - Underground Beauty

Morning and the 81 recruits were already sweating. The group said to be arriving from Fort Reiner haven't showed up yet. The three division leaders were to take charge until Knight Black Soul was ready. They did not tell the recruits of the betrayal, they didn't want them to lose faith. Dawn, Iril, and Fyn Cour were about ready to head southeast, to griffon territory until Excaelum stalled them by calling Dawn over.

"I will be speaking with Chronin later on tonight. Do you want me to ask her about your memory?"

"That will be appreciated."

"Call your companions over. I will take you southeast."

"Oh I can't."

"I insist."

"Fine." Dawn shouted their names and they came."Excaelum is kind enough to offer transportation southeast. This will surely speed up our task a great deal."

Fyn said,"I never rid on a dragon before."

"It's not horrible." Dawn replied."We got everything?"

"Just some food." Iril answered.

"Good. No need for weapons. Let's go."

Excaelum lowered his right wing to the ground to allow the three to get on his back. Excaelum scolded,"If you need some support just hang on my spikes. The griffons will not bother you as long as you are on me. I will get you close but I will leave you and then you'll have to make the journey back yourself. I have other things I need done today."

They lifted from the ground and gained altitude. It was cold high in the air, Excaelum flew high to avoid being seen. He warmed up his body so his passengers won't freeze to death.

Dawn was using her telepathy to communicate with Excaelum,"Iril doesn't look well."

"Few have flown on a back of a dragon. Have you used this ability to speak to your father?"

"Tried but he might be blocking me out."

"Keep an eye on your friends. Griffons don't trust others often. You're going to have to prove yourself amicable before you take any other action."

"I will."

"Take great caution, they will be aggressive."

"I will."

Fyn was snickering,"Iril are you okay?"

"Not really. My stomach is really off right now." she replied grabbing her tummy.

"Excuse me Excaelum how long until we reach our destination?" Fyn asked.

Dawn answered in his place,"4 hours. He's flying fairly slow to keep us from falling off."

"Okay well I'm going to get some rest before we get there." Iril secured herself between two of Excaelum's spikes. Fortunately his back was broad enough for them to lay down.

"You're lucky enough to ride a dragon and you're going to miss it with sleep." Fyn shook her head with disappointment.

"Eh, I'm sure I will get another chance to." she replied.

Excaelum continued with his telepathic conversation with Dawn,"This is only the third time you got to ride a dragon is it not?"

"Dragaitas once and you twice, counting this one. In 50 years. Why so rare that dragons offer rides?"

"Trust. This is a sign of trust, if a dragon offers his back for transport it's a gift. Not even pegasi can experience a flight such as this."

Excaelum being a strong flyer he didn't need to flap his webbed wings as much but when he did the sound it made was satisfying. Knowing that Excaelum can change speed, direction, and altitude any time Dawn wrapped herself on a spike. Fyn was having the time of her life. She was looking over the edge enjoying the view from above. She was careful though she stuck only her head over leaving the rest of her body anchored on the dragon. She decided to get some rest as well. Dawn stayed awake for awhile but slowly she closed her eyes.

3 years before the siege a tragic death shook up Shadow and the others. This death was the death of Lacoden's uncle. Starflare made a doll and gave it to her to ease her longing for him. Her uncle fell ill a few weeks before, a mysterious disease no one had a solution to. It was no normal illness, it made the victim hallucinate and scream. Some of the other symptoms were a very high fever, vomit, and excessive bleeding through the nose. He lost his battle and died screaming his lungs out. The next day Barrier, Lacoden's father, decided to cremate his body. He didn't want an outbreak of this disease to break out. Nothing else happened similar to that incident.

"Lacoden where did you get that from?"

"Oh your mother gave it to me Dawn. It's pretty. So much work put into the stitching."

"I'm sorry about your uncle."

Lacoden sighed,"'s fine. Rex cheered me up."


"My doll. I named her Rex. She makes sad, bad, and other stuff go away."

"Can we play with her?"

"No I'm sorry. She only likes it when I play with her, she's shy."

"Oh alright. Hopefully she will become more happy and she might let us play together."

Lacoden smiled, hugging her gift.

"We're here." Excaelum said aloud.

Dawn woke up,"Thank you."

Excaelum nodded. He touched down."It's just a few minutes ahead until you reach them. They may have already seen us. They will observe your actions." Once the three got off he departed.

"Okay let's go." Dawn ordered.

They were following a faint dirt trail. The trail led to a rocky valley. As they continued in the rocks started to cover the sunlight from above. It was dark.

Dawn lighted up the darkness with an illumination spell,"Come on don't fall behind."

"Are you sure we're going the right way?" asked Fyn.

"Yeah look at the ground. Griffon feathers. The deeper we go the more there are."

As they ventured in further, they fell down. They fell for at least five minutes. Dawn used her magic to set them down safely.

"What was that?" Iril brushed the dirt off of her.

Dawn looked up,"We fell. What the?I didn't think going through would be so complex."

Fyn was uneasy,"Is everyone okay?"

"We're fine." Dawn looked around,"That way."

Iril asked,"How do you know?"

"I have no idea."

They saw light when they reached it they saw a whole new world. It was an underground country.They ended up in a field, looking ahead they saw beautiful waterfalls, rivers, lakes, hills, vegetation, and structures. Even though there rocks covering this land there was still light everywhere, light from the sun it seemed.There had to be something doing that. Dawn saw something peculiar, a mountain underground. A few moments later Dawn, Fyn, and Iril were approached by griffons.

"What are you doing here?" one asked with a angry tone.

Dawn knew one sure answer to get them out of trouble,"Fallen Star."

"How do you know of that?!" another shouted.

Dawn made another answer,"Magnas Lumen."

Dawn was keeping an eye all on them,"Take them to the commander." one ordered.

"Cover yourselves." One threw some rags. Dawn was hesitant,"Do it!" he shouted.

They did as they were told. They didn't know where they were going to. Dawn heard running water. "Stream." she thought. Arriving at their destination quicker than expected the griffons removed the rags and ahead of the three they saw a large griffon. Her feathers were well groomed, her ail was long, and her beak was sharp.

"Who are they?" she asked.

"Wanderers Commander Talon."

Talon was wearing a white cloth over her chest,"Why have you brought them here?"

"This one knew exactly where to go." it pointed at Dawn.

This Commander Talon went to Dawn,"How do you know how to navigate the caverns?"

"I don't know." Dawn answered.

"Kill them."

"Wait. Commander they were spotted riding upon a dragon."

"Is that so?" Talon replied,"Stand up, all of you. Who was the dragon?"

"It had light-gray scales and light-blue eyes." a griffon said.

"You, what was it's name?" Talon shouted at Iril.

"Excaelum." Dawn answered.

"I wasn't asking you."

"Your point." Dawn stepped up to her,"I need to talk about Fallen Star."

"Ha, what interest would a mark bearer like you have in that place?" a griffon laughed.

"I am a native of Fallen Star."

"Rubbish." Talon scolded.

"50 years ago there was siege there. By your kind. 2 weeks to get there, shorter if the wind was with you. A dragon resided there his name was-"

"Dragaitas. How do you know of the siege?"

"I was there that day!" Dawn shouted. She was letting her anger come out,"My friends and my mother were killed at the claws of your race!"

Talon gestured the other griffons, hey surrounded Dawn and the others. They backed off."I was there that day as well. Come." Talon walked away and they followed.

One caught up with Talon,"Commander we should just kill them right now."

"Gizzard she's obviously more important than we thought. So shut up and and lead them to the castle." Gizzard was about the same size as Talon but slimmer.

Fyn looked around,"This place is like Equestria. I didn't expect anything to live down here. How is this place so giant, it's like the size of a large island."

Iril said,"Shh." Iril whispered into Fyn's ear,"They don't like us."

"I know but luckily Dawn is here. We would've been killed as soon as we reached this place."

About half an hour later they reached a large building. Made with red stone. A white-stoned bridge led to a black gate. The water under was clear. Behind the black gates were tall wooden doors. They led straight to a staircase.

"What are your names?" Talon asked.

"Fyn Cour."



"Your occupations."

"Field medic."

"Castle maid."

"Daughter of Starflare."

"You are her child? How are you this young?" Talon questioned.

"I was immortal until just recently when I gave it up."

"Enough with introductions. Why are you here?"

"Fallen Star. I want to know why you attacked us."

"You noticed the light in here I assume."

"Get to your point griffon."

"Show respect to her!" Gizzard yelled.

"She is eager to learn. We have a crystal that relays nature from another crystal's area. The green grass, running streams, steady winds would not be here if this crystal didn't exist."

"The other crystal?"

"One sister crystal to ours."

"The one at Fallen Star."

"Whatever happens to Fallen Star happens here. 50 years ago our land started to gradually die. We thought the crystal here was activated. It was activated at your island. We went there to stop the completion. But we didn't Dragaitas did. We saw him enter the mountain."

"Dragaitas what's happening?"

"Shadow you're going to have to leave."

"Father what are going to do?"

"Excaelum take them and leave." The crystal was more violent,"Now!"

"Get on! Shadow! Dawn! Come on! Father I will wait for you."

"I'm not coming back." Dragaitas expelled the three from the mountain,"Lenity."

"He didn't come back out."

"I don't know what happened to him. She forced us out and when we went back he was gone. We left the island a few weeks after."

Talon softened up,"We sent battalions to the north, south, west, and east. I went west with my father. We went there to try and stop the crystal because it was activated to destroy something."

"We will send four battalions to each corner of the island. The natives there may protect the weapon so we need to wipe them out as quickly as possible. The journey from here to there will be about two weeks. We will not stop for any reason, the strongest flyers will be in the lead so the others behind can catch the draft. They will rotate positions to conserve energy." The commander was briefing his subordinates on the siege,"Whatever you do keep them separated. I will personally go to the west of the island, we have information that tells of the head of security lives on that part of the island. According to the orb he is very skilled with magic but weak with melee combat."


"I don't know. It happened so sudden. Whoever activated it was strong." she removed her white cloth. Dawn saw something.

"Where'd you get that?" she asked.

Talon looked down, a doll was hanging down from her neck,"It was given to me. Does it mean something to you?"

"Not to me but to a former friend. You said it was given to you. Why did was it given away?"

"A filly my father wanted dead gave it to me after she killed 4 of my father's warriors. She said that it was her last piece of mercy."

"Can I see it?" Talon removed it and gave it to Dawn. Dawn levitated with her magic,"This was given to my friend, Lacoden, from my mother after her uncle died. This dolls name is Rex, Lacoden played with it whenever she was sad. That was often. After her uncle died a few more of her family members died each on separate occasions. The deaths impacted, Lacoden especially, severely. Rex cheered her up somehow. What was her state when she gave you this?"

"She was near death. I thought she had gone but that changed when she came back. Before her coat was light so was her mane. After she came back out both of them darkened. She said 'thank you' when I told her she was beautiful. I tried to comfort her before she died."

"She is alive. Her mane and coat stayed dark. The only thing that changed were her eyes. Dark to light green. Wait a minute....." Dawn realized something that needed to be told,"How is that possible? No way." Dawn touched Rex with her hoof and she felt pain, anger, and sorrow. She saw death, blood, and light-green eyes. She got a major migraine and dropped Rex along with herself.""

Fyn rushed to her,"Are you okay sweetie?"

Dawn muttered, she was frightened to death,"Nevermind. Do you have any place I can have some sort of peace?"

"Are you tired?" asked Iril.

"Yes we do. Why?" replied Talon.

Dawn replied,"I need to collect myself."

"We haven't showed you any sort of proper hospitality. Gizzard show her to the Pool of Blood."

Fyn Cour asked,"Wait how is that peaceful?"

Gizzard said,"The name was made to scare any who try and disturb the pool. It's actually water, flowers. I assure you the name completely misleads he actual place."

Fyn and Iril were led elsewhere. Dawn was led and the back of the castle. She had almost forgotten she was underground. The sunlight looked so real and there was even a large sea. She ended up in a small enclosure, she was daydreaming and didn't know what way she came from. Gizzard left her and she was alone. She looked for a place to lay down. She found one. Between two trees with her back to the rest of vegetation, she faced toward the water. Trees on the opposing side of the pond. She shut her eyes and began to think of her father.

Dawn concentrated,"Dad. Are you there?"

She got hold of him easier than she thought. I was due to the fact that the crystals were similar, he answered,"Dawn? Dawn! Please tell the others I am sorry. I did it to infiltrate them, to find out anything. I promise I will be back as soon as I can."

"You put Soul's life at stake just to do that? You could've just tell us your plan."

"No. Lacoden is very suspicious of me. I had to do it."

"What like prove yourself?"

"Exactly like that."

Dawn thought if he didn't want to speak to her why would he allow it? She had a change of heart

"When will you come back to us?"

"I don't know but I will try and stop Garren from getting to Tartarus."

"Why is he going there?"

"He wants to unleash something."



Dawn's heart stopped,"Cerberus? For the war?"

"Yes. He wants to use him as a doll for battle."

"There's no way he can get Cerberus to Fallen Star. Right?"

"Lacoden created a passageway, a teleportation device, back the warehouse. They plan to scale it large enough for Cerberus to get through."

"He is the guardian to the underworld. If they remove him who knows what might come from it's depths."

"That is why I fear letting him get there."

"Creatures out in the surface are nothing compared to the things down there."

"I know. Even hydras aren't down there, and they are very destructive. Listen if this does go down we're going to need all the help we can get."

"Make it back safe father."

"I will. I have to go."

Dawn continued to talk to herself,"He has to stop Garren. Without Cerberus guarding the underworld there is no telling what will come out."

Dawn followed a trail back to the castle. She found a cliff and overlooked the land. It was hard for her to believe they were underground. She began to wonder if any of the griffons ever even left this place, or even knew about it.

Talon saw Dawn,"You know, you know you way around very well."

"I haven't even been here long enough. I don't know how I know."

"My father told me a story, it was about a similar event that occurred to him when he was a young adult. He said that another mark bearer, a unicorn like you, found her way in here. She stayed down here for awhile and eventually knew this place very well. He said it happened over 65 years ago."

"Did he say who it was?"

"I didn't care for it."

"Has any of the other griffons wonder what else there is in the world?"

"Some go their whole lives without seeing the outside. But yes some do. I make a deal with them that if they want to leave they shall not return. To go to the outside griffon territories. The way one three came in is the only way in and out."

"Will you ever tell them?"

"I want to but they will realize their whole lives were being lived in a lie."

"That's the risk you're going to have to make eventually. Either you or another griffon. Which one would you prefer?"

"I'm not sure."

"Telling somepony you lied to them their whole life is never easy. Excuse me but, we need to leave their is someone I need to speak to."

"I will notify Gizzard to bring your friends to the entrance. I will personally lead you to the entrance."

They walked for a an hour or two not saying a word. Dawn saw the crack they came through.

"When you leave can I have your word to not tell speak of this place to anyone?"

"You have my word, as Starflare's daughter you have my word."

"Good. Your friends will be here shortly."

Fyn Cour and Iril arrived. They waved goodbye to the griffons and reentered the caverns. The cliff they had fallen off earlier was horribly difficult to get up. Dawn and Fyn Cour used their magic to levitate up to the point where they met the edge. The left the mountains and began their journey home.

Excaelum was speaking to Chronin deep in the Everfree Forest.

"Who will you seek to guide you in your power Excaelum?"

"Even the ones who possess similar power don't know how to use it. MY father won't give me direct answers, that irritates me so."

"In time you will discover how to use mercy's power to your advantage. Your power is very important without mercy combing it's powers with life and love it is useless."

"You don't have this power. How is it you know this?"

"My son, I am very old. Your father is the eldest."

"You are avoiding to answer my lord."

"That is because I know as much as you do."

"You are lying."

"Is that bothering you?"

"Yes even more since you admitted to doing so."

Chronin chuckled a little."I have your answers but I will not give them to you. This you have to find out yourself."

"Why must I do everything by myself?"

"By yourself but not alone. Your friends, Shadow and Dawn, have a similar story to yours. You three have been destined to be where you are now ever since the day you were all born, nexus."


"You, your friends, and enemies are connected by a series of events."

"So you believe in destiny?"

"I believe that all things are connected but that doesn't mean destiny." Chronin walked around, Excaelum followed,"You see destiny is a word that means your path is chosen for you, that you have no say in your own life. Nexus means a series of connected events. Have you reviewed your life beginning at Fallen Star? Without the activation of the crystal you would not be here. You would not be here trying to save your family from their demise. You made the choices that brought you here."

"I do not understand your words."

"You are still young, in time you will. Have you heard of the mark bearer, Star Swirl the Bearded?"

"Yes he was one of magic."

"When he was young he went to Fallen Star in an attempt to learn more about dragons, specifically your father."

"My father?"

"Gravity Dragons. The first day he met Lord Dragaitas your brother Orcusin tried to rob your father of Centerra. Center earth. He gave Star Swirl Centerra, as an egg, and told him to keep hide it. Star Swirl did so."

"He was given the name Kishi by the mark bearer Black Soul. Center earth? What is that?"

"That is the meaning of Kishi's name. Your name means outer heaven while your brother's means inner hell."

"Why did father give us such names?"

"He was the kind of dragon that believed in destiny."

"So he named us in the attempt to put the entire world in danger?"

"In my opinion it would've happened no matter what. You and Orcusin were opposites from the start."

They arrived at a small creek. The water was slowly making its through the small openings betweens the stones. The birds chirped and bushes rustled.

"My father said that the star dragons went extinct because of me. Is that true?"

"Yes. If Mastron had taking hold of the star dragons powers then we would all be dead by now, along with this place. They gave their powers and lives to you to preserve life with the cost of theirs. I guess that's where the heaven in your name comes in."

"Orcusin was Mastron's pupil?"

"After your father saw darkness in his heart he sent him away. When Orcusin found Mastron Mastron brainwashed him into thinking power is the only solution to any problem. Orcusin came back to Dragaitas to steal and then kill Centerra so he can be the one who gets the star dragon's power. Mastron never wanted to do anything on his own, in return of Orcusin's servitude he would let him be the one who gets the powers. When Orcusin failed Mastron grew angry. He started to kill his own kind and gaining their abilities. I suppose you know of his dark ability?"

"He can absorb powers but can't all star dragon do that?"

"The others could learn the other forces but Mastron can take powers of an old dragon and take its powers within seconds. Us original dragons were in great risk of getting killed. His main target was your father. If he controlled gravity he controlled the other forces, even time. The other forces will not be able to function without gravity."

"Time? I thought time was one of the sole forces."

"Without space and gravity time would not have existed."

"Are there any more, like Orcusin?"

"Gravity dragons?"

"No. More evil dragons."

"Yes. They were exiled in an environment opposite to their force."

"Are they still there?"

"They are allied with your brother. These dragons have the equivalent amount of power to Orcusin.'

"Are you saying there are more dragons of his caliber?"

"If you are lucky you won't have to face them. Most likely you will. These dragons have connections with our present lords and solitaries."

"Why were they exiled?"

"Like Orcusin they grew power hungry."

"If I am going to face them shall I learn the other forces?"

"How will you do that?"

"Star dragons have the ability to learn other forces. They gave me their powers that should mean I can be able to learn all seven."

"I suppose you're correct."

"Who should I go to?"

"I will teach you the ability of time but that is the last thing you should learn. Gravity dragons are very special they are already gifted with fire. If you are satisfied with your ability to use it I suggest you learn water."

"I am not satisfied. Kishi can withstand Orcusin's fire and I can't. I need to learn more."

"You can't wait until Centerra decides or learns to speak. Look at Shortsnout for guidance maybe he can assist you."

Their was a loud rustling sound arcoss on the other side of the creek, a voice came from the trees,"Leave."

"Timberwolves." Chronin said,"I assure you we bring no harm."

"You may not but the other dragons will. Everywhere a dragon is there is destruction. We can not loose our dwelling."

"Come out dog. Let me see who I am speaking to."

A pair of great yellow eyes appeared from the darkness. Next the head of a timberwolf. The rest followed. This timberwolf was alone and about the same size as Chronin.

"Do you know what may come to this world wolf?"

"The crystal can't be activated."

"You do know. Who?"

"That is none of your concern. What you should be considering is that village past the Everfree."

Excaelum thought,"The frontier. What is happening there?"

"Not happening yet. In a matter of seconds that village will be burned to the ground."

Chronin shouted,"Is that a threat?!"

"A warning."There was a large boom back to the frontier. Birds flew into the air startled and smoke started to rise from behind the trees."I suggest you go and see who is responsible."

"Was it you?!" replied Excaelum.

"Go find out." The timberwolf sank back deep into the forest.

"Go. I'll catch up." Chronin said.

When Excaelum saw the frontier the castle was in ruins. He heard screams. A few dragons were sabotaging the frontier. Excaelum flew as fast as he can, he interrupted the dragons.

"Stop." he scolded.

"Well would you look at this, Orcusin's brother has come to join the fun."

"You know my name as well too. Tell me what are yours?" All these dragons had dark colored scales.






"Do you care to hear how we destroyed that castle before it was even heard?" Moya asked. Excaelum was silent,"We compressed all of power into a boulder. Then we shot it together. It went so fast it was faster than sound. The castle was in ruin before thee mark bearers even heard it."

"Why are you here?" Excaelum was angry.

"We came to greet you. Show you who we are." Retu answered.

"I suggest you leave now."

"We just started."

They swarmed Excaelum. Excaelum pushed Glesda off the top of him and flew high. He climbed and looked down. He saw Basden coming up. Excaelum flew back down knocking him down. Gothen and Moya were the stronger ones. They each grabbed hold of his wings so that the others can deal damage to him. Gothen was pushed over. Centerra came to help Excaelum. The five didn't expect such a small dragon to be able to fight a fully grown one.

"This must be the dragon Orcusin spoke of." he said. Kishi also pushed Moya off so that Ecaelum could regain his footing.

Excaelum saw the other solitaries like Gulfstream, Jakal, and Nelo slowing creeping up on the five. Excaelum stalled."Where is my brother?"

"He is occupied . He does not know of our arrival here." Retu said.

Glesda spotted the solitaries and took off. The others did too and retreated,"Until we meet again. Sons of Dragaitas." Moya said.

Gulstream exclaimed,"Who were they?"

"Stay alert. They are strong. They are allies of my brother, Orcusin."

"What action shall we take in fighting them?" Nelo questioned.

"None. Leave we brought enough attention to our presence here. Kishi follow me." Excaelum scolded.

Kishi opened his wings and flew with Excaelum.

Back at the castle everything was destroyed but thankfully nopony got hurt. There was only two ponies there that could've stopped the boulder from hitting the castle and Gandore was asleep. Celestia had just woken up with nopony knowing. She saw the boulder and used her magic to destroy it. The boulder became small pebbles but still had enough force to cause great damage.

"Sister are you okay?" Luna flew to Celestia.

"I woke up only to protect you all." They descended and Celestia was giving orders a;ready,"Storm I want you and Black Soul to go to your hometown to get as much help as you can. We will not be winning this war if we can't kill one dragon."

"Yes your highness. C'mon Soul."

Mist spoke,"Our current status princess. We have only 81 recruits willing to fight. More from Fort Reiner should be arriving tomorrow. They are only a few weeks in their training. Most of which are juveniles."

"We're going to need more than 81. Go back to the frontier and train them immediately. Where is Dawn and Shadow?"

Seng replied,"Dawn went southeast with Iril and Fyn Cour to get some answers. Shadow joined Garren's forces."

"When is Dawn expected to return?" Celestia ignored Shadow's betrayal.

"Her ETA is unknown." Tal said.

"Myself and Luna will clean this place up. The rest of you go and assist Mist at the frontier."

They dispersed,"Sister I never seen you like this."

"I haven't been any help this far. It's my time to do some labor around here."

Storm and Soul were prepared,"Storm are you sure you are able to fly?"

"I'm fine. Did you pack light?"

"I just have my hoof-sword."

"I do too."

"Let's go then."

Mist called for roll-call to count everypony. None were dead or missing. Ms. Grazer was shakey. After roll-call they were ordered to clean up the mess then train.

"Shadow are leaving." Garren said.

"Cold hooves there?" a Changeling asked smirking.

Shadow stepped onto the ship,"Let's get Cerberus." Shadow flew to the top of the center mast of the ship.

Lacoden was in the cargo section of the boat."We are going to get him."

She was talking to herself again,"One of these days I will regain control of my body and you'll just be a memory."

"There is no complete way you can get rid of me." Lacoden was trotting in circles,"Without me you will break the internal balance of your soul."

"I'll find a way."

"I will be there if you ever do. But by the time that happens your friend will have met her demise alone."

"She is not alone. She has me."

The ship gradually set off into the ocean. Shadow hasn't been on a ship for the longest time. SHadow had to continue pretending he was with Garren until they reached the mainland. In the brig two prisoners were chained to wood posts. One was the small griffon and another a earth pony. This earth pony was Dust's little sister, Retina. Retina was also a prisoner of Garren's. Retina was used as leverage like Canon to get Dust to do their bidding. Retina had similar colors to Dust only that her coat was slightly darker. Retina was kidnapped two years ago and hasn't seen her sister since. She longed for the next time she got to see her.

Fallen Star is nourished with green grass, tall trees, and other types of healthy vegetation. That will change. The activation of the crystal will slowly suck the life out of everything on the island. It hasn't begun yet but soon it will. For now the island will be at its peak of life.

Chapter 35 - The Passing Storm

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Chapter 35 - The Passing Storm

While Dawn and the others were on the way back to the frontier, Soul and Storm were away from it. Soul and Storm's destination was Shining Water, former Green Doe. They are going there hopefully to get some help for the war. They flew for two hours and then decided to walk for two hours. They were traveling light, they wanted to get there as quickly as possible.

"Who do you think we should speak to?" Storm asked. Even though he just recently recovered from his injuries he was acting as if they never happened.

"Well every town or village needs a leader, I would say talk to whoever the heck that is."

"Do you want to stop by Green Fawn?"

"I'm not sure, I want to but at the same time it would bring back memories."

"Mom where are you?"

"Ms. Athen!" Storm shouted.

When Shadow had left the two alone and Athen did not return, Soul and Storm went out to look for her. it was cold and dark. The only light came from the lamp inside their house.

"Mom where did you go?" Soul sniffled.

Three days later late afternoon, peacekeepers came to Green Fawn and saw the horrid sight. This was large armed group. They wanted to make sure they were ready to defend themselves from any stragglers.

"What happened here?" said an officer."Twenty of you look around for any survivors."

"Yes sir!" one shouted.

"Officer Mend, come check over here." a younger member of the peacekeepers called, she was looking at a body on the deck. "I don't know what happened to her but she's dead."

Officer Mend was a unicorn that had a blue-green coat and brown hair. He examined the body,"She has been trampled on."

"That's not all, look in the water."

Officer Mend looked over the edge,"What kind of sick monster would do this? Get them out. Twenty of you just get them out." Mend felt like he wanted to puke. The bodies of the drowned fillies were floating. They were beggining the process of decomposition. Scavengers like crows, wolves, seagulls, rats, and other small rodents ate the bodies. The land animals ate the ones in shallow waters and the birds ate the ones in deeper water.

The sun made the stench worse. It rotted the bodies and filled the surrounding air with a smell that stung their noses. Flies had already left their young inside the puncture wounds by made the beaked animals. When the bodies were pulled out the animals either ran or flew away then came back a few seconds later. The parts of the bodies submerged in the water were also being eaten by fish.

"What do you think happened?"

"I don't want to know but I need to. You two bring a body from the water here." Two carried over one,"Place him down gently. He's dead but that doesn't mean we can treat him like dirt." Mend looked around the neck, no bruises or marks. He looked at the front hooves, again no marks. He looked at the hind legs and saw marks. "They strung them onto that crane by their rear legs and drowned them. This is what we want to prevent White Blossom."

Another peacekeeper came to Mend,"Sir."

"What is it?"

"Green Fawn is littered with bodies of the gang. Somepony had to kill them. No survivors were found yet."

"How were they killed?"

"Some stabbed, some had broken necks, and some had decapitated heads. They had a guillotine, sir. The adults were decapitated."

"Anything else?"

"Yes sir. A body was found behind a thick bush sir. We have a positive ID on who it is."


"Knight Athen sir. The head of her friend was found as well, former Knight Oless."

"Oless left a while back. Why would he be here?"

"I don't know but his body was stockpiles along with the other decapitated bodies. Dead flowers were also found by Knight Athen, sir."

"Cause of death."

"Stab wound sir. And from my judgement she was killed before she was put in the bushes."

"Good work. Help those guys get the bodies out Delta."

"Yes sir."

"Wait Delta, any sign of her child, Soul."

"No sir."

"Go on then. Blossom help me search the port."

Officer Mend and Blossom looked at the bodies being brought out. They saw the body of Knight Athen. Mend looked at her wound."No way." Mend ran into Athen's house looked into the cabinet. He yelled and Blossom ran in.

"What's wrong?"

"She was killed with her own weapon. Athen. Her armor and spear are gone."

"They looted her house."

"And there is still no sign of Soul. She's probably in the fucking water with the other fillies."

"I know you two were friends but you can't lose your head right now."

"You'e right."Mend and Blossom stepped out. "Whoever did this is going to pay."

Another peacekeeper came up to Mend,"Sir the body of their gang leader, Thorn, was found in the process of being buried."


"Exactly we found a young colt burying him. Bring him here."

A pegasus of dark-gray and dark-red was being pulled over like he was the one responsible.

"That's Storm. Let him go." Mend ordered. He went to Storm and asked,"Where is she?"

"Why so you can kill her?" he replied."I won't let you touch her." Mend saw his eyes looking toward the house and Mend trotted over to it. Storm tried to attack him.

"Restrain him! Storm I am not here to hurt you." Two peacekeepers held his hooves.

"Fuck you! How do you know my name?"

"I knew your mother. Ayla was a friend of mine." Storm calmed down,"Let me prove myself to you. Let him go." Storm didn't attack,"Now, where is she son?"

"Chimney. She's sick."

"Get Storm some nutrition. Blossom come help me with Soul."

They cleared the table away from the chimney and saw Soul curled up in a ball. Asleep with no covers.

"Oh my gosh." Blossom went in a softly pulled her out. She was carrying Soul with one of her hooves,"We need to get her help." She felt her forehead,"Her fever is really high Officer Mend."

"Take her back to camp. I'll finish up here."

Mend came back out and said to Storm who was waiting with peacekeepers at his side,"Thank you for taking care of her but its my turn to take care of you two. Take him back to camp."

One of the peacekeepers said,"No other survivors, sir. What do we do?"

"Help the rest get the bodies out of the water. After burn all the bodies."

"What of Knight Athen and Knight Oless?"

"They wouldn't want to be treated like they were special." Mend sighed,"Burn them as well."

"Yes sir."

"When Holt hears of this it will break his heart."

After a few hours gray clouds were coming up ahead,"It's going to rain." Soul exclaimed.

"We need to find shelter soon."

"Look in front of us. A whole convoy."

"A big one."

"Let's fly to them."

They met up with the leading colt headed toward the frontier,"You, how many of you are there?" Knight Black Soul scolded.

"Well hello to you too Soul." He looked up.

"Delta!" Soul hugged him.

"We got word of your desperation and came."

"Was her name Dali?"

"The nervous mailmare, yeah. I took the pleasure of gathering ponies from different villages to help you. They feel your pain, all 217 of them."

"How are Mend and Blossom?"

"Well. I got these ponies from the peacekeepers. They say they will help you however they can."

"Fantasic Storm and I are on the way to Green Doe right now."

"Do you have your armor? Mist won't trust you unless you have it." Storm said.

"Yes I do. Do I have permission to command these recruits as I please, Knight Black Soul and Knight Storm?"

"As long as you don't kill them." Soul answered."Go, we have to get to Shining Water."

"Be careful a storm is brewing up."

"We will."

Soul and Storm flew off and headed to the storm.

After the bodies have turned to ashes Soul and Storm were in separate tents being interrogated. Blossom was questioning Soul. Her nice voice made it not feel like an interrogation. "Soul do you know what happened?" Blossom asked.

"I don't know but I do know who stopped all the bad things."

"What is it dear?"

"Six wings."

In another tent Delta was questioning Storm.

"What were you doing with Thorn's body, Storm?"

"Putting it away from my sight. He doesn't deserve to be with the rest of the world."

"Were you the one who killed him?"


"Did you see what happened to the rest of the village?"

"No Ms. Athen and a pegasus hid us behind the table Soul was found behind."

"And who was this pegasus?"

"Ms. Athen thought he was bad at first but he turned good."

"Where did he go to, do you know?"

"No. Where did Ms. Athen go?"

Delta thought,"Thank you Celestia he didn't see her body." He looked at Storm and answered,"We don't know."

At the command tent, where Mend was staying, an earth pony marched inside,"Where is my son?" This earth pony was brown and had short bark colored hair.

"I will not let him go into your custody. He will not beaten to death like Ayla was."

"HE is my son I do with him as I please." this earth pony raised his voice.

"Quake the day he goes into your care is the day I die. What makes you think he wants to see you anyway? You and Tornado neglected him the night Ayla died. You didn't care for her or for Storm. Just your pathetic excuse for a son went with you."

"Watch your tongue."

"Or else what? You're going to beat me until I die? Like you did Ayla?"

"Stop saying that wretch's name!"

"That 'wretch' was the mother of your sons and treated her like shit! Did you not care for her well-being at all? The only damn reason she put up with your crap was because of her children. One you took from her. You never cared for Storm but now that he's under my care you suddenly become a father. Did you make any attempt to contact him after she died?"

"No." he mumbled.

"Say that again."


"I can't believe this. I feel so bad for you that I will let you say your farewells to Storm, then you will leave and not return to him. You caused him enough grief. Is that clear?"

"Yes Mend."

Quake slowly trotted over to Storm's tent, on the way he was being cursed at by the peacekeepers who knew Ayla.

Delta came out from the tent and approached Quake,"If I go back in there and he's hurt you will regret it."

"I understand your concern but I just want to see my son." Quake replied almost crying. He entered the tent."Hey kid. Storm its your father."

Storm looked up,"Hey dad." Quake went in for a hug,"Stop right there father. Why did you leave us?"

"I...I don't....know. Look I messed up, I shouldn't have left you or your mother but-"

"But what?"

"Please son don't do this to me."

"Don't do what? Treat you badly? I am no longer your son. To me mom was both my mother and father." Quake stood silent with a frown."I think you should go. Goodbye father." Storm turned to the side of the tent. Even at his young age Storm seemed to do what his actions were doing to his father.

"Storm I can change. You can be my father!" Quake was pleading for his son to return to him. Tears emerged from his eyes."Please! I need you Storm."

Storm replied softly,"Get out."

Quake cried and exited the tent. The same who cursed at him earlier said farewell to him.

"We will take care of him."

Quake stopped his tears and replied,"Please raise him strong, like his mother did. Don't let him become me."

Blossom appeared,"We won't." When Quake left the campsite Blossom entered the tent and saw Storm sobbing. She let him be.

The rained poured down on Soul and Storm. It was a relentless rain. They found shelter under a tree. They huddled together because it was getting cold.

"When do you think this rain is going to let up Soul?"

"I hope soon. We need to get ready."

They took a nap in each other's wings. When they awoke the storm had passed over, then they pushed on. They flew for a long time, a few days straight at least. The work payed off, they reached Green Fawn. They were close. They landed in what used to the town square.

"Look at this place Storm."

"Peaceful. Look the ocean is calm."

"It is. Looks like nopony made no attempt to live here. Everything is rotted."

Trees took the place of posts, bushes replaced benches, and animals took the place of ponies. They went to their old house and reminisced about their childhood. They went to the outskirts of town where there were tombstones. One read

A true warrior,
A true friend,
A true mother,
Knight Athen

"Her killer, I can't believe it was Shadow."

"The next time you see him, you should kill him."

"Dawn will kill him."

"Do you think she'll have the stomach to kill her own father?"

"I would. If she doesn't I will gladly do it. Let's get to Green Doe already, I'm getting depressed."

A few minutes of more flying and they saw it. The lively port Shining Water. They saw a familiar face and descended to it.

"Blossom!" Soul Shouted.

"OH! Soul! It's good to see you." They hugged,"Don't make me Storm." Storm joined in on the hug but let go early. Blossom was only 10 years older than Soul and Storm. "It's been so long you two. How are you?"

"Not well." Soul replied.

"What happened?"'

"'l'll tell you. Where can we go?"

Soul and Storm were led to Blossom's house. They told her everything."Dragons huh?"

"Yeah, dragons." Storm exclaimed.

"How many do you need?"

"Well we have 298 now I think. Maybe another 102."

"400? To fight dragons and who knows what else. I suppose we can get the old gang back together and help lead. That makes...let's see, myself, Mend, Delta, H-. 403."

"Nevermind scratch that. 427. I am not sure if the other dragons are going to fight with us. Who is the leader here? Maybe they can help us?"

"I'm not sure about that Soul. You see I am not here on vacation."

"What do you mean?"

"I'm here keeping an eye on the mayor here."

"Who is it?"

"Tornado. Your brother Storm. I suggest you leave him alone. He has done no wrong ever since your father died."

"When did he pass?" asked Storm.

"Only two days ago. They buried him yesterday. Look Storm, just leave your brother be."

"I will after I tell him I am alive. Where is he Blossom?"

"Well I messed up , shouldn't have told you. Anyways now that you know there will be no stopping you. House farthest from the port, fence in the front. You shouldn't miss it."

"Soul stay here, this I need to take care of myself."

"Come back soon, we still have business to conduct."

"Alright." Storm left the house and flew inland. He spotted the house and saw that it was nicely tended to by a mare gardener. She was busy with the roses so Storm flew to the back unnoticed. The backyard he saw his older brother playing with three children. Possibly his own. Storm touched down and the kids were nervous around the stranger.

"Is that you Storm?" his brother asked.

"Send them inside."

"Kids inside." he watched as his children kept on looking back walking inside."Not even a 'hello' huh? How are you doing brother?"

"How did father die?"

"He grew old. He help rebuild this port after Green Fawn was attacked. He help rid this place of the gangsters."

"So he took care of others rather than his own son."

"You sent him away. It was your fault Storm! It tore him apart when he came back to me."

"Didn't seem to tear him up when mom died."

"Look Storm, he made a mistake."

"A big one in that matter. So your wife tends to the house and kids?"

"Her name is Aroma. The kids are triplets. Get really annoying sometimes." he chuckled."Rose, Flora, and Carnate. Carnate is the only boy among two sisters who are just bullies to him. 8 years since they were born and I can't have free-time. Carnate was the pegasus, the two unicorns were Rose and Flora."

"You got it together then. Have you taught him how to fly yet or is he going to be grounded?"

"I tried but he won't fly."

"Have you heard about the battles going on brother?"

"What battles?"

"These small battles will eventually turn into a war. I have allies at home, they include some of my old friends from the peacekeepers. Some I have just recently made."

"So Soul is in as well I am guessing."

"Yes she is. But there are three who stand out the most in our army. Well two now since one betrayed us."

"Who are they, have I met them?"

"Doubt that. One is a very young unicorn, Dawn. Her father, Shadow is a pegasus. Like us. The last is a dragon, he is the few remaining of his kind, a gravity dragon. Excaelum."

"Please tell me the dragon isn't the one who betrayed you."

"No he isn't, it was Shadow. They have a power known as Lumen Fulsi. Heard of it?"


"I haven't either. So many questions needed to be answered on that power. That is not all. There are three opposing Lumen Fulsi holders. Garren, again a pegasus. Lacoden, an evil unicorn who killed most of my squad. And Excaelum's brother, Orcusin."

"Do you possibly think you can fight them?"

"Yes I do."

"Storm why have you come here? To tell me that a war will erect?"

"No, that is not it. I am here to tell you I am not sorry for rejecting Quake."

"It's 'father' to us." Tornado scolded.

"Rejecting him was the best and first choice in my life. If only mother was still alive back then, I would have forgiven him. But how could I accept the one who abandoned me when I needed him the most?"

"Hey mommy's boy, your mother is in there calling for you." said the drunk, abusive father.Storm got up and threw a plate at his dad, it struck him on his head,"C'mere boy!" Quake grabbed hold of Storm and threw him to a wall."Do that again and I will kill you."

Storm got up and wobbled his way to his mother,"Oh Storm," she sniffled,"I'm sorry I can' so anything to protect you. When you grow up we can leave."

"Can we leave now?"

"No son. Even if it doesn't look like it your brother needs me too." she gently ran her hooves across Storm's cheek and held his head up to meet her watery eyes."Just a little longer, my strong son. Your name is Storm but to me you're an angel."

"I hope you have been a good father Tornado."

"I have. I send them to school and I feed them, love them. Looks like you aren't a father yet. Can she not bare a child?"

"No she can't. She's sterile. I may not be a father but I know what he did was wrong."

"Leave her. If she can't have a child then what is the point of staying with her?"

Storm got a little angry with his brother,"You're starting to sound like him." Storm opened his wings.

Tornado opened his as well."I do not want to fight you."

"Because you know I would win?"

A week later Quake beat the living soul out of Ayla. He walked away laughing like it was fun. Ayla lied on the floor bleeding and crying. Storm was frightened of his own father. He went in and tucked his mom in bed."Mom its okay." He took care of her external bleeding and cleaned up her bruises with the cleanest rag he could find.

Ayla was weak, she barely had the strength to pull the covers on her,"Storm you need to find someone else who will care for you. I may know of someone she is very strong, not like me*cough*" She coughed up blood on her hoof.

Storm threw himself on his mother and buried himself in her chest,"No mom. You're the strongest one I know."

"Oh my dear little angel. You are stronger than I am, you just have to believe you are. You don't need me. You can be your own stallion." she sobbed. Ayla ran her hoof on her child's head, calming him down. Eventually she put him to sleep by singing a song she made. She sings this song for whenever Storm was down and needed a lift, tonight she was singing it for herself as well.

It was night and the winds howled through the cracked windows. Ayla wanted to sing this song one last time. She hopes that Storm will remember the song to remember his mother.

"Passing storm
Please leave your tears
Your wind
Leave your hidden gifts in his heart"

When she saw that her son had fallen asleep. "Storm, I'm so sorry I can't see you grow up. I will be with you forever, my sweet child." She leaned over and gave her last gift to him. A kiss. She kissed Storm's head, leaned back, and fell into an endless slumber.

A little sprinkle went overhead but had passed. Storm opened his eyes. He felt his mother's hoof on his back, he turned to look at her.

"Good morning mom." she did not respond,"Mom? Mom?!" Storm shook her, to try and wake her."Mommy!" He patted her cheeks and broke into tears."Please.......wake up........just your......OPEN YOUR EYES!" It was in that moment where Storm realized his mother had passed away. He drained his eyes of every tear he had left. He stayed with her for a whole day before leaving he bed.

Chapter 36 - A New Family

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Chapter 36 - A New Family

Reminder: This entire chapter is a flashback so there will be no italics used. Enjoy!

He found a bit of strength left in him. He used it to get up from the bed and leave the house. He did not look back to the room or the house. He went through town and saw his brother bullying another kid. He could not stand watching him be like that, so Storm interfered. He got thrown to the ground by his brother. Storm got up and flew away, the child that his brother was bullying flew after him. He pushed her away and flew off crying.

An hour later he grew tired and set down in a field where he saw the same kid with her mom and another colt. The mom approached Storm.

"So my daughter tells me that you pushed her down. Is that true young colt?"

Storm was tired,"Yes."

"Can you apologize to her?"

Storm saw the child behind her mom peeking over to him,"I'm sorry."

"Good. What's your name?" no answer,"Where are your parents?" still no response. She look at him and saw that he was not doing well. He was dirty and bruised, his eyes drooped down, and his ears were hanging low.

"Athen I think this child is Storm." said the colt."His father has been arrested a few times for domestic violence. The father is still with them because apparently the courts see it as discipline and nothing more. Only if we ran the system we can prevent this." The colt was around the same age range as Athen.

"Holt are you sure?"

"Look at him. He has her eyes. I used to go on fine dates with Ayla."

"You're right." Athen knelt down in front of Storm,"How's your mother Storm? Is she well?" He cried some more and dived onto Athen's shoulder,"Holt go check his house. Make sure Ayla is okay. With her abusive piece of garbage she calls 'love' I don't think she is."

"Of course. Soul stay here with your mother." He ran off for he had no wings for flight, nor magic for teleportation.

"Okay uncle." Soul watched as her mother tended to this complete stranger who had pushed her down earlier.

Holt left for two hours and then returned with a sad facial expression. He called Athen over because he did not Soul hearing about this,"Athen. Mend is at the house."

"Why, what's going on?" she was worried.

Holt sighed,"Ayla was found dead."

"She's what?" Athen gasped for air,"She can't be dead."

"They removed her sheets and saw internal bleeding coming from her stomach. They estimate she died around a day ago."

"Who killed her?"

"You and I should know the answer to that. What do you want to do?"

"Let's take him back to my place, we will discuss it more there. Soul grab him will you." she said.

Soul replied,"Okay mom." Soul turned around and looked down at Storm,"Hey, do you still want to be friends?" She reached out to him to hoist him up,"Come on. I don't bite."

"Okay." Storm wiped a tear from his face,"Friends?"

"Friends." Soul helped Storm get up and it was the beginning of a bright friendship.

"Look he's already doing better than you were with he ladies Holt." Athen laughed.

"Hey don't forget that lady is your daughter."

"Oh yeah I forgot. Soul! we're heading back for lunch. Hurry up!" Holt and Athen were already leaving.

"Okay hold on! Come on then." Soul exclaimed.

Back at Athen's home in the center of the port town, Soul and Storm had already eaten and were playing in the corner. Holt and Athen were discussing Storm's future at the other end of the house not too far from them. If Athen looked around the corner of the room she could see the two.

"This system is just messed up. Their basically ran by ponies like Quake." Holt's eyes said that he was angry."Brought to keep order, protect the citizens. Yeah right. Onlyif they gave the peacekeepers more authority but that won't happen. Just a system to let ponies like Quake walk around freely."

Athen replied,"If you think we can control the system then maybe we can prevent this sort of thing from happening again. Who is in control now? Ex-convicts?"

"Yeah. They said that the first was made by ex-cons to prevent horrible things from happening again, I think we can both see that's complete crap."

"They're letting him slide. How do you think we can replace them?"

"The only way we can is by.... Please tell me you're not going to."

A smirk was made on Athen's face,"This is going to take a long time but it will be worth it."

"If Mend finds out what you did he won't let you stay in the peacekeepers." Holt tried to get his sister's mind off of her sinister plans. He didn't want her to put herself or Soul in danger.

"Hold on one second." Athen looked around the corner and saw the two lying on the ground, sleeping. "Come help me with them Holt." Soul was put in her bed by Holt. Athen gave her bed to Storm. She tucked him in as if he were her own. He coughed a bit,"He coming down with a cold." she thought. He was uneasy in the bed, he seemed to not find a comfortable way to sleep. He was facing toward the wall and Athen saw his eyes open. He was crying softly."Hey." she said quietly,"don't cry. You did enough of that." She sat next by him and said,"I'm not leaving until you stop." He didn't stop. How could he? His mother had just passed on to the next world. If anything, Athen's presence there made it worse.

Since Storm wasn't looking at her, her weight shifted more to her side reminding him of his mother's presence. The more he thought about it the more tears came out. In the living Holt was waiting outside, Soul came to him. She was curious in why her mom was with a child that's not her own.

"Uncle Holt, why is my mom in there?"

Holt sighed,"He needs a shoulder to cry on, Soul. Storm needs somepony that he can express his feelings to. Your mother is the closest thing he has now to a mother."

"Why does he cry so much? What happened to his family?"

Holt didn't know how to explain death, nopony could. He tried his best,"Soul, when you lose someone you love dear,like Storm has, hurts. Gives you great pain."

"Like getting cut?"

"Sort of. What do you need for a cut?"


"Yes. How can I say this? Ummm...your mother is like a bandage for Storm. She is going to help him heal. Do you understand what I'm saying?"

"I think so." she yawned and rubbed her eyes.

"Go to bed Soul. Go get some rest."


In Athen's room, Athen was still trying to get Storm to stop crying. She did not like looking at him cry, it broke her heart. She felt like crying too bu she didn't. She needed to stay strong for Storm.

"Storm, can you tell me what happened? Sometimes these things are easier to handle if you talk about it."

"I don't want to." he sobbed.

"Alright, when you stop crying then? You keep your feelings bottled up inside, that's why you stop. Come on, if you're going to live with me you're going to have to obey me."

"Wh-what? I can stay?"

"Of course you can but only if you tell me what happened. Deal?"

"Okay." he wiped his eyes and muzzle."She a song." He sat up straight next by Athen. Holt was by he door just listening.

"What song was it?" Athen put her hoof around him.

"I don't remember but I know she made it." he responded. His crying stopped.

"When you do remember it I would sure like to hear it."


"Of course."

"There is another thing I remember. When...when I woke up. I called for her and when she didn't move...I....I cried. " Athen knew he was about to sob, so she wrapped her hooves around him tighter.

"You can stop if you want to."

"I don't want to. I just wanted to see her eyes again. I slept with her for a whole day and did not move for anything. I left and that's when I met her."

"My daughter and then here we are."

A tear appeared from Storm's right eye,"I....I miss her."

Athen held him as tight as she could."We all do." She shed only a single tear. Holt was by the door hearing everything. He looked outside the window and saw him, Quake. Anger took over. He marched quietly outside and tailed Quake. Quake entered a brothel or a type of tavern. Holt stopped and returned back to Athen's house where all three had fallen asleep. He paced around the house looking at the same places over and over again. He heard steps outside and looked through a window to see who it was. It was Mend and Delta. Holt met them outside in front of the house. He didn't want none of them to wake up.

"What are you two doing here?" he asked.

"Holt this may be a bad time to say this but, as one of the senior members of the peacekeepers you are ordered to go to Fort Reiner to oversee security." Mend scolded.

"I'm not going. I am needed here, my sister needs me more than Fort Reiner."

"There is one thing I forgot to mention. A dragon was seen not to far from Fort Reiner. They believe it can be hostile and are too afraid to leave. They need somepony, like you, to guide them."

Holt still didn't want to leave,"Look, I feel bad for them but I can't leave. Not now. And makes you think I can fight a dragon even if I do go?"

"Not fight it, negotiate with it. Tell it to go somewhere else."

"If you know what they want how come you won't go?"

"Apparently I am too cowardly."

"I can see why. I will not go."

"Fine. Just think about it." Mend walked away but Delta stayed behind. It looked like he wanted Holt to go too.

"Holt please you have to go or else-"

"Or else what? Tell me. What's so important?"

Delta took in a deep breath of air,"Nothing." Delta turned his back to Holt and said to himself,"You're more valuable than others."

Holt didn't hear what he said."Fort Reiner." he scoffed.

The peacekeeper headquarters was located at the edge of Green Fawn. It was a large white building with white pillars to support the roof. Mend went into his office and knocked some documents down in anger. He was shouting at himself. He was frustrated and the others heard him from outside. Delta ran inside,"Officer Mend, stop!"

"Shut the door." Mend scolded."Hurry."

"Holt will come around. Just give it time."

"Maybe but if he does he can not find out what we planned." Mend was breathing heavily."He can't."

"Be quiet, the others might hear. Only the both of us know we don't need anypony else finding out." Delta went to Mend,"Look after the attack we will tell Holt what happened as if we never knew. Alright?"

"He can't find out." Mend kept on repeating,"He can't. If he does, he'll kill us."

"He won't. We'll take it our graves." Blossom barged in.

"What's going on? They told me that Mend was screaming and that-"

"Its nothing. Resume your station, Blossom." When Blossom left Mend again spoke to Delta,"Are they ready?"

"Yes, they will be sent in the evening."

"Did you tell them to wait until night?"

"Yes I did sir. After their 'ambush' we will have to evacuate the peacekeepers from here before they arrive the next week. What excuse should we come up with?"

"We're going to accompany Holt to Fort Reiner."

Athen woke up and left the bed for Storm. Storm was sound asleep, quiet and calm. His tears stopped flowing. Athen went outside and saw Holt kicking up dirt. She went outside to ask him what was going on. He told her about his summon to Fort Reiner, she told him that she can handle two fillies herself. Holt agreed to leave the next night. It slipped out of Holt's mouth that he spotted Quake and that he knew where he was. Athen interrogated him to find out. She told Holt to watch over the two so she can handle Quake herself. When Athen spotted him toying with some mares, she called him out."Quake!"

"Ah, Athen!" he got up,"Excuse me ladies." He approached Athen,"Did you change your mind yet?"

"Do you want to know what happened to Ayla today?"

"I don't care about that bitch."

Athen knocked him down and shouted,"She's dead! Want to know who killed her?!"

"Her weakness." he was catching his breath then chuckled.

"You!" Athen threw him at a table. The ones drinking were scattering and screaming. The tavern cleared out leaving it to Athen and Quake."I can't believe she didn't leave you!" She took a glass bottles and broke it on his face then threw him on the ground. He was bleeding but still had a smirk.

"Maybe she was too stupid to." he laughed again.

"Get up, you sack of shit." she scolded. Athen broke a leg off of a chair and was using her magic to hold it up. One end of it was splintered and sharp."Get up!"

"Are you going to kill me?" he chuckled, He hoisted himself slowly. Blood was leaving trails down his face."You're no different from Ayla, filthy wretches." he laughed some more."Give me one difference between you two."

"I'm not scared of you." she lunged to him.

"Enough!" Mend was at the doorway,"Athen drop it. He is not worth your trouble."

Athen turned to Mend with the stake still in her possession,"He's not worth anything." she turned back at pulled the stake back.

"Athen, think about what you are doing.."

"Yeah, Athen. Killing me won't bring Ayla back."

"No it wouldn't but, it will give me pleasure to kill you."

"Alright Athen. You know very well you can kill him but, you need to set an example for Storm. Show him that no matter the situation you can hold yourself back." Mend said.

"Damn." as Athen was beginning to walk out Quake smack his lips imitating a kissing sound. Athe stopped in her tracks. She still had the stake.

"I wish I could have seen her die." Athen turned around and hit Quake with the side of the stake with no sharp edges. She hit him so hard with it he was knocked out cold and the stake broke. She dropped the remaining piece she had. She turned and said to Mend,"Next time, I will use my spear. Don't let me see him again." and walked out. Mend went to Quake and kicked his head.

When Athen returned home she spotted Holt getting ready to depart He was packing a bag in the living room, when he saw his sister walk into the house he said."Athen, ummm the whole peacekeeper regiment is going to Fort Reiner. I don't know why, neither Mend nor Delta will tell me. You should come too, get those two away from this place. Could be fun."

Athen was breathing heavily but, she caught her breath and spoke normally,"I would prefer to stay. Did they say how long you were going to be gone?" Holt shook his head,"Well, I hope you have a safe journey."

"We'll be leaving tonight. Are you sure?"

"Yeah, nothing is going to happen as long as I'm here."

"If you say so. I'm about finished after I'll head to the headquarters. Plan our journey then wait till nightfall. Those two are still sleeping, they are very deep sleepers." he chuckled,"If I'm not here when they wake can you say 'bye' to them for me?"

"I don't think I will. Look behind you." When Holt did he saw Black Soul behind him."Hello there, come out. Holt is going to leave." Athen was looking to her right into her room. Storm trotted out,"Come say 'bye'."

"Bye Uncle Holt." Soul hugged him, he hugged back.

"Bye Soul. Be good for my sister."


"Storm, what about you? You're in the family and you're not going to say 'bye'?" said Athen.

Storm blushed and looked to her,"I'm part of" he was nervous.

"Of course. Why wouldn't you be? Go on." replied Athen nudging him to Holt.

Holt said,"Its okay Athen. He doesn't have to." As he was putting his bag's strap on Storm hugged him and then ran off back into Athen's room. "Wow. Progress already." Holt picked up his bag and again put the strap on,"I'll be back as soon as I can sis." He left.

"Let's check on Storm, Soul." They both went inside the room,"Storm, are you okay?" He was facing the wall again. Athen turned his head to her,"What's wrong?"

"Oh, nothing. I'm part of the f-family." he stuttered.

"Yes, you are. We are your new family."

Chapter 37 - Warmest Winter

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Chapter 37 - Warmest Winter

Reminder: This chapter is back in the present. Enjoy!

When Storm and Tornado were done beating each other up, the garden was completely destroyed. Storm and his brother were lying on top of broken glass they had broken from a greenhouse. They were tired, they fought like all siblings do. They lied beside each other bleeding and panting. Aroma arrived to the back and screeched,"What happened?! Honey, are you okay?!"

Tornado took in a deep breath,"Yeah! Just having a reunion!" They were both out of her sight. The walls of the greenhouse were smothered in dirt the two had kicked up while fighting."Don't worry about me."

"Are you sure?" Judging by her voice Tornado knew she was worried."Do you need anything?"

"Hey Storm." Tornado called.

Storm responded,"*cough*What?"

"Want anything?"


"Aroma, can you get us some water?! Two glasses."

"Yeah. I'll leave them on what's left of the patio."

"Thank you!" Tornado looked over to Storm,"So" he was breathing slow,"How is she, Soul?"

Storm coughed,"Good. I want to see dad's grave."

"We could, once we decide to get up." he laughed,"After about 20 years, this is how we greet each other. Welcome to Shining Water, brother."

He laughed as well,"Imagine what we'll do in 40?"

"I think our wings will give out by then. Should we get up? We have alot to clean."

"If that's the case, then I'm laying here for a long time." A few steps were heard approaching them. It was the triplets.

"Dad, who is he?" asked Flora.

"Kids, this is your uncle. Can you leave us alone? Just for a few minutes longer?" They were still lying down on their backs."While you're at it, clean up the yard."

"Ugghh, fine. Let's go." Flora left.

"Storm, you know what dad did after you turned him down? He committed himself to becoming a better father. He quit his drinking and settled down with no mare. A few years later he began to reform Green Doe to Shining Water. This garden we just destroyed, he died in. One day he fell asleep and never woke up." Tornado got up and reached for Storm,"Come on, let's go see him."

Storm got hold of his brother's hoof and pulled himself up,"How far?"

"30 minutes by trot. We can fly but I don't we can."

Storm tried to open his wings and flap,"You're right. They are broken or something."

They both came out from the greenhouse with scrapes and bruises.They went pass the kids and took a hidden trail, to the left of the house, to the graveyard. They walked fairly quickly and arrived there. Tornado navigated around the other tombstones to one in the very corner. It was a great, white, and tall tombstone, fresh flowers were still there on top of it. Nothing was engraved on it though."This port is his legacy. I figured he doesn't need to be remembered by the words carved on a rock."

"Heh. Tornado. I need your help. War is going to breakout and Equestria is in danger. Do you know of any willing to fight even if it means they might perish?"

"Pirates. I know of one who commands the Flying Dutchcolt. He name is Buckbeard. He's old but he's intelligent and runs practically the entire pirating system. I don't mind, he doesn't bother me much. In fact I know him very well. I made a friend with him and a friend of his, his name was I think Shadow."

Storm replied fast,"Did Shadow have a pair of wings over a diamond for his mark?"

"Y-yeah. How'd you know?"

"He's the one we're fighting. Where is he now?"

"Why are you fighting him?"

"He is evil."

"No he's not. The last time I saw him was.......20 years ago. He got affiliated with some unicorn named Oless. One night they went to Green Fawn and......."

"Killed everyone there. How did you know this?"

"Storm, this I promise you, you may not believe me. I will truly understand where your heart is set after I tell you."

"Spit it out already."

Tornado sighed,"Father, was a good colt."

"You're right, I don't believe you. You're telling me that he abused mother and me for our own good?" Storm scoffed,"He didn't care for either of us. Did you really expect me to believe you, what does Shadow have to do with him?"

"No. Not right away at least. Trust me it was hard for me to believe it when he first told me. Shadow comes into play later"

"How was it hard for you? He cherished your obedience."

"He did but, he knew if mother left the port, I would follow."

"What great excuse does father have for killing mom?"

"Let's begin from the start. When I was an adult, around my mid-twenties, he told me come inside his studies. I did. He had a file on his desk and opened it. Inside were documents. I asked them what they were and he said to read them, I did so and discovered some dark secrets." Storm laughed in a way that said he didn't care,"Anyways, these secrets involved our family and Athen's. The peacekeepers are as we know, keepers of the peace, hence their name but, I suspect they are behind the attack 20 years ago."

"Now I know father lied."

"Please brother, hear me out."

"Why would I? You're going to try and convince me that the ones I was raised with killed Athen, my guardian. That's rubbish!"

"Storm, there is always one thing in this world that can give you control over anything. That 'thing' is money. Bits. Currency. Capital."

"Give me proof then. Let me see those documents that he showed you."

Tornado led him back to the house's backyard where the kids were still cleaning up. Without a word they walked passed them and went to the cups of water left for them. They each took a gulp of water continued on inside to Quake's study room ,where Tornado kept the documents. Tornado trotted around to the other side of the desk,Tornado opened up a drawer and used his wings to take out a portfolio.

He cleared the desk of its quills and parchments to place it. He lied down the documents facing toward Storm, who was opposite of his brother. Storm moved his lips to the words in ink.

"Attack.............kill.........all. No survivors...................Fawn will belong to us................" Storm threw the papers on the floor.

"Look at the bottom of the last page. You know what seal that is from?" Storm shoved the top papers off and saw a red seal. It was an anchor encircled with one star at the top and a feather at the bottom of the circle."You are familiar with the seal. That seal belongs to-"

"I will kill them. All of them. Their blood will stain the snow of the upcoming winter." Storm's eyes teared up but they weren't tears of sadness, they were tears of anger.

"Calm down, Storm. Neither you or I know who was part of it. We need to investigate before we get the wrong peacekeepers."

"I don't care who planned it."Storm raised his voice,"They're all the same."

"Storm, think rationally. Most of the peacekeepers are innocent."

"How do you suggest we handle this then?! Do you just want to stand here and let the murderers get away with what they did?"

"No. We need to be patient and gather evidence. Where do you want to start?" Tornado asked.

"Blossom." Storm answered.

"That's a start."

Back at the frontier. Mist was ordering the teenage recruits to work their limbs off. Delta arrived with his convoy of peacekeepers also training amongst them. They were at the front steps of the orphanage just watching as the recruits ran. Tal and Randall were observing the recruits to see if they are able to continue with training, Flood and Bladedancer assisted. Seng and Lancer were keeping track of the time. It was around 5 o'clock.

Aero and Cloudfire rationed out water and food after the training.

"Do they ever even finish the laps around the frontier?" Delta asked Mist. Delta was wearing a light armor. It covered the majority of his chest but, the rest of his body was bare.

"Of course they don't, they are still children. I'm no monster. I wouldn't make them go if I knew they couldn't." Mist looked at Delta for a few seconds,"Excuse me. I have to tell these kids this, get it stuck in their heads." She shouted,"Rally up! In front of the orphanage now!" She repeated this line two more times. When she saw that they were all there she said,"Line up in an orderly fashion. Not by numbers just make sure it's organized." She gave them a few minutes to get ready and catch their breath."Cloudfire!" She yelled.

"Yes, Knight Mist."

"Gather everypony. This is a message to you all and me."

"Will do." Cloudfire flew off and a few minutes later everypony was there in front of the orphanage. Including the princesses and Gandore. Cloudfire went back to Mist to give her the go ahead,"That's it."

"Thank you. Go to the side with the other adults and peacekeepers." The young recruits formed a square in the front. The adults and peacekeepers made rows to the left of the square and the princesses and Gandore were to the right of the square.

Mist spoke loudly,"Listen up. In about three years Equestrian will be at war with a country called, Fallen Star. Now, we do not know what allies our enemy has but we do know one thing. The three who are leading Fallen Star are extremely dangerous and must be avoided at all times. Do not for any reason engage these three in combat. One of them is about your age. Now, you may think she sounds harmless but she is not. She killed many fellow pegasi, earth, and unicorn ponies. She is suspected to some command over an army of Changelings. That's right, Changelings. Her name is, Lacoden. She will only be engaged by Dawn, who is currently not present."

There was a shout from Mist's right, the peacekeepers,"Why is she so special? Why can't we engage Lacoden but this 'Dawn' can?"

"Dawn used to be a friend of Lacoden. Please, hold your questions until the end. Another many of you children have seen, Garren. He was the pegasus that came here and killed your parents. Again do not engage him. He is a very experienced combatant. He will only be engaged by another pegasus named, Shadow. Who is also not present." Mist lied to them. She still remembers his betrayal but, she knew what would happen if she told the truth. Panic. "The last leader. Is probably the most dangerous of them all. Definitely do not engage this foe. He is a dragon. An old one. He will only be engaged by another dragon, his brother, Excaelum. Not present. Now, questions." A sky blue hoof caught Mist's eye,"Flake."

"What happens if they engage us?"

"Flake reminded me of something. Hold on I will answer it Flake. These three have the ability to kill me, the Knights, the peacekeepers, and even the princesses." Mist stared at Flake,"If engaged, hope that either Dawn, Shadow, or Excaelum is nearby." Mist repeated it louder,"Pray that one of those three are nearby because if they aren't there is a high chance you won't come back here alive. I am as scared of those three as you are. Any more?"

"Where is Fallen Star? What is it like?" Shouted from the right.

"I don't know. We are low on-"

Celestia interrupted,"Fallen Star is to the west. Guarded by vast ocean. At least two weeks by boat to get there." Everypony looked to her,"It is a fertile land with many indigenous creatures unknown here. That is all I know or remember about Fallen Star."

They'll turned their faces back to Mist. Mist said,"This will be repeated to you by myself, Knight Black Soul, Knight Storm, and many of your other C.O.'s. War is not a game. Lives will be lost. We will offer many opportunities for you to leave. As we gather more intel on the enemy, we will learn more of them and their capabilities. If you still have your mind set on fighting listen up. Fight for the ones next to you, not yourself. Your life is not important, their life is. Follow orders , they will be likely to keep you alive. If you disobey orders you better have a damn good reason to. You have three years to decide. All children recruits go to the house by the Everfree Forest. That House belongs to Shadow. Flake will show the way. Adults and peacekeepers take the larger orphanage. Bundle up, winter is coming. Dismissed." Seng and the others went to Mist for their orders.

"What about us?" Asked Cloudfire.

"I want us all to watch the children. The adults can watch themselves. Understood?"

Seng, Lancer, Aero, Cloudfire, Flood, and Bladedancer said in unison,"Yes, Knight Mist.

Somewhere up north, around the area of the Crystal Empire. Excaelum and Kishi were flying. Kishi pulled left and flew into a crevice that was in the side of a long ice range, Excaelum followed. They landed and continued by walking. "Where are we?" Asked Excaelum. Kishi stayed silent. It got pitch black inside. Kishi lit up his stomach with fire and acted as a torch. A faint light was up ahead. It was white. They ended up in a place like the council room in the southeast. Nothing was there or so they thought. A malevolent voice spoke.

"You have come, sons of Dragaitas. Finally."

Chapter 38 - The Ones of Memories

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Chapter 38 - The Ones of Memories

Excaelum was in awe. How can something live there, and how did it know his name? He looked to Kishi, he was calm. A white smoke came from the shadows and formed into a dragon. It said,"Are you prepared?"

"Prepared for what?" Excaelum replied.

"You are not. You are terrified of your brother, Orcusin."

"I am not."

"You don't have to hide the truth. I know everything about you and Centerra. There is no point in lying to me." The white smoke dragon circled them. Occasionally going over them with its wings.

"What are you?"

"A dragon, like you. Only I'm dead.

"What race of dragon are you? Star?"

The smoke dragon chuckled,"What a compliment." It stayed still in front of Excaelum. It was a few feet in front of him."No, I was a Time dragon."

"How are you still here on this earth if you died?"

"To tell you of Star Kismet."

"I don't care for a star."

"Fool! That's merely an expression."

"How does the 'star' affect my life? Tell me something of importance dragon."

"Do not talk to me as if I was lower than you! You are far too lucky to be here so, don't test me hatchling."

Calling another dragon a "hatchling" was an insult used by close to ancient dragons. Excaelum finally realized who he was up against,"I apologize for my juvenile attitude."

"Good. Centerra or rather Kishi is more polite than you. He speaks no word of insult and thinks no word of insult. I can see all that goes through your minds."

"Is that a metaphor also?"

It smiled,"No. I see the memories created by all dragons. I can even foretell the future by looking at glimpses of the future memories. I see the past as if I were, so clear inside my head. The future is distorted and complicated."

"How can you see it?"

"When I died I was forced this task. My task to ensure you complete this half of your journey to becoming the 'true' King of Dragons because you haven't seen a dragon from the underworld. The real original dragons."

"So my father is an imposter? I would watch where you are treading."

"You can't kill me. No, your father was simply misguided. Being one of the first dragons to walk this earth's earth, flying the skies. He was one of the few set free. Believing they were the only dragons, they thought they were the first. No matter, this tale has no importance. Want to hear of the war?"

"The outcome."

"It's only the end of the beginning. The guardian of the underworld, Cerberus, will be released leaving the keyhole vulnerable. The activation of Magnus Lumen will insert the key. The victory of neither side will turn the key. The time frame of opening the door is unknown to me and the other." The smoke dragon changed its tone,"When you leave, you can not say anything about this experience. Excaelum, Centerra it will only bring panic and unreasonable death if you do." It turned back into an ominous smoke, destroying its dragon appearing.

"Wait, who's the other and your name?"

"A mark bearer. Ironic, I can see memories but, can't remember my own name. When your task is done, prepare. I fear a terrible power will wake from its slumber." The smoke dissipated and in its place was a gem. It was shaped like a pentagon. Excaelum picked it up, it was small and clear and filled with white smoke. Excaelum looked at it and saw something missing. A place for a star in the front.

"Come, Kishi." Excaelum turned back around and moved forward. When they were both outside of the crevice they turned to look for a faint white light. They saw nothing. "Remember, not a word." He looked to Kishi,"Not even to Lord Chronin." Centerra nodded.

They flew back south, on their way back to the frontier.

Shadow was on the deck of an unnamed ship headed back to the mainland. Lacoden was below deck, in the brig. Shadow went to the helm where Garren was ordering a Changeling around. "What of the griffon we found at the pit?"

"She is alive. When Lacoden returns you can see the other prisoner."

"That's right. You have Dust's sister captive."

"She is very polite." Lacoden came up to the helm,"Especially to me."

"I will see for myself." Shadow descended the wooden stairs at the side. Below deck, in the brig, the griffon was crying for help. Neither her or Retina were chained up. Lacoden let them free of their chains before she came up to the helm. The brig was cold, dark, and wet. Lacoden was In charge of the brig. She kept it this way to bring down her prisoners mental stability.

"How many times do I have to tell you? Master Lacoden is talented in isolation spells. No one can hear us pass these bars. Only a more powerful magic can break her spell. Someone is coming."

"Who is it?" The griffon shouted.

Shadow appeared from the corner. He was familiar to the griffon. He said,"Are you Dust's sister, filly?"

Being a pegasus there was no way for him to break a spell the griffon thought. Maybe Lacoden lifted the spell. She didn't care, it was a a voice other than Lacoden's."Yeah she is."

Shadow lowered his head next to the bars,"What's your name?"

"Retina. You are Shadow." Retina got up and went to him. She kept her eyes closed.

"How long have you been here, sweetie?"

"4 years, seven months, 67 days."

"Have you been down here since?"

"Yes, Master Lacoden won't let me leave."

"How old are you?"


"Do you miss Dust?"


"How come you won't open your eyes? Let me see them." Shadow scolded. She opened them slowly, they were completely white."You're blind." Shadow left and returned with a lantern,"Let me see your coat." She went closer to his voice. Her coat was pale as her eyes."You weren't kidding. I will bring you two on deck tomorrow, so you can get some sun. I can't believe she keeps you like this. Griffon, you are not used to this as she is but I want you try and not escape. They will have you killed. Understood?"

The griffon nodded,"Why are you nice?"

Shadow answered by smiling. He began to walk away but Retina called to him, he came back and she said,"Your mark. It doesn't make sense to you now does it?"

"How can you see it?"

"Don't worry. It goes well with your white coat."

Shadow didn't know how to respond to that,"Thank you." Came out of his mouth. He again turned back and walked away. A flash of light came from their cell. Shadow ran back and saw the griffon missing. "Where is she?"

"On deck. Go now."

He complied and when he was at the top he saw that he was surrounded by Changelings. He looked to the helm and saw the griffon being held down by Lacoden."Now I don't know how you did it but you broke my spell on the bars. Why?!" Lacoden shouted.

"I didn't know you had a spell on it."

Lacoden changed the subject,"You have strong feeling to griffons, for killing her. What changed?"

"I killed the one responsible."

"Animals don't change. They're all the same." She threw a hoof-sword to Shadow,"Put it on." He did. "Good." She threw the griffon down the stairs."Kill her."


"Make up for breaking my no-sound spell. You are still with us aren't you? Prove it."

"Where is Garren?"

"Behind you." Garren had Retina's throat against his sword."Choose the death of a griffon, remember griffons killed Starflare, or both."

Shadow thought this out and he had no choice. He went to the griffon and kicked her to the center mast. He grabbed hold of her head and tilted to back,"Forgive me." He flipped the sword out from lock and put the sword against her neck.

Chapter 39 - Sight of the Blind

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Chapter 39 - Sight of the Blind

Shadow moved the sword her neck gently not killing the griffon but leaving a trail of blood.

"Do it!" Lacoden shouted.

"Stop!" Garren shouted. He let go of Retina."Shadow, you passed the test. Stand down Changelings." They crept back into the darkness."Retina, go back to the brig. I will turn in." Garren went to the captain's cabin. The only ones on deck were Shadow, Lacden, and a few Changelings.

"Of course." Retina took the griffon away from Shadow and went to the brig. The griffon was crying.

"Lacoden, you are becoming more thoughtful of your actions," said Shadow"instead of killing her yourself, you held back." Shadow went to the helm to speak to her up close.

She turned her head and replied,"So?"

"You know you could've killed and I wouldn't have done anything. You care for the griffon and Retina. Don't you?"

"No. They are just my...prisoners. Nothing more." She was quiet.

"Don't lie to me, or rather yourself."

"So what if I did? Would it make a difference in how I act?"

"No, but, it could. I have a child and those two prisoners are children. I care for them just because they are young. Why do you care for them? I am going to the cargo bay for some sleep. You should get some shut eye as well." SShadow found a place in a corner where it was dry and warm. He shut his eyes.

Lacoden was alone,"Why do I care for them? For anything? These feelings are weakening me."

"They don't weaken. They strengthen." Lacoden began speaking to herself.

"Are you dead yet?"

"Not until I get back what's mine. He's right, isnt he?"

"I don't care for anyone. Not earth, pegasi, unicorn, or griffon. So shut up and leave me alone."

"As you wish. You have matured, Lacoden. I'm proud of you." Her other side stopped.

"Damn it. Why do I feel sorry for myself? I need to do something soon about these feelings."

Shadow Fell into a deep sleep. He was in a dream tonight, he was in his memories. He was with his friend, Artemis. She was a unicorn. Her coat was light-lavender and her mane was purple. Her eyes were a deep blue. She always wore a heavy jacket, covering her cutie mark. She never explained why she did. It was a khaki colored jacket with no pockets, just a hood, and a zipper that ran along the bottom of her body.

"Hey, Shadow!" She was living in southern Fallen Star nearby Shadow's home. She called him, running to his door,"Hey!"

Shadow ran out,"What is it? Is something wrong?"

"No, just exciting news. The granddaughter of Star Swirl the Bearded is here." She was panting with excitement.

"Really? Where is she?" He met up with Artemis and lifted her up,"She is really here? Why?"

"I don't know. We can ask her. She's up north."

"What are we waiting for then? I suggest we get Barrier as well."

"I just came from there. He's there already." Her face lit up with excitement.

A get together of the whole island was north, they were greeting. Her reason for being there was still a mystery. The small island was lively, doing anything they can to get even a glimpse of the granddaughter of Star Swirl. Shadow and Artemis were in the very back of the the crowd. "We'll never get to see her at this rate. Any ideas, Artemis?" Shadow swore she was just behind him.

"Up here dummy!" She was to the left, in the trees.

Shadow flew up to her,"You're always one step ahead." He looked to the front of the crowd, to a stage.

"Who are those stallions?"

"I think bodyguards. Ponies would do anything to be famous, even if it means killing the granddaughter of Star Swirl."

"Nopony wouldn't do kill her. That's just dumb. Where is she anyways?"

"You never know Shadow. Come on, put your wings on me. I'm going to teleport us closer. Perhaps that roof, right next by the stage."

"Wait, I don't see any other pegasi or unicorn doing anything special to get a view. Maybe we shouldn't. They might think we're a threat and the bodyguards will attack us."

"Don't be such a wimp." She forced him on her and teleported on the roof."See not so bad. I'm going to peek over the top of these shingles. Shadow wasn't looking and Artemis used this chance to play a prank on him. She went up to the top but didn't look over."She's really pretty." She said,"Come look."

"How pretty?"

"Not as pretty as me but I think I might fall for her even." Shadow came over.

"She's probably old like Star Swirl." He looked over the shingles. The next thing Artemis saw was Shadow's eyes widen."Oh crap! Whys you make me do that? She not even there, the bodyguards saw me. I think they're on their way here."

Artemis chuckled,"Come here. Wings around me now. I'm going to use an invisibility spell on us." She cast the spell and the bodyguards came up and looked at the roof."See they are clueless. I will dispel us when they're gone." The guards left,"Okay."

"Where'd you learn to do that?"

"I have a friend. She should be around. I'm going to look over."

"I don't think its safe."

"Oh and I forgot to mention. Those are Barriers guards. He told them to expect us here."

"You planned this?"

"Yeah, it was worth it. You were trembling." She laughed.

"I did not." He joined Artemis at the top of the roof. He looked at the guards, they were laughing. He sighed,"Where is she?"

There was an unfamiliar voice centimeters away from Shadow's ear,"Where am I?"

Shadow turned his head to the right, screamed, and fell. He rolled down but the gutters stopped him from falling. Artemis saw her,"Starflare!" They hugged.

"Hey, Artemis. What's the deal? You're prettier than me?" She laughed."I see you learned how to become invisible. I taught you well."

"It comes to be useful. Anyways, that lump over there is Shadow. I'm guessing he screamed because of how ugly you are."

"Ah, shut up." She pushed Artemis down and laughed."They're waiting for me. See you later Artemis. South right?"

"Yes, you're welcome to stay with me."

She smiled and went up to the shingles,"Hello, citizens of Fallen Star." She said,"I am happy to here today. I am planning on staying here for a short while. I have business to tend to so, I can not enjoy your greetings as of now. Enjoy the rest of the morning. I promise tonight I will be here." She cast her invisibility spell and another that made sparks of light to appear she teleported elsewhere. When the crowd was distracted by the festivities, she appeared by Artemis. She picked her up,"Sorry, for pushing you down. Just lay off the ugly jokes. Okay?"

"Oh, alright. Give me a hoof. I'm kinda weighed down by my jacket."

"Why do you even wear it?" She helped Artemis up."You have to be hot in that."

"I'm used to it. Looks like you got a new fan Starflare." Artemis looked behind Starflare, Starflare looked behind her,"He's been staring at you since you pushed him down."

"Not a new fan, a new toy. What's your name pegasus?"

"Shadow." He bowed.

"What am I a princess? Get up."

"Sorry, I'm Shadow."

"Nice to meet you Shadow. Can you give me and Artemis a moment?. She walked away from Shadow and Artemis followed,"Not much of a working type is he?" Shadow was as scrawny pegasi when he first met Starflare on that roof."How'd you make him as a friend? Please don't tell me he's your boyfriend."

"Hey, don't be so mean. He's just nervous, it's not everyday you see the Starflare the Warm Hearted. Give him a chance and you'll see why I'm friends with him."

"Fine but, if he's one of those guys that a perverted then I will have nothing to do with him. Deal?"

"But, I assure you he's not like that. Hoof?" Artemis held out her hoof. Starflare sealed the promise with hers.

Not parting, Starflare asked,"What happens if he really is cool? What do you get out of it?"

"Entertainment plus, it's up to you. If he's cool then you can do whatever you want." They parted.

Shadow opened his,"Artemis. I'm sorry for what happened to you. Even though, we couldn't find your body. Maybe they turned to ash as well. What if you're still out there?" He chuckled,"She's not immortal. Silly thought of mine." He looked at the wooden planks above him, staring at them. He heard a voice in his head. It was clear, not an echo.

"She has something to tell you. Shadow, go the brig. Find Retina, now!"

"What's the rush Starflare? Can't I relax?"

"No, this involves Dawn. Please, hurry."

"Shit. Alright, I'm going." He ran as quietly as he can,"What does Retina have to do with Dawn?"

"I don't know. We're here. Calm the griffons nerves, she must be petrified with fear."

"Hey, what's your name griffon?" It was looking a the darkest corner of the cell. As Starflare said, she was terrified. "Pay no attention to whatever is there. Look at me." The griffon had trouble doing so but made it."Your name."


"Now, Hagger. I can't step into the cell but, I want you to stay as close to me as possible." She backed up to him shaking. She put her claws on his hoof through the bars.

"Something's wrong with h-her."

"Hagger, you won't like this. I'm going to call her over. I want you to keep calm and grasp my hoof as hard as you want. Understood?" She nodded."Retina. What's wrong?"

She came from the pitch black corner into the dim light. It was enough lighting for Shadow to see her eyes were black."A shroud of darkness will end all evidence of modern warfare." Her voice was loud and deep,"Not even Rising Dawn can stop it! This is only the end of the beginning!" Shadow felt Hagger's claw sinking deeper into him."A virus will spread through the land and devour it from within. There is no avoiding it, this has to run its course." She suddenly collapsed on the floor.

"Hagger, I want you to let go of me. Lift her eyelids."

She shook her head,"Please don't make me."

"That is the only way we can be sure it's over." She agreed finally. She lifted her eyelids, her eyes were no longer black. A breath of relief went through Hagger's lungs."I have to leave now. Take care of her. I don't think the rest of the ship heard her. Shadow looked at his hoof and saw Hagger's imprints of her claws."She was really scared, Starflare. Rising Dawn, haven't heard those two words together ever since-"

A voice in his head said,"Since we figured out what Dawn's name was going to be."

"What do you think that all meant?"

"Nothing of good fortune."

Chapter 40 - Old Friends

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Chapter 40 - Old Friends

Reminder: This chapter is a flashback. Italics won't be used.

"Let's get down from here, Shadow." Artemis said,"Let's show her the south."

"Wait wait wait wait wait, how do you two know each other?" He asked.

"Well, I was born in Equestria not here. I met Star when were in school. We've been friends since."

"Until you said you were moving. You came here but, my grandfather didn't let me come here until I was older or until he was dead."

"Star Swirl is dead?" Asked Shadow.

"Sadly yes. I'll tell you more later. Artemis any routes we can use to avoid attention?"

"Let's teleport to those tall tree over there by the pond. A trail there can lead us straight south. Shadow, wings around me." Once they were at the trees they began walking."Why are you here, Star? Any particular reason why?"

"To see you." She laughed,"My real reason is this was the last place my grandfather wanted to go before he died, I want to see what's so special about this island. The princesses didn't let him though. They thought his journey here would kill him. Honestly, I think staying in the castle killed him.There was something here he said he found, I want to know what it was" she let out a long sigh,"I swear, sometimes I just want to smack the princesses. Their decisions just make me mad."

"I'm sure they had good intentions." Artemis replied,"Will they be coming here as well?"

"I don't think they have a reason to. So Shadow, what's your story?" He was looking at the leaves above him,"Hello?"

"Oh, sorry." He came down from the clouds,"Umm, well I'm guessing whenever Artemis moved here I became friends with her. What was it two, three years ago?"

"Four, dimwit." Artemis chuckled.

"Sorry, I don't remember the non-important parts of my life."

Artemis gave him a dirty look,"Meeting me must've been the best part of your life so screw you."

"I'm kidding." He laughed,"I was 16 and didn't know a good thing when I saw it."

Artemis blushed,"Thanks, we have been friends since. His parents helped build our home by his."

"Not to mention you still wear the same jacket from four years ago. Only you tailored it."

"Where are they now, Shadow? Your parents I mean?" Asked Starflare.

"They're both dead."

"I'm sorry for asking."

"Don't worry about it. He sighed,"A year after Artemis arrived they died, on my birthday, from a strange disease. I am an only child so, I have the house to myself. Artemis is always there when I need them. Right?"

"Right. Shadow comes over often to eat my food. Much of a freeloader but, I don't care. My parents are on their way back to Equestria. They should be at the halfway point by now."

"So shadow, you're only twenty. Looks like I have a couple more years on you." Starflare said. She stopped,"Artemis, can you come with me?" They went behind a nearby tree."You two are very close. Have you told him about yourself yet?"

"The world isn't ready for another-"

"So no then. That's all I needed to know. Are you going to tell him, do the princesses even know?"

"No, my family is good at keeping secrets. For 24 years no pony ever found out. Only you and a few others know now, since Star Swirl is dead."

"Let's get back to him. He's waiting." When they reappeared from the trees Barrier was there with Shadow.

"Hey, Artemis!" Barrier shouted,"Starflare is with you?"

"How does he know her?" Shadow exclaimed."Am I the only one who didn't know Starflare until today?"

"Yeah, pretty much. Except Dew. She's behind those bushes." He looked to his right,"Come out."

"Shut up you." Came from the bushes,"I'm examining her."

"Examining me?"

"You are the only one she here hasn't met yet. So, yeah. She's examining you. Kinda weird, she has the talent of knowing somepony's personality by staring at them for five minutes." Barrier said with a smile.

"Ummm,"Starflare was uncomfortable,"what kind of talent is that?"

"No idea. I think she's almost done. Dew, you done creeping her out?"

Dew came out from the bushes,"I'm not creepy. Starflare, I think I know a portion of your personality."

"Yeah? Let's hear it." Starflare replied.

"Okay." Dew took a deep breath,"You are caring, kind, honest, loyal, humorous, and smart. Am I right?"

"Yeah." Star was surprised."That was a fun experience. Can we move along now, Artemis? I don't want any of my 'fans' swarming me."

"Right. Barrier, Shadow lead the way. We will follow behind."

"Shadow let's go! I'm sure Starflare is exhausted from her journey." Shadow flew to him."Ready?"

Shadow replied confidently,"Yup."

As they were walking Barrier and Shadow noticed they were too far ahead of the mares, Barrier took this chance to engage in conversation,"So, Shadow. Any opinions on Starflare?"

He took his time answering,"She's.......she is nice, I guess." Shadow was trying not to make eye contact with one of his best friends. He sped up his pace.

"Hey!" Barrier shouted. He used his magic to lift Shadow back to him, then he set him back down."You guess?"

"Yeah, I guess. I guess she's nice and gorgeous."

"She is pretty, I agree. So are Artemis and Dew. Out of those three, which one would you know?" He nudged Shadow.

"You're disgusting. I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that and walk thataway." He resumed trotting and shook his head. Barrier again used his magic to lift Shadow back to him, this time Barrier put him upside down and left his in his hold."I hate you sometimes. Can you put me down so I can kick your ass?"

"Nope, not unless you answer." Barrier saw the mares coming closer."Fine."

"Thank you." When he got his hooves back on the dirt trail he trotted away.

"Argh." Barrier was annoyed. He teleported himself in front of Shadow and got up in his face,"Well?"

Shadow used his wings to push his face out of the way,"I don't know." And shoved him to the side.

"You have to have an answer. We have three perfect mares behind us probably having the same conversation." He teleported next to Shadow,"I won't tell them."

"I know but that doesn't mean I have to tell you."

"Come on. I will tell you my choice. It's Dew."

"Really, why her? She's weird. If anything I would guess you would choose Artemis." He chuckled.

"Nah, she wears that same jacket. I mean, she's nice and all but, what does she have to hide. You know what I mean? She's not my type anyways."

"She takes it off but not in front of anypony. Well, I'm not sure of my choice. Artemis. Dew is weird and I guess you liking her makes you weird too."

In the rear, the girls were having a conversation of their own. They were about two minutes away from Barrier and Shadow. "Star, I wish you could stay longer." Artemis sighed."You should."

"Like I said. I will see how everything here is first. Honestly, I didn't want to go to the north part of the island. I just wanted to see you and your friends but, I dragged myself too much attention from the normal folk. Tonight we have to go to their festival. I hate being treated like a princess, it gets so boring." She chuckled,"I wonder if Luna and Celestia feel the same way."

Dew laughed quietly,"The difference between you and them is they are actually princesses. What do you expect from being the granddaughter of Star Swirl. Of course you'll be praised."

Artemis said,"There's nothing you can do about your status, its not you that makes you popular, its your magic mainly."

"Art, is that supposed to make me feel better?" Star replied with a small grin. Starflare looked into Artemis' eyes and laughed.

Artemis didn't know why she was laughing at first but then she found out why,"I hate drawing. I thought I told you not to call me that." She laughed along with her.

Dew felt left out, she wanted to join on the humor so she asked why the name "Art" bothered Artemis,"How can you hate 'Art' that's a cute nickname for you Artemis?"

Artemis calmed down and replied,"It's a long story. I'm not sure you want to hear it."

Star disagreed,"No, its not. Even if it was we have time to tell it." She cleared her throat and began her the story,"Years ago when I- I mean when we were young," Star emphasized the word 'we'. Dew noticed but thought nothing of it,"Artemis and myself would have a competition in who can be the better artist. I would win most of the time and tease Artemis when I did."

Artemis mocked Starflare by raising the pitch a her voice to mimic a filly,"Hey Artemis! How come you suck at drawing when the word 'art' is in your name? Hahaha!" She returned to her normal voice,"You were annoying back then."

"I was only teasing." Starflare looked around, at the trees and vegetation. She listened to the different calls of animals. Felt the breeze on her face,"This place is nice." She sounded relaxed.

Dew said,"It is. But it does have its drawbacks. Fallen Star has native plants and flowers, some toxic. A rare flower is found only here, what is it. Umm,,,,ah! The Swollen Petals."

"Odd name isn't it?" Star replied.

"Its called Swollen Petals because the petals are broad and kind of thick, thicker than most petals. Its a mud colored flower. Its toxic when it enters the body. The petals are sprinkled in a thin layer of liquid, that liquid makes it toxic. A neurotoxin but, the effects of the toxin can be remedied by the same sap if inhaled as a gas. I don't know of anything that pollinates it. That's probably why its so rare."

"Are the effects of the neurotoxin fatal?"

"Most of the time, even though you can make it into a gas right then and there. The toxin effects the body quick. Paralyzing the body, shutting down organs."

"Don't forget the blurred vision." Artemis added,"Star if you saw this plant can you promise not to touch it?"

"Of course."

"Good. Your vision, when effected by Swollen Petals, gets blurry and your eyes feel heavy so you have no choice but to keep them closed. I don't have a clue what kind of world this flower came from and I don't want to know."

"Starflare was curious,"How do you two know this? Certainly if you aren't exaggerating and it is rare, then do you know this?"

"There is a little something called experience for a reason." Artemis chuckled. She looked straight ahead,"Star, look we're here." Starflare ran over to the rise and saw the ocean. In the foreground was a house that was white. And had blue curtains getting blown out the window by the wind. She was looking at the house's right side from the rise. Behind the house was a backyard. In the front was a field. Both sides had green grass. A bit further was a smaller house; not painted, frail looking, brown wooden house.

From the girls position they were looking south. The south was nearly as occupied as compared to the north. But sometimes alone and quiet beats accompanied and loud. "Say Artemis, who livees in the small one?"

"Ah, Shadow does Starflare. He lives alone. He might be happy that we are all here together."

Dew added,"We never had a get-together like this. It could be good for all of us. Enjoy each others company."

Later that night. After a day of having a pleasant time in each others company, Starflare had to keep her promise to the northern ponies of Fallen Star. She attended the festival along with Artemis and her newly found friends: Shadow, Dew, Barrier. Starflare was having a good time besides the fact she was being asked questions every 2 minutes.

Artemis excused herself all of the sudden from the festival. She went a ways from the party and found herself a private area in a dark alley. She needed to be away from everypony far a bit, she never had so much contact with so many different ponies in one day before. She needed to collect herself. "After this I should return back to them."

Artemis looked up to the moon and to the stars. She left the alley and found herself a field to lay down on her back. She gazed upon the clear night sky. In the white of the moon she saw a shape. It was a shape of a dragon. Artemis said surprised,"Wow. I never actually think a creature such as a dragon will look so beautiful." She examined the shape of the dragon more closely,"Wait a minute that is....." she squinted,"That's Dragaitas. Where has he been all this time?" She noticed the shape of the dragon was growing larger,"He's coming."

When the great dragon of Gravity landed in front of her she simply said,"My old friend, how have you been?" She trotted over to hug as much of him as she can.

He replied with a soft voice,"Hello, Artemis. The granddaughter of Star Swirl is here. How is she?"

Artemis stepped back and smiled,"She is well. How'd you know anyways?"

"It's my responsibility to know who is on my island and who ventures in its waters."

"So you followed her ship?"

He laughed. For a dragon Dragaitas was really comfortable with showing emotion,"I think I gave her quite a scare one night."

"Tell me about it. Want to lie down? You must be exhausted from flying."

"Not to worry but I will lie down so you can lean on me." Dragaitas lied in the field and Artemis used his large claws as a pillow.

"You know your claws are smooth? They feel nice."

"The smoother they are the swifter the kill."

"So tell me about her fright."

"She was at the top of the mast of the boat she arrived in. She was daydreaming, in this case nightdreaming. I used the darkness as cover and got inches away from her. I approached her from behind and when she turned I think her heart stopped beating for a few seconds. When she uttered 'hello' I flew away."

"Speaking of which. Where were you? I was worried sick about you. You just disappear for nine months without telling me." She sounded truly worried about him. Him being a dragon Artemis would think he could take care of himself.

"I did not know my leaving will hurt you. I am sorry."

She hugged his claw,"Just don't do it again. Okay?" He nodded,"Now that that has passed, did you see any other ships on there way too Equestria? My parents were on their way back to Equestria."

Dragaitas was hesitant and sighed,"Seeing you was not the only thing that made me come back but" he brought the end of his tail around to her. It was wrapped in a white fabric.

"What is it?" she questioned.

Dragaitas flung the fabric off of his tail, he flattened the fabric out."This piecxe of fabric was once part of a sail for a ship. I am sorry, this was part of your father's ship."

She frowned,"Are you sure? Did you check?"

"I didn't believe it at first either. But before I left Equestria I sensed a storm. I stayed the night at Equestria. And got in the air in the morning. I saw debris from a ship, no bodies. And I saw this piece. Then I saw the piece of wood you had engraved the name 'Neptune'. I could have saved them if I hadn't-"

"Its.....okay." She stood over the last piece of the sail she stared at it for a moment and started to burst into tears. One by one her tears hit the sail. She went over to Dragaitas' claw and dug her face in it to cry even more. Dragaitas nudged her with his snout. He cheered her up just by being there for her when she needed it. She fell asleep.

Artemis woke up to a voice calling her name. She opened her eyes and got up. Dragaitas wasn't there. She looked to the floor and saw the sail. She wiped the dried up tears from her face and shouted back,"I'm here!" It was late night. She saw Shadow flying to her.

"Why'd you leave?" he asked.

"I went to get that," She pointed her hoof to the sail,"for a bonfire back south. I kinda got tired and asleep. How long was I away?"

"About two to three hours. Hold on a second." Shadow flew high and saw an image in the grass."Whoa." He descended,"Did you happen to be with a dragon of some sort? An impression of a dragon's body is in the grass."

"Uhh...No. Maybe its just a coincidence. Where are the others?"

"Out looking for you. Let's get back."

"Right, help me carry this. I want to burn it as quickly as possible. It's freezing."

Once they folded up the sail, they headed back to the town. They met up with the others and went back south. They made a pit for the bonfire at the southern beach and set flames to the sail. They all fell asleep and when they awoke in the morning, the sail was nothing but a fle of ash.

One week later

It was in the middle of the day. Artemis and Dew were with Shadow running errands up north. Starflare was in Artemis' library scrolling through books. Barrier came inside the library to take a nap. He noticed her and said,"Oh hey there. What are you doing?" He trotted over to her."Need help with anything?"

"No. Thanks for the offer though. I'm just browsing through these old books. They aren't dusty either, I'm surprised she reads all of these."

"Oh most of the books here I have read. She reads too but she reads some weird tales. She read one about 6 flowers, the majority of it is metaphors. I read it myself and found it confusing.

"6 flowers? That doesn't sound so interesting." Starflare said.

"It's not really. I was going to take a nap but don't you want to explore this part of the island a little? I'm sure you haven't seen much yet."

"Yeah, let's go." Starflare and Barrier trotted out of Artemis' house and made their way to the ocean. When they got there Starflare noticed a cliff, she went to it and looked over the edge."I didn't realize how high we were."

"It's kinda of a good thing. The waves can't reach Shadow's or Artemis' house. The southern part is risen more than the north. I heard tales and legends that tell why it's like that. The star that had fallen from the sky to form this island landed on its face-the north part. Because it landed on its face the north is deeper in the ocean." Barrier laughed,"I believed that for a long time."

"Fallen Star? That sounds like a negative name for an island."

"No pony knows who or what named the island, the name can't mean anything."

"Oh, I have to disagree. Names always mean something maybe 'Fallen Star' is an expression, a metaphor."

"Maybe, but I really don't care. There's a hill and a small field around here. Shall we?"

"Lead the way."

In the north Shadow, Artemis, and Dew were on their way back south. They were carrying bags full of groceries. Artemis didn't like the idea of using her magic when she could just do something on her own.

"Artemis, I've been meaning to ask you why you keep that jacket on. It's hot right now,why don't you just take it off." Dew said.

"I'm comfortable with it on. You guys aren't lucky enough to see it off of me. Not yet at least."

"What?!" Shadow shouted,"But we've known each other for so long. We aged together."

Artemis scoffed,"Yeah, 'aged'."

"What you don't age, Artemis?" Dew asked.

"You guys aged horribly I mean." She grinned,"I age like wine. The older, the better."

"Are you sure?" Shadow replied,"I see wrinkles on your muzzle."

Artemis cried,"That's not funny." Dew and Shadow were laughing," two are mean." She stopped and stomp her hooves.

Dew and Shadow kept galloping along,"Leave her, she's just being a drama queen." Dew said.

"Yeah, she'll follow soon."

"I hate them, then again I love them." Artemis shouted,"Wait up!" She ran to catch up to her friends. She wedged herself between Dew and Shadow,"Want to know something about Starflare's Changelings?"

"Sure." Dew said.

"They are hybrids."

Shadow questioned, he never heard of a hybrid Changelings,"Hybrids? With what?"

"Ponies, you dolt. You know how the Changelings have holes in their hooves, etc?"

The two answered in unison,"Yes."

"Well, these Changelings have completed bodies. They have no holes in the bodies except for their mouths, ears, nostrils, and get my point right?"

"Sure, I do. How did that happen? Does Starflare have a history with Changelings?" Shadow asked.

"I don't know why but hybrid Changelings are loyal to her and her family. You should ask her yourself."

Later that night, the hybrid Changelings visited Dawn. They came to the front door of Artemis' house. Everypony except for Artemis went to the front to greet them.

"Dawn, we haven't seen you in long time." One hybrid with white eyes said. It was as Artemis said. Their bodies were completed. They looked like Changelings but were the same size as ponies. Their eyes were Changeling eyes but, the hybrids' eyes varied in color. Shadow saw green eyes on one, yellow on another, and white on another. Their wings were the same size as a pegasus'. They also had no mark on their flanks and no fangs.

"Friends I'd like to you to meet the hybrid Changelings. There are few of them, their loyalty lies within my family. The one with yellow eyes is Hex, she is the one my best friend besides Artemis."

"Let me introduce the others. The one with green eyes is Polar. The white eyed one is Fog." Polar and Fog didn't respond. "Sorry, they don't like meeting strangers."

"My name is Barrier, nice to meet you."

"I'm Shadow."

Hex said,"What is she doing?" Hex was staring at Dew.

"Geez, umm. She is examining your personality. In a few moments she will be done." Artemis emerged from the other room and Starflare added,"This is the owner of the house, Artemis."

"You're welcome to come inside." Artemis said happily."The more the merrier."

The three hybrids walked in and followed Starflare to the living room where there was a fire lit in the fireplace. There were lamps that lit up the rest of the room. For a unicorn that lives mainly alone, Artemis keeps a lot of furniture in the living room. The others followed the hybrids in.

"Say, you three look very young. How old are you?" Dew was finally done with her examination and said,"What's your secret?"

Polar replied,"Hybrid Changelings age slower, very slowly. Fog and I look like we are fillies but actually we are old enough to be around our late 30's. Hex looks like a new adult but is in the early 50's."

Fog added,"Our bodies agree with our looks so we'll be around for a very long time."

"Wow, you three are old." Artemis chuckled."Can you still change appearances?"

Hex answered confidently,"We wouldn't be 'hybrid Changelings' then would we." Hex turned into Artemis. She now had long hair that curled at the very tips.

"Ooh, I look good." Artemis said happily.

"Any friend of Starflare looks good." Hex laughed,"Since we are half pony our transformation is only temporary and we can't transform again until another two minutes."

"How long can you stay in Artemis' appearance?" Shadow questioned.

Polar answered,"About ten minutes." she sighed,"Like mules, we can't reproduce." She forced herself to lift a smile.

Fog scolded,"What's the damn point in living so long if we can't create life?"

Barrier said,"That doesn't mean you can't have love."

One Week Later

"Starflare, are you certain you want to stay here?" Fog asked politely.

"I'm sure, I hope you three the best."

"Don't worry about us, you are the only one left of your family now. Who do we follow when we are home?" Polar asked.

"That's for you to decide. Don't worry about the crew that brought me here, I'm sending word to them to leave me here. Remember you're mine so you can't die without my permission."

"I'll keep that in mind." Polar said, she hugged Starflare,"Hope you enjoy yourself here." Polar turned her back to Starflare and flew off to her ship.

Artemis came up behind Starflare,"I hope you don't regret this. You could leave if you want."

"I regret nothing Art." She turned around to meet Art's eyes,"I hope you have enough room for another body."

"If I didn't we could just share beds."

"No, you'll be on the floor." she laughed,"How are the others feeling about my stay?"

"How do you think? They love it! They've never met a friend of mine before and now that they have, they won't let you go."

"That's sweet."

"It is. Winter is coming. Usually Shadow and the others stay at my place during winter."

They started to walk to the center of the island without knowing it,"Don't they have families of their own?"

"Shadow's parents died and he's the only child. Barrier never met his parents. And Dew's parents moved to Equestria."

"Your parents should be in Equestria now."

"I don't think so." she frowned,"My friend informed me that the ship they were on sunk on the way."

"Oh my gosh." They both stopped,"When did you find out?"

"The night you arrived."

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"It's was nothing of importance."

Starflare hit Artemis across the face with her hoof,"How can you say that?" she yelled. Artemis' lavender face turned red after being slapped. Starflare hugged her,"I know they weren't your real parents, but I know you loved them."

Artemis cried,"I can't believe I'm crying about this again." she sobbed softly.

"You don't talk about that's why Art. You never do. You think you can get over the situation like that quickly and it just comes back to hit you harder."

"I know, I know." she sniffled.

Star pulled herself from Artemis and said,"Let's walk, come on. We can talk about it too."

"Alright. Thank you."

Star let her relax before speaking about it, she waited until she saw a bird. Moments later she saw one,"How did your friend describe the ship?"

"He said that it might've got caught in the of a horrible storm. After he set out back to come here."

"There was a storm when we reached the halfway point, but it had to be between the halfway point and Equestria. There was no storm heading to Fallen Star. We didn't see any other ship on the way from here."

"He said it was in pieces, he went to search for the bodies but found nothing . The sharks probably got them."

"If anything, of they did survive, they would eventually be carried to shore by the currents." Starflare looked up and finally asked,"Where the heck are we going?"

"I want you to meet my friend that saw the ship. I hope he's around here somewhere." Before their eyes was a single mountain."We have to get to the base of that to see him." They made their way to the mountain as fast as they could, they began to run at one point. When they reached the base of the mountain Artemis led the way to her friend. Starflare didn't know what to expect.

Suddenly they felt a great amount a pressure pushing them down.

"Art," she was panting,"what's going on? I can't move!" Starflare was scared.

"Don't worry it'll pass, he doesn't know who else I'm with."

"Who's 'he'?"

"My friend, he doesn't take in new visitors lightly now."

A minute passed and the pressure was relieved. Starflare got up and looked around, she panicked a little,"Umm...I want to leave, Art."

"Nope, he let us back up so, we will be fine. Trust me."

"Fine. He better not change his mind about us, or rather me."

Artemis grinned and became the trailblazer. Around ten minutes they reached a cave."Starflare, come closer. Stop hiding behind that tree."

Star saw a pair of light blue eyes emerge from the dark caves,"Is that him?"

Artemis scolded,"No! Stay back!" Artemis looked into the eyes and shouted,"Who are you? Come out!" Slowly a small light-gray dragon came out.

Star wormed out from the trees and went behind Artemis,"Is that what I think it is?"

"A dragon, but that's not the one I am looking for. Where is Dragaitas?" The dragon didn't answer,"You haven't learned to speak yet then." A strong vibration shook their hooves. With each shake it grew more violent.

"Please don't tell me that's the one you're looking for." Star whined. She was trembling with fear.

"Oh that's him alright. Stop hiding behind me, he'll want to see your face." Artemis pushed Star in front of her."Don't worry just look straight ahead. He doesn't kill ponies.......often." Artemis teleported away.

"Wait! Come back," Star was too frightened to react, she froze. When the rumbling stopped she gazed into the caves. A pair of white eyes stared back at her.

"Who you might be, mark bearer?" The small dragon disappeared into the dark caves.

Star tried to play herself out,"No pony, I am no pony. Nice to meet you, but I am busy. Bye bye." As she turned around it replied.

"You are the granddaughter of Star Swirl."

Starflare stopped and turned back around to again meet the white eyes of this powerful creature,"Are you the dragon that my grandfather used to talk about, Dragaitas?"

"Come closer, young one." Starflare didn't want to disrespect a potential killer so she moved forward bit by bit. She was close enough to where she had to look up to the white eyes. The eyes came closer to her, she saw the face of the dragon,"Artemis! Come here for a moment." The dragon said. Artemis appeared on top of the dragons head,"Yes?" She replied.

"I expected this much from her. Starflare, is that your name?"

She stuttered,"Y-yes."

"You remember me. Don't you?"

"Am I supposed to.........." she thought for a moment,"You're the one who scared me out of my skin."

"You remember your fear of dragons."


"Say Dragaitas. Who's the small one?" Artemis asked relaxed.

"My son, Excaelum. He refuses to speak." Dragaitas' tone changed. "Artemis I need to speak to you alone. Send your friend away."

"I'm sorry Starflare, this sounds important. You have to leave. What about your son?"

"Excaelum, leave us."

"I'll be just over there." Star said.

When the two left and it was just Dragaitas and Artemis, Dragaitas said,"He has returned!"

2 Years Later

Artemis and Shadow were at the cliff, by Shadow's house, they were just talking. Dew, Barrier, and Starflare were at Artemis' house cooking something for supper. The five attached to each other a lot.

"You've grown fond of her haven't you, Shadow?"

"Excuse me?"

"I've seen the way you look at her. Starflare."

He scoffed,"What? No."

"Don't kid yourself. At first you weren't sure, these past couple years with her have given you a sureness."

"When did you notice?" There was no point in him hiding his feelings anymore.

"Last year. Dew and Barrier like each other as well. They don't know it yet."

"Looks like the ones we are going to spend the rest of our lives with are just under our noses."

"When you two do fall in love, make sure you take care of each other. The time I spent with Barrier, teaching him defensive magic should be enough for when he falls in love with Dew. On the other hoof you need to find another pegasus to teach you aerial combat."

"I will. Artemis, do you ever love somepony?" Shadow was scared to ask that question.

"The question should be 'have I ever?' He died long ago."


"No pony important."

One Week Later

Artemis decided to stay home one night while the others went north to celebrate the coming of the new year. Starflare turned back while her friends went on ahead because, she wanted to convince Artemis to come with. Artemis was alone. Or so she thought. She was trotting around her house, looking for something to look at. She found a mirror in the hall. She looked at it for a while. She heard a noise behind her and jolted up. She looked behind her and saw nothing. She looked back at the mirror and saw another unicorn in the reflection behind. The unicorn pushed Artemis against the wall and threw her to the ground.

This unicorn was dressed like her, he also had a jacket around his sides. His coat was gray and his was charcoal colored. His mane and tail were both short and rough. He kept on throwing Artemis around her house. Breaking furniture and china with her body. Artemis didn't fight back. She didn't want to. There was no point in fighting a foe she couldn't defeat. She was bleeding. She was hurt. She was yelling in agony. She was crying.

"Artemis," the unicorn said,"Get up! I want a challenge in killing you."

"Please," she coughed up blood,"Just kill me already."

"Where's the fun in that?" He used his magic to lift her up and choke her,"Now that my seal has broken you don't have any courage. Pathetic." He threw her out the front door and onto the front yard. He kicked her in the stomach and she coughed more blood. Her body wasn't firm, she was a rag-doll to him. She lied on the ground bleeding.

"*cough* I loved you. Why are you doing this to me?"

He placed a hoof on her neck and pressed down,"You betrayed me. It's time I repaid the favor." He went into the house and came back out with a lantern. He set fire to her tail and watched her burn. She screamed at the top of her lungs. He stepped back and laughed maniacally."Don't worry I won't let you die just yet. Not until after I kill your friend in front of you."

The flames were put out by a strong wind, the unicorn looked up and saw Dragaitas. Dragaitas put Artemis in his claws,"Is this how you treat the one you loved? BY SETTING HER ABLAZE?!!" His nostrils flared with fire.

Artemis said weakly,"Don't hurt him. Please, just kill me."

"How adorable. She's begging me not to kill you." The unicorn shot a spell at Dragaitas. His body went limp but he was still conscious, he couldn't speak. He watched the unicorn drag her away, he wanted to do something but his body just shut down."My paralyzation spell. You can't fight it. Although a dragon you still can't handle my magic." He smiled an evil smile,"How should I kill you, my love?" He picked her up with his magic,"Should I burn you again, or bleed you out? Tear you apart like Dragaitas did to Mastron? Poison you like I did to Jeda? Or maybe I can use myself to seal us away together like Verla did to me?!" He slammed her I to the ground. "I hate it. I can only kill you once. How should I fucking do it?!"

"Stop." Artemis panted. She couldn't get up."Insi. I beg of-"

He kicked her,"Don't say my name! You lost that right when you betrayed me! I loved you, then when I needed you the most you left me alone."

"You killed innocents. *cough*What was I supposed to do? them die?" she gasped for air.

"They killed my family. For no damn reason!"

"They were afraid!" Artemis was gaining the strength back to speak clearly and loudly.

"Afraid of what? There was nothing to be frightened of until they started to slaughter my family! The name of my power, Love, it's just a title to hide its capability. Death, Hate, Life, Mercy, Merciless all titles. Verla she was Death, but she was so kind. She wouldn't harm a thing. That's my proof that they're just titles. For centuries I have held the title Love. For centuries I have waited, and waited. Longing for the day that I can kill you. My patience will reward me because, tonight is the night I can end your poor excuse for a life."

"Go die." Artemis scolded.

"I already did!" He threw her to her house. Artemis hit her head on one of the pillars of her porch. She didn't wake up.

"Artemis!" A shout came from the woods. Insi saw another unicorn.

"Who might this be?" Starflare's eyes and horn lit up. A beam shot out from her horn and up into the night sky. The beam lasted 3 seconds. "Ah, you must be Love also. Let's see if she can fight like I can." The beam stopped and Starflare teleported right behind Insi and tried to tackle him. He teleported to Artemis and stood above her,"Do you know this pathetic bitch here?" Starflare's eyes were glowing."You're going to have to kill me if you want her back." Insi shot a paralyzation spell at Starflare and got her. The glowing from her eyes dimmed and she fell on her side."Artemis, if you can hear me, watch me as I kill her. The after-effect of the power will have put her to sleep combined with my spell, she will be defenseless." He went to Starflare and kicked her around like he did to Artemis.

Artemis saw him doing this to her friend and got up. She shouted,"Stop! You can do that to me, not her or anyone else!"

"Is that so?" He teleported to her and pushed Artemis down to the ground. He got another lantern and threw it on Artemis."Until we meet again, my loved."

12 minutes later the house was completely on fire with Artemis inside. Dragaitas and Starflare were still paralyzed and Insi disappeared. A white pegasus came to the scene and saw the two lying on the ground. He never seen a dragon,"Who are you?" he asked Dragaitas.



"Get her, inside." Dragaitas could barely speak. The spell was still in effect.

The white pegasus caught his message and rushed to the burning house. The fire was so hot. He jumped in the front door and called ,"Is anyone there?!" There was no response. He went to the left, the living room, and saw nothing. He went to the right of the living and looked right, into the hallway. He saw broken glass by the door that led to the back. He went to it and saw blood. Wooden beams fell and almost crushed him so, he exited the house through the back. He shouted,"Hello?!" Still no response. He flew over the house and went back to the front. The dragon was gone. He went to Starflare,"We need to get you out of here. I'll lift you up." The pegasus shoveled her onto his back. He looked around and saw an old wooden house by the cliffs. He went to it and laid Starflare onto a bed.

It was dark so he lit a single lantern to illuminate the dark place. Shadow and the others arrived and saw Artemis' house. They kept on shouting her name and Starflare's. Barrier noticed that there was light coming from Shadow's house. Hep intend it out to him and Shadow said he left the lanterns in his house doused. Dew ran to it and barged in. She saw Starflare passed out on the bed.

"Thank goodness, she's safe." she cried and went to her side.

"She is but where is Artemis?" Barrier asked worriedly.

"She maybe left to get some water." Shadow said.

They waited and waited until midnight. The house's fires died out. They heard hoof-steps outside. Dew got excited and ran out,"Artem-" she saw the white pegasus,"Who are you?" He was an older pony with golden hair.

Shadow and Barrier came out,"What happened?" Shadow said firmly.

"There was a fire and I found her." he answered.

"Did you see another unicorn? Lavender coat." Barrier said.

"No, she was the only I found. She was out in the front. Lying on the ground."

"Did you start the fire?" Dew asked.

"No. Something else might've started it. Where I found the mare, there was also a dragon."

"A dragon? A dragon did it?" Shadow sounded angry.

"No, no, no. The dragon sounded worried and told me to get her. I didn't know what he meant, he was probably talking about the lavender unicorn you were asking about."

Dew sighed,"You don't seem like a liar to me. What's your name?"


2 Years Later

Shadow, Starflare, and Garren were sitting under a tree. After the fire, Shadow and the others found their love for each

"I still prefer the name I suggested." Garren said.

"Nah, I like 'Dawn'. It's short and pretty." Starflare replied.

"And don't forget generic." Shadow laughed.

"Hey! Don't talk about your daughter like that." Staflare shouted. She was snuggling with a baby, her baby. "Besides, three syllables is too long for me."

"Too long for you Star. The other name is more pretty in my opinion." Shadow replied smiling.

"I like the name for Dew's child." Garren said.

"Lacoden is pretty." Starflare agreed.

"But it has three syllables! You like her three syllable name but not the one for our daughter?"

"Shut up." Star was playing with the little amount of hair her daughter had."I'm complicated."

"No kidding." chuckled Shadow.

"You're not supposed to agree with me, you ass."

"What? If I disagreed I'll be a liar."

Garren laughed,"I just realized my son is 3, Lacoden is 2 and Dawn is 1. The perfect trio."

ACT II: Chapter 41 - Escalation

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ACT II: Chapter 41 - Escalation

Dawn, Fyn, and Iril were almost back to the frontier. Only two days of trotting. The skies were clear and blue as ever. They were being followed, and Iril knew it. She didn't speak a word of it to them. She wanted to be sure of every little aspect of their pursuers before they reached the frontier. She knew they were griffons; were they enemies or allies?

"Dawn, you think you can use your magic to get us there more quickly. I'm worried about the princesses."

"I can but, I'm not used to teleporting more than one pony at once. So if I did I will be bedridden for a long time. Sorry."

"Oh, I guess its fine then."

"Don't worry, I'm sure the princesses can do fine without their maid."

"Iril, do you enjoy being their maid?" Fyn asked.

"Of course I do. I owe them so much."

"That doesn't mean you have to be their maid."

"True, I haven't really given much thought to my future. I've always been good at pleasing others. I never had any let me say 'unique' talents."

"You have to be good at something or like to do something."

"I've always wanted to be a therapist."

"Therapist?" Dawn exclaimed, "Interesting.

"I always liked talking to others about their problems."

"" Fyn said.

7 Hours Later

"It's getting dark. Let's make camp." Dawn scolded."If we go to sleep early then we can set off early. Let's go off the trail. The forest."

They found a small patch in the center of some tall trees. The moon was rising and the skies were getting cloudy. It was getting cold, winter was close. The animals were preparing to hibernate so, they were out stuffing themselves. Iril snuck away. A few meters over were two griffons. One adult and one child. They were keeping quiet. The father was around 26. His feathers were clean from what Iril could see. He was wearing glasses with a strap so they won't fall off. The s

"Dad, where do you think they're going?"

"I don't know. I can't believe Talon trapped us inside that rock for so many centuries."

"We should've told the others."

"No, they will revolve against her for lying. When the time comes they will find out on their own."

Iril was behind them,"Revolve against who?"

"Please tell me I'm just hearing things." The child said trembling.

"Nope, I'm real. You two have been following us ever since we got out of the caves. Why?" Iril went around to get in front of them.

"We saw you three go inside a cave, we followed and we saw a different world. This is the first time we been outside. When we turned around we saw a mountain side. I didn't believe it. You three are the first whatever you are that we have seen."

"We are ponies. So you're saying you've never seen our kind before?"

The father figure was intrigued by her mark,"Why is there a feather on your rear?"

"That's my mark. Most say it represents our talents; others think it involves our destiny. I think it's a little bit of both."

The child asked,"Are there are more ponies with feathers?"

"I'm sure with similar ones. Okay, before I answer any more questions answer mine. Are you hostile?"

"No. We are just a father and a son. Okay, we held our end of the deal. You don't have a horn. Why is that?"

"I was born like this. My parents were both earth ponies."

"Earth ponies?" The child replied.

"What did I get myself into?"

The father chuckled,"We didn't even introduce ourselves. My name is Fawkes. My son is Condor."

"Oh well, hello. My name is Iril." she held out a hoof and waited for a shake. The father shook her hoof then the son. "Any more........" something caught her attention. She whispered,"Stay here. Keep quiet. Something is wrong." She disappeared into the bushes and sneaked back to her friends. She heard Fyn's voice.

"We swear, we don't know who you're-" a large griffon grabbed hold of her throat. He gripped it tight.

"Let her go!" Dawn shouted.

"Not unless you tell us where they are!" Fyn's throat was released and she was thrown to Dawn. A group of griffons were surrounding them."We have been informed that two of our griffons got out of the mountain. We need them back."

"Why? Why shouldn't griffons be able to leave the mountain?" Dawn scolded.

"That is not your concern. Tell us where they are. Or I'll take your friend and suffocate her until her body goes cold."

"How thick can your skulls be?" Fyn laughed. She was having minor breathing problems.

"What did the wretch say?!" shouted one griffon.

Iril went back to Fawkes and Condor. She was red with anger,"Your kind is here. They are searching for you two."

"Must be under Gizzard's orders." Fawkes mumbled."I will go, Condor stay here."

"Dad, they won't take us leaving the mountain lightly."

"I know."

"Fawkes, I will go with. They have my friends captive." Iril and Fawkes split up. "I hope this isn't going to end badly." she thought.

"We need those two griff-" there was a noise that caught one of the griffon's attention. It sounded like flapping of wings, big ones. Luster crashed down, tearing down trees in her wake.

"Dawn. I have orders to get you and your companions home. Get on." she scolded fiercely. The griffons were shocked.

"We need to find Iril." Fyn replied.

"She's right behind me. Come on."

Iril crept out from the bushes,"There she is." Dawn answered. Dawn, Fyn, And Iril boarded Luster.

"Wait!" Iril cried,"I know the griffons they're looking for." she whispered.

"They will follow." Luster said. She took off unannounced, the three almost fell off."Dawn, Chronin wants to speak to you. She ordered me to take you to her."


"Far south. Land of Ice Dragons."

"How long until we get there?"

"By flight, 9 days. Mark bearers do not have the endurance of dragons; I will have to land for you three to rest and eat. But now it will be our first full day of flying. We will fly over an ocean to get there, it will be very cold there. So before we set over the ocean I will land to let you three find something to bundle up in. The griffons will stop following us as soon as we go the ocean."

Fyn thought in her head,"Land of Ice Dragons. Haven't been there in a long time." she was reminiscing pleasant memories. She laughed out loud out of nowhere.

Celestia was speaking with Luna in her room. Celestia paced restlessly in circles in the center of her room."Sister, we still don't know when this battle will be fought." Luna said. Luna was by the open window to the right of her sister's bed. She looked at her older sister,"There might not even be a battle."

"There will be a battle. Not just a battle. War. We need to stop this."

"We can't, it's not our fight. It's Dawn's now."

"It's all of ours. I am tired of having others do the work that is supposed to be our responsibility."

"If there isn't a place for us now, thee will be in the future."

Gandore came in running,"Quick, princesses! Follow me!" she panted. They ran over to Gandore's study room. "Look at the book on my pedestal, flip through the pages."

Luna did so,"It's blank. So?"

"Do me a favor and look up." Gandore replied. The princesses did and they saw something they couldn't explain."Those are the letters from that book. They just started coming off the pages and went straight up."

"What book is that?" Celestia asked still looking up at the letters.

"It's the book Six Flowers. It's an enchantment of some sort. I tried to figure out the type of magic it is but the magic is old."

"How old would say?" Luna said. Some of the letters came gliding down, the book went to the first blank page. Words were being made.

'You are not alone Princess Celestia, Princess Luna. In due time, we shall meet for the first and last time.'

"Threats?" Celestia chuckled quietly,"How am I supposed to take this seriously?"

"Umm, let's start by saying the book knows our name, sister."

The book flipped to the next blank page. 'Your sister is wise, Princess Celestia.'

It flipped to the next one,"Who are you?" Celestia questioned, she was looking through the small windows to see if it was a joke, if somepony was jut playing tricks.

More letters came down. 'You will find out. Soon enough.'

Gandore asked,"How do we know this isn't just a coincidence and you're just lucky at guessing our next words?"

'I am in the room.'

Celestia shouted to the shadows,"Come out!" She didn't realize how scared she was.

'You are not my superior, Princess. I do not have to obey you. The future in this book has changed.' The ink on the page smeared, then the book became dust. The letters above came down as ink and soaked the princesses and Gandore in black.

"What in Equestria was that?" Gandore exclaimed wiping the ink away from her old eyes.

"Blehh" Luna had some ink in her mouth and spat it out,"I don't have the slightest idea."

"Who ever it was, they're gone now."

"How can you be so sure?" Luna replied sternly.

Celestia answered,"The one who did this said he was in the room. That was a lie. No pony would be stupid enough to be in the same rom to be covered in ink. Well, we did find out something."

"What is that?" Luna questioned.

"The book said,'the future in this book has changed.' And the book said that four of the six will die. That is good. That maybe means less, or maybe none of them will die."

Luna argued,"Or it could mean they all will die."

At Shining Water, Soul, Storm, and Blossom were headed back to the frontier. Blossom was being held captive by Storm. Storm wanted to know why his parents died. Soul knew when she finds out why her mother had to die she will look at the peacekeepers differently.

"So Storm, you want me to help you figure out why your father was forced to abuse you?"

"Blossom, we went over this. You are a suspect as well. I will find out why my mother and Athen had to die. If you are innocent then I will let you live."

"And if not?"

"I will end your life quickly. This goes for Mend and Delta."

"Storm, we should go to Fort Reiner." Black Soul suggested.


"My uncle, Holt, he deserves to know why as much as we do."

"Ugh, fine. When he see a trail headed there we will make the turn."

"You know that will take us a few weeks possibly to get there. The trail closest to here will lead us straight to Fort Reiner." Blossom said.

Storm answered,"Okay, let that be our route then."

Knight Mist and Knight Randall were ordering the recruits to bed. Knight Tal and the others were patrolling the frontier's perimeter.

"We have a long way to go Mist." Randall sighed happily,"Hopefully this business with Dawn and the others will resolve itself soon."

"Ha, we can only hope. Where's Dust? She said she'll be back with the mission list."

"I'm right here!" Dust shouted. She ran up to Mist,"I counted the missions on the way here. 7 of them." she panted. She got herself together and spoke normally,"Do you really think these kids are ready to take on real missions?"

"I spilt them up in groups of....How many do we have? 81. Let's see.... 25 to one group. That's 50 for two groups. The remaining will form the third. Seng, Lancer, and Randall will go to one."

"Hey! I don't have my own vote or something?" Randall exclaimed.

"Yup." Mist replied laughing."Cloudfire, Flood, and Tal will go to another. Dust, Hail, and myself will form another. Bladedancer, Flood, and Tint will stay here with Delta and the Peacekeepers. Mend will later come here and take command until either Soul, Storm, Tal, you(Randall), or myself return. Dawn won't be here anytime soon probably. Wrench and Wither are still finishing up their miniature foundry so they won't bother us." she turned to Dust,"Don't worry about the missions. One more year and I'll let them do them. Alright? For now we need to figure out who is going in which team and with who."

"Who do you want in yours?" Randall questioned.

"I'm thinking about it. Let's head inside house." The three headed toward Dawn's house by the Everfree. They called it Dawn's because, Shadow was no longer with them. The recruits were all sleeping in rows. The fireplace was lit. A few were still struggling to get some sleep. Few were chattering quietly. Mist let them be, after all they were still were children. Mist was looking for somepony."Randall, stay here with Dust. I need to check on something." Mist went upstairs and looked in the doors. All the lights were out. The only light came through the windows from the moonlight.

Each room was occupied by at least 5 recruits. She went to the balcony. Flake, Ms. Grazer, and another were chatting. Mist snuck up on them quietly,she wanted to eavesdrop.

".....We've been training so much. My body is sore and I know it. Just can't feel it though." chuckled the other pony. This pony was male and was an earth pony. He had a tan color scheme throughout his body. He was short and stocky compared to Flake. He leaned over the balcony.

Flake replied,"We're so used to the soreness that we can't feel it anymore. That's not a good thing either."

Ms. Grazer added,"But it's also not bad." she sighed and then frowned,"I miss teaching."

"I miss sleeping in class." chuckled Flake.

"I miss not preparing to fight at 14."

"Just a few days, even a day of a normal-ish life will rejuvenate my mind." Grazer exclaimed.

Mist thought of doing something nice for them the next morning. She only had a few hours left until Celestia raised the sun, she had to rush. She paced quickly downstairs and called Randall and Mist outside. "How would you two react if I let them be themselves for a long period of time?"

"The recruits? Well, how long are you talking about?" Randall asked.

"Two years." Mist answered in a firm voice.

Randall looked like she was about to pass out,"Whoa, that's a very long. Why?"

"If they're going to war, I'm sure they want to live their lives first."

"I'm up for that." Dust said,"Tired of watching them 24/7 anyways."

"I didn't say anything about that. Remember, almost all of these kids have no parents. We have to be their parents now." Mist added,"Ugghh, I'm not ready to have kids."

"I think having kids is fun." Randall said happily. Mist and Dust looked at each other, then Randall,"No, no, no! Not making them!" she started to blush,"I think parenting is cool." she whimpered.

Mist replied slowly,"Okay. Well, get some rest tonight. Tomorrow is when we will stop being their C.O.'s and start being their parents."

The next morning was cold. Snow had fallen and had laid a thin blanket of white on the ground. The recruits assembled as they did. In front of the orphanage and in rows with the Peacekeepes to their left. Delta was at the top of the steps leading to the orphanage's front door. Mist and Randall came next to him. Seng and the others were on their right.

"What's today's training, Knight Mist?"

"You'll see." Mist stood tall,"Do I have your attention?"

In unison they answered,"Sir, yes sir!"

"Sir?" Delta asked Randall.

She whispered,"I think she likes being a stallion, sir."

Mist continued,"Today, you are no longer recruits!" They muttered,"Let me finish, please!" They quieted,"Thank you. Last night we, your commanding officers, decided to end your training for now." Mist saw little grins come up on their faces,"You are free to act as you normally would." They deformed the rows and met their friends,"Hold on, wait! I still have a couple of things to say!" she watched them even smile bigger,"You have to attend school, like in a normal life of a child. Ms. Grazer will be one of your teachers. Another one will be Gandore."

Seng asked Lancer, who was to his right,"Do you think Gandore knows about this?"

"Nope. She's going to be surprised when she has a bunch of kids at her door."

"Hey, shut up!" Aero to the left interrupted. Aero, Seng, Lancer, were quiet for a moment.

"We, your C.O.'s will be your parents from now on as well."

"Hey Seng." Hail whispered over.


"Do you like dares?"

Mist was still talking,"I will be one of your mothers and Delta here will be one of your fathers." They recruits started walking away."Hey, where are you going?!"

One recruit answered,"Bye, mom!"

Another,"See you at dinner, mom!"

Flake stood still quietly and went to her 'mother',"So, is going on?"

"Nothing. Make sure tomorrow you and your brothers and sisters go to school tomorrow." she smiled."Go on! Enjoy today."

"Okay! Thanks mom!" she ran off to play in the snow.

Randall went to Mist and Mist said,"Please tell me I didn't just make a big mistake."

"Okay. You didn't just make a big mistake."

Mist stared at her and she shrugged,"Two years of being mothers." she sighed,"I hope I don't end up killing myself." Seng came up to Mist,"Yes?"

"Can I ask you a question?" Seng looked over his shoulder and saw the others snickering.


"Umm..." he was laughing,"So mom, how do you have this many kids and still look good?"

"Like this." she turned around and bucked him with both of her hind legs."You and your friends are still under my orders!"

Seng's face was buried in the snow. He voice was muffled,"I think she broke my face." Hail and the others laughed.

Bladedancer said,"That looked like it hurt."

Seng lifted his face,"No, it was painless." he put his face back in the snow,"I'm gonna lay here for a while."

"Alright. Let's leave him to wallow in his shame." Cloudfire chuckled.

Later that day, they had a feast in the frontier's courtyard. Most of the Peacekeepers didn't attend. Some did. Even Dali, the mailmare, was there mingling with the RAK. The children were all talking about what they had done earlier in the day. They were enjoying themselves. Seng was covering up, he was getting sick since he laid in the snow for a good thirty minutes. The older kids made their own group in a separate table; Flake was part of that table. The younger ones were in the center of. They were well behaved for being so young. The next day was the first day of school. It went well considering that Grazer hasn't taught in a few months. Gandore was practically forced into the situation but by the end of the day she was content with teaching and decided to come back.

Three weeks later Knight Black Soul and Knight Storm returned with White Blossom and Holt. Holt brought along a friend by the name of Mirage. She knew Holt by the school they both taught at. She was a pale looking unicorn. She was built though, she was almost the same height as Holt. And he was tall.

They walked through groups of children acting normal. Soul didn't know what was going on. They were greeting them as if they were just neighbors. She wasn't concerned much with it though. She wanted to see Mist. Soul was told by Flake that Mist was at Dawn's house. They arrived there. Soul, Storm, holt, and Blossom went in. Luckily, Mist and Randall were the only ones there. Mirage waited outside. Holt didn't want to deal with witnesses. Holt dropped his satchel and stomped his way to Mist.

He rammed Mist into the wall and yelled,"Where is he?!"

"Who?" Mist got up.


"He just arrived. Leave her alone." Randall went to shield Mist.

"Where is he?!" She didn't answer. Holt went them both ready to harm them.

"Stop!" Soul darted between Holt and them. She knelt spoke to Mist,"Please. Where is he?"

"The orphanage." Mist answered quietly. When Soul turned around Holt was already gone with Storm."Shit!"

"What's happening?"

"Holt and Storm are pointing heavy blame toward Mend and Delta for what happened twenty years ago at Green Fawn. Blossom I want you to stay with them."

In front of the orphanage stood Holt, he was shouting angrily,"Mend! Get out here!"

He came out and stared him in the eyes,"Holt? What're you doing here?"

"Storm, is there a secluded place around here?" Storm nodded,"Show me." he ordered. "If you want to know why I am here, Mend, you will follow."

Holt was following Storm with Mend right behind. Mend asked,"What's going on? After all these years and those were the first words you gave me?"

"Remember, on the way to Fort Reiner how we got word of a disturbance at Green Dawn and you told me to go on ahead while you checked on it?"

"How can I not remember it? We couldn't get anyone out there until the storm calmed down. And when we did get ther-"

"All of them were dead. Except for Storm and Soul." They walked in between some trees and found a place in the snow that was clear."The storm that had suddenly hit that week wasn't natural was it? Artificial. You see, Storm and I believe that someone close to," he didn't want to say his name. It just made him angry just thinking about him but he did anyways,"Thorn was aiding him in the attack. Because there is no possible way Oless would do something that terrible to his old friends. Someone had to feed him information from inside the Peacekeepers." Holt whistled. Soul came out from some shrubs dragging a gagged and tied Blossom."I think Blossom was the one behind it. Quake was kind enough to let me see his father's notes and journal entries." He raised his voice,"They all point to her! Storm, blade!" Storm kicked over a hoof-sword to Holt. Holt strapped it on. He went over to Blossom and put the sharp blade up against her throat.

"Wait!" Mend cried out."There's no way it could be her."

Holt lifted it away,"You're right. She couldn't have done it. If she did she wouldn't be stupid enough to get caught, but she did." He placed the sword back by her throat.

"Please, Holt!" Mend was panicking.

"Why so nervous? I would expect you will be.....happy that we caught the one responsible for Athen's death. Unless, you don't think she's was responsible." Holt turned his attention to Mend.

"No, I don't think she did it."

"I agree, because....." Holt loosened the strap on the blade."You did!" he flung the blade toward Mend's horn. His horn was hurt so he couldn't defend himself easily. He was stunned with pain, Holt used this to his advantage and closed in on him. The sword that had struck Mend was at Holt's hooves. He strapped it back on. "I thought we were friends, Mend. Why did you do it?" he asked softly.

Soul said,"Please, uncle. Show him mercy."

"I will as soon as he answers me."

"I had become clouded with greed. Greedy with power, with money. Delta was involved too Holt, he did most of the planning and collected most of the bribe money."

"Thank you, Mend." Holt stuck the sword right into his heart. Mend gasped for air,"There's my mercy." Holt slowly pulled the sword out, then threw it away. He trotted to Soul and ran one of his hooves across her cheek,"I'm sorry." He frowned and continued on into the forest alone. The ropes that had been tied on Blossom faded away and she got up. Blossom's color changed and a horn appeared on her head. It was Mirage. She used her magic to only look like Blossom.

She sighed,"Poor guy. I'll talk to him." As she started to follow, Soul stopped her.

"Let him be. He'll be fine. He just killed one of his only friends left in the world." She looked at Mend's body,"I thought I would be happier that he died. But it's just hurts." She flew over to the body."Storm, help me hide his body. The Peacekeepers will be searching for him." His blood was turning the white snow, to crimson.

Storm flew to her,"I thought I would be happy too." He looked at the sword."Hold on, don't touch him yet." Storm fixed the sword to his hoof, he used the sword to part the snow apart. When he saw bits of grass he started stabbing the dirt. He loosened the dirt so that he can then use the sword as a shovel. It took him until late afternoon to finish digging a sizable grave. He and Soul pushed the body in and got rid of the sword. They kicked the dirt onto his body.

By nightfall, Soul's prediction came true. Delta came to the door of Dawn's house asking for him. Holt was upstairs still crying. Soul didn't know what to tell him. She simply said that Mend had to go back him. The next morning was interesting enough. More newcomers came to the frontier looking for a place to live. There were many vacancies. Celestia saw this as a opportunity to find an income for the future. She taxed them. They were allowed to choose any open house or building. Celestia charged them by the location of their unit and the size of it. Her taxes can help the frontier thrive. The Knights and the RAK had no problem with it either. The frontier was lively and full of neighbors.

Now since the frontier was full of ponies the following two days, they needed a guide to consult the princesses whenever needed. A meeting for the new arrivals was called in the town square. They called for a mayor. Since no pony in the military authority wanted to lead and since no high ranking officer in the Peacekeepers wanted to either. Instead they got a volunteer, a traveler from where no pony knew where he came from. He was cool-colored but looked happy. His mane was short and neat, his tail was long and straightened. He didn't plod around like some of the others did. He had with him only a ripped grain bag he used to hold his belongings. And he also had a daughter. Her name was Cira. She was only 4. She looked shy. She cowered behind her father. Her hair was pale pink and had a little ponytail, her hair didn't looked like it had been cut before. It was long. As long as her mane was, so was her tail. Her beautiful dragged along the ground which made it rough.

An election would've been held if only this traveler had a competitor. He was confident and by the way he spoke everypony knew he was educated to a high standard. He was the fort mayor of the frontier, which he declared to be called, Lalifong. A very unusual name. Knight Black Soul saw her own opportunity. They needed soldiers for the upcoming war. She didn't want to drop the announcement on them yet. She waited patiently until the right time.

Dawn, Fyn Cour, and Iril were in a land made entirely of ice. They were cold, but their coats made from wool kept them warm enough. They wore undergarments that kept them from getting wet. They were riding on the back of Luster. She was walking against the cold gales without struggle. The sun wasn't up even though it was early morning which made it even colder. They three ponies huddled around each by Luster's lower neck for warmth and for protection from the winds and dragons. There were water dragons to their left and right occasionally. Some young ones even tried to consume the three, luckily Luster was there to protect them. Another hour before they come in contact with Lord Chronin, Luster told them. And an hour later they did. Lord Chronin had formed a barrier around herself. An orb shaped barrier. The wind and the snow hit her barrier and bounced back off. Her time magic made this possible. She used it to stop warm air from who knows how long before; the warm air forced the cold away from her, When they entered the barrier Chronin said,"No need for your covers here."

The three jumped off of Luster and bowed before Lord Chronin. Dawn then responded,"You summoned us."

"Indeed, I did. Dawn, I've sent for you because, I wish to do you a favor."

Iril felt like making a smart comment to her like,'How about doing us a favor by coming to us?' But she didn't. She respected Chronin too much. Dawn replied respectfully."What is it?"

"I want to give you a chance to relive."


"I am a Time dragon. Not only can I manipulate time to weaker beings, I can access memories of locations and minds. In fact, I am watching listening to a memory as we speak. A memory of Fyn's family."

"Mine? What is it?" Fyn asked.

"Your parents sealing you in their body heat, your only, eldest, brother next to you inside the huddle. You and him talked, laughing at one another's jokes."

"Rin Cour." Fyn muttered,"He and I had fun here. But before we left for the mainland he froze to death. That's history. Dawn, today is about you now." She stripped herself of her coat.

"Okay." Dawn bowed and said,"I would like to begin immediately, Lord Chronin." She raised her head,"How do we start?"

"Iril, Fyn, Luster. I need you all by me." Chronin scolded,"Dawn, for this I need all your focus. All your power. This process may bring back unpleasant memories. Do you understand?"


"No matter how you appear on this side of the world, I nor your friends can help you. Do you understand?"


"It may starve your physical body here."

"I understand."

"I do not know how long you will back in memories. Could be days, weeks, months. You must understand, you are simply reliving the past. You will have no knowledge of any of this, or anything after you had your memory wiped out. But, when you return you will be able to remember everything. Prepared?" Dawn nodded. "Take a deep breath." She did,"Good. Close your eyes." She did. Chronin placed one of her claws on Dawn's forehead.

When Dawn opened her eyes she was in a wooden house. She yawned and got out of bed. She called out,"Mom!"

"Out here Dawn." she heard.

"Hi mom."

"Good morning, sweetie." Starflare smiled at her daughter.

Shadow was back at the building that contained Canon. Retina and Hagger were chained up next to him. The bodies weren't decomposing fast since they were inside. The warm air made their stench even more unbearable. Lacoden let Canon free of his chains. "If I am too keep you alive, you will work." she simply said. Being chained up for so long affected Canon's ability to walk. He was like a newly born foal.

"Thank you, Lacoden." he said to her lying on the ground.

"Don't give me your gratitude, slave. Shadow, make sure he is able to even stand on his own legs before I return." Lacoden added,"Before you hang from those chains again." She left the rear side of the building but before she did she ordered some Changelings,"Purge this place of those bodies. Immediately!"

Shadow flew to Canon, who was struggling to get up. He assisted him,"She's changing."

"I know, and in a good way too. She doesn't know it yet."

"Let's hope she doesn't find out, who knows what she'll do going through denial."

"I think I can help her."

"She isn't her old self, your going to have to be careful around her." Shadow heard Changelings coming,"Hurry, get up!" Shadow shouted. He whispered,"I can't be too nice to you."

"Agreed." Canon shouted back,"Fuck you!"

Shadow forced him up. He whispered to Canon,"You're going to help us get Cerberus. You know that right?"

"Oh yeah." He chuckled,"I really hope to get out of this situation alive."

Three months later. By this time it has been a full year ever since Shadow first joined the military academy. Cerberus was out of place, but no creatures from the Underworld haven't come out. Shadow thought there had to be another barrier keeping them in. He didn't care much for it though, if he found out what was keeping them in Garren might want to take them out. Three different creatures have been herded out the Underworld by Lacoden. Vulture-like birds that have the most irritating screech and terrifying flight capabilities, along with superior vision and sharp talons make for the perfect bird of prey. Lacoden brought a total of twenty-one of these, she called Banshees.

Banshees look like to be solitary creatures, but in a flock they do just well. The had ash-colored feathers that were black at the tips. Their backs had light colored diamonds on them. Their eyes were large and had oval shaped pupils, their eyes were dark brown. Not only did their air superiority make them feared, but also their size were surreal for a bird. These birds were so tall, Garren had to tilt his head almost all the way up to meet one in the eye. Their length wasn't so long, their wingspan made up for that. Some measured up to 20 feet, others to 40 feet. The other species she brought were equally as fierce.

They were a land animals though. They couldn't fly, they could run and swim. They were larger than most large cats but not the biggest. They seem to rely on their big ears, to hear their prey. And their smell since they had a large nose. Their eyes were large, but they didn't use them much. They were nocturnal, unlike the Banshees that were diurnal. Their movements were quiet, swift, and fast. Even though not as strong compared to Banshees, they did have one thing the Banshees did not. Poison claws. The tips of their claws excrete venom. This venom made the victim scream, hallucinate, vomit, and caused a dangerous fever. These same effects were the ones exactly like Lacoden's uncle had experienced before he died. Lacoden might've forgotten about that. The cries of their victim will be picked up by their great ears, the vomits smells will be picked up by their sensitive nostrils. Lacoden called these creatures, Amaroks. Also solitary hunters. They had a rough dark tan coat and long legs. There were 9 of them. Lacoden's intentions were to scatter the Banshees and Amaroks all over Fallen Star.

Lacoden was able to control them with a spell she made. They will not attack her or Garren, they will attack anyone else though. She didn't care about Orcusin one bit. She just saw him as an extra body. the only creature brought out that the spell didn't work on was Cerberus. Unlike Banshees and Amaroks, Cerberus could be reasoned with. In this situation, Cerberus wanted to leave. He is very resistant, and extremely powerful. His is immune to the Amaroks venom, and can kill Banshees with one swipe of one of his giant paws. Cerberus did not obey any orders given to him. Garren had to force him to do his bidding. He asked Lacoden to cast a spell that would scratch Cerberus' mind every time he disobeyed; he had to remain obedient as long as this spell was active.

Canon, Retina, and Hagger were still prisoners. It were allowed more privileges than before. Lacoden didn't have them chained up like she did before. Shadow and Canon were right, she was changing. Shadow had to be harsh to them occasionally to adjoins being found out. He blocked off his communication to Dawn and Excaelum. Orcusin was gone. He and his followers spent all their time plotting how they wer going to take down Chronin and Excaelum. Excaelum and Kishi were on their own. They traveled all around Equestria in search for Gravity dragons. Since Excaelum was able to control a bit of each force, he practiced each of them trying to master each and every little aspect of their power. His main goal was to master Gravity. Orcusin was his main enemy, and if he was going to fight him he would have to be at his strongest. Excaelum and Kishi both grew in size within this time period. They were both getting stronger and faster. Kishi still didn't speak a single word. He was still smaller than his younger brother but he could fly with more agility, and evasiveness. No matter, Kishi won't be the one fighting Orcusin.

Some weeks later

Shadow discovered that Lacoden found out she has changed. Since they were at Shining Water, Shadow set out to find his friend. When he found him, Shadow consulted him into heading for the eastern ports. His friend Longbeard, captain of the Dutchcolt, also brought along with him his family, and a pegasus named Quake. Each of his children had their own ship. Shadow knew Lacoden was going to do something, he just didn't know when. He got out any one he knew personally away from the western ports.

Dawn, Fyn, and Iril finally came back to the frontier. They arrived on the back of Lord Chronin. When asked what happened on their journey they all frowned. Chronin too was blue. As soon as the three got off her back she set off. No pony bothered the three since talking to them would be futile. They wouldn't answer any questions about the Land of Ice Dragons. Black Soul was still strict as ever, but she didn't interfere with Mist's methods of training. Whatever idea Mist came up with, Soul followed and so did the others. The foundry was finally complete and the newcomers, to the newly named Lalifong, found work there. Everything was going on more peacefully than expected. This short calm time will soon come to its end.

Chapter 42 - Loss of the West

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Chapter 42 - Loss of the West

"When will training for the children resume?"

Mist answered,"Not soon." she took a breath,"I'm not even sure if they should."

"Why not?"

"They're kids for god sake, Soul! They shouldn't be fighting at any point of their lives anyway!"

"I feel that way too." Mist thought Soul was going to force her to resume training,"How can convince them not to fight?"

Mist was surprised,"Ummm, I don't know. They're so motivated to help defeat Garren."

"Storm, find Iril for me will you. Bring her here." Ordered Soul in a stern voice. When Iril arrived Soul said,"Dawn said you want to be a therapist, correct?

"Yes. Why?"

"You can be put your therapy skills to the test. I want you to ask the child trainees what would make them not fight. Clear?"

"Understood. Soul,"she said."You should really change your name."

"Why is that?"

"'Black Soul' doesn't reflect your real personality." Iril smiled and went on her way.

When Iril got to Lalifong, she called out one student at a time from their classes. She started with one she was more familiar with, Flake. When Flake entered the empty office she didn't expect to see her,"Oh, hey."

"Hello, Flake. I'm just going to ask you a few questions. Is that okay?"

"Sure," Flake pulled back a chair and sat down,"Any word of my dad? I haven't heard from him in ages."

"He's been busy. Well, I have more of your friends to interview, I don't want to waste time so let's get started. So, Flake, do you like being trained by Knight Mist? For a kid your age it might be hard."

"It sure is, but I like. It's a challenge. Can't have too many of those right?"

Iril chuckled,"There's a limit. What have Knight Mist and the other Knights taught you?"

"We've been doing conditioning, no combat training yet. Knight Mist promised us that she'll teach us when we resume training."

"I'm sorry, I mean what have they mentally taught you? Surely you know mental training is more important than physical, especially in combat."

"Oh, okay." a smile rose on her face,"Knight Mist and the others are great mentors. They've taught that we're fighting for the ones next to us, not ourselves. Being selfish doesn't help."

"Being a maid has taught me a lot about self sacrifice." Iril laughed. "Do you like the idea of fighting for others?"

"Of course!" she transformed her smile into a small frown,"My mother she.......died for me you see. I ran away. I don't want to run again." she sounded serious,"I don't care what Knight Mist says about not engaging Garren, when I see him, I will fight him."

"Will there be anything to stop you from going to Fallen Star? Will you stop at nothing to make sure Garren will not kill anyone else?"

"Yes ma'am. So are the others, we all have the same mind set. We train to learn to defend others."

"And do you think the others think the same way as you?"

"Not spot on. In a similar way though."

"In that case. That's all I have for you, Flake." Iril went to the door and glanced back at Flake who was looking at her,"Looks like I have some explaining to do. Listen, come to the castle later on tonight. See you there." On the way out the school she thought, "I hope my judgement off of one talk will suffice."

Later on that night, Flake arrived at the castle. It was quiet, she must've thought they were in the great hall. No pony was there. She checked the dining hall, the ballroom, the magic towers, still no signs. She called out,"Anypony here?" No answer. On her way out, she forgot to check the garden. When she went to the garden she saw Kishi staring at her. Although trembling, she trotted to him. She could feel his gravitational powers weighing her down. When she was about only a foot away from Kishi he bowed. She bowed. "Do you know where everypony went?" Kishi didn't answer vocally. Kishi turned and set his wing on the ground. Flake hopped on and he flew. He was headed to the Everfree Forest. He flew over some construction, it looked like it would be a castle. Flake saw Dawn waiting in the front. When Kishi landed, Dawn greeted her sister with a hug.

"Come on. Knight Black Soul wants to speak with you." Dawn ran inside and Flake followed. Knight Black Soul was with the RAK and the princesses. Flake straightened herself expecting to get ordered around, instead Soul said to her in a sweet voice,"What're you doing? You can relax." Flake still was firm,"It's not a test." Soul cut her long black mane, it was short now."Flake." She was acting as if she was her mother,"Flake act normal."

Flake loosened up,"You look pretty!"

"Thank you, Randall did it. I'm sure you're wondering why you're here. It's your birthday!"

"I...I forgot my own birthday."

"Yes, and Dawn doesn't remember hers at all. So she decided that she would have her birthday today as well. So today, both of you are 16. We went to your mothers house and found out about family you had and today...." Flake saw unfamiliar ponies coming from the right,"they came to see you."

After Flake got a bit familiar with her family,mthey asked if she wanted to go back south with them. She denied her answer was,"This is my home."

Back at the castle, Fyn just woke up from a nap. She yawned,"I wonder where everypony went. Whatever, I can just stroll around." And that she did until got curious. She went to Princess Celestia's bedroom. It was dark, and there was an eerie presence and odd smell. Inches away from the door she heard


"Who's there?" she shouted to the shadows.

"Help me...," Fyn saw blood coming from one of the corners of the bed. She back up against the wall, then slowly moved left. The more she progressed left, the more she saw a maimed body. It was Shadow. He kept on crying,"Help me."

Fyn being herself, she forgot the fact that he betrayed them and helped him,"Shadow, hold on!" She went over him,"Where's your wound?!" She looked at his body, saw wounds on his neck and stomach,"This might hurt, I have to move you over to the center of the room." She dragged him as fast as she could to the foot of the bed. She turned him on his back, she looked at his neck and grabbed some sheets. She tore some pieces off and used it to stop the bleeding. She had to stop the bleeding from his stomach too, she did the same thing."Shadow, I need to cauterize the wounds." She was panicking a little but not enough to affect her actions. She used her magic to seal his wounds. There's was still blood coming out, she patched it.

When Shadow woke up, he saw Dawn sleeping at his side and Black Soul staring him down.

"Why'd you come back? That's very foolish of you." Soul was angry.

He was weak and couldn't speak easily,"I'm sorry, it was the only way I could get more........information without getting any of you hurt."

"Why did you strike me?"

"Lacoden is talented in defensive magic. One way she defends herself is by detecting lies that can potentially harm her. She tasted your blood from the blade, and knew you were injured."

Soul pulled out a hoof-sword,"Isn't that far-fetched?"

"Not as much*cough* as this. We have to move everyone from here, east. Garren is planning on invading."

"We can end the war here."

"No!" Shadow sprang up then went back down. His body hurt,"They will cause more damage here than Fallen Star."


"Banshees and Amaroks. please, I know enough*cough* to keep us safe."

"Considering the fact Fyn found you with critical injuries, I may as well and observe your actions. That doesn't mean I trust, I will have steel aimed at you at all times. When Iril heard about you she came running, at least try to be her father. I will fetch her and her family."

"Her family? Soul you can't do that, they-"

"She wants to see you, I will not stop her." Soul went out the room.

Shadow tried to get up, it just hurt him more. He shook Dawn,"Hey, wake up!" She slowly opened her eyes,"Dawn, can you do me a favor?"

"Sure, what" she yawned,"is it?"

"Don't let Flake's family come inside this room, don't let them see me. I only want Flake here besides you, that's it. Be fast!" Dawn jumped up angrily, she stormed off. When she returned with Flake amd Soul she said,"Now can we talk?"

"Dawn, I didn't say Soul. Whatever I guess she needs to know anyways." He looked at Flake,"Hey, I'm sorry I didn't tell you I was leaving. I want the both of you to listen very carefully. Close the door please." Dawn shut the door.

"This better be important." She said.

"Okay. Even though I'm in a lot of pain, I will use my strength to get this information to you. Cerberus is not at the gates of the underworld, he's here on the surface."

"How come no creatures have appeared then?" Dawn asked like she was suspecting her own father of lying.

"I don't know and you're wrong two creatures did come out. Amaroks and Banshees. Soul the Banshees are extremely dangerous."

"We can take them. We aren't weak flyers."

"No! You haven't seen these....things. I've dealt with them myself twice, once when I got them out and another in the way back here. A Banshee did this to me. They are fast and strong."

"How strong?" Soul asked sarcastically.

"They can fly the jet stream." Soul's eyes widened,"They can fly where only dragons are known to. You know how strong they are now?"

Flake asked,"Jet stream, what's that?"

"Strong winds that flow around 32,000 feet in the sky." Soul asked again but in a more serious way,"How do we kill them?"

"We don't, Excaelum and the other dragons are the only ones that I know, that could. I do know how to evade them. In order to kill their prey, they let out a terrible screech to kill its ability to hear. That's when they dive down with sharp talons. They put all their weight into their talons to break their prey' spinal structure, immobilizing it. My advice, don't fly at all, or dive straight down when you hear a screech. When you go the same direction as they do their strength is cut in half."

"You mentioned Amaroks, are they another aerial predator?"

"No. I consider them more dangerous due to the fact that two-thirds of the population are unicorns and earth ponies. I observed them. They aren't big. But if you piss them off, you're gonna wish it was bigger so it can kill you instantly. They take time to kill. The venom that comes out of their hollow claws induces horrible side-effects. I saw some Changelings get affected by it and I felt bad for them. They are vomiting, fever, hallucination, and screaming."

"Just like Lacoden's uncle." Dawn mumbled.

"Wait, Dawn, how do you remember?"

"Lord Chronin gave my memories back." Dawn sighed and turned to the door and trotted out the door slowly. She shut the door behind her softly on the way out.

"Flake, can you make sure she's okay for me?" Shadow asked worriedly.

Flake answered,"Okay."

When she left the room Soul asked Shadow,"Earlier. Why did you say not to have her family see you?"

Shadow met her eyes and said in a sad voice,"They're dead." Soul opened her mouth read y to speak,"Don't say anything. I want you to have 'them' go to the garden. This is something you have to see for yourself. I want Dawn, the RAK, and the princesses, and anypony we can trust there as well. When you get them there, come back for me and help me get there too. When I'm there, you will see who they really are." When Soul returned,"Are they in the garden?"

"This better be good." she replied with an angry grin.

"It's not. Come on, help me please." Soul pulled him up, still not trusting him Soul didn't care if he fell. "Thank you." he gratefully sighed.

The garden was far for Shadow in his condition. He muscled his way there as much as he can. When he got to the doorway leading to the garden, he saw the RAK staring him down fiercely. They were on his left and right. He looked straight ahead. He saw Flake with her family. Hostile looks appeared on the faces of her family, their coats darkened. Their manes shortened. Their entire appearance changed. They were Changelings. Frightened Flake shouted for help, but when the others went toward her the Changelings grabbed hold of her,"Any closer and she will die." one Changeling cried.

"Shadow this is your punishment for betraying Garren and Lacoden." Their bodies lit up brightly.

Shadow mumbled weakly,"Flare.......," his incantation was too weak, he shouted at the top of his lungs,"FLARE!" He shot toward the Changelings with a white trail behind him and snatched Flake from their weak hooves, he flew straight up. His stitches ripped and he started to bleed. He looked down at the 4 Changelings, they looked up at Shaodw and Flake, yelled, then exploded. The shockwave shook the ground below the princesses hooves, and forced Shadow back a little. He descended slowly. He was being cautious because he didn't want to drop Flake. When they made contact with the cratered ground Shadow collapsed. Flake came out from under his wings and shook him. Fyn rushed over and redid his bandages and stitches on the spot.

"What happened?!" Storm shouted.

"They exploded!" Lancer cried.

Knight Black Soul ordered in a thundering voice,"All of you! Go around and see if there are any more of them around the castle! Go now!"

Two hours later

"Knight Soul, there are three suspicious characters located near Dawn's house." Flood said.


"Possibly, ma'am."

"Good work. Get me Shadow."

"Ma'am, he's too weak to move."

"I don't care, those suspects might be dangerous and Shadow knew what would happen to those Changelings. I would rather risk one life over more. Now follow your orders and get me Shadow." she ordered.

"Yes, ma'am." Flood flew off.

One hour later

"Shadow, anything wrong with those three?" Soul asked. Soul was with Shadow and Dawn. The others were waiting in the rear just in case the Changelings blew up.

"No,those three are Hybrid Changelings. From the left to right you have; Hex, Polar, and Fog. Dawn go to them and you'll see they mean no harm to you."

"To me? What about you two?"

"Trust me, they won't hurt you and as long as you're on our side. Go." Shadow scolded. He had trouble breathing.

Dawn slowly trotted toward the three Changelings. When she was only a yard away from she stopped and said in the most confident way she could,"Why are you here?"

The one with yellow eyes answered,"Are you the daughter of Starflare the Warmhearted?"

"Yes, I am. What of it?"

The three Hybrids bowed, the one with green eyes answered,"We live to serve you master."

The last one with white eyes added,"At last, we have the last member of the Star family under our protection."

Dawn was so surprised she was speechless. She looked at the three rather large Hybrids below her,"Wait, how am I your master?" They stood up,"I don't understand."

The yellow eyed one answered,"You are the last Star, as long as you live, we will follow you to the end."

"The end of what?"

"The end of our lives."

"What happens if I die first?"

"The spell keeping us from aging slowly will wear off, then our years of being alive will catch up to us. We will turn to dust." Hex said in an ominous tone.

"Master, until that day we wish to serve you." Polar said.

"You can start by telling me where you all came from."

"We came from the same place as Shadow, from Garren's army."

"And I can trust you?"

"We were only there until we found you."

"Okay. What about my father and friends? Are you going to serve them as well?"

Hex replied,"If you wish it, otherwise as long as they are in the Star family we will not listen to them."

"But my father, his lover was my mom. How can you not protect him as well?"

"He does not have Star blood running through his veins."

"You three may attract too much attention, let's move inside my house, shall we?"

Dawn hasn't stepped a hoof in her own home ever since her father left the frontier. She looked around and shouted for Flake. Flake came down the stairs and when she saw the Changelings she jumped. She was nervous seeing her sister being accompanied by Changelings, Changelings were the ones they were trained to fight after all.

"Dawn?" She asked nervously,"Is everything okay?" She scanned the three Changelings.

"I think so. These three knew my mother, and are very obedient."

"I do apologize, Master," Hex said bowing,"we haven't properly introduced ourselves to you. I am Hex."



Back outside Knight Black Soul was talking to Shadow more about Garren and his plans.

"Shadow, anything else I should be informed about."

"I had my friends at Shining Water-"

"Wait, Shining Water? Who do you know there?"

"One of my friends is captain of the Dutchcolt, and I know the one in power there."


"How'd you know?"

"He's Storm's brother."

"Well, I had him and his family evacuated to the eastern part of Equestria. You should go and stay there for the next year."

"What's happening on the western side?"

"Garren and Lacoden are going to invade and you can't stop them."

"Why not?!"

"They have weapons that can't be matched. I was with Lacoden when she was developing new weapons. He made a prototype and tested it on a ship."

"Lacoden, will this work?" Shadow asked. They were on the starboard side of the ship.mshadow was on the left side of the prototype, Lacoden on the right. This prototype was shaped like a giant crossbow. Instead of shooting arrows, it shot harpoons with devastating power. Lacoden made this possible by using Hate.

"Just wait." Lacoden was looking left to right on the horizon looking for ships. She spotted one on the right. "Wind direction, east of my position. Wind speed, climbing. Turn the weapon left, seven inches. Tilt it up four inches. Fire on my command." Shadow saw her mouth move, he read her lips."One, two, three, four, five...." she shouted,"Fire!" Shadow slammed on the button at the back of the weapon with one of his hooves. The spear shot out with so much force, it shook the entire ship and kicked up water. At first the spear looked like it was going to miss the ship, but it curved to the right. Landing a direct hit on the ships waterline. The spear exploded engulfing the entire ship in flames and a yellow glow. Within milliseconds the ship was in the abyss. The sound didn't reach Shadow until a few seconds later. The boom rang in his ears.

"Target hit, Lacoden!" One Changelings with a scope said. "Do you wish to look for any survivors?"

"There are none!" Lacoden proudly shouted.

"This weapon can be used on ground forces, buildings, and anything worthy of destroying. These long range spears. Three fins were installed on them to help guide it straight to their targets."

"How many were made?"

"Before I left to come back here, I went to the armory. I counted at least 19, my memory is fuzzy from that night. Lacoden is making more I believe."

"Anything else?"

"Not for them. My friend is making a weapon that can be carried by a single pony."

"When can we get them?"

"We have to go east. I want the civilians evacuated to the east. We can hold Lacoden at bay here."

"I won't have an evacuation ordered until I know their lives are at risk."

"Fine." Shadow saw Dust running up to him.

She shouted,"Where's my sister?!"

"She's with Lacoden." Shadow quickly answered.

Dust sat on the ground,"Is she safe?"

Shadow went by her side,"Along with Canon. I promise you, nothing will happen to Retina." Dust let out a breath of relief, fell on her back.

"Shadow," Soul scolded,"I will have Mist and her squad scout the west coast tonight. If they report anything about Lacoden and Garren I will take some action, until then I will do nothing."

One week later

Dusk. Knight Mist, Seng, Lancer, and Hail were at the outskirts of Shining Water. They were lying up against some trees. "Nothing much yet, Seng, Hail. Go to the left, maybe we'll get something there. Me and Lancer will go to the right. Let's try to get to higher ground. Remember, no flying." Mist ordered.

Seng and Hail snuck around quietly because there were a few civilians by them. This was a scouting mission so they couldn't attract any attention to themselves. Luckily, there was a rising coming straight ahead. At the top of the rise it would continue to there right and head on to the ocean. It would be a similar situation where Mist was. When they reached the ocean they had a full view of Shining Water.

"Hail, let me borrow the scope you have."

"Here you go." After he rolled it over to Seng he asked,"How long do you think we have to stay here?"

"No clue. I'm scouting the docks to see if Garren or Lacoden is there."


"'Huh', what?"

"Remember when Knight Black Soul was briefing us on this mission?"

"What about it?"

"She said that Lacoden had made long range weapons. Do you really think she would attack onshore when she could just do it from the ocean?"

Seng knew what he was trying to say and repositioned himself to face the ocean. He looked to the horizon,"Hail. Take a look at this."

"What is it?" Seng scooted over to let Hail use the scope. He saw a ship,"There's no pony on the deck." He moved the scope to view the helm."Do you think that's their ship?"

"Try to spot Knight Mist, maybe she's onto it."

"Alright." He saw her, looking at the same ship they just spotted."She spotted the ship, Seng. Lancer is with her. I'm going to turn my attention back to the ship." Once he did,"Shit!"

"What is it?"

"It's her, Lacoden."

"Where is she?"

"Near the bow. She has her black hood on."

"Lemme see." He sounded freaked out,"She's looking at us."

"There's no way she can see us. Not from that far."

"I am making eye contact with her, she's........smiling. She just used her magic."

"For what?" Seng didn't reply,"For what?!"

"She has a baby griffon under her hooves. She placed one on top of its head, the other under the neck.........Don't do it,!"

"She just the killed the griffon and threw the body into the water, Lancer take Seng with you back to Lalifong! Tell Hail, to come to me."

"Can we fly? She already knows we're here, ma'am."

"Fine, make sure Knight Black Soul brings reinforcements. Tell her to find us."

"Right away!" Lancer took off and met up with Seng, mist saw the both of them fly back east. Hail ran over, shoving anypony in his way to meet up with his C.O. He ran up the tree-line.

"Hail, keep an eye on that damn ship." Mist ordered.

Near midnight

"Knight Mist, there's a row boat coming to the docks."

"Who's on it?"

"Lacoden, and a few Changelings. I'm counting 3."

"Let's meet her where she docks."

"What?! I really don't want to do that."

"Neither do I. Okay, you stay here and keep an eye on me. If I gesture you over, you come."

"What happens if she attacks you?"

"It's your decision. Either you run, or you stay and fight. Is that clear?"


"I'm going now." Mist made her way down to the docks. Lacoden was just about to get off the row boat, Mist said,"What are you doing here?"

Lacoden walked up to her,"I came to see you."

"Are you sure it's not to kill me?"

Lacoden laughed mildly,"If I wanted to kill you I would've done it already. No, I came here for a conversation with one of the Knights."

"Why did you kill that griffon?"

"How else could I get the other two go away? I want a one on one talk with you."

"I suppose you know I'm with another one."

"He has to stay where he is."

"Where shall we talk?"

"I was thinking where he can't see us."

"And your Changelings?"

"They will remain here." Lacoden headed into the dark town with Mist behind her. She found a dim alley between two tall buildings. She continued down it until she hit the dead end. She turned around and saw that Mist was still with her. Mist heard a voice in her head,"Keep your mind your own." It sounded like Lacoden's voice, at the same time it didn't. Lacoden took her hood off.

Mist saw the full face of Lacoden for the first time. "That long mane is quite gorgeous, too bad it's on you."

"It's my pride and joy."

"What do you want to talk about?"

"How have you been lately?"

"You killed a lot of stallions I knew. Besides that, I've been normal. How has your sick mind been?"

Lacoden chuckled,"My mind isn't sick. It's just in the correct place."

"How can you be the right place?"

"How can I not? Have you ever wondered why you fight?"

"I fight to stop monsters like yourself."

"I respect that, I fight to stop monsters too."

"You should take your own life then."

"What good would that do?" She frowned,"You judge me before you even know me. You're just like the others. Calling me names. Killer, monster, sick, crazy." There was a small cracked mirror in the corner to the right. She glanced at it,"The only one that knows her. Sadly, she calls me names as well. She knows me though so that's the good thing." A small tear came from her left eye. Mist saw the tear and felt sorry for her."Believe it or not, monsters have feelings too. We laugh and cry. Hate and love. Smile and frown. All of you think I have none. One thing I can say is, once you see me," Lacoden emphasized the word,"you'll see that I can be a kind, loving, and a maturing mare."

"Why are you telling me this?"

"You were similar to me as a filly. I think you're the only one that can relate to me. Left all alone with no one to watch over you. When we found someone to finally help us, we wouldn't let them go."

"How do you know that? What do you know of my life?"

"Your parents were killed for the few pounds of gold they owned. When you saw their dismembered bodies you ran out the house crying."

Mist's vision was getting blurred by tears,"How do you know this?"

"I was in Equestria for a long time after Fallen Star, of course I just stumbled upon your dwelling in the mountain village. I was intrigued by how skilled your family was even without magic. Your father, an earth pony, had the best writing. Your mother, a pegasus, fended off creatures with her smooth fighting."

"Were you watching me?"

"Not you, your village. I was looking for something."

"What was it?"

"A reason to live. Me being immortal, at the time, didn't phase me." Mist caught an important fact, Lacoden was no longer immortal. She wondered if Lacoden caught herself slipping,"What was the point in living forever if I can't live for something."

Mist looked around the dark alley for some type of weapon while trying not to look suspicious,"What made you do what you do now?"

"Just the desire to take revenge on the griffons that took my parents away from me. Mist, why do you think the princesses never do anything themselves?"

"I.......I never thought of anything of them, just protect them."

"Why? Shouldn't they be protecting you? Why do the ones you grow attached to have to die, and not theirs? No matter. I'm sure you trust them."

"You're young. You have your entire life ahead of you." Mist said softly."Leave your life of fighting and come back with me. Back to Lalifong."

"I don't want to live near the ones who left me for dead."

"They didn't leave you for dead, they thought you were already gone." A dark cloud blacked out the moonlight. Mist was talking to the dark.

"You can't defend them."

"Yes, I can. Lacoden, Dawn doesn't say it, but she wants you to be yourself again. She's still your friend."

"I am myself! And if she is still my friend, then she's a damn fool." Instead of yelling at Lacoden, Mist walked into the dark, and hugged her."What're you doing?"

"If you are like me, then you will learn when to let go."

Lacoden was sniffling quietly, trying to hide it,"I don't understand. I've killed your friends. Why are you treating me-"

"Kindly? You deserve it. Promise me something."

"What?" Lacoden was confused.

"Promise me, you will come back to the light once you're done in the dark. It doesn't have to be now, just some day. Come back." The cloud let in the moonlight, Lacoden's sniffling stopped. Lacoden pushed her self away from Mist, Mist saw her light green eyes. Mist heard the mysterious voice again,"Go away." Suddenly Lacoden started bashing her own head against the stone walls. She was screaming in pain. Mist wanted to help but the same voice kept on telling her to run. Mist couldn't help but watch.

Lacoden stopped, her head was hanging low. Her long mane covered her face. She slowly lifted her head up, her mane fell down the back of her neck and mist saw her eyes. They changed color. They were darker. She screamed,"Go away! Go back to,"it was as if something was keeping her from finishing her sentence,"Back to Dawn! She's coming back!" She smashed her head hard against the wall. She had trouble breathing,"Mist, tell Dawn to destroy my body."

Mist replied,"Wait, your voice. You were in my mind."

"Yes. Listen, I don't have much time. If Dawn can't bring me back, tell her to kill her with me along."

Mist felt a burning sensation in her head. Heard screams, laughter. She tasted blood in the back of her throat. She started to cry,"What's happening to me?!"

"She's trying to take your body, she won't succeed as long as I am here. In order for me to relay this message to Dawn you have to bear the pain. Tell her to bring the doll her mother made me to Fallen Star. Take your friend in the trees and get away from here as fast as you can. I will tamper with her mind to buy you some time. Now I will take her back."

"Wait! Who are," she screamed in agony,"who are you?!"

"I'm Lacoden." Her horn lit up and she said,"Leave her alone! Come back to your home!" Mist's pain eased in return Lacoden took it. She didn't panic, maybe because she's used to it. Her eye color went back to the light green. She laughed quietly,"Now Mist, before we were so rudely interrupted, I was going to give you a head start. I'll count to ten. One. Two." Mist got up on her legs and ran to get Hail.

"Hail!" She shouted,"Let's get out of here!" Hail ran down with all the things they brought,"Leave it!"

"Six, times almost up." Lacoden laughed louder. The townsfolk watched the spectacle and thought nothing of it.

By nine, Mist and Hail were only just starting to leave Shining Water."What happened back there?" Hail asked while they were both running.

Mist panted,"I'll explain later."

Lacoden appeared in front of them,"Ten." Her horn lit up and so did her eyes. They dimmed,"Damn you!"

"You will not kill them." She said to herself.

"I will-"

"Mist, run!"

Knight Mist and Hail ran for what seemed like miles. When they noticed they weren't being pursued they stopped to catch the many breaths they desperately needed."She went berserk back there." Hail gasped,"I think she was about to use Lumen Fulsi on us."

"Good thing she didn't. We'd be dead."

"Did you get anything out of her?"

"A couple. One, I broke her at one point. Two, the Lacoden that was just about to kill us back there isn't Lacoden."


"Do you remember her telling us to run?"


"The one that told us to run might real Laocden."

"Then who was the other one?"

"I don't know. Dawn might have an idea."

They didn't continue to run, but they did keep their pace up for the night until the sun came up. They marched on until the next day. Around late afternoon Mist looked up into the sky and saw Knight Black Soul and called her down. She was with Seng, Lancer, and Cloudfire. They headed back to Lalifong staying alert just in case they were attacked by Changelings, or worse Lacoden or Garren.

When they returned, Shadow was taking charge of the future evacuation plans. Mist went to his house, where Dawn was. Mist called her outside.

"Are you okay? You look like you haven't slept."

"I'm fine, Dawn. Dawn, I spoke to Lacoden over at Shining Water and she...."

"Attacked you."

"Not just that. She mentioned a doll that your mother made for her. Do you have it?"

"I..I do. Hold on." Dawn went back inside the house and came back out levitating the doll."This is the doll I assume she was talking about."

"Yeah, Lacoden told me to tell you to bring it to Fallen Star. When I was talking to her, she changed. She- I don't know how to explain it. It was like talking to a complete stranger. One moment Lacoden was going to kill me, the next she tells me to run away."

"What there any differences between them?"

"Her eye color, voice, and personality more importantly."

"That's odd. Anything else?"

"She knew me when I was a filly."

"Do you have any family?"

"Yeah, but-"

"Where are they?" Dawn sounded worried.

"I don't know."

"You need to find out where they are and bring them here. If Lacoden finds them first she will use them against you."

Two days later

"Garren's plan is to attack the biggest population on the west coast first, Saddle Arabia. Now they have a military, larger than ours, so he will see resistance. He will take it easily however. His Changelings come great in number and are better equipped, and more experienced in combat. When he wins over that, he will advance north and partially to the south to hit the smaller populations. I want the evacuation to go without any mistakes. Dawn, I want you to go east so you can get familiar with the ships and their captains. You'll recognize one of them." Shadow scolded. He was briefing the RAK and the princesses in the council room of the castle.

"Is it Longbeard?"

"No, his son. Longbeard died, then his son took his name and his ship. He has the Dutchcolt and 4 other ships."

"Who else is going with me?"

"I want to be here alone."

"Shadow, you don't have the authority to do that." Black Soul said.

"With all your grudges against Garren and Lacoden, one of you might do something you might regret. I want to let them do their business to advise a war on the mainland. When you return from the east we will push them back to the ocean, back to Fallen Star."

"It's not going to be that simple. We can't let them possibly wipe out the entire west coast."

"It's either the west coast or everywhere." Shadow stopped Soul in her tracks with those words.

Two weeks later

"Lacoden, make sure you get the entire countries attention with this preemptive strike." Garren said.

"Will do. Changelings aim the weapon at the royal balcony. When the king comes out to make his speech, fire. Let's leave his country in awe." It was a special day in Saddle Arabia, it was the anniversary of the countries creation. The king makes a speech to announce the holiday in the early morning.

Garren was looking through a telescope,"He's coming out. Get ready."

Lacoden was looking through a telescope as well,"We want to hit him right where he stands. Three." She counted out loud,"Two." There was a pause then,"Fire!" Again, the ship shook violently from the force of the projectile. They saw the missile hit its target and explode, they heard the loud boom a few seconds later."Launch any more approved missiles to thin out their defenses! Changelings, prepare for the assault. We will have this country is our control by nightfall!"

"Lacoden, a word please." Garren said.

"Yes, what is it?"

"Kill all the fathers. Capture the mothers and their children, bring them to me."

"May I ask why?"

"I want to leave this side in ruin. After this takeover move our forces north to Shining Water, south to Caer."

"And the east?"

"Leave them, nothing's over there."

"I saw a few ships leave this port, I suspect they knew we were coming."

"How do you know that?"

"I spotted Shadow talking to what looked 5 captains. Weird thing is, I saw only 4 ships leave the port."

"We'll deal with it later. Changelings, aim for any large population. Kill as much as you can. I'll lead the frontal assault myself." Garren went down to the captains cabin and prepped up. He wore no armor. He just had his sword.

Lacoden kept her promise. Saddle Arabia was theirs by nightfall. Garren was covered in blood, so was Lacoden. Most of their kills were fairly easy since Saddle Arabia was hit by five of the harpoons leaving any in its wake disoriented. Their military, as Shadow predicted, fell quickly. Lacoden went to a secluded area of the beach and took her coat off. She went into the water to wash the blood away. The blood was washed off but there were crimson stains all over it. She stared at it for a minute and threw it away. She went for a small swim in the water. No one was around to witness this first ever moment of Lacoden, the Hooded One, actually relaxing. She floated on her back and looked to the stars,"You have tainted my mind." She said calmly.

"I simply stopped pointing out your flaws, so you can see them for yourself."

"I thought I enjoyed killing. I didn't today."

"Maybe you've done it so much in a small period. You should take a break from it all."

"I thought of that. I don't want to become the bitch that left me."

"If you become like her, maybe it's for the better."

She realized she was further than she expected, then began to swim back to shore. When she got there she dried herself of with her magic. She sat down against a rock and looked mindlessly into the vast ocean. She suddenly started to cry."Why are these tears coming? I don't know what's wrong with me! Damn it all!" She cried and cried until eventually she ran out of tears.

They rallied all the mothers and children at the port. Lacoden showed up and stood next by Garren as the Changelings were sorting the old and the young. The sick and the healthy. Garren had a plan on using them to make more of the crossbow's projectiles. He wouldn't feed them, he would just work them to death. Lacoden saw a young filly.

"Changeling!" she shouted.

One flew over and replied,"Yes?"

"Bring that one to me." By following her line of sight the Changeling knew which one she had in mind.

"Of course." The Changeling yanked the filly away from the crowd. Her mother, it seemed, was crying out to her. Her filly was yelling back. No one did anything to stop this. The filly was at the mercy of Lacoden, and the mother was still crying for help.

When the filly saw Lacoden's face she panicked. Lacoden noticed something. Others that met her face acted more frantic. Was it that her hood made her seem more hostile? Or was it that the filly didn't sense any imminent danger."Get up." Lacoden said kindly. This filly was around the age of 10. Lacoden was a lot larger than this filly and many other mares. (She was almost as tall as Garren, and Garren was taller than most stallions By at least two inches. Shadow would be around his height as well, Dawn would be shorter than Lacoden.) She was an orange unicorn. She got up and trembled."Why are you shaking?"

She stuttered out,"I'm s-scared."

Lacoden comforted her,"Don't be afraid. Come next to me and I promise you, you will never get hurt."

The filly plodded over,"Stay away from her, Solace!" Her mother shouted, with a strange accent. She stopped.

"Solace, you have very pretty name." Lacoden added.

The mother ran up but was stopped by Garren,"Even though she is a young unicorn, and you being an older unicorn, you will not last a second against her. And you wouldn't want Solace to see you die, would you?" Garren raised his voice slightly,"If you want to settle this against her, one-on-one, behave yourself and she'll decide if she wants to fight you."

The mother wasn't intimidated. She stepped closer,"You don't know who you're talking to."

"A dead mare."

"You'll see. I can hold my own and win against her. After I'm done with her, I'll come for you."

"Let's see if you ever seen a pegasus use magic. Don't under estimate your enemies. Now get back, before I break our little deal and strike you down where you stand."

"Fine." The mare went back to the crowd still eyeing Garren.

"Lacoden, why did you bring the filly up here?"

"I want to teach her."

"As long as you keep your lessons out of sight I don't care."

"Understood." Lacoden turned her attention to Solace,"Come on, let's get away from here." Lacoden led her to the secluded area of the beach, where she just came from."Let me get a fire started for us. I suppose we're going to need some shelter as well. I'll get us something to eat later on tonight." The fire slowed started to heat up, the ambers floated up into the sky where they will perish."Don't be shy, come next to me."

"I want my mom."

"Oh sweetie, I'm sorry. You can't see her right now, but I promise you will see her tomorrow."

While Lacoden was lightly asleep, Solace thought this was her chance to escape. She got up slowly, staring at her captor as she did, and stepped on a twig. It snapped. She glanced back at Lacoden and saw her move a bit. She didn't wake up so Solace continued.

As soon as she was far enough from her captor, she stopped and took a breath. She continued. She thought maybe she would get more cover by going into the tree, so she stayed behind the trees. She was trotting very silently and then she heard a sound. The sound of hooves walking slowly behind her. She turned back. She was sweating and trembling with fear.

She heard a voice behind, "Maybe, I should kill you. Would you like that?" Solace shook as she turned to see who it was. It was Lacoden. She fell on her rear end and backed up against a tree. "Where will you go when you escape me? The Changelings will see you before you get a mile passed this place. Without me there to protect you, they will kill you. Would you like that?" Lacoden got closer.

"Stay away from me!" Solace rushed up and ran.

"See how long you can last without any help!" Solace's pace slowed down, then eventually stopped completely, "That what I thought. How can you, a young unicorn who doesn't know how to use her own magic, survive? Now, come back to me. Before you get hurt."

The next morning

"Now, mare," Garren said, "If you can defeat, Lacoden, you will be able to fight me. If you manage to beat the both of us you will never see us again."

"And if I can't? What will happen to the others?"

"The majority of them will die working, as for a select few. If we decide we will take on apprentices so we can them train to kill."

The mare's eyes had a determined look, "I'd like to formerly introduce myself to my opponent."

"A dueler? Very well, Lacoden, do you accept her challenge?"

Lacoden walked up and bowed slightly, "My name, Lacoden."

"Mandal." She also bowed. "This will be a fight to the death."

"I respect your courage, but I will not kill you."

"You will regret it."

"We'll see about that."

They were in a little court-like area not close to any of the other prisoners. They both took their positions parallel to each other and waited. Solace was elsewhere, being guarded by a few Changelings. Lacoden didn't want her to see this.

Mandal stood still staring at her opponent. Lacoden was in an odd stance, her body was almost completely to the side. She saw what her cutie mark was clearly. She ignored the cutie mark and went back to her. Mandal didn't know what to do. Then, Mandal's horn lit up. She fired a weak stunning spell at Lacoden, it hit her.

She didn't move even a centimeter, "Looks like I lost." Lacoden bowed, then walked away like nothing ever happened.

Mandal was overly confused and angry, "Hey! Where are you going?"

"I lost." Lacoden replied. She continued to walk further and further away. She went out of the way to see what was next.

"Well, I didn't see that coming." Garren stretched out his hooves and wings, "Will you fight me still?"

Garren had an mysterious grin painted on his face, "I will finally witness a pegasus use magic." Mandal replied.

"When shall we start?"

"Now!" Mandal shot a stronger spell at Garren. At a blink of an eye he was standing right beside her. Her heart stopped for a moment. She thought she was going to die.

"Keep your eyes open." He said. She tackled him on the ground and prepared to fire another spell. He got up before she got a chance to cast it. He lifted her into the air and slammed her into the ground. "You're just like an old student of mine. When he knew he already lost, he would still fight. And waste his energy."

Mandal shook as she stood up, "Looks like you never learned from him then. He didn't give up because, *cough* he knew you can be defeated." She stood firm and starting casting weak spells fast. They were all stun spells. She hit him on the neck, flank, chest, and head. He was dazed, this gave Mandal a bit more time to prepare a more powerful spell. Garren stilled himself and smiled.

"Quietus." His body lit up black, his wings looked like they got longer.

"This is his power, Death." Lacoden said to herself.

"What happening?" Mandal thought, "Is this his magic?" She couldn't be asking questions now, she needed to defend her against him. She made a protection spell around her, a sphere. Garren took a few steps back, so did Mandal. Garren accelerated with great speed and broke through her sphere. The force of the impact forced Mandal to fly back. She hit a boulder. Next thing she knew, Garren was standing right in front of her with Lacoden next to him. She didn't see it but she knew her horn broke. She felt throbbing pains all around her body. She felt a constant stream of blood running down her body. Her brain felt like it was going to burst in her skull. She was in too much pain to scream, she felt her lower jaw dangling from her mouth. It was only a matter of seconds before she met her demise.

"Lacoden, keep her alive. Quickly." Garren scolded. Mandal blacked out after she heard that. Lacoden castes a spell that stopped the bleeding. "Make sure she is capable of moving whenever she wakes up, give up Solace too. We'll let them go."

"Solace is under my care. I don't not want to let Mandal take her." Lacoden furiously replied.

"It won't be long. After they have delivered my message to our friends at the frontier you can venture in and kidnap her."

"Mandal can deliver whatever message you have for her by yourself." Lacoden continued to cast healing spells in order to keep her alive. She reconnected Mandal's leg ligaments back to her body. She closed the gashes on her stomach. Mandal didn't wake up to pain during this process. The grotesque noises and sights that came from this can make normal ponies vomit. Garren and Lacoden weren't normal. They were far from it.

When Mandal woke up a month later, she was groaning in pain. A pair of Changelings heard the sounds and came in. They threw her off the bed and onto the ground forcing her to get up. When she didn't they kicked her. She teared up. She wanted to get up to end up this pain. There were thundering sounds that stopped the Changelings. They stood and stared at the doorway as the sounds got closer and closer. Mandal was too focused on crying she didn't notice they stopped. Lacoden came through the doorway and saw what the Changelings did. She had a bland look on her face. She looked at one Changeling, then glanced over at the other. She was wearing a white coat that also had a hood. It was clean. She said, "Now, I don't want to get my article covered in blood. So, I suggest," she smiled, "one of you step forward so I can kill one of you cleanly." The Changelings looked at each other and looked hesitant, "If you don't decide, you'll both die." She added.

The slightly larger Changeling quickly shoved the smaller one to Lacoden. It trembled as Lacoden placed one of her hooves on its back. She said to it, "Once I'm done. Take his body outside." Lacoden turned her attention to the Changeling that pushed the other. It got backed up against the wall and she twisted his head completely around with haste. "Get up and do as you are told, Changeling!" It got up and when he was next to Lacoden she said, "Wait, stand there." Lacoden pulled out a small blade from her inner coat pocket and ran the blade across Changelings neck. It was only a slight cut, "That is so you remember I will still kill you if I want to." The Changeling sweated like a dog. He dragged the body outside. "Now for you, Mandal." She used her magic to levitate her to her feet, "Stand." Mandal stumbled down, "Damn it!" She levitated her onto the bed. She rotated her around so that her back was facing Lacoden.

"I did that much for you. Now take off your bandages." Her bandages were yellowing. Mandal tried to lift her hooves, but it was hard. "I can have Changelings do this, I'm here by choice." Her hooves moved quicker, "That's what I thought." When all of the bandages were off Mandal saw her entire body covered in deep scars. "You're horn snapped in half and since you had no further use for the stump I sanded it off. Now, it's as if you're an earth pony." Mandal forgot all about her horn, she used one of her hooves to feel where it should be. She cried. "Don't cry." Lacoden saw that her stitches opened up because of those Changelings. Lacoden went away and came back. She sewed the wounds closed and cleaned them up. She then bandaged them, "Tonight you will go east until you reach a frontier. There you will find a pegasus that goes by the name, Shadow. He will take care of you and he will ask what happened here. When he does, tell him exactly what happened. Sadly, you can't argue with me. You mouth is too weak to even move." Lacoden finished up, then got off the bed, "Hurry up if you want to get started. There will be bandits and other obstructions on the way. I have taught your daughter and she may be strong enough to protect the both of you. You know what, Mandal, I didn't fight back during our duel because I don't want to separate Lacoden walked out the room. It will be a long time before Mandal will see Lacoden again.

Mandal was escorted out of Saddle Arabia by a small group careless Changelings. When they turned to leave her she got the attention of one of them. He knew what she wanted, "Your bitch of a daughter is ahead. Come on. I don't want to anger Lacoden anymore." They flew off like the pests they are. Mandal continued east. It took her over two hours to limp half a mile. Strangely enough, there were no wagons being pulled, and no pony using the roads. She was alone until she saw four shadows cut the road ahead of her. She looked up. They were griffons. Three children and one adult. They landed in front of her.

"Hey, Fawkes! She's hurt pretty bad." Mandal stumbled into the little griffons claws, "Whoa."

"Condor, get her somewhere to rest."

"Dad, the closest town is to the-"

"No! The west is full of death. Our only choice is to continue east like we planned but,know we have to travel on the ground. We can't leave her like this." The moon started to rise before Mandal got her strength back, "We wasted a lot of time already. We can't stop moving until we've made it up."

"How're going to move her?"

"I don't know, Condor, you're smart. Just hold her up and guide her."

"Gyro, help me out."

"Fine." Gyro was more of a built griffon with a selfish attitude.

They continued until the sun started to rise. Mandal's stitches opened up again. After all this time, Mandal, was starting to think the Changelings lied to her and she won't see Solace ever again. They finally reached the frontier after three long, slow days. It was night by then. The frontier was literally empty. It was a ghost town.

"Where is everyone?" asked Vane. Vane was a good sized teenaged griffon. She was tall and fit looking.

"Wait." Fawkes said suddenly, "Look there. Toward the mountain side. A castle?"

"Not just that. There are lights coming from it." Condor said.

Vane asked, "Should we go there?"

"We have no choice." Fawkes said, "Vane help me fly her up there. We'll make it there quicker that way."

"All right."

Once they got up to the castle's front gate, the only thing they saw was light coming from a single window. They assumed it came from the same room that they saw from the frontier. Midway across the bridge and they heard the flapping of wings. Fawkes used his hearing to determine its source. A pegasus landed in front of them gently touching the bridge. Vane and Gyro hid behind Fawkes. Mandal was looking toward the lit up room. She saw Solace peer over the window sill, then disappear. She started trotting to get in the castle. Shadow stopped her by holding his wing out, "Who are you?"

Solace came out from the castle, "Mom!" Shadow put his wing back to his side. He looked at the griffons, "That answers my question about her. You four, your names." Solace took her mother inside then came back out.

"My name is Fawkes. This is one son, Condor. The other two are Gyro and Vane."

"He's the one we saw at the island isn't he?" Gyro whispered to Vane.

"Yeah. What do we do?"

"Fawkes, we should leave them. More like leave him."


Vane answered, "He's the one that killed our mother!"

"Yes, the pegasus that did kill your mother was me." Shadow replied.

"See he admits. Let's leave these mark bearers alone to die."

Fawkes said, "Hold on. Everyone has his reasons. Why did you do it?"

"To get information to help us win the fight." Shadow answered. "Come inside, I'll tell you more."

"No! He means to kill us." Gyro cried.

"If I wanted you dead, you wouldn't be here right now. You all will be at the outskirts on the ground."

"Let's go." Fawkes scolded. He started walking, "Are you alone?"

"Yes. We evacuated everyone east. We are the only ones here."

"What's in the east?"

Chapter 43 - Odd Allies

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Chapter 43 - Odd Allies

Since moving a population that can fill an entire city is a slow process, it took over a month to get to the east. So, by the time Dawn reached the east it was around the same time Shadow met Solace and Mandal, the unicorns from the west. And Fawkes, Condor, Gyro, and Vane. They set a large camp just a few miles away from the eastern bay city of Wary Ripples. At nightfall, Dawn went off by herself to the ships that were there. She knew one of the five there belonged to her friend Longbeard. She wanted to greet her old friend peacefully, without a whole lot of a attention. She saw an old ship she recognized. This ship had to be it.

A tacky looking ship that still floats, surprisingly. From the looks of it, the ship hasn't been taken care of. Compared to the other ships around it the Dutchcolt was hideous. She snuck aboard and went to the captain's cabin. She didn't see him nor any other crew. There was only one place where she knew the captain might be. The brig. As she thought. The captain was in his own brig. Passed out drunk. She used her magic to unlock the cell and went inside. She went to him and saw that he was slightly shivering. She threw his coat over him and went on the top deck and started fixing the ship.

By late afternoon, Longbeard woke up and covered his eyes. He lied there, on the cold planks, for a good hour then jolted up when he felt the ship move.

"What the? Am I being hijacked?" He stumbled to his hooves. "Whoever has the guts to come upon my ship without my permission, best be ready for a fight." He used the bars to hold himself up. "It it too early for me to get up." When his eyes was touched by sunlight he cried, "Whoa, geez I don't remember drinking anything last night." He covered his eyes with his coat. He heard a voice call his name.


He turned to the direction from which it came and replied, "Now, if this is about last week, sweetie, I swear I didn't know she wasn't you. You two look exactly the same."

"You're talking to the wrong mare, my friend."

"Okay! Who the heck is that?!" He threw his coat off his eyes, "Oh my, well isn't it Dawn." She was at the helm. She made her way to him.

"Hey, I fixed up what I could without making too much noise." Dawn have him a light hug. "How about having a "one-pair crew" with me?"

"Ah, too old and too drunk to. How far out have you taken her?" He leaned over the starboard rail, "That far already?"

"Well, those holes in the sails, I patched her up real nice for you."

"And I thank you." He felt something come up his throat. He vomited over the side. Dawn shivered. "I feel quite better now." He wiped his mouth and tried to hug Dawn back. She sorta pushed him off and smiled. "I must smell like a working girl's hind quarters." He chuckled, "Looks like I did the aging for you and your father."

"You sure did. And you did the drinking for us."

"That part I like."

"Where's the rest of the crew?"

"What crew? I have been taking care of the Dutchcolt by myself ever since my..........father.......Yes, my father left it to me....DECADES AGO.....after he died."

Dawn's smile slowly faded away. She felt sorry for this stallion. She thought he must've gone in a deep state of depression when his father, the original Longbeard, passed away. He drank his sorrows away and had completely forgotten about the ship. "Hey, Sparsa-"

"Only a princess can call me that, young mare." He looked at her, "Well, you are your daddy's princess aren't you?" There was a splash on the port side. He stood straight up and ran toward it, "Ha, a warning shot! Who dares to threaten the life of her and the Dutchcolt?" Dawn was astonished at how swiftly he was moving on his hooves while hungover." He leaned over the rail and looked back, "Master Dawn!"

"Yes, captain!" She shouted.

"Take over please. I'm going to the cabin to take care of some things."

"What exactly do you want me to do?"

"Give no quarter." He said calmly.

"Really? First of all, I can't do that by myself. Secondly, I'm not a killer."

"Well, think of something. I trust that you will make a better decision than myself." He walked away.

"Captain! Ahh, damn it. Okay." She went over to a cannon on the port side and loaded it. She then went to the helm and turned the wheel to port so that the ship will be headed to the other. She let her cruise and went to the cannon. "Where's the anchor she thought?" She lowered to filthy anchor down in the water. The ship stopped. She waited. The ship that fired finally met up with the Dutchcolt on her port side.

A stallion from the other ship shouted, "Ahoy there!"

"Ahoy!" Dawn replied.

"That's my father's ship you're on, child! How about letting me take it back."

"Not a chance! Prove it!"

"That ship's name is the Dutchcolt, it's captain is Captain Longbeard."

"Anything else little filly?"

"Filly? Now who're you calling a filly?!"

"You! Who else would I call a filly?" Dawn saw some of his crew snicker.

"The only filly in these waters is yourself."

"Try looking in a mirror."

"That's it, I'm done! Main battery, fire!"

"Son of a-" Dawn had no time to finish. She casted a protection spell on the port side and defended the ship from the 12 cannonballs. She wiped her brow, "I have one shot in this cannon." She tapped the cannon, "Now you have to decide. Where will I fire my one shot? Maybe right at you."

"If you do that-" Dawn shot in the middle of his sentence. She hit the waterline.

"Are you done playing yet?" Water was seeping in the ship fast.

"Go plug up the hole!" One of the crew ordered. The captain yelled, "Your name?"


"I should've known. Name's Klaus, Captain Klaus to you." Klaus was an orange unicorn with brown eyes. His mane was straggly and long. His crew looked more presentable than he did. Two ships were up on the Dutchcolts starboard side.

"They yours?" Dawn asked.

"My brothers. Best you get the captain out here."

"Will do." Dawn went inside the cabin and saw Longbeard drinking again, "Sparsa, don't you ever-"

"Captain Longbeard, Dawn."

"Sorry, Captain, we are going to get boarded soon. I think you should get out there and tell them I'm okay."

"Ah, fine. Come on then." They went outside and saw that they were surrounded. "Children please. Come meet my friend here."

"Stop bringing young mares aboard your ship, Captain!" They heard coming from a violet pegasus. "You okay, honey?"

"I am." Dawn answered. "Thank you." This pegasus seemed a little feminine even though he was a stallion. From what Dawn saw, he was really well groomed and so was his ship.

"You can call me Marl. No need for captain."

"Who's the one in front of us, Captain?" Dawn asked Longbeard.

"Ah, that ship is called Abyss. Her captain is Jinx. Very bad tempered that one."

"Like Captain Klaus?"

"No. One big difference is that Captain Jinx fires without warning. That says a lot about a captain. I think we best be headin' back now. Captains, let's head back to the bay and properly introduce ourselves to her."

The four ships Dutchcolt(Longbeard's), Reef(Klaus'), Aquarius(Marl's), and the Abyss(Jinx's) all got back to the bay. "Captain," Dawn said, "Where's the fifth ship? My father told me you had another." Captain Jinx stayed in his ship.

"That I do. This...umm ship is different from the others. The first of its kind. Not really a ship. Huh? What to call it?"

"Nautilus is the name of it." Marl said. "It can't be too far from here."

"Who's the captain?"

Klaus answered, "Her name, Captain Elize."

"Cap'n!" A stallion part of Klaus' crew shouted. He was at the very top of the main mast. "The Nautilus is here!"

A vessel emerged from under the water. It looked like a metal teardrop on its side.

"Like I said. Not really a ship. She's still a beauty though." Longbeard said proudly.

The moon was rising and Black Soul went out to find Dawn With Randall . She saw her enter a small house with strange looking stallions and one mare. "What's she doing?"

"Maybe having some fun, Soul." Randall laughed.

Soul looked at her disgusted, "That's just wrong. Don't even- No, just stop."

"Wanna barge in?"

"Give it a minute, then-" A shriek came from the house Dawn entered. "Come on!" Then ran fast to the door and threw it open, "Dawn, are you...."

Dawn looked at them, "Oh, Soul, Randall, I'd like you to meet my friends. This is Captain Longbeard, Captain Klaus, Captian Marl, and Captain Elize." Randall saw Captain Elize. Elize had a long silver mane that ran down one side of her gray face.

Soul asked, "What was the scream we heard?"

"Oh, sorry. That was me. I got a little too excited when I was told I'll get my own ship."

"You two are gorgeous." Longbeard exclaimed, "You'll make suitable wives for me."

"No, thank you." Soul replied, "Besides, you have Dawn there."

"Yes, I do. Knew her ever since we found her and her father drifting in the sea."

Randall closed in on Captain Elize. She said, "Elie? Is that you?"

"Who might you be?" She replied.

"It's me. Randall. You don't remember. Rally."

Elize got up, "No, I don't." She went through the back door.

"But-" Randall sighed. "I'll be back at our camp. Sorry." Randall left with a frown on her face.

"Damn." Marl went to the back.

"What happened between those two?" Soul asked Longbeard.

"Rally is a friend of my daughter, Elize. There's was an accident a few years back that wiped out Elize's memory of the past year. That year was the year she fell in love with Randall. Randall fell in love with my daughter. After the accident, Randall moved away and this was the first time they've met."

"If you knew why didn't you say anything?"

"They will find out eventually. I saved myself some trouble."

"That explains why Randall acts so intimately with almost everypony."

"Not really, maybe she has a sex drive like me." Longbeard chuckled.

"Don't talk about her like that." Soul said angrily.

"Apologies, ma'am. Just trying to lighten up the mood. Dawn, when do you want to start construction?"

"How soon can we start?"

"We have everything we need here."


"Tomorrow it is then."

Randall was alone by the ocean. When she looked into the water she didn't see her reflection. She the reflection of Elize smiling at her. Randall's tears distorted the image, then she saw herself crying.

Chapter 44 - Grim Future

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Chapter 44 - Grim Future

In the camp, just outside of Wary Ripples, Knight Mist was planning another reconnaissance mission that involved going back to Saddle Arabia. She was denied permission. By this time Seng, Lancer, Aero, Flood, and Cloudfire were all at the rank of bronze-gold. They had little say in anything done and had little authority. The only authority they had that was great was over the fresh recruits picked up along the way. The older more trained recruits go under the responsibility of the gold ranks, like Storm. The silver ranks had authority over a portion of the bronze ranks and recruits that are more experienced. They could give orders to bronze ranks as long as they consult a solid-gold ranking Knight, like Black Soul. Knight Black Soul wasn't really a solid-gold rank anymore. She was like her mother, Knight Athen, that had her own rank.

In Soul's position, she could do practically anything she wants. There are setbacks though. In order for her to initiate a big operation, like the move to the east or a declaration of war, she has to go the princesses or someone who the princesses trust, like Shadow. In this situation, Soul, had to consult the princesses. The princesses had their own tent next to Gandore's on the edge of the camp. The princesses were unusually quiet. They would usually go out and see how the others are doing, but now they just stayed quiet. Holt and Mirage also stayed quiet, especially around the Peacekeepers. The Peacekeepers wondered why Mend left without saying anything. Delta assumed command of the Peacekeepers. Storm was going to set out to find his brother and his family later the morning. The recruits were getting what education they can from Ms. Grazer, now only Grazer, during this time. Time. They needed more.

Garren and Lacoden by this time had taken over the entire west coast. They didn't advance further inland though. They stayed and controlled whatever they had.

Excaelum was gone. He and Kishi were taking care their own business. Excaelum set out to defeat his brother, Orcusin, before they got to Fallen Star. Ula all this time was with Orcusin since Lord Chronin ordered him to spy. So far, all they got was nothing. Only that Orcusin's allies were far too powerful for Excaelum to take on alone, at least if they're together. For every ally of Excaelum's there was one for Orcusin. Excaelum had to hunt them down them down. One by one. His first target would be, Retu. The wing-less earth dragon. Excaelum couldn't just go around asking any dragon to find out where she is. No. He had to ask one of the exiled earth dragons. He assumed that's where Orcusin recruited her from.

Exiled dragons are far too hostile to be able to roam free. Their sentences will usually last a century long, or forever. They aren't killed, because it is believed that long periods of imprisonment can be more painful than death. Excaelum wondered if he could handle the exiled dragon if it attacked.

The area where the exiled earth dragons were kept was in air dragon territory. The reason being that opposite forces of nature don't interact very well and that if somehow the dragon escaped the air dragons will attempt to defeat it. Even though being one of the Lords, Excaelum, will have to consult Lord of the air dragons and gain permission to set the exiled dragon free. In this case it will be, Lord Olganna.

"No. We do not know what these dragons are capable of. Some of them have been here ever since your father was alive." Olganna scolded.

"One of these dragons can lead me to Retu and possibly Orcusin. I need to talk to one."

"If you can't defeat your brother, what makes you think you can defeat one of the exiled dragons? Remember you are not, Lord Dragaitas."

"You don't think I know that? Do you not trust me?"

"Why an exiled dragon?"

"I suppose it can also help me defeat the others in exchange for something."

"What is that?"


"You will take full responsibility for this dragon."

Excaelum and Centerra were led to a tomb inside a mountain's base. On both sides on the walls were stone pillars. The pillars were kept deep inside the side of the mountain. It's was unclear how many dragons were in there. Each pillar contained a dragon. There were markings on the pillars to show if the dragon inside had complete eyes. The markings were straight lines. If the line was cut in half the dragon's eyes were incomplete. Excaelum made a ring of light blue fire around him to help him see the markings. There were no pillars with complete lines so far. It could've been hours before he finally found one at the end of all the pillars. Next to it was a broken one. Excaelum assumed the broken one belonged to Retu.

"The presence of this one feels more malevolent than the others even though it has a complete line." Excaelum said to Kishi. "Break the pillar." Centerra lightly smashed the front of the pillar. Little chips started falling on the ground. They both took one step back. Next thing they knew they saw dust being breathed out from the cracks. A large claw emerged slowly. It was feeling the air around it. It went back inside the pillar. Suddenly, the pillar shattered to pieces and from the rubble stood a tall dragon. Its eyes were closed.

"Your name." Excaelum scolded. It stood silent, "What do they call you?"

"And you are?" It replied with a hoarse voice.

This dragon was stubborn, so Excaelum answered first, "Excaelum, son of Lord Dragaitas."

"That so? And the little one. Your brother too, along with Orcusin."

"You're familiar with us."

"Of course I am. Your father put me here after all. Countless hours of standing here, in the dark, not being able to move a single muscle. Fortunately, a spell was casted on all of us, so we can still hear, see, and taste. I may have gone mad the first month I went without sleep, certainly I have going centuries without a second of it."

"Who'd put a cruel spell like that on these pillars?"

"Your father. Out of punishment for Retu and the others. Theft and murder. For me, I was put here out of fear." The dragon was getting familiar with his long lost powers by lifting up a few rocks.

"Why would a great dragon such as him fear you?"

"Naturally, you fear what you don't understand. He didn't know what I was when he met me."

"What makes you so different? You're just a normal earth dragon."

It chuckled, "Back then, when the original dragons were all alive, things were very.....different. There were more of us dragons, more powerful. More of us can use magic and now from what I've felt from in there very little dragons use magic. It's a rare gift. Am I correct?"

"How do you know of the magic?"

"My generation, the same as your father's, are the strongest. We can do things others will consider impossible." The dragon had no wings and a frilled looking neck. "Why did you release me?"

"Retu needs to be stopped."

"Go get her. The more you wait, the stronger she grows."

"She..," Excaelum did not want to say this, "is too strong for me at this time."

"If she is too strong for then," the dragon slowly turned its head to him, "you have no chance against me."

"That is true, but killing me will result in your own destruction. Lord Chronin will not look too kindly on the killing of two of the final three Gravity dragons."

"She's still alive?"

"You sound surprised. Did you expect her to be dead?"

"She wouldn't be alive if it weren't for me. Saving her from Mastron."

"We can talk about what happened between you and the original dragons later. I suspect you are hungry."

"I do not feed on beasts. The only living creatures I consume are other dragons. Now, if you will allow me to have my fill on dragons to regain my strength, I will help you."


"No? How can you expect me to help when I my stomach aches?"

"I won't allow you to kill other dragons."

"How about you make an exception? I will kill the weak and the sick to make our kinds future generations stronger."

Something within Excaelum was obsessed with power. He replied with, "How many do you need?"


"Make it 8."

"Yes, Lord Excaelum. Now, shall we?" The dragon started walking toward the exit, behind Excaelum.

"Your name. State it."


The moment Excaelum and Kishi stepped into the light, right behind Shiste, they saw that the entrance was surrounded by air dragons. Shiste surprisingly kept his eyes open even though being enclosed to darkness for centuries, he claims at least. There were many. Olganna was in the front. Excaelum went past Shiste and went to her.

"He is your responsibility. I hope you know what you are doing, Lord Excaelum." She said.

He nodded, then turned to Shiste,"How will you be able to follow us? You haven't any wings."

"As I said before. I was exiled out of fear." Shiste stretched his long arms and legs. He lowered his head and took a slight breath. He shot up into the sky and hovered in one spot for a moment. He let out a loud roar. The dragons never saw anything like it. Shiste dived down to where he took off from. When he hit the ground clouds of dirt kicked up. He could tell that all of the dragons were frightened by him. He felt them shaking.

"A wingless dragon that has the ability to fly." Olganna thought, "What other kind of dragons there are."

At Lalifong

"Solace," scolded Shadow, "I am leaving Fawkes in charge."

Fawkes was surprised, "We've only just met. How can you tru-"

"I don't trust you, but I have no choice. I will be gone, and it will stay that way until the RAK returns from the east. Mandal is in need of medical attention. And from the looks of it you're the only one here that has it. Am I wrong?" Fawkes didn't respond, "Well then, tell Knight Black Soul and my daughter, when they return, to go to the west. They'll find me, whether I be dead or alive." Shadow looked at Solace, "I must ask you something. How was Lacoden acting? I know you weren't with her for a long time, but whatever you tell me can help."

" guessing she was more.....nicer, you can say, than I thought." She replied.

Shadow looked at Mandal. "Was she?" Mandal remembered Lacoden taking her daughter away from her and nearly killing her, but she did remember Lacoden changing her bandages herself instead of having Changelings do it. Mandal nodded slightly. "Looks like she has a higher chance to be saved. Thank you, you two." He stretched his wings, "I will not hesitate to kill you griffons if you harm these two." Shadow left the castle without saying another word. He flew down to his house by the Everfree Forest.

"This may be one of the last times I'll be here." He thought. He was walking around the first floor. The larger section for Excaelum. The fireplace. He went upstairs to his room, he saw his small bed. And Dawn's room with the large bed. He went to the balcony and just stared into space. He went back into his room and pulled from under his small bed a chest. Inside he had his armor, 2 hoof-blades, and 2 hoof-swords. His armor was just a plain silver color, same goes for his weapons.

He put on his armor. It was light. The endurance training he did at the mountain, Ice Valley, and Dry Ocean must've helped. There were hooks on the sides of his armor where he can put extra weapons. Shadow put on the blades and hooked his swords. He set out west.

"Father, do you expect us to care for these mark bearers? Look at the pegasus that has just left." Condor asked angrily.

"He threatened us yes, but that's not how I raised you. He has his reasons I'm sure. I will obey his wishes and look after these two. And besides, we came here to explore the outside world away the mountain prison. We can look through their library and learn their history. We are the only ones here so we might as well. First, we need to find one large room to share with each other. This castle is large and we don't want someone getting lost. This place must have a grand hall of some sort. You, filly. Solace is it?" She nodded, "Okay, while were you here did you explore?"

"Yes. The grand hall is in the west wing of the castle."

"West wing. Condor come with me and I want you two to take Solace and her mother to the west wing. We'll meet you there." As they walked away Fawkes said, "Come on." He thought, "Surely up the stairs will lead to some rooms." He went to the top of the stairs and waited for Condor. When Condor caught up Fawkes scolded, "Don't let your prejudice get in the way of your judgement."

"Are you still going on about that pegasus?"

"Yes, I am. He has judged us before he even knew. Now, if you don't want to be like him don't act like him. Understand?"

"He threatened to kill us father!"

"Then who is better? You or him?"

"I am-"

"Stop right there! If you do think you are better than him, then you two are no different. You put yourself on top, so did he." Condor stood quiet, "Besides, it was an empty threat. Come on. The faster we get to sleep the longer the next day lasts."

Early the next morning, Fawkes was already in the castle's library reading. He just got done reading a book on the history of Equestria, different spells, creatures of Equestria, biography on Start Swirl, and a biography on Black Soul's mother, Knight Athen. There was no author for her biography. The other books were written by the princesses, even though being young their writing skills were impressive, and by Gandore. Fawkes wanted to explore the village. While everyone else was asleep he flew down to Lalifong.

He looked through some of the open windows and doors. None interested him yet, until he saw a house filled with old antiques. Junk someone would call it. He stepped in, it was dusty. He threw the window wide open and ripped the door off its hinges. "That's more like it." he said. "A collector, no. Pawn shop owner, not likely. Historian, maybe." He looked around the place and saw that there were open books, unfinished and finished notes. He opened up a drawer and saw notes, "Historian. I'd sure like to meet the owner of all this."

He looked through the notes and found out he learned more from these than from the books in the castle. He went out to go get something to eat. An apple or something, he saw a earth pony. She was looking right back at him and said, "Hello. I haven't seen a griffon around here before."

Fawkes stared at her. For a bit too long. "And you are?"

"Oh, I'm Wither. You?"

"Fawkes, excuse me I have a question."


"Do you know the owner of this place?"

"No, not personally. I know of her though."

"Do you know where I can find her?"

"I'm sorry, but she passed away. Killed."

"Oh, well thank you for your help."

He was about to take off when she replied, "Her daughter is still alive. She went east with the others." He folded his wings.

"I'll try to find her when she returns. And why aren't you east?"

"Umm, I have a friend that wants me to keeping an eye on the foundry near here. And how do you know about the east?"

"Someone gave me the clues to figure it out. Does the pegasus know you are here?"

"Shadow? Yeah. He stopped by my place just last night. Why?"

"Oh, nothing. Just we met last night. Umm, there's more of us up in the castle and...." Fawkes looked around. He whispered, "Get inside! Quickly!" He thought,"I knew I was gonna regret taking that door down." He followed Wither into the house.

"What is it?" She asked in a nervous voice.

"Friends of mine."

"Then why hide?"

"Sarcasm, honey. Go in the back." Wither hid behind a pile of books, but made a hole which see could see through. Fawkes hid under the windowsill. He heard the griffons land not too far from him. He heard them talk.

"Commander, where do you think he could've gone?" He heard.

It was Talon, "Search this area. Then we continue to that castle."

"No!" Fawkes thought. "Maybe if I turn myself in then....No. Can't do that." He peeked over the windowsill. He counted thirteen. Gizzard was also there.

"We need to find that traitor and his son." One said, he flew up.

Fawkes felt he was breathing too heavily. He slowed down his breathing. He didn't know what to do. He heard Wither come out from behind the books. She slowly crept up to Fawkes. She whispered, "I'll take care of this." She walked out. "Hello. I haven't seen so many griffons here before at one time." She wasn't nervous.

"Have you seen two griffons pass this wasteland? A father and a son. Their names: Fawkes and Condor." Gizzard scolded.

"No, as you rudely called my home a wasteland, I haven't."

Gizzard, being bad-tempered, replied with, "What else am I supposed to call it?"

"Gizzard, calm down." Talon said, "She's obviously lying. You're far too calm. Where are they?"

"If I knew I wouldn't tell you."

"I believe you." Talon pushed her against the wall that Fawkes was hiding behind. She sinned her claws into her chest, "Where can I go to find them?"

Wither wasn't used to pain, so she cried out,"East!"

"We are taking this one with us." Talon said, "Make sure she gets some rest on the way. I don't want to hear her pleads for release."

One griffon answered, "Yes, Commander Talon." A griffon went over to an old house and tore off a wooden plank. He hit her on the head hard enough to get her unconscious. He placed her on his back.

"Good. Let's go." She took off with nine of the other griffons.

Gizzard stayed with two others, he gave an order,"Burn everything." And flew off. The two griffons did as they were told, no minds of their own. The fire they set was light, but there was a lot of it. Fawkes quickly went inside to grab all the notes and books he read. And any more if he could. By the time the fire completely engulfed the historians house he had a fair amount of her work. He wiped his glasses. He slowly flew off to the castle's garden where he saw his child and the others. He landed, "Stay here. Put these inside." He dropped some books, "I'll be back."

It was late afternoon, around 4. The books he saved were put in a pile in the castle's library. Fawkes went whatever he took. He threw to the side a book. An important one called, Six Flowers.

Two weeks later. Wary Ripples.

"Dawn, you sure you want your ship like this? Kinda fragile isn't it?" Klaus asked.

"She's perfect."

Her ship was named, Share. The wood that was used to make the ship made up the Dutchcolt. She had it painted a dark blue and it was small compared to the monstrous Abyss, which dwarfed the others as well, it's captain Jinx. But it was fast and more agile. It's speed came at a price. Having only 10 cannons total. Well-woven black sails caught the wind.

"If you say so." Marl added.

"Perfect for out maneuvering enemy ships." Elize said.

Share had other unique features. Lower in the ship there was a section that had a glass room. The lowest part of the ship. Used to see underwater. A cannon at the bow of the ship facing forward, and another cannon at the stern of the ship that covered the rear of the ship.

"Odd ship it is though." Klaus said.

"Okay, okay. Stop criticizing my ship. Geez, I don't go around insulting your driftwood." She laughed.

"Hey........that hurt." Klaus said. He got Dawn in a headlock and noogied her.

"Okay, I'm sorry!" Klaus let her go, "Can't be any worse than Marl's floating teacup." Klaus laughed. "Your ship is a bit too fancy don't you think, Marl?"

Marl replied, "Honey, I-"

"Dawn, Knight Black Soul wants you!" Aero shouted. "Follow me, it's urgent."

"Sorry, fellas. Gotta go." Dawn ran to Aero. "What is it?"

"Wither, she's here."

"I thought she stayed back at Lalifong."

"We all did. Get on my back, I'll fly you to a roof." Dawn hopped on, "Hang on!" Aero flew up to a two story building. "Watch your step, I don't want you father killing me if you got hurt. Look over there. On the road." The road wasn't too far. There were 13 griffons and Wither from the looks of it. She was all beaten up. Wrench could be heard screaming.

Lancer came up from behind Dawn and Aero, "Wrench ain't doing so good."

"What's Black Soul doing about this?" Dawn asked.

"Nothing yet. But the griffons are looking for two other griffons. If we find those two griffons and turn them in we can get Wither back." Lancer said. "She's deciding if we should take her back. But I'm not sure though. Those griffons look like combatants. And we all have little combat experience. Except for that time in Ice Valley and Saddle Arabia."

"Those places gave us a good start. Those yetis were trouble." Aero chuckled, "We would've died with your father, Dawn."

"Oh. Right now let's just focus on saving Wither. Take me to the griffons, Aero." Dawn ordered.

"Umm, no."

"Oh no, I'm falling off the roof." Dawn started heading yo the edge of the roof. "My father is going to be so mad."

"Ugh, fine. I'll take you."

"Thank you, just tell Knight BS that I ordered you to."

"BS?" Lancer said.

"Bullshit.........," Dawn thought for a moment,"I hang around those sailors too much. Getting a sailor's mouth over here. Alright just take me."

"Hop on." Aero flew her to the front of the griffons. He stood by her side. Lancer, Seng, and even Cloudfire soon followed. Willing to protect her. They were armed with confidence and weapons.

"You again?" Talon said.

Dawn's joker attitude from earlier disappeared, "Why have you kidnapped and beat our friend?"

"Leverage. We need it."

"For what? To find your two griffons we don't know about? I'll tell you what." Dawn took one of Seng's hoof-swords, "Give her back to us and you and your goons won't get hurt."

Lancer whispered to Aero, "Her sailor mouth is gonna get her killed."

"Shh, it's working." Aero replied.

"How can you possibly defeat us with your weak minions by your side? You will lose." Gizzard scolded.

Dawn said, "Ah, three things wrong. One, we won't lose. Two, they aren't weak. Three, they aren't my minions. They are my friends, my brothers even. Try making a few friends of your own. All because they are under your command doesn't make them friends." Dawn smirked, "And being the granddaughter of Star Swirl the Bearded does have its perks." She teleported right behind the line of griffons, then popped back in front of them. "I don't kill. I've only killed one. A Changeling who mocked my mother whom I loved dearly. Well, I didn't find out I loved her so much until some time after, but let's get this straight. I won't kill you all. I will maim you to the point where you wish I did." Dawn teleported next to a griffon and held the blade to his neck, "How's that sound?"

Dawn clicked something in Cloudfire, he remembered another unicorn for a moment. He couldn't quite see it, then he saw Dawn with steel and a sinister smile painted on her face. Lacoden. He shook. Seng nudged him, "You okay?"

"Uh, fine. Just have never seen her like this is all."

"None of us have."

"Let her go." Talon ordered. "Give her what she wants."

"Ah ah ah, I'm not the only one who wants her back." Dawn pressed the tip of the sword against Talon's chest. "Well?"

"Give them what they want." Dawn took the sword away. Wither limped over to her.

"You're okay, hon." Dawn said. She hugged her, "Now, leave before I correct this mistake."

The 13 griffons flew off. Wrench ran quickly to Wither, "Are you okay, sweetie?" He said, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have let you stay there alone."

"I wasn't alone." She whimpered, "It was my fault I got like this."

"Wasn't my father there? Did he just let is happen to you?"

"He left the night before, Dawn. There were more though. Not sure how many. There was a griffon I did this for."

"Did it force you to do this?" Wrench asked angrily.

"No, I wanted to help him."

"Where did my father go?" Dawn asked.

"East. He said he wanted to push Garren's forces back."

"I'm headed to Saddle Arabia. I'm taking Share with me. Any of you want to be part of my crew?" Dawn asked.

"You're not going anywhere." Soul appeared from above with Storm, "I didn't bring an entire village with me to take them right back. You haven't any business east."

S "'Haven't any business.'? My father, Garren, and Lacoden are there. I'm going whether you like it or not." Dawn shoved Soul out of her way and headed for Share. "If any of you want to join me I'll be setting off at sunset, your invited too, Soul."

"There's no stopping her." Storm said. "Might as well tag along. We can familiarize ourselves with ships and go east at the same time. I suggest talking to the princesses."

When Soul informed the princesses about Dawn's plans they said that they would lead the ponies of Lalifong. The princesses let Soul take her Knights on the voyage with her. The princesses were alone in their tent talking, "This gives us an opportunity to execute our plan, sister."

"Luna, I'm not sure if we can pull it off."

"We must try."

"Alright, as soon as we reach Lalifong."

"I've been practicing my insertions, sister. I'll be fine."

"Her "dream" isn't a normal one. I want you to be extra careful when you do it."

"Of course."

Dawn was examining her ship so she can embark. She was looking up at the sails. The other captain's, including Jinx who she still hasn't met yet, agreed to accompany her. The Dutchcolt will be the flag ship. Share will be right on her stern. Abyss will be on Share's stern. Reef will be on the port side and Aquarius will be on her starboard; they will all be a few hundred yards away from Share though. The Nautilus' position could be anywhere, it would be revealed though when she has to resurface for air.

"Dawn, what's this?" Dawn looked down and saw Seng looking at something fixed to the rail.

"That's a cannon. Please don't touch it." Seng backed up. "You can only touch when I say you could. Are you planning on coming with me?"


"Fine, and the others?"

"On their way, I got word that Knight Black Soul is coming."

"So the RAK is coming. Anypony else?"

"Wrench and Wither."

"Ok. And the princesses? Who's gonna watch them?"

"I have no idea. We do have a couple of fighters in the camp though, so they should be fine."

"Okay." Dawn heard a couple of voices and leaned to the side to see who was on the gangway.

"Dawn!" Flake screamed. "Long time no see."

Dawn shoved Seng out of the way and went to her sister, "You coming too?"

"Yes, captain. And so is Ms. Grazer."

"You don't have to call me your captain. Neither do Soul, Ms. Grazer, and Gandore. She's right behind you." Gandore nodded to Dawn and went below deck.

"And me?" Seng asked.

"Call me captain or get off my ship. Alright?"

"Yes, Captain Dawn."

"Don't wear it out. Geez, go clean something."

"Fine." Seng went below deck.

"Wait, Seng!"

"Yes?" He came back up.

"Go get yourself a sword and a blade. We're gonna have see some fighting west."

"How much?"

"We will be cleaning this ship of blood. Trust me."

"I'm not sure if I want to picture it, but-"

"You won't have to. We'll see it. If you don't want to you can be an escort."

"Never, I'll get enough crates for all of us."

"There we go." Seng flew off. "Here that, Flake and Ms. Grazer. We will be fighting. You two sure you want to come?"

"I'm prepared." Grazer answered.

Sunset came. The RAK, the hybrid Changelings were all loaded on the ship and the Dutchcolt embarked out the bay first and weighed anchor until Share came along. Wither slept in the captain's cabin with Wrench by her side. Dawn gave a little speech before they went off. She was at the helm.

"This is my ship, so all of you will follow my orders. Even, Knight Black Soul will listen to them. It'll be a long voyage maybe a month if we have fair weather throughout. I doubt we will. Prep up for combat along the way too, I have a feeling Garren will be prepared for us. I'll give you all jobs later. And another thing, listen to the other captain' say as well they know what they're doing. Understood?"

"Yes, Captain Dawn." All in unison.

"Lancer and Aero, bring up the anchor. It's on the starboard side."

"Starboard?" Lancer asked.

"Right, starboard's right! Port is left!" She replied. "I have a lot to do don't I, mom and dad?" Dawn thought to herself.

Excaelum flew next by the hungry Shiste. Shiste had his fill on dying dragons they happen to fly over. Now they were on their way to visit Lord Chronin at the council chamber. Shiste's ability to fly was still shocking to Excaelum. How does he do it he asks himself.

Their arrival at the chambers was kept secret. Only the four of them would know about this meeting. They went inside. Shiste knew his way around the chamber, he took his place in the earth dragons spot. Centerra stood next by Excaelum. "Where is your solitary, Lord Chronin?" Shiste asked.

"Lord Shiste, you look well."

"Lord?" Excaelum said.

"I was the rightful lord until Mesadraco took my place. Where is he, and the other lords?"

"Mesadraco and Zartez were both killed by what was Lord Dragaitas." Chronin said.

"Is that so?" Shiste looked at Excaelum, "You're Mercy? And I'm assuming Orcusin is...Merciless."

"How does he know?" Excaelum replied.

"He is much older than he looks, Excaelum."

"Orcusin's soul belongs to Mastron. Where are Aquabellina and Pyrodia?"

"Both killed by Orcusin."

"He's just putting down Lords like flies. Excaelum, do you know what would happen if a dragon killed Lord Chronin? That dragon will become my target. If another dragon kills that dragons before me, that dragon will be my target. Do you know why Lord Chronin is so important? Do you know what would happen if the last original dragon was killed?"


"Neither do we. Let's keep it that way."

"How do you know if something will happen?"

"When Flamekken was killed, the volcanoes erupted uncontrollably. She kept the flames on this land balanced. Yaforn, after she died earthquakes raged on for days. All with the same patterns and strength. Okin, when he died lightning storms destroyed forests that were beautiful. When Mastron died the stars did not light up the night sky for an entire season." Shiste said.

"And my father?" Excaelum said, "What happened when he died?"

"I am not sure if anything did happen when he died."

"Lord Chronin, one thing still troubles me about this "war" we are having with Orcusin. He has Changelings on his side and I don't know why they fight with him." Excaelum asked.

Chronin replied, "Simple-"

Shiste answered, "The Queen Changeling. If she ordered them to fight with him, if she is being held captive and the Changelings have no choice, or if the Queen is being forced."

"She is most likely being forced to order her Changelings to fight. There are few who could strike fear into her heart that will make her order them to fight. Myself, Lord Dragaitas, Artemis, and Insi." Chronin answered.

"Artemis and Insi? Other Lords?" Excaelum never heard those names.

"No, mark bearers."

Shiste interrupted, "Powerful mark bearers, some described their powers as...god-like."

"Though I haven't seen them for many decades, I have a feeling Insi is behind all this." Chronin said.

"And Artemis? Can he be affiliated with Insi in this?"

"Artemis, she is affiliated with Insi, but not the war. They were lovers once, then everything changed when Insi's family was killed."

"When did this all happen?"

"The mark bearer that raises the sun was not born for another 950 years, the one that raises the moon was born 20 years later. A few years later Shadow and Starflare the Warm-hearted would be born."

"That would mean they would be over one thousand years old. That can not be right."

"'God-like' remember? If Insi is involved with this war, then Artemis is dead. Everything would be different if she was alive. Very different."

"They have no families?"

"I'm not sure."

"That's a shame."

"How is the child of Shadow? Dawn?"

"Why do you ask?"

"This is the calm before the storm. You should go to her and her father."

Saddle Arabia

He was tired and the weapons he picked up were dull and unreliable. The injuries he got from the Changelings were great in number, but did little. He fought and fought for weeks with little rest. He took out a third of Garren's Changelings. He was covered in blood. It made his dark blue coat turn crimson. Luckily, Garren or Lacoden didn't come in to finish him off. He found a quiet place to rest while the Changelings retreated to regroup. He ran his weapons against a stone trying to sharpen it.

"I need sharp weapons. Shit." He looked around. Sticks on the ground. "Might as well try." He pulled a long stick to him and laid it on the stone. He began to sharpen e stick with his dull blade. "I hope I don't get splinters from this." He put the sharpened stick in his mouth.

"Shadow, go north. You can find something there." Starflare said.

Starflare is able to speak to Shadow while he is conscious due to his use of Lumen Fulsi recently. "Honey, we've been north before. There's nothing there except Shining Water and Green Fawn.

"Try Knight Athen's house then."

"Ugh, fine."

"Go now, sweetie. They're far from you by now."

"Okay. I can't fly though. The Banshee will spot me."

"Yes it will. Fortunately, she only released one of them. You've been able to avoid it the pass two weeks."

"I am afraid that it will catch me off guard."

"Don't be off guard then. It could be worse."


"Lacoden can release an Amarok if she wanted to."

"You've always been the optimistic one." He chuckled. "Alright. Let's get to it." Shadows dashed tree to tree, bush to bush, shadow to shadow, to avoid being spotted by Lacoden's eye in the sky. He kept on for an day or two. Just eating whatever he could find at the moment and only sleeping when his body is fully covered by something.

He ended up at Green Fawn at dawn. He stared into the sky for an hour. No Banshee. He came out slowly, suspecting it was still in the sky. When he found himself at Knight Athen's front door he felt safe. He went inside.

"Star, there's nothing here. Nothing has been for more than two decades."

"You sure? Didn't you notice anything with the floorboards before?"

He pressed down. "Nothing down there." He pried the floorboards open with his dull blade. "Was she running an army?"


"They look like they've been made yesterday." He detached the blade and went on his stomach. He used his stick to lift up a large box. "Its is heavier than it looks. " He placed it on the ground. "She was part of the first Knights right?"

"From my knowledge I get from you, yes?"

"Hello there." Shadow dug into the box and brought out white armor. He threw the armor pieces to the side not thinking of them.

"Okay, okay. Weapons. What the?" He pulled out a hoof-sword, "What the heck?" He examined the weapon. It had an engraving on the inside part of the ring. It read, "Macto chooses one master." He put it on. The sword grew slightly longer, it got a tad heavier. He saw the serrated edges of the sword smoothen. He swung the sword, "This is a fine weapon, Star. What do you think?"

"It is."

There were Changelings outside, "Let's test how fine these really are." He put on the white armor and equipped the long sword. He felt light. The Changelings surrounded the house. "You ready?"

"Whenever you are."

"I can feel that Garren out there as well."

"Do you think he will use Death again?"

"Let's find out. I'm sorry, Knight Athen." In unison, "Flare!" His body glowed white. It wasn't like the first time he awakened his power. This time he could control it. This time his enemy will be able to do the same thing. "Ok." He shot out the front door and flew straight into a crowd of Changelings.

Garren saw Shadow from above, "Now, Lacoden!" Garren shouted.

"Fire!" Lacoden had one of her harpoons fired directly at Shadow. He redirected it back to her. She put up a barrier and the explosion created a shockwave strong enough to destroy the abandoned houses.

Shadow was killing. The sword he had was sharp like a snake's fangs. He sliced through his enemies. One after another the Changelings fell under him. He tackled one against a decaying wooden post and stabbed it in the back of its mouth. The Changelings piled on him. "Flare! We can't let Garren get a hold of this." Shadow said in his head. His powers allowed him to disperse the piling Changelings.

"I know."

"Shall we retreat?"

"Your choice. Keep in mind that you're the faster flyer."

"We're going then. We'll come back with a full force and take back the west. Push Garren back to Fallen Star." He flew straight up with his back to the ocean. "If I go straight as fast as I can I reach Lalifong in a couple of days."

"Garren is in the way."

"I'll strike him down on the way out. Flare!" Garren saw Shadow come at him so fast. He moved out of the way. Shadow kept on going.

"Shall we pursue him?" A Changeling asked.

"We wouldn't be able to catch him. He'll be back soon enough." He landed, "Lacoden, ready the ships."


"On the way back to Fallen Star we will have company. Make sure they are fast, don't worry about firepower. We have enough of that. Remember we have to get them to Fallen Star to be able to use Magnus Lumen."

"So the blockade is just a waste?"

"No, I have another use for those scum. Changelings, go back to the ships and repair the damages he caused."

Lacoden and Garren we talking to each other, "Garren, we can finish him and his daughter if we attack now."

"Do you know where she is?" Lacoden held her tongue, "And Excaelum? Do you know where he is? Exactly, we can't kill them one by one. We have to get them all at once, at a place of no retreat."

"I see."

"Go ready the ships." Garren went to the house Shadow came out of. He saw pieces of armor in the rubble. He got the armor out and saw something peculiar about it. He chuckled, "This one actually knew how to fight. I wonder how many other Alicorns there are."

A few days later, Share.

"Captain Dawn, a couple more days and we will arrive at Saddle Arabia." Flood said.

"Any sign of the Abyss?"

"No, Captain Jinx is a quiet one. She hasn't even told Captain Longbeard where she went off to."

"I'm sure she'll turn up. Take the helm for me will you."

"Yes, Captain.

Dawn walked to Flake, she was at the bow of the ship, "Open ocean is relaxing isn't it?"

"It is. Dawn, what kind of island is Fallen Star?"

"It's a small island, very tropical too. Soon, it will become a battlefield. You think you can handle it, sister?"

"Haven't had any combat experience yet. Not sure how I'll do."

"You don't have to be in the Attack group. You can just be Support. Leave attacking to me, father and, the others."

"No, I want to fight. I don't want to sit back and do nothing."

Knight Tal, nearby, said, "I heard that."

Flake chuckled, "Sorry."

"Support wouldn't exist if Attack and Defense did their job, keep that in mind."

"That's true." Dawn said."Sorry to do this to you, Knight Tal, but can you give us a little privacy?"

"Sure thing, Captain." Tal went to the center mast to talk to the other Knights.

"Combat isn't for everyone you know."

Flake replied angrily, "You think I can't handle it."

"No, it's just I don't think you can handle the enemy. Garren murdered your mother. Could you face him if you ever run into him again?"

"Yeah, I guess I can. In a way, I should be thankful he killed her."


"I'm thinking its because I was sorta shy before I met you. When I did, things changed for me. Garren came and killed my mother. He kinda broke my shell. Maybe he brought out what was really inside me, what I am capable of. And look at me now. Talking to a Captain of her own ship, adopted daughter of one of the most strongest pegasi out there." Flake smiled, looked up at the clear blue sky, "My mom is proud of me isn't she?"

"I'm sure she is. Her little Flake grew up stronger."

"Yeah." She took in a deep breath in the nose, eyes closed. Exhaled out the mouth, opened her eyes. The waves gently rocked the ship side to side. The wind pushed Share's sails westward, out in open ocean. "Dawn?"


"What did you want to be before you started fighting? I wanted to be in the circus." She laughed, "Mother resented that and said I should be a teacher. She didn't really like the idea of traveling city after city, just to make people laugh. Thought it didn't make a difference in the lives of the audience. She wanted me to put meaning in lives, so being a teacher was her solution. I love making people smile. That's why I wanted to be in the circus."

"Circus huh? Umm, I wanted to be an artist. I never practiced, was always playing with Lacoden and Garren's son, Zaz. Lacoden was a good kid, my best friend. Always trying to make us laugh, always putting on a smile. She was clumsy, shy, smart, lovable. Now, killer, evil, still smart. I miss what she was, but now I need her dead. She have cause too much grief. Killing Princess Celestia-"

"Wait, Princess Celestia is alive."

"Lacoden, killed her. My father gave his immortality to revive her."

"You're still immortal?"

"No, I gave it up to live a normal life. Killing the princess, killing most of Knight Storm's squad. I shouldn't have left her on Fallen Star. It's my fault that she turned out like this. I'll be right back." Dawn went to her cabin and came back to Flake levitating something, "This doll, my mother gave it to Lacoden when her uncle died. She changed after he died. Rarely came outside to play, shut me and Zaz put when we came to visit. I fight now, becuase I don't want this war to ever repeat itself. Ironic. I kill for peace. Kinda like a Peacekeeper."

"Will you kill Lacoden yourself?"

"I have to. I don't want a stranger killing her, I want her to the face of her friend before she dies. To give her a little comfort."

"You still care for her, after all she did?"

"Yes, she's still my friend. If I need to kill her to end everyone's suffering then so be it. I'll just have to do it quickly. I learned a few killing spells in past that can get the job done."

"Why're so straightforward about killing her? You just said she's still your friend but you're prepared to kill her."

"This is war Flake, everypony is a soldier, everypony is a victim. That's just the way it is. If you don't want to be a soldier, you will become a victim. That's how life works. At least that's how mine does."

"You can leave this life after, we can leave this life after."

"I'm not sure if I could. Until Lord Chronin gave me my memories back violence was really the only life I knew. Father thought he shielded it from me, but I knew what he was doing."

"Like what?"

"I don't think he knows that I know, so it's best I keep it to myself."

"Fine." Flake saw a shadow on the water, she looked up, "Dragons!" She shouted.

Everypony on deck panicked. Dawn calmed them down, "It's Excaelum. Clear the deck!"

They all went to either the stern or the bow of the ship. Excaelum found a place for himself in between two masts. "Dawn." Excaelum said through their heads. "We need to speak privately. I'll take you back to the mainland."

"Knight Black Soul! Take command of my ship!" She shouted to her at the stern. Dawn teleported onto Excaelum's back and they took off. When they were over clear blue waters Dawn spoke, happy to see her friend, "Where've you been?"


"Yeah, no kidding. What have you been busy with?"

"Searching for Orcusin's ally, Retu. I found a dragon that could help me defeat her."

"Then why come to me? That's important!"

"I've been wanting to, but wouldn't until Lord Chronin advised it."

"Your relationship with Lord Chronin, what exactly is she to you?"

She felt him take a breath, "She is like a mother to me."

Dawn felt something in the back of her mind tell her, "You must tell him." She opened her mouth, "Excaelum, there's something I need to tell you about the time I went south with Lord Chronin to the Land of the Ice Dragons."

"What happened?"

Dawn didn't know if she should say it over open ocean. She stalled for a bit until there was land underneath them. "You've grown quite a bit since the last time we talked. You aren't getting greedy are you?"

"Just greedy for strength to protect my family."

"That's sweet." Dawn chuckled.

"It's the truth. I'm sure. Ice dragons love it cold even though they can freeze to death." Excaelum added.

The words "freeze to death" kept on repeating. She leaned over to the left and saw land below. She took a deep breath, "Luster died there!" Excaelum's wings stopped beating. She couldn't hear his powerful breathing. Dawn saw his wings fold in, he tilted down. They were diving! Dawn held on to his neck as tightly as she could. Excaelum was pulling himself and Dawn to the earth using Gravity. She could feel it. They made contact with solid ground. Dawn got off of Excaelum and trotted in front of him.

"Why didn't you tell me?!" Excaelum thundered.

"Because it was my fault that she died! Excaelum, I could tell how much Harvest meant to you. Your anger, your sorrow. I didn't want to see you like that again! So, I kept quiet."

He scraped his left claws in the ground, "How did you kill her?"

"When I was put in a trance to get my memories back, I wandered outside a protective shield Lord Chronin put up to fight off the blizzard. I didn't know this was happening."

"Dawn!" Iril shouted. She tried to pull her back within the shield.

"Stay, Iril! The blizzard will blow you away!" Fyn Cour held Iril back.

Luster exclaimed, "Both of you stay here. Lord Chronin, I must save her." Without saying a word, Lord Chronin nodded. Luster stepped out of the protective barrier and searched for Dawn in the blizzard. She tracked Dawn down using her sense of smell for a few minutes, but losing the direction of which she came. She wrapped her body around Dawn's body to keep her warm and to protect her from the cold winds.

When Dawn awoke she was cold. "Where am I?" She stood up, shivering. It was like she was in a dome. She knocked on the walls around her. "Wait a minute." She backed up and saw that they were scales. "Oh no." She tried to use her magic to escape, but she was exhausted? She couldn't conjure up the strength. She started to scream, "Help!" She heard a response from outside.

Fyn shouted, "We'll get you out, honey. Just stay calm." Dawn heard mumbling outside, "Dawn, I need you to back away from this side okay."

She had trouble breathing, "Hurry." She stumbled backwards and passed out. Lord Chronin smashed a hole in the dome-like container. Fyn Cour rushed in when she saw her laying on the ground. She pulled her out, then Dawn gained back consciousness. She saw Luster's frozen body. She saw Lord Chronin restore the part of her body that she broke off. Iril placed some covers on Dawn.

"Ice dragons should be arriving here shortly. The smell of mark bearers attracts them. Makes them hungry." Lord Chronin said.

"What about Luster? We can't leave her here like this." Iril replied. She and Fyn placed Dawn carefully on Lord Chronin's back.

"Hurry, you two. I don't want to stay here any longer then we have to." Chronin scolded.

Iril replied, "Luster. We can't-"

"She's dead. Her body will still be here if you want to return."

"Excaelum, I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I just didn't want to see somepony I love hurt."

"She was my friend. You should've told me. Get back on. Your father is home." Dawn might've been the first one ever to see Excaelum that angry.

The trip back to Lalifong was a few hours shorter, because Excaelum was flying faster than before. Was it because he was letting out anger? Or because he was in a rush to reunite his family? Excaelum landed in the castles former garden where Shiste and Centerra were.

"Your father is inside." Dawn walked pass Shiste, he gave her an odd look. Kishi bowed as she went pass him.

Dawn saw her father at the doorway and ran to him. "It's good to see you, father." She hugged him.

He wrapped his wings around his daughter and kissed her head, "It's good to see you too."

She noticed a couple of scars on his body, "Where did you get those scars?"

"Saddle Arabia is really hard to takeover by yourself." He chuckled.

"That's not funny, dad. I will only have one of you. Don't go on and kill yourself."

"I'm sorry, but I'm here now. That's all that matters."

"Captain Longbeard helped me make my own ship, Share."

"Where is it now?"

"On its course for Saddle Arabia."

"How long before they get there?"

"If weather's good, three days max."

"That gives us a time to plan our strategy. But for the rest of today and tomorrow it's just going to be relaxing. Sound ok?"

"I'm not sure. I left Soul in command of my ship. And she has little experience."

"She's not alone is she?"

"Well, the RAK is with her, but they don't know much either. If you mean Captain Longbeard and his kids they're with them."

"You got nothing to worry about then. Your ship is in good hooves. She's with the best captains I know."

They walked inside the castle. It was lit up like it normally would be. Lights everywhere, "Do you know Captain Jinx?"

Shadow scoffed, "I've only talked to her a couple of times. She wouldn't be the kind of pony you'd want to piss off."

"I'm a bit hungry."

"To the kitchen we go."

"Umm, dad. While I was away Lord Chronin, the Time dragon, gave me my memories back."

Shadow rushed in front of her, "I'm sorry for what I've done to you."

"It's okay. I understand, I would've done the same if I was in your position." She smiled.

Shadow took his place back at his daughter's side, they continued, "I miss our little island you know that."

"I do too. We'll be going back there soon enough." She sighed, "Too bad it's not for a visit."

"War. You know after this is all over they will blame us."

"What do you mean?"

"I'll talk to you about it after you eat something." They arrived at the kitchen entrance, "I'll be back back in a minute. I gotta go get some things. Are you gonna be okay?"

"I'm not a kid anymore, dad."

"Okay, just making sure." He went off.

"Ugh, I will never get him to stop treating me like a baby." She went through the double door.

She was greeted with a, "Of course you won't."

Dawn got startled, "Oh my gosh." She looked to the right to see a griffon laying down on the counter, "You scared the crap out of me."

"Have we met before?"

"I do to think so."

"Oh right, her name was Iril. Your name is Dawn." He jumped off the counter, went to Dawn. Towered over her. He said happily, "You're always going to a kid in your father's eyes." He left the kitchen.

Dawn looked the fruit basket and Soon after, Shadow walked in the kitchen. "Dawn, I was wondering what would you make of this?" He had the Macto with him. He went to her and threw Macto on the counter. "I found this at Green Fawn when I know."

With food in her mouth, "Let me see." She used her magic to rotate it in front of her. It was in its hoof-sword form. "Can I have it?"

"What? No!" Shadow snatched it out of her magical grasp. "You're not gonna use it."

"Yeah I will."


"I can use it as a fancy apple slicer."

"Why does that sound like a good idea?"

"Because I said it."

"That weapon is really fine."

"Can I see?" Shadow pushed it over to his daughter. "Did you notice this on the blade? It says, 'Macto prefers to be an idol rather than a weapon.'"

"A symbol huh? I thought I'd finally stand a chance against Garren." He sighed.

"What do you mean?"

"Garren and Lacoden have managed to weaponize their powers. Lacoden has harpoons and Garren has a sword. Here we have an idol. Damn it." Shadow was frustrated. "By the way that wasn't there before when I found it. Macto can change shape if you don't know."

"Really? Interesting."

"Yeah. I have been doing some reading, looked through a weapons archive only to find out there are no records of a weapon like this."

"Bit annoying isn't it?" He nodded, "I'm sure there is something."

Fawkes came in, "Speaking of Macto, I have found something that mentioned it." He was carrying a few pages of paper.

"Really? Let me see it." Shadow sounded like a colt. Fawkes laid out 5 yellowed papers. Shadow looked at Fawkes, "Have you met my daughter, Fawkes?"

"Indeed we did, a few minutes ago actually."

Shadow turned his attention to the papers, "Alright. Well, Dawn, here's something interesting. Talks about the creators of Macto. Wait a minute. Reads like I was writing. Fantastic."

"Months of working on that thing and we finally finished! Macto is complete! Now I can finally have some rest. Now, only if those two could decide which one Macto goes to. Maybe they'll decide with a duel. Those two. I can't believe they're the ones I trust my life with. They don't realize how much they love each other yet, but Dragaitas and I have. - Jeda."

"Excaelum's father knew the ones who made this. One of them is named Jeda."

"Dad, does it really matter? I mean, we have more important things to do than figure out who Dragaitas' friends are. Chances are they're already dead."

"That's true." He took a few quick glances at the other pages, "Nothing. Okay, Dawn, ready to go?"

"Go where?"

"To our house. Unless you want to stay here."

Dawn replied excitedly, "Let's go!"

"Fawkes, take care of the castle for me please."

"Are you going to take Mandal and Solace with you?" Fawkes asked.

"No, we need a little bit of privacy."

"I guess I can take care of them. You two make sure you're ready for war." Fawkes left.

"Okay, Dawn, we're gonna go back to our house. Got your stuff together?"

"I just got here. I have nothing with me."

"Okay, kid, just checking." They exited through the front gate and started to trot down the mountainside. "Dawn, what will you do after all this?"

"The war?"


"I don't know. I can always just get an education and make spells for a living, like my grandfather. Live here with the RAK and the princesses."

"Star Swirl did a lot more than that." Shadow chuckled, "He was an author, explorer. Are you serious?"

"No, geez. Dad, I'm only 16. I have a lot of time to think about this kind of stuff."

"I know. Dawn, I don't think we can stay here after the war."

"Why not? We have our own home and you can get a job as security or something."

"It's...more complicated then that." He looked to the right, to Lalifong. "There are more civilians than combatants. Do you agree?"

"Yeah, but what does that have to do with anything?"

"Well, usually most of them want peace. What's the meaning of peace to you?"

Dawn thought for a few moments. She looked around to help herself. She counted 10 steps before she responded. "One. Two. Three. Four." She thought. When ten was said she said, unsure of her answer, "No war, no conflict. Just living life with no worries. No pony to fight against or for."

"That's a fine answer, but let me tell you what I think. Peace is a word that shouldn't exist. Before you say anything let me explain. As long as we, as living things, can think for ourselves. Without instinct, without being bred to, there will be ideas. Different ideas and as long as there are two different ideas there will be fighting. Even if the idea is completely idiotic ponies will support it. They do need a reason to, but that doesn't mean it has to be a good one. Bribery, family and friends could support it, or maybe because they didn't know any better. Do you see where I'm getting at?"

"Honestly, father, no."

"Alright, well, let me go at this at a simpler way. We will always have enemies, especially after all this shit with Garren."

"Won't they respect us? We are fighting to stop him?"

"All because you respect someone doesn't mean you like them. The ponies that we save after all this will be afraid. Afraid of the victors, because they are stronger. We will become targets after Garren and Lacoden are out the picture. Meaning we will have to leave and hide for awhile."

"Why would they? We might be stronger than them, might, but that doesn't mean they would come after us?"

Shadow just dropped the subject, "I might be overthinking things, huh?" He was still kinda bothered from the talk, Dawn saw the worry in his blue eyes.

"Don't worry, dad. We'll be fine." She smiled.

They got to their house and chatted the day away. The next day, they reminisced about their days at Fallen Star with their mother. About the times they went in the ocean, sleeping under the lonely tree atop the hill, even talked about times when they were with Barrier, Dew, Lacoden, Zaz, and Garren. Chatting about the past made them determined to end this war as quickly as possible. They wanted their friends back. They wanted their dead to rest.

On the third day of Dawn's arrival the Princesses convoy was spotted. Shadow and Dawn were in a watchtower on the southeast corner of Canterlot. "That was faster than expected. Dawn, do you want to wait until they get here?"

"Yeah, I want to talk to them for a few minutes before we go."

"Let's go and see if Excaelum is ready, on the way we can meet up with princesses." They rushed down the long staircase and faced the courtyard by the grand hall. "Excaelum, we are going to leave soon."

He raised his large head off the ground, "Tell me you are ready." He stood and stretched his wings.

"Where's Shiste?" Shadow asked.

"Hunting. I sent Kishi with him."

Shadow replied, "Will we have to wait until they return?"

"No, Kishi knows where to go."

Shadow and Dawn met up with the princesses. "Shadow, Dawn, how've you been?" Celestia asked cheerfully.

"We've been well. Princesses, Dawn and I will be headed west. I will be leading an attack in an attempt to drive Garren and Lacoden back to Fallen Star."

"When will you be leaving?" Luna asked.

"After this little talk, Princess." Dawn answered. "After a few days or so, we will prepare to head out to sea. We expect the RAK are within a few hours of Saddle Arabia, Garren's main territory."

"Don't worry. We'll be fine." Shadow added.

"I'm sure you will, but how sure you can be successful in this?" Celestia said.

"We are sure." Dawn answered proudly. She called to Excaelum using her powers. Excaelum flew to them and landed behind Dawn and her father. "We will win." She teleported on to Excaelum's back.

Shadow asked, "Do you two want to go to Fallen Star?"

"We don't know yet. Just take care of the west first. That's your priority." Celestia replied.

Shadow chuckled, "Yes it is." He flew onto Excaelum's back. "Let's start heading out. One week tops, princesses." Excaelum ascended gradually, turned around to the west. "How fast can you get us there?"

"When do you want to be there?"

"Before dawn. That way we can have the first strike in the morning."

"Then we shall be there before dawn." Excaelum used his powers to hold Shadow and Dawn on his back so he will be able to fly at greater speeds without them falling off. "Get some rest you two."

Share, some hours later

"Seng, we should be there soon. Get some rest." Fyn said.

Seng replied, "I can't. The excitement is keeping me up." He chuckled. They were standing by the rails on the starboard side of the ship, "This being the first move to winning, just heart racing." It was midnight. The RAK were getting as much sleep as they possibly can. The Dutchcolt was leading the small fleet, directly in front of Share. Reef to the left, Aquarius to the right. And Abyss following in at the rear.

"Yeah, Knight Black Soul doesn't seem too excited. More like worried."

"No kidding. She has so many lives on her hooves. The Captains don't seem to care much, they're just doing to this out of, I don't know, boredom."

"Longbeard, Jinx, and Elize seem to have some interest. Longbeard is helping his friends, Shadow and Dawn. Jinx...I don't know. Elize is protecting Jinx."

"Jinx is weird. You know how many times I saw her ever since we agreed to this voyage?. He glanced over at Fyn Cour, "Once!" He laughed. "I mean, would it hurt her to know the ponies she's fighting with?"

The moon shined down brightly on the deck. The waves gently rocked the wooden ships. Night breeze pushed the sails. "I can't imagine the fighting we are gonna go through." Fyn frowned, "I'm kinda sad. Knowing that the young colts and mares back at Lalifong want to fight too."

"When the fighting actually starts they'll change their mind."

"And you won't?"


"Oh really? I think Flake has more guts that you." Fyn laughed.

"Oh come on. She is one of the strongest mares I know, I give her that. But she can't be any tougher than me."

Fyn chuckled, "Says the one who almost cried when he got seasick."

Seng looked over at Fyn, "Hey, we all had our fair share."

"No, I think you were literally the only one who got seasick."

"Shut up." Seng smiled.


Captain Jinx and Elize were in the Captain's cabin.

"Elize, we need to talk."

"There's nothing to talk about, Jinx."

"Look, Share is carrying your best friend. I know damn well you remember her! I still can't believe father believed that story."

"Randall isn't anything to me anymore. Stop bringing her up."

"You're pathetic. I'll be back." She teleported.


Jinx appeared at the ship's helm. Seng and Fyn Cour looked at her. Jinx walked to them, "What are you two doing up so late?"

"Uhh, nothing." Fyn answered. "We were just talking." Fyn was a little nervous.

"Where's Dawn?"

"She went away with Excaelum a while back."

"Who's commanding Share in her stead?"

"Knight Black Soul."

"Not anymore. I am assuming command until she returns. Wake everypony!"


"Now, Seng!" Jinx screamed. Seng went below deck. "Fyn, do me a favor. Go check out the supplies. Check if we have enough food, weapons, and the like."

"Okay but, may I ask something first?"


"What's happening?"

"You and the rest of Dawn's crew are not even closed to prepared."

"And you think waking them up will help? They're tired."

"Do not argue with me. Do as I say or I'll have you thrown in the brig."

"Yes, captain." Fyn angrily went below deck.

An hour later the whole crew of Share was awake doing pointless work. Scrubbing the same rails, checking the same weapons. Knight Black Soul finally mustered up the courage to confront Jinx.

"You have no right to be commanding us."

"Oh I think I do."


"Shadow. He ordered me to take care of her and anypony important to her. And I'm taking care of her crew. Her friends. Her family."

"You and him go back?"

"Very far back. We'll be at Saddle Arabia in a few hours hours. Rally up your Knights familiar to battle otherwise they stay below deck. I suspect Garren has more than Changelings in his army."


Excaelum flew below the cloud layers, "Dawn, I have the city in my sights. Wake up now." He hovered in one spot.

Dawn rubbed her eyes and looked for her father, "Where's my dad?"

"Flying around. He told me to tell you to drop you off on your ship, unless you say different."

"Yeah yeah. Take me to my ship once we figure something out. What're you gonna do?"

"I'm going to wait. Just in case my brother decides to reveal himself."

"Do you think you're ready for him?"

"Do you think you're ready for Lacoden?"

"I'm not sure."

"That's my answer." A white light flashed into the air, seconds later a black light followed. "It's begun."

Dawn had shivers running up her spine. "Being mortal again makes this a lot scarier."

"Just focus on Lacoden. Your friends, your father, and I will take care of everything else. Are you okay?"

"Getting there. Umm, any tips I should know about fighting her?"

"She is strong. You have to be stronger. She is smart. You have to be smarter. That's all I can give you."

"Another thing, if it comes down to it, I'm not sure if I can..." she paused for a moment, "kill her."

"Dawn, no one is sure if they can take another life. I have faith in you. You will find a way to defeat her without killing."

"And you? Will you find a way to stop Orcusin?"

"No. There's little hope for him, if any." Dawn sighed, "Don't worry about me."

A dark yellow light shot up into the air. Dawn shuddered, "Th-that's her!"

"Calm down. Big breaths, Dawn. You can't face her like that."

"Her light is dimmer than before, Excaelum. She's lost. I can't. I can't fight her."

"You will fight her. If she doesn't fight you, she won't kill you. She'll fight your friends. And kill them instead."

"Some motivator you are." She was panting. The black and white lights went out. Soon after the dark-yellow light followed. "I'm next. Then you. Then", she paused, "your brother. Take me down to her please. Maybe I can avoid fighting her. One last try." As they were descending Dawn thought of something that could change everything, "Wait.."

"What is it?"

"Never mind. Doesn't look like any fighting has started."

Excaelum saw a shiny tinkle, "Hang on!" He rolled to the right. "She fired at us." Dawn looked back, a few seconds passed, and the warhead exploded. She felt its shockwave even though they were far from it.

"We can't let that hit any of the ships. It'll turn them to dust. It went a good distance before exploding. Excaelum take me to the ships. They shouldn't be too far from here."

"Hold on. Let me fly over and see what army they have for us." They glided far above Saddle Arabia. Watching for incoming warheads. They saw a dark figure flying at them from below.

"I think that's my father." She heard him scream something, couldn't really make it out. As he got closer she heard, "Above you!" She looked up to the sky and saw three large birds. They started to dive at them. "Excaelum, above us!" The Banshees screeched. Excaelum faced his body to them and blew a streak of blue fire. He scorched one but, the other two flew straight through the fire. Dawn fell. She was screaming. She couldn't think. She was too terrified. Luckily, her father caught her.

"We have to leave!" Shadow shouted. "Their forces are too strong for us." He turned to his daughter, he saw her staring at Excaelum fighting for his life. "Hang on!" Shadow flew to the Banshees. He unsheathed his hoof-sword and cut the hind leg of one of them. In a blink of an eye the Banshee turned its attention to Shadow. Excaelum saw his opportunity and grabbed the Banshee that was onto him. He tore its wings off and sent it down in flames. He saw that the last one was chasing after his family. He rocketed toward it and struck it in its skull. It fell to the ground, still alive twitching, then finally it died.

"Shadow, Dawn!" He shouted. Shadow landed on his back, set his daughter down, "What were they?" Excaelum had his claws on his chest. He flew weakly.

"Banshees, creatures from Tartarus. Excaelum, I know you're hurt but have to take us to the ships. We cannot have them sail into Death's mouth."

On board the Abyss

"Captain, there's a dragon headed toward us!" One sailor shouted.

"Course of action, Captain?" Another shouted.

"Captain Jinx," her first lieutenant said, "Shadow and Captain Dawn are on that dragon."

"What the hell you think you should do then?!" She shouted. "I'm not gonna be here forever, Shore. Learn."

"Yes, Captain. Clear the deck!" He shouted. Excaelum crashed onto the Abyss. Shore ran down to him, "What happened?"

"Jinx, weigh anchor now!" Shadow shouted.

Shore glanced at his captain, she nodded, "Weigh anchor!"

Shadow went to Jinx at the stern of the ship. He noticed that the other ships behind them have also stopped. "What is it?"

"We have to go back to Wary Ripples and prepare ourselves. We are not capable of winning this battle."

"We haven't got the time to do that, Shadow."

"We have to make the time. Look what happened to Excaelum. Only three of them did that. Imagine what 9 of them can do to him. They will kill him and then who will be left to fight his brother?"

Knight Black Soul flew over, "Is she okay?" Shadow nodded. Soul let out of sigh of relief. "Excaelum got hurt pretty bad." She looked over the railing and saw Dawn comforting him as others tended to his wounds.

"We wouldn't be here without him." Shadow replied. "We need Longbeard, Elize, Klaus, and Marl."

"And the princesses?"

"Leave them out of this! This isn't for fillies!" Jinx thundered.

"Don't you call them that!" Black Soul yelled.

"She's right, Soul. As insulting as it may seem the princesses have little to no say in our plans."

"They are your princesses, Black Soul. Never will be mine." Jinx scolded. Soul flew off. "Stupid girl."

"You can't hold yourself back even a little?" Shadow asked.


"Just try to, okay?"

"Whatever. Want to know my solution to taking back Saddle Arabia?" Shadow looked at her, "Kill them all."

"It's not that simple. What's wrong with you? You aren't thinking." Shaodw heard flapping above them. "Kishi. Who's that with him?" The larger dragon swooped down and carried Excaelum away. Everyone panicked then, Kishi landed. Shadow approached him. They both bowed to each other and Kishi flew off.

"Back to work." Shouted Jinx.

Shiste dropped Excaelum on the ground without a care and laughed hysterically, "Hahaha, the son of Lord Dragaitas is defeated by Banshees! Get up! I have so much to teach you." He continued to laugh, "And I'm supposed to take orders from you?" Excaelum weakly lifted his head up off the ground, then passed out. "Centerra, I'll take care Orcusin's allies. Make sure he recovers. His allies are a fair challenge, Orcusin however will be nearly impossible for him to defeat without another Gravity dragon teaching him how to master the element. You are the more intelligent one out of the three of your brothers. Speak to Lord Chronin. She'll be able to help you. When I return I'll have the heads of his allies. I made a promise. To your father, to keep the three of you alive. The two of you is simple. Orcusin, I'm afraid ending his life is keeping him alive. There's a lot more to living than being alive." Shiste flew up into the sky.

"Longbeard, we can not attack now. We'll be slaughtered." Shadow exclaimed. He was trying desperately to stop them, "We are outnumbered. The Changelings have hundreds of drones. Three of them for every one of us we have. Banshees will prevent us from having an effective aerial assault and come nightfall Amaroks will be on the hunt. Picking off our ground troops one by one. Not to mention the risk of having Orcusin attacking us."

"I don't think a dragon of his caliber will waste his time with us. If I were him I'd wait for the two to kill each other then, come in and finish them." Jinx replied.

Longbeard raised his voice and added, "Jinx, he says it's too dangerous. We aren't going!"

"Fine. Crew!" Jinx yelled.

"Yes cap'n?!" The crew replied in unison.

"Are we going to wait.....or fight and die?!"

The crew answered, "Fight and die!!"

"There you have it. We are willing to die. If we do indeed die, we would've pushed them back to where they came from. You don't want to help us, get off my ship."

Marl tried to take her out of it, "It's suicide. You won't make it to port!" He went to the railing and shouted, "Your captain is leading you to your deaths! Do you not care?!"

Jinx's lieutenant answered, "We do, but wherever she goes we do. Even given the choice to turn our backs on her we don't. We wouldn't be here in this fleet without her. We would be making a mess of our lives. Crew, battle stations!"

"I will say again. Get off my ship if you won't help us." Shadow, Dawn, Klaus, Longbeard, and Marl went back to their own ships. "Elize, will you be abandoning me too?"

"It is suicide from what we've seen. But I will cover you to port. Once you and your crew are on land I will pull back."

"Thank you."

"You're welcome." She smiled.

Dawn came up the stairs, "Where did everyone go?"

"They left. We are going to attack Garren. The others think it's suicide. You should go too." Jinx said. "A lot of us won't come back. Probably not even me. We won't blame you if you left. We don't blame your father for leaving."

Dawn smiles, even staring into their eyes she tries to be happy, "Well, I'm going to go. Plus, I'm not much of a fighter yet. Come back." She teleports away.

"Alright, get to the Nautilus."


She trotted over to the railing. Built up her voice, "Listen up! Captain Elize will make sure we get to land. Once there, we will Split into three divisions. Division One will be the first off this ship. Led by Shore. Shore, assemble your team. Division Two will follow, I will be leading. Shore and I will be each taking about 8 of you with us. The remainder will make up Division Three. Division Three will stay on the ship. Any one of you want out. Say so now and you'll can go." None of the crew answered her. "Fight and die!"

The ship sailed it's way to battle. Onboard Share shadow was speaking to Black Soul and Storm. When they figured out that Elize was going with Jinx they were deciding if they should go to. Only a few members of the RAK were experienced fighters. This decision was difficult. Soon after Marl's was headed after Jinx. Aquarius had a spell casted on her that made her sail faster. She cut through the waves.

Shadow said, "Alright. Three of our fleet are headed their. Let's give Garren a different front to fight on. I will lead an aerial assault. I need our fastest flyers with me. We'll be flying low. Using the trees and buildings as cover from the Banshees. Those who can't fly will stay on the ship. Preparing for the aftermath."

Dawn appeared, "We have to bring the ship close enough to respond quickly if retreat is necessary." She ordered, "Get my ship moving!"

"Move into cannon range?" Storm asked.

"Chances are the Changelings will come attack Share if we do that." Shadow replied. "Dawn, it's your ship. What do we do?"

She answered, "Move into cannon range. Father, you'll take a small group of fighters while the rest of us defend this ship."

"Sounds good. I'll go assemble my team. Storm, care to tag along?"

"Give me the word and I'll be ready." Storm was excited. He rushed down below deck to get his gear.

"Dawn, my team and I will head out before you come into view of the port." He trotted over to his daughter and wrapped his wings around her. "Take care of yourself."

"I will, dad." Shadow turned around and walked down the stairs. Dawn heard him shout out Seng's name.

Below deck Storm realized it was eerily empty. He wondered where the rest of the crew were. He walked to the back of the ship where his things were, then he heard a crash coming from behind. He spun around fast and saw a unicorn. He couldn't see its face clearly. The entire body of it was like fog. "Who are you?" Storm asked.

"I'm what you fear most." It laughed. His fog-like body hugged the ground and made the body of Soul.

Storm was going crazy, "No." He started to whimper. He couldn't stop staring at the image the fog made.

A voice came directly by his ear, "My orders are to not kill any of you. Nothing says I can't drive you to insanity." It laughed. The fog reformed as the unicorn. The fog rushed at Storm and went through his body and disappeared.

Storm was cold and fell to his knees. The image of Soul's body imprinted in his mind. "Lacoden, I will kill you." Shadow had chosen Cloudfire, Seng, and Storm for his mission, but Aero was volunteering he should go. Shadow allowed it. Storm came back above deck.

"Storm, we are heading out now. Stay low. Stay close. Follow me and you'll be fine." Shadow said. Shadow jumped off the railing and opened his wings and flew off. The rest followed. Though confident Shadow wasn't sure if he could keep his entire unit alive.

Two days later

He did keep alive. He was lucky. Jinx wasn't. Just on the day they planned their attack almost her entire crew was taken out. They carried out their plan, but didn't expect the Amaroks to be out. They tore her friends to pieces in front of her. Garren and Lacoden followed them by rooftop. Laughing at their agony. Nautilus couldn't do anything, neither could Aquarius. Kept at bay by the hundreds of Changelings, Marl suffered from only a few casualties. few of Marl's crew were killed. Nautilus wasn't able to surface due to mechanical failures.

Shadow called a retreat. Storm was furious with him. Shadow argued that if they attacked the combined forces of Amaroks, Lacoden, and Garren would've wiped them out. Shadow gathered what was left of Jinx and her crew and led them inland. Dawn, Klaus, and Longbeard bombarded Saddle Arabia from their ships. At the cost of many civilians casualties they drove Garren's forces out. They sailed to Fallen Star.

ACT III: Chapter 45 - Voyage

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ACT III: Chapter 45 - Voyage

Three years after the reclamation of Saddle Arabia

Shadow and Dawn traveled from the west to east coast back and forth fighting thugs and monsters to sharpen their skills. Making enemies along the way. That didn't matter. They wouldn't be able to stop the duo. They both became slightly bitter, but that didn't stop their infinite love for each other. The R.A.K. forged the orphans whose parents were slaughtered by Garren into warriors. With the relentless training and missions they became experts at using the hoof-blade.

Garren and Lacoden were doing the same. In secret Lacoden killed her very own mercenaries to train herself. Testing out ways to deliver fatally instant strikes. Garren was readying the band of pirates and mercenaries he hired at the halfway mark between Fallen Star and the mainland to create a blockade. Garren knew Shadow would get through the blockade, but he just wanted to mess with his enemies mind. Meditation was his preferred method of training. He would sit in front of the crystal of Fallen Star and bathe in its presence.

Excaelum and Centerra traveled with Lord Chronin. Lord Chronin tried her best to teach them how to master Gravity by feeding them her memories of her experiences with Gravity dragons. How they moved, spoke, acted, and killed were all vital for them to keep Gravity dragons dominate in the Dragon Kingdom. Shiste hunted down all of Orcusin's allies in order to protect Excaelum. Excaelum relieved Shiste of his service out of anger that he couldn't kill them himself and gratitude to him. Shiste also traveled with Lord Chronin since she was the only one who he can connect personally with. Ula, Lord Chronin's ambassador, escaped from Orcusin's inner circle and retreated back to his Lord.

Canon and Retina were still prisoners of Lacoden. Working the decks and living with rats. Their spirits were nearly broken. They followed orders as if they themselves were Changelings. Not once have they tried to escape. There were too many Changelings and without Canon's wings he was unable to fly Retina or himself out of capture.

Ever since Saddle Arabia has been liberated there were no attempts from Garren to take it back. Shadow didn't know why, but he knew that if he didn't stop Garren he will go insane.

"Dawn, can you have the princesses meet with me at Share? I need to have a few words with them." Shadow said. Shadow and Dawn were overlooking Saddle Arabia from a hill.

"They're busy with the group of griffons you saved and left at the castle. I'd think they would be angry, they're actually happy to have new faces in their home."

"I just want this damn conflict to end. It hasn't felt like it's been three years since our last battle. Then we can go back to our home."

"You think we can have the next one be our last?"

"Yes, a lot of our friends would die though in the process."

"I hope not." Dawn was looking to the sky, "What's a griffon doing here?"

"It's headed to your ship." The griffon landed on the deck of Share and was directed by Knight Black Soul to Shadow and Dawn's location. "Damn, it's headed here." Shadow laughed. "This could be interesting."

The griffon landed in front of them, "Shadow, Dawn, my name is Gizzard." It bowed. "May I have a word?"

"We meet again. I'm sure you're gonna say more than "a word" but go ahead." Dawn smiled.

"You've grown much since the last time we met." He looked at Shadow, "My commander, Talon, is gonna attack Fallen Star. And she would like to know if you would aid us."



"Tomorrow?! How's she plan on attacking?" Dawn asked.

"An aerial assault. Our plan is to ambush the island."

Shadow thought to himself about the time when he was living at Fallen Star and how their plan sounded familiar. "They have thousands of Changelings. Who Lacoden may have developed weapons to take aerials out of the sky. I wouldn't risk it."

"We have already scouted the island thoroughly. They don't have many numbers. Like they're on the verge of defeat."

"Garren and Lacoden aren't stupid. They knew you were there. Tell your commander to not attack the island. "

"I will tell her you rejected her request. We will understand." Gizzard opened his wings.

"Wait!" Dawn shouted. Gizzard looked at her, "Take care of yourself."

"Worry about your own lives." Gizzard smiled, "Oh, and one more thing. According to our records of the island it seems the island has expanded. I'd look into it." He bowed then flew off.

Dawn let out a deep sigh, "We aren't gonna see him again, are we?"

"Sadly. Griffons are as stubborn as a brick wall. Dawn, did you notice anything about their attack strategy?"

"No. What about it?"

"Sounds like the same tactic used when we were there."

"Now that I think about it does. And what was that thing about the island expanding?" We'll find out soon enough. Teleport us to Share." Dawn's magic has improved greatly. Ever since she gained authority next by her father she felt unstoppable. They appeared on the ships deck and the crew bowed and turned to them. Knight Black Soul greeted them, "You know you could've told him we were sleeping?"

"He felt trustworthy enough. Why was he here?" "She turned around, "Back to work please."

"Belay that last!" Shadow shouted and got the crews attention, "Scrubbing spotless decks will be over. The griffons plan on attacking Garren tomorrow. They will get there before we do, let's just hope they aren't all dead before we get there. Prepare to sail. We depart tomorrow morning. Check our munitions, food, supplies, and sails. Get to it!" The crew scrambled. "Soul, sorry to drop this on you."

"Attacking while there defenses are well, less strong. I don't blame you. We will have enough time to prepare sailing there." Dawn shouted called for her dad then, Shadow looked over his shoulder to her and she pointed to the sky. "Ah, just in time too." Excaelum was flying over the horizon with a few other dragons.

"Conversation will in order with our old friend. Looks like they're landing on that hill. Dawn, come on." Dawn ran up next to Shadow and teleported them to the dragons. They bowed to the dragons and the dragons to them. "I hope all has been well, Lord Excaelum."

"Yes, it's been quite busy." Excaelum replied. "And yourself?"

"Likewise. And it's about to get even more so. We are beginning our voyage to Fallen Star tomorrow. Following up on an attack by griffons."

"Luster, will change the direction of the current west." Chronin said, "Personally I suggest you move now." Chronin called for Luster and she flew over into the water. Waves were forming and moving away from the shore. "That will speed up your journey, should be there within a week or so."

Dawn said, "Thank you, Lord Chronin."

"I haven't done a thing yet. Thank her." Chronin replied with a smile. Luster flew back up to them. "Well, I will retire now. Dawn," Chronin bowed, Dawn bowed back, "Shadow." They bowed to each other then, Lord Chronin flew off with Shiste right behind her.

"My fight is not with the Changelings, Shadow. I must save my strength to fight Orcusin." Excaelum scolded.

"I understand. Dawn, set sail now. I'll catch up." Shadow said. Dawn said her goodbyes to Excaelum and the ships had their sails westward. "The sooner we finish this the better. I haven't slept with both my eyes closed in a long time."

"I don't sleep at all." Excaelum chuckled.

"You're gonna have to. It'd clear your mind. Now listen, Excaelum. If I don't come out of this alive promise me you'll look after Dawn."

"What happens to that promise if I die?"

"You'll be fine." Shadow smiled. "My gut is telling me that there will only be a hooful of us coming back."

"I better be on my way, brother."

Shadow laughed, "Brother? Well, ain't that a little bit of change from you. We'll see each other again soon, brother." Shadow flew towards the ships.

"Lord, why won't you help them fight?" Luster asked.

"A timberwolf wouldn't waste his energy fighting a cat. To put it in simpler words. We have a ghost to visit, Luster. Let's see what he knows."

"You told me his cave collapsed."

"Something tells me that's not his only lair."

As Shadow was just over Saddle Arabia he looked down and saw a few crew members on the pier, he descended to them, "Got left behind, Cloudfire?" He asked.

"No, sir. Just thought it'd be best to hold the down the fort. Grazer and a few others stayed behind as well."

"You aren't ready. That's just fine. I trust that you can take care of yourselves. Keep yourselves busy, we'll be back soon enough."

Chapter 46 - Heavy Eyes for the Defeated

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Chapter 46 - Heavy Eyes for the Defeated

4 days after departing from Saddle Arabia

Garren felt the wind below his wings as he soar higher into the night sky. The gales couldn't hold him back, he was stronger and faster than he was before. He would stay in the sky his entire life if he could, an impossible dream that was. A small part of his heart still yearned to live a peaceful life. When he looked at Lacoden he saw their past lives on Fallen Star. The happiness, the love, and the peace. His heart has been slowly being devoured by his lust for revenge against the griffons for destroying their life. And against Shadow for siding with them even though he himself once wanted to see the griffons wiped off the face of the planet. His own student, who was almost like a son to him, betrayed him.

Lacoden felt a pain in her sharp strong chest. She felt as if her heart was about to burst. She felt the presence of her other self trying to gain control over her mind. Her other self was stronger than before, Lacoden had trouble suppressing this parasite. Eventually her chest relaxed and the pain stopped. Her long inky purple hair swayed in front of her mouth as she gasped for air. She saw the Changelings glare at her with smirks on their ugly faces and shouted at them. She went below deck and continued on to the brig. Retina called her over and since Lacoden wasn't occupied she thought a conversation with her prisoner would soothe her. Why do you fight? What do you plan on doing after all this fighting? Were the questions Retina asked her. Lacoden answered the second question with, "sleep". The way she answered that made Retina curious. Lacoden was angry, stubborn, and terrifying most of the times Retina had spoken with her. This time she sounded depressed and lonely. Retina asked what she meant by sleep and Lacoden gave a somber answer. Lacoden used her magic to lift a sword from her side and moved it along her throat.

Lacoden sheathed her sword and stared at the cold wet wood below her roughed hooves. She pressed her head against the bars of Retina's cell and let out a sigh. Retina pointed out that Lacoden hasn't answered her first question yet. Lacoden was hesitant and stuttered as she answered her. Lacoden said that she didn't want to kill Dawn, she just wanted to wound her and then leave her for dead, like how Dawn had left her. She also said that fighting is all she knew. That no pony would ever see her again as the little filly she once was.

Retina was satisfied with what she got from Lacoden. Deep down she knew that Lacoden wanted a friend, perhaps like Dawn. Not a mentor like Garren who she couldn't reveal her true feelings to fearing that she would be announced weak. Lacoden laid on the deck and leaned against the cell. The ship gently rocked back and forth. The dark corridors of the ship were only lit by moonlight that seeped through the cracks in the ships. It smelled like rotten fish and rats, it was a familiar odor to Lacoden so it didn't bother her so much. Lacoden listened to the waves run into the ship as if it were a lullaby. She took her white coat and used it as a blanket and levitated a nearby sack of grain as a pillow. Sleep had begun to bury her.

Lacoden woke up to the sound of seagulls cawing. She rolled over onto her back and stared at the deck above and felt rejuvenated. She rose slowly and stretch her legs and straightened her messy hair and cleaned her dirty coat with her magic. She looked behind her and saw that Retina was fast asleep. Her coat was levitated onto her back and she trotted to the top deck. She yawned and rubbed her eyes. She ordered the Changelings to scrub the decks like she did routinely. Garren was at the helm staring at the wake of their ship. Lacoden met with Garren.

"Morning," Garren said with content. Lacoden nodded in reply, "Three years without fighting has made us soft, don't you agree?"

"Aye. I've noticed the winds have been pushing west more strongly than usual. They are coming."

"The faster the better, Lacoden." Something in the sky caught Garren's eye. It hit the surface of the ocean. "Hold on." Garren flew over the railing and glided over the water to the object. As he drew closer to it he saw that it was a feather. He cupped it in his hooves and flew back to the ship. He gave the feather to Lacoden, "Not of a bird. Do you know what this is, Lacoden?" Garren's face became stern.

"Griffon." Lacoden answered angrily. She looked up into the sky, "Must be above the clouds."

Garren rushed to the railings in front of the wheel and shouted, "Prepare for battle!" The Changelings dropped their tools and rushed below deck for blades. When they were ready Garren ordered, "Do not let the griffons slash our sails! And they must reach Fallen Star. Kill as many as you can. You are all bred to fight, do not let the griffons put down the name of Changelings any longer!"

Griffons were a proud and cocky race. They put have placed themselves on a pedestal above every race, including a dragons. Something that the Changelings and Garren can agree upon. Even though the Changelings weren't as smart, strong, or fast compared to griffons their loyalty was absolute to their queen.

"They are more combat ready than before, Garren. Let them take the first wave." Lacoden said. Garren nodded in agreement, "Changelings, I want a quarter of you to fly up into the clouds and bring some griffons down. Make them want to come down and fight us! We are greater in numbers. Overwhelm them." Lacoden had the same order relayed to three other nearby ships. A flare was shot into the air as the signal to attack and in an instant Changelings ascended. There was an eerie silence after the first wave of Changelings had flown into the sky. They all watched the sky but couldn't see pass the thick layers of clouds.

Anxiety was building up in the rest of the Changelings. Garren and Lacoden remained calm. They saw a few shadows appear. They were bodies. Bodies of griffons and Changelings splashed into the ocean and splattered on the decks of the ships. Raining down after them were blades and swords. "Cover!" Lacoden shouted. They found shelter under the decks and the cannons.

Lacoden cast a spell to protect her from incoming objects, she walked out from under the wheel and found a griffon gargling blood. She equipped her sword and cut his head off. Her blade was as fine as ever. She felt no resistance cutting through its thick layer of feathers and bone. She held her sword in front of her and a dark grin carved her face. She ordered another wave of Changelings into the sky.

Garren readied himself and shot up into the sky after them. As he was flying higher and higher bodies and weapons came raining down. With his quick reflexes and agility he was able to evade them with ease. What Garren saw above the clouds was incredible. A battle like nothing he has ever seen. The cries from the Changelings and shrieks from the griffons filled the air. Their blood rained down upon the ships an apocalypse had begun. He rushed into battle like a filly at a candy store. His adrenaline and excitement was in control of his mind.

A pair of griffons charged to Garren and he charged back. Seconds before the lances of the griffons could reach Garren, Garren cut to their left and stabbed one of the griffons in his ribs then pushed him into the other. He pulled his sword back and reached over to the other warrior and sliced his wings. They fell cawing for help. Garren noticed that the griffons were regrouping a ways back. The Changelings regrouped behind Garren.

"They plan on attacking you all at once, Garren." A Changelings panted.

"That they are. Leave them all to me." Garren flew a few yards in front of his Changelings and took in a deep breath. He swiped his sword in the air to get rid of the blood that had smeared it.

He exhaled and uttered his incantation, "Zaz." The clouds began to to swirl around Garren and a howl poured their way into the ears of all around. A black aura had turned the once snow clouds into a shroud of black. His sword had been risen to his face. He started to glide slowly to the griffon army. Commander Talon had ordered her archers and magicians to fire at Garren. They shot missiles and spells they were knocked away by Garren's aura. Her army was not going to let him kill them without a fight. They charged.

Garren sliced at their thick necks as quick as a praying mantis reaching for its prey. His hearing became selective. He heard nothing but the sound of flesh tearing from bone. Screams and the clashing of metal was inaudible to him. His sword felt like a feather; he swung and stabbed with a swiftness that made him feel like a waterfall. A constant battery of strength that didn't stop for anything even for the most stubborn of rocks.

The pools of blood didn't fall to the ocean during this time. It stayed afloat like it were a cloud. Not like the bodies, armor, and weapons that fell. Commander Talon was on the brink of surrender before Garren stood before her. A few guards froze in their place, Gizzard among them. They trembled with a unearthly amount of fear. Their bodies rattled their armor. Garren placed a hoof on the chest of one of her guards and brought him in front of her.

Garren's white coat shaded as he absorbed the life force of that griffon. He felt rejuvenated. He had absorbed a fraction of the guards life force. Garren finished him off with a slow stab to his chest, twisting his blade and then retracting it. Commander Talon and two of her guards were spared. Unfortunately Gizzard was not. Gizzard aged before their eyes from a sturdy and tough warrior to frail and ghastly. His throat too weak to even cry for help and his claws to heavy for him to lift. Garren kept his physical appearance but his bones became more solid and his organs felt newer. Garren released Gizzard from his grip and dropped him alive. Gizzard's body slapped the ocean with a loud report, his body floated among the other thousands of dead griffons.

Commander Talon and her guards relieved themselves of their weapons and armor then, flew away in shallow defeat. They have never felt so much shame in all their lives. Garren and the Chnagelings descended and as Garren's aura faded away the blood above followed them down. Trickling down their necks and hitting their sails, turning the water into a dark crimson. Lacoden bowed in respect to Garren, he replied with a bow.

About fifteen minutes later the dead silence of victory was interrupted by the hundreds of sea creatures and seabirds that filled their stomachs. Commander Talon's two remaining warriors,out of the two-thousand she had brought, were deep in silence. Her eyes overflows with tears of shame and defeat. Her wings weigh her down. A needle continually stabs her heart.

Chapter 47 - Blockade

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Chapter 47 - Blockade

"Captain, our employers appear to be coming for a visit." A sailor said to his captain who was lounging at his desk.

The captain stood up, "Must be important we haven't gotten any news from them since the last moon." He walked out onto the deck and trotted over to the railings. "Ah, make yourself useful, son. Make some tea for us." The captain greeted Garren and Lacoden as they boarded with a "hello".

"Captain, you will have company within the next few days. I expect you will stop our intruders where they sail." Garren scolded.

"Aye, all this waiting had better be worth the waiting." The captain replied bitterly.

"Oh, don't worry I'm sure you'd have quite the experience." Garren replied with a smirk.

The blockade was made of 12 ship constantly sailing the same courses day and night. They sank any ships they wanted, with no repercussions. The majority of captains were brutes with their attack strategies. Pure strength. They would never work with the ships ran by more educated captains, but money kept them both cooperative.

"We saw what happened after you destroyed those griffons, Garren." The captain said. "Unbelievable it was."

Garren felt a sense of pride, "You haven't see. The best of it."

A few days later Share anchored, the blockade was no more than twenty miles away. The sky was riddled with gray clouds and the waves were more than uneasy this morning. "Get my daughter will you, Fyn?" Shadow asked.

"Of course." Fyn Cour ran off below deck and fetched Dawn and they both returned to Shadow at the bow of the ship. "Don't go on getting hurt, all right? I had enough problems dealing with you two when you walked into poison ivy." She laughed.

"Yeah, yeah." Dawn chuckled, "Dad, looks like they are sending a couple of messengers." Two Changelings were flying towards them. "What do you think Garren wants?"

"Maybe for us to surrender to him. Never going to happen. Dawn, I want you to focus just on Lacoden when the fighting begins. Understood?" Shadow scolded.

"I know, father." Dawn replied with a slight of annoyance.

Lacoden was below deck checking what she had available in her armory. "Changeling!" She shouted to a worker, "To my knowledge there should be 12 harpoons in our inventory. Is that correct?"

"I'm afraid not," the Changeling trembled, "Master Lacoden, I searched all over the ship and recounted many times earlier. We have only 11. Must have been stolen." The Changelings reached for his satchel and laid a torn red piece of cloth in front of her hooves. "I found this hooked on a nail."

Lacoden levitated the cloth and examined it, then dropped it. "Damn." Lacoden grew angry, Luckily we won't need anymore Changelings then we have." She launched the Changeling into the side of the ship crushing every bone in his body. Lacoden walked back to the brig and saw Canon sleeping, "You!" She shouted, she unlocked his cell, "Above deck now!" She ordered.

The messengers sent to Shadow had just arrived on Share, "Lord Garren has requested your presence, Master Shadow. For a conversation of some sorts. He asks you come unarmed as a formality. If you deny his invitation then war will begin as soon as we send the signal." Shadow noticed that the Changelings had flares on their sides.

"Very well. I accept." Shadow answered. The Changelings flew off and Knight Black Soul ran up behind him, "Funny, Garren would attack regardless."

"I know. You think you'll be safe over there?" She asked.

"I don't have the slightest clue." He spread his wings. "Watch yourselves." He flew quickly to the ship where Lacoden was waiting on the deck for him. Shadow felt Lacoden's strength pushing against him slightly. "My how you have grown, Lacoden."

"Why yes I have. We both stopped doing our blood sacrifices and began to accept our tragic process of aging."

"It's beautiful, Lacoden. You'll understand once you get to my age." Lacoden made a short sarcastic laugh, "It is good to see you are well." Shadow smiled. Lacoden made no reply.

"Garren is waiting in the cabin. Hurry it up." She said.

On the way to the stern of the ship Shadow noticed that Canon had his eyes on him as he walked passed him Shadow whispered, "We'll get you out of here. I promise."

Canon chuckled then replied, "About time."

Shadow pushed the door and saw that Garren was waiting at his desk. He filled two mugs with red wine, "I knew you'd come. Please come have a drink."

"I'd love to, but I did not come here to have a couple of drinks." Shadow shut the door behind him, "There are innocent lives at stake. There is no need for them to die, not even the Changelings. Or the mercenaries you have hired."

"Is that so?" Garren took a sip from his mug, "then why bring them? You and I both know we all have a roll to play in this. You see, I just want to bring you, your daughter, and that dragon of yours to Fallen Star."

"Why are we gonna reminisce? Why is our attendance there so important?" Shadow walked over to the desk and grabbed the remaining mug with his wing.

"Oh, in time you'll see."

Shadow sighed, "All things aside, you're still my friend and my teacher. That being said I'd do anything to save you from yourself, even if that means cutting you down."

"I will do the same for you." Garren took a big gulp and swallowed, "Isn't this wine like an elixir?"

"Yes, much like the ones we drank after celebrating the new year, not so long after our children were born. "

"Aye, this is in fact the same wines from my cellar. Everything else gone except for my wine." Garren laughed. "Now, on to a more important conversation. How have you and Dawn been?"

"Well, you and Lacoden seem to be doing well yourselves."

"Yes, yes we have." Garren's brows slanted, "Be a shame if you weren't around to see your grandchildren."

Shadow grew angry, "Threats?"

"More like advice. I just want us to work together, Shadow. Imagine all of Equestria bowing down to us. No others can stop us. We can wipe out the griffons once and for all. Like we once dreamed of."

"A dream conjured up from anger."

"You have grown soft for those griffons."

"I have. And it is not my weakness, but my strength that helped me do that."

"Ha! Let's see if your strength can match those of that excuse of an army those griffons sent here."

"We saved the griffons you let go. According to them you are the most powerful being they have seen." Shadow paused, "You will fall.....I think our little talk to over." Shadow stormed out of the door slamming it behind him.

"I agree." Garren said to himself.

Shadow gave Canon a nod as he trotted away and a "farewell" to Lacoden. When he returned to Share he immediately ordered the ship to prepare themselves. Then a light shot into the sky, the light light coming from Garren's ship. Storm was looking through a scope and he shouted, "Something's happening?"

"What is it?" Knight Soul asked.

"Shit," Storm took his eye away, wiped it, then returned it to the end of the scope, "Lacoden is on top of the mast!"

What Storm saw clearly Shadow and the others only saw a blur of. Lacoden had Canon next to her and he looked like a statue. No emotion was seen on his face from what Storm saw. He also saw that they were talking. Then suddenly Lacoden pushed the wingless Pegasus off the mast and mid fall the Pegasus stopped; he hung as if there was a noose tied around his neck. Storm dropped to his knees and couldn't speak a word.

Garren's shipped had its side facing Share. A flicker of light came from it.

"They can't hit us with cannons that far. Can they?" Lancer asked nervously.

"That wasn't a cannon...," A chill ran though Shadow's spine,"Dawn, put a shield up now!!" He shouted.

Not hesitating to question her father Dawn conjured up a shield around their ship as fast as she could. The other captains did the same. Waves were splitting and they got closer and closer moving at a high speed, then in an instant the shield around Share was engulfed in a golden flame and the force of the explosion knocked everypony off their hooves. The center mast made a nasty crack and it toppled over them landing on the stern of the ship. The shield was down.

Shadow used the railing to hoist himself up and he saw that Abyss was steaming toward the blockade with Aquarius and Reef accompanying her. He saw his friend Longbeard boarded Share and ran toward Shadow. Longbeard castes a spell that cleared Shadow's vision and the shaking in his head, but not the dreadful ringing in his ears.

Weakly Shadow uttered, "What..," he coughed, "what happened?" Shadow winced as he popped his ears.

"Your friends have made a weapon I've never seen before." Longbeard looked around the wreckage,"You got dead sailors, my friend." He sighed,"I'll do what I can to help all of you." Longbeard trotted around clearing the minds of the disoriented.

"Dawn." Shadow looked up and saw that Dawn wasn't anywhere on the deck. "Dawn!" He saw her lying under fallen mast. "No." He ran as fast as he could to her. When he stood over her he tried lifting the mast up but his limbs felt like they were out of their sockets because of the explosions. Seng, Aero, and Lancer all joined him in lifting the mast. They got it up a few inches off her legs.

"Come on, quick!" Aero exclaimed. Lancer quickly dropped the mast and pull her away. They all jumped back as the mast fell on the deck.

"Seng, get Fyn! Now!" Shadow shouted.

"I can't. She's hurt bad." Seng said.

"All right, well I'll do what I can with her. Go help the others. Thanks for your help, you three." Shadow lifted Dawn gently. "Are you hurt? Dawn?"

"Yeah..." She replied, her eyes flowed with tears. She sat up, "My legs are fine, dad. Just sore." She had small cut just below her neck, just above her chest. "I can't believe she did that. Lacoden."

"Was that her?" Shadow stood up and pulled his daughter to her hooves.

"She made that. When I shielded us from it. I felt her energy in the explosion."

Shadow sighed, "Good work. You saved us all, you know?"

"Yeah," the adrenaline running through her was depleting and she began to feel her cuts. "I'd do it again if I have to."

"You won't. Look." Shadow pointed out to the blockade and saw the three ships sinking the others. The sounds of canon fire echoed throughout. "Garren must've retreated. We are going to fall into his trap once we get to Fallen Star."

"I know." Dawn turned around and saw her crew still down, "I'm gonna help." Dawn ran toward the nearest sailor and mended their wounds if they had any, which she was sure they did. The hybrid Changelings were also helping, clearing debris and throwing it into the ocean.

Shadow regrouped with Knight Soul, Storm, and Longbeard after all the wounded have been healed and the ship was clear of splinters. "My children have drove the couple of ships of the blockade away." Longbeard said. "They didn't take lightly to their preemptive strike."

"17 dead and we haven't even gotten to Fallen Star, Shadow." Soul exclaimed. She obtained a bruise on her cheek.

"A team of unicorns, including Dawn, are repairing the mast."

"Klaus and his crew found, I suppose, one of your own. He was hanging on a noose made by magic. And another filly who claims to have a sister in your army, Shadow."

"That filly's name is Retina. I met her a while ago. Her sister is Dust. I'm guessing Lacoden got tired of her." Shadow said.

"I need to get some air." Soul walked out of the captains cabin.

"Storm, I'm sorry the last member of your squad was killed. I broke my promise to bring him back." Shadow exclaimed.

"Lacoden, you don't have to do this." Canon was looking out toward Shadow's fleet, "You have the power to end this. Garren can't fight the three of you alone."

"No I don't have to do this. I want to."

A tear ran down Canon's face, "I ......forgive you." Canon felt the air run against his face. Then suddenly, everything became black.

Chapter 48 - Welcome Home

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Chapter 48 - Welcome Home

"We're here." Shadow said. He saw Fallen Star coming up on the horizon. "Soul, put out the torches."

"All right flames out!" She shouted. "Lancer, spread word to the other ships."

One by one the flames of their fleet were being put out and the only light was from the moon and the stars. "Dad, doesn't it seem a little bit suspicious that we haven't seen anything for the past three days? No Garren or Lacoden. No ships, traps, or anything." Dawn said.

"I know. What do you think we should do?"

"Well, with the cover of the night we can scout the island, but I remember they have those Banshees."

"Yeah, if we are gonna send scouts I wanna be the only one. That way I can fly as fast as I can with Life if need be without worrying about leaving anypony."

"Sounds good."

"I'll get my sword from Wither." Shadow trotted over to Wither who was sitting down by the stairs that led up to the helm. She was tinkering with a marble. Rolling to back and forth to one hoof to the other.

"Shadow, how've you been?" She asked with a smile.

"I've been well. And yourself?" She stood up.

"Likewise. I lent you my sword yesterday. Is it finished?"

"Yeah, I'll go fetch it." She went back into the captain's cabin and came out with his sword and helmet. "Here." She handed him his sword and he put it on,"Why I might ask?"

"Scouting mission. I'm going to take a few rounds around Fallen Star."

"Ah, well give this a try while you're at it if you will." She held out the helmet. "It just doesn't cover the top of your head, think of it as a metal mask. The metal is light, but won't get cut through so easily."

Shadow put it on, "Feels comfortable." He took it off, "Thank you." He held it at his side with his wing.

"You're welcome. I figured it you're gonna fight without a shield you get as much protection as you can." She chuckled.

Shadow nodded, "I'll see you soon." He turned around and trotted back to his daughter. On the way he briefly explained to the others what he was doing and why he was going alone. And he hugged his his daughter then ascended as fast as he could. The helmet Wither had made him cooperated well with Shadow rapid turns of his neck. He scanned the sky above and behind him frequently. Making sure no Banshee would be anywhere close to him. He made a connection with Dawn's mind and said, "It's too quiet up here."

Dawn replied sounding not so worried, "Maybe they haven't seen us yet."

"Dawn, the griffon was right. The island has expanded. Magnus Lumen must be why."

"I didn't even know that was possible."

"Me neither." Shadow saw a faint light coming from the island. "I'm gonna go down."

"Be careful."

Shadow flew low against the ocean making sure not to do anything that would bring attention. He didn't run into even a single Changelings. He landed in some bushes. The twigs that cracked under his hooves didn't bring any attention. Just so he wasn't pushing his luck he hovered over the ground. He inched closer and closer to the lights. He started to hear faint shouts from Garren and Lacoden. "I don't like this." Shadow said to Dawn. He saw that the Banshees were in bird cages and the Amaroks were chained to large thick posts.

He found a patch of grass to lay down in and he listened closely. They were pulling something out from the water. He saw that it was a box made by magic. It's prisoner the guardian of Tartarus. Cerberus. The Changelings dragged the box with enchanted chains out unto the beach. Shadow heard more of what Lacoden shouted because she was closer than Garren.

"Now, release the Banshees!" She shouted. She stood on top of some rocks with her white hood draping over her face. Shadow readied himself. As the Banshees rushed out of their cages they screeched.
The disappeared into the trees and night sky. The Changelings flew a few yards off the ground, because the Amaroks were about to be released.

"Amaroks!" Garren shouted. The chains broke and the ran toward the nearest Changelings and dragged them into their mouths. Shadow knew he had to leave, but he needed to see Cerberus. Luckily, the Amaroks sight wasn't good, but he had to be quiet. Their ears would pick up the most insignificant sounds. Cerberus' prison was dispelled. The giant three-headed guardian did not attack as Garren trotted to his large paws.

"Dawn, can you use your magic so my hearing can be enhanced?" Shadow thought. Soon his ears felt more sensitive and he could hear clearer. He focused on Garren and soon enough he could hear what he was saying.

"Cerberus, you now belong to me." Garren said with an evil grin.

Cerberus replied in a deep voice, "I shall crush you, mark bearer."

Garren chuckled, "How when you can't hurt me?" Cerberus tried to clamp his jaws on Garren forcing his head down, but it was as if he had a leash on that was pulling him back. "You will kill those out on the flimsy boats when they come here. And in return I will have you sent back to your hole." Cerberus growled and stomped on the ground. The earth below Shadow trembled.

Shadow realized that Amaroks were in his area. The nearest one being about 10 yards from him. He looked up and saw that a Banshee was above him. Shadow knew he had to stay quiet and pretty much invisible to get away. Or he could risk getting killed by rushing out and have both the Banshees and possibly Garren chase him down. He didn't want to start conflict at this time. He knew that the others needed there rest. He thought to himself long and hard about his approach, he uttered quietly, "Flare." All the sounds around him became mute and he floated through the forest, between Amaroks. And he ended up inside his old home. He doesn't know how long it took him to go from one end of Fallen Star to the other. The spell ended and his hooves clapped the wooden floor.

"You'll be safe here tonight." A voice said to him.

Shadow thanked Starflare, "Why did you bring me here?"

"To remind you why're you're really fighting. For our home. For our family. To keep Fallen Star the place it once was."

Shadow trotted around the small wooden cabin, "I guess you're right."

"I'm always right." He heard a chuckle.

"Yeah yeah." He smiled. He went to his bed and cleared it of the dust and webs. "Hard to believe that our little island was so special." He laid down on the bed , "Will Dawn and the others be safe?"


"All right. Well I'm gonna trust you." He yawned. He slipped into sleep and woke up to the crashing waves. He laid still for a few moments listening to make sure there wasn't anything or anypony near. When he felt comfortable he got up and stretched him wings and legs. He peeped his head out his door. It was clear.

He looked out to sea and saw the ships were still safe and sound. He looked up and saw the Banshees were circling the center of the island. Then he heard some rocks crash over the edge of the cliff, he jolted up and had his word out. He waited until he saw a pair of light-orange hooves appear on the edge, he said, "What're you doing now, Dawn?"

"A little help here, dad." She replied.

He lowered his sword and trotted over to the cliff and looked at his daughter struggling to get up, "You know you could just use magic right?"

"I know, but this is more challenging." She hoisted herself up, "I knew I'd find you here." She was wearing an RAK coat.

"Yeah, sorry I didn't come back."

"It's fine now we have the element of surprise."

"Yeah, but be careful. Those Amaroks could be prowling around."

"I know." She looked to their old cabin, "I'm gonna take a look." She trotted through the door and her dad followed and remembered their lives there. "Hehe, I can't believe this place is still here." She dogged through the empty drawers. "Ah, dad." She reached into her satchel. "I made these and waited for the right time to give them to you and Excaelum." She pulled out three tassels. One red, one blue, and one yellow all with a matching metal piece that knotted it close to the top. She placed them on a table, "Give me your sword." Shadow complied. She tied the blue tassel onto the end of his sword and gave it back to him. Dawn tied the yellow tassel to a gauntlet she was wearing on her right leg. "I'll give one Excaelum his when we next see him."

"Thank you for this." Shadow hugged his daughter. He took her off. "Last night I saw that Cerberus is enslaved to Garren."


"Some sorta spell won't allow Cerberus to harm Garren. And Garren has promised Cerberus to return him to Tartarus if he fights on his side."

"Oh, well then. Dad, we need to destroy those weapons Lacoden fired at us. It almost destroyed Share."

"Let's go." They walked out the cabin, "Dawn, we are going to be stronger than ever before."

Garren had cannons set on the west side of the island. Their range was incredible and they can launch the heaviest of weaponry. "Aim at the ship farthest to the left." Garren ordered the Changelings. The ship that was targeted was Aquarius.

"Wait on my mark." He turned to Lacoden, "Give them something to look at, Lacoden."

She nodded and turned to the Changelings to her right. "Do it." The Changelings lit trees all around them on fire, but they were protected by a shield that Lacoden put up. It was a slow process but the eventually the smoke had camouflaged them and the flames had charred the vegetation. Lacoden cleared a small window through the smoke so that the Changelings could accurately hit their target. "Ready the other cannons."

"Re-acquire the target." A Changeling said. "Target ready to be fired upon."

"Fire." Garren said calmly. The harpoon shot out from the smoke but its presence went unnoticed for a few precious moments.

"Put a shield up in the front now!" Marl shouted. Marl had a few very skilled unicorns in his crew, so he felt confident that they could stop the projectile. The harpoon collided with the shield and made a huge explosion that made wave protrude from the ship. "Get the ship moving! Get to shore!" The ship sailed diagonally toward Fallen Star.

"Fire three at the same target. On my mark, Changelings." Garren scolded. He waited for the smoke to dissipate and saw that Aquarius was moving. "Fire!" The trio of harpoons shot from the shield and flew toward Aquarius.

"Abandon ship!" Marl shouted at the top of his lungs. He knew that his ship couldn't take anymore abuse. He and his crew jumped into the cold water and swam as far from their beloved ship as fast as they can. They in horror as ship turned into nothing. The force of three harpoons killed those who were close, which unfortunately was the majority of Aquarius' crew, including Marl.

Moments later Nautilus surfaced with her side toward Fallen Star. Nothing but rapid cannon fire erupted from the ship. Reef, Abyss, and Share also fired upon the flames. Garren laughed insanely. The attempt to pierce the shield around them was futile. "Lacoden, sink Dawn's ship."

"Haha, gladly. Center ship, three harpoons!" The Changelings reloaded and fired. Just as they left the shield they stopped and dropped to the ground. With their magic gone. Shadow and Dawn were directly in front of them. Lacoden smiled, "Slay!" She screamed. The shield went away and the Changelings charged toward Shadow, they were immediately cut down. Shadow and Garren shot into the sky.

"Heartbeat!" A purple aura encased Dawn, while gold encased Lacoden. They shot beams at each other and were at a standstill.

Orcusin was perched at the center of the island overlooking the battles. "Now, where are you brother?" He spread his great bat-like wings and let out a roar that could be heard all around the island and miles from it. He peered down into some moving trees to his right and saw the heads of Cerberus. "Pathetic. A warrior like Cerberus shouldn't be captured so easily by a mark bearer."

Excaelum heard the echo of his brother mighty roar. He, Centerra, and Lord Chronin were approaching Fallen Star from the west. "Time to end this."

Chapter 49 - Fallen Star

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Chapter 49 - Fallen Star

Knight Black Soul ran as fast she her legs allowed. The damaged to her left wing had left her flightless and with two Amaroks closing in she couldn't feel anything, but hopeless. She ran and ran until she crossed upon a tree stump. There was enough space for her to squeeze in, once she got in all she had to do was stay quiet. The ash in the air disrupted the Amaroks sense of smell. The smoke made it hard to breathe and it made it look as if she was in the middle of a thick gray fog. Soul heard the steps of the Amaroks.

The stopped and sniffed; their noses could not pick up her scent. But they knew she was around. They started growling and snarling at once another in frustration. Then they went silent. Soul peeped out of a crack and saw that they were all looking toward one direction. Then Storm came rushing at the Amaroks. Storm went up as an Amaroks lunged at him with its claws wanting to rip him to pieces, Storm mounted the beast behind its head and stabbed it through its skull. They hit the ground and the Amaroks was struggling to break free.

"No you don't." Storm grunted as he drives his sword into the Amaroks head, hearing a satisfying crunch he quickly reset. Another jumped at Storm from side and with his quick reflexes he knocked it on its side and tried to finish it off. The Amaroks swiped at him and left a gash on Storm's chest. Storm fell to the ground. The Amarok jumped to Storm only to have his sword lodged in its mouth. With a twist the Amaroks eyes rolled back and it fell on top of Storm. He grunted as the heavy Amarok laid limp on top of him.

Soul pried her way out of her hiding place as fast as she could, "Hold on!" She said. She shoved the body off of him, "I'm so sorry." She pulled him up.

Storm was catching his breath, "It's fine." He smiled as his eyes met Soul's, "As long as you're alive. I don't care what happens to me."

Soul gave Storm a light kiss, "Thank you." She pressed her head against his for a moment, then said, "All this fighting. And for what?"

"I know."

Soul pulled away, "Where's Dawn? Wasn't she with you?"

"She stayed behind. The Banshees and the rest of the Amaroks have Celestia and the others cornered. What happened to the squad you had?"

"All dead. Luckily, they died rather instantly." She frowned, "Only if I could've helped."

"You're doing the best you-"

A laugh stopped Storm from finishing. The laugh scratched at his head, "My my. What have I found here?" The voice was coming from the south, "Two lovebirds." Lacoden became visible in the thick smoke. She was close. She made a brief "Ha!" and a dart flew the the gray and struck Soul in her left foreleg.

She yelped and fell to the ground, Storm knelt down to her pulled the dagger out. It was silver with a golden trim. He stood back up and trotted furiously to Lacoden. He swung to her neck, she took a step back and countered with a stab to his head with a sword. He blocked, then kicked her away.

Lacoden wiped the dirt off her blood stained white coat. She shrugged and threw it off, revealing her golden skin and long violet hair. The two ran toward each other and collided their swords. Their blows were powerful. Creating sparks of light like a flickering star. Again they ended how they started. Standing directly from each other.

Lacoden teleported to Storm's left and drove her sword into his chest and she said, "Fighting an honorable fight, will be fighting a losing fight."

"I know." Storm reached around stabbed Lacoden foreleg right in her knee. She screamed in pain and pulled her sword out of him, then shoved Storm away from her. He rolled onto his back and the sword came off of his hoof. Soul was close to it so she saw this as a chance to kill Lacoden while she was distracted by her injury. She jumped for the sword, quickly equipped it, and pounced at Lacoden.

"Slay." A wind pushed Soul away and sent the sword flying through the air. She landed on her back and saw the sword coming down to her, but couldn't move in time. It stabbed her just a few inches away from her heart.

Soul saw Storm looking at her. He wasn't too far away. Storm crawled to Soul using his right leg to get him to her. A trail of blood followed him. Storm climbed on top of Soul and spread his wings as if he was trying to hide her.

Lacoden collected her thoughts and suppressed her pain using Hate. She limped toward the pair of flightless birds, dragging her sword behind her. She soon towered over them and raised her hoof and stabbed through Storm's left breast and into Soul's right breast. Making them into a x-shaped cross with a red spot in the middle. Soul groaned, "No....ah!"

"Haha, don't I miss the torment." Lacoden chuckled, she left the sword lodged within the two and took it off. "Oh, are you crying, Soul?" She got closer to Soul's face smiled. Soul spat in Lacoden's face, "How rude." Lacoden stomped on Soul's face, knocking her unconscious.

"No!!" Dawn screamed. She shot a beam at Lacoden that struck her face like swing from a bat. Lacoden's head jerked to the side without her body moving. She centered it and cracked her neck, "Rex, enough!"

"Don't you dare call me that!" Lacoden lunged at Dawn, tackling her to the ground and she pounded away at her face. "Die! Die! Die!" She screamed. Dawn pushed her off, "Slay!"

"Heartbeat!" Their auras glowed and they ran toward each other hitting head first and causing at force of wind that threw Soul and Storm away. Dawn shot a beam at Lacoden and Lacoden returned fire.

Their beams of magic connected and created an intense glow of light. It blinded Soul and could be seen through the layers of smoke. Lacoden screamed to exaggerate her strength and her golden light got closer to Dawn. Dawn was slowly pushed back, she dug her hooves into the ground. She looked through her memories to find the strength to defeat Lacoden. She found a memory.

The time when her mother, Starflare the Warm-Hearted, taught her how to teleport an object. At the time she was only a filly, but it was an amazing accomplishment at the time. Though she only moved a flower from the ground into a vase, the product wasn't what made the memory so valuable. It was the process. Starflare telling her to focus on what you wanted accomplished. Nothing else.

Dawn took that advice and placed it into action. She shut down the memory. Shut down her aches and pains. And even her worries for her father, who was dueling Garren. She relaxed her breathing as if she was trotting through a field with the moist grass beneath her steps. Her glow grew brighter and trudged it ways to Lacoden. Inches away from Lacoden's face there it was. Lacoden grunted and forced herself to fight harder and harder. She did not go through everything she had to lose one of the most important fights of her life. Unfortunately for Lacoden, she was to drowned in her grief and anger that she had lost.

The beam touched the tip of Lacoden's horn and sent her flying into the ground. She tumbled like a ball thrown down a rocky mountain.

Lacoden brain felt swollen. Her vision was like opening her eyes in the murkiest of water. Her lungs felt collapsed. She laid on her stomach and tears started to come out her empty eyes. "Time I took control." A voice in her head said.

Rex curled in a ball and cried, "No.....this body is mine." She no longer felt her aching leg, her bruised horn. She fell into a dark hole.

Dawn dropped to her knees and could barely catch her breath. She rolled onto her side and felt a sense of victory. She saw Soul walking toward her, "You did it." She said, tears rolling down her face.

"I'm sorry....I couldn't save him."

"It's alright, Dawn." Soul helped Dawn up to her hooves and hugged her, "You did all you could."

Dawn looked over Soul's shoulder and saw that Lacoden was struggling to get up, "Look."

Soul turned and frowned, "That bitch." She stomped to her.

"No wait, Soul." The words couldn't reach her and she soon stood over Lacoden and kicked her in her head, knocking her unconscious. "Soul don't!" Dawn caught her, "Don't." Dawn knelt over Lacoden, "I'm taking her back to Share."

"What?! You can't possibly be stupid enough to do that!" Soul thundered.

"You don't understand. Rex, has been in con-"

"I understand very well, but that still doesn't change the fact every time we see her we will see the horror in her eyes, Dawn." Iril, Fyn, Seng and a few others appeared from the smoke, "You carry her yourself." Soul walked away and to Fyn and Iril who were grieving over Storm. "Come on. Let's get back to the ship."

Seng stayed behind and spotted Dawn, "What're you doing with her?"

"I'm taking her back to the ship." She levitated Lacoden onto her back.

Seng rolled his eyes, "Fine, but not by yourself now. And all because I'm doing this doesn't mean I'm ignoring what she has done." Seng took her. "We'll switch off. And if she tries to stab me or something I'm dropping her." He chuckled.

"How are you holding up?" Dawn smiled and they started walking, "How are the princesses?"

"I'm fine. Just a few scrapes. And as for the princesses they are doing well actually. Luna is more combat orientated than we first thought."

"Ah, that gives me relief. And our friends?"

"Fine. We got cut down by those Banshees, but Longbeard helped us kill a few." He sighed, "I don't know if you noticed, but we only have a few more hours of sunlight left. Looks like we are going to drag on this fight to tomorrow. The remaining Banshees and Amaroks aren't as active. Same with Excaelum and Shadow. The Changelings however are still in the hundreds. We can hold them off for a night though. They aren't much trouble."

"How many dead?"

"I don't even know, Dawn. We had too many carried away by Amaroks in so little time it's hard to keep track. We are gonna do a head count when we get back though." There was silence for the next fifteen minutes. They trotted and listened for anypony that might've been tailing them. Seng than said, "How is Lacoden?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, why isn't she dead?" Seng looked over to see if Lacoden didn't hear.

"I wouldn't kill my friend. I don't feel an evil presence within her anymore. Seems to have gone away. To be sure I have to put the evil of Lacoden, Rex, back into a doll my mother made for her."

"And if that doesn't work?"

"I wouldn't know what to do. Luckily, Lacoden could sleep through the process, so at least," she sighed, "she could pass in a dream if need be."

"Don't worry. I'm sure it will."

Night came and Lacoden was in the brig. The whole crew, except for Dawn, was on edge. No pony didn't even want to stand guard in front of her cell. Dawn couldn't blame them though. Lacoden was still sound asleep; Dawn gave her her own blanket and pillow.

Dawn walked into the cell alone bringing along the doll Rex, "One way to find out." She said to herself. She sat in front of Lacdoen and placed Rex in front of her. The planks did not sit Dawn very well, but she did her best to ignore it. "Heartbeat." Moving parts of somepony's soul to an inanimate object was extremely difficult, but if Lacoden could do it at such a young age then Dawn can do it now. Dawn saw golden streaks flowing, like a stream, out of Lacoden's mouth and into Rex. It was so much work for so little results, Dawn knew this process would take hours or even days.

Shadow touched down on Share's deck with a few open wounds. Fyn greeted him by taking his sword, "Gee, are you all right?" She asked.

"Yeah yeah, all my adrenaline just kinda numbed it." He said with a slight frown, "Everypony seems to be holding up well."

"Yes we are. And how are you? You need to rest." Fyn walked him over to the stairs. "Let me patch you up." Fyn had some gauze and clean warm water. "All these wounds are clean. And no stabbings. That's a relief. Easy fix."

"Fighting Garren was so exhausting. Luckily, Excaelum came when he did. Or I would've been dead. And Orcusin. So much power in that dragon. Never seen anything like him. I hope Excaelum is okay."

"I'm sure he's fine." Lancer said. He was leaning against the railing.

Shadow stood up, "Thank you, Fyn." She nodded and he asked, "Where's Dawn?"

Iril walked up to Shadow and grabbed his helmet, "Believe it or not, in the brig with Lacoden." She said sourly.

"Oh I believe it. And why I might ask?"

Fyn Cour answered, "She is in the process of some sort of cleansing of Lacoden. We should've just left her to die." She frowned, "I don't see how you're okay with this, Shadow."

"All of you feel this way?" He looked and saw the anger on everypony's face. "Look, I know Lacoden has done horrendous and unspeakable things. She would've killed Lacoden if she saw it was the only option. She's saving a life of her friend," and he paused, "and also mine. Act how will you will, if Lacoden is saved and I see no reason she couldn't be among us she's staying. If any of you, then try to harm her, you will answer to me." Shadow marched down below deck with Soul following close behind, once down below deck Shadow stopped, "Look Soul," he turned around, "I meant what I-"

"You're going to defend her...after all she has done. Killing the princess, killing our friends in Dry Desert, Saddle Arabia, Canon...." Shadow didn't respond, "After she stabbed me. And after she killed Storm."

"Storm is..." He uttered under his breath.

"You still defend her." Tears ran down her face. "Shadow, there's a fine line between nobility and stupidity."

Shadow walked closer to Soul, "I'm sorry." And hugged her.

Soul felt her eyes get heavy, harder to keep open. She silently sobbed into Shadow's chest. "There was nothing I could've done to save him, and he died protecting me." She cried and Shadow felt droplets of her tears fall onto his hooves.

Shadow sighed and held her closer, "It isn't your fault, Soul. He would be happy to know that you're alive. Right?" Soul calmed down, "Look." Shadow separated himself from Soul and looked her in the eyes, "What's done is done. He didn't die in vain." She wiped away her tears, "I have to see Dawn. Want to come along?"

She uttered, "No no. I'll just go on up." She turned around, "I'll talk to you soon, Shadow." Soul felt relief after that small talk. Shadow was right. She smiled a little, then went back to a frown. She waded through the RAK who were laying on the ground and found an empty space on the stern of the ship. She listened to the water. "Only memories are left now, Storm." Relaxation was present in her muscles and mind.

As Shadow walked closer to the brigs, he heard a sort of humming. It was a pleasant humming. He got to the cell and saw that it was Dawn humming a little tune. He saw the golden stream coming Lacoden. He had an idea of what Dawn was doing. He didn't interrupt her, he watched quietly. "Flare." He whispered. He hummed along with Dawn and the stream flowed faster.

By the time their humming ceased and the process was over, the moon was beginning to sink into the ocean. Shadow entered the cell, "Hey." He said.

Dawn remained sitting down, "Hey, dad."

"Mind if I sat down with you?"

"Oh no. Go right ahead." She replied sounding sad.

Shadow took his place on Dawn's right, "I'm proud of you."

Dawn leaned her head against Shadow, "Thank you for helping."

"Anything for you." He saw that Lacoden was peacefully asleep, then he peered down at Rex, "It's done right?"

"Mhm. I took out enough of Rex so that she wouldn't completely take over Lacoden's body again and put it back where it belongs." She addressed the doll. "I left a part of her in Lacoden though, I figured that they would be quite the team." Dawn yawned, "Rex with her strength and Lacoden with her reasoning."

"And the doll?" Shadow scoped it up with his wing, "I remember this."

"I'll keep it safe." Shadow leaned his head on top of Dawn's, "You think we can save Garren?"

"I don't see that happening, honey. I'm sorry."

"Oh..." Her eyes were shutting.

"Get some rest. Don't worry about the ship." He stroked her mane.

"Goodnight, dad." Dawn quickly fell asleep moments after.

Shadow kissed her head, "Goodnight, Dawn."

Chapter 50 - Day After War Nexus + Epilogue

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Chapter 50 - Day After War Nexus

The wind from the salty ocean was the best. Fresh air. Shadow, Starflare, Garren, Barrier, Dew, and their children were having a party. The occasion, nothing. It was a beautiful day so Stareflare figured, why waste it? She invited only the closest of her friends, and really her only friends. They spent the entire day ,on Shadow's little home on the southern part of Fallen Star. They were talking, showing off new magic tricks, and enjoying each other's company.

They parents were gathered on the side of the cabin, laying on a picnic mat, enjoying some fresh fruits with rare wines and juice, and their children nearby being more inland.

"Look at them." Dew smiled, "Those three are inseparable." Zaz, Dawn, and Lacoden were playing. With Zaz being the knight in shining armor and Lacoden being his sidekick magician, saving the princess, the Rex doll, from Dawn who was pretending to be a dragon.

"You know, Dawn is quite normal when she's just with us." Starflare laughed, "Then she comes and plays, she becomes the weirdest filly. I swear." She took a sip from some wine.

"I can't stand Zaz," Garren laughed almost spilling his cup of wine, "one filly in the house is enough. Too much work."

"Not much different from having a dog." Shadow added. He looked to the fillies, "Sure is a journey though."

"Well, the dog would listen at least." Stareflare said.

"Speaking of which," Barrier announced, he stood over everypony, "me and Dew have some great news." He took a deep breath. "We are having another filly!"

Shadow almost choked on a few bits of carrots he had in his mouth, "What?! Are you sure?"

"Yes, we found out last week and waited for the right time to tell you all. And what could be a better time than with all of us together." Dew smiled.

"See, I told you, honey." Stareflare nudged Shadow.

Garren asked, "What're you two talking about?"

"Shadow and I made a bet about Dew being blessed with another child last week. When they started acting all funny, haha. Congratulations Dew." Starflare was too lazy to get up and hug Dew properly so she just threw herself at her.

"Yup. We are gonna keep this from Lacoden though. Let her enjoy being the only child for as long as she can." Barrier sat back down, "I guess, I can spoil her until the baby is born. What about you two? Thinking about having more kids, that aren't of a different species?" Barrier was looking at Shadow and Star.

"No, I we are fine the way we are." Star looked at Shadow, "Right?"

"I'm happy as long as you are." Shadow answered making a smile.

Garren stood up and raised his glass, "Friends. I say we toast to this great drop of heaven we live on. I have to say I am happy to call this my home." He made a slight bow, then returned to his tall posture, "And I vow to protect, yes that's the word. I vow to protect our family to the best of my ability for as long as I should live. And nothing shall come between."

The others raised their glasses and in unison they cheered, "To our family!"

Lacoden awoke in the brig. She blinked to clear her vision, and felt like their was an anvil on her head. Dawn was alone on the floor still sleeping with a blanket wrapped around her. Without making a sound Lacoden sat on her bottom and looked for clues to see when was it during the day. A tiny bit of sunshine bled through the tiny spaces of the wood that held the ship together. It wasn't bright though, Lacoden knew it was either dawn or dusk. Her thirst for blood was gone and she felt no presence of Rex within her mind.

She smiled and felt grateful to Dawn. Knowing that she saved her when she had every right to end her miserable life. She got off the bed and moved over the blanket. She wanted to have Dawn take her place in the bed, but her head ached so bad she couldn't use her magic. Lacoden didn't dare to leave her cell either, even though the cell gate was left with a little crack; she didn't know what to expect from the others if they saw her alone. So Lacoden laid back in the bed to wait out her headache.

Lacoden felt like a feather, laying so still in the bed. She heard the faint voices from the others above deck. Hearing no fighting. She wondered why. Was the fight over? No, she thought. It was impossible for the fight to have been over. Then she began to wonder how long she has been asleep. She rolled over to face the wall, she noticed a fresh bandage on her left side. She gently pressed on it and winced. She took her hoof away and placed it under the pillow. Somepony was approaching the cell. It sounded like there was only one pony. Lacoden shut her eyes and pretended that she was sleeping to avoid making conversation with the pony. The steps stopped behind her and she her the hinges of the cell gate open. The pony entered the cell.

"I know you're awake, Lacoden." The voice sounded pitiful.

Lacoden opened her eyes and responded, "Who...who is it?"

"Princess Luna. Don't worry I'm just here to check up on you two." Lacoden rolled over and sat up, looked at Luna. "I don't know what to say to you, Lacoden."

"Then don't say anything." She whispered. She got up, "Please. Put Dawn in the bed. I shouldn't even be alive right now."

Luna levitated Dawn and placed her slowly on the bed, and Lacoden walked to the side of the cell and looked at her friend, "Be grateful to her and her father. They are standing by your side. Not even I could dare stand such a position." Lacoden felt Luna's gaze upon her and uncontrollably turned to meet her eyes. "Come up when you feel you have rested enough." Luna left with a swift pivot and trotted her way above deck.

"Why'd you save me?" Lacoden whispered. A tear dropped to the planks. Lacoden walked out the cell and looked around, "I hope Shadow is up there." Lacoden used the side and whatever met her height to help herself get to the stairs. She looked up and saw the blue sky, took a deep breath and trotted up the stairs.
She felt the others staring at her with anger. She couldn't bring herself to look back at them so she kept her eyes on her hooves. She tried to get herself to the railings without bumping into one of them. She heard a few of them cursing her name. Then a pair of dark blue hooves appeared in front of hers, she stopped not knowing who it was until she heard the owner's voice.

"Good to see you're up." It was Shadow.

Lacoden still had trouble bringing her chin up, "I shouldn't be here." She whispered. "Take me back to Dawn, please." She was breaking during her reply.

"Alright calm down." Shadow used his wings to cover Lacoden as he led her back down to the brig. Once downstairs Lacoden fell and hyperventilated. "What's wrong, Lacoden?" He picked her up and walked her to the cell.

"You don't understand. Being in front of them is pathetic."

"Come on, you're stronger than this. I know it. You need to-", a roar rang through their ears. Shadow stopped in his tracks, "Oh no. That wasn't a dragon. Lacoden, stay with Dawn! I can't guarantee you'll be safe without her by your side. Go now! Look after each other." Shadow flew back upstairs. Lacoden leaned against a barrel and heard Dawn call her name.

"Lacoden!" She ran up to her, "What's happening?"

"Cerberus is attacking."

With Share not being too far from shore made it tempting for Garren to catapult boulders to her. He used Cerberus' massive strength to do the job. Since the harpoons Lacoden made were either destroyed or used during the first hours of the battle.

Excaelum and Orcusin returned to Fallen Star. Their battle carried them from all corners of the ocean, but something led them back here. Lord Chronin and Centerra did everything they could to keep the ports on the shores from being destroyed by the two. When they got too close they pushed them back into the ocean.

Lord Chronin and Kishinev were gliding just below the clouds when they spotted Cerberus hurdling boulders at the Share, "Centerra, guard the ship from Cerberus." Lord Chronin ordered. "Time I sent my friend back home." They both descended and on the way down Centerra tackled a boulder moving at incredible speed into the ocean just a few yards from hitting Share. Lord Chronin landed on the beach far from Cerberus. She said in the dragon language, "Chrontola haltuda." Time stop. Everything and every mark bearer, except Shadow, Dawn, Lacoden, Garren, Excaelum, Orcusin, Cerberus, and herself, froze in time. The grains of sand floated where they were. The powers of Life, Love, Mercy. Death, Hate, and Merciless were all muted. The incantations held no power during this time.

Cerberus felt free and as soon as he realized what he could do he looked for Garren, but he was no where to be found. And calmed down as Lord Chronin was approaching him. Cerberus bowed in respect to her power. He was almost twice her height so Lord Chronin met his forehead when he did.

"The power of an Original Time Dragon. Impressive." Orcusin growled. He swiped at Excaelum who was charging at him, sending him to the frozen ocean. Orcusin made his way to the beach where Lord Chronin was.

"Cerberus, you do not belong here." She said.

"I was forced here against my will, my Lord." Cerberus said in his deep voice.

"You go now. Let us deal with this mess." Lord Chronin placed the tip of a claw between his brows, "Until we meet again, Cerberus."

"I am in your debt once again." Cerberus faded away in thin air. With nothing left behind, but the deep paw prints he had made in the sand where he stood. The Banshees and Amaroks also appeared on the beach and surrounded Chronin. They bowed to her.

"You are all forgiven." She said. She sent them away like she did to Cerberus.

"Amazing." Dawn exclaimed peering over the railings, "How can this be possible?"

"I've never seen anything like it." Shadow added. Lacoden was speechless.

Orcusin landed on the beach behind Chronin, she turned around to him, "Lord, you are stronger than I have expected." He bowed slightly, "Still below myself."

"Strength is more than just your claws and flames, Orcusin." Orcusin creeped closer, "I should say, I am pleased to have seen you grown from a weak hatchling to the strong dragon you are today." Orcusin was only mere inches away from Chronin now. Excaelum landed behind Chronin with blood spilling from the corner of his mouth, "Excaelum," Lord Chronin projected her thoughts to Excaelum and time appeared to freeze for the two, "I wish I had more time with you. Oh, have I cared for you ever since you were born. I apologize. Take care," time again resumed and Orcusin reared back, "son."

Orcusin dug his sharp claws beneath Lord Chronin's scales and clenched down on her heart. Chronin did not scream in pain, she was strong. Strong enough to stare her killer in the eyes, "Ablazon." Lord Chronin's body glowed from within making the skin between her scales glow blue. Flames emerged from her eye sockets, ears, nostrils, and mouth. The flames consumed her. Orcusin slowly took his claws out from her chest and she fell on the sand. A lifeless corpse of a once kind, powerful, and wise dragon. The last Original.

A shade of blue engulfed Orcusin. He flew high above the sky. Into the black sky. Excaelum chased him. Meeting him face to face. With the sun to his right and his brother above him.

"Brother, you have not the strength to best me." Orcusin laughed.

"Orcusin, you are no brother of mine! You're a disgrace to Gravity! To Lord Dragaitas!"

Orcusin flew to Excaelum with flames shooting from his mouth and claws pointed at Excaelum's heart. Excaelum grabbed Orcusin's paws and clamped his jaws on his neck. His teeth crushing his scales and tearing his flesh. The blood danced in the black sky.

Orcusin took his claws and swiped up from Excaelum's chest to the bottom of his jaw leaving three symmetrical gashes. They stung, but weren't close to enough to stop Excaelum's rage. Excaelum recovered and went for his wings. And flew quickly and cut Orcusin's left wing at a joint in the middle of his wing causing him to rely on one wing. Excaelum flew back to give himself some distance, "It's over, Orcusin."

"No, it is not." Silently Orcusin conjured up his power of Merciless. The cut to his joint healed and he extended his wings to their limit. Excaelum complied and did the same. In a flash, Excaelum. Was at his brother's throat with his long claws deep into his neck.

The aura from Orcusin faded away. Excaelum flew to the earth with his brother still clenched in his grasp, flying at speeds he had never flew before. He ignited Orcusin in his tinted blue flame making them appear as a shooting star.

Shadow and the others watched in awe as they saw nothing but a blue comet of flame falling toward the ocean. Orcusin was drowning in Excaelum's flames, roaring in pain and thrashing at Excaelum trying to break free. His cries echoed through the sky. Excaelum did not allow an escape to happen. As they entered the atmosphere their bodies were both being set to flames. Excaelum felt serenity in all his rage and sadness. It was as if he were in a dream.

Excaelum plummeted into the ocean, not too far from Fallen Star, then nothing but an awkward silence fell over. Ashes started to rain down upon the area of Fallen Star. Excaelum surfaced, flew a few feet above the water before letting out an unforgettable, mighty, victorious roar. Mixed emotions were present in all who witnessed this.

Excaelum silenced himself, but his roar echoed. He flew over to the body of Lord Chronin. Her body was like a charred pice of wood. Still maintaining the majority of its form with cracks and parts that fell off that revealed the burning amber within. Centerra landed on the beach and joined Excaelum, grief riddled both their faces. Excaelum lifted her body using his powers, not missing a single part of her, then he flew into the sky.

"Now is my chance." Shadow thought. He took off in the hunt for Garren.

Lancer shouted, "We will end this today! All able fighters eliminate the Changelings! Keep them away from Shadow!" He took off quickly, so did the rest of the RAK, even the Princesses joined in.

Garren was beside the trunk of a tree, talking to himself, "I will not fall, not like this." He looked up and saw Shadow fly pass him. "Zaz!"

Shadow turned around and saw that Garren was behind him, with a black aura. "Flare." Shadow's white aura covered him, "Its just you and me now, Garren."

Without reply Garren charged at Shadow with his full force. Taking him miles away from Fallen Star. Shadow and Garren were both lightning fast with their strikes and every time the metal of their swords clashed they created sparks of light that made the sun seem dim.

He fought against his old friend and teacher; he needed to end his life. He didn't want to. The Pegasus he faces now wants to kill him. They shot toward each other and collided. Shadow was struck right under his wing. He crashed into the cold ocean below. While sinking down to the abyss his armor separated and gradually sank down. He heard a voice of one he thought had died many years ago, a familiar voice.

"You are not done finished yet. You still have a family to protect." It said.

He slowly opened his eyes and saw an illusion of his deceased wife. She was a beautiful and strong unicorn. Her long white mane had streaks of light pink, her coat was a normal-shaded pink. Her name, Starflare, granddaughter of Star Swirl.

"I can't.....I'm weak." he said in his head,"I will die here."

"No you won't. What will become of your daughter if you die here? She will be left in a world of nothing."

"I'm sorry, I-I just can't. I can't kill him."

"Then he wins the war, then he will continue to kill. No one will be able to stop him. Only you can."

"How can you still have faith in me after all this?"

She said tenderly, "You're my husband. You been through so much already. Why stop now? Get up."

Shadow's wound started to seal itself. He opened his eyes fully and spread his wings. He rocketed through the disturbed surface and shouted at his enemy,"I am not done with you yet!"

"Do you believe you can defeat me?" Garren replied.

"You will fall under my sword."

It seemed Shadow's confidence angered Garren,"Well then, show what you have learned over the years my former student!" They both enabled their magic. Shadow's aura glowed white while, Garren's glowed black. Their auras were seen miles away to a cliff where Princess Celestia and the others waited. The next thing they saw were the two warriors charging with great speed toward each other.

When they struck their lights combined making a bright gray sky, in the epicenter of this explosion Shadow and Garren were staring into each other's eyes. The color of their coats began to trade. Garren's white coat turned dark blue and Shadow's whitened. They pressed their swords against each other's, trying to push one another back to make an opening for a fatal attack.

"Zaz!" Garren shouted, he began to overcome Shadow slowly, anger fired up in Shadow. And he launched Garren back.

A burst of Life propelled Shadow into Garren tackling him, shooting Garren into the mountain of Fallen Star. Shadow flew fast to the crater and saw Garren tumble down the side. Shadow flew to the bottom where Garren would be. Garren hit the ground with a hard thump.

"How dare you!" Shadow screamed, "Use your son's name."

"His name is my strength." He coughed up blood, "Same reason you chose her name." He fell not his knees and propped himself up with his sword, "My coat, is blue now." He chuckled.

Shadow said, "Garren, let's end this."

"I agree." Garren stood up, "No, magic. Just our own strength."

"Very well. Just like old times then." Shadow dispelled Life. And Trotted to Garren, he waited for him to get up.

Garren stood strong, same as Shadow. They began. Garren swung from Shadow's right, Shadow slipped under the sword, struck at Garren's foreleg, nicking him. They reset. Shadow stepped in for a stab, but was cut when Garren pushed his leading foreleg away and cut his neck. They reset again.

This time they flew above the tree line. Shadow and Harren circled each other, then Shadow came in, Garren deflected him went in for a stab, Shadow evaded. Shadow had an opening and went in for a stab at Garren's side. It connected. Shadow pulled himself away and Garren fell out of the sky.

Garren had stopped himself from hitting the ground hard by catching himself by flapping his wings with the last bit of energy he had left. He landed on his hooves. Shadow landed in front of him, "Looks, like you've won....Shadow." Garren uttered. His sword clattered on the ground.

Shadow trotted to Garren, "I'm sorry, but I can't be sure my family will be safe with you still alive."

Garren nodded, "Make it fast." A small smile appeared on his face. "Farewell, Shadow." He shut his eyes.

Shadow took in a breath and exhaled, "Farewell, Garren." Shadow raised his sword, "Flare." Shadow's sword glowed white and a swift slice to Garren's neck ended his life painlessly. His body toppled over and his head rolled off.

Shadow stared off into the blue sky, quietly enjoying the end. Then he felt something cold against his neck, a sword. He turned to see who it was and so that it was a Changeling. The Changeling backed away.

"I would've killed you, but your mark told me who you were. You ended our service to him. And for that I thank you, Pegasus." It said. The Changeling spread his transparent blue wings and disappeared into the swarm with his own kind.

About three minutes later the princesses and the RAK appeared from the sky, landing around him. Mistake in him for Garren, because the color of his coat. Once they noticed his mark they lowered their weapons, "What happened?" Luna asked.

"Its over." Shadow replied. While walking to the beaches no pony said a word. The ocean was in sight and Shadow saw that Share, Dutchcolt, Abyss, and Reef were beached. All the crew stared at Shadow at first glance, but like the others didn't attack. Longbeard approached Shadow, "I'll get a fire started, Shadow. For both our warriors and theirs."

"Thank you, Sparsa." Longbeard nodded and began telling the others to gather the bodies, as many as they could find. When Shadow got closer to Share he saw that Dawn and Lacodwn were peering over the railing at him. He walked up the plank and was greeted with a hug from Dawn. Lacoden smiled at Shadow.

"Your coat, dad. What..."

"I'm starting to think there was more to me than I thought." He chuckled. "Do you think you can take us back home?"

"Yeah." Dawn grabbed Lacoden and her dad and they huddled. Dawn teleported them to their cabin, they looked out to the ocean.

"Dawn, Lacoden," Shadow said, "I haven't felt this much at peace for the longest time. Looks like Garren wasn't able to get Magnus Lumen to do what he wanted."

"Neither have I." Lacoden said. She looked up, "Look who else made it." Excaelum landed beside the cabin with Centerra next to him. "Wait.."

Dawn teleported next to Excaelum's claws, "Here, before I forget." Dawn took the red tassel and attached to a scale behind Excaelum's right eye.

"Very fashionable, Dawn." Excaelum said, "Thank you."

"It's not done yet." Lacoden cried. "We have to get off the island!"

"What? Why?!" Shadow replied.

"Rex was control and Garren was power. With both of them gone, Magnus Lumen will become unstable and like before it would threaten all life. We have to stop it!"

"What? There's nothing wrong. Nothing is-" the island shook hard enough to throw them off their hooves. Excaelum held Dawn close, "" Shadow exclaimed. "Not again."

"We need one of the Lights to balance out its power back into stability. I'll do it. I shouldn't be alive alive anyways."

"No! I won't allow that!" Dawn shouted.

"It's the only way, Dawn!"

"No, its only right that I end this." Excaelum spoke, "my father stopped it before. It's my turn." Shadow flew onto Excaelum's back.

"Fine, but if there's the slightest chance I can save you I'm gonna do it." Shadow said. Dawn and Lacoden teleported onto Excaelum's back.

"Centerra, get them off Fallen Star!" The island shook violently again. Almost feeling like it would spilt in half. The mountain the the center began to split down the middle. And a loud deep howl ran through the sky. "Centerra, go!" Excaelum roared.

They flew toward their horror. Remembering the last time it happened. The sky in the sky dimmed. The closer they got, the more violently the trees were ripped apart from their roots, the louder the howling got. Shadow knew what was going to happen. He remembered that even Lord Dragaitas, the great Gravity Dragon, couldn't stop the crystal without sacrificing himself. One of them wasn't leaving the island, and he wasn't going to let it be Excaelum, Lacoden, or Dawn.

Excaelum flew up and began to dive. Lacoden, Dawn, and Shadow knew what he was gonna do so they hugged Excaelum's back pressing themselves as much as they can. Excaelum didn't want to waste time by landing so he crashed through the side of the hollow mountain. Inside the howling was deafening. None could hear what the other had to say even if they shouted at the top of their lungs. So they communicated telepathically.

"I won't be leaving this place. Go on you three." Excaelum said.

Shadow took in a breath, "I'm sorry, Dawn, Excaelum, Lacoden." He looked at each of them in the eyes and most at his daughter.

"It's not your fault, dad." Dawn replied. "Excaelum, there must be some way we can save you!"

"There isn't." Lacoden added.

"She's right, now leave!" Excaelum shouted.

"No! I can't leave you, Excaelum!" Dawn screamed with tears going down her face.

"Flare!" Shadow shouted in the silence of the loudness. Lacoden and Excaelum fell to their knees, their skulls pressing against their brains. "This is where my life ends." He looked into Dawn's eyes.

"Father, no!" She shouted.

"I want the three of you to look after each other." Dawn faced the inevitable and cried, Shadow was smiling, "Please, go now. You haven't got a minute to lose."

"I love you." Dawn said.

"I love you too, Dawn." Dawn, Lacoden, and Excaelum disappeared before his eyes and he was alone. He stared at Magnus Lumen, "Flare!" Shadow shouted with all his might. He reared back and flapped his wings and flew faster than he had ever had before in his life head on toward Magnus Lumen. His body fused together with the crystal and the howling ceased. The island stiffened. The crystal imploded. But the sun was still dark, like if it were the moon.

Dawn, Lacoden, and Excaelum were all free falling high above the sky. Excaelum shook out the aches from his head and cursed, "Damn." He opened his wings caught Dawn and Lacoden and placed them on his back. He turned to the island and saw it was again still. He and Dawn no longer felt a direct connection with Shadow. "Never have I met a Pegasus as stubborn as Shadow." Excaelum said. Excaelum flew down to Share and landed on the deck. His passengers jumped off and explained briefly what happened.

Princess Celestia was trying hard to make the sun burn brightly. She tried, but couldn't do it. Dawn walked to the stern of Share and shut her eyes. "Heartbeat." She said. Using her powers to calm her mind. She saw that the sun was bright again through her eyelids, she thought to herself that Princess Celestia had succeeded. Dawn made a rhythm with her breathing.

She felt like there were weights on her sides, she assumed that it was her muscles relaxing, but they were too heavy to be her muscles. She opened her eyes and saw her shadow in her peripheral vision. She turned around to look at the others. She saw only the top of their heads. They were bowing.

She addressed them and they rose their heads. Dawn didn't feel like royalty. She looked at them like before, like friends. She didn't feel like there was any sort of coronation to be held. All she felt was that she wanted to go home.


Dawn and Excaelum were back at their home in Lalifong, the sun was setting. They stood next by each other looking at the orange, yellow sky.

"Now what?" Dawn said, relaxed.

"There are still things that need my attention, Dawn. Questions to be answered."

"Yeah, you're right. I need to learn more about our powers. Excaelum?"


"Be safe out there."

Dawn and Excaelum faced each other and pressed their heads together. And without another word Excaelum expanded his wings and headed north to who knows where. When Excaelum was no longer visible Dawn went into her home. She closed the door behind her. Dust was still dancing in the air, but the didn't bother her. She wouldn't be spending the night inside tonight anyways. Instead, she walked upstairs. Past the empty rooms and to the balcony. Where Dawn had a small bed waiting for her. She laid on her back and drifted off into her dreams.