> Quality Time > by Grenazers > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Together in the barn > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sweet Apple Acres It was a sunny day on the farm of Sweet Apple Acres. The yellow sun shined its light upon the farm and their workers, the heat was high and it didn't help that the skies were clear. Fortunately only three ponies were working the fields; one is residential big red stallion Big Macintosh, the second pony is a light amber pony name Caramel, and with him is blue pony name Noteworthy. The two other ponies are a friend of the red stallion, well technically Caramel is friend with Big Macintosh, Noteworthy was just here because of his friendship with Caramel. The reason why the these two are here is because Big Mac required assistance on the farm. Caramel was more than happy to help out and dragged the reluctant blue stallion with him. "And then I told my boss he can take that and shove it," Caramel said, casually talking to the other two ponies he's working with. "Did you really said that to your boss?" asked the blue earth stallion. "Well not in person, just left him a note on his desk," the amber pony pointed out. "Wuss." "Hey, screw you Noteworthy," Caramel quickly retort his friend's comment. "I don't hear you doing anything exciting." "Well if you consider losing your job exciting," Noteworthy said sarcastically. While these two are bickering among themselves, Big Mac was just silently working the field. At first glance most ponies would assume the red stallion was focused on his chores, but he is actually listening in on his friends' conversation. The hours passed and the three stallions worked in the field all morning. Their task has just been the simple bucking apple trees, collecting them, and storing them in the barn. They continued this till the afternoon where they were about to finish for the day. "Wow, what a day!" Caramel said out loud. "You guys want to go to a bar?" "Well unless we're going to Evergreen Tavern, then I'm with ya." Noteworthy stated. "I have a gig there and one of the perks is free drinks." "Nice," responded Caramel. ""Hey Mac, you want to come along?" As much as he wants to hang out with them, the big red stallion had other plans. He respectfully declines the offer and made his way to one of the empty barn. He opened the door and closed it behind him. Big Mac then sat down on the hay covered ground and waited for his special pony to arrive. Wonderbolts Academy On top of a very high rocky pillar is the location of the famous Wonderbolts Academy. Here is a place where the they for the next generation of flyers in all forms aerial acrobatics. One of its members, a certain rainbow haired pegasus has been in this academy for a year now and have sailed through all of her tests. Soon, at the rate this young pegasus goes, she'll finally be part of the elite flyers: the Wonderbolts. However, the more she thought about her dream, another thing comes to mind. A certain pony waiting for him back home in Ponyville. Rainbow Dash was currently alone, gently flying around the academy building. She was enjoying her state of serenity, until somepony interrupted her. "Hey Dash what's up?" said a masculine voice. Rainbow turned around and spotted the familiar black stallion. "Oh hey Thunderlane, what you want?" "Well Dash, me and some of the other trainees are heading to this cool club in Cloudsdale. I'm just wondering if you want to come along?" the black stallion asked. Dash thought about it for a moment but, decline. As much as she wants to hang out with the other trainees, she explained to him that she had other plans and immediately flew off to Ponyville. Sweet Apple Acres By the time Rainbow made it to Ponyville the sun was starting to set down. Deciding not to waste any time she made a beeline to Sweet Apple Acres. This took her a couple minutes to finally reach the farm, once there she looked around to find the specific barn to go to. She soon spotted the barn and flew straight towards it. As she got closer she slowed down her speed and lower herself in front of the barn's double door. She quietly opened the door and trotted in silently and closed the door behind her. As the blue Pegasus went further in, she comes across a very cute site. She saw her coltfriend, sleeping peacefully on the ground. Dash really enjoys this scene, despite looking very tough and cool, Mac can sometimes look very adorable in certain situation. She wanted to watch this but, she promised a certain pony to spend some time with. She called out to the sleeping stallion and he started to slowly awake. First he raised his head, and his closed eyes started to crack open a bit. His eyes were slowly adjusting itself. The first thing he sees is a familiar blue pony smiling at him. Soon realizing that it was Dash, the awaking red stallion returned her smile with his own. "Howdy Dash," Big Mac greeted her. "Did ya just arrived?" "I sure did," she said, as she trotted closer to him. "And when arrived what do I see? my big stallion sleeping like a cute little colt." The red stallion smiled at her comment, if his coat was another color, you would've see his face blushing. The blue mare then took her spot next to the stallion, they both nuzzled each others and begin their session. The two ponies lay on the ground next to each other and talked. Well mostly Rainbow Dash talked, Big Mac just listened to her rambling on. The big red stallion may not be much of a talker but, he makes up for it by being a good listener. The blue pegasus rambling is mostly about either her times at the academy or the times she is with her friends. On and on she goes on about the crazy adventure she did with Applejack and the others or about the amazing stunt she does in the academy. As she went on, Big Mac couldn't help but admire the little mare next to him. She was cocky, headstrong, and full of herself. And yet it was because of those traits is why he fell in love with her in the first place. Plus he really finds it kind of cute how she talks about how amazing she is. Another reason why he fell for her was because of her enthusiasm. As much as he likes working on the farm, the same everyday task can be very mundane. But whenever they are together, he finds her company rejuvenating. She was energetic and full of spirit, she is the reason why he eagerly gets up everyday, she is the one that puts a smile on his face, and she is the one that makes him happy. To put it simply amazing mare is the magnificent rainbow that not only shines but, to also bring color to his otherwise dark, gray and dull world. Both ponies enjoy their time together, each session usually different from the last. Sometime Dash will be all talking, while Big Mac just sat and listen. Other times the red stallion himself will have something to say in their sessions. And then there time when they became more intimate together. After Rainbow was done with her long-winded talk, both ponies scooted closer together until their body's were touching. They then proceed to lay their neck against each for support and stayed in that position. The two ponies lay next to each other for an undetermined amount of time, not saying anything. During their silence Rainbow Dash lifted one of her wings and wrapped around Big Mac's neck, pulling him closer to her. While Big Mac was enjoying the silence to together, Rainbow mind was filled with unease. She wants to tell him about something but, worried over how he will react. The blue pegasus decided not the back down now and should just get on with it. She turned her head to Big Mac and look into his face, She took a deep breath and talk to him. "H-hey... Big Mac," she paused for a moment. "You know I'll be graduating from the academy soon." "Eeyup," he replied. "And you know that means that I'll finally be joining the Wonderbolts, right?" "Eeyup." At this point the blue mare was starting to tremble. "This means that I'll traveling a lot, places far away from here. She then turns her face away from him. "And that means we will rarely able to see each other,"she said, sadly. The stallion looked upon the sadden mare, lifted his arm and wrapped it around her. He knew this would come up eventually and he came prepared for it. Using his arm he pulled the mare closer to him and hugged her, he then used his head to nuzzle the blue pony. "Dashie, please don't be sad," he said, while comforting her. "I knew what I was getting myself into when we started this relationship." He lifted his hoof and used to turn her face towards his. "I want you to know that I fully support your lifelong dream." Surprise by his response, Rainbow pressed on with the issue. "But Mac, we'll so far away from each other. Who knows how long until I can come back here." "Please Dashie I know it may seem hard but, dammit Rainbow I love you!" Big Mac spoke, saying the last part loudly. The mare was taken back by his sudden raised voice, very rarely did the usual quiet stallion ever said anything loud. "Rainbow we have been together for a year now and during those years our relationship has been put to the test many times. This just happened to be one of the many we will face." Big Mac then lifted his other arm and wrapped both his arms around her, giving her a nice big hug. : So please Dashie, don't give up on our relationship." Rainbow Dash smiled and cried a little. "You idiot," she told him. "You know I'm no bucking quitter." She returned his hug with her own as she wrapped her own two hooves around him. They embraced each other for a while until they pushed each other apart. This resulted in both ponies to look into each others eyes, a pair of green eyes staring into a pair of dark pink. Then instinctively they both lock lips with each other and kissed. By the time their session ended, the sun was gone, replaced by the bright radiant moon. Both ponies got out of the barn with looks of pure bliss on their face. Big Mac accompanied her all the way to the entrance of his farm. As soon as they got there, they shared a quick kiss and the blue pegasus flew off. The red stallion watched the mare fly off, the light from Luna's moon shining brightly on the flying Pegasus. He kept on watching her until she disappeared into the darkness. Big Macintosh then turns around and headed towards his house. One Year Later Out in the field of Sweet Apple Acres, Big Macintosh is working the same place he did a year ago. A lot of things had happened over the year, one of them is Rainbow Dash graduating from the Wonderbolts Academy. While he did accept that she'll eventually graduate, he still however dreaded that day. After her graduation he and Dash share one night together, then by morning she was gone. The red stallion tirelessly pulled the wagon full of apples to one of the barns for storage. Big Mac may seem like his usual self but, inside he was really sadden by the departure of his fillyfriend. Nonetheless he didn't allow his emotion to affect his work, so he keeps it to himself and press forward. Once the stallion was done with his chores, he noticed the mail pony have put some some envelope in their mailbox. The stallion trotted to the mail box and found numerous letters. They ranged from letters for his two younger sisters and grandma, bills, taxes, and some coupons. However, one letter stood out from the rest. This one is in blue and is addressed to him, he opened the envelope and read the letter inside. As he read the letter a smile started to form his face and left to prepare for a certain guest. The hours passed and by now the sun is starting to set, The red stallion is waiting by the same barn the two shared in the past. Big Macintosh waited at the entrance and looked towards the sky for somepony. A minute of waiting later, he spotted a silhouette of a pony in the orange sky. The black figure was heading towards him and at an accelerated speed. The unknown pony was drawing closer and the red stallion started to recognize the pony. The figure landed right in front of the stallion. Big Mac smiled upon seeing his guest, it is Rainbow Dash in her Wonderbolts uniform. The two then galloped to each other and embrace. "I miss you Dashie," The stallion said to the mare. "And I miss you too Mac," she replied back. The two lover let go of their hug and kissed each other. After their romantic greeting they both enter the barn, to spend some quality time together.