Hidden Behind The Camera

by TwistedSkittles

First published

Photo Finish, behind the strange clothes and sunglasses is very shy and antisocial pony that she has hidden from everypony. So when she meets Fluttershy, she understands that it's not just the loud popular ponies who receive special attention

Photo Finish, behind the strange clothes and sunglasses is very shy and antisocial pony that she has hidden from everypony. So when she meets Fluttershy, she understands that it's not just the loud popular ponies who receive special attention

Behind A Photo

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As Photo Finish walked through Ponyville, ponies with cameras surrounded her. Even the paparazzi loved her here.

Photo Finish sighed and frowned at them, her eyes darting nervously back and forth behind her purpley pink glasses. She wanted them gone. The only reason they were taking pictures is that she was personal friends with Fancy Pants. They took pictures of nearly everypony who even came within ten feet of him. Photo would rather be behind the camera, where it was safe and no pony would see her. As much as she loved her fans, they loved her models, not her.

"You! Be gone!" She announced to them. The photographers immediately zipped away, but not before taking a few more pictures.

Photo Finish sighed and continued her walk to the photo studio. She was on her way to her next photo shoot with a shy pegasus named Fluttershy. That's what Photo loved about her. She was shy.

Everywhere Photo Finish went, every popular pony wanted to be her model. They were always loud, obnoxious, outgoing, and very rude. But Fluttershy was different. Unlike other eager models, She was a shy quiet mare who did not want attention. She was looking for a way to make her mark in Equestria, yet was so shy and cute all of the time. Photo loved it.

Little did anypony know, Photo Finish was secretly a very good actor. And a very, very shy little pony. Behind her glasses were small, nervous eyes when anypony even talked to her. She to talked and dressed very strange from her true self, which was usually just a skirt and a fedora on her head along with her large nerdy glasses. Atleast that's how she used to be.

Photo Finish loved to be behind the camera. Nopony could see her, and she could literally make her ideas alive right then and there. It was where she belonged, quietly watching her success. It was wonderful for her.

Or her models's success, not her's, as it seemed.

Photo Finish had convinced herself that the only reason ponies had even heard of her is because of the perfect beauty of her models. They always were so eager and perfect looking. They always were asked to model other things, making them even more popular then before. Was it really a coincidence that the average pony on would recognize the model and not the photographer? Photo Finish did not think so. Not even Fluttershy herself had known who Photo Finish was before they started her modeling.

But that was fine with Photo Finish....somewhat.


Today's show had been a total success.....in a strange way.

Well, Fluttershy had invented a strange but new way how to model. Yes, she may have tripped and....picked her nose.....and barked like a dog.......and scratched herself.......but the fans loved it.....for some reason.

When Photo Finish saw them cheering, she just went with it, cheering her model on and stomping her hooves on floor.

When the show was over, Photo Finish peeked her head inside and saw Fluttershy with a white unicorn named Rarity that had tried to sell her outfits before.

"Fluttashy! You were brilliant! Brilliant! I've already got six foto shoot lined up fo tomarro ahlohne!" Sho told Fluttershy.

Fluttershy smiled. "I'm sorry Photo Finish. I don't think I'll be able to make any of them." She said politely. Then her and the unicorn giggled.

"What?" Photo gasped.

Fluttershy and Rarity hoof pumped. "We go!" They announced. They giggled as they walked out of the room happily.

"What haz jus happened?" Photo asked herself out loud. She turned and raced back to Fluttershy, not even noticing the purple unicorn sticking her head in a large flower pot.

"Fluttashy? Can I have a moment alone with you?" She pulled the pegasus to a corner.

"Photo Finish, I'm sorry but I-" Fluttershy started.

Photo held her hoof up and cut her off. "I know, I know, you quit. That's okay. But it's not about that. I just wanted to say I am very happy to have had as a model. I learned that it is not just the outgoing, popular ponies who get the attention, but the shy ones who also know what's right." The pony was not talking in her accent, but a normal, softer voice, similar to Fluttershy's, yet a bit deeper. "Thank you Fluttershy. I now know that it is not just the models who are wanted, but those who also hide behind the camera."
Fluttershy's cheeks turned beat red.
"Oh, wow Photo Finish. I don't know what to say." She giggled nervously.

"Please, call me Photo. All of my friends call me that." Photo replied. "I want you to know that you are welcomed back here any time, model or not."

"Oh....um....ok." Fluttershy whispered.

"I must be going now, I have a new photo shoot soon." Photo smiled at her. Then she suddenly turned and held her hoof high in the air.

"And.....we be gone!" She announced, switching back to accent. She zipped away quickly, then Rarity walked up to her friend.

"My oh my, what was she telling about? Was she trying to get you to be a model again?" Rarity asked, raising her eyebrows.

"Oh, it's nothing really. She just wanted to show me a little bit of what is behind a photo." Fluttershy told her.

"Ah, wait, what does that mean?."

"Nothing, never mind," Fluttershy tried to change the subject "Want to go to the spa?" She asked.

"Of course!" Rarity gave her a grin.

"Just like old times!" Fluttershy announced.

"Indeed." Rarity agreed.