the life of a exploding pony

by RedRing

First published

Red never got along with normal ponies given a problem he has that my get him in trouble.

Red Ring has had a fairly good life building and being the stay at home brother to his best friend who he lives with until weird things start going on around him and his friends leading his life in to new places some that he wish he never had seen many things happen and he may or may not loose the thing he loves most forever. ((Yes this does have then NLR but it is not a focus of the story ))

prologue it's a brand new day

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I wake up light headed in this cold dusty house still shroud in darkness with only the faint glow of the moon's light piercing the veil. Sleep eluding me, I extract myself from my bed and meander down the hall. The moon's glow is muted here and I nearly trip on something unseen. I peered at the door down the hall and listen intently. Answered only by the thump of my own heart I relax reassured I didn't disturb her. I need to be more careful. What did I trip on anyway? I felt with my hoof and find the would be assassin as nothing more than the book I forgot I dropped on my way to my room last night.
"Another night with no sleep..." I go to the restroom and comb my copper mane and clean myself off then preen my wings then walk down stairs and light a candle.
"Better time than any to work..."
for the next hour I'm trying to build anything that works with very little luck over all having a hard time.

In the morning creepy wakes up and walks down stairs she's a black coated unicorn with a black and purple mane.
"Morning red..."
she said half asleep.
"Morning so what do you want to eat?" I ask walking around getting supplies for anything.
"Red your a horrible cook lets just go out and eat."
I nod put on my lab coat and open the door we are in a burnt down house in the forest it's very old but creepy likes it because she has her friends that are ghosts around but I just think she's seeing things and we walk to ponyville.
"Where should we eat?"
"Somewhere cheep with you braking things all the time we don't have many bits."
I look down sad.
"I know I brake things a lot but I never mean to brake them."
We stop at a small shop.
"Here we are."
She said getting us a place to eat.
"And red I know you never mean to but it's your skill you destroy things you cant just run from it all the time."
We order eat and start walking around town.
"Creepy look!"
I yell pointing at a abandoned building it's small and wouldn't be anything you could live in but would make a good shop.
"Ok red I need to go to work don't brake anything when I'm gone."
After creepy walks away to do her job I walk in the broken down shop and start building.
"This is going to be sweet and creepy will love it!"
I rebuild the roof and the first floor of the soon to be shop after a few hours it's still really dusty and dirty but works as a lab and that's just what I wanted.

I take out the small amount of bits creepy gives me for the day times were getting tuff at her job the pay had gone down but we survived just never got our house fixed but I like it that way.
"Well better buy some supplies and bring them back."
I go to a small shop it has a few supplies nothing that good but I didn't care and pay him for it walked back and set up the lab waiting for creepy black.
"Red are you still here?"
She asked walking in and looking around.
"Yes I am!"
I say flying over happily.
"You made this?"
"Yes I did!"
"But why?"
she asks confused.
"Because times have been hard in your line of work so I decided to get myself a job working here and selling the things I made for fun to make us some bits!"
I say proud of myself.
"Good job well lets go home we can open the shop tomorrow."
We walk though the bright dirt rode happily ignoring the ponies trying to sell us things as we walk back to the burnt Mansion and make something to eat.
" today has been great what could go wrong?"
"Red don't say that every time you do something does!"
"If nothing goes wrong what's the point!?" I ask laughing.
"That you have a happy life."

She replies with a grin but surprisingly I'm frowning.
"Creepy its time I told you how I came to be here..."Creepy looks surprised.
"But you said you didn't want to talk about it!"
"I know but it's time..." I tell her from the beginning.
"I was put in a asylum at age 3 for multiple personality disorder my family was dead they said the doctor she told me I did it they medicated me and tested on me for three years then on my six birth day I broke out after letting it out hen I found you and you took me in your the closest thing to family I have..." Is crying and hugs creepy black.
We both go to our rooms tired from a long day of hard work not getting many bits and try to sleep creepy has a easy time but sleep yet again avoids me so I jump off my bed and fly over to the window my lab coat laying on the dresser with my tools all nearly broken or old and dusty.
"It's ok creepy I'll get us some bits some how..."

I look at my lab coat and think of how it's from the asylums guard the one that I got to let me out so I could brake out of the asylum and tear up.
"I'm so sorry I never payed you back and now I never can you where a brave mare..."
sits at my dresser and dusts off the lab coat hugging it tight and cry though the night thinking about the brave mare with blue eyes who had let me out and died to free me.
"I would have loved to known you even a bit better that's all..."
I put the lab coat on with a explosion on the chest where it had been ripped I had put it there to remember that I have a purpose and can do something with my life other than destroy like the mare said to me.
"I better sleep it's one am..."

I lay on my bed and fall asleep I dream about the mare who saved me.
"Little one go I will stop them for as long as I can."
She pushes me and turns away.
"Remember you can do anything you just need to try!"
I hide under her lab coat to get out and hear a scream and I'm out of the asylum she's gone and I see a filly creepy and walk scared toward her.
"Hello who are you?"
I ask nervous she will take me back.
"I'm creepy black now calm down."
She is calm and confident and taller than me even though I'm older.
she walks me though the forest to a burnt down Mansion and I wake up.
I get up and walk out of my room and look for creepy who is not in the Mansion.
"Creepy?" I look at a clock.
"Aaa I'm late!"

I run over to the door and run in to it and I open the door and run down the dirt road and to my shop I walk in and sit behind the counter and start working.
"Always look on the bright side of life!"
I sing working and smiling as the bugs go around the shop.
"I should fix this place up a bit more no pony will come in if I don't do that!"
I start dusting and kicking bugs out and dancing the whole time after that I walk out to get lunch from the café and come back.
"Some day this shop will be all we need and creepy wont need the job talking to ghosts."

I go back to working on a watch for the next hour.
"There done."
Creepy walks in mad having a bad day.
"What's wrong?" She walks over.
"The ghosts are mad today and that's not good!" I start to look worried.
"Well we all have bad days." She sits by me and I start showing her how to build.
"Well red this was different I've seen mad ghosts but not so many at the same time. "
I keep working. "Well I can't help your the only one who can see them well I can see them doing things but not there body."

I let creepy start building.
"I need to get some supplies I'll be right back."
I walk out and down the dirt rode and a pony runs in to me knocking me over.
"watch it!"
I look up at the pony it's the red mare that saved me seeing me she runs away and I run after.
"Wait up!" She turns a corner and is gone.
"I must be seeing things she couldn't have made it out."

I keep walking to shop I normally go to and down a ally I see a small green pony being attacked by two ponies around the size of me.
"Get away from him!"
I charge the ponies and jump on one and hit him ad he punches me back and the other trys to get me off.
"Why where you attacking the colt!?"
The ponies say nothing and bites me.
I bleed tearing up and smash the pony in to the ground knocking him out and buck the pony in to the wall and start walking away bleeding and get my chemicals from the shop and walk back to creepy ring Inc. I named it.
"Red are you ok?"
She sees me bleeding and runs over trying to fix it up.
"A colt was being attacked I couldn't stand by."
She looks at my eyes.
"I know red I know."
I walk back to my chair and go back to building.
"Creepy it's time you go home I have a lot of work to do tonight."
I walk her out and kiss her on the head and send her home.
"Come home at some point!"
"I will I will."
I go back to work working on watches smiling.
"tomorrow is my birthday I cant wait!" I work though the night then go home the town is silent as i walk home and go to bed.