> Black Ink (Equestria Girls) > by Firestorm162 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1:Twilight's return and the black ink > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It had been a month since the defeat of Sunset Shimmer, and Twilight was curious to see how the humans were doing, so she arrived at Canterlot High to see how they were doing "Are you really going back?" Spike asked in an annoyed tone. Twilight rolled her eyes and answered his question,"Yes, Spike and you're coming with me." Twilight replied. Spike looked at her in shock but he knew he had to go with Twilight, and with that the duo steeped into the mirror and ended up at Canterlot High and her human friends were waiting for her,"Twilight!" The girls screamed in excitement. The seven friends walked into the school, it was a beautiful summer day and the school was booming with excitement,"Wow, girls you did well since I left." Twilight said with pride, she soon noticed that her friends had scared expressions on their faces,"What is it girls?" Twilight asked worriedly. "Twilight, darling I'm afraid to tell you this, but ever since you left someone or something has been attacking the students and leaving trails of black ink that leads strait to their lockers and inside is a message written in the ink." Rarity said grimly. "What, what did the message say?" Twilight asked in fear as she covered her mouth in shock. "The Ink will flow through the veins." Applejack said grimly, Twilight was now concerned that she just caused the high school to become the hunting for a creature. It was then they headed the scream, they quickly ran to the location where the heard the scream. They saw a group of teens holding onto the girl who was being pulled by tendrils made of black ink. Quickly thinking of something to do Twilight ran forward and helped the other students pull the girl away,"Hold on Vocal Cord, we got ya." Twilight heard someone say to the girl, she soon recognized the voice as Pinkie's voice. It was all for not though as the tendrils lunched forward and pushed the group backwards,"No, no, no please help me!" Vocal Cord screamed as she was dragged into the shadows. Twilight and the others stood mortified as they watched the shadows,"When did this start?" Twilight asked, the others looked down and noticed she was clenching her fists. No one said anything for awhile because after all what could be said,"Twilight, now that you asked I just remembered that after you left a new student transferred here and as soon as he arrived these attacks began." Fluttershy revealed. Twilight was both excited by this since now they have a suspect, but concerned as well because he could be dangerous,"Take me to him." Twilight commanded. The girls did as asked and took her to see the new student,"Twilight before you speak to him you should know something, he's not a normal student." Pinkie said grimly, Twilight just stared at her in confusion,"What i mean is he's...." But before Pinkie could finish they reached the room of the student. Twilight opened the door and inside stood a tall male human with white face paint, black eyeliner smudged over his eyes, black lipstick, long black hair, and a black leather jacket and pants with black ink stained steel toed boots. Twilight just stared at Jim with much curiosity,"I tried to warn you Twilight he's a goth." Pinkie said with fear,"Twilight Sparkle?" The boy asked with much curiosity as he walked closer to the girls. Twilight nodded as she backed away slowly,"I am Black Ink, princess Twilight and it is a pleasure to meet you." Black Ink said kneeling before the girls, it was here where Twilight got a better look at his hands and she noticed his finger tips had pen tips attached to them. Some time later the girls left Black Ink's room,"Ok, that guy was weird." Rainbow said bluntly, everyone just agreed with her walked faster away from Black Ink,"So fair princess you've finally come to me, I look forward to pumping my ink into your veins." Black Ink said to himself,"When you are out of the picture I can return to Equestria and get the Elements of Harmony and then the nine dimensions will be mine." Black Ink continued, he turned around and entered his room again. He quickly approached a chest sitting by his bed and opened it inside lay Vocal Cord, bound, gaged, and crying,"Lets begin." Black Ink said as he removed the gag and laughed wickedly as he listened to her scream as he committed his dastardly deed. All the while I had just arrived at Canterlot High ready to complete my mission,"Ok, Black Ink where are you?" I asked myself as I entered the building, strange place I thought to myself as I continued my search it was here where I came across a student with spiky blue hair,"Excuse me, but maybe you can help me I'm new here and I'm looking for a young lady named Twilight Sparkle, could you help me find her?" I asked not having many other options, he agreed to help actually to my shock. "I must ask why are you looking for her?" The boy asked me with a frown on his face. "She's in terrible danger." I revealed. The boy now looked scared," We can't waste time Flash we must move." I continued. "My name is Omega, in case you were curious." I told Flash. We continued on until we came across a girl I knew as Sunset Shimmer,"Sunset, you're not gonna believe this." Flash said to her grimly. > Chapter 2: Omega meets Rarity(Rarity) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I had been wondering through the halls looking for Flash Sentry, upon Twilight's request, Rarity why do you want to walk through these halls alone. I wondered in thought as I passed more students trying to find Flash. It didn't take long for me to find him and the two people with him, I recognized one as Sunset Shimmer, but the other was someone I've never seen before he had long white hair, a sexy tanned skin tone, loose baggy jeans that looked simply smashing, black leather boots, a black muscle shirt, and a black leather jacket to complete that sexy bad boy look I'd always been looking for in a man,"Flash darling!" I exclaimed excitedly. Flash stood there starring at her not sure what to say. "Hi, Rarity." Flash said in a confused tone. "Flash, would you care to introduce me to that handsome friend of yours?" I asked In a seductive tone. Flash starred at me some more,"Rarity, this is Omega, Omega this is Rarity." Flash said introducing me to the cute boy,"Well, miss Rarity it's a pleasure meeting you." Omega said grabbing my hand gently and kissing it, he's so polite. I thought to myself, another thing I'm looking for in a man,"Rarity, where's Twilight?" Flash asked," I know she came back, so where is she?" Flash asked in a vary serious tone. "I was actually sent to find you, why?" I asked in a worried tone. "She's in terrible danger." Omega said bluntly. "I'll take you to her." I said to the three, together we rushed through the halls, until I felt something grab me,"Help!" I yelled. Omega grabbed me and began pulling me in the opposite direction of the black tendril that was pulling me towards the wall,"Hold on, Rarity!" Flash yelled, I turned and saw Flash carrying a ax with one powerful swing he cut the tendril. "Thank you." I said to the two boys who saved me, Omega looked at me and I just couldn't help but look into those gorgeous emerald, green eyes, I couldn't help it, but I leaned in and I kissed him,"Wow." Omega said after we broke the kiss. "Oh, you didn't like it?" I asked in a disappointed tone. "No, no, I loved it, but next time give me time to kiss you back and buy you dinner first." Omega said with a chuckle, oh, even his laugh is cute. I thought to myself,"Guys, I hate to cut this show short but we have to save Twilight." Sunset said sarcastically, while Flash just laughed,"Yes, let's go." I said leading the group down the hall. Meanwhile, Black Ink was quite pleased,"So, Omega you have finally arrived, well I guess you'll soon discover, you can't stop me now." Black Ink said in a wicked tone,"You two follow them, I want Twilight's blood." Black Ink said to his two minions that were behind him,"Omega, you shouldn't have come, you can't protect Twilight from me." Black Ink said, while laughing evilly as his minions went after us. > Chapter 3: the Next Victim (Spike) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I couldn't believe what I looked like, I was no longer a dog thank Celestia, but I was human, looking at myself in the mirror was like seeing a new person. I had spiky green hair, purple pants, a pair of black boots, a black shirt, and a purple jacket over the shirt. My skin color was that of Fluttershy's skin, I look good, I thought to myself, that was when Rarity walked in, she was with Flash Sentry, Sunset Shimmer, and some new guy whom I've never seen before,"Who's this clown?" I asked angrily. "Spike!" Twilight said in a harsh whisper. "No it's quit alright, I'm Omega." He explained,"Omega Blanc." He continued. "Omega just saved Rarity, from being Hentaied." Flash said with a chuckle. I had no idea what he was talking about, Hentai, I thought to myself. Omega entered the room and began looking around,"Which of you lovely ladies is Twilight Sparkle?" Omega asked. Everyone in the room looked at Twilight,"I'm Twilight." Twilight said curiosity. "You are in terrible-" but before he could finish we heard screams coming from the hall,"I'll explain later." Omega said rushing out into the hall. Everyone quickly followed after him, it didn't take us long to notice the black tentacle holding onto the leg of a young female student dragging her across the floor, "Help me!" The girl screamed in a terrified tone. A bunch of students tried to help her but they were losing the tug of war match,"Hold on, we're coming!" Omega said coming to the aid of the students,"Pull!" Omega yelled after grabbing the back of a female student who was also trying to save the girl. It was hopeless however, within minutes more tentacles came out of the wall and knocked us away and dragged the girl into darkness. Meanwhile, off to the side Black Ink's henchmen were watching us,"Velvet Rose?" One of the henchmen who was tall, wore black leather pants, steel toed black leather boots, had pale white skin, no shirt, a black leather jacket, a gimp mask which only showed one eye which was red, and a black cowboy hat said to his female companion, "Yes, brother." Velvet, who was short, wore a purple blouse, a black skirt, ripped nylon stockings, a blue leather jacket with her name sewed on the back, knee high BDSM stilettos, long golden hair, pale white skin, and green lizard like eyes said to the boy. "I believe it's time to report to Black Ink, and the rest of the Goths." The boy said, his sister agreed and the two were off. > Chapter 4: Date Night Part 1 (Omega) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I sat there dumbfounded by what I had seen. That's impossible. I thought to myself, I kept thinking through everything in my head. "So who are you?" Twilight asked me. I knew I couldn't put this off any longer so I asked them all to join me in the room again. Once we had entered the room, I removed my jacket and sat down. "My name is Omega Blanc. Twilight, I'm here to tell you, that you, this world, our world, is in terrible danger." I say letting that sink in. They look at me as if to say continue. "About a year ago, a very dangerous fugitive escaped from me. I was able to track him to this world, but of course I have no jurisdiction here." I continued. "So, are you a cop or something from the pony world?" Asked Flash. I smile and shake my head no. "Not exactly. I'm who you call when something out of the ordinary happens. I deal with the worst types of criminals. I was actually called in to capture King Sombra and Queen Crysalis when they attacked." I revealed. "I am a member of the Equestria Guardians." Twilight frowned. She looked at me as if to ask a question. "Why does this criminal want me?" She asked. "He was arrested for doing illegal magic based experiments on Equins. Do to these experiments he found a way to harvest magic from Unicorns."