Siege of Canterlot

by Peachy Moon

First published

The stories of the normally unsung heroes. See Depry, her daughters, the Wonderbolts, and a down on her luck griffin fight to keep Equestira safe.

This is the third time Queen Chrysalis has struck and though she managed to take the castle she was unable to full keep the city. Now as the Elements of Harmony do their thing in the background we focus on the other heroes of the story.

Derpy in the Sky with Changelings

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The grey pegasus landed gently hiding behind a swell as another changeling patrol buzzed passed her overhead. Derpy held her breath as they moved away before allowing herself to catch her breath and rest. She closed her eyes and bit her bottom lip. Her little muffin was ahead in the city below the storm clouds. She catches her breath and moves slowly walking along the clouds and trying to keep focus for any patrols.

She pokes her head down through the clouds feeling a tingle along her coat from the charge building up inside the leashed storm. The sky below her was filled by the buzzing black forms of changelings. They were blasting and exchanging spells with the Guard pinned down on the city proper. She could barely make out fighting in the streets of the capital. She sighs trying to catch a glimpse of Celestia’s Academy. She knew her muffins were down there she prayed they were safe.

Plucking her head back up she took flight again keeping low to the clouds. She swooped down her muffin clasped saddlebags wiggling at her sides. She’d gone to Cloudsdale for the special cupcakes her little Dinky loved. She’d been so proud of her for being accepted into the Academy. Her little Dinky was growing up so fast. She didn’t mind that she’d have to get another job to pay for the expenses her daughters were everything to her.

She was snapped out of her thoughts by the sudden droning of nearby wings. She gasps diving as a patrol burst through the cloud layer. Her eyes widen as they spin swooping towards her. She spins diving hard away from them into the cloud layer. She flew along hearing them buzzing around looking for her stopping she curls up in the tingling safety of the clouds.

She cries as quietly as she can listening until she was certain they’d stopped moving around.. She moves slowly carefully looking out of the clouds. She sighs seeing the changelings buzzing in place only a few yards from her. Their gazes elsewhere she ducks back into the clouds and sighs letting out a breath. She had to get to her muffins. Her little muffin would be scared and Sparkler needed her mother just as much.

Taking a breath she moves crawling out of the cloud and walking slowly and stealthily along it. She would never be sure if it was her muttered prayers of her clumsiness that gave her away but she stepped wrong tripping over herself and they were on her. Buzzing down at her sickly green blasts peppering the clouds around her. She kicks off causing sparks to dance along her hooves as she takes flight. She spins diving into the clouds fully flying just under the cloud layer. The changelings above fired down through the clouds alerting those below to her.

Beset by enemies on both sides she climbs up through the clouds once more she looks around desperately dodging the blasts around her as she searches. She lets out a triumphant laugh as she spots the thunderheads. She pushes her wings faster feeling the frigid wind against her blonde mane and tail.

Pulling up shorts she drags herself to a stop before looking at the changelings that were swarming towards her. With a grin she kicks off the thunderhead igniting the storm to life. In moments lightening and rain filled the sky below and she dives down through the now broken changeling lines. She was home free! She laughs and smiles swooping towards Canterlot towards her muffins.

That was until the felt her wingtip go numb she banks hard barely dodging the next few shots. She gasps glancing back at a charred and very angry changeling patrol. They hiss more blasts of entropic energy blasting towards her. She goes into a hard dive before looping back up dodging them once more. She cries feeling the numbness creeping up her wing. She felt her vision blur worse as her eyes started to drift.

“No no no no not now not now..I’ve been good for hours...not now..” She begs. It was as her vision was going to shit that she noticed the low hanging cloud. A thunderhead drifting low between the cloud layer and city. She had to smile as she looked back at the changelings, more had joined the group now. She giggles maniacally as she folds her wings going into a full dive towards the clouds.

“I KNOW EXACTLY WHAT’S HAPPENING!” She screams into the rain and thunder. Her vision blurred and unfocused she closes her eyes and prayed. She felt the wind buffeting her as she sped down towards the cloud. She just prayed she’d be able to see her muffins again. Baring that maybe she would be able to help the Guard down in the city with this.

The changelings never once seemed to guess what she’d planned they simply followed her in. Her body numbed by multiple hits now she gritted her teeth managing to remain conscious as she plowed into the cloud. The explosion was heard as far away as Ponyville some would later claim. The electricity from the pulverized thunderhead was unleashed ripping through pegasus and changeling alike. Black chitinous forms fell from the sky in droves. Falling with them was the scorched form a grey mailmare. She was spinning uncontrollably as she raced to meet the streets below her. She never noticed the guards racing forward to meet the now broken changeling lines or the changing tide of the battle. Her last conscious thoughts were of her daughters now just a bit safer below her.

She spun down towards the streets below as the battle began to change for the better. The once pinned Guard surged forward taking the fight to the changelings once more. The lightning and rain aiding the once beleaguered defenders. All were stunned by what had just happened in the skies above them. They moved forward not sure whom had delivered the miracle but all thank the one that had.

They would only be surprised further when the windows on the castle all exploded outwards to the sound of music and flashing lights a few moments later.

Magical Music Mare

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PON-3!! PON-3!! PON-3!!

The crowd danced and screamed her name as her beats blasted out from the speakers. The white unicorn laughs throwing her hooves in the air and egging the crowded to go harder. They were putty in her hooves as she spun. The light show going on around her was muted only by her glasses. Throwing her head back her electric blue mane wild as she jumped caught in the energy of the concert.

Her world calmed slightly as a pair of slender grey legs wrapped around her from behind. The posh mare smiled nuzzling into her marefriends mane inhaling her scent as she snuggled into the safety of the DJ. Vinyl smirked as she kept working on the set. She had everything she ever wanted in that moment. The love of her life was with her, the crowds loved her, and she was at the peak of her career. It was also all a lie.

She felt Octavia’s hooves dig into her stomach as the mare’s grip tighten trying to keep the DJ to herself. She saw the crowds eyes turn to envy and hate. She stumbled back into the grey cellist’s grip as the music cut off. She tried to fight as the earth pony slammed her to the ground pinning her down and leaning her muzzle in.


Vinyl sat up in bed panting and gasping for breath. Her magenta eyes were watering as the bright noon sun shone from a nearby window. Pulling the covers from her body she moved to slide off the bed. She was stopped as a gentle hoof touched her own.

“Where do you think you’re off to?” An upper class voice asked from beside her on the bed. Vinyl turned meeting the gentle purple gaze of her fiancee. The earth pony’s eyes widen when she meets Vinyl’s eyes. “What’s wrong Vinyl?” She asks sitting up and pulling her love into a hug.

“A nightmare babe. It’s nothing..” Vinyl responds trying not to shiver as she snuggled into the warm and inviting grey coat. She could still feel the dream Octy’s legs pinning her to the ground. “Just nerves for today I guess.” She says chuckling slightly. “Imagine that DJ-PON-3 with cold feet” She jokes snuggling further into her lover.

“You act as though we’re having a white wedding Vinyl. Thanks to your antics we are not allowed within 500 feet of any sort of temple!” Octavia says her eyes twinkling playfully.

“Hey wasn’t my fault...that priest totally looked like a stallion” Vinyl says grinning from ear to ear and feeling a bit of her cockiness return. “Imma go grab a shower Octy…” She says pressing her muzzle to Octavia’s in a loving kiss before pulling away and trotting happily to the bathroom.

“I’ll be here when you return Vinyl” She heard Octavia call after her.


Vinyl smiles down at the white earth pony filly bundled in her forelegs. She smiles nuzzling her daughters head happily and glancing at her wife. The mare smiles back as she lay in the hospital bed recovering from the labor. Vinyl laughs as the filly stares at her with her mother’s eyes. Pride swelled in the DJ’s heart from the sight of a life she helped make.

“Best thing I ever made!” She declares nuzzling her daughter. She kissed the little filly’s head again and grins looking to Octavia “She’s so cute Octy! I love you both so much!” She grins moving to stand closer to Octavia.

“What do you want to name her?” Octavia asks kissing her wife gently. She groans slightly still weak from the birth.

“I don’t know Octy. Got something in mind?” Vinyl asks grinning at her wife. She saw Octavia's mouth open


“Glissando Scratch!” Octavia’s voice called out as her teenaged daughter galloped out the front door.

“Iloveyoumomsbebacklater!” The young mare called over her shoulder not stopping. The only thing that kept her furious mother from following her was the gentle magical glow holding her in the door.

“Let ‘er go babe. She’ll be fine” Vinyl says smiling, though a part of her had no idea what was going on. It felt like she’d just been in the delivery room with her newborn daughter. She shook her head to clear that feeling and smiled pulling her furious wife into a hug. “Come on Octy like you didn’t do stupid stuff when you were her age.” She asks smiling.

“I did no such thing!” Octavia snaps back pulling from her wife. “She’s off with the farm colt again I just know it!” She says fuming.

“Come on babe Lil’ Mac isn’t that bad!” Vinyl responds getting annoyed by the way her wife was acting.

“We’ve lived in Ponyville for years now babe, Why don’t you like the Apples? Their amazing ponies, and if not for AJ and her friends we’d be up the creek!” The former DJ says moving slowly over to her wife.

“Its not that Vi. I just dreamed she would make it big and be somepony!” She says looking to her wife sadly. “We were both huge in music, Glissando can be huge too but she wants to run off and play on the farm!” She says pleading with her wife to understand.

“We all follow our hearts Oc….” Vinyl says before stopping stumbling back at a pain in her chest. She slumps to the floor as the sky outside the window turned black thunder and rain coming from nowhere. She shook her head and looked around the room realizing that he wife was the only thing in focus. Everything else just didn’t look real. Vinyl closes her eyes and whimpered. “The heart you could never give me Octy..” She whispers to herself as memories flood back.

She looks at Octavia and walks over pulling her wife into a kiss tears staining her cheeks. “I have to go..” She whispers

“'re not making sense! Look outside! Its bad enough that Glissando is out there I don’t need to lose my wife too!” She screams at Vinyl trying to hold the mare to her.

“You're not Octavia..” Vinyl responds pulling away from Octavia pushing the mare back with her magic. She pulls the front door open and looks back at the grey mare. “I love you with all my heart Octy…..” She says before stepping into the storm.


Vinyl’s eyes pulled open and she gasped choking on the green glop she was suspended in. She thrashed around starting to panic as she took in the scene around her. The orchestra she’d come to perform with were all cocooned like her. Her eyes settle on the grey cellist not five feet from her prison. She turned seeing her tables and a shattered record on the ground near it. The black shelled changelings all seemed focus on something outside the windows.

Reaching out with her magic she grabbed the shattered vinyl. She sent it spinning slicing open her prison. She spilled out onto the ground coughing and gagging. Looking up to meet to the gaze of the now surprised changelings. She lets out a feral growls as she slice the nearest two’s throats with her improvised knife.

“You soulless bastards” She says her voice barely above a whisper. She grits her teeth holding back the tears at the pain they’d put her through. She’d given up her dream because it was nothing but a lie. They’d forced her to live a lie! She charged forward and soon there was simply a panting DJ stained with green on her white coat.

She worked to let the others out of their cocoons helping them to their feet before looking out the window. She saw the city spread out around the palace concert hall. A storm raged in the sky and she saw black specks still fighting with golden.

“Vinyl? What’s going on? W..what do you do?” Came Octavia’s gentle voice from behind her. Vinyl felt her heart break all over again seeing the mare. She wanted to hold her tight and tell her it would be okay. She pulled the mare into a gentle hug and sighed.

“We play” She answers looking to the musicians around her. “We play so that those motherbuckers don’t win! We play so that those ponies out there able to fight have music to keep em going!” Vinyl says feeling an anger burning in her soul.

“ will they know?” Octavia asked pulling back and looking into her old roommates eyes. A good friend, that was all Vinyl was to the cellist.

“Come on Octy! You know me I’m DJ PON-3! I’m everyone’s favorite magical music mare!” Vinyl says tapping her horn and galloping over to her tables. “Get your instruments! Tune them and get ready to play!” She shouts to the others in the room. They all moved following her instructions out of a mix of panic and understanding.

“Vinyl…” Octavia said sitting where Vinyl had left her. “I didn’t know you had that kind of power.” She says her eyes narrow and voice careful. Vinyl had to wince at the knowing tone.

“Octy…” Vinyl started to respond before letting her ears flatten “I..its gonna be dangerous but I know I can do it. You guys just gotta help it all. Focus feel the music and open yourselves up.” Vinyl says finally not meeting the other mare’s eyes.

“I know what happens to unicorns that push too hard. T...this isn’t because I...I can’t be your marefriend is it?” The cellist asks blinking away the tears that threatened to overwhelm her. “No it can’t be. The Vinyl Scratch I know wouldn’t be that weak!” She shouted at her friend.

“Naw Octy! I’m not doing this because you're straight. I get it really I do. I you remember what it was like in those cocoons?” She asks finally meeting Octavia’s gaze.

“I know it felt warm and safe, but no. I don’t” She responded wiping her eyes. Her friends voice was so hurt.

“I do, and I’m going to make them pay for doing shit like that to ponies. I’m not a fighter Tavi. I’m a DJ...I feel the music and I know what I can do. Come on don’t you trust me?” She asks forcing her cocky grin onto her face.

“I really shouldn’t Vinyl, but yes I suppose I do trust you” She says smirking slightly herself. She stands and moves to her cello sitting with the other musicians who were tuning and warming up. She watched as Vinyl moves taking things from her tables and the boxes around her. She smiles slightly and moves into her warm up drill.


“Okay you all gotta open up to me on this. Just Relax and focus on the music. This’ll tingle a bit but It won’t hurt none.” Vinyl says now standing before the orchestra. She’d retrieved her trademark shades and her cocky grin was back in full swing. Her horn glowed as each musician relaxed playing a simple piece together. Vinyl’s grin grew as she worked her magic.

Several minutes later they were ready for the show as the mad DJ kept referring to their performance. The unicorn smiles summoning up her magic and letting it wash over the stallions and mares before her. They all felt her direction in their heads. Their hooves moving to play the music they felt. The slow build up to the victory suite of Equestria. Only one of them noticed as the DJ began to float before them her body awash in her own magical power. The cellist gasped watching as her friend worked. She heard it as their music began pouring from the nearby radio’s and speakers in the city.

“Play Octy, I love you. Just play don’t worry bout a thing babe” Vinyl says looking into her love’s eyes one last time before sinking into the music herself. Octavia cried freely as she dove into the music. She prayed for the return of her friend even as she knew that Vinyl was gone from the world.

As the music reached triumphant peak the windows of the hall blew out in a flash of light and sound. The orchestra played harder focused on their craft. They were one mind, one purpose.


All across Equestria radios, and speakers blared to life. Their normal workings overridden as a voice called out over them

“What up Equestria! This is DJ PON-3 and the Royal Canterlot Orchestra bringing you Victory in all its glory!” A scratchy mare's voice called out before fading.

The music that followed was remembered as one of the greatest performances in the history of the country. The music swelled the hearts of everypony that heard it while striking terror into the hearts of those that would harm Equestra. Every corner of Equestria heard the song, everypony that listened that day could all remember that the cello sounded so sad throughout though. The day ended with everyones hearts heavy from the news of the DJ that had brought them such wonders.


Even as the music and lights bathed the city in hope one little filly was running her eyes and ears only focused on the grey form racing towards the ground.


Drop it like it's Mom

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Dinky burst through the front door of Princess Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns. The sight of the faculty battling with changelings in front of the school only caused her a brief pause. She glanced at the elder unicorn mages trying desperately to keep their charges safe. As Dinky charged through the massed teachers and the attacking changelings she looked up trying to keep her eyes locked on the falling form of Derpy Hooves.

Amethyst stopped in her tracks gasping at the sight before her. A teacher fell rolling down the stairs as a stray blast of entropic energy struck her. The pinkish unicorn gasps and charged through the carnage following in her sister’s frantic footsteps. She closed her eyes and shook her head trying to keep focused. She had to protect her sister and her mother.

As the duo galloped through the changeling choked streets of Canterlot. They didn’t stop or really notice as the music began to play from every speaker in town. The young grey filly kept her eyes on their mother, her sister kept her eyes on Dinky. They’d been so happy not a few hours before.


“Momma I got in I got in!” Dinky dances happily in a circle around her mother. She had worked so hard on the test and passed. She was going to the same school as her big sis.

“Of course you did. Your my little magical muffin!” Derpy states matter of factly pulling her daughter into a hug. “With Sparkler, and Ms Twilight teaching you you're sure to be amazing!” She continues smiling and looking at her other daughter with her mismatched eyes. The elder unicorn blushes and smiles at her adoptive mother.

“I’d do anything for my little sister” Amethyst Star says watching Dinky.

“You know what this calls for?” Derpy asks suddenly struck by an idea. “I’ll fly to Cloudsdale and get you those cloudcakes you like so much!” She says picking Dinky up and tossing her into the air. “We can celebrate both my girls attending The Princess’s school! Now stay here with Sparkler and I’ll be back in a flash!” She says hugging both her daughters she turns to leave before stopping and smiling “I love you both so much” She adds before taking flight out the door.

“I’m proud of you too” Amethyst says walking over and hugging her sister. “Let me show you around while mom is gone” She says taking Dinky’s hoof and leading her down the halls. Dinky giggles happy as she could be.

“Yay, I get to go to school with you! I’ll grow up to be big and strong just like you!” Dinky says nuzzling her sister.

“Stronger than me!” Amethyst says grinning to her sister. Inside she shivered praying that Dinky would be even stronger than her.


“Momma I’m so sorry!” Dinky shouts to her mother’s falling form. It was all her fault if she’d just said no her momma would have been okay. She made her go. She cried as her little hooves clacked against the cobblestone street. She never saw the changelings her sister was keeping off her. She skidded to a halt in a square her heart beating a million miles a minutes.

Almost directly above her the scorched grey pegasus. She stopped and closed her eyes and takes a deep breath. She had to focus, she had to do this right for her mom. She could hear Twilight Sparkles voice in her head

“Reach out with your magic. Take hold of the object. Feel its’ weight and then move it.”

She let out her breath and focused. Her yellowish aura surrounded the falling mare. She strained sparks falling from her horn tip as she tried to slow her mother down. She felt her aura slip as the Derpy falls free of her magical grip.

“No no no no MOMMA!” Dinky screams setting her hooves and reaching out again. She wrapped her mother in her magic again, and again, and again. Her head hurt and her eyes were blurry but she kept going. She screams out in frustration and fear as she takes hold one last time. Her hooves broke the cobblestone digging into the earth below. Her horn erupted in arcane might as her eyes clouded over. Above her the pegasus slowed.


Amethyst stayed as close to her sister as she could. It seemed the every street the little unicorn took was swarming with the black things that had overtaken the city. She closed her eyes throwing and blasting them away from her little sister. Derpy had taken her into the Hooves household, that mare has shown her more love in a few years than she’d had her whole life. She wasn’t a foundling, no she was a Hooves!

Her mind steeled Amethyst plowed on keeping the changelings from Dinky. Her violet magic lashed out swatting a flying drone from the sky. She smirked and turned unleashed a rapid fire burst of energy at the bugs. Her ears perked up as she heard music envelope the city. Somehow the triumphant music filled her with new energy. She turned following her sister through the streets. As the filly set herself to catch their mom she stood her ground firing off bursts of magic.

Her jaw dropped and time seemed to slow as she saw her sister run over with magical energy. The little filly glowed with pure energy as she slowly lowered the injured pegasus to the streets.

“momma….” Dinky mutters before collapsing onto her side. Amethyst caught her in her magic rushing over to check both her sister and mother. The sight of her mothers battered form drew her back to bad memories of her childhood. She shook her head and cried cradling her injured mother and exhausted sister. The changelings swarmed around them. She closed her eyes and focused.

“YOU CAN’T HAVE THEM!” She screamed throwing a shield around her family. They loved her and she loved them. To the last of her energy she would guard them from harm and keep them safe. The swarm wouldn’t take her happiness away. She cried nuzzling into her mother's fur as she focused on the shield. She never saw the opal blur that streaked down scattering the changelings.

Skyway to the Dangerzone

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The chowhall was empty. The tables still held the steaming mugs of coffee that only minutes before had been the recruits relief from the morning workout. It had happened so fast. Captain Spitfire had gotten a message from Lt. Soarin and they’d both left. Lt. Fleetfoot had ordered the recruits back to the barracks. It was there they’d heard the reports coming out of Canterlot. They’d all known what to do.

The Wonderbolts were outfitted for combat. Lightweight blue armor adorned their sleek forms. They sat arrayed around Captain Spitfire as she went over the flight plan. None of them noticed the approaching recruit. Clearing her throat Lightning Dust made herself known

“Ma’am, we’re coming too” She says standing at attention in her flight-suit. Her voice calm not betraying her inner conflict.

“Like Tartarus you are!” Spitfire snapped looking up at the recruit. “Your lucky your bucking rump is even at the academy after the stunts you’ve pulled.”

“Ma’am. I know that. This wasn’t a request. We are flying to Canterlot, either as Wonderbolt recruits, or as civilian flyers.” She responded. The other recruits stepped up to the runway with her. She looked Spitfire in the eyes. “We all signed up to the best Equestria has to offer ma’am. But the oath we swore also said that we would defend her to our last. I’m not sitting by and letting ponies die. I can do better. I can help!” She continues looking her CO in the eyes.

“Like I bucking said NO! I can’t have half trained flyers going off half cocked! If this is that damned pride of yours you can stick it up your ass! I’m Captain of the Wonderbolts for a reason! You all were placed under my charge and I won’t let you fly into danger that you’re not ready for!”

“And like I said Ma’am this isn’t a request. We’re all going with or without you.” Lightning Dust responds reaching up she pulls the flightwings off her chest and toss them at the Wonderbolt Captain’s hooves. “We aren't letting our home fall ma’am. Not when we can do something about it” She turns walking off. One by one the other recruits file up turning in their own wings.

“Bucking Tartarus. Echo keep them in line.” She snaps. The pale pegasus salutes with a smirk

“Aye Aye Ma’am” She says trotting over to Lightning Dust.

“We’re bucked if they don’t follow orders” Soarin commented

“Says the stallion who’d sell his own sister for a pie” Spitfire snaps at him.

“Lightning Dust can fly and fight. They all can. We’ve gotten rid of those that couldn’t cut it already.” He says breaking into a grin “And it would have to be a really good pie..Like Sweet Apple Acres good!”

“Maybe I should just break all their wings instead..” Spitfire mutters revising her plans.


“Okay first off we stay out of the Wonderbolts way. We fly low to the clouds and keep our eyes on the swivel. Once we hit Canterlot airspace we dive hit them fast and hard. Once engaged keep your eyes open for anywhere we can help” Lightning Dust spoke the other recruits.

“Not a bad plan. I mean not exactly an in depth strategy but it should only get a few of you killed” Fleetfoot spoke as she walked up sitting and listening to Lightning Dust and the others. “Why are you doing this rookie?” She asks her ears cocked.

“Because I’m a Wonderbolt ma’am.”

“Oh don’t give me the party line. You’re the same mare that almost killed a bunch of ponies with her recklessness!” She stamped her hoof standing up and glaring at the recruits.

“Because I can be better! I know Rainbow Dash is in the thick of this! She probably staring down that bitch Chrysalis as we speak and I’m sitting here listening to ponies dieing on the radio! I signed up to be the best of the buck best not sit on my plot as the world goes to hell!” She says standing up her wings flared “I’m Lightning Dust best Moon damned flyer in Equestria! I will not sit by and let ponies down! I may be a lot of things but I’m not going to sit idle! I’ll take you on if you’re here to stop us!” She says gritting her teeth.

“No no..I’m here to lead your ragtag bunch of misfits. You all have 10 minutes to get to the quartermaster get fitted and be on the runway. HOOVES UP IN 10 PONIES SO MOVE YOUR PLOTS!” She shouted the others standing and darting towards the hanger. Lightning stays blinking as she works out just what happened. “I said move recruit.” Fleetfoot urged stretching her wings. This was a bad idea, but hey what did the blind mare know?


Twilight Velvet stepped back raising another shield as more sickly green energy sprayed into the mass of teachers around the School’s doors. She glances around seeing unicorns fall all around her. She’d only come to lecture about writing not fight a battle. She closed her eyes and focused trying to protect those around her. She’d be damned if she let a single changeling into the school grounds.

The liquor bottle the flew out of the darkened alley nearby shocked everyone involved. Most of the changeling it sent flying. All eyes, both pony and changeling, turned as a tawny claw clutched the corner pulling its owner into the light.

“Can’t a griffin take a bucking nap around here!” Gilda shouted before launching herself into the sea of black carapace. She broke the leading changelings face with a punch spinning around and throwing another with her tail. All the while cackling like a madmare. Raking her claws across another she roared rearing back before mauling the poor bug caught under her.

“Help the bucking griffin!” Someone in the crowd of teachers shouted. Soon multi colored blasts of magic rained down on the changelings. The bugs caught between a fighter who seemed to shrug off their stuns and the increased artillery of the teachers did the only sensible thing and fled leaving the school secure for the time being.

“Thats right you better bucking run! Do you know who I am! Run you cowards! Run like the lamoes you are!” Gilda shouted at the retreating mass of bugs and grumbled picking the remains of her shattered bottle from the ground. “The booze is gone too now….” She says sadly plopping onto her rump. She didn’t notice the cuts and bruises the brief skirmish has caused.

“Um Ms Griffin do you need help?” Came a gentle voice from behind Gilda. Twilight Velvet flinches at the glare the griffin was giving her.

“Go away….I don’t need some eggheads help!” She spats stumbling to her feet. She reaches up gripping her head in her claw and stumbling. She felt the unicorn catch her helping her steady herself.

“Well we needed your help, Ms Griffin and so I’m here to offer you a place to rest a moment.” She responds suddenly wishing she hadn’t been the one to come out to help.

“Gilda...the name’s Gilda. Don’t you forget….everybody always forgets..” She says muttering the last part to herself. She stunk of booze and anger.

“Oh…” Velvet says wondering if this was the griffin from her daughter’s letters. She shook her head. Didn’t matter she’d saved the faculty’s hides that was enough for her. “Come on. Rest inside. It will be safer for you Gilda” She says gently leading the griffin into the school. She lays her down near the door and almost instantly Gilda was asleep.

“You sure about this Mrs Velvet?” A nearby teacher asked

“No, but she helped so we help her.” She replies moving to help bring the injured and dead inside.


“Wonder Lead this is Rainbow Lead.”

“Bucking Rainbow Lead? Really Echo?”

“The Recruit’s idea Cap. I liked it”

“Fine keep Rainbow Flight in check! Wonder Lead out”


Lightning Dust flew to the right of Echo keeping herself steady. She couldn’t believe she was flying into combat with the Wonderbolts. She’d figured Spitfire would hobble them all before she let them fly with them. She shifted slightly still not used to flying with the armor. They’d only worn it a few times in training. Still no better way to learn than doing. She grinned as they flew. She dipped her hooves into the clouds feeling the tingle of energy inside them.

“Rainbow Lead how far out are we?” She calls out over the radio in her goggles.

“2 minutes Rainbow 2” Echo says shaking her head. “So cut the cha…” She tilts her head adjusting her set

“Wonder Lead this is Rainbow Lead. Channel 3. Th...their playing music! Like honest to Princesses music!”

“Rainbow Lead this is Wonder Lead. They’re playing us in. This is Wonder Lead to all Bolts. Remember your training fillies and colts. For Equestria!”

With that the dove down breaking through the clouds. The changelings buffeted by the rain and lightning and assailed by the guard were caught unaware as the pegasi of the Wonderbolts swooped down on them. The changelings didn’t stand a chance. Caught between three hostile elements the changelings did the only thing they still could.


The first impact caught the Guards off guard. The glowing changeling exploded in a massive burst of entropic energy as it slammed into the cover the Guards were using. One by one all the changelings across the city began to glow with a sickly light.


“Wonder Lead to all Bolts keep those things off the bucking city.” Spitfire screams into her set. She dives folding her wings and tackling the nearest kamikaze. The bug goes spinning detonating harmlessly against Mt. Canter. She turns swooping down and kicking another off course. She spares a glance seeing the other Bolts doing their best to keep the changelings away from the city. The moondamned bugs turned splitting their focus some of them charging the Bolts too now.

“Buck me..” She grits her teeth and flies.


Okay so the streets really hurt. Lightning groaned pulling herself to her hooves and shook herself off.

“Rainbow 2 Come in Rainbow 2!”

“Rainbow Lead this is Rainbow 2 I’m fine Echo..” She says groaning and rubbing the back of her head “Caught the tail end of one of those damned boomers.” She adds flapping her wings and working to make sure she was okay.

“Rainbow Lead this is Rainbow 2 I check out. I’ll be back up in a flash” She says finally.

“Roger Rainbow 2”

Lightning Dust took off flapping her wings and surveying the scene. She gasped spotting another kamikaze heading for a large building. She grins and moves slamming into the bug and sending it careening away to explode in an empty street. She glances realizing that the building was Princess Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns. Saved some foals, not a bad day. She turns flying back towards the main battle ground.


Gilda flaps along scanning every street and side street she could. She couldn’t believe she was helping those eggheads, but she couldn’t leave cubs out in this shitstorm. She spotted a glowing dome shield surrounded by bugs. Okay so she got the thrash a bunch of roaches. This wouldn’t be that bad.

Lightning noticed the glowing shield almost the same time she noticed the griffin fighting and increasing number of changelings. She grinned folding her wings into a dive. In a light opal blur she slammed into the changelings sending most of them flying away.

Gilda laugh throwing a roach through a store wall. She spun raking her claws up another. She bucks another two into flight and turns as some pegasus lamewad stole her fun.

“Who the buck are you!” She screams at the new arrival

“Lightning Dust with the Wonderbolts” Lightning replies flashing her flightwings proudly.

“That lame flightgroup Rainbow wanted to join? Ha I can see why she isn’t with you.” Gilda says smirking.

“What the buck does that mean?”

“I mean that's the lamest looking uniform I’ve ever seen” Gilda says turning her back on the pegasus knocking on the shield “Hey you in there. The School sent me to bring you back” She says trying to sound gentle.

“Hey I was talk..” Lightning is cut off as Gilda grips her muzzle shut.

The shield shimmers and falls an exhausted pink unicorn looks up at Gilda. The griffin smiles and reaches out a claw “Lets get you ba…”

“Derpy!” Lightning pulls free of Gilda rushing to the fallen mare. She lifts her in her hooves “What in Tartarus?” She looks up at the storm and then down to the mare in her hooves

“Momma...momma started the storm and then she...she exploded a raincloud right in the middle of them” Amethyst said looking from Lightning to Gilda “The School sent a griffin?”

“The sent only the best” Gilda says puffing up and rubbing her chest. “Ignore the smell I feel asleep in an alley.” She adds quickly. She lifts the exhausted Dinky in her arms and motions for Amethyst to get on her back “Let me get you back there. Sparking Sand bring their mom.” She adds taking flight with the fillies.

“Sparky Sand!?!” Lightning shouts moving Derpy gently onto her back and taking wing.

“Rainbow Lead this is Rainbow 2 got sidetracked helping some ponies out of a jam. I’ll be back in the fight in a minute”

“Hurry the buck up Wonder Lead is down” Echo’s voice said through the radio before cutting off.

Lightning Dust flew as fast as she could back towards The School. Gilda followed not sure what the rush was.


Soarin spun diving towards the explosion Spitfire had vanished in. Landing hard he gallops to her fallen form. This couldn't be happening Spitfire and he'd been flying together for years. He shook his head tears forming in his eyes as he catches sight of her form. His stomach dropped and he stopped in his tracks.

Spitfire lay in a heap her wings broken and twisted. Her armor rent and dented from the force. Her neck canted at an odd angle but on her lips was her smirk. She’d died flying. It was all any pegasus could ask. She'd fulfilled her duty. The Gaurds she'd saved looked at the sight before them before saluting briefly and returning to the fight.

"We'll watch over her Sir" A nearby Guard says to him holding a salute. Soarin nods returning the salute briefly.

“Wonder 2 to all Bolts. Wonder Lead is down keeping fighting. I’m assuming command” He says. Standing he salutes once more before taking wing. They’d be back once every bug in the sky was dead. With a roar that would shame a dragon Soarin threw himself back into the fray.


Lightning and Gilda never got the chance to leave The School again. The top floor of the palace exploded in a flash of rainbow colored lights. All the changelings found themselves thrown to the ground powerless. A wall exploded out from the palace as Chrysalis fled the city. Her wings buzzing as she fled towards the badlands. Before anypony could think to follow the noticed Princess Luna and Discord walking along through the sky letting the queen have a head start.

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Chrysalis landed hard on the packed earth of the badlands. Her battered body marred by open wounds and coated in her own blood. Her once proud horn shattered to a small nub. She looked back every part of her hurting as she inspects herself for a moment. Her wings buzzed as she checked them. At Least she still had that. She would regain herself and try again. Those ponies would pay for the damage they did to her royal personage! The mocked her with their talk of harmony and love. Love for each other not for her kind! She stood slowly from the dust and shook herself off. She turned looking back towards the fertile lands of Equestria. Her harlequin eyes narrowed as she contemplated her newest failure.

“They will pay”

“No Chrysie they will play!” A voice called from behind her. As she spun to face it her jaw dropped. A stage had appeared behind her a familiar Draconequus standing front and center. The lunar princess behind him bedecked in glow sticks working the turntables. Discord grins his eyes hidden behind a pair of blue shades.

“MUHAHAHAHA!” He threw his head back laughing. It was only then that she noticed the music already blasting from the speakers. Discord spun grabbing the nearby mic. “DISCOOOOORDDDD” He began to sing.

Luna smirked at the look that had become plastered to the changeling Queen’s face. She bumped up the music popping her head as she works the sound for Discord’s little villain song. She grins grabbing Chrysalis in her magic drawing her closer to the stage. “No Chrysalis stay! We insist” She says smirking.

Chrysalis was for her part completely flabbergasted. The god of chaos was deep into his song when she had begun to try and slink away. Caught in the alicorns magic however she was forced to stay and watch. As Discord finished the song with a flourish a spectral audience going wild for him. He tossed the mic away from him as he jumped off the stage.

“Not fun being a captive audience is it Chrysie? I know the feeling 1000 year listening to Celly yammer on in that garden she kept me. You’d think she’d come up with new gripes but no…..” He started on a rant.

“Discord! We came here for a reason!” Luna reminds him hopping down herself. She experimentally tosses one of her glow sticks away jumping back slightly as it too exploded. She glanced at the others hanging from her body and then to Discord “These are safe to wear on our royal personage are they not?” She asks him momentarily forgetting the changeling in front of them.

“Huh? Oh sure. Just don’t jump around much. Anyways right Chrysie, do you know why I’m here?” He asks turning his yellow gaze to the changeling as he lifts the shades off his eyes.

“Celestia forced you to perform your auditory massacre somewhere safe from her little ponies?” Chrysalis asked scowling and trying to look at though she wasn’t scared. She felt like she’d lost a huge part of her. The emptiness from her lack of magic made her feel like a nymph again.

“Hardly” His eyes narrow more. “I’m here because you decided to try your holey hooves at playing villainess. I’m here because you trapped myself and Sunbutt in crystal while you tried your best to take of Equestria. Do you know what your worst mistake was though?” He asked stepping forward and seeming to grow bigger as he loomed over the broken queen.

“W...what?” She asked her voice breaking as she back away from him slightly.

“You scared and threatened a dear friend of mine. I do not like seeing that mare cry. You made her cry. That was your worst mistake!” He said lashing out and back handing the changeling queen. She spun through the air landing hard on the earth. “Insulting that lovely song someone wrote about me, and trying to take a throne that is by all rights mine did not help either” He add checking his nails for damage.

“Discord!” Luna stepped forward frowning “You promised us first hit!” She says sending Chrysalis flying again with her magic. She smiled taking wing lifting the queen once again from the dirt. “We have places to be as well don’t we?” She asks grinning back at Discord. The look the two beings shared caused Chrysalis no end of panic. She glanced at the sky from her magical prison and gasped seeing the sun slowly setting as they flew. Her heart dropped when she saw where they were headed.

Chrysalis his the ground facing the rock spire that hid her hive. She groans trying to ride to her feet only to be forced down by Luna. “No we insist you rest. You must be tired after your long day!” Luna said in mock friendliness. Discord hummed as he skated up on a fresh trail of ice.

“Mind if I play with our toy while you set up the surprise?” He asks grinning slightly. With a snap of his fingers and a flash of light Chrysalis found herself seated a table wearing a pink dress. Discord sat across from her in a frilly pink apron. “Why Mrs Nesbeth would you care for more tea?” He asks holding a foals teapot towards her.

Seeing no real option in the matter Chrysalis shakily lifted her cup in her hooves for him to fill. She was surprised to find actually tea flowing into the cup. She brought it forward sniffing it and looking at Discord warily.

“Oh you act as though I’m going to kill you or something!” He said his grin spreading. “It just us two villains having tea while we wait for the show. You will leave here no worse that you already are. I promise.” He says his grins spreading impossibly wide.

“NO!” Chrysalis threw the tea cup at him. She moved her wings buzzing to life she launched herself towards her hive. “You wo..” Her words were cut off as her wings exploded into paraspites who proceeded to fly away leaving her wingless form laying again in the Badlands’ dirt. She looked back at Discord fear in her eyes. “Leave my changelings alone!” She shouted at him

“I don’t see why I should. You’ve had two chances to leave Equestria alone and you didn’t. Even Luna and I took our first chances to reform. Though Luna was possessed so she might not count.” He says still seated sipping his tea.

“My changelings need the love from Equestria. I had no choice!” She yells looking around just noticing the Lunar Diarch absence.

“I’m the spirit of Chaos Chrysie trust me. There is always a choice” He retorts keeping himself calm. He forced his grin down to a manageable level once more. No use in ruining the joke early after all. “I’ve grown rather partial to Sunbutt and her emo sister. I enjoy spending time with them, I like taking walks with Fluttershy. I love pranking Twilight with Rainbow Dash. I even offered to fix the Ponyville mailmare’s eyes. I like my new life. You could have chosen to swallow that vanity of yours and asked for help.” He says and shakes his head “Sadly like all monarchs it isn’t you who pays the price for her mistakes.

It was then that the first meteor hit the tip of the spire. It was followed by more and more space rocks slamming into the once smooth spire. Chrysalis found herself unable to move as she watched her Hive demolish before her eyes. The dust and rubble was deflected around them as Discord sipped his tea.

“N…” Chrysalis’ voice was small as she looked at the destruction. “ killed people!” She spun glaring at Discord. “YOU MURDERED MY HIVE!” She screamed launching herself at him. Another flash of light and she found herself in her ruined throne room. the bodies of her servants crumpled near the door. The room once deep in the hive now stood open to the night sky. Chrysalis swallowed slumping in her throne. She felt her anger grow but all she could do was weep. Her head down she didn’t notice the return of Discord.

“Its not fun seeing it from the other side is it?” He asks her glancing around the room. “Must say I do love what Luna did to the place. It was such a fixer upper” He chuckles again and then looks back to Chrysalis “Don’t worry not all of them are gone. We only took one changeling for each pony you killed in your attacks. That's not too many is it?” He asks lifting Chrysalis’ chin.

“By the Ancestors” Chrysalis said her eyes wide as they locked with his. She felt it deep in her soul. Her hive was empty. Nothing was alive in here with her. Her daughters, servants, the peasants. All gone. “Th..this wasn’t my fault!” She said to him defiantly. “Just leave me to my misery!” She adds in a weaker voice. The weight of her crimes weighing down on her shoulders. She slumped into the throne once again as Discord left her.

He shakes his head stepping out of the illusionary world. He stands next to Luna and sighs. “She’ll come around. She’ll be both pissed and overjoyed afterwards” He says looking to the dark Alicorn

“Well Sister dearest wouldn’t allow us to truly attack her hive. There is still hope for peace.” She says looking through the bars into the cell. Its lone occupant sat lost in Discords illusion.

“This is not as funny as it used to be” Discord mutters to himself as he looks at Chrysalis. She was sobbing into her hooves.

“I’m so sorry…” She whispered to the illusion around her. Discord nods, perhaps there was hope for her after all.

“Tia will come see her when her duties are done” Luna says turning to walk away. "We are sure she will release the..." She stops and takes a deep breath "She will talk with Chrysalis when she can" She says leaving at a quicker pace.


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The Altar of the Four Winds. One of the holiest places to all pegasi, also the last place any pegasus wanted to go. The cloudway leading to the Altar was lined with pegasi today though. Every living Wonderbolt was standing in their dress uniforms at attention. Ponies that hadn’t flown in years stood watching the lone mare that flew the Long Road. The urn shook in her hooves as she flew. Rainbow Dash had been here once before for a much smaller funeral. She was still racking her brain for why Spitfire would want her to be the one to do this. Not her own brother, or Soarin, or any of the full Wonderbolts. The raised cloud platform grew closer to her. It was simple a set of cloud steps and four pillars shaped to the represent the Spirits of the Winds. As her hooves touched cloud she looked up finding all four Princesses looking at her. As one the bowed low to the urn Twilight nodding to Rainbow to encourage her. The most awesome pegasus could let herself cry. Not now. Later when no one could see. She stepped up to the Altar and stood at the edge.

“May you find the winds in Elysium” The crowd intoned as she twisted the lid off the urn.

It struck her then why she’d been chosen. She grinned looking at the crowd. Soarin nodded to her and she jumped taking flight. Spitfire had never felt a Sonic Rainboom in life, Dash let her experience it now. The Wonderbolts saluted as the prismatic spray filled the sky below them.

The long grey mare sat by the bedside listening to the steady beep of her best friend's pulse. She closed her eyes humming a song they’d once played together. She missed living with Vinyl life had been exciting then. Not she found herself alone wondering if her only friend had killed herself out of depression. She was sorry but she just didn’t love Vinyl like that, part of her wished she’d liked mares just so she could have saved her life. If another pony told her that the music had been the best they’d ever heard she would probably break apart. She swallowed and held her head in her hooves. Her tears dry.


Lightning Dust supported Derpy as they watched Rainbow fly by. The grey pegasus was bandaged across most of her body. She was alive however, so we’re her Muffins. She closed her eyes briefly and sighed. She was called a hero for what she started. Her reckless stunt had almost killed her and yet ponies seemed to think she had been heroic. She smiled sadly, she’d just wanted her girls.

Lightning Dust watched Spitfire’s urn. She wanted to scream about how unfair it all was. She and the recruits had been flying! Why had none of them died. Not a single one! Spitfire had. The greatest Wonderbolt had given her life for a bunch of Guards. She swallowed remembering her own words. Her idol had died doing her duty. She felt tears roll down her cheeks. She was not the only one crying.

Gilda stood behind the line of Wonderbolts. She was here to see Dash. She was cleaned and groomed her feathers perfectly placed as she watched.

"Man, I'm sorry Dash. You always made her sound so cool.." She mutters to herself closing her eyes and waiting. She'd try and patch things up with Dash. Even if it meant apologizing to those lame new friends of hers.

Cheerilee’s class sat watching the grainy magical frame. The watched Rainbow Dash fly to the alter. A few of the pegasus foals echoed the words spoken. They all felt a little warmer seeing the Rainboom. Scootaloo cried faintly watching, she knew Rainbow was in pain. She saw the way her own idol moved. She knew the pain in her eyes.


She smiles as Rainbow takes flight, no finer tribute could be made to Spitfire than what she’d done. She watched as slowly the assembled pegasi left and glanced at the sun. She was late for her speech. She vanished in a flash of bright sunlight appearing on the palace steps before the assembled crowd.

“Thank you for your patience I couldn’t miss the funeral of a national hero.” She says smiling to the waiting newsmares. She knew none of them would say anything about her choosing to hold off on the speech till after she’d attended.

“Now My Little Ponies! We were attacked in our capital. The changeling Queen Chrysalis lead her hive in a cowardly sneak attack against Princess Luna, Discord, and Myself. She succeeded in sealing us away long enough to enact her attack on this fair city. Thanks to valiant efforts of both the Guard and the Common Ponies of Equestria the Elements of Harmony were able to free us from our imprisonment and end the brief siege of our fairest capital. I know you have heard the reports and I assure you the Queen Chrysalis is in Royal custody. She will face punishment for her numerous crimes against the ponies of Equestria. I assure you nothing like this will happen again. I also beg you not to take your anger out on any injured changelings you find. Please be tolerant of them and notifiy the guard. They were following the will of their ruler and we cannot without further evidence hold them responsible for what happened. They will be held until guilt and blame can be found by a court of law. Thank you for your time, and may Harmony reign.” She says looking to the magical cameras focused on her. She turns walking slowly back up the palace steps flanked by the guard. She had many things to do today but no time to do them.


Chrysalis cradled the body of her handmaiden sobbing. “You were safe..hidden...I was going to bring the energy back you needed. We...we would have been safe and prosperous once more..” She sobs rocking the body in her hooves. “I’m sorry...I’m so deserved a better Queen. You told me not to seek revenge..b…” She broke into full racking sobs her words lost in the pain. She heard the hooves walking towards her but didn’t care. Maybe they’d come to kill her. She wanted them to, she deserved to die for what she’d done to her people.

“Now you know my pain.” Celestia said sitting down and looking at the sobbing Queen. She wore none of her regalia. She just wanted to talk to the changeling Queen. She needed to understand why this had happened. “I know all their names. The missing and the dead from your attacks. I can list them if you’d like” She says her voice tired.

“D..don’t..I can’t take anymore pain.” Chrysalis says looking up at Celestia. Her eyes widen as she sees just how tired the Solar Diarch looked.

“Then talk, tell me her name. The names of those you lost over the skies of my home. Tell me why you did this! I would have talked, we could have had peace!” Celestia says stamping at the ground as her voice grew angry. “I’ve made peace with every power that has been open to it! In all my time I have only struck at those I couldn’t sue for peace! I don’t want to kill! I don’t want to hurt anypony! or changeling! or dragon!”

“I couldn’t…” Chrysalis says her voice catching in her throat. She left her head fall and crys freely. “I couldn't see past my anger and jealousy! Your ponies had everything! You grow your food! W...we can only steal it! Could only..” She corrects herself in a much lower tone.

“Would you accepted it if offered again?” Celestia asks her levelly

“What would be the poi…” She saw the look in the Diarchs eyes and stopped. Could it be possible?

“This is an illusion. To show you what we can do if we are pushed. I don’t take any being’s lives lightly. I ask you, will you work with me to find a way for your hive to live?” She asks her. She recoils slightly as the changeling Queen lunges forward wrapping her hooves around her

“Yes! Please by the Ancestors yes if it saves my changelings then yes!” She says hugging the Diarch tightly. “Please are they still alive!” She asks.

“Yes, they live. You probably won’t see them again but they are alive.” She responds the illusion dropping around them.

Chrysalis felt many emotions on finding herself chained in a cell. She looked up feeling her growing anger washed away by the simple relief of knowing her hive still existed. Perhaps she could find a way with Celestia’s help. It was better than the alternative options given to her.


In the hospital room the grey mare stirred slightly. Her ears twitching as she looked at the half open red eyes watching her.

“And for my next trick…” Vinyl said a pained grin on her face. “Maybe painkillers first” She adds wincing slightly

Octavia threw her forelegs around her friend crying happily as she called for the nurse.