The Brony Life: CYOA

by Chetzi

First published

A CYOA story based on a brony in Equestria. Lots of different endings and alignments!

Will you be a good or bad pony? Will you get in bed with the mane 6 or be alone and hated? Will you save Equestria or doom them all to a fiery death by your hand? The choice is yours. Use it.

A choose your own adventure story that will be very non-liner and have many different paths and endings. Finally, a true CYOA. I've even added links to the choices, just for you. This can be a regular self-insert, a clopfic, a sadfic, just anything you want it to be. Give it a try. Read my other stories, please! NOTE: I'm looking for user input for choices and how some events might play out. So, leave a comment and tell me what you think would happen next.

Well, there goes the 4th wall.

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"Don't worry, Twilight I will-" I got cut off by the dragon's paralyzing roar. The ground was shaking and I fell down on the ground. The dragon rose his claws and slashed them right at my colorful pony body. Time stopped right before he hit me and everything went black.

I opened my eyes to see my poster of Rainbow Dash on my light blue wall in my room. Why? Just why can't these dreams be real? Not the being killed by a dragon, the being in Equestria. I would die to see a real life Twilight! Oh well, at least I can in my dreams. I pulled off my pink blankets that had Pinke Pie on them and jumped out of bed. Oh, yeah! It's Saturday! A new My Little Pony episode is on! I rushed down the stairs and sat down on my black leather couch and turned to the Hub. The intro played and I sat in shear joy as my favorite ponies were on the TV. Being a 23 year old brony is awesome, I can live alone and buy all the toys I want!

"Sugar cube, I dun think that's right." Applejack said to Pinke Pie as she was decorating a building for a party for some new pony.

"Nonsense, He will love it! In fact, he's watching us right now. Look he's right there!" Pinkie pointed out of the TV and smiled. Apple jack looked the same way and said,

"I dun see anypony." Pinkie Pie just shook her head and motioned for her to watch. Pinke then started to walk toward me and put her hoof forward. Then, her hoof went through the screen. More and more of her came through and when her head was out, she said,

"You're coming with me!" My mouth was wide open and I couldn't move. I know Pinke Pie breaks the fourth wall a lot, but come on! She then grabbed me(I wonder how she did that without hands) and quickly pulled me through the TV. I felt a shock of electricity and felt different dramatically. I looked around me and noticed that I was in the same building that Pinke dragged me into. I raised my hand to see, I didn't have one. It was a hoof. I then looked at the ponies standing near. Applejack was wide-eyed as she looked at me and Pinke was just smiling.

Do you:

1. Say "hello". [Chap. 2]
2. Run away screaming. [Chap. 3]

Say "hello"

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+5 Friendly

"HEY! My name is Murry! I've always wanted to meet you all!" I exclaimed as I brought them the two ponies in for a hug. Applejack just stood there still shocked about me and Pinke returned the hug. Rainbow Dash then flew over to me and said,

"Hey there! The name's Rainbow Dash and I'm the fastest flier in all of Equestria!" She boasted as she smiled and puffed her wings out.

"Hey, Rainbow Dash, nice to meet you." I said smiling at my own luck. I mean, just how! This is my dream! What I always wanted! I'm the happiest pony around!

"Attention, everypony, the guest of honor is here! The party is now going on!" The room cheered around me. I put my hooves up and enjoyed every second of the cheering. The music started, it was a steady beat that I could see was pouring into the room from speakers being run by DJ-PON3. I started to dance with the other ponies with pure joy and excitement at this strange, but amazing turn of events. After a few hours of dancing, I got tired and trotted my way over to the punch table. There was fluttershy standing by the table alone, looking nervous. I walk up to her and say,

Do you

1. Ask her what's wrong. [Chap. 4]
2. Ignore her. [Chap. 5]

Run away screaming.

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-5 friendliness

I became terrified and started to run out of the building as fast as my legs could carry me. Everything was a colorful blur as I ran past them all. My chest was pounding as I tried to catch my breath while I leaned on a tree. What ever just happened, I did not want to be apart of. Once I caught my breath, I shakily walked over the familiar green grass that I have seen in the cartoon. I needed to question someone about this. Being very careful, I trotted over to a nearby pony. It looked like a fairly wealthy background character. She was carrying a bag that made a clanking sound with every step, telling me that it was full of money. Money that I might need.

Do you:

1.Talk to her. [Chap. 6]
2. Rob her. [Chap. 7]

Ask her what's wrong.

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+5 kindness

I walk over to her and ask,

"Fluttershy, are you OK?" She looks up at me and then back down and mumbles something.

"Y-yeah... but... I could use some help.. if that's okay with you..." She whimpered. I gave her a smile and said,

"I'd be glad to help!" She looked up at me and smiled

"Thanks! I'm worried about Angel and it's almost dark out. I'd like it if you would go with me." I guess I could help her out, but then again, that would mean I would miss my party.

Do you:

1. Help her. [Chap. 8]
2. Don't help her. [Chap. 5]

Ignore her/Don't help her.

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-10 kindness

"Sorry, just here for a drink." I then grabbed a cup and poured in some apple cider. Then I trot away, getting onto the dance floor and dance for a few hours. I became sweaty and tired and decided to stop dancing and mingle a bit. I walk over to Rainbow Dash and say,

"Hey! Rainbow Dash! How's it going?" She looked over to me and smiled.

"The cider for me?" Rainbow said, pointing at my cup 'o cider. "I'm not one for these silly 'pick-up games'. If you want sex, just ask." She winked while saying that in a very seductive manner.

Do you:

1. Ask her for sex. [Chap. 9]
2. Decline and say you will only do that to ponies you truly love. [Chap. 10]

Talk to her.

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+5 niceness
-5 greediness

I carefully walk up to the light blue pony and ask,

"How do I get out of here?" She turns around and says,

"Where? Ponyville? The road out of town is that way." She pointed toward a dirt road that led past rolling plains.

"Thanks." It looked like it led to Canterlot. I bet I could get some help from princess Celestia. I took off toward Canterlot, hoping that I would make it before I starved because I had about two bites of cereal before Pinkie dragged me in here. I admired the beautifully green grass that flowed with the wind. It stretched for miles. It really was a different place in 3D, outside of a screen. I could smell something sweet and surgery in the air and could breath clearly. While it was hard to run or even walk in this new body, I eventually made it to Canterlot. I said 'Hi' to a few of the high-class ponies there, but most just looked away and acted like snobs. It was amazing feeling the cobblestone under my feet as I stepped on the castle steps. I pushed open the door and saw Celestia and Luna arguing about something.

"I told you, we need someone else. It's too much work here." Luna told Celestia.

"The system we use now will be fine. Plus, we have no one who could do it." Celestia replied to Luna. I interrupted and said,

"Do what?" They looked at me and Luna said,

"We need a new royal guard general. You're not even a royal guard so, the position is not open to you." Celestia added,

"Don't cut him off so quickly. You never know, he might be pretty good at being general." Hmm, intresting. I could become general of the army here. That's quite a postion of power. But then again, I could also just go home.

Do you:
1. Ask to be general. [Chap. 11]
2. Decline and ask to go home. [Chap. 12]

Rob her.

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+20 greed
+5 cruelty
I was average strength and I survived human's violent culture. She was a weak girl that has been forever lived in peace and flowers. Taking her coin would be easy. I charged at her and headbutted her on the side of her. She fell over and looked unconscious. Easy. I then fumbled around with my hooves and managed to sling the bag around my back. It was pretty heavy, about 500 bits or so. Wait, I need to think about this. In this world, there is no violence, no danger. This means, everyone's defenseless. I could just go around killing everypony and they wouldn't know what to do. They had no weapons and most likely no fighting skills. I could become a dictator. My face grew a forced, evil smile as I thought of all the power I could get. Or, I could just burn it all down. That would be fun! Just then, Applebloom came running up to me. She smiled and put on puppy dog(Filly?) eyes and asked,

"Hello mister! Could I borrow some bits? I haven't had lunch yet."

Do you:
1. Push her aside. [Chap. 13]
2. Give her coin. [Chap. 14]
3. Kidnap her for ransom. [Chap. 15]

Help her.

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+20 kindness

She leads me out the door. The sun was just setting and their was a light breeze rolling through. Strange, I thought it was still morning. It was only a few minutes of awkwardly trying to follow her home. She pushed open the door and fluttered in. I followed her close behind. She called out,

"Angel." A bunny hopped toward me and Fluttershy with a carrot in hand. I'll just assume that's Angel. I then said,

"Okay, well if he's okay then I should be going." Fluttershy turned toward me and said,

"Oh... wait, the least I could do is make you dinner." I thought about the offer, I was hungry and I did come all the way out here. Why did fluttershy need me to come with her? My stomch rumbled and Fluttershy giggled and said,

"I'll take that as a yes. There's a seat over there... if that's okay with you..." I trotted over to the small wooden table and sat down. Man, this is just awkward trying to sit like this. I liked it better being a biped. Did I just think that? Biped? I feel like such a nerd right now. I should just bring D&D here! Wait... that might actually be a good idea. I turned my head to see Fluttershy in the kicten. She fluttered around, picking up things like eggs and candy and lettice and threw them into a bowl. Eww. That can't be good. But then again, physics don't seem to apply here. After all, all they eat is candy and somehow all look thin, and even then, there ponies! Ponies can't eat candy! I need to turn off my brain before I go nuts trying to figure out how physics work on the planet. Angel impatiently waited near the table, tapping his foot. I just sat there, staring around me and feeling the cartoony enviroment. There was a ding and Fluttershy brought me a plate of food. It looked like this

Well, here goes nothing. I slowly take a bite out of the dish and it tasted quite good! It was tangy yet sweet and had a cheesy aftertaste! I slurp down the rest of the soup and exclaim,

"Thanks Fluttershy! That was awesome!" She blushed a bit and turned away. Wait, what? She blushed? What could that mean? She made me walk home with her and then she just gave me free dinner, which by the looks of it, was very hard to make. I know she represents kindness and all, but this is slightly far. She then says,

"I'm glad you liked it. It's getting dark out and there's a spare room if you want... to sleep over..." Would that be taking advantage of her kindness? I probably should sleep here for the night.

"Yeah, I'd love to stay for the night." Her face brightens up greatly and she walks over to a nearby door and says,

"The room is right here." I trot over to her and look inside. It's a generic room with a window, bed, nightstand, lamp and other things that seem normal. I turn around to Fluttershy and say,

"Thanks, It's already dark out. I should be in bed pretty soon." I then walked over to the bed and clumsily leaped on it. "Good-night, Fluttershy." I whisper to her. She nods and leaves the room. I just stare at the cieling for an hour or so, thinking about what to make of all this. I hear a soft fluttering of wings and something warm and soft crawls into my bed. A soft, female voice, Fluttershy, says in a low whisper,

"It's cold and I would like to sleep with you... if that's okay with you..." I blush slightly at her warmth. She hugs me lightly, waiting for my response.

Do you:
1. Let her. [Chap. 16]

2. Say 'No'. [Chap. 17]

Ask her for sex.

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5+ Lust

I chuckle and say,

"Sex would be awesome." Rainbow Dash then lunges toward me and grabbed onto my torso. She then flies out of the building and throws both of us onto a cloud. She wastes no time manhandling my member. Rainbow Dash just sticks her tongue out like she's trying her hardest to win. With extreme determination, she rubs my member all over, licking it a few times. The feeling was pure pleasure as she rubbed her hooves up and down with the occasional suck at the tip of my member. I moaned in ecstasy and she just stroked faster. "Don't be so rough!" She just smiles seductively,

and says,

"Aww, can the little baby not take a bit of roughness?"

"R-Rainbow D-Dash, I-I'm about to-" She stops and says,

"Not just yet, you aren't!" She pushes me down on the cloud and I lay on my back, my member pointing straight upward. She climbs over me and positions herself with her marehood right over my penis. "This will be fun!" She says as she raises her flank in the air. She then shoots her self down on me and becomes impaled on all of me in less then a second. She doesn't pause for a second and keeps on moving the full length up and down at a rapid pace. She feels like warm silk as I lay motionless, on the soft cloud. My member starts fill up with pleasure and that ballooning feeling as I realize that I won't be able to last much longer.

"R-Rainbow... Dash!" I came and Rainbow Dash stopped bouncing on me and moaned also. Our juices dripped out of our still connected bond and we both breathed heavily, in sync. She laid on my chest and chuckled. She then said,

"Heh. You're good. Wouldn't mind doing that again sometime." She then closed her eyes and slowed her breathing, indicating that she was asleep, with me still inside her. I felt my eyes shut and my muscles relax and I drifted into a deep sleep with the warm, blue Pegasus on top of me.

I yawned and stretched my arms. I then licked my lips and opened my eyes. Rainbow Dash was gone and I felt that best I ever have in years. Having sex with Rainbow Dash, that's something I've always wanted to do. I smiled at that thought, the first girl I've ever had sex with, and it was with the girl of my dreams. I swooped off the cloud and landed softly on the grass. What should I do today? I could visit Twilight sparkle, or Pinkie Pie or Rarity or, Well, anything really. Oh look! Twilight's tree is right over there. I could go visit her. There's also the boutique about the same distance, the other way.

Do you:
1. Visit Twilight. [Chap. 18]

2. Visit Rarity. [Chap. 19]


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I backed up a bit and said,

"Uh, no, I'm good. I'm not like that." Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes and said,

"Lame." She then flew off and I continued to walk through the party. I said hello and hi to a few ponies but that was cut short when Pinkie Pie bounced into me.

"Oof!" I gasped.

"Hey! Let's dance!" Pinkie exclaimed. Without me having the chance to say anything, Pinkie grabbed me, somehow, and swung me around while she bounced around the place. After a few minutes of this, the ponies started to take notice and a spotlight was on me and Pinkie Pie. They all clapped and after another minute of the dance, Pinkie let go me and bowed. Apparently, there's still inertia on this world because when Pinkie let go me, I was sent spinning straight toward a pony. I crashed into the pony and fell down. The pony didn't flinch or move. I shook my head and my eyes stopped spinning. I noticed it was Applejack. She looked happy and said,

"That was some trip, Pinkie sent ya on, sugarcube." I got off the ground and said,

"Yeah, I'll be okay though." She knocked on my head and said,

"Good to hear your noggin still intact. You're a tough little varmint, I'll give ya that." I wasn't sure if that was a compliment or an insult. "Tough enough to survive a night in the barns. Ya can sleep at my place if ya ever need to."

"Thanks." I trotted away from her and made idle chit chat with other ponies.The sun set quickly and the room slowly cleared out. I was the last awake one to leave, Rainbow Dash passed out, with a lamp on her head, on the apple cider table. I left the building and looked outside for a make-shift bed. I found a really leafy, soft tree. Oh yeah, Applejack said I could sleep over at her place. But, it's slightly far away and I'm tired. The tree was almost temping me to sleep in it.

Do you:

1. Sleep in the tree. [Chap. 20]

2. Head down to Sweet Apple Acres and ask Applejack for a bed. [Chap. 21]

Ask to be general.

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+3 power

"Actully, I'm a good leader. I would make a great general." I said in an attempt to persrude them. They both gav each other glances and Luna said,

"This mightih be blind fiath, but I guess thou shall be given a test for the rank of general." Celestia nods slightly. "Follow me." Luna pulls out her wings and swoops out of the castle doors. I follow her, less fall, more stumble with wings flapping. Luna and I go behind the castle, where a field of royal guards are lined up. Luna lands near a podium and walks ontop of it. I ask Luna,

"What do I have to do?" She ignores me and talks to everypony in the royal canterlot voice,

"Welcome to the general games! The rules are simple, grab the weapons by the table, one of each, and the last pony standing wins! Once you get hit, you get teleported to an overhead glass dome for 3 minutes then are put back into the game. If you get hit a second time, it's game over. Cheating is aloud. These games are made like this, so the most creative general will win. After all, all's fair in love and war. The contest starts in 5 minutes. This will be fun. The other gaurds trotted over to a nearby table that held many different sharp blades. I guess they are magic blades, or else this will hurt. Hmm, no rules. This will be interesting. I walked over to the table and examined my equipment. There was a longsword, 10 throwing knifes, a shortsword, Hidden blade, and 3 smoke bombs. Is it just me, or does this seem oddly similar to assassin's creed? There were also a few pockets and things to hold the weapons in. I strapped on a leather belt and put the blades in the correct spots. All the handles were modified so that they can be used with hooves. All the guards that had their weapons lined up. I followed them into the same line and Luna appeared, standing in front of all of us. She just smiled and her horn glowed. I was encased in a flash of light then I noticed I was in some field. It was quiet, and there were trees everywhere. With their being no rules, I used my wings and flew upwards, to get a better view. As soon as I reached the treeline, I saw a glimmer of light come shooting at me. It was a throwing knife. I used my wings and redirected it downwards. I then plopped down into a tree and crawled through it, going from tree to tree. After a few minutes, I poked my head up. I couldn't see anyone, but I noticed that there were a few buildings, less buildings, more of old wooden structures that had basic cover. I need to think of a strategy. I could hide until there are only a few left, then pick them off one by one, but that means this could last a while, and if the time limit is reached, the pony will the most kills wins. Which won't be me. Or, I could start just running out, attacking and slashing everything. It would be very unpredictable, so it would be hard for people to hit me and it's also possible that the time limit runs out, and I might have to most points. I can still win, even if I died, as long as the time limit runs out. I could play it safe, or use a high risk, high reward strategy.

Do you:

1. Hide until safe. [Chap. 35]

2. Rush out and get as many points as I can before I die. [Chap. 36]

Decline and ask to go home.

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+5 laziness
-3 Power

I really don't like that idea of being a general here, so I said,

"I don't want to be general. Can you just send me home?" Luna just scoffed and her horn glowed. After a brief moment of earth, I noticed I was standing near a fountain in Ponyville. I kept walking until I noticed a tree. It was a rather comfy looking tree, and it was oddly dark out. I think Luna just did that to fuck with me. Oh well, I guess I could use some sleep. I couldn't really see any other ponies. Heh, sleeping in a tree. This isn't what I thought would happen if I was in Equestria. But then again, this isn't a cartoon anymore. Anything could happen. Unless, My Little Pony isn't a cartoon. What if, it was a real show? Like if there was some camera that transmitted the video footage back to earth on here? And, what if I did things with the mane6? Would this camera record this? I'm I being watched by it now? Well played, Hasbro, well played. I'll find out soon enough.

Go to Chap. 20

Push her aside

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+5 Rudeness

I glared at the small filly in front of me and pushed her out of my way. I don't give a shit if she's hungrey. I kept on walking for only a few feet until she came back. She said, a little more annoyed this time,

"Oh, come on! You must have something I can eat?" I pushed her aside yet again, and continued down my path. She came back once again, and this time just looked straight into my eyes, pleading for coin or food. I had grown angry and picked her up, then slung her behind me. She landed with a soft thud, and had dazed eyes. She then got up, and stumbled around a bit. She seemed fine, but I didn't care. I trotted away before she could come running back to me. I made my way to some kind of giant gingerbread house and walked in. There was the annoying pink pony that dragged me in here before, bouncing around. She was behind the counter switching between stove and cake, baking cooks and stuff. She was icing a cupcake with her tongue out, as she looked up and noticed me. She said in a happy tone of voice,

"Hey there! Need anything?" Hmm, a bakery. They must have some knifes or something. This world can't be all rainbows and sunshine- Oh wait, it can. It's a T.V. show. I suppose I could at least get some answers. I replied with,

"Yes, why did you bring me here?" She put the cupcake down and bounced over the counter. She then jumped into my face and said,

"It was your party! You had to be there!" Sigh, I'm getting nowhere with this. The least I could do is try to get back home, or... or... actually, that's a good idea.

Do you:
1. Ask her to bring you home. [Chap. 22]

2. Try and seduce her. [Chap. 23]

Give her coin.

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+15 Kindness
-5 Greed

I just couldn't resist those giant, round eyes of hers. I opened my bag and pulled out a few coins. It was pretty hard without fingers. I put about 20 or so bits into her hand and she nodded and ran off. I felt good after that, even though I stole this coin. I kept on walking throughout Ponyville, and I thought of something: Could this planet be fucking with my mind? I just stole a bunch of coin! And then I just gave a few to a filly. That would explain why everyone is so nice. Could be something in the air, or some thing that comes from the sun, or just anything! I can't turn soft if I'm going to survive in this world. I could leave, but I like this place. I bet the princesses would know something about this, since Pinkie Pie makes no sense. Wait, isn't it possible for her to bring in someone else? What if she just brought in every Brony ever? Uhh, that would be a lot of rape. Just the small percent of the fans that fap to ponies anyway, it would be pure chaos if that would happen. Discord would be proud. What if, she brought in people from other universes? Such as Chell from Portal, or the player from Minecraft, or... oh no.... she might bring in Alex Mercer from Prototype. Then, we would all be fucked. No, I'll talk to Pinkie later. First, I need to go see Celestia or Luna.

I trotted to a cobblestone road that was nearby and put my hooves on it. It was warmer then the grass and felt hard and rough. (That is so what she said). I smiled at my own joke and walked down the path. I came across a sign only after a minute and it said that Canterlot is 10 miles from Ponyville and I just need to take the same road. I better hurry if it's 10 miles away. I ran down the path, at full speed. The trees and grass were a blur as my new body moved at much faster speeds then my human body could. It was so nice being a quadruped. The sun lowed a small amount, about 2 or 3 hours as I found my self at the castle. I said 'Hi' to a few of the high-class ponies there, but most just looked away and acted like snobs. I pushed open the door and saw Celestia and Luna arguing about something.

"I told you, we need someone else. It's too much work here." Luna told Celestia.

"The system we use now will be fine. Plus, we have no one who could do it." Celestia replied to Luna. I interrupted and said,

"Do what?" They looked at me and Luna said,

"We need a new royal guard general. You're not even a royal guard so, the position is not open to you." Celestia added,

"Don't cut him off so quickly. You never know, he might be pretty good at being general." Hmm, intresting. I could become general of the army here. That's quite a postion of power. But then again, I could also just go home.

Do you:
1. Ask to be general. [Chap. 11]

2. Decline and ask to go home. [Chap. 12]

Kidnap her for ransom.

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+20 Evilness
-30 Kindness

With all the damn rainbows and bunnies around here, people are sure to give nearly everything to get this bitch back. I don't care if she's cute, I want that money. I grab her and pull her near my chest. She giggled and said,

"I like hugs!" This happiness is starting to get to me. I tried to slam down my hoof on her head, but she saw what I was trying to do. She bit my arm and I reeled back. I looked at my arm, and it had a large bite mark. Which, makes no sense. Ponies have dull teeth, it really can't leave bite marks. Fuck! Stop debating things that make no sense with myself! I need to get that filly again. I looked over to where I last saw her, and she was gone. Shitting dick nipples! Well, there goes that plan. Still, I feel... evil. Dark. Mean. Like I could take over this world. I could kill anything and not care. I looked at my hoof and felt a burning sensation. This is what power feels like. I feel a new strength, something other then physical. Smoke started to raise from my hands as I thought about ruling this place. If I could make a fist, I would be doing that. I heard a gush of wind and lost the feeling of power. I looked toward the sound, and saw a rainbow of color, come flying at me. I ducked, but the object hit me, dead on. We tumbled in a ball a bit, until we hit a tree and dispersed. My eyes were spinning, so I shook my head. I could see clearly again, and noticed Rainbow Crash brushing off some dust and dirt on her coat. My face burned and turned red. I yelled,

"Watch out where you're going!" She looked over to me and spit out a bit of grass. She then said, in a mocking tone,

"Watch out where you're standing." I felt a fiery feeling, deep in my stomach. I wanted a fight. A fight to the death. I roared,

"IT IS ON!" I then lunged at her, she quickly flew up. She spit at me and said,

"Can't beat what you can't catch." She then dashed off, with a trace of rainbow behind her. I wasn't about to lose like this. My wings shot out, and I dashed up. I flew at breakneck speeds, every second getting a bit closer. She looked behind her and noticed me, getting closer. She then flapped her wings more and sped up. My anger only grew, and I pushed my wings to the limit. Everything, but the rainbow hair, was a blur as I went at speeds far past I thought I was capable at. She looked at me, and her eyes got wide. There was a dark cone forming around me, as my veins surged with anger. I felt an electric feeling behind me as I kept going faster, so close to that cyan pony trying to escape me. The g-forces were incredible as I heard a loud bang, the sound of something going faster then the speed of sound. After that, I couldn't keep conscience anymore and closed my eyes. I slowed down started to fall downwards. The last sight I saw before plummeting to the ground, was a black and red cloud of smoke, with lighting bolts shooting out from it. It trialed behind me as I fell. I was high above the ground, and there was nothing but ground below me. There was no way I could live through this. I let my anger get the better of me, and it got me killed. I lost the feeling of falling, and then the feeling of the wind, and soon every thing else I felt left me. Right before, I left this world completely, I heard someone yell,

"WAKE UP!" My eyes shot open, and I felt everything coming back to me. I breathed heavily, and started flapping my wings. I was slowing down, but not nearly enough to not hit the ground. It was certain death at this rate. But, I didn't give up. With my remaining strength, I angled myself to a glide and flapped my wings as fast as I could. It wasn't enough, The ground was now mere feet, and at my speed, I was sure to die. Then something grabbed my torso and I flew forward. The sudden chance in velocity woke me up all the way and I looked up. Rainbow Dash caught me, and we were slowing down. We slowed to a stop and Rainbow Dash dropped herself and me onto a leafy tree. We both just laid on that tree, hearing nothing but our heavy breathing. It was only a few minutes of that until Rainbow Dash chuckled and said,

"You did a Sonic Shadowboom. You're alright in my book, but you owe me one for saving your flank." She then snuggled up to me and put her head on my chest. Her breathing turned more calm and had a pattern to it. That told me, shes asleep. I felt myself drifting into a deep sleep also, as the leaves on the tree felt softer then most beds. I put a smile on face as my vision faded to black.

I woke up to something nudging me. It was a hoof. I slowly opened my eyes and saw Rainbow Dash standing over me. She then said in an over annoyed voice,

"Finally! I thought you were going to sleep all day! What you did back there, was pure awesomeness. I need to show you my house!" I had nothing better to do, so I got up and said,

"Fine, fine. I'll go." She smiled and took off. She yelled back at me,

"Race you there!" How the fuck am I suppose to beat her, when I don't even know where we are going? Oh well, wouldn't hurt to try. I launched myself up, feeling refreshed as ever. I then shot forward, following her close behind. I was going as fast as my wings let me, and we arrived at a large cloud with a few windows and a door, after a few minutes. She glided down to a porch on the cloud, and I followed suit. She slammed open the door jumped in. I strolled in, glancing around. It was a basic home, a kitchen, living room just what you would expect from a house. She then pulled me in, waiting impatiently. She didn't let go of me and continued to push me. She shoved me into a bedroom and I landed on a bed. She then smiled seductively and said,

"This will be fun." She's very aggressive and blunt. I wasn't that easy, and I leap off of the bed. Then I said,

"I'm not that easy. You're going to have to try harder to get me." She just smiled more and said,

"I didn't ask you." Is she planning on raping me? Well, if there's anypony who would do it, it's Rainbow. I then asked her,

"Not even going to take me to dinner first?" She chuckled and said,

"I'm slightly hungry, not for food though." She took a step closer. I don't know if I should be aroused, or scared. I then leaped forward, through her legs. I stumbled on the floor and Rainbow acted within seconds. She had already pinned me down, We spun around each other, on the soft cloud floor, laughing. After a minute of that, we stopped. She blushed lightly and planted, a big warm kiss on my lips. We held that kiss for what seemed like an eternity, until she broke it off. Her warmth was radiating off of her, and it spread all over my body as she hugged me tight. She then pushed a bit of the cloud floor away, making a hole in the floor. She rolled us over it and we fell through. I stopped mid-air, at the same time as her. I asked,

"What?" She nudged her head left and said,

"Actually, I'm pretty hungry. Lets head over to Sugarcube Corner, Cupcakes sound awesome right now." She then took off, yet again. I rolled my eyes playfully and gave chase. It was a short flight, and we quickly arrived at the place. We stepped inside, and were greeted with a cheerful Pinkie Pie, baking cupcakes. Rainbow waved and said,

"Anything ready for eating?" Pinkie nodded and tossed two, blue swirled cupcakes at her. Rainbow caught both and walked over to me. "Eat up." I grabbed the cupcake from her and gulped in down in under 2 seconds. There was a bit of frosting on my mouth, and Rainbow Dash, who had already somehow eaten her cupcake, wiped the icing off my face and ate it. I then asked,

"So, where to next?" She replied with,

"Your choice."

Do you:
1. Go visit Twilight. [Chap. 24]

2. Go to Manehatten. [Chap. 25]

Let her.

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+5 Kindness

Fluttershy has been too nice, I had to let her. Although, it really wasn't that cold. I said in a soft voice,

"Sure, you can stay." She snuggled up to me, even closer. She felt very warm as she wrapped her hooves over me. She let out a soft,

"Yay." And then her cheeks turned a very bright red. I looked over to her and we locked eyes. Her eyes were beautiful, lustful teal. Her pink hair covered part of her and was flowing onto me. Her yellow coat glowed in the darkness, like a candle. We both just laid there, motionless, looking into each other's eyes. Then, out of nowhere, Fluttershy closed her eyes and gave me a kiss on the lips. We held the kiss for only a few seconds before Fluttershy broke it off, and laid up. She blushed even more and said, in an embarrassed tone,

"Sorry... I didn't mean to..." I laid up also, and put a hoof on her shoulder. Then I said,

"It's okay. I don't mind" I then pulled her into a hug. We slowly laid back down, in each other's arms. It wasn't long until we fell asleep in the embrace. She felt very warm and soft, better then any blanket.

I slowly started to stir. My eyes opened, and took note of my surroundings. Fluttershy was still in my arms, and looked cute sleeping. I brushed her hair softly and she purred a bit. Her eyes calming opened and she looked at me. She smiled and laid up.
I couldn't help but say,

"Hey." She was just so cute like that, with her bed hair. I smiled back and slid off the bed. I stretched my backs and hooves as Fluttershy climbed off the bed. She walked over to me and said,

"Do you need breakfast?" my stomach then rumbled and she giggled. "I'll take that as a 'yes'." She then lightly trotted out the room. I followed her out, and she was already in the kitchen. I felt amazing, being in Fluttershy's embrace all night. Everything felt refreshed, new, pleasant. I've never been happier. I wondered what would happen if I never went with Fluttershy at the party, or if I never even went to the party? Where would I be? I would never know, only hope that it would have been just as good. There are alternate timeliness of these events, I believe in that kind of thing. My life could have been so different in those crucial moments. I pondered what could have happened, when Fluttershy fluttered near me and softly said,

"Food is ready." She led me to a nice wooden table with Angel sitting at it also. He had a carrot and a newspaper in his hands. I sat down in the chair and looked at my plate. It was a traditional pancakes, egg, and... sigh... no bacon. I almost miss meat and bacon. But, the cows and pigs most likely talk or something like that. I guess I'll have to live with being a herbivore. I picked up the fork with my mouth and cut the pancakes. Then I took a bite, and it tasted like you would expect, buttery and soft. I said a quick,

"Thanks." To Fluttershy and then gulped down the rest of the food. I finished and picked up the plates and put them in the kicthen sink. Fluttershy then said,

"I need to go to the market to get some celery. Can you come with me?" I turned to her, and she looked at me with pleading eyes.

Do you:
1. Go with her. [Chap. 24]

2. You're busy, say no. [Chap. 25]

Say 'No'.

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-10 Kindness
(Play this song in the background)

"No." I said with a stern tone. Fluttershy's eye held back tears as she climbed out of the bed. She whisperd,

"Okay... I didn't mean to upset you..." I was fine, I just wanted to sleep, or maybe I just don't like her, she always was kind of a pushover. She slowly walked out my door, her head down and tears forming in her eyes. She left my room, and it was only a few seconds later until I heard the front door open. Odd, it also just started to rain. Where is Fluttershy going? I looked out the window, and saw Fluttershy crying.

I felt something tugging at my heart, as my eyes nearly flooded with tears. How could I have done this to her? I didn't know she would take it like that! I blinked back my tears as I witnessed this event. I felt like a horrible person, making Fluttershy cry, even on accident. I trotted out the front door, crying. I saw Fluttershy and ran up to hug her. Our tears mixed with the rain as I whispered,

"I'm sorry. Please, come back inside, I didn't mean to hurt you." She lifted her head, tears still flooding down her face. She then looked straight in my eyes and buried her face on my shoulder. She softly said,

"Nopony likes me, and they never will!" I rubbed her back as she cried. The rain felt cool as it slid down my skin. My heart sank, and I said,

"It's okay, I'm here. There's nothing to cry about." She cried as I held her there, feeling her warmth in the cool rain. "Let's go back inside, it's cold out here." She rose her head slightly, her eyes red, and nodded. I picked her up, she was fairly light, about 5 pounds or so. Then I carried her inside and shut the door. She never let go of the embrace. I brought her over to the bed she gave me and placed her down on it. Then, I crawled on it and started to sing,

"Hear your heartbeat
Beat a frantic pace
And it's not even seven AM
You're feeling the rush of anguish settling
You cannot help showing them in
Hurry up then
Or you'll fall behind and
They will take control of you
And you need to heal the hurt behind your eyes
Fickle words crowding your mind

Sleep, sugar, let your dreams flood in
Like waves of sweet fire, you're safe within
Sleep, sweetie, let your floods come rushing in
And carry you over to a new morning

Try as you might
You try to give it up
Seems to be holding on fast
It's hand in your hand
A shadow over you
A beggar for soul in your face
Still it don't mater if you won't listen
If you won't let them follow you
You just need to heal
Make good all your lies
Move on and don't look behind

Sleep, sugar, let your dreams flood in
Like waves of sweet fire, you're safe within
Sleep, sweetie, let your floods come rushing in
And carry you over to a new morning

Day after day
Fickle visions messing with your head
Fickle, vicious
Sleeping in your bed
Messing with your head
Fickle visions
Fickle, vicious:

Sleep, sugar, let your dreams flood in
Like waves of sweet fire, you're safe within
Sleep, sweetie, let your floods come rushing in
And carry you over to a new morning" She stopped crying and her steady breathing told me she was asleep. I shut my eyes, feeling the soft mare next to me. My tendons relaxed, and I lost the feeling of awareness.

I slowly started to stir. My eyes opened, and took note of my surroundings. Fluttershy was still in my arms, and looked cute sleeping. I brushed her hair softly and she purred a bit. Her eyes calming opened and she looked at me. She smiled and laid up.

I couldn't help but say,

"Hey." She was just so cute like that, with her bed hair. I smiled back and slid off the bed. I stretched my backs and hooves as Fluttershy climbed off the bed. She walked over to me and said,

"Thanks for last night, I needed a friend." My stomach then rumbled and she giggled. "I'll make breakfast." She then lightly trotted out the room. I followed her out, and she was already in the kitchen. I felt amazing, being a close friend to Fluttershy. Everything felt refreshed, new, pleasant. I've never been happier. I wondered what would happen if I never went with Fluttershy at the party, or if I never even went to the party? Where would I be? I would never know, only hope that it would have been just as good. There are alternate timeliness of these events, I believe in that kind of thing. My life could have been so different in those crucial moments. I pondered what could have happened, when Fluttershy fluttered near me and softly said,

"Food is ready." She led me to a nice wooden table with Angel sitting at it also. He had a carrot and a newspaper in his hands. I sat down in the chair and looked at my plate. It was a traditional pancakes, egg, and... sigh... no bacon. I almost miss meat and bacon. But, the cows and pigs most likely talk or something like that. I guess I'll have to live with being a herbivore. I picked up the fork with my mouth and cut the pancakes. Then I took a bite, and it tasted like you would expect, buttery and soft. I said a quick,

"Thanks." To Fluttershy and then gulped down the rest of the food. I finished and picked up the plates and put them in the kicthen sink. Fluttershy then said,

"I need to go to the market to get some celery. Can you come with me?" I turned to her, and she looked at me with pleading eyes.

Do you:
1. Go with her. [Chap. 24]

2. You're busy, say no. [Chap. 25]

Visit Twilight.

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I stretched my wings out, then dashed forward. I reached it in 11 seconds flat(damn it). I attempted to stop, but I didn't and crashed into the door instead. I left a small imprint were my face was, and about 3 seconds later, Spike opened the door and said,

"You can just knock, there is no need to give yourself brain damage." I nuzzled his head and I sarcastically said,

"Yeah, I guess I could, but brain damage is so much more fun." He just gave me a 'WTF' look and walked away. I walked in after him, and saw Twilight, yet again, organizing her book. She looked annoyed and said,

"Spike! Where's Star Swirl the Bearded:The lost quest!? I can't find it!" Spike climbed up 2 rows of books and pulled out some purple book out of the shelf. He then jumped down and handed it to Twilight. She put all the books she was holding and headed upstairs. I trotted in front of her, blocking the stairs. I then asked,

"Hey, what'cha doing?" She replied with,

"I was planning on reading this." She levitated the book in my face.

"Yeah, that's great. Is there something to do around here?"

"Well, not really. It's a pretty slow day."

"Really? Nothing to learn about friendship?"

"No." I'm now disappointed, I wanted to live in an episode of this show. She must have seen the look on my face, becasue she said, "I'm sure Applejack could use some help on the farm."

"I'm not really one to work."

"I really don't have anything for you to do."

"Mind if I just stay here than?"

"Not at all." I sighed and moved toward a nearby bean bag, then slumped down. Nothing can beat sex with Rainbow Dash! I guess I'll just be bored than. I let out an exasperated sigh and sunk into the bean bag more. I just sat there, looking around the room. Eventually, my arms fell asleep, but I heard something, something fast. The door slammed open, and the color specturm came dashing in. She skidded to a halt, and looked at me. She then winked and asked,

"Where's Twi?" I pointed toward the stairs, and not a split second later, she was shooting up them. It was only about 5 seconds before she came back down. She then flew over to a bookshelf and flipped through a few of the books, until she came across a brown that had the title: Daring Doo in: The Golden Griffin. She put on the most excited face I could even think of, then went charging for me. She exclaimed,

"OH-MY-GOSH-OH-MY-GOSH-OH-MY-GOSH! Look! The new Daring Doo book is here!" She shoved the book in my face as she smiled. I pushed the book away and said,

"Okay, so?"

"Come on! Let's read it together!" I certainly wouldn't mind being in Rainbow Dash's arms again, so I smiled and nodded. She then took off, with me following close behind. We didn't head directly to her cloud home, we went to Sugarcube comer instead. I asked,

"What are we doing here?"

"Daring Doo is always better with cupcakes." How does nobody ever get fat here? We walked up to cash register, which had Pinkie Pie behind it, eyeing a cupcake that was pink swirled. Rainbow Dash a quick wave while I said,

"Hey, cotten-candy-hair, any cupcakes ready?" Pinkie looked at me, then smiled. She then ran backwards, and jumped into some oven. After extreme amount of thrashing about, she came out, blue and purple cupcakes in hand. Rainbow Dash flipped a coin in her direction then took the cupcakes. Rainbow Dash turned to me and said,

"Come on! First one there gets both cupcakes!" We both shot off, reaching breakneck speeds as we come closer to her cloud home. I was above her, closing in. She hadn't noticed me, so I swooped down and grabbed a cupcake. She looked up at me and smiled. Then we both looked forward and hit the breaks. We were floating right in front of the house. We then floating downward, landing on the soft cloud ground. Rainbow Dash then slammed her door open, she must have a habit of hating doors that open too slowly. I slowly walked behind her, and slumped down at a kitchen chair. I slowly licked the icing off as Rainbow sat next to me, doing something similar, but more seductive.

I had the strangest boner, since she wasn't even human. Meh, fuck it. Once I had licked all the icing, I unwrapped the cupcake and threw the rest of the pastry in my mouth. Rainbow Dash did the same, and then burped. She then flew out of the chair and landed on the floor, dragging me with her. I got up and followed into a living room, with no real furniture, just a few bean bags and other things you would expect to find in a collage dorm. She keeps it real. She dashed over to a large beanbag, with the Daring Doo book in hand, and motioned for me to join her. I plunked my flank down, near her and she opened the book.

Do you:
1. Let her read it. [Chap. 26]

2. Persuade her to act out the book with you instead. [Chap. 27]

Visit Rarity.

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I flew toward Rarity's place. Not really sure why, all she ever did was seduce people and complain. Oh well, I continued to her place until I reached it. It wasn't too far, and I swooped down in front of the door. I knocked and after a minute, the door opened. It revealed Sweetie Belle, looking fairly tired. She rubbed her eyes and said,

"Hello. Do you need," She yawned."Anything?"

"What is Rarity doing right now?"

"Making some dress, I'm not sure about the details."

"Why are you so tired?"

"Rarity needed me to help as an assistant." Her head dropped a bit, then shot back up.

"I'll help her, you need to get some rest." She smiled at me and said,

"Thanks." She then fell on the floor, snoring. She looked so cute like that. The floor didn't look to comfy, so I slowly picked her up and looked around. I noticed a few scraps of cloth nearby, so I walked over to it, and gently placed her down. Then I dragged a few pieces of the cloth over her.

I slowly tip-hoofed away from her, and looked for the room that rarity was in. I found her in a small room, with nothing but a few shelves of cloth and a table with a sowing machine on it. Rarity was in deep focus on the machine, making some kind purple fabric. I walked up to her and nudged her shoulder. She glanced over to me and asked,

"Do you need anything?"

"No, Sweetie Belle was tired, so I thought I would take her place."

"How kind of you. Since you're here, can you hand me the shiny blue over there." She pointed toward a shelf, and I walked over to it. I shuffled through a few of the neatly organized fabrics until I came across one that was blue and shiny. I bit onto the cloth and brought it to Rarity. "Thanks." She then placed the fabric onto another piece of cloth and sowed them together. She then took out the thing and held it up with magic. It was a beautiful dress, that was stripped purple and blue and was covered in gemstones. "Since you have taken over for Sweetie, you will need to model for this dress." Uh...

"Can't you use a mannequin? And, I'm much bigger than Sweetie."

"Mannequins just aren't lifelike enough, and size isn't important for this type of dress. One size fits all." I just stood there. She then blinked her eyes and rubbed my arm. "Please, for me?" My legs wobbled and I could hardy breath. I nervously said,

"S-s-sure, a-anything for y-you." She then threw the dress over me and pushed me onto a pedestal. I took a stiff stance, and breathed in as Rarity brought a needle. She stitched a few seems on the side, and hummed the My Little Pony theme song. I felt a tingling sensation in my nose, telling me that I was about to sneeze. If I sneezed, needle Rarity had would poke me, and I would break the dress. My eyes watered as I tried to hold back the sneeze. I couldn't hold it any longer, and breathed in deeply. Rarity saw this, and put a hoof to my nose. She stopped the sneeze and I said a quick,

"Thanks," and she continued stitching. She took a step back, and said,

"Ta-da! It's done!" She then took the dress off of me. I slumped down on the pedestal, breathing heavily.

"Glad that's over." Sweetie then walked into the room, looking refreshed. "Oh, look. Sweetie Belle, is here. I can go now." Sweetie then said,

"Wait! Don't go just yet! Can you cover for me a little while longer? I wanna hang out Scootaloo and Apple Bloom." She gave me puppy dog eyes as I pondered this.

Do you:
1. Cover for Sweetie. [Chap. 28]

2. Leave. [Chap. 29]

Sleep in the tree.

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Meh, I was too lazy. I slowly flapped toward the tree, then lightly landed on top of it. It was more comfy than what you would expect, there weren't any twigs poking me, the leaves felt fairly soft, much like a real bed. I closed my eyes, and just laid there, feeling the cool breeze. It was quiet, just perfect for sleeping. My arms and legs relaxed, and I felt myself drifting to into sleep.

I yawned and stretched my legs. My eyes opened to a beautiful morning, the sun was shining, birds singing, and ponies were about, doing daily chores. It was such a pretty sight, I almost shit rainbows. I pushed myself down the tree and slid on the bark. I landed with a soft thud and continued down my path. I had nothing to actually do, so I just casually strolled around, looking for action. I need a job, or something. It's boring around here. Oh look, Fluttershy! Fluttershy was walking through the streets, with her saddle bag. I caught up with her and said,

"Yo, Fluttershy! How's it going?" She turned to me and said,

"Hi, it's fine. I'm just getting some food for Angel."

"Mind if I go with you?"

"Not at all." We walked toward a market, picked out a few fruits and stuff, while making small tidbits about conversation.

"Fluttershy, why do you walk everywhere? You live pretty far out, and it would be much easier to fly there." She looked down and said,

"I really don't like flying all that much. I'm not that great." She picked up a cherry at a stand. "That's everything. I just need to go home now."

"Okay, see ya later than." I waved, she did also. We then split paths, leaving me with still nothing else to do.

Do you:
1. Visit Rarity. [Chap. 19]

2. Go visit Applejack. [Chap. 30]

Head down to Sweet Apple Acres and ask Applejack for a bed.

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Yeah, I'll have to pass sleeping in a tree. Now, to head over to Applejack's place. I just hope it's not too dangerous at nigh- What the fuck am I saying? I'm in a cartoon for 8 years, I doubt that it's dangerous. I mean, come on! Night Mare Moon only surrounded them in darkness, for what? 2 hours? And she got 1000 years on the moon! With punishment like that, no criminal would be that stupid. Man, Celestia really is a tyrant. None of my business, just saying.

I started to head down the dirt road, toward Sweet Apple Acres. What did Applejack mean by I can handle the barns? It's not like I'm gonna be sleeping in warm intestines, right? I shivered at that thought. That, and if someone wanted to go on a murder spree, the farm tools most likely what their going to get first. I had second thoughts about this, but I was already there. Applejack was just leaning on a fence, her hat covering her face. She had a piece of hay in her mouth. I trotted up to and said,

"Hey, Applejack. Anywhere I can sleep?" She moved her hat upwards, revealing deep green eyes, that contrast beautifully on her blonde hair. My knees wobbled a bit, as I admired her face. Time seemed to stand still, as her hair flowed gently in the wind. She looked in my eyes, then pointed toward a barn. Her head lightly jerked that way, motioning me to go there. I complied, and walked over to it. My hoof pushed open the doors, and I stepped inside. It smelled musky, with a hint of rust in the air. I found a pile of hey, just big enough for me, and leaped on it. Better than intestines, at least. My neck relaxed, and I found my eyes closing. It's been one hell or a day.

Cock-a-doodle-do. My eyes snapped open, with my head hitting a wooden board behind me. Ow! I rubbed the back of my head and got up. Applejack then came into the barn, looked at me, and said,

"Sugarcube, you're already up. Good, I could use some help." She walked over to a rack of farm tools, pulled off a few,and gave me one. It was a sharp axe, for cutting down trees. It gleamed as I rolled it in my hooves. She turned around, and an idea went through my mind.

Do you:
1: Join her, and help with farm work. [Chap. 31]

2: Kill her, and rape the dead body. [Chap. 32]

Ask her to bring you home.

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I shook my head, ridding the idea from my mind. I want to go home, not fuck a horse. I looked at Pinkie Pie with the most serious face I could and said,

"I want you to take me home." She looked into my eyes, then put on a sad face to say,

"Bur, don't you like it here? Do you really want to go home?"

"Yes, this place is nice and all, but home is where the heart is."

"Oh. I hate to see anypony go, but if you really want to go home, I'll take you there." She then steps toward me, raising her hooves in the air. Then she slams them down, opening a 'rip' in time and space, or better known as, the 4th wall. It looked like a tear in a piece of fabric, and what was inside was my couch. "Just step in, and you will be home." I did just that, and the next thing I knew, I was sitting on my couch, eating cereal. The My Little Pony theme song just finished and Applejack said,

"Sugar cube, I dun think that's right." Applejack said to Pinke Pie as she was decorating a building for a party for some new pony.

"Nonsense, He will love it! In fact, he's watching us right now. Look he's right there!" Pinkie pointed out of the TV and smiled. Apple jack looked the same way and said,

"I dun see anypony." Pinkie Pie just shook her head and motioned for her to watch. Then, a pony, with blue skin and brown hair stepped next to Pinkie Pie. Pinkie said,

"Look, there he is!" Applejack raised her hoof and said,

"Howdy." I pressed the off button on my remote, and put the cereal down. Did all that really happen? Did I run away from a party? Did I rob a pony? Did I push Applebloom out of the way? I still can't believe it. I wasn't there long, but I don't know if I could have lived there for long. I sighed, and said out loud,

"It was worth it." I grabbed my remote, hit the power button, and continued watching the new episode.

Try and seduce her.

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Sex with Pinkie Pie, or leaving? I shouldn't even have to answer that. I said,

"Hey, Pinkie Pie, check out my swag." I swished my waist around, then winked at her. She just stared at me, then burst out in laughter. She said,

"Buahahahahahah! Nice. You would be great at parties!"

"I have a different kind of party in mind." She smiled seductively, and said,

She swiftly bounced up stairs, leaving me shocked at this. I shook my head, and ran after her. She laid in her room on her bed with a suggestive pose.

She then said,

"Wanna party?" My member started to stir as I saw her like this. She grabbed my hoof, and pulled me onto the bed. She giggled as she played with my member a bit, then said,

"Big already, you must really want this." She laid on the bed, me on top, sitting between her legs. "Go on, I'm ready." I nodded, and slowly pushed my pelvic forward. The head of member prodded her, causing her to moan lightly. She opened up a little more with each poke, and was clearly enjoying it. I then put a little more of it into her each time, until I was deep inside. I moaned,

"Ughhhh, that feels so good." She giggled and said,

"It's not party unless it's rough. Slam it into me." I was still slowly moving in and out of her tight, warm marehood, as I looked into her lust-filled eyes. She gave me a reassuring glance that she really wanted it. I pulled out all the way, with a trail of her juices sticking to me. I then slammed it all the way in, earning an excited moan. "Ugh, keep *huff* going." I pulled back one more time, then slammed it into her again. I did this faster and faster, until I felt the oh-so familiar feeling in my member. I said,

"Pinkie, I'm close." She just moaned and said,

"Keep going, I'm almost there." I rapidly pushed my member in and out, that amazing feeling growing. She screamed, and got very wet. That caused me to finish also, I let go, and it came out. I laid down, putting my head on her chest. We both breathed heavily, as I said,

"That was *huff* nice." She just giggled, and her eyes slowly closed. I felt tired, and closed mine also. We fell asleep, in each other's arms. The bed, like a cloud.

The birds sang as I yawned and stretched my hooves. Pinkie was still sleeping next to me. I smiled and rubbed her shoulder. She awoke and yawned.

"Hey," I said as I burshed her hair and she giggled. She then said,

"Now that's what I call a party. Mind helping me with baking today?"

"Already asking me to do your job?"

"Don't look at it like that, this way you can spend all day with me." Sounds good, but I was never that great at baking.

Do you:
1. Help her. [Chap. 33]

2. Don't help her. [Chap. 34]

Go visit Twilight.

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I said, "I think Twilight could use some help." Or maybe a good raping... Rainbow said,

"Egghead? Really?"

"You have a better idea?"

"Yes, many."

"I thought it was my choice." She sighed, defeated.

"Fine." She walked toward the library, and I said,

"You're not going to fly?" She just whisked her tail at me.

"I don't like to fly all the time. Don't you want to keep close to me anyway?" She has a point...

"I'm not sure, when was the last time you showered?"

"I thought you loved my natural scent."

"That's not natural, that's sweat." She rose her hoof, and sniffed under her arm. She then shrugged her shoulders and continued on walking. I ran up toward her, putting my arm around her neck. "I guess I could withstand the smell to be with you." She sarcastically said,

"That's the nicest thing anyone's ever said to me."

"This is so out of character for you. Are you okay?"

"I'll be whatever character I want to be." We finished our conversation as we arrived at the door. She wasted no time slamming the door open. Twilight jumped at the noise as she was holding a few books. She put them down and said,

"Rainbow! I told you to stop slamming the door!" Rainbow Dash just waved her off. "Anyway, what do you need?" Rainbow said,

"Ask Murry, he wanted to be here." Twilight turned to me as I said,

"I thought we," I pulled Rainbow closer to me, "could help you."

"Just in time, I need you to deliver this, uh, book! Yes book, to Lyra." She used magic to lift a generic brown box to me. I grabbed it in my teeth as I waved good-bye to Twilight and walked out the door. We took about three steps, then Rainbow grabbed the book out of my mouth. She said,

"Come on, let's see what's inside." I was curois, but I think that would be wrong.

"No, Rainbow, we should just deliver it to Lyra. It would be wrong to open it."

"But come on! We have to see what's inside!"

"Would Derpy look in your mail? No, she wouldn't. We shouldn't do the same."

"I don't even think Derpy can read. And besides, this isn't mail." This is still wrong, but I don't know if I want to fight Rainbow about it.

Do you:
1. Refuse to let her open it. [Chap. 36]

2. See what's inside. [Chap. 37]