> Doctor's Orders > by Ficta_Scriptor > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > An Apple a Day > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Doctor’s Orders Pinkie stepped outside the doctor’s surgery and shut the door firmly, letting out an exasperated sigh. It wasn’t normally like this. She quite often enjoyed the routine check-ups, regardless of how mundane and inconvenient they might be to the laypony. It was fun to chat to the receptionist while in the waiting room and even more fun to play with all the toys in the doctor’s office. The Newton’s cradle and stethoscope were her favourites. But this time it was different. This time… she was sick. “This is serious,” Doctor Make-You-Well had said, peering over the top of his rimmed glasses. “You absolutely cannot carry on like this, Miss Pie. Especially at your age.” She’d never seen him look so scary and intimidating. She tried smiling back but his frown didn’t let up. “This is grossly unhealthy, pure and simple. I know some ponies might tell you otherwise, but they are regrettably misinformed.” “So what tablets do I need?” “It’s impossible for me to simply hand over prescribed medication for this kind of problem, Miss Pie. That much should be obvious.” Doctor Make-You-Well pressed his hooves together tightly. “There is simply no other option but the advice I have given you today. I hope that for your sake, you do exactly as I’ve said.” Pinkie took a deep breath began the trek home, slinking along like a guilty puppy. It was difficult to smile after what she’d just been told. The doctor had likened her to an innocent, immature little filly too blissfully unaware of the world to even notice that something was missing. Did other ponies think of her like that? Did her friends? Sure, she spent most days bouncing around, eating candy floss, cakes, chocolates and sweets, singing songs and throwing parties. So what if she didn’t partake in that… other stuff. It never seemed important. Pinkie furrowed her brow. Bit by bit, it was all starting to make sense. Why hadn’t anypony told her this before? How was she supposed to know how strange it was!? The news of how deprived she was had struck her with the force of a speeding sledgehammer, but what hurt most was realising how stupid she’d been to never figure it out herself. All in all, she felt pathetic. “Welcome back, Pinkie!” Mr. Cake called as the pink pony entered Sugarcube Corner. His smile dropped almost instantly as he regarded the sullen mare. “Oh my… Is everything okay?” Pinkie smiled weakly and slumped into a nearby chair. “Um, sure! Why wouldn’t it be?” she chirped in her best ‘happy’ voice. Mr. Cake frowned and stepped closer, not being fooled as easily as she’d hoped. “What did the doctor say?” “Nothing much,” Pinkie lied, blushing tremendously. She turned away, not wanting to look into her adoptive father’s eyes. How could she possibly admit the truth? Mr. Cake eyed her suspiciously for a few seconds. “You know you can tell me, Pinkie,” he said softly, taking to the chair next to her. “Did it have something to do with your hearing problems?” Pinkie thought for a moment. “Um… yeah, actually,” she said with a nervous laugh. With a stroke of luck, Mr. Cake had provided an alternative story she could stick to. “The doctor said it’s not that bad, but I need to be careful. It just got me all worried about when I’m older and stuff. I mean, I wouldn’t want to go deaf or something like that.” One liberal use of the guilt-tripping puppy dog eyes later and Mr. Cake promptly took the bait as planned. The stallion wrapped a caring hoof around Pinkie’s neck and pulled her into a tight hug. “Don’t go thinking about the worst case scenario. Just be careful, and you’ll be fine. Say, how about I make you a hot chocolate just the way you like it?” He ruffled her mane and shot her a big, dumb grin. “That would be super,” Pinkie replied jubilantly, relieved to have the subject dropped. To even think about discussing the real problem with Mr Cake made her skin crawl. “Then I’ll whip it right up.” Pinkie wasn’t left alone in her thoughts for very long, as Mr. Cake quickly trotted back with a hot pink mug clutched between his teeth. “Thanks,” Pinkie remarked as the sweet-smelling beverage was placed in front of her. “You’re welcome,” Mr. Cake said with a wink, pacing back to the counter in time for a new customer. Pinkie gazed into the swirling whirlpool of her hot chocolate, breathing deeply as the heavenly aroma curved its way through her nasal passages. A smattering of tiny, colourful marshmallows? Present and accounted for. A dollop of puffy whipped cream, complete with ripe cherry on top? Floating free and slowly melting to its doom. Chopped toffee pieces? Scattered like buckshot and ready for devouring. It was the perfect Pinkie Pie patented hot chocolate deluxe supreme, as she liked to call it. Pinkie shook her head. She’d normally be slurping away on the sugary treat in a matter of seconds, but in that very moment it both enticed and disgusted her in equal measure. Everything about it screamed ‘foalish.’ And wasn’t that the problem? She was still living life like a little filly, not willing or even conscious of the things that made adult ponies… adult. Other ponies drank tea. She drank a half-litre of sucrose and cream. And as she was painfully aware, the differences didn’t end with confectionary. Something needed to be done, and fast. “Howdy, folks!” Applejack announced as she pushed open the door, an excitable Applebloom in tow. Mr. and Mrs. Cake exchanged greetings. “Well hey there, Pinkie!” “Hi Applejack,” Pinkie replied. She spotted Applebloom scouring the rows of cakes at the shop counter, talking aloud as she deliberated between a long list of possible choices. “You feelin’ okay, sugarcube?” came the farm pony’s voice once again. “You’re lookin’ a little glum.” “Oh, me? I’ll be fine,” Pinkie assured cheerfully, waving off her friend’s concern with a hoof. If there was one thing she hated more than being upset, it was being pitied. “I’m just trying to figure something out.” “Well if ya need help fillin’ in the blanks, just gimme a shout, you hear?” With a quick stride, Applejack turned her attention to her little sister. “Now what is it you want?” “Ah was thinkin’ about the fairy cake, but now...” Applebloom tapped her chin, glaring at the cake trays pensively. “Ah might go for a blueberry muffin, or maybe a lemon tart. Oh! What about one of those cupcakes!?” “Well we ain’t got all day,” Applejack said firmly. “Ah tell you what. You can pick somethin’ for me and yerself, and we can have half o’ each. That way, you don’t have to pick just one.” “Really!?” Applebloom exclaimed. “On the condition ya choose in the next ten seconds. One… Two… Three…” Pinkie couldn’t help but smile as she watched the exchange, Applebloom hopping about nervously as time counted down, eventually clenching a hoof over her eyes and pointing to a random cake. When she opened them, she broke out into an ecstatic cheer. “Ah picked cherry bakewell? They’re mah favourite!” “There. You see? That wasn’t so hard, was it?” Pinkie watched her friend curiously, an idea already forming in her mind. Applejack was somepony who could be trusted one hundred percent. It didn’t matter what Pinkie admitted to her; she’d be completely understanding. She was thoughtful, confident, and above all did her absolute best to help a friend in need. Not only that, but she was one of the most mature, reliable ponies in Ponyville. In many ways she acted like Applebloom’s mother, a task difficult enough without the fact that their parents had passed away, yet she did an absolutely sterling job of it. She was a healthy young mare — an adult — in her prime. She was many things. She was— “Perfect!” Before Applejack could say her goodbyes and walk out the door, Pinkie had already leapt up from the table and caught her attention. “What was that, sugarcube?” “Applejack!” Pinkie cried, hopping excitedly between her hooves. “Can I ask a really, really big favour?” “Well that depends,” Applejack replied. “What kinda help d’you need?” Pinkie opened her mouth, but quickly slammed it shut as she noticed Applebloom listening intently. “It’s… not really something I can say right now. I need help with something really important, and you’re definitely the mare for the job.” “Well shoot, with that kinda flattery how can Ah say no?” “So could you stop by later this evening? I won’t keep you for long.” Applejack nodded. “Sure can. Let’s say around eight?” “Super!” Pinkie exclaimed, pulling Applejack into a vice-like cuddle. “Thank you so much! Thank you! Thank you!” “That’s… alright…” Applejack gasped between lung-crushing squeezes. “But Ah… need to… get goin’.” “What’s growing?” Pinkie asked confusedly. Applejack forced her way out of the hug and took a few deep breaths. “Ah said Ah need to get goin’.” “Oops! Sorry about that!” Pinkie swirled two hooves around her ears and pulled them out with an almighty pop. “That’s better. So I guess I’ll see you later!” “Certainly will. Goodbye fer now!” Later that day Applejack knocked on the door of Sugarcube Corner and was promptly greeted by Mr. and Mrs. Cake. After a minute or so of idle chit-chat and small talk, Applejack took the directions up to Pinkie’s room and walked in through the open door. “Howdy, Pinkie.” “Hi Applejack! So glad you could come!” Applejack looked at her immediate surroundings, realising that this was indeed the first time she’d seen Pinkie’s room. It was wholly chaotic, but far from a mess. The walls were painted with a mishmash of bright colours (namely pink) while stuffed toys wearing paper party hats were piled up in each corner. Balloons and streamers clung to the ceiling, especially over Pinkie’s bed where the ever-peppy party mare now sat, looking remarkably anxious. Something was definitely up with her… “So what can Ah do ya for?” Applejack asked, closing the door behind her and sitting next to her friend. “Well, it’s kind of embarrassing,” Pinkie replied, tapping her fore-hooves together. “Nothin’ to do with yer hearin’, is it?” Applejack inquired. She put a hoof on Pinkie’s shoulder. “Ah know hearin’ aids might not seem so great, but ain’t nopony gonna judge you.” “No, no, nothing like that. That’s just what I told Mr. and Mrs. Cake so they’d get off my back.” Pinkie sighed. “I’m not so sure I can say it, so maybe I should just do it, and you can help me along?” “Whatever it is, Ah’ll do mah best,” Applejack said with a comforting smile. “Great! So um, could you lie down here, and I can get started.” Applejack raised an eyebrow suspiciously, but did as she was told and led down on Pinkie’s bed, watching as she paced back and forth nervously, tensing her mouth muscles and licking her lips. Did she have something she needed to get off her chest? It wasn’t unlike Pinkie to want to act out some kind of dramatic scenario, but surely it was the pony getting professional help who needed the bed, not the one playing therapist. Still, Applejack wasn’t about to question Pinkie’s logic just yet. She sat patiently, waiting for Pinkie to speak. To Applejack’s surprise, Pinkie instead reached for the fruit bowl on her chest of drawers and grabbed an apple. “I’ll… I’ll be ready soon,” she said softly, taking a bite from the apple and swallowing. “I haven’t eaten much today.” “That’s fine, Ah guess,” Applejack replied, unsure just how concerned she needed to be at this moment. Pinkie was acting very strange, and not in her usual way. Since when did she get the jitters, eat food without getting a mess everywhere, speak like she was in a library and look at her friend’s… Applejack’s heart skipped a beat. Was Pinkie… checking her out? Her eyes were definitely wandering somewhere around her flank. But that was simply ridiculous. Pinkie hadn’t even so much as shown any signs of physical attraction for anypony, let alone a mare, let alone one of her best friends. Hay, even Fluttershy had blushed ever so slightly in the presence of a few burly stallions, but Pinkie had done no such thing. There had to be some other explanation. But then Pinkie looked again. This time, it was more than a mere glance. She stared anxiously, but intently, right at Applejack’s flank. But no, that wasn’t quite correct. Applejack gulped audibly, her heartbeat quickening as she realised her position, and exactly where Pinkie’s eyes had wandered. There was no doubt about it; Pinkie had been looking at her mare-hood. Applejack was dumbstruck, her thoughts flitting between a million things. Should she cover herself up? Should she scold Pinkie for being perverted? Did Pinkie like her? Was that it? Was that the reason for all of this? What could she say to that? Should she say something before Pinkie got a chance to? Should she express how uncomfortable she was and ask to leave? Options were open, but Applejack could do nothing but lay motionless, watching as Pinkie finished off the apple and tossed the remains aside. She smiled licked her lips. “I’m kinda nervous-cited,” Pinkie said as she began her approach to the foot of the bed, her eyes wild and longing, her cheeks turned a stark shade of beetroot. Beads of sweat dripped from her forehead. “Oh?” was all Applejack could manage. This was crazy. There was no way Pinkie was about to do what she thought she was going to do. Was there? Applejack knew that she had to do something — anything — to get out of this situation. All she had to do was get up and stop Pinkie from advancing any further. Even if Pinkie did have feelings for her, this wasn’t how things were supposed to happen. And yet, a little voice at the back of Applejack’s mind told her to sit still and see what happens next. Against all logic, that little voice won out. Applejack took a deep breath. “This is the first time I’ve ever done this,” Pinkie said in a voice just barely above a whisper, clambering onto the bed. Applejack’s jaw dropped. “Kind of embarrassing, huh?” Pinkie gently spread Applejack’s legs apart, her hooves stroking tentatively just inches from her exposed vagina. Slowly, she lowered her head, licking her upper lip in anticipation. Applejack could feel each of Pinkie’s shallow breaths against her nether-regions, her tail flailing beneath her like an excited puppy. Pinkie took that as an invitation and continued her descent, smiling. This was wrong. None of this should be happening. But Applejack was too taken aback to oppose it. It wasn’t simply the fact that one of her best friends was mere inches away from eating her out. It was the juxtaposition of Pinkie displaying such unabashed confidence, but with the demeanour of a naïve, timid little virgin. Applejack had never seen her friend act this way, not in all the years that they’d known each other. Perhaps that’s why she was more turned on than she’d ever been in her entire life. Her thigh muscles tensed in anticipation as Pinkie’s face disappeared from view. Applejack gripped the bedcovers, gritting her teeth to the point of jaw-ache, like a terrified filly on the precipice of a painful injection. She wanted it. She didn’t want it. She wanted it. She didn’t want it. She wanted… Applejack let out a gasp as Pinkie’s soft, wet tongue made contact with her vaginal lips, moving up and down rhythmically. Her hips squirmed instinctively, her loins tingling as Pinkie’s tongue briefly stroked her clitoris. Her breathing quickened as Pinkie picked up the pace, lapping at the entrance to her love canal with renewed ferocity. It was a sensation unlike anything Applejack had ever felt before. And she was loving every second of it. Pinkie stopped abruptly and raised her head, peering between Applejack’s hind legs. She smiled bashfully and uttered a nervous chuckle. “Is this… okay?” Applejack stayed silent, gawping inanely at her friend. Surely she needed to ask what the fuck was going on and order Pinkie to spill the beans. This wasn’t okay. Pinkie was purposefully and forcefully indulging in some twisted perversion, and without asking for any kind of consent. If it weren’t for the fact that they were friends, Applejack would have bucked her into next week. But Applejack made no attempt to speak up or thrash out. Instead, she nodded. Because holy fucking Celestia, she didn’t want it to end. “That’s good,” Pinkie said with her trademark giggle. “I was scared it might get a bit weird, but I think I’m getting used to it. I can’t thank you enough for this, Applejack.” She paused for a moment before leaning over to the fruit bowl and picking up another apple. Applejack simply stared, trying to make sense of the whole situation. Nothing felt real. Whatever the cause, Pinkie had been overcome by some divine shade of confidence to thrust herself upon her and sexually pleasure her, and yet to do so in an unabashedly anxious, unconfident manner. And now she sat at the foot of the bed, their eyes locked as she bit into the bright red apple and savoured its juices, licking her lips with delight. It was all nonsensical. For a brief moment Applejack considered that it might all be a dream. A twisted, perverted, horrible yet fantastic dream that she was about to wake up from. But no dream, no matter how vivid, could replicate the detail of perfect silhouettes against the brightly coloured walls, the sensation of her mouth growing dryer by the second, or the pungent smell of sex in the air. And then there was the feeling of emptiness, of being unfulfilled. Oh yes… That was real. Applejack backed herself against the headboard and lowered a hoof between her legs. Slowly and deliberately, she circled around her clitoris, keeping her eyes locked on the mare before her. Pinkie cocked her head curiously. She may not have realised it, but she looked damn cute. No, more than cute. She was a gorgeous, sexy pink pony just waiting for the chance to shed her innocence and fuck somepony senseless. Applejack bit her bottom lip instinctively and moved her hoof faster. It felt good, but not good enough. Taking a deep breath, Applejack moved her hoof away and spread her legs wide, resting her head limply against the pillow and relaxing every muscle in her body. There was no use fighting it anymore. “You win.” Pinkie cocked an eyebrow. “Huh? What did I win?” “Me,” Applejack said softly, giving a small smile. “Ah think you really earned me, too.” “I won you?” Pinkie tapped her chin thoughtfully. “So wait, what does that mean?” “It means get back down there an’ finish what ya started, sugarcube.” Pinkie glanced down at Applejack’s hot, glistening pussy. “So… I’m not finished?” “Darn straight yer not!” Applejack said matter-of-factly. For some reason, Pinkie’s apparent naivety and foalishness was making her all the more adorable. “Ah ain’t even close yet, Pinkie, an’ Ah need relief so bad right now. Ya wanted me, now ya got me. Now finish the job or Ah’m gonna lose mah mind over here.” “Oh sorry!” Pinkie exclaimed, repositioning herself for another round of glorious cunnilingus. “Like I said, I’m new to this.” “It’s alright,” Applejack cooed, closing her eyes and sighing contentedly. She hoped that with nothing to see, her sense of touch would be intensified. Just endless darkness and unimaginable pleasures rocking her to the very core. It was everything she didn’t know she needed, and from a mare she never knew she wanted. But she knew better now. A shiver ran up Applejack’s spine as Pinkie’s tongue made contact once more. She let out a quiet moan as her juices began to flow, Pinkie’s tongue sliding up and down her slit, teasing at her clitoris with each swift, deliberate lick. It was bizarre, wholesome and pleasurable all at once, but it clearly wasn’t enough for her to reach orgasm. Pinkie needed a few pointers, it seemed. “Deeper,” Applejack uttered between shallow breaths. “Hm? Did you say something?” “Ah said deeper!” Applejack commanded. As silence took over, Applejack wondered for a moment if Mr. and Mrs. Cake had heard her, whether they were left cowering behind the door as their adopted daughter was ordered about like a sex slave. But on the other hoof, who the fuck cared? They could protest all they wanted; Pinkie was going to make her cum ‘til she begged for mercy and that was that. After a brief pause, Pinkie forcefully pressed her maw over Applejack’s love passage and thrust her tongue between its walls. Taken aback by the overpowering sensation of being entered Applejack yelped, her hind legs clamping over Pinkie’s head as she struggled to contain her cries. This spurred Pinkie on even more, her tongue pulsing in and out like a hot, wet, hydraulic pump, sliding between her lips and pounding against her back wall effortlessly. Applejack's ever-flowing juices aided each of Pinkie’s penetrations, creating an almost frictionless cascade of consecutive lunges into her emptiness. Any and all rational thought disappeared into the ether as years of sexual starvation finally ended. “Harder… Faster…” Applejack heard herself mutter, and against all odds, Pinkie managed to do just that. Each and every stab inside of her sent jolts of pure pleasure through her system, and before she could even react the next thrust would come. And then another, and another, and another, and another, each spark of ecstasy multiplying exponentially. If she’d gripped Pinkie’s head any harder, her skull might have burst. Applejack could feel herself on the cusp of orgasm, each passing second giving rise to bliss that couldn’t be exceeded, only to then to be smashed by a new, even more enthralling sensation. In a way it was almost torture, her body being pushed above and beyond its limits to absolute breaking-point. She couldn’t hold herself back any longer. She let out a high pitched screech, ready for the dam to burst… And then it stopped. All of a sudden, it just… stopped. Applejack opened her eyes to see Pinkie sat at the foot of the bed. She looked worried. “Sorry if I hurt you,” Pinkie said apologetically. “I guess I got a bit carried away there.” Nonchalantly, she reached for a banana from the fruit bowl. “I should probably move onto this, right?” Applejack was furious. How dare Pinkie bring her so close and then abandon it all because she wants to play dirty with a fucking banana!? What the fuck was her problem!? So many times before she could get away with all this simply because she was crazy, random Pinkie Pie acting the way she normally did. But not this time. No… This time she was going to deal with the consequences. “Damn it, Pinkie!” Applejack scolded, gritting her teeth. “Get back down there an’ finish me off! Don’t stop unless Ah tell you to!” Pinkie recoiled at the outburst, her smile dropping from her face like a rock. Her expression was blank and unreadable, and for a moment Applejack thought she might burst into tears. Just as Applejack was readying an apology, Pinkie nodded. “Well alright. Not had enough, I guess?” Without waiting for a response, she tossed the banana to the floor and dived head-first into Applejack’s hungry vagina. The intense heat was back in a flash, and within seconds Applejack had a vice grip on Pinkie once again, her fore-hooves grasping the mattress. She bucked her hips rhythmically into Pinkie’s open mouth, subconsciously thanking every god, star and deity that may have blessed this lovable pink mare with a viper tongue capable of filling every available inch inside her. A lesser pony would have failed to even breathe, but Pinkie showed no signs of slowing. The heavenly tingling between Applejack’s legs intensified to untold levels of beautifully agonising delight. She was in a complete trance now, nothing but the feral instincts born from a thousand generations of rutting animals dominating her mind. Amidst the crazy passion Applejack launched her fore-hooves towards her loins and pulled Pinkie deeper inside of her, continually thrusting her hips with as much fervour as her body could muster. And then it happened. Applejack uttered a silent scream as she reached climax, her G-spot giving up the ghost and sending wave after wave of carnal fluid into Pinkie’s gaping maw. Applejack arched her back to the skies, bleary-eyed as the sensation pulsed outward from her vulva and across her entire body, overpowering her senses. Her muscles gave out and she flopped dizzily onto the bed, gasping for air as the greatest orgasm she’d ever experienced peaked and plateaued at the height of pleasure. The urges that previously commanded her fizzled out into nothingness, for nirvana had been reached. It was over. Except it wasn’t. Pinkie wasn’t stopping. No… She was getting more efficient, toying with her clitoris as she meandered around inside of her. The electrifying power of the orgasm wasn’t weakening; it was intensifying. "Pin-kie, st-ah-ah-ah-op!" Applejack gasped, her voice raspy as she struggled to catch her breath. Pinkie didn’t hear her. Pinkie kept going. Pinkie was going to make her cum again. And there was no escape. Applejack bucked her hips with all her might, suddenly all too terrified that she couldn’t take it anymore. She’d barely stayed in one piece the first time, and now it was coming again, pushing her organs to the brink of all possibility. She clamped her eyes shut once again, her motor functions failing. There was no order, no chaos. There was only darkness. And pleasure so intense, she thought it might actually kill her. At least it’d be a good way to go. A second orgasm rocked its way through the helpless farm-pony and she cried out at the top of her lungs, spewing an incomprehensible string of non-words as every nerve below her waist caught fire. More fluid spilled out, drizzling Pinkie’s ever poofy mane. She was bobbing her head now. Oh dearest Celestia… Just when Applejack thought it wasn’t possible, a third climax shot through her being and she cried out again, wanting to beg for mercy but completely unable to. She didn’t know if she was breathing or not. For a brief second, the darkness remained when she opened her eyes and she thought she might actually be dead. It was the most incredible yet horrifying feeling she’d ever known. She couldn’t decide whether an eternity of such euphoria would mean heaven or hell. Maybe both, maybe neither. But it needed to stop. It needed to… “Stop!” Applejack bellowed. What came next was rather like awakening from a vivid dream, reality slowly forming from a mishmash of abstract blobs and colours. The burning feeling in her loins was gone. The incessant tingling was slowly fading away. After finally coming to her senses, Applejack sat up straight to see Pinkie sitting at the foot of the bed, peeling a banana. And then the door exploded. “What’s wrong!?” Mr. Cake cried as he burst into the room, splinters raining down on the floor. He held a green and brown baseball bat in one hoof. “I thought I heard a—” The destruction was clear for all to see. Pinkie’s bedcovers were soaked through with all manner of juices while Applejack lay there, smiling senselessly with her gaping pussy royally beaten and exposed. Pinkie pushed the banana into her mouth and devoured it whole, all the while swinging her legs off the side of the bed like an antsy foal. A line of vaginal fluid dribbled precariously from her chin. She was smiling too. Mr. Cake turned roughly fifty shades of crimson, dropped the baseball bat to the floor, slammed the door shut and bolted down the hallway, the clip-clop of his hooves echoing against the hardwood floor. Pinkie shrugged. “He sure did look surprised.” Applejack stayed silent for a moment, and then promptly burst into hysterics, clutching at her stomach to contain the laughter. It was the most hilariously bizarre situation she’d ever been in, and thinking back to how it all started so innocently made her laugh even harder. It was the best she’d felt in years. Finally, the laughter died down and the two friends locked eyes. Pinkie grinned mischievously. “What are you thinking about that was so funny?” Applejack thought for a second, and then decided to say exactly what was on her mind. “Pinkie, if Ah was a stallion Ah’d fuck ya ‘til ya couldn’t walk straight, guaranteed.” Pinkie scrunched up her face. “But if I couldn’t walk, how would I get around? I’m not a pegasus, you know.” Applejack chuckled again. It was uncanny how everything was back the way it was. Pinkie appeared to be her usual self, it seemed. But now that Applejack knew the kind of saucy mare that lay beneath the surface, it only made Pinkie’s apparent guise all the more attractive. She played the innocent mare, but behind closed doors she was a ravenous sex goddess. And this was her first time? To think that her performance might improve with each session simply beggared belief. Applejack owed her big time. “Alright, it’s your turn,” Applejack said, clearing the bed to allow Pinkie to take her place. “What’s gonna burn?” “Ah said it’s your turn,” Applejack repeated, making sure to overcome Pinkie’s hearing deficiency. “Go on, lay down.” “Why?” Pinkie asked. “What’re you going to do?” “Ah’m gonna take ya up t’ cloud nine, straight through cloud ten and burstin’ through cloud eleven ‘til ya can’t get no higher. That’s what ya done for me.” Pinkie appeared slightly confused, but complied with the request, laying in her bed and spreading her hind legs. “Yeah, I guess it’s only fair we each get a turn. You know, this wasn’t anywhere near as weird as I thought it’d be.” Applejack nodded, setting her sights on Pinkie’s wondrous pink cave. It was fresh and juicy. Good enough to eat. Still, she was nervous, especially since Pinkie had blown her mind just minutes earlier. How she was going to top that she had no idea. “Just so ya know, this is mah first time too.” “Really?” Pinkie exclaimed. “I would’ve thought you’d done this a whole bunch of times!” Applejack straightened herself up, an angry eyebrow raised. “What’s that s’posed to mean?” “Oh no, I mean it as a compliment!” Pinkie said in defence, waving her hooves in protest. “You just seem like a healthy young mare, I thought it was a given.” Applejack thought this over for a second and then shrugged. Pinkie didn’t mean to cause offence, and surely it was a compliment to think she was sexually active. With that aside, Applejack turned her attention back to Pinkie’s delectable little pink snatch. She couldn’t back down now. “I mean, out of any of our friends I thought you were the healthiest,” Pinkie continued. “There’s no way you’d shy away from your doctor’s orders.” Applejack was mere inches away from her newfound lover’s vagina when she stopped, feeling all the more puzzled. “What do ya mean by that?” “Oh you know, doing things you’re supposed to do to stay healthy, even if it seems a little weird at first. But you know, I’m glad this happened. Maybe we could even make this a regular thing!” Applejack sat up. “Ah woulda thought this bein’ a regular thing was obvious, Pinkie. Ah wouldn’t want what we have to end so soon. Ah like you.” “That’s great!” Pinkie said joyfully. “Oh, but remind me to eat my nectarine once you’re done.” “Ah don’t quite get why you’re sayin’ that stuff.” “Oh you know, like what we’re all supposed to do.” Applejack looked at her friend suspiciously. “What in the hay are you talkin’ about?” “You mean you don’t know? I’ll admit I didn’t know until today.” Pinkie sighed, but quickly regained her trademark grin. “The things we need to do to stay healthy. I was failing before, but now it’s a fresh start! I mean, it’s just like my doctor said; we all need to eat five fruit and vadge a day!” ~~~~~~~~~~ The End ~~~~~~~~~~ This story was heavily inspired by this one time I played with my plushies in bed. I owe them everything.