After The Happily Ever After

by Whiskey Drops

First published

This will be a series of events around Click and his Family. Ditzy and Flower Don't know where it will lead!

These events take place after my previous story "The Life Changing Events" This one will be an ongoing story of the life of Click and his new family. Where it will lead even I don't know, but needless to say I will see it though to the end! This description will be updated along with the story since it's not actually planned..sorta is planned but it changes as well as the ponies will be changed if i add some one else in!

The Flower Of Their Lives

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~~~~~~The Flower of their Lives~~~~~~

Click sat onto a cloud as he looked around the fields though his camera, towards a patch of wild sunflowers. ~click~

“Daddy!” A young voiced called from the ground as Click looked down towards his daughter.

Click flew down from the cloud and landed in front of the filly with the picture in his mouth, the fillies eyes widen as she stared at the picture before Click noticed this.

“you..want..this?” Click asked Blossom holding the picture in his mouth.

“ I can really have it daddy!?” Blossom hopped in place with a smile on her face as Click handed it off to her.

“You sure can, you are my little Flower after all.” Click smiled at the filly as he lifted her in his hoofs and bumped noses with the filly earning a giggle from her.

Click slowly got the filly onto his back as he started to walk back to their home, with Flower on his back humming the lullaby her mother always sung to her. Click smiled to himself as he spotted Applejack along the road heading back to her farm dragging an empty cart with her stand in it. Flower slipped the photo into Click's saddlebag before she placed her forelegs over Click's head and smiled to Applejack.

“Aunt Applejack!!” Flower said as she was waving a hoof to Applejack.

“Howdy, there sugercube how are ya? Keeping Click out of trouble?” Applejack said with a smile on her face, as the filly nodded her head.

“I don't get in trouble often and you know it. How is it with you and Rainbow Dash since she moved in?” Click asked with a smile.

“Its fine and dandy, it helps to have an extra pair of hoofs on the farm.” Applejack answered with a chuckle.

“Well thats good..... the sun is starting to set better get this filly home before her mother starts to worry, have a good night Applejack!” Click smiled at the orange mare as she continued along.

“Daddy?” Blossom looked at her father.

“Yes, Flower?” Click turned his head some to look at the filly.

“Can you tell me the story again, of how you and mommy met!” Blossom asked.

Click smiled to himself as he sighed. She never gets tired of that one does she? Click thought as he started the tale.

“Well shortly after I moved her into Ponyville, It was during a morning just as the sun was rising...I saw the most beautiful mare, she looked so happy and I just stood there and waved to her, the next da...” Click stopped as he felt a small nuzzle and gently snoring from behind him.

“Good night, my little Flower.” Click whispered with a smile as he walked up to their door.

As Click gently pushed their door open Ditzy peeked from the living room with a gentle smile as she spotted Click and her little filly. He nodded with a smile as both pegasi whent up stairs and into their daughters bedroom, they rested the sleeping filly onto her bed as Click draped his wing over Ditzy. She started to softly sing Flower's lullaby as Click listened.

~~~~~~Flower's Lullaby.~~~

Sleep now, my Flower.

May your dreams Blossom, in a bed of Flowers.

Let your dreams flow, with the wind like a Petal.

We are here to watch our little Flower grow.

Till she blossoms, into a beautiful Flower.

Let her dreams be as soft as her Petals.

Sleep now, my Flower.

And Blossom in your bed of Flowers.

Click gently tucked Blossom in as he and Ditzy both kissed the filly on her forehead, both Ditzy and Click smiled to each other as they left her room. He leaned over and kissed the mare on the cheek as she giggled quietly.

“Where were you today, Click?” Ditzy asked as she smiled to him.

“Well I got distracted on the way home, sorry.” Click said with a small smile.

“I figured you got distracted by something, silly Click.” Ditzy smiled at him as she nuzzled his cheek earning a blush from him.

“Y-you know how I get when there is a good picture to be taken.” Click said with a smile as they walked into the living room.

Click gently sets his saddlebag down as he pulled out the one with the sunflowers, Click slowly whent to work on making a small frame for the picture of the sunflowers he took before. Ditzy smiled at him as he finished the picture frame, Click smiled to her and left it on the coffee table.

“I'm sure she will find it here in the morning.” Click said with a smile.

“That is so sweet of you, Click.” Ditzy giggled as she smiled to him.

Click just smiled as he walked by Ditzy and kissed her cheek.

“I'm heading to bed dear, will you be coming?” Click asked Ditzy who shook her head.

“No, but I will when I finished the muffins!” Ditzy smiled to him as he nodded and whent up stairs.

He really is a caring father, and a caring husband. Ditzy thought to her self as she smiled, she whent back to the kitchen and put the muffins out to cool on the counter. Click was sitting by the window as he let out a soft sigh. So this is what it is like to have and be part of a family.....I'm happy with this.....Ditzy....and my little Flower.....I'm truly the luckiest Equestria. Click thought to himself as he smiled with a tear going down his cheek.

“You okay, my Muffin?” Ditzy asked as she leaned her head onto his shoulder.

“Yes.....I'm more than okay, dear.” Click smiled as he looked to Ditzy with a smile.

“ Just thinking what I always being the luckiest stallion to have both you and Flower.” Click leaned over and kissed the mare on the lips.

Ditzy blushed lightly as she returned the kiss with her forelegs wrapped around his neck, while Click wrapped his around the mare's barrel just above her wings. The two broke away as the climbed into bed, they looked into each others eyes.

“I love you, Ditzy.” Click said with a smile.

“I love you too Click.” Ditzy said back returning the smile.

The pegasi drifted off to sleep, Luna's moon slowly sets while Celestia's sun rose. Ditzy wasn't in bed which was normal cause she normally was up very early, what woke Click up was the sound of a filly's scream. Click bolted up from the bed with a face filled with concern, he then jumped from the bed and made his way to the stair case quickly only to miss the first step and tumble all the way down. Click finally came to a stop with his eyes rolling around in his head, as Ditzy and Flower looked to him.

“F-F-Flower are you okay?! I heard you scream!” Click slowly stood up and shook his head.

Both Ditzy and Flower burst into a fit of giggles leaving Click confused, he tilted his head and rubbed the back of his head.

“ Me and mommy were playing daddy and she tickled me!” Flower trotted up to her dad and hugged his foreleg.

Click let out a sigh of relief and smiled, he then lifted the filly up and hugged her with his forelegs, Ditzy walked up and smiled as she joined in the hug.

“So, you got mail to do today, dear?” He looked at Ditzy who nodded.

“Guess I can watch over our little Flower for today.” Click said with a smiled.

After Ditzy left the two, Click looked to his daughter and smiled.

“Want to go visit Aunt Applejack?” Click asked as the filly grinned happily.


Love Makes You Do Things

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~~~~~~~~~Love Makes You Do Things~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Click was trotting towards Sweet Apple Acres with Blossom trotting beside him, he looked to Blossom who looked back to her father before she asked.

“Daddy? Can I spend the night with Applebloom tonight?” Blossom asked her father.

“I'm fine with it, but you have to ask Applejack too. “ Click answered as they walked passed the gates of the farm.

The two pegasi walked towards the house till they spotted Applejack leaving the barn, Click waved to Applejack who waved in return. Blossom trotted to the orange mare and hugged her foreleg, as Click made his way over towards them.

“Aunt Applejack, can I please stay the night?” Blossom asked with a smile on her face.

“Well, ah don't see why not.” Applejack chuckled as she then looked to Click.

“Come by fer a visit sugercube? “ Applejack asked with a smile.

“Yup!” Click answered with a smile.

Applejack and Click talked while Blossom ran off to find Applebloom,

“So, how is the farm doing Applejack?” Click asked the orange mare.

“Its just fine sugercube, how about yer little family?” Applejack asked as she sat down and tilted her hat back some.

“Very good, Flower made Ditzy a cute flower tiara a couple of days ago!” Click said with a smile.

“She is a sweet little thing ain't she?” Applejack said as she chuckled as Click nodded.

The two talked for a good while. It was around the late afternoon when Click was leaving the farm, he kissed Blossom's forehead.

“Now, Flower you behave and listen to Applejack, okay? “ Click said to the filly with a smile.

“I will Daddy, I love you!” Blossom said as she hugged her father's foreleg as he hugged the filly.

“I love you too, my little Flower!” Click smiled to the filly.

After saying his goodbyes Click began his trot home, he came upon the door and looked at the note hanging from it.

“Meet me at the park. Love Ditzy<3.” Click read the note aloud.

Click smiled to himself as he started his way towards the Ponyville park, Ditzy was walking around in the park humming happily. Things then took a bit of a bad turn, Ditzy bumped into a stallion who just grumbled as he then turned and pushed Ditzy causing her to fall over.

“Watch where your going, you stupid mare!” The stallion growled.

“I-I'm s-sorry!” Ditzy said as she cowered some.

At this moment Click has just entered the park he witnesses the stallion shoving his wife over, something snapped inside of Click as a sudden anger rose within him. The stallion raised his hoof which caused Ditzy to recoil some. She then saw a pair of orange hoofs slam against the stallion's cheek cause him to stumble over to the side and fall over.

There stood Click with his eyes locked onto the stallion as he stood protectively in front of Ditzy,
the mare looked up in surprise seeing Click and as what he just did she has never seen him like this before, it sort of scared her.

“Don't you dare lay a hoof on this sweet mare!” Clicks words were quiet and seemed to drip with venom.

Click flared his wings out as he kept his glare to the stallion who was getting up, Click slammed his hoof onto the grass, the stallion simply turned his head and started to trot away.

“Isn't worth my time!” The stallion grumbled.

Click began to relax as he turned to the mare with a loving stare full of concern, he looked her over to see if she wasn't hurt.

“Ditzy, are you okay dear?” Click kneeled down beside her.

Ditzy was just staring at Click, which worried him a bit more.

“W-what? Your not hurt are you??” Click blinked as he asked.

“N-no, I'm just a little shaken up..I've never seen you like that before Click!” Ditzy ask as she stared at him.

“ I'm sorry........ I scared you, Ditzy... I was only protecting you.” Click leaned in and kissed the mare on the fore head as he scooted to her and laid with her.

Ditzy seemed to calm down as she rested against Click as he draped his wing over the mare, he closed his eyes and rested his head on top of her head. Ditzy softly sighed as she then started to speak.

“Thank you, Click.” Ditzy said with a bright smile.

“For being there when I needed you.”Ditzy slowly moved and looked up at him as he looked back.

“I'm always there for you and for our little Flower.” Click said as he leaned in and kissed her nose.

“ I don't know what came over me though, I just acted when I saw that stallion push you over.” Click said with a sad smile.

“Lets not worry about it right now.” Ditzy softly shook her head as she smiled at him.

Up above the lovers a rainbow maned pegasi saw the whole ordeal with her jaw hanging open. Wait till A.J hears this! She thought to her self as she zipped off leaving a rainbow trail behind her. She made it to the farm in five minutes, and landed in front of the orange mare who saw her flying in. Applejack gave her a kiss on the lips which stunned her for a moment before looking around.

“N-no pony around right?” Rainbow Dash asked

“Dashie, Ah thought we talked about this every pony knows about us!” Applejack said as she raised an eye brow.

“No! Its not about that!” Rainbow Dash glared at her lover before continuing.

Rainbow Dash told the orange mare the story of the events that took place in the park not long ago, Though Rainbow Dash couldn't help but add a few sound effects for the hit. She finally finished the tale as she though her hoofs into the air.

“I didn't think Click could do something like that, like ever!” Rainbow Dash then crossed her forelegs.

“Love does that to some ponies, Dashie they do crazy things.” Applejack said with a smile.

“And, speakin of love yer a lil behind on it if ya catch mah drift.” Applejack said as she had a sly grin.

Click and Ditzy were slowly walking home as he had his wing still around her, the pegasi slowly walked into their home.

“Flower, we are home!” Ditzy said before Click looked at her.

“Oh, I forgot...Flower is staying the night with Applebloom, sorry it slipped my mind.” Click smiled a lil as he blushed.

“ Silly Click. “ Ditzy giggled at him and kissed his lips.

“Just for you, dear.” Click smiled as he returned her kiss.

The two retired for the night after an event, a week has passed and Flower was in the living room humming as she was putting flowers into a vase. Ditzy walked in and smiled at the filly, she stood there at the door way and watched her.

“What are you doing with those pretty flowers?” Ditzy asked with a smile.

“They are for you and daddy!” Blossom said as she looked to her mother.

“I heard your father is bring you a surprise when he gets home.” Ditzy said as she giggled.

As if on cue Click slowly opened the door, Flower wasted no time in tackling her father's leg hugging it.

“Welcome home daddy!” Blossom said as she looked up at her father smiling.

“Just the Flower I wanted to see!” Click said as he pulled out a photo from his saddlebag.

The filly took the picture as her eyes grew wide as she looked at the photo, the picture was of a field of flowers all different colors and different kinds.

“I think you broke her, Muffin.” Ditzy said as she giggled.

“I hope I didn't case I plan to take my family to this field pretty soon.” Click said as the filly snapped out of it and gushed.

“R-really daddy! We get to go see all these pretty flowers!” Blossom said as she smiled to her parents.

“Yes, we will Flower” Click answered the filly as she ran off to the living room.

“How was the weather today?” Ditzy smiled to Click who winced a bit.

“Lets just say....I was almost shocked!” Click said as he looked back towards his long tail as the tip was blackened.

“Are you okay though?!” Ditzy asked as she tilted her head and looked at him.

“I'm alright Ditzy, no way I could lie to you with those cute eyes of yours.” He smiled as the mare blushed.

“Be quiet you!” Ditzy giggled as she stuck her tounge out at him.

The two pegasi soon followed the filly into the living room where they watched her humming as she continued with assorting the flowers into the vase. Tomorrow will be a fun day for a certain filly, the pegasi parents simply smiled at Blossom.


Field of flowers and a road to recovery

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~~~~~~~~~Field of flowers and a road to recovery~~~~~~~~~~~

Click looked to his family as Ditzy was packing a picnic basket of their food,while Blossom was bouncing around her mother giggling. She is so happy....both of them...I'm glad for that Ditzy....My little Flower. Click thought as he smiled to them as they trotted to him by the door.

“We all ready now?” Click asked.

“Yes daddy! I can't wait!” Blossom said which caused her mother to smile.

The pegasi family left their home as they walked across the fields in front of their home towards the tree lines and dissappeared behind them. After an hour of walking the family came from the other side of the tree line, and into a field of flowers of all kinds of colors. Blossom was bouncing as she looked at her father, who only nodded.

“Just don't go out of sight Flower.” Click said with a smile.

“I won't daddy!” Blossom said as she trotted off to the flower field while Click and Ditzy sets up the picnic.

“This was a sweet idea to do for Flower.” Ditzy smiled to Click who blushed.

“W-well, I noticed how much she liked why not.” Click smiled to Ditzy who giggled.

Both Ditzy and Click laid on the blanket and watched their filly trot around in the fields giggling, Click draped his wing over Ditzy who sighed softly and leaned against him. Our little filly is so happy, she really is a beautiful flower. Ditzy thought to herself as she relaxed and tucked her head under Click's chin.

“Ditzy, I love you dear.” Click said as he sighed happily.

“I love you too Click, my muffin.” Ditzy said with a soft giggle.

The pegasi parents laid in each others embrace as they watched their filly picked at flowers in that rainbow field of flowers. Flower trotted up to her parents with several rainbowed flower tiaras, Click smiled to the filly.

“Those look pretty, Flower.” Click said as he nodded gently.

“Yes they do, who are they for?” Ditzy asked with a smile.

“ Ones for mommy and one is for daddy.” Flower said as she place one on each of their heads.

“And these are for Aunt Applejack, Rainbow Dash and Applebloom!” Flower said with a smile.

“I'm sure they will love them, Flower.” Ditzy said to her filly as they all sat there and started to eat the food that was set out.

They eventully packed up and started to head home as the sun had set, Click had told Ditzy that he was going to visit Applejack and be back home . Click was walking along the road towards Sweet Apple Acres, Ditzy was tucking in Flower into her bed as she hummed the lullaby to her filly.

“Sweet dreams , my little Flower.” Ditzy said as she left the sleeping filly in her room.

Ditzy whent down stairs and sat in the living room to wait for Click, Ditzy started to worry when a couple of hours had passed till a knock was heard. As Ditzy answered the door she quickly took a step back as she gasped, Click stood there with one of his left wing hanging limp his fur was messy and dirty while his nose was bleeding a small amount.

“C-Click! W-w-w-what happened!?!?” Ditzy quickly rushed to his side looking him over.

“ R-remember..t-that jerk stallion?” Click said slowly.

“D-did he do this!?!” Ditzy gave Click a concerning glare.

“Y-yea......he almost got the best of me, t-till he.....he...threaten come after you.” Click hissed in pain as he sat on the floor in the living room.

W-what happened t-to him?” Ditzy was a bit scared asking.

“I...I bucked him so him out.” Click sighed softly as he hung his head.

“Sorry to make you worry Ditzy.” Click said as he looked to her as she came back with a rag and some bandages.

“I'm just happy your back home muffin.” Ditzy said as she started to wrap Click's hurt wing and wiping his nose as he closed his eyes.

After Ditzy finished treating Click she just looked at him with a sad smile, he opened his eyes and looked to her returning the sad smile. I hate making her worry....atleast the foalish stallion can't hurt my family now. Click thought as he leaned in and kissed her nose.

“Guess I can take care of our daughter while your away,huh.” Click smiled to the mare who smiled back.

“She is in safe hoofs atleast.” Ditzy giggled softly.

The two pegasi slowly went up stairs and into their bedroom to turn in for the night. The morning slowly came as Click woke up to a sleeping filly curled up beside him on the bed, Click simply smiled and brushed his hoof over the filly's mane. I'm such a lucky father, sweet little Flower, keep your petals sweet for me. Click thought to himself as he hugged the filly who stirred and woke up.

“D-daddy? Are you feeling better?” Blossom asked as she looked up to him.

“Yes, I am Flower, thank you.” Click told her as he gently ruffled her mane earning a giggled from the filly.

“Daddy, can we visit Aunt Applejack so I can give her the tiara I made for her?” Blossom asked.

“Sure, just give me a moment.” Click said as he slowly got up, still very sore from the bout last night.

The two pegasi slowly made their way down stairs, Click slowly got his saddle bags and camera he then followed his filly towards Sweet Apple Acres. Applejack was walking back to her home till she caught sight of the two pegasi, she was trotting over her smiling face turned to a look of concern.

“What happened to ya sugercube? Ya'll look worse than Twilight when she was worried over her not learning something about friendship!” Applejack as she looked over Click.

“I-im fine Applejack...just only had a bout stopping a foalish stallion trying to harm my family....a-anyway.” Click looked to Blossom who trotted up to Applejack with the flower tiara in hanging from her muzzle.

“I made this for you, Aunt Applejack!” Blossom said as she was offering it to Applejack who was smiling.

“Thats mighty sweet of you, sugercube!” Applejack said as she lowered her self as Blossom placed the tiara as it went around the top of her hat.

“I made one for Rainbow Dash and Applebloom!” Blossom said as she hopped in place.

Click slowly leaned some since standing up was a bit of a task in his state, Applejack seemed to notice this as she trotted over.

“How about ya'll stay fer a while?” Applejack asked with a smile.

“Its just me on the farm right now Applebloom will be back soon, Big mac and granny are helping some of the other members of the Apple family.” Applejack said as she helped Click walk to the house.

“S-sure, and thanks Applejack.” Click smiled as the three made their way into the house.

Click and Blossom made their selves comfortable in the living room while Applejack was making some apple fritters, soon Rainbow Dash came in not noticing Click or his young filly. Rainbow Dash trotted to Applejack as she nuzzled her neck.

“Hey cowpony, wanna wrassle again?” Rainbow Dash said in a subductive manner.

“.....Ahem!” Click cleared his throat but lucky that Blossom didn't pick anything of what Rainbow Dash said.

Rainbow Dash whipped around confused beyond all reason with her face redder than the apples on Applejack's flank, Applejack chuckled lightly to Rainbow Dash's reaction as she continued.

“H-h-how long?????” Rainbow Dash managed to stutter out before the filly trotted to her.

“Rainbow Dash!! I got something for you!” Blossom said as she offered another flower tiara to her.

“H-hey...thanks squirt!” Rainbow Dash said as she lowered her self letting the filly place it onto her head.

“Its pretty like your mane!” Blossom said as she smiled.

Click smiled and chuckled to himself as she watched Rainbow Dash blush, That sweet little Flower of mine. Click thought as the filly hopped and giggled.

Recovery is slow but sweet

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~~~~~Recovery is slow but sweet~~~~

Click was telling about what happened to him yesterday night to Applejack and Rainbow Dash, while Applebloom and Blossom were in her room playing.

“So, he attacked you...almost took you down...till he made a threat to Ditzy and your foal?” Rainbow Dash said as she crossed her foreleg.

“And this happened not to far from the farm?” Applejack asked as Click nodded to both.

“Y-yea, but its all f-fine now I doubt that stallion will bother my family again.”Click said as he let out a sigh.

“Ah'm glad yer fine sugercube.” Applejack as she smiled and placed her over Rainbow Dash's.

“I guess I'll have to find some pony to hold your shift while you recover Click.” Rainbow Dash said as she tilted her head.

“S-sorry for that Rainbow Dash.” click said as he looked down some.

“Its cool Click” Rainbow Dash said as she waved her hoof some.

“so, about that..normal for you two?” Click asked with a blush as the two mares soon blushed as well.

“Y-yea...I wasn't expecting no pony but Applejack!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed as she crossed her fore legs and grumbled.

Click and Applejack just chuckled to Rainbow Dash's reaction as she puffed her cheeks some blushing.

“I better get on home in case Ditzy comes home early, she might tie me down if she finds me out of the bed.” Click smiled a his little joke.

Click called for Flower as the two pegasi said their good byes, they started to walk along the road back to their home. Blossom trotted with her father as she nuzzled his leg some, Click smiled to the filly as he slowly leaned down and kissed the top of her head.

“I'm such a lucky father to have a sweet little Flower.”Click smiled to the filly.

“Click!” A voice in the sky Click winced a bit.

Oh, no........I'm in some trouble Click thought to him self as he looked to Ditzy who was landing with her mailbags and wearing a mail hat.

“ Why aren't you laying in bed?” Ditzy had a concerning glare.

“I-I'm sorry dear I w...” Click was stopped by Blossom.

“Its my fault mommy! Daddy was following me to Aunt Applejacks so I can give her the pretty tiara!” Blossom said as Ditzy glare slowly turned into a smile.

“I'm not angry Flower...just worried for your father.” Ditzy said as she stood beside him as he leaned against her.

“Thought we could get back before you were finished dear.” Click said with a weak smile.

“Does standing up right now really tire you this much right now?” Ditzy asked as they started to walk again, Click only nodded lightly.

As the family entered their home Click made his way to the living room and laid on the couch, Ditzy went to make some tea while Flower stayed with her father softly hugging his leg. My sweet Flower. Click smiled as he softly ruffled her mane earning a giggle, Ditzy soon joined in and laid with them draping her wings over both the filly and Click.

Ditzy started to play and tickle Flower, Click only sat there and watched with a smile on his face. The day slowly passed as Click fell asleep on the couch .

“Flower, time for you to go to bed, you have school in the morning.” Ditzy said to her filly.

“Can you sing me my lullaby?”Blossom asked as Ditzy nodded, they both cuddled up with Click who was asleep on the couch, while Ditzy started to hum the lullaby to the filly. The family fell asleep together on the couch .

Click slowly woke up alone in the morning to find a note on the coffee table. Don't you dare leave the house Click, Love Ditzy...'.I better listen to the mare.' Click smiled as the read the note. He slowly made his way up stairs and into their bedroom and looked out the open window. Applejack was going by pulling her cart towards town till she stopped and waved to Click.

“Howdy Click how are ya feelin today?” Applejack asked with a smile.

“ Oh, hello Applejack a lot better actually still weak though!” Click answered with a weak smile.

“ Care to join me on a walk to town?” Applejack offered as Click shook his head.

“I can't Ditzy has me ground in the house.” Click said with a small chuckle.

“Alteast ya listen, I can't get that though Rainbow Dash's head when she is hurt.” Applejack said with a smile.

Applejack waved again as she continued on her way, Click sighed lightly as he looked around to the sky and picked up his camera, he sat there for a while taking a picture now and then. Flower came home as she quickly trotted to her parents room and to her father as she hugged him.

“Have you preened your feathers today before going to school?” Click asked as the filly softly shook her head.

Click just smiled and rolled his eyes some as he turned the filly around and lifted her up in his forelegs, he started to preen the filly's wings. The process didn't take long intill Click sat the filly on the bed and smiled at her.

“There, now your mother won't know!” Click smiled to the filly who giggled.

“Now, how was school today? Did you behave?” Click asked with a smile.

“Yes, daddy I made Miss Cheerlie a tiara too!” Blossom said as she bounced on the bed.

“Your such a sweet filly!” Click lightly nuzzled the top of the filly's head.

Click climbed into the bed with Blossom as she went under the covers, Click just smiled and watched the silly filly. Ditzy soon peeked in as Click looked to her then at the filly still under the covers, Ditzy giggled as she snuck over to where Blossom was about to peek out. Blossom can out and bumped noses with her mother who just smiled at the filly.

“Theres my little Flower!” Ditzy said in a sweet voice.

“Hi, mommy!” Blossom giggled as she crawled out and hugged her mothers neck.

Click smiled as he watched them hug, Ditzy then smiled to Click as she sets the filly down and climbs into bed as well. Blossom laid between her parents smiling as Ditzy leaned down and nuzzled the filly's head. Just one happy pegasi family! Click smiled as he leaned over and gently kissed the mare on her lips.

Ditzy and the Doctor

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~~~~Ditzy and the Doctor~~~~~~

A month has passed enough time for Click's wing to recover from its small injury, the family all fell asleep in the bedroom since they were playing a game and fell asleep. Click slowly woke up to a pair of golden wall eyes looking to him, he softly smiled to the mare who returned the smile. Ditzy then looked down to the sleeping filly between them, Click followed her gaze downwards and smiled as well.

“I never get tired of waking up and seeing your eyes, dear.” Click whispered softly as he brushed a hoof over the filly's mane

Ditzy simply giggled as she leaned over and nuzzled his cheek as he smiled at the mare.

“We do have to wake her up soon though for school.” Ditzy said as she smiled.

“We should.” Click smiled as he looked to the mare with a loving smile on his face.

The pegasi parents woke their filly and got her ready for school, both Click and Ditzy trotted towards the school with their filly between them. They waved their filly off as she trotted off into the school, Ditzy looked to Click as he smiled at her, the pegasi went their ways to start on their respective jobs. Later on the day Ditzy was making some muffins while Flower was playing in the living room, there was a knock at the door.

“Who could that be?” Ditzy asked as she trotted to the door.

There stood a brown earth stallion wearing just a tie with his cutie mark of a hourglass, he smiled as Ditzy stood with her mouth hanging open.

“D-Doctor??” Ditzy said to the stallion.

“Yes, Unless you happened to know any other doctors.” Whooves said with a grin.

“Mommy mommy!” Flower said as she looked up to her mother with the flower tiara.

“Who is this then?” Whooves said as he tilted his head some.

“ daugther!...I've...why are you here?” Ditzy asked still a bit shocked.

“Just thought I popped by for a visit on a friend of mine?”Whooves said.

“T-thats fine...just a surprise come in!”Ditzy said as she and Flower moved aside.

Whooves slowly trotted in with Flower looking at the stallion.

“Mommy, who is he?”Flower asked as she looked to her mother.

“He is the Doctor, a dear friend of mine!” Ditzy said with a smile.

“So, where is the father?”Whooves asked as he looked to the filly.

“Daddy is working on the weather!” Flower said as she hopped in place.

“Oh, is he now? Is he a good daddy?” Whooves asked as he smiled to the filly.

“Yes, he is very silly sometimes but I love him!”Flower said as Ditzy giggled.

“Look at you Ditzy Doo.....just a few years ago we were traveling acorss time and you have a family of your own!”Whooves said as he smiled to the mare.

“I..Its good to see you again too Doctor!”Ditzy said as she cantered into the kitchen.

Click was slowly cantering home after a long day of chasing down rouge thunder clouds, Click bumps into a large blue box that is outside of his home as he looked up at it confused.

“What?......Ditzy brought....a phone box home?” Click asked himself as he walked around the blue box.

“How did she get it here though? Isn't these things suppose to be in Manehatten or something?” Click tilted his head some before going inside his house.

“Ditzy? Did you bring a phone box hom.....” Click stopped to stare at a brown earth stallion with his cutie mark was a hour glass.

“Uh........D-Ditzy?.....there is a strange stallion in the living room?” Click asked as he kept his eyes on the stallion who simply waved his hoof.

“Oh, he is the Doctor!” Ditzy said with a smile as she peeked from the kitchen.

“Well, Dr. Whooves works all the same to me, Ditzy Doo.” The Doctor said as he just smiled to Click.

Click just tilted his head some and trotted over to the stallion, Doctor just simply grinned at Click as Blossom ran up and hugged her father's leg.

“Daddy! This Doctor is funny and strange!” Blossom said as she looked up at her father who was smiling.

“Ok, I assume your a friend of Ditzy's?” Click asked the stallion.

“Right, Me and Ditzy we used to go on loads of adventures!” The Doctor exclaimed.

“And when did all of this take place?” Click asked as he tilted his head.

“ Well, my last adventure with the Doctor was before for the Hearth's Warming Eve I spent with you, that scarf I had when I met you that morning, it was his.” Ditzy said as she walked in.

“I believe you, Ditzy.” Click smiled to the mare.

“I....wait, you do?” Ditzy tilted her head some.

“Yes, I do I trust you fully Ditzy Doo, why wouldn't I?” Click smiled to the mare.

“So, is he here to invite you on one?” Click asked Ditzy as she shook her head some.

“He is just here to visit, he knows I've got a family to be with, besides who else can keep Click from hurting himself.” Ditzy smiled to Click as the Doctor chuckled.

“Well, that is true to some extent!” Click said as he chuckled as well.

“ whats with that blue box?” Click asked The Doctor.

“You mean my T.A.R.D.I.S ?” Whooves said.

“The T.A.what?” Click said.

“Its where he lives pretty much, Muffin,” Ditzy said as she kissed Click's cheek.

“I see..... you are a strange pony..where in Equestria do you live?”Click asked with a smile.

“I'm not from this world......I'm from Gallifery!”Whooves said as Click tilted his head.

“You came from the Gala? What?” Click said as he shook his head.

“Its his home world silly!” Ditzy said as both Click and Blossom looked at each other and shurgged.

“Uh, so how often do you visit?”Click asked.

“Well, I could leave now, and then just come back to you it might be just a few minutes and to me years before I come maybe, but only mere seconds to you!”Whooves stated.

“So let me get this right, your a pony....but not a pony, from a world called Gallifery plus with a time traveling phone box?”Click said as he rubbed his head.

“Something along those lines...yes!”Whooves said with a grin.

“Wait, doesn't that break some sort of time....thing!?” Click's eye twitched a bit trying to understand this.

“I like this lad! Much funnier than the last one!” Whooves chuckled to himself as Ditzy blushed.

“I won't ask.... I'm too confused...”Click said as he hung his head some.

The group laughed lightly Ditzy brought the tea along with some muffins, they talked and Ditzy and the Doctor told some of their adventures. The night was rather fun, they took a group picture as Click made two copies of it and made frames for them giving one to the Doctor, who soon left with the picture and a basket of muffins. Click stood there with his mouth hung open as the T.A.R.D.I.S slowly vanished infront of him.

“Ditzy, you know some strange ponies!”Click said as he smiled.

“Oh, well you have to be the strangest one then!” Ditzy giggled as she picked up her filly with her forelegs.

“Then that makes me the luckiest …...happiest and strangest stallion in Equestria!”Click said as he leaned over and kissed the mare's nose as the filly hugged her fathers neck.

Ditzy just giggled as the the family went back into their home to tuck away their little Flower to bed, another day seemed normal enough considering a time traveling pony stopped by. The parents went into their room and sat on their bed smiling at each other. That mare I'm married too, life isn't boring one bit being married thats for sure! Click thought to himself as he kissed the mares lips, they both drifted off to sleep.

A Simple Nightmare Night.....right?

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~~~~Simple Nightmare Night.....right?~~~~~

The night of Nightmare's Night, the pegasi family were all dressed up. Flower wore a small yellow dress with a tiara of flowers with a sunflower in the center of it made it herself she did. Click wore a prop pegasi armour that he got a couple years back with a black cape. Ditzy wore what looked something like a royal attire complete with a tiara with a muffin symbol.

“So, are we all ready for Nightmare Night?” Click asked as he looked to his family who nodded.

“Daddy, you look like a royal knight or somthing!” Flower said as she giggled.

“Well, some pony needs to keep the two princesses safe!” Click said as he turned to Ditzy who was giggling as well.

“I am at your service, my ladies!.” Click said as he puffed his chest some.

“At ease fair knight!” Ditzy said as she giggled and kissed his cheek. .

The family soon left their house and trotted towards Ponyville to join in the festive evening! Flower was pretty excited for receiving quite a few treats, Flower was hopping around her parents as the trotted towards Ponyville.

“ I just hope no pony mistakens me for an actual guard or something!” Click said as he looked to Ditzy as they cantered into the festive area.

“I'm sure they won't, not many guards carry a camera around silly.” Ditzy said with a giggle.

Flower wondered off just ahead of her parents and went around a corner, the pegasi parents stopped and stared at what was transpiring in front of them. There was Flower handing a small sunflower to the Princess Luna who only smiled and accepted the flower.

“Tell us, young one whom are thou suppose to be?” The alicorn asked.

“I'm a Flower Princess!!” Flower said as she giggled to herself.

“Are you really the Princess of the Night?” The filly asked as she looked to the alicorn who only nodded.

Luna noticed the parents as she slowly cantered over to the awe struck pegasi before saying.

“Thou foal be sincerely sweet.” “Luna said as she smiled to the parents, till Click shook his head some and bowed his head a bit.

“T-thank you Princess!....She is our little Flower.” Click said as he couldn't believe he was talking to one of the Princesses.

“I wish thee family a night filled of fun and and candy sweets!” Luna stated as she simply flew off towards the center of the town.

That.......that was one of the Ponyville! Click thought till he looked to Flower who was smiling at her parents, Ditzy snapped out of it and looked to Click then Flower.

“She is a fun princess!” Flower said as she smiled to her parents who only smiled back.

The family made their way around the corner and to the town festives Click found Applejack over by the apple bobbing wearing what looked like some sort of scare pony outfit. Applejack waved to them as Flower ran up to her.

“Aunt Applejack!” Flower said as she hugged Applejack's foreleg.

“Howdy there sugercube!” Applejack said as she hugged the filly.

“Ya'll look a little shaken up some.” Applejack asked.

“W-well....we just talked to Princess Luna!” Click said as he rubbed the side of his head with his hoof.

“She visit Ponyville every now and then on Nightmare Night!”Applejack said as it was normal.

“Thats a nice getup ya got there Click, so yer a knight escorting two princesses?” Applejack said as she smiled as Click nodded.

“Presenting the Royal Muffin and Flower Princesses!” Click said as he bowed and smiled.

“Silly Click.” Ditzy said as she giggled as Flower trotted over and hugged her father's neck who hugged back .

“I try!” Click smiled as Applejack chuckled

They said their goodbyes to Applejack as they took Flower house to house with her little bag, Flower went off with the group of foals that were following Pinkie Pie. The parents looked at each other and smiled as they cantered on along the festival.

“So, my Muffin Princess what would you like to do on this fair night?” Click asked as he smirked and bowed to the mare .

Ditzy just leaned in and kissed him on the lips as he returned the kiss, the pegasi stared into each others eyes smiling. Click gently draped his wing over the mare and hugged her close. They slowly walked along a trail leading towards the edge of the Everfree forest..

“This place seems a bit more...well scarey than normal huh?”Click asked the mare leaning against him.

“Just a bit.” Ditzy said as she looked around some shivering lightly.

Click lightly kissed the side of the mares head.

“Looks like our little Flower made friends with one of the princesses it seems..huh?” Click smiled brightly down at the mare who smiled back.

“She can be friends with any pony, cause she is so sweet!” Ditzy said as she giggled.

“That is true.” Click said as he smiled still to the mare.

A sudden thunder clap went over the pegasi as Ditzy ducked down as Click glanced around some with his wings flared some. He looked around some with a glare scared out of his wits till he heard laughing above him. There was a cyan mare laughing her flank off on a dark thunder cloud.

“R-Rainbow Dash...y-you scared me!” Click said as he let out a sigh of relief and lets Ditzy up.

“Thats the point of a scare!” Rainbow Dash said as she peeked over the edge of the cloud.

“G-glad your having fun with it!” Click said as he rubbed the side of his head.

Ditzy only managed to giggle some as Rainbow Dash flew away with the cloud, Click shook his head lightly as he smiled to the mare.

“Life here is never boring isn't it?” Click asked with a smile.

“Not at all!” Ditzy answered with a smiled as she kissed his cheek.

“A princess falling for a simple knight...hasn't there been love stories based on this kind of thing?” Click said as he smirked softly to the mare.

“Well, I've got my knight right here!” Ditzy answered with a blush on her cheeks.

“ And I'm married to a beautiful princess!” Click softly leaned in and kissed her lips.

Both of the pegasi simply vanished.


A Whispering Void

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~~~A Whispering Void~~~~~

Click slowly opened his eyes to the forest around him. What.....wait..where is Ditzy!Click thought as he looked around franticlly not seeing the mare anywhere around him.

“DITZY!?!?!? “ Click called out with his eyes wide.

You.....have.....too....find.....her.”A whispering voice in the air said.

“Where is she!!” Click growled to himself as he looked around.

Nothing, just nothing.

“What in the hay is going on!” Click mumbled to himself as her started to canter along in the forest.

Where is she!...Where are we!Click thought as he walked, he seemed to walk for an hour. Click stopped as he heard some twigs snap off to his left, he stood there listening till a brown earth stallion stumbled from the bushes.

“Doctor??” Click said as he slowly cantered to the stallion.

“Click, was it? What are you doing here?” Doctor asked as he shook his head.

“I can ask you the same! What is going on?” Click asked as he took off the helmet and dropped it on the ground.

“Don't look at me, I was in the forest looking! Wait.....where is Ditzy?” Dr.Whooves said as he looked around.

“I'm looking for her at the moment, we were together before...well we came here I guess.” Click said as he shurgged.

“ Great , the ones I care for caught in the middle of something!”Dr.Whooves growled to himself.

“Caught in what!?!”Click said as he got face to face with the Doctor glaring at him.

“I don't know!...I was in the middle of finding out!”Dr Hooves said.

Click took a step back and sighed.

“Sorry, I snapped...I'm just confused and worried for Ditzy, she is out there somewhere I can feel it.” Click looked to the Doctor just hung his head some.

“I was hoping that she wouldn't get pulled into this.” Dr. Whooves said as he looked to Click.

“ I was tracking a flux around in this timeline.”Dr. Whooves said like it was normal.

“Time flux??...Okay I assume its some sort of Time Lord thing right?” Click said as he shook his head some.

“Right...don't worry Click....I won't let anything happen to Ditzy....I promise!” Dr. Whooves said as he started to canter off followed by Click.

“I'm making sure, so I'm coming with!” Click said to the Doctor.

“No argument from me!” He said as Click trotted with him.

The two stallions trot along in the unending forest, Click glanced to the Doctor every now and then.

“ you know...what is happening?” Click asked the Doctor.

“....Not exactly...its just something! I never quite understood Equestria!”Dr. Whooves said.

“Well, I never heard of something that can just snatch ponies from out of no where!”Click said as he looked to the Doctor.

“Neither have I.” Dr. Hooves said as he looked to Click.

“So, your saying....its not from Equestria?”Click asked.

“Maybe......maybe not....that is half the fun.” Dr. Whooves said with a smile.

“Well, I don't know whats fun with Ditzy out there!” Click said as he hung his head some.

“Whats...doing this anyway?” Click asked as he looked to the Doctor.

“I don't know....all I know is that its telepathic and it does something like mind games.”Dr. Whooves said.

“Mind games.....what do you mean of that?”Click asked as he tilted his head as the Doctor then looked at him.

“I can understand why I'm here or even Ditzy.......but why you?”Dr. Whooves asked.

“What....I'm not sure.....why would this thing be after Ditzy?” Click said as he glared to the Doctor.

“Well..... since she...has traveled around with me though time and space... she is covered in Void particles like me...this thing I believe lives off stuff like void particles.”Dr. Whooves explained.

“W-what are void particles?” Click asked confused.

“Its.....well there is a void between every timeline or world.....” He stopped as he saw Click hanging his head.

“ I...don't understand...its a Time Lord thing again right?”Click said as he slowly looked at the Doctor.

“Yyyyeaa, lets just go with that!” Dr. Whooves said as he looked around.

The two finally stopped as they looked at the helmet that Click left behind as they looked at each other.

“ Have we been walking in a circle?” Click said as he looked at the Doctor.

“That or a never ending straight line loop” Dr.Whooves said.

“You said this thing does mind games....what if its making us walk in a circle?” Click said as he looked to the Doctor who only looked back.

“Maybe but I'm still questioning why you are here don't have any void particals on you?”Dr. Whooves said as he tilted his head some.

“I don't know!...What if it just doesn't feed off of the void things?” Click asked.

“Maybe...” The Doctor didn't get to finish as he suddenly just poof in a cloud of black smoke.

“Doctor!!!” Click yelled as he glanced around.

There was a chill in the air as a soft dark chuckle filled the air around him, Click only glared and looked about for the sound of the chuckling.

“What are you!?” Click yelled as he slammed his hoof into the grass.!” The voice said as it formed in front of Click.

The creature it self had the look of a Changleing but it seemed to be like a see though misty shadow, its solid deep blue eyes seemed to look into him as Click took a step back and kept his glare.

“What do you want with us!?” Click growled .” The Whisper said as it grinned.

“You won't do no such thing!” Click yelled as he jumped at the creature only to fall though it.'m real...but...not...real!” The Whisper said as it turned to the confused stallion.

“How...can I defend against what isn't there.....but it is?” Click mutter to himself as the creature circled him.

Click soon fell to the ground suddenly drain of his strength and soon blacked out, Ditzy and the Doctor both looked as Click formed into the cell where they were being held. Both her and the Doctor rushed to his side as he slowly came too.

“D-Ditzy?......Is that you?”Click asked as he looked to the smiling mare in tears.

“Yes! Its me Click!” Ditzy said as she ran her hoof over Click's mane.

“It said it was a Whisper?”Click softly said as he looked to the Doctor as he shook his head.

“Never heard of something called that.” Dr. Whooves answered.

“It....looked like it was a Changleing but.. a shadow or something.”Click said as he got up some and hugged Ditzy close.

“A hybrid creature.....or created by certain elements? Simple given if the right events taking place.” Dr. Whooves said as he looked to the couple.

“Well, it does feed off of a Changleing but acts of something else with the void stuff?” Click asked as the Doctor was in thought.

“The Doctor will think of something Click.....he always does.”Ditzy said with a soft smile.

“Lets hope......we got a filly back home in Equestria.” Click answered as he nuzzle the mare's cheek.

“It has us.....two different sources of food! two for the love! And me and Ditzy for the void particles!!.Dr. Whooves exclaimed as he paced around some.

“Is this how he works on ideas Ditzy?” Click asked as he watched the Doctor.

“Most of the time, but to be safe we should try to help best we can!”Ditzy said as she looked to Click.

“Wait!.....Didn't you say it plays mind games Doctor?.....Can't we use that to our advantage?” Click asked as he looked to the Doctor.

“It could...but its telepathic …..and a strong one at that if its got me in here! I don't even have my sonic screwdriver on me!” Dr. Whooves shook his head some in thought.

“A what? N-nevermind! There has got to be something we can do!” Click said as he sat there and looked around.

“It should have all three of us gathered up somewhere close if we can be here like this, somewhere in....what was it called? The Everfree Forest right?” Dr. Whooves said.

“Yes, me and Click were in front of the forest before we came here..” Ditzy said as she looked to the Doctor.

“But to get out of sort of beyond me, Time Lords never understood how things worked here in Equestria!” Dr. Whooves said as he looked to a wall.

Click came up to the iron doors peering around out of the slit on the door, There has to be a way out of this! Click thought to himself as he looked to the floor. He felt a wing drape over him as he looked to Ditzy who was smiling softly as she rested her head on his shoulder.

The creature formed in the middle of the cell, Click got infront of Ditzy with his wings flared out as he glared to the creature. Ponyfeathers!...this is different from a manticore! Its a friend and my wife this time! Click thought as he kept his glare to the grinning creature.!” The Whisper said with its grin.

“Its sort of known that I'm a fool over somethings!” Click said deadpanned towards the creature.!”The Whisper said seeming amused.

“I'm no hero!...I'm just the luckiest....strangest...and happiest stallion in Equestria!” Click yelled as he lunged towards the creature with a faint blue aura around him.

Click tackled into the surprised creature he quickly slammed his hoof down onto its face as it bucked him off, How am I able to touch it now? Whats with this aura? Click thought as he turned and bucked the creature making it reel back some.

“Click what did you do!?” Ditzy asked surprised along side with the Doctor.

“Nothing...what ever is going on!.....I can do something about it!....No pony harms my friends...or family!” Click said as his mood seemed to change a lil as he glared daggers to the creature.

Click caught sight of Luna peeking in though the window as Click looked back to the creature. I'm bait it seems......again. Click thought as he walked around the creature to get its gaze from Ditzy, The Doctor and door as it slowly opened. Luna ushered them out, the two woke up on the forest floor as they looked to Luna.

“What about Click! You can't leave him to that thing!”Ditzy said as she shot up looking to Click who was asleep beside her.

“We are sorry fair Ditzy, but we must find the creature it self while Click keeps it busy!” Luna said as she looked to Click as well.

“Well, what are we waiting for!” Dr. Whooves said as he pulled his sonic screwdriver out.

Click on the other hoof is barely able to keep the creature at bay, he slowly stood again after being knocked down. Ditzy stayed with Click while the other two ran off to find the source, Ditzy sat by his side looking down at him with concern. Please.....make it out Click....I need you.....our Flower needs you. Ditzy thought to her self as she sniffled lightly.

“How did you know we were in trouble Luna?” Dr. Whooves asked as they were running deeper into the forest.

“We are the Princess Of The Night! Dreams are with in thou's domain!” Luna answered.

Back to Click and the Whisper.

Click slowly gotten back up as his legs trembled a bit. Can't last much longer.... Click thought as he stumbled back avoiding an attack of dark mist. Click tackled the creature into a wall and headbutted it as he recoiled back.

Something funny happened at the moment, the Whisper froze in place and then he heard Ditzy calling out his name then nothing. Click sat there in the darkness, What happened?.....did I win?......did I lose? Click thought to himself in his dark prision.

“Where am I?” Click muttered.

“Click”A faint voice called.

“How did I get here?”Click muttered to himself again.

Everything was bright to him as he woke up in a hospital bed with a mare pressed against him, part of the bed was drenched in tears along with his mane and a filly was laying on her fathers other side. He saw the Doctor as he walked up with a bit of a smile.

“Finally awake” Doctor whispered.

“What happened....and to it?” Click whispered back.

“Well, while me and Luna looked for the source....she sort of empowered you to take it on to distract it, given the fact that it can feed of its host while it keeps them asleep!”Dr. Whooves said as he sat there.

“We didn't know that breaking the blacken gem would put you in a shock of some kind, you have been in here for a week,,,,sleeping” Dr. Whooves said

“A....week? Has....these two been here?” Click asked as he looked to a sleeping Ditzy and Flower.

“Oh, yes....every day....Click........I'm going to tell you something.....your a very lucky stallion.”Dr. Whooves said.

“I tell myself that everyday Doctor...” Click smiled some as the Doctor chuckled.

The pegasi family rejoiced, and the time traveler soon left again. Click held his family close and smiled. I'm a foolish....lucky pony. Click though as he slowly cantered out back home with his family, if you ever fill a chill in the air and a soft whisper inside your head......RUN!!!!

A Mystery Friend

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~~~~~A Mystery Friend~~~~~

A few days after the whole Whisper fiasco, Click was sitting on the couch as he was in a bit of a daydream, Flower cantered down stairs humming as she looked at her father.

“Hello daddy!” Flower said with a smile.

“Hmm? Oh hello my little Flower!” Click answered as he smiled to the filly.

“What are you doing daddy?” Flower asked her father.

“I...was in a bit of a daydream, heh.”Click said with a smile as the filly climbed onto the couch and sat with her father.

“Where is mommy?”Flower asked as she looked to her father.

“She had some extra mail to take out, she will be home shortly.”Click answered as he draped his wing over the filly.

“I love you and mommy!”Flower said with a small yawn as she cuddled to her father.

“We love you too, our little Flower” Click said softly as he smiled to the now sleeping filly.

Click sighed lightly as he kissed the filly on the top of her head, soon the door opened and Ditzy soon walked in and smiled to the stallion and her filly. Click smiled to the mare, she trotted over and nuzzled Click's nose.

“How was your day Muffin?” Ditzy whispered as she smiled.

“Peaceful, and I made you some muffins dear!” Click said with a smile to the mare.

The pegasi parents slowly got their filly up stairs and into her bed, they then cantered down stairs as Click got the muffins and some tea. They sat on the couch eating away on the muffins till Ditzy slowly fell asleep against him. I'm so lucky to be with her!...I love you Ditzy Doo. Click thought as he smiled at the sleeping mare.

Click soon fell asleep after Ditzy, only to be waken by a happy little filly.

“Morning daddy!” Flower said with a giggle as she was sitting on her father's back.

“M-morning little Flower!” Click said as he looked to the filly.

Ditzy trotted in and smiled at the two she then giggled, as Click slowly got from the couch with the filly on his back.

“Come on Flower, your father has to go help some pony with a favor.” Ditzy said with a smile.

“I almost forgot....Ditzy what would I do with out you?” Click said with a chuckle as the filly climbed off.

Click picked up his camera and saddlebags as he said his goodbyes, he made his way towards Sweet Apple Acres for the Apple Family Reunion this year to take a few pictures. Click arrived at the farm to be greeted by Applejack.

“Ah'm sure glad ya can make it sugercube!”Applejack as she trotted over with a smile

“Wouldn't miss it Applejack! might even get some cider this time!” Click said with a smile.

The Apple Family was gathering and their festives kicked off, Click joined in along with some of the dancing along with a good deal of the cider after the pictures. He was stumbling home being a tad bit drunk from several mugs of cider.

“Again....s-s-such a wonderful family of ponies!!”Click said as he stumbled along the road with a blush on his cheeks.

Along the way a pony that was passing thru saw Click in his state and approached him, the pony had a fur pattern of a Pikachu but his mane fur was red,

“Um... are you... ok? your kinda... walking funny.” The pony asked with a bit of concern.

“I'm just peachy friend!....just going....uh yea! going back home to my family!” Click said as he had a goofy smile on his face.

“Um... I... don't want to seem rude but... I think you had a bit too much cider. Might be best to get some bed rest so you don't hurt yourself.”The pony said.

“ down this road....down near Ponyville!....I learned my lesson from flying......did i? Uhhhh.” Click said as he sat down and tapped his chin with his hoof.

“How about I escort you so you don't get lost?” The pony offered.

“That...would be just great!......thanks a how..lot...uh..... “ Click slowly looked to the pony as he stood and squinted some.

“Don't worry, I'll make sure you get home safely. Don't want you doing anything you might regret.” The pony said as he grabbed Click's hoof.

“I'm a fool under....uh...wonder Flower is asleep,...” Click said as he followed the pony.

After asking around some they finally came to Click's home as he was lead inside.

“Well, here we are. Please be safe, I may not know you yet, but I don't want any pony getting hurt... Especially when I'm not exactly what you'd call a local.” The pony said.

“Thanks friend!”Click managed to say before he passed out onto the couch.

Ditzy at this moment and peeked down stairs from the top and spotted the two.

“Oh, you managed to find my Click? “Ditzy said with a smile as she cantered downstairs.

“Out drinking cider, yes. I led him here so he would get into more trouble because of it.” The pony said with a smile.

“Well, thank you for that!.....Click some how finds trouble like the part with the manticore....want some muffins? “ Ditzy said as she trotted to the kitchen.

“Sure I'd love a muffin or two. I saw some pony dressed in armor on the way here. What's that about?” The pony said as he tilted his head.

“I'm not sure..I don't know anything of it.” Ditzy said as she got the tray of muffins.

“They looked cool whatever they were. Is this normal for him to drink like this?”The pony asked as he took a couple of muffins.

“Not often, mostly only when he goes to the Apple Family Reunions.” Ditzy said with a smile as she brushed her hoof thru Click's mane.

“I don't understand how cider can make you tipsy though.” The pony asked as he shrugged lightly.

“Well, judging by Click I would say they had some hard cider...and pegasi are more influenced by hard cider than a earth ponies and unicorns.” Ditzy said as she giggled as she looked at the pony.

“Makes sense I suppose.” The pony smiled as he at the blueberry muffins.

“Need a place to stay for a while? I'm sure Click wouldn't mind it!” Ditzy asked as she smiled eating one of the muffins.

The two talked for a small while till the pony said his goodbyes and continued along his way, leaving Ditzy with a sleeping Click she only giggled as she nuzzled his cheek. Silly Click, good night. I love you. Ditzy thought as she smiled to the sleeping stallion. Morning slowly came as Click woke up in a quiet home.

“Uh....what happened last night?” Click softly said as he slowly got up and placed a hoof on his head.

Hard cider....isn't a friendly hang over... Click thought as he laid back down and sighed as he looked at the table with some muffins, he smiled knowing full well who left those there for him.

A bit of bonding and rainbows

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~~~~~A bit of bonding and rainbows~~~~~

A week has gone by and Click and Unwanted were cantering along in Ponyville, Click and Unwanted left the foals with Ditzy and Inkstroke for the day. Click had planned to take Unwanted to unwind in Berry's place for some drinks.

“Come on, Unwanted...what do you want to do? Its been a while since we did anything!”Click said as he looked to the stallion he was with.

“Are you always this happy Click, really?” Unwanted seemed to look at Click with a bit of a glare.

“Well, I'm happily married to the mare I love and my young yes! Aren't you happy with Inkstroke and the two young colts?” Click asked as he tilted his head to the stallion.

“Of course I am!!!....I just have...a different way of showing it is all!” Unwanted grumbled a bit as he looked forward.

“So, how are the lessons going on becoming a better pony working out?” Click asked as he looked to the stallion again.

“Its kind of one of the reasons I'm hanging out with you, she said spend time with friends!”Unwanted said as he looked around.

“Where are you taking me anyway? Cause if its Sugercube Corner I'm heading home!” Unwanted said as he glared at Click who shook his head some.

“No, no we are going to Berry Punch's place!” Click said with a smile.

An hour later the two stallions drunkly cantered out into the town.

“U.....U-Unwanted!!....I can't believe you dr...drank that shelf of that cider!” Click said as he stopped and leaned a bit on a pole looking at Unwanted.

“I did...didn't I!...You didn't drink a whole lot!” Unwanted said cheerfully.

“I didn't....because.......uh...what?...”Click shook his head some as he looked around some.

“How did we get into the park??” Click asked as he looked to Unwanted.

“How should I know...would.....oh look...rainbows!” Unwanted said as he smiled.

“What?...where!......uh.... what am I looking for?” Click said as he looked around at the sky to Rainbow Dash doing tricks in the sky.

“You don't see the pretty rainbows?” Unwanted said as he looked to Click who was still looking around.

“I don't see any rainbows! I?” Click said.

“They were there I saw them!”Unwanted said as he pointed his hoof to the sky.

“I....think....some pony had.....uh I forgot...”Click closed his eyes and leaned as he fell over.

“ fell over! Silly pony!” Unwanted smiled as he watched Click get up.

“I'm silly?...Look at you! Your smiling!”Click said as he grinned at Unwanted.

“Yea, well.....your name is Click!....ha...” Unwanted said as he smirked.

“....Well.....your name is Unwanted!...” Click said as he waved his hoof some.

“Your a silly green..pegasi!.....more rainbows!” Unwanted fell over chuckling.

“Your....uh....uhhhh...what were we talking about?”Click asked as he tilted his head.

“Rainbows!...”Unwanted said as he waved his hoofs in the air.

Across the town Ditzy and Inkstroke are sitting inside while the foals were playing outside.

“How have you and Click been?” Inkstroke asked as she took the tea Ditzy offered.

“Oh, good! He did come home drunk about a week ago which I found funny.” Ditzy said as she smiled.

“How about you and Unwanted?” Ditzy asked as she sipped her tea.

“Good, he may act like a tough guy but...he really is a softie if you know him.” Inkstroke smiled as she giggled.

“Stallions will be stallions, though me and Click will be leaving some time next week for something like a late honeymoon, so if its not any trouble if Flower can stay with you for a week?”Ditzy asked with a small smile.

“Oh, we can..maybe she can teach my colts a thing or two.” Inkstroke said with a smile.

Both mares giggle as they kept talking and catching up, till two stallions stumbled in and one tripped causing the other to fall as well.

“Lookie, Click.....its two pretty ponies!” Unwanted said with a smile.

“Ditzy!....pretty mare!” Click said as he rolled over reaching his hoofs to Ditzy who seemed to be smiling.

“Are they....drunk?” Inkstroke asked as she stared at the two stallions.

“I do think they are!” Ditzy said as she started to giggle.

“Click doesn't believe me.....I saw rainbows Inkie!” Unwanted said as he leaned on the door way smiling.

“Oh, you and your rainbows when your drunk Unwanted.” Inkstroke said as she started to giggle.

“ Thats our stallions for us!” Ditzy said as she trotted over and brushed Click's cheek with her hoof.

“Right seems I have to get him and the colts home...again.” Inkstroke said as she smiled to Unwanted who only grinned back.

Inkstroke and her family left after saying their good byes as Click's stood by him by the door as he leaned to Ditzy.

“Daddy why are you standing all funny?” Flower asked as she looked up at her father.

“Your father had a bit much to drink Flower.” Ditzy said as she escorted Click to the couch.

“I'm.....fine Flower...” Click said as he gently hugged the filly who giggled.

Ditzy only smiled and shook her head some, as she looked at the now passed out Click holding his filly.
She slowly got Flower from him as she looked to her mother and smiled.

“Daddy is silly isn't he!” Flower said as she looked at Ditzy who was looking over the sleeping stallion.

“Yes, he is very silly, the silliest stallion I know.” Ditzy smiled as she kissed the side of Click's head.

“Come on Flower time for bed!” Ditzy said as she lead Flower to her bedroom.

After Ditzy tucked the filly away she made her way back down stairs and climbed onto the couch with Click, before she cuddled up to him and draped her wing around him. Click eventully woke up hanging half way off the couch as he placed his hoofs on his head groaning, Ditzy had left some a note for him before she left.

“Took Flower to visit Applebloom, be home later Muffin.” Click read from the note as he slowly got up and stretched his wings some.

“..I hope me and Unwanted didn't do anything we won't regret.” Click said as he went to make himself some tea.

Click's day went along normal as he slowly recovered from his hangover, Ditzy finally came home and she hugged the stallion and kissed him on the lips. I love this mare. Click thought as he returned the kiss.

This won't continue in till

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Right new story coming out that will be some what of a sequel! It will take me a while to do.
7 chapters hence its name! "Week At The Doctor's" A day passes between ever time works....between time travel?

This "After The Happily Ever After" won't continue till it is finished!........
Two of my stories will mingle together for a while both Lowell and Click will meet in the time lapse for the next chapters!
Right let me get right too it!....hope i can pull of Doctor who kind of talk!

Proposal And A Mystery Mare

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~~~~Proposal And A Mystery Mare~~~~

~~~~~~~~ One Week after the adventure~~~~~~

Click and Ditzy easily relaxed back into their normal lives after their adventures with The Doctor, as fun as it was duty as parents was a slightly stronger calling to the two ponies. Ditzy was at home playing with Flower and her doll's, while Click was in Ponyville talking with Applejack at her stand talking about the crazy week of their adventures with the Doctor.

“Well, ah'm glad ya'll are just dandy sounds like it was quite a trip!” Applejack said as Click perked up some.

“So I heard a certain mare was proposed too!” Click said as he smiled at Applejack just blushed.

“S-she did just a couple of days ago, ah still can't believe she finally asked! Ah'm so happy...”Applejack said as she just smiled.

“When is the wedding?”Click asked as he was thinking up an idea.

“Just after Hearts and Hooves Day...why?” Applejack asked.

“Nothing...just planning a bit of a surprise is all, I'm sure it can wait for a couple of months!” Click said with a smile.

Applejack just tilted her head then just smiled, after a small while Click said his goodbyes to Applejack as he slowly cantered home. He entered his home as he heard Ditzy and Flower giggling in the living room, he slowly snuck over to the living room door and peeked in, and smiled as he watched the two play with Flower's dolls.

Click held up his camera.

“Smile.” Click said with a chuckle.


“Oh, I didn't hear you come in Muffin!”Ditzy said as she turned to Click with a smile.

Click smiled a bit as he kneeled down as Flower cantered up to him, he picked up the filly who giggled and hugged his neck gently.

“And how is my little Flower?” Click asked as he kissed the top of her head.

“I'm good daddy! Can I spend the night at Vine's this weekend ?” Flower asked as she tilted her head.

“I'm fine with it, just make sure Unwanted and Inkstroke know okay?” Click said as he gently hugged the filly.

“Thank you daddy!”Flower said as she quickly went to her room.

Click trotted over to Ditzy and lightly kissed her forehead, as Ditzy just smiled at him as she tucked her head under his chin.

“I think she likes Vine, Muffin.” Ditzy quietly said as she giggled.

“Seems so, --”Click was stopped by a knock at the door.

Click went to answer it and there stood Rainbow Dash looking like she was about to murder the drunk stallion that was chewing on her tail.

“Rainbow Dash...Unwanted?”Click said as he tilted his head.

“Click! Buddy! Look I told you I saw rainbows!” Unwanted said obviously had something to drink.

“Click, a bud....and get him off before I sonic rainboom him off....” Rainbow Dash said deadpanned.

“Right and congrats by the way, I heard you proposed to that mare of yours.” Click said as he got behind Unwanted and started to pull.

“T-thanks.” Rainbow Dash said as she pulled forward .

“This isn't working.” Click said before he had an idea.

“Look, a walking rainbow over there!” Click said as he pointed in a random direction.

“ ~gasp~ Where???” Unwanted said as he lets Rainbow Dash go as she went forward into the house crashing into a wall, getting her head stuck inside the wall.

Ditzy cantered up and watched as Rainbow Dash was trying to pull her head from the wall before asking.

“You okay Rainbow Dash? Anything I can do to help?” Ditzy asked as she watched Rainbow Dash trying to pull her head out of the hole she made in the wall.

“You asked me that before Ditzy, and that didn't work out so well, remember?”Rainbow Dash said as she finally got her head from the wall.

“O-oh, the Town Hall incident....r-right”Ditzy said as she blushed and looked away some.

“Okay, go on home Unwanted...I'm sure Inkie is looking for you big guy..” Click smiled as he started on escorting him home.

“Your a good buddy! We should get a drink!”Unwanted said as he was smiling to himself.

The trip took a small while since Unwanted stopped every so often thinking he spotted a rainbow up in the sky, He is quite a silly stallion when drunk! Click thought to himself as they came upon Unwanted's home.

“No, I think a certain stallion has had enough” Click said as he chuckled before knocking on the door.

The door was answered by Inkstroke who just shook her head some.

“Click glad you found him.” Inkstroke said as she gave Unwanted a bit of a glare.

“Well he found Rainbow Dash then they found me, and we are here.” Click said as she smiled.

Click watched as Inkstroke got her stallion back inside as he could have sworn he just saw Vine roll a wrecking ball past before the door closed. Did....what? Click thought as he slowly cantered home, along the way he bumped into a hooded light green pegasus mare she seemed to be older than Click the mare only stopped and stared at him from under her hood.

“Oh, I'm sorry.” Click said before the pegasus hurried off.

“What....uh.. who was that?” Click asked himself before continuing.

Click got home and heard some singing he slowly cantered in to find Ditzy cradling Flower in her forelegs humming the Flower's lullaby, the mare looked up and smiled at Click who smiled back to her.

“I love you and Flower so much” Click said softly as he nuzzled the mare's cheek.

“And I love you both just as much.” Ditzy said before she kissed him on the lips.

“I think there is a new pegasus in town, seemed to be a mare but she was wearing a hood.” Click said as he draped his wing over the mare.

“I don't know...something felt.....I don't know like...I knew her once...or something.” Click said as he seemed a bit distant.

“I'm sure you will figure it out Muffin!” Ditzy said as she smiled up to him as he smiled back.

Click simply shook his head as the pegasi parents carried their filly up into her bedroom and tucked her into bed. Atleast Flower has parents... sweet Flower. Click thought as he and Ditzy watched the filly sleep. The parents cantered off to their bedroom and went to sleep their selves, who knows what will happen the next day.

The Family And The Thief

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~~~~The Family And The Thief~~~~

Ditzy and Flower were cantering along in the market place shopping for somethings on their list, there were some foals nearby playing the filly asked her mother if she could go and play as her mother nodded and Flower ran off to play as Ditzy smiled and continued the shopping. Ditzy was talking with Applejack as she was selling her apples at the stand, while in the distance the hooded mare was watching her.

“ I'm so excited for the wedding! Its about next month right?”Ditzy said as she smiled at Applejack.

“That's about right sugercube! Ah'm glad you and yer little family could come!” Applejack said as she gave the bagged apples to Ditzy as she placed them in her saddlebags

Ditzy went along the market place till the hooded mare approached Ditzy.

“You mare....your with Click? Am I correct?” The hooded mare asked.

“Yes, he is my husband. Why?” Ditzy asked as she tilted her head some.

“So he really did get married..and is having a normal life.” The mare said as she smiled

“What?....well our lives...aren't exactly normal..but who are you?” Ditzy asked as she stared at the mare.

The mare took off her hood showing that she was a light green mare pegasus with a long brown mane that was in a ponytail, her cutie mark was a pair of brown eyes over a diamond, her eyes were brown.

“I'm.....his mother, Fading Glisten.”Fading said as she looked at Ditzy who was staring at her eyes widened.

“Wha....your...but he doesn't have a mother...does he?”Ditzy said as she placed her hoof on her chin.

“As far ….as he knows...I...I'll tell him when is he going back home?” Fading asked as Ditzy looked at her.

“S-soon, he works with the weather patrol for Ponyville.. When will you b-be around?” Ditzy asked still not believing that her husband has a mother.

“I'll come by when all three of you are at home....please don't mention me to Click...I wish to explain my reasons why...I wasn't there for him..” Fading said as she sighed before cantering away.

Ditzy just blinked before Flower cantered up and looked at her mother.

“Mommy? Are you okay?” Flower asked before Ditzy shook her head and smiled at the filly.

“I-I'm fine my little Flower, come on lets get home and get started on dinner!”Ditzy said as she and the filly cantered off towards their home.


Click was sitting on a cloud glaring at the dark raincloud he was sitting on, having to take the day for Rainbow Dash since she said she had something planned. He has been working on this rather large rain cloud for an hour, he crossed his forelegs as he thought a bit.

“Pony feathers!...This cloud is the most stubborn cloud, maybe its from the Everfree forest.....that forest has it out for me.” Click said as he sighed as he flew up rather high.

“I've seen Rainbow Dash do this like a hundred times!” Click said to himself as he darted down at the cloud.

Click shot though the cloud as it broke apart and faded away, but he couldn't stop in time as he crashed into a tree. He flew into the tree breaking a few limbs and hung upside down as his tail was caught and his mane was now a mess, but unharmed to the very least.

“P-pony....feathers.....I... got that least....ow.” Click said to himself as he wiggled some trying to get his tail untangled.

“First that Manticore with the Cutie Mark Crusaders, then there was the Whisper, and finally the Nightmare Forest...Nightmare...” Click talked to himself as he kept at trying to get himself untangled.

“Any pony?? I need some help?..”Click called out as he looked around.

He started to flail his hooves around some and flapping his wings some, Pony feathers I'm really stuck! Click thought as he just hung there. Five minutes later Unwanted was cantering along pulling the small cart as he spotted Click.

“ in the hay did you get stuck up there?” Unwanted asked as he looked up at him as he smiled.

“Y-yea....I'm a little stuck....can you get me down?” Click asked as he smiled a bit blushing.

“Fine, think this is a bit stupid you getting stuck” Unwanted said as he undid him self from the cart and cantered to the tree.

He turned and angled him self some as he then bucked the tree, with a solid thunk Click came loose and fell out of the tree and landed on his back.

“Now mind explaining why you were in that tree?”Unwanted asked as he stood over Click who tapped his hooves together.

I-I pulled something Rainbow Dash would have done....since that cloud from the Everfree forest wouldn't go away!” Click answered as he slowly got up.

“Your.....I just don't know...that was stupid!” Unwanted said with a grin as Click nodded.

“I'm late enough as it is..though at least I covered for Rainbow Dash.” Click said with a smile as Unwanted rolled his eyes muttering to himself.

“What ever, I'm late with meeting Inkstroke in the fields.”Unwanted said before he started cantering off with Click waving at him.

“I better get going too.”Click said to himself as he started canter home.

Click slowly made his way home as he slowly opened the door before calling out.

“Ditzy? Flower? I'm home!”Click said as he came in and closed the door behind him.

“We are in here Muffin!”Ditzy called out from the living room as she and Flower were sitting on the couch with the mare with her hood over her head.

“H-hey its you! That mare I saw the other day!” Click said as he pointed his hoof at the mare.

The mare turned towards Click with a soft smile as he stepped forward looking at her, she slowly lifted her hood off revealing herself to him as the took a step back.

“W-why do I feel like...I know you?”Click asked as he looked at the mare.

“You did....long ago Click....I'm your mother.”Fading said as she watched Click.

“W......what did you say?” Click said a bit stunned as he watched the mare.

“I'm your mother....It is the truth.”Fading said as she looked down some.

“B-but..where have you been?”Click asked as he stared at her.


Fading explained her side of the story how she was wanted by the royal guard for thieving, and why she left Click at the doorstep of the orphanage. The clouds covered the night sky while a pegasus mare was galloping along the empty streets of Cloudsdale with a something bundle infront of her as she held the ends with her mouth. The only sounds were a foal crying and the soft beating of hoofs on the clouds, she couldn't think of anything else but to leave the foal. Better life than him being on the run from the royal guards.

“Have a good sweet Click.” Fading said softly as she nuzzled the giggling foal before she knocked and galloped off with the guards giving chase.

The mare faded off to a distance to never be heard from or seen again, since she did pull of the biggest heist of jewels from a Canterlot higher up store. She couldn't bring the foal into it she thought this would be the best action for Click, it seemed to work out the best way even though it was hard for her to leave the poor foal.

There was a small amount of silence between the group till Click spoke up.

“I......I..don't know what to say...” Click said to himself as he sat down on his flank just staring at the mare.

“I'm truly sorry for not being there for you, I wanted to.....I-” Fading was stopped by a sudden hug from Click.

“I forgive you......mother.” Click softly said before the mare tightly hugged him.

“You do not care if....I'm a thief?” Fading whispered as she looked down to her son.

“All I see right my mother.....” Click said as he smiled a bit.

“Wait, where is the father?” Ditzy asked as Fading simply hung her head.

“I don't know where he is at, he just left us one day.”Fading said as she sighed.

“W-we should catch” Click said as he smiled a bit.

The group all traded stories as Flower cantered up to her grandmare, somethings seem clear when a bit of the past is brushed and revealed.

Just Almost Another Day

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~~~~Just Almost Another Day~~~~

Flower was sitting with Fading as she was showing all the pictures of flowers in her book, Ditzy had left to do her mail runs while Click was upstairs sorting out photos.

“And how old are you my dear?”Fading asked as she looked down at the filly.

“I'm seven years old!”Flower said as she smiled at the older mare.

Fading chuckled lightly as she smiled at the filly, there was a knock at the door as Fading went answer the door as Applejack was standing there.

“Uh, Click when did ya become a mare?” Applejack asked seeing Fading as she tilted her head.

“Oh, I'm his mother! Fading Glisten.” Fading said with a smile as Applejack blushed a bit.

“Ah'm sorry, ah didn't know Click had a mother, he said he was an orphan.” Applejack said as she gave a friendly smile to Fading.

“He didn't know till yesterday.” Fading said as she hung her head some.

“Ah see, is he here by chance ah need to ask him something.” Applejack said as she smiled.

“Click, some pony is here to see you dear!” Fading called out as Click peeked from the top of the stair case before tumbling down them.

“O-ow.” Click said as he stood up and looked at Applejack.

“Hiya Applejack, what bring you around here this afternoon?”Click asked with a smile.

“Howdy Click, ah was wonderin if ya wanted to come with me ah could use a little help.”Applejack asked as Click tilted her head some.

“I can help, like right now?” Click asked as Applejack nodded.

“Okay, Flower I'm you be a good filly for your grandmare.”Click said to Flower who hugged his leg.

“I will daddy!”Flower said as she smiled up at him as he smiled back.

Click gently hugged the filly then his mother.

“Tell Ditzy where I've gone when she comes home.”Click said as they left.

“Be safe dear and I will.” Fading called out as Click and Applejack walked down the road.

Fading and Flower spent most of the day til Ditzy came home.

“Click, Flower I'm home.”Ditzy called out as she sets her mailbags down as Fading walked out from the kitchen with a smile.

“Oh hello Fading where's Click?” Ditzy asked as she smiled to Flower who hugged her leg.

“Applejack needed him to help her with something.” Fading said as she watched the mother and the filly.

Ditzy nodded with a smile as she then looked to Flower.

“You should be getting to bed, don't want to sleep though school now do you?”Ditzy said as Flower shook her head.

“Good night mommy! Good night grand mare!” Flower said as she hugged them both and cantered upstairs.


Click and Applejack just left the house and cantered along towards Sweet Apple Acres.

“What do you need my help with Applejack?” Click asked as they passed the gates.

“Well, ah a bit nervous....ah need some help cause..ah...ah can't think of any kind of vows fer the wedding, ah know ah still have time but...” Applejack said as she hung her head some a Click looked at her.

“It may seem hard do you think of Rainbow Dash and how does she make you feel?”Click asked with a smile.

“That mare...she is about as stubborn as ah am......she is brash....her head is up in those clouds all the time....but ah love her....” Applejack looked at Click and blinked before grinning as Click nodded.

“Like I said it seems hard...just speak from the heart loving words tend to go if your heart is true.” Click said as he tilted his head with a smile.

Within that moment a rainbow streak tackled right into the country mare as they both tumbled into a pile of hay. Rainbow Dash had Applejack pinned with a sly grin over her face.

“Hey cow pony should we get to bed early--” Rainbow Dash stopped with a blush on her cheeks as she spotted Click.

“H-hey Rainbow......t-this kinda happens sometimes...huh..” Click said as he nervously looked around with a blush.

Click awkwardly made his exit leaving the two mares to the peace cantering his way back home as the moon was high in the sky, Click saw Ditzy sitting at the window looking at the moon.


“Picture perfect dear.” Click said with a smile as the mare blushed looking down at him.

“Click, you keep sneaking up on my Muffin.” Ditzy said as he blush faded and she smiled.

“Well, its a record so far a seven years married to the most beautiful mare in Equestria.” Click said as he looked up at the mare with a smile.

“Come on silly, lets get some sleep you got weather duties in the morning.” Ditzy said as she giggled.

Click made his way inside as they two climbed into bed and cuddled up to each other.

“Night, I love you Ditzy.” Click whispered to her.

“Good night, I love you too Click.” Ditzy whispered back.

The family went to sleep on the peaceful night, a family none the less. Click found that he had a mother, but nothing of his father with this said.

~~~~ The END~~~~~~For Now~~~~~