Who are you?

by Mineing Daimond

First published

After getting flung into a nearby forest a changeling meets a yellow pony.

Everything can have a soft side and changelings aren't so different. Well, if you took their memories away from them and gave them an unusually new setting.

(This is my first story, YAY! So please be kind, I'm always open for criticism though.)

Chapter I

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It was a beautiful day in Ponyville the sun was shining and the birds were chirping. Fluttershy was taking care of her animals like usual she was currently taking care of her bees to get some honey for her delicious sweet cake that she was making for a party pinkie was planning. Sure pinkie usually made all the delicious treats but Fluttershy felt bad how pinkie literally did everything for the parties so she asked her if she could help with anything. Just as she was about to finish Angel came up and poked at her hoof.

"What is it Angel?" she was more focused on the honey more than Angel at the moment. "I have to finish collecting this honey for Pinkie's party, I don't want to let Pinkie down." Angel persisted with each poke becoming harder and harder. "Okay Angel what is happening that needs my full attention?" She looked around nothing seemed wrong. "You know Angel, it just pasted lunch time it's not my fault you weren't hungry." She continued to get more honey. Angel now pulled at her light yellow fur. "Oh, you want to show me something?" The bunny nodded his head. "Well I suppose the honey can wait for now, lead the way!"

They came a little inwards into the forest until they reached a small clearing. "You now you shouldn't be out here Angel it can be scar-" she was cut off by a changeling terrorizing some innocent blue jays. An, anger rushed threw her and with all her might threw herself on top of the creature pinning him down. "WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?!" the changeling quivered with fear.

"I was just helping these birds here," she looked familiar he couldn't place his hoof on it though, "you see that branch broke and their nest fell so i was just helping by putting it an a more suitable branch." He said nervously.

"HOW DO I KNOW YOU WEREN'T HARMING THEM?!" Her voice was so loud birds in the distance flew away.

"If I wanted to do any damage then that nest would have fallen as soon as you pounced." he was still trying to remember who she was.

She checked it to make sure, it was in deed it was floating with a grey glow around it. "Alright," she said still trying to act tough "I'm going to let you up and you better not try anything or you'll be dead, you hear me?" He nodded in fright, with that she got off of him. She was expecting him to run instead he walked over to the birds whispered something to them and put them on a good looking branch. "What did you say to them?" He reminded her of herself only way less shy.

"I said I was sorry for all the disturbance, that I caused to them." With that he started to walk off.

"Wait!" Fluttershy shouted. He turned towards her. "I'm sorry."

"Why? You saw an 'enemy attacking' these birds, why are you sorry?" He said trying to act stronger than he was.

"I'm sorry I assumed you were going to be harmful." She said with all her kindness it was hard apologizing to a recent enemy if he even was one. "What's your name?" The only question left to ask.

"I don't remember!" He started to cry a little "The day that giant 'love bubble' threw my kind out of Canterlot I got flung out here and an impact of that magnitude made me forget everything, the only reason I know about that day is because I read it in an old news paper!"

That explained why he was so nice to help the birds. "Well, would you want to come back to my house to stay for the night?"

"Well I wouldn't want to trouble you." He was talking about his food source of course.

"Of course not! I have an empty guest room for you to use and-" she was cut off by him

"No, I mean food wise you wouldn't mind me taking some of your love, would you? I've been here for a long time and I don't remember getting food at all." He asked in a shy manner knowing that she could just leave him to die.

"Why haven't you had anything to eat?" she asked I thought changelings could take any love. she thought

"I can't bring myself to take it from any ponies. They all look so happy and I couldn't hurt them." He said sadly

That made her angry. Why did she take so much pity on this creature that had once tried to take over the kingdom? "Come with me." she said.

"Where?" He had to only wonder.

"To your new home." She said pushing a worried Angel along.

As they where walking the rabbit kept giving him an angry look. "Who's the adorable bunny?" He asked after a long while, Petting Angel.

"That's Angel he can be stubborn at times but is nice when you get to know him." She was glad he cared about animals like she did, he would have a wonderful time at her house.

"He doesn't seem like it." As he said that the bunny swatted his hoof away. His paws felt like two pieces of cotton against his hard shell.

"Well maybe you two are friends already." Angel stuck his tongue out at him. "Angel that's not how we treat guests." Angel snickered and ran in front of them.

"I'm sorry, but I forgot to ask your name Ms." He can't belive he forgot to ask he was staying with her after all.

"It's okay, my names Fluttershy." That made him feel more comfortable knowing a new and only ponies name.

After a couple of more minutes they reached the back yard of her house. "This is it. Welcome to my house, or well its back yard."

"Hmm, I've never knew that anypony could have a back yard. Back at the 'hive' I think we called it I think we never had a back yard or a yard for that matter." Interested in this yard for one reason all the different animals. "It's amazing, it's like a whole ecosystem back here." There were many animals chickens, birds, hummingbirds, even some otters.

"I thought you'd like it." She said with a smile

"I don't like it. I love it." His eyes looked filled with joy. Untill he saw the bees "Oh, Celestia." Was it Celestia?

"What is it?" she hoped nothing was wrong.

"I never liked bees a nest fell on my head one time and I think you know the rest." He really seemed uncomfortable their.

"Really? That happened?" She said with a giggle a changeling afraid of bees she thought they where supposed to be tough.

"I suppose it was silly I don't think they could penetrate my hard shell anyway." He felt dumb now, and weak.

"I suppose I should show you to your room." she added. With that they walked into the house.

It was a nice sized house with a living room as you entered, stairs to the right, back was a kitchen. They walked up the stairs and to a room on the left. Bed in the middle and table with a lamp on it next to it with bookcases to each side.

"Looks like a bed room, I think." he said

"Uh, thanks?" she couldn't tell if that was a compliment or not

"Well, if you don't mind I'd like to try the bed sleeping on the ground makes you really tried in the mornings." He said with a yawn.

"Sure, I'll be out back if you need anything." She walked to the door.

"Fluttershy?" He said


"Thank you for taking me in, where's every other pony would have turned me away, or worse."

"You're welcome." She closed the door. Now she just needed a way to tell her friends about how a changeling was staying with her.

Chapter II

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When he awoke he was laying in a hard black floor. No, it wasn't black it was just pitch black in this room. What? How did I get here? I swear if that Pegasus turned me over to the royal guard I will find her and I would make her pay. He was more worried if he would ever see anypony again or just die in here but revenge was still on his mind.

"Ah, you're awake." Came a very familiar voice.

"What? Who are you?" Realizing the voice was not of a normal pony but similar to his only being higher pitched.

"Oh, you don't remember me? I was the leader of you and your brothers and sisters back when we attacked." A leader?A general? Revolutionary? King? No, it would have to be a queen or he just a very feminine voice highly unlikely though. "What? Afraid to speak to royalty?" She appeared out of the darkness she was twice maybe even three times larger than he was with a large bent horn, green eyes, long hair with holes in it just like her wings, mane, and tail. Well, now he knew it was a queen or something along the lines of that.

"No your majesty." Finally speaking up after along silence. Then, realizing he should bow got up and did so.

"Good, now that I know you still remember your queen," Yep, it was a queen. "I would like to offer a deal you bring me all the love you can out of these ponies and you can be reinstated to the hive I've built back up. If you accept you shall have one month to do so," Oh, great making a deal with a changeling I don't remember nor know too well. "If you decline well, lets just say that you and your pony friend won't last long." What? We won't last long? He thought over estimating his and Fluttershy's strength.

"I don't know I'll need sometime to think about it." He was hoping to buy time. She on the other hand was surprised the threat didn't get her a clear answer.

"Very well, I suppose I could give you sometime I will give you until tomorrow night to think about it." She was now hoping the time would get it through his skull before her hoof did that he had little to no chance with the second option. He knew this too, he just didn't know how trustworthy she was. If she did lead the changeling attack, she did an awful job at it. Would other changelings actually follow this queen if she was crazy enough to try and take the capital of Equestria and failed miserably? Surely they would find a new queen at this point, or maybe they didn't have a choice they were stuck with her for some reason.

"Thank you my queen." He said bowing again.

"Now stay very still for me." What was that supposed to mean? Before he had any time to think about it a bolt of magic shot into his horn making him collapse to the ground.

He woke up again in his bed. Was that real or was I dreaming? How could she take me from here unnoticed? All he knew was that he was starving. and that sweet smell in the air didn't help things much. He opened the door of his room and a huge rush of the smell and some love poured in. He took it in his horn glowing as he did. I hope she doesn't mind. I mean if she did she wouldn't have let me stay and that smell was just so sweet. He wished he could eat real food well he could use normal food for a quick boost in staying in a disguise but too much of it was like poison to him. He walked down stairs Fluttershy was reading a book on her couch waiting for the cake to finish cooking.

"How did you sleep?" She asked trying to make conversation.

"Better than I did out there," he said denying the fact that he just saw his own queen in his dreams if it was a dream "what's that delicious smell?" He really wanted to know now.

"Oh, that is just a cake I'm making for a party my friend is throwing." She hoped that he wouldn't eat it she didn't quite know how changelings took normal food.

"A party? Is it somepony's birthday?" That was the best thing he could think of.

"No this was just one of Pinkie's parties she throws every so often just as a get together." She never liked going, sure it was fun but their where ponies she didn't quite know and that she didn't like.

"Pinkie who's that?" She never mentioned her friends to him before or anypony for that matter.

"She's, well," she really didn't know how to explain Pinkie to anypony who has never met her before, "she's hard to explain even Twilight couldn't do that once she tried though I guess she breaks laws of nature."

"Okay, I guess, then who's Twilight?" Now even more curious to these ponies were.

"She lives in the library in town probably the most resourceful pony I know, and is the, the," she was hoping this information wouldn't freak him out, "the student of Princess Celestia." That made him feel worried. He needed information on changelings and now he would either have to find a different source of it or suck it up and try to avoid Twilight's questions on who he was. He thought he remembered that name though.

"Well it looks like I'm going to see her soon." It was the only option really no book store would have any info even then he couldn't pay for the books so the library was the best option.

"Why would you go see one of the most dangerous ponies to you?" She said looking confused.

"I need to jog my memory of changelings and what I had forgotten." Hoping that she would let him go.

"I don't know I don't want anypony to find out about you, yet." She really didn't want his blood on her hands if anypony found out. "Maybe you could go to the party with me, meet some ponies and I could still keep an eye on you."

"Depends when is this party?" If it was a couple days he would end up sneaking out anyway.

"Well it's later tonight actually, I wanted the cake to be as fresh as poss-" Somepony came knocking at her door. "A visitor I wasn't expecting anypony. Quick theirs a closet you can hide in over there." She said pointing to a long thin door across from. He got in it he could see though tiny the slits in the door. He saw her walk over to the door and open it.