> Page Grade Beauty > by mindlessgonzo > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Page Grade Beauty > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- In a small apartment in Manehattan, an orange Earth pony lounged in her small subtle home, pressing the channel buttons on her television's remote, passing from one channel to the next. Nothing from the split second flashes of random images piqued her interests, and the look of boredom seemed plastered on her weary face. Running her fingers thru her golden mane, she groaned in anger. “For the love of Luna, when is that gonna arrive?” she mumbled to herself. “The sooner I get that, the better.” A few more minutes of flipping channels and readjusting her bathrobe was wasted. As she went for a glass of water, her doorbell rang through the small apartment. She rushed to the front door. At the door stood a colt in light blue and dark blue clothing. “Ms. Juniper Harshwhinny?” “I'm her,” she responded. “Special delivery for you.” He held a large, thick envelope. She took it. “Thanks,” she replied, and shut the door without a care. The envelope felt a bit heavy but bendable to a degree. She opened to see the contents. “Ah, this must be the issue,” she whispered. “I bet I don't even place in it.” She pulled out a magazine from the envelope, “Equestrian Home and Garden”. She glanced at the cover until she found it. “Winners of the Sexiest Mare of Equestria 2013 Contest, pg. 34” Why the people in her office entered her in this contest, she would never know. She's not that perfect, and using the picture they took of her at the company picnic at the beach sounded like a bad idea. They didn't even show her the picture. She began to worry that it made her look uglier than a mule. (No offense to mules.) She opened up to the pages of the contest and looked at the entrants. All seemed so thin and supermodel-like in appearance, with curvy hips and breasts and posteriors. Each slender beauty caused Harshwhinny to grimace in lost hope. There were 10 chosen entrants, and the contest pages listed from ten to one. By entrant 4, she reached the point of not wanting to turn the page, fearing the worst. One drink of water only calmed her enough to see what lied on the next page. Second place. She placed second place. Her photo was even more breathtaking. It was when she was napping at the company picnic, her resting in such a natural pose on a long beach chair, under a large umbrella. The bikini was a loan from a friend, a bit small but snug enough to fully display the mare's cleavage, the work-toned legs, and a decent build. To Juniper, it was seeing someone else entirely. “Wow,” was all she could say for a bit. Snapping herself out of reality, she quickly checked her bio that was sent to the magazine. All checked out OK. Age, 32. Occupation, Inspector for the Equestria Games Committee. Likes, long walks and spas. Seems like the office workers kept true. Curiosity then set in. If she's second, who's the winner? She turned the page to a two page photo that left her speechless once again. The winner turned out to be what the bio later read as a mother of two colts out of Ponyville, married and a homemaker. The mare stretched out across the pages in only laced white underwear, and she was tan with a darker brown mane and tail that's tied up with hair ties. Juniper couldn't believe the body of this mare, either. A bust slightly bigger than hers that seem to nearly burst out of the bra, a stomach with no stretch marks or flab, delicate hands, and a beautiful face that screams of desire and lust. “This can't be real,” she thought. “It's too good to be just a picture. I bet this was photoshopped. At least I had natural beauty; no one bothered to take out these cursed crow's feet.” Such a pretty mare, and a mother? It seems farfetched, neigh improbable. And to lose to a possible fake? Such a concept might make Juniper the laughing stock of the office. That might wound her reputation and pride. “Might as well go and check her out,” she spoke to herself, as she reached for the phone and her checkbook. --- Juniper arrived in Ponyville on the train around noon. With a poorly written note and a luggage bag on wheels, she set off to the address of Milano Mash, the winner of the Equestrian Home and Garden contest. It's not even official business, nor should it be. It's one highly unnecessary trip, but still, curiosity had a strong grip on the Inspector. What kind of pony is this hot mother who had a 2-page spread in such lewd lingerie? Walking for a while, she finally arrived at the house. She knocked a few times and waited, taking the time to fix her composure and her suit. Steps were heard and then the door swung open. A tan mare appeared with a silky sepia mane and a lovely smile. “Hello,” the mare spoke, “how can I help you?” “Um...” she temporarily lost the composure she tried to maintain. “I...” “You OK?” asked the mother, with an innocent smile. “I'm sorry.” It was tough to maintain a straight face, seeing Milano's form. It's just like in the photo in the magazine, except instead of tight lingerie, it's a knee-long, loose skirt and a gray tee shirt. “I saw you in the contest in Equestrian Home and Garden. I was second place, Juniper Harshwhinny from Manehattan.” “Oh! You were the very lovely gal in the beach chair! Please come in and make yourself comfortable.” Milano moves and gestures the inspector to come in. “Thank you,” Harshwhinny said, as she sits comfortably in a sofa. “Who is it?” cried a small voice from another room. “Just a visitor, Button!” replied the mother. “Nothing to worry about.” “OK, Mom! Can I get a juice box?” “Sure, dear.” “Thanks!” Milano turned her attention to Juniper. “I guess you were thinking that photo is fake?” “I have to admit, I was skeptical,” she responded. “I'm sorry if it seems rude.” The mom smiled. “I know. But rest assured, I am how I appeared in the magazine.” She then blushed. “Except for the lingerie. That was really embarrassing.” “Seriously?” Harshwhinny was shocked. “If you want, I can show you. If it's comfortable with you.” “Sure. I don't mind.” --- Button's voice rang out again throughout the house. “Mom! I'm going out with friends!” Milano's voice rang out in reply. “OK, dear! Be back before dinner!” “'Kay, Mom!” The front door slammed while Milano closed the bathroom door and turned to face her important house guest. “I'm very sorry,” the mother whispered. “I'm very picky on who I, well, reveal myself to.” “I see. You do have your privacy,” replied Ms. Harshwhinny. “In fact, no one else took the picture but me. I had a timer on the camera set up to take the picture.” “Huh... interesting.” The mother blushed. “OK,” she spoke, softly and with a quiver in her voice, “here goes.” Milano pulled off the t-shirt to reveal a more modest bra than in the magazine. “I know you're expecting what you saw, but that was my neighbor's. It was a bit too small for me.” At the least, Juniper knew why Milano's nipples looked 10 seconds away from breaking free in the photo. And upon the removal of Milano's bra, there was no doubt about why the picture was a bit more erotic than the rest. Harshwhinny isn't an expert on mare bust sizes, but the mother's was quite a sight, even more so than the picture could ever show. Much more, as it's about bigger than her C cup, maybe above a D cup. Kinda reminiscent of a low budget silicone-breasted pornography slut, but with gravity and weight making it much more believable and real. The light pink nipples looked perked, possibly due to the embarrassment of exposure, but standing out. It's crazy to the inspector's eyes, such appearance and shape. The question on her mind: Are they real? In order to find out, one has to be polite. “May I have a feel? I just want to see if they're real.” Milano shook her head, understanding the request. “Would you be gentle, though?” Harshwhinny placed her hand on Milano's breast, as gentle as possible. Despite that, Milano gasped. “They're very sensitive, ever since Button,” the mother explained. “Button was, well, breastfed.” “I'm very sorry if it was my doing.” “It's OK.” Milano smiled. “The deals of being a mother.” Something in Harshwhinny compelled her hand to move a bit and her thumb rubbed the nipple. Milano groaned once more, accompanied by heavy breathing. The feeling in Juniper intensified and she continued. She even started to massage one breast, then both. Each movement aroused the mother more and more. One thought passed through Juniper's mind. “Should I mention to her I'm bi?” “Ease up, Ms. Harshwhinny,” pleaded Milano. “I can only take so much.” By now, it's already confirmed that this voluptuous mare is the genuine article. No implants or surgery, just smooth curves and... something sloshing? And leaking from her nipples? “Oh, no,” Milano spoke, dread in her tone. “You're making my milk leak out.” Milk? This mother is still lactating? Juniper now felt the same arousal as the mother, tempted to sample the milk leaking from Milano's nipples. The reason why escaped her mind in the cloud of sexual thoughts. No time to question, she moved to lick and then sucked on a breast. Milano groaned loudly, placing a hand on the back of Juniper's head. Resistance was futile, her mind crying out for more pleasure. “Go ahead. I think I need this.” Juniper continued on, soon swapping to another breast for more. “It's so warm,” she thought to herself. “And there's so much.” The mother's breathing quickened, and she felt everything below her waist becoming hot, while her legs becoming weak enough to have her sitting on the edge of a bathtub. With a free hand, she reached and felt herself there. She's soaked. Juniper can't stop herself now. Nor does she feel like she wanted to. Her mind could only produce thoughts of sex and curiosity. One such thought convinced her to move from the mother's milk-producing breasts to the lips of this lovely, arousing mare, a little of the milk on her cheek. The arousing kiss nearly overtook Milano, almost knocking her into the bathtub. She controlled herself enough to slide down into the tub, and brought her heated guest with her. Soon, the kissing and groping was stopped and Harshwhinny sat up rather quickly, with a look of worry on her face. “Oh, god!” she sputtered. “I-I-I didn't mean to go this far!” She began to sweat, realizing the cold, yet very appealing situation. Milano looked on in slight confusion. “Crap!” Harshwhinny continued, panic setting in. “I'm making out with a housewife! What the fuck am I doing?! What was I thinking?!” “Excuse me,” interrupted the mother, in a calming tone that almost soothed the troubled inspector. “If it compensates, this is the first time a girl kissed me. And your kissing kinda reminded me of when I first met my husband.” She giggled and sighed. “It's been only years but the way you kissed me, it felt like I was reliving it. In a weird, unorthodox sort of way. Color me strange, but it's a very great kiss. And the foreplay was nice, too.” “But I'm making out with you when I only wanted to see if you were real! And you're MARRIED! I'm getting greedy and shit over a married wife!” Milano scooted herself to reach Harshwhinny's face, placing a palm on her freshly soaked cheek. “It can't be helped. You were just losing yourself to pleasure and whatnot. It'll be kinda sad to watch you writhe in pain, trying to control yourself. I'm not very loose but I can help you with this craving and fulfill it. Just sit tight, OK.” She then helped herself up and out of the bathtub and to the door, cracking it open to see if her son is around. “Please hold yourself for just a bit.” Harshwhinny sat in the tub, her suit scuffled and her hair a mess. How did she lose control over herself to a total stranger, she wondered to herself. This is different than the typical one-night-stands she brings home or to a hotel. She didn't meant to go this far, in such a pure environment and to such a pure mare. What made her to go as far as drinking breast milk and deep-kissing a mother? Envy? Jealousy? Or just sexual frustration from some sort of “dry spell”? The thoughts came to a halt when Milano came back in the bathroom. “Thank Celestia Button's still away,” she hastily spoke, producing a vibrator. “Don't want him to be asking too many questions at such a young age.” “What's that?” asked Juniper. “Baby shower gift. My friends are single like you, too.” The mother got back into the tub in front of Harshwhinny. “It'll be kinda rude of me to let you be in such a state. I'm new to the concept but I wish to help you relieve you of this.” All the mare in the messed up suit could do was shake her head in agreement. Milano resumed their intimate intercourse with a flick of the vibrator's switch, sliding down her company's panties, and a slow, smooth insert into the pink fleshy folds of Harshwhinny's nether regions. Once again, Juniper moaned and her body was overtaken by the pleasure. So far, so good. Milano positioned herself above Harshwhinny. “You did seem to enjoy it. Have some more.” She then presented her breasts, still lactating and exposed. Harshwhinny took to drinking from them once more. Milano giggled. “You're as hungry as Button was when he was a little baby.” Juniper then grabbed the vibrator and circulated it, maximizing the sensation. As the moans escape her mouth, she continued to drink up Milano's breast milk, swapping like before. The mother began to feel warm and aroused, reaching and fingering herself to continue to excite herself more. She had to place a hand against the side of the tub to keep herself up. Harshwhinny took a breath and looked at Milano's face, who appeared strained over the climbing orgasm. She took her hands and guided the mother's lips to hers, deeply kissing her. Soon, they broke the kiss and went to each end of the tub, each trying to enhance their sexual pleasure. Juniper Harshwhinny lied at one end, gyrating and pumping the vibrator, while Milano Mash lied opposite of her, massaging her lactating breasts while masturbating with her free hand. Their minds were concentrated on their individual orgasms, not minding that they're exhibiting in the other's company. Not minding that both are almost exposed to each other, pussy and nipples whole. And not minding that they're just complete strangers, brought to one location, over a petty thing like a small home magazine's contest. They're pretty open of each other's company, as the climax finally peaked and the two groaned loudly. Both lied down for a bit and then went to clean themselves as best as they could with the bathroom's supplies. Juniper had clean clothes in tow, as she anticipated a night-long stay, and swapped out into them. “That was a wonderful experience,” complemented the mother. “Unlike anything I experienced on my honeymoon.” “Yes, it was,” Harshwhinny replied. “If it's alright by you, I'd like to do it again.” The inspector froze. “What?” “I'd like to do that again. It was the best experience I ever had.” She then smiled at Juniper. “Will you?” “I live in Manehattan, dear,” refuted Harshwhinny. “I'm kinda busy, mostly.” “I see.” “But, when I do get a vacation...” the cougar turned to her new milf-y friend. “I'll call you ahead of time and we'll make a nice arrangement for a private get-together.” Milano smiled. “Wonderful.” --- Juniper stayed at a hotel that night, remembering the weird yet wondrous experience with Milano. The memory of that lovely, sexy, and very friendly mother of a colt kept her smiling as she returned to Manehattan on the first possible train, and the particular Equestian Home And Garden magazine issue was refrained from the trash. She stored in her bedside nightstand to admire, and remember that particular mare of Ponyville, the one who won Sexiest Mare of Equestria 2013 and, to her, the most mesmerizing mare she ever met.