Two Nights Ago

by Wolf8298

First published

Rainbow Dash wakes up one morning with strange symptoms, and she believes she is sick. With the help of Twilight Sparkle, they find out exactly what's happening to her.

Two days after a wild party, Rainbow Dash starts to feel feverish and is experiencing symptoms she has never had before. She worries she is ill and contacts Twilight Sparkle, believing the intelligent alicorn could help her find out what's happening. Together, the two ponies find out exactly what's wrong with her.

Chapter 1

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Rainbow Dash's violet eyes opened slowly as a very loud and obnoxious beeping noise filled the air. For a short moment, she simply lied there in her bed, wondering where the hell that noise was coming from. But then her mind began function and she realized that her alarm was going off, which was the damn thing that had awoken her.

Normally, this would be the part of her morning routine where Dash would sit up and throw the alarm clock hard against the ground. But today was not very normal.

The minute Rainbow's eyes had opened, she was greeting with a burning pain in the side of her head, and her entire body ached extremely. She also felt very hot and her nose was so stuffed she couldn't even breathe through it. The pain that hurt the most was in the side of her head, though. At first, Rainbow Dash immediately began to consider that this may be her hangover from the party in Las Pegasus two days ago. But then she remembered that her friend Twilight Sparkle had casted a spell that got rid of hangovers the day after the party, so there was no way she could still have one. This probably didn't apply to Pinkie Pie at all, but that is a whole other story. Rainbow Dash did get sick a lot, but this was not normal. She never had this many aches in her body before.

Rainbow Dash began to think about all of the possible things that could be causing this as she lied in her bed. The alarm was still going off, but Rainbow could care less.

Wait. Dash thought. Maybe this has something to do with that blister on my mouth and....uhh...vagina. Even though her hangover from the party had been cured, Rainbow Dash had noticed that day that a giant blister had appeared on her genital area, and also on her mouth. She had never had blisters like these before, so she didn't really care much about them and assumed that they would go away.

But maybe those blisters had actually meant something, maybe she had some sort of sickness. The thought of this began to concern Dash. She had things to do, ponies to amaze with her glory, she had no time for sickness! She began to hope that whatever this was, it was minor. She was never an expert on illnesses, so Dash usually has no idea what her illness is if she ever has one. She usually consulted Twilight Sparkle for all that stuff that she didn't care about.

"That's it!" Rainbow Dash said suddenly, having to shout over her alarm clock that was still ringing. She was careful not to bite her lip as she spoke aloud, it was really hurting. "I'll go see Twilight and find out what's going on. Then she can cure me with that little horn thing of hers." Yes, this was the perfect plan. If you ever needed to know about egghead stuff, Twilight was your pony.

Feeling a boost of confidence, Rainbow decided that she was going to have to get out of the bed. She felt like shit, but it wouldn't stop if she didn't get help.

Sighing, Rainbow kicked off the covers with her sore legs and crawled out of her bed. Rainbow then took the alarm clock in her hoof and not so gracefully threw it out the window. She would retrieve it later, that alarm clock was tough. She had thrown it out the window hundreds of times.

Rainbow was trying her best to ignore the fact that her body was sore, she was feverish, her lip burned like hell. Not to mention that her vagina was probably the itchiest thing Rainbow Dash had ever experienced. But despite everything, the rainbow colored speed demon spread her wings and simply flew out the window.

Her giant cloud house was a fair distance from Ponyville but the wind in her mane made Rainbow Dash forget about her soreness. She was supposed to be clearing the skies about an hour ago, but by know Rainbow couldn't give two shits.

Instead, she rocketed away from her house and towards Ponyville, ready to seek out her purple egghead friend.

Chapter 2

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Rainbow Dash briskly flew over the colorful Ponyville houses. Her rainbow tail was waving vigorously eind as she flew, and her mane was pinned all the way back to her head, as well as her ears. The wonders of flying was starting to make her daydream and get off track.

This happened a lot when Rainbow was flying, she would daydream of fantastic things. She would daydream about joining the Wonderbolts, and soon rising to captain and becoming the most skilled flyer in Equestria. She daydreamed of stunning all of Equestria with her flying talents. She daydreamed of signing countless autographs from eager fans from all over the world.

Oh, how the thought of it all thrilled her! How the thought of all that glory excited her! Motivated her! It was dreams like these that were Dash's main source of motivation to keep trying to join the Wonderbolts.

But unfortunately, Rainbow's motivational daydreams cost her focus. Because she was lost in dreamland, she had wandered off track and was flying around Ponyville aimlessly. She was oblivious to the world around her and paid the price for that.

Rainbow Dash's wonderful daydream had been interrupted by her body slamming into contact with a wooden object. Specifically her stomach. The impact instantly knocked the breath out of her and made her make a loud gasping sound.

It took Dash mere seconds before she realized where she was. She was hanging off of Twilight Sparkle's balcony. So she had basically reached he destination, although not exactly as she planned. Rainbow Dash struggled to breathe. She clumsily stumbled over the small little gate barrier surrounding the balcony and fell on it with her back.

Dash's tail twitched as she regained her ability to breathe. She honestly, truly hoped no one had seen her just crash into Twilight's balcony. But she was not so lucky, because she suddenly heard the sound of heavy hoofsteps coming into the balcony. Shit! Rainbow Dash thought. It was Twilight! The cyan pegasus began to scramble to get to her hooves. She fluttered her wings like a hummingbird and managed to get to her hooves in the least graceful way possible. She swayed a little bit, and then looked up at the purple alicorn standing before her.

Twilight Sparkle was standing in front of Rainbow Dash, her wings spread slightly and a look of confusion written all over her face. A long and awkward moment of silence fell in between the two poines. Rainbow tried to put on a smile and act like nothing had just happened. Dash honestly didn't know what was worse, the fact that Twilight Sparkle, a princess, had just seen her crash into her balcony, or that the pain of her illness had returned. The silence was finally broken when Twilight spoke.

"You look awful, Rainbow." She said, her face switching from confusion to concern. "Is everything all right?"

Rainbow Dash blinked and sighed tiredly. She was hurting even worse now, and she was starting to feel light headed. "I....I'm fine, Twi. Really. It's nothing serious, I'm just feeling a little sick and I want you to help me find out what's wrong before it gets any worse."

Twilight Sparkle trotted over to Rainbow Dash and put a hoof on her back. Rainbow instantly felt a burning sensation in her back and gave a small yelp of pain. She sharply looked over her shoulder, trying to see what Twilight was doing back there. And Rainbow was greeted with possibly one of the most horrendous sights she had ever seen. Half of he entire back had a giant, blistery red rash on it that burned like the flames of Celestia. Rainbow began to fear this may be a sickness that could get her doomed to lying in bed. Twilight began circling around Dash, inspecting the blue pegasus. "Give me all of your symptoms." Twilight said calmly. The princess tried to be gentle as she began touching Rainbow Dash's blistered back.

Rainbow gritted her teeth in pain but began talking. She needed to tell Twilight everything, Dash knew that. "Well, I feel really sick." She began.

Twilight sighed. "No shit?" She said, giving Rainbow a slightly teasing smirk. "Be more specific, Rainbow. Otherwise I won't be able to help you." And so, Rainbow Dash began telling Twilight everything.

"I feel...feverish. Like I have the flu or something."

"Are you getting chills?" Twilight interrupted. Rainbow Dash shook her head and then continued talking. "Nope, I just feel really warm and I have a big headache on the side of my head. I think it might be a migraine. Also my nose has been stuffed, so I can't breathe through it. My entire body is really sore, and whenever I move it really, really hurts. And then there's that rash thing on my back, that'd new, but it's starting to burn now."

Twilight was jotting down notes on a notepad as Rainbow talked. She was really organized like that. "Is that all?" She asked. Rainbow once again shook her head as she remembered her blisters. "I have a itchy rash and a blister on my vagina-"

"Woah, woah, woah." Twilight cut in, her purple eyes widening at what Rainbow said. "Your vagina? Like...your genitals?" Rainbow Dash nodded slowly, hoping she was getting on to something. Twilight trotted back and stood in front of her friend. She narrowed her eyes and gazed directly at Rainbow's lip. Suddenly, a small smile began to form on Twilight's mouth, which made Dash curious.

"And I see this gigantic blister on your lip hasn't gone away, hmm?" Twilight Sparkle said. Her voice sounded a bit mischievous and slick, and now Rainbow was really confused. Had Twilight discovered what was wrong? Twilight lifted her head and spoke to Rainbow Dash. "Dash, during that celebration party in Las Pegasus, most of us got a bit drunk. But you got really drunk. Do you remember anything that happened in the party while you were under the affects of the alcohol?"

"Nope." Dash said calmly. "All I remember before I got drunk is hanging out with Soarin from the Wonderbolts. And then after I got drunk I remember waking up in the hotel bed with a massive headache. The hangover." A light laugh escaped Twilight's lips. The princess had found it all out now.

Twilight spread her wings and fluttered lightly backwards to the entrance to the balcony. She levitated the door open with her horn. She looked at Dash and winked. "Come inside Rainbow Dash, I think I have discovered just exactly what you have."

Chapter 3

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"Herpes?!" Rainbow Dash said loudly, her voice thick with disbelief. She was standing in Twilight's library. Twilight was standing in front of Rainbow, levitating a book in front of her with a little smirk on her face. Rainbow had been expecting Twilight to take her into her laboratory and run a full checkup, but no! Twilight had simply opened a book, looked at it, and then gave Rainbow her answer.

Twilight used her magic and flipped a page in the book. "Genital herpes, to be specific." She said matter-of-factly. Twilight then levitated the book back onto the table and and edged closer to Dash. "I knew something was going to happen with you and Soarin at that party." She remarked. "I can't believe you told me nothing happened between you two. Liar."

"I didn't know what I was saying!" Rainbow Dash cried in defense.

Twilight sighed and shook her head., whilst Rainbow Dash began angrily pacing around the library, her ears flat against her head. "I know I was roaring drunk," Dash growled, "but I specifically asked that idiot if he had any diseases. He said no! I can't believe him!" Rainbow Dash howled.

"I can't believe you took the word of a stallion who had over twelve beers." Twilight sighed. Rainbow Dash whipped around to glare at her friend. "This isn't funny! You have no spell to fix this! I'm going to have to be out for a week and then take giant pills for the rest of my life to prevent outbreaks! And it's all that stallion-whore's fault!"

She was really upset. She couldn't believe she hadn't found out earlier. Her father had always warned her about the dangers of herpes. In Equestria, herpes has no cure. You simply take medicine everyday to ease pain and stop symptoms. She was going to be stuck with this forever. Rainbow Dash felt like crying. This was so embarrassing and horrible she just could not believe it.

A hoof rested on Rainbow's shoulder. She looked up at Twilight, who was smiling at her. "I know you're upset and it's okay to be. Herpes is one agonizing disease, but you don't have to keep facing outbreaks without help. You have friends who are willing to take care of you. For whatever you need. "

Dash blinked, gazing at Twilight's purple eyes. The speed demon pegasus then sighed and hung her head. Twilight was right, she had friends who were awesome and always 20% cooler. Hope began to fill Rainbow Dash and she took he friend's advice and looked at the brighter side.

"You're right..." Dash muttered, standing up shakily. She coughed and looked back up at Twilight.

"When am I not?" Twilight said with a teasing smile. "Come on, I'll take you to the hospital and we'll get you the medicine that you need. Celestia forbid you do it yourself, you're never be specific enough about your symptoms...No offence."

"None taken." Rainbow laughed lightly. She knew Twilight was right again. She was bad with doctors.

Rainbow heard the sound of hoofsteps coming their way. Both Dash and Twilight turned their heads to see Applejack, a worker pony that worked on an apple farm, trot down the stairs. A smug look was on the earth pony's face."Did you tell the dirty pony what she's got?" Applejack scoffed.

Rainbow narrowed her eyes in anger and spread her wings, as if about to charge at Applejack. Suddenly, a yellow pegasus pony with a large light pink mane fluttered after Applejack and carefully slid in between the the two ponies. It was Fluttershy, who was a shy pegasus who took care of a cottage full of woodland creatures. Both were Dash's best friends.

"Now, now, girls." Fluttershy said in her soft voice. "Let's not get out of hand. Rainbow knows that she shouldn't of been doing that when she was so...umm...dizzy, I guess. And Applejack, you should know not to kick a friend when's she's already down." She said. Rainbow gazed at the two. "What're you two doing here?" She asked.

"They are helping me organize my upper library, it got a bit unorganized after study night." Twilight informed.

"Wait, wait!" Applejack said suddenly. A grin spread across her face. "There's a new disease going around with the birds. It's called..." Before Applejack could finish with her clever joke she began snorting out contagious laughter. Dash was surprised she hadn't fallen over in an ocean of giggling. Applejack finally managed to get her joke out. "Its called Chirpies" She snorted. After that she broke out with another swarm of laughter.

Twilight just sighed and shook her head, wondering if Applejack had been poking around the leftover alcohol from the party. Fluttershy shot a glare at Applejack. Rainbow Dash couldn't decide if she didn't like the fact that she had joked about herpes, or that Applejack had made a joke about birds.