The plot of love and affection

by TheValdetiosi

First published

When eating too much cake puts Celestia into jogging and diet, many stallions of the Equestria takes a note on that week.

(I made this as short story in purpose.)

Princess Celestia is an alicorn, self explanatory. In parties, she usually goes with one or two cup of teas and a cupcake, nothing else.

Except huge amount of cake.

No matter what, this cake obsession has caused Celestia to grow a massive flank on her rear. The only solution? Jogging and diet!

The plot of love and affection

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"Good gracious! Luna!" Celestia let out, as she watched her clock. It was early 6 AM, nopony has woken her up to do her duty.
Rushing through the doors and rooms, she finally stood on the plate, where she raised herself up with her wings, causing the sun to raise and wake everypony up at Ponyville. After what has been done, Celestia sighed in relief, greeted every guard that were stunned from the flash of speed she made and went on her room to snatch one of the cakes.
The cake was having chocolate covered sauce on it, which made Celestia's mouth to drool. Just throwing it in midair and catching it with her mouth, in one gulp, it was down on her stomach.
Luna woke up from all the cause and stared her sister, groaning.

"Tia, just few minutes.......It's not my turn yet." She said, turning around.

"But Luna, dear, raising everypony up is the most important thing ever! Who else would then make parties for me?" She asked, taking out the coffee dispenser. In a quick flash moments of warming the water and making it to go through the dispenser, her morning cup of coffee was ready. "How else I could........uhh, Blegh!" She let out, finally seeing what was her mistake. She didn't drink coffee. It was Luna who did that. It was tea she drank.

Finally, when two of them gathered on the dinner hall, Celestia came with a cup of tea and a piece of cake, while Luna took out coffee with a bread. Seeing Celestia's appetite, she raised her eyebrows.

"Celestia!" She shouted. "How dare you? A piece of cake! At morning!"

Celestia's eyes puzzled to see the meaning of Luna's words, even though she didn't care anyway.

"This is just a piece of cake, don't take it too seriously..." She said, taking small bites of it and biting her lips as she faced towards her sister. Even though she was so much in anger, she gave up and left Celestia to leave alone.

It wasn't just that days later, Celestia continued this tradition. Everytime she took a piece of cake with her tea, cheating by getting even two in a row. If it wasn't enough, Celestia continued by going into Ponyville and having a party in there, as ponies has usually done for her, to show how they worship her. But that meant more cake and tea. There wasn't nothing to stop it. 3 cakes in a day was the amount she made the whole month.

But then it happened. Luna woke up to see Moon still there, no sun placed. She knew her sister was lazy and decided this time to do it herself. The light of the sun raised and went into the sky.......until it went behind the moon.

"Gosh darn it!" She let out in anger, quickly rushing into the Celestia's room and kicking the door open.

"Celestia! I-" She quickly stopped, as she finally saw her sister. The flanks of her were size of one chair and could easily get somepony to stuck in there. Celestia turned around and instead the same, greedy and bored looking, she was showing tears.

".....I.......I......." She tried to speak but could only show the weight she had. Luna took a closer look to see it was broken by her weight.

But now, it was Luna's turn to smile.

Tomorrow, Celestia was wearing a band on her head and spandex pants on her, making her to sweat and pant from dragging her flank up there. Not only her sun was causing trouble by making her sweat, but the locals just were left with their jaws dropped on the ground. Well, that would have been a chance. The other chance was to get striked by her butt, as it swinged from all her movements.

As few days passed and Celestia started seeing her flank shrink, she stepped on the weight. It was just few pounds before her normal weight and she was happy.
But as she Going for shower, Discord appeared out of nowhere. He has watched Celestia's events for a while and was searching her room. After finding what he needed, he let out an evil giggle, before disappearing again.
It wasn't much about time, before Celestia returned to her room and looked on the weight. "One more round and Nightmare's over...." She said to herself, before dashing out.

Coming back to the weight, after having jogged a full hour, she pressed all of her four hooves to see results. Her smile turned into cries.
"I weight 70 pounds more?!" She screamed, before starting to cry. She didn't know what she was doing wrong, as she pressed her face on the bed, tearing all the time. It wasn't long before Discord went on a small laugh from causing such chaos from weight, he transformed from the pants he hided into his normal form and reached to slip out, before slapping a note on her flank.
Celestia's eyes started flaming and her back hooves went straight up, kicking anypony who was behind her into the moon, if they were lucky to hit there. Only a dwingling star was seen at the sky, when it rushed through the roof, into the space. Celestia gasped, deciding to take another shot from weight, as she couldn't believe what she just did.

"Yay~ I lost the weight!" She danced in joy. She really didn't know what caused it, but the only thing she had in mind was the kick. Luna came there, offering another cake, as she kept it hidden until that special day. The two mares kept eating it and had the happiest day of their life.
Luna saw the paper on her flank, saying 'tap me'. Not only it was just few seconds later, the same blue mare was on the moon with the Discord, leaving Celestia to eat the cake herself.

"Pffft......" She just sniffed and kept her nose up, not knowing her rear started growing again from the cake.....