> Applesgiving > by Kayes > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Thanksgiving > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A light snow blanket had fallen over the ground and apple tree branches of Sweet Apple Acres, covering everything with a thin lair of snow that was no more than at least an inch or so thick. The pigs that laid in the pig pen along the barn had migrated into the barn itself, slumbering in the fresh hay that a certain farm pony had laid out for them. All the creatures of the trees surrounding them were burrowed somewhere in the forest now after having been chased off by the harsh winds that ripped through the farm. A cold chill ran down the backs of residents such as Granny Smith and Big Mac. Walking down the path leading to the farm were two figures leaning side by side, attempting to huddle close together to preserve their warmth. The once gentle weather of the morning had turned rampant, causing the two ponies to fight against rain that was inside of Ponyville, and wind mixed with rain on the outskirts of town. One figure wore a rainbow colored sweater, blue ear muffs, and matching rainbow-colored boots. An orange pony that resided next to her wore a dark green coat and an identical scarf with a white blaze going through it. Her hat was in her mouth, and it was flapping about violently, hitting her right under the chin. One of Rainbow Dash's wings was draped over Applejack, pulling her close and attempting to protect her from against the wind and rain. Her own teeth were clamped around a bag of groceries from the market, a simple bag filled with fruits and a few vegetables that was needed to prepare for the feast tonight. This evening would be the eve of Thanksgiving, and the Apple family was hosting a large get together for Applejack and her five closest friends. Everyone was excited about tonight, as the entire population of Ponyville knew the ever famous delicacies that their family-friendly town hero Applejack could prepare. Applejack's eyes were narrowed, and the wind was so harsh she could hardly keep them open, out of fear of dust pelting her eyes or the rain splattering in them. She fought alongside Rainbow Dash until they reached the farm house at last, and with a giant slam, the door flung open, announcing the twos arrival. They were greeted by a swarm of warm hellos and greetings from a cluster of friends and three family members that sat around the table, eagerly awaiting food. Rarity and Fluttershy sat side by side, their tails intertwined while Rarity mindlessly sipped from a bit of Apple Cider. Fluttershy simply remained quiet while she smiled softly at Twilight Sparkle, in all her natural beauty and now-royal-blood, stared at Pinkie Pie from the corner of her eyes. All of the friends had fallen in love with one another in the past few years of their friendships, each one having found it out after Rainbow Dash and Applejack had discovered their mutual love for one another. In fact, this would mark Rainbow Dash's first Thanksgiving with her marefriend's family, and she desperately hoped there would be several more. As she broke from her stare at Applejack, she was relieved to see how natural and cozy the surroundings looked tonight. Turkeys were hanging around the house, and fresh hay were scattered across the floor, making a sweet smell linger to her nostrils. A fireplace that was located near the table where everypony sat was cracking warmly. Applejack disappeared into the kitchen, assisted by the rest of the Apple Family, to begin finishing the rest of the dinner. The five friends that surrounded the table talked happily among themselves, and cherished the unity of blessed day between them all. Thanksgiving was one of the rare times of year that the friends could bless themselves with their family and friends together, since the majority of their time was spent working and busying themselves. Twilight Sparkle was now a princess, and she was often away in Canterlot for royal duty, Rarity had several orders of dresses to make, Fluttershy was always around her animals, Pinkie Pie was always throwing parties or baking for the Cakes, and well.. Rainbow Dash just simply napped and helped with the weather forecast as usual. "I must simply asking Applejack how she makes this divine cider, sometime. This is absolutely marvelous, I would be lying if I said I was never jealous that she had such exquisite cooking skills." Rarity commented, using her magic to levitate a glass of cider was more to her lips, taking a polite sip, she then set it down and turned to look at Fluttershy, who was caressing Angel Bunny in her lap. "Applejack is almost as good of a cook as the Cakes, but we all know that Mr and Mrs. Cake are the best cooks in all of Ponyville! I am just so super duper happy that I get to see everpony here, especially Twilight!" Pinkie Pie had been attempting to doodle on a coloring page of a turkey wearing a black hat with a buckle on it. Her crayons were scattered across the table, and she would occasionally drop them to adjust the,"I love Thanksgiving!" turkey shaped balloon tied around her hoof. Twilight Sparkle had glanced up from a book that she had been quietly reading for the past few minutes, and a light pink coloration began to grow in her cheeks, her ears perking up while she turned to stare at the pink pony beside her. Pinkie Pie's blue eyes were shining brilliantly in return to her marefriends, and she dropped her coloring crayon from her mouth, before leaning over to kiss Twilight on the cheek. It'd been clear that since the lavender alicorn had disappeared to Canterlot for several months now, that Pinkie Pie had lost some of her natural bounce. However, right when Twilight had opened her mouth to retort a compliment, there was a series of giggling that erupted from outside, followed by the creaking open of the front door, and walking in were three little fillies, each covered in snow and dripping wet. Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, and Apple Bloom had been running around outside, and had come inside to join the rest of the family. Sweetie Belle was wearing her favorite purple scarf, colored with white snowflakes. On her hooves were white boots. Scootaloo wore her rainbow snow beanie, and had a thick blue coat on. Apple Bloom wore a simple hat with a cotton ball on the end. Rarity glanced up from another sip of side and nearly spat it out at the sight of her sister soaking wet and cold. Her eyes narrowed and she walked from her seat, walking over to her little sister and nuzzling her."Sweetie Belle, I thought I had told you that you were not to get wet in the snow! Now come, let us go find the restroom and dry you off." Rarity levitated her little sister onto her back, and took off in an archway that led to the hallway. Scootaloo glanced around at everyone at the table, and when she saw Rainbow Dash tiredly staring down at her empty plate, she charged forward and embraced her elder sister into a tight embrace. A few tears streaked down her eyes and she sniffled, her wet coat sticking against Rainbow's."Rainbow Dash, you made it! I can't believe you made it!" Rainbow Dash softly laughed and rubbed her hoof gently against Scootaloo's wet mane. The orange filly was bouncing up and down now with delight, and her wings were beginning to flutter out of excitement, causing her to hover an inch or so in the air,"Hey squirt! Long time no see, glad to see that ya made it to the dinner!" "Why would I miss the dinner? I waited foreverrr to see you again! I missed you so much!" Scootaloo's eyes were once again misty, but Rainbow Dash brought her into a surprise hug and cuddled with the little filly while they waited anxiously for the dinner of the evening to be served. After several minutes, Rarity and Sweetie Belle had returned to the dining room, with a rather disgruntled Rarity and a completely dry Sweetie Belle. No words were spoken between them for awhile, but Rarity seemed to relax when Fluttershy's soft wings pulled her into an embrace. Rarity reclined against her lover, and watched as Twilight Sparkle and Pinkie Pie were whispering to one another from across the table. Twilight's wings were relaxed at her sides, and her crown was placed on the table. Her mane was styled in curls to show off a bit for Pinkie Pie, whom seemed to be enjoying the bounce of them when she would reach up and spring one of them. After what seemed like an hour of waiting, Applejack came out with a platter of delightful treats. There was freshly tossed salad and oats, apple treats ranging from cakes to small pastries, and a bundle of fresh fruit. The entire group around them could feel their mouths watering. After a small prayer, the group settled into a joyous and relaxing meal. Each pony ate until their stomachs were stuffed, and then when they were full, they ate some more. By the end, they were all contently patting their stomachers and wiping their mouths of the remnants of their food. When the chatter had quieted down a bit, Rainbow Dash cleared her throat and walked to the head of the table. "Thank you all for coming out tonight in this weather, and when we depart, I hope that you all find your way home safely. However, this night is not yet done. As many of you know, this is my first official year as a couple with Applejack, and to be quite honest, it has been the best year of my life. Nopony else can make me as happy and as grateful to be alive as she can, and for that, I would like to make a toast to her!" Rainbow Dash reached for her mug of cider, and was joined in by the clinking of mugs as the others joined her, giving refreshing "ahs" when they'd finished their drink. Rainbow Dash excused herself to the kitchen to retrieve a special cake that she'd been saving for this occasion. Reaching inside of the fridge, she unwrapped a vanilla cake in the shape of a cowboy hat, with rainbow colored writing on it, reading the words "Will you marry me?" on it. A large ring for Applejack's hoof was found in the middle, and instead of a diamond or jewel, it was fastened out of an identical stone to match the necklace of her Element of Harmony. Around the band were three apples on each side, representing the farmers cutie mark. While she spread her wings and balanced the cake on her back, she walked slowly back into the dining room and set it down gently on the table. Reaching down and pulling out the ring with her mouth, Rainbow Dash knelt down in front of the entire room of their family and friends, and began her speech."AJ, you know that I have never been one for speeches, especially sappy love ones, but when I see you, I could write sonnets and poems about the way I see you. I love you, Applejack Apple, and I want to be with you for the rest of my life, will you marry me?" Applejack had stood up from her seat and approached Rainbow Dash with tears in her eyes, her hat was clutched against her chest now and her cheeks were blushing. In the light of the fireplace, she appeared almost angelic. With a silent nod of the head, Rainbow Dash slipped the ring onto her hoof, and brought Applejack into a passionate and firey kiss.