The legion of light

by Sveciadash

First published

The changeling threat is greater than ever before if the Crystal Empire falls, the rest of Equestria is next

The changeling threat has always been present but when the changelings unknown homeland in the north went completely dry on resources, the changelings has no other choice than to invade Equestria. Celestia and king Sombra must gather an army to stand against the changeling threat

chapter 1: The Darkness Ahead

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The doors slams open as a pony of the royal guard quickly makes his way to the throne, he gasps for air as he bows before Celestia, the expression on Celestia's face grows more worrying as the seconds fly pass. The guard informs Celestia that King Sombra needs to see her immidiately. Celestia wastes no time and quickly gathers a small escort and starts to make their way to the Crystal Empire.

King Sombra impatiently waits at the castle doors wandering in circles awaiting Celestias arrival, he stops for a moment as he sees Celestia in the distance and goes to meet her halfway. Celestia wants to know why it's so urgent and Sombra simply replies that he needs her to accompany him to the Crystal Empire hospital. The hospital is heavily guarded, as they enter a doctor comes up to Sombra and tells them that they are about to lose the scout. The two Royals makes their way to the patients room whitch is guarded by two guards so that no one can enter without permission. As they enter the room they make their way to the bed in the middle of the room where an heavily injured pegasi pony lies. The pegasi tries to sit up but is forced to lay down again due to pain. Celestia asks Sombra what is going on and the pegasi replies that his watchpost in the Crystal mountains was attacked by a group of changelings, he explains that he was the only one who survived and when he made his way up into the sky he saw that the horizon was filled with black dots. The changelings are planing to invade Equestria and the Crystal Empire is first on the list. Kings Sombra turns to Celestia and says that the Crystal Empire wont stand a chance if they do not receive help. Celestia quickly replies that it is not only the Crystal Empires battle, it is an battle for all of Equestria.

Chapter 2: Forged By Crystal And Gold

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King Sombra and Princess Celestia stands on the balcony of the Crystal castle watching all the trains arriving with soldiers from all over Equestria. Every trained soldier from Equestria has been called in for the upcoming battle and is being deported to the Crystal Empire.

Sombra looks down on the ground in disapointment and tells Celestia that they will need more soldiers than this. Celestia calls for her messanger and gives her a letter that contains an order that says that all cities in Equestria are to set up recruitment posts and have speeches in all of the town halls, her messanger makes haste.

In Ponyville everypony is gathering around the big podium that has been set up. The crowd silences when they see an officer of the royal guard walking up to the podium.

''Dark times are ahead of us! Equestria is in grave danger, the changelings from the far north are about to invade us! That is why it is your duty as citizens of Equestria to enlist yourself on the local recruitment center, to be deported to the Crystal Empire for basic training. And as always, Celestia protects''

The crowd becomes worried and ponies starts to talk to eachother, the crowd goes silent for a brief moment when they see that a colt and a mare starts walking to the recruitment center whitch is just 30 meters away, and soon after, more and more volunteers starts to head to the center to get their names on the list, even though most ponies knows that they might not return if they sign that chart.

Sombra has ordered all the blacksmiths in the Crystal Empire to begin full production on crystal weaponry, while Celestia has ordered all blacksmiths in Canterlot to forge golden armor that is to be shipped to the Crystal Empire as fast as possible.

Training grounds are being set up as recruits from all over Equestria comes to begin their training. Unicorns are being taught basic spells used for combat purposes, Pegasi were taught to create and control powerfull tornados and melee combat training. Earth ponies who are the strongest of all the three races are taught advanced melee combat training.

After a few days of training the army stood ready to face whatever comes their way.Equipped with bright gold armor and lances made out of crystal, the equestrian army shinned brighter than a thousand suns.

But black dots began to appear over the crystal mountains.

Chapter 3: For Equestria, Until The End

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Warning sirens were screaming and all soldiers lined up in formation just outside the Crystal Empire at the big plain field that covered the land between the empire and the crystal mountains.

Civilians are running to the train station to be evacuated while the battle takes place.

The Equestrian army stands in the lines of thousands, unicorns in the front and earth ponies in the second row, the pegasi ponies flying above them. Dark clouds starts to form in the distance and the earth begins to shake. The changelings comes forth from the mountains and lines up at the other side of their fielld and infront of the changelings stands their queen, Chrysalis.

The sky is dark and the air is cold. The Equestrian army looks worried and some of the soldiers begins to feel doubt. But then Celestia flies up into the air and casts a powerful spell that clears the sky from clouds and makes the sun shine brighter then ever before. The warmth of the sun comes down upon the backs of the Equestrian soldiers and their spark reignites.

Celestia comes down to the ground infront of the Equestrian army and tell them to not fear and not give in to despair, the fate of Equestria is uncertain, but remember who you are fighting for, if we lose this battle Equestria will fall into darkness.

The changeling army begins to charge.

King Sombra orders the unicorns to fire at the changelings with their magic, the sky lights up with bolts of purple fire, flying towards the endless army of the changelings. Then, Sombra and the Equestrian army yells ''For Equestria!'' and begins to charge towards the enemy.

Just before the two armies clash, Celestia gathers all her strength and causes the sun to shine so bright that it causes the golden armor of the Equestrian soldiers to shine so bright that it blinds the enemy when they collide. The crystal lances easily penetrates the changelings armor. The pegasi ponies in the sky begins to dive into the heart of the changelings army from the sky, creating a shockwave that causes all the enemys around them to fall over upon impact.

While superior in tactics skills and equipment the ponies were outnumbered and they all had to be an army of their own.
The battle continues with massive loses on the changeling side, but they are still pouring out from the edges of the mountain.

The ponies begins to fall and are overrun by the massive amount of changelings.

King Sombra is on the battlefield and sees how his pony brothers and sisters are falling by his side. Sombra drops his ruby red crystal swords and looks down at the ground as tears fills his eyes, Sombra quietly whispers ''no..'' purple and green clouds are forming around his horn and he screams as he gets up and causes massive black crystals to come forth from the ground, implaing all changelings around him.

The ponies around are shocked at what happend but are allowed to brethe before the next swarm of changelings come.

King Sombra is filled with anger and hatred and goes across the battlefield and seeks out queen Chrysalis, the half of his horn is glowing red from the spell he performed, he turns to Chrysalis and starts to channel another spell and smiles at Chrysalis as he fires a black beam towards her.

The changelings are confused and their morale breaks and they start to panic over the death of their queen and begins to retreat back into the mountains where they would eventualy starve, but they didnt dare to keep on fighting, for they are lost without their leader.

The ponies of Equestria had defeated the last major threat against Equestria, but at a huge cost the number of dead were beyond their imagination, and it was not a victory to be celebrated.

Celestia walks across the desolate field seeing only death around her, she looks to her left and sees Sombra collapsed at the ground, she runs over to him and holds him in her arms and begins to cry.

The spell that king Sombra used had teared his untainted soul apart, causing him to die for his actions.

Sombra sacrificed himself that day so that the rest of Equestria could be free once and for all. Sombra and the other ponies who had fallen would be forever remembered as ''Equestrias finest''