> Sisu > by Ebony Gryphon > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter One. The old mare aint what she used to be... she's a lot scarier > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- God in heaven… what have I done? I thought the piece was… information, a weapon… what havoc have I wrought with its awakening? Now, it sits at my desk, a blackened husk, a grim reminder of my own folly. What has happened… I suppose I must say it as plain as day… We are no longer in the forests of our homeland… in point of fact; I’m not sure what land we now reside in. Once the piece was activated, all of us, guards, assassins, old and young, man or woman, the entire city of Den was… well, transported to this place. Of course, this I only found once I roused myself, and wandered outside. My people… you make me so proud. Where others had panicked and turned, all of you… my guards, my assassin’s, you did as we should all do: you kept the peace in the grip of turmoil. I look out my window now… night is here… Oh, Orion… Taurus… your faces no longer grace the heavens. Even the moon of this land is changed… and when I gaze upon, I can barely contain myself. The sadness it casts… Ahh, but I ramble in the written word as I do with the spoken. Onto the report itself… after the farmers, workers, and merchants had gathered in the square, our finest were dispatched to the immediate areas… but what tales they tell! Once returned, they spoke of… horses… ponies, as my son put it. From a distance, they watched as the plowed the fields below, seeming indifferent to the Keep that had suddenly plopped down. And unicorns! And so, my dear Pegasus, thou left thy perch to grace the land. But what is this… from what my assassin’s say, the unicorns are the landowners, the pegasi their regal bully boys. We leave our land to a place I suspect the Templar can never follow, only to grace the doorstep of those who while not in name, but in spirit, are no different than our enemy. No matter. Two days have passed. We have plenty of food, and while messages have been sent to our neighbors, they have said nothing. Oh, you fool… how could it fall from my mind. Despite all being safe and sound, we are not so lucky as to be completely bereft of tragedy. My son’s son, my grandchild, is missing! While I… put on a brave face… it seems this old heart of mine, who has grown hard as flint, can still ache for one loved… and it seems these old eyes, who have held all the wickedness men do to one another, can still shed tears… Enough… Erik is gone, and may not return. His mother and father weep, but I have no such luxury, as much as it pains me… Miracles do happen… he returns… my scribe has called me! I must to my grandchilds side! Matthew groaned as he lifted himself up, an limped to the young red haired fellow, leaning against the door frame of his study and panting as though he had run all the way to his elders office. Grimacing as he buckled slightly, the old human grasped his cane of his desk, and turning back to the scribe. Grasping the scribe’s arm in which a small bit of steel, he shook the scribe. “Is it true? Does he return?” Patting his elders arm, the scribe nodded. Taking a step back as tears leaked down to soak into his beard, the elder slumped slightly, heaving a sigh of relief. Pushing past the scribe, the elder began limping down the stairs, snorting as the scribe tried to grab his arm. Poking the man in the chest, he barked “Leave off! Go refill the ink bottles or glue forgotten books together! I’m not so old as to need a nurse maid!” Seeing the slightly raised brows, he scowled, and turning back to his path, continued on, grumbling all the way. Coming to the bottom, both humans jumped as the doors to their inner sanctum slammed open. Weeping, a woman rushed in, and collapsed at the elder’s feet. Rolling his eyes, the elder leaned down, whispering assurances, and then paused as the woman looked up. Bushy gray colored brows furrowing, Matthew said “Ruth? My God woman, what has you in this state?” Rising shakily, though still hyperventilating, the woman stammered “Jason…. Erik… dark wings… on its back…” Shaking his head, the elder chuckled. “Come now, your little boys returned! He’s come back, though probably a little worse for ware!” Finally catching her breath, Ruth shook her head, and managed, “Erik… fine… but… the thing… I don’t know what it is… but they’re around it! All the guards…” Scowl now anything but playful, Matthew gave his daughter in law a shake. “Speak! What’s going on?” Clutching her in laws arms, Ruth wailed “Shao’s going to kill my little one!” Clenching what few teeth he had, Matthew pushed Ruth into the arms of one of the keeps librarians, and as fast as an old injury and his cane could let him, ran to the doors. ………………………………….. At the foot of the steps leading into the keeps library and archives, a large man stood, his arms crossed across the plate of steel he bore across his chest. Next to him, in bronze, two guards knelt, crossbows at the draw. Across the causeways and paraphets, others stood at the ready, crossbows locked on the pegasi in the middle of the square. Raising a brow, the golden maned mare regarded the scene before her. As her gaze traveled, the young… whatever he was she had brought with her clung to her back, whimpering as he watched those who he once thought of as friends had both of them in their sights. “Tell me child… Tis customary for thy kin to greet their foals savior in such a manner?” Lifting his head, the child wiped his eyes. He wasn’t gonna cry. Cryings for babies. His father always said laugh at death… grinning uncertainly, Erik said “Only on the second moon of the summer, Grandma Shadow.” Grimacing, the mare cast a glare over her shoulder, and barked “Its barely spring, and I’m not old!” “Saw some gray fur…” Eye twitching, Shadow Kicker looked forward again, and began to count in her head, ears and wings flicking in irritation as Erik, who did have some sense of self preservation, got off the mares back. Suddenly, a definite grin crossed the boy’s face, and patting the mare on the withers, he said “I told you Grandma Shadow I’d get you talking right in just a couple of days!” Eyes snapping open, Shadow Kicker looked up and hissed to the heavens “Give me strength…” “Hitting him upside the head usually works. He learns quicker!” A voice shouted from the paraphet. Shrugging as the child blew a raspberry up at the adult, Shadow Kicker gave him a solid thwack with her wing. As the surrounding bow men snickered, their captain bellowed for order. Rubbing the back of his head, Erik pouted. “Geez, you hit like my mom! Where do girls learn how to do that?” A true rare smile across her muzzle, Shadow said “Swat teams.” Still scowling, his fear somewhat ebbed since his fellows were wiping tears of laughter from their eyes, Erik looked at Shao. “Hey dropout! Where’s Father?” Face first paling, then turning purple, Shao screeched “Insolent wretch! You dare to… Don’t ignore me, you bitch!” Ignoring the human, Shadow looked back at Erik again “Pray tell, young one… Your tongue is still… odd to me. Dropout?” Shrugging his shoulders, Erik dropped his arms again. “That’s what Mother calls him. Said he didn’t make the grade as an assassin, so they booted him down to guard. We all hate the blowhard, but his Father’s a merchant, and the elders gave him a boon.” Again, the crossbows wavered as the men and women snickered. Teeth bared, the human walked forward, and began to draw his sword, growling as he walked “Insolent little… I shall cut that tongue from your…” In a flash, Shadow Kicker was in front of Erik, who stumbled back and with a yelp fell on his butt. Wings flared, and sorely wishing she was allowed her wingblades on this endeavor, Shadow Kicker said in an even tone, her eyes and voice as chilled as a dead winter night “You want him? Come a claim him.” Gazing up the mare, Eriks jaw dropped. He had yet to see this side of the mare. In a way, she reminded more of his father then his mother and for some reason when he said that, Grandma Shadow got upset. She wasn’t playful like Gale, or stern like the other guards, but she was definitely fun to tease. And like his Father, she treated him like a grown up, answering his questions, though the answer of where foals came from was something he had come to regret. He knew she saved him from those dog creatures, but compared to Granny now, those dogs were as scary as a bowl of oatmeal. Even without a weapon, against crossbows, though some had been lowered in shock, Shadow Kicker acted as though in control. Standing back up, Erik said “Marry me.” Gaze still locked, Shadow gave a rueful smile. “Come back when you can actually use it…” As the child sputtered and turned red, the guards finally lost it. Some knelt, others leaned against walls, carts, or each other, but all assembled fell into fits of laughter. Eye twitching, Shao sheathed his sword again, and threw up his hands. Turning, he stomped back to the door as it flew open, and ignoring his elders inquiries, stomped into the library. Both faces now suffused in shock, Ruth and Matthew looked out at the scene before them. “What in heaven…” Scowling, Ruth walked out, and standing at the top of the stairs, put her hands on her hips. Voice snapping out like whip, her single word “Erik!” stilled all. Wings clutched to her side, eyes wide, and ears folded back, Shadow gulped. “That’s…” Sighing, the child nodded. “Yep, that’s her. Her names Ruth.” Face set in a frown that swore vengeance on the little terror, Ruth began tapping her foot. Feeling things she hadn’t since a little filly, Shadow said “She’s really… umm…” “Scary. I know…” Pointing at a spot at her feet, Ruth snapped “Erik, you drag yourself up those steps this instant, you useless sack of skin!” Both Pegasus and child flinched. Giving a soft whicker, Shadow Kickers ears pricked back up, though folded back down as the female glared at her. Looking down, Shadow regarded her hooves, willing them to stop scuffing the floor like a foal who ruined her mother’s linens. Leaning close, Shadow Kicker said “Child… I’ve faced diamond dogs, trolls, and even my own kin… None have scared me as much as yonder female… Tirek would abandon his chariot if he saw her coming…” Nodding again, Erik trudged up the stairs. Two steps away, Ruth grew tired of his nonsense, and grabbing his ear, proceeded to drag him to a door, shouting and swearing, and how his father wouldn’t be able to find enough of him to punish once she was finished with her. And with a slam of a door, the square was silent. Sighing, Matthew said “Wanna drink?” “Yes please…” Shadow Kicker said meekly, head cocked as she pondered the scene she had just witnessed. And foals accused her clan of being crazy… Scowling the mare walked up the stairs, her commanders words echoing in her mind. You won’t need your armor, Celestia says… Leave my weapons at home, Gale said… their peaceful, the reports said… First contact and the return of their offspring is something I can entrust to my closest confidant that buttering up fat flank tells me… A nice, easy, ambassadorial offer of friendship to our newest possible friends, the commander tells me… Buck! Now I’m thinking like they talk! Uncultured brutes, the lot of them! And with that, the first pegasi entered a human’s hold, wishing all the time her beloved Princess would sit on a pin. ………………………………………….. Half a day and a couple of human wine later, Shadow lay on the bed they had provided for her. While pegasi did prefer cloud beds, Shadow had never had a problem with terrestrial bedding, not to mention it would be rude to refuse the accomodations. And in any case, after a meal of finely cooked human home fare, along with the other bottle, she found herself relatively content. Effects of the booze now mostly gone, and her belly full, Shadow Kicker yawned as she pulled her head away from her preening, and regarded the room where she was set up. Over the years, Shadow had spent many a night in Canterlot, and the castle, and had quickly grown bored of the bric a brac and tapestries, which she was sure Celestia did just to annoy her. Every visit, her room had become frillier and frillier, the various figurines and vases set carefully on shelves all but forcing Shadow to sit in one spot and not move for fear of breaking some priceless heirloom. And of course, when she came along, her daughter teased her ever suffering mother, the mare who had taken her in and raised her, ignoring any protocol as she ribbed Shadow to the point her mother was grinding her teeth. Sighing, Shadow rolled onto her back, and tucked her forelegs to her chest. Maker, she missed that girl. It was only a day, but still… Not having her at her side was… weird. Mind you, annoying as she was, and since Erik showed she’d gotten worse, she was Shadow’s little foal, for good or for ill. And of course she’d never say that. Some things went without saying, and in any case, she and Gale were proud pegasi, destroyers of evil. Her little soldier didn’t need mommy getting all weepy over something so silly… right? Rolling back onto her belly, Shadow gave flick of her ear. Wine must have been stronger than I thought… Or humans have a lot more tolerance… They are kinda built solid like the ground pounders… I wonder how else their endurance serves them… At this, Shadows eyes bugged, then clenching her muzzle like she’d bitten into a lemon, she squeezed them shut, and thumped a hoof against her head. Where the Tarturus did that come from? In this place of all places my mind goes there, really? Seriously, I need to get laid… Closing her eyes, Shadow Kicker began to drift. Uh Oh… Jumping off the bed, Shadow Kicker looked under the bed, then the closet. Giving a growl of annoyance, she muttered “If I were a chamber pot…” ………………………………………….. After a time, five minutes of which were spent in desperation, Shadow meandered down the hall to her room, squinting through the dim light of the torches. As she walked, wind whistled, sending a gust against the torches, which flickered, but continued to glow. Looking out the window, Shadow Kickers followed the movements of the guards, and even few assassin’s below. Tightening her wings to her barrel, Shadow Kicker shivered, though not from cold. Their eyes… the eyes of veterans. The sad, detached look of those who had given up hope of better days. She expected it amongst their elites, and even the guards, but civilians, even the children. What world made such sadness? Shaking her head, Shadow continued on. Whatever had happened, the mare prayed that better days would come for the humans. As she passed the door to the kitchens, she stopped. Backing up, she peaked in. Sitting at the counter, and judging from his hood and wrist devices, and Assassin sat, drawing a tin cup to his lips. He was… Shadow Kicker closed her eyes, then opened them again. He was young. As young as Eriks mother, barely twenty two, twenty three winters by Shadow Kickers guess. But he sat slumped, a light smattering of hair across his chin and cheeks adding to the disparity of his posture. He looked… Shadow Kicker winced as she looked at his eyes. He looked… old. Tired. Not beaten, but made too carry way to much way to early. Briefly her mind flashed to her daughter. She wasn’t any older then this poor male, and she was a soldier. To think she could… “Please… join me…” Shadow Kicker jumped slightly, and took a step back. Taking a sip of his drink, the human continued his gaze at the table. “Miss Shadow, was it?” Sighing, and giving a slight eye roll, the mare pushed the door open, and walked in. “Indeed. And you are…” “I surrendered my life, and my name, when I became a Master. I belong to my keep, and my comrades now.” “An… interesting, albeit cruel, custom.” Chuckling, the human tilted his head. “Like training ones children to be either mechanations of the clan, or soldiers from the time they can barely walk?” Shadow’s eyes narrowed at this as she perched on the stool, her nostrils flaring at the insult. Raising his hand, the human said “Forgive me. I can relate to that, you see. Unlike many, I was raised as an Assassin.” Giving a slight smile, Shadow cocked her brow. “Far too young for regrets my dear.” “Never to young for that, ma’am. Much of life is regret. If we didn’t, we’d never try to do better.” Shrugging her wings, Shadow gave a grunt of agreement. “Fair enough, I suppose. What’s wrong with being a soldier?” Slowly the humans smile faded. “Being killed.” At this Shadow snorted derisively. “Watching others get killed…” Shadow bit her lip, and gave a nod. “Having to stand there and do it to someone else…” “Hardly.” Seeing the human frown, Shadow waved a hoof. “Please. All those I killed deserved it.” “Deserved…” Smiling again, the human looked at the pegasi in a way that made her squirm. “Many that live deserve death. Some deserve life. Can you give them that? Then none of us should be so quick to dole out the ending of life as justice.” Shadow frowned, and looked at the hearth, the fire burning in it. As the flames danced, she remembered the fields, watching the other clans burn, hearing their shrieks. Some had cast themselves from cliffs to flee Celestia’s wrath, others begged for their lives, only to be shredded by wing blades. Finally, only her clan remained, the others dessimated or to few to continue. “Tin toys…” The mare looked back. “What’s that?” “That’s what we called the soldiers and guards. Not people, just… little wind up soldiers. No thoughts or feelings, just…” Hand shaking, the human covered his eyes, and whispered “Tis no stronger lies then the ones we tell ourselves. And how I lied. How they sold out, or were corrupted… how they threw away there lives for a few extra coins and scraps from some nobles table… But… I couldn’t anymore, you know?” Laying his hand back down, the human sighed. “There were bad ones. Those who abused position and wealth, and for a time I showed them no kindness, to my everlasting shame.” “Kindness?” “I pray they find the peace in the next life that this one stole from them.” “Why? Would they offer you the same?” “Probably not… But I’m not them, am I? And no one should leave this world without even a moment of kindness.” Shadow wiped a hock across her eye. “We’re monsters to you, aren’t we?” The human looked up, and winced. She was crying. Not bawling, but… his heart broke at the look in her eyes. Rubbing her eye again, Shadow whickered. “I hate it. Most of us do, and those that don’t aren’t in the Guard long. I can't stand the stupidity, the waste. Dead foals and ponies lining the streets, ponies who never did anything to anyone. Killing isn’t easy, you hear?” A thud echoed. “You think it’s easy, do you? It’s fun for me? I can’t stand it! And my little foal is out there in the thick of it, and she has to see all this too. She says she choose it, but…” Laying her head down, wings slumping in misery, Shadow wept. “I… I tried so hard. I always tried… but still… they die, or are crippled, living out what remains as beggars.” Raising her hoof again, Shadow Kicker thudded it against the table. “Celestia thanks us, gives us medals, tells others we’re something to strive for…” “But… we’re not, are we?” Shadow raised her hoof, and followed the human with her eyes as he walked around the table. “When it’s for those we love, our home… we can bear it, can’t we? But still, we wonder…” Slowly, he knelt down, and though she stiffened as he wrapped his arms around her and drew her to him, he didn’t stop. “We’re… just us. People. Humans and ponies. Fallen creatures who are hard to live with…” Gently he laid his chin on the top of her head. “But there are good things too. For all the storms of life, we bear it, or when we cannot, we hope for better tommorows.” “What… if it never comes?” The human shrugged. “Then there's always the next day.” “Didn’t I…” Shadow gnawed her lip, then whimpered “I know how others see me. A hero, a soldier. But… how much more can one pony do? There’s always another enemy, another fight. I bled, burned, and risked my life more times then I care to remember? Haven’t I done enough for them? How much more misery can this world bring us.” “And so we face their fears, and become something else in their eyes…” “We… I… are called champions. But I’m a pony too, you know?” The human nodded. “Well, even if that’s true, at least us soldiers have each other.” Sniffing, Shadow pulled away, and gave a chuckle. “Thank you… my friend. Sometimes us old war dogs just gotta howl, you know?” Nodding, he patted her neck “Not at all. Anything for the mare who saved my child.” “What? Eric is…” The human looked away, regarding the fire. “Like I said, we leave our names and old lives once we are made masters. He doesn’t know me from a hole in the ground.” Shadow moved slowly, as though making a movement she rarely, if ever did, and wrapped her forelegs around his neck. Giving and awkward chuckle, the human patted her neck again. “Hey… come on. You’re losing your reputation. Hell, other holds cut off your ring finger.” Shadow tightened her grip. “A tickle compared to your loss child.” To this, no words came forth, just a nod. > Chapter Two Humanities answer to Cloud Kicker > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- From the time of her birth, Shadow had been raised to be one thing: loyal. To her clan, her tribe, and her Commander. But when called and forced to choose, she did, and always would, choose Celestia. In her life, much had been lost to the mare, but her Commander was always there, as she had been for all three tribes since the defeat of the mad beast Discord. When Shadow was weak, Celestia wiped her tears and held her, when in disagreement, she listened. She was a superb leader, and a good friend. At the moment, Shadow despised her. Though not as much as the old bitch seemed to hate her. That morning, mouth tasting sour and head splitting like a cord of firewood, Shadow had begun cursing Celestia and her sun to the deepest pits of Tarturus as its rays shined through the Keeps window. Now, the mare sat in front of Grand Master Matthews desk, one eye clenched as the other gave a bleary half lidded glare at the human. Putting on a pair of glasses, Matthew regarded the various documents in front of him. Picking up a document with a pair of tweezers (1), a movement that Shadow registered without a word, he moved it onto the pile at one corner of his desk. Eyes roaming, the man chuckled. “Well… Are we a little hungover?” Grimacing, Shadow rubbed her head, blushing slightly under her fur. “Pray, forgive my… indescrations last night, kind Matthew. It has been many moons since I’ve partaken of vices, and never of such potency. Verily, much of the night is gone.” Snorting, Matthew picked up the parchment he had finished, and laid it with its fellows. “Nonsense, my good mare. I dare say no guest has ever made such a good impression in such short a time. However, in the future, as much fun as you may have had with Ruth and Joshua, I’d appreciate if you kept such dalliances to a minimum.” Shadow twitched, and squinting, muttered “Cry pardon?” Matthew looked up, then nodded. “Speak of the devil. Please, leave it there Ruth.” Shadow looked up at the woman walked to the desk, and laid the tray she had on it. Turning, Ruth regarded the mare a moment, whose eyes widened as the nights later party became slightly clearer. Smirking, Ruth leaned forward, and gripping the mare firmly, pressed her smooth lips to her furred ones. Eyes bulging, her wings shooting out of reflex and the memories were made clear(2), Shadow made a muffled cry of surprise. Pulling back, Ruth waggled her brows. “That, my fair mare, is thanks for giving us simple folk a lesson in ponies command of the tongue.” Straightening, Ruth gently brushed the side of the mares chin as she left. Wings falling limp, Shadows right eye twitched. “She just picked remnants of last nights meal out of my teeth with her tongue…” Clearing his throat, Matthew looked down again to hide his grin. Blinking, Shadow pouted. Matthew snorted. “More importantly, I do hope we made a good impression on you, my dear pony.” Grinning, head still killing her, Shadow nodded. “Very.” ………………………………………….. Gale descended gracefully outside the keep, shifting the saddlebags she bore slightly on her back. After checking her mother’s armor, she looked back, eyes widening as she looked up. This Keep was easily the biggest construct she’d since Canterlot. Unlike many holds and keeps she’d stayed in, this one bore no emblems or sigils of the houses within. Across its top, guards and humans in white and red hoods looked down and milled across the paraphets. And unlike the glaring colors of others ponies, the walls were a dull grey, reminding the mare of thunderclouds. In its shadow, the holds villagers had begun to gather, whispering and pointing at the pony, who in her awe, was oblivious to the crowd. “Nice, huh?” Gale yelped, and whirled around, eyes wide. “Up here.” Whirling around again, Gale looked up. From the wall, a wooden plank jutted, and at its end, and human knelt. Giving a slight wave, the human, who Gale assumed was a male, smiled softly. “I see our home is brightened today with a fair visage. I am Aaron, your host, Lady Gale.” Giggling, Gale scuffed the ground with a hoof, and blushed lightly. “Nay, good human. I am neither fair, nor a noble. If you must refer to me, please abandon formalities, and simply call me Gale.” Leaping down, and after straightening from the jump, Aaron gave a slight bow, saying “As you ask, so shall it be. Long days and well met.” Making a sweep of his arm, Aaron said “Welcome to my home, good maiden. If you would be so kind as to stay close, we will go see grand master Matthew.” Nodding back, Gale walked past the human, eyes wide. “And quite the impressive home it is. Your people must have powerful magic to create such things.” Chuckling, Aaron made a dismissive gesture with his hand. “Magic? Nonsense! This Keep was built by skilled hands, strong backs, and the pride of our stone masons.” Jaw dropping, Gale turned her head. “You built it? That’s impossible!” Smirking, Aaron patted Gale on the withers. “Get to know us Gale. We humans thrive on doing the impossible.” ……………………………………. As her daughter made her way to the inner walls of the Keep, Shadows muzzle puckered as she regarded the tome on her current bed. Nearby, the human she had spoken sat, seemingly amused. Looking up, the mare looked incredulous. “You humans have a… rather interesting view of the Maker.” Looking down again, Shadow frowned as she turned a page. “Your faith has similarities to how we ponies view the way of things, but then, you believe the Maker would be pleased with the selling of your children or that one should be shunned for the love of another of the same gender.” Chuckling, the human stretched in his seat. “Well, first, whatever covenant your people have with God is entirely your own, as is ours. Secondly, that particular tome makes it quite clear: ones actions are condemned, not the person. In any case, that is not my faith.” Shivering as she regarded a picture of a man being put through some form of gruesome execution, Shadow closed the book with a sigh. “And what faith do you follow?” Folding his hands behind his hand, he shrugged. “Well, I was raised a child of Abraham. While I still pray, I no longer hold to the words of prophets. Nothing is true, everything is permitted.” At this, Shadow snorted. “Ah, yes. Commander spoke those words the day she sent me here. I thought they were merely a jest or riddle. What does it mean?” “Well… first are the three tenets. Never compromise the Brotherhood, hide in the crowd… both of which are moot since we popped up in your lands like a mushroom in the evening.” “Strewth… and the last?” “Stay thy blade from the blood of the innocent.” Standing, Shadows host walked to the window, and leaned against the wall. “Of course, there’s more to it. Many, like Matthew, believe the Creed commands us as creatures of God to be free. But I don’t think that is all there is to it. The Creed also commands us to be wise, and not squander the gift we were given. Of course, its also means that no one has the right to rule by birth, and the powers must only be in place at the consent of those governed.” Shadow snorted in amusement. “I can imagine the nobles and remaining pegasi Houses would be crying for your blood if they knew you spoke such blasphemy as to question their sacred bloodlines.” Looking at the mare, the human frowned. “I take it you don’t care for it then?” Sighing again, Shadow looked up at the air thoughtfully. “I think putting anything in the hooves of the ground pounders is like building a house on the sand. The unicorns are at least educated and civilized, but them… Freedom would only hurt them later.” “Are you a farmer, Lady Shadow?” Frowning, Shadow regarded the human. “I try to avoid the dirt when I can…” “Ah, then tell me. What season should one rotate the crops?” “Excuse me?” “Or the signs of root rot. Or a few missing stalks of corn in a field of hundreds. Or how to mend a broken plow. Tell me how to do these things.” “I… I don’t know…” Leaning of the wall, the human began to walk to the door. “Then… perhaps they are wiser then you think. For their own good, the nobles and many of your tribe would strip them of their rights, and at the crack of a whip, force them to toil till they fell. You claim freedom would harm them, for they are not as learned as you. You do this as these so called commoners clothe your back, and fill your belly. From what I’ve seen, your Commander is the only one who opposes this.” Rubbing the back of her neck, the mare scowled. “Nay… my words were misspoken. You are right, none have the right to rule as right of birth, and no tribe should gain by standing upon our fellow ponies. But… how can we help those who will not raise a hoof in their own defense?” “Just take a leap of faith, I guess.” The mare gave shrug of her wings. “Perhaps… But surely there’s more to the Creed then that?” “Indeed. Though many forget, to say “Nothing is true” Is is to realize that the foundations of society are fragile, and that we must be the shapers of our own destiny. To say that everything is permitted, is to understand that we are responsible for our actions, and that we must live with their consequences, whether glorious or tragic, and in the end, those actions will be our story when we stand before God.” “That’s… a rather bleak vision…” “Again, the Creed and how we view it is not a doctrine to be followed, but merely an observation of the world.” “Amen. And I can’t wait to see yon noble blood go into fits when thy words reach their tender sensibilities. No doubt the Princess will sell tickets…” > Chapter Three: These boots are made for walking... but I'd rather fly... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shadow covered her head with a wing, squinting against the glare that the rays that leaked through her feathers as she regarded the corpse before. The beast seemed to be similar to that of those of Saddle Arabia, albeit decidedly larger, its eyes smaller then the people of the west. As her eyes roamed over the prose form, the resemblance to her own people was uncanny, and caused a shiver to run through her spine. Ears flicking towards to the sound of crunching earth and grass, she regarded the young human as he walked up. "Boy... seems your mounts have joined the well of souls..." Nodding, the human crossed his arms as he stood next to the mare. "Quite... the same blight that befell yon gelding did come upon all our horses..." Looking down at Shadow, the human tilted his head, and reaching over, gently placed a hand on the ponies wither, his brows knitting together from the flinch he felt against his palm. "Lady Shadow, are..." his hand snapped back as the pegasi's wing jerked back in an attempt to move the hand. Teeth bared, Shadow snapped "Don't..." Brows unknitting, the human gave a shrug, and knelt down next to the body. Sighing, Shadow face hoofed. "Cry pardon child. I am... unused to touch outside of cuts or beatings. Your kindness gladens me, but... your touch is distracting..." Chuckling, the Assassin pulled back the lips of the horse, inspecting it. "Thy reluctance seemed to give no bearing on your exercises the day before with Ruth..." Shadow face hoofed, giving a groan. "Celestia's sake... you know about that?" Nodding, the assassin pulled the eyelid of the horse open. "Surprised it took her a few hours... she and her husband usually are quicker..." Shadow rolled her eyes, thanking the Maker her fur hid her blush. "I'm not even into mares, let alone maids of another kind... but Ruth is very..." "Charming? Convincing? So good with her tongue she could entice a Rabbi to consume a boar?" Scowling, Shadow swatted the back of the assassin's head. "I see the winds did not blow yon apple Erik when he fell from thy tree, boy..." Snickering, the assassin stood. Looking up, Shadow tilted her head. "If I have... caused thee pain, child, for my taking of fair Ruth..." Waving his hand, the human snorted. "She's free to warm the bed of any she chooses, as is her husband. The only one she ever swore fidelity for was me, and as a Master, I foreswor that oath for loyalty to the Creed." "While thy name is kept from me, I surely cannot call thee boy till Canterlot. Whats thy handle, good man?" The human rubbed his chin thoughtfully a moment, then as he walked away, said "Carpenter. If thy needst to give me a name, thy may call me Carpenter." Shadow nodded, then turning, followed the human back to the keep. .................................... Gale hummed softly to herself as she braided her mothers mane, the mare flinching as a comb was worked the golden fur. Hissing as a particularly bad tangle was straightened, she glared over her shoulder. "Gale! Cease thy nonsense! I..." Rolling her eyes, Gale pushed a hoof against her mothers muzzle. "Eye's forward please..." Scrunching her muzzle, Shadow relented, wincing as the grooming continued. Nodding with satisfaction, Gale laid the comb down, then nudged her mothers side. "Right one..." Snorting, Shadow lifted her wing, and shivered as her daughter began working over the primaries. "Really Gale... this isn't, ahh! Needed..." Rolling her eyes, the mare continued her work as her mother grumbled. "Now now, mother... You used to do the same for me..." Wincing as a loose primary was pulled, Shadow looked over her shoulder, her expression softening. "Thy wast such a fair little foal... Father was furious I went against his wishes when he found out..." Spitting out a feather, Gale raised a brow. "Found... you mean you didn't..." Snickering, Shadow stuck out her tongue. "Mother said I was trying to kill him... He practically spit his bit when I got back... Looked ready to kill when I brought to his home..." Gale leaned forward, hmming thoughtfully. "Odd... he was sweet when we met... what changed his mind..." Snickering, Shadow looked up out of the corner of her eye. "A lesson as old as time, my jewel: the stallion is the head of the house, but his mare is the neck, and they can turn the head anywhere they want. Wise words for you and your fiance." Gale flinched, and pulling away, rubbed her foreleg. Frowning, Shadow looked back again. "Gale...?" Sniffling, Gale looked away from the mare. "He... rejected me. I failed as his wing keeper... and when I refused his demands of laying with him in recompense... I'm sorry mother. I failed as a mare." Shadows jaw dropped. In the past, warrior or not, a mare was judged most often by the care of her stallions wing. To fail as such in the past constituted a grave insult, to the point a stallion could demand the mares to share his bed in such an event. In recent years, as more mares joined the Guard, the practice had been mostly abolished. While a mare could refuse such requests, it looked bad on her and her family. Feeling her blood beginning to boil, Shadow thought Once my task is done here, I'm going to geld that basterd... Gale made a choking sound, and in horror, Shadown realized her little girl was in tears, and for the moment, her fury left. Gale needed her mother now, not her superior or a comrade, just her mother. Smiling, Shadow scooted next to the mare, and drawing her close, rested her head on top of her daughters. Pressing her face to her mothers neck, Gale whimpered. "And... and he's told everyone... the clan, all the noble Houses... of how I failed, mother... No mare or stallion will call on me with this one me..." Tightening her wings grip, Shadow nuzzled the top of her daughters head. "I... I should have yielded... He had foal staying potions, and was fair to behold... If I hadn't..." Shadow lifted her daughters head, and narrowing her eyes as her daughter looked at her, said "Bullshit." Gale shook her head. "But... but mother..." Pressing a hoof to her lips, Shadow scowled. "None of that! That... brute, is the failure. To simply reject you over such a thing... well, fie on him and his sire and dam!" Drawing back, Gale gave a gasp. "Mother!" Snorting, Shadow drew away, and walked to the water canter on the other side of the room. "Your grandfather put me through that nonsense when I was thy years, child... And I failed too. And I was blessed with such a failure! To be saddled as the... bearer of that layabouts foals brings me no end of dark dreams. Of course, I didn't think it at the time. When I refused his... desires, he tried the same deeds." Wiping her nose, Gale asked "What happened?" Grinning, Shadow took a drink. "Your grandfather. I never questioned his love after he personally dragged the basterd to our home and made him grovel. But his broken pride was not enough. "Oh?" Smirking, Shadow turned back. "He made him wear a dress, and other gradsire taught him to sew and cook." Gale fell into a fit of snickers. Chuckling herself, Shadow joined Gale back on the bed. "And then he had him be his wing keeper..." Gale gasped, her hoof covering her muzzle. "He didn't!" Shadow nodded sagely. "Your grandsire was pissed... he did a better job then he does..." Gale giggled again. "Thy needn't worry of thy loss, my precious Gale. If he can't see you as anything but a servant or a box in which to shove his no doubt miniscule cock, he isn't worth your time." Smiling, Shadow leaned forward, and gently kissed the top of her daughters head. "And if any stallion or mare has half a brain in their head, they'll see you as the treasure you are, and will think themselves blessed to have you as theirs." Gale whimpered, then bawling, wrapped her forelegs around her mother. Looking down, Shadow sighed. "Sweet stars child, my words weren't all that bad were they?" > Chapter 4 By the camp fire, ones life is told > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Carpenter flexed his fingers inward, and with a shunk, the blade hidden in his bracer slid out. Regarding the weapon a moment, the Assassin flicked a thumb against the side. Feeling the tip a moment, Carpenter jiggled the weapon a moment before sliding the weapon back. As he began adjusting his other, he pursed his lips. "Ah, my protege. I thought you were off entertaining our guest." Walking up to his fellow, Arron gave a slight bow. "Peace through freedom, brother mentor." Rolling his eyes, Carpenter slid the blade back into his bracer. "So formal... I take it then you have news." Arron nodded, and folded his arms. "Lady Gale is the daughter of Lady Shadow, both fellows in the pegasi clan called the kickers. From what I can gather from the locals, Lady Shadow seems to be held both in awe and contempt, more so the latter then former. There also appear to be several pegasi and three unicorns in the local towns looking for Lady Gale. From what I could overhear, some noble took offense and is seeking her out. Despite her mother's reputation, as well as her own skills as a soldier, the noble has sent his lackeys to catch if they can, kill her if not." Lowering his hand, Carpenter said softly "Damn." Arron held up his hand. "The three unicorns I mentioned have already been dealt with, as have one of the pegasi. The rest flew off when they found their bodies." Carpenter gazed at Arron sternly. "And...?" Arron shrugged. "They thought it was the villagers. I took their coin purse and made off." Nodding grimly, Carpenter patted the young mans shoulder. "A shame to waste a life, but..." Arron nodded, then crossed himself. "May God grant them the peace they sought in gold and flesh." ` "Amen." .......................... Gust nudged her mothers saddlebags up into a better spot on her mothers, and with a quick pull of the belt, tightened. Letting out grunt, Shadow looked over her shoulder. "Easy child. You trying to kill me again?" Smirking, Gust shrugged. "Can hardly blame me when the soft beds and ready meals makes you so... generous in your curves, Mother." Growling playfully, Shadow turned back to her daughter, and pressing her nose to the mare, said "Best watch what garden you traipse, little bunny. Ain't to long since I whipped your smart ass, and I sure as Celestia raises the sun can do it now." Rolling her eyes, Gust huffed, "Anytime, anywhere, old nag." Snorting, Shadow stepped back as she gave a dismissive movement of her wing. "Enough. Where are our charges?" "Here we are, fair mares of the Court! You brave knights draw nigh." Smirking, the black furred mare turned to the voice. "And if could find a puny enough suit of mail, Arron, we'd dub thee the canned ham." Walking forward, hand pressed to his chest, Arron continued unabated, Carpenter following a few steps behind as he chuckled and shook his head. "We know thee woman are frail and unsuited for this treacherous land. As men of our Order, we shall see thee to Canterlot, not a hair out of place!" Brows furrowing, Shadow snorted. "Right... All those monster and beast skulls I've gotten as keepsakes just jumped onto the walls of our hold..." "Monsters? Lay thy mind at ease, Lady Shadow! For you are accompanied by my less handsome colleague and myself. Arron, whose exploits thrilled maidens and lords alike! Who can drink a lake dry in moments, and scale the highest peaks if only to see your faces in joy!" Covering his eyes, Carpenter groaned. "Indeed. For there are no oceans wide enough to hold the fish you've caught, nor countries large enough to be home to the wild stallions you've tamed." "Indeed so, my mentor! For I am Arron..." Cutting in, Gale quipped "Who in a single uttered word could cause a mushroom harvest to pop up over Equestria." Dropping his hand, Arron frowned. "Philestines." Chuckling, Shadow gave the human a pat on the back. "Never fear, Arron. Whole country out there who you haven't spoon your line of shit too." ...................... With the drawing of straws as the sun set, the group had pulled Carpenter for first watch that evening. Quickly their companions had dozed off as Carpenter and Shadow looked on, both set of brows raised at how close the two huddled. Smiling softly, Shadow said "They seem to be getting along." Rubbing hands over the fire pit, Carpenter snickered. "Perhaps she keeps the chill at bay with Arrons hot air." "Right to sleep, the both of them... sleep of the just." Regarding Shadow a moment out of the corner of his eye, the human replied "While yours may not be as peaceful, perhaps you should sleep as well." Smile turning bitter, Shadow shook her head. "Don't sleep much nowadays child." Looking into the fire, Shadow continued "At night... when you lay in your keep... do the come to you? The dead? Do their screams and cries of pardon ring as their death plays again and again?" "Yes. Though nothing like Maresidian." CLosing her eyes, Shadow gave a shudder. "I... watched them burn. I stood there and watched as Celestia called down her judgement on their traiterous hides. To this day, I can barely sit at a hearth or stove without wanting to turn tail. Even our pit... I can't stop shaking..." Shadow looked at Carpenter, eyes haunted. "I knew it was needed. It was for the good of all. I should feel... happy. Proud I served at her side. Happy to keep my honor. But all I feel... is emptiness. Regret. It could have been so different..." Smiling, Carpenter patted the mares neck. "Good, milady. Hold fast to those feelings, but do not allow them to stay thy path. Mourn as well you should, for life is not something that one should take lightly." "My heart is as flint now, child, and death is but a nonce to me these days, despite my frailty at my Commanders side. Your word offer me little comfort. Why waste regret when I can merely become hard as many of my elders have." "To become hard, is to become brittle, Shadow. Tis not a frailty to regret, nor mourn the lost, even those who we kill. Tis a strength." "May plague take you child! Can you not allow me a moment of being a morbid old buzzard? How could one who has barely grown from a pup both confound and comfort a pegasi matriarch, never mind said the fact we only met a few days ago" "Well... for one, I'm probably just as stubborn as you are..." "... ahh, though not as wise or of such beauty..." "... as for the other... you needed someone to talk to." "Ahh, tis true, child..." For a moment the two sat in silence, the popping of the logs and the nights crickets the only noise. "Why do you starve?" Shadow whole body cringed, her jaw tightening. "And spare me thy words, Shadow... I've seen you out of your armor. Your frame, while still toned, is somewhat thin, all fat gone, your own body now turning on itself to live. Your coat and mane... lacker compared to others. You ate as though you hadn't in days, your ribs, thankfully, only show slightly, but still shouldn't be... And..." Shadow jumped as a hand was drawn down her wing. Blowing the loose fluff a feather from his fingertips, Carpeneter frowned. "You molt... At first, I thought you blighted, till Gale, who was saved much by the grace of youth. So I ask again, why?" Shadow bared her teet, and snarled "How the delight in how my clan suffers!" "Who?" Wings limp, head hung in sorrow, Shadow whispered "The thrice damned earth and unicorns. Finally united in something, and thats our slow death." "How though..." "After the battle, with the other clans disolved or broken... none would heed us. At all. Even fellow Guards shunned us, refusing us rank or placing us in positions of shame as mop pushers or ditch diggers. The pegasi I expected, and my clan prepared for. But then, the unicorns refused us potions or healing, or enchantment of arms and metal. While our forge do great works, it can only take us so far. Many elders have perished to maladies easily relieved, and foals sicken from want and despair. The rest... suffer." "When they returned. I believed it a joke. But when more returned, claiming now the earth ponies refused us even a morsel, no matter our bribes or threats, I scoffed. A simple matter, we need only to graze as we did when we were out on patrol. But... we couldn't. At every landing, we were met with violence. To many to fight, their will turned towards our end resolute. Even our foals were not allowed to drink of eat, our allies wishing our clan would do them them a boon and quickly join the others in ash." "They even refused Celestia... neither for wrath or wealth. Only we she begged... begged them... did they relent. But its not enougn. Winter closes, and with ours clouds becoming part of the gray shroud, none will take us, or allow us holds near their lands. Your fellows in Canterlot have helped us, and are willing to share with us in Canterlot, but..." "Others..." "Yes... two hundrend and fifty mares to two hundred fifty human stallions, many with foals of their own, and taking in other foals who either wander or had lost their family..." "... Why? Why would your people... they barely know the written word or math beyond counting their own... compared to your clan, with the exception of the one Celestia has taken as advisor, many seem simple as any commoner. They barely have enoug for themselves, the stupid rage of the other tribes now bared on them once they found they were helping us... While magic does naught to them, many no not the way of sword or cunning of diplomacy. And yet... almost all, young and old, foal and parent..." "Why help us? We expect no such thing, and no doubt some fools will refuse in the name of pride... The rest will spend the winter in shameful acceptance. You'll gain nothing, our clan has nought to offer as wealth and noblity, our numbers far to stretched as guards to offer any help. So why?" "The wells of kindness and cruelty in us know no bounds, milady. And may those whose natures darken towards evil be stayed from mischief upon you and yours." "I see... then make sure the water and reserved saved aren't fouled?" "And in some way begin to try to pay them back in spring, either this year or next. Lest thou fall askance of a wicked sort would use the kind act as leverage." "Sound wisdom boy. This night... I shall sound, no doubt. But before that, one thing of your philosophy..." Snorting, Shadow leaned against the humans shoulder, and as she closed her eyes, grumbled "I see where Arron learned how to shovel on bullshit. Your too kind to bear the trials of this world, boy.: As she spoke, Shadow draped a wing over the humans shoulder, and drew him close. Giving a muted glare, she growled "And don't think your silver tongue has made me a simpering filly, boy. I'm just cold." Shrugging, Carpenter tossed a few sticks on the fire. "Of course not." Within a few moments, Shadow was asleep. And apparently she snored. Loudly. Carpenter groaned. At least the noise might be mistaken for a wild bear, the human thought > Chapter Five of Templar logic and the birds and bees > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The man stood at the edge of the castle tower, shoulder length black hair waving in the midafternoon breeze, his features set in a frown as he watched the other humans below labor in what was left of Canterlot. Slowly running a finger around the outer circle of his silver ring, the center of which was a onyx crossed emblazoned over a blood red ruby, the deposed Templar closed his eyes, and took a deep breath. Letting it out slowly, his features softened. All the cities of the home had always stunk, but here... The soft clack of hooves drew the man from his reflection. Opening his eyes, the templar said softly "Your Highness..." Smiling gently, the alicorn gently bumped the humans elbow with her nose. "David, please. The Court is one thing, but I'd rather you called me Celestia when we are alone." David shook his head. "I simply cannot your higness. Tis not proper..." At proper, the mare blew a rasberry. Turning around fully, brows raised, David quipped dryly "Charming." Waving a hoof imperiously, Celestia said "I enact the Royal privilege to not give a flying fuck what you, Shadow, or any of my staff think is proper." Rolling his eyes, David turned back to his view. "In this, as in all you say and do, you are right..." Giving a slight smile, David added "... Celestia." Giggling, the mare said cheerfully "See? Was that so hard? Now all I have to do is get Shadow to pull that ram rod she's got shoved up her plot and call me Tia and I'll die a happy filly" ` Standing next to the human, Celestia smile faded. "So, my advisor, you said you wished to weigh the merit of what is left of my Guard. Have you done so?" David nodded. "You rely far to much on pegasi, your Highness. The Kickers are stretched far to thin to be effective, never mind your peoples desire to see them joing the other clans in ash. As for those disbanded, they are far to... shall we say, miffed, to give a tinkers damn what enemy will attack. As for those of Cloudsdale, they are furious at being disarmed and put under curfew by your Guard, and like most of your nation, are outright hostlle to Kickers." "The earth ponies are strong, but that only means they pull harder for whoever cracks the whip across their withers. While they are honest, like many peons, they lack in discipline and commitment." "And the unicorns?" Snorting, David shook his head. "All but dead meat." Celestia's scowled as she glared at the back of the humans head, but then sighed. "Explain." Turning around, David crossed his arms. "As soldiers, they lack all around. The heed not the rank, as one must earn, instead relying on bloodlines to determine such matters. They also are too dependent on their enchanted arms and armor. Physically... they're a joke. Bare handed my people have done more in a week then they have a month, never mind their spells do naught against us The most powerful of mana shields means naught if one can merely stroll through it." Celestia's eyes widened a moment as she rolled her tongue around in her mouth, giving the appearance of one who's deciding whether what their chewing on is good or bad, the with a groan and a facehoof, Celestia nodded. Tilting her head, Celestia said "Dare I ask what you think of Shadow, good sir?" "I like her. Disciplined, skilled, a paragon of all the is just and ordered. Give me a hundred such mares, and I'd change the world." Celestia snorted in amusement. "Figured you two would be two peas in a pod..." "But..." "But?" David rubbed his chin thoughtfully. "In a few decades, all this fury and venom will fade, and Shadow will be revered as is her right. But one must wonder.... is it her ideals they revere, or is it Shadow?" Again, Celestia nodded. "Strewth, good advisor. One day some so and so pulls a rainboom or saves Equestria, and the next every mommy and daddy featherhead want their foal to be just like them. Then its standard, then the ways its always been, and then its rooted as tradition. Any suggestions as to remedy our Guard dilemma?" "A draft." "Draft?" David nodded. "A draft amongst my people. All children from five to nine winters are to be trained as Knights, children nine through thirteen as simple guards, with adolosecents and adults OF at most twenty five recieving the same. The rest will be granted their childrens wages and full citizenship once they have been trained and served a year or two. TThe rest of those too old will continue as they are, either rebuilding or tending the fields."" Celestia frown, her normally gentle demeanor growing stern. "What you suggest is nothing short of slavery, David. How can you even humor such a idea." "Because left to their own, they are little more then beasts, your highness. They revel in base desires and ignorance. They may lose their freedom, for a time, but the gain..." "Hold your tongue!" David jaw clicked as it shut. "I shall... take it under consideration, David, but tis foolish to try to stiff hoof to be in my Guard." "But your Highness... "That is all, David." Bowing, David replied softly "As is your will, your highness." Face softening, Celestia leaned forward, gently kissing Davids cheek. "You.... ssuffered much, haven't you?" Pressing his hand to the spot,, Davids shocked gaze met the alicorns. "You barely eat, barely sleep. Thou believed this world in peril merely by your peoples existence, even yours." "Celestia..." Giggling, Celestia ruffled the top of the humans head. "Be at ease, my little human." Pushing the hoof away, David grimaced. "I'm as tall as you..." And for the frst in too long a time, Celestia nearly laughed herself sick, ............................. Gale scrunched her muzzle as she opened one eye to look at the human sitting cross legged in front of her, hands folded in his lap, face serene as the human meditated. "Whens it supposed to kick in?" Smiling, but keeping his eyes shut, Arron replied "To be at ones best, one must center oneself through meditation and prayer. Caligraphy, bansai trimming, and flower arranging also help one to achieve peace of mind, soul, and body." Both eyes flew open as Gales jaw dropped. Snorting, the mare said "What are you, a old nag?" Gale yelped as Arrons arm flew out and whapped the mares head, then in a blur, the arm was back in its resting place, the striking palm folded once more. Pouting, Gale rubbed the spot with a hoof. "Sheesh, is it thy time of the month?" Arron face palmed. "First of all.... wait, where... how do you even know that phrase woman!" Gale tilted her head, a thoughtful expression in place. "Well, in Canterlot, nearly all the grown males suddenly left the city and refused to return for several days. When i asked, they merely said it was their womans time and they needed to be left alone." Shaking his head, Arron said "Its a female human thing, and trust me, those men were wiser then most." Gale shrugged her wings. "I don't know, the females seemed friendly enough to me and my mother when we went back. Maybe its just a general mare thing. Maker knows I've gone through my phases." Arron nodded, then face palmed again, letting out a moan. "What? Whats wrong?" "I just got a horrible notion... your mother going through a womans time..." Gale frowned thoughtfully, then whimpering as her eyes widened in horror, she hissed "If its as bad as your peoples say... I don't think the Gryphon empire can handle the death toll..." Shaking his head, Arron scratched his chin thoughtfully. "Where is the ever terrifying mare anyway? Off wrestling bears one assumes." Gale smirked. "Well... not bears per say...." .................................. The pony and human slowly circled each other, gazes locked as the two sized each other up. Flexing her wings to adjust the training blades, Shadow turned her head one way, then the other, the motion causing her neck to pop. Undoing his hood and shirt, Carpenter folded the garment and laid it down. Undoing his knife sash, he sighed. "Really Shadow? A sparring match, here of all places?" The mare smirked, and fluttering her eyes cooed mockingly "Ah, don't worry love. Mama will be gentle." Pausing as he removed his hidden blades, Carpenter gaped at the soldier. "I beg your pardon?" Spreading out her wings in a stretch, Shadow winked at the human. "You can back out now, little colt. I wont think less of you for it." Letting out a low whistle, Carpenter laid down the blades, then his sword. "Seriously though... why do you want this so bad as to make a bad play at my pride?" Shadow sighed, and sitting down, regarded the human as he removed his shirt. As the clothing was laid down, Shadow felt a pang of sorrow at the flesh it hid. Clearly the boy was a seasoned soldier, but the scars... Equestria was no fair day, but what sort of place does such damage to one so young. Turning back, Carpenter cracked his knuckles. "May I have this dance, my fair maiden?: "Sure you wanna go bare hoofed there ooy? These training blades can really leave a bruise." "That suggests you'll actually hit me." Smirking, Shadow flared her wing as she took her stance. "On three, milady?" Shadow bellowed and rushed the human,, Off put, Carpenter stumbled back a couple of steps as the mare attacked, pulling his head inches from a blow. "Cheat!" Feinting to the left, Shadows wing lashed out sideways, catching the humns in a glancing blow. "You should know better boy. Enemy don't play nice, and neither do I..... fuck!" Shadow leapt back from the human sudden strike. Rubbing a hoof against her now pained muzzle, the mare winced, and regarded the blood on her fur. "Don't little humans mommies teach them its rude to strike a lady." A smirk of his own now in place, Carpenter raised his arms in a blocking stance. "She did. Good thing I'm not fighting one, wouldn't you agree?" .......................... Arron upturned his waterskin over the bruised and bloodied mass of fur and feathers in front of him and Gale. Shaking her head, Gale waved a hoof over her mothers face. "Didn't even make her flinch... This season has her bad..." "Season?" Gale blushed slightly as she looked down, her hooves shuffling as she stammered "Yeah... sort of a mare thing. When we can't... you know, when it hits, it screws with out heads. A lot of earth poniies prance, unicorns spontanelously spout of spells and start speaking prench, and pegasi either find the nearest warm body to hold, and failing that, fight till all that pent up energy is out...." "sO.... She... what? Want's Carpenter to put a foal in her? "Oh maker preserve us, no! First, being in season and foaling are different. While were in season in the spring, we can foal pretty much any time of the year. Secondly, ew! And finally, she likes Carpenter to much to use him like that." "Wait... so... warming her bed is bad... but being beaten bloody by him is fine?" "I'm surprised he could do it! I heard from grandma that during her first season she beat half of cadet roster then dragged the biggest one off to her room by his tail." "How old was she?" Gale hmmed a moment, then squinting in thought said "Fifteen I believe." "Wait... her parents..." Gale grinned sheepishly. "We pegasi arth rowdy as youth, good Arron... My mother was decidedly tame compared to many of her friends. And she's more in charge of her... quirks now." Seeing the look on Arrons face, Gale huffed. "hey, she's not like that anymore! You bruise the hell out of some wuss stallions shins one time, and suddenly your a harlot or tramp!" Crossing his arms, Arron asked "Dare I ask how you handle yours?" "Romance tomes, crying, and stuffing my muzzle with as many sweets as I can get." Arron grinned evilly, and giving the mare a playful nudge, said "Well Gale, if you ever need help, I'll be behind you all the way." A muffled thump echoed through the night, and neither Shadow nor Arron would awaken till the morning ........................ the next morning Shadow winced as she slowly rubbed water over her bruises, the sting of the injury doing little to put the mare in a good humor. Gingerly tapping a hoof against her muzzle, Shadow was pleased to find it unbroken, but still sore as buck. Taking a breath, Shadow dunked her head under the water of the pond a moment, then jerking her head back up, shook her head vigorously. "Well, someone seems to be in better form today!" Shadow yelped and whirling around, glared at Carpenter. As he raised his hand in greeting, the mare pointed a hoof at him accusingly. "Pervert!" "What?" Stomping from the pond, Shadow stuck her nose snootily in the air. "Deviant male, just like the rest! Waiting till some innocent thing is nude so thou might slake thy foul desires!" Rolling his eye, carpenter grimaced. "First off, if you're innocent by any standards, I'm a speckled hen! Second, you don't usually wear clothes." As Shadow stood next to him, Carpenter patted her head. "And finally, your tits are lousy." Grinning, Shadow shook herself dry, soaking her friend in the process. Wiping his face, the human sighed. "Seriously.... during our bout, you got pretty fresh, Shadow. I like you, but friends is all we are." Shrugging, Shadow agreed with a nod. "Of course. Cry pardon for yesterday.... you know, just a moment mixed with the sparring." Patting her neck, Carpenter added cheerfully "If I was interested, you'd be the only mare for me Shadow." > Chapter Six Shade of days long past > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "You know boy..." Carpenter smiled as he adjusted his clothing, a slight wince making the smile fade as the cloth ran over the bruises the mare had given him the day before. "Yes?" Giving the human wrist a nudge, Shadow tilted her head quizically. "Gotta say I've never seen a pair of flesh peelers like them before. Mind if I..." Shrugging, Carpented pulled the sleeve of his shirt up, revealing a bracer. "You saw these huh? Probably the only one whose done so and lived." Eyes shining, Shadow pulled the humans wrist close, eyes roaming over the mechanism and housing. "Celestia hot rump... Its beautiful..." Chuckling, Carpenter flexed his fingers, letting the blade out. Turning the palm towards her, Shadow muttered "Genius metal work... ring finger seems to activate the catch... plate and blade made from decent metal... I'd gladly melt down down my own wing blades to see this glory made from thunderforged... The design seems modded though. Basic structure suggests the ring finger was removed with the mechanism trigger attached to the stump..." Turning the bracer over, Shadow ran her hoof over the etching on the top most plating. "No scratches... acid etched maybe? Scale and compass, interesting choice for an etching. Any signifigance boy?" A little nervous now, Carpenter cleared his throat. "Symbol to remind us of balance, both with ourselves and the world around us." Turning the wrist over again, Shadow squeed excitedly, making the human jump. "Ohhh, I'd give my right eye to peek at the inner workings! I could kiss the genius who made this marvel." Shadow paused, a uncertain frown across her muzzle. Next to the blade housing a small tube jutted out, a tiny lever next to it. Hoof trembling with excitement, Shadow made to press the lever, but jumped as the bracer and the arm the wore it were yanked away. Pulling his sleeve back down, Carpenter shook his head. "Watch it... almost met the choir invisible..." Shadow let a slight whine as the weapon was hidden, and sighing, Carpenter pulled the crossbow he'd brought from his shoulder. "Cease thy noise! And get rid of that pout, it doesn't work on a face that stern. Just toy with this." Taking the weapon, Shadow lips pursed thoughtfully as her eyes roamed over the crossbow. "Another piece of beauty... bolt tip notched, iron metal, possible enchantments as explosives...? metal stained with..." Pulling the bolt from its groove, Shadow sniffed the tip, brow furrowing as she continued her words in the same off handed way. "Hmm... odd substance, poison more then likely... very slight metal scent, suggesting the poison is metal based. Metallic smell is covered by the poisons medicennal scent... Definitely alchemy or potions, no way this is natures work..." Setting the bolt down, Shadow began to look over the crossbow itself, clicking her tongue in approval at the design. "Wood base with iron workings... strong flax rope, lever tripped catch... Strong flex on the bow, slight cracking from the iron guard.... too bad. Such a shame to see a good design like this brought down by some putz..." Laying the weapon down, Shadow nodded at the sword at the humans side. Undoing the metal ring that held it in place, Carpenter passed the weapon over. Looking over the still sheathed blade, Shadow hmmed softly. "Good weight, heavier then a wingblade or unicorn fencing blade. Leather strap around the handle, steel hand guard. Pulling the weapon out slightly, Shadow's eyes widened slightly, and breathlessly the mare asked "Where did you get this.." Shrugging, Carpenter crossed his arms. "Found it in a Templar keep. The keys needed to open the gate wath a bitch to gain..." Seeing the awed look on Shadows face, Carpenter frowned. "Something wrong?" Sliding a hoof along the flat of the blade, Shadow regarded the scale and compass etched the swords base. Shaking her head, Shadow said softly "Its real... I've only seen small bits under lock and key... to see so much now... and not as a wing blade, but some crude metal working... Loathe the blade shape, but you certainly have cared for it..." Closing her eyes, Shadow drew the blade to her chest, letting out a pained whimper. "Its... its really in my hooves..." "And it is what pray tell." Wiping her eyes with a wing, Shadow said reverently "Maelstrom forged steel. Before the tribes came to Equestria, Hurricane was given a boon by a dragon named Firethroat. This boon was a room full of ebony bars which became white as they were forged. Lighter then a pinion, as hard as Celestias armor. Hurricane forged his wingblades from the bars, though those were lost in the Windagos attack. The remaining bars were either lost or gathered by my clan as relics. To think some ground pounder has such a thing... and doesn't even realize it..." Carpenter smiled, and patted the mares shoulder. "Take it." Eyes bugging out, Shadow stammered "What! But... surely you jest boy... This could easily buy a castle the size of Celestias, and pay for its staff for five winters, and still have a fortune left..." Whimpering in desire, Shadow shook her head. "No. Its yours boy." Slowly Shadow held out the weapon to the human, and looking away, Shadow's ears flattened down in sorrow. Carpenter took a step back, his very core going cold. Shadow was... crying. Not bawling, but definitely crying. Carpenter shook his head, and pushed the weapon back, his face stern. "Shadow... I insist, and to refuse my gift will break any friendship we have made. This is your history, your legacy, your sword. It may not be a wingblade, and may have suffered a crude and foul forging, but its still a Kicker blade, and deserves a place of highest honor in your clanhold." Tears streaming fully now, Shadow bowed her head, clutching the legacy of her tribe to her chest as though it were her new born. In it heft, Shadow felt the years and miles of its travels, and in her heart, she felt its gentle call, a call only pegasi heard. A killing tool, a sirens song... Shadow pressed her forehead to the sheath, grinning like a love struck filly as the sword rejoiced. The mares wings fell limp as she laughed and cried. "Thank you... thank you... Maker bless you boy, thank you..." "I merely returned what was always your peoples Shadow. But... please, I ask only one thing..." Eyes widening with fear, Shadow looked up. Kneeling down, Carpenter sighed. "Promise me this blade will never be used as a killing tool." Shadow gnawed her lip as she looked away, her eyes now showing guilt. She was already planning to forge the blade into a wing blade. And since there was more then enough at the hold for its brother blade, she could.... suddenly the human gently turned her head back to him, his eyes desperate. "Please Shadow... You hear a angel ballad, but to me, all it sang was a funeral dirge. This... sword, has caused enough pain in the hands of tyrants and wicked souls. Leave it sheathed for all your days, gathering dust under a glass case. Allow none to forge it anew or quarrel over its placement. Seal it, bury it if the lust for its purpose grows beyond thy control, toss it in the ocean if its song of joy is drowned out by the greedy thoughts of your kin. Let it end with you, right here and now. Swear you will end its life as anything but a relic. Swear it, please..." Gritting her teeth, Shadow looked at the sword again. It was an ugly thing, and while it filled her heart with rapture to hold it and soon return it to her tribe, the stench of blood wafted vaguely from it. It begged, ordered, pleaded with her soul to be made anew, to be hers forever, to be as it was meant to be... Shadow pushed the weapon back into its home, her face resolute. "By the name of my daughter Gale and my honor as Epoth, I swear this blade shall never be born against another as long as my clan draws breath." From the sword, Shadow felt its cry of sorrow echo through her soul. It jeered and howled in its silent voice, claiming the mare a traitor, weak, a wortless bitch. Its cries tore at her very core, the weight of the blades legacy bearing down on her shoulders. Shadow regarded the weapon again. "Never again...." ............................... Gale eagerly hefted the blade in her hooves, her wings twitching with excitement as she pulled the weapon from its home. "Mother... Its here... Its real..." Scowling, Shadow spat into the grass. "Put it back dear heart. It sickens me to no end to even look at it a second more." Sheathing the weapon once more, Gale reverently stroked the sheath. "Oh, the stories it could tell..." "Its trouble Gale. It... does things to your heart, makes your rely on it then your own strength. It touches my soul, but I am resolved... it will be sealed." Gale gasped clutching the weapon to her as though it were her first born. "Mother, no! Surely thou hast stopped thy ear from the envious will of Carpenter, surely thou see through his ruse! This is our birth right, and who better to claim it then our clan?" "I swore on my honor Gale. I cannot, and will not, go back on it. It is not only our legacy and inheritance, but our responsibility. And thou must know in the heart that only our clan can bear the pain of bearing the burden of that responsibility. I hear it as thee do, my love. Its sweet song warms my heart and soothes a pining I have always felt deep in my being. The same pining you feel now, and the same all our tribe have. And it will break my heart to do as I must... as we must." Gale bared her teeth as she snarled in fury, her wings flaring out. "You... you are too weak of will to use it Mother! That's all! You seeth at the mere notion of another taking your glory, your bile rising to think your deeds will be as naught to the glory of its bearers wings in flight! You..." Fwap! Gale head jerked to the side, eyes wide with shock at the sudden slap of her mothers slap. Eyes hard as flint, her voice seeming to echo with wrath, Shadow said quietly "How dare you... You selfish brat, you dare to spit such poison to one who could love you no more then if she were flesh and blood? Who raised you as her own, and who thought you the finest daughter a mother could desire. Who swelled with pride at your triumphs as though they her own, who trusted thee above all others?" Gale slowly turned back to her mother, slowly rubbing the spot as she still clung to the weapon. Pupils as cold as winter winds, Shadow spoke as she stood again "You would say such things to me, to your own Mother? Who believed in you and taught you and held you in her wing when you wept, who would gladly give her own life to save yours... and whose heart you've broken..." Walking past Gale, Shadow continued "I have been forsaken by my own, and the worst of it is the thought thee would betray me never occured to me... You are no longer my daughter Gale. May all the power of that relic be everything you crave, and may all the praise of the rest of out clan be yours to relish. And may its lullaby soothe your fears in the night, because I shan't sing you another..." Gales wings went limp as hear ears flattened to her skull, her eyes mirrors to the shattering soul within. Slowly moving a trembling hoof, Gale smiled slightly as she gently said "You... you can't mean that Mothe..." Gale winced as her hoof was slapped away, the mare who raised her now replaced by no more then rank. "You forget yourself Captain. You and I are no more then superior and subordinate, is that clear?" Eyes tearing up, Gale nodded once. "Yes ma'am." Pushing past the mare, Shadow bit her lip as her heart wrenched in her chest. It would be so easy... just turn back, taking her little filly in her forelegs, offering forgiveness and forgiving in return. So easy to be the mare who adored Gale with all her heart, who wanted nothing more then to forget the last few moments. To forsake the clan principals and rank, and just be Mother to her lost little girl. Shadow just walked away. At the end of the day, she was a soldier, an Epoth. And at all times rank must be sacrosanct to personal desires and connections. She'd tend to her flayed and tattered heart later. Gale slumped further as her Mother... Gale shook her head, whimpering as she remembered her place. As her superior walked away, Gale clutched sword all the tighter. Why wasn't is call filling her heart with joy? Why wasn't its song soothing her anymore. It was still sweet, but rang hollow in the mare. It was a pegasi relic, a legacy her clan had been granted. In its dull mirror finish Gale beheld her own glory, the praise of her clan and kin ringing through the air.... but... Shadow wasn't in the crowd, wasn't there praising her and regarding her with pride. Once she properly attended to it, the sword would be forged anew along with the metals remnants into a new birth as wingblades... as Gales weapons. Gale choked back a sob as her mind raced. Her clan would be there, the Maelstrom steel would be forged, and she would be its wielder. On her back she would bear the weight of the metal with pride, and would face the coming days... knowing what she had sacrificed to gain them. What she had gutted on the twin alters of her ego and pride, and how she had let her Mother walk away. Letting the blade fall, Gale began to cry. "I... I'm a bad, bad pony... Oh Maker, I'm such a bad pony..." Bearing her teeth, Gale hefted the weapon in her mout, and with a flourish, flew off in the night. ...................... Shadow regarded Gale indifferently, face impassive as she processed the mares report. "Its gone then, is it? "Yes Mo... Commander. I tossed it as far as I could into the ocean, then bolted back here to beg your pardon." "No." Gale whimpered and slumped at the finality of her Mothers word. Taking a breath, Shadow spoke evenly. "You hurt me Gale. You forsake your own for what? Glory, rank, your own holiday. You choose some rusting old junk over me. Your own Mother. Did I not nurse you through near death? Did I not tend your wounds in battle? Did you hate me all along, resent me for not being as other mothers?" Shadow sighed, and glared at the now sobbing filly. "So no. I won't forgive you Gale. But... you can keep your room in my home, and, perhaps share meals with me. Mother is out of reach for now, but perhaps, with time, you will be worthy as speaking to me as such." Gale sniffled as she gave a weak nod of acceptance, then tapped her hooves together anxiously, her eyes hopeful. "Um, Commander, can I ask something..." Shadow waved a hoof in approval. Still tapping her hooves anxiously, Gale softly said "Can I have a hug?" Face still neutral, Shadow wrapped her forelegs around her little girl, and as Gale sobbed into her shoulder, the older mare cooed and softly assured "Its all right... Mommies here... Its all right my little Gale..." ......................... It sang from beneath to dark waves. It wanted to be as it should have always been. It would always be the voice in the back of the pegasi mind and soul, that constant ache for power and glory. Its song promised all the world if one would merely embrace it. But in its soul, the sword began to ponder its rejection. How could its new bearer have tossed it aside? And for the first time, it realized what it was: alone. Truly and utterly alone. Beneath the waves, it began to weep. ........................... Shadow sat on her haunches, face still stern as she clutched a whetstone in hoof, sharpening her wingblades. A walk away her dau... subordinate sat with Carpenter and Arron, eyes still red from her tears, her ears still folded in despair. Regarding her work a moment, Shadow grimaced. "Shadow?" Looking up at the human voice, Shadow regarded its owner with a bit of surprise. "Yes... what can I do for thee my good Arron?" Sitting cross legged next to the mare, Arron took a breath, then released it. "I'd like to speak about your daughter." Smile sliding back into its neutral form, Shadow curtly replied "She's not my daughter Arron. She is no more then my Captain." "Bullshit." Shadows eyes narrowed at the curse, but she continued her work regardless of Arron. "We both know thou hast not the heart to do such a thing to her, no matter her deeds." Pausing in her swipe, Shadow evenly replied "Tend to thine own field Arron, and let me tend to mine." "Ah, so you still feel for Gale then?" Scowling, Shadow pushed her weapon aside. "Damn it ! She betrayed me Arron! She turned her back on her own Mother. Is this the thanks I am granted? I put food in her stomach, a roof over her ungrateful mane, and a bed under the rest of her traiterous bones, and this is how she repays me? You spend thine whole life attending to them, and all they do is... is..." Shadow stamped a hoof against her blade, eyes beginning to leak. "I can't Arron. I can't take the gamble yon Gale wouldst abandon me. I won't forgive or forget her deeds, and she should count her worthless hide lucky I don't cast her out on her worthless rump." "But... you've already forgiven her, haven't you? All thou bluster and pride cannot cloak the look in your eyes, the look of a parent who just wants their little one again. Don't forsake Gale for the sake of your pride." "Then what, pray tell, does thou believe will begin to bridge this abyss..." "How about just starting with sitting at the fire and having meal? Mayhap lifting thy veil of Commander Shadow, and just be Shadow. Mayhaps giving more then a cold stare of more then two words to your daughter." "Very well Arron. I shall... try..." And with that, Shadow stood, and following the humans lead, sat fireside. It wasn't a miracle. Shadow barely said a word, and Gale offered little more. But, it was a start. It would take time, but one day... all it would take was time. ..................... Shadow paced the small rock grotto, mind working overtime in a bid to put the pieces together. Gale she could handle. What shook the old mare was that old sword. While intel did suggest all pegasi were connected to it intimately, no intel, or old nags myth for that matter, even hinted it would have such an effect. And Gale... both mares were ecstatic to gain such a item, but still... Maelstrom steel was a find, but Shadow emphatically wished to stick with good old Thunderforged. May not be as tough as its cousin, but at least it was a nice and quiet metal. Rubbing her chin, Shadows brow knitted together. How did she know there was more of the legendary steel in her clanhold. No one ever mentioned it, and she certainly had never seen any, so how did she know that. And how did the human Templar gain such a item And why in Celestia's holy teets were both mares so bent on reforging the damn thing. Rapture or not, protocol was clear with enchanted items: bag, tag, and try not to set them off. Nothing in this made any sense, which set Shadow on edge. Something was in the works, and had come between her and Gale. Spitting on the floor, Shadow stalked from the cave. Whoever was pulling their strings had better Mama shadow didn't find them anytime soon. > Chapter Seven A dark cloud blocks a sun beam, and the smooth talk of Kicker mares > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- David marched. Not strolled, not walked, not jogged. David marched. His every step gave the air of a man with much to do, and not one to waste time with nonsense. Things to do, alicorns to counsel, and God help any who dared stay his stride. Clearly not all the ponies who frequented the castle had been given notice. "Ah, sir David. I see thy stern and scarred visage doth add such cheer to the halls." Turning towards the voice, David nodded, reply evenly "Archmagus Sparkle." Turning back to his route, the human continued on, the mare keep pace. Humming cheerfully, the unicorn began peel an orange as she walked. Cocking a brow, Sunbeam inspected the newest article of attire the human had been granted. Across his shoulder a navy blue cape wafted as he marched, the emblem of the sun and moon giving clear rank to an obvious upstart. Taking an orange slice, Sunbeam giggled. "A paladin, are we my dear" David stride didn't even miss a step. Biting into the fruit, Sunbeams eyes rolled up thoughtfully. "Such a burden our Queen has lain across thy back. Such a title has not been granted since her sister went mad." David marched. Sunbeam grimaced. She was not a mare to be ignored or taken lightly. All of the court had heard what she'd done to that filth Valiant, knew of her sadistic hobbies. All feared her, as it should be, and none would dare interfere with her. But something about this human... he was more then a thorn. All males, in Sunbeams view, were either friendly fools or brutes, and both could be brow beat or enticed to do as she wanted them to do. But David... in his cool blue eyes she saw a steel will and a sharp mind. Pulling out another section, Sunbeam chewed. No matter. All males, whatever their form, thought with the same thing, and Sunbeam knew that this male was no different. Smiling enticingly, Sunbeam matched pace with the human. "Truly thou must be a man of great promise to bear that cape." David looked forward, and marched. Giggling demurely, Sunbeam batted her lashes up at the human. "Come now, surely that are gifted in tongue as thou are in face..." "I have many gift, Archmagus. Many skills. And I am no mute, I merely wish not to waste my breath of the noises they carry on you. Sunbeams alluring smile became rictus, her eyes flaring under he mane. Not missing a step, Sunbeam gave toss of her mane, her honeyed words not giving a hint of the fury she felt. "Oh, I'm not such a bad filly once you get to know me. Just a mare willing to do what is needed." David looked down from the corner of his eye. "So I've heard..." Clucking her tongue, Sunbeam sighed wearily. "The servants rumors and idle talk has soiled thy ears. If they are so lacking in work, then..." "Tis not the wagging tongues that had done so, but yours Arcmagus. Your words are poorly veiled, your desires as plain as the nose of your cute little face." "Thou thinkest me a despot then" David shook his head. "The desire to gain power is not a sin. Those who claim they desire no such thing, doth not desire the power to change thing." David paused in his stride. "Sunbeam... you are... petty. Capricious and cruel to the in your charge, condesceinding to your equals, and simpering to your betters. But..." David opened a door, and standing, waved the mare in. Cocking a brow, Sunbeam walked in, expecting her queen.... instead was met with three humans at a table, a scarred pegasus scowling at the mare from the corner. Looking over her shoulder, Sunbeam regarded the human. Smiling, David closed the door. "Welcome to thy second chance, ye stupid. Here, you will learn. To temper thy vices, to know the truth, to bask in the light of Reason and Order. Here, you shall leave your pettiness behind, will shuck thy cruelty as one shucks a cacoon, and stand before the world in all your beauty. Thou shalt learn the balance in all things, shall know when to strike and when to stay the hoof, and will build with your teachers a world at peace." "David..." Folding his arms, the human cut the mare off. "Sunbeam sparkle, thou hast been brought here to be our student. Hast thou a thirst for our truths, a hunger to know our secrets, to proudly bear the glory of Reason and Order" Eyes shimmering, and more then a little shocked, Sunbeam yelped "I do, I do!" Eyes blasing, David snarled "Apprentice, wilt thou be a mighty keep for our gifts. Wilt thou keep thy tongue still of matters of the Templar, Wilt thou go to thy grave, the secrets you have been entrusted fading as you do, "I will." Putting a hand on her neck, David pulled a ring from his shirt pocket. "Then take thine first gift, my child. Brothers, bear witness and rejoice as we are joined by our sister Sunbeam! May the light of Reason and Order be our lamp, and may all our land soon be a beacon to the world, a shining jewel of Purpose and Meaning in a world that scoffs at all we desire and revere." Dropping the ring into her trembling hoof, David stepped back, and began to clap, the other humans and the pegasus joining after a moment. Feeling a nose nuzzle her wither, Sunbeam looked to her left and gasped. Celestia gave a soft smile "Welcome sister. May you learn to be a blessing I always knew you could be." Crossing his arms again, David cleared his throat, and waiting for their apprentice to look back at him, he said softly "Sister, by taking that ring, you are obliged to the Templar order for all your days. Here we will teach thee all we know, our history, and principals. Before, you must face us as an accused." Sunbeam nodded, and sat back on her haunches. "First, Sister, is that matter brought to us by Sister Celestia of Trottingham. Were your actions there needed>" "Aye.." "Once there, you mutilated a colt, turning him into a bomb, correct." Sunbeams jaw worked a moment, the in a monotones, she gave another aye. "Hardly commendable Sister... but we've found you guiltless in this matter. For the greater good, sacrifices must be made. Kill one to save many. But always ye must endeavor to take no life if thou can. However, there is another matter, brought us by our pegasus brother. Your petty pissing match with the one called Valiant. This matter is grave indeed, and one that must be brought to bear." Sunbeams ears flattened, and she looked down at her hooves. "The first matter is the duel itself. There is no excuse Sister for such barbarity. In the future, you will not shame us with such deeds, is that clear>" "But more pressing... is the outcome. You had beaten him, he was no threat. Reason said that all the force needed had been done. But you succumbed to your vices. Not for Order or peace your turned his wing to ash, then gouged his eyes. And then, inst a manner that pains your new Brothers on a intimate level, you gelded the poor colt." Sunbeams mouth slid into a grimace. "Hast thou merely brought me here to mock me..." For the first time, the pegasus spoke, his voice a quiet rumble, as though within the very pony a storm was in the making. "Tis not enough thou Clipped that poor sod... then ye didn't even have the decency to clean thy plate and end it..." At this, the mare sneered. "Do not presume ye know me tin toy..." His one eye burning with his indignation, the pony began to stand, but stopped at Davids raised hand. "Brother, she is right to be angry. We hath a lesson to impart, but such things do not come easy. Please, be patient with her." Snorting is disgust, the stallion sat back down. Turning back to the unicorn, David continued sternly "... as for you, my Sister... thou arst a new born in our family, so I will only warn you this time. Thou arst not the Archmagus here, thou art our Sister. Thou may not care for your new winged Brother, but thou will show respect." Sunbeam merely grunted, and gave a curt nod. "Sister... raise thy head. Thus is thy first lesson as a Templar: in all things, Reason must be thy guide, Order thy goal. Thou killed not for thy life or that of yours, not to keep Order, but for thy own pleasure. You tortured another for thine own amusement, like a sad child tearing the legs from insects. Celestia hath restored thy title and privilege so you may better thyself , not so you may indulge in the dalliances and waste of those who think themselves as Nobles." "Wait..." slowly, Sunbeam turned back to Celestia. Eyes wide with shock, she whispered "Princess... I thought..." "You thought you were needed, or gained my favor once more. Neigh, ye stupid foal. The only reason you retain thy station is at the behest of David. One knowest thou art unused to gratitude..." "Still, sister. You cause her pain." Putting a finger under her chin, David smiled, and said softly "As I said, my dear... thou must temper thy vices and lusts. You are here to learn here, and all else besides. Twould be a sin to let thee languish in poverty, but this boon is thy last. There shan't be a third. Do you understand." Taking his hand in her hooves, Sunbeam whispered, "My lord, my light, this debt is beyond my meager life to repay. For all my days and nights, I am yours" Gently placing his hand on her head, David nodded approvingly. "Yes, you are. And I have need of thy mind and body." "You need only ask..." "Tell me Sunbeam... do you like...the ocean." ......... Night had fallen over the city, and Sunbeam sat gasing down at the light, exhausted. Who was this David. In moments, he had her nussling her cheek against his hand, pledging her life and body to his service. Blushing under her fur at the memory, Sunbeam pressed a hoof to the ring she had strung a silver chain through. Feeling the metal against her hoof, she shivered. No one, particularly any stallion, had this effect. Even the mare she loved (insofar as she could feel such things) had not made her so enraptured. Indeed, David was scarred and rough edged, an ugly specimen. But his character, presence, certainty, and his genuine concern for her aside from her abilities as Archmagus... Years of thinking herself a chessmaster, Sunbeam now found she was merely a school yard foal with a championship in tiddly winks compared to this man. Even that whorse savage Shadow would kneel before such a man... And while she took joy in the thought of one as her brought low, under it was the fear of such a thing coming to pass. Shadow was a bitch she wolf, and the only thing a bitch does more then strut and be an alpha is roll onto their back to expose their belly in submission when the true leader of the pack arrives. And that wouldn't be Sunbeam. She and that bitch were in the same boat. But while Shadow was a mere thorn in his side, she, Sunbeam, was his allie. He'd brought her her title, her place in the court, but she was needed again. And as long as she was needed, and feared and respected by lessers of the court, her daughter would never want for all the best Sunbeam could provide. Midnight... for a moment, Sunbeams heart stilled. He had never mentioned her, but... if she failed as his protege, if she stepped out of line... no, she wouldn't let that happen. But if he wanted her... No! Not even for David. In every way she could, Sunbeam would be invaluable to her clan, become irreplaceable, prove Midnight either unneeded or having no reason to be harmed. He'd never said words to that effect, but its what she would do, and great minds thought alike, did they not. No, his eyes would never stray. She'd obey, be a good mare, finish her studies and chores, just like she'd impressed on her own child. The irony of her moment didn't even flick in her mind. Sunbeam, grand visier of Canterlot, Archmagus, heedless to mare and stallion alike, had been brought to heel in a single hour, and enraptured with a male or another species. Her pride was broken, and she didn't even notice. She'd sold her pride when she accepted her title and status. Sunbeam was a good little whore. ............ Arron straddled over the prostrate mare, and smirking, he pushed into her. Eyes rolling to the back of her head, Shadow growled in annoyance. "Come one boy... put it to meee,.... gam, ungghh..." Prideful retorts and jeers replaced with another throaty moan and her tongue rolling from her mouth, Shadow dug a hoof into the ground, her body going into another shiver as the human went to work. "My word, Shadow-san... never mind the armor, all your sternness has really caused your muscles to clench up." Feeling his fingers kneading into her back, Shadow hissed, and thumped the ground with her hoof. "Less words... more rubs..." Shaking his head, Arron slowly moved up the mares back, hands working overtime. "Your one big knot! The further I go, the more tense it gets... especially here..." Feeling fingers press into her back between her shoulder blades, Shadow yelped, and tried to wiggle away, feeling her wings already beginning to.... and with a firm press of the palm and and a groan of distress an unwanted jolt to her body, Arron was granted the full gloried view of Shadow Kicker, hero of Canterlot, victor of the Rebellion and eventual symbol of a cult, popping with a pride filled whumpf a full and complete wing boner. Mortified, Shadow covered her head in her hooves, wishing both for an immediate death or a good five minutes by herself, whichever came first. Feeling the humans hands on the most valued part of her, Shadows head jerked up, then feeling the fingers working over the edges, her eyes fluttered and with a throaty mutt, her head slumped back down. Maybe a few more minutes, Shadow reasoned, biting her lip as Arron firmly rubbed her wings joint. "Heavens woman, all this muscle tension..." "A little to the left...." .............................................. Shadow sharpened her weapons again, her gase anywhere but Arron. Blushing furiously under her fur, Shadow glanced back at her traitorous wings, quivering and pleasantly aching from the kneeding of strong and trained hands. After taking a walk... a looong walk, Shadow couldn't even look at the human, who sipping tea, seemed oblivious to sending a mare in desperate need of a five minute break. Clearing her throat, Shadow said "You've a fair shake at that rubbing stuff lad. If you ever need a home, my clan would gladly take you in..." And more besides, she added in her head. Hell, if all humans can do that. integration would be foals play. "In truth, I'm surprised. Ive hear tale thy wings are thy most valued jewel, and to touch thee in such a manner shows a deep kinship." Grinning nervously as her blade slipped from her hooves, Shadow nodded eagerly. "Yes! Kinship! Friend, trust... yes. Your kin now Arron." Bowing in his seated spot, Arron looked ready to weep with joy "Thank you Shadow. Thy gift is a jewel beyond all, and an honor that shames this humble man." Cheeks flushing again, Shadow picked up her weapon. "Oh, believe me, taking you into my clan is a pleasure." And for fingers like that, the trip down to the ground from Cloudsdale will be worth it, Shadow added in her mind. Looking at her wing, Shadow frowned. "Hey Arron... get back there and be a good kinsman. I got a spot back their with some feathers need rooting out." Nodding, Arron stood and walked over, and as he did, Shadow tucked her tongue into her cheek and rolled eyes upward, snarking in her mind Not to mention the world of good a few pulled pinions can do for the state you've me in, you bastard. Kneeling behind her, Arron began his work, working his fingers through the plumage. Teeth gritting, Shadows right eye twitched as the human testing the feathers. Okay... bad, bad idea... And one I'm beginning to relish a little... "Found one." Shadow jumped as a jolt ripped through her, a flash of pain cutting through the mares mental hase of feeling. Mind clear, Shadow whimpered. Okay... pain helped... good mood killer... "Found another." Shadow gritted her teeth as the recent thoughts of Rightly Doo were chased by the very hands who brought the fantasies forth. "Thank the Maker boy... those things itch like made... ow!" "Of course Shadow. Glad to help." Leaning forward, he whispered "And next time your walks lead you to saying "Rightly Doo" verbose enough to scare away birds, a dip in a cold lake may be a better option to save both our faces from shame." A muffled squawk of dismay rent the air, followed by a muffled thump. Eventually she'd learn desensitizing during a massage, and he would learn a hoof shaped shiner was worth the look on the mares face, but it would be weeks before the two could look at each other again. And one day, Shadow would be amongst the first to shed her armor in Arrons shop, and enjoy his hands again. And even sooner, Arron would wake up to a migraine and a fuming pegasus battle mare. As Shadow sat glaring down at her soon to be victim, Gale sat in a tree, shaking her head. ............................... Looking at Carpenter, she stammered "What now>" Kneeling on the branch, Carpenter reached over to the mare, giving her ear a tug. Giggling despite herself, Gale pushed the hand away. "Cease thy hands! What does thou wis from that." "Just seeing if their adjusted right, lady Gale. Surely thy tucking thine ears to thy head has made them weak in their resting state. And thy unhappiness hath stopped them from hearing a word I have said." Reaching up again, the human gently scratched the mare behind the ear. Although Gale was choler that he would treat as he would a dog, the anger faded as she leaned into the hand, actually enjoying sensation, and beggining to feel a bit better despite herself. Pulling away, Carpenter nodded. "Better Sniffing, Gale nodded. Sitting fully on his branch, Carpenter laid a hand on each knee. "Now... lets you and talk, hmm. What could be so bad." Rolling her eyes, Gale snorted. "Who'st are thee, my Father." "If thou desire it so..." "Strewth. then daddy, would thou be so kind as to go to ground so I don't worry your gonna fall and break your neck." Nodding, Carpenter lept off the branch, and sat at the base of the tree. Sighing, Gale glided down, and took the spot the human had indicated. Feeling an arm wrap around her shoulders, Gale jumped as she was drawn close. "Okay... little girl. Whats wrong' Scrunching her mussle, the stunned mare tapped her front hooves together anxiously. "Well papa... for one, I feel the fool right." Grinning, Carpenter ruffled the top of Gales head. "Ah, I knew it! My little girls all grown up! She's discovered boys!" Blushing furiously, Gale struggle to right herself, stammering "What are you.... no! Let go!" Wrapping both arms around her neck, Carpenter clucked his tongue. "Girls then" Huffing, Gale crossed her forelegs, and pouted. "Your an ass..." Feeling his arms loosen, but still holding her, Carpenter rested his chin on the top of the mares head. "Sorry... but really... what pains, my little wing. What can dad do to make it stop." Sighing, Gale laid back against the human. "I hurt her, papa. I hurt her in the worst way. i hurt Mother." Chuckling, Carpenter ruffles Gales mane again. "That all silly filly. All thou need to di is to talk to Shadow. All any parent wants is their? "But... how... what if she still loathers me..." Tightening his grip, the human said sternly "Don't think that a moment. Your her little girl, and that's all there is to it. And thats what we mothers and fathers do... we love our kids, and pick them right back up when they fall. Trust me, little wing... your Mother will forgive you..." Turning around, and pressing her hooves to his chest to gently push away, Gale looked at the human. "How do you know?" Smiling, Carpenter kissed her forehead. "You mind your father now Gale, and march right to camp and talk to Shadow right this instant." Giggling, Gale wrapped her forelegs around his neck. "Thanks... dad." > Chapter Eight A keen mind, a strong will, and the silver tongue that made it so > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- David's eyebrows rose up his brow at the sight that greeted him in his office. At his desk a dark furred and maned filly sat, eyes roaming over the pages of a book, seemingly unaware. Closing the door, the human cleared his throat, and giving a yelp of surprise, the unicorn looked up. Crossing his arms, David asked "Might I ask who you are, and what you are doing in my place of work young lady." Giving a sheepish smile, the filly tapped her hooves together, her ears folding back slightly. "Forgive me my Lord David. I'm Midnight..." Rubbing his chin, David hmmed softly. "Sunbeams daughter, correct." Nodding, Midnight bit her bottom lip, and looked askance. "Please... grant me your pardon my Lord. I meant no slight... but I've never read a human book before! And I shouldn't have taken it, but it looked so interesting.... please don't forsake us or punish Mother..." Brows furrowing, David snorted. "Child! Stop!" Sniffling, Midnight stopped, eyes wide with fear. Smiling gently, or at least as well as he could, David nodded to the book. "Might I ask what thou has choosen." Smiling back slightly, Midnight softly said "The Art of War." Davids brows raised again. Tapping the page with a hoof, Midnight said "What it says here reminds me of you and mother." Clearing her throat, Midnight recited "Thus to fight and conquer in all your battles can not be called supreme excellence. Supreme excellence is gained when victory is won without fighting." Walking forward, David chuckled. "Oh. And how did ye come to this conclusion, lass." "I'm a filly, Lord David, and despite what Mother has proclaimed, I am no fool. You gave Mother back her title and place in court, and with it, put her on a chain and gained an ally." "Very good, my dear. Now, first hand, you may call me David. Now, if you'll allow me, I'd like to ask you again why you are here." Narrowing her eyes, Midnight said evenly "Because I want to make it clear as day that if you hurt Mother, I will kill you." Cocking a brow now, David tilted his head. "You mean you'd try..." "Don't think for a second I don't know my Mother good sir. She's a harsh mare, borderline mad, and an absolute monster. But she's my Mother, and I love her, and as far as she can, she feels the same. Her loss of title nearly killed her. She went days with nothing so I would not want." Closing the book, Midnight sighed sadly. "You're the first to best her David. She gained not because Celestia needed her, but because you vouched for her. She..." Here the filly gulped, and rubbed her eye with a hoof. "She did it all for me! She wanted me to be schooled by the best, to live a better life then she or her mate had... she put on your chain and collar so I would not suffer. If she lost it all again... I don't want her..." David walked to his desk, and knelt down. Chuckling, he put his hand on the top of the fillies mane, and ruffling it, said jovially "Child! Dry thy tears, and ease thy soul of such matters! You are not a burden or a mill around thy dam's neck! Why, when we meet, she practically busting at the seams to tell of thy doings! Of thy high marks and thy brilliance!" Rolling her eyes, Midnight snorted. "It's true! She brags about you every chance she can! You're her little girl, even if she is not of fair temper to tell you." "You don't have to lie to make me feel better... Maker knows Mother doesn't..." Frowning now, David said sternly "Now listen young lady. Your mother loves you..." Sighing again, Midnight shook her head. "I know. But she doesn't like me very much. Not like Shadow and Gale..." Sniffling again, Midnight rubbed a hoof against her foreleg. "She's all I have, you know... and ponies are always telling her how horrible she is, how she... should just die... and since mom died, all she has is me... and I'm so slow in my studies... Maybe if I was more like her..." Standing suddenly, David snapped "Now thats quite enough! Thy troubles lie not at thy hooves child, but at thy Mothers!" "David!" Face stern, eyes blazing, David knelt, and taking a hoof in hand, he said "Midnight... your a good girl, and a jewel amongst daughters. The greatest err thine sire ever made was not letting you know. Sometimes... mothers and fathers hurt our little ones in the hope they'll obey... I know she's not a good mare, but she is a mare who tries, your Mother. And you know what." Eyes wide, Midnight shook her head numbly. Chuckling again, David tugged her ear playfully. "Her title... her wealth and comfort... her very life... she'd give it all for you, little star. And she'd rather cut off her own horn then for you to be anyone but you!" "Bullshit, David." "Midnight..." Smiling sadly, Midnight shook her head. "She may praise me, but will always nettle me for more, strike me when I err or fail. Her words slice my heart, her disappointment worse then any blow. I see how Shadow looks at Gale... and sometimes I envy my best friend so much I hate her. I'm a odd filly, David. Most ponies are loathe to speak to me, even Gale tires of my macabre thougts. My Mother is cruel... but never tired of me. She has been ashamed, angry, and disappointed, but even in my worst moments of my nature has forced me to be anyone but me. She may have wished it, but never forced." "Child..." Eyes downcast, Midnight gave a shrug, her eyes sad as she smiled. "She is Sunbeam. I am Midnight. We may be of blood, family, but however she and I may wish it, all we can be is who we are. She's a bad mare, and that's good. Because I wouldn't want her any other way." "Elisabeth..." Midnight frowned, looking up at the human. His eyes were downcast and distant. "You... you're exactly the same... she'd be your age..." "Your crying..." Smiling in his tears, David laughed bitterly. "Silly filly... what's wrong with that. Tears shed for those who have left are never a matter of shame." "Why isn't she with you now..." "She died..." Wincing, Midnight looked away. "I'm sorry..." Releasing her hoof, David opened a drawer, and took out a frame. On it the sketch of a young human female with golden locks was drawn. Taking the picture, Midnight smiled. "Your kind words must have rotted her little heart..." Shaking his head, David took the picture back. "Nay child. I... was a poor father. I did not love her mother, and only loved my child because I had an heir. When her mother perished, I was... cruel. She wept at her grave, and I struck her for making a scene. At night when the terrors of dreams came and she sought comfort, I turned her away. I wished her a boy for years. Boys never sought comfort or cried so openly... I didn't know how to love her. So I tried to break her." Midnight tilted her head. "But Mother said..." David shook his head. "You are different child. You're mother is harsh not because she does not love you, but because she does. In her own way, she wishes to strengthen you as one would steel. Toughening you for a tough world." Putting a hoof on his head, Midnight said "You know what." Ruffling his hair, Midnight said "Your a good human David, a good man." Leaning back, Midnight held her forelegs open. "Hug." Seeing the look on his face, Midnight rolled her eyes. "Gale is not correct in many things, but her words were true in one case: hugs make all the hurt go away." David found she was right. "Remember though... hurt Mother, I'll kill you..." "... You are one demented young pony." Giggling, Midnight let the human go, and polishing her hoof on her chest, said "Well, I am my mothers daughter." ............................ Sunbeam lips thinned as her daughter walked in, and arching a brow, she said primly "You've been about awhile. Care to explain." Midnight looked at her mother a moment, then letting out a breath, smiled. "Just tending to some errands Mother." Turning back to her book, Sunbeam snorted. "I trust thy... mood since this morning has gladdened. If so, I forgive thy failings today." Midnight responded softly "And I forgive you..." Looking up, Sunbeam scowled. "Excuse me." Shaking her head, Midnight took another breath, then looked at her mother sternly. "No... Not forgive. I'm just... done. Blaming you for my losses, being angry at you when my life is hard." Sunbeam mouth opened, then closed. Eyes narrowing, she said "What are you..." "I love your mom. I'm... I'm going to stop trying to be anyone else, stop trying to be another you. Who I grow into... it may not be someone you respect or find lacking, but the mare I'll be is something that is mine. Okay>" Sunbeam rose up on her haunches, her face now set in a puzzled from. Walking over, Midnight kissed the mare on the cheek, and with a soft good night, made to her room. "Child.... I have to say... I don't much care for this mare you think you'll be..." Midnight looked over her shoulder, a pitying look on her muzzle. "Then you can stay here, as long as you want. Night." "Good night... Midnight." ................................................... Later that night, Sunbeam looked down at a frame, an unusually soft smile in place. "Can you believe. Little pup finally told the old lady off. That's one hell of a little foal we've got love... She still gots a ways to go, and I ain't letting up till she leaves my home... Looks like the little cunts got your stubborn streak, you old bitch. She's growing up into a fine lady, no thanks to you." Holding the frame up, Sunbeam kissed the glass. "Night love..." ........................................ Celestia frowned thunderously at the human as he tossed the picture into the flames. "You're a cruel man David." Smiling as he warmed his hands, David shrugged. "Come now... I merely gave the filly a little push. I have high hopes she'll prove to be a great member of the Templar one day." The alicorn shook her head in disgust. "David... a lie like this... its unthinkable. Its..." "No worse then a mare who burned her own people to death, Celestia." Turning, David folded his arms, scowling at the mare. "We do what we must. You know that. Order must be gained, and tended to. If I have to lie, then so be it. If I have to slit someones throat in the dead of night, then I shall. If I am hated, tis no skin off my nose. I will sacrifice my very life if I must to see the world I dream of in waking, and as many lives as needed along the way. And as much as you hate it, you know I'm right." Eyes narrowing, Celestia hissed coldly "And whatever mare she is, Sunbeam Sparkle is a better person then someone like you could ever hope to be." Grinning, David turned back to the fire. "Good thing I've got her on our side then, wouldn't you say. And since the Assassin's are here, then she will soon be... taken care of. Just like you planned." Snorting, Celestia stepped up to the fireplace. "At least my soul aches for all I've. At least I try David to not use others." Sighing, Celestia turned away. "And at least I can bear the sins of my life." Looking over her shoulder, Celestia gave the human a pitying look. "And unlike you or Sunbeam, I'm not alone. You're both so sad, and will not allows others into your hearts, and now you must both live with your unhappiness." Shaking her head, Celestia looked forward, and began walking away. "I'll be here... whenever you need to talk David." David looked into the fire, his face like stone, a tear running down his cheek. "Sacrifices... must be made..." > Chapter Nine To meet ones hero > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "And so far, remaking of the clanhold proceeds ahead of our best estimates, Lady Protector. With the humans help most of the larger building have been rebuilt, and we've been able to bring in a couple of young hopefuls for combat training. Taken to calling themselves Rednecks I believes." At this Shadows brow furrowed. "Rednecks? Strewth private that ye have a story there." Chuckling as he looked over his clipboard, the stallion said "Didn't much care for armor beyond leather with chain or scale mail, seem to prefer speed. Since that sort of plate isn't worth coloring, the two legs have taken to wearing bandanas around their necks or arms, flying ours clans colors. Thus Rednecks." Shadow nodded. "And how is yon training going." Sighing, the stallion shook his head. "Our siblings the unicorns can't use spells against them, and seem spooked to be near them. As for our tribe..." "Yes..." "Their ire is wrought. These fellows have taken to entering the training circle bare handed with a couple tying one hand behind their back. Practice weapons bruise them up pretty good, and they've got tons of stamina..." Shadow frowned slightly. "But..." "But they are ill made for Long Patrol. Its a cruel joke of our proud clan to face the terrors of the wilds then come home and get struck cross eyed by beings who lack even basic magic." Chuckling, Shadow shrugged her wings. "Child, there is much difference between a beast and an intelligence. We are the students of our failures as well as our triumphs, and it seems this is a lesson ours must learn again. Put our new siblings in the care of training, forging, the coffers, or the Gendamery. And if needed hunting down our own." Sighing, the stallion pawed at the dirt. "Permission to speak ma'am." "Ye may." Taking off his helmet, the stallion scowled. "Have thy taken a leap from thy good senses. Shadows eyes narrowed as she snarled. "Care to try again soldier." Running a hoof through his mane, the stallion said bitterly "You hath brought shame on use Shadow. These two legs... we need them not! We have survived countless trials before with the aid of none. Why now>" Sighing, Shadow shook her head. "Because we are hated soldier. We have become a right terror in the eyes of the other tribes, and I cannot fault them. They believed us favored, and refused us aid. Suddenly, we are blessed with strong backs and giving hearts, and you believe it shameful to allow a few of their best to be of our clan." "Lady Protector... they are... the ones we've taken... they have no sense of decorum. They are more then fit for service, but seem to lack in conduct though they respect rank. It gives bad form and does naught but ill for the more... stern willed of the Kickers." Rolling her eyes, Shadow stuck her tongue out and much to the privates shock blew a rasberry. "It matters naught what the thick skulled desire when the fact is we are wanting in ready and rough souls. We cannot be so bogged as to sacrifice our survival for foolish pride." "Lady Shadow... I..." "As ye said, they are fit for service. You claimed they had skill, and within a couple of weeks can hold their own, correct." The stallion frowned. "Aye..." Shadow shrugged her wings. "Congragulate our newest Guard members and put the two legs on duty." The privates wings flared as she shouted "Thee must jest! Their raw recruits Shadow, barely out. How do you suggest we..." Shadow eye rolled again. "Mix them in ye silly git. Put two or three with a veteran and put them to work. Loosen up on yon spit and shine for a time, worry more on their fitness for duty. I'd rather they a little smudged then poorly broken in, or worse not there at all." The stallion face contorted as though he'd bitten into a lemon. "Years of decorum and conduct, and no less then our greatest mare guard Shadow tells us to not bother... what would thy father think..." Shadow smirked, and gave the stallion a wink. "That he wished his little filly hadn't kept him up till the wee hours in bed with a certain stallion she'd dragged from the training grounds." The stallion groaned and face hoofed. "Thee did not just... Lady Shadow, really!" "Thee are most endearing in blush. We're grown ponies are we not." Face deadpan, the stallion muttered "But I'd rather not know. Its like my mothers the morning after blowing kisses and fluttering their eyes at each other over breakfast..." "Young folks are becoming such prudes..." Here the stallions eyes narrowed. "Permission to speak ma'am." Raising a brow, Shadow made a go ahead gesture. Putting his helmet back on, the stallion said "Your age claims us prudes and mocks mine for our choices. I have not lain with anypony and shall wait to be married. Do you know why>" "Fear thou are not fair enough to be with another. Rest assured thou are my good pony..." Poking a hoof against her chest plate, the stallion growled "Have the jest. Mock if you wish. Mayhap thy have five bits so I could lose my innocence with a mare of the street. Is that all it means to you, or perhaps one should dine and boose their way into it." Taking a step back, Shadow snarled "Thee have forgotten self sir!" Turning away, the stallion replied heatedly "At least I have all of me, Lady Shadow. And the mare I love will have all of me. She'll have what easy ponies like ye threw away for naught love but lust." Shadow wings flared, her eyes bugged as her mussle worked furiously. Turning back, the private saluted. "I have spoken with naught a grain of respect, Lady Protector, and will accept any punishment that thee deem fit." Sighing, Shadow shook her head, and flattening her wings to her side, patted the stallions pauldron. "Nay colt... thou art the right to thy own way, and if I were a few seasons less I'd be thrilled to have one as you to be mine, and I hope some lucky mare comes along who deserves thy good soul. But that is not the only part of it." "Oh. What else troubles ye then." Sighing, Shadow pawed the ground "In days passed, our people once thought naught of embrace or kisses. They were mere greetings between friends. And foals could be held as they should. My own parents were stern, as one aught, but thought nothing of holding me, and even as I became a mare and thought it emberassing, my father and dam kissed my cheek as I left on patrol." "But..." Shaking her head, Shadow scowled. "Now our fool clan think it coddles them! Love has become weakness, embraces thought to take our warrior way. Fools. Tis not weak to love another and hold them, though a time and place is needed to be in ones mind. Dos thou know where this leads. It makes the Striker clan." Here the stallion shivered. Sighing, Shadow scuffed her hoof. "This fools thought is amongst the other pegasi, and even other tribes, though not for the same reason. They fear it will be misthought or bad deeds implied. They become a people who do not kiss or embrace, and tis a sad tale when we grow so afraid of what others think our own joy is forsaken." For a moment Shadow looked at the stallion, her head tilted. Eyes widening, the colt shifted nervously, the expressiom the mare had unsettling. "Private..." Shadow stepped forward again. Gulping, the pony saluted. "Ma'am?" Leaning forward, Shadow firmly pressed her lips to the stallions. Eyes widening, the pony let out a muffled sound of surprise, his wings shooting out in surprise. Pulling away, Shadow gave a soft smile. "I think thy love would not deny an old war lady like me a kiss, doth thy agree?" Falling back on his haunches, the stallions pulled his wings back. "Like ye said... just a greeting. But why..." Wraggling her eye brows, and taking another kiss and sending the colt further into stammers, Shadow replied "As a boon to thank thee for granting me a glimpse of all that is kind and good in my dark days." Smirking wolfishly, she added "And as thou said, a dirty old cunt like yours truly takes it where she can win it from a well toned piece of flank." Face flaming, the private shouted "LADY SHADOW!" "Calm thyself son. Just think it a hoof shake with tongue. Now, if thy would indulge me further, lets return to the report, aye..." Sighing, the stallion rubbed the back of his neck. "Shadow... please do not take lightly my resolve. It may seem foolish, but such things are grave to me. As a fellow Kicker, I ask that thou not do that again." The mare blinked, then chuckled. "I must say not many would have their ichor raised to be kissed by me. Celestias name boy, with that kiss you would never give a bit in a Cloudsdale inn for all thy days. Is such an oath of such importance to this time> Doth thou not think it... unhealthy not to..." The stallion shook his head. "To many of us spend our days in pursuit of such things. I'd rather spend mine learning to love somepony." Shadow hmmed thoughtfully, and shrugged her wings. "As thy desire my boy. Tis a shame to waste thy warmth in thy green spring, but if thy desire to be chaste so strong, and thy heart troubled by my teasing, then I shall honor thy request, and as a closing word say thou art a fool to deny thy natural way." The stallion shrugged his wings, and smiled. "Tis easy in these time to lose our values, and hard as stone to break ourselves of base wants. But tis a labor worth the work." Rolling her eyes, Shadow snorted. "I'm surrounded by fools of two legs and four. Where didth thy father fail to show thee of the way of such things." The stallion smirked. "No dad. Born and raised by two earth pony mares." "Next time thee visit, tell them they raised a fool." "No need. They tell me that themselves all the time." "Now... back to thee report private..." Flipping the papers, the stallion replied "As for "Natural" Shadow... art we merely rabbits who doth do such things with neither love or thought? Are we so alone as soldiers we would warm the bed of anypony at hoof. Art we so cold as to hoof them out as soon as we have finished? Many things- greed, hate, cruel hearts and selfish deeds, depravity of mind and heart, the might of one crushing the weak, taking of others with naught in return- such is nature, but we do not abide them. Tis not my prudishness as you deem it a noble desire?" Shadow shrugged her wings again, huffing in annoyance. "I hath not said it not noble, and your will is that of steel to not indulge. But would it not be easier to do otherwise." Brows raising, the stallions said cooly "You of all ponies should know, Lady Protector. Tis an easy way, and a right way." "As I said, a waste. And doth not the resolve lead to the fool thought of our earlier words>" Shaking his head, the stallion spat out his pencil. "Nay Lady Protector. To seek comfort through embrace is not lust, but of love. Kissing is more... private. Shows connection that should not be taken lightly. I think thou would not think much if your superior doth take such liberties, would you..." Seeing the look on her face, the stallion face hoofed. "Really? To think the hero of our clan, its den mother, would not care one wit of rank and file and... By Celestia my head hurts..." "You seen my times boy... and you get so scared you can't hope for a bright tommorow, you'd sure as sugar would fuck the nearest warm pony you could..." The private winced, and looked at the mare. Here she was, a living legend, the great Lady Protector. In his mind, the private never thought she'd look so tired and sad. He'd never thought the mane of legend so dim, the eyes so weary. She just looked... tired and lonely, as blashpemous as it may seem. So vulnerable and thin... her statue was so big, but she was so slight it was worrysome. The same mare who'd faced the Mandate and reputed near god like was just a scared lonely pony far from home, same as him. A pony of flesh and blood like any other. Smiling, the pony removed his helm, and kissed Shadow gently on her lips. Closing her eyes, Shadow murred, and as he pulled away, smiled and tilted her head. "Change of heart." Shaking his head, the private put back his helm. "Nay. Tis not but a thank you, what little I can give to thank thee for thy deeds. I'm no fair princess as the stories tell, but I hope thy cherish what little it is." Shadows eyes lidded halfway. "Why art all the good males taken or of a fondness of other stallions." "As thou said, merely a kiss. Thou claimed it merely a hello. Thou doth not take the parcel pony for the afternoon merely because..." The look again. "OH COME ON! Doth thy have roll call of any who you haven't.... Where in Tarturus is thy steel will, thy resolve!" Shadow smiled dreamily. "Hey, all that flying and package lifting makes for one fine figured fellow private." Shadow had never seen a Kicker stallion break down and cry before. Must be all that pent up energy, she reasoned. "OH! By the way Private, hath thou met my daughter> A chip off the old block just like her old dam." Shadow whistled appreciatively as the private bolted away, his body blurring into the sky. "Not bad from this end either. Wonder what set him off though... probably that chaste nonsense, Celestia knows what that can do to a healthy colt. Fast though." ................................................ Shadow glided down to their camp, a somewhat bemused expression on her mussle. Apparently her daughter was bedding for Arron, who slept soundly, his head and shoulders resting against the mares side. "Well well, you two seem content." Pressing a hoof to her lips, Gale scolded softly "Mother, please... he's dead on his feet. Try not to wake him." Smirk fading, Shadow sighed, and sitting, said softly "Gale... we still need time, and I do not want to further our gap, but... I know you care for him. But... thou must think of thy future. Of our clan and tribe." "I know..." "He cannot give you foals or aid us beyond his hands touch to ease our aches. If thou wert to go further, where would you build a house to live> He's not a stallion my love, nor can the Magic of Love bless you two." "Mother... we art merely companions." "Gale... once we return, the chance you'll see either of them is near sero. For your heart, would it not be wise to be aloof." Gale frowned, and said simply "Would you want to treat thy companion so coldly. You care for Carpenter. Mayhaps not as lover, but as a friend assuredly. Since he joined us, you smile and laugh more. Your happy again, and I know he's eased thy heart of its turmoil. Doth thou believe it not worthy to be as such despite the pain of goodbye." Shadow scowled. "Its going to be like pulling pinions when we do isn't it." "We could still visit..." Shadows wings slacked slightly in despair. "He's my friend Gale. And as hard as goodbye is, our clan comes before all else. But at least we'll remember with a smile our friends." And that moment was when Shadow got whacked up the head. Jumping up, Shadow spun around, glaring at Carpenter. "Hey! What the... ow..." Rubbing the side of her head now, she sat down again. "What was that for?" Carpenter scowled. "For being a fool. You think you can just fly off to you castle in the blue and forget us. Even try it I'll come up there and beat a puddle into your backside." Laying a hand on her head, Carpenter smiled. "We're friends, companions. Even if we must part, if you ever need me Shadow, you need only call." Shadow sighed, pushing away the hand. "I cannot promise such... but I'll try. Mayhap visit time to time. A terrible thing... to care for others." "But worth it." Pulling his hand away, Carpenter sat down next to the dark furred mare. "So... what news did you friend bring? Is their strife?" "Nay. Actually your people and my clan get along akin to a home ablase. Some are even being made members. And thy folk are master of building. I doth believe if they were given a knife and patch of forest, they'd build me a table and house to put it in." The human nodded. "Good. What of thy fellows, the unicorns and terra." Shadow looked at the human from the corner of her eye.. "Terra believe themselves out of employ from the sudden cheap labor and feel put out since humans can grow their own means. Unicorns are terrified that they think they can do naught to you. I think with a little thought they could do much, but lasiness breeds stupidity." Nudging her friend, and with a wink, Shadow grinned evilly. "I would have paid to see that light show. Apparently the mana in flame and lightning spell doth die in close range to thy folk, and most other manners arcane do little else. Tis a pleasant day to know somewhere some uppity noble doth be slapped as though a whore by one of yours. And its good for them to be taken down a peg. Builds character." "And thy thoughts Shadow..." Shadow looked fully at her companion. "You scare me." Gale gasped, but was stopped from further by Carpenters raised hand. "Why?" "You barely arrived in this place, strangers in a strange land. Tis nothing short of a demons luck or Makers will most aren't monster feed. Within weeks, though rebuild our clanhold, and did begin work on Canterlot. Your ability to adapt, survive, and thrive is terrifying in its depth. Some even are stronger then my own clan, who pride themselves on martial prowess. You've shaken the apple cart and dug up a few stumps." Shadow grinned. "You've brought change here human. And our people are slow to accept it. Scared as I am, I'm still going to enjoy the show as you continue forward and shake things up more. And we Kickers can deal with bald monkeys. I'm worried thy flesh is to fair to bear the tough life here, and if thee grow to much in thy hubris, we'll just kill you." Rolling his eyes, Carpenter smirked. "I'm shaking. No doubt my people should tremble in terror in the mere thought of a people who resemble a childs stuffed toy." "Yes yes. Keep thinking that son. My clan kicked a whole new cult into every upstart clan and despot of this land. You lanky sods wouldn't even break our stride." "Ah, then thy bruised form was a courtesy?" "Broken clocks right twice a day child." Gale just rolled her eyes, and laying her head down, joined her friend in sleep as the other two continued their talk. > Chapter Ten Two steps forward, one back > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunbeam sighed as she walked down the halls to the Court, her heart weighing on her as she walked. That morning, she had offered her daughter another trip to visit the princess, to study further the ebbs and tides of the vast oceans of the Canterlot seas, and had been politely and somewhat coolly refused. That morning, much to the mares surprise, she had awoken to find none other then her own daughter up bright and early watering plants and humming cheerfully. Needless to say, Sunbeam had been stunned. Over the past few days, her daughter seemed to have completely changed. Studies had become a pleasant, albeit somewhat subdued, affair. She seemed to no longer need her mother to rouse her, had even cooked for herself. But... Midnight had also become somewhat... distant as well. No, Sunbeam amended. More like she had begun to see her mother less in awe, and more like a pony. She said she still loved Sunbeam, and in fact the mare had found her changes quite pleasant, but she still felt a twinge of unease that the filly seemed to have learned much in the few moments away from Sunbeams hawk like eye. Coming to the open door of the Court, Sunbeam paused, and leaning against the door frame, regarded the pacing human inside. David... Sunbeams lip thinned slightly. With the exception of her love, no being had ever made the amoral female more unsure. In many ways, both she and him were much alike. Both were... confident, and kind. Both seemed to care for her, albeit in different ways. And both were, much as it wounded her pride to say, smarter then her. But David had a drive Sunbeams love had never had. A resolve and pain in his eyes that Midnights birth mother had never, an edge sharpened and hardened in the perdition of whatever world he and his people had come from. Sunbeam scuffed a hoof on the floor a moment, gnawing the inside of her cheek in thought. It wasn't lust, she decided. Or love, maker knows it wasn't that. Respect... definitely. Gratitude for speaking to Celestia and restoring her title. Admiration... as odd as it seemed, yes. Trust... "Fair morrow Sunbeam." The mare jumped slightly, blinking stupidly. "What>" Chuckling, the human walked over. "I said good morning." Clearing her throat, Sunbeam collected herself, and walked in. "And a fair morrow to you Lord Paladin." Sighing, David rubbed his chin. "Please Sunbeam. You needn't be so formal." Sunbeam cocked a brow, her features set in its usual aloof frown. "And what title dos thou deserve> You save me and mine from languish, have offered counsel and an ear to my Princess... art thou not so in all ways." Smiling, David laid a hand on the mares withers, making her eyes widen slightly. None had dared to touch her before without her word. Looking up at the human, Sunbeam felt her anger fade at the look he gave her. "How does David seem to thee." "Why though... why are thee so kind..." "Art we not friends Sunbeam... art we both alone in our duties." Pulling away from his touch, Sunbeam shook her head. "I've.... I've never had one. All hold me in scorn or fear David..." Keeping to her side, David sighed. "Then might I be thy first> Will you not allow me to ease thy ache> To be one thou trusts..." Coming to the window, Sunbeam took a quivering breath. "David... I don't know... I've... I've lived this way since a filly. Five... ten... fifteen.... twenty years to this day. I can't change now, I just can't." Sunbeam flinched as she felt the human put a hand on her neck, then tensed as he stroked her mane. "Well... none can change all at once, nor can they change all. And I doth not ask thee to change a wit... only to let me be there for you if thy need... to bear you when you can walk no more... will you not be my friend..." Sunbeam looked up, her eyes soft, showing hope... he was sincere, he could be there... Sunbeam looked away, and shaking her head, walked out the court once more. Shaking his head, David lowered his arm. But pausing at the door, Sunbeam smiled and looked back. "Not now... but David... someday..." David smiled back and nodded. "I'll be here." ....................................... Shadow shivered as she walked down the dirt path to the center of the town square. Even though the town was Lost, she could still feel eyes upon her. As Carpenter strolled up, she muttered "Someones here." The human nodded. "Five to be exact. New guys showed up, armor colored to hide their movement. Human. New guys I think." Here Shadow actually looked up, her eyes wide. Shrugging, her companion quietly said "Trying to draw out a warlock, I think. No better way to bring out prey then fresh meat." Grinding her teeth, Shadow snorted. "Their commander better hope I don't find him. Gale and Arron about." Carpenter shook his head. "Told em to stay back." Carpenter took a deep breath. "This place is... wrong. Like a rotting wound on the face of creation." Shadow sighed, and nodded, ears flicking to pick up hopes of noise. Recruits or no, these fellows were good. "Truly our newest foals are skilled soldiers of your world to move as such..." "Not really. No difference here then me and Arron on a hunt." Shadow made to parry those words, but jumped as a human was knocked clear out a window and sent sprawling across the dirt. Coming to a stop, the young male leaped up, and drew his knife. "Come on my lovely. Time to get your throat cut!" A roar rattled the frames of the house. Yelling back, the human charged, his cries mixed with unholy screeches as he and whatever he'd found fought. Pursing her lips, Shadow nodded. "Not bad. Good eye for armor to. Should we go in..." ` Carpenter shook his head, and stretching said "Nay. Let the pups sharpen their fangs. We'll interfere if it goes south." Shadow ears perked towards the door as the fighting went quiet. Sudden another form was sent sprawling. An earth pony. Waving a hoof in front of her, Shadow gagged. This pony reeked, and appeared to be foaming at the mouth, his eyes yellow. Staggering up, the pony cackled, and the mare grimaced. One of his legs was bent at an odd angle, the bone jutting out. Turning towards the door, Shadow whistled. The young human strolled out, cracking his knuckled as he walked. Giggling wildly, the pony limped forward, eyes bulging. "I'm starving monkey! I wanna eat your babies!" Drawing his fist back, the human drove it hard into the ponies jaw, knocking to quadraped out cold. Shaking his now clearly aching hand, the human spat "Eat that you cock gobbler." Turning around, the human pressed two fingers to his lips and gave whistle. A couple doors opened and the several humans walked out. Both human and mare raised their eyebrows. It wasn't every day two old dogs like them couldn't sniff out a new whelp. These guys were good. The lead human knelt and began trussing up the pony. "Anyone else here. One human, bearing a bow and a female, shook her head. "Nay sarge. Place... place is full, but none alive." A couple of the humans made odd gestures, muttering under their breath. Sighing, the lead human rose. "All right... we'll keep here for the day, burn the bodies. Afternoon we foot back to camp and try to sleep without nightmares." Another human raised his hand. "Wouldn't it be better to put up here for tonight>" The lead human shook his head. "No. Kills were probably bloody, and that will attract things in the evening. Things we cant fight that aren't gonna be pissing themselves because of a few campfires. In fact we should move on now." The humans began muttering unhappily. Sighing, the sargeant sheathed his knife. "I know. I wanna deal with this to, but we cant. We can't bury them, and bonfires take to long. The sun wanes, and so should we." The humans fell silent, unhappy but willing. Picking up the pony, the sargeant said "Lets be on our way soldiers." Shadow stamped her front hoof in applause, saying "well said pup." Frowning, the human dropped the pony, and walked to the two soldiers. Folding his arms he scowled. "This is hardly a time to praise us Lady Protector." Tilting her head, Shadow asked "You know of me then my child." The human nodded, and held out a hand. "Your clan took me and my child in after they rid this land of a witch who had captured us. I owe them and you much." The mare nodded towards the tied up pony. "You seem to be no slouch dealing with them pup." Lowering his hand, scowl deepening, the human snorted. "Of course. Cowards are easy to kill, just a matter of how much ye need to pick from the bottom of your bottom or your boot." Stamping a hoof again, Shadow barked out a laugh. "That's what I love to hear! The others have done right by you son." The human nodded, and pointed a thumb over his shoulder. "New blood. Good kids, bit naive though. A word from the Lady Shadow will do wonders." Nodding, the mare walked over to her clan members. Smirking at the whispers and gasps, Shadow waved a hoof as they began to kneel. "Neigh, neigh! On the ready soldiers, let this old bitch give you lot the once over." Hmming, Shadow paced in front of the humans, noting a plus that they'd gotten in line quickly. A bit rough of course, but training had done them good. And they were quick to adapt hunting to military maneuvers, clever pups. A little wanting in decorum, as she knew, but she liked a cadet who was more concerned with getting the job done the scuffing helmets. No armor on the lot, wanted to rely on stealth. Minus point for taking that risk. Holding out her hoof, Shadow said to the female "bow." Arching a brow, the woman handed the weapon over. Pursing her lips, Shadow bent the weapon a little testing its flex, then scowling, snapped it in half. Glaring up at the human, who face turned red, Shadow said grimly "A few more pulls and that would have happened anyway. Splinters could have gouged thy eyes pup. And what would thee have done if that had happened while in battle." Dropping the weapon, Shadow shook her head and sighed. "Thou wish to be a soldier, then thee must learn as thy brothers have. Heed not those who believe thy place is in a home if thou does not wish it, and hold thy head up proudly as others scoff. As a Kicker, thou need not face the trials of war alone pup. Your brothers and sisters will offer aid, but only if thy swallow thy pride." One of the humans snorted and crossed his arms. "She'd serve better in the kitchen, as would you Shadow. Thou art both woman, and the trials of the lands..." Faster then either female could follow, the sargeant was in front of the recruit, his teeth bared. "Drop soldier." Shoving the male back, the soldier growled "You all think it, I'm just saying it." In a blur of motion, the sargeant bolted back, his fist smashing into the soldiers nose. Shouting in shock and agony, the man began crawling away, only to be kicked onto his stomach. "Start push ups maggot." Grimacing, the human did so, spitting out blood. "Til..." Crossing his arms, the sargeant removed his foot. "Til Lady Protector Shadow says stop." Clicking her tongue appreciatively, Shadow held out her hoof to the next soldier in line. "Sword." ............................................ Groaning, the soldier pushed up once more, his muscles quivering. Tapping a hoof, Shadow said cheerfully "Thats good soldier." Moaning in relief, the human collapsed, then rolled onto his back. Arching her brows, Shadow picked up his sheathed sword. "Well, well. A relic of the family pup. Lets see..." Pulling the weapon free, Shadow regarded her reflection. "Polished and sharpened. This blade has been cared for. Thy pack bears only thy needs, and thy stamina is great. Not many can bear my number of push ups, but thou did so quite well..." Sitting up, the cadet spat. "I am shamed. I hath called thee a woman when thy deeds and very form speaks to thy life as a warrior. I have acted a fool." Smiling, Shadow sheathed the weapon. "Takes a true stallion to admit wrongdoing cadet. But thou were right in one thing..." Handing the weapon back, Shadow whispered "I'm a soldier cadet..." Smiling, she kissed the humans cheek. "But I'm a woman too." Sighing, the cadet hung his head. "The world makes no sense anymore." Taking a seat, Shadow rolled her eyes. "Thou human stallions confound me. Thy woman art not green house lillies who need thy constant watch. My tribes mares have fought and trained with our brothers for eons. Why doth thy mares do not>" Snorting, the human rubbed his shoulder. "Simple. Mares can birth, we cannot. They are needed, we are expendable. Tis an insult for a man to bring the troubles of the world to the hearts of woman and children. We fail as men when we cannot be a shield to the weak." Scowling, Shadow said "Addlepate! Thy women are not weak! We bear the labor of birth, do we not> We raise foals and bind thy wounds when thy fools heart doth make you do something dangerous! Why I raised a filly into a fine young mare and still bared the weight of a epochs life, and you think me weak." Snorting, the cadet waved a hand dismissively. "Thou art more man then woman Shadow!" Leaping up, Shadow turned around and lowered her front half, and flicking her tail to the side, said "Doth thy see a stallions bits pup! Do you wish to see me wink at thee before thou believe me a mare>" Covering his face, the human yelled "God in heaven woman, lower thy tail! I believe thee!" Snorting, Shadow complied, and sat back down. Snickering at the still blushing human, the mare gave a shrug of her wings. "At least you'll have a tale to tell your son one day." The human merely waved his hand weakly, his face the very picture of mortified violation. Weakly he said "Why... what wolves raised thee woman... hath thou no sense of decency...." Rolling her eyes, Shadow smirked. "Pup, I've lived to long and done to much to worry about decent. I'm just a horny, blunt, plot kicking old dam. But I'm a mother and a soldier and a protector and a lover. I bear foals and slit gryphons throats. I am a mare as in all my deeds." "Lady Shadow... thou art more then a mere mare..." Grinning wolfishly, Shadow prodded the humans chest with a hoof. "No, I'm just a mare. And thou has been brought low by a woman, hast thou not>" "Aye..." "And ye would do thyself a service to not forget it pup." Standing, the human dusted himself off. "Well... this hast been a joy. I can't say I've sweated more with a woman in my life. But before I rejoin my unit, theres one more thing i wish to offer you, Lady Protector." Clicking his boots together, the human saluted. Straightening up, Shadow saluted back, and both soldiers said "HUH RAA!" .................................................. Gale bolted from the town halls, cheeks bulging with bile. Coming to the fountain, she released it, the body heaving, lost the rest of her stomachs keep. Tears streaming down her cheek, she stamped a hoof on the fountain stone. "Damn it! How can anypony... Maker take them, they doth not deserve such..." Turning her back to the fountain, Gale leaned against, gulping air. Eyes streaming rivers, she regarded Arron as he walked up, his face as stone. "Arron... doth thy ache for them> the foals... what he did... he ate their insides as they breathed... he made the others watch... doth thy heart cry for them>" The human just looked at the mare, eyes hard. "It would do naught to weep for the dead. Thy shame thyself Gale to do so." "What... what does thy feel in this moment, Arron..." "Nothing... I feel nothing Gale." Walking to the mare, Arron sat down, and drew the mare to his chest. "Thou art a tender heart Gale. I cannot weep, so please, would thou do twice over for my sake>" She did. Gale's tears were neither happy, nor sad, nor enraged. Her heart and mind bled, her soul was scarred by what she'd seen that day. She wept and clung to Arron as though he was driftwood in a stormy sea. Sometime during the bout, they kissed. That night Gale learned what her mother spoke of when she spoke of loneliness and the closest warm body she had. Much to both their shame, they acted out of not love or care, but merely to feel again. They used each other, and after held each other in a state of numb horror. They banged, and didn't even enjoy it. ..................................... Arron gently stroked Gales side. Eyes blearily opening, Gale turned over, and gave a small smile. "Fair morrow Arron..." Smiling back, Arron patted the mares side. "Fair morrow." Sighing, Arron sat up, and scratched his chin. "Gale... I..." Sighing herself, the mare sat up, and resting her chin on the humans shoulder, closed her eyes. "Yeah... me too." Wrapping her forelegs around the human, Gale nusled his neck. "I... thank you Arron." Shaking his head, the human smiled bitterly. "Nay... do not say such things Gale. I took thee as mine for naught but a salve to feel anything but hollow. I am a fiend." Sighing, Gale nussled the human again. "Does thou think we art the first to do so> It wast merely a means to release, naught a life long bond. I care for thee Arron... but I love another. I wish to do this right another night, but lust and a bond as companions is all we have." Nodding, Arron patted the mares foreleg. Smiling again, Gale leaned close. "Mayhaps thou would join me in a bath good Arron." Smirking, Arron growled back "Mayhaps we can make our night mid morning." Giggling, Gale drew away, and leaping up smoothly, walked towards the bath stall. Standing himself, Arron jogged after the mare. As the stall closed, Shadow stood up from her hiding spot, her eyes blasing. And as her daughter giggled and laughed, she snarled. Companion her right foot! ............................................. Nostrils flaring as her wing fluttered at her sides in agitation, Shadow finished her tyrade to Carpenter. Taking draw from his water skin, the human gulped down a bit, then wiping his mouth, chuckled. "Oh, is that so> Good for them." Gaping at the human, Shadow screeched "GOOD! Thy filth student did use my own foal for naught but a ride ye stupid git! He used my little filly!" Snorting derisively, Carpenter took another drink. "Yesterday Shadow you shoved thy nethers into a mans face and asked him if thou were bearing that which is found on a male. Your daughter doth spend a night of passion, and thou tail is in a twist." Shadow snarled, and began to pace again. "Neigh fool! Twas neither love or passion, or even lust. He used her for nothing but... but... a way to feel again! And she let him because this place stripped her and sent her weeping into the nearest warm male she could! He used her! Her mind was addled in horror, and yon filth... he might as well have raped her!" Rising fully, Carpenter put a hand on the mares withers, frowning in insult as he said "Shadow! Thy doth insult one of my order! If thou continue, I shall be most angry." Shadow nickered as she pulled away. Eyes flaring, Carpenter spat "And how is thy flirting and stallion hopping any different>" Shadow stopped dead, and looked over her shoulder, her own eyes in fury. "Care to repeat that human." Crossing his arms, Carpenter scowled as he said "Thou act not for love or lust, but so thy may not be hurt! You care not for those who warm thy bed but only that they may offer thy worthless hide a few moments of relief from the cold fact thou art merely using them as a glorified dildo!" Wings flaring in indignation, Shadow sputtered as her eyes bulged. "Spare me thy ire woman! Thy know it so!" Walking past the mare, Carpenter said in passing "Thou art no Lady Protector. Just a selfish little bitch. Thou shame thyself Shadow." Glaring at the floor, Shadow muttered "Well... thou art an ass... so there." Sitting back on her haunces, Shadow pouted. What kind of friend would speak so> He should be on her side on this, the git. Sniffing, Shadow rubbed her eye with a hoof, and whispered "Or thou could have spoken with less venom... stupid jerk ass stallions..." "Mother..." Shadow cleared her throat as she turned from the door. "Gale... good morrow." Sighing, the mare set down a plate. "I brought food. I'll just..." "Gale..." Shadow interrupted. Eyes narrowing, the lady looked over her shoulder, saying evenly "I know." Gale scuffed her hoof as looked down, her own eyes defiant. Looking forward again, Shadow sighed. "Thy... doings are not my concern child. I trust though thy... time with Arron will not cloud thy mind to your own clan." Gale shook her head. "No ma'am." Shadow turned, and patting her daughters shoulder. "Gale... I only act and say these things not to hurt thee, but because I love you. He is a human, you a pegasus. While you may be in one place, thy heart will mourn for the other. Do not forget thy duty as a Kicker. Twas a foolish whim to think they would be more then contacts." Stepping back Gale scowled. "You're wrong." "Gale... please..." Gale shook her head, and gave a bitter smile. "Last eve was... a mistake Mother. One we both agreed on. I cannot say we shan't again, but... friends is all we are." Shadow sighed, and walked past Gale, saying softly "Twas better when the world was at war. Then all were either comrades or enemies. But now we've those we care for and who care for us... I hate it..." Gale giggled, and walking up beside her mother, hugged her with a wing. "Thou art merely unused to it. Give it time." Shadow stuck her tongue out and rasberried, and Gale giggled again. And with that last thought, they joined their friends and departed the town. .......................................... David shut the book with a sneer of revulsion, the Lunar rebellion sickening him. Fools! Wasteful pride filled savages every last one, and this... Luna is no doubt naught more then they! Celestia had proven so far to be a fair and just mare, thousands of years of wisdom at her hoofs... and they want a lady of war> Standing, David walked to the window, deep in thought. His own kind had proven it true, again and again... power and brute took you only so far. Rebellion, famine, abuse of the serfs... unforgiveable acts that served no purpose, and whatever order gained was soon lost as the people took up arms to take the kings head. Whether they an alicorn or no, sooner or later, the Epochs would be forced to use diplomacy. David sighed... but despite their methods, in many ways they were right. Celestia to often tempered mercy with justice, to often allowed her own feelings to cloud a right decision. In many ways, the Epoch embodied all David held dear. Whatever her feelings, for example, on Westmarch, she should have destroyed them ages past, and still she wept over the clans dessimation. David scowled again as he looked over Canterlot. As bad as Pegasopolis, Unicornia was even worse. Spoiled children and in bred sows abounded the Courts, his ally Sunbeam a welcome exception. The earth ponies were little better, wasting tax on play and festivals as their civic buildings folded like the paper mache constructs they were. The Kickers though... that was what David vision was. An Ordered existence, a Purpose. Reason in all things. The whimsy of the city would give way to the Kicker buildings, would be strong. The people would be strong, whether they wished it so or not. All ponies wanted was a cage... and that was what he would build. And in it, they would be remade. They would be greater, a symbol. The ponies and humans would surrender such ideas as self reliance and personal responsibility as the nonsense it was. The children would train as Midnight did, learn to be true citisens of this mans ideals. Nothing is true... all is permitted... bah! The Assassin's were fools, albeit well meaning. Here David rubbed his chin thoughtfully. Cut the strings, all should be free was their cry. Nay, freedom would only make another Rebellion. Why do they cling so to shaky words of old men and foolish, David wondered. Turning back, David walked to his desk. Templar needed neither. They existed because the people willed it so. While humans and pegasi would no doubt whine and strike back, the true powers would flock to him. After all, ponies yearned for no less then chain and iron collar. And with Celestia's blessing, they would be obliged. ............................................ ` "This... feels amiss Gale..." Giggling, the mare nudged Arron with her wing. "What> The teeth marks you bear, the fact I felt no need to scrub myself raw after a lout like you manhandled, or the death glares my Mother throws you>" Rolling his eyes, Arron smirked. "She should have witnessed thy cries for encore and thy standing ovation..." Rolling her eyes upward in mock thought, Gale tapped her chin with a hoof. "As I remember yestereve, I wept and did promise all manner of death if thou ever laid a finger up my frame again..." "And thy bath this morn..." Gale shrugged her wings. "I needed my back scrubbed and then thou used me for thy lustful wanting..." Arron nudged the mare, and leaning down, muttered "You were the one who pinned me to yon wall and with open maw did..." Smiling cheerfully, Gale growled "Finish thy sentence my dear and I will kick thee in thy dick..." Straightening, Arron sighed. "Clearly my charming ways have ebbed." Gale deadpanned. "What charm..." "Tis either my charm or thou art easy my dear." Gale giggled, swatting the human with a wing. "Fuck you." "Not if Shadow has any say in the matter..." Shadow glared over her shoulder. "If thou even think of slipping off to rutt..." Both pony and human stepped sideways a couple feet. Sighing in annoyance, Shadow trotter up to her companion. Ears flicking back, Shadow asked "Art thou still angry with me..." Carpenter simply said "I am." > 11. Till Armagheddon, no shalam, no shalom > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gale glared balefully at Shadow as Arron lowered the wood for the fire down, sweat streaming down his forehead. Sniffing officiously, Shadow waved a hoof imperiously. "Now fill the water flasks. And when thou art finished I've a tear in my satchel. Hop to boy!" Rolling his eyes, Arron held his hands up in an exasperated gesture, earning a snarl from Shadow. "And not a bit of thy ichor either filth! My daughter is not some inn tramp! You wish her as thine lover, earn it!" Gale cried "We're not lovers!" Shadow arched a brow, her mouth set in a unpleased frown. "He came in you didn't be?" Gale let out a wail, covering her face in her hooves as her skin burned under her fur. Snorting, Arron proceeded to the lake, and as he did Shadow called "And pick a few of yon apples while thou are about, theres a dear." Eyes narrowing with rage, Gale lowered her hooves, hissing "What in the name of our ancestors has possessed thee!" Fluffing out her wings, Shadow harrumphed. "We may be cheap child, but we're not free! Be glad thou are not a unicorn. You'd be chained for all thy days." Gale whine as she slumped down onto her belly. "We are not in love Mother! We merely braved a dark time and took comfort in our misery!" Shadow snorted. "Nay, thou wert horny and let that colt fuck you silly." Whine deepening, Gale pressed her hooves to her ears. "Mother... please... must ye do this>" Grinning wolfishly, Shadow softly replied "Come on... between us fillies... did he perform to thy expectations>" Gale pushed her hooves down harder, saying "I can't hear thee Mother! I'm not here now!" Grin widening, Shadow winked and growled. "Indeed, thou did awaken thy old dam with thy pleas and cries of appreciation! Begging him to ploy thy rump harder! What a forward request! Even I have never let a stallion!" "LALALALALA I CAN'T HEAR THEE!" "I was remissed thou did it thrice more that eve! Doth thou have no thought of thy mothers sleep And one hopes thou washed thyselves after!" Gale lept up, her face flaming as she screeched "YES! HEAR ME EQUESTRIA! I DID RUTT YON HUMAN TILL THE MORN, DID TAKE HIM TILL COLLAPSE! I HORNY AND CARED NOT A WIT TO BE BRED LIKE A BROTHEL DISCOUNT! I DID DEEDS THAT WOULD MAKE A LESSER MARE COWER AND FEAR AND HAD PLACES EXPLORED THAT I DIDN'T KNOW I HAD!" "Excuse me." Gale eeped and whirling around, stammered and blushed further. Behind her, the sargeant from the day before walked into the campsite, one palm pressed to his should. Despite being in pain, he chuckled. "To think I feared our people would not be at ease together." Shadow snerked as she rose, and covering her face with both hooves and wings, Gale sobbed. "Just end it..." Rolling her eyes, Shadow walked up to the human, a waved her hoof. Kneeling, the human removed his hand, revealing a wound that seemed to come from an arrow. Tsking, Shadow said "Whats your name son>" The sargeant gritted his teeth as Shadow tore of the pauldron of his armor. "Lut Imran Naifeh, Lady Shadow." Shadow paused, then shaking her head, began working on the wound. "Lets just stick to sargeant Lute, if thou would indulge my weak tongue..." Hissing as the contents of a vial was poured into the wound, the Sargeant nodded. "Thank you Epoch. Despite thy fillies lack of shame..." Here the mare in question growled at the human, giving him a start. Grinning nervously, he amended "That is to say I am humbled to be in the presence of such a up right and honored maiden. Truly thou are proud beyond to have such a child Lady Shadow." Shadow snickered. "Indeed. When she's not being a chip of her old dams block." Looking over her shoulder, the mare pouted. "Thou I oft had hoped she'd had learned to be of a discrete nature." Slouching in anguish, Gale snarled again at the pair. "One day Mother... I swear one day..." "Love you as well my little pony." Flopping down again, Gale hmmphed. "Pray tell Sargeant. What has befallen thee? Why have thou left thy men." Scowling Lut shook his head sadly. "Dead. All of em. I barely got away." Both mares started, and jumping up, Gale cantered over. "By the maker... all of them>" The sargeant winced as the wound was cleaned. "We couldn't see them. Bolts came from nowhere... I ducked into a tent... our commander had been attacked in the night. All I could see was flashes of white hoods in the brush..." Gale stopped short, her eyes narrowing. During their trip, the humans had been recruited by Celestia to kill various ponies and a few humans in the wilds. A few times as Shadow did her morale boost, the two had taken a Guard from the crowd in silence, leaving the assassinated pony in the woods near the camp. This human was clearly wanted. Shadow clucked in sympathy. "Ah ya lad. These woods bear all manner of fay and wild beast." The sargeant shook his head. "Nay Lady Protector. Twas no spirit of ghoul, but a man. I managed to stick him as he slunk about the camp as I hid." Both mare looked at each other, eyes wide. Seeing their look, the sargeant stood back up, eyes narrowed. "Thee know the slime... there are more! Where are they traitors!" The sargeant urked as a hidden blade slid through his spine. Leaning forward, Carpenter growled "Right behind you..." Pushing the now dying man away, the human pointed into the woods. "With haste ladies! I've done what I can, but he needs a healer!" ............................................ Gale shivered under her mothers wing, hiccuping now and again. As the sun had begun to set, the mare had calmed somewhat. After a quick flight by Gale (as Shadow bore the human across her back, praying his wound only a scrape) the group had made their way to a two story home, in it a family sitting at their meal. One quick flight by Gale to town a mile away had brought a physician, and now all waited anxiously. Carpenter stood staring into the fire, eyes sorrowful. Shadow burned with guilt since her mischief was her charges pain. If he did not live, Shadow would never forgive herself. The door to the room opened, and seeing the doctors face, the trio sagged with relief. Wiping a cloth over his over his glasses, the unicorn chortled. "Thy may be at ease my dears. Thy companion shall be hale and whole in a few days." Gale puddled up, and bolted into the room, blubbering all the way. Looking at the other two, the stallion eyes hardened. "Now... my pay..." Shadow made a move to her satchel, but stopped as the doctor waved a hoof. "Thy bits mean naught Lady Shadow. What I desire..." Looking at Carpenter, the stallion licked his lips. "Only he can give. Thy gear." Shadow gasped. Features stone still, Carpenter rolled up his sleeves, and began to unbuckle his weapon bracers. Undoing them, he walked forward, holding the weapons out clenched in one hand. "Take them." Eyes gleeful, the unicorn lifted the weapons in his magic, crowing with delight. "I have them... no less then a Grand Elders hidden blades... there mine..." Clutching them to his chest, the stallion galloped off. Shadow looked down, and asked softly "Grand Elder. Thou art an Epoch of thy clan child..." Rubbing his wrist, Carpenter replied "And thou art a princess of thy tribe." Flinching, Shadow rubbed a foreleg. "Really... mere formality... I'm no one in the great works..." Shadow jaw dropped as the human kneeled. "Your highness. No words can express my shame in my lack of reverence for thee title..." Jumping up, Shadow violently shook her head, saying "Nay you fool! Thou art a man worthy of no less then glory. Thou kneel to nopony!" Wrapping a foreleg around his arm, Shadow continued sternly "Thou shan't even kneel before the Commander, so says I! You bow to no one!" Rising slowly, Carpenter looked at Shadow in shock. Nudging him up, Shadow stamped a hoof. "Thou gave me a sword of wealth beyond counting, restored a piece of my tribe thought a myth. Thou eased my heart with thy jest, and were true even before my wrath. Thou..." Here the mare began to sob. "Thou gave no less then thy last means of defense to aid a brother. You surrendered thy blades to pay a debt that was no thine!" Carpenter shrugged and smiled. "Your my friends Shadow. I'd cut off my own arm if it meant thy survival..." Smiling adoringly, Shadow took the humans hand in her hooves and kissed it firmly. "Thou art a stallion of true merit Carpenter! A man worth of only the highest title I can give!" Spreading a wing, Shadow pulled a pinion, and held it out. Taking it, Carpenter shrugged. Shadow took his other hand in hoof, and in a stern tone, said "Thou have gained no less then my respect and love as a sister human. Thou art a full Kicker, with both title as one, and granted the clan name in full. So says Lady Protector." Carpenter looked down at the feather, and nodded. Shadow patted the humans arm with a smile. "Thou art a caretaker of thy clan, Brother. We look to you as the honored stallion thou has shown to me, a wise voice and strong soul to held your clan in these days of turmoil." Grasping his hand between her hooves, Shadow drew it to her chest. "Your a member of my household . The first granted the title of Kicker of any people not of the three tribes. You are family. My brother.... will thou give thy kin your true name?" "I'm... Diyan Amal Bashar your grace..." Shadows eyes fluttered, then smiling she replied "May I simply call the Amal Kicker brother." Amal chuckled, and taking a hoof in each hand, nodded. "Of course my sister." Pulling away, Shadow tapped hoofed in place a moment, giggling. "Come Amal! Lets go meet your niece Gale!" Amal chuckled. "What does all this mean sister." Smiling softly, Shadow said warmly "OnIy that I trust to be at my side." "Then it is truly a gift beyond measure Shadow." The mare nodded again, and together, they walked into their friends chambers. .................................................. Amal pulled down his hood and let out a low whistle as they walked through the doors to his new home. Shadow clamored forward, cooing gently as foals surrounded her yelling excitedly at their aunties return. Hearing the foals, others of the clan trotted forward, speaking and crying out cheers as they drew closer to not merely their leader, but a sister they adored. Nussling a few of her family, Shadow chatted excitedly with a couple more, and slowly more ponies clamored over, all thrilled their den mother was back. Brows raised, Amal said weakly "Thats a lot of relatives..." Giggling, Shadow politely stopped her talk, and walking back, took her friends hand in hoof. Looking back to the crowd, she flared her wings, and in moments the clan fell into a excited silence. Tugging the human forward, Shadow said loudly "Everyone... this is thy new brother clansman Amal Kicker." The silence grew. Suddenly the entire herd bellowed and surged forward, pulling their new brother into the throng and greeting him exhuberantly. Looking over his shoulder, the human mouthed "Help!" Shadow giggled, and mixing in with her clan, shouted "My brother thirsts! Revelry and drink are needed! Break out thy instruments, lets have some music to dance to!" Amal was shoved cheerfully forward, exuberantly herded towards one of the larger buildings, and assured resolutely that his new family was insane. "Wine and spirits my ponies! Let us rejoice one joins my household!" And now were going to get drunk, Amal mused. Good thing the buildings looked like they could handle a siege. And in moments the human was rushed through the door, a voice bellowing "New Kickers pay first round!" ................... Shadow giggled and leaned against Amal, her wings hanging at her sides. Looking up, Shadow said loudly "Hey, hey Amen. Guess wha...." Rolling his eyes, Amal put a steadying hand on his new sisters back. "Whats that Shadow..." Looking one way, then the other, Shadow stage whispered, "You know Gale..." Amal nodded. "I think she's hot for thy apprenctice Arron..." Amal smirked. "You don't say." Nodding sagely, Shadow slurred, "I think she wants him to rut her... isn't that silly... He and Gale, ha!" Amal chuckle, then as the mare stumbled a little, he held her steady. Smacking her lips, Shadow said "You know what else Andy..." "No idea..." Swaying in place, Shadow said "I think I may be a little... hic... home. Take my drunk Alfalfa." "Of course Shadow. You just trust in good old Alfalfa." "Wow... hey, you know what else Alex... I think I got wings!" Flaring the appendages, Shadow giggled again. "I'm so preeeettttty!" ............................................................... The next afternoon.... Amal clenched tightly to the rail of the carriage, eyes tightly shut as the wind whipped across his face. Looking over his shoulder, the pony snickered. "Better to be amongst the clouds then plodding clod ay brother." The human groaned. Snickering, his brother looked forward again. "I hope thy time with Shadow was a treat. You spent quite some time hoofing it when it barely took a day to reach thy clan hold." "I didn't trust her..." The stallion snickered, and picked up speed. "Don't you gray thy mane brother Amal! Thy kin will bear thee quick and true to thy folk!" Hearing a very sudden gag, the colt looked over his shoulder shrieking "OVER THE SIDES!" .............................................. Amals boots crunched the soil of his old home, his hood drawn up. The keep was silent. No sign of his son, or Ruth, or his clan. Hear a throat clearing, Amal walked to the court. There a earth pony sat, hacking the spitting into a small campfire. Looking up, he said gruffly "No point just standing there lad. Take a seat." Kneeling before the fire, Amal rubbed his hands over it, saying softly "Wonder what happened to them folks in the hoods that lived here." The stallion smacked his lips. "Picked up sticks and took off in the night. Pissed off some nobles who wanted to rase our town couple few days ago. Fourty mercenaries got wiped out in a single day, the nobles high tailed. That night, the white cloaks left. No telling where they gone, but I think they got some business needs doin." The stallion hacked again. "Few them horse birds clan Kicker too boot. Didn't even have a chance once they'd groundside. Poor sods in the clouds got bolted so quick they never heard the bow snap." "That so..." The stallion scowled. "Trying to do some side work on their off days on the Long Patrol. Some guard they be. Outnumbered them, but end up outclassed. And good riddance so says I. Saying they needs all we got for their patrol. Jackals. White hoods made quick and clean deaths of the lot." "I see..." "Some black furred filly did leave something here though..." Reaching into his saddlebags, the stallion tossed a dark blue duster coat to the human. "Said the newest Kicker pup would need to match. And here." Picking up a box, he hoofed it over. "Said this would help..." Sliding the wooden top open, Amal frowned. New blade bracers, blood red coloring, complete with a black etching of the compass. Standing, Amal put the coat on, the rolling back the sleeves, began to strap on the bracers. Once adjusted, he flexed his fingers, a black blade popping out. Whistling, the stallion leaned forward. "Black thunderforged. That stuffs makes mythril like tissue... someone really hold thee in high esteem colt." Pushing the blade back, Amal smiled. "Not as high as mine for her." As he walked back up to the carriage, he pulled the hood of the duster up. Looking over, the stallion nickered appreciatively. "Well, got you looking proper now son." Taking a seat, Amal grabbed a rail. "Lets go home then." ........................................... Shadow groaned as her stomach lurched, her entire body aching. Wings drooping over her bed, the mare clenched her eyes shut. Just couldn't bounce back like the days of her youth. Hearing her bedroom door unlatch, she looked towards it. Making a murr of approval as Amal walked in and pulled back his hood, Shadow waggled her brows. "Ah, thou did get thy hearth welcome gift them. Figure you'd want the coat to be a darker crimson to." Whirling around, Amal smirked. "Hold thy applause, good mare. Plenty of me to share." Shadow snickered, then sighed. Face growing stern "You also got your blades from the stallion." Amal nodded. Nodding towards her closet, Shadow said "False wall in the back. Celestia left it." Amal tapped the wood at the back of the dresses, then removing the panel, looked in surprise at the wall behind it. Pictures, names, photos of ponies. Crimes they'd committed, sadism they reveled in, and personal quirks and hobbies, not to mention schedules. Amal knew what this was: assassination targets. "Back into the fray pup." Amal smiled bitterly and closed the double doors of the closet. As he made to walk out the door, Shadow sat up an said "Amal... as I said to one of the folks mares, you are not alone, no Kicker is. Look to you family, seek wisdom amongst the changing guard. Spare a few moments and learn the layout of Canterlot." Amal shook his head. "I would not wish harm upon my clans... my tenets are absolute. Do not compromise the brotherhood." Rolling her eyes, Shadow scoffed. "You think this our first under the table play pup> We've done this to the point its natural. Thou doth bring us no ill fate by just speaking. Oh, and be sure to toss a bit to the beggars. Never know when a bit of good will do you good." .................................... Amal turned the key in its lock as the quartermaster walked by. Pausing to dig through the pocket on his apron, he muttered "I got a buddy in the upper side to work out a deal." A dull ting echoed, and shrugging the stallions said "oops" then walked away. Looking down, Amal smirked down at the key drop. Kneeling down, he picked it up, then with a quick pocketing made his way to the brothel. As the various mare giggled and fluttered their lashes, and mail armor covered mare pushed them aside to take a seat at a table. Moving towards it, Amal sat across from her. Laying her folder down, the mare said sternly "I must warn you that opening private noble files is a violation of the law. Clear?" "Of course. I'll remember that if the opportunity is there." "Great!" Standing back up, the mare walked from the table, and laying his hand on the folder Amal said softly "Wait, stop, come back you forget something..." Seeing the mare gone, the human snapped his fingers. "Shucks, I wasn't fast enough." Tsking, Amal shook his head. "And no seal either. Someone of poor character could just...." Amal flicked the folder open "... do something like that... oh dear, no black mark outs... a less honest citizen could just learn all those nasty hobbies, couldn't they..." Pocketing the address, Amal held the file and its content over the candle a moment. Tossing the still smoking paper into a bin, the human slid out the brothels doors, and from there out of his clanhold. > Chapter 12. Deeds done in darkened halls > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gale gnawed her bottom lip fretfully as she regarded the bed before. After Amal had been taken onto her mothers home and granted the clan name, Arron had been offered a place as well, though not granted title. As such, he had been given a bed in the barracks till a place as a second foal could be granted . The night before the two had shared a meal, plans being made that the human would accompany Gale as she walked through Canterlot. But in the morning, the mare found her friends bed empty. Ears turning towards the sound of footsteps, Gale looked over her shoulder. Seeing who it was, she turned, and said "Uncle Amal..." Chuckling, the human doubled back, and walked into the barracks. "I told you Gale.... Amal is fine." Mouth turning up in a smile, Gale shook her head. "I could call thee father again..." Waving his hand dismissively, Amal snorted. "Thy clan has their tails in a twist that thy dam has made me a Kicker." Gales smile faded, her eyes narrowing slightly.. "Amal... thou art the first not of the three tribes to be granted a pegasi title... Does thou not know of the pains my mother has wrought upon her house by this..." Seeing the humans face turn sorrowful, Gale sighed. "Cry pardon, Amal. Thou needn't concern thy heart with matters of Kickers thick skulls. Tis a small matter as she is the leader of both the Guard and tribe, but thou should know of her favor for thee by that alone..." Smiling back, Amal walked forward, and kneeling down, put a hand on the mares head and ruffled her mane. "Gale... you and your dam mean more to me then any aside from Ruth and my son... And whether Kicker or no, I love you as I would my own daughter." The mare frowned again. "Then why be false about your family..." Slowly Amals hand slipped away, his previous face hardening. Eyes showing her hurt Gale continued "I know thy reason for thy false name was nonsense, thy own creed and philosophy in direct contrast to thy lie. So... why is thy foal in the care of another stallion." Sighing, Amal scratched his chin, and said "I trust thee Gale. Please do not speak of thi to another but..." Shaking his head, the human rose, folding his hands behind his back. "The truth is... Matthew, our elder, did not bless me and Ruth in our love. In truth, he despised me, believing me weak and untrue to the creed. When he learned of his daughter with child, he had me brought to him, and made his offer. I could die then, my wife and child with me. We could flee, though I know we not survive alone. Or..." Gale took the humans the humans hand, her eyes wide with sympathy. Squeesing it, Amal sighed. "Or he could be raised by another. Not as an Assassin, but a scholar, or a healer. Matthew swore both he and Ruth would be cared for, neither would know want or hunger." Gale gently lowered her hoof. "Thou... thou forsake thy own pride, thy duty, thy right as sire... to protect them..." Amal nodded, and gave the mare a scratch behind the ear. "I would do anything for those I love Gale. I fight not for the favor of rulers, or honor or pride. I fight... I kill... for home, and family." Gale shook her head, and looking down at the stone floor. Since she had been taken in by Shadow, Gale had been... reluctant to take on many of her clans customs and beliefs in matters of pride and honor. While Shadow had entered the sparring ring or taken her blades to some fools barded jeers, her foal had regarded them as just that... mere words. In her mind, honor could only be lost by ones acts or failure there of, and her sleep had not been lost so much as one instant over others thoughts of her. The only ones whose words had been valued was Shadows, and now Amal and... Gale jolted in realization. Arron.... Shaking her, Gale stood up again. "More of that later Amal... I called thee to ask if thy know of Arrons whereabouts." Brows knitting together, Amal shook his head. "Nay Gale. The last of him I beheld was last eve." Turning back to the bed, Gale knawed her lip again before softly saying "His beds unmade... He was here..." Walking forward to stand at her side, Amal rubbed his chin as Gale poked her head under the bed, then slid under it. "Mayhap he is at the mess hall..." Gale wings fluttered at her sides anxiously as she whimpered. Sliding back out, she held out the humans sword and hidden blade bracer in her hoof. Looking up at Amal, she softly said "Without his arms..." Amals picked the bracer up, his eyes brimming with new blooming dread. "No... Wait here Gale... Shadow must be told..." Handing the weapon back, Amal ran from the room. Holding the bracer to her chest, Gale turned her gase to the window, her eyes troubled as her voice trembled. "Arron... where are thee..." ........................... Arron was dragged into the open circle of the cities aqueducts, his eyes covered with burlap, his mouth gagged, and his arms bound behind his back. Forced into a kneeling position, Arron blinked as the weak light assaulted his unadjusted eyes. Looking around, his eyes adjusting to the torchlight, he grimaced. Around him stood several of his order, faces hidden under hood and black cloth over the bottom part of their faces. Before him, in her Assassin gear, stood Ruth, a bundle in her arm. Next to her stood Matthem, his once warm face cold and impassive as stone. Nodding, he wave a hand. Face pained, Ruth undid the bundle, revealing a soft glowing cube engraved with lines. Kneeling, she whispered "Forgive me..." With a ffft sound, Arron arm bindings were cut, one arm quickly pinned, the other forced forward. Taking the struggling young man by the wrist, Ruth firmly pressed his palm to the artifact. Screaming behind his gag as the cube dimmed to dark blue, then back to its bright sky color, Arrons eyes rolled to the back of his head, his body convulsing. Letting his arm drop, the young man slumping onto his side, Ruth whispered "Thou have played thy part, Arron..." Standing, Ruth walked to her father once more, wrapping the cube up again, her face growing stern as she said "And now... tis time for us to play ours..." ............................ Midnight looked up the human as the walked through the city. That morning he had come to the home she and Mother shared, and surprisingly asked if he might borrow the filly for the day. And more shockingly, Sunbeam had said yes! After a quick loading of her saddlebag, Midnight and David had begun their trek. When she had asked where they were bound, he merely smiled and promised it a surprise. Midnight stopped short as the human paused, and looking down said cheerfully "Today, my young lady, is a day of lessons." Cocking a brow, Midnight asked "What does thou wish to teach me Lord David." Smiling, David knelt and patted the fillies neck. "To survive." Standing, he reached into his pocket. "The first lesson is in regards to deeds put in motion by our Princess. She hast brought Assassin's to this place, and has put them to work." Nodding, Midnight followed close behind as they moved through the crowd. "As such, we have been tasked to remedy an err yon Assassin did make. He failed to kill all the Guards around his target, and failed to silence the servants who beheld him. Therefore..." Coming to a raised platform, David nodded towards the earth pony on it, who was in the process of speaking. "OY YEAH, OY YEAH! AS TOLD BY OUR HONORED MARES AND STALLIONS OF THE GUARD AND NOBLE HOUSES, DUKE WELSBOTTOM WAS FOUND SLAIN IN HIS HOME! WIDOWED BY LADY PRIMROSE AND MOURNED BY HIS TWO FOALS, THE GUARD REQUESTS THY ASSISTANCE IN THE KILLERS NETTING AND EVENTUAL TRIAL! IF ANYPONY HAS SEEN A HUMAN OF ABOUT SIX FEET, GREEN EYED AND BROWN SKINNED CLOAKED IN A BLACK OVERCOAT AND HOOD, REPORT YON CRIMINALS SIGHTING AND LAST KNOWN PLACE TO YOUR LOCAL GUARD OF GENDAMERY OFFICER. THY LOYALTY TO THE CROWN WILL BE WELL REWARDED!" Walking forward, David leaned down, and whispered something to the pony. Midnight frowned as she watched the human slip his hand into the ponies robes, the bits in his hand left behind as he pulled away. Taking a drink, the earth pony ponched his lip out in thought. Turning back to the crowd as they walked, he cleared his throat. "OY YAY OYAY GOOD PONIES OF CANTERLOT! TO OUR SHAME, WE HAVE ERRED IN OUR WORDS AND HAVE SENT DISMAY TO ONE FOR IT! NEW WORDS HAVE REACHED US FROM OUR BELOVED GUARD OF THE KILLERS BODY BEING FOUND IN A LOCAL RAVINE! THIS WOMAN HAS BEEN INTERRED FOR THE TIME BEING, AND WILL BE BURNED AS IS BY LAW. PUT THY HEARTS AT EASE, FOR WE ARE NOW ASSURED THAT THIS MARE DID WORK ALONE! FURTHER INQUERIES MAY BE MADE AT ANY LOCAL GUARD HOUSE OR DIRECTLY FROM CELESTIA'S STEWARD! THANK YOU FOR THY PATIENCE!" Midnight gaped up at the human as he walked up, and stammered "Thou bribed a crier... but they... are honored members of the House of Lords..." Frowning, David waved a hand. "And are the bottom of the pecking order. They are poorly paid and often abused by both nobles and common who bear them ill will for merely being the messenger. And when they are not abused, they are given no notice or gratitude for their task. Theirs is a thankless duty." Shaking her head, Midnight trotted behind David. "Do they not fear the noose or ax> What does a few bits mean in the face of shame as traitors." David continued on, not looking down as he spoke. "When thou hast a foal, my dear, thou will know. When thy larders and cupboards are bare and thy art unable to be rid of the debt, and are in peril of losing all, then thou will not be so concerned of thy honor." Coming up to the Kickers clan hold, David paused across the street. Telling the filly to wait, he walked to some humans lounging in front of a building. Indicating to a young human colt, he leaned down whispering. Nodding, the boy pocketed a bit, then picking up a rock, ran to the front of the clan hold. Two of their order stopped talking and glared at the human as he walked up, their red armor glinting in the sun. Cocking his arm, he bellowed "OY! You lobster twats, have a bit of this." Both guards dodged the rock easily, then snarling, chased after the foal. Waving to the filly, David said "If thy enemy is of a passionate temper, anger them. The way is clear for us." Nodding, Midnight's eyes widened as they walked. While Gale had often gushed of her clan, to see them in their hold was... Midnight shook her head. All the Kickers she'd met had all been like Lady Shadow... stern, grim faced, humorless and dedicated. But in their hold... Color of armor shifted from gold to red or in reverse as the ponies there went on and off duty. In a sparring wing, two pegasi dodged and weaved, wooden blades making a dull thunk against each other as the parried. Foals joined their elders in their exercises or sat quietly as a veteran spoke. As they walked up to a gray building, Midnight muzzle puckered from the whiff of heavily sprayed perfume and sweat wafting from the door. Whistling, David tossed the madam the bit pouch, and grinning, the old mare nickered. Midnights jaw dropped as mares demurely walked from the building, manes and tales shorn. "What is this place..." the filly asked weakly. "A brothel..." Midnight blushed furiously. She may have been naive, but Gale had done all she could to see she knew something of the world outside the gilded cage her mother had built. As David spoke to them, Midnight sighed. From what she could see, most of the brothel workers were earth ponies or pegasi who, from where she sat and saw, had broken or ruined their wings. Gale had often fumed at her clans profit from them, but Midnight had always thought that they were merely following their cutie marks or perhaps enjoyed their employ. Looking at them now though... At least though the Kickers protected them, Midnight thought. Still... what trials have brought them to a place like this... As the group left, David followed, waving at Midnight. As she trotted up, David paused at a buildings corner and pressed a finger to his lips. "Wait... be still my student... Watch..." Midnight tilted her head as the group of mares walked up to the two stern faced stallions, who decidedly became less so as the throng drew close. After a few giggles and eye flutters, which instilled half flared wings and grins, the two pegasi followed the mares behind their building. Shrugging, David walked to the entrance to Shadows home. Sticking out her tongue in disgust, Midnight learned a life lesson along with what David had shown: stallions were gross. And with that thought, she followed the human into the house. Looking up, Midnight asked "Why did thou do this David>" "As I said, to teach thee to survive. Beasts and monsters are not only in yon woods, my student, and thou must be ready if law is lawless. Do not fret. Thy will wish for this time when thy hast spent a time with me learning to live of the land." Midnights eye twitched. > Chapter 13 A meeting of minds and meals with demon mares > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shadow rubbed the bridge of her muzzle with her hoof, a grimace of annoyance in place. Midnight sat in a corner, cheerfully munching on a sweet biscuit as her teacher told Shadow what happened. Shadow said weakly "You got in here, bold as day, and... stars human! Such things are not becoming to the Lord Paladin, and to involve a child..." Shadow pointed a hoof at Midnight. "And you! If you ever pull something like that..." Midnight frowned as she swallowed. "Do not presume to lecture me Shadow. I am not some adoring foal or fat noble you can merely bend to thy will..." Shadow's jaw dropped. David looked over his shoulder, and said sternly "Midnight..." The filly huffed, crossing her forelegs. "She began it... speaking as though she were Mother..." Shadow smiled, a gesture that gave the filly a stunned pause. "In a way, thou art my daughter... or at least I love as though you were mine..." Midnight squirmed in her seat, eyes fixed downwards. "Do not... don't tease me Shadow... please." Frowning, Shadow stamped a hoof on the ground. "Midnight Sparkle, come here right now." Midnight hopped off her chair, and eyes not leaving the floor walked to Shadow as the mare walked from behind the desk. Putting a hoof under her chin, Shadow frowned. "Midnight... thou art a fool." Leaning down, Shadow kissed the top of Midnights head, then drew her to her chest in a one legged hug. "Does thou think so little of me that I would make jest of my love for thee. Your no Kicker, and art too naive... but I love every fool piece of fur on you. You aren't alone, and Sunbeam is not the only one who cares for you. I love you as my daughter, shall be there for you as though it were so..." Suddenly Shadow clapped a hoof on top of the fillies head, illiciting a yelp of pain. Glaring up at the mare, Midnight stuck her tongue out as Shadow grinned wolfishly down at her. "Why I love you so much I'll even beat you like one of my own. But for now... I'm going to punish you for being so rude." Midnight scowled. Unwrapping her foreleg, Shadow stamped a hoof down. "Twenty laps should do it." As Midnight opened her mouth, Shadow grin darkened into a leer. "Wanna try for thirty." Midnight rolled her eyes, then jumped as Shadow pushed her face close, and said cheerfully "That earned you fifty my dear. Argue and I'll have Gale out there with you swatting you upside thy head every time you begin to slow." Midnight glowered, and standing, cantered out the door, grumbling as she went. Shadow shook her head as she left. Looking over shoulder, she frowned again. "If thou think I'll be sitting her on my tail while ye enthrall Midnight..." David turned around slowly, and despite herself, Shadow took a half step back. She knew little of human expressions, but she did know this one... rage. "Be silent Lady Shadow. The only reason I am here is at the will of Celestia. Thy... poorly veiled words change naught one thing. You shame thyself." Shadow stood up, her eyes narrowing. "And what offense have I done David." "You... you fucking sow... you stood aside while Sunbeam..." David slammed a fist on his thigh. "Sunbeam... is unwell. She's like a sad, angry with a genius brought on too soon. Her acts are those of a broken woman... Horrible, but forgiveable. But you..." David crossed his arms, face etched in wrath. "You stood aside and let her do it." Shadow bared her teeth in a snarl. "And what would you have me do human> Perhaps steal yon foal away in the eve, hide her in a closet. Maybe Gale could take her on her journey through the woods, I'm sure some beast would relish a filly as a meal." David waved a hand dismissively, a bitter laugh coming forth. "Twas nothing thou could do> Midnight is lucky to still draw breath." Shadow drew up fully, a aloof expression in place. "My conscious is clear human." David snorted derisively. "And they call Sunbeam a monster..." Shadow gave a small laugh of her own, then laughed again. Slowly David unfurled his arms as Shadow began laughing harder. "Ye fool, we're both monster, did thou not know!" Shadow began to laugh harder, then sobbed, then mixed the two in a wail. "Sunbeam and Shadow, Celestia's demon mares. What a fitting name..." David began laughing along with Shadow. "As am I... We're the monsters who eat the other monsters of this world..." Shadow wiped her eyes with a wing. "Indeed... but even a demon can love. My words were true David. Midnights my little girl as much as Gale. I'd do anything for both of them." Shadow sighed, and rubbed the back of her neck. "But... I can't take her in. Sunbeam is a monster, a deviant... but her deeds were done because she truly believed she was doing what was best. I wasn't there to stop her, and did naught to her when Midnight was given back to her, but I did make one thing clear." Shadow walked up to the human, eyes stern. "No one messes with my little filly." Davids face softened. "Dare I ponder what she said..." Shadow smirked. "Made me her godmother and promised to pull my womb out through my nostrils if I ever threatened her again." David barked out a laugh. "Sounds like her..." Shadow shook her head as she sat behind her desk. "All the more impressive as she was immobile at the time... and another reason I did nothing if thou are curious." Davids brows raised in question. "Neither of us are ones for coddling David. But Sunbeam definitely crossed a line with me... and five of them with Gale, who promptly showed up and beat the living tarturus from that sadist. If there is any mare Sunbeam fears, its Gale." Shadow smirked again. "Knowing that almost makes up for the cost of her healing and therapy." Shadow flipped open her log, and began reading. "But young Midnight seems to be... a little taller now. And tougher. Can't say I've ever heard her talk like that, or be so... stubborn. I suspect such is thy workings..." David rolled his eyes. "Not at all, Lady Shadow. Midnights merely growing up, becoming her own mare." Shadow snorted, then muttered "Bullshit." David shrugged his shoulders. "As for my "enthralling... I believe Celestia has made you aware of my order." Shadow smirked. "Yes... the Templar. The warrior scholar. Seems right up Celestia's alley. Can't say I've wasted much time in those dusty tomes, but its good to see thy studies have not impeded thy martial skills." "Why Shadow... I'm blushing..." Shadow began sorting through journal, frowning thoughtfully. "I... am ill at ease, David. I'm no politiciser or such rot, I'm a soldier. You are both though. And I'm aware of thou desires for Canterlot." Shadow shook her head, and snorted. "David... my life, and yours, and Amals... its not for everyone, nor is it a sacrifice we can ask of others." David turned back to the window, and put his forehead against it. "I know Shadow, I know. Still... a man can dream." Shadow shook her head again sadly. "Even in my clan, who are raised from birth as warriors, more then a few forsake this life and follow their cutie marks or aid our family by other means." David leaned away from the window, and began to pace. "Its not merely that Shadow. Your tribe, my people... they revel in ignorance, though not by choice. For the sake of power, thy lands nobles have forbidden knowledge, bar the schools from earth and non military pegasi... I seek to remedy it." Shadow looked up, a brow raised. "And how will you do this." "I shall send teachers. Open a school such as Celestia has made, a seat of learning open to all." Shadow pressed a hoof to her lips thoughtfully. "A commoner West Hoof..." Eyes glittering with excitement, David took a roll of paper from his satcher, and laid it across the desk. Taping it with a finger, he said "Tis not all, good lady. Behold..." Shadows brows raised fully as she looked the paper over. "And this is..." "Designs... of a device thought up by Sunbeam and Myself. I call it a printing press." "Templar..." David stood up straight, his eyes getting an odd glint. Turning towards the voice, David growled "Assassin..." Shadow gulped as the two humans walked towards each other... then embraced... Shadows wings flared in shock as the two began laughing. "Brother! Its so good to see you!" Pulling away, Amal lowered his hood, chuckling as he looked David over. "Thou art a sight brother! Or should I bow to the new Lord Paladin." David shoved Amal playfully. "Well look at you! Switched thy white robes for black coat, very nice..." Shadow waved a hoof. "Wait... ye two are brothers!" Amal put a hand on the Templars shoulder. "Shadow... this is my brother. Rahim Adl Nasih." "So... that's your name..." Both humans turned toward the doorway. Amal face hardened and with a flex of his fingers, his bracers blade shunk out. Sunbeam took a step into the room... Amal snarled and stepped forward "You dare disgrace my clan with thy presence filth." Sunbeams horned flared a moment, then petered out. Shadow shook her head. "Magic nullifiers Lady. And whatever you got wont do anything anyway..." Amal with stilled by Rahims hand on his shoulder. "Please brother... I thought we could all talk..." Amal looked at his brother in shock. "Rahim... Does thou know what this mare has done>" Rahim nodded. "I do. But she has done much to redeem herself... Will you not sit with us>" Amal sighed, and sliding the blade back, walked to the wall behind Shadow and leaned against it. Letting out her held breath, Sunbeam frowned at Shadow. "The manners of your hold have lessened of late Lady Protector. i suggest thou keep thy mongrel on his leash." Shadow flared her wings, the wingblades on them glinting in the light. "Sunbeam... For thy sake, I'd keep my tongue free of insults of my family if I were you. You're only here because of David, remember that." Rahim stepped between the two ponies. "Enough, the both of you. Lets just get through this without blood." Rahim looked over his shoulder at Amal who scowled as he folded his arms across his chest. Locking eyes with Shadow, he waited for a nod and wings relaxing, then he turned back to Sunbeam, who gave a nod. Amal sighed, and walked to Sunbeam, who took another uncertain step back. Bowing slightly, Amal said "Forgive me, Lady Sunbeam. The last two days have been trying to say the least." Sunbeam gave slight smile. "I dare say thy greeting was perhaps one of the more joyful ones of my days Amal. Apology accepted... on one condition." "If I am able..." Smile turning into a smirk, Sunbeam winked up at the human. "Thou will join me in a dinner tonight. Come as you are. The Silver Chalice." Amal hung his head, chuckling. "As thou wish..." Brushing him with her tail as she passed, Sunbeam licked her lips suggestively at Shadow, who gagged. .......................... Sunbeam walked in the gold gilded hall to the restaurant, hooves muffled by the red carpet underhoof. That evening Sunbeam decided to just go as she was, not feeling the need to waste effort on a cold fish. Nodding at the maitre'd, she opened her mouth. "Madam Sparkle. Thou stallion has already arrived. If you will follow me." Sunbeam arched a brow, but followed as asked. Soft chatter of the restaurants clients as she walked, her eyes panning across the room... then she saw Amal. Woof... That evening, the human had left his coat and riding attire and acquired a pair of navy blue pants over which he drawn his newly shined boots over. On his upper half he wore a simple white shirt and black faux leather vest. Seeing her, he bowed again. "Lady Sparkle." Giggling demurely, Sunbeam took her seat. "Please Amal... Sunbeam." Taking his own seat, Amal nodded. "Very well." Sunbeam lay her chin on her pastern. "So... Amal... tell me about yourself." Amal waved his hand. "Oh, I'm just a simple man. Please, what sort of life does thou lead> Surely thy duties as Archmagus are thrilling." Nodding, Sunbeam smiled proudly. "Indeed. As a matter of fact, I've recently taken to studying the pregnancies of mares across the three tribes...." "Oh... tell me more..." ....................................... After their meal had arrived, the two fell into a companionable silence, widdling their meals quietly. Wiping a napkin across her mussle, Sunbeam smiled again. "So... anyone in your life>" Amal paused, his lips thinning. "A woman... a son... no idea where they are now..." "Oh... Cry pardon, I didn't mean to..." Amal held up his hand. "Its all right. How about you> Or did you adopt..." Sunbeam looked down at her plate and said softly "She died in foaling." "I'm sorry..." Sunbeam sighed forlornly. "If its all the same, I'd rather not speak of her..." "Of course..." Amal reached over the table, gently taking the mares hoof in his hand. "Sunbeam... do you love Midnight>" The mare snorted derisively. "Of course I do." "Then why be so cruel... what do you hope to gain..." Sunbeam shook her head. "I made a vow to her dam... I swore I'd raise her properly, find aid in my own... habits." "And..." Sunbeam deadpanned. "My foal has a sick obsession with death and I'm eating a meal with a glorified bald ape. I'm living the bucking dream human..." > Chapter 14 The Misadventures of better living through chemistry > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunbeam flopped across her bed, and undoing a canter, poured a shot into a glass. Smiling, shg waved a hoof at her bedside table. "Forgive me if I do not serve you Amal. My mana... wel, breaks apart to close to you lot, you know..." Smiling, Amal picked up the glass, then looked at it a moment. Smile fading, he looked at the mare. "Somethings in here..." Sunbeam rolled her eyes and scoffed. "Dos thou think so little of others as to think of such things..." Amal shook his head and set the glass down. "Not poison... something... used for ones lovers..." Kneeling on the floor, Amal cocked a brow at the flabbergasted mare. "Not a sleep maker... nay, the opposite..." Sunbeams jaw clicked shut and she scowled. "Fine! Thy have found me out! How did you even do that..." Amal chuckled and shrugged. "We call it eagles gaze. Its... like being able to use all thy senses at once, but something else too... to see sound and touch taste... I've found it aids me in wandering at night and the divining and search of thy tribes horn craft. And of course with... addings to my meal and drink." Sunbeam huffed, crossing her forelegs. "It wouldn't have hurt thee you know... it would not have addled you, only greatened the sensation..." Amal sighed, and shook his head. "Sunbeam... Thee sought to seduce me... Why?" Sunbeam shrugged. "Your Davids brother. First male I've been swayed by and befriended, and he turns out to be a cold fish..." Amal rubbed his shoulder, his face setting back into a frown. "Why not merely pursue him if thou care for him..." Sunbeam snorted and rolled her eyes again. "Care, pah! David merely... is mildly amusing at times. Males are much the same whatever their form, and once this itch has been tended, yon Davids novelty will fade." "Sunbeam... that won't ease thy heart." Sunbeam flinched, and glared at the human. Shaking his head, Amal stood again, softly continuing, "You don't want another bed warmer... another means to your end... you want a friend, a companion. I know thy wife will always be in your heart, but thou desire not a life partner... just someone you trust." Sunbeam scowled and looked askance at the humans gaze, saying "Don't look at me like that... that pitying simpering look merely draws my ire..." "Sunbeam, please... bits are a cold and heartless thing, and power has caused thee little but misery... You were so lonely you sought to seduce Shadow and Celestia, did you not?" Sunbeam whipped her head back. "Nay, ye fool! Both those mares were only a means. Through seduction or blackmail was the surest means to gain what I wished..." "Until David, who returned to thee thy title, and wants to be there for ye for no more then because he cares for you?" Sunbeam jaw clicked shut, her teeth grinding a moment, then with a sigh, she laid her head down. "I don't understand... Why does he enjoy my company? I'm... cruel, Amal. Blunt, greedy and use stallions and mares as my heart wishes. What does he see... How does he know me?" "Because he is you, Sunbeam. He's you as you could be... a man whose own daughter..." Amal turned, and walked to the door. "Tis not my place Sunbeam Sparkle... If there is nothing else..." as he unlocked the door, Sunbeam softly replied "Shadow... she may not want a screwing or a lover... but she does want you Amal. As a friend, a brother. And after all she's given, she deserves all her little lonely heart desires, and then only the best." Amal looked over his shoulder, and smirked. "Best huh... think she'll settle for me..." Sunbeam grinned. "Well... Kickers are known for making due with less..." Amal made to close the door, then doubled back. "Oh... and David has the gase too... and he's not as keen on better living through alchemy..." As the door clicked shut, Sunbeam face hoofed. Sighing, she floated over the canter, pouting. "Two hundred bits down the tube..." Suddenly her brow raised. Grinning, Sunbeam pulled a cord, and taking a sip of the drink, poured a shot into a glass. Hearing a knock at the door, she cheerfully called "Enter." A white blue maned unicorn walked in, eyes shyly looking down... and sweet Celestia yes... maid outfit. Sunbeam bit her lip, squealing internally. And she was so shy... "Wi madam... How may I serve you..." Sunbeams right ear flicked as her tail flicked to the left behind her. Her horn glowed, and the door softly closed. ............................................ Amal sat down across from Shadow, whose eyes continued over her papers. "Your back quickly..." Amal nodded, and stretched in his seat. Shadows lips slipped into a stern line. "You didn't do her did you..." The human scowled. "Really now..." Looking up, Shadow sighed. "I worry about you..." Amal lowered his arms from his stretch. Sighing, Shadow shook her head. "You don't... seem interested in mating at all to be honest..." The human rubbed his eye. "Oh, I am... I've merely choosen celibacy lest I ruin another foal..." Shadow smirked as she lay a hoof on her desk. "There are quite a few adventurous fillies out there..." Amal snorted derisively. Waving a hoof over papers, Shadow nodded sagely. "Come now Amal, surely you've never been tempted... tis a small matter, merely one part massaging another, and in your case, no need to worry of foals!" Seeing the look on his face, Shadow rolled her eyes. "I see.... a romantic... looking for the perfect one..." Leaning an elbow on the desk, Amal put his chin in his palm, and waggling his eyebrows, growled "Like a certain Lady Protector..." Shadow wings flared, her cheeks darkening. Smirking, Amal crossed his arms again. "Kinda hard to be flushed of thy face with dark fur..." Shadow snapped her wings back to her side, and covering her face in her hooves, groaned. "That's vile..." Amal threw up his hands, barking "Oh! So now you're too good for me!" Shadow held up a hoof, and smiled sadly. "I just... I wish not to be heart broken... be betrayed." Amal winced, and lowered his arms. Sighing, he gently grabbed her hoof between both hands. "Shadow... I'm not Rightly... In any way... But I do love you... You, Gale, Ruth, my son... you're my kin, my family. I'll always be there if you need me... But right now, even for a vision like you, matters of... that, are not of value for the moment." Shadow nodded, putting her other hoof over his hands. "The offer stands open... amongst other things..." Amal was the one who blushed. Shaking his head, he pulled his hands away, and began pacing. "God Shadow... What is wrong with us..." Shadow rolled her eyes. "Why do your people have such strife with this..." Amal threw up his hands again. "Why does thou tribe and the unicorns not?" Shadows eyes narrowed, her voice cold as she spoke "Tread at thy peril Amal. We may not be as thou people, but do not draw lines twixt us and them. My clan... we those we bed or we know naught them at all, whatever is easier on our heart. In our desperation, we even pay some whore. The horn heads... pah! They drug and thrall and enchant and dine their way into a pony... then toss them out the moment their spent! They seed some poor mare, then abandon her and the foal..." Shadow shook her head sadly, and rising from her desk, looked out the window. "They're called... bastards. Treated as though... they were just... nothing. Left in the care of the crown or to die in the streets..." Shadow turned back, then stomping to the front of her desk, began to pace. "We know this... because far to many of my tribe have been cast out. Some die from want, others leave us... but they're always Kickers, always clan. My own daughter, Gale, is one such filly left alone. And I could love her no more if she were blood. Celestia child, thou art like a brother to me!" Shadow stopped, and closing her eyes, drew a deep breath. "To often my tribe... has wasted these children on pride and conquest... to our shame..." Shadow smiled softly, then said "But... we Kickers... we take care of ours... Our duty is absolute, but... we are not as the Strikers or Firebrands. We'd pull our own wings off before we stood aside and let our foals go down their way..." Amal, rubbed his chin. "Then... you fight for... honor, pride." Shadow winced, then nodded. "And the unicorns... prestige and title." Shadows looked askance at the human. "And what do you fight for..." Amal walked to the mare, and knelt down. Wrapping his arms around her neck, he drew her close. "For home... and family. For you... Ruth... Gale... my clans. Many men have fortune, but... they don't have thee Shadow. Kings hold power, but have no Gale. The nobles have mansions and castles... and no one to share them with." As he spoke, Shadow wrapped her forelegs around him in return. Stroking her mane, Amal smiled. "And those of whom you speak... may have honor and pride, but how many can look in their mirrors and say that what they took lives for mattered." Shadow hugged the human harder. "Thee art a fool Amal..." Sighing, Shadow pulled away, then stood. Frowning at the floor, she began pacing again. "So... ye claim my claims of juris ungula...." seeing the look on her brothers face, Shadow groaned, "Justice of the hoof Amal!" "And that is..." Sitting down, Shadow puffed up proudly. "A response to an insult! A slapped cheek and a duel! We cross till one cries yield..." Amal snorted. "Cock measuring." Shadow sputtered to a halt, and blushed again. Continuing unabated, Amal waved a hand dismissively. "Pointless vanity done in the name of either vague notions or fear over what others say." Shadow opened her mouth, but Amal pointed a finger at her. "Only you can stain thy honor, tarnish thy name Shadow. The braying of asses means naught." Amal scowled, crossing his arms. "And another matter... that is not justice. Tis petty revenge." Shadows jaw dropped. "Dos thou claim to confront our kins killer, to meet a lost eye with one taken, is petty." "Curious thing... when one takes an eye for one, all become blind. And what of the killers kin> Will he come for thee? And if he triumphs, will Gale seek him? How many must be lost before your scales are balanced." Shadow rubbed her forehead, growling in annoyance. "Then what does thou think I should do, oh wise sage. Forgive they who kill mine." Amal shook his head. "No. Thou must live with the loss... as those families of those we've killed must live wih theirs." Shadow shook her head vehemently, snarling "That's... no, that's not..." 888222 "The same.... why?" Shadow stamped a hoof and shouted "BECAUSE I'M A BUCKING KICKER AMAL!" Shadows head and wing slouched in misery. "Maker forgive me... that's what I am..." Amal slapped a palm on the ground, shouting "So their pain is less then yours? Becaause your more concerned with being a warrior then with what such a thing takes?" Shadow leaped up, and sprinting across the room, had a few inches between her mussle and Amals face, eyes blasing"Stupid man... you can't redeem a monster..." Amal didn't even flinch, just calmly replied "Your no monster. Just some stubborn child squabbling with other stubborn children over childish things." Shadow took a step, her voice catching a moment, then said "And is that what we mean to you? You'd let some filth kill us and walk away?" "I'd give them a day, then hunt them down." "And what is the difference." Amal shrugged hopelessly. "Killing people is never a good deed. To take a life is an affront to God. I ask for forgiveness... you and our clan think there is nothing to forgive." "How... how dare you...you mock thy clans tradition?" "...which are a guide for the wise and rules for fools?" Shadow huffed and stormed off behind her desk. "I suppose you avenging me is all I can ask..." Amal shrugged, and grinned. "If it eases thy heart, I promise I'll refuse to offer a parting word to the killer, and bury you at sea so you'll have the last word to those who would dance upon thy grave." Shadow rasberried. > Chapter 15 A Canterlot holiday > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Winter had finally descended upon Canterlot, a cold and bitter wind blowing snow into piles acros the empty roads. That year it had beem decided that that years Hearths would be cancelled. Of course that did not stop ponies from their own celebration, nor their human friends from their traditions. ........................ Midnight snuggled closer to her mother as Sunbeam read. Like every hearths warming, she had recited the ancient tale. "And so, with the warmth of their friendship, the windigoes..." Both females jumped as a knocked thud echoed. Glaring at the door, Sunbeam stood, and shaking her legs as she walked, grumbled to herself, and opening the door, glared at the pony who'd... Eyes tilting upward, Sunbeam regarded the hand and the sprig of green in it. David grinned, and leaning down, firmly pressed his lips to the mares. Gagging, Sunbeam jerked away, rubbing her mouth. "David... what in Equestria..." Still grinning, the human placed the leaf on her head. "Mistletoe my dear, and thats your gift. And here..." David took out a stuffed bear, and tossed it to Midnight, who hugged the bear to her chest with a bemused expression. "Thank you... but..." Laughing, David pushed past Sunbeam into their tower, and as he did, Sunbeam gaped. His sword... "David... thy sheath is... empty..." Turning back, David looked at his side, and pursed his lips. "Why so it is! Thy powers of sight serve you once again." Sunbeam rolled her eyes, face hoofing. "Why is it empty..." David held his arms out, a huge smile in place. "Peace on earth, my good mare, good will to all! All other days I bear my blade, but not today!" Turning back, his smile faded. Walking to their table, he lifted the pots lid, and dipping a finger in, took a taste. Then turning around, shook his head. "You call this dinner Sunbeam> Porridge> You aren't merely a sinner my dear, you're an out right fool." Sunbeam glared at the human, and said coldly "Yes yes, I'm thrilled thee have regaled us of thy beliefs..." David undid a scarf from a hat stand, then tossed it to Midnight, saying jovially "Come my friends! A proper feast is in order!" As Midnight wrapped the cloth around her, Sunbeam snapped "Good heavens man, what has come upon thee..." "Its the holy days of my peoples faith Sunbeam! Come, our meal awaits!" ....................................................... Amal slowly drew back his hood, and gently dusted of the manora he had dragged from his old hold. A gentle smile crossed his as he lit a candle... then paused, looking down. A foal had come in from the cold. Chuckling, Amal knelt down, softly asking "Well, where did thou come from..." Sniffing, the foal wiped a foreleg across his nose, and replied sadly "Wonely mister. Ma not here. Can I stay here>" Lifting the foal up, Amal nodded "Of course." Looking at the candle and manora, the foal tilted his head. "Wha' doin." Amal lifted the candle, his eyes sad and happy at once. "Something very dear... A tradition as dear to my tribe as any..." Looking back at the pony in the crook of his arm, he held the candle to him. "Would you like to do it>" Nodding, the foal took the candle between both hooves, and began lighting. Gently placing the lighter back in its spot, the wing pup tilted his head. "Why dear... what does it mean..." Amal smiled as he looked back at the foal. "Why my kin, this... this is the light of my people. It tells us to never be ashamed to be ourselves, and of a miracle from days past." "Whats that..." another voice asked. Turning, both pony and human jerked in surprise. Behind them a bunch of other young ones, pony and human, had gathered, sitting an looking at the two expectantly. Feeling someone pulling on his pantleg, Amal looked down to a impatient blue furred pegasi filly. Huffing, the foal crossed her forelegs. "Whats a miracle>" Setting the foal in his arms down, Amal said "A miracle is a work of God. A blessing to his people in times of strife." "Like magic." Amal chuckled, and shook his head. "I suppose... but there's no spell or spirit. Just God's blessing. In this case... my people had just fought a terrible war. Our foes sought to strip our faith and traditions and force theres upon us..." All the foals gasped. "After they were beaten, we found our temple in ruins, the only standing item the temple manora. But we had ny candle or oil, and with our holy day coming, we despaired for we could not light it. And it would have taken them eight days just to make more oil... but on the first day... the manora lit anyway... and stayed lit for all of the holiday." Snapping his fingers, Amal exclaimed "Children, be still. One last prayer..." With that, Amal turned back to the table and folding his hands in front of his, began. "Hanneirot hallalu anachnu madlikin 'al hannissim ve'al hanniflaot 'al hatteshu'ot ve'al hammilchamot she'asita laavoteinu bayyamim haheim, (u)bazzeman hazeh 'al yedei kohanekha hakkedoshim. Vekhol-shemonat yemei Hanukkah hanneirot hallalu kodesh heim, ve-ein lanu reshut lehishtammesh baheim ella lir'otam bilvad kedei lehodot ul'halleil leshimcha haggadol 'al nissekha ve'al nifleotekha ve'al yeshu'otekha." The filly tugged on his pant legs again. "Who art thou speaking with>" Opening his eyes again, Amal smiled. "Just an old friend little. Just an old friend." .................................................. Gale slid the door open to the humans temple, her body free of armor for once. Gnawing her lip, her eyes traveled up the length of the wooden cross. As she looked further, a man in a robe walked over, a gentle smile in place. "Welcome my child." Gale slid further into the church, giving an uncertain smile. "I'm not of thy faith priest... I have neither bits for tithes or regrets for my sins..." Chuckling, the human shrugged. "We're all of God my dear. If thou seek not counsel, then may I ask thy reason to come>" "I think... I'd just like to stay... may I>" The human nodded, and a few minutes passed with Gale studying the cross. Sighing, she bowed her head. I know not if thou exist... or if you'll heed a... a soldiers prayer. I know not if thou art the Maker, or one like it, or if you are real... and I know I deserve no quarter, or even the right to be in this place. But... I ask for naught, I am blessed with more then most. I know of many more deserving and of need. But... Gale looked up again. Please... I don't think we can make it alone... And the humans do say this time of the turn is a time for miracles... Gale pulled away from the bench, and walked from the church. ........................................... Shadow sat in the storm regarding the set up in front of her. A number of humans had gathered and set up what looked like a barn, stuffed straw humans placed about. Nearby, three straw people stood, with two others in repose, looking down into a manger. Shadow looked about a moment, then standing up, walked to the manger. Looking down, she regarded the doll inside. "All this fuss for a birth... So... you came to die, then live again... A feat coveted and desired by all... and you did it all so people needn't perish for their own crimes. Did you know... were you scared that day>" Looking up at the woman figure, Shadow bumped it with a hoof. "How about you> A birth from a virgin... and did you have a single notion of what your little colt would do, all the great, wonderful, and terrible deeds he would inspire... and how cruel it is thou had to bury thy own foal..." Shadow lowered her hoof, regarding the male doll. "And you... A pegasi at heart... someones else foal, and you take him in... walk beside of him, teaching him to be a stallion of worth... With a sires love, this little boy changed the world..." Shadow looked back at the manger, smiling sadly. "I'm ashamed to say thee cannot change mine child. But... if thou art there, remember me once I pass and march into whatever hereafter awaits this old dam." And with that, Shadow stood, and walked from the setup. > Chapter 16 Hunting > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gale ground her teeth in frustration as she regarded the ledgers and papers on her desk, her eyes narrowed in annoyance at the reports. Over the past couple of weeks, the mare had exhausted nearly every contact and resource she could spare in search of Arron. And much to her ever growing annoyance so far not hide nor hair of the human.. Tapping her hoof against the humans bracer, Gale's ears flattened against her skull in sadness. Mother was right... no word, or goodbye, he'd probably met his end. She'd keep an eye out, but for the nonce... opening a drawer, the mare slid the bracer into it, and with a sigh, closed it. ............................ This week started out so well... the blacked furred filly lamented in her mind. Against all reasoning Sunbeam had finally relented to her daughters pleas in joining the Lord Paladin in the woods surrounding Canterlot. Over the course of the last few days. Midnight had begun to learn to survive the wilds, finding out what could help or hurt her in the woods, and too conserve her mana all she could. She had also begun taking up whittling and fishing for fun, and had begun to learn how to care for a blade. But that morning, David had woken her before the sun was even up, and had spent the day teach her to make and lay traps. And to her shock, the clumsy thing she made was the first to bear fruit. Midnight regarded the squealing rabbit on the forest floor, and slightly unsettled look on her face. Looking up at her companion, the filly whimpered. "Do you really have to kill it David..." Sighing, David unsheathed his knife. "I have to eat child. My people require flesh or we grow weak and sicken. To live, another must perish. If there were any other way..." Midnight looked back at the still squirming rabbit, and rubbed her forehoof against a foreleg. Midnight Sparkle was no stranger to death. In fact she'd often been told she was too enamored with the concept. But she'd never seen anyone actually die! And the way the poor rabbit thrashed and screamed... Slowly David knelt down next to the rabbit, and laid a hand over, holding it down. Midnight eyes widened as she watched the humans knife raise. Looking back at the rabbit, Midnight softly said "Forgive us..." Midnight turned her head away as the knife lashed down. A moment later she wished the rabbit was still screaming. ................................................ Midnight took a shaky sip from her tin mug, the release of her last meal having taken its toll, and leaving her weakened even hours later. Looking at the human as he worked on the hide, she said softly "Why put so much to thy work David? What does thou need its fur or bones for if you only need the flesh?" The human paused in his work, and looked at the filly sternly. "This rabbit... it died so I could live. It gave its life so I would not have to lose mine. Twould be a sin to merely toss it aside." Gasing into the fire a moment, Midnight said "I wonder... if all those ponies Mother killed... I wonder if they were scared too... Did they beg and weep? And when... it was done, where did they go? Do we go anywhere when we die David?" David paused again in his work, then sighed. "Child... I don't know. I simply don't know." Midnight sighed. "Mother always said there was naught after death. We're here one day, gone the next, and tis all there is to it. Shadow... she told me she wasn't enthralled with her last day, she had a lot of ponies to apologize to in the well of souls. But she is looking forward to seeing her father's again. Princess Celestia said she didn't know... but she believed. And Gale told me I shouldn't worry about these matters lest I grey my mane." Finally pulling the hide away, David wiped his forehead and asked "And what do you think" "I think with all my Mother's seen with pony puppet golems that the soul exists. And I think that scares her. Because if there is a hereafter, there's a Maker. And I think whoever the Maker is, it's probably not to joyful over his daughter Sunbeam Sparkle." Cuddling under her blanket, Midnight smiled brightly. "I think there's a place after death." Midnight laid her head down again. "A home where no one has to hurt or kill again..." Seeing the look on the humans face, the pony sighed. "I know how... unsettled ponies are by me. And my macabre thoughts does little to cause them thoughts otherwise. But why though? We will all die, and will all go to the same place. So why are they so scared?" Raising her head again, Midnight rolled her eyes a grimace of disgust in place. "Nay, let me tell thee why. Because there hippocamp... hypod... that word that means they're getting mad at Mother for things they'd probably do themselves." "Hypocrites." Midnight nodded. "That. What I think they really can't stand is that my Mother isn't. She fails in many ways, but never that. She wastes no time with trying to make ponies like her, as long as their safe, she's happy." Looking down again, Midnight scuffed a hoof again the ground. "And even if she does something mean or selfish... she's willing to accept being alone and called a monster as long as everypony is safe." "Midnight... what your mother did to you..." Midnight gave a shudder. "It hurt... alot. It hurt me and filled my head with... all the anger and wild desire to see it all burn... But she'll always be my Mother. Its not always joyful, and she may hurt me again... but until our days have run their course and we meet in the Plains, what joy we can find with each other in the here and now is what is precious. And she's trying really hard, being a better mare... She's even friendlier with Gale now." David shook his head. "Midnight... thou seem awares of thy mothers plight. And you seem aware of her callousness. I don't believe for one second she'd intentionally cause you harm... but if one day she slips, if one day she goes to far, my door is open." The filly nodded, then tilting her head said "David... please don't be to angry with her if that day does come. The world has not been kind to her." David nodded back with a smile, thinking as he did Child... if thy mother did bring harm on you... that is the one thing I could never forgive. Sheathing his knife, the human began putting the meat to the fire. "Hey... may I have some>" David looked at the filly. "You want to have... rabbit..." Giggling, Midnight stood and walked to the fire. "Thou have piqued my interest. And it certainly could be no worse then Mothers attempts at Hearths warming eve dinner. Closest time I've ever seen her in tears was during that meals making... still have no idea what she thought she could having basically done naught in the way of meals for most of her life." David looked thoughtful a moment, then snorted. "Sunbeam the happy housemare> Somehow the thought of her baking sweets and wearing an apron is nearly blasphemous." "Oh, she tried the apron. Nearly broke her neck when the bottom got caught in her hooves. And her porridge is the best in Equestria!" The filly giggled again, and after hearing the meat was ready, floated a piece to herself. Taking a bite, Midnight chewed thoughtfully. "One supposes this puts me in the Long Patrol. Oh woe to brave the horror of these lands and become as uncouth as Gale." David rolled his, and taking a piece himself, said "All that has befallen you child... The Long Patrol is a cake walk." "Oh, she tried the apron. Nearly broke her neck when the bottom got caught in her hooves. And her porridge is the best in Equestria!" Midnight tapped a hoof on her chin. "It seemed silly to me... Never thought Mother would act like... well, like a mare." David snickered. "Can't say I've checked, but I'm fairly certain she is a mare." Midnight waved a hoof. "No.... no I mean like a Mom mare, you know. Whats the word... feminine... ye, that one. All fillified in some pink thing, her mane in a bun, humming to herself at the start of the meals making... I mean... even Shadow enjoys her mane in a braid, and Gale is absolutely a mare... a soldier mare, but a mare regardless. Mother has always been more... stallionish... well, except with thee." "What does that mean?" Midnight tilted her head quizzically. "You don't notice. She's more... well, more open with you then other grown ups. Its not that silly special somepony stuff where she's batting her lashed or getting made up... Its like she can be herself with you like she can with me." "Really... I've not noticed." Midnight rolled her eyes. David wasn't like most males she knew, but he still managed to be clueless. Snorting in disgust, Midnight scathingly muttered "Men..." then trotted back to her bedding. And as so many men had done in the past and future, all David could do was scratch his head and wonder what he had said to upset a female. ......................................... Sunbeam cocked a brow at the human seated in front of her desk, an unamused frown in place. "Brat... how dare she claim I'm not a mare just cause I feel no need to mar my beauty with that foul make up or aren't some bubbly and huggy moron." David smirked, and crossed his arms. "No arguement there... but what's wrong with being a mare>" Snorting, Sunbeam nodded towards the tower window. "Have you even met the mares of Canterlot, even amongst my fellow magus. Wasting time and energy on insipid trivialities and conniving and strutting about in their finery, acting as though they earned a single bit they spent on them. For all the talk of the biases of stallions, I've found them more honest and true in dealings then any of their wives. In the balls, they gather and gossip about empty deeds while the stallions actually speak of things of worth, although their love of that gryphon tackle ball game still eludes me in its merit." Rolling her eyes again, Sunbeam continued "If being of use to my Queen means I am a stallion, then I shall be a stallion. And as they waste time in their adolescent pursuits and garden contests, I'll be here, busting my unfemale hide trying to make their whole damn empty existence doesn't go acropper." "But whats wrong with that? I suppose if one made those their only goals, it would be a waste. But what's wrong with being a mare and enjoying flowers and being pretty? Even Shadow, who we can assume is oft mistaken for a gelding, braids her mane and wears it proudly." Sunbeam snorted, and standing up, walked to the window. "First of all, I'm not merely pretty, I'm stunning. Secondly Shadows mane style is pretty much her only sign as female. If I hadn't been so oft distracted studying that well toned and muscled haunch of hers, I wouldn't have even know she was female." Sighing, Sunbeam looked out the window. "Tis strange, our Equestria, my tribe. Where I stallion, I would be seen as virile and having proven my mettle. As a mare, even with other mares, I gain not respect, but am seen as less. Because I do not waste my feminine ways on their garden parties and waste of words, females hold me in scorn. Stallions... they know of respect, but not as a rival or comrade, but as a mad creature, a cold bitch to how a good old colt would have their praise." Snorting, David walked up the mares side, folding his hand behind his back. "Men envy women. You bear young, we stallions are expendable, whatever our station. But whatever the wagging tongue proclaim, you have earned your title as our Queens Vizier, as arch magus, and as Templar. We are the true powers and arbiters of the world, a force for order. Let the fools be wastrels, then stand in awe as we make an Equestria their petty minds can't even grasp." Sunbeam glanced up at her mentor, then looked forward again, deep in thought. "And know, my sister templar... whatever else, you have my respect." Smirking, Sunbeam nudged a shoulder against the human. "Is the old wolf losing his fangs? Mayhaps time a new, more pretty and more cunning one should take your place..." Smirking back, the human gave the unicorn a playful tug on her ear. "Perhaps... and then this more pretty mare would gain all the enemies her wise and handsome mentor has garnered in his duties." Flicking the hand away, Sunbeam walked back to her desk, and as she did, David folded his hands behind his back again. "Sunbeam... Please understand... you cannot be more then you are as Templar. You draw to much attention, are poor of temper, and ill suited to the common class. You regard them as you do others mere tools for your use. when our duty as Templars is to their care." Sunbeam snorted derisively, and looking over a scroll, replied "And I have no desire to be more. You have allowed my daughter to have all she wants as my child, have restored my indulgences and finances, and have done all I need to act in the Courts. Where once I could barely work even before the clans revolt, now my reforms find no querry and shall be. I am yours, David, in what you see fit, and when needed, your attack mare. But I have no want to join in your dark hoof dealings and cats pawing. We are companions, and you my Mentor.... but I have no wish to build this Order of yours." Rolling up the scroll, the mare sighed. "But Midnight... what do you take of her Mentor?" David rubbed his chin thoughtfully a moment, then said "She will be a Grand Master one day. She holds now, even as young as she is, a desire for peace, a cause to see Equestria unrivaled, and to hold that piece through strength. Though of... a rather peculair temper, she seems quite able to gauge others, and has Amal's sisters Shadow affections. As such, her abilities as a liason to them is invaluable." "You aren't her father David." The human looked over his shoulder, and regarded the mare, who now sat with a stern gaze. "I will not suffer you should you bar me as her sire, and will by of foulest ichor should you fail to consult me as her caretaker." "Of course Sunbeam... Must keep my most faithful dog faithful after all." Raising a brow, Sunbeam said evenly "You may keep your cur on short leashes Mentor... but remember, my affections and respect are secondary to keeping my Queen and her rule strong..." Eyes narrowing, she smirked humorlessly "And just so we're clear, human, nobody messes with my girls." David chuckled, and waved a hand consolingly. "Yes yes, the clan and your dalliance Shadow are safe. And with Amal in their hold, our accord with the Assassin's are assured. None would dare draw against us..." Walking from the window, David, gave a bow. "And of course, my beautiful mare, you shall grace me with your company at the Gala tommorow." "Shadow's coming in a dress? Shall attend with bells upon the fetlocks." "This world... is cruel to mares. When we're not used for sex we're disregarded as ponies merely because of a mistake of birth. The sooner more ponies learn that, the better off they'll be." Looking over her shoulder, Sunbeam arched her brow again. "And I'll have you know I do like flowers. I may not be some twittering simp, but I enjoy them as much any mare. I just enjoy my bansais more." "But what does any of that have to do with being a woman> Does thy works disappear as you attend court> And what doth being a mare have to do with wanting to look pretty and enjoying feminine things. Why not have both> Why does thy marehood end just because you wish not to waste thy time in nonsense> And will thee force thy foal into thy line of view" Here Sunbeam rolled her eyes. "Oh please. For one, I may not enjoy such pursuits, but it does me no ill if Midnight has them as long as he studies are attended too. I'm an abberation in Canterlot, David. Most mares her never worked a moment of their days, I've scrapped and bled and earned every last bit of status and wealth I have. The only mare heeded in Celestia's court is Celestia, the rest must shuck their marehood and do as the stallions do." Sunbeam smirked. "And you can be damned sure every last one of them knows my name, and respects it." "But your still you, still a mare. Why be ashamed of it..." "I bear no shame. I merely see no need to waste time on what is already perfection." David shrugged, then standing, said "Well... I can't say I agree, but as is your want. Still, mayhap a pony tail would garner a few favors from some mares." Sunbeam tilted her head in the same manner as her foal. "But I've already got one." .....................................................