I am NOT a chicken.

by Darkened Lightning Storm

First published

Scootaloo is tired of her and her friends always getting picked on so she decides to take a stand.

"I'v had enough of this, all of it. I just want to run away and never come back, leaving all of you mean heartless bullies behind."

Scootaloo wanted to be your average school filly, she really did. But the fact that she couldn't fly made it impossible for her to be normal, it even made her an easy teasing target. But when Diamond Tiara takes things too far on the wrong day, Scootaloo looses it.

I am NOT a chicken

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"Oh look here Silver Spoon! The little chicken and her friends are going to cry!"

Scootaloo felt anger, hate, and sadness swelled up inside of her as Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon circled around Scootaloo and her friends like hungry tiger sharks. She'd have enough of it. The teasing and taunting were picking her apart at night so much that she'd hadn't slept in days, and as if it wasn't bad enough they always found another flaw Scootaloo or the other CMC members had and they shoved it in there faces and tied it in about how they were blank flanks. But lately Diamond Tiara had been picking on Scootaloo about how she couldn't fly. Scootaloo felt her anger bash into the walls of her restrain and everything was unleashed. She slammed her hoof down on the ground and flared her under-grown wings.

"Enough Diamond Tiara! It's one thing when you pick on me, but when you mess with my friends you cross the line! So you better... stop it!... Or else!" Scootaloo shouted and Diamond Tiara simply just snorted.

"Or else what? I mean, come on. What are you really going to do? Peck me to death?" Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon laughed.

"That wasn't even a good comeback!" Sweetie Belle said trying to back up her pegasus friend but Scootaloo simply just put a hoof on her unicorns friends shoulder and gave her a soft smile.

"Why don't you let me handle this girls. After all, I rather not have you guys get picked on because there's something wrong with me." Scootaloo told her friends as Apple Bloom trotted up and guided Sweetie Belle away from Scootaloo and the two bullies.

"Come on Sweetie Belle. If Scoots want's ta deal this on her own, we should let her." Apple Bloom glanced back and nodded at Scootaloo with a nervous smile as they trotted off. Scootaloo let out a sigh and turned around to face Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon.

"You wanna play rough? Fine, I'll play rough." Scootaloo glared at them as she took her attempt to get back at the two.

"Silver Spoon, I doubt you can even think for yourself. You constantly follow Diamond Tiara around so much that I bet 50 bits you wouldn't be able to last an hour on your own. As for you Diamond Tiara, I hope you realize your very special talent is being a stuck-up, snobbish, brat who gets whatever she wants." Scootaloo snarled at them, pure hate and anger dripping from her words like water dripping off of a melting icicle. Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon backed up a few steps surprised in what the orange filly had said, there faces giving away the fact that no pony had ever really talked to them that way before. But Scootaloo wasn't done, oh no, she was just getting started.

"So what if I can't fly Diamond Tiara? At least I'm not hated by every pony in town; And I'm almost positive the only reason any pony would ever want to be your friend is because of your father. Now, take a second to get it through your big, stupid, head that I'm NOT a chicken or a dodo or an ostrich or whatever the heck you call me. My friends and I may be blank flanks, but that's nothing to be ashamed of. So if you call me or my friends any of those names again, I swear to Celestia I will punch you right across your snobby little faces." Scootaloo felt herself take a few steps towards the bullies, Silver Spoon had started to back up now scared of the fillies rage, but Diamond was getting tired of Scoootaloo acting like she had the upper hoof.

"I honestly doubt you'll do anything. I really don't care how tough you try to look, you'll always be a little, flightless, chicken and your friends will always be lame blank flanks." Diamond Tiara spat as Scootaloo almost went up in flames. Before she could stop and calm herself down, Scootalo rammed her hoof into Diamond Tiara's left eye, feeling it connect with her soft face. Scoots hadn't meant for the punch to be that hard, she just wanted it to be something to show she wasn't bluffing about her threat. Diamond Tiara stumbled back in shock and pain, tripping over her own hooves and falling backwards. She let out a wail of pain as Silver Spoon ran up to her shouting. Scootaloo stood there now soaking in what she had done as she looked down at her hoof, shuttering at the memory of the feeling. She saw a couple fillies had noticed this and started to trot over curiously, so she quickly jumped on her scooter and zipped off toward her clubhouse.


"Yah did what?!" Apple Bloom shouted at scootaloo who was quickly shutting all the blinds and locking the door.

"I just told you, I punched Diamond Tiara in the eye." Scootaloo sighed as she slouched down against the door and covered her eyes with her forehooves. Sweetie Belle trotted over next to the orange pegasus and sat down next to her.

"It's ok Scootaloo, we all get angry and sometimes it's hard to control ourselves when we're angry. " Sweetie belle told Scootaloo as Apple bloom trotted over and sat on the other side.

"Yeah, we all make mistakes. Ah'm sure in ah afew weeks every pony will have forgotten' 'bout this." Apple Bloom said as she pulled Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle in for a hug. The three sat there for awhile just hugging, everything else was silent. Scootaloo sniffled and gently pulled away.

"Thanks girls, I don't know what I'd do without you, but I might as well keep my face hidden for a day or two. Who knows what Diamond Tiara is planning now."

The affects of taking a stand.

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Scootaloo lay still in the pitch black darkness of the clubhouse unable to sleep. The memory of her socking Diamond Tiara kept playing back and back in her tiny head like a song stuck on replay. Even if Diamond was a mean, selfish, bully, she didn't deserve to get punched in the face. No filly should have to be beaten up, even if they were nasty. That's when something struck her, what would Rainbow Dash think? Would she be proud of Scootaloo for taking a stand for her friends and herself? Or would she scowl at Scootaloo for her act of violence? Scootaloo flipped over to her belly on the clubhouse rug and sighed.

"Darn it Scootaloo... Way to mess up everything...." Scootaloo grumbled to herself and prodded slightly at the itchy and uncomfortable rug. Letting out another sigh, she got up slowly and trotted out of the clubhouse, only to be greeted by Princess Luna.

"P-princess Luna?" Scootaloo gasped and backed up against the clubhouse door.

"Do not worry, scootaloo. For tis just a dream." Luna nodded and looked down at the young filly, who sat there with her mouth gaping.

"I.. What.. Again? I thought you were done coming into my dreams after the whole Rainbow Dash thing!" Scootaloo grumbled knowing this would probably mean she'd have to face Diamond Tiara again soon. Princess Luna looked down at the orange child with a smile and cantered down the stairs of the clubhouse and down a dirt path, Scootaloo following behind closely.

"We thought we were as well, but we have noticed that thy hath been going many nights with no sleep. That isn'ith good for a filly of thine age, or anypony in a matter. Would thy care to tell what thy matter is?" Luna looked down at the filly as Scootaloo looked up at the princess.

"Well... These bullies at school were picking on me and my friends... And I kind of blew up on them.. I punched one of the bullies in the face..." Scootaloo looked at her hooves and flattened her ears as Princess Luna smiled softly.

"Dearest Scootaloo... We all make mistakes. We are sure that once everything hath been said and done, this will pass over like water over the stones in a river." Luna said as Scootaloo looked up at the princess.

"But... What happens if she tries to beat me up? Then what am I going to do?" Scootaloo asked as Luna chuckled slightly.

"Then get a teacher. We thought that answer was obvious. Goodnight, Scootaloo." Luna gave the filly at small pat on the back and then everything went white.

When Scootaloo awoke, there was a loud banging at the door.

"Hey squirt! Wake up! I know you're in there!" A voice came from behind the door. Scootaloo wearily got up and trotted towards the door.

"Hey Rainbow Dash...!" Scootaloo said her sleepiness starting to wear off. Rainbow Dash looked down at the filly with a emotionless look and sighed.

"So, you going to explain to me why Aj told me you punched a filly in the face?" Rainbow said as she sat down next to Scootaloo and the young filly looked to her hooves.

"I... But... She... She wouldn't stop picking on me and my friends. she kept making fun of how I can't fly..." Scootaloo flattened her ears as she spoke and Rainbow Dash just looked down at her.

"Look... I'm proud of you for standing up for your friends but... You can't just punch ponies squirt... Even if you think they really, really deserve it. I mean, most of the time they do deserve it, but how would you like it if somepony walked up to you and tried to knock the eyeballs out of your head?"

"But I didn't just walk up! I yelled at them first!" Scootaloo protested and RD just chuckled.

"Look, when I was your age, believe it or not, I was bullied too. But, instead of punching them in the face, I proved them wrong. I showed them that I'm twenty percent cooler than the both of them combined, and I loved every single moment of it." Rainbow smiled down at Scootaloo and wrapped her wing around the young filly, giving her a small smile.

"Do you realize what you did was wrong?"


"Thank Celestia, now I can tell you how awesome you are! Standing up to bullies like it's no problem, that takes guts kid!"

Scootaloo looked up to Rainbow with some confusion as Dash just blinked and cleared her throat.

"But just... Stand up to them in a different way instead of punching them... I gatta' fly squirt... See ya around." RD smiled and messed up the orange fillies hair with her hoof before taking off out the door, leaving Scootaloo to stand there confused and dumbfounded.

"I... What just happened...?" She thought aloud and slowly started to canter out the door into the woods, taking her scooter out the bush and clipping on her helmet. With a small sigh, she used her hoof to push off and her wings started up. As she slowly started to increase speed Scootaloo dodged a few branches or so in the pathway, grumbling to herself how this day was going to be the worst.


When Scootaloo arrived in the park she didn't know what to expect. At first, she thought maybe nopony would notice her arrival (like usual) and just continue one with there day. But sadly, her thoughts were crushed when all eyes went to her and every pony in the park when silent.

Guess the word got out faster than I expected.... Scootaloo gulped and thought to herself as she placed her scooter on a rack and hung her helmet on it, starting to trot towards a bench where her friends and her were supposed to meet. It was really awkward having all these eyes staring at you, burning into you and crawling under your coat or creeping into your soul. It felt like they could read her thoughts, or sense she was nervous. Right as she was about to get up and wait somewhere else, she felt the presence of two other fillies behind her.

"Look Silver Spoon, It's the chicken."