Artificial Harmony

by Timemaster

First published

Since the 23rd century, a private company based in both Equestria and America, has researched on how to integrate magic and technology to create the ultimate intelligence. So far, all of their trials have all gone horribly wrong... except one.

Since the 23rd century, a private company, based in both Equestria and America, has researched on how to integrate magic and technology to create the ultimate intelligence. So far, all of their trials have all gone horribly wrong... except one. Created from Operation Artificial Harmony, Arty has shown signs of being in touch with learning. Artificial intelligence before Arty, like his 'brother' Peter (Operation Peace Keeper), have all been made to benefit humanity in mundane tasks, but Arty is different...

Operation Unification—Dr. Chavez's notes part I

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Day One: The Message

It has been a month since my company has finished the Peace Keeper Operation, and the A.I. known as Peter has come a long way! I remember back to when our team finished programming him and he, unlike the previous A.I. projects we have had, did not gun us down! I, along with a few Machine-Ethics specialists, programmed into Peter his purpose in 'life'. We made sure to follow all three of the Rules of Robotics, unlike when we made Fred, and created what we had always wanted—a real Robo-Cop, but not using organic material like the movie. Like the movie, we sent him to be a crime-stopper down in Detroit to best test his skills and he did surprisingly well... er, that doesn't really cut it because, single-handedly, he made the city of Detroit into a crime-less utopia!

But as amazing as Peter is, quite frankly, he is not as amazing as what I received from our Paranormal Investigations Unit in San Francisco this morning. The message, told by my brother, was a recorded one and showed something I thought was photo-shopped in. A floating projection of a large bush that was slowly waving between four or six metal spheres was in a room covered entirely in lead. My brother told me that the recording of his voice was post-recording of this achievement. And this achievement, he said, was a vision of another, habitable world of unknown origins. He further explained this, but I will leave that for another time because I cannot have too much text in these documents.

Confused, I used the one-way tele, for a two-way would be too expensive, to go to San Francisco instantly and ran to my brother's building. Upon seeing its beautiful algae containers that cooled the insides down, I ran to the front door. Using my keycard, I went inside and immediately went to where the Lead Room was located (the basement). My brother was there, a smirk on his face. It was at this point I had realized I wasn't wearing pants and felt ashamed. Anyhow, we went to the 'vision room' and looked at the projection. At first I was skeptical, but then I saw it.

A species that resembled a horse was standing in front of the bush, looking through the projection with wide eyes. My brother quickly flipped a switch, shutting the projection down before I could see what its reaction would be. We talked for some time, before I realized what he had just uncovered.

We had finally found the fabled 'gap' between universes that world renowned seer Jason Alfonze predicted would be found. The scientific community had long known that "magic", other wise known as "Space-Time manipulation with only the mind" exists, but only a few uses could be used by us. The renowned seer is a pioneer in predictions of the future, although due to the chaotic way of the universe, his predictions come at random times and are only sometimes correct. You could probably tell why I did not believe he was a seer until now.

Anyway, enough about him.

I have now decided to double the funds for my brothers branch of study, so I had to cut a bit out of the research money for the health sector of my company. Oh well, I am pretty sure they know that this finding is more important than their health research for now.

Day 167: A pebble

Some mind-boggling things have happened in my brother's new lab recently. He, unlike me, is able to comprehend all this science stuff that he spouts, but I will just write what I can interpret.

Today, the projection was finally contained into a large, radiation-proof box that allowed us to get closer to it and observe without harm. My brother and his colleagues said something about 'stabilizing' it and then, suddenly, the projection became clearer. My brother told me to go into the safe room next to this one, for we did not have enough radiation suits. I followed his order as he and his colleagues changed. In the room, I watched my brother give a thumbs up to me, opening the box that laid on a cart. He took out something small, and dropped it into the box.

Then they suddenly cheered.

My brother quickly closed the box and went to change back to his normal gear in a different room. After waiting a bit, my brother told me what he had just done. He had dropped a pebble into the other world...

Even now, as I am writing this in my bed, I cannot believe this enormous breakthrough. I mean, soon we will be able to fit a small rock in there, then a big rock, then a dog, then a big dog, and then, possibly, a person. OOOOOOOOOO~ I just have this gay feeling in me, so much in fact, that I almost did not see the time! I have to sleep now, for my brother asked for me to come tomorrow morning.

Day 407: I am back

On day 168, some mugger came into my house in the morning and attempted to rob me. He blasted me with a K.O. ray, but had it on too high, and left me in a coma. That blimey bastard did not escape though! Paul (from Operation Protector A.I.) shot up the man with an actual weapon and carried me, to the public tele beam to the hospital about a mile away, in his arms. He had been waiting by me all this time, and the moment I awoke, he gave me a pile of paper.

It seems that my brother, who had been researching for the near-Earth Year I was unconscious, had actually went into the new world using funds and permission from the president of Earth. Sadly, the pony (I thought they were horses, but my brother's biologist colleague disagrees) species there doesn't speak English. Happily, though, they are a sentient species! This is the second intelligent life we had come across other than the Ibbs, who we created. Unlike the ponies, though, the Ibbs are just giant men (about 5m tall) while the pony-kind are hardly half our size. He also reported that the ponies have their own government, though as he must have been in the country-side, he had no clue of what kind of government. He said he left early to report this to the government. The president, the advanced A.I. Grif, has sent two skilled ambassadors. The ambassadors are a married couple, the woman Ibb while the guy is human, that are planning to go in as soon as the translators from my company translate the strange language of the ponies.

To do this, of course, we required a pony so we could view the brain patterns associated with the words. Thankfully, the Ibb quickly grabbed a smaller looking pony secretly, and we are currently running tests on it.

Day 450: Bye Ambassadors!

The ambassadors left today after learning the pony language from the test subject. Sadly, though, the test subject ran off into a tele and may have gone somewhere. I mean, these teles go everywhere in the galaxy (except, well, the black hole) so we won't look for it.

Anyways, today we all had some whiskey and watched, from a small camera in the Ibb's glasses, the quite primitive green world of the ponies. The couple was wearing some standard powered-armor that should be enough to handle whatever this planet has to offer, for we have not even encountered a 'watchful eye' lately! We have not even found a good, paved, road yet!

For hours, they were adventuring this new world, that looks much like an 15th century Earth, and found a village. Translators were on the line with the ambassadors in case anything would be messed up. At first, we thought the ponies would cower in fear at us, but instead, they just stared in fear. Well, until the ambassadors started speaking in their tongue. After some explaining from the ambassadors, the ponies, according to the translators, told them the location of the capital and offered them a place to rest after their long journey. They also asked many questions, but we told the ambassadors to answer none of them, not even ones about what we were.

After that, we all went to sleep. Well, I did, anyways. I just fell asleep on my brother and he must have made Paul carry me home. I woke up after Paul misplaced his hand (into my nose) and just started writing this. And now I am going back to bed, for my dreams will be fun to watch.

Day 510: Monarchy? Really?

After a long, tedious walk and a long, tedious explanation, the ambassadors were allowed into a moderately sized room that had four guards, armed with ancient weaponry like spears, and a big, white pony they called Princess. She looked surprised, they reported, as they immediately began to ask some questions. Of course, they could not translate the things as easily today, the translators had to go do something in Sector Q, so they just recorded everything and gave it to the translators after they returned to the portal and went home. I let them stay in my house, but as it is night, they are asleep or doing something that makes me glad the walls are soundproof. i have barely started to read this, so I will jot down what I understand.

It seems the world of the ponies, called Eque according to our ambassadors, is run by many secular countries. The biggest of which is called Equestria. The ambassadors asked questions to a bigger pony (the same size as us humans, but smaller than the Ibb) who seemed to rule over some of the smaller ones. The bigger pony used 'magic' just like the smaller ones with wings or horns, of which she( ambassadors never questioned sex, for all we know it could be an asexual race) had both. In fact, she said that the bigger ponies, called Alicorns, had the most magic power in the world and, thus, had a large responsibility. She then proceeded to speak of their way of government, which, like ours, is run by the most powerful beings. Theirs, though, is unstable, for she handed us a book of their history to get rid of some smaller questions about their past.

It seems that their second-strongest Alicorn, who is named Princess Luna (mis-translation, for she is stated to be a ruler, not the child of the current one) had nearly caused an apocalypse of epic proportions because of her mind being tainted by the even stronger magical forces of their universe. Her sister, Princess Celestia, who might be the one we are talking to, but she was to surprised for an introduction, banished her into the giant magical-orb that is their moon.

You see, the ponies believe that all the magic of their world is from said moon, but the magic seeped onto their planet, leaving the moon as just a big prison of sorts to hold consciousnesses (which is very creepy, especially from such a harmless looking species), but that is not the funny part. No, the funny part is that they are so primitive in comparison to us in a technological standpoint! Their most recent technological achievement, according the them, is a weapon capable of letting their troops fight off any enemy with ease. What was this invention? Oh, it was just a musket. You know, the things that you find in a museum in the "Ancient" sector?

If you do not find this hilarious, then you should just look at their weird magic. Their magic, which takes even the brightest of students years or decades to learn, usually consist of levitation, teleportation, and transmutation. If only they saw our anti-gravity cities, personal teles to other planets, and, of course, the atomic-rearrangement process—all of which allow even a non-genetically enhanced baby (Don't know why you wouldn't want a child with enhancements) to go anywhere and do anything!

Also, the ambassadors stated that the ponies' average lifespan is a measly 80 years old! Do you want to know how old I am? I am almost two thousand years old, and I haven't even gotten the immortality treatment yet! But that is because I do not want to be a highly-complex robot until my program stops having some of their robot-people self-destruct... maybe I should fund the immortality treatment section of my company a bit more...

That gives me an idea. I am going to call Dr. Rodriguez, the expert on androids in my company, to see if he can use this 'magic' to help the creation of the ultimate life form, for he is on a planet that had daytime right now. I will finish reading this tomorrow.