> The Fall of the Princess > by MoonlitHaze225 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > 1: Look at the flowers > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A long scream came from Princess Twilight's large room. Two of the castle guards that were standing outside of her room burst into her room only to find it empty of any predators. The only one in the dark room was Twilight, sitting up in bed, gripping onto her protective blankets between her hooves and sobbing into them, soaking the edge of them with her tears. The guards calmly exited through the large doors as Celestia entered with drowsy eyes to come and comfort the princess. Celestia nudges Twilight's face with her muzzle with a frown, Twilight looks up from the covers and immediately wraps her hooves around Celestia's neck crying harder than she was before. "It- it can't be-. Why?" Twilight sniffs, remembering her horrific dream, her past long ago, and all that she has went through in the last week. Celestia wraps a hoof around Twilight and whispers. "Shh, I know, I know." She closes her eyes as she moves her hoof up and down Twilight's neck, trying to calm and soothe her pain. Twilight squeezes the white mare tighter. "I- I." She chokes, not knowing what to say. She wails louder, letting out more of her emotions. Celestia is speechless, knowing how the still young princess feels. She knows she will try everything to distract her. Eventually, Twilight's cries become faint and soon mute. Celestia gently and quietly tucks Twilight back into bed and heads off to her room to get the rest of her sleep before she will raise the sun. ~ Twilight slowly wakes up with the sun shining between the long, open curtains into her eyes. She slammed the curtains shut with a flash of her magic, blocking out most of the light. She rubs her eyes and rolls onto her left side so she isn't facing the dimly lit curtains, and lets her morning eyes focus on her surroundings. She didn't like what she saw, or what she was. She still didn't enjoy the normal royal items that were around her room, Twilight longed for her old home back, back in ponyville. She sighed. Her horn began to glow a dim light, and a book fell off of the book shelf she was looking at. Her magic glowed a little brighter as the book floated a few inches off of the ground, occasionally bouncing off of the floor. She brought the book up off of the tiled floor and floated it in front of her face. She opened it and began to scan through its table of contents. She groaned and shoved it behind her on her large bed. Twilight received another book, and another. The more she brought books to herself, the more often they began to drag to her. She knew how much she loved books, but she grew more and more upset, and felt no emotion as the delicate books dragged across her tile floor. She scanned these books, only once before shoving it into the pile, shoving turned into tossing, and soon throwing across the room out of frustration. Nothing still, it has been three days or research, and still nothing. Twilight longed for this spell, it would mean mortality, and happiness for Twilight. There were three knocks at her bedroom door. "Come in." Twilight mumbled before slamming her 20th book shut and throwing it at least 10 feet across the room. She didn't even bother to look up to see who it was. "Good morning Princess! Breakfast is waiting for you downstairs." It was a castle chef from the kitchen, she could tell by her overly perky voice. Every morning, day after day, so happy. Well, Twilight thought she shouldn't be so happy, especially now. Twilight didn't want her, she didn't need her. She started to approach the princess, after stumbling on some books she exclaimed, "Oh my! It's so dark in here, you need some light. Here." The chef used her blue magic to swing open all of the long curtains covering the windows at once, causing the room to be filled with blinding light, Twilight flinched and pulled her covers over her head. Twilight immediately forced the curtains back shut with her magic. She didn't want the light, all she wanted was darkness. The chef sighed and left the room, tripping over the same one she had when she entered. Twilight sat up and saw a dress on a mannequin on the right side of her bedroom door. It was one Rarity had made her three weeks ago for the Grand Galloping Gala. Twilight let out a tear and wore a frown for maybe the millionth time this week. She rolled out of bed, remembering her generous friend, Rarity. After at least 15 minutes of staring, Twilight rolled our of bed, and dragged her hooves as she made her way to the door. Her mane and tail a mess, her wings, drooped down, instead of being neatly folded upon her back. She kicked open the door, and it slowly opened. Twilight stumbled down the stairs slowly but surely. She found the dimly lit dining hall, and sat on the farthest end, away from the other two Rulers. Twilight climbed onto her seat and put her elbow on the table rested her head on it. A yellow aura held her food as it was placed in front of her. Twilight only played with it with her magenta aura. Celestia sighed, she had noticed that Twilight was not wearing her crown yet again. This had became a habit, one Celestia didn't like. Twilight dug around in her food by using her magic to control her silver fork for a good silent five minutes and then began to cry again. "I'm sorry" she whined "I'm so so sor- sorry!" she screamed and folded her forelegs over another onto the table and she shoved her head into them. She could barely hear Luna over her lament. "When will she stop sister?" Luna sighed as she complained to her big sister. "I don't know. It's her first time. Give her time." Celestia got up from the table and went to her office as usual. Luna sat there just listening to Twilight's pain. "Twi, I know how you feel." Luna exclaimed as she got up and began walking away from the table where the lonely young princess sat. She turned her head when she heard Twilight speaking. "No," she choked, "You don't!" Twilight screamed louder and looked at Luna.Tears had caused her light purple coat to have dark purple streaks coming down from her eyes. "You- you don't know anything! I never wanted this! An- any of this!" Twilight used her magic to chuck two empty plates at Luna. They missed by only a few inches, causing the plates to shatter into a million pieces, only out of frustration, not to harm her. Luna flew over the shattered china and into her bedroom to the far right of Twilight, leaving her alone. "I'm so, so, so, sorry. I didn't mean for any of this to happ-happen." Twilight sobbed into her forelegs. When she had somewhat calmed down, she looked up, sniffing the last few sobs in. Twilight''s mind was being over powered by thoughts, horrific voices, and terrifying screams. All Twilights' mind could do was only to scream back. The chaos in her head stopped. Twilight slowly raised her head from her arms, and looked at the items set in front of her. An item in particular glistened more than the others, it was screaming out to her. Twilight replied. This object became enfolded in magenta and was slowly raised up to Twilight's chest and then placed under her wing, folding them in for the first time today. Twilight quickly bolted up the stairs, returning to her room. Twilight looked out from her high up prison down at the garden below, and the small field of queen anne's lace flowers directly below her tower. She began to leave her chamber, Twilight stopped on her way out and took one last look into her mirror, reflecting upon herself noticing her mane in tangles, her coat was wet with tears, and her wings were ruffled along her back. With one short glow from her horn, the mirror cracked. Twilight carefully slipped out of her room, and down the steps quietly. When she reached to bottom of the staircase she noticed the mess she had made earlier was gone, and sighed. Only releasing silent tears, Twilight managed to sneak down through the long corridors, avoiding castle guards. She fled the castle out the back door. She carried herself with her head low to the smooth stone pathway, down the isles which were surrounded by the colorful flowers. Twilight let out a few small tears as she gathered certain flowers along her way to the back of the garden. After reaching her destination, Twilight stopped and looked at the flowers she had collected along the way and began to cry again in front of the five tall stones. Twilight sighs, "I'm sorry." > 2: Home Coming > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After reaching her destination, Twilight stopped and looked at the flowers she had collected along the way and began to cry again in front of the five tall stones. Twilight sighs, "I'm sorry." The young princess carefully set down her collection of the multi-colored flowers onto the well cared grass of the castle. In tears, she picked up a single flower from the pile and gently held the fragile item. The petals went from a soft white center into a light pink. A soft change in color for the pony who had a tragic ending. A tear from Twilight fell onto the flower and slid into it's white center. Tragically, accidents happen, Twilight longed that they didn't. A few Sundays ago, Twilight learned that in the worst possible way anypony ever could. This pony knew all the steps on how to build the perfect Apple family barn so well, she could read off the written instructions verbatim. Only the mare didn't realize she was missing one or two, half of an inch item. This mistake had caused the abundant barn to cave in upon her and her younger sister, AppleBloom. Twilight heard the deafening crashing and thuds in her head as if she was a witness of the event. She tightened her eyes shut, trying to block out the sounds, causing tears to flood her face from her previously drowned eyes. Twilight gently scooted the small lunaria annua in front of Applejacks' gravestone. The lunaria annua represented a whole lot more than just a flower, it showed everything Apple Jack ever was to her, honest. Twilight tried to remain quiet, but couldn't and let out a wail, receiving a few looks from the garden staff before they fled the scene, not wanted to bother her. Twilight buried herself in her forelegs, lifting the funniest plant of them all. Princess Twilight looked back in her mind upon the day when she was studying garden life and flowers, that same day she told her pink silly friend what flower represented her element, laughter, the Lark-spur. When Twilight told Pinkie its name, all she did was laugh and had said to her lavender friend, "Of course it stands for laughter! The name's sooo funny! Heehee! Lark-spuuur!" Pinkie's voice ran like a broken record in Twilight's head. Over and over. Twilight silently stammered Pinkie Pies' words out with a frown. Two Tuesdays mornings ago she left early to go stay with her sick sisters, even at an old age Pinkie was excited to leave, with a few hops she stumbled off. It was only that Thursday morning when the four of the other friends had heard, for the frivolous pink mare had fallen off a cliff. She fell five miles from home. The larkspur soon became covered in Twilight's magenta aura, and was levitated only an inch off of the ground, and the flower was slowly moved to her tall stone. The stone began to lose its pink color due to the amount of rain Canterlot has received lately. Twilight sat up a little and looked at the silky lavender colored petals of the Flax. Poor, miserable, yet kind little Fluttershy fell into the darkest depression all of sudden. Twilight didn't really hang out with her dear friend Fluttershy, and she wished that she had. Fluttershy ended up committing suicide and Twilight blamed herself, even being told a million times it wasn't her fault, it never was, it was her decision. Twilight didn't take any of that. Twilight also commemorated the one animal who seemed to be the closest of her friends. Nowadays Twilight knew, if somepony was asked where he was they would simply reply, "Who's Discord?" She crawled closer to the last two stones while she placed the flax upon Fluttershys' stone. The last pair went with a dismal case of old age. Last Monday and last Wednesday. She was as generous as the honey suckle Twilight gently gave to the once purple stone, to Rarity. Twilight sniffed in her sobs, barely able to breathe. Rarity was always sweet and giving, and Twilight knew that if anypony thought otherwise, they were dead wrong. Of course, the loyal one, Rainbow dash, as bright as a sunflower. Rainbow was bright, bubbly, fun. She was always positive and always flew with speed towards her dream. She made it. Twilight nudged the sunflower and honey suckles to the correct gloomy stones. The world was a fuzzy mess through Twilights' tears, but she had managed to pick up the item that brought her here in the first place. Twilight stared at the glistening object. A painful smile covered a small portion of her face. Goodbye. She was silenced by the most glorious thing that would break her chains, and set herself free. She lied down on her stomach, and lifted the blade to her foreleg. Twilight bit her lip, a few tears escaped. She began to cut vertical lines down her left wrist. One, two... three four... five. Over and over, becoming deeper and deeper. She stopped after 3 rounds. Twilight dropped the knife onto the grass. Three marks for each friend, her life. Her world. Beginning middle and end, always there for her. But Twilight wasn't in their time of need. Twilight cried harder when she looked down at the scars but knew she had to fight through the pain, it was her escape route. Blood poured out of each of line. Twilight sobbed as she looked down at the wounds, she was lightheaded at the sight of the blood and slowly rested her head between her forelegs. The agonizing pain created short quiet howls from the princess. She fastened her eyes shut, ready to accept death. The pain was gone. Twilight slowly opened her eyes. To be welcomed by the same scenery. She looked down at her wrists, and noticed the red dyed grass around it. She was struck with terror, when it had came to her attention that the scars were healed. She snatched the blade off the grass, slicing again, and again. It kept on healing. "No." was all she managed to mumble to herself, over and over. Tears came. NO! She screamed at her healing scars, threw the knife down, and ran back into the castle as fast is she possibly could, leaving small stains of blood on the pathway. ~ Twilight slammed her bedroom door shut and locked it. She kicked her bookshelf, used her hind legs to buck the mirror causing pre-broken shards to fly across her room, and managed to use her magic to fling all of her books onto the tile floor. She used a spell to find her only book on alicorns, she went to the desired page the index told her to go to, "The gift of being immortal comes in handy... wounds heal in short time...if there is too much damage wounds and injuries will not be able to heal...casualty." Twilights' sad but joyous tears of lament filled the large room, she slowly headed to her freedom. Twilight shut the door behind her, locking it, knowing she will not be going back. Twilight then focused on all of the doors, windows, and any other exits that she knew of, and with her magic, she slammed them all locking them. She heard numerous clicks from outside around the castle. Twilight was silent. All that there was was loud stammering heading up the stairs two doors away behind her. She let her final tears fall from her face. Slowly she stepped onto the railing of her prison balcony. Twilight looked at the five most important stones in the distance and sniffed in a sob with a crooked narrow smile. I'm coming home.