> The Everlasting > by THEqwabik > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1: The Start of it All > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- First off, I would like to say that if it weren't for the Elements of Harmony, then where's Equestria? The only thing that saved Equestria and the two princesses from the changeling army was the six elements weilded by the six. This is their story of course, but what's a great story without a proper introduction? Equestria was, yes I said was, a peaceful place until that attack of the changeling army. My the attack was with such great force it nearly surprised everypony, even me. Now the six were just in doing their regular thing, Fluttershy's was tending to her animals, Applejack hard at work bucking the trees, Pinkie Pie making cupcakes, Rainbow Dash doing her tricks, trying to impress the wonderbolts, Twilight Sparkle at her library, and Rarity at her shop sticking diamonds on everything. But in Canterlot, the Princesses were in a deep fight, they put the elements of harmony in places hard to get to. So that no pony could get to them and steal them. There was a huge flash of light when that happened, and everypony turned to see Canterlot under attack. The six started to bolt towards the castle of Canterlot. "What in the hay is goin on here?" said Applejack in confusion. "The changelings! Can't you see Applejack?" said Rainbow Dash. "Well if it's the changelings, then we have to find the princesses!" shouted Twilight bolting towards Canterlot. They had to find the Princesses before it was too late, a fear of the elements is indeed what ran through Twilight's mind. They bolted through the gate's of Canterlot and dashed through the explosions into the castle were the princesses lay. "Princess Celestia! Princess Luna!" shouted Twilight. Twilight rushed next to Princess Celestia and nudged her with her nose. Celestia awoke and said "The elements are in sacred places, where no pony would ever dare go to. Twilight, you have to get them, each element leads to another, the more powerful, the harder to get to. The first element is hidden umong the remains of the castle that I grew up in, we're nightmare moon was defeated again." The door swung open. "Get the royal doctors! The princesses are injured!" screamed a guard "D-do we have to go back t-to that p-p-p-place?" questioned Fluttershy in a scared voice. "Don't worry Fluttershy! We can just laugh all the way through like we did before!" said Pinkie Pie being herself. "This should be easy! All we do is get in and get out!" said Rainbow Dash. "Don't think it'll be easy, it'll hurt you in the long run and let's get going now! We can't keep all the ponies waiting!" said Twilight in a command. And the went off, to save Equestria, we can't say their journey will be easy, it will get progressively harder as time goes by, but for now as they stand in front of the forest of Everfree, the story will continue. > Chapter 2: The First of Six > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here they stand right out infront of the Everfree forest, they seem hesitant to walk in but they've done this before. "Come on guys, we can't just stand here. Equestria needs are help!" Twilight commanded. "I know but.... But.... There are very s-scary m-m-monsters!" shouted Fluttershy in fear. Fluttershy jumped so high that Rainbow Dash caught her and she flew into the Everfree Forest. "Comeone! We can't keep Equestria waiting!" Rainbow Dash commanded. The six went into the forest to find the castle were the first element was, they went through the same path to find the castle, was guarded by changelings. "Why are they here?!" whispered Rainbow Dash. "Maybe to guard the element that is here?!" whispered Twilight. "Then let's through a parta!" screamed Pinkie Pie as she started to walk up. "Pinkie! No!" whispered Twilight in a command, but Pinkie kept on walking. "Hello! Is this were the party is? Ooooo I like the decorations! It looks like an old castle party! Are you throwing and old-timey-wimey party in this castle! Woah! I see you want to play tag! Tag your it! Tag your it! Tag your it!" said Pinkie as her normal self. The rest of the six rushed to pinkie inside the castle to see the first element, generosity. "My element is just as powerful as anypony else's and it's so much better and more esqusi-" "Rairity, it's an element that places together the whole-" A changeling with the last of its abilities and strength shot up a distress singnal. "We gotta get out of here b-before they c-come!" "Oh come on the party just started! See!" The door swung open and a army of changelings rushed through the door. It was a battle alright, Rarity was striking from a far so she doesn't get dirt all over her. Applejack bucked a changeling out of the roof and lassoed a group of changelings and tied them together. Rainbow Dash went through a hole in the roof, got up and went down, she gained so much speed the a sonic rainboom appeared and she went through a whole row of changelings. Twilight was in the back guarding Fluttershy from the changelings, Twilight bent her head down and all the magic bolts sprang from her horn. Knocking down about twenty changelings. Pinkie pie was being her usual, playing tag with the changlelings and throwing pies in their faces. "We have to get out of here!" Rainbow Dash shouted at the top of her lungs. "Rarity! Get your element and let's go!" Twilight commanded. "OK OK! Sheesh dont have to be all fussy about it!" said Rarity. Rainbow Dash grabbed Pinkie, Fluttershy grabbed Rarity, but who was going to grab Applejack? It can't be Rainbow Dash or Fluttershy. It had to be Twilight, she was already an alicorn. "Come on Twilight! Rember the training!" shouted Rainbow Dash Twilight grabbed the hips of Applejack and made her stance. "Come on sugacube! You got this!" cheered Applejack. Twilight began to flab her wings at a steady pace. She could feel her hooves floating of the ground and when she opened her eyes she was in the air. "Way to go sugacube!" "All my training worked! Yes!" After the round of cheering the flyed back to ponyville and settled into the library. They agreed that this will be their base until the attack is over. They went downstairs and put the first element in the old glass case that was were the element originally were. "Twilight! The Princess Celestia wrote a letter, I didn't open it till you got here," said Spike, proudly. "Thank you Spike no lets see this letter," said Twilight. After a few mumbles she shouted "The next element is in the old castle of the two pony sister! Princess Celestial and Princess Luna are to stay until the attack is done and over with!" > Chapter 3: Worry > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "What do you mean they took the first element!" raged Queen Chrysalis The changeling was about to speak but she cut him off. "I want you to find the rest of the elements and take them to me! If they get them than I will be destroyed! Now do you want you sweet mother to die?" she said in a calm voice. The changeling shook his head. "Then bring the elements to me! I'm the only one who knows how to properly dispose of them!" shouted Queen Chrysalis. All the changelings rushed out into groups. There were five groups, to find the five elements. Queen Chrysalis wasn't going to give up without a fight, even if it means her beloved changelings die. She wants the best for her changelings, but she can't if those stupid Elements of Harmony is there. --- "Almost time to go Princesses!" shouted a guard. The Princesses got up and started tow walk down to the entrance to the royal castle. "What would happen if Queen Chrysalis got all the elements?" asked Princesses Luna "Those are the only things stopping her from taking over equestria, she would destroy them," answered Princess Celestia "But if they fail to get all the elements, then there's no stopping her from taking over everything." "So even our army, she couldn't be stopped?" "All we can do with our army is just push the changelings back into hiding again, this is enough of her attacks and she must be delt with. I hope you know that sister," "I do. It's just...... It's just......" "Just what?" "Just, this place is for friendships and happiness! Why would somepo- no someTHING do this?" "Someponies go crazy for power, and the don't stop to see the friendships they could make." > Chapter 4: Two of the Six > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The gang waited for the princesses arrival. Waiting began tedious, the clock ticking over and over until the door swung open. Princess Celestia first walked in. "Hi there Princess Celestia!" Pinkie Pie said first thing when she walked in. Then Princess Luna walked in. "I'm glad your here for a royal welcome-to-ponyville parta! I made it private so it's just us!" said Pinkie exitedly. She then grabbed a wine glass and cross her legs and said, "Why what a nice day it is dear Princess Celestia, how about you Princess Luna," The two princesses were confused. "Come on Pinkie I'm sure they'll have a great time at your royal party, sorry about that princesses but we have to go so bye!" Twilight said as she grabbed Pinkie and went out the door with the others. "Did you just have to do that Pinkie? Did you?" said Twilight angrily. "Well it was a royal party and I had to be fancy!" answered Pinkie. "What ever let's go," said Twilight Twilight grabbed Pinkie, Rainbow Dash grabbed Applejack, Fluttershy grabbed Rarity, and Rarity was picky were she should be grabbed but Twilight yelled at Rarity and then Fluttershy got a good grip then they all flew off. --- They landed right in front of the castle and walked up the steps and galloped thought the hallways "Ok everypony, listen up! We're going to find the element and-" Twilight was cut off by the sight of a group of changelings holding the loyalty element. "Give me that element now or so Celestial help me," Twilight said, angrily. The changelings ran out of the building and dropped the element. Rainbow Dash went over and picked it up. "I guess we head home?" Rainbow Dash said nervously. --- "Why did you just give the element to them!" Raged Queen Chrysalis The changeling shrugged. "Did someone at least get an element?" questioned Chrysalis. A group of changelings nursed through the door holding the element of kindness. "Yes! Yes! YES! This is perfect!" the queen was happy and levitated the element towards her and put it on her side. She laughed mananicly. > Chapter 5: Wait, What? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After getting two elements by force and putting them in the library. It's time to get the kindness, it was located at the Crystal Mountains on an altar. Getting there and finding this altar was already hard enough, but making sure no changelings were there too, was even harder. They all ready up until Celestia stops them. "Twilight, I need to give you this," Celestia said. She gave her a necklace with a purple diamond "It will activate when you get worried." "What will it do?" asked Twilight. "That is for you to find out," replied Celestia. Twilight looked at it eagerly, she wondered what power it held, she also feared that Pinkie would ask if she could use it when she's worried that her parta isn't parta worthery, and she did ask. Twilight responded in a nice tone that sounded like "NO!" and then Pinkies hair was straight. So she took an hour cheering Pinkie and geeting her mane to a cotton candy mane so she could then get the whole gang moving to the Crystal Moutains. --- The gang is now over the mountains staying together, everypony's scouting until Applejack breaks the silence. "Hey Twi, what would happen if the changelings got to an element sugarcube?" Applejack asked in a concerned voice. "Well, we would have to break in and get the element stealthy from Chrysalis the bring it back and put it somewhere safe A.K.A my basement, why do you ask?" replied Twilight. "Well I think I see this altar, but theres no element" --- Twilight nearly wet herself at this sight. No element to grab and put it in her saddlebag. As she nearly wetting herself the cross flew out of her saddlebag and a hologram shows a squad of changeling taking the element and running as fast as they can. The direction they were going in, ofcourse, was towards Chrysalis' castle. --- They all flew away back to the library, they had to think of a plan. A good plan, a plan that could the elements and not kill themselves. As they landed at the library and walked in the door. Princess Luna asked "Did you get the element all right?" Twilight responded in a head shaking nervously. The room fell silent, how in Equestria did they find that element? And how would they get it back? Twilight broke the silence and got everypony in a circle. "This is how we're going to get this element," > Chapter 6: Search and Rescue > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rainbow Dash was twitching, waiting for her momment. Tightly gripping onto Pinkie who was watching the throne room, crowded by changelings telling stories of survival and attack. They thought they were safe here, how wrong they were. The door burst open and the element of magic was in their hands. Not for long will they have that key. They waited a little more before there rescue comences. On the legde they were on Pinkie tapped her hoove on the ledge, and Rainbow Dash and Pinkie fell. With a sudden swoosh Rainbow Dash grabbed Pinkie, flew over the elements and pinkie grabbed them. Rainbow dash flew crashing through a window to make an escape. Pinkie now had the element of magic and the element of kindness. Rainbow Dash flew towards a lushes, never ending green field and landed. Pinkie threw the elements up into the air and the landed in her saddle bag. "Alright Pinkie, I think we lost em'," Rainbow Dash said in a exhausted voice. "Okie dokie lokie!" Pinkie said, happy as ever. Pinkie set up a firework cannon and lit the rope. Twilight made sure Pinkie had only one use with the lighter. The firework cannon shot abright light which then made a popping noise. --- The changeling queen was mad, or is still mad. The key to all the elements was just stolen by, who knows who? She wants to kill who ever took it. She commanded the changeling to go find who took, she knew that they wouldent have gone far. --- Twilight opened a rift hole using a spell. It was easy, all she needed was a good picture of where they were and with the glow of a horn a portal opened and stayed open for ten seconds. As they walked in a changeling jump forwards but luckly for the gang the portal closed and all that was left was the mounting for the firework and a changeling group looking at a changeling on the ground, pounding and kicking dust up. > Chapter 7: Diamond Dogs > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I'm running From what? Diamond Dogs Whats in your bag? Nothing Then why are they chasing you? They think I stole a diamond Rarity was running as fast as possible from the Diamond Dogs. She didn't know where her friends were, she got cut off after they got jumped. She was trying to find them and keep a safe distance. She rounded a corner which had a little hiding spot, she hid there. The dogs kept running forwards, she lost them. All was good, for now, she had to find her friends and find the element. Also she had to not run into the Diamond Dogs while she's at it. She ran into a wall of so, so many diamonds, each glitter from lights hanged on the wall. Rubies sparkled and emeralds dazzled as she changed perspectives, diamonds glimmered, then, her eyes began to shine. The diamonds and rubies and emeralds are beautiful What about the mission? What mission? To find honesty? Oh, yes, I can't let my friends down Rarity shook her head and rounded the corner to find a nasty surprise, well not so nasty but traps. But since she's a unicorn, oh wait, what's this? There's a magic barrier, she'll have to make it through the traps. She takes on careful step between two bear traps, then a jump to get momentum. She pushed forward and on to the next trap, a hole. She jumps over that easily and there she is, right at the prize. She carefully puts it in her bag and gets out of there. She runs around a few corners and finds a jail type place. Then suddenly a jail door flies out and hits the wall, a dust storm is coming right at Rarity, and she blacks out. > Chapter 8: All Six > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Soo, Rarity, I see you have, laughter," Rainbow Dash says, cringing her face to hide her smile. Rarity had just woken up and she was already back at the library. "Yes, I do and now were going to use all them," Rarity said. "You do know we have one more and that's honesty!" Applejack shouted, "by the way, where is it Twilight." Twilight studied a map of Equestria closely, "It's at Neighagra Falls," "Where and what now?" "Neighagra Falls," --- "Isnt this place so beautiful," Rarity said happily. "Were not here to look, we're here to find the element," Twilight sternly said. They kept searching and searching until Rainbow Dash decided to do a new trick and then she found the element hidden behind the water fall. They quickly took it and right as Twilight was about to use her warp hole spell a green laser bullet went straight beside her, and they aren't going to leave without a fight. "They're coming through the water fall!" Fluttershy shouts. "Now you decide to talk and state the obvious!" Rainbow Dash states. Fluttershy smiles embarrassed. The changelings rush through the waterfall and Applejack rushes to get the first hit, a buck to the face. The changeling is sent flying backwards and knocks down a line of changelings. Rainbow Dash gets the second hit with a face full of hoof. Fluttershy calls in a bunch of animals to distract them while Twilight shoots a bolt of magic that explodes on a changeling, giving her enough time to make a warp hole and get the whole gang in the library. Leaving nothing behind she closes the warp hole. "So, what's are plan of attack?" Rainbow Dash asks. > Chapter 9: Defeat > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- All the six were gathered around a map. They were planing a big attack to end something hideous. But everypony wanted them gone and they are going to fulfill their wish. After a long time of sneaking around of course. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ It took along time sneak around with Pinkie Pie on the frits but they did it and we're stand outside the main doors of the Changeling Queen's door step. "Alright, we cannot screw this up, if we do, we're toast!" Twilight whispers. They get into formation just like the plan and Appplejack bucks the door open. "Queen Chrysalis, your time is up!" Twilight shouts in a demanding tone. Chrysalis laughs "And how are you going to finish me? Seize them!" Chrysalis shrieks. They attempt to grab but their thrashing was too powerfull for them. They tried to pile on them but they used their elements to get out of the dog pile. As they rise up Chrysalis shoots a bolt and it was a lucky hit, it hit Fluttershy. She falls down in a heap of tears and screams "How could you!" while the element flies away. When the element of kindness lands all the changelings jump for it making it a massive heap. "I have a solution!" Pinkie yells and leaps up. She places her party cannon in the perfect spot, grabs Rainbow Dash and pushes her in. She fires it and out comes Rainbow Dash knocking away every changeling and let's Fluttershy grab the element. It was enough time to let them start the process again and finish it. "Stop them! Stop them! I command you to stop them!" at this point Chrysalis is shrieking but is too scred to do anything as the giant ball gets brighter. A rainbow shoots out from the top and hits Chrysalis "No! No! NOOO!" A huge ball of light clouds the area and explodes. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ They woke up on a praire, it was the past site of where clouds were dark and mountains were brown. But now, it was a vast feild of flowers and grass, it was a symbol of they did it. They walked home proud, and were welcomed like heroes.