The Hacker Pwny: Extras

by Chetzi

First published

Just more of my main story if you want it.

Do you like The Hacker Pwny? Do you want to read more about it? Now you can. This is so you can ask me to write about certain things that you want more detail on in The Hacker Pwny.

Letix's dream and intro

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Do you like The Hacker Pwny? Do you want to read more about it? Now you can. Let's start off with Letix's dream between August 4th and August 5th.

Another dream. Great, I just love this feeling of knowing that everything I do here is pointless! Just fucking perfect! I'm already starting to feel things. The dream must be starting. There was a warm feeling on my lips and cheek. I gained sight in this dream and opened my eyes. There was a women, she was about 3 inches shorter then me, was white, slender, small but perky boobs, and the most unique thing about her, was her hair. It was stripped with shades of light and dark blue, an exact replica of Vinyl's hair. She wore blue skinny jeans that had holes in them and a white tank-top. She was kissing me and she had her hand on my cheek. So this is my mind's replication of human Vinyl. Hot. I like this design, I think I'll remake it if Vinyl ever comes to Earth. Just then, she started to break apart. Parts of her broke off like glass and they flew away. My subconscious is a bitch. Great, now I can't have sex with her! I the looked out and scanned the horizon. I was on some tall building, there was clear blue skies, and a sandy, pure white beach with a clear blue ocean. The sight was amazing. Seagulls made their trademark sound as I felt the rush of wind slap my face and hair. I looked behind me and could see I was on a porch, with a small green table and two padded lounge chairs. There was also a large sliding glass door. I opened the door and stepped in. A burst of cool air hit me as I slid the glass past me. My feet hit soft carpet as I stepped in. The room was large, it had stripped purple and blue wallpaper. There was a green 3-seat couch that had panties, with the same music note as the one on Vinyl's flank, hanging from an arm. The best story I could come up with for the panties is, we had spontaneous sex on the couch. Yeah, that's about it. I never was a good author. I then smiled and picked up the panties and held them up in the air just like Link would after he opens a chest. I could swear I heard that chest opening jingle. I then pocketed it and moved on. I might need it for a dungeon boss later on. Legend of Zelda references aside, I continued through the room. I came across a kitchen. It was pretty basic. Nothing too fancy. I mainly just glanced at the kitchen and moved on. I found a nicely sanded wooden door. I opened the door and found a slightly darker room that had a lamp, a night table, a shelf with a mirror, and a large queen size bed. The covers on the bed were stripes of neon blue green. There was a naked human Vinyl on top of the bed, making a suggestive pose. I slammed the door shut before I could see anymore. Oh wait, this is a dream. Nothing counts for anything. I opened the door again, while struggling to pull down my pants, and then jumped toward Vinyl. Right before I made contact, everything froze. You have got to be fucking kidding me! Everything then shook and the dream collapsed. I then woke up feeling the soft fluffiness of my pillow. No wait, that wasn't a pillow, that was... uh... What was that? I snuggled my nose on the object and opened my eyes. It was a women. About 18 and had striped blue hair and was white. She opened her eyes and they were a deep lustful crimson. I whispered,

"Vinyl?" She smiled and said,

"Wake up." Huh? She said it again, slightly louder,"Wake up!" Then I was flung from the bed onto the ground. I opened my eyes once again and noticed that Cortez was standing in front of me, upside down wearing a yellow T-shirt and black shorts.

A/N: This will be anything extra for my main story, such as deleted scenes, different points of views, trivia, interviews, just anything that adds to my story if you want it. This extra story was made so that you can ask me to write about it. Do you want Bentley’s perspective of escaping the lap? Ask me, I’ll write it. Do you want Cortez’s past in more depth? Ask for it.

Vinyl's point of view of meeting Neon

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I stood there, next to my DJ station. The party for the new guy was in a few minutes and I'm almost ready. Lets see, plug this into here, then turn this knob, and it's good to go. I turned on the song, one of my favorites and expected the new guy to show up soon. Everything else was ready, the banner was in place, the food table was setup. It's gonna be an awesome party. A few ponies started to pile in, each of them ready to party. There's Twilight and spike, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, just about everyone in Ponyville. They all conversed and talk a bit, but Pinkie left the party only after a few minutes. My best bet is, she is going to drag the new guy in here. Another party-pooper. Oh well, back to my DJ job. I switched out the records and turned up the bass a little. Then went back to the bass knob and put it to max. Then I noticed Pinkie trot into the building. She had rope dragging behind her. I shall the object in the rope: A bright neon green pony with silver and blue hair. That color is just, awesome! Pinkie let go of him and went to dancing. The new guy looked around and then his race turned slightly red and he looked like getting out of that rope was a life or death situation. It was pretty funny, watching him jump about, like there was a giant spider on him. I couldn't help but giggle, this guy is funny. He got a foot loose and kept jumping on that foot backwards to get out. He fell over after jumping around for a few minutes and landed near me.

"Do you need help with that?" I asked him.

"Yes, please. I was dragged here against my will by Pinkie Pie." After he said that, I giggled.

"Har har, it's so funny. Just help me out of these."

"Pinkie Pie drags a lot of people against their will to parties. You should be lucky it was just rope this time." I used magic to get him out of the ropes. He turned around once he was free and went wide-eyed as he saw he me.

"So... Hey... my name is Neon Blaze."

"Cool name, My stage name is DJ Pon-3 but my real name is Vinyl Scratch. You have the coolest hair I've ever seen! It would be cool if I could meet you sometime soon after the party." I hope he accepts, he's a pretty cool guy so far.

"Oh yeah! uh... I think we could meet at the..." I could tell he had trouble with this so I picked for us. I know just the place.

"Café it is. See ya tomorrow at lunch!" I walked back to my DJ station and put on another heavy beat song. This is gonna be an awesome night.

The end-orginal

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A/N: This was chap. 10 before I decided to continue the story. I just wanted to keep this, for the record.

August 6, 9:16 P.M.

It was dark out and I stood there, next to a silver-ish teleporter. It was in my living-room, despite how small it is. There were wires of all colors running all across the floor and a control panel made of steel, that had flashing red and green lights on it. There was also a laptop attached off to the side. Bentley, Cortez, and Jessica were next to me. We were all waiting in anticipation about this. Bentley then walked up to the control panel and slapped a Rainbow Dash sticker on the side. He then stepped back and said,

"Better." I rolled my eyes and said,

"Well, lets start this thing up." I slowly stepped to the laptop and booted it up.

BOOT:Kernel; Alpha
Firmware booted successful.
Graphics booted successful.
CPU Voltage at 100% percent.
Temp. at 4% max.
All systems checked and ready for use.
Process completed: 1 successful attempt out of 1 attempt.
Welcome user:
Oh, man, I have missed fingers so much. I flexed my fingers and then typed rapidly across the keys.
Username and password accepted. Welcome, dylansl.
>Start Def(): repo
Opening portal to 'Equestria'.
Loading Dylan(H) and Dylan(P)..
Both have been loaded correctly.
Would you like to open portal to organic life? [Y/N]
Portal has been opened.
The shiny gate to the left made a whirring sound and a white and green spinning portal appeared. Everyone but me gasped and took a step back. I turned to them and said,

"I'm the only who can go for right now. The reason why is I'm the only one with designs. You all need to create your ponies to enter this world. If you enter without becoming a pony, you will most likely scare everything that can be scared. The last thing we need is a mass panic of ponies. But don't worry, I've made a program that scans you and makes you a compatible pony that is what you want it to be. Pretty advanced neuroscience, but it was fun to make." They nodded and I took one step toward the portal. I was ready, ready to return, return to the only person I've ever loved. Just then, there was a ZAP and something fell out of the portal. It was humanoid and I caught it as it fell in my arms. I looked at it closer, it was a human, white skin, puffy stripped blue hair that's exactly like Vinyl's, slender frame, a cute face, small breast, small mouth, and beautiful eyes. I stood her up and supported her up with my arms around her shoulders. She stood about 3 inches below me and had a music note tattooed on her butt. Her eyes and mouth were closed. She was also naked. Everyone just stood there, mouths wide opened. The Jessica shook her her head and look and Bentley. She then put a frown on her face and pushed him while yelling,

"Give her some privacy!" Bentley fell backwards on the floor then laid up and rubbed his head. He then covered his eyes with his hand and said,

"Okay, I won't look! But what about Dylan?" Jessica turned to me and said,

"You're good, just don't let her fall." I detect jealousy. The girl moaned and started to stir. She slowly opened her eyes and looked around the room. Her eyes went to Cortez, then to Bentley, then to Jessica. Then she turned her head and look straight in my eyes. Her eyes were a lustful crimson, the same as Vinyl's. She then embraced me, her arms rapped tightly around me. I felt her warmth encase me as tears fell from her eyes. She whispered in the same voice as Vinyl,

"I missed you so much."

1 hour earlier, in Vinyl's point of view.

I stood there, on stage at a dance floor in Manehatten. I was setting up my DJ station and Octavia was tinning her cello for the song. The crowd all stared at us, silently begging us for our famous music. I finished setting up and nodded at Octavia. We were both ready to perform, so I placed the record with the gold letters on the platform and put the needle on it. The room filled with a steady beat and Octavia raised her hooves.

This song played.

The crowd cheered as the song finished. Octavia and I walked to the front of the stage and waved to everypony that was there. Then a brown earth pony, with spiked hair, came up to us with a trophy that had a music note on it. He looked toward the stage and said,

"I think the winner of this contest is obvious." He then looked back at us and handed us the trophy. Octavia and I held the trophy up as the crowd cheered. We both smiled at this feeling of winning. It was only a few minutes of this before we stepped down the stage. I held the trophy while we walked out, talking about how awesome that was. Octavia then asked,

"So, who this stallionfriend you have?" I guess I should tell her. I replied with,

"His name is Neon Blaze. Met him at a party for him."

"Can I see him?"

"No, in the most literal use of the word." She looked confused.

"What do you mean?"

"He's on some far away trip. I don't know where he is or when he'll be back." Octavia then smirked and said in a sarcastic tone,

"Oh! Is that so? He must be real then." I hated it when she got like this.

"He's real."

"Then lets find him."

"I don't know where he is."

"Then, like I said, lets find him."

"And, just how should we do that?"

"The princesses might know." I shrugged.

"Fine, we will head over to Canterlot." We trotted over to the place, conversing about random topics. It wasn't too long until we reached the place. Octavia pushed open the castle doors and I noticed Luna was pacing on the floor. Celestia was nowhere to be find. I asked Luna,

"Do you know where Neon Blaze is?" Luna stopped and looked at me with worried eyes. What is she worried about? Could Neon be... Dead!? I might be jumping to conclusions. "Is Neon okay?!" Luna said,

"He's fine. I know where he is, it's just that, well, it would just be easier to show you. " Her horn glowed and all three of us teleported to some hidden room with an odd device that had some portal-looking thing in it. I became confused and asked,

"Where are we? And what is that purple spinning thing?" Octavia just stood there. Luna replied with,

"Blaze was... different. He's not from Equestria. If you really want to see him again, you must step through this gate. But, be careful, I'm not sure if you can ever go back." I nodded and said,

"I want to spend my life with him. If I can't come back, then he probably can't go back, either. I want to see him, Equestria or not." Luna exhaled loudly and said,

"Then step through this." She pointed toward that odd device. I slowly stepped toward it, nervous and terrified. I stood right next to it and put my hoof through. I then got sucked in, I closed my eyes in fear. It was only about 2 minutes when I felt different. I felt taller, warmer, naked, just like a different creature altogether. I fell down, being captured by something long and warm, almost like an arm, but was different. I heard a few unfamiliar voices say things, and then I opened my eyes. Something, or someone was holding me. Then it mentally hit me: That was Neon! I hugged him tightly and started to cry. Then I whispered,

"I missed you so much."

A/N: And that's the end. I was going to add more, having no planned end, making the human world and equestria blend together, have a war, have more fight scenes with Neon having to save himself by being transported to Equestria with a hand hold portal he would have made, add video game characters such as Cheal from portal, or Alex Mercer from Prototype, add computers and the Internet, add a sarcastic A.I that my character thought of an idea that would finish it because of something human Vinyl said right before they were about to have sex and in turn, them not having sex, then eventually having ponies and humans live in peace, with all the ponies switching between pony and human form, making grenades for all the ponies, writing about Cortez, Bentley, and Jessica meeting the ponies, going farther with the 'Luna needs humans for her evil schemes' plot, but I'm sorry I had to end this story here. I wrote this story for 2 reasons: 1. I was bored and I liked hacking stories. 2. My friend, Zaresto, was also writing a fanfiction, Pony Swagger. I thought it would be cool to imagine myself in Equestria, so I did. This story is kind of a self-insert. Zaresto quit making Pony Swagger while I was writing chapter 9 of this story because people said how bad his grammar was and no one said his story was good. So, he just gave up. I liked the idea of keeping the stories in the same universe, so we did. I have no plans to continue this, nor write a sequel. If you want me to make more of this story, convince Zaresto to keep writing Pony Swagger. I still have plenty of things to write about. But, if you like my writing skills, there is still The Brony Life:CYOA you can read. I never even got to give Neon Blaze a cutimark. I was planning on giving him that looks like green 0s and 1s falling down, like The Matrix, but I'm not sure how he would get it. But, all in all, Neon and Vinyl met up, they're now together. And that was their goal, so this seems like a good end. And, this is my final note. For those who want my character sheet: This is the closest I made of one(Sorry for the bad grammar, I don't have good grammar on things that people don't usually see):

My pony

Name: Neon Blaze

pony type: unicorn

Coat: neon vibrant green
Mane: silver with stripes of neon

vibrant light blue

Cutie mark: N/A

Personality: often deep in thought. Slow to warm up to new people.
Is always logical and very few have seen he's emotional side. Very sarcastic and says nonsensical things when in a panic.
When angry he doesn't speak and if he does, he's full on rage.
Can't improvise and only wins if he plans it out.
Heavy sleeper

Always outsmarts people.
Notices things that no one else.
Good at free running
Can't fight and has to use the environment to win
Bad at stealth

Girlfriend: vinyl scratch

Vinyl Scratch

Personality: relaxed
Always ready to rave
Loves music with heavy beats
Likes vibrant neon colors
Always Casual
Smiles a lot

Boyfriend: neon blaze
Best friend: Octavia

Bye, it was a fun 10 chapters. I'll miss you all.