> Spread your wings, Ditzy Do. > by SunDaggerxX > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ditzy Do trotted into town into town with a bag full of letters and a big, happy smile of her face. As she looked around, she slowed down and trotted up to a custard house and looked down at her clipboard. "Let's see... 250 Horseshoe Lane.. This seems to be it!" Ditzy smiled and rang the doorbell. At first, nopony had came out. Then there was a small rustle from inside the house and then a small purple filly peeked her head out the door. "Hello- Mom..?" The purple filly asked raising an eyebrow as Ditzy let out a gasp. "Oh! That's right! This is my house! No wonder it looked so familiar!" Ditzy Do chuckled as she placed the large package on the ground and signed the paper. Then she looked up and read the label. "Dinky it's for you dear!" Ditzy smiled as she pushed the package inside quickly and trotted out, leaving the filly to tend the package. She trotted on throughout the small town placing letters in the correct mailboxes and placing packages down on ponies doorsteps. Ditzy Doo had always been the mailmare for Ponyville as long as she could remember being in the small down, not that she minded. The job had been a great way to make new friends, and at the time was the perfect way to get to know everypony. As she arrived at one of her last stops, she saw a light orange mare with a bright orange mane who was watering her garden. "Hiya Ditzy! What brings you here today?" The mare smiled as she put down her watering can and cantered over to the grey mailmare. "Hay Carrot Top! I have your package!" Ditzy smiled as she pulled a small package from her messenger bag and used her wing to hand it to the mare. "Thanks Ditzy! Aren't you supposed to be moving furniture with Cloud Kicker?" Carrot Top smiled at she took the pen to the clipboard in her mouth and signed the paper on the clipboard. "I got fired..." Ditzys' smile drooped some as she Carrot Top looked at her curiously. "why on earth would they fire such an amazing mare like yourself?" Carrot Top frowned. "I Uh, Well, Let's just say our towns librarian doesn't like me." The mailmares' ears folded back as she put the pen and clipboard away and Carrot Top tilted her head some. "Why would she not like you?" Carrot Top asked trotting towards her house, beckoning Ditzy to follow. "Well.. I dropped a sofa on her..." Ditzy mumbled as she took a seat in one of the bright orange plush chairs in Carrot Top's living room. "Come again dear?" Carrot Top Tilted her head again as she sat down in another chair. "I dropped a sofa on her..." Ditzy mutterd quietly and looked out the window as Carrot Top sighed. "Ditzy, please speak up, I can't hear a word you're saying." Carrot Top said now somewhat irritated. "I dropped a couch a couch on her!" Ditzy shouted and scrunched up her nose angrily. Carrot Top only blinked and flattened her ears embarrassedly. "O-oh... I'm sorry Ditzy I didn't know..." There was an awkward silence before Carrot Top continued softly. "It's awful late.. You should head home to your filly, ok? Thank for you for dropping off the package... I'll see you tomorrow" Carrot Top flashed a fake smile as Ditzy got up and trotted towards the door her nose scrunched up and her ears flattened. "Yeah. Tomorrow. I'll see you later... Carrot Top..." Ditzy sighed as she trotted out the door and dragged her hooves down the pathway, accidently running into Carrot Top's mailbox. "Opps.." She sighed again looking at the now crooked orange mailbox. She thought about trying to fix it but knowing past experiences she would only make things worse. "It's ok Ditzy, I'll fix it later! Have a nice night dear!" Carrot Top called from the door and Ditzy cringed some at the fake cheerfulness in her voice. She turned back, waved slightly, before awkwardly taking off. As Ditzy was trotting down a dirt road she gave off a small sigh. This wasn't the first time she had dropped something on another pony, or messed up a mailbox, or derped up anything. It was an average day when she messed up something without even knowing she did, and it was all because of her stupid lazy eye. Normally, she didn't take it into much consideration. It was apart of her and she had to live with it, no matter how annoying and inconvenient it could be. But lately, her lazy eye has been causing her more trouble than usually. ni tonly had she lost her second job as a moving pony because of her little.. accident with the couch, she was barely making enough bits to pay the bills and support her little filly, Dinky, because nopony would hire her, considering how much of a ditz she was. It become a health hazard, and ponies in Ponyville treated her differently because of her eye. Some treat her like she was stupid, or she couldn't handle some things because they seemed to "complex" for her. Other ponies bullied her and called her "Derpy" because she eyesight wasn't the best, and because was usually bumping into things. Hay, Ditzy would put bits on it that ninety percent of Ponyville didn't even know her real name, just that rude nickname that some bullies in flight school gave her. As Ditzy trotted into her house she saw her little unicorn filly sitting on the rug doing homework. "Hi mom!" The filly smiled as her magical aura engulfed a pencil. making it glide across the sheet of paper she was working on. "Hello Dinky. What was in the package?" Ditzy smiled and sat down next to her happy filly. "The new telescope you bought me for Hearth Warming Eve." Dinky grinned as Ditzy's nose scrunched up. "Dinky... How did you find out about that?" Ditzy gave her daughter a stern look as Dinky shoved her face in her hooves trying to hide her smirk. "I'm smarter than I look mom." Dinky giggled as Ditzy's stern look turned into a smile, she couldn't stay mad at the adorable filly. "Yes, you are, my sweet little filly." Ditzy said and looked at the sheet of paper. "So, what's this?" Ditzy asked as Dinky took her head out of her hooves and levitated the paper up to her mothers good eye. "Math, honors algebra to be exact." Dinky smiled as Ditzy looked over the paper some at the complicated and long equations. "Oh... And... Do you need my help...?" Ditzy smiled weakly trying to look like she could do all of those problems easily, but Dinky just shook her head. "I'm pretty much done, but you can watch me if you want." "Oh thank Celestia, because I don't understand ANY of that." Ditzy chuckled and Dinky looked at her mom with a smiled and started to go on about the basics of algebra.